N. 09 - April 2013

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April 2013 | year III


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L’Accademia del Fitness Wellness & Anti-aging Magazine


La dieta COM (acronimo di CronOrMorfo dieta) è un approccio integrato che tiene conto della Cronobiologia degli Ormoni e della Morfologia dell’essere umano. Non siamo tutti uguali e trovare la giusta alimentazione e tipologia di esercizio fisico per ognuno di noi è la strada per raggiungere la salute. Determinate morfologie, ovvero determinate forme del corpo, sono legate a specifiche espressioni caratteriali. Tutto questo, si sa, è legato alla genetica che indirizza il nostro sviluppo secondo le nostre predisposizioni. Oggi, tuttavia, si ha la certezza c he anche l’epigenetica (cioè l’influenza dell’ambiente esterno) gioca un ruolo fondamentale nel permettere o impedire il manifestarsi di determinate predisposizioni: “Nasciamo come siamo, diventiamo come mangiamo, come ci muoviamo, come pensiamo!”. La dieta COM tiene conto della Morfologia dell’individuo (a mela, a pera o a peperone) che corrisponde a specifiche prevalenze Ormonali, la cui influenza sulla distribuzione del grasso può essere controllata e modificata, in parte, dalla scelta qualitativa, quantitativa e Cronologica degli alimenti, favorendo, di conseguenza un dimagrimento localizzato.




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number 09 / 2013

EDITORIAL ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta 10/A 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521.941319 Fax 0521.294971 www.accademiadelfitness.com magazine@accademiadelfitness.com Editor in Chief: Massimo Spattini Editorial staff: Claudia Bonini Silvia Iorio Cristiana Pedrazzini Cinzia Ruggeri Scientific committee: Prof. Marianno Franzini Prof. Fulvio Marzatico Dott. Filippo Ongaro Prof. Adolfo Panfili Prof. Mario Passeri Writers: Davide Antoniella Krista Burns Marco Tullio Cau Daniele Cozzini Alessandro Gelli Alessandro Gianpietri Igor Manzini Francesco Marotta Alberto Meloni Mauro Miceli Giovanni Occhionero Maria Letizia Primo Aurelio Ricciardi Alessandro Ronchi Photographers: Massimo Spattini (cover) Publisher: Profitness S.a.s. Galleria Crocetta 10/A 43126 Parma Ph. 0521.941319 Printed and delivered by: Mattioli 1885 S.r.l. Str. della Lodesana, 649 sx Loc. Vaio 43036 Fidenza (PR) Ph. 0524.530383 www.mattioli1885.com Registration n. 12/2004 Court of Parma

These elections have left the country in an atmosphere of political uncertainty which, unfortunately, also causes further economic concern. In fact, the international markets have already responded negatively. On the other hand, the sensational victory of the Five Star Movement has demonstrated that the people are tired of common stereotypes, of the “caste”, of conventional obsolete institutions. There is a need for renovation in order to meet the real needs of the people. In this view, there is a mistrust in the institutional health system and conventional medicine, which are too connected to the business interests of multinational pharmaceutical companies which are compliant with food lobbies. By now, the people have realised that, in order to take care of their health, it is necessary to build a close relation with health and wellbeing operators who have global skills and who do not follow conventional schemes. Professional figures who have time and are willing to promote health as a cultural reality and to provide the users with enough knowledge and practical indications to manage it autonomously. In this view, the Antiaging approach must be proposed as a life rule, aiming at keeping every individual healthy. In this way, besides achieving an increase in life quality, it is possible to reduce the expense that families have to face nowadays to support an ill member. Therefore, the Antiaging approach is a proposal at private but also at social level. It promotes the concept of physical, psychological and aesthetic wellbeing of every single individual indicating a concretely feasible route which coincides with collective wellbeing and with environmental sustainability. This positive trend is confirmed by the great success in the participation to the Training Course “Antiaging and Antistress Methodologies” sponsored, among the others, by the Accademia Funzionale del Fitness, Wellness, Antiaging, coordinated by our teacher, Doctor Alessandro Gelli. Among the speakers there is also the luminary Professor Alberto Fidanza, President of the International Centre of Vitaminology, as well as my more modest figure. It was certainly the most attended course among the ones held at University La Sapienza in Rome. This shows

the interest in the themes about Antiaging and Wellbeing. This trend is also represented by the great success of the clinical practical Workshop on nutrition and nutrigenomics on 2nd-3rd March in Barletta “Tomorrow’s Medicine: Aging with success”, where I took part as a speaker. Due to this growing interest towards functional aspects and Antiaging, which have always been a characteristic of our Accademia, we have decided to modify the name of the school into “Functional Academy of Fitness, Wellness and Antiaging” (AFFWA), while the magazine will keep its historical name “L’Accademia del Fitness”. However, this evolution will keep the trustworthiness and coherence expressed by the mottos we often use: “mens sana in corpore sano”, “theory at the service of practice” and “we practise what we preach”. The Accademia del Fitness Magazine will be present, as guest magazine, at the eleventh edition of the “Antiaging Medicine World Congress”, the largest event in the world dedicated to “Global Aging Management”, which will be held in Monte Carlo on 4th-5th-6th April 2013. Do not miss for any reason the meeting in Rome where, on 19th-20th April, I myself will speak on Chronomorphodiet at the third International Congress of Biointegrated Medicine “Medicine and Lifestyle” held at the Convention Centre in Palazzo Carpegna. On the occasion of the event Nutrition and Integration Planet, held within the context of Cibus Globus Forum, AFFWA will achieve its greatest visibility. On 16th May the book “Anti-Aging and integrated life-style” – which I wrote with the contribution of other 12 authors, all collaborators of AFFWA - will be presented to the press. On 17th May, instead, the AFFWA national Convention will be held “Nutrition and functional integration in Anti-Aging”, organised in collaboration with Akesios Group. Finally, on 18th May, the free Workshop “Diet Com and Dima Com methodology – winning strategies for weight loss in fitness centres”, organised by AFFWA and Mee Too HDemy. Massimo Spattini Presidente dell’Accademia del Fitness


