1.4 Design Strategies With consideration on local operation and management, design strategies focus on WASH and power services solutions as well as promoting gender equality with a respect on local context including social values and existing infrastructure condition. The objective of design strategies here is to improve women’s life quality by having more convenient and safe access to necessity and education, in a way that is consistent with local knowledge and culture. Details and explanation of design would be elaborated in latter chapters. 1.4.1 WASH service solutions In rural area like Baghere Village, water is distributed to wells by private water companies; people access water through the closest well where the water is not treated and shared within the community. People also collect water from nature, such as river, pond and rain, which are used for both agricultural production and daily wash. Women have to use bucket to obtain water from the well and carry them on shoulder or head from the well to their home, causing back pains and shoulder strains easily. Water quality is poor which is the main reason of high infant mortality due to diarrhea. Sanitation in rural areas in Senegal is lagging behind where squat toilet is commonly used that is just a little more than a deep hole in the ground with some loose boards on top, shared with the neighbourhood and no internal light, which is smelly and unsafe. Women are afraid to go at night and even during daytime if they have to leave children out of the toilet alone (Hollmén Reuter Sandman Fig.3 Bucket and pulley system on a well Architects, 2021). To provide safe water supply and sanitation services in the building, rainwater collection and biogas plant are introduced. - Rainwater collection system Rainwater collection is familiar with local people; design of the building would help women collect water more easily and with consideration on hygiene. Tilted roof would help rainwater captured where gutters and downpipes direct water flow into rainwater tanks placed outside of the building filtered with bamboo strings or leaves, protecting water from flies and bugs. The main uses of the rainwater are for toilet washing and irrigation.