In our highly divided times, bringing people together is more important than ever to break through the obstacles that prevent our community from thriving. We stand on common ground. We invite you to stand with us.
The Albuquerque Community Foundation brings together people from all areas of our community to stand on common ground: the nonprofits who are the heart of our community and make a measurable difference; generous donors who allow the Foundation to support and strengthen these organizationsʼ services; Foundation staff who monitor and share the communityʼs needs and accomplishments; the Foundationʼs Board of Trustees with their common commitment, despite their different backgrounds, to build a stronger community; and corporate and governmental partners who stand with us on common ground to bring about long-term change.
Our theme this year, common ground, refers both to the place we all stand, Albuquerque, and the mutual goal we all have – a more vibrant, economically prosperous community. Whatever our differences are – race, religion, education, ambition or path – we all want the same thing – To thrive. To live with dignity and empowerment. To help others reach their goals.
Philanthropy is one way businesses, nonprofits, government and individuals in any community find common ground. We all agree –prosperity, education and health are the keys to our communityʼs future well-being

Since our founding in 1981, the goals of the Foundation have remained the same : to coordinate the receipt and investment of charitable contributions , to distribute funds for community needs in a timely and well-researched manner and to serve as a leader and educational resource in encouraging philanthropy in this great city.
As we close 2017, our vision and mission endure. We continue to be a leader in community philanthropy and to build, invest and manage endowment funds to enhance the quality of our community through informed strategic grantmaking.
The Albuquerque Community Foundation would like to acknowledge William P. Lang of the Albuquerque Journal and Starline Printing for the donation of the printing of this report and Kim Jackson Photography for many of the images appearing in this report.
We continue to strive to make sure every philanthropic investment returns the greatest emotional, financial and civic benefit possible. We are committed to conversation, community involvement and investment. We endeavor to protect the spirit of each endowment fund and the grants made from those funds to ensure partnerships are working together Contributions totaled $14,100,000 Earned a 14.5% investment return Assets under management grew to $87,800,000 Awarded $4,800,000 in grants Recognized by Quality New Mexico, New Mexico Excellence Awards, Piñon Award recipient
• Partnered with PNM Resources Foundation to distribute $250,000 of crisis funds to PNM employees in Texas affected by Hurricane Harvey Hosted the Council on Foundation’s quarterly Board of Directors Meeting Hosted the United Nations Foundation’s Sustainable Development Goals Region Symposium Family Friendly Business Award Winner 2017 Innovation New Mexico Award, Albuquerque Business First Hosted Impact and Coffee In 2017, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

2 Snapshot 1 Letter from CEO & Chair 3 Access to Economic Opportunities Grant Program 4 Special Grant Initiatives 12 Donor Advised Grants 18 Student Aid 28 Ray Zimmer Heritage Society 34 Volunteers Advisory Committee 36 Social Giving Club 38 Future Fund 40 Concours du Soleil 44 Profiles in Generosity 46 Impact Investing 49 Awards 50 Endowment Funds 52 Par tners in Philanthropy 60 Philanthropy Central 62 Becoming a Philanthropist 70 Applying for a Grant 73 Sandia Foundation 74 Financials 78 Board of Trustees 80 Corporate Partners 82 Staff 83 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Why this focus? Because we believe those who have access to opportunity lift themselves. We believe by empowering the makers, the doers and the dreamers in our community, we have the potential to grow and create jobs. We take to heart research that shows 80% of job gains come from small business growth and development.* Our community’s strength is in its passionate small businesses and entrepreneurial spirit. Together, through increased opportunities we are stabilizing families and bringing vitality to our historically struggling neighborhoods.
Common goals require common ground. The Foundation actively partners with many non profit organizations which agree the path to prosperity is individual success and have created programming to meet the challenge. Our public/private cross-sector partnerships continue their endeavors of providing better results, faster. Healthy Neighborhoods ABQ and City Alive are two examples, the first focusing on local sourcing and hiring, the latter supporting homegrown job creation and racial equity through living wage job growth. Partnerships produce outcomes greater than the sum of the parts – they are real and they are measurable.
2017 was the Foundation’s biggest year ever for donations from generous individuals and companies who have collectively supported hundreds of nonprofit organizations and thousands of people from communities throughout the Greater Albuquerque Area. 2017 was also our biggest grantmaking year, with nearly $5 million flowing back to the organiza tions that do the boots-on-the-ground work impacting real people every day. When one prospers, we all prosper. That’s our common ground – strong, secure and leading us all forward. We sincerely thank you for being a part of what we do.
COMMON GROUND Letter from theChair & CEO STEVE KEENE *Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Steve Keene Randy Royster Chair, Board of Trustees President & CEO
2017 was a pivotal year for the Albuquerque Community Foundation in many ways, but most importantly, it was our first year tracking results from our recent shift into funding “access to economic opportunities.” What does that mean? It means we have a common goal through all our funding fields— Arts & Culture, Economic & Workforce Development, Education, Environmental & Historic Preservation, Health and Human Services of providing access to economic opportunities, and funding long-term systemic change rather than short term solutions, for more residents in our community. We have seen the positive effects of boosting access through community development and workforce enhancement – you’ll read about it throughout this report.

• How can we effectively address the root causes of so many issues our community faces? Creating this overarching grant theme allowed us to address these questions while moving the needle towards prosper ity and self-sufficiency for more Albuquerque residents. The wording of this strategy was critical: we sought to provide access. We understood as a community foundation, we alone could not create economic opportunity nor could we provide economic opportunity, but we could provide access to economic opportunity. We could work with organizations in breaking down the barriers that prevent incarcerated adults from gaining employment. We could support organizations that bolster the creative and environmental economies, increase skills-based learning, promote job training and address mental health needs to reduce homelessness and addiction. Since integrating this strategy, we have seen organizations respond with creative proposals and innovative programs. We have learned nonprofits are eager for new opportunities to tell their stories and are committed to supporting Albu querque’s economic growth in the same way companies, funders and donors are. When we started this process, we asked ourselves: what could providing access to economic opportunities really look like in all of its forms? We had ideas, but we also cautioned ourselves not to be a prescriptive funder. While we offered examples, we also wanted nonprofits to be free enough and creative enough to come to us with their ideas. And they did. Nearly two years into this strategy, we are now starting to see the results of our grantmaking.
• How can we ensure our limited grant dollars are going as far as they can in the community?
Economic Opportunities
In 2016, the Foundation shifted its grant strategy to focus on funding programs and organizations providing access to economic opportunities. This decision was not made lightly – it was the result of a year-long process that began with community convenings and ended with the Foundation’s Grant Committee and Board of Trustees wrestling with answers to the following questions:
• How can we integrate grantmaking in a way that would create systemic change across all sectors in our community?
• What role does philanthropy play in partnering with our local businesses?

Funding to expand Basement Films’current operations, including working with APS on a student filmintern program, supporting the Experiments in Cinema Festival, updating and cataloging an archive of 8,000 films. Duke($5,000)CityRepertory Theatre
An operating grant to Harwood Art Center will be used to sup port: Creative Roots outreach programs for students at Garfield Middle School and Hayes Middle School; the Galleries & Exhi bitions Program that provides resident, emerging and established artists from New Mexico with opportunities, professional develop ment, awards, commissions and exhibitions. ($15,000) CULTURE&
Funding for operating costs of Duke City’s one-of-a-kind Shake spearean Bard Crawl at five local breweries. The Bard Crawl breaks down conventional barriers between audience members and Shakespeare by removing all the pomp and circumstance of a traditional theatrical show and replacing it with an intimate, interactive performance of a Shakespearean classic. ($3,750)
Each year, the Foundation receives more proposals than can be funded through the Competitive Grant Program – but we know these proposals represent important nonprofit programs and initiatives in our community.
African American Performing Arts Center
Operating support for the African American Perform ing Arts Center (AAPAC). Initiatives covered under the grant include: recruiting UNM engineering students in the National Society of Black Engineers and advisors from Sandia National Labs to improve the technical systems of the theater and revitalizing the Charlie Morrisey Research Center for African American History and Culture. Albuquerque($5,200)
Harwood Art Center
Basement Films
Funding for operating costs of the Albuquerque Philhar monic’s 2017-2018 performance and education season, including 11 free community concerts for over 4,000 con cert goers and support the Art & Music Program engaging over 350 APS students to live symphonic works at no cost. ($7,500)
Basement Films
When a proposal does not receive funding through the Competitive Grant Program, we take those unfunded pro posals to donor-advised fund holders to offer them more options for their annual grantmaking. We are pleased to report that of the applications received through the 2017 Competitive Grant Program, 80% were funded in some capacity.
The 2017 Competitive Grant Program awarded nearly $410,000 in grants to 38 organizations. Organizations submitted some of the most innovative and competitive proposals the Foundation has reviewed in years. Nonprofits showed how they boost the creative economy through public-private partnership with Albuquerque’s growing brewery scene, build employee pipelines in the healthcare industry, teach homeless youth entrepreneurial skills and train local urban farmers. All of this – and much more –contributes to a vibrant, growing Albuquerque.

Vortex Theatre
Three Sisters Kitchen
Funding for the pilot season of Three Sisters Kitchen’s Food Business Entrepreneurial Training Program for low-income entrepreneurs. Three Sisters Kitchen serves as a hub for early stages of food business development and a local food shop. ($10,000)
Operating funds for the Vortex Theatre will support programs benefiting Albuquerque residents who cannot afford admis sion-based events, are elderly and are developmentally dis abled adults with limited access to the arts. These programs include Shakespeare on the Plaza – 16 free Shakespearean performances on Civic Plaza and the Creative Age Program. ($10,000)
Arts & Culture continued
Funding to support Keshet’s operations in four focus areas: 1. Social Justice through the Arts; 2. Supporting the business of art through the Keshet Ideas and Innovation Community (KIIC); 3. Strengthening Albuquerque’s global arts community through the Keshet International Dance Festival; 4. Community pro grams which provide approximately 50 weekly open commu nity classes to nearly 1,000 students of all ages, experiences, and physical/developmental abilities. ($15,000)
Three Sisters Kitchen
Funding for Casa de Salud’s Health Apprentice Program, in which approximately 30 young people will gain handson experience in a clinical setting prior to pursuing grad uate/professional degrees in medical fields. This program builds a pipeline of healthcare workers, specifically fo cused on supporting medical careers of low-income popu lations. ($15,000)
Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Foundation EmprendeNM’s high-tech accelerator/co-working space, spe cifically for Hispanic entrepreneurs. AHCC is developing em ployment opportunities (both physical and digital) to assist ac celerator graduates in recruiting local talent as they scale their businesses. ($15,000)
Casa de Salud


Amy Biehl High School Foundation
Great Grants
Funding for APS Title I Homeless Project’s after-school program in six elementary schools. Programs supplement academics out side the regular school day, motivate students to stay in school, provide safety and stability, emphasize the acquisition and de velopment of literacy skills and afford students opportunities for career exploration.
Oasis Albuquerque
Pegasus Legal Services
APS Title I Homeless Project
Amy Biehl High School
Funding for the Intergenerational Tutoring literacy monitoring program, targeting K-3 students in Title 1 schools. Senior volunteers mentor their student(s) for one hour, one day a week.
Seniors participate in a 100-hour Senior Fellows Service Learn ing Project or an internship where they are learning new skills such as teaching, building websites and developing program cur ricula. ($10,000)
Horizons Albuquerque Funding will support a second Horizons site at Manzano Day School and will serve a total of 112 students and their families from APS partner schools. ($6,525)
Funding for Generation Justice’s (GJ) radio and Facebook live broadcast productions that are youth led, community based and structured from a critical race/equity theory lens. Since its inception 11 years ago, 92% of GJ members have pursued higher education and more than 35% are studying and working in media/journalism fields. ($4,400)
Funding for the Education Justice Project (EJP), a program that works with the juvenile justice system, schools and families in Sandoval County to address issues that result in proven referrals of students with disabilities for discipline to the juvenile justice system. ($15,000)
Prosperity Works
Funding to support 40 low-income students, immigrants, low-income families, Native American students, survivors of domestic violence and previously incarcerated individuals in developing financial education skills while saving for the future through Individual Development Accounts.

Manzano Mountain Art Council
NM Acequia Association
The NM Steam Locomotive & Railroad Historical Society
For a pilot project to establish a transaction program in which Native American farmers on the Isleta Pueblo and municipal water users can transfer water to the Rio Grande through leases or donations, creating an alter native use for water, economic opportunities and supporting New Mexico’s biodiversity. ($15,000)
Funding for the Semrando Semillas Project, a program to engage younger generations in the continuation of agriculture and land-based traditions. In partnership with Think Like a Bee, a pollinator initiative, and Cornelio Candelaria Organics, a four-acre NMDA certified farm in the South Valley, this grant will focus on “food as medicine.” ($15,000) NM Wilderness Alliance
Audubon New Mexico
Hubbell House Alliance
Funding will support the restoration of the former Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Locomotive 2926 to operational status, specifically the boiler jacket being manufactured locally. Upon completion of its restoration, the locomotive will serve as a moving museum, exhibiting New Mexico railroad history on historical trips from Albuquerque to Las Vegas, NM. ($10,000)
Rio Grande Community Farm
Funding for the development, production, and installation of interpretive signage at the Gutierrez Hubbell House History and Culture Center, a 5,700 square foot adobe home located on 10 acres of Bernalillo County Open Space land, the majority of which is a working farm. ($7,000)
Rio Grande Community Farm
Funding to support the restoration of a historic building in Mountainair that serves as an art and community center and offers artist studios, a public garden, performance and event space, display areas and offices for educational and entrepreneurial workshops. ($10,930)
To support a public/private partnership with the United States Forest Service (USFS) to recruit, train and utilize community volunteers in and around Albuquerque to participate in a range of monitoring, restoration, beau tification and stewardship activities based within the Ci bola National Forest. ($5,000)
Funding for the Las Huertas program, a skills develop ment program dedicated to training both current and as piring producers in certified organic farming techniques, specific to the arid environment of New Mexico and assisting them to become small-scale food entrepreneurs. ($10,000)

All Faiths
Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless
Crossroads for Women
The Day Program offers 30 psycho-educational groups per week providing a comprehensive set of skills for former ly incarcerated women with mental health and addictive disorders to build stable, self-sufficient lives. ($15,000)
Funding for mental health services for Pan-Asian, Middle Eastern and African immigrants and refugees in the International District who have experienced trauma due to war in their home countries, displacement via refugee camps and/or resettlement. With mental health support, NMAFC sees clients move forward to obtain jobs, main tain current positions, earn promotions and career fulfillment. Paws($15,000)&Stripes
Funding for the Therapist of the Day program, which increases access to behavioral health services by creating a streamlined and client-centered triage process. The program will serve 1,350 individuals who are experiencing homelessness and in need of behavioral health services. ($10,000)
Funding for the Family Wellness Program to reduce long-term results of trauma and break its cycle. ($10,000)
New Mexico Asian Family Center
Centro Savila
Funding for the Helping Dogs, Helping Heroes pro gram, supporting veterans experiencing debilitating PTSD and/or traumatic brain injury. Graduates have gone on to become teachers, own businesses, attend (and graduate) law school and have been hired by Paws and Stripes. ($10,000)
Working to address the behavioral health and social services provider shortage in the South Valley, Centro Savila is partnering with higher learning institutions to provide students with community-based internships, residency rota tions and supervision. ($15,000)
HEALTH Paws & Stripes

Family Promise Funding to support the Job and Literacy Center assisting homeless families with one-on-one job searching, life skills and parenting classes, assessing reading and math levels, tutoring, intensive case management and a safe community.
New Day Youth and Family Services
Saranam Saranam takes a “two generational” approach to ending poverty and homelessness. Foundation funding will provide transitional housing to eight homeless families, with 75% of adults working toward completing education and employment goals. ($15,000)
Resolve Grant to provide 150 youth in Bernalillo County with 4-16 hours of experiential, role play-based violence prevention classes that focus on anti-bias/anti-bullying skills, ally behavior, boundary-setting and de-escalation. ($4,300)
The Team Refugee program, which works with refugee individuals and families who are struggling to resettle. Participants in this program learn cultural orien tation and English language skills, while obtaining and maintaining employment and developing a five-year career plan. ($9,293)
Locker 505 Grant to clothe homeless or in-need Bernalillo County students in grades K-12. With Locker 505’s support, students can focus on their education. Reports show an improvement in grades and self-esteem which sets them up for a more stable and independent life trajectory.
Fathers($5,000)Building Futures
Fathers Building Futures is the only social enterprise managed by and for for merly incarcerated parents. Grant funding will provide a pipeline and training for financial stability including employment, budgeting, savings programs and financial education coaching. ($15,000)
Supportive Housing Coalition To support the Service Coordination program which connects clients to services to maintain housing stability, maintain or increase their income and prevent a return to homelessness. ($16,870)
Catholic Charities Fathers Building Futures
Funding for New Day’s Life Skills Academy’s newest initiative, the Food Cart “First Jobs” Program, an in-house job train ing program where youth/young adults (16-24) in transitional housing can practice and perfect the job skills they need for success in the formal job market. ($15,000)
Catholic Charities

In 2015, the Mayor’s Prize for Entrepreneurship Powered by the Albuquerque Community Foundation launched as a partnership between the Albuquerque Community Foundation, the E.W. Kauffman Foundation and the City of Albuquerque. We identified the growth potential in Albuquerque’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, particularly through the diversity of entrepreneurs receiving services through non profits which represented the immigrant community, tech-transfer sector, women entrepreneurs and low-income entrepreneurs. To date, the Mayor’s Prize has granted $600,000 and has contributed to the creation of over 100 businesses and 550 jobs.
Each year, the Foundation fundraises both locally and nationally to create more opportunities for nonprofits to receive funding. Separate from Donor-Advised grants and the Competitive Grant Program, these grants have specific focus areas and result in higher-dollar and higher-impact grants.
Mayor’s Prize for Entrepreneurship

In May, My Brother’s Keeper ABQ, in partnership with Innovate + Educate hosted a job ready hire fair to place 500 young men of color in quality jobs in our city. Over 600 individuals attended and 300 were hired. This identified a clear gap in employment and educational opportunities. As a result, the Foun dation engaged in a partnership with the na tional My Brother’s Keeper Alliance and the City of Albuquerque to launch the Próspero! Award, a $100,000 grant program that provides educational advancement and employment opportunities for young men of color. Focus ar eas included: college readiness, GED, ESL, soft skills development, interviewing skills, citizenship, financial literacy, mentorship, internships and apprenticeships.
For La Escalera, a program providing an accelerated path way for immigrant entrepreneurs to: 1. formalize their busi ness; 2. improve business skills in financial management, marketing and business compliance; 3. gain access to or improve use of banking services; and 4. join a network of support to start and grow their business. ($75,000)
•Three Sisters Kitchen For the Food Business Entrepreneurial Training Program, which provides aspiring, low-income entrepreneurs with the facilities, equipment, supplies and training they need to succeed in building their business. ($50,000)
•Keshet To support the Keshet Makers Space Experience, a proj ect housed within the Ideas and Innovation Community Program – a business incubator and resource center for arts entrepreneurs. ($10,000)
2017 Prize Grantees
A Próspero! recipient Working Classroom
•CNM Ingenuity Continued support for the IGNITE Community Accelerator and FUSE Makerspace initiatives. Both programs connect small-scale production methodology and practice with in tellectual property assistance and distribution support, en abling entrepreneurs who manufacture products at FUSE to also learn to run a business and distribute those prod ucts for sale. ($65,000)
Through the Próspero! Award, we expect to see both an increase of employable men and the downstream effects of this employability: stronger family units, decreased incarceration, early childhood stability, reduction in poverty and a more stable New Mexico workforce. Grantees on following page.

