3 minute read
Biological psychology
eISBN 9781108980081
Applied psychology
All Too Human
Understanding and Improving our Relationships with Technology Anne McLaughlin | North Carolina State University McLaughlin explains concepts from human factors psychology via topical stories, from the Flint Water Crisis, to Chernobyl, to seemingly illogical behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. This fascinating book explains how the mind copes with life and death situations and how we can build a safer, more enjoyable world. • EIntroduces human factors psychology: a rarely covered, but important area of res • Uses real-world narratives and case studies to illustrate difficult concepts • Aimed at general readers and psychology students
250pp 15 b/w illus 2. 2022 9781316515600 Hardback GBP 76.99 / USD99.00 2. 2022 9781009012546 Paperback GBP 24.99 / USD 32.99 eISBN 9781009026093
Creating Conspiracy Beliefs
How Our Thoughts Are Shaped Dolores Albarracin | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Conspiracy theories spread more widely and faster than ever before. It is vital that we understand the psychological and political causes as well as the role of the media. This timely book achieves that goal with six original, empirical studies and a novel theory of how conspiracy theories operate. • Explains why people accept conspiracy beliefs and what role the media plays • Examines conspiracy theories that are prevalent in the US and around the world • Provides full data from six original case studies
200pp 12. 2021 9781108845786 Hardback GBP 89.99 / USD 110.00 12. 2021 9781108965026 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99 eISBN 9781108990936
Patterns in Problem Solving and Innovation Rolf K. Baltzersen Social creatures, like humans, solve problems together. Collective intelligence is essential in all organizations and societies if we want to resolve humanity’s greatest challenges. This book explores how to deploy new practices such as crowdsourcing and online knowledge sharing. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core. • This book is also available as Open Access • Provides a biological and historical analysis of collective intelligence • Presents a broad overview of how problem-solving works in science, politics, and creative innovation • Fully accessible to readers without specialist psychological knowledge
Current Perspectives in Social and Behavioral Sciences
250pp 1. 2022 9781108833745 Hardback GBP 74.99 / USD 99.99 1. 2022 9781108986755 Paperback GBP 34.99 / USD 44.99 eISBN 9781108981361
Holding a Mirror up to Nature
Shame, Guilt, and Violence in Shakespeare James Gilligan | New York University This volume is for both lovers of Shakespeare and those who are concerned about the danger that humanity’s propensity for violent behaviour poses to the very survival of our species. Through his characters, Shakespeare shows us both what causes violence and how to prevent it. • Analyses Shakespeare’s plays as if they were
‘case histories’ that explicitly illustrate the key principles of the psychology of violence and non-violence • Shows how Shakespeare illuminates inter-disciplinary perspectives from the behavioural and social sciences, literary analysis, moral philosophy and law, to help inform our understanding of violence, from the characters in his plays to present day clinical examples • Brings an empirically grounded theory showing how shame and guilt in personality and culture, and retributivism in criminal justice systems, stimulate violence
250pp 11. 2021 9781108833394 Hardback GBP 74.99 / USD 99.99 11. 2021 9781108970396 Paperdback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99 eISBN 9781108980609
How People Matter
Why it Affects Health, Happiness, Love, Work, and Society Isaac Prilleltensky | University of Miami Mattering, which is about feeling valued and adding value, is essential to our health, happiness, relationships, work, and society. Mattering improves both wellness and fairness in society. People interested in improving their personal wellbeing as well as the well-being of others will benefit from this book’s research-based strategies. • Presents a framework for understanding mattering on the personal, interpersonal, occupational, and social levels • Offers concrete tools for improving the sense of mattering in self and others • Places the concept in social context of justice and injustice • Defines and contrasts the prevalent ‘Me Culture’ with the proposed
‘We Culture’
348pp 6. 2021 9781108839013 Hardback GBP 74.99 / USD 99.99 6. 2021 9781108969246 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99 eISBN 9781108979405
Mastering Self-Control
Joshua John Clarkson | University of Cincinnati Armed with the knowledge that self control is not an accidental response, but an intentional act in the pursuit of personal goals, this book is an academic ‘how to’ in the mastery of self control that is grounded in scientific research to offer actionable strategies that promote goal attainment. • Highlights key principles of self-control and goal pursuit • Explains the foundational concepts and seminal research across many disciplines that define the domain of self control • Encourages practical steps toward improving self control based on academic research, rather than personal opinion
200pp 6. 2021 9781108496261 Hardback GBP 74.99 / USD 99.99 6. 2021 9781108791755 Paperback GBP 25.99 / USD 33.99 eISBN 9781108866613