6 minute read
Social Psychology Social science research
9. 2021 9781108431071 Paperback GBP 59.99 / USD 79.99 eISBN 9781108355605
Non-Emerging Adulthood
Helping Parents of Adult Children with Entrenched Dependence Dan Dulberger | University of Calgary This book offers mental health practitioners and policy-makers a systemic view of families with adult children who struggle to emerge into adulthood. It guides therapists in helping families rediscover their agency facing issues such as social withdrawal, family accommodation, entitlement, dysfunctional dependence, suicide threats, and addiction. • Demonstrates an intervention approach for entrenched dependence • Offers a step-by-step guide to gathering social support for therapeutic purposes • Helps therapists develop an expertise in mobilizing social networks to overcome isolation and foster more functional dependence • Supplies a procedure for developing a strong alliance with parents to achieve high cooperation and low drop-out rates
250pp 5. 2021 9781108835688 Hardback GBP 59.99 / USD 79.99 5. 2021 9781108813020 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99 eISBN 9781108891240
Non-Violent Resistance
A New Approach to Violent and Self-Destructive Children Second edition Haim Omer | Tel-Aviv University Non-violent resistance (NVR) is a psychological approach for parents, counsellors, teachers, and caregivers working with children and adolescents. It gives practical, evidence-based advice on overcoming children’s aggressive and controlling behavior to reduce parental helplessness, parent-child conflicts, problem behaviors, and family discord. • Presents a detailed list of all-new applications of non-violent resistance • Provides an overview of the literature on non-violent resistance • Includes a step-by-step presentation of the treatment • Contains a definitive model on escalation and its prevention
250pp 5. 2021 9781108832687 Hardback GBP 64.99 / USD 84.99 5. 2021 9781108965439 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99 eISBN 9781108962254
Recovering the US Mental Healthcare System
The Past, Present, and Future of Psychosocial Interventions for Psychosis Meaghan Stacy | Yale University, Connecticut This book is for those supporting, or wanting to support, individuals with psychosis. It highlights the historical and current challenges of psychosis treatment, and advocates for increased training in and use of evidencebased psychosocial treatments. • Bridges the gap between research evidence and implementation in psychosis treatment • Critiques and suggests ways to improve mental healthcare in the
United States • Includes perspectives from multiple disciplines and from authors with experience of psychosis
320pp 12. 2021 9781108844581 Hardback GBP 74.99 / USD 99.99 12. 2021 9781108948425 Paperback GBP 26.99 / USD 34.99 eISBN 9781108951760
Personality and individual differences
A Configuration Approach to Mindset Agency Theory
A Formative Trait Psychology with Affect, Cognition and Behaviour Maurice Yolles | Liverpool John Moores University This book explains socio-political and organisational change in multidisciplinary settings to researchers and postgraduate students studying management, sociology, politics, finance, anthropology, social psychology, and psychology. Consultants can also use this to apply advanced techniques of contextual analysis to complex situations. • Provides a context-sensitive approach that permits coherent explicit theory of agency that draws upon and applies to multidisciplinary contexts • Creates a new theory in a variety of areas, including consciousness, intelligence, and especially cultural intelligence • Explores organisations and other societies in terms of their intelligence, efficacy, and performance
350pp 7. 2021 9781108833325 Hardback GBP 135.00 / USD 175.00 eISBN 9781108974028
Sumaya Laher | University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg This book captures the histories of psychological assessment in the context of globalization. The assumption of the universal applicability of psychological assessment techniques is debunked with diverse contributions from across the globe including regions and populations which have traditionally been marginalized. • Describes the current status of the assessment field within a historical context • Provides an inclusive anthology of the multiple histories of assessment from across the world, with a strong focusing on traditionally marginalised voices • Uses the context of globalisation to map out ‘glocal’ approaches to psychological assessment
Educational and Psychological Testing in a Global Context
300pp 11. 2021 9781108485005 Hardback GBP 74.99 / USD 99.99 11. 2021 9781108719100 Paperback GBP 26.99 / USD 34.99 eISBN 9781108755078
16 The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence and Cognitive Neuroscience