To support Cooking Up a Strong Economy, a collaboration between Three Sisters Kitchen and the Street Food Institute, which trains men of color in the food industry, with a focus on developing viable value-added food product concepts and building local food businesses. ($20,000)
To support New Day’s Pathways to Employment program, which helps homeless and disconnected youth gain skills and find employment. ($20,000)
• Working Classroom To support the I CREATE Fellowship: Supporting Young Men of Color in Creative Careers, which will train, support, employ and connect a cohort of 16 young men to careers in the creative economy. ($20,000)
Próspero! Grantees
The Collaborative selected its inaugural E2E recipient, Horizons Albuquerque. Through this grant, Horizons will create a complete middle school extended learning program to strengthen STEM project-based learning for middle school students, develop rel evant family workshops and a handbook on educational transi tions. We are proud to stand among the thirteen participating funders in the Collaborative: Air Force Research Laboratory, Bank of Albuquerque, Intel, McCune Charitable Foundation, New Mex ico Gas Company, Nusenda Credit Union Foundation, PNM Re sources Foundation, Sandia National Laboratories, Southwest Capital Bank, United Way of Central New Mexico Hispano Phil anthropic Society, Verdes Foundation and Wells Fargo.
To support rigorous, in-demand computer science skills training to young adults (16-24 years) of color. This pilot is an extended version of Cultivating Coders’ coding camp tailored to entrepreneurship. ($20,000)
In 2017, the New Mexico Funders Collaborative was formed as a statewide net work committed to pooling time, energy and resources. With the shared belief that we are stronger together and can work in partnership to affect long-term systemic change, the group created the Educate2Elevate (E2E) grant program to support middle school education initiatives. Thirteen funders contributed $5,000 each to award one high-impact, $65,000 grant.
• Cultivating Coders
• Three Sisters Kitchen
Youth and Family Services
• Fathers Building Futures
To help previously incarcerated men obtain job skills and employment in auto-detailing, power-washing and woodworking.

One of the great privileges of working in the nonprofit community is seeing how organic cross-sector partnerships evolve from a spark of inspiration or a visionary idea for the future. We strive to not only play an important role in these part nerships, but to also invest grant dollars to support the long-term work and sustainability of these partnerships. For the fifth anniversary of the Great Grant Giveaway, we highlighted and raised funds for large-scale partnerships poised to have lasting effects on Albuquerque’s economy and nonprofit community. Each of the featured partnerships was built on several nonprofits working together for a common cause.
The District is a revitalization initiative of Downtown Mainstreet in collaboration with numerous arts businesses and local government. Their work supports efforts to develop the area as a culturally vi brant hub for an array of creatives, including visual, performing and literary artists; creative industries including film and digital media and culinary arts and craft beverage entrepreneurs. ($30,125)
• Healthy Neighborhoods Albuquerque
Great Grant Giveaway
HNA is comprised of seven anchor institutions focusing on hiring and buying locally. The anchor institutions are: Albuquerque Community Foundation, Albuquerque Public Schools, City of Albuquerque, Central New Mexico Community College, First Choice Community Healthcare, Presbyeterian Healthcare Services and University of New Mexico Health Services Center. The goal is to address social determinants of health – economic stability, food, education, neighborhood and physical environment and health care systems. ($37,994)
• Downtown Arts & Cultural District
• City Alive City Alive approaches economic development using the power of collective impact. This group of public and private stakeholders including the Foundation, Wells Fargo, Nusenda Credit Union, CNM, UNM, McCune Charitable Foundation, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and others, is working to strengthen our economy and provide jobs, economic mobility and empowerment. City Alive’s goal is to create 10,000 living wage jobs by 2025 through entrepreneurship and innovation. ($38,562)

SCC is a women-driven social enterprise that provides contract manufacturing for sewn soft goods and hand-crafted products, striving to alleviate poverty and build economic and educational opportunity across genera tions, by providing dignified, living-wage employment to women from low-income communities. A significant donor-advised grant supported SCC’s Employability and Education Equity Program, which covers the cost of classes, leadership development workshops and success planning for paid time employees. This two-generational program helps women earn their GEDs, increase their ESL-levels and create education plans so their children can attend college.
Southwest Creations

GREAT GRANT New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Upon Dr. Gerald Rubin’s passing in 1991, the Foundation was entrusted to administer the Eye Associates Gerald and Alice Rubin Memorial Foundation Fund. Since 2005, the fund has grant ed over $500,000 to organizations supporting eye care, eye education and research, and medical, physiological and mental disorders. In 2017, the fund advisors allocated a grant to support the New Mexico School for the Blind’s technology lending library. The library provides blind or visually impaired students (ages 5 to 22) access to technology that might not otherwise be available to them. Because there are many types of blindness or visual impairment, having access to various forms of technology –assistive tablets and computers – allows the student to choose what works best for them. This enhances both their learning capabilities and skills, in addition to their future employability.

Animal Humane New Mexico Animal Humane New Mexico Animal Humane New Mexico Animal Humane New Mexico Animal Humane New Mexico Animal Humane New Mexico Animal Humane New Mexico Animal Protection of New Mexico, Inc. Animal Rescue League of El Paso Lap Dog Rescue of New Mexico Lodestar
The majority of grants made each year are from funds restricted by donors. Donor-advised fund holders may make recommendations to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees throughout the year to award specific grants to nonprofit organizations. Foundation staff members review recommendations to verify that organizations are qualified nonprofit groups. In light of the number of unfunded com petitive grants every year, the Foundation works closely with donor-advised fund holders to align their grantmaking, supporting unfunded grant proposals and considering letters-of-intent from the Competitive Grant Program. Dog Ranch, Inc. Lodestar Dog Ranch, Inc. Inc.
Morris Animal Foundation SouthwestPAWS/LA Animal Rescue Fund Inc The Horse Shelter The Horse WatermelonShelterMountain Ranch, Inc. Watermelon Mountain Ranch,

Friends of the Albuquerque Public Library $2,000 Fusion $573 Gallup Public Radio/KGLP 91.7 FM $500
Job Path, Inc. $2,500 Partnership for Community Action $25,000 Pilot Club of Los Lunas $100 Southwest Creations Collaborative $15,000 Southwest Creations Collaborative $50 ECONOMIC & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
Albuquerque Chamber Soloists, Inc. $1,500
516 ARTS $50,000
Polyphony: Voices of New Mexico $2,000 RGCDC/Central Features $10,000 Sandager Presentations $2,000 The Vortex Theatre $1,000 The Vortex Theatre $1,000
Friends of the Albuquerque Public Library $2,000
ACCION New Mexico Arizona Colorado $2,000
Landmark Musicals, Inc. $5,000 Landmark Musicals, Inc. $1,500 Museum of New Mexico Foundation $5,000 Museum of New Mexico Foundation $10,000 Musica Antigua de Albuquerque $250 National Atomic Museum Foundation $750 National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation $250 National Institute of Flamenco $1,500 New Mexico Jazz Workshop $8,300 NM Museum of Natural History Foundation $250 NM Museum of Natural History Foundation $6,000 NM Museum of Natural History Foundation $750 NM Museum of Natural History Foundation $7,002 New Mexico PBS - KNME $5,000 New Mexico PBS - KNME $1,000 New Mexico PBS - KNME $2,500 New Mexico PBS - KNME $2,500 New Mexico PBS - KNME $2,000 New Mexico PBS - KNME $500 New Mexico PBS - KNME $442 New Mexico Performing Arts Society $250 New Mexico Philharmonic $13,000 New Mexico Philharmonic $1,000 New Mexico Philharmonic $5,000 New Mexico Philharmonic $1,555 New Mexico Symphonic Chorus $2,000 New Mexico Symphonic Chorus $500 New Mexico Symphonic Chorus $500
Albuquerque Museum Foundation $300
Albuquerque Opera Guild $250
Albuquerque Chamber Soloists, Inc. $1,500
Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program $200 Basement Films, Inc. $5,000 Chamber Music Albuquerque $5,000 de Profundis $1,000 de Profundis $1,500 Ensemble Music New Mexico $1,000 Ensemble Music New Mexico $1,500 Ensemble Music New Mexico $1,000 Festival Ballet Albuquerque $6,000
Albuquerque Museum Foundation $1,000
Albuquerque Museum Foundation $1,000
Albuquerque Museum Foundation $2,000
Albuquerque Little Theatre $1,000
Albuquerque Public Library Foundation $2,000
Hubbell House Alliance $300 Indian Pueblo Cultural Center $4,000 Keshet Dance Company $2,000 KUNM Radio $1,640
OFFCenter Community Arts Project $250 OFFCenter Community Arts Project $22,000 OFFCenter Community Arts Project $2,500 Opera Southwest $2,000 Opera Southwest $1,000 Opera Southwest $35,000 Opera Southwest $1,000 Outpost Productions, Inc. $250 Outpost Productions, Inc. $2,500 Outside In $100
Turquoise Trail Performing Arts $250 VSA arts of New Mexico $250 VSA arts of New Mexico $1,000 Wise Fool New Mexico $100 Working Classroom, Inc. $18,000
Native American Community Academy (NACA) Foundation $16,319 New Mexico Community Foundation (Homework Diner) $10,000
APS Title I, Homeless Projects $25
Manzano Day School $500 Menaul School $1,000 Menaul School $3,500 Menaul School $5,000
Christina Kent Early Childhood Center $1,000
Excellent Schools New Mexico $500 Explora! $250
Sandia Preparatory School $10,000 Sandia Preparatory School $5,000 Santa Fe Preparatory School $20,000 School for Advanced Research on the Human Experience $7,500
Armand Hammer United World College $20,000 Bosque School $1,000 Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico $5,000 Brown University $2,000 Career Guidance Institute-Albuquerque Reads $100 Child Aid $15,000
APS Education Foundation $250 APS Education Foundation $1,000 APS Education Foundation $7,186
Designs for Learning Differences Sycamore School $1,000 Escuela del Sol Montessori School $20,000 Escuela del Sol Montessori School $1,500
APS Title I, Homeless Projects $5,000
National Dance Institute of New Mexico $500 National Dance Institute of New Mexico $1,000
New Mexico School for Blind & Visually Impaired Foundation $2,500
New Mexico State University Foundation $1,000
New Mexico State University Foundation $1,000 New Mexico State University Foundation $1,000 New Mexico State University Foundation $1,000
Christina Kent Early Childhood Center $250 CNM Foundation $1,900 CNM Foundation $3,000 CNM Foundation $1,500
FCNL Education Fund $6,000
Horizons Student Opportunities and Results for New Mexico, Inc $5,000 International School at Mesa del Sol Education Foundation $87,615
National Dance Institute of New Mexico $1,000 National Dance Institute of New Mexico $1,000 National Dance Institute of New Mexico $2,000
UNM College of Nursing $200,000
APS Title I, Homeless Projects $500 APS Title I, Homeless Projects $12,000 APS Title I, Homeless Projects $2,500
Excellent Schools New Mexico $1,000
New Mexico State University Foundation Inc. $1,000 Northwestern University $1,000 Partners in Education Foundation $15,000 Rio Grande School $1,000
Metrowest Jewish Day School $1,000
St. Pius X High School Foundation $500 Sumbandila $1,000
Placitas Artist Series, Inc. $500 Localogy $5,000 Manzano Day School $500
UNM Foundation $10,000 UNM Foundation $7,800 UNM Foundation $5,000 UNM Foundation $1,000 UNM Foundation $2,500 UNM Foundation $250 UNM Foundation $1,000 UNM Foundation $2,000 UNM Foundation $1,000 UNM Foundation $2,350 UNM Foundation $1,250 UNM Foundation $2,000 UNM Foundation $2,600 UNM Foundation $1,000 UNM Foundation $2,600 UNM Foundation $6,000 UNM School of Engineering $10,000 UNM School of Law $15,000 UNM School of Law $5,000 Williams College $20,000 APS Education Foundation $1,000
Environmental Defense Fund $2,000
New Mexico BioPark Society $6,000
New Mexico Wilderness Alliance $10,000 New Mexico Wilderness Alliance $10,000 New Mexico Wilderness Alliance $2,000
Environment New Mexico Research & Policy Center, Inc. $8,000
Agua Pura Para El Pueblo $7,000
New Mexico Environmental Law Center $12,000
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance $16,000 WildEarth Guardians $250 Wolf Conservation Center $10,000
Natural Resources Defense Council $12,000
Friends of the Bosque del Apache $221
Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center $500 Friends of Tijeras Pueblo $5,000
Land of Enchantment Wildlife Foundation $750 Mandy’s Special Farm $1,000 Mandy’s Special Farm $1,000 Mandy’s Special Farm $50
New Mexico Wildlife Association $7,500 NM Wildlife Center $2,500 Rio Grande Community Farm $2,500 Sierra Club Foundation $500 Sierra Club Foundation $15,000
Archaeological Conservancy $500 Center for Biological Diversity $5,000
New Mexico BioPark Society $3,750 New Mexico Environmental Law Center $10,000
Nature Conservancy New Mexico $750 New Energy Economy $250
Friends of Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge $250
Center for Biological Diversity $5,000 Earthworks $10,000
Friends of Tucson’s Birthplace $1,000
Friends of Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge $100 Galloping Grace Youth Ranch $1,250 Garden’s Edge, Inc. $500 Garden’s Edge, Inc. $500 Garden’s Edge, Inc. $12,000 Hawks Aloft $1,095
350.org $20,000
Amigos Bravos $2,000

A Better Way of Living $10,000
First Baptist Church $2,500 Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals $1,000 New Israel Fund $1,000
Doctors Without Borders USA $5,000
Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless $150 Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless $8,000
Cancer Services of New Mexico $6,000
First Serve NM, Inc. $2,000 Gold Crown Foundation $600 Healing Addiction in Our Community $500 Healing Addiction in Our Community $5,000 Healing Addiction in Our Community $100
Our Lady of the Annunciation $3,000 St. George Greek Orthodox Church $100 St. Joseph on the Rio Grande $13,250 Temple Shir Tikva $500 FAITH
First Choice Community Healthcare $5,000
Doctors Without Borders USA $1,000
Albuquerque Meals on Wheels $250 Albuquerque Meals on Wheels $100 All Faiths $3,000 All Faiths $10,000
Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless $3,000
Doctors Without Borders USA $4,000
Alzheimer’s Association $10,000 American Legion $5,000
American Lung Association of the Southwest $2,000
Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless $25,000
Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico $100
Doctors Without Borders USA $25,000 Feeding America $1,548
American Red Cross $1,500 American Red Cross $5,000
Bethel Community Storehouse $1,106
JDRF International $2,500 La Familia Medical Center $10,000 Lobo Little League $500
HEALTH Cathedral Church of St. John $500 Congregation Smearith Israel $1,800
The Storehouse New Mexico $1,000
New Mexico Appleseed $2,000 New Mexico Appleseed $500 New Mexico Autism Society $250
Savila Collaborative $1,500 Special Olympics New Mexico $15,000
Planned Parentood Federation of America $5,000
Ronald McDonald House Charities of New Mexico $4,875
The Food Depot $100
National Alliance on Mental Illness New Mexico $15,000
Samaritan Counseling Center $1,500
Ronald McDonald House Charities of New Mexico $1,500
Special Olympics New Mexico $500
Susan’s Legacy $4,500
The ALS Association $2,500
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Inc. $10,000
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Inc. $8,442
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment Center $10,000
Paws and Stripes $13,119 Paws and Stripes $603
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Inc. $5,000
Presbyterian Healthcare Foundation $500
Presbyterian Healthcare Foundation $500,000 Project HOPE $1,004
New Mexico Dental Association Foundation $2,500
Rio Grande Food Project $1,548 Roadrunner Food Bank $4,000 Roadrunner Food Bank $400 Roadrunner Food Bank $25,000 Roadrunner Food Bank $5,000 Roadrunner Food Bank $100 Roadrunner Food Bank $50 Roadrunner Food Bank $1,769
New Mexico Men’s Wellness $1,000 Paws and Stripes $1,000
Samaritan Counseling Center $1,500
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Inc. $5,000
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Inc. $15,000
The First Tee of Denver $1,100
Remote Area Medical $10,000
March of Dimes Foundation $100
The Grief Resource Center $500

From The Heart Foundation Resource Program $2,211
New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty, Inc. $2,056 New Mexico Child Advocacy Networks $1,000
Community Renovation Empowering Women (CREW) $2,500 Crossroads for Women $44,353 Desert Forge Foundation $60,000 Desert Forge Foundation $1,000 Disability Rights New Mexico $100 Enlace Comunitario $1,250 Enlace Comunitario $7,000
Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity $300 Greater Houston Community Foundation $1,000 Habitat for Humanity International $7,500 Heading Home $3,000 Heading Home $50 Heart Gallery of New Mexico Foundation $7,000 Heifer International $12,000 Joni and Friends $2,000 Joy Junction, Inc. $15,000 Joy Junction, Inc. $50 Joy Junction, Inc. $1,106
La Familia-Namaste $1,250 Las Campanas Compadres $2,000 Little Sisters of the Poor Villa Guadalupe $1,000 Mercy Corps $15,000
National Firefighters Charities $5,000 New Mexico Boys & Girls Ranches, Inc. $1,004 New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty, Inc. $10,000 New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty, Inc. $5,160
CASA Partners 4NMKids $3,600 Casa Q $100 Catholic Charities $250 Catholic Charities $1,500 Chrysalis Center $500 CLN Kids $100 CLN Kids $100
A New Day Youth & Family Services $2,500 AARP Foundation $1,106 Alb. Area Firefighters Random Acts $100 Albuquerque Christian Children’s Home $5,000 Alta Mira Family Services $100 ARCA Foundation $15,000 Barrett Foundation $15,000 Barrett Foundation $1,106
A New Day Youth & Family Services $17,000

Next Step Ministries $10,000 Outcomes, Inc. $3,000
YAI Young Adult Institute $5,000
PB&J Family Services, Inc. $500
New Mexico Child Advocacy Networks $15,000
YMCA Central New Mexico $1,000
Senior Citizens’ Law Office $5,000 Silver Horizons New Mexico, Inc. $5,201 Southern Poverty Law Center $500 Southern Poverty Law Center $2,500 Steelbridge Ministries $1,800 Steelbridge Ministries $15,000 Student’s Clothing Bank $350
New Mexico Child Advocacy Networks $1,000
New Mexico Kids Matter $5,000
PB&J Family Services, Inc. $7,000
The Rock at Noon Day $500 The Rock at Noon Day $500 UNICEF $7,500 Union Station Homeless Services $500
United Way of Central New Mexico $500 United Way of Santa Fe $15,000 United Way of Santa Fe $15,000
PB&J Family Services, Inc. $250 Pegasus Legal Services for Children $300 Resource Foundation $20,000 Salvation Army $1,106 Salvation Army $1,004 Salvation Army USA $1,106 Saranam, LLC $1,000 Saranam, LLC $1,000
New Mexico Child Advocacy Networks $50
TenderLove Community Center $200

ACLU of New Mexico Foundation $500 ACLU of New Mexico Foundation $5,000
ACLU of New Mexico Foundation $5,000
Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice $250 Albuquerque Community Foundation $25,000 Albuquerque Community Foundation $5,000
Cottonwood Research Foundation $1,000 Creativity for Peace, Inc. $400 Democracy Now! $1,000
League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico Education Fund $1,500
Electronic Frontier Foundation $1,000 Equal Justice Initiative $150 Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) $1,000 Global Exchange $5,000
League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico Education Fund $250
Anti-Defamation League New Mexico $2,000
American General Media Foundation $1,000 Americans for Indian Opportunity $50 Amnesty International $12,000
New Mexico Holocaust & Intolerance Museum $1,000 New Mexico Holocaust & Intolerance Museum $1,654 New Mexico Human Rights Projects $500 NM Foundation for Open Government $500 NM Foundation for Open Government $4,000
New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence $20,000
Southwest Organizing Project $2,500 SW Research & Info Center $4,000 SW Research & Info Center $2,000 Think New Mexico $1,000 Think New Mexico $2,000 Think New Mexico $250
Albuquerque Community Foundation $1,000 Albuquerque Indian Center $100
NARAL Pro-Choice New Mexico Foundation $2,500 National Organization for Women Foundation $2,500
Good Radio Shows, Inc. $1,000 International Rescue Committee $15,000
Think New Mexico $2,500 Women for Women International $7,500
ProgressNow NM $500 Project Vote $1,000 Somos Un Pueblo Unido $1,000
Albuquerque Community Foundation $1,000
American Civil Liberties Foundation $5,000

As a CEO, Mitch Coven’s job is to grow and care for his employees and company, Vitality Works. For over three decades, Vitality Works has sourced raw materials from around the world and created leading edge herbal and nutraceutical sup plements under its own label and the labels of both health practitioners and large brands.
Vitality Works
Part of Vitality Works’ success, he says, is the support the company has received from the community. In the past, Vitality Works has supported nonprofit organizations important to its industry and others for which Coven personally has an affinity. The Vitality Works Fund at the Albuquerque Community Foundation, established in 2017, sets up a legacy of philanthropy Coven sees as important for the company as a way to do the right thing in the community. “It took a village to create our success. We’ve gotten good support from the State, County and City, and we’ve reinvested heavily into the company. As the company has matured and become financially strong, I’ve reflected on our core values,” he says. “One of them is stewardship. Another is integrity. The responsible thing is to give back to the local community that has helped us expand and succeed. One way is financially. And we’ve chosen the Albuquerque Community Foundation as the vehicle.” In 2017, Vitality Works established a corporate fund to support nonprofit organizations in the community. Vitality Works’ employees will review funding requests the Foundation brings to them and look at organizations with which employ ees have a connection. It is an opportunity to involve employees in the community in a way they couldn’t or wouldn’t necessarily do personally. At first, the company thought about setting up an internal group or a separate foundation, but quickly realized they are too busy and that the learning curve would be too steep. “We looked at reporting requirements and vetting the nonprofits and asked ourselves, why not let the experts do all of that?” he says. “The ser vice the Foundation pro vides is reasonable and they made it easy for us to do something that is also fiscally smart by donating the money.” Coven sets a challenge to other successful businesses. “If you care about the community that has helped you become successful, it’s your responsibility to give back. You can’t be healthy personally without a healthy community. We’re all obligated, once our home base is taken care of, to help make the community healthy.”