L’Accademia del Fitness



by Massimo Spattini



by Massimo Spattini



by Marco Tullio Cau

BIOFEEDBACK and STRESS A help for the evaluation of the state of stress, self-control and the quick development of awareness


by Alessandro Gelli



by Alessandro Ronchi

QI GONG Living a long life without aging


by Daniele Cozzini



by Aurelio Ricciardi




number 09 / 2013



by Davide Antoniella

AGING IN BIOINTEGRATED MEDICINE Vegetal extracts in favour of hormone balance


by Giovanni Occhionero




by Francesco Marotta



by Maria Letizia Primo

INFLAMMATION, EXCESS WEIGHT AND INSULIN RESISTANCE The role of chronic inflammation in metabolic alterations


by the editorial staff





L’Accademia del Fitness

TESTOSTERONE Testosterone is the main sexual hormone in men – even if it is also produced in small amounts by women – and it is synthesised by the testicles in the endocrine cells of Leying starting from cholesterol. The biological effects of testosterone become visible at the level of the sexual organs and of the secondary sexual features (hairs, adipose tissue, muscles, laryngeal and skeletal cartilages) but they also have non-sexual effects. The metabolic effects of testosterone are quite ubiquitous. It has an anabolic action on protein metabolism, increasing the level of incorporation of amino acids above all in muscle and skeletal proteins. As for lipid metabolism, it regulates cholesterol, favours the use of fats for energy purposes and in case of caloric excess it favours the deposit in the upper part of the body. At the level of glycidic metabolism, it favours the accumulation of muscle glycogen and it improves insulin sensitivity. Moreover, testosterone stimulates erythropoietin (EPO) and favours sodium and calcium retention, it helps the efficiency of the immune system and has a neurotrophic effect at brain level. While women experience the sudden decrease of sexual hormones through menopause around the age of 50, in men, due to aging, testosterone starts decreasing around the age of 40, more or less gradually. This condition of hypogonadism connected to age is defined “andropause” in analogy to women’s “menopause”. In about 50% of healthy men aged between 50 and 70 the testosterone level is below the minimum level compared to men aged 20-40. It is estimated that the testosterone level in one out of five men over 50 is actually compatible with the diagnosis of hypogonadism. The symptoms of andropause are the following: • Fatigue and energy decrease; • Depression and bad mood; • Tension and anxiety; • Difficulty in concentration and loss of memory; • Lack of sexual arousal or decrease in libido; • Erectile dysfunction or problems in sexual intercourse; • Tendency to accumulate fat at abdominal level; • Sleep disorders; • Worsening of insulin sensitivity; • Increase in the level of estrogens compared to the levels of testosterone;



















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L’Accademia del Fitness • Decrease in strength, muscle tone and fitness level; • Worse stress management; • Decrease in work ability; • Less self-confidence; • Decrease in physical ability; • Decrease in bone density; • Increase in cholesterol; • Cardiovascular diseases; • Irritability, rage or what can be defined “bad-temper”; • Backache and articular pain. Most of these symptoms are common in the majority of men over 50. A therapy of hormonal balance with biosynthetic testosterone is able to reverse all these conditions. Unfortunately, conventional medicine mainly tends to limit the use of testosterone to cases of sexual dysfunction, which is actually only one of the aspects – perhaps not even one of the most important ones – from an anti-aging perspective aiming at fighting chronic-degenerative diseases.

While women experience the sudden decrease of sexual hormones through menopause around the age of 50, in men, due to aging, testosterone starts decreasing around the age of 40, more or less gradually.

The use of testosterone, also in this case, has been replaced in the last 10 years by “VIAGRA” or similar medicines which actually favour the erectile function but not libido. Some studies demonstrate that the combination of testosterone and Viagra improves the quality of sexual intercourse even with lower doses of Viagra in people suffering from erectile dysfunction. However, testosterone is not just for men. In menopausal women testosterone integration has a trophic and stimulating effect on the brain, the bones, the muscles, the articulations and, above all, it restores the normal levels of libido which often decrease in menopause. Dr. Ph. Massimo Spattini Specialist in Sports Medicine Specialist in Food Science Board Certificate in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM-USA)

Positive effects of testosterone Decrease in the accumulation of plates in the arteries Adjustment of the blood pressure Decrease in LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) 10-15% increase in HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) Reduction of inflammation at vascular level Increase in the blood flux through the production of nitric oxide Increase in the production of brain neurotransmitters such as dopamine Increase in the ability to use one’s reason and to concentrate Memory preservation Bone density preservation Increase in sexual interest Muscle tone preservation Improvement in insulin sensitivity Stimulation of basal metabolism Increase of muscle strength and mass Decrease of visceral fat Antidepressant effect Stimulation of erythropoiesis Improvement in the use of fats and fat intramuscular increase in the upper part of the body




Sono stati richiesti al Ministero della Salute i crediti ECM per le figure professionali di: Medico Chirurgo, Biologo, Dietista.


€ 200,00 (comprensiva della quota associativa)


La Spot Reduction o "dimagrimento localizzato" è un argomento controverso, ma recenti acquisizioni scientifiche ne hanno dimostrato l'esistenza. Nel workshop verranno analizzate le basi fisiologiche, i metodi di misurazione, le tecniche di allenamento, gli approcci dietologici, gli integratori, in riferimento ai vari biotipi costituzionali morfologici (ginoide, misto, androide) secondo i concetti della Dieta COM (CronOrMorfodieta) e del Metodo dimaCOM (Differenziata Integrazione Muscolazione Aerobica secondo la CronOrMorfodieta) per ottenere un dimagrimento localizzato anche nelle zone più resistenti. RELATORE

Massimo Spattini

Alla fine del Workshop verrà rilasciata la Certificazione di “DietaCOM® ADVISOR” previo il superamento del test scritto finale.



AKESIOS GROUP S.r.l. Via A. Viola, 9 - Parma www-akesios.it

SEGRETERIA Scientifica e Organizzativa ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta, 9/A 43126 Parma Tel. 0521 1682083 Fax 0521 294971

info@accademiadelfitness.com www.accademiadelfitness.com

L’Accademia del Fitness



A normal sexual life is certainly one of the cornerstones for the wellbeing of each of us. Normal, though, as each age has its shades, and the sexual sphere is influenced by aging, like the rest of us. Yet, like for the rest of physical, psychological and socio-cultural changes which appear as time goes by, we can improve (or worsen... ) what our genetic heritage has “given” us by choosing a certain life-style. The Society has always cared little about this topic. As John DeLamater - scholar in this sector – playfully says: “If a sociologist from an alien planet studied the habits of earthmen by making use of scientific literature, then he would deduct that sexuality over 50 is not important for the human beings!” Instead, today it is important to consider that the elderly (over 65) are growing more and more in the world, especially in Italy. The average age reached at death is now of over 82, and the over-65 are over 20%, while people over eighty have reached 6%.


