N. 08 - January 2013

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January 2013 | year III


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L’Accademia del Fitness Wellness & Anti-aging Magazine


La dieta COM (acronimo di CronOrMorfo dieta) è un approccio integrato che tiene conto della Cronobiologia degli Ormoni e della Morfologia dell’essere umano. Non siamo tutti uguali e trovare la giusta alimentazione e tipologia di esercizio fisico per ognuno di noi è la strada per raggiungere la salute. Determinate morfologie, ovvero determinate forme del corpo, sono legate a specifiche espressioni caratteriali. Tutto questo, si sa, è legato alla genetica che indirizza il nostro sviluppo secondo le nostre predisposizioni. Oggi, tuttavia, si ha la certezza c he anche l’epigenetica (cioè l’influenza dell’ambiente esterno) gioca un ruolo fondamentale nel permettere o impedire il manifestarsi di determinate predisposizioni: “Nasciamo come siamo, diventiamo come mangiamo, come ci muoviamo, come pensiamo!”. La dieta COM tiene conto della Morfologia dell’individuo (a mela, a pera o a peperone) che corrisponde a specifiche prevalenze Ormonali, la cui influenza sulla distribuzione del grasso può essere controllata e modificata, in parte, dalla scelta qualitativa, quantitativa e Cronologica degli alimenti, favorendo, di conseguenza un dimagrimento localizzato.




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number 08 / 2013

EDITORIAL ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta 10/A 43126 PARMA Ph. 0521.941319 Fax 0521.294971 www.accademiadelfitness.com magazine@accademiadelfitness.com Editor in Chief: Massimo Spattini Editorial staff: Claudia Bonini Cristiana Pedrazzini Cinzia Ruggeri Scientific committee: Prof. Marianno Franzini Prof. Fulvio Marzatico Dott. Filippo Ongaro Prof. Adolfo Panfili Prof. Mario Passeri Writers: Michele Allodi Flavia Bonaiuto Claudia Bonini Ciro di Cristino Silvia Iorio Giuseppe Notarnicola Giovanni Occhionero Adolfo Panfili Cinzia Ponziani Marco Saporoso Massimo Spattini Photographers: Nicola De Luigi Shutterstock Publisher: Profitness S.a.s. Galleria Crocetta 10/A 43126 Parma Ph. 0521.941319 Printed and delivered by: Mattioli 1885 S.r.l. Str. della Lodesana, 649 sx Loc. Vaio 43036 Fidenza (PR) Ph. 0524.530383 www.mattioli1885.com Registration n. 12/2004 Court of Parma

Some of the articles in the current issue of the magazine are written by various participants in the Training Course on Anti-Aging “Benessere e Stili di Vita” (Wellness and Lifestyles), which was held at the University La Sapienza in Rome. I believe it is a matter of personal satisfaction for these authors to find their articles published together with the ones written by their course trainers. This can be considered a rewarding experience for the best students who attended this very important course promoted by Accademia del Fitness, which will soon be followed by further initiatives. One of our teachers, Dr Alessandro Gelli, managed to have indeed two new courses approved by the Executive Board of La Sapienza: the first one is a Training Course in “Anti-Aging and Anti-Stress Methods”, for diploma holders and operators in the field, while the second one is a Specialization Training Course (CAF) “AntiAging and Anti-Stress Methods” for graduates (in medicine, pharmacy, biology, dietetics, motor sciences, nursing, psychology, etc…). Dr Alessandro Gelli will deal with the following themes: 1) Anti-Aging and Anti-Stress methods – etiology, psycho-physiology and stress management, theory and practice 2) Anti-Aging and Anti-Stress Methods – Amino acids, Vitamins, Minerals; Herbal extracts, Diet under stress; Healthy and Unhealthy diet. As a teacher in both courses I will deal with the following theme: “Hormone substitution therapy to contrast psycho-physical decline: therapeutic applications and indications, beneficial and undesired effects”. The simultaneous approval of two courses can be considered a historical event. The theme of “Anti-Aging” can directly become, as a result, the title of a University Training Course and, for the first time, the participants will achieve the qualification of “Anti-Aging and Anti-stress Methods

Operator” and will be in the position to collaborate with doctors in the methodological approach management. Special attention must go to the clinical-practical Workshop in Nutrigenomics and Nutraceutics “The Medicine of Tomorrow: Aging Successfully”, organized by A.M.I.A (Association of Italian Anti-Aging Doctors), which will be held on 2nd3rd March 2013 in Barletta (Bari) and the 3rd International Congress of Bio-integrated Medicine: beyond integration “Medicine Lifestyle”, which will be held in Rome from 19th t o21st April 2013. During “Pianeta Nutrizione”, in the context of Cibus Global Forum which will be held in Parma on 18th May 2013, the Convention “Diet and Functional Supplementation in Anti-Aging Medicine”, organized by AFWA (Accademia del Fitness Wellness and Anti-aging) will take place; this will be an unavoidable appointment presenting the latest trends in the field of diet integration, Functional Medicine and Anti-Aging. These three important opportunities represent a challenge to conventional approaches and are, as a result, of great interest both for those in favour of innovation and for those more traditionally inclined. The people who bring these concepts forward are innovators and, like anyone who tries to uproot old beliefs, they will certainly be attacked and criticized. We live in a country where Galileo Galilei was imprisoned and Giordano Bruno was burnt, where information has always been in the hands of power, but this is the age of the Internet, which inevitably brings a radical change in all relations, making it possible even for the weakest of us to become the strongest if we really have something that can be shared. Massimo Spattini Accademia del Fitness President


L’Accademia del Fitness



by Massimo Spattini



by Cinzia Ponziani



by Marco Saporoso



by Ciro by Cristino

BIO-INTEGRATED MEDICINE 18 Between University and territorial initiatives, training and Congress, towards the achievement of a new paradigm by Giovanni Occhionero



by Silvia Iorio



by Adolfo Panfili



by Claudia Bonini



by Michele Allodi

WELLNESS, STRESS AND DIET towards an integrated approach


by Flavia Bonaiuto

FUNCTIONAL TRAINING by Giuseppe Notarnicola 4



















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L’Accademia del Fitness


STRESS AND INFLAMMATION: VAGUS NERVE AND HOW TO ACTIVATE A FAST AND AUTOMATIC ANTIFIRE SYSTEM BY MEANS OF OSTEOPATHY TREATMENTS In order to understand more clearly the concept of stress, which has become a very popular theme today, we must recall its very important relation with three important systems of our body: the nervous, the hormonal and the immunity systems. A Canadian doctor and scientist, Hans Selve, already in 1936, in an article of his published in the then prestigious British scientific magazine “Nature”, described: “ a syndrome caused by different harmful agents”, creating PNEI, a new discipline. His brilliant idea was exactly the interrelation created by stress between the above mentioned three important systems, the so-called PNEI or psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology . In order to understand stress more clearly we must comprehend its anatomo-physiological nature. Starting from the central control unit, the encephalon, the


stress system is stimulated by cholinergic and serotonergic neurotransmitters and is inhibited by other neurotransmitters: GABA, endorphins and peptides derived from POMC (proopiomelatonocortin). The stress system is organized in two systems: the chemical and the nervous. The chemical system starts from the hypothalamus. CRH (the hormone which releases corticotrophin) and AVP (arginine-vasopressin) are released by the neurons of the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus and these substances in turn stimulate the hypophysis to produce ACTH (adrenocorticotrope or corticotropin). Following this path, the ACTH produced by the hypophysis stimulates the suprarenal cortex to produce cortisol. We can also call this chemical system hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The nervous branch, instead, follows another path: likewise

number 08 / 2013 starting from the parvocellular nucleus hypothalamus , we find a series of nervous fibres which connect, through nuclei at the base of the spinal marrow, the hypothalamus with the bridge and the medulla. The bridge is part of the encephalon branch and it creates a bridge between the mesencephalic part of the brain and the medulla oblongata or bulbus. The medulla oblongata or marrow is found following the encephalon branch next to the bridge, both are found at the height of the cerebellum. These structures are gathered in an area called LOCUS COERULEUS which produces above all noradrenaline. Nervous signals are sent from the locus coeruleus to the sympathetic nervous system and arrive directly to the suprarenal glands, in the internal part of the marrow. The suprarenal glands in turn are stimulated to produce a mixture of exciting substances: adrenalin, noradrenalin and dopamine. For the sake of simplification, we will call them catecholamines. Going back to the hypothalamus, or better, to its paraventricular nuclei, we find an innervation moving towards the curved nucleus (which is part of the thalamus and controls our hunger-satiety sensations) inside which we find neurons which produce a recently discovered large molecule, POMC (proopiomelanocortin), from which many other very important molecules derive, such as endorphins which are, as we know, painkiller substances. In short, there are two ways to activate the stress system, a chemical method with its hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, whose final result is that of producing cortisol, and the nervous method with its locus coeruleus–sympathetic-adrenal medullary system axis, whose final result is the release of catecholamines. When our body is functioning perfectly, stress itself and its production of mineralocorticoids triggers its opposite, and from this equilibrium the inflammatory response is controlled. If instead we happen to have too much cortisol in our blood for a long period of time, thus making the stress situation becoming chronic, this inhibits the inflammatory response in our body, which then can be submitted to external threats such as diseases. It is well known that the production of cortisol is very effective in helping us overcome the acute phase of external threats and attacks and it helps create inside our body the best conditions to react immediately and successfully against those dangers. However, unless we give our body the possibility to diminish the amount of circulating cortisol before the conclusion of this dangerous phase, a chronic situation will have origin and this will make our body more vulnerable rather than protect it, creating toxicity. We know well that for many reasons mainly due to our city lifestyles, we are all under the

attack of stress agents, our body actually remains in constant cortisol production as it is unable to lower its levels as its, let’s call it feedback, is blocked. Scientists have been studying in the last thirty years the effects of stress hormones in our brain exactly because they have been found to be strictly connected to more or less serious diseases (even self immunity types) which afflict the new generations. A chronic stimulation of the stress axis is connected for example to depression, to nervous anorexia, panic attacks, to obsessive compulsive disorders: they are all characterized by a state of anxiety connected to the CRH hyperactive agent (the hormone produced by the paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus which together with others stimulates cortisol). Scientific studies carried out from the eighties to the present day have shown that the over activation of the stress axis with its overproduction of cortisol has a direct harmful effect on the brain, precisely on the hippocampus, causing damage to memory and cognitive performance in general. Moreover, it has been shown that chronic stress produces high oxidant levels and this produces a precocious ageing effect and a decreased ability to react against pathogen agents. Excellent results are attained only with DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). DHEA is an androgen hormone produced by the brain and by the suprarenal cortex and has a protective effect on the hippocampus, it has an antistress action on all the body and stimulates neurogenesis. Since 2012 scientific osteopathy research has been studying manual techniques which can stimulate this hormone in our body. As we all know, the strategies through which we can retard ageing due to stress are: a healthy environment, a correct diet also with high quality integrators, physical exercise which produces the so called positive stress, the right amount of sleep and rest to recover our energies and, obviously, positive emotions etc. But we have a further weapon on our side: OSTEOPATHY, which is part of the integrated medicines and whose intent is not to replace official medicine, but rather to provide its - however small - contribution through natural, manual techniques without resorting to drugs or external instruments, and also to stimulate the body itself to overcome acute and chronic painful situations while it still has the energy and the ability to do so. It is a medical science by now recognized in many advanced countries in the world. However, with its techniques, it takes us back to past centuries when ancient healers, by touching the patients’ body with their expert hands, could give them the power to recover unexplainably. By stimulating the vagus nerve, some osteopathy techniques give our body the

OSTEOPATHY, which is part of the integrated medicines, does not have the intent to replace official medicine, but rather to provide its contribution through natural, manual techniques without resorting to drugs or external instruments, and also to stimulate the body itself to overcome acute and chronic painful situations while it still has the energy and the ability to do so.