Common Ground forNew Mexico Students
We celebrate the generosity of those who support New Mexico’s next generation.
The American Advertising Federation-New Mexico (AAF-NM) Scholarship Providing assistance to a deserving man and woman who intends to enter the advertising and communications field.
Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship Providing assistance to students pursuing an education and career in the field of automotive technology and/or related technical/vocational fields.
Bryan Cline Memorial Soccer Scholarship Recognizing an extraordinary graduating male and female senior at Eldorado High School playing for the varsity soccer team.
Carl F. Scott Scholarship for Tucumcari Lodge #27 A.F. & A.M. Providing assistance to New Mexico residents from Quay County to continue their post-secondary education.
Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship Scholarship for an Albuquerque High School grad uate pursuing a degree in one of the STEM majors: science, technology, engineering or mathematics.
During 2017, we awarded $143,000 to new and renewing students through the following programs:
Many of our scholarship and financial aid donors give to honor the memory of a loved one or to promote a field of study or career path that resonates with them. They are all leaving an imprint on a student’s life.

David R. Woodling Memorial Scholarship Providing assistance to students in pursuit of a certificate or degree in a metals technology program with a concentration in machine tool technology and welding.
Susie’s family and its history were important to her and made up a great part of who she was. Giving back was a part of the legacy she inherited from her parents who immigrated to Chicago and married after fleeing Nazi Austria in 1939. They both grew up with the love of music, opera, arts and their Jewish heritage. They brought that passion to Albuquerque and tried to perpetuate a Vienna lost. They treasured both their U.S. and Albuquerque citizenship and tried to repay their debt of gratitude by giving back to the community.
Susie Kubié Symphonic Music Scholarship Fund
Hospitality and Tourism Scholarship Providing assistance to students in pursuit of a degree in hospitality and tour ism in New Mexico. Sponsored by the New Mexico Hospitality Association.
James Ledwith Memorial Scholarship Recognizing students who are pursuing a “life dream” in spite of facing adversity or an extraordinary challenge in life.
Susie followed a path charted by her parents, but had a great and unique impact all her own. She has left her own mark and thanks to her, the beat goes on through her generous contribution to establish the Susie Kubié Symphonic Music Scholarship Fund to support deserving young students who have participated in the Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program and intend to pursue a college degree in music. The first recipient will be named in 2018.
Notah Begay III Scholarship Recognizing an outstanding New Mexico Native American athlete playing a varsity-level sport and demonstrating strong academic achievement.
Kiwanis Club of Albuquerque Scholarship A scholarship for graduating students with strong community service experience, strong academic records and planning a career in child development and/or teaching.
Susie Kubié loved Albuquerque. She arrived here with her brother Jim in 1950 when her parents, Kurt and Edith Kubié, came to open Kurt’s Camera Corral on Albuquerque’s old Route 66 in an area we know as Nob Hill.
Charlie & Kathy Barnhart and Ken Haynes, Jr. Manufactured Housing Association Scholarship
Providing assistance for New Mexico graduating high school seniors residing in a manufactured home.
Manuel Lujan Excellence in Education Scholarship Providing assistance for graduating seniors from 24 designated central New Mexico high schools attending a New Mexico four-year college or university.
Susie excelled at skiing and was a volunteer for the Sandia Peak Ski Patrol. She enjoyed playing tennis and volunteering for the Jewish organizations ORT and Hadassah. In her later years, she volunteered for the Assistance League of Albuquerque and was a member of the B’nai Israel Choir. After Susie’s retirement, she worked parttime in bookkeeping for her brother Jim who was then President of Kurt’s Camera Corral.
Susie was a graduate of Highland High School and the University of Colorado. She returned to the University of New Mexico to earn her Master’s degree in guidance and counseling. She had a 35-year career with the Albuquerque Public Schools, the last 25 years of which she worked at Jefferson Middle School as a counselor. She was very dedicated to and compassionate about her job and students.

To provide financial assistance to address the “gap” in financial aid packages for both graduating high school seniors and students continuing their education.
Danielle Gonzales Jared Gonzales Ryan Griego Tylee Griego Sara Gurule Eric Haocheng Li Taylor TierraCalebMatthewHayesHollyHoranHudson Jason SaminaRonaldBryanPriyankaHughesJainJaramilloJohnsonKabir STUDENT AID FUNDS
Sussman-Miller Educational Assistance Fund
Provides scholarships to deserving young students who have participated in the Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program and intend to pursue a degree in music during college. One new and/or renewing scholarship, up to $4,000 will be awarded annually.
Women in Rhetoric and Logic Scholarship
A scholarship for graduating seniors from Albuquerque high schools of exceptional promise in the fields of science and math.
Robby Baker Memorial Scholarship
Andres Cannone Nicole Castellano Robert L. Castle Arthur MayaElizabethAndrewMercedesChaconChavezChenColungaCombs-Hurtado JessicaArturoAlexandriaFuryGarciaGarciaGarcia
Providing assistance to young adults who have been in the New Mexico foster care system who want to develop a marketable skill or continue their education.
Providing assistance to individuals who are employed a minimum of 20 hours a week while attending college.
Amanda Cuaron Naudiea Davis Julia PaulinaConsepcionDeBlassieDuenezDuran Elizabeth Espindola John Fennelly Ivy VanessaMichaelHannaFernandezFitzgeraldFloydForrest Kayleigh
Woodcock Family Education Scholarship
Susie Kubié Symphonic Music Scholarship
Maia Aguino Shaina Aguirre Ruby Aidun Angela Akridge Riley Amort Jelyan Armendariz Heidi CamberArmesArnhart
Barbara Thrythall with recipient
Robert J. Baca Jr. Jacali CharisaDarleneCarlyBethanyBrittanyBaezaBaheBauerBeckerBegayBell
Supporting exceptional female students on the debate team at the Albuquerque Academy who are academically successful.
Sarah JanaiKarleneJoshuaKayleeJadeKathrynBiggertBowenBoylanBruhnBurnsCalavazaCampos
Trythall Family Scholarship for Excellence in Continuing Education
Rae Lee Siporin Scholarship for Women This scholarship awards those remarkable women who are continuing or returning to college/university for their first undergraduate degree and need financial assistance for their senior year.
Youth in Foster Care Scholarship
& Duane
Providing assistance to a La Cueva High School graduating senior who has a language learning or other reading disability.

Prachi KalandraRoanBrendenKayceeStephenVincentKholwadwalaKolanderLambrosLeaseLeeLee-PlunketLong
Randy Zhang Kourtney Zimmerly
Joshua Rodriguez Maria Rodriguez Luna KimberlyRodriquezRogge-Obando
Annette Ross Olivia ReaganRuizRunyan Maria
Arjun Tandon Jacob Teaney Adriana Torrez Marco MattheuTorrezTracy-Thompson Brittany Trejo Meagen Twyeffort Camille Valdez Dimitri C. Valdez DeShawn Vaughan Kayra
Lopez Gabriel Marez Madison Marino Evan Martinez Jacqueline Martinez Michaela Martinez Mohammad Siar Mohammad Omer Adam Noel Holly Olivarez Brandon Ortiz Angelica Padilla Emily Peck Katia Perez-Fuentes Trestin Peterson Susie NamTran Minh Pham Josephine Phillips Anthony Pioche-Lee Stacey SirenaNainikaRamirezRavichandranRay Alice Rees 2017

Success can be defined in many ways, for Priyanka Jain ...
Success can be defined in many ways. For Priyanka Jain, Foundation scholarship alumna, she defines success as improving the lives of others, one day at a time. As a 2016 Woodcock Family Education Scholarship recipient, Priyanka attends the University of Notre Dame pursuing a degree in Chemical Engineering. After graduation, she plans on attending medical school to become an orthopedic surgeon.
Throughout her studies, Priyanka has been working on several projects at the University of Notre Dame, from the design of a new battery to eliminate blackouts in California to researching a new antibiotic to help fight antibodies of those who are sick. Not only is Priyanka proud of her Albuquerque roots, she is also grateful for the support of her community. A graduate of La Cueva High School, Priyanka’s scholarship from the Foundation has supported her life dream to attend a private institution with an amazing engineering program. In 2016, Priyanka was a finalist of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair hosted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which earned her the honor of having a minor planet named after her. Creating common ground is a central focus of Priyanka’s studies – her passion is to give back to society. Priyanka volunteered this past summer at a hospital in Peru. During her ten-week stint, she educated local parents and children about the importance of dental hygiene and eating healthy.
Priyanka believes it can be difficult to move forward without acknowledging those who have supported her – those who have made her who she is today. Her strong desire to support the Albuquerque community after graduation is important to her as are her plans to improve the health of others through science and technology. Not only is the Foundation proud to have Priyanka as part of the sch alumni roster, but her success will bring New Mexico and Albuquerque to the forefront. Keep your eye out for this girl wonder – she is already changing the world.


The Ray Zimmer Heritage Society, named in honor of one of the Foundation’s founders and its first Board President, is designed to make Albuquerque a place of stronger partnerships for future generations. The Heritage Society truly rep resents our people, working to accomplish shared goals. It recognizes donors whose far-sighted generosity will benefit future generations through deferred gifts and estate plans. These individuals have committed to the future of our commu nity by naming the Albuquerque Community Foundation in their wills, qualified retirement plans, life insurance policies, trusts or other instruments.
Ms. JoAnn Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Rex Allender Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Andes
* Josephine Atkinson *Ms. Ann C. Bailey Mr. Ron Beauchamp & Ms. Cecilia Navarrete Mr. C. David Bedford Beverly & Perry Bendicksen Ms. Nancy M. Berg Mrs. Fran Berglund * Ralph Berkowitz Mr. & Ms. Bernie Bernard Mr. & Mrs. Wes A. Bigney III
* Don Blaugrund Ms. Claudia Bloom James & Diane Bonnell * Robert C. Boule Mrs. Joan Bowen Susanne B. Brown * Roy Lee Cain *Ms. Gwen Cameron Mr. & Mrs. Donald Carnicom *Ms. Peggy Cavett-Walden *Gordon M. Church * Zack & Laura Clem * Robert & Barbara Clemmensen Trust * Walter & Shelley Cohen Mr. Kenneth L. Conwell II Mr. James L. Cook & Ms. Roberta J. Buell * David & Martha Cooper Kelli & Kevin Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cotruzzola Mr. Warren B. Cox & Dr. Sue Forster-Cox *Mrs. Sue M. Daulton * Frances Joy Dazzo *Henry C. Dennis & Sarah B. Dennis
* Sally Denzer * William & Lillian Dolde Ms. Gale Williams Doyel & Mr. Gary K. Moore
* Minnie Condrey Gooch Hall Ms. Jeanne Grealish Mrs. Ginger Grossetete
34 continued
Anonymous (10) Mr. & Mrs. Ron Abramshe Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ackerman
Acknowledging Society members is our simple way of recognizing future benevolence.
*Ms. Sylvia Ferguson Ms. Nina Forrest Mr. & Mrs. Howard Friedman Ms. Nancy Furbush Mrs. Mildred Gauntt Hall Ms. Sarah M. Geiger Terri Giron-Gordon & Gary Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Donald Goldfarb
Ms. Lauri Ebel Mr. & Mrs. William E. Ebel * Dr. & Mrs. Sterling Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eitzen Mr. & Mrs. David Emin Ian Esquibel Ms. Nada Fahnestock

* Lucy Ann Warner * Nathan Wineberg * Woody & Dixie Woodcock Ms. Diane K. Yanney
*Mr. Robert J. Stamm Andrea Sterling Ms. Sally Storrs Mrs. Marilyn Strauss Drs. David & Cynthia Stuart * Rev. A.W. Tarbell Jim Templeton * Frederick D. & Jeanne M. Trauger Mrs. Valerie Trujillo Mr. Bob Turner Ms. Karin Urban * Mrs. Mary S. Utsinger Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Vanlandingham Mrs. Betty Vortman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vosburgh * Nellita Walker Ms. Debbie Walters
* Shirley Sussman Spiewak
David H. Zeuch & Nena Joy Almodovar Mr. & Mrs. Ray Zimmer
Mr. Howard W. Henry Mr. Kreg Hill * Daniel & Marian Frances Smith Hooks Dr. & Mrs. Paul Hopkins * Mrs. Keziah S. Hoyt * Mrs. Molly Huber *Mrs. Alice P. Irvin Jane Jones * Robert W. Kaufmann Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kleweno * Leona Kohlhaas Mr. Bryan Konefsky * Edith & Kurt Kubie
* T.J. & Mary Ray Sivley Ms. Myrna Smyer & Mr. Carlton Canady Mr. & Mrs. William Snead
* Carl F. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Seeley
*Ms. Susan Kubié Ms. Shirley Lambert * John F. & Mae Lark Ms. Amy Legant * Anne Little Mr. Robert Loughridge Ms. Ann Lucero Kathleen “Nats” Lunde Dr. Gloria & Mr. Robert Mallory
*Mr. William F. Mann Mr. & Mrs. Paul Marianetti Ms. Jean Marshall * Mr. & Mrs. John C. Marshall *Ms. Patricia L. McDonald * Maynard Miller Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Miller *Mr. Marion Lee Miller * Goldina Moise Fine Estate Steven K. & Beth M. Moise Dr. Frank & Dr. Dianna Montoya Ron & Mary Moya Mrs. Mary W. Nuñez Kathy Oakley & Doug Edgar Mr. David Oberg * George Clayton Pearl Ms. Laree E. Perez Mrs. Mary Poole
*Ms. Reba Price * Leon Ramo, MD *Mrs. Nancy Anderson Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ruppert * Betty Virginia Rynd * Jane P. Sandoval * June D. Schutzberger *remembered
Working together with the Foundation, volunteers assisted in making decisions about the competitive grant and student aid programs in 2017, standing with us on the common ground of philanthropy in Albuquerque. As in years past, they contributed hundreds of hours of their precious time, bringing their unique knowledge and genuine enthusiasm to the often-grueling process of reviewing many more requests from both nonprofit organizations and students than could be funded. For the third year, live pitches from grant applicants afforded volunteers the opportunity to ask and answer questions. As always, everyone’s generous hearts and honest intentions to do good for the community shone through. The Foundation hosted multiple separate volunteer advisory committees to review requests for funding and make recommendations to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.
Abbott Jon Abeyta Catherine Allen Gabriel Amador Madonna Analla Tom Antram Paul Arellano Karen Baker Karen
Linda Ledwith John Ledwith Oscar AdrianoLermaLujan Doug SandyGabeSaraDanHannahMajewskiMcGrewMendelsohnMotaMounceMwei Cecilia Navarrete Jim Nelson Ann Nelson John Nguyen Vi Nguyen Bill ZuziaKathyNolandNunnOlszowka Van Overton Gina GerryPiechPiech Tim Price Brian Rashap Veronica Reyes Robert JonathanRoarkRoepcke Tsailii Rogers Jenifer Romero Rick Roybal Ethan Rule William RaeJulieMichaelaShylaDeAnnJonathanAnneAnnieJessicaRhiannonSailingSamuelSanchezSanchezSaponSchaumbergSenaO’ConnorSheppardShirleySilvermanSiporin
Camacho-Lopez Claire Canfield Joe Cardillo Eddie Castoria Stella KellySueAndreMichaelWendyEmilieKelliDeanJoannaChanColangeloCooperCooperDeAngelisDeetzDexterDurhamEubankFamiglietta
CindyDr.SuzanneKeriMeaghanSpeegleSternStevensonStrongDavidStuartStuart Eddie Thomas Dena
Rebecca Harrington Lorenzo Herman Denny Hill Pam
Katja Fitz JohnVinceGabrielaGallowayGómezGonzalesGrassham KevinHalleeMichelleSaraJimChrisHurd-KniefJaramilloKeithKellerKellsKellsLedwith
Public-Pueblo Partnership: Placitas Wild
The Foundation made its first grant to Placitas WILD in support of a groundbreaking publicpueblo partnership. This unique collaboration between a public nonprofit organization and the San Felipe Pueblo strives to protect wild horses in the Placitas community from danger, while providing economic opportunities for the San Felipe Pueblo as its members work to safely maintain the heath of the horses. In working with the community to protect the horses, the San Felipe Pueblo has also recognized the possibility of growing a sustainable green industry for tribal members. Placitas WILD employs members of the San Felipe Pueblo to care for the animals, with the San Felipe Land Management Department even sending staff to the University of Wyoming to learn methods of humanely and safely managing the herd. As the partnership evolves, Placitas WILD and the Pueblo envision an opportunity where guests and tourists can visit the preserve to learn about the native land and the importance of preserving the animals and culture that exist within Albuquerque’s pueblo communities.

As always, we are better together.
The Social Giving Club creates common ground by solving community challenges and working collaboratively with like-minded, philanthropic individuals. In its first two years, the Social Giving Club has made important grants to two innovative nonprofit organizations. As a result, members have collectively impacted the community.
Social Giving Club
In 2017, the Social Giving Club made its annual grant of $25,000 to St. Martin’s HopeFound, whose goal is to rapidly re-house families with children, paying rent for up to six months and providing intensive case management to help them pay their own rent within six months. Similar programs across the country consistently demonstrate an 85-90% success rate.

