2 minute read
Phoneme Awareness Procedure 1. Identify two or three sounds to target, and select picture cards that depict objects that start with these sounds . Note: Be sure to have an even number of pictures for each sound . Use picture cards from the Digital Resources, or find pictures from magazines or borrow them from other games or activities . Consider taking digital photographs of familiar objects and printing them for use in the game . 2. Explain how to play the game Concentration using the set of picture cards . Show children all the cards that will be used, and ensure that they recognise and can name the objects pictured . 3. Scramble the cards, and place them facedown on a table or the floor . One player selects two cards to turn faceup and names both of the objects pictured . If both begin with the same sound, the player keeps the two cards and takes another turn . The player continues until two cards are selected that do not begin with the same sound . The two cards are returned to their facedown positions, and the next child has a turn . 4. Play continues until all the cards have been taken . Differentiate or Extend ▲ Start with highly contrasting sounds (such as /s/ and /m/), and later play the game with sounds that require finer discrimination (such as /b/ and /d/) . ▲ Decrease or increase the number of cards or the number of sounds used in the game, depending on the children’s level of success . Letter Connection ▲ Use letters when children have begun learning letter-sound correspondences, and select those that have been taught . Before starting the game, share the letter cards that correspond to the target sounds . Tell children these letters represent the initial sounds of the objects Concentration Objective Students will identify initial phonemes in words and match initial phonemes . Overview The teacher introduces a new version of the game Concentration, in which picture cards of objects beginning with two or three different sounds are placed facedown . One player turns over two cards . If the objects pictured begin with the same sound, the child earns the pair and takes another turn . If not, the cards are turned facedown, and the next player has a turn . Materials picture cards (pairs of cards should begin with the same sound); letter cards (optional) School-Home Connection Prepare sets of the picture cards for children to take home and use to play with their families . Or, invite families to submit pictures sample samplebeginning with target sounds . pictured . Place the letter cards faceup to the side . When a match is made, have children set the picture cards near the corresponding letter .