2 minute read
Phoneme Awareness Procedure 1. Read aloud or share an online reading of Cock-a-DoodleMoo! Encourage children to join in as they anticipate the /zzz/ added to the beginning of the animal sounds and the /haw/ added to the end of the sounds . 2. As you read, talk about the cow’s attempts to crow cock-a-doodle-doo . Guide children to notice the sound substitutions . 3. Ask children to repeat the cow’s efforts to cock-a-doodledoo . Invite them to invent other ways the cow might have changed the phrase . Differentiate or Extend ▲ Ask children about animals that are not mentioned in the book . How would a goat snore? (Zzz-maa!) A sheep? (Zzz-baa!) How would these animals awaken with a laugh? (Maa-ha! Baa-ha!) Note: Animal sounds offered by children will vary, especially if you have a culturally diverse group; all suggestions for animal sounds should be honoured . ▲ Extend this activity with a story modification . What if a donkey tried to awaken the animals with a loud hee haw? What are some ways the cow might incorrectly utter hee haw in its attempts to help? Perhaps ree raw or nee naw? Encourage a variety of versions . ▲ Place toy farm animals at a centre along with the book . Provide time for children to visit the centre for continued play with animal noises . Letter Connection ▲ Provide a selection of letter cards for which children have learned the letter-sound correspondences . Show one of the cards, and have children use that sound in the initial position of the rooster’s call . For example, if you show the letter s, children respond sock-a-soodle-soo! Consider having several cards facing away from children and letting volunteers select cards and display them to their peers for a response . Cock-a-Doodle-Moo! Objective Students will add phonemes or larger sound units to words and substitute initial phonemes in words . Overview The teacher reads the book Cock-a-Doodle-Moo! in which a rooster wakes up to discover he cannot crow louder than a whisper . After several unsuccessful efforts to awaken the farm animals, the rooster enlists the aid of a cow . The result is a series of hilarious phoneme substitutions . Children then engage in sound manipulations of their own . Materials Cock-a-Doodle-Moo! by Bernard Most (1996); toy farm animals; letter cards (optional) School-Home Connection Invite children to bring toy animals from home . Retell the story using children’s animals as story characters . sample sample 162