Sanjay Engineer Glenn Fellows & Patricia Hancock Shirley Fite Nina Forrest Mr. & Mrs. John Grassham Ted & Cristina Grumblatt Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Harms John & Kim Helm Carol Hinton Pam Hurd-Knief & Dr. Ron Knief
In its first year, HopeFound aims to serve 50 families. St. Martin’s HopeWorks has partnered with the State of New Mexico’s Department of Vocational Rehabilitation and will place an em phasis on job development and assistance with an array of employment services for families participating in HopeFound.
Mr. & Mrs. Lennard McMillan Leslie E. Neal Mr. & Mrs. Will Raskob Michael & Jennifer Riordan Jeff & Peggy Roberts Anne & Ken Sapon
Julie SuzanneMargaretSilvermanE.SmithStrong
Jane Jones Mr. & Mrs. Steve Keene Mr. & Mrs. Terry Keene Ed Lopez & Tara Camacho-Lopez
Christopher Boone & Jennifer L. Anderson
2017 Members Cris & Ken Abbott Shalini Shanker & Abinash Achrekar Marsha Adams Rohini Arter Alena & Jeff Bard Karen & Chris Bard Emily & Mark Benak
Carol Jakowatz
Judy Mr.KarenLoveLovelady&Mrs.Thomas D. Maddux Maureen & Steve Martinick
Corinne Thevenet Rogan & Laurie Thompson Chaoming Ting & Mr. David Martinez Debbie Walters Susan Wilson
Lynn M. Johnson & Fritz R. Eberle
Jessica Bridwell Sandy KennethBuffettL.Conwell II Kelli & Kevin Cooper Mike DebbieDexter&David Dozier

FUTURE FUN D of the albuquer que c ommunity fo undation FF
Future Fund
Future Fund is a collaborative giving circle comprised of young leaders from various sectors who share the love of philanthropy and community engagement. Every member (or couple) contributes $200 annually to support worthy causes. Future Fund celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2017. In addition to granting $19,000 to local nonprofits, the group hosted several one-of-a-kind social events and volunteer activities. In 2017, Future Fund focused on strengthening community partnerships with other young professional groups, such as Young Professionals of Albuquerque, Albuquerque Involved, Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of NM and UNM Young Alumni. Future Fund, along with these groups, co-hosted a lip sync competition at Marble Brewery and awarded a $1,000 grant check to the winner’s nonprofit of choice. Members also partnered with Albuquerque Involved to serve lunch to those in need at The Rock at NoonDay.
Grant Committee Co-Chairs, Rebecca Lujan & Skyler Wildenstein

Explora To provide 30 paid internships a year for lowincome, culturally diverse high school students. ($5,790)
2017MICRO-GRANTSFROMGRANTSANNUALGRANTNIGHT:AWARDEDATEVENTS:$1,000HorizonsAlbuquerqueatMarbleMouth Off $1,000 Big Brothers Big Sisters $1,000 TenderLove Community Center $1,000 Saranam
Best Buddies New Mexico To secure jobs for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, allowing them to earn an income, pay taxes, and continuously and independently support themselves. ($10,000)

Annemarie C. Henton Christina Herrera Furst & Brandon Furst Jennifer & Jordan Herrington Scott Hindman & Meaghan Stern
42 2017 Members Shane Acuff & Erin Murphy MaDonna Analla Amanda Aragon Paul Arellano & Cindy Chavez* Terri Nikole Baca Zach
Rebekah Preston Andre Durham & Katja Fitz Ray Ely Ian & Katie* Esquibel Teala & Michael Farrington Allie Federici Cole & Kelcy Flanagan Jack BillyNickJenniferLisaGabrielaAmandaVictorKristinNicholasFlickerGanjeiGarcia&MiaGarciaGianniniGómez&RyanGoodmanGordonGordon&AnnaMallory&Rachel*Gupton
Justin & Lauren Hyde Christopher Jaramillo* Chris & Brandy Jiron Rachel* & Andrew Johannsen Dan Kammler & Vivian Guzman Sara Keller Justin & Monica Kimbrough Chauna & Tyler King Aaron Kraft* & Monear Makvandi Seema Katiyar LaGree & Brooks LaGree Adelle Lees & Oskar Sajka Parker R. Leyendecker & Brittany Yocom Damian Libutti Derek Lin Amy* & David Liotta Virginia Loman Larissa RebeccaChristinaLozanoM.LujanLujan* Amanda Marquez Mo Marwan Jill McGuire Erin Muffoletto Matt & Nikki Mulligan Denise N. Nava Hallee & John Nguyen David “Ben” Nolte Katie Ogawa & George Douglas Maureen O’Leary & Mike Buck* Mitchel Olson John Michael & MacKenzie Ordorica Anthony Ortiz Justin SandraOwensPalomares & Brandon Vermillion Amanda & Yiannaki Pavlakos Lacee SerenaPeloquin&Xavier Pettes Leslie MarshallPhinneyQuam Matt & Kathryn Richards Adam Rios Kendall Rogers & Shilpa Reddy Jaymie MoniqueRoybal&Manny Rubio Rhiannon & Adan Samuel *Board Member
Melissa & Nicholas Callas Helena Campion Rathi & Ben Casey Israel Chavez Paul CoreyAdamChavezCiepielaCooper Thomas Cooper & Celeste Ranken Farah Council Katherine Cox Dea & Matt Crichton Katherine & Benjamin Davidson Sue Doucett Joy A.JessicaNicoleDowDozierDuncanBlairDunn&
JulieMatthewMaralynBakerBeckBernabeBernard&Lester Rodriguez Danelle LindsayAndrewShawnaVincentSavannaBrennanBridgwater&SvetlanaBrothersBrown*&JessicaBundyN.Burkhard
Mariah Harrison & Aaron McCrea Sarah Hendrickson
43 Anna & Gabriel Sanchez Jessica Sanchez Sofia Sanchez Vince StephanieSandovalSantillanes & Marcus Garcia Christopher Schroeder & Crystal Avila Eric & Cynthia Schultz Danielle Silva David & Shelley Silverman Brett & Morgan Smith Tiffany & Justin Smyth Jasmine & Aaron Stromberg David Stroud & Matt Sandoval Sean AlexandriaSullivanTavarez & Tyson Hafler Karie Taylor & Mike Montanez Trisha Terhar & Mary Lacy Kellie* & Charlie Tomlin Sonya B. Torrez Tri Trinh Taylor Trodden & Sal Gonzales Daniel O. Trujillo Richelle Urenda Lori Anne & Ron Vanaman John SeleneVaroz*Vences-Ortiz & Nora Vences Mitch Vigil & Camaree Vigil Lorilynn Violanta* José DathanViramontes*&Jessica Weems Clint Skyler*MelodyWellsWells&Brittany Wildenstein MEMBERSFUTUREFUND Volunteering at the Rock at NoonDay

Concours du Soleil, an annual fundraising event organized by the Foundation and five local business men called the “Cinco Amigos” celebrated the 11th annual Concours du Soleil in September. The Cinco Amigos joined other philanthropists to support economic development, job growth and entrepreneurship during this event.
The 2017 Gala theme, Moonlight and Motorcars at the Oasis, showcased pristine automobiles from classic to exotic, nestled in an evening surrounded with intriguing oasis treasures. All while raising funds to support worthy causes. This year’s gala and crowdfunding netted $190,000.
MartinSOLEILLuther Support Grants:
Desert Forge Foundation helps combat veterans find hope, strength, restoration and employment. Of an estimated 60,000 unemployed New Mexicans, 7,500 are veterans. Desert Forge Foundation helps to meet the employment needs of veterans through its Warrior Farmer Project, providing training and meaningful employment to veterans on three work ing farms in the Atrisco area of Albuquerque. Vet erans engage in food localization, a training and employment program in traditional farming and hydroponic greenhouse food production and learn techniques for leveraging renewable energy as a
King Indoor Track Meet $2,500 Keshet Ideas and Innovation Community Program $2,000 UNM Formula SAE Program – Lobo Motorsports $10,000 UNM Foundation for Law School Scholarships $18,600 Albuquerque Community Foundation $25,000 Desert Forge Foundation $60,000 Teen Start-Up Weekend – Bosque School $2,000 EntrepreneurshipGrants Desert Forge Foundation Other 2017
Concours du Soleil also hosts Rally du Soleil as part of its fundraising efforts to support economic development. This all-inclusive event offers luxury accommodations and gourmet meals across some of the most stunning and least-traveled roads across northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. The event undoubtedly paved the way for a new tradition to celebrate pre-1973 vintage and exotic automobiles across New Mexico.


Jan Augenstein was from Hamilton, Ohio. She had dyslexia, and though educational approaches to treat dyslexia in the 1950s were limited, she was determined to succeed. She excelled academically at Miami University, and continued to pursue music as a coloratura soprano. Jan sang in the Miami University Men’s Glee Club, becoming the only female ever to go on tour with them at the time. After college, she moved to San Francisco to teach elementary school, returning to Miami University to complete her own Master’s degree in student counseling. In 1970, Jan met Lee at Miami University, where he was a professor of German, on a blind date arranged by mutual friends. One date turned into a whirlwind romance and marriage just two months after their meeting. On the day of their wedding, Lee and Jan went off in separate directions to continue their educations – Lee to the University of Kansas to defend his doctoral thesis, and Jan to Italy as part of an opera workshop. Months later, they returned to Ohio to begin married life Followingtogether.their retirements in 1994, both from Miami University (she eventually became Development Director), they moved to Albuquer que, enchanted by the blue sky and abundant sunshine. They enjoyed traveling together, visiting 110 countries and all seven continents over the next 25 years. Both were active in Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church and volunteered with several charities, sharing their energy and insights and community spirit. Jan was also a volunteer in the Fine Arts Department at UNM, and Steelbridge and community fund to help single mothers in need. Jan died in 2013. After her death, Lee remained active and involved in the community until he passed last year –ever interested, curious and always with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. The Jan Augenstein-Miller and Marion Lee Miller Fund continues the legacy begun during their lifetimes by supporting grants to nonprofit organizations to provide food and shelter for homeless women and children and programs to assist battered and abused women and children. Miller Fund Continuing a Legacy of Philanthropy
Family stories of Marion Lee Miller tell of a happy, industrious, curious and occasionally mischievous boy. He became interested in German after reading German grammar books in Lebanon, Ohio, despite the social un ease after World War II. His high school English teacher encouraged his study, and eventually he received both undergraduate and Master’s degrees in German Language and Literature from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Despite his proficiency in German, when Lee joined the Air Force in 1956, the military put him in flight school. Chronically air sick, he was assigned to the next logical place – Japan as part of the Military Police. Throughout his life, he was interested in people, regardless of origin or opinion, taking pictures wherever he went.

Sue spent her early childhood in Rogers, Arkansas. Her family moved to Albuquerque in 1938. With the exception of a year at Christian College in Missouri, she spent the rest of her life in Albuquerque. She graduated from Albuquerque High in 1943, and after her year away, studied at the University of New Mexico where she was an Alpha Chi Omega. There she met Paul Daulton, whom she married in December of 1946, shortly after he returned from serving in the south Pacific with the U.S. Navy.
Sue passed away in 2017, adding significantly to the Daulton Family Fund in her will. This legacy will ensure that the community organizations and institutions she and Paul supported during their lifetimes will continue.
Paul and Sue’s son, Tom, continues to participate in his family’s charitable giving and vol unteers for many UNM Alumni activities. Tom and his wife Jan have three children of their own, Neal, Mary Cole and Carter. Paul and Sue balanced their work ethic by playing just as hard. They were founding members of the Tennis Club of Albuquerque, loved to golf and visit their cabin in Pendaries. Both were passionate followers of Lobo athletics, holding football and basketball season tickets beginning in the early 1960s. Sue regretfully gave up her basketball season tickets after the 2015 season. In her later years, Sue loved bridge, and routinely beat Tom at gin rummy. And her grandchildren would like to point out that she held the house record on the pinball machine. Sue was also passionate about supporting UNM’s College of Nursing and was recognized at their 60th anniversary as a special friend.
At the time, she said, “I am very fortunate to be able to contribute financial help to the programs that have made a positive difference in our community.” Paul and Sue Daulton shared more than 60 years together nurturing their family, growing their business and building philanthropy in New Mexico. Their story is one of caring and sharing com mon ground with their community. The Daulton family, along with Sue’s brother John C. Marshall and his wife, were partners and owners of the 7Up Bottling Company in Albu querque for many years, building the business significantly before selling it in 1980.
When Paul Daulton passed away in 2007, his wife Sue continued the family’s philanthropic legacy by generously giving to a number of organizations – UNM football and basketball, the UNM College of Nursing, a number of UNM Presidential Scholarships, the Central United Methodist Church and the New Mexico Boys Ranch, among many others. In 2008, she established The Daulton Family Foundation Endowment Fund to honor her husband and benefit the important causes that mattered to them both.

In advance of his 90th birthday this year, Dick reached out with a request. He wanted to know about any new early childhood education programs in Albuquerque. In honor of his birthday, Dick sought to make a meaningful grant to help children start on the right path in their education – acknowledging that early childhood education offers stability and positions children for long-term success in various aspects of life.
Dick wound up making a grant to Partnership for Community Action (PCA), an organization that works primarily with families with young children between 0 and 8 years old. Of the families PCA directly serves, 90% are His pano/Latino, approximately 87% are immigrant families and speak Spanish as their primary language.
Dick follows each organization’s progress by attending update meetings to hear about their results. “The need for early child hood education may have started in private hands, but it has expanded to public organizations like state and national legislatures. That’s one of the benefits of publicizing what a private organization can do to influence a public one. That’s the role of a community foundation as well, they publicize and promote. And the Albuquerque Community Foundation does a good job with that.”
Dick is supporting the Social Enterprise Center, the next phase in PCA’s growth. The Center will benefit vulnerable children and families in the South Valley by providing over 50 living wage jobs with benefits and dual-generation support services on a family-friendly jobs campus. The Center will also include a 3,000 sq. ft. family resource center providing holistic and family-centered approaches to root causes of poverty in the community. Two additional commercial buildings will house employee-owned business enterprises including a dual-language early childhood development center and training space.
Richard “Dick” Kirschner has had a deep interest in early childhood education since the late 1960s, sparked by his company’s national evaluation of a pioneering program in that field: Head Start.
The Kirschner Family Fund established by Richard Kirschner and Mary Oertel-Kirschner, in 2016, continues Dick’s support of early childhood education.
Dick made a second grant to Horizons Albuquerque to support its work with low-income students and their families in summer programs to mitigate learning loss outside the school year.
“That project got me interested in the impact of early childhood education. I saw that the earlier the intervention, the greater the impact,” he says. “Now there is a general recognition of the value of investing in early childhood education. I’ve talked in the past with the State Legislature about it, and they seem to support it, too. That’s wonderful.”
Kirschner Family Fund 48

Now in its second year, the Foundation’s Impact Investing Committee continues to pursue local investments that support programs to: • Stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives and economic development • Improve the lives of low income people through the creation and retention of jobs offering living wages and benefits • Provide access to affordable capital • Offer affordable housing • Provide quality education • Enhance the quality of life in the Greater Albuquerque Area The Foundation’s second two impact investments were made this year:
Homewise, a nonprofit organization focused on first time home ownership pur chased the Orpheum Theatre Building on Second Street and Coal in Downtown Albuquerque. A low interest loan from the Foundation supported renovations to revitalize the building to include a community classroom/performance space, artist studios, apartments, gallery space and the Homewise Albuquerque home ownership headquarters. The Foundation’s Impact Investment Committee found this project to be an important piece of Downtown revitalization.
An early stage fund making investments return sciences in New Mexico.
in high
opportunities in health care and life
Orpheum Theatre 2017 49

Barbara Purcell-Garcia P. Griffin Mallory Paul and Patti K. Moise & Diane Harrison
Marianetti Ina Miller Steven
Ogawa 2017 Honoree - Greater Albuquerque Association of Realtors (GAAR) Past recipients: George Pearl Mary RobertaPooleCooper Ramo John L. (Jack) Rust Bob JaneStammandDoug Swift Larry Willard Ray Zimmer Founder’s Award AWARDS
Lang Gloria
This award honors those who have been major supporters of the Foundation and have made significant differences in the community through their charitable work and monetary contributions. In celebration of their 90th Anniversary, the Board of Directors of GAAR established a fund with $90,000 and a long-term dream of growing the fund to $1 million by their 100th anniversary in 2021. Thanks to the generosity of members and some excellent endowment returns, GAAR met their $1million dollar goal this year, four years ahead of time.
Allender The Clinton P. Anderson Family The Emanuel Blaugrund Family Lee YeiSusanneDouglasBlaugrundM.BrownB.BrownGorham&theGorham Family Sheilah
Jack Holmes Calvin Horn The Junior League of Albuquerque William
GAAR exemplies the best of a professional organization recognizing the power of collective impact!
Connie and Jan Nellos Greg Ogawa

The Change Award honors community partners who are passionate about the well-being of Albuquerque. The Change Award is awarded each year to a nonprofit partner who makes an incredibly valuable difference in our community.
Judith Schrandt, Attorney at Law Ken Leach, Esq., Kenneth C. Leach & Associates
2017 Honoree - Gaelle McConnell of Firm
Karen Navarro, St. Martin’s Hospitality Center
Katrina Owensby, New Life Homes Natan Patel, Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless Chandler Smith-Stetson, Albuquerque Heading Home Randi Malach, Abrazos Family Support Services
Tom Blueher, Esq., Hurley Toevs Hamblin Styles & Panter, PA
Jahaan Martin, Breast Cancer Resource Center
Vickie R. Wilcox, JD, LLM, Vickie R. Wilcox, P.C.
McConnell Law
2017 Honoree - Christian “Xian” Bass Community Capacity Builder
UNM Community Engagement Center
John Laughlin, Esq., Laflin, Pick & Heer, P.A.
Lydia Vandiver, Albuquerque SANE
Past Recipients: Past recipients: Change Award Charitable Gift Planning Award Future Fund Young Leader Award
Hank Kelly, Sutin Thayer & Browne Nell Graham Sale, Pregenzer, Baysinger, Wideman & Sale Loral Butler, NM Bank and Trust Mark Humphrey, Merrill Lynch
2017 Honoree - Michelle Pino,
The Foundation is fortunate to work with a number of outstanding professional advisors each year. To honor them, the Excellence in Charitable Gift Planning Award was established. The award recognizes professionals who have promoted charitable giving and offered creative gift and estate planning options to their clients in furtherance of philanthropy through the Foundation.
The inaugural year for this award honoring an individual under 40 who has made outstanding strides in contributing to future generations.
Barrett Foundation
AndyCollaborativeNajar,Catholic Charities
Carmel Merryman, Precious Gifts Foundation

Our donors have different motivations in establishing their funds. Some want to give back to organizations that have helped them — others want to memorialize a loved one or create an income stream for a cause that’s close to their heart. Others want to educate, to create or to help cultivate a passion. The Foundation assists donors in meeting their goals, whether they seek to support multiple organizations, donate anonymously or simply share in the joy of giving back to this terrific place we call home.
Albuquerque Community Foundation – in memory of Frank Love - Mrs. Judy Love Glenwood Impact Fund Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Strohacker
Anonymous Davis-Kozoll Village of Cuba Fund Dr. Richard Kozoll & Dr. Sally Davis Frank & Judy Love Impact Fund
John & Kathleen Avila Family Endowment Fund Kathleen & John Avila Lee & Jan Miller Fund Estate of Marion Lee Miller NDB & CEB Fund Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Blaugrund Philip’s Family Fund Ms. Gail Robin Seydel Royce Family Fund Mr. Stephen Royce Susie Kubié Symphonic Music Scholarship Estate of Susie Kubié Vitality Works Endowment Vitality Works
Each of our endowment funds is customized to meet the donor’s philanthropic goals and the needs of the Albuquerque community. We work as partners with donors to help them meet their charitable goals, as well as to receive tax benefits without administrative responsibilities. Funds can be established by individuals, families, businesses or organizations.
Funds Established in 2017
Following is a list of the Foundation’s funds. Fund names are listed in bold type, contributors to funds are listed in light type.

