16 minute read
Cultural psychology
Visual Control of Locomotion
Brett R. Fajen | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York This Element examines visual perception in the context of activities that involve moving about in complex, dynamic environments. A central theme is that the ability of humans and other animals to perceive their surroundings based on vision is profoundly shaped by the need to adaptively regulate locomotion to variations in the environment.
Elements in Perception
75pp 4. 2021 9781108799270 Paperback GBP 15.00 / USD 20.00 eISBN 9781108870474
Action and Inaction in a Social World
Predicting and Changing Attitudes and Behavior Dolores Albarracín | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
This book explains how actions and inactions change in social contexts, connecting psychological research with problems of interest in communication, public health, economics, organizational and consumer behavior, and environmental sciences. This cutting-edge, multidisciplinary view also informs intervention design and gauges social media effects. • Describes how humans conceptualize and make decisions about their actions and inactions • Allows readers to replicate and adapt instruments and procedures used in researching psychology, communication, organizational behavior, and public health • Connects theory to virtual experience, messaging, and the use of technology for behavioral change
300pp 2. 2021 9781108840002 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00 eISBN 9781108878357
Adaptive Intelligence
Surviving and Thriving in Times of Uncertainty Robert J. Sternberg | Cornell University, New York A world-renowned expert on human intelligence argues that societies continue to use a flawed, early twentieth-century conception of human intelligence. Instead of focusing on narrow academic skills, we should adopt the values of ‘adaptive intelligence,’ defined as the use of talent in service of the common good.
• Offers a forceful critique of the prevailing idea of human intelligence aligned with IQ and standardized tests • Situates the theory of human intelligence within the context of broad social, political, and environmental issues • Provides tools for the definition and study of a new conception of intelligence
250pp 2. 2021 9781107154384 Hardback GBP 59.99 / USD 79.99 2. 2021 9781316607978 Paperback GBP 26.99 / USD 34.99 eISBN 9781316650554
As If By Design
How Creative Behaviors Really Evolve Edward A. Wasserman | University of Iowa Ever wonder how the Heimlich maneuver, the butterfly stroke, or the moonwalk originated? They were not feats of genius. Basic laws of learning and behavior explain how such innovations emerged and evolved. Using real life stories, behavioral psychology, and the history of science, this book illuminates the creative process. • Adopts an objective scientific approach to the study of creativity and innovation • Demonstrates the centrality of behavior in the creative process • Offers a framework for understanding creativity by stressing context, consequence, and coincidence in the evolution of innovative behaviors • Deploys a narrative approach, using real life stories to explain creativity
328pp 7. 2021 9781108477765 Hardback GBP 59.99 / USD 79.99 2. 2021 9781108745109 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 34.99 eISBN 9781108774895
Biological and Computer Vision
Principles and Algorithms Gabriel Kreiman | Harvard University, Massachusetts Vision applications are pervasive from smartphones that recognize faces to automatic analysis of clinical images. This book bridges neuroscience, cognitive science, computer science, and artificial intelligence to explain neural mechanisms of biological vision and how artificial intelligence computer vision systems work. • Combines research from animal and human visual cognition, the brain, and artificial intelligence vision systems • Introduces state-of-the-art topics in biological vision and algorithmic approaches to modeling visual systems in machines • Explains experimental design, hypothesis testing, and critical thinking through discussion of biological and computational experiments in vision research • Shows how machines are trained to see and interpret the visual world around us
280pp 2. 2021 9781108483438 Hardback GBP 94.99 / USD 125.00 2. 2021 9781108705004 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99 eISBN 9781108649995
An Introduction James C. Kaufman | University of Connecticut This textbook is a systematic and straightforward introduction to the interdisciplinary field of creativity research. Each chapter is written by one of the world’s experts and features an introduction, critical thinking questions, and key terms to aid learning. • Each chapter has a small section called ‘My research contribution’, where authors briefly describe a more personal connection to their discipline • Includes chapter introductions explaining the importance of each topic • Chapter summaries outline the content to follow so students approach new topics with a strong idea of what is to come and are better equipped to understand the content
