3 minute read
Personality and individual differences
Craig S. Wells | University of Massachusetts, Amherst This user-friendly guide shows psychometricians, gradiate students, and social science researchers how to assess measurement invariance using computer programs, statistical methods, and real data.. It explains to those studying psychology, public policy, marketing, or management how to find out if their measures are invariant across groups. • Provides psychometricians, as well as researchers from diverse fields in the social sciences, with a user-friendly guide for assessing measurement invariance • Describes a variety of statistical methods for assessing measurement invariance and presents a large set of tools for conducting analyses • Illustrates how to assess measurement invariance using computer programs and real data, both of which are available for download on people.umass.edu/cswells
Educational and Psychological Testing in a Global Context
250pp 6. 2021 9781108485227 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00 eISBN 9781108750561
Constraints and Creativity
In Search of Creativity Science Feiwel Kupferberg How does one study creativity in a scientific manner, what are the relevant data and methods, and how do we conceptualize the knowledge object of this science? Going all the way back to Aristotle, the author penetrates different layers of creativity until reaching its basic, summarizing structure. • Provides examples of how new disciplines operate in practice and how comparing such data generates novel empirical patterns • Presents the five core dimensions that seem to constrain creativity • Supplies numerous examples of pioneering work across science, art, and technology that tests the constraint theory approach to creativity • Makes the theoretical model of constraint theory accessible to readers without specialized training in studying creativity
300pp 7. 2021 9781108839617 Hardback GBP 95.00 / USD 125.00 eISBN 9781108884617
Dyslexia in Higher Education
Anxiety and Coping Skills Amanda T. Abbott-Jones This book shows researchers and practitioners from education and psychology sectors how best to help dyslexic students. Using student interviews, it demonstrates dyslexia’s association with anxiety and offers strategies for cognitive and emotional coping that dyslexic students themselves will find immensely useful. • Centres on dyslexic student voices and their experiences of negative emotion • Lays out cognitive and emotional coping methods for dyslexic students • Evidences the shared experience of students with dyslexia at university, and helps treat feelings of isolation • Provides statistically sound evidence of the prevalence of anxiety in the dyslexic community
150pp 10. 2021 9781316517000 Hardback GBP 84.99 / USD 110.00 10. 2021 9781009016889 Paperback GBP 26.99 / USD 34.99 eISBN 9781009032162 NEW IN PAPERBACK
Improving Learning
Meta-analysis of Intervention Research in Education Steven Higgins | University of Durham Improving Learning will benefit teachers and researchers who want to understand the benefits and limitations of evidence-informed teaching. It uses non-technical language and practical examples to provide an accessible overview of the history and development of meta-analysis and reveals the thinking behind the ‘Teaching and Learning Toolkit’. • Explains how to interpret and contextualise findings from metaanalysis in education • Uses examples from research areas of interest to practitioners, including the teaching of reading, effective feedback and the use of digital technology • Provides an overview of a range of findings from intervention research in education to set out the benefits and limitations of this kind of approach
263pp 7. 2021 9781009048538 Paperback GBP 22.99 / USD 29.99 11. 2018 9781107033320 Hardback GBP 80.00 / USD 110.00 eISBN 9781139519618
The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning
Third edition Richard E. Mayer | University of California, Santa Barbara Recognized as the field’s major reference work, this research-based handbook helps define and shape multimedia learning. The third edition provides the latest progress report from the world’s leading multimedia researchers, with forty-six chapters on how to help people learn from words and pictures, particularly in computer-based environments. • Provides an up-to-date review of what is known about how to design multimedia instruction • Presents evidence-based theories on how people learn from words and graphics • Features a diverse collection of chapters written by leading researchers from around the world • Supplies a systematic structure for organizing the research base in multimedia learning • Lays out both practical and theoretical implications, as well as recommendations for future research
Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology
800pp 10. 2021 9781108841580 Hardback GBP 150.00 / USD 195.00 10. 2021 9781108814669 Paperback GBP 64.99 / USD 84.99 eISBN 9781108894333