Aron K. Barbey | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign This handbook introduces the reader to the thought-provoking research on the neural foundations of human intelligence. Written for undergraduate or graduate students, practitioners, and researchers in related fields, the chapters summarize research emerging from the rapidly developing neuroscience literature on human intelligence. • Summarizes fundamental issues in the characterization and measurement of general intelligence, and evaluates multidisciplinary research consortia and large-scale data repositories for the study of general intelligence • Provides a systematic review of neuroimaging methods for studying intelligence, including structural and diffusion-weighted MRI techniques, functional MRI methods, and spectroscopic imaging • Maps out predictive modeling approaches to the study of human intelligence
600pp 7. 2021 9781108480543 Hardback GBP 125.00 / USD 165.00 7. 2021 9781108727723 Paperback GBP 69.99 / USD 89.99 eISBN 9781108635462
Psychology (general)
Giving the Devil his Due
Reflections of a Scientific Humanist Michael Shermer | Chapman University, California This book is for all readers who care about science and reason, humanism and secularism, the progress of humanity, and the advancement of morals and values. It also advocates for the protection and continued expansion of human rights, such as civil rights, women’s rights, LGBT+ rights, and animal rights. • Outlines a ten-point defence of free speech and open inquiry in politics, science, and culture • Presents numerous real-world examples of how science and reason can be employed for solving moral dilemmas and determining human values • Supplies many examples of heretics and heterodox thinkers, who challenged the orthodoxy and were punished for it, and how we should think about people whose claims challenge mainstream ideas today
366pp 22 b/w illus. 8. 2021 9781108747585 Paperback GBP 12.99 / USD 16.95 9. 2020 9781108489782 Hardback GBP 19.99 / USD 24.95 eISBN 9781108779395
Psychology research methods/statistics
Good Science
Psychological Inquiry as Everyday Moral Practice Joshua W. Clegg This is a guide to help scholars conduct, teach, and study psychological research in a way that takes into account the moral foundations of theory and practice in psychological inquiry. The book covers material relevant to research theory, methods, and ethics, and includes extensive instructional resources. • Uses perspectives from history, science studies, and philosophy of science to describe the current state of psychological science • Presents an alternative framework for understanding what constitutes good science in Psychology, focusing on the moral context of research • Gives advice and resources to help research instructors and mentors approach their work from a foundationally moral perspective
160pp 1. 2022 9781316519752 Hardback GBP 74.99 / USD 99.99 1. 2022 9781009011129 Paperback GBP 24.99 / USD 32.99 eISBN 9781009022217
New Handbook of Mathematical Psychology
Volume 2 Modeling and Measurement William H. Batchelder | University of California, Irvine The field of mathematical Psychology includes both psychological theorizing, in which mathematics plays a key role, and applied mathematics, motivated by substantive problems in Psychology. The New Handbook of Mathematical Psychology explores the mathematical and computational foundations of new developments over the last half-century. • Demonstrates how standard advanced mathematics can play an essential role in the psychological sciences • Focuses on mathematical foundations rather than specific empirical studies • Aims to increase the sophistication of students and scholars in mathematical Psychology and related fields in the behavioral and social sciences, mathematics, economics, and analytic philosophy
Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology
470pp 6. 2021 9781009045407 Paperback GBP 44.99 / USD 56.99 9. 2018 9781107029071 Hardback GBP 45.00 / USD 85.00 eISBN 9781139245906
Qualitative Studies of Silence
The Unsaid as Social Action Amy Jo Murray | University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa This book opens the topic of conversational, interpersonal, and collective silences to qualitative researchers who have traditionally focused on what people say and do. It will help students and researchers study the unsaid and analyse how it is communicated and functions psychologically in relationships, academia, and society. • The first book of its kind on the qualitative methodology of silence • Provides practical examples of analysis for researchers, scholars, and students • Supports critical scholarship of ideology by showing how silence is a form of social action
311pp 11. 2021 9781108432207 Paperback GBP 26.99 / USD 34.99 7. 2019 9781108421379 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00 eISBN 9781108345552