318pp 4. 2021 9781108489379 Hardback GBP 74.99/ USD 99.99 4. 2021 9781108702379 Paperback GBP 39.99 / USD 49.99 eISBN 9781108776721
8 Evolution of Learning and Memory Mechanisms
Mark A. Krause | Southern Oregon University Insects, amphibians, fish, birds, rodents, primates, and humans share common learning mechanisms, and have also evolved different responses to unique ecological challenges. This volume explores evolutionary influences on how human and nonhuman animals learn and remember. It features contributions from psychologists, biologists, and neuroscientists. • The first single-volume overview of the evolution of learning and memory • Includes contributions from psychology, biology, and neuroscience • Based on laboratory and field experiments and the latest discoveries
400pp 2. 2022 9781108487993 Hardback GBP 79.99/ USD 99.99 2. 2022 9781108702379 Paperback GBP 31.99 / USD 39.99 eISBN 9781108768450
Explaining the Evidence
How the Mind Investigates the World David A. Lagnado | University College London This book is for students, researchers and academics interested in reasoning and evidence. It presents a novel perspective on human thinking, exposing common pitfalls and proposing new methods to help make better decisions. The author uses crime cases to show how to understand both legal and everyday problems. • Introduces the notion of causal thinking and the key role it plays in how people reason about evidence • Highlights the pitfalls and dangers when people evaluate complex evidence or deal with uncertainty and unreliable sources • Introduces a formal framework for causal modelling to improve reasoning about complex cases
275pp 10. 2021 9781107006003 Hardback GBP 84.99 / USD 110.00 10. 2021 9780521184816 Paperback GBP 26.99 / USD 34.99 eISBN 9780511794520
Good Thinking
Seven Powerful Ideas That Influence the Way We Think Second edition Denise D. Cummins This book is for anyone who wonders whether to trust the media, seeks creative solutions to problems, or grapples with with ethical dilemmas. Find out how experts think and how to apply these techniques to be a more effective decision-maker using seven powerful decision-making methods. • Explains seven easily-applicable decision-making methods • Provides tools to evaluate claims from the media about scientific breakthroughs or political platforms • Draws from real-life events that emphasize the relevance of each decision-making strategy
250pp 3. 2021 9781108830485 Hardback GBP 54.99 / USD 69.99 3. 2021 9781108827324 Paperback GBP 18.99 / USD 24.99 eISBN 9781108907712
Good Thinking
Seven Powerful Ideas That Influence the Way We Think Second edition Denise D. Cummins This book is for anyone who wonders whether to trust the media, seeks creative solutions to problems, or grapples with with ethical dilemmas. Find out how experts think and how to apply these techniques to be a more effective decision-maker using seven powerful decision-making methods. • Explains seven easily-applicable decision-making methods • Provides tools to evaluate claims from the media about scientific breakthroughs or political platforms • Draws from real-life events that emphasize the relevance of each decision-making strategy
250pp 3. 2021 9781108827324 Hardback GBP 54.99 / USD 69.99 3. 2021 9781108830485 Paperback GBP 18.99 / USD 24.99 eISBN 9781108907712
Rhythm in Art, Psychology and New Materialism
Gregory Minissale | University of Auckland This book presents materialist and psychological theories in relation to specific artworks. Researchers and students studying art, psychology, or human imagination can use this as an important guide to understanding abstract art, or as a key text for courses on modern art. • Supplies a new interdisciplinary understanding of abstract art and aesthetic experience • Provides examples of interdisciplinary science and art collaboration • Gives a rigorous analysis of terms informed by new materialism and neuropsycholog • Establishes a foundation for grasping concepts such as mind, matter, rhythm, and sensation • Analyses artworks by Matisse, Pollock Dubuffet, Tapies, Smithson,
Benglis, Morris, Johns, Stella, Len Lye, Star Gossage, Shannon Novak,
Simon Ingram, Lee Mingwei, L. N. Tallur, and many others
300pp 3. 2021 9781108831413 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00 eISBN 9781108917216
The Cambridge Handbook of Animal Cognition
Allison B. Kaufman | University of Connecticut This handbook covers animal communication and language, memory and recall, social cognition, social learning and teaching, numerical and quantitative abilities, innovation, and problem solving. Written by world-renowned experts, it is a vital resource for graduates students and researchers looking for an overview of the field and its advancements.