It is almost striking to consider the data about the median age, the one by which the population is divided into two equal parts: now it is of almost 44 years, while in the near ‘50s it did not even reach 29 years! And in the next future it will reach 50 years! However, in the last few years the appearance of Viagra and other medicines “against” male impotence, followed by their use (also) on part of the elderly, have drawn attention to “over” sexuality... In the United States even a former candidate to the Presidency, Senator Bob Dole, promoted the “blue pill” after prostate surgery. Anyway, experts have finally faced the problem more thoroughly. This is the first step in order to change the wrong beliefs that still exist according to public opinion. For example, recent studies by Lindau and Waite on a particularly wide sample (over 3000 people) have shown that the percentage of those who still have a sexual life goes from 75% in the 57/64 age bracket, while in the next brackets (74 and 85) the percentage is of

number 09 / 2013


L’Accademia del Fitness over 50% and over 25%. Yet, distinguishing between the total sample and those who still have a partner, we can see that the youngest shoot to 90.5% vs. 62.7, then to 74.3% vs. 63, and to a more than respectable 47.3 vs. 41.4%... These data significantly change for those who do not have a partner. This is why older women have a less active sexual life compared to men: they live much longer than their partners, who were even older than their wives when they got married. As we will see further on, a healthy life-style followed by a proper diet and physical activity can help keep that state of health which allows a regular sexual life – apart from one’s age, but it is also necessary to be properly informed on the changes which generally emerge as time goes by. This is important in order to avoid mistaking normal physiological changes for the appearance of impotence, which would generate anxiety and could cause psychogenic impotence... This knowledge should be shared with one’s partner, too, in order to make things easier. However, we can see that the male is characterised by progressive damage of the erectile mechanisms. In time all the phases of the normal sexual response (4, according to Master and Johnson) show changes also in the “healthy” male. All this “natural” process is aggravated by the typical affections of middle age: hypertension, obesity, diabetes... Diabetes is one of the chronic diseases which influences male – and female sexuality more (damage to the nerves and to the small vessels, like the cavernous arteries of the penis). “Typical” diseases are a punctum dolens also because, in order to be kept under control, it is necessary to take medicines (antidepressants, antihypertensives, ß-blockers, diuretics...) which may cause problems to the sexual sphere. This picture is different in women, due the clearer decrease in hormones which causes various problems. Yet, also in women the 4 phases undergo many changes which may lead to a vicious circle like for the male ED... Those who feel pain and do not know the changes of their body nor the possible solutions may experience negative states of mind, thus choosing to avoid sexual activity in order to escape from the symptoms. This may end up causing withdrawal from sexual activity. A very controversial factor is that of the connection between hormones and sexuality. This topic is so wide that only a few aspects of it will be dealt with here. An interesting aspect is the fact that many women who are at least over 50 suffer from low sexual desire, while several others suffer from hypoactive sexual desire. Many studies have clearly demonstrated that a therapy based on transdermal testosterone improves sexual functionality in menopausal women. New research which is going to be completed soon confirms the above data, while some very recent studies are testing testosterone in the form of gel. However, we must not forget some contraindications...

As for the use of testosterone for men, a whole volume would not be enough... because two very different views coexist. The only point of convergence is the need to test the positive effects on the elderly in studies of longer duration and uniformity, and the fact that even with positive results, these results can only be found in men with very low hormonal levels, while in eugonadic subject the change is minimal or there is no change at all. Anyway, I would like to suggest reading many works by Traish from the USA, since they face the problem from a different perspective, showing the fundamental role of male hormone on the complex organic integrity of many structures related to cavernous bodies and nerves. What has been said so far shows a clear picture: sexual problems increase with age... but it is important to know that the condition can dramatically improve. Actually, in line with the message that the collaborators to this magazine have been promoting for years, a correct lifestyle helps better functionality at all levels, also with the passing of time. A proper diet and physical activity are fundamental. Scientific literature by now agrees. For example, in one of the above-mentioned studies of Doctor Lindau’s group we read that the healthier men and women were, in proportion, more sexually active... just read the title: “Sex, health, and years of sexually active life gained due to good health”! In 2003 Bacon et al carried out a screening of over 30000 subjects between 50 and 90 years and found that physical exercise was connected to a low risk of ED, while obesity was connected to high risk! Another study from Hannan clearly indicates the importance of a change in one’s life-style in order not to face health problems, including sexuality. By adding a correct and low-calorie diet the results are even better, probably thanks to the metabolic syndrome. In relation to the influence of one’s diet the Seconda Università in Naples has developed an important trend of study whose results can be read in the various reports written by Esposito’s group in the last ten years. All these works point out that changes in life-style, including an increase in physical activity and a specific diet, have shown excellent results in people already suffering from ED, with noteworthy percentages of success. Another work confirming the above-mentioned data is the very recent review by Gupta and colleagues from the prestigious Mayo Institute. Examining several works in the world databases, Gupta’s work infers that the results of the examined studies further reinforce the effectiveness of the changes in life-style for the improvement of sexual functionality in men suffering from ED. At this point it seems clear that the life-style suggested for many years by Doctor Spattini and the other members of our “group” corresponds to the one proposed by all the research so far explained... Among other things the Specialization Course

If a sociologist from an alien planet studied the habits of earthmen by making use of scientific literature, then he would deduct that sexuality over 50 is not important for the human beings.


number 09 / 2013


L’Accademia del Fitness organised by our “group” and held at University La Sapienza in Rome had this title: “Wellbeing and Life-styles”! A thorough examination about the condition of the sports-nutrition art for the prevention of sexual problems goes beyond the purpose of this chapter, yet it is necessary to mention it. We can basically say that as for food it is advisable to replace saturated fats with mono and polyunsaturated ones, as well as diminish high-density food such as many refined carbohydrates which we consume plentifully. Higher quantity of fruit and vegetables, (few) wholemeal cereal and average protein intake are a support for cardiovascular and sexual health. Bear in mind that the daily calorie intake must not cause a more or less elevated overweight. As for “sport”, aerobic activity is considered the panacea for the improvement of the cardiovascular system. The Guide Lines for the prescription of physical exercise in the cardiological field are contained in a very accurate document published in 2007 in the Italian Journal of Cardiology. Obviously, this and other works do not suggest exhausting training typical of a marathon runner, but a session of 30/60 minutes 3/5 times a week for at least 60% of the VO2 max. This is however different from a 10-minute minimum intensity walk which is considered by many as a form of sport! Talking about gyms, gymnastics with weights is being acknowledged the importance it deserves. Among the many new studies there is the exhaustive review edited by Pollock... Again, here it is neither about maximum squat, nor about 0.5 kg weights!


