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Introduction Dear AIESECer Reading these words means you are in the right place and Just about to take a brave decision. We encourage you to choose the opportunity according to your personal and professional development plan. Keep in mind that we are happy to see you here and hope you are ready to overcome new challenges for the growth of AIESEC in Côte d’Ivoire. Good luck during the selection process.MCEB 17.18

MCEB 17.18

Application Process








General Informations Functional areas:     

Operations (iGV, OGX, IGT) = 7 Positions Talent Management = 01 Positions Marketing = 3 Positions Finance = 01 Positions Business Developpment = 01 Positions

Duration : Six (06) months

Application Requirements  Application questionnaire (max 5 PAGES)  CV (Max 01 PAGES)  01 cover letter to the attention of Mr Emmanuel N’dahsékou, MCVP TM & OD  02 Endorsement letters ( 01 From your leader and another 01 person you have led) Send your application package as 1 zip or rar file in the format NST_Surname_Firstname to and copy the responsible of the positions you are applying for.

General Questions

General Questionnaire    

Who are you? (Be as creative as possible) Why are you applying for AIESEC in Côte d’Ivoire National Support Team? Which added value can you bring to the team? How is the position you are applying for connected to your personal goals?

AIESEC experience  Your current position  List your relevant AIESEC experience stating clearly the role, duration, JD and key learning points

Personal Informations       

Name and last name Date of birth Nationality Academic background Phone number Skype ID Facebook profile

Specific Questions

Marketing MCVP MKT & COM

Content Specialist

Digital Marketing Specialist

Web Specialist

Digital Marketing Specialist Job description: o Responsible for SMM

Questionnaire: 1

o Create and design engaging campaigns

Make a SWOT Analysis of our Social Media brand based on OGX,

o Manage creation of campaign message o Responsible for positioning National products and creating

IGT & IGV and explain how you will

communication standards for our strategies

improve it.

o Work with the content specialist for SM content o Monthly meeting with MCVPs


contribution to leverage our

o Work with a timeline of promotion and produce weekly report KPIs: o Conversion rate o % of Campaigns run for each of our o % of growth of online channels o % of subscribers Skills required: O Adobe programs proficiency O Emailing tools experience O In-Depth knowledge of AIESEC brand guidelines O strategic planning and execution O Good Writing French and English skills O Proactive and creative (design thinking) person O Marketing or Communication or PR background

How do you see Digital Marketing operations?


Attached to your application, the links of your previous work.

Weekly Working hours: 30 MCVP RESPONSIBLE

Abdoulaye KONE

Content Specialist Job description:


o Creation of outputs for our different campaigns

1 Make a SWOT Analysis of

o Work Closely and support the Digital Marketing Specialist with all necessary contents for campaigns and posters o Create content for blog or website o Newsletter design for the entity o Storytelling and context research o Alignment of content of AIESEC in Côte d’Ivoire KPIs: o Communication channel traffic o Engagement rate o Number of articles published o Number of website visitors Skills required: O Content creation O Good writing French and English Skills O In-Depth knowledge of AIESEC brand guidelines O SMM experience O Team Working skills O Proactive and creative (design thinking) person O Marketing, Communication or PR background

communication channels based on our local realities 2 Create a tree month content plan based on Leadership, entrepreneurship and Ivorian youth 3 Attached to your application, a detailed Newsletter created with Mailchimp or others email tools. Weekly Working hours: 30 MCVP RESPONSIBLE Abdoulaye KONE

Web Specialist Job description:


o Do good SEO for our website

1 Make a SWOT Analysis of our web

o Work closely with content specialist and digital Marketing specialist to gather information and understand the needs of our customers. o Work with MCVP MKT on necessary insights needed o Create User experience and interfaced o Basic video editing and creation o Monthly meeting with MCVPs o weekly Website Update KPIs: Website user /Mobile Friendly o % of brand alignment o Traffic o % conversion rate o

Skills required: O Project management experience O Expert Knowledge of Wordpress, HTML and CSS O In-Depth knowledge of AIESEC brand guidelines O strategic planning and execution O Good Writing French and English skills O Basic design skills O Marketing or Communication or Pr background

site and social Media. Figure out an action plan to improve it 2

With SEO tools are you using and how can you use them to improve our traffic?

3 Do you think that our Website is still relevant? base your on recent update of our Global Platform. Weekly Working hours: 15 MCVP RESPONSIBLE Abdoulaye KONE

Finance and Administration


Finance & Legal Affaires

Finance & Legal Affairs Job description: O Responsible for the accounts with the MCVP FLA O Organize meetings and event (legislation or information)

with the LCs O Ensure good financial management when organizing the national seminars (NYLS 2.0 & NTMS). Required: O Be at least 18 years old O Be an active member O Has attended a conference O Has filled the application form in the time O Don’t have a debt from the LC O Is not executive board in other organization

Questionnaire: 1-Why do you want to be NST for this term? 2-What will be your strategies to lead accounting? Draft an action plan. 3-What key achievement you want to reach at the end of your term? Give us your strategies. 4-Why do you think you are the best candidate? Weekly Working hours: 6 MCVP RESPONSIBLE Morel Djè

IGE/IGT & Expansion

MCVP IGE/IGT & Expansion

EP Experience

Expansion Manager support

EP Experience Job description:


O Garant of S&S implementation

1 What is the current state of IGT/E 2 What will be your innovation to improve (s) our result 3 what is our S&S current level implementation and Give strategies ton improve it 4 How should AIESEC in COTE D’IVOIRE evolve IGT/E and capitalize on It 5 underline strategies to make attractive GT/E products Weekly Working hours: 28

O Ensure Financial Sustainability O Develop strategies to grow entity TNs O Selling national GT products

Skills Required: O Planning skills O AIESEC Understanding O Honesty O Sales skills O flexible thinking O Communication skills


Soro Nontonhoua

Expansion Manager support Job description: O Communicate online about expansion application


Skills Required:

1 What is the current state of AIESEC in Côte d’Ivoire? 2 What will be your innovation to improve (s) our result? 3 what is our S&S current level implementation and Give strategies ton improve it 4 state tree strong arguments for creating an expansion

O Planning skills

Weekly Working hours: 28

O Prospection of new area for implementation of expansion O Facilitate creation of new Local committees O Analysis of applications O Follow growth of applicants

O AIESEC Understanding O Sales skills O flexible thinking O Communication skills


Soro Nontonhoua

Business Development


B2B Specialist

B2B Specialist Job description: o B2B Communication plan

o Content creation (LinkedIn, Youtube,blog,Website) o Manage Social Media pages for B2B o Analysis of reach and engagement statistics KPIs: O % of Campaign created O % of meetings O Reach on Social media pages

Questionnaire: 1 What is your understanding of B2B strategy? 2 What are the Main channels you see for B2B? Why? 3 Draft a communication plan to raise awareness AIESEC in Côte d’Ivoire and attract news companies.

Skills required: O Data driven O Good writing French and English Skills O Proactive and creative (design thinking) person O Proactive and creative (design thinking) person O Excel

Weekly Working hours: 28 MCVP RESPONSIBLE Madou Christelle

IGV & Projects MCVP IGV & Projects

Xp Delivering


Project manager

XP Delivering // Raising // Project manager

Questionnaire: 1 2 3 4 5

Make a SWOT analysis of IGV and Project of AIESEC in Côte d’Ivoire? What innovation will you bring to the department? Give at least 5 TN which will take EP What are your strategies to track and assess customers experience? Give at least 5 partners for the projects

Weekly Working hours: 28 MCVP RESPONSIBLE Aminata Estelle TRAORE

Talent Mangement & OD


People Marketing Manager

People Marketing Manager Job Description: o


o o




Launch survey and provide divers analytics in order to get keep and develop the membership of AIESEC in Côte d’ivoire Use statistics to plan contents of conférence and training for EB and members Propose and implement an alternative way to collect data easily Create contents to invite people to fill the survey (survey filling promotion) Create and implement divers marketing strategies to make the members accepting all the TM & OD innovations and new rules Use those statistics to plan contents of conférence and training for EB and members

KPI’s o % of TM & OD’s decisions which are accepting by the people of the entity o % of members who fill the surveys (each time that they are launched) o Number of report based on statistics to help the people marketing decisions making o % of submission of all the require documents o Numbers of post on the social media and the audience reached by those post o Numbers of marketing contents created to support the TM and OD decisions


1 What is your comprehension of how the marketing can be used in the people management? 2 Create a logo for the National TM & OD Team of AIESEC in Côte d’ivoire (contact us for more information about the team identity to make your logo fit with it) 3 Present the 4P theory in Human resources marketing Weekly Working hours: 15 avec des heures suplémentaires en période de conférence MCVP RESPONSIBLE Emmanuel N’DAH-SEKOU

Outgoing Exchange


OGX Manager


OGX Promotor

OGX Manager Job Description: o

Customer flow for OGX management


Database management of EPs on YOP


Follow EPs before, during and after internship


Inform EPs on commodities, steps and rules to follow during the process


Create partnership entity to entity


Find opportunities for EPs


Create partnership with TNs managers

KPI’s o Team working o

Communication skills


IT (office, Internet, EXPA , OP)


Time management


Presentation skills

OGX Promotor Job Description: o

Our products’ promotion


Create recruitment strategies


Be a good customer service online


Virtual space management


Partnership AIESEC to universities and organizations

KPI’s o Team working o

Communication skills


IT (office, Internet, EXPA , OP)


Time management


Presentation skills

Questionnaire: 1. Explain briefly GV, GT & GE? What are their importances? 2. Which action plan can you apply to double our results in OGX? 3. Make a SWOT analysis of OGX products of AIESEC Côte d’Ivoire 4. Explain briefly the Customer Flow 5. How can you ensure a constant visibility of our products? (NST OGX Promotor) 6. Who will be the best targets of our opportunities? (NST OGX Promotor) 7. What will be the best destinations of our programs (NST OGX Manager) 8. How can you convert prospects in EPs ? Propose logical and reasonable strategies (NST OGX Manager) 9. Which methods seem efficient for you to maintain a good customer service with EPs ? (NST OGX Promotor) 10. Give strategies to affiliate the best opportunities to EPs profile (NST OGX Manager) Weekly Working hours: 40 MCVPs RESPONSIBLE Boka KOMENAN

Wilfried N’CHO

If you never try you will never know

Good Luck

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