• Provides overviews of animal communication and language, memory, social cognition, social learning and teaching, quantitative abilities, innovation, and problem solving • Contains a roster of international experts from renowned university departments, research institutions, and zoos • Includes a wide variety of species as examples from ants to fish to elephants.
Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology
828pp 7. 2021 9781108426749 Hardback GBP 150.00 / USD 195.00 7. 2021 9781108445481 Paperback GBP 79.99 / USD 105.00 eISBN 9781108564113
The Cambridge Handbook of Lifespan Development of Creativity
Sandra W. Russ | Case Western Reserve University, Ohio This handbook focuses on the development and nurturance of creativity throughout the lifespan. It answers the question: how can we help people turn their creative potential into creative achievement? The authors review research findings and describe best practices in different contexts for fostering creativity at each stage of development. • Focuses on the interplay of creativity and lifespan development • Authored by interdisciplinary experts on the fields of creativity, human development, and their intersection from across the globe • Integrates information about contexts and culture across locations, such as school and the home, as well as modalities including play, writing, and more.
Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology
750pp 9. 2021 9781108719186 Paperback GBP 49.99 / USD 64.99 9. 2021 9781108485098 Hardback GBP 145.00 / USD 190.00 eISBN 9781108755726
The Science of Consciousness
Waking, Sleeping and Dreaming Trevor A. Harley | University of Dundee This introductory text examines the psychology, philosophy, and neuroscience of consciousness, emphasizing the strengths of a scientific approach to studying the mind. It surveys the full range of altered states of consciousness including sleep and dreams, hypnotic and meditative states, anesthesia, and drug-induced states. • Emphasizes a science-based approach as well as philosophical concepts so students learn the entire breadth of the study of consciousness and the relationship between consciousness and the brain • Written accessibly for students with and without science prerequisites,
‘Try this’ feature boxes, a technical glossary, and boxed material prompt self-reflection and engagement with concepts • Practical questions end each chapter to illustrate applications of consciousness research and list of further resources offer a focus for extension work and a launch pad for students who are looking to focus on particular topics
448pp 2. 2021 9781107125285 Hardback GBP 155.00 / USD 200.00 2. 2021 9781107563308 Paperback GBP 44.99 / USD 59.99 eISBN 9781316408889
Why Me?
The Sociocultural Evolution of a Self-Reflective Mind Radu J. Bogdan This book explores the evolution of the mental competence for self-reflection: why it evolved, under what selection pressures, in what environments, out of what precursors, and with what mental resources. It will interest scholars across the fields of cognitive science, developmental psychology, evolutionary psychology, and philosophy of the mind. • Explores the evolutionary puzzle of self-reflection and its apparent human uniqueness • Integrates evolutionary, psychological, and philosophical perspectives on self-reflection • Describes the developmental evolution of the capacity for selfreflection under sociocultural pressures on both children’s and adults’ minds
200pp 6. 2021 9781316518182 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00 eISBN 9781108999496
Cultural psychology
Conceptual and Methodological Issues in CrossCultural and Cultural Psychology Ype H. Poortinga | Tilburg University, The Netherlands This Element presents a critical review of crosscultural psychology and cultural psychology. It examines how emphasis in cultural and crosscultural psychology on psychological differences leads to stereotyping, and diminishes attention for prevailing external conditions.