Apart from cardiovascular benefits, can physical exercise give even more specific help for a correct enjoyment of sexual life? Yes, it can. For example with Kegel exercises, voluntary contractions of the muscles of the pelvic floor. They are generally used for incontinence problems but they can help both men and women in order to improve sexual life, as demonstrated by many recent works. And this is not all... Doctor Sommer has carried out several studies on ED and sport. After demonstrating that the very pointy saddles of racing bicycles cause problems to local circulation, he started looking for a method to help cyclists. He has studied deeply the mechanisms of erection and blood afflux to the pelvic area, demonstrating that a series of pelvic exercises invented by him gave exceptional results in 80% of the cases treated (subjects with average ED) and this was supported by both subjective and objective measurements. I think enough suggestions have been mentioned to adopt a healthy, active life-style which will lead to great and lasting results! Doctor M.T.Cau Specialization Degree in Psychology, Clinical field Specialization in Communication Sciences Lecturer at the Course Wellbeing and Life-styles University La Sapienza in Rome

number 09 / 2013


L’Accademia del Fitness


The Biofeedback, “biological feedback”, consists in the use of electronic instruments to measure some physiological parameters such as body temperature, cardiac frequency, skin galvanic resistance, intensity of the current running through some tissues and/or energy channels (for example the meridians studied by acupuncture), and many more. The electric activity of the brain and the heart can be monitored, too, through an electroencephalograph and through an electrocardiograph. A very fascinating sector which presents a wide range of really concrete applications is the one of the “BIO-ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA OF THE HUMAN BODY”. Explaining this in the easiest possible way, it can be said that every form of life is directly interconnected to electric and electro-magnetic phenomena. Actually, every live cell in the human body has its own electric activity both when it is healthy and when it is diseased. Low-intensity current runs on the skin. It varies according to one’s state of mind, weather, diet and other both internal (pos-


sible common pathologies like a mere cold) and external factors (clothes, level of humidity in the air, etc.). The level (intensity) of this current, subject and conditions being equal in that specific moment, can change very quickly (even in less than one second). For example, if the subject considered, connected to specific bio-feedback equipment, is pricked with a pin or is given an unexpected pinch, or if the subject is unexpectedly touched with a very cold or very hot object, etc., the instrument will measure a quick and sudden increase in current released by the subject (evaluation of acute Stress). This is due to the fact that physical pain, even if instantaneous, causes an increase in the release of current. The time for subjective normalization of the values after stimulus is studied, too. This biological phenomenon is very common and it can be exploited through short quick tests such as pin picking, pinching, etc. Thanks to it, doctors who operate on anti-Aging and AntiStress Methodologies can understand how a subject reacts to stimuli which cause a little PHYSICAL PAIN.

number 09 / 2013 However, the increase in current can be also measured through PSYCHIC PAIN. When experiencing strong emotions, physical pain, etc., the Sympathetic Nervous System is activated. It provokes an increase in the galvanic current and a consequent reduction of the resistive value of the skin or channel under analysis. Anyway, it is important to adjust the instrument to the specific subject, since the average “normal” values of the galvanic resistance of the skin depend on the specific subject. Actually, the values range from K-OHM (kilo ohm) to M-OHM (mega ohm), according to climate, skin dryness, etc. Note: ohm indicates the physical quantity of “resistance” through which it is possible to measure a resistor, a component present in every electronic equipment. Therefore, there is no point in looking for the standardization of a range of “normal” values – as it happens, instead, in the case of blood tests - since the same subject under the same health conditions, state of mind, etc., has different results in winter and in summer, especially in damp hot weather compared to cold-dry weather. Instead, the values should be considered as quite subjective. Instead of analysing the absolute value, it is important to study the changes in value of a specific subject while he/she is under stress evaluation or in the training phase. Multiple instruments based on the abovementioned principles are used like a sort of “truth machine” since they measure several electrical and physiological phenomena at the same time (artery pressure, cardiac beat, temperature, pupil dilation, etc.) – moving from the assumption that those who lie “get nervous”. However, hyper-sensitive people get nervous out of fear even when telling the truth. They are just scared because they are being tested. In the same way, a “cold” and hyper-selfcontrolled subject may deceive such instruments by being an “ice-man”. Therefore, operative reliability is not assured. It is better to use such methods to help those who suffer and want to control their hyper-sensitivity. As for this, these instruments can be useful. An expert and well-trained doctor in this field will ask a series of questions to the user, measuring instant by instant the variableness of the bio-electric phenomenon in the subject while he/she is responding to it. With correct training of doctors and operators – who will lead the dialogue with the user in the proper way – the user can realise in what way a past event can still be painful, or he/she may realise the opposite. The use of the electronic instrument for the Bio-Feedback with no higher-training for doctors and operators is almost useless. On the contrary, it works as a help for therapists who have studied and have been trained on practical protocols in order to per-

form the proper “diagnostic” and therapeutic procedures. Strong emotions cause a higher flow of current both through the energy channels and on the skin surface. This is measured by the instrument and quantified numerically on a digital display. Yet, an “X” emotion may suddenly arise as a consequence of a memory that the trainer makes appear again in the user’s mind, through a proper technique, in order to show its impact to the subject. Therefore, the bio-feedback can help the user and trainer both to evaluate the state of reactivity to physical or psychic pain and to help the user in the development of self-consciousness as well as emotional self-control. The users themselves can see, instant by instant and in real time, how techniques of stress management can intervene on their emotional state and at what speed. Sometimes the opposite occurs, though. That is, the user may see that while he/ she is trying to apply a newly-learnt technique, instead of reducing his/her state of stress... it increases (performance anxiety, etc.). The trainer must know what to say for each result, explaining the reason for every type of reaction. In phase 1, or stress evaluation - according to the protocol followed – the users should focus on themselves without looking at the display of the instruments, while the trainer records the variations according to tests and induced stimuli. In the next phase or phase 2 or awareness phase, the user observes the variations according to questions or stimuli of various type (words, light stimuli, etc). Phase 1 and 2 do not necessarily use the same kind of stimuli since this would reduce the “surprise” effect. Also, the stimuli are not necessarily given at a short distance of time. In phase 3 of the training, or Stress Management, the subject applies specific practices in which he/she should control his/her emotional state and see on the display an increase of

Every form of life is directly interconnected to electric and electromagnetic phenomena. Actually, every live cell in the human body has its own electric activity both when it is healthy and when it is diseased.