Funds Established
Albuquerque Community Foundation Economic & DevelopmentWorkforce Fund 2014 Mrs. Francine Cogen Lisa Crawley & Julie Cason Mr. & Mrs. Howard Friedman
Albuquerque Community Foundation Impact Fund 1984 Becket Family Foundation Mrs. Francine Cogen Ms. Nina Forrest Mr. & Mrs. John Niederhaus – in honor of Hallee Kells & John Nguyen’s wedding Ellen Raimer Mr. Grant Scott
Bryan Cline Memorial Soccer Scholarship Fund 1987 Carl David Bedford Fund for People in Need 2003 Carl F. Scott Scholarship Fund for Tucumcari Lodge #27 A.F. & A.M. 2005
Albuquerque Community Foundation Arts & Culture Fund 1984 Anonymous The Benevity Community Impact Fund Mrs. Francine Cogen Ms. Mary C. Nelson – in memory of Betty Sabo
Albuquerque Community Foundation Health Fund 2015
Albuquerque Monthly/Coronado Center Fund 1984 Albuquerque New Car & Truck Dealers Fund 1986 American Home Fund 1986 Anand Fund 2004 CarlAnonymous&Linda Alongi Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship Fund 2010 Albuquerque Community Foundation - in memory of Gerry Piech Mr. & Mrs. Jim Thompson – in memory Gerry Piech Ann & Russell Rhoades Fund 2006 Anne B. Little Fund for Aid to Senior Citizens 2003 Anne B. Little Fund for Education 2003 Anne B. Little Fund for Health 2003 APS Fine Arts Enhancement Fund 1989 Arthur H. Spiegel Family Fund 1996 Arthur J. & Naomi C. Rosenberg Charitable Fund 1997 Linda & Richard Avery Bank of Albuquerque Charitable Fund 2000 Barnes W. Rose Jr. & Eva Rose Nickol Scholarship Becky & Rudy Diaz Fund 2006 Becky & Rudy Diaz BeNicePlayFair.com Fund 2004 Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for Animals 2013 Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for Educational Opportunities for Navajo Children 2013 Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for the Betty & Luke Vortman for New Mexico Philharmonic, Inc. 2015 Betty & Luke Vortman Fund 2003 Betty & Luke Vortman Restricted Fund 2013 Blaine Ryan Kindler Memorial Education Fund 1999 Bob & Gwen Cameron Charitable Fund 2006 Estate of Gwen Cameron Mr. & Mrs. John Hamilton Bob L. Turner Family Fund 2014 Bridge Fund 2004
Albuquerque Community Foundation Children & Youth Fund 2002 Jonathan R. Parkes & Marcia Bornhurst Parkes, Ph.D. –in honor of Hannah Parkes
Mrs.AnonymousFrancine Cogen Albuquerque Community Foundation Human Services Fund 2001 Mrs. Francine Cogen Ms. Jeron Kerwin
Albuquerque Community Foundation Preservation Fund of New Mexico 1984 Lisa Crawley & Julie Cason Jennifer and Tripp Killin
Albuquerque Community Foundation Social Giving Club 2015 See page 38
Albuquerque Community Foundation Visionary Fund 2011
Prior to January 1, 2017
Albuquerque Community Foundation Emergency Action Fund 2011 Ms. Lauri Ebel
53 A. David Sandoval Fund for Music Education 2002 Aetna Life & Casualty Fund 1984
Carolyn Dooley Martinez Fund 2006 Ms. Carolyn M. Martinez
Albuquerque Community Foundation Education Fund 1984 Albuquerque Community Foundation Anonymous Donor (2) Mrs. Francine Cogen Lisa Crawley & Julie Cason

CarlAnonymous&Linda Alongi Eye Associates Gerald & Alice Rubin Memorial Foundation Fund 2005
See Page 42 Galles Chevrolet Friends of Youth Fund 1988 Garcia Automotive Group Fund 1999 Ms. Sheilah Purcell-Garcia George & Jenean Stanfield Fund 2010 George Clayton Pearl Family Fund 1993 Goodman Family Fund 2003 Gordon Church Fund 2007
Cavanaugh Young At Heart Fund 2009 Cathy & Brendan Cavanaugh In honor of Cathy’s 40th Birthday: Anonymous Joseph Carney & Terry Copeland Melissa & Aaron Frankel
First Things First Fund 2008 Anonymous Florence & Bob Stamm Fund 1986 Floyd & Patricia Wilson Fund 2001
Donald E. Carnicom & Mina L. Koym Carnicom Fund 2011 Doyel Family Fund 2005
Judith & Chuck Cadwallader – in memory of Gordon Church Gorvetzian Croker Family Fund 2010 Greg & Diane Harrison Ogawa Family Fund 2003 Dr. Greg Ogawa & Ms. Diane Harrison Ogawa
Dr. & Mrs. Sterling Edwards Family Education Fund 1994
Charles D. Ryan Memorial Fund for Education 2003
Dr. Barry & Roberta Cooper Ramo Advised Fund 2001 E. Blaugrund Family Fund 1994
David E. & Cynthia M. Stuart Fund for the Linda S. Cordell Book Award 2015 David Maccini Memorial Fund 1996 Michael Maccini & Barbara Koenig
PNM Resources Hanna/WoodfordFoundationFamilyFund 2013 Harvey Yates Education Fund 1984 HB Construction Fund 2011 HB Construction Hearst Music Education Fund 2013 HENMAR Fund 1998 Himalayan Progressive Education Fund 2009 CarlAnonymous&Linda Alongi Ms. Catherine Wilson Holocaust Memorial Fund 1988 Hopkins Campbell Family Fund 2012 Karen Hopkins & Richard Campbell Hospitality & Tourism Scholarship Fund 2015 Anderson Abruzzo International Balloon Museum Foundation Mr. Michael Delello Ms. Jean Hertzman Ms. Joani Jones NM Hospitality Association Justin & Jen Schroer
Conscience of Society Fund 1986 Cramer Family Fund 2006 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cramer Crazy Granny’s Cookie Jar 2000 Cumulus Media Fund to Expand Music Education in APS Schools 2001 Daniel & Marian Frances Smith Hooks Memorial Fund 2001 Daulton Family Foundation Fund 2008 Estate of Sue M. Daulton Dave & Mary Colton Fund for Arts & Culture 2009 Dave & Mary Colton Fund for Children & Youth 2009
Ms. Lauri Ebel Effective Families 2003
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Hubbard Dawn & Peter Lorenz Sarah Newman María Griego-Raby & Randy Royster
David & Martha Cooper Fund 1984
David R. Woodling Memorial Fund 2008 Anonymous Dazzo Family Fund for Children & Youth 2000 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Dazzo Jr. Debbie & David Dozier Fund 2014 Debbie & David Dozier Don Blaugrund LGBT Fund 2006
Ebel Family Fund for Children & Youth 1985
Mrs. Susan E. Ryan Chester French Stewart Fund 2005 Cinco Amigos Fund 2007 Robin Brule & Lonnie Talbert Concours du Soleil Jason Harrington Steve Maestas Jerry Roehl Kevin Yearout Cindy & Ken Johns Family Fund 1996 Classical Music Fund 2013 Connor Mantsch Memorial Fund 2014
Frank D. & Marie K. Gorham Fund for Classical Music 2013 Frank D. & Marie K. Gorham Fund 2001 Future Fund of Albuquerque Community Foundation 1997 Albuquerque Community Foundation –in honor of Hallee & John’s Nguyen’s Wedding
Frank & Dolores Hines Family Fund 1997 Frank & Mickey Peloso Fund 2006 Frank & Mickey Peloso Memorial Fund 2007
Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2017

Lawrence Monte, Sr. Memorial 2008 Lee Blaugrund Fund 2005 Levy Family Fund 2008 Andrea & Paul Levy Mr. Robert L. Schur Lewis O. & Leona R. Kohlhaas Fund 2000 Linda K. Estes Giraffe Award Fund 2005 Lucy Ann Warner Fund 2002 Lynn Rosner Memorial Fund 1997 Maggie’s Giving Circle 2006 Nancy Herring & Matthew Segura Nancy Klion Ms. Queue Metts Mr. & Mrs. Rob Nelson Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Pachelli Pennysmiths Sarabande HOME Maisel/Goodman Charitable Fund 2002 Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. Maisel Manuel Lujan Excellence in Education Scholarship Fund Margaret1991 & Ted Jorgensen Donor-Advised Fund 2007 Margarita Martinez Fund for Theater Arts 1988 Marie Kelly Gorham Fund for Women’s Issues 2006 Martin S. Morrison Fund 2006 Mary Stephenson Utsinger Fund for Children 2011 Mary Stephenson Utsinger Fund for Preservation 1987 Mayor’s Fund for Children 1987 Mayor’s Prize 2015 Beverly & Perry Bendicksen
Jim & Ann Nelson Student Aid Fund for Foster Youth JoAnn2007&Steve Ruppert Fund 1998 Joe & Christine Di Gregorio Fund 2006 John & Marie Marshall Fund 2004
John F. & Mae M. Lark Fund in Honor of Franklin & Bernice Jones 1994 John P. & Terri Salazar Fund 2013 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Salazar
Mr. Allen Lewis & Ms. Carla Aragón
55 Howard W. & Zona Ehret Henry Fund for the Performing Arts 2010 Hueter Bass Family Fund 2000 Infinite Gesture Fund 2016 Jack & Donna Rust Family Fund 1996 Jack Grevey Memorial Fund 2005
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Harms Independent Community Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Maestas New Mexico Gas Company
King Family Fund 2006 Mr. & Mrs. Jim King Kirschner Family Fund 2014 Mr. Richard Kirschner & Mrs. Mary Oertel-Kirschner Kiwanis Club of Albuquerque Scholarship Fund 1996 Kubie Family Fund for Classical Music 2013 Kurt & Edith Kubié Family Human Services Fund 2013 Kurt & Edith Kubié Family Impact Fund 2007 Lanting Shibuya Fund 2012 Lasso the Moon Fund 2016
Tony Trujillo and Ann Saiz-Trujillo Yearout Companies Mediation Fund 1989 Mesa Del Sol Education Fund 2008 Mesa Del Sol Michael Henningsen Youth Fund 2014 Ms.AnonymousVivianAustin
Jackie A. Fallis Fund 2007 James Ledwith Memorial Scholarship Fund 2011 Ms. Jessica Albert Ms. Kimberly Ayres Ms. Nanci Beckes Ms. Suzanne Husby Ms. Heather Kraemer Mr. Kevin Ledwith Mr. & Mrs. Nick W. Melloy Ms. Anne Marie Murphy Mr. Alan Parker
The Roehl Law Firm, P.C. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Stern
Dion’s Pizza
Ms. Sharon James Robin Laben Lake Research Partners, Inc. Ms. Susan Martin Ms. Glenda Miller Ms. Randi Morgan Suana L. Nicholson Ms. Danette K. Townsend Ms. Bonny Vallo Minnie Gooch Hall Charitable Fund 2007 Molly R. Huber Fund 2007 Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Galles, Jr. Arts & Culture Fund 1985 Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Galles, Jr. Fund 1986
Johnnie Mae Tate Memorial Fund 2006 Jolly Family Foundation 2011 Mr. David Jolly Jorgensen Family Fund 2007 June D. Schutzberger Fund 2014 Junior League of Albuquerque Charitable Fund 1984 Junior League of Albuquerque Kate Nanlohy in Memory of Charles Marko 2009 Kelli & Kevin Cooper Family Fund 2006 Kelli & Kevin Cooper Kevin & Lian Yearout Family Fund 2009 Killin Fund 2002 Kim & Steve Nunley Acorn Fund 2008
Jane & Doug Swift Fund for Art & Education 1997 Mr. & Mrs. David Swift – in honor of Jane’s 88th Birthday Mrs. Jane Swift Jane P. Sandoval Fund for Fossil Preparation 2002 Jeanne M. Trauger Memorial Homecare Fund 2009
Mary R. Fanning Ms. Cathy Fernandez Ms. Carol Flynn Ms. Evyenia & Katerina Gianopoulos Barbara & Robert Gorham Mr. Martin Grummer & Ms. Marilyn Kelly Tom & Jill Johns Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Johnson
Joanna & Jeff Rhodes Anne & Duane Roberts María Griego-Raby & Randy Royster Barbara Schultz Claudia & Ron Short Lucy Crane & Don Smith Ms. Jeanne M. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Stan Stark Sysco Food Services of New Mexico, LLC Jan & Peter Tras
56 Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Fund 1994 Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Health Fund 1994 Nancy Anderson Roberts Arts & Culture Fund 1983 Nancy Anderson Roberts Fund 1983 Nancy Thompson Harris Memorial Fund 1997 Nathan Wineberg for Senior Centers 2006 Nellita E. Walker Fund 1997 New England Fund 1990 New Mexico Heart Institute Foundation Fund 2001 New Mexico Human Rights Education Coalition 2014 New Mexico Manufactured Housing Association Scholarship Fund 1996 Mr. & Ms. Rick Cochrane Mr. & Mrs. Mark Duran Ken Haynes Jr. Mr. Timothy Monaco Mr. & Ms. Matthew Nino New Mexico Manufactured Housing Association Mr. & Ms. Doug Ottersberg Mr. Max Schroeder Mr. R. Dean Stalcup & Ms. J.L. Morgan Mr. Chris Starace Mr. & Ms. Eddie Thomas Ngala Memorial Fund to Assist Musicians with Medical Care 2014 Ms. Lynne Dorrall Ms. Sandy Gold Ms. Allison M. Harris Mr. David Harris Nicholas C. Nellos Memorial Fund for At-Risk Children 2002 Anonymous Al’s Gals LLC Eric & Angie Alwin Jane A. Alwin Mr. & Mrs. Albert Arrigoni Mr. James Asperger James Barbour & Margaret Davidson Ms. Suzanne M. Barker Thomas & Laurie Barrow
Mr. Nick ValsalaGuadalupe-Institute.orgKapnisonKoshy&Koshy Kochukoshy Skip Drinkard & Ann Lerner Mr. Allen Lewis & Ms. Carla Aragón Mr. & Mrs. Terry Linton Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. MacFarlane Rita & Robert Maguire Gary & Thoula Mallory Ms. Tamara Maloof John & Patsy Mosman George Nellos Ernie & Juanita Nellos Scott Obenshain Mr. & Mrs. James Parker Penny & Armin Rembe Patricia C. Renken
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Berger Dusty & Gay Blech Mr. John D. Bond Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Brown Carol & Greg Brown Ms. Julia M. Cohen-Brach Cathy & Brian Colvin Mr. & Mrs. John M. Crowley Jr. Mr. Robert H. Davis Mr. William W. Deaton & Ms. Geraldine E. Rivera Denish Consulting, LLC Mike Dexter Larry & Donna Diller Ms. Gale Williams Doyel & Mr. Gary K. Moore Ms. Ann Edenfield Sweet Ethel-Jane Westfeldt Bunting Foundation Ms. Jan Everhart & Mr. Paul Phelan
Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2017
Mrs.TaglialegamiHelenTricoglou Mr. Albert Viggiano & Ms. Janet Popp Walker Consulting Engineers Mr. & Mrs. John E. Whisenand Lori & Stephen Wilding Mr. Dennis Williams & Ms. Patricia E. Kelley John Ellig & Renee Wolters Hess & Patricia Yntema Steve & Marge Zenos Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Zeter Ms. Helen Zournas Nina Forrest Fund 2015 Ms. Nina Forrest Notah Begay III Scholarship Fund 1999 Novak MPGJ Family Fund 2008 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Novak Pamela B. Gordon Fund 2011 Estate of Pamela B. Gordon Para los Niños Fund 1989 Linda B. Alongi Patricia McDonald Fund for Health 2016 Estate of Patricia L. McDonald

Mr. Marc Guggino Bridget & Chad Hazen Geoffrey L. Henry Ms. Larissa Herrera Ms. Pamela Highstrete Ms. Lisa Hinson Ms. Ida J. Kelly Ms. Donita Lazar Ms. Barbara Maddox Ms. Jennifer Martin Mr. Don Martindell Mr. Kenneth S. Mills Bill & Laurie Moye Ms. Annie O’Connell Ms. Mary C. Porter
The FUNd 1988
Robby Baker Memorial Scholarship Fund 2003 Ms. Alexandra Kiska Robert & Ann Clark Arts & Culture Fund 1986
Peggy2007Cavett-Walden & Professor Jerrold Walden Fund for Art & Music 2014 Estate of Peggy Cavett-Walden Peggy Pick Bacon Memorial Fund for Education 1995 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bacon Performing Arts Fund 1988 Rae Lee Siporin Scholarship for Women 2012 Mr. Kenneth L. Conwell II Ms. Rae Siporin Rashap Family Fund 2016 Brian & Krista Rashap Reba Price Fund for Animal Welfare 2016 Reba Price Fund for Children & Families 2016 Reba Price Fund for Performing Arts 2016 Richard J. & Linda N. Eitzen Fund 2000 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eitzen
Robert & Celeste Loughridge Fund 2001 Robert & Zane Taichert Fund 1984 Robert C. & Mary D. Poole Family Fund 1996 Robert P. Marshall, Sr. Memorial Fund 2007
Robert W. Kaufmann Fund 2001 Roy Lee Cain Fund 2011 Sandia Foundation & Estate of Hugh & Helen Woodward Fund 2006 Santangelo Fund 2007 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santangelo Sean Hopkins Fund 2013 Dr. & Mrs. Paul Hopkins Donna M. Stumpf – in memory of Sean Hopkins Birthday Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Programs Fund Shelly1996& Rafael Colon Memorial Fund 2006 Anonymous Stephen J.E. Sprague Memorial Fund 2007
Stephen L. Moody Memorial Fund for Children with Special Needs Strosnider1995Family Fund 2004 Sussman-Miller Educational Assistance Fund 1994 Patrick V. Apodaca & Leslie McCarthy Apodaca Ms. Nance Elsinger Mrs. Ina Miller New Mexico State University Ms. Kristina J. Whistler T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Education Fund 1997 T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Environmental & Historic Preservation Fund 2000 T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Fund for Public Television T.J.1997Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Perpetual Fund 1995 Taylor & Joan Bowen Charitable for Preservation of Public Trees & Gardens 2006
Taylor & Joan Bowen Charitable for Wildlife Protection & Control 2006 Team Tio Fund 2011 Anonymous Donor Ms. Darlene Gonzales Mr. Justin LeVois Ms. Olivia Mora Matt & Janine Rivera Mr. Travis Suazo
Greater Albuquerque Association of Realtors Renee The Realtor Ms. Shirley Rich Ms. Michelle Rohl Mr. Robert Sanchez Mr. Robert Sutton Southwest Multiple Listing Service Alice A. Tozer Mr. Tego Venturi
Robert & Ann Clark Preservation Fund 1986
57 Paul A. & Patti A. Marianetti Fund 2005 Paul Noble Vosburgh & Jane Berry Vosburgh Fund
The Bright Futures Fund 2014 Coca-ColaAnonymousNorth America Mayor and First Lady’s Charity Gala Nusenda Credit Union
The Pam Schneider Memorial Scholarship Presented by American Advertising Federation of New Mexico 2012 American Advertising Federation New Mexico
The Robert P. Tinnin, Jr. Fund 2016 The Sage Fund 2014 Anonymous The Ties Fund 2011 Anonymous
THE REALTOR® FUND of the Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS® 2011 Anonymous Mr. Paul Billingham Ms. Ann C’ De Baca Mr. & Mrs. Ian Caird Ms. Alyson Campbell Jen Cody Mr. Michael L. Daniels & Mrs. Janie Gilmore-Daniels Ms. Julie Greenwood

Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Health & Human Services 1999 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Victim Assistance 1999 William “Bill” Cooper Memorial Fund 2006 Women in Rhetoric & Logic Scholarship 2014 Woodcock Family Education Scholarship Fund 1993
Carl C. Anderson Sr. & Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation Fund 2014 Central Corridor Fund 2017 Mr. Brian Burnett Innovate ABQ, Inc. McKee Wallwork & Company
Non-Endowed Funds
58 Theodore R. Brown Fund 1983 Three Hearts Fund 2006 Kim & Robert Federici Trythall Family Fund for Excellence in Continuing Education 1988 Mr. & Mrs. Duane Trythall Walter & Allene Kleweno Fund 2003
Mr. William M. Moeny TLC Plumbing Jacqueline Shipman Vodian Fund for Breast Cancer Research 1999 McCune Foundation 2008 Phillip Raby & Connie Moore Endowment Fund 2005 PNM Resources Employee Crisis Fund 2012 Mr. Henry Baca Ms. Claudia Bender Ms. Carla Bowling Mr. Mark Brock Ms. Dorothy Candelaria Mr. Thomas Carson Mr. Roy Carter Ms. Becky Chisman Mr. Matthew Comte Ms. Natalie Degroot Mr. Preston Derden Cynthia & Randy Edwards
Wells Fargo Bank for Classical Music 2013 Wells Fargo Bank Fund 1998 Wilfred “Coach” Tull Endowment Fund 2005 Ken & Hazel Tull-Leach
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Eldred Mr. & Mrs. Chris Gerety Mr. Steve Gillis Lisa & Ryan Goodman Mr. Jerry Gordon Mr. Frank Hennie Ms. Nicole Hitchcock Mr. Efrain Holguin Ms. Claudette Horn Ms. Nancy Jackson Ms. Cherri Japhe Ms. Delfina Jauriqui Mr. John Jones Mr. Emmanuel Lopez Ms. Freddy Lovell Ms. Esperanza Madrid Ms. Cathy Martinez Ms. Barbara Mascarenas Mr. Jeff Mechenbier Ms. Pam Milligan Mr. & Mrs. Tony Monfiletto Mr. Phalgani Mundlur Ms. Cathleen Newby Mr. Jason Peters PNM Resources PNM Resources Foundation Mr. Tim Price Mr. Kevin Ramsey Mr. Aaron Redd Ms. Lisa Rickman Ms. Laurie Roach Mr. Michael Sainz Mr. Jeffrey Scafaro Lyn Sekiguchi Mr. Evans Spanos Mr. Dale Stevens Ms. Rebecca R. Teague Ms. Lisa Tillery Mr. Gary Todd Mr. Alwyn VanderWalt Gail Vavruska-Marcum Ruthie Schwed Memorial Fund 2016 Robin Brule & Lonnie Talbert Eric & Rachael Speegle Society of the Little Prince 2004
Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2017