L’Accademia del Fitness possibility to react against chronic stress as the vagus nerve acts like a fast and automatic antifire system. In 2003 on ‘Circulation’, a review for American cardiologists, an Italian group of physiologists from the University of Modena and of clinical pharmacologists from the University of Messina, published the results of an experimental study in which they demonstrate that the stimulation of the vagus nerve has a powerful anti inflammatory effect and they measured TNF-alpha decrease which is one of the most important inflammatory cytokines. The vagus is a complex nervous path which connects the brain to the internal organs: heart, lungs, liver, spleen, stomach and intestine. All these organs communicate with the brain through an afferent means and are stimulated by the brain through an efferent means. Until not long ago the vagus nerve was believed to be in control of the equilibrium of the neurovegetative system, in particular its parasympathetic function to contrast the excessive activity of the orthosympathetic system on the heart and blood vessels. It has now been found that it has an important anti inflammatory activity. This is how it works: in an inflamed part of the body, for instance the shoulder, macrophages release some inflammatory substances, TNFalpha, which stimulate the afferent vagus, from which the brain releases an efferent response liberating acetylcholine which, when getting to the shoulder, is detected by the macrophages. In turn, they reduce the production of TNF-alpha, thus reducing inflammation. Together with this direct nervous mechanism there is also a hormonal one: the stimulation of the vagus nerve involves the activation of the stress axis which produces an increase in cortisol which will result in a further increase of inflammation. This is an automatic and also fast and specific mechanism of our body, that is, it can reach the target of the inflamed area, the shoulder in this case. The manipulation of the vagus nerve has therefore become a therapeutic objective. Bibliography: ‘Psiconeuroendocrinoimmunologia i fondamenti scientifici delle relazioni corpo –mente. Le basi razionali della medicina integrata’ by Francesco Bottaccioli. ‘Cranial sacral therapy. Beyond the dura’ by John E. Upledger D.O. F.A.A.O. ‘Prometheus atlas of anatomy’ by M.Schùnke, E. Schulte, U.Schumacher, M.Voll, e K.Wesker ‘Visceral and cranial manipulations’ by J.P.Barral e P.Mercier Cinzia Ponziani Osteopath Training Course “Wellness and Lifestyles” University La Sapienza in Rome


number 08 / 2013

It is Not Necessary to Live in Pain,

Chiropractic Can Help You!


Do You Experience…?

Neck Pain Vertigo Faintness Tingling

Headaches Dizziness

Ear Aches Tingling in the Arms

Back Pain Numbness Stomach Aches Reproductive Problems

Digestive Problems Herniated Discs

Leg Pain Hip Pain Sciatica Bed Wetting

Sexual Dysfunction

Chiropractic focuses on disorders of the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health.

Interference to the nervous system, caused by a vertebra that has lost its proper alignment, impairs the body’s normal functions and lowers its resistance to disease. Vertebral misalignments of the spine alter many important functions of the body. If you suffer from these conditions, try chiropractic to improve your health and vitality!

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Parma -­‐ Via Mazzini,1 TEL -­‐0521 285 258 Sassari – P.le Segni, 1 TEL-­‐ 079 282 90 97 Olbia – V.le A. Moro, 3 67 – TEL 342 6148674 blv@blvchiropratica.it


L’Accademia del Fitness


Every living organism is unique! Each single part of its body is in constant mutual communication and whenever a component is in pain this will involve the whole body. Our mouth is an organ with many functions. We make use of it to communicate, to eat, to express our feelings, to breathe. It is the means by which we take care of ourselves when we take drugs and it is also the organ through which viruses and bacteria enter our body. It is therefore evident that an unhealthy mouth has a negative effect on all these functions. There are many correlations between oral and systemic pathologies. Human life expectancy is at present steadily growing and so is the demand for a good life quality. Incontrovertible scientific data give evidence of the fundamental role played by our healthy habits, in terms of prevention, under the point of view of the most widely spread pathologies in industrialised countries. In other words, if we wish to live longer and in better conditions of life, we must invest in advance by adopting an appropriate lifestyle. This, first of all, means avoiding sedentary life, abstaining from smoking tobacco, limiting alcoholic drinks, following a moderate and healthy diet, learning to control the stress we are more and more submitted to by our present rhythm of life and having, obviously, a correct oral hygiene. Some dental problems such as Periodontitis, are today among the most common factors which can seriously affect people’s “Style of Life” involving their functional deficit and behaviour. Smiling, for example, has a strong impact on the emotional, psychological sphere. At present dental pathologies such as periodontitis come in serious forms in about 15%, in mild forms in 30% of cases, while care treatments such as dental cleaning and simple tooth filling procedures are present in 95% of cases. Many clinical and experimental studies have been recently published underlining a strict correlation between periodontitis and some common systemic diseases. These studies assume that periodontal diseases can have direct systemic effects by disseminating through the blood pathogenic bacteria, or indirect systemic effects through the negative role played by systemic inflammation. MAJOR RISK FACTORS WHICH CAN ExPOSE US TO GENGIVITIS: Poor oral hygiene Unhealthy diet


number 08 / 2013 Smoking Age Genetic predisposition Hormone variations Some drug types Stress Viral or fungal infections Systemic diseases and pathologies (such as for instance diabetes) Conditions weakening the immunity system Pregnancy Orthodontic treatments In presence of numerous health states or medical conditions, pain is a triggering factor which signals the existence of a problem. However, in case of gingivitis, the pain is very mild or completely absent in its early stages. Therefore, it is important to recognise its very first symptoms: Gums which bleed easily or which are constantly red and swollen Particularly sensitive teeth Persistent bad breath If we Take oral hygiene as the starting point of an overall life hygiene, the multidirectional advice of dentistry concerning the control of the bacterial biofilm, a correct diet, the damage produced by smoke to inherent pathologies, we are automatically dealing with very common pathologies such as cardiocirculation diseases, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, chronic obstructive broncho-pulmonary diseases or less common but far more serious ones such as neoplasia. Cardiovascular diseases are the most important causes of death in industrialized countries and cause disability which has a direct consequence on the rise in the costs of our public health system. High lipid levels, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, alcoholic drinks, little physical exercise and increased BMI are commonly considered risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Recent studies have underlined a correlation between peri-

odontitis and cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular diseases and their correlated acute events (ictus, infarction etc.) generally appear after years of silent alteration of the vascular walls. Carotid ultrasonography allows us to control systemic atherosclerosis in which clinical symptoms have not yet appeared (subclinical atherosclerosis). Ultrasonography results are influenced by increased body weight, age and race factors that, when appearing to be over the average, are strongly associated to an increased cardiovascular risk. Also this parameter has been correlated to periodontitis in subjects over 50 years old and some recent studies have given evidence that a serious form of periodontitis is associated to subclinical atherosclerosis in young adults and that it may predict an increased cardiovascular risk in healthy subjects. A risk factor which can influence the appearance of cardiovascular diseases is represented by a diet rich in fats, lacking fruit and vegetables. Fatty acids control cholesterol balance and the concentration/ precipitation of lipoproteins on the vascular surface. A diet rich in fats can become a triggering factor in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases whereas a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is associated with having a low incidence on cardiovascular events. Under the point of view of diet habits correlated to cardiovascular diseases, it is interesting to underline that both the Mediterranean diet combined with a moderate consumption of alcoholic drinks and physical exercise combined with non smoking, were associated to a reduced mortality. On the contrary, the consumption of sugary drinks (soft drinks) is associated with an increased incidence of the metabolic syndrome and with an increased cardiovascular risk. In particular,

Periodontitis can

seriously affect people’s “Style of Life� involving their functional deficit and behaviour, for example smiling.


L’Accademia del Fitness the consumption of at least one daily drink is associated with increased obesity, increased waist line circumference, altered glucose metabolism hypertension. In the same way as a diet rich in fats and poor in fruit and vegetables, sedentary life fosters the appearance of cardiovascular diseases. Physical exercise practised regularly and constantly can in fact significantly influence the cardiovascular risk profile of us all, without any distinction of age, sex, race and independently from pre-existing global cardiovascular risk. This is due to a general improved performance of the cardiocirculatory system, but also to an indirect stimulus which modifies other risk factors such as body weight, metabolic profile (decrease of total and specific lipidemy levels, improvement of glycaemic levels), arterial pressure. Many studies give so much importance to the role of physical exercise in fostering a decrease in cardiovascular risk that the recommendation to practise physical exercise regularly is believed to be one of the main rules to follow for the improvement of one’s lifestyle and for the prevention of primary and secondary cardiovascular diseases. In modern medicine the control of risk factors represents a fundamental step towards prevention and treatment of diseases. At the same time many studies analyzing the possible association between periodontitis and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases support that lifestyles play an important role in predicting mortality and acute cardiovascular events. Subjects with periodontitis can present an increased risk to suffer from cardiovascular diseases compared with subjects without periodontitis. Therefore, periodontal health can be considered a marker of systemic health and, more generally, of the level of prevention of cardiovascular diseases.