Elements in Psychology and Culture
75pp 10. 2021 9781108827614 Paperback GBP 15.00 / USD 20.00 eISBN 9781108908320
Methods and Assessment in Culture and Psychology
Michael Bender | Universiteit van Tilburg, The Netherlands Comparing psychological variation across cultures requires accurate and appropriate methods. This book highlights methodological developments that promise to improve the work of social and behavioral scientists and practitioners. It covers acculturation and identity, individual differences, and features perspectives on future themes and challenges. • Explains that studying culture is an inherently methodological enterprise • Highlights how methodological rigor is relevant across a wide area of inquiries, including acculturation, educational assessment, emotion, motivation, and personality • Describes how empirical, cross-cultural investigations are grounded in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods procedures, which are critical for test adaptation • Argues that methodologically sound cross-cultural studies attending to equivalence, bias, and invariance testing must be included in psychological research
Culture and Psychology
400pp 2. 2021 9781108476621 Hardback GBP 79.99 / USD 105.00 2. 2021 9781108701150 Paperback GBP 29.99 / USD 39.99 eISBN 9781108675475
10 Methods and Data Analysis for Cross-Cultural Research
Second edition Fons J. R. van de Vijver | Universiteit van Tilburg, The Netherlands This is an integrated introduction to methods, design, and data analysis tailored to crosscultural research. With examples from cognitive and educational assessment, personality, health, and management, this guide presents key methodological and statistical tools and focuses on the research questions that can be tackled with particular techniques. • Supplies a conceptual framework of bias and equivalence • Describes design considerations and analysis tools that help avoid pitfalls in cultural and cross-cultural psychology and enhance ecological validity • Written accessibly to appeal to a broad audience of researchers and practitioners engaging with cross-cultural topics in addition to their main field of expertise
Culture and Psychology
250pp 6. 2021 9781107057791 Hardback GBP 69.99 / USD 89.99 6. 2021 9781107694675 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99 eISBN 9781107415188
Alexandra Rutherford | York University, Toronto Psychologies of women and gender have developed - both institutionally and intellectually - within distinct social, cultural, historical, and political contexts. The intersections of gender, feminism, history, and culture are explored with reference to psychology, first in the United States, and then across three other national contexts.
Elements in Psychology and Culturel
75pp 2. 2021 9781108707145 Paperback GBP 15.00 / USD 20.00 eISBN 9781108751094
Women across Cultures
Common Issues, Varied Experiences Hilary M. Lips | Radford University, Virginia Psychology’s study of women has revealed some themes that span cultures and countries, yet women’s lived experiences in different cultures can be dramatically different. This Element explores, from a psychological perspective, women’s issues in cultural contexts.
Elements in Psychology and Culture
75pp 2. 2021 9781108812788 Paperback GBP 15.00 / USD 20.00 eISBN 9781108874366
Developmental psychology
Bilingual Development in Childhood
Annick De Houwer In the first decade of life, children become bilingual in different language learning environments. This Element explains how these different language learning settings dynamically affect bilingual children’s language learning trajectories.
Elements in Child Development
75pp 5. 2021 9781108791397 Paperback GBP 15.00 / USD 20.00 eISBN 9781108866002
Child Welfare, Protection, and Justice
Murli Desai Reviews limitations of concepts of problems in childhood, and the prevalent service delivery approaches of child welfare, protection, and justice. It identifies the rights-based comprehensive, preventive, and systemic approach for child welfare, and details the prevention level integrated service delivery for children facing socio-legal problems.
Elements in Child Development
75pp 2. 2021 9781108965637 Paperback GBP 15.00 / USD 20.00 eISBN 9781108963787
Depression in Children’s Lives
Keith Crnic | Arizona State University Although childhood depressive disorders are relatively rare, the experience of depression in children’s lives is not. This Element draws on basic emotion development and developmental psychopathology perspectives to address the nature of depressive experience in childhood, both symptoms and disorder.
