3 minute read
Teacher training and professional development
Anthropological theory
History and Theory in Anthropology
Second edition Alan Barnard | University of Edinburgh Twenty years after the first edition of his classic overview of the history and theory of anthropology, Barnard has written a revised edition for a new generation of students. It has a wider geographic coverage and includes new material on feminism, Marxism, action and process, nationalism, indigeneity, and ‘race’. • Full coverage of social and cultural anthropology from the seventeenth century to today • Includes wide-ranging and full treatment of theories and ideas • Introduces theory using ordinary-language explanations and examples throughout
300pp 9. 2021 9781108837958 Hardback GBP 69.99 / USD 89.99 9. 2021 9781108947039 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99 eISBN 9781108936620
Linguistic anthropology
The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology
N. J. Enfield The field of linguistic anthropology looks at human uniqueness and diversity through the lens of language, our species’ special combination of art and instinct. This state-of-the-field survey covers a wide range of topics, approaches and theories and promotes a broad vision of the subject, spanning a range of disciplines. • Clearly written and accessible, main and part introductions provide readers with an overview of the contents • Provides an in-depth presentation of key concepts, claims and controversies • Brings together leading scholars from anthropology, linguistics and other disciplines, and presents a broad interdisciplinary vision of linguistic anthropology
Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
764pp 45 b/w illus. 12 tables 4. 2021 9781009014618 Paperback GBP 42.99 / USD 54.99 9. 2014 9781107030077 Hardback GBP 125.00 / USD 170.00 eISBN 9781139342872
Social, cultural anthropology
Beyond the Silk Roads
Trade, Mobility and Geopolitics across Eurasia Magnus Marsden | University of Sussex Exploring Eurasian connections from the perspective of mobile Afghan traders, Marsden documents how trading communities thrive in geopolitically fraught contexts, analyses the structure of the networks they form, and explores the dynamics of the commercial hubs important to their activities. This title is also available as Open Access. • Offers a detailed description and analysis of long-distance trade networks that connect different parts of Asia to one another • Introduces an anthropological approach to the study of geopolitics • Accessible to readers without specialist anthropological training • Available as Open Access
Asian Connections
300pp 9. 2021 9781108838313 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00 eISBN 9781108974387
Consumption, Status, and Sustainability
Ecological and Anthropological Perspectives Paul Roscoe | University of Maine, Augusta With concern about sustainability growing, this book focuses on the impact of status competition on growing global consumption levels. It examines how a stronger understanding of the relationships between status, consumption, and other status pursuits across time and cultural difference might help bend the curve toward a sustainable future. • Looks across culture, geography, and time to examine the widely variable ways that humans pursue status and the particular relationship between status and consumption • Identifies a wide range of variables that mediate the relationship between status and consumption (e.g. religion, ethnicity, population size, economic form, the distribution of power, division of labor) • Points to the central importance of attending to societal structures and cultural difference for both understanding and reimagining the links between consumption and status
New Directions in Sustainability and Society
300pp 8. 2021 9781108836043 Hardback GBP 75.00 / USD 99.99 eISBN 9781108874441
Deceptive Majority
Dalits, Hinduism, and Underground Religion Joel Lee | Williams College, Massachusetts An account of contemporary religious life in Lucknow illuminates the embrace and contestation of Hinduization in a Dalit community, it examines the practices by which signs of the community’s Hindu affiliation are amplified and tied to a new ethic of publicity. Lee tracks Dalit religion to encompass it within a newly imagined Hindu body politic. • Ethnographic history of religious majoritarianism • Challenges presuppositions at the very foundation of the study of caste and religion in South Asia
South Asia in the Social Sciences
354pp 6. 2021 9781108843829 Hardback GBP 94.99 / USD 125.00 6. 2021 9781108826662 Paperback GBP 36.99 / USD 48.99 eISBN 9781108920193