Water Treatment
By Yuzki Wang SENEGAL WATER TREATMENT OVERVIEW Senegal as one of the countries located on the Continent Coastline, has one of the most developed and advanced water supply and sanitation sectors. As reported by the Drinking Water and Sanitation Program (Millennium Development Goal UN, 2015), the access rate to improved drinking water resources in Senegal was 64% in 2012 and increased to 74% in 2014. However, current Senegal legislation does not recognize the human right to water and sanitation practices. It further argues that Senegal people, specifically rural area residents, have an insufficient acknowledgement of appropriate sanitation and potable water practices. Although the national potable water crisis has been improved over recent years, sanitation practice appears to be procrastinating, rural areas in particular. According to UN Water (2014), with 26% of the unserved population, 23% reside in rural areas of Senegal. The organisation also claims that there are no effective complaint mechanisms on sanitation and end-users in rural areas only have limited involvement in sanitation practice planning. Figure 8 Sanitation and Drinking-water practice from equity in governance perspective in Senegal
UN Water, (2014). Figure 9 Population with access to improved sanitation facilities in Senegal
UN Water, (2014).
ABPL2077 Humanitarian Construction 2021