Elements in Child Development
75pp 8. 2021 9781108814805 Paperback GBP 15.00 / USD 20.00 eISBN 9781108887144
The History of a Psychological Concept Christopher Goodey | The Open University, Milton Keynes Little is known about the history of developmental psychology before it became a formal discipline. This book identifies the previous concepts, chiefly religious ones, from which the developmental idea was drawn. It will interest researchers studying developmental and child psychology, education, and the history of science. • Explores the history behind developmental psychology before it became a formal discipline • Explains how we have over the course of time come to think of human beings as ‘developers’ • Provides a scholarly historical resource for people interested in the rights of children and of developmentally disabled adults in modern societies
Darwin College Lectures
300pp 6. 2021 9781108833479 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00 eISBN 9781108980845
Making Sense
What It Means to Understand David R. Olson | University of Toronto Drawing together developmental and philosophical theories of mind, this book argues that understanding is little more than the ability to ascribe understanding to oneself, a development that depends critically on acquiring the linguistic concept of understanding. This account of understanding provides a model for mental states more generally. • Explores what it means to understand by distinguishing the concept of understanding from the feeling of understanding • Shows that understanding is little more than knowledge of the linguistic concept of understanding that, in turn, allows the ascription of understanding to oneself and others • Realizes the importance of intersubjectivity in the concept of understanding – a corrective to the view that understanding may be defined exclusively by correctness
200pp 3. 2022 9781316513330 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00 eISBN 9781009064569
Measurement Burst Designs to Improve Precision in Peer Research
Ryan J. Persram | Concordia University, Montréal Measurement burst designs can be used as a novel method to improve the stability of basic measures typically used in longitudinal peer research. We hypothesized that the stabilities for adolescentreported peer acceptance, anxiety, and self-concept would be stronger when using the measurement burst approach versus the single time observation.
Elements in Research Methods for Developmental Science
75pp 9. 2021 9781108986526 Paperback GBP 15.00 / USD 20.00 eISBN 9781108986038
Music, Wellness, and Aging
Defining, Directing, and Celebrating Life Scott F. Madey | Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania This book provides a definitive account of the intersection between music, wellness, and aging from the perspective of gerontology, psychology, health, music therapy, and music education. Undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and the general reader will find useful case studies of how people confront adversity through music.
• Provides a thoroughly researched and definitive account of the intersection of music, wellness, and aging • Features case studies of people who confronted adversity through music to find growth and self-actualization • Conveys the importance of people’s stories as these define and direct their celebration of life as they age
300pp 9. 2021 9781108844697 Hardback GBP 64.99 / USD 84.99 9. 2021 9781108948739 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99 eISBN 9781108953290
Boris Gindis This book presents an integrated and practical system for the physical and sensory rehabilitation, education, and social and cultural remediation of post-institutionalized international adoptees. It is essential reading for researchers and clinicians concerned with childhood trauma, remedial education, and issues of international adoption. • Advises mental health professionals and adoptive parents on how best to help internationally adopted children • Analyses the psychosocial phenomenon of traumatized or neglected children experiencing sudden changes in their social situation or development • Describes and evaluates a range of methodologies for the rehabilitation and remediation of children with substantial adverse early childhood experiences
200pp 1 table 9. 2021 9781316516294 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00 eISBN 9781009029629
Revenge across Childhood and Adolescence
Holly Recchia | Concordia University, Montréal This volume examines how revenge is both a part of normative development and linked to experiences in adverse social environments. It is aimed at scholars and practitioners in child psychology and education who focus on aggression, conflict resolution, peer relations, violence, morality, discipline, restorative justice, and culture.
• Presents diverse theoretical and disciplinary perspectives on revenge in childhood and adolescence • Considers a variety of approaches aimed at addressing revenge in childhood and adolescence across various levels of youth social ecologies • Maps out the ways in which revenge is part of normative development, but also emerges from adverse social environments
350pp 7. 2021 9781108489362 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00 eISBN 9781108776684
Socializing Children
Joan E. Grusec | University of Toronto Complaints are often made that recommendations about how to rear children are contradictory and, therefore, not helpful. In this Element we survey the history of theory and research relevant to childrearing in an attempt to show how apparent differences can be resolved.
Elements in Child Development
75pp 5. 2021 9781108827034 Paperback GBP 15.00 / USD 20.00 eISBN 9781108920780