L’Accademia del Fitness the resistive level, for a further activation of the parasympathetic system. Actually, while the subject calms down and becomes less and less anxious, tense, nervous, etc., the variations on the instrument display appear in quite a short time (even 1 minute in the average-trained subject). Many practices with bio-feedback are performed during “visualizations”, self-insertion in one’s “private place”, and the users perform the practice with their eyes closed. The “Private Place” or “calm dimension” or “determination dimension”, etc. is a technically created virtual-mental dimension which is formed together with the trainer on the basis proposed by the user. It is clear that the different private places are different mental programmes which are used to recall quite different and particular attitudes in order to face at best the situation life offers us in that specific moment. The practice is recorded with audio and video with a suitable camera which also films the display of the bio-feedback instrument. At the end of the practice of relaxation-visualization, the user and the trainer watch the video commenting the various points and values according to life experience and sensations. Obviously, first of all trainers must achieve excellent training, then they should acquire good practical experience before considering themselves as real “experts”. It is important to repeat that the bio-feedback is only a good support for trainers who aim at helping the users at their best by making them understand how quickly a painful thought changes


our body-mind “energy”, and how essential it is to learn how to manage Stress and hyper-sensitivity. Trainers, above all if they do not have well-established experience in this specific sector, can use practical-empirical protocols aimed at these specific situations. Some of these base-protocols are part of my lectures at the Higher Training and Training University Courses in “Anti-Aging and Anti-Stress Methodologies” (Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Sapienza University in Rome). I have acquired a decade-long practical experience in this field since the ‘80s, and I have used it for lectures and research in the course of Clinical Psycho-Physiology, University La Sapienza in Rome, since the beginning of the ‘90s. Anxiety and hyper-sensitivity are the basis for an anomaly of the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune network. These variations are connected with the bio-electric phenomena of the human body. It seems by now quite certain that a serious global Anti-Aging action is based on Stress Management and starts from it. Therefore, every means which allows the user to achieve results more quickly and perhaps even more “deeply” (as for awareness), deserves some consideration.

Doctor Alessandro Gelli European Health Managers Forum (EHMF) Vitaminologist – Int. Centre

number 09 / 2013

Per difese più forti Per ossa solide Il 60-80% della popolazione presenta carenze di vitamina D*

• Dosaggio elevato (1000 U.I.) per compressa orosolubile • Vitamina D3 (colecalciferolo) la forma di

vitamina D meglio assimilata

• Gradevole gusto di Lime Dolcificato con glicosidi della Stevia rebaudiana

Categorie a rischio specifico - bambini - donne in gravidanza o allattamento - anziani - persone poco esposte al sole - individui dalla pelle scura

Dose giornaliera raccomandata: 1000 U.I. (25 µg)

300 U.I. (7,5 µg)

Upper intake level*



1 o 2 cpr.

1000 U.I.



2 cpr.

2000 U.I.

1 cpr.


4000 U.I.

Anziani (60+)

1 o 2 cpr.


4000 U.I.

In gravidanza

1 o 2 cpr.


4000 U.I.


* European Food Safety Authority. EFSA Journal 2012;10(7):2813 [45 pp.].

300 U.I. (7,5 µg)

1000 U.I. (25 µg)

120 compresse orosolubili PP € 10,99

90 compresse orosolubili PP € 12,99

* Holick MF, Chen TC. Vitamin D deficiency: a worldwide problem with health consequences. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Apr;87(4):1080S-6S. Review. * Adami et al. Linee guida su prevenzione e trattamento dell’ipovitaminosi D con colecalciferolo. Reumatismo 2011;63 (3):129-147

* Philippart de Foy JM, Lambert Michel, Zech Francis. Carence en vitamine D, une pandémie facilement éradicable en médecine de 1ère ligne. UCL, 2009

In farmacia


L’Accademia del Fitness



Osteoporosis refers to that condition of bone mass and skeleton resistance loss due to nutritional, metabolic or pathological factors. The skeleton is therefore subject to a greater risk of pathological fractures as a result of mass loss and of bone microarchitecture modifications. The aim of physical exercise in subjects affected by osteoporosis is to create a mechanical dynamic stimulation which can improve bone mineralization. Recent studies recognize that the best stimulation is represented by muscular power, transmitted by tendons to bone tissues during contraction (isotonic bodyweight or light weight exercises and elastic resistance exercises). In order to keep the bones “healthy” it is necessary first of all to respect five principles when planning physical workouts: 1) Specificity: Bone adjustment to mechanical solicitations is mainly local. Therefore, it is advisable to train those specific skeleton parts which should be strengthened. Exercise is effective on bone matrix deposition in relation to the insertion joint of the working muscle. More precisely: strengthen the femur in proximal position and perform exercises involving the hip (press, squat, step, walking); strengthen the lumbar vertebrae and perform rachis extension exercises; strengthen the wrist and perform exercises involving the upper limbs. Strengthen the hip and perform exercises involving the glutei for the great trochanter; perform exercises



3) 4)


involving the iliopsoas for the small trochanter; perform exercises involving hip adductors and extensors for Ward’s triangle femoral neck. Overload: The positive effects on bone matrix are evident if mechanical load - which must be greater than a minimum efficient threshold - is progressively increased. However, it must be kept in mind that overloading produces bones with smaller biomechanical resistance. Starting point values: The greatest bone mass development can be seen in subjects who start from a smaller bone mass. must be remembered that bone tissue adjusts itself to various solicitations in a different way according to age. Physical exercise is more osteogenic (it stimulates greater bone strengthening) in childhood rather than in maturity. As a consequence exercises during pre-adolescence can reduce fracture risks in old age. Reduction of positive effects: When approaching achievement of maximum bone density, greater physical exercise is necessary in order to increase it further. 6) Reversibility: The positive osteogenic effect connected to physical exercise is eliminated if physical activity is suspended.


TI RENDE LIBERO FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST Le intolleranze alle proteine alimentari, dette allergie ritardate, sono reazioni conseguenti l’introduzione di alimenti di consumo comune. Queste reazioni sono causate da un’iperproduzione di immunoglobuline di classe G (IgG). Emicrania, disturbi gastro-intestinali e respiratori, stanchezza cronica, dermatiti, irritabilità, sovrappeso, sono solo alcuni dei sintomi ricorrenti nei soggetti affetti da allergia ritardata. Il FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST (F.I.T.) di Natrix permette di verificare la reazione dell’organismo nei confronti di 46, 92 o 184 alimenti. Ciò che ha reso il F.I.T. affidabile è la metodica analitica ELISA,

affidabile e ripetibile e la lunghissima esperienza di Natrix nel campo della diagnostica delle intolleranze.

celiaci, per il monitoraggio della malattia celiaca in soggetti che seguono una dieta priva di glutine.


