3 minute read
Political Sociology
18 Psychology of Democracy
Of the People, By the People, For the People Ashley Weinberg | University of Salford Democracy around the world is in crisis. Can political Psychology shed light on what is going on? Using an accessible and attractive format, this book presents expert contributions from five continents and cutting-edge research to give invaluable insights on politicians, political institutions and ourselves as would-be citizens of democracies. • Draws on multidisciplinary empirical research in political Psychology • Includes case studies and cutting-edge insights from around the world • Accessible for general readers and politicians as well as scholars and students of political Psychology
350pp 1. 2022 9781108477758 Hardback GBP 110.00 / USD 140.00 eISBN 9781108774871
Queer Entanglements
Intersections of Gender, Sexuality, and Animal Companionship Damien W. Riggs | Flinders University of South Australia This book explores lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, trans, and non-binary people’s relationships with animal companions. Drawing on the authors’ research across Psychology, media, gender studies, and sociology, the book combines theory and evidence to frame the queer entanglements of human and animal lives as a menagerie of interweaving experiences. • Develops an intersectional understanding of human-animal relations • Provides a unified account of LGBTQNB people’s relationships with animal companions • Connects academic work with advocacy and activism to present pathways to social change based on empirical research
250pp 7. 2021 9781108488860 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00 eISBN 9781108772358
Relationship Maintenance
Theory, Process, and Context Brian G. Ogolsky | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Relationship maintenance encompasses a wide range of activities that partners use to preserve their relationships. In this volume, experts from a variety of disciplines describe diverse sets of relationship maintenance efforts in order to paint a comprehensive picture of why some relationships endure, while others falter. • Proposes an integrative and expansive view of relationship maintenance • Addresses existing gaps in the literature to offer readers unique insight into adaptive relational processes over the course of relationship development • Provides a multidisciplinary view to advance relationship science, with perspectives from Social Psychology, communication, sociology, developmental science, family studies, couple and family therapy, and clinical Psychology represented in the volume
Advances in Personal Relationships
413pp 11. 2021 9781108412278 Paperback GBP 26.99 / USD 34.99 1. 2020 9781108419857 Hardback GBP 85.00 / USD 110.00 eISBN 9781108304320
The Cambridge Handbook of Identity
Michael Bamberg | Clark University, Massachusetts The Cambridge Handbook of Identity presents the lively, multidisciplinary field of identity theory and research as working around three central themes: sameness vs. difference, agency, and constancy vs. change. These themes help guide scholars and students through a wealth of perspectives from different theoretical and methodological traditions. • Integrates new developments in theorizing and investigating identity around issues such as identity politics, diversity, intersectionality, and inclusion • Relates theoretical considerations to methodological implications and evidences both with concrete examples of research applications • Surveys the diverging strands in identity theory and research, and at the same time centers them on three key themes: sameness vs. difference, agency, and constancy and change
Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology
800pp 10. 2021 9781108485012 Hardback GBP 145.00 / USD 190.00 10. 2021 9781108719117 Paperback GBP 44.99 / USD 55.99 eISBN 9781108755146
The Cambridge Handbook of Political Psychology
Danny Osborne | University of Auckland This handbook reviews the Psychology of political behaviour from an international perspective, covering foundational approaches and contemporary challenges. Scholars, students and practitioners will find up-to-date literature reviews and research insights from leading scholars into how people think, feel and act in different political contexts. • Provides an overview of some of the most pressing issues facing democratic governance in contemporary society • Looks beyond the North American context to feature international perspectives, thus broadening our understanding of how political
Psychology operates in different contexts • Offers an up-to-date review of the literature, while also providing suggestions for future research
Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology
800pp 2. 2022 9781108489638 Hardback GBP 145.00 / USD 185.00 2. 2022 9781108747417 Paperback GBP 44.99 / USD 56.99 eISBN 9781108779104
The Psychology of Effective Activism
Robyn Gulliver | University of Queensland This Element reviews the Social Psychology of effective collective action, highlighting the importance of considering activists’ goals, timeframes, and psychological perspectives in seeking to conceptualise this construct.
Elements in Applied Social Psychology
75pp 8. 2021 9781108972109 Paperback GBP 15.00 / USD 20.00 eISBN 9781108975476