2 minute read
Odd One Out
Phoneme Awareness Procedure 1. Organise a variety of objects or picture cards into sets of three . Two of each set should begin with the same sound, and one should begin with a different sound . 2. Show children three objects, and name them together . Tell children that objects go together if they begin with the same sound . Help children identify the odd object and remove it from the set . Talk about the sounds, emphasising—without distorting—the targets . 3. Play the game with other sets of objects, targeting other initial sounds . Differentiate or Extend ▲ Make the sets of objects available for later play . ▲ Give students more than three objects or pictures . See if they can find a match within a larger group of objects . ▲ Target final and medial sounds after children have demonstrated an ability to match initial sounds . Letter Connection ▲ After children identify the odd one out from a set, have them select from among several letter cards the letter that represents the initial (or final) sound of the two remaining objects . Odd One Out! Objective Students will identify initial, final, or medial phonemes in words; students will match initial, final, or medial phonemes in words . Overview Children play a game in which they identify the object or picture that does not belong with others because it does not have a matching sound in the target corresponding position (initial, final, or medial) . Materials objects or picture cards, such as those listed in the charts on the next page (available in the Digital Resources, or you may wish to take photographs of familiar objects and use them for the activity); letter cards (optional) School-Home Connection Encourage children to share the game with their families . Ask families to send a few objects to school, and use them for the activity . Or, send home picture cards in sets of three (such that two go together and one is the odd one out) . sample sample 180
Phoneme Awareness Sample Objects for Same Initial Sound Objects Same Initial Sound Odd One Out paper, pencil, key paper, pencil key staples, book, banana book, banana staples watch, wallet, coin watch, wallet coin kite, key, tissue kite, key tissue marble, tennis ball, marker marble, marker tennis ball book, key, brush book, brush key napkin, rubber band, ruler rubber band, ruler napkin Sample Objects for Same Final Sound Objects Same Final Sound Odd One Out clip, cup, key clip, cup key marble, pencil, book marble, pencil book marker, paper, tissue marker, paper tissue spoon, leaf, napkin spoon, napkin leaf tape, rubber band, clip tape, clip rubber band pig, dog, horse pig, dog horse fork, mask, pin fork, mask pin Sample Objects for Same Medial Sound Objects Same Medial Sound Odd One Out clip, pin, cup clip, pin cup leaf, seal, book leaf, seal book block, dog, rat block, dog rat moon, soup, leaf moon, soup leaf tape, cake, pan tape, cake pan Odd One Out! (cont.) sample kite, rice, tape kite, rice tape