The following donors have elected to support the Foundation’s operations in perpetuity through the establishment of an endowed administrative fund: Steve & Debbie Maestas* Bev & Lennard McMillan** Marcus Mims* Dr. Ruth Shore Mondlick** Jerrald & Nancy Roehl* Anne & Ken Sapon George & Jenean Stanfield Walter & Mimi Stern* Jennifer & David Thomas** Len & Liz Trainor Kevin & Lian Yearout**
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jorgensen
KarenApodaca&Chris Bard** Beverly & Perry Bendicksen** Will & Elaine Chapman** Arellana Cordero Estate of Sue M. Daulton** William & Suzanne Ebel** Glenn Fellows & Patricia Hancock* Ed & Diana Garcia Partners in Philanthropy
Our Partners in Philanthropy invest in us, so that we can invest in others. These donors exemplify and embody the notion of com munity support. Please join us in thanking the following donors, who help us achieve our goal of supporting Albuquerque through philanthropy.
Albuquerque Community Foundation Administrative Endowment Fund 2005 Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Administrative Endowment Fund 1989 Bank of America Endowment Fund, 1994 Laura Hueter Bass Fund for Administrative Excellence, 2006 Bradbury Stamm Administrative Endowment Fund, 2002 Doug and Sarah Brown Administrative Endowment Fund 2004 Doug & Sarah Brown Susanne B. Brown Administrative Endowment Fund, 1989 Theodore R. Brown Administrative Endowment Fund, 1983
Julie Weaks Gutiérrez & Alberto RebeccaGutiérrez*&Jason Harrington Pam Hurd-Knief & Ron Knief Debbie Johnson Albert T. (Ted) & Margaret
60 Community support is crucial to the Foundation. Our work would not be possible without our Partners in Philanthropy. These generous donors support the Foundation’s operations so that we can devote our attention to our community and our grantees.
Robert and Ann Clark Administrative Endowment Fund, 1991 Laura and Zack Clem, Jr. Endowment Fund, 2007 Walter E. and Shelley Cohen Fund for ACF, 2013 Frank Gorham, Jr. Endowment Fund, 1989 Glenn Fellows and Patricia Hancock Administrative Fund, 2017 Glenn Fellows & Patricia Handcock Moise Family Administrative Endowment Fund, 1997 Steven K. & Beth M. Moise Peltier, Gustafson & Miller PA Endowment Fund, 1996 Nancy Anderson Roberts Administrative Endowment Fund, Jeff1983and Janet Sterba Partners in Philanthropy Endowment Fund, 2006 Wells Fargo Bank Administrative Endowment Fund, 1994 Ray and Barbara Zimmer Endowment Fund, 1989
Jennifer and Tripp Killin Nusenda Credit Union Sound & Signal Systems of New Mexico, Inc.
Community Builders Carl & Linda Alongi** Patrick V. Apodaca and Leslie McCarthy

Nusenda Credit Union – in honor of Gabriela Gómez Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Pachelli* Hon. & Mrs. James Parker** Leslie KathrynPhinneyandRick Reese Mike and Janice McCrary Rice** Jeff & Peggy Roberts** Mr. Bill C. Rothanbargar María Griego-Raby & Randy Royster** Claudia & Ron Short** Julie Silverman* Jean Ann & Duffy Swan** Jim Mrs.Templeton**CarolTucker Trelease** TVSLR, MichaelLLCWalker & Gari Fails* Chuck & J.D. Wellborn**
Mr.Friends&Mrs. Rex Allender** Mr. Edgar Almazan Yvonne & Jim Beckley** Dr. David Bernstein & Erika Rimson** Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bickes Jr.** Alan & Bronnie Blaugrund** James & Diane Bonnell** Loral Butler Ms. Mary Ellen S. Capek Dr. & Mrs. Lance Chilton** Hyunji Kim Choi Ms. Tara Denetsosie Mr. & Mrs. Gary Eyster** Drs. Steven Bush & Peggie Ann Findlay Mr. Paul D. Fornell Dr. Daniel B. Friedman
Dr. Brad ThomasJonathanRaisherD.RoepckeC.Schwab& Pamela B. Donegan*
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Galloway David & Stephanie Kauffman** Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kelly** Ms. Sarah B. Kotchian & Mr. Robert O. HalleeNellums**andJohn Nguyen
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley N. Stark** Ray & Maureen Trujillo** Andrew T. & Carol H. Watson*
*Five-nine years as a Partner in Philanthropy **Ten or more years as a Partner in Philanthropy
Mr.PartnersRudolfo Anaya** Mr.AnonymousC.David Bedford** Mr. & Mrs. James S. Bier** Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Blaugrund** Tom & Francesca Blueher**
Mr. Robert L. Bovinette & Mrs. Yvonne L. Truesdell** Doug & Sarah Brown Mrs. Louise Campbell-Tolber & Dr. Steven Tolber** Joanna Colangelo Billie Jo Crouse** Mr. & Mrs. Philip Custer** Ms. Lauri Ebel Terri Giron-Gordon & Gary Gordon** Sharon Gross** Dr. and Mrs. Roger Hagengruber** The Honorable Harris L. Hartz* Dr. and Mrs. James R. Hutchison** Mr. Edwin Ives Mrs. Carol Jakowatz Jane GretaJones&Tom Keleher** Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly** Frank & Judy Love** Dr. Gloria & Mr. Robert Mallory** Ms. Jean Marshall** Kathleen & Andrew Metzger* Ms. Shirley Morrison** Albert & Shanna Narath** Ms. Leslie E. Neal** Mr. Joaquin Noon
Mr.BenefactorandMrs.John T. Ackerman SteveAnonymous&Jolene Benoit** Steve & Judy Chreist** David & Mary Colton** Debbie and David Dozier** Van H. and Sandra V. Gilbert*
Ms. Libby Madden and Mr. Bob P. Tinnin Mr. Doug Majewski & Ms. Marilyn Gruen Mrs. Millie McMahon** Michael & Judy Muldawer Mark Napolin** Calla Ann Pepmueller* Ellen Ann Ryan** Mr. & Mrs. David E. Weymouth**
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell A. Hare** Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hartnett Connie & Doug Henry* – in memory of Henry C. & Sarah B. Dennis Mrs. Mary Herring Stamm** Nancy Herring & Matthew Segura** Mrs. Rosalyn R. Hurley** Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lindberg
Michael Nutkiewicz & Joan Weissman

New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation Fund
Center for International Studies and Albuquerque International Association Fund
Philanthropy Central Endowment Funds established prior to 2017
National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation Fund New Mexico Cancer Center Foundation Dedicated to supporting New Mexico Cancer Center patients’ non-medi cal financial needs during their battle against cancer. Provides assistance and education programs to meet the financial, emotional and psychological needs of cancer patients.
Albuquerque Little Theatre Endowment Fund, 2008
Dedicated to enriching the lives of the community by creating a vibrant in tellectual environment dealing with foreign affairs, international business, culture and art. The Association’s mission is to increase public understanding of the world in which the US plays such an important role, as well as to con tribute to the internationalization of the City of Albuquerque.
Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless Provides integrated health care to people experiencing homelessness through outreach and site-based services, including medical, dental, and behavioral health care, social supports, and drop-in spaces, where people receive respite from the streets and linkages to housing.
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Health Care for the Homeless, 1998 Albuquerque High School Alumni Association Fosters life-long camaraderie, goodwill, communication and activities among alumni; establishes a foundation to endow educational scholar ships and other forms of charitable philanthropic assistance to qualified AHS students, teachers, administrators and programs.
Albuquerque Boy Choir Gives boys a chance to grow through musical learning, self-discipline, performance demeanor and working together for the common joy of singing.
Albuquerque Boy Choir Fund, 2010 Albuquerque Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America Provides assistance to military students and promote the military career life.
Albuquerque High School Alumni Association Fund, 2004 Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Foundation Supporting organization to support the charitable and educational purposes of the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce including the operation of the Barelas Job Opportunity Center and scholarships to local students.
Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Endowment Fund, 2011 Albuquerque Little Theatre Albuquerque Little Theatre is an 88-year-old institution offering seven professional-quality productions an nually with volunteer participation led by a small staff. They offer educa tional programming for all ages and are a resource for theatre needs in the Albuquerque community.
Albuquerque Chapter of the Military Officers Association, Albuquerque2012 Chapter of the Military Officers Association Albuquerque Genealogical Society Provides a forum for genealogical research and support the Albuquerque Special Collections Library with computers, census microfilm, CDs, books, and volunteers.
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Friends in Time, 1997
Adelante Development Center Fund, 1996
Albuquerque Genealogical Society Endowment Fund, 2005 Jeanne M. and Fred Trauger Genealogical Society Fund, 1991 National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation Dedicated to supporting the National Hispanic Cultural Center, whose mis sion is to preserve, promote, and advance Hispanic culture, arts, and human ities.
Philanthropy Central Funds Established in 2017
Adelante Development Center Adelante provides job training, coaching and employment support for clients through six social enterprises and volunteer opportunities through Adelante’s Desert Harvest food rescue program.
62 CenterPHILANTHROPYCENTRALforInternationalStudiesandAlbuquerqueInternationalAssociation

CTHF is committed to enhancing the lives of children with disabilities and their families throughout New Mexico by supporting the Carrie Tingley Hospital and providing a Patient and Family Program and Quality of Life Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation Endowment Fund, 2012
Since 1992, Casa Esperanza has provided a home away from home for patients and their families that travel to Albuquerque for vital medical treatment. In addition to lodging, they provide a variety of other services.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico Fund, 1995 Cancer Services of New Mexico Provides services and programs to New Mexicans and their family mem bers with the goal that they will have access to the information, support, and resources needed to cope with a cancer diagnosis and survivor ship.
Albuquerque Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels of Albu querque is a home delivered meal program preparing specialized diets for anyone of any age. They keep people happy, healthy, and indepen dent by delivering food and friendship straight to their door. Meals on Wheels of Albuquerque Endowment Fund, Albuquerque2009Metropolitan
Casa Angelica Endowment Fund, 1997
Cancer Services of New Mexico Endowment Fund, 1998 Robert and Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Cancer Services of New Mexico, 2009 Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation
Albuquerque Crime Stoppers, Inc. Endowment Fund, 2007 Albuquerque New Car & Truck Dealers Fund for Crime Stoppers, 1985 Robert and Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Crime Stoppers, 2009
Albuquerque Rose Society, Inc. The premier organization devoted to the enjoyment, enhancement and promotion of our national flower.
Animal Humane | New Mexico Endowment, 2008 Robert and Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Animal Humane, 2009 Walter E. and Shelley Cohen Fund for Animal Humane Association of New Mexico, 2013 Animal Protection of New Mexico, Inc. Advocate the rights of animals by effecting systemic change, resulting in the humane treatment of all animals.
Amy Biehl High School Endowment, 2013 Animal Humane New Mexico is the state’s leading private animal welfare organization. They support every cat and dog at their shelter with outstanding veterinary care, be havior training and, most importantly, love until they are adopted.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico Fund, 1987 Boy Scouts of America Preparing young people to make ethical and moral choices over their life times by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Casa Esperanza Endowment Fund, 2007
A home for children and young adults with developmental disabilities, established and directed by the Daughters of Charity of Canossa since 1967. The Canossian Sisters provide a family centered program designed to enhance lives through spiritual, educational and social development.
Funds established prior to 2017
Alfred A. Abbott Charitable Endowment for ARCA, Inc., ARCA2006Fund, 2001 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico Big Brothers Big Sisters provides children with a role model who will inspire them, guide them and encourage them to journey beyond their boundaries and unlock their potential, creating success stories every day.
Albuquerque Rose Society Endowment Fund, 2007 Albuquerque Rose Society in honor of Kreg Hill (Gift) Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program Provides students with a high-quality music education, instills an emotional connection with and lifelong passion for music, fosters a diverse community of musicians, and offers outstanding symphonic performance opportunities.
Amy Biehl High School Foundation Amy Biehl High School and the Amy Biehl High School Foundation believes that with deliberate preparation and support ALL students can succeed. They strive to gradu ate civic-minded, college-bound, and career-ready scholars.
Crime Stoppers, Inc. Devel op as an effective crime-solving organization throughout the world, with the primary objective of this tri-partite organization, Community, Media, and Law Enforcement, “Working Together to Solve Crime.
Animal Protection of New Mexico Fund, 1996 ARCA, Inc. Working together to open doors for people with developmental disabili ties to be valued members of the community.
Gorham Fund for Scouting, 2013 Great Southwest Council, Boy Scouts of America, 2011 Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico provides at-risk children, be tween 5 and 18, with a safe place to learn and grow. The Club serves over 2,500 children in its Albuquerque and Rio Rancho.
Dale E. Kempter Legacy Endowment Fund for the Albuquerque Youth Symphony, 1996 Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program Jane Swift Ralph Berkowitz Fund for Albuquerque Youth Symphony, 2011 All Faiths Through innovative programs, All Faiths serves as the pre mier trauma-healing center by empowering generations of New Mexicans to create pathways to prevent and transcend the effects of trauma and abuse. All Faiths Endowment Fund, 2002

Friends of Music is a nonprofit organization devoted to providing scholar ships for the most talented music students at he University of New Mexico.
Improving education and educational opportunities in Cibola County. Cibola County Education Foundation Fund, 2005 Congregation Albert New Mexico’s oldest continuing Reform Jewish Institution. Congregation Albert Fund, 1994 Congregation B’nai Israel
de Profundis Organization Endowment Fund, 2007 de Profundis Dominican Ecclesial Institute
Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School
The Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico exists to help New Mexico’s children with cancer and their families cope with the day-to-day educa tional, emotional, and financial needs of living with and fighting cancer.
D+E+I is a lay-led adult education and faith formation ministry serving the Archdiocese of Santa Fe since 1996, working with the Central Province of the Dominican Friars, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, and the Laity.
The Children’s Grief Center of New Mexico provides specialized peer support for young people ages 5 - 25 who are grieving the death of a loved one. Thanks to community contributions, these services are provid ed at no charge.
Children’s Grief Center of New Mexico
Easter Seals New Mexico Easter Seals New Mexico Fund, 1987
Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico
Children’s Grief Center Endowment Fund, 2009 Christina Kent Early Childhood Center Christina Kent Early Childhood Center’s mission is providing quality childcare, early childhood education and nutritional services in a safe and nurturing environment to economically-diverse, working families. They are celebrating 100 years of serving Albuquerque families! Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Christina Kent Day Nursery, 1996
Filipino American Foundation of New Mexico
Kubié Family Fund for B’nai Israel, 2005 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kubié Walter E. and Shelley Cohen Fund for Congregation B’Nai Israel Endowment Fund, 2013
Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School, 2008 de Profundis Make music together for intellectual challenge and nourishment for our souls.
A non-sectarian community outreach program of First Presbyterian Church to provide a school experience for young children that acknowledged the development of the whole child--social, emotional, physical, cognitive and affective domains of development.
Frank Csepregi and Alice Marosi Csepregi Endowment, 2007 Dual Language Education of New Mexico
Friends of Music, Inc.
Promotes understanding, education, enlightenment, appreciation and en richment of Filipino Americans.
In addition, Friends of Music works to develop and cultivate interest in and financial support for music education at all levels and to present and support a variety of musical cultural programs.
Funds established prior to 2017
Creating an environment in which all who enter our doors can be en riched and inspired by Conservative Jewish life, values, and spirituality B’nai Israel Fund, 1990.
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Catholic Charities of New Mexico, 1996 Challenge New Mexico
Develops and supports effective high quality dual language education (PreK-12), throughout New Mexico. Provides program development for dual language school communities, and sharing best practice through online clearinghouse, and annual La Cosecha Conference.
Filipino American Foundation of New Mexico Fund, 2003 First Presbyterian Church
Albuquerque Present the world’s finest chamber music artists in live performance and share the power of music with the community. Chamber Music Albuquerque Fund, 2004
Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico, 2008
To provide services and support to people who are physically and men tally challenged.
¡Explora! ¡Explora! is an innovative experiential learning center with a mission of creating opportunities for inspirational discovery and the joy of lifelong learning through interactive experiences in science, technology, engineer ing, art, and math. ¡Explora! Science Center & Children’s Museum of Albuquerque Fund, 2002 Michael and Jane Flax (Gift)
Friends of the Corrales Library
The Friends of the Corrales Library (FOCL) is a 502(c)(3) nonprofit organization made up of local residents and supporters of the Corrales Community Library.
Karen Ortiz Endowment Fund for the Therapeutic Horseback Riding Program at Challenge New Mexico,
64 Catholic Charities To provide help and create hope by supporting families, fighting poverty, and building community.
Cibola County Education Foundation
Corrales Cultural Arts Council CCAC enriches the community with outstanding musical performances, and education for children and others with special needs. They value music as a powerful force for good and as a positive influence in human development. Evelyn Curtis Losack Endowment for Music Education, 2016 Corrales Cultural Arts Council
To develop highly skilled learners who, through a broad knowledge base, can analyze, synthesize and evaluate new information.
A Child’s Garden Fund, 1989 Eric Young Memorial Fund for a Child’s Garden, 2013
Friends of Music Fund, 1998
Endowment Fund for the Friends of the Corrales Library, 2016

Agnes Faggart Bussiere Memorial Fund for Menaul School, Gloria2007Griffin
Manzano Day School Fund, 1985 Manzano Day School Kathy Rimsha Fund, 2007 Manzano Day School Maggie Simms WINGS Fund, 2004 Manzano Day School Peterson Learning Center Fund, 2004 Manzano Day School Stewart Family Wings Fund, 2007 Manzano Day School Wings 5 Fund, 2012 Manzano Day School Wings 6 Fund, 2012 Manzano Day School Wings of Brotherhood Fund, 2009 Manzano Day School Wings of Friendship Fund, 2006 Menaul School
Mallory Endowment Fund for Teacher Development, 2006 Dr. Gloria and Robert Mallory Menaul School Endowment Fund, 2007
Leadership New Mexico Endowment Fund, 2009
New Mexico Academy of Science Science education advocates to foster scientific research and scientific co operation, increase public awareness of the role of science in human prog ress and human welfare and promote science education in New Mexico.
Junior League of Albuquerque Administrative Endowment Fund, 1999 Junior League of Albuquerque (Gift) Leadership New Mexico Leadership New Mexico develops leaders across the state. Through the Core, Connect, and Local Government Leadership Programs, they educate business and community leaders about the challenges and op portunities facing New Mexico and enhance graduates’ ability to work toward positive, ethical change.
Alfred A. Abbott Charitable Fund for the Good Shepherd Center for the Homeless, 2007 Constance Zandstra Fund for Good Shepherd Center, 1998 Ida May Cowan Fund for the Homeless at Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd, 1992 Robert and Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd, 2009
Founded in 1938, Manzano Day School is an independent, nonprofit elementary school for children in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. Manzano Day School is dedicated to innovative child-centered education, excellence in teaching, and Joy in Learning®.
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Habitat for Humanity, 1997 Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership Our vision is that no one in Greater Albuquerque will live in substandard housing. They do this by making it possible for low-income families to build and own affordable, energy efficient homes.
To support the Nature Center’s mission to preserve and protect the Rio Grande Bosque, to educate the public about Rio Grande ecosystems and to foster positive human interactions with those systems
Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity
Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center Fund, 2000 Good Shepherd Center, Inc. To help the poor - especially those who no one else wants or is able to help -- to feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked, nurse the sick and minister to the imprisoned
Using the medium of dance, NDI-NM engages and motivates children, helping them develop discipline, a standard of excellence and a belief in themselves that will carry over into all aspects of their lives.
NDI New Mexico Fund, 2012 National Sisterhood United for Journeyman Lineman Assists families of Fallen/Injured I.B.E.W. Journeymen Linemen, Utility Linemen, Apprentice Linemen, Groundmen, Operators, and the families thereof. NSUJL provides emergency financial, emotional and physical as sistance, in cases of work related injuries or death.
To build community - one home, one family at a time - by making it possi ble for low-income families in Albuquerque to build and own affordable energy efficient homes.
Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership Endowment, 2008 Guadalupe County Hospital
To provide full-service hospital medical scare and emergency room ser vice to the 4,545 residents of Guadalupe County. Guadalupe County Hospital Fund, 1998 Heading Home Seven permanent housing and emergency shelter programs in three counties to help women, men and families make their experiences of homelessness rare, short-lived and nonrecurring. Heading Home Endowment Fund, 2012 Junior League of Albuquerque
MANA de Albuquerque MANA de Albuquerque empower Latinas through Leadership Develop ment, Community Service and Advocacy through the MANA de Albuquer que Scholarship Fund, Hermanitas Leadership and Madrinas Mentor Pro gram, and AvanZamos Leadership program for adult women.
Constance Zandstra Fund for MANA de Albuquerque, 1998 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for MANA de Albuquerque, 1997 Manzano Day School
In mind, body and spirit, our mission is to prepare students to succeed.
Menaul School develops excellence, confidence and integrity and pro vides the foundation for life-long learning and ethical leadership.
New Mexico Academy of Science Endowment Fund, 2007 Offers a wide range of fine art classes and workshops and features a gal lery where New Mexico artists have the opportunity to exhibit.
New Mexico Art League Fund, 1992
Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center
National Dance Institute of New Mexico
To promote volunteerism, develop the potential of women and improve the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.