Convincing scientific evidence has shown that periodontitis is influenced by unhealthy habits such as smoking and the lack of oral hygiene. Convincing scientific evidence has shown that some lifestyles, such as following a diet rich in fats and poor in vegetables, as well as smoking and doing very little physical exercise foster pathogenesis of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases reducing life expectancy in industrialised countries. There are convincing data concerning the possibility to prevent periodontitis by changing one’s lifestyle. There are convincing data according to which it is possible to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular pathologies by changing one’s life-style. Convincing scientific evidence has shown a correlation between periodontitis and many other systemic diseases: in particular, it predicts subclinical atherosclerosis and acute cardiovascular events. Periodontal therapy reduces the appearance of systemic inflammation and improves the endothelial function which is considered a cardiovascular risk marker. Periodontitis, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are chronic diseases determined by many factors which share different lifestyles/ similar risk factors. The figure of the periodontologist can have a fundamental role in changing unhealthy life styles, thus fostering the prevention of periodontitis, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Marco Saporoso TECNO-GAZ Area Manager (DENTAL AND MEDICAL EQUIPMENT) Qualified at Accademia del Fitness Course at la Sapienza Wellness and Life-styles

L’Accademia del Fitness


POSTURE AND DIET I met Doctor Massimo Spattini in 1989 and since then I have been teaching in courses as a Trainer and writing articles concerning Posture on “Vigour Sport”, besides other newspapers in the field of Fitness and Body Building. Our friendship and a professional relationship, based on mutual respect, date back to that year and we have both been carrying out our researches ever since in our respective fields sharing the same aims. In agreement, we have been collaborating in many initiatives with the common aim of carrying out projects and creating original events in the world of fitness which has always had a great number of gurus whose theories, however, we have always taken into consideration without prejudices, welcoming or rejecting their theories basing our judgement on scientific studies, on our own experience and that of our best students. I am once again writing on posture, but this time linking it to the theme of diet.


I had the following idea after listening to a recent interview to Doctor Spattini in San Salvo. Among the many things he said talking about correct diets, he drew attention to the fundamental importance of breakfast which, in his opinion, must contain about 20/25% of our daily calorie intake so that we can begin the day providing our body with the full supply of energy without having the body retain food supplies. I believe the same should be said about posture when a child is 18 months old, that is, when he stands up on his legs. It is fundamental that this process should occur in the most natural way without any form of interference or pressure, but rather conforming to the child’s instinct to crawl because the stimuli of his muscles and the motor experience he will make will be important in terms of future adjustments so that, when our little baby is able to stand up straight, he will know how to do it by

L’Accademia del Fitness disegno Vanessa di Cristino

himself in the most suitable and functional way. The first snack represents for our diet what our first motor experiences in whatever environment (water, snow, fields, gyms etc) represent for our posture, as they will be able to contribute to the consolidation of our acquired posture thanks to the many stimuli we receive. Lunch is the second main meal and, drawing a parallelism with posture, we could refer to the moment of sexual maturity when disrupting hormones and physical changes bring along a new equilibrium and many further adjustments to follow. And, just as we must be sure to get the right supply of food in a diet, we must be sure we get all the perfectly balanced ingredients we need, by means of more or less sophisticated check ups, in order to go through this phase with full awareness of oneself and of one’s means. The snack before training corresponds in posture to the reinforcement of all that we have acquired and it represents the moment in which we become aware of “who we are and where we intend to go”, the moment of our performance. We have made certain choices and we must face our responsibilities in full awareness of ourselves and of our aims. Physical motor training requires a specific personally designed programme. The qualitative aspect of training, as well as the quantitative one, will determine the level which is to be reached. In this case much depends on one’s will. Dinner is the third main meal of the day which in posture corresponds to the moment in which we must supply our body with all it needs in the most complete and balanced way as possible in terms of stimuli and recovery, by means of a rational programme which includes aerobics, resistance exercises, stretching and neuromuscular exercises to prevent any form of pathology and in order to be able to face with dignity and in the best of ways that phase of our life in which our bodies are mature, but

we still have a lot of vitality to exhibit but this is possible only thanks to a correct style of life that we will permit us to express ourselves with confidence, showing that it is still possible for us to do so. The third snack, in correlation to posture, corresponds to the moment in which, with the due respect to the condition of our age, is dedicated to the attainment of an independent and dignified old age in which we may relax with serenity and wake up with enough energy to face another day with unchanged determination. Posture is therefore fundamental not only in the early stages but throughout all the phases of our life. Understanding the theme properly requires the capacity to observe, self awareness, correct respiration, the right integration between all the parts of the body and we should never stop dedicating our attention to it because it will make our relationship and our understanding of our body and the way it works more spontaneous, easier, immediate and therefore better. We must not reduce the concept of posture only to protocol controls and to when interventions are needed, when we eventually realize that something, for some not always very clear reason or other, has gone wrong and has caused a bad integration and we try to find a remedy… when it is sometimes too late. “Wellness and Life Styles ” is also this.

Posture is therefore fundamental not only in the early stages but throughout all the phases of our life.


Ciro di Cristino Teacher, Educator and Physical-Athletic Trainer

SEDE: PARMA DURATA: 6 giornate + esame finale DATE 2013: 9-10 marzo / 23-24 marzo / 6-7 aprile

SEDE: PARMA DURATA: 6 giornate + esame finale DATE 2013: 20-21 aprile/ 4-5 maggio / 25-26 maggio

QUOTA: € 890,00 PAGAMENTO: entro il 22-02-2013 L'importo può essere pagato, con una maggiorazione, in due rate: 1a rata entro il 22-02-2013 : € 480,00 2a rata entro il 05-04-2013. : € 480,00 Alle quote va aggiunta la quota di affiliazione all’Accademia del Fitness di € 40,00 QUOTA (per ogni singolo corso) : € 560,00 PAGAMENTI: - Corso ISTRUTTORE :: entro il 22-02-2013 - Corso PERSONAL TRAINER : entro il 05-04-2013 L'importo può essere pagato, con una maggiorazione, in due rate: - Corso ISTRUTTORE : 1a rata entro il 22-02-2013 : € 295,00 2a rata entro il 22-03-2013. : € 295,00 Corso PERSONAL TRAINER : 1a rata entro il 05-04-2013 : € 295,00 2a rata entro il 10-05-2013. : € 295,00

Alle quote va aggiunta la quota di affiliazione all’Accademia del Fitness di € 40,00 ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta 9/A - 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521.1682083 - Fax 0521.294971 info@accademiadelfitness.com


L’Accademia del Fitness

BIO-INTEGRATED MEDICINE BETWEEN UNIVERSITY AND TERRITORIAL INITIATIVES, TRAINING AND CONGRESS, TOWARDS THE ACHIEVEMENT OF A NEW PARADIGM Being a science dealing with man in his environment, thus considering him as a part of it, bio-integrated medicine considers constitutionalism as a language and unifying thread and has successfully achieved the elaboration of an integrated system of different kinds of natural medicine, including traditional medicine. Therefore, it is in the position to exploit the advantages of the various medical forms and to overcome their limits as far as possible. With its academic origin conventional medicine has the advantage of having a scientific language and body in common with all the different branches from which it distinguishes itself. On the contrary, the different forms of natural medicine having origin in various geographical, cultural and historical contexts, lack such language which makes a dialogue between for instance an acupuncturist and an homoeopathist incomprehensible and even more difficult between the latter and a colleague belonging to conventional medicine. By recovering elements in common between the various forms of medicine, bio-integrated medicine contributes to the creation of a common language which, both on a theoretical and practical level, can be shared with natural medicine and ”conventional” academic medicine.


Medicine is a single entity and is all the more so when, without boundaries, the medical doctor can assimilate and achieve the knowledge of all its varied aspects in order to dispense its benefits to whoever comes to him in search of help. Therefore, considering that the only real unique form of medicine can be identified in the one resulting from the integration of various forms of medicine, a fundamental aim is to attain an education having that goal. Since the academic year 2002-2003 there exists a Specialization Course in Bio-integrated Medicine, founded by the late Prof. Giuseppe Martines at the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biomedical Sciences of the “G. D’Annunzio” University in Chieti directed by Prof. Francesco Caciagli. This Course has regularly been confirmed also in 2012-2013. The presence of hundreds of doctors coming from all over the country has provided a propelling thrust to the spreading and practice of this medical form. The Institute of Bio-integrated Medicine, IMeB, which is a didactic emanation of the nationally well known Centro Studi Cosmo de Horatiis, has been operating in the cultural and scientific field for about the last ten years organizing events, publications, studies, researches etc. above all in the field of natural

Primo annuncio

3° Congresso Internazionale di Medicina Biointegrata MEDICINA BIOINTEGRATA oltre l’integrazione “Medicine and Lifestyle”

ROM A 19 – 20 – 21 aprile 2013 Convention Centre Palazzo Carpegna Via Aurelia, 481 – 00165 Roma

Segreteria organizzativa centrale: Domus Service S.r.l. Tel. 0874/870256 Fax 0874/870979 didattica@medicinabiointegrata.it

Segreteria organizzativa locale: Luciana Ciarniello Tel. 334 6740718 l.ciarniello@biogroup.it Adele Ridolfi Tel. 334 6740723 a.ridolfi@biogroup.it

La Medicina Biointegrata, quale fine e mezzo per favorire l’integrazione tra le varie forme mediche verso un’unica medicina, da sempre studia l’uomo e le sue interazioni con l’ambiente; i recenti studi di epigenetica confermano la visione costituzionale e l’idea dell’uomo come risultato dinamico di interazioni continue tra genoma e ambiente. Il 3° Congresso di Medicina Biointegrata, partendo proprio da una lettura attenta dell’interazione tra genetica ed epigenetica, propone di andare oltre l’integrazione delle varie forme mediche e di considerare anche l’ambiente e gli stili di vita in ambito costituzionale. Medicine and life style, dunque, quale sinergia specifica diretta al singolo individuo, compresa in una visione più ampia e completa, atta a definire un percorso di salute personalizzato.

