Eurozone Watch
Group Economics Macro & Financial Markets Research
19 May 2016
Europe’s soft approach towards the periphery • Aline Schuiling Senior Economist
Tel.: +31 20 343 5606
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The European Commission decided to postpone its decision about fines for Spain and Portugal until after the Spanish elections … … while the countries were granted another year to lower their budget deficits to below the EC’s 3% limit … … and Italy got some leeway to lower its debt ratio more slowly than planned Although the EC’s approach will benefit economic growth in the short term, it might fuel euroscepticism in the core and could create doubts about debt sustainability in the longer run
Decision about punishment for Spain and Portugal postponed … The European Commission postponed its decision about fining Spain and Portugal for missing its targets for the budget deficit until after the Spanish elections of 26 June. On top of that, both countries were granted an extra year to bring their deficits back to levels at or below the EC’s 3% limit. According to the EC’s Excess Deficit Procedure (EDP) Portugal should have met this target in 2015 already, while Spain’s deadline was one year later, in 2016. In contrast, Portugal’s budget deficit turned out at 4.4% GDP (the target was 2.7%) last year, while Spain’s deficit was 5.1%, well above the target of 4.2%. Considering that Spain has been in a state of political deadlock since December 2015 and that new elections will be held on 26 June the chances are very high that the deficit will remain well above 3% this year and in 2017. Indeed, care-taker prime minister Mariano Rajoy has recently promised another round of tax cuts if he were to be re-elected in June. In theory, both Spain and Portugal could be fined by an amount equal to 0.2% of their GDP according to the stricter rules and surveillance system for budgetary and economic policies that was established during the eurozone sovereign debt crisis in 2011-2012. … while Italy is allowed some extra fiscal breathing space as well Italy has not breached to EC’s rules for the budget deficit, but its government debt ratio has been persistently too high. It has been rising non-stop since 2007 and last year it increased to 132.7% GDP, up from 132.5% in 2014. According to the EC’s rules it should in contrast have ‘diminished by an adequate rate of 5% per year on average over three years’. Italy has now been granted some budgetary flexibility in that it is allowed extra fiscal room of around EUR 14bn this year, which is equal to
2 Eurozon ne Watch - Europe’s soft s approac ch towards the t peripherry – 19 May 2016
0.85% % GDP. In exch hange, the country has to im mplement a deeficit reduction n progra amme of at lea ast 0.5% GDP P next year, wh hich is more thhan the 0.35% % originally planne ed by the Italia an governmen nt. Governmentt budget bala ance
Go overnment de ebt ratio
4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12
140 0 120 0 100 0 80 0 60 0 40 0 20 0 0
2009 Sppain
2011 Portuugal
2 2013 Italy
201 15 -3%
Source: S Thomson R Reuters Datastrea am, ABN AMRO Group G Economics
2009 Spain
20 011 Portugal
2013 3 Italy
2015 60%
Sourc ce: Bloomberg
Good for growth, b but not witho out risks The EC’s decision tto give some extra e budgetarry breathing sppace to the co ountries in the pe eriphery will be e slightly supp portive to econ nomic growth this year. Folllowing five years of severe aussterity, budgeta ary policy in th he eurozone aas a whole was more or less neutral last yea ar and will be slightly s expans sionary this yeear, with the structural s budge et deficit (the d deficit correcte ed for the business cycle annd one-off facto ors) for the eurozo one rising som mewhat. This positive p impac ct could be maarginally highe er due to the EC’s decision. d Still, the other side e of the coin is s that the EC’ss soft approac ch towards the pe eriphery might fuel euroscep ptic sentiment is some counntries in the co ore of the eurozo one, which ha ave their goverrnment finance es in better shhape. Also, if this t ‘flexible’ approa ach of the Com mmission werre to be mainta ained during thhe next few ye ears, it might result in more e fiscal slippag ge in high-debt countries succh as Italy and d Portugal, which might create doubts about debt sustainability in the lonnger term.
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