The mission of the NMCL is to coordinate, expand, and enhance New Mexico programs so adults can read and write to achieve their goals; it provides funding, training, and technical assistance to adult literacy programs.
New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation Fund, 1986 SW Foundation for Osteopathic Education and Research
KNME New Mexico PBS Great Southwestern Arts & Education Endowment Fund, 2013 DBA William R. Talbot Fine Art Toby Herbst Antiques The Rainbow Man, Inc. Mr. William B. Spencer Tad Tribal Art Sundance Buyers Group Sparrow Antiques LLC Roadside America LLC Rapa Corporation Ranchfolks Navajo Rug Co. Postpubco Inc.
The New Mexico Military Institute Foundation, Inc. is a single purpose entity formed to maintain an endowment fund for the benefit of and to support the New Mexico Military Institute, a state educational institution.
New Mexico Coalition for Literacy Fund, 1988 New Mexico Conference of Churches New Mexico Conference of Churches unites Community of Christ, Disci ples, Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, United Church of Christ and United Methodist churches in compassion and advocacy for the poor of New Mexico. Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for New Mexico Conference of Churches, 1999
New Mexico Engineering Foundation To foster interest in engineering. New Mexico Engineering Foundation Endowment Fund, 2005 New Mexico Geological Society, Inc. To promote geology and research through education and publications.
New Mexico Parents of Multiples
To promote the development of the Albuquerque Biological Park and to further community interest in the Rio Grande Zoo, Botanic Gardens, Albuquerque Aquarium and Tingley Beach; and to assist in education.
New Mexico Parents of Multiples Endowment Fund, 2016 New Mexico Parents of Multiples (Gift)
New Mexico BioPark Society
New Mexico PBS
To inform, engage and connect New Mexico’s diverse communities, re flecting their interests and needs through quality programming, community services and on-line content.
Carl F. Scott Scholarship Fund for NM Military Institute, 2005 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation
Funds established prior to 2017
The New Mexico Parent of Multiples (NMPOM) is a non-profit organiza tion committed to mutual support and education for parents, guardians and primary caregivers of multiples and their families.
Peaceful Wind Objects of Art Show, LLC Native Jackets, Etc. Medicine Man Gallery Lummi Island Trading Co. Leslie Flynt, LLC Knox Artifacts Gallery
The SW Foundation for Osteopathic Education and Research (SWFOER) was founded with a mission of providing financial support for students attending the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine and for medical and academic related research. Heights Healthcare Foundation Fund for Osteopathic Education, 1984
Jeanne M. and Fred Trauger New Mexico Geological Society, 1991 New Mexico Military Institute Foundation, Inc.
For 45 years, the New Mexico Ballet Company has produced profession al and innovative dance productions for New Mexico audiences while providing the highest caliber of education and training for young artists in the community. The Suzanne M. Johnston Endowment for the New Mexico Ballet Company, 2016 New Mexico Ballet Company
The New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation is a non-profit corporation whose sole purpose is to further the cultural, educational, and scientific programs and purposes of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science.
Kania-FerrinKemoKimosabeSabe Gallery House of Ancestors Antiques Great Southwestern Antique Show Four Winds Gallery DBA Smith Bros Trading Co Curtright and Son Inc. Coulter-Brooks Inc. Claiborne Gallery Billy Famous Inc. Artemis Gallery Mr. Terry DeWald Mr. and Mrs. John C. Anaya Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Anderson Mr. Edward J. Berberian Mr. George E. Celsor and Ms. Debra Abshier Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Chamales Mr. Jack N. Clift Mr. James Compton Mr. B.C. Dentan Mr. Curtiss L. Eckhardt Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Finger Mr. Marty Frenkel and Ms. Barbara A. Barbara Mr. Daniel L. Geary Mr. Gregory Ghent Mr. Scott S. Gordon Malcolm Grimmer Mr. and Mrs. Quinn G. Holloman Jr Mr. Spider Kedelsky Mr. B. Will Knappen New Mexico Ballet Company
Anne B. Little Fund for the Botanic Garden at New Mexico BioPark, 2003 New Mexico BioPark Society Fund, 1987 New Mexico BioPark Society Fund for the Aquarium & Botanic Garden, 1988 New Mexico Coalition for Literacy

New Mexico School for Blind & Visually Impaired Foundation
To supply food to a network of organizations that are engaged in feed ing the hungry by soliciting, collecting and transporting salvageable food from food industry donors nationwide as well as purchasing food in bulk.
New Mexico Veterans’ Memorial To operate and maintain the NM Veterans Museum, library, and grounds of the Veterans Memorial Park.
To educate students, professionals and the general public about the reality of homelessness while directly funding shelter, meal centers, day care and other efforts to improve the quality of life for homeless people.
To provide an educational program for children with hearing loss in which they learn to communicate using spoken language without the use of man ual signs. Presbyterian Ear Institute Endowment Fund, 2011 Roadrunner Food Bank
Albuquerque’s premiere non-profit, member-supported, community based performing arts venue, Outpost presents jazz and other musical styles, spoken word, youth performances, Jazz and Latin music classes, visual art exhibits and the annual NM Jazz Festival.
Samaritan Counseling Center Fund, 2003 San Felipe de Neri Church
New Mexico Voices for Children Endowment Fund, 2007 New Mexico Voices for Children Future Fund, 2002 Opera Southwest Opera Southwest’s mission is produce quality, professional, enjoyable and accessible opera in an intimate setting for audiences of all ages.
Justine Opel Opera Southwest Endowment Fund, 2015 Opera Southwest Outpost Productions, Inc.
New Mexico Veterans’ Memorial Foundation Endowment Fund, 2012 New Mexico Voices for Children
Outpost Productions Endowment Fund, 2006 Parents Reaching Out Parents Reaching Out (PRO) supports families throughout New Mexico who are raising children with disabilities and/or special health care needs.
From no-cost individual support to trainings and publications, PRO is com mitted to helping parents advocate for and receive education and health care resources for their children.
The New Mexico Philharmonic enriches the lives of New Mexicans through musical excellence, educational opportunities and community engagement. It achieves this through live orchestral concerts for the public and education programs for public school children. Betty and Luke Vortman Endowment for New Mexico Philharmonic, Inc., 2015 Mrs. Betty Vortman
Parents Reaching Out Endowment Fund, 2008 PB&J Family Services, Inc.
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains empowers people to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health by provid ing high quality health care, comprehensive sex education, and strategic advocacy.
To help people in central New Mexico find wholeness and healing through professional psychological counseling and education that integrates med ical and spiritual resources.
James W. Owens Mr. John F. Parks Mr. William R. Plitt Mr. John Ruddy Mr. Eric Salter Mr. Jules Peter Segall Ms. Rebecca J. Stansifer-Haggie Mr. Jeremy Steenblik Mr. Gerald G. Stiebel Ms. Susan Swift Ms. Darlene Tyra Mr. and Mrs. Todd Tyra Ms. Dana Waldon Ms. Joan E. Wenger Ms. Lisa H. Zaslove
Janet Youngberg Endowment for Roadrunner Food Bank, 2013 Roadrunner Food Bank Fund, 1984
María Griego-Raby Fund for San Felipe de Neri Church Capital Projects, 2003
KNME-TV Endowment Fund, 1987 Nellita E. Walker Fund for KNME-TV, 1999 New Mexico Philharmonic, Inc.
67 – –Dr. Paul F. Ley Mr. Randall Love and Mrs. Elaine Funaro Love Mr. and Mrs. Rex A. Lucke Ms. Karen Marchand Mr. Gerald L. May Ms. Carole J. McGowan
New Mexico Voices for Children works to create systems-level sustain able policy change to improve the status, well-being and racial/ethnic equity of New Mexico’s children and families in the areas of health, education, and economic security.
PB&J provides effective, compassionate, evaluated services in child abuse prevention, family safety, optimal child development, school readiness. Family involvement with the law, and addiction decrease. Stability grows in parenting, housing, mental health, income, overall child well-being.
Mr. Lew Meekins Arthur and Patty Newman Ms. Patricia M. Newman
The Foundation financially supports the statewide programs and services of the New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Samaritan Counseling Center
PB&J Family Services/Angie’s Legacy, 2007
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, Inc.
To serve parishioners by celebrating the Word of God, providing a forum and environment for communal education, instructing those interested in our faith and traditions, establishing a community of charity and social justice.
Pennies for the Homeless
Joseph Saavedra’s Pennies for the Homeless Endowment, 2015 Pennies for the Homeless
Ann Simms Clark Fund for Planned Parenthood, 2005 Kurt and Edith Kubié Family Endowment for Planned Parenthood, 2007 Presbyterian Ear Institute
New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Fund, 2016 New Mexico School for Blind & Visually Impaired Foundation

Dean and Alice Irvin Fund for the UNM Cancer Center, 1986
Sunset Mesa Teacher Endowment Fund Corp. This organization was created by parents to support education grants for Sunset Mesa’steachers who want to further their professional development as teachers.
St. Martin’s Hospitality Center
WESST WESST’s mission is to be a home to entrepreneurs. They provide a sup port system of consulting, training and lending to help clients successfully strengthen and grow their businesses through sustainable sales, financial knowledge and job creation.
The Arc New Mexico promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.
To encourage, develop and present the creative and entrepreneurial en deavors of New Mexicans with disabilities and other unique needs AND to engage the community in global awareness, social action and cultural discovery.
Sunset Mesa Teacher Endowment Fund Corp. Endowment Fund, 2006 Anonymous Donor Mr. and Ms. Robert D. Koudelka Ms. Heather Kraemer Mr. and Mrs. John P. Steenson
The goal of Special Olympics is to help persons with intellectual dis abilities participate as respected members of society by giving them the chance to develop and demonstrate their skills thru sports training and competition.
Vagh/Zavery Endowment Fund, 2006
Think New Mexico Fund, 2004
Think New Mexico is an independent, nonpartisan, results-oriented think tank whose mission is to improve the quality of life for all New Mexicans, especially those who lack a strong voice in the political process.
Reyer Fund in Support of Tribal Community Development, 1986 Southwest Branch of International Dyslexia Association
Moise Memorial Library Fund, 2005 Savila Collaborative (Centro Savila)
Senior Citizens Law Office Endowment Fund, 2014 Silver Horizons New Mexico, Inc.
Ginger Grossetete Endowment Fund for Silver Horizons, 1984 Mrs. Ginger Grossetete – in memory of Valerie Miller and Sara Jane Scott Society for the Preservation of American Indian Culture
68 Santa Rosa Library Public library serving 2,400 residents including 2,279 card holders with a collection of 16,596 books and periodicals.
Special Olympics of New Mexico Fund, 2001 St. George Greek Orthodox Church St. George Greek Orthodox Church is a diverse congregation of believ ers worshiping Jesus Christ, serving each other, and reaching out to the Albuquerque community. St. George Greek Orthodox Church Endowment Fund, 2015 St. George Greek Orthodox Church
Since 1985, St. Martin’s HopeWorks has grown to become the largest pro vider of services for people experiencing (or at risk of) homelessness in Al buquerque. HopeWorks’ mission is to assist people who are experiencing homelessness or near-homelessness by providing resources, opportunities, and hope. HopeWorks aims to end homelessness, one person at a time.
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment Center
The UNM CCC treats about 60 percent of adults and virtually all the chil dren in New Mexico diagnosed with cancer from every county in the state in more than 135,000 clinic visits each year.
To support New Mexico’s senior population by offering programs, ser vices and events that facilitate independence, promote well-being, maxi mize quality of life, provide access to community services, and celebrate the lives of our elders.
Watermelon Mountain Ranch Animal Center is dedicated to strengthening the animal-human bond. This is done through various programs such as adoption, foster placement, humane education, low cost spay/neuter for the public, volunteer, and Molly’s Mercy Mission to save the most fragile of the animals in municipal shelters across the Southwest.
The Senior Citizens’ Law Office provides critically needed systemic and individual advocacy to Central New Mexico seniors to uphold their rights, maximize their autonomy and ensure they receive the benefits to which they are entitled.
St. Mark’s in the Valley Day School Fund, 1986
WESST Endowment Fund,
Senior Citizens’ Law Office
VSA arts of New Mexico Fund, 1998 Watermelon Mountain Ranch, Inc.
To provide full day, year-round quality early care and education for chil dren ages two through five regardless of ability, socio-economic status or culture.
PHILANTHROPY2013 Funds established prior to 2017
To promote the recognition and protection of American Indian Culture.
Sally Denzer Endowed Fund for Watermelon Mountain Ranch, 2014
The Arc of New Mexico
Dr. Jane Ann Blumenfeld Endowment Fund for the SW Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, 2004 Special Olympics
To foster community awareness and understanding of dyslexia and to facilitate opportunities for individuals with dyslexia to receive an effective and appropriate education.
Arc of New Mexico Fund, 1983 Think New Mexico
Centro Savila is a community-based clinic located in the South Valley providing linguistically and culturally appropriate, trauma informed, be havioral health care, addictions recovery and social services in an effort to decrease health disparities in Albuquerque.
VSA arts of New Mexico
St. Martin’s Hospitality Center Endowment Fund, 2008 Dismas House at St. Martin’s Endowment Fund, 2003
St. Mark’s in the Valley Day School

YMCA Fund, 1998 YWCA Middle Rio Grande YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and pro moting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. The YWCA New Mex ico is committed to empowering women of all ages in their professional and economic development through racial and social justice, education, and advocacy.
The Bartok Love Fund – A Pomeranian’s Gift to People, 2016 Ms. Elizabeth Cordova
69 WildEarth Guardians WildEarth Guardians protects and restores the wildlife, wild rivers, wild places, and health of the American West. Founded in 1989, Guardians has a long history of successes protecting rivers, ancient forests, threat ened landscapes, and wildlife.
Mary Wicker Fund for Self-Sufficiency for Women, 2013 M.J. Hicks Fund for Self-Sufficiency for Women, 2012 Mary Jane Hicks PhD Power of the Purse Endowment Fund, 2015 Talbot Women’s Endowment Fund, 2014 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Talbot
Thomas J. Horan and Mary Ann Campbell-Horan, 2007 Virginia Nelson Mayo Memorial Fund, 2013 Ms. Carol Cochran Walter E. and Shelley Cohen Fund for United Way of Central New Mexico, 2013 YLS High School Youth Leadership Fund, 2016 Mr. Trevor Lewis Mr. Tobe Phelps Ms. Marcella Padilla Marshall Quam Mr. Isaac Zamora
WildEarth Guardians, 2007 YMCA Central New Mexico To develop and promote personal growth - spiritually, mentally, and physically - which will enable people of all ages, ethnic groups and faiths to reach their potential and to enrich the quality of life in the community.
YWCA of the Middle Rio Grande Fund, 2000 United Way of Central New Mexico Funds: 10th Anniversary Women in Philanthropy Council Endowment, 2012 Ms. Patricia Harrison Ms. Cheryl Mitchell Ms. Marcella Padilla Ms. Leslie Strickler Community Fund Endowment in Honor of Jack & Frances Holmes, 1993 Community Fund established by Mr. J. Alan Hunton, 2007 H. Patrick and Debra Jo Dee Alexis de Tocqueville Legacy Society, 2007 Mr. and Mrs. H. Patrick Dee The Herman & Marina Mauney United Way Fund, 2007 Jennie and Shirley Wells Fund, 2013 Clint Wells Joanne W. Finkelstein Fund, 2015 John Merson UWCNM Community Fund Endowment in Honor of Jack & Frances Holmes, 2009 Mr. and Mrs. John Merson Joseph E. and Virginia Lee Wright Memorial Fund, 2014 Karen and Ted Pound Fund, 2015 Kirk and Debra Benton UWCNM Community Fund in Honor of Jack & Frances Holmes, 2008 Larry and Sheriece Strickland Fund Endowment, 2010 Mr. Larry Strickland

Gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds result in a charitable deduction for the full market value of the donated asset, even if you bought it for less. This option helps you avoid capital gains tax.
Real Estate
Life Insurance
For 36 years, the Foundation has served as a trusted philanthropic advisor for individuals, families and businesses. We can assist you whenever and however you need us, providing solutions and services tailored to you and your objectives. We also work in conjunction with our community partners, grantees and other interested groups to ensure that every dollar donated makes the most impact for all of us.
Becoming a Philanthropist
If you have life insurance, you may name the Albuquerque Community Foundation as the sole beneficiary of your policy, transfer ownership and receive a tax deduction for the policy’s cash value.
We offer a variety of fund types. This allows your gift to benefit the programs, individuals, focus areas or organi zations you care about. Funds can be created in as little as one meeting and grown over a two to five-year period. Additional tax-deductible gifts can be made at any time. Cash, Check or Credit Card
These classic charitable gifts are easy and effective. Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds
We can help you turn a home, business or land into a charitable gift.
Our work leads us to many discoveries here in Albuquerque. One of the things we’ve learned is that giving is personal –visions for the future are often connected with individual values and goals. The Foundation is dedicated to working with you to create a charitable giving experience special to you, addressing your concerns, and making it easy to engage with your community as a philanthropist. We will help you give in a way that is both deeply meaningful and effective.

Charitable Remainder Trust
Naming the Albuquerque Community Foundation as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy enables you to create a charitable legacy without using cash and other assets you may want to pass to your heirs. The process is simple: purchase a policy, make the Foundation the owner and beneficiary and then make a gift to the Foundation in the amount of the annual premium. Then, you take that amount as an annual tax deduction.
With a charitable remainder trust, you can place cash or property in a trust that pays annual income to you (or another named beneficiary) for life. After your death, the remainder of the trust transfers to the Foundation and is placed into the charitable fund you’ve selected. You receive income tax benefits for the year in which you establish your trust. Charitable Lead Trust
Retirement Account
Field-of-Interest Fund
Impact Fund
You can select one of the Foundation’s interest areas – Arts & Culture; Economic & Workforce Development; Education; Environmental & Historic Preservation; or Health and Human Services. Through the Competitive Grant Program, the Foundation awards grants to effective organizations and programs in your selected field.
You may contribute to the collective giving effort of the Impact Fund, joining with other donors to achieve the greatest possible impact. You can also establish your own Impact Fund. These gifts allow the Foundation to invest in the most effective organizations in a specific impact area (which is newly selected each year).
Administrative Fund
Because retirement plan withdrawals are double-taxed, the value of the plan is decreased for your heirs. Consider providing other assets to your heirs and naming the Albuquerque Community Foundation as the beneficiary of your retirement accounts. This will allow you to both avoid taxes and preserve your assets for the good of your community.
A charitable lead trust allows you to place cash or property into a trust that pays a fixed amount to the Foundation. You can select the trust to pay the Foundation for as many or as few years as you select. Once the period ends, the assets held by the trust are transferred to the beneficiaries you name. In some cases, you can receive a substantial reduction in federal gift and estate taxes.
Charitable Bequest
The simplest gift is a bequest in your will or trust that directs specific assets or a percentage of your estate to your fund at the Foundation. This can be used to establish a fund or be added to an existing fund. A bequest will reduce estate taxes and grow your charitable legacy.
Life Insurance
Endow your partnership with the Foundation by creating an administrative fund that will support the work of the Foundation forever.
Now & Forever Fund
This option is ideal for those who wish to play an active role in supporting multiple organizations and programs throughout the year. Our staff can help identify organizations and programs, and provide you with grantmaking and administrative support.
Donor-Advised Fund
For those who want to see their philanthropic dollars make both an immediate and a perpetual impact, this is the perfect vehicle. Half of the annual contributions are available to fund grants now, while the other half are added to the Forever Fund for annual distributions.
A group contributes to a single fund focused on a shared cause, with grants recommended by a member or rep resentative advisory committee. Philanthropy makes everyone happy!
Student Aid Fund
Assist students pursuing education through scholarship or financial aid awards. You suggest eligibility criteria based on high school, college, merit, need, field of study or other interests.
Donor-Designated Fund
Grants from these funds provide a reliable annual income stream to one or more of your favorite organizations, forever. Collaborative Fund

Many donors establish field-of-interest endowment funds to respond to our community’s evolving needs. Grants from these funds are made through the Competitive Grant Program, which allows organizations to request funding for current needs in the community through an application process.
How to Apply
Applying for a Grant
Other Grants
74 73
The Competitive Grant Program begins with a brief grant application. A preliminary grant committee reviews proposals and then invites a group of applicants to the second round of the application process. During the second round, organizations give live grant presentations in front of a grant panel, allowing time for panelists to ask informed and in-depth questions. Complete application criteria and guidelines are available on the Foundation’s website at albuquerquefoundation.org. Criteria, guide lines and deadlines are posted on the Foundation’s website in January of each year.
The Foundation has grouped these endowment funds into six general fields-of-interest: Arts & Culture, Economic & Workforce Development, Education, Environmental & Historic Preservation, Health and Human Services.
Throughout the year, the Foundation also makes grants from other types of funds that are not part of the Competitive Grant Program. Funds may be designated for a specific organization or program within a nonprofit. Others are donor-advised funds with donors actively supporting the organizations and charitable projects of their choice. Donor advisors may rely on the Foundation’s knowledge to identify particular agencies and programs they wish to support with their philanthropic dollars. With our ever-growing donor community, you never know just how or when the right funding connection might be made.
Many organizations meet the basic requirements to apply for a grant, which makes applying for a grant a highly competitive process. The Foundation uses an extensive grant review process to assure donors and grantees that their interests are repre sented. Requests for funding are reviewed by diverse committees consisting of members of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and volunteers broadly representative of the community. Committee members use their individual expertise to contribute to a committee’s overall assessment of each proposal, including the degree to which a proposal fits the Foundation’s priorities. Committee recommendations are sent to the Board of Trustees, which is responsible for final grant approval.
Grant Application Process
Who Qualifies
To be eligible for the Competitive Grant Program, an organization must serve the Greater Albuquerque four-county metro politan area (Bernalillo, Sandoval, Valencia and Torrance) and be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization in good standing, a public educational institution or a governmental agency. Grants are not made to individuals; for political or religious purposes; to retire indebtedness; for the payment of interest or taxes; to annual campaigns, endowments, or as emergency funding; to influence legislation or elections; to private foundations and other grantmaking organizations; or to organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, creed, gender or sexual orientation.