Natrix Lab: il laboratorio certificato (UNI-ENI-ISO 9001: 2000) di riferimento per le analisi:

Ad oggi per ogni celiaco diagnosticato, ve ne sono sette a cui la celiachia non viene diagnosticata. L’ingestione di glutine, nei pazienti affetti o predisposti a celiachia, provoca un grave danneggiamento della mucosa intestinale. Il CELIAC TEST è una prova allergometrica che consente di effettuare un saggio di I° livello completo per la celiachia. Il CELIAC TEST è consigliato in caso di sospetto di malattia celiaca, in familiari di primo grado (genitori, fratelli) di soggetti

• • • • • • • •


Tutte le analisi sono eseguibili anche tramite un semplicissimo prelievo capillare e salivare.

L’Accademia del Fitness Main objectives of physical activity to prevent osteoporosis: • Body mass increase • Dynamic mechanical stimulation • Use of district loads • Improvement of aerobic power • Muscle strengthening • Use of gravity power Secondary objectives to prevent osteoporosis • Fracture prevention • Balance improvement • Coordination improvement • Increase of soft tissue trophism (reduction of traumatic effect on bone) • Postural education and ergonomics We can consider seven different principles which regulate exercise and permit it to have positive effects on the skeleton: 1st Principle: The bone needs dynamic mechanical and not static stimulations in order to produce a positive adjustment effect. Besides producing intermitting osteogenic stress on the bone, dynamic exercise increases rhythmic secretion of anabolic hormones which favour the bone’s adjusting effect. 2nd Principle: Exercises having a greater intensity than average solicitations are necessary in order to produce a positive adjusting effect of the bone. Mechanical stimulation must exceed a certain tension power, genetically predetermined, in order to become osteogenic. 3rd Principle: The osteogenic response (bone mineralization) is proportional to the mechanical stimulation frequency. The stimulation threshold for bone structure maintenance is given by the product of exercise frequency and its intensity. The bone can be “maintained” both through less frequent high intensity stimulations and through more frequent, but minor intensity stimulations. 4th Principle: The bone’s adjusting response is greater when 2 short daily sessions are followed. The bone requires in fact an interval of at least 6-8 hours rest to respond more positively to a dynamic load exceeding the threshold. 5th Principle: The bone’s adjusting response depends on a certain load modality; the loads must vary in orientation and intensity compared with the ones that normally act on the bone. 6th Principle: The bone’s adjusting response depends on a great supply of energy nutrients. An insufficient amount would have negative hormone effects with an anabolic action on bone.

7th Principle: The bone’s positive adjusting response depends upon a large supply of cholecalciferol (vitamin D). This principle is particularly important before puberty and after menopause. Physical exercise and above all load has great impact on bone trophism and on all the articulation apparatus. Bone tissue reacts to quantitative factors such as mass, mineral density, volume and to qualitative factors such as the particular structure of the bone, its micro and macro architecture, bone turnover and metabolism, as it is a dynamic and not static tissue and as there are particular cells which have constant exchange. The bone is a complex structure of dense, mineralized, connective tissue provided with blood, lymphatic and nervous ducts for supply, elimination and information of bone cells. These cells (osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts) allow the continuous process of bone regeneration. Bone mass growth until it reaches the socalled “bone mass peak” - that is, our individual patrimony of mineral bone content - is a natural process which reaches its peak at the age of 30-35. Genetic factors condition in the degree of 70-80% this process of achieving and preserving bone mass peak; for the remaining 20% other important factors are connected to our life style, a healthy diet rich in calcium and constant physical exercise. The latter in particular represents a fundamental factor in promoting the entity of bone mass peak and also in slowing down loss due to menopause. Many studies have shown particularly meaningful links between physical exercise and a low risk of fractures due to osteoporosis. Physical exercise is determinant in our youth that is in a period in which bone tissue responds actively to solicitations and can determine an increase of mineral bone density (BMD). Among the many sports activities, a motor activity such as weightlifting carried out in conditions of gravitational load, determines greater positive effects than swimming which, owing to the lower gravitational load that characterizes it, has fewer positive BMD effects even if performed intensely. The skeleton’s response to exercise is greater in that district where mechanical stress is greater (30% greater bone mass in the tennis player’s dominant arm compared with his other arm). Another factor having a positive effect on bone density is represented by exercise repetition. Every physical activity which determines repeated “mechanical stress” on a certain part of the skeleton tends to increase the

Recent studies recognize that the best stimulation is represented by muscular power, transmitted by tendons to bone tissues during contraction (isotonic bodyweight or light weight exercises and elastic resistance exercises)


number 09 / 2013


8-9 giugno / 22-23 giugno SEDE: PARMA PROGRAMMA:

Fisiopatologia della Sindrome Metabolica Eziopatogenesi della Sindrome Metabolica La dieta per la Sindrome Metabolica L’integrazione per la Sindrome Metabolica Disturbi del sonno e gestione dello stress Test di valutazione Metodologie di allenamento per il Fitness Metabolico

QUOTA: € 500,00 (comprensiva della quota associativa) da pagare entro il 10-05-2013 L'importo può essere pagato, con una maggiorazione in due rate : - 1a rata entro il 10-05-2013 : € 250,00 - 2a rata entro il 10-06-2013 : € 250,00 Ultimamente ai convegni di Medicina dello Sport non si parla altro che di Sindrome Metabolica che fondamentalmente consiste in un sovrappeso soprattutto a livello addominale, ipertensione, dislipidemia “borderline” e ridotta tolleranza ai carboidrati. Questa patologia può essere curata soprattutto con una correzione dello stile di vita, cioè alimentazione corretta, adeguato esercizio fisico, adeguato sonno fisiologico e gestione dello stress. Il “fitness metabolico” riguarda l’attività fisica idonea per tutte quelle persone generalmente adulte, non perfettamente sane, affette da tutte quelle patologie tipiche della società occidentale caratterizzate da malnutrizione e sedentarismo, comprendendo nuove categorie sociali, rispetto al fitness tradizionale, con un potenziale di circa 35 milioni di persone rispetto al potenziale di circa 20 milioni del fitness tradizionale. L’esercizio fisico a questo punto può essere considerato una vera e propria terapia, sia preventiva che curativa e come tale deve essere prescritta con specificità di tipologia e di dose proprio come un farmaco, cioè ad una determinata frequenza ed intensità. Al medico specialista in Medicina dello Sport spetta questa competenza ma deve esistere una figura professionale operatore nel settore del fitness in grado di tradurre nella pratica le indicazioni del medico. Questa nuova figura professionale si identifica nell’ “ISTRUTTORE DI FITNESS METABOLICO”

ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta 9/A - 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521 1682083 - Fax 0521.294971 info@accademiadelfitness.com


L’Accademia del Fitness bone density of that area. Aerobic training which includes continuous movements of two or more articulations is always associated with a bone density increase. A sedentary life style is instead considered a main osteoporosis risk factor. A study carried out with particular techniques showed that the weekly bone loss due to immobility amounts to 1%. The absence of gravity power and prolonged immobility determine the lack of mechanical stimulation which is necessary for the skeleton’s physiological homeostatic balance. A study carried out on astronauts showed in fact a BMD reduction on their return to earth. Also muscle contraction seemingly performs not only the effect of a “pump” on blood vessels but it also mechanically stimulates the bone on which the muscle tendon is inserted. There is no doubt concerning the direct correlation between body weight and BMD. People who are underweight are more subject to osteoporosis. Moreover, it has been shown that physical exercise determines positive biochemical modifications which favour and increase bone cellular activity. In adolescents and young people exercise has a fundamental importance in the achievement and preservation of bone mass peak but it plays a very important role in the development and preservation of bone tissue throughout our life. During menopause it can mitigate bone tissue loss connected to estrogen decrease. Physical exercise therefore, when associated with an average estrogen level, practised by a woman at the age of 20-30 can be of fundamental importance in reducing future osteoporosis risks in an older age.


Exercise in an older age intervenes above all in reducing the risks of falling which represents a major risk factor in the occurrence of femur fractures. Exercise must be considered an essential factor in bone tissue homeostasis and this is demonstrated by the fact that BMD is much higher in athletes than in sedentary people. In this phase of life the main aim of exercise is to increase bone mass. For this aim it is important to perform exercises which strengthen articulation and dorsal muscles; mechanical stress exercises making use of gravity power, body weight and small and medium weights. Exercise must always be gradual, regular and personalized. Gradual because the maximum intensity, both for workouts and for exercise difficulty, must be reached by means of a gradual physical strengthening. Regular, because if it is practised irregularly, it does not determine a constant stimulation which can gradually produce positive effects of bone homeostasis. In conclusion physical training must be personalized because mechanical stimulation threshold varies in each different subject depending on age, physical ability and load bearing capacity of the skeleton. Many studies have pointed out that the adoption of a physical activity programme can slow down bone tissue loss in menopause women. Aerobic activity such as for example a fast 20’-30’ walk twice a day, besides reducing cardiovascular risks, has important effects on bone tissue: it has been shown that a BMD increase in pre-menopause women can prevent BMD reduction. Alessandro Ronchi ADF Food Educator, ISSA Personal Trainer

number 09 / 2013


L’Accademia del Fitness


LIVING A LONG LIFE WITHOUT AGING The term Qi Gong in China stands for all the practices of conservation and promotion of Vital Energy which act as an instrument of self-adjustment of the internal mechanisms of resistance to pathogenic agents and of adjustment to the environment. All the activities based on the adjustment of posture, breathing and visualization can be considered a form of Qi Gong. In the language of Lakota (Sioux), the word for ‘soul’, waniya, comes from the word ni, which indicates breathing. In a tradition of indigenous healing in the region of Puget Sound in the state of Washington, called Si Si Wiss (read Sacred Breathing), healers project their power upon the patient through dances, singing and imposition of hands. Some Si Si Wiss songs include specific breathing methods, to chase diseases away or to invite the helping and healing Spirits. In Hawaii, the most powerful healers are known as ‘Kahuna Ha’, which means ‘Masters of breathing’. The Sacred breathing that heals, ‘Ha’, can be absorbed in very powerful natural places, ‘Heiau’, through dances (like the ‘Hula’) and exercises of deep breathing. One of the goals of Yoga is the accumulation of more prana through exercises of breathing control (pranayama) and physical positions (asana). The progressive aging of the population and the increase in the incidence of crippling chronic diseases connected to life-styles in the western world can find a valid ally in the practices of long life of Chinese Traditional Medicine, both for their therapeutic function and above all for the preventive effect on the individual and collective health.


The theory of CTM is based on the balance of qi (the energy that flows in the body), founded on the theory of yin-yang and the five elements, which have been used for over three thousand years in order to adjust the flux of qi and eliminate its blockage. Qi blockages or excess or lack of energy may be due to a disease, an injury or stress. Scientific studies which have been carried out on qigong since the ‘80s are demonstrating and confirming its important therapeutic aim. Through the readjustment of breathing, the Qi of the organs, bowels and all the meridians are in harmony. Through the movement of the limbs, all the body becomes more flexible, agile and graceful. Chinese Medicine was born from empirical observation, and so was Qigong. In time someone realised that some movements, in the form of dance or something else, some sounds or a specific way of breathing are able to improve one’s health. Qigong can reverse the symptomatological process connected to aging (several studies confirm the increase in the activity of the superoxidedismutasis, the anti-aging enzyme). At the beginning of the ‘50s comparative studies were carried out in China to evaluate the multiple therapeutic advantages of qigong among those who practised and those who did not practise this discipline. It came out that the former presented better parameters both in the results of their EEG and ECG and in the results on appetite, sleep, walk, sight and hearing. The condition of their teeth, skin,