Federica Mori Tel. 334 6552970 f.mori@biogroup.it www.medicinabiointegrata.it - congresso@medicinabiointegrata.it

L’Accademia del Fitness medicine and in particular of bio-integrated medicine. IMeB, which has organized a great number of courses, conventions, meetings and international congresses of Bio-integrated medicine, has a Scientific Board formed by eminent MNC members, and is well known on the national scale for the competence and rigour of its activities. The Institute has organized no less than 35 courses to be held by a group of 33 famous professional experts in the field in major Italian towns during the year 2012-2013. The whole didactic itinerary of the Training Course in Bio-integrated Medicine, structured in the various branches of natural medicine, is open to anybody working in the medical field and has no predetermined temporal limits. The participants can choose their itinerary from the educational offer and can change it whenever they wish, employing the amount of time they need until the necessary amount of educational credits for their final certificates is achieved. An important innovation is that in the Course of Bio-integrated Clinical Medicine the participants are given the possibility of attending practical lessons in surgeries in direct contact with patients under the supervision of their trainers. Among the many IMeB initiatives, a very important one is the organization in Rome of the Third International Congress of Biointegrated Medicine to be held on 19-20-21 April 2013 The event will take place at the Convention Centre – Palazzo

Carpegna in Via Aurelia 481 with the participation of many nationally and internationally famous experts. The theme of the congress is “Beyond integration: Medicine and lifestyle”. Bio-integrated Medicine represents both a means and a goal to foster the integration of different medical forms towards a unique medicine and has always studied man and his relationship with the environment. Recent studies in epigenetics confirm the constitutional vision of man seen as the dynamic result of constant interactions between the genome and the environment. The 3rd Congress of Bio-integrated Medicine, focussing on the interaction between genetics and epigenetics, has the goal of going beyond the integration of the various medical forms and of considering also the environment and life styles as constitutional parts. Medicine and lifestyle, therefore, in terms of a specific synergy aimed at the single individual in the wider and more general vision of a personalized health care. After the success of the previous two Congresses, this new one is bound to represent a further milestone in the relentless advance of the new paradigm of Bio-integrated Medicine which has the goal of meeting the patients’ needs with greater success. Dr. Giovanni Occhionero

 Programma di Formazione INCA





Institut de Nutrition Cellulaire Active


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L’Accademia del Fitness



Multidimensionality and correlations of the concept of wellness NEF (New Economy Foundation) has elaborated an index which can measure the level of wellness of the world’s populations, called “The Happy Planet Index”. On the one hand, it has the aim of detecting what really matters for people in order to live a long, happy, meaningful life and, on the other, it identifies what is important for our Planet in terms of its resource consumption. Wellness, beauty, science, progress and environmental sustainability are all strictly correlated and depend upon one another. Man has always had an anthropocentric vision of life, so it is difficult for him to have a wider overall perspective. Yet, at this point, being in the position to pursue his aims has become more relevant than his motivations. No matter what the approach, naturalistic or strictly scientific, or more or less anthropocentric, in order to achieve the best life conditions, in which wellness and beauty are both the final end and the consequence of a style of life, one must necessarily start from the SUSTAINABILITY of our choices and decisions to protect our biosphere, biodiversity and every form of life with which we share the planet. Moreover, the European House Ambrosetti, in a publication dating back to 2010, has identified seven different fundamental dimensions of WELLNESS: - Psycho-physical wellness (health) - Behavioural wellness (diet and life style) - Material wellness (wealth) - Environmental wellness (sustainability and environment quality) - Educational wellness (education and culture) - Social wellness (welfare, family, society and institutions) - Political wellness (democracy and individual freedom) WELLNESS AND BEAUTY It is particularly interesting to underline how the latest trends in the field of Beauty, either following an aesthetic-scientific or aesthetic-naturalistic approach - in spite of their fundamental differences - all agree with the need to prevent rather than repair and therefore conform to the concept of wellness based on a correct life style, on a general care of oneself from the moment of our birth. BEAUTY AND A SCIENTIFIC APPROACH The Eleventh International Congress of Medicine and Aesthetic Surgery was held in Bologna. One of the emerging trends was the growing use of outpatient mild treatments without surgery interventions. There is a growing number of men



L’INVECCHIAMENTO PUO’ ESSERELIBERO BLOCCATO, SAPERE CIò CHENON MANGI TI RENDE MA SI PUO’ FARE MOLTO PERdell’alimentazione. RALLENTARLO! Ippocrate fu il primo a definire il ruolo fondamentale Egli sintetizzava

la propria filosofia in un semplicissimo concetto: “Fa che il cibo sia la tua medicina e la Il test CELLULAR medicina il tuo cibo”.AGING FACTORS (C.A.F.) di NatrixLab nasce con l’obiettivo di rispondere ad alcune preoccupazioni sentite dalla popolazione riguardo all’aspettativa Le attuali statistiche dimostrano che belli una persona su più dieci soffre consadi più invecchiare al meglio enutrizionali rimanere più giovani, più e più sani a lungo. pevolmente di allergie alimentari mentre almeno una sunella due categoria soffre di intolleranze pur Il C.A.F. è un test innovativo, il più completo e unico dei profili AntiAging,saperlo. poiché riunisce in un'unica analisi la valutazione deicausa principali processi disturbi, che por-i senza Questo accade perché queste ultime sono di tantissimi tano si all’invecchiamento: l’ossidazione, l’infiammazione, glicazione e la metilazione. quali manifestano in tempi e modi il più delle volte nonlaassociabili. Questo test può essere utilizzato come valutazione complessiva dello stato di benesseL’intolleranza alimentare è unadireazione avversa dell’organismo l’introdure dell’individuo: l’alterazione un parametro può rappresentareconseguente un importante fattore zione di alimenti di consumo comune che, per un dato periodo, sembrano non creare di rischio di invecchiamento cutaneo e tissutale. alcun disturbo all’organismo. E’ una reazione causata da un’iperproduzione di immunoMa quali sono le condizioni da modificare nello stile di vita per prevenire questo temuto globuline di classe G (IgG). invecchiamento precoce? Il sovrappeso e l’obesità, per tutte le complicazioni che ne Emicrania, respiratori, stanchezza derivano; lodisturbi stressgastro-intestinali psico-fisico, unaevita sregolata, freneticacronica, oppuredolore troppoarticolare, sedentaria e none da ultimo, undepressivi, eccessivo irritabilità, consumo didifficoltà alcol, droghe e fumo. Anche i fattori dermatiti ancora stati di concentrazione, cellulite, soambientalisono esterni protagonisti dell’invecchiamento, non dimentichiamo vrappeso, solosono alcunipurtroppo dei sintomi ricorrenti nei soggetti affetti da intolleranza alimenlo smog e i raggisapere UV. Quindi attenzione, da questa descrizione si evince che siatare. E’ importante che tutti questi problemi possono essere risolti definitivamente! mo tutti a rischio invecchiamento precoce! Ecco perché, qualunque sia il vostro disturbo, la prima cosa da fare è il FOOD INTOLEOggi loTEST specialista disporre di uno strumento di facile comprensione, affidabile e RANCE (F.I.T.), può un test di valutazione delle intolleranze alimentari eseguibile attracertificato, comodamente nel suo studio. E’ sufficiente un rapido prelievo di sangue verso un semplicissimo prelievo di sangue capillare. Ciò che ha reso il F.I.T. affidabile agli capillare da polpastrello per eseguire l’analisi C.A.F. e ricevere un referto di facile interocchi della comunità scientifica è la metodica analitica E.L.I.S.A, affidabile e ripetibile pretazione. eGrazie la lunghissima esperienza passo di Natrix nel campo delle intolleranze alimentari.loUna volta a questo importante avanti nella biologia dell’invecchiamento, specialiindividuati elementi causa di intolleranza è possibile richiedere una consulenza alista sarà ingli grado di personalizzare al massimo l’alimentazione, i trattamenti e l’attività fisica delpersonalizzata, paziente, a seconda delle e dei bisogni individuali. mentare garanzia di necessità recupero della tolleranza. È dimostrato che la terapia farmacologica in questo campo è un rimedio parziale e mai Altri test diagnostici effettuati da NatrixLab definitivo (si interviene sul sintomo ma non sulla causa del disturbo). È quindi importante ricordareFOOD che unINTOLERANCE test diagnostico affidabile e un regime alimentare corretto e personaTEST (F.I.T.): lizzato predispongono al mantenimento e/o al recupero delloinstato di salute. analisi quantitativa delle intolleranze alimentari E.L.I.S.A. ANTIAGING PROFILE (A.A.P.):

Altri test diagnostici effettuati da marker Natrix di Lab valutazione dello stress ossidativo: ossidazione ANTIAGING PROFILE (A.A.P.): valutazione dello stress ossidativo (marker di ossiLIPIDOMIC PROFILE (L.P.): dazione) profilo lipidomico e di membrana eritrocitaria CELLULAR AGING FACTORS (C.A.F.): valutazione completa dell’invecchiamento ZONA TEST cellulare (marker(AA/EPA): di ossidazione, metilazione, glicazione, infiammazione) rapporto acido arachidonico/acido eicosapentaenoico, indicazione LIPIDOMIC PROFILE (L.P.):grassi profiloOmega lipidomico dell’equilibrio tra acidi 6 eplasmatico Omega 3 e di membrana eritrocitaria CARDIO TEST (C.W.T.): ZONA PLUSWELLNESS TEST (Z.P.T.): valutazione del rapporto AA/EPA e indicazione dell’equivalutazione del rischio di incorrere in patologie cardiovascolari. librio ormonale CARDIO WELLNESS PROFILE (C.W.P.): valutazione del rischio di incorrere in patologie cardiovascolari PER ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI:

NATRIX Per ulteriori informazioni o per conoscereS.r.l. il centro di prelievo più vicino a te: ViaNatrix Cavallotti, S.r.l. 16 Reggio Emilia Emilia – loc. –Mancasale Via F.42122 Cavallotti, 16 – Reggio loc. Mancasale Tel. +39Tel. 0522 +39506136 0522 506136 0522232606 232606 Fax. Fax. 0522 e-mail. info@natrixlab.it e-mail. info@natrixlab.it - www.natrixlab.it


L’Accademia del Fitness and women who are not looking for rejuvenating aesthetic treatments, but rather for treatments which will slow down their aging process. Their age has in fact radically decreased to the average age of thirty. The success of the various mild treatments is due to the fact that more techniques are being used simultaneously: radiofrequency and biorevitalization are techniques for the treatment of wrinkles which accelerate recovery time (it is possible to go back to one’s normal daily activities the day after the treatment). This method treats wrinkles and skin spots. A convention on the Creativity of Science was held in 2009 on the theme of WELLNESS AND BEAUTY through NUTRIGENOMICS, drawing attention to “quality diet” by means of the promotion of the culture of physical and natural sciences on the themes of scientific and technological research of NUTRIGENOMICS, NUTRIGENETICS and NUTRACEUTICS. The aim was to foster the understanding of science in the essential scientific perspective for the development of a fully informed society. In fact, from recent studies we have learnt that the interactions between “nutrients and genes” activate the adjustment of our genetic expression both in the development and in the reconstruction of the functionality of our vital organs.

mothers communicate when they hug or caress them) above all in our western culture lack this tactile exchange which has important proprioceptive emotional identifying functions. It is very important for the operator to interpret the body signs of the patient/client in order to create a sort of communication, so that the session can have the desired therapeutic effects. It must be underlined that the function of the massage is not to stimulate in the sense of energising or to relax in the sense of subtracting energy, but it is always to give equilibrium. The operator’s experience will provide him/ her with the awareness of the subjects’ different personal needs which may vary simply according to age: at twenty years old it is necessary to depurate, at fifty to emotionalize.