Health Care for the Homeless
APS Title I Homeless Project
Through this partnership, the Sandia Foundation, with the support of Albuquerque Community Foundation staff, has awarded nearly 500 grants in education, health and human services, totaling a philanthropic investment of more than $3.3 million in the local nonprofit community.
Albuquerque Oasis
Funding will provide access to oral health careFunding (com prehensive care appointments, urgent care visits and dentures) for the most vulnerable people in our community. ($10,000)
Boys & Girls Club of Central New Mexico
Assistance League of Albuquerque
Accion To increase Accion’s delivery of vital business credit and financial education training to underserved and economically vulner able women entrepreneurs in the Greater Albuquerque Area.
Funding for Operation School Bell, which assists elementary and middle school APS students in need at 35 Title I schools re quiring uniforms. Their goal for the 2016-2017 school year is to provide clothing for at least 4,200 students and establish clothes closets in at least 20 Title I schools. ($5,000)
Funding to provide a Job Developer/Job Coach for unemployed homeless parents whose children are enrolled in CLNkids early childhood educational program. Parents in this program will learn resume writing, job seeking skills, interviewing techniques, and assistance in securing suitable employment. 2017 Grants
Barrett Foundation Funding for the Barrett House Food Service Program. For 31 years, Barrett House has been the only overnight emergency shelter in Albuquerque that serves women and children who are experiencing homelessness and are not escaping domestic violence. ($10,000)
In 2006, the Sandia Foundation engaged the services of the Albuquerque Community Foundation to administer its annual grant award program. While the Sandia Foundation’s Trustees reviews and recommends grant recipients, the Foundation organizes and performs required due diligence for the grant program.
Funding to support CareerLaunch, a program designed to help teens assess career interests and strengths, become familiar with career options, understand educational requirements and set education and career goals, and gain employment skills.
Funding for the Health Matters Program, an evidence-based health promotion program specifically designed for adults with disabilities. ($7,000)
Funding to support the OASIS Intergenerational Tutoring Program, which pairs public school students K-4, who are reading just below grade level, with adult volunteers. ($7,500)
Funding to support after-school and summer programs to serve at risk homeless student population. The program will incorpo rate concepts of career awareness and career exploration as students make decisions about themselves and their place in the world.

Funding to continue building the Rust Opportunity Scholarship Fund through awarding emergency scholarships to students, which provides essential fi nancial assistance to students who are facing unforeseen emergencies that could impact their edu cational progress. ($10,000)
Funding to continue NM CAN’s youth engagement projects to help youth aging out of the foster system achieve goals related to education, employment, health, housing, and personal finance as well as strengthen their sense of belonging. ($7,000)
2017 Grants
Children’s Grief Center
Manzano Day School
Funding to support New Day’s Life Skills Academy, which is designed to support youth in gaining the skills and experiences to ensure they have the capability to become contributing, selfsufficient community members. ($10,000)
To provide donated dental services to Albuquerque residents who are either permanently disabled or age 60 or older and afford them the opportunity to eat healthy and nutritious diets to improve their overall health. ($10,000)
Crossroads for Women
Funds to provide financial aid to qualified, economically disad-vantaged students living in Albuquerque. ($5,000)
To support Project Heart Start, a training program that teaches individuals life-saving skills, including CPR, how to use an AED machine, how to save a choking victim and how to recognize the signs of a heart attack. ($5,000)
75 Casa Esperanza Casa Esperanza is New Mexico’s “home away from home” for families requiring treatment for cancer and other serious medical illnesses. ($5,000)
Catholic Charities
Funding for the Protecting the Public Benefits Safety Net project, which protects and improves access to food, healthcare, child care, and cash assistance through the public benefi ts programs for residents of Bernalillo County. ($7,500)
Menaul School
New Day Youth and Family Services
New Mexico Foundation for Dental Health
Funding will help NDI-NM’s programs reach 2,505 Albuquerque children, 86% low-income, with dance programs developed to instill critical skills and attitudes for vibrant health, and educational and life success. ($10,000)
Funding for the Wings Program, which provides full scholarships and related support to academically promising students from families with severely limited financial resources. ($5,000)
New Mexico Heart Institute Foundation
Funding to help NM Legal Aid provide no-cost legal representa tion to low-income Albuquerque families facing wrongful eviction and consequent loss of governmental subsidies. ($10,000)
New Mexico Child Advocacy Networks
Funding for key poverty and hunger ending initiatives for children and families in Albuquerque: One Meal a Day and Keeping Families Together. ($5,000)
New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty
Funding for Catholic Charities’ Children’s Learning Center, a five-star, accredited preschool program in Albuquerque’s South Valley. The children attending the Children’s Learning Center come mainly from immigrant, low income, Spanish speaking families in the South Valley. ($7,500)
Funding will help support Resident Managers and Community Support seven nights a week at Crossroads’ residential program, Hope House. This house serves homeless women who have been cycled in and out of incarceration. ($6,000)
National Dance Institute of New Mexico
New Mexico Appleseed
New Mexico Legal Aid
To provide services to young people ages 5-25, and their fam ilies, who have experienced the death of a loved one. Most chil-dren attend bereavement support group after the death of a parent – usually their father. Because finances are often un certain when a family member passes away, services are provided free to all families regardless of socioeconomic status.
Enlace Comunitario Enlace Comunitario’s JOVENES (Justice and Opportunities for Victims through Education, Nurturing, Encouragement and Support) is designed to reduce long-term negative behavioral and physical health outcomes associated with ACEs (Adverse Child-hood Events), reduce future ACEs in the Latino immigrant pop-ulation currently experiencing them, and prevent ACEs through comprehensive community education. ($6,300)

Funding to support Prosperity Works’ Assets for All program to expand asset opportunities to help working families, especially those not yet in mainstream systems, build a prosperous future for themselves and their children. ($5,000)
Funding for the Kinship Guardianship Program, which focuses on the basic needs for safety, stability, and access to healthcare and education of children being raised by grandparents or oth er caregivers when the child(ren)’s parent is unable to provide proper care and refuses to allow the caregiver to obtain the legal authority necessary to ensure that these needs are met.
Funding for “The Storehouse Goes Mobile,” a mobile food pan try that delivers food to churches, senior centers and/or commu nity centers. Clients can choose food at these locations and take it home to prepare; funding will provide 50,000 healthy meals to low-income households. ($10,000)
Funding to keep low-income youth healthy by providing schol arships for them to participate in club soccer. The clubs provide practices and games 4-5 days per week, offering a safe and healthy after school environment. ($5,000)
2017 Grants
Funding for the Young Musician Initiative (YMI), which supports academic performance and encourages successful early learn ing habits, including focus in class, timely/accurate completion of homework, self-control, empathy, cooperation and self-confidence. ($7,000)
Pegasus Legal Services for Children
Operational funding to help Rio Grande Food Project provide 1.3 million meals of supplemental food to over 48,000 hungry children, youth, adults and seniors who live and work in Albu querque. ($7,000)
Ronald McDonald House Funds to support the Ronald McDonald House Family Rooms, which offer a place to rest and regroup for families of inpatient infants and children within the hospital’s walls. ($5,000)
New Mexico Philharmonic
St. Martin’s HopeWorks
To support the Institute’s outreach project, an initiative to ensure Albuquerque families of deaf children are aware of and have ac cess to all early intervention options for their child. ($5,000)
To support Planned Parenthood’s sex education programming, which works to reduce teen pregnancy and sexually transmit ted infection rates in Albuquerque, by ensuring youth have the education they need to make responsible decisions and delay parenting. Presbyterian($5,000)Ear Institute
Rock at NoonDay Operating grant to provide basic necessities each day to ease the suffering of homelessness, hunger and lack of personal re sources. This begins with showers, laundry service, telephone ac cess, mail services and items of clothing and personal hygiene. It continues with breakfast, lunch and food boxes. ($5,000)
Funding for the Service Coordination Program, which provides homeless individuals access to the resources they need to live successfully in their own apartment home, improve their physical and mental health, economic stability, and prevent a return to homelessness. ($10,000)
The Storehouse
WESST To provide start-up and existing entrepreneurs in Albuquerque with high quality training and one-on-one consultations, as well as incubation services for companies housed at the WESST En terprise Center. Additional funds will support WESST’s work with small businesses, with an emphasis on business finance, marketing and management. ($10,000)
Funding to support St. Martin’s Day Shelter. The shelter provides basic services to Albuquerque’s homeless and ensures that those most in need have a safe space for respite and the resources necessary to rebuild their lives. ($7,500)
New Mexico Soccer Foundation
Rio Grande Food Project
Prosperity Works
Supportive Housing Coalition
Working Classroom To provide a full range of academic, artistic and financial sup port and mentoring for talented, low-income students. Funding will allow students to receive free, year-round, bilingual artistic training, academic tutoring, paid internships, college prep programming and opportunities to collaborate with prominent national artists to create art and theatre that addresses social change. ($10,000)
Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains

77 Albuquerque Community Foundation - Social Giving Club $500 Bosque School $500 Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico $500 Manzano Day School $500 Menaul School $500 National Dance Institute of New Mexico $500 New Mexico Appleseed $500 Opera Southwest $250 Paws & Stripes $500 Right to Life Educational Trust $500 Rio Grande Food Project $500 Roadrunner Food Bank $500 United Way of Central New Mexico - Middle School Education Initiative Fund $500 UNM Alumni Association $250 2017 Sandia Foundation Board of Trustees GROUNDGRANTSGrantsSANDIAFOUNDATIONBOARDOFTRUSTEESCOMMON

FINANCIAL SUMMARY & HIGHLIGHTS IMPACT$1,250,000INVESTMENTScommittedto be invested in the local economy, of that commitment $782,086 has been invested as of 12/31/17 78

SERVICESHUMAN Field-of-Interest Grants $61,450 $84,963 $62,225 $40,000 $75,000 $72,930 1YR 3YR 5YR 7YR TOTAL GRANTS ENDOWMENT RETURNSTOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS ASSETSTOTAL 14.5 5.5 5.86.5 % OF(NETFEES) $2.6M$2.2M $4.2M 2013 $64M2013$87.8M $71.2M 2017 $67.7$66.4M20152016M2014 2014$4.8M$3.7M201520162017 $2.4M2013 $4.1M2014$6.5M2015$4.7M2016 $14.1M2017 79

As a group of dedicated individuals who invest in our community with their talent, time and resources, each trustee serves a three-year term, contributing a minimum gift of $5,000 per year toward the Foundation’s operating expenses. The Foundation is grateful for this remarkable team of volunteers who demonstrate a lasting commitment to Albuquerque through finding common ground with others, tough decision making, passionate support and philanthropic investment. They are bold and visionary – a team the Foundation is proud to call our own. TRUSTEESOF
Board of Trustees
80 Albuquerque draws its strength from its people who are passionate leaders committed to making our city the best it can be, paving the way for common ground in the community. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees, as partners to the city of Albuquerque, are guided by the same passion.
Carl M. Alongi, Past Chair, REDW LLC Glenn Fellows, SMPC Architects Patrick Apodaca, PNM Resources Ed Garcia, Garcia Automotive Karen Bard, Merrill Lynch Julie Gutiérrez,Weaks &TreasurerChairElect, Geolex, Inc. Beverly R. Bendicksen, Sandia Financial Consulting, LLC Rebecca Harrington, Junior League of Albuquerque Arellana Barela Cordero, Southwest Capital Bank Pam Hurd-Knief, Secretary, Philanthropic Advisor William E. Ebel, Northwestern Mutual Steven W. Keene, Chair, Moss Adams LLP

81 Debbie Johnson, CNM Lee MaríaRobertVictorDouglasCurtisRobertBlaugrundBovinetteBrewerM.BrownJ.ChavezM.GoodmanGriego-Raby Karl StevenGloriaShirleyJamesCindyGustafsonJohnsN.KingLeslieMalloryK.Moise Mary Poole Barry W. Ramo Roberta Cooper Ramo John L. (Jack) Rust John ChetJeffryRobertSalazarJ.StammE.SterbaStuart Barbara Trythall Larry MichaelWillardWalker Ray Zimmer Emeritus Board Members The Emeritus Board of the Foundation is comprised of former Trustees who have demonstrated long and distinguished service and contributed significant and ongoing financial support to the Foundation. Chet Stewart has joined the Emeritus Board this year. Albert T. (Ted) Jorgensen, Titan, Inc. and Sound & Signal Systems of New Mexico Marcus Mims, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Lisa Riley, Wells Fargo Jerrald J. Roehl, The Roehl Law Firm P.C. Anne Sapon, True Health New Mexico George Stanfield, Bank of the West Jennifer S. Thomas, Bank of Albuquerque Kevin Yearout, Yearout Companies Walter E. Stern, Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk P.A William P. Lang, Albuquerque Journal & Starline Printing Kenneth C. Leach, Kenneth C. Leach & Associates P.C. Steve Maestas, Maestas Development Group Bev McMillan, Community Member Chet Stewart French Funerals

2017 Corporate Partnerss Ambassador - $10,000 Benefactor - $5,000 Partner - Up to $2500 Contract Associates, Inc. EnvisionIt LoPour & Associates, DDS Kim Jackson Photography New Mexico Mutual Charles Stephen The Payroll Company
Champion - $25,000 As philanthropy continues to be at the forefront of society’s agenda, customers and clients want to do business with companies who collaborate with their communities, carving a pathway for common ground, for all. Collaborating with the Foundation sends a strong message to employees and customers who care about our community and want to be a part of positive change. When you invest in the Albuquerque Community Foundation, you create a win-win partnership that benefits your company, the Foun dation and the Albuquerque community. Your investment supports continued improvement of the community for your employees, their families and future generations.

Every effort is made to maintain accurate records; however, mistakes may occur. If you feel your name should have been listed or is misspelled in this Report, please accept our apologies and contact us so that we have correct information for future publications. The Foundation maintains a sys tem of internal accounting controls designed to provide responsible assurance that transactions are properly executed and recorded in all material respects, assets are safeguarded and established policies and procedures are carefully followed. As the community’s foundation, we are committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in all things we do.
Member of:
The Council on Foundations CF CommunityLeads Foundation Coalition of New Mexico New Mexico Estate Planning Council New Mexico Association of Grantmakers Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce Albuquerque Economic Development Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Albuquerque Economic Forum Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations
(L to R): Nick Williams (Finance Director), Denise Nava (Scholarships), Sandy Mwei (Donor Services), Randy Royster (President & CEO), Gabriela Gómez (Advancement Manager), Kelli Cooper (Vice President), Joanna Colangelo (Grants Advisor & Community Outreach), Andre Durham (Accounting Assistant), Hallee Nguyen (Future Fund & Concours du Soleil)

84 Foundation.theofworkthesupporttolikeI’d ofdonationmyisenclosed $____________________. law.byallowedmaximumthetodeductibletaxaregiftsAll Way.UnitedthroughcomewillcontributionMy payment: MasterCardCheck ExpressAmericanVisa albuquerquefoundation.orgatOnline topayablecheckyourMake : FoundationCommunityAlbuquerque publications:inlistedbeshoulditasname anonymousremaintopreferI #____________________________________Card_________________________________________ ______________________________cardonName___________________________________Address _____________________________dateExpiration______________________State________ZipCity ______________________________CodeSecurityEmail:____________________________________ _________________________________Signature)______________________________(____Phone is:GiftMy Unrestricted PhilanthropyinPartner $2,500+BuilderCommunity $2,499-$1,000Benefactor $999-$500Partner $499toupgiftanyFriend Funds:Field-of-Interest Culture&Arts DevelopmentWorkforce&Economic Education PreservationHistoric&Environmental Health ServicesHuman needs)pressing(mostImpact Administrative FundActionEmergencytoformcompletedthismailplease FoundationCommunityAlbuquerque: 87125-5266NMAlbuquerque,25266BoxP.O. ininterestedamIme,contactPlease orgiftplannedaaboutmorelearning fund.donor-advised Name:___________________________ )_____________________(____Phone: Email:___________________________$1,000ClubGivingSocial $200GroupDonorYoungFundFuture envelopeaninreturnandheretear Thank You foryour Support

Chosen New Mexico's Outstanding Philanthropic Organization by the Association of Fund ProfessionalsRaising
Frederick H. Goff, a brilliant Cleveland businessman, hatched the idea of a "community trust.” His vision was to pool the charitable resources of Cleveland's philanthropists into a single endowment for the betterment of the city. The interest would forever be distributed to improve lives 1980
“Community Foundations have been called the wave of the future, but they really are the wave of the present. Had we established a foundation for our community’s future 50 years ago, would we have foreseen the needs of the present: teenage alcohol and drug abuse treatment or teenage pregnancy programs, immigration, domestic violence shelters, the homeless. Can we predict the grant recipients which will be reported in the ACF’s annual report in 2033? No one knows for certain, but we now have a mechanism for not only peering into the future but preparing for it.” Those words – written nearly 30 years ago – represented the vision ACF had for itself and for its community as a whole. It is a vision of legacy under which the foundation continues to operate: to help people who wish to do good do better, regardless of the environments and challenges of the time 2008
OPEN FOR BUSINESS Donations of $10,000 each from fifteen founding Trustees ensure the Foundation was sustainable for its first three years MILLION DOLLAR YEAR!
The rst multi-million endowment fund is established. This donor's confidence is a sign to the community that Albuquerque Community Foundation is here to stay 1997 2000 2014 2016 2017 2012 2015 Future Fund established aimed at bringing younger donors into the Foundationcollectivethroughimpact
PLANTEDTheideaofCommunityFoundationsreachesNewMexico. Albuquerque attorney Bill Atkinson, CPA, Ray Zimmer and business owner Jack Rust champion the idea FROM AN IDEA TO AN INSPIRATION Business leaders, United Way and the Junior League of Albuquerque incorporate the Albuquerque Community Foundation: The objectives of ACF are to coordinate the receipt and investment of charitable contributions, to distribute funds for community needs in a timely and well researched manner and serve as a leader and educational resource in encouraging philanthropy
A BRIEF HISTORY 1978 1914 1981 1984 1987
Awarded “Ethics in Business Award, ” Samaritan Counseling and UNM Anderson School “A New Day for a Grand Champion” Moved into headquartersnewOrganized state-wide “Give Grande NM” campaign raising $1 million for programs in every New Mexico Community •Established the Social Giving Club for “seasoned” donors, pooling resources for collective impact • Awarded “Best Foundation, ” Albuquerque Business First Funding focus area established, “access to economic opportunities”
•Awarded “Innovation Award, ” Albuquerque Business First •Manage 439 endowment funds, including 101 donor-advised funds, 18 scholarship funds, and 106 nonprofit organization funds Board Chair Ray Zimmer

624 Tijeras Avenue NW 87102 505.883.6240 albuquerquefoundation.org C M Y CM MY CY CMY K