2 minute read
Add a Sound
Phoneme Awareness Procedure 1. Read aloud The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night . Point out how the sound /ō/ is added to many words: town-o, tail-o, down-o, bones-o . Reread the story, and have children repeat the words with the /ō/ addition . 2. Have children indicate if they know the letter that is used to make the /ō/ sound at the end of those words . Make an o with your fingers, with your arms, and with your mouth . Have children share other ways to make the shape of the letter o . Then, have children form a large o on the floor by sitting in a circle . 3. Show large cards with the letter o, and provide a card to each of several children . Sing or chant the following while children pass the cards clockwise: “Pass the cards, pass the cards, pass the cards, ’til the fox runs home!” 4. Have children who are holding a card when the word home is sung stand up and find something to touch . Instruct them to touch their o cards to the objects, and then have all children say the name of the objects, adding the /ō/ sound to the end (for example, floor-o, chair-o, cubby-o) . Ask children to return to their places in the circle and begin the chanting and passing of the cards again . Differentiate or Extend ▲ Have children draw pictures of anything they wish . Attach a string, ribbon, or yarn to the corner of each of their papers . On the free end of each string, attach a small piece of paper with the letter o printed on it . Have children touch the letter to the objects in their pictures and say the names with the added /ō/ sound . Add a Sound Objective Students will add phonemes to words and match phonemes to letters . Overview The teacher reads a story in which the /ō/ sound has been added to the end of several words . The teacher discusses the sound play and presents the letter o . Children use a letter card to add the /ō/ sound to objects in the room and objects in drawings . Materials The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night by Peter Spier (1994); several large cards on which the letter o is written; one smaller letter card with the letter o for each member of the class (optional); materials for drawing (optional); string, ribbon, or yarn (optional) School-Home Connection Provide all children with an o letter card to take home . Invite them to tell you what they will touch, and encourage them to bring objects to school with them, if they wish, to show you how they can name the object sample samplewith the added sound .
Phoneme Awareness Add a Sound (cont.) sample o