Wellness, beauty, science, progress and environmental sustainability are all strictly correlated and depend upon one another.

BEAUTY, A NATURALISTIC APPROACH The functional union between the mind and the body is by now generally recognized: body tension and stiffness can lead to a decrease in energy and vitality in the same as severe and/or repeated emotional stress can provoke muscular contraction which can in turn limit body movement. We must not forget that originally, in cellular division, the skin and the nervous system derive from the same ectodermic embryonic leaf. The skin, which is the largest organ of the human body, expels through its pores part of the toxins we produce while, besides fulfilling its oxygenating function, it simultaneously and unfortunately absorbs many of the polluting agents around us, particularly heavy metals. Taking care of one’s skin is therefore as important as following a healthy diet. So, if we want to treat all the illnessess due to accumulation it is necessary for us to take proper and aware care of it, making use of various substances that nature provides us with, such as for instance essential oils which favour exchange, osmosis, oxygenation and cellular exchange. Contact By simple contact, massaging or hardly touching it is possible to activate proprioceptive functions which can eliminate emotional, and therefore neuromuscular, tensions. Adults, unlike children who more frequently come into close physical contact with other human beings (for obvious reasons such as for example their total dependence on their mothers or the love


CONCLUSIONS In the light of the above said, Beauty is essentially the consequence of a healthy life style which leads to global wellness. The term wellness immediately refers to an emotional state of appeasement which in turn fosters taking care of oneself and of the environment. The greatest obstacle in our present society is actually represented by the economical and social assumptions according to which our desires are in continuous and surprisingly rapid evolution and therefore are eternally unsatisfied. “Our identity, deprived of a constant, permanent and reassuring world, becomes uncertain and flickering. In a world which is constantly creating and recreating itself, we lose the constant sense of our self-awareness which is bound to drown in a series of fleeting images of ourselves in the mirror of our surrounding environment. The gap between true and virtual reality becomes smaller and smaller, while our identity becomes more and more vague and so does the space of liberty”. Umberto Galimberti – I vizi capitali e i nuovi vizi – Silvia Iorio University La Sapienza in Rome, Course “Wellness and Life-styles”

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L’Accademia del Fitness


OF ENDOSCOPIC DISCECTOMY The main advantage of this endoscopic procedure, which is performed as outpatient surgery and does not require hospitalization, is its total lack of surgical invasive techniques. An untroubled, serene and painless operation, since the performing procedure does not interfere with muscles, bones, articulations. The structural anatomy of the tissues is respected since there are no tractions or pressures on the nerve roots. Therefore, a low-impact and less traumatic surgery, also as far as psychology is concerned. Local anaesthesia is applied, if necessary reinforced by mild sedation based on Diprivan, without using bothersome intubation. This reduces risks and discomfort for the patient. In some cases (especially in chronic cases) Doctor Panfili performs ED under general anaesthesia with neurophysiological control of the recalled potentials. After sedation and local anaesthesia, a microscopic guide with a 2mm diameter is introduced through the cutis and, with the


help of X-rays, the disc is reached by a 2mm microprobe which has been especially designed for aspiration. The disc is therefore visualized with an endoscope and is aspirated for about 10 minutes. The largest fragments of the disc are removed with specific miniforceps which has been especially designed. The whole outpatient procedure does not usually last over 20-30 minutes. It is important to point out that only the herniated part of the disc, which corresponds to about 10% of the disc, is removed. The remaining 90% is left intact, saving its height considerably. Saving the majority of the disc allows to prevent in time possible further structural damages on the spine, sometimes caused by too radical discectomies. Since the only micro wound is the one necessary for the insertion of the little arthroscope which passes through the muscles like a mere needle, there cannot be any surgical scar around the nerve roots. The patient can start an optional programme of back school facilitation exercises which are prescribed even on

number 08 / 2013 the same day of the procedure. The cost of the surgical operation is about 30% lower than conventional procedure. There are huge repercussions in terms of concrete advantages on industrial medicine. Also, the shorter time necessary for rehabilitation and recovery leads to economic saving for clerks, professional people and employers. Sometimes patients with fragments of herniated discs expelled in the spinal canal, which is possible to detect through magnetic resonance imaging, can have beneficial effects from the arthroscopic procedure all the same. About 90% of these patients witnesses an improvement of painful symptoms. As for the remaining 10% of these people, in case they lack improvement, after three-to-six weeks they can think about micro-laminectomy and/or surgical discectomy, according to the circumstances. Performing microdecompression and/or endoscopic spinal discectomy before surface microsurgery seems not to have any harmful effect. Conclusions • Minimal discomfort (small puncture wound in the skin); • No permanent paralysis or other neurological complications (only 10-15% is removed); • Very short hospitalization; • Quick return to normal activities; • Considerable cost reduction. Ask for an in-depth analysis about it with Professor Panfili and book a specialist examination.

the alteration of the vascular flux, therefore axonal (nervous). The strangulation affects the bundle of nerves contained in the dural sac and directed towards the lower limbs (hence, ambulation difficulty) and in the conjugate foramen. The strangulation of the nerve which at each level (generally L4-L5) comes out of the conjugate foramen leads to sciatic pain. The role of implants The implant “sustains” the vertebrae involved, “enlarging” the conjugate foramen, alleviating the load on the articular facets and “stretching” the redundant ligaments. Basically, it creates a larger space of the dural sac, the nerve roots, favouring the blood flux and the nutritional intake. The lost space is restored and the compressed roots find their space again. Posture improves and so does motor autonomy, while pain disappears. For young people with a backache, the fundamental role of an implant is that of alleviating the load on the affected disc and on the articular facets, giving better functionality to the spine. Obviously, there will be better results and the prevention of further worsening will be more effective if meanwhile the patient “adjusts” his/her lifestyle. For this kind of problem and for other similar problems of the lumbar sacral spine it is fundamental to do exercises for the extension and tonification of the paravertebral muscles.

In young people, the main symptom for Stenosis is backache. It indicates functional overload on the disc and on the facets, which is at the beginning of degenerative processes often leading to the typical case history of old people.

Minimally-invasive treatment of Lumbar Stenosis Stenosis Stenosis represents a degenerative process of the rachis which generally affects old people but it may also affect young people. In old people the symptoms are quite characteristic, with lumbar pain, paraesthesia (tingling sensation), pain in the lower limbs, postural anomalies and intermittent neurogenic claudication (the patient stops after some steps, then starts again and stops because his/her legs are weak). In young people, the main symptom for Stenosis is backache. It indicates functional overload on the disc and on the facets, which is at the beginning of degenerative processes which often lead to the typical case history of old people. Discopathy often lies behind it.

Typical vertebral alterations In its most complete form, stenosis is characterised by bone deformation, degeneration of the intersomatic disc, hypertrophy and ligamentous laxity. They are responsible for the lowering of the disc space, suffering of the articular facets, stricture of the conjugate foramen and tissue “abundance”. The “nerves” (nerve structures) are therefore strangulated, suffering due to

The implants There are several kinds of implants, among which DIAM, X-stop, “U” (Coflex), Wallis and lately BacJac. DIAM is different from the others since it is made of non-deformable material, with pad functions between contiguous spinous processes. The other ones are mainly rigid with functions of stabilization and “load reduction”. Interposed between contiguous spinous processes, they mitigate the prop on the articular facets and enlarge the conjugate foramen. Load reduction on the facets improves their functionality, fighting backache. The enlargement of conjugate foramen reduces irritation, therefore the inflammation of nerve roots and the suffering of the nerves involved (often the sciatic nerve).

The operation under local anaesthesia Not all the implants are suitable for such an operation. BacJac, X-stop and Aperius are more suitable than the others. BacJac is implanted on one side only with a small opening of about 3 cm. Often, the insertion of the implant does not require further manipulations of the rachis, and this leads to immediate benefit. The “U” can be implanted with these technical modalities, too. The “U” also offers the advantage of performing concomitantly a small laminectomy which “lightens” the compressed nerve structures (it is the case of the patient in the video). The patient gets on his/her feet even some hours after the op-


L’Accademia del Fitness eration and he/she often goes home the day after surgery, finding home autonomy again. For whole autonomy and recovery of efficiency at work it will be necessary to wait from 1 to 3 weeks. Results The spacer improves the load distribution between the vertebrae where it is interposed. In almost every case it is placed in the last vertebral segment, that is, L3-L4, L4-L5. It has the effect of stretching the tissues, limiting their overflow inside the vertebral canal. It widens the vertebral canal, reducing stenosis and avoiding putting the pressure of the surrounding structures onto the nerves. The spacer pushes away the articular facets, so the conjugate channel (which is delimited by the articular facets behind) is enlarged and the roots which come out at that level can “breathe” (they do not bear the pressure of the surrounding structures). The deriving “nerve” thus works better. Minimally-invasive treatment of aderential Stenosis of the vertebral canal Aderential stenosis of the vertebral canal due to epidural fibrosis has been clinically emphasised thanks to the introduction of lumbar endoscopy. CAT and magnetic resonance imaging have macroscopically demonstrated post-surgical fibrosis. Epidural endoscopy reveals fibrosis caused by chronic inflammatory and degenerative processes. The steps leading to the formation of aderential fibrosis can be summarised in a few points: • Disc degeneration (damage of the disc tissue) • Inflammatory processes generated by biochemical factors • Secondary reaction of vascular connective components in the epidural space • Consequent circulatory stasis which causes inflammatory oedema • Formation of fibrinogen clots • Organization of the clot: fibrous exudate which, if not decomposed and quickly removed, will be organised and turned into fibrous adherence in the highly vascularised epidural space • Ischemic suffering of the intradural structures • Lumbar epidural endoscopy can be used as a means of diagnosis and treatment. • Indications • Low back pain “sine materia” • Post-surgical syndrome • Redox correction of the environment • Action • Mechanical unbridling of the adherences • Targeted treatment of the inflamed area Technique The procedure must be performed in the operating room, under local anaesthesia associated to sedation. It is a percutaneous technique by means of which it is possible to explore, in direct vision, the sacral and lumbar epidural space up to the level of the first lumbar vertebra. The technique includes the introduc-


tion of a video guide provided with a 0.9mm optical fibre inside the vertebral canal passing from the sacral hiatus (placed on the apex of the sacred bone). Direct vision allows to visualize possible adherences present between the dural sac and the osteo-ligamentous surrounding structures, such as the presence of hyperaemic and inflamed areas as a consequence of surgical operations and/or recurrent inflammatory processes. This techniques allows to remove these adherences with no new surgical “openings”, also allowing the targeted introduction of pharmacological substances. Possible complications Neurolysis is a low risk surgical procedure. However, some complications may occur such as infections, dural sac tear or the formation of epidural hematoma. These events are very rare and the technique is generally much safer than traditional surgery operations. Post operation period: it must be kept in mind that the process of adhesion and inflammatory settlement requires a certain amount of time (about two weeks) and therefore it is advisable for the patient to follow in the early phase a very calm lifestyle. Therefore, especially during the first week after the operation, the patient should abstain from ordinary daily activities and from submitting his/her backbone to long or sudden movements. After one month, a cycle of physiokinesis treatments is recommended. Advantages • Effective • Durable • Easy to execute • Low anaesthesiological-surgical risk • Repeatable. Dr. Ph. Adolfo Panfili Specialised in Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Locomotor Apparatus Centre of Minimally-invasive Surgery, Spine, Shoulder, Knee, Hand and Foot Member of the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)

number 08 / 2013

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Anti-Aging medicine intervenes on factors which can provoke aging by means of strategies which can prevent and slow down the “mechanism” of our biological clock. It is important to test our “biological state” because, by doing so, we can identify those factors which foster aging and we can also improve our psycho-physical performance, strengthen our immunity system, improve the quality of our night sleep and the metabolism equilibrium of our bones (one of the tissues most negatively involved). It allows the regeneration of our organs and systems, it improves the

ratio between lean body mass (FFM) and fat mass (FM). Moreover, it allows us to optimize our skin hydration level and has therefore an anti-aging function which prevents and reduces wrinkles. The first step consists in a diagnostic test which can be effected with a test for the identification of oxidative stress and anti oxidant barrier (such as d-ROMs test and BAP test); an endocrine system test by evaluating the hormone doses involved in the aging process such as estradiol, testosterone, GH, IGHF-1, DHEA, cortisol, prolactin, thyroid hormones, pregneno-

“There is no one so old as to not think they may live a day longer, there is no one so young as to be sure they will live a day longer“

(Marcus Tullius Cicero, 10643 B.C., Roman politician and writer)


number 08 / 2013

lone, progesterone, melatonin, LH and FSH; glycaemic level test to verify the glycaemic index of proteins, which is very important in that the deriving molecules out of proportion (the so called “ages” – Advanced Glycosylation End-Products) have the most relevant role in cellular toxicity; urine test to determine the organic acids for the definition of cellular energy; skin test for functional balance and examined skin aging level assessment such as for instance the Ph meter test which is necessary for determining skin PH; the Corneometer test to assess the level of skin hydration; the Sebumeter test to assess the quantity of sebum present in skin surface; assessment of skin temperature by means of a special thermometer. Other skin diagnostic tests which can be carried out are Wood’s light test and Bartoletti-Ramette ‘s sensitivity test which allows us to identify sensitive skin and detect dermographism, which indicates skin hyper reactivity. Other diagnostic tests which can be effected are the neuro psychological tests to assess brain age; tests for the determination of aerobic capacity to detect physical fitness and, eventually, a body composition test to determine the lean body mass (FFM) and fat mass (FM). The second step is represented by adopting the so called “preventive measures”, that is, a healthy life style: practise daily physical exercise and follow a correct diet and integrated plan. A correct diet has therapeutic effects not only because it is based on food with low glycaemic index and rich in antioxidants, but also because its components control digestion and the absorption of macronutrients and micronutrients such as fibre. The so-called “nutraceutical” food has proven beneficial and protective quality both on our physical and on our psychological health. This term was invented many years ago by Dr. Stephen L. De Felice, who joined the words “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical”, forming the definition “nutraceutical”, that is, food which - owing to its functional properties - is something between a nutrient and a drug.

Ancient civilizations such as the Sumerians, the Indians (through the ayurvedic medicine they adopted 5000 years ago), the Chinese and the Egyptians made use of food as if it were medicine which could contrast and treat diseases. The famous words of Hippocrates, the “father” of Western medicine, were farseeing: “Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food”! Nutraceuticals have almost a similar effect to drugs as they can have many beneficial functions: they prevent and reduce inflammation, they control glycaemia and the glycemic metabolism of sugar, they help control metabolism and avoid fat accumulation, they lower cholesterol levels, contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, they favour the depuration of the organism and facilitate digestion. These health properties can also be added to certain foods by including substances which are useful to our psycho-physical and general health, for example adding Omega 3 to milk or to eggs or Vitamins to cereals. By doing so, the good properties of these foods are added to the positive ones of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and we obtain Nutraceuticals or Functional Food rich in healthy molecules. Certain foods contain so many nutraceutical substances (such as high quantities of essential fatty acids, antioxidants and fibre) that they themselves can be considered Nutraceuticals. Integrators, which are by some considered with suspicion, are by others seen as compensating substances, while others believe they are not properly utilized (in short, there is still great confusion as far as integrators are concerned). They represent an important resource for the wellbeing and the beauty of our body as they contrast problems and/ or inconveniences as well as the appearance of diseases. Many Antioxidant integrators penetrate inside the cell where they attack free radicals, thus contrasting inflammation. A poor diet produces, as a consequence, exhaustion, depres-


L’Accademia del Fitness sion, pallor, shadows under the eyes, puffy eyes. Our skin is made of cells which are in a state of constant reproduction and greatly suffer from the food disorders we daily submit them to. Health and beautiful skin are intimately connected and for this reason a good use of integrators can contribute to our health and the attainment of beautiful skin. Integrators are to be considered under every aspect as natural substances to be safely used for the prevention and the solution of many health problems. A balanced diet is generally believed to supply the proper intake of all nutrients which are necessary to our body, including mineral salts and vitamins. This is not actually so. Food must not be considered simply as a container of calories and nutrients, but as an important controller of our immunity “network”. The food we eat today is more and more contaminated by additives, pesticide residues and drugs which are used in animal raising, lead, arsenic, hormonal substances, toxic substances produced while cooking, microbe contaminators and much more. It is evident that the ingestion of so many irritating toxic substances for our body can have harmful effects on it and on our immunity system and it is also evident that the food we daily eat is therefore impoverished of important nutrients such as vitamins, oligoelements and some essential amino acids and their absence will inevitably be felt in the long term. A wrong diet leads to precocious ageing: pale, tight, dull, wrinkled skin, chronic overtiredness and a reduction of mental performance. A healthy diet together with integrators, which have the aim of rejuvenating our body and our skin from the


inside, therefore represent a valid help in the achievement of “rejuvenation”. The demand for wellness is nowadays becoming an important goal for us all. Consequently, scientific research is at present concentrating its efforts in this direction. The worsening conditions of the environment is a sad matter of fact while its rhythm is accelerated by harmful agents (such as pollution, pathogen agents, stress and so on). In order to remain healthy, our body should be endowed with natural defence mechanisms protecting us against the physical aggressions we are daily submitted to. Analyzing the above considerations and quoting the words of Dr. Pierre Mantello, in charge of the Osato Research Institute (ORI): - “Although many studies have been carried out concerning the use of integrators and are available to support these statements, further studies would be recommendable in the hope of throwing further light on the capacity of integrators to improve our general quality of life” it is possible to conclude tat the use of integrators actually brings some improvement to our immunity system and helps improve pathologies brought about by free radicals and by all the other “stress creating factors” which lead our body to precocious aging. Physical exercise + balanced diet + correct integration = QUALITY MAKES THE DIFFERENCE!! Doctor Claudia Bonini Dietitian University La Sapienza, Rome. Course “Wellness and life-styles”

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L’Accademia del Fitness



Physical exercise is a natural medicine with many beneficial effects for one’s health. It can also relieve some symptoms which arise in menopause.

Aerobic exercise improves the cognitive functions: the more the blood flows to the brain, the more cognitive performances increase. This was confirmed by a 2011 study carried out by the University of Pittsburgh on a group of monkeys instead of other animals which are generally used in studies (actually, monkeys can provide data and information which are more compatible with human physiology). Two groups were created: the first group ran one hour a day for five days a week at 80% of their maximum individual aerobic capacity. The “sporty” monkeys achieved better results in cognitive tests and their learning velocity was twice as much (regardless of their age) as the one of sedentary monkeys. Jude Cameron, Scientist at the Oregon Research Center, verified the presence of higher blood flux in the cerebral cortex compared to the sedentary control group: this suggests that the people who regularly do physical exercise can achieve similar benefits. The scholars at Calgary University (Alberta – Canada) carried out an in-depth analysis on the relation between sport, blood afflux to the brain and cognitive tests by using a sample of 42 women aged between 50 and 90. The most active women obtained better results in memory and logical tests, and they showed better cognitive capacities compared to the other women who took part in the study. According to doctor Marie J. Poulin, who coordinated the sedentary group, this experiment demonstrates that vascular benefits caused by physical exercise do not only involve the muscles and the heart, but also the brain. The ultrasound scan was the diagnostic means used by the sci-


entists and women were all in their postmenopausal period. The most physically active women showed better capacity of the blood vessels and an increase in the circulation. Therefore, even in their third age, people can and should, with moderation and equilibrium, keep fit with some daily physical exercise. Physical exercise is a natural medicine with many beneficial effects for one’s health. It can also relieve some symptoms which arise in menopause. Several studies have demonstrated it, including the one recently carried out (May 2012) at the UKK Institute For Health Promotion Research in Tampere, Finland. The study monitored 74 menopausal women aged between 45 and 63, who did 4 aerobic trainings per week, each of which lasted 50 minutes. These women were suffering from typical recurrent symptoms of menopause: they experienced moodiness, perspiration, sleep disorders, urinary disorders and vaginal dryness. After 6 months of experiment, the symptomatologies were compared to the control group formed by 77 menopausal women who had not performed any physical activity: the study group pointed out a clear improvement in most of the situations. The sedentariness of modern life is causing a growing dilemma: whether to accept its psycho-physical consequences or to help one’s body find the time to do some exercise. Actually, intense exercise – not only physical but also psychic - is becoming more and more important. This means an improvement in one’s coordination abilities, body and emotive expression, readjustment of one’s body weight associated to the increase in the muscular tone. According to the CONI (Italian National Olympic Commit-

numero 08 / 2012


L’Accademia del Fitness tee), the main functions are: body conservation, body development – in particular the brain – increase in the amount of information for the brain, motor culture, motor expansion, etc. Movement is growth, it is a very effective way to acquire new pieces of information which lead us to a better knowledge of ourselves and of the space where we are. Movement is not only muscular development and/or a way to reduce fat mass: it is also training, control and reactivation of our way of living. An active life encourages changes and organic adjustments which make the activity of organs and systems more functional. This leads to physical and psychic improvements which enhance our intrapersonal and interpersonal relations. It would be fundamental to find a proper placing to the “course of movement training” in gyms, that is, a series of exercises (called functional gymnastics) which use amusement to form the structure of body movement: motor and posture schemes, running plus jumping, bending, bowing etc. A person reaches full functionality of his/her movements when the neurocerebral impulse, its related physical movement and the surrounding space are completely integrated. Doing a sport is not always easy. There are difficulties linked to time, job organization, movements caused by the rhythms of daily life. Considering that physical exercise should be performed daily and frequently, we point out that any increase in physical exercise for those who are inactive is better than doing nothing. The first rule is to choose a physical activity you like and which is easily accessible, practise it at least twice a week (compared to the 3-4 training sessions) and find a training partner. This will make you more continuous and it will make training, as well as checking on results, more amusing. Just 30 minutes a day of aerobic activity such as walking, swimming, dancing or cycling are enough to gradually improve one’s physical conditions. By moderate activity we mean lowintensity physical exercise where the sensation of exertion is slightly perceptible and which allows to go on with the movement without being short of breath and without having to stop after a few minutes. Many scientific studies have demonstrated that walking diminishes the risk of death. It is basically free of charge (you just need comfortable clothes and shoes), riskless (apart from problems to the articulations and to the lower limbs), it has no problems of time or space and you can do it on your own or with partners. Many people believe that physical exercise is good for one’s health, and especially aerobics is a “long-life elixir” suitable to everyone. Physical exercise and aerobic exercise allow to reduce stress, which is more and more present, one of the worst enemies of longevity (actually, longevity is associated to the capacity of the body to face stress). There are many aerobic activities: simple walking, treadmill or jogging, cycling, gym bike, swimming, rowing in water or on a rowing machine, going up and down the stairs, floor exercises or exercises with music. Doing physical exercise with music is certainly more amusing than mere running in a park: it does not only involve the muscles of the lower limbs but also those of the upper limbs, that is, trunk and arms.


The first advantage of aerobic activity is the increase in heart beats and better breathing. Actually, these exercises use the oxygen in the air and bring it to the body, thus reinforcing the muscles and improving the functions of the cardiovascular system. Aerobic activities allow to modify the body composition, reducing the fat mass keeping or slightly increasing the lean mass. They are all efficient to cause advantages as for the loss of body fat. For example, 30 minutes of light running a day lead to about 300 kcal energy consumption and to a 450 g reduction of the fat mass in 12 days. Yet, bear in mind that all these data are considered “on the average”, that is, it is necessary to consider other factors such as the kind of course used, the possible inclination or slope and the physical characteristics of every person taken in consideration. Summing up shortly the advantages of such activity: -Cardiorespiratory system: reinforcement of the cardiac muscle, facilitation of venous circulation, increase in cardiac range (volume of blood in one minute), better capillary distribution, better elasticity of the blood vessels, faster cardiorespiratory recovery after exertion, normal pressure values, increase in pulmonary ventilation and lung elasticity, increase in aerobic resistance. -Endocrine-metabolic system: reduction of fat mass, proper glycolipid balance, better thermoregulation of the body and energetic metabolism. -Muscle-skeletal and nervous-motor system: improvement in trophism and in the muscular power of the muscles used, better elasticity of articular ligaments, better posture and more correct attitude, slowing down the bone and cartilage aging process, reduction in the risk of osteoporosis, increase in the effectiveness of the nervous system. Michele Allodi University La Sapienza, Rome Course “Wellness and Life-styles”

PROGRAMMA: ANTROPOMETRIA: misurazioni- plicometria ed impedenziometria BIOCHIMICA ED ENDOCRINOLOGIA DELL’ALIMENTAZIONE ALIMENTAZIONE NELL’ATTIVITA’ FISICA DIETE DEL FITNESS: Cronormorfodieta - Gruppi sanguigni - Mediterranea - Metabolica Paleodieta - Warrior Diet - Zona INTEGRAZIONE ALIMENTARE INTOLLERANZE ED ALLERGIE ALIMENTARI - I PREBIOTICI ALIMENTAZIONE ANTI-AGING PROGRAMMAZIONE NEUROLINGUISTICA: l’aspetto motivazionale Il corso di Educatore Alimentare serve a dare una credibilità ed una competenza maggiore all’operatore di fitness che si trova a relazionare nell’ambito del suo lavoro con persone che cercano di migliorare il loro stato fisico come estetica, benessere, salute, tramite un percorso che prevede un adeguamento dello stile di vita. Se la pratica dell’esercizio fisico corretta è fondamentale in questo percorso altrettanto lo è un corretto approccio alimentare. Questo traguardo è raggiungibile tramite un’adeguata educazione alimentare che può essere impostata appunto da una figura come l’“Educatore Alimentare”, che non deve essere confuso con il “dietista” o il medico specialista in Scienza dell’Alimentazione, il primo preposto alla costruzione di una dieta calcolata e impostata per specifici obiettivi, il secondo unica autorità preposta a prescrivere diete finalizzate alla cura di patologie. Il compito dell’Educatore Alimentare sarà appunto quello di insegnare a scegliere i cibi più indicati nelle corrette proporzioni e modalità di assunzione senza impostare diete specifiche con grammature e percentuali.

Il corso è senza frequenza. Verrà fornito il materiale didattico e tutoraggio telefonico o via e-mail. E’ previsto un esame finale scritto (test a risposte multiple) e orale.

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ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta 9/A 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521.1682083 Tel. 0521.941319 Fax 0521.294971

L’Accademia del Fitness

WELLNESS, STRESS AND DIET TOWARDS AN INTEGRATED APPROACH According to the latest theoretical models concerning the concept and the subjective experience we have of psychological wellness, the way in which we perceive our own level of wellness may depend upon the consideration we have of ourselves, as independent, self aware, confident, realized individuals who can establish long-lasting friendly, personal relations with others and who look forward to the future and have the ability to change the world around us. These aspects are inevitably accompanied by the feature of so-called “self acceptance”, which goes beyond the concept of self esteem, since self acceptance covers a long period of time and is founded not only on one’s positive features but also on one’s so called “weaknesses” or better “improvable qualities” which characterise a person. Situations of recurring and repeated stress and conflict can represent a real threat to one’s personal experience of wellness, giving rise to – after one’s emotional activation induced by one’s mental evaluation of the stress-causing event – on the one hand, physiological reactions, on the other, behaviour reactions. The reaction to stress is relatively a non specific one in the sense that a wide range of stimuli can provoke it. However, it is a personalised reaction and it is in conformity with the


meaning each single person attributes to it and to his psychophysiological mode of reaction. Let us take for instance the case of a person leading a life of repeated and frequent emotional tension: it is likely that he/ she will sooner or later complain of a reduced level of psychophysical wellness, of his/her personal ability to concentrate and he/she will meanwhile experience emotions such as anxiety, solitude, a sense of failure, depression. The strict correlation between stress, emotions and illnesses (intending for example that combination of psychosomatic inconveniences taking on various forms which contribute to create a “stress syndrome”) has in fact been widely investigated. In more detail, studies carried out in the field of clinical Psychology have underlined that the main stress factors are represented, for example, by sudden changes, solitude, serious family problems, frustrations at work, by a growing inattention to one’s health. It might be the case of acute events or recurring negative situations or even of rewarding experiences of personal advance which are however perceived as very challenging and therefore as “stressful”. A dysfunctional diet behaviour is usually a symptom of a psy-

number 08 / 2013


L’Accademia del Fitness cho-physical problem since it has been demonstrated that one’s diet habits are in relation to every aspect of a person: body and mind. Eating and drinking are not exclusively organic, material acts, but real psychophysical experiences which can provoke wellness through the fulfilment not only of a primary biological need, but also of a psychological desire. The food we eat can therefore have consequences on our health as well as on our mental wellness. This fulfilment should hopefully remain within physiological limits but, in case we go beyond them, a state of psychophysical disequilibrium tends to establish itself, which very often the person who is experiencing it perceives as a heavy burden to carry. This disequilibrium can in the long run structure itself in undesired consequences such as reactive overweight and psychogenic obesity on the one hand, and nervous anorexia and bulimia on the other. These consequences do not have a placating effect but rather imply further emotional correlations of a purely negative kind. For people affected by a problem of this kind of behaviour, food becomes a “substitute”, a sort of safe refuge, which is also very easily accessible, a relief from suffering and pain and it can bring along a fast gratification inducing a state of only “apparent wellness”, that is of relaxation. The mechanism through which food acts manifests itself in the distraction from one’s real problems, for which it is impossible to find an immediate solution. The subject actually “shifts” his/her attention on food (and on his/her choice) moving away from the objective problems and thus he/she is immediately gratified and relieved. Defensive mechanisms, above all of “shifting” and of “oral regression”, are set into action. It is not a conscious process. On the contrary, it is a process of “substance addiction” which gradually establishes itself in an uncontrolled way as a reaction to emotional stimuli which compels us to go on eating even when we are unpleasantly full.

and I wouldn’t care. On second thoughts, I recognize what triggers all this is my tension, internal anxiety, dissatisfaction or simply because I am bored.… I think I need something but I never know what it is so I start eating».

Eating and drinking

As already stated, the acute desire for food seems to indicate the regression mobilization as the main – although inadequate - defence mechanism against stress and conflicts. This takes place, as it has been experimentally demonstrated, above all in people already in a condition of overweight and obesity. This is not surprising if we observe a very little child closely: it is typical of the early phases of life, in gratifying situations, the research and the fast attainment of a sweet taste which is linked to sucking and to the maternal figure. From the point of view of the possible strategies aiming at re-establishing conditions of psychophysical equilibrium, it is undoubtedly useful to intervene in terms of diet education prescribing, at the same time or preliminarily, interventions aiming at making the subjects more aware of the presence of conflict and stress behind their dysfunctional food behaviour and also of their meanings and possible solutions.

are not exclusively

organic, material acts,

but real psychophysical experiences which can

provoke wellness through the fulfilment not only

of a primary biological need, but also of a

psychological desire.

We may take as an example the case of Marianna, 25 years old, 1.62 m height, 85 kg weight. In the attempt to describe a symptom which has become ego dystonic and a source of discomfort, Marianna says: «It is as if something is driving me…, because when I start eating I never ask myself if I am hungry. What makes me do it is a sort of longing for food and in particular for certain sweets. I want to fill my mouth, concentrate on the sweet flavour, on the texture of the food, feel it melting. I automatically feel better almost at once. The problem is, however, that I don’t stop eating after this. I must go on for quite a while until I feel my stomach stretching. In the meanwhile the whole world could collapse


Doctor Flavia Bonaiuto Psychological therapist Expert in the management of food behaviour and body weight Research Doctor in Psychology Former Contract Professor and contract researcher University La Sapienza in Rome Flavia.bonaiuto@alice.it Course at University La Sapienza, Rome “Wellness and Life-styles”

number 08 / 2013


>>> Sessualità, Explora

cibo e cervello Nel corso del processo evolutivo l’alimentazione ha certamente condizionato lo sviluppo del corpo umano ed in particolare del cervello, che a sua volta ha progressivamente modificato il comportamento alimentare, determinando una serrata concatenazione di rapporti causaeffetto che insieme hanno influenzato il comportamento sessuale e altri funzioni fondamentali come il sonno.

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L’Accademia del Fitness

FUNCTIONAL TRAINING The health of human beings is determined by their ability to adapt themselves with flexibility to the outside world. It is important to understand that our normal perception of health as a static condition is not correct. It must be seen, instead, as a process of constant adjustment of our bodies to the environment in which we live and it can be achieved with different grades of success: complete maladjustment will inevitably lead, for example, to the loss of health and, even worse, to death. Health involves every sphere of our life: - The physical one (Notions of prevention – Injuries, Diet, Fitness) - The emotional one (Stress management and reduction) - The social one (Family – Friends - Society) - The mental one (Career – Education – Success objectives) - The spiritual one (Love - Hope). It is evident that physical exercise, a healthy diet and keeping away from stress factors are themes which are strictly connected to the achievement of a perfectly healthy state of each


single person. The world that we have created for ourselves in the last thousand years unfortunately keeps us in a state of permanent active stress. Remaining in such state of stress (above all social and psychological) for a long period of time and the lack of physical exercise give rise to many psycho-physical inconveniences, endanger our state of health and, in the long run, can cause pathologies such as anxiety, depression, obesity, ulcers, plurimetabolic syndrome, hypertension, tumours and so on. After years of “darkness” and complete inattention to these important themes, a campaign of awareness is fortunately beginning to spread on the beneficial effects of physical exercise on our health. In contrast with the old conception according to which doctors and medical operators were involved in “defoto Nicola De Luigi

number 08 / 2013

Naturalmente innovativa La For Farma è una realtà italiana consolidata presente sul mercato dell’integrazione alimentare dal 2004, specializzata in fitoterapia clinica, particolarmente attenta alla qualità di materie prime, processi produttivi e prodotto finito. Attenzione alla qualità significa poter fornire alla Classe Medica e ai Farmacisti prodotti sicuri, ben tollerati ed efficaci. I nostri nutraceutici sono tutti formulati da esperti fitoterapeuti e specialisti clinici. Vengono prodotti presso stabilimenti certificati che ci garantiscono:

• I migliori principi attivi presenti sul mercato • Estratti titolati e standardizzati con le corrette metodologie • Tecniche e sinergie di fitocomplessi e nutrienti che ottimizzano la biodisponibilità per una migliore efficacia • Analisi sicure • Produzione, confezionamento, etichettatura in linea con la regolamentazione CEE Tutti i nostri prodotti sono formulati con dosaggi, titolazioni, posologie e forme farmaceutiche (compresse, capsule, perle) in linea con la letteratura scientifica e secondo le indicazioni del Ministero della Salute. I nostri prodotti sono tutti senza glutine e senza lattosio, tutte le creme sono di origine e ad azione naturale, nickel e gluten free, senza parabeni nè derivati animali nè olii minerali e dermatologicamente testate. Tutti i nostri integratori alimentari sono notificati al Ministero e presenti nel Registro degli integratori.

FOR FARMA s.r.l. Via delle Ombrine, 17 - 00054 Fiumicino (RM) tel.: 065916517 - fax: 0697626018 - info@forfarma.it - www.forfarma.it E00473_D1V_12_01.indd 1

30/12/11 09.24


L’ Accademia numero 08 / 2012 del Fitness

In Italy over 5 million

fending” our health from diseases, new professional figures are emerging today to help us move towards wellness, that is, a method in which various aspects are involved in synergy in order to make each single person become responsible for his/ her own health. In Italy over 5 million people have recently taken up that activity which is most practised by adults: fitness. Fostered by the ageing of the population, many pathologies connected to the lack of physical exercise, an inactive life, a quick and unhealthy diet, there has been a growing demand, and therefore offer, of individual sports in which the attainment of a state of psycho-physical wellness, of spiritual equilibrium and sociability are encouraged. Fitness is a linguistic term coming from the biological field, in which it indicates the capacity of a person to transmit his genetic patrimony by reproduction. In the field of physical exercise it has become a synonym of motor activity which can help achieve a state of wellness in the absence of diseases or infirmity. In order to live not only longer, but in good life standards, these new figures of wellness operators motivate the subject to adopt a life style which includes mild but constant physical exercise, life in the open air and in the sun, a diet based on healthy and unrefined food, friendly social relations which, if wisely combined, can become a real elixir of long life. Human beings are made to be kept in activity, but physical exercise should not be forced beyond the personal limits of each one of us, our body

must not be submitted to the help of very advanced technological machines which limit its range of movement; besides, the loads employed to help achieve good fitness standards should not be too heavy to avoid excessive strain of the muscles, articulations and tendons. There has been a spreading demand for a new kind of training: functional training. The body is submitted to movements which are characteristic of the motor development of the human body, with easily controllable exercises, as they recall daily actions and which can be carried out in centres which do not necessarily have to be the usual very modern up-to-date fitness centres. Functional training is probably inherent to the conception of physical exercise itself because the muscles are trained for the “function” Nature gave it to us. This type of training officially spread in America in the early 70’s in response to the excessive use of sports equipment amassed in gyms all over the world. The fundamental principle of functional training is to activate the muscles in a complex but natural way through movements that are easily performed as they recall the ones of our everyday life. The equipment used in functional training is very simple (in contrast with the technology which has recently invaded fitness clubs), but it develops our inborn and essential physical qualities, connected to the muscular system which acts in synergy producing complex but apparently simple motor movements

people have recently

taken up that activity

which is most practised by adults: fitness. This

type of training officially spread in America in the early 70’s in response to the excessive use of sports equipment

amassed in gyms all over the world.


foto Nicola De Luigi

OLYMPIANSTORE.IT .IT number 08 / 2013






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L’Accademia del Fitness such as lifting a load from the ground and taking it over one’s head. There will never be exercises involving only one articulation in a functional training session, such as the ones which are typical of bodybuilding, or exercises performed with the help of machines. Handle bars, barbells, kettlebells, sand-filled sacks or sacks filled with water (POWER BAGS) and other small equipment will be used as training loads which exploit the natural resistance of the body itself. Each exercise will involve more muscles dynamically, often activating the cardiovascular system. Moreover, the intensity of functional exercises decreases training time, producing efficient workouts. This kind of training is called “functional” as it activates the muscles while respecting the human features and biomechanics. “Functional” as it improves the proprioceptive abilities of each individual working on his/her equilibrium and on the manner he/she relates with all the planes of space (sagittal, frontal and horizontal), with the surrounding environment and because its aim is to make us more agile, swifter, more coordinated and, above all, more prepared for the simplest daily actions avoiding all the inconvenient risks as well as muscular and skeleton micro traumas. In conclusion, I believe that training in a functional way is actually a practice every one of us should follow in order not to lose contact with our real identity

of first of all hunters and- gatherers who, as such, have had to develop a series of anatomical adjustments allowing us to perform a very high number of motor variations in order to remain fit under many points of view. Therefore, by not limiting our fitness to making use of isotonic machines in the gym, we will manage to regain what we were made for: a better but, above all, more functional body!!! Giuseppe Notarnicola Fitness Consultant, Personal Trainer, Nutrition Educator University La Sapienza, Rome Course “Wellness and Life-styles”

foto Nicola De Luigi

Facoltà di Farmacia e Medicina Corso di Formazione in Psicofisiologia, efficaci tecniche pratiche e rimedi naturali d’avanguardia per incrementare la performance e prolungare il senso di giovinezza corpo-mente Direttore: Prof.ssa Lucia Martinoli Coordinatore Scientifico: Prof. Alessandro Gelli http://www.uniroma1.it/didattica/corsiformazione/metodologie-anti-aging-e-anti-stress-26221

Corso di Alta Formazione (CAF) in Psicofisiologia, efficaci tecniche pratiche e rimedi naturali d’avanguardia per incrementare la performance e prolungare il senso di giovinezza corpo-mente Direttore: Prof.ssa Lucia Martinoli Coordinatore Scientifico: Prof. Alessandro Gelli http://www.uniroma1.it/didattica/corsiformazione/metodologie-anti-aging-e-anti-stress-26376


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