number 09 / 2013


L’Accademia del Fitness hair, memory, mental faculties and work ability was better, too. Clinical and experimental evidence shows that the practice of qigong influences many organs and functions of the body, as well as their related measuring techniques, such as the brain (revealed through electroencephalogram [EEG] and magnetometry), the blood flux (revealed through thermography, sphygmograph and roentencephalography), the cardiac functions (blood pressure, electrocardiogram and ultrasound cardiogram), the kidneys (albumin level in urine), biophysics (enzyme activity, immune function, level of sexual hormones), visual capacity and the dimension of tumour in mice. In China some groups studied the short and long term effects of qigong on hypertension (Wang et al. - Institute of Hypertension in Shanghai) where the effect of normalization was brought to light, both associated to medicines and without medicines. The researchers also reported that after a period of 20 years the blood pressure of the qigong group had stabilized, while the one of the control group had increased. In 1991 the researchers presented a controlled studied lasting 20 years on the anti-aging effects of qigong on 204 patients suffering from hypertension. The results show that the total rate of mortality was 25.41% in the qigong group and 40.8% in the control group. The incidence of cardiac attack was respectively of 20.5% and 40.7%, and the mortality rate expected after the attack was respectively of 15.6% and 32.5%. In a study on 120 men whose age ranged between 55 and 75, the researchers evaluated the effects of qigong using echocardiography and the microcirculation index. The results showed that the subjects with Hearth energy deficit had experienced some improvements: increase in cardiac power, emission fraction, velocity of closure of the mitral valve and decrease in circumference, while the total peripheral resistance had decreased. One of the consequences of aging is that the levels of the sexual hormones varies with age. For example, the level of the female hormone (estrogen) tends to increase in men and decrease in women. The studies indicate that this trend can be inverted with the qigong practice. Qigong produces an increase in estradiol with a value that is almost the same as that of normal menopause in the control subjects with no hypertension or cardiovascular, pulmonary, hepatic or endocrine diseases, and the level of testosterone increases, too. A further study measured the levels of estradiol in the urine of 24 hours in 30 men aged 50 to 69. The practice of qigong for 1 year produced a decrease by 31% of estradiol and 54% in the ratio estradiol-testosterone. These changes were followed by improvements of symptoms such as pain, vertigo, insomnia, hair loss, impotence and incontinence associated to hypertension due to Kidney failure. With qigong the average data of these symptoms goes from 5.5/2.3 to 2.8/1.3. Ye and collaborators have pointed out significant

similar changes in the plasmatic levels of estradiol in 77 men and women who had practised qigong for 2 months, comparing them with 27 control subjects, in whom no significant change in the level of testosterone was pointed out. It was found out that bone density had increased in men who had been practising qigong for 1 year. In both groups bone density increased its value, exceeding the one of an average man of the same age. The effects of the practice of qigong on the chemical composition of the blood in subjects with hypertension have demonstrated improvements in the coagulation index of fibrinolisin in plasma, in blood viscosity, in the deformation index of erythrocytes, in the plasmatic level of the plasminogen activator, in the plasminogen inhibitor activator, in the factor-VIII antigen and in antithrombin III. In another study the same reported that the practice of qigong significantly modified in a beneficial way the activity of two cyclic messenger nucleotides (cyclic adenosine monophosphate and cyclic guanosine monophosphate). A clinical study on qigong as therapeutic help for patients suffering from cancer in its advanced state pointed out that besides symptomatic improvements, it was possible to observe the phagocytic level of cells, which is a measure of the immune function. It increases in the qigong group and decreases in the control group. In a controlled study on 100 subjects in presenile age or with deficit of the brain function due to senility, the criteria for evaluation were based on the measurement of signals and clinical symptoms including brain function, sexual function, levels of serolipids and function of the endocrine glands. After 6 months, 8 out of 14 main signs and clinical symptoms had improved by over 880% in the qigong group, while in the control group no symptom had improved over 45%. The effects of qigong on the brain waves measured by means of electroencephalogram (EEG) have demonstrated that during meditation, by standing or sitting, the alpha brain waves prevail over beta waves and spread in the frontal areas of the brain. By means of roentencephalograph it was demonstrated that the practice of qigong increases the blood afflux to the brain. In 158 subjects with arteriosclerosis of the brain who had practised qigong for 1 to 6 months, there were improvements in symptoms such as memory, dizziness, insomnia, ear buzzing. This confirms that constant activity in time will inevitably lead to an improvement of vital parameters, as well as a significant reduction of all the symptomatologies connected to aging.

Through the readjustment of breathing, the Qi of the organs, bowels and all the meridians is in harmony. Through the movement of the limbs, all the body becomes more flexible, agile and graceful.


Ph. Daniele Cozzini Graduated in Medicine and Surgery, Degree in Sports Medicine, Graduated at Chinese Medicine School, Health and Society Study Group

number 09 / 2013

QUOTA: € 560,00 PAGAMENTI: entro il 10-04-2013

DATE : 20-21 aprile / 4-5 maggio / 25-26 maggio DURATA : 6 giornate + esame finale SEDE : PARMA

L'importo può essere pagato, con una maggiorazione, in due rate: 1a rata entro il 10-04-2013 : € 295,00 2a rata entro il 10-05-2013 : € 295,00 Alle quote va aggiunta la quota di affiliazione di € 40,00

Informazioni e iscrizioni: ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta 9/A - 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521.1682083 - Fax 0521.294971



L’Accademia del Fitness



Aging can be considered as a physiological process, but some aspects must be taken into consideration: our cardiovascular physiology, the physiology of our motor apparatus, overweight and osteoporosis. Elderly people have a reduced cardiac reserve and therefore a reduced work capacity. Such decrease can be kept within normal, physiological aging limits or, if not, it can determine pathologies such as angina pectoris, ischemia, hypertension, infarction and arrhythmia. Many studies underline the importance of exercise through the course of life, from its first stages in games to the maintenance of one’s psychophysical efficiency, to the prevention of the inevitable degenerative processes which accompany the passing of time. With aging it is important to perform adequate, well structured physical training mainly based on muscle lengthening, postural activities and general tonification exercises. Exercise in old age must aim at correct cardiovascular performance while keeping into consideration the issue of senile arthrosis and its consequent pain. Exercise must be a relief and aid to pain and aim at mobility recovery through suitable stretching or relaxation techniques.


Osteoporosis is another very important issue to consider. Losing calcium salts is normal with aging, especially in women, when menopause intensifies this pathology. A constant and regular physical activity certainly has a positive effect on the bone since it helps retain mineral salts within it providing it with strength and solidity. Also diet and integration should be considered with more attention than before. A healthy diet helps attain a level of physical efficiency and general wellbeing especially in the presence of pathologies. A correct integration diet, personally prescribed by a specialized doctor, is fundamental with aging, especially with the type of food available on the market today. Fitness conceived in these terms will guarantee the preservation of our structural integrity. From the practical point of view the activities must take four elements into consideration: • General dynamic coordination and balance • Power • Myotensive and postural balance • Cardio-lung capacity

number 09 / 2013 GENERAL DYNAMIC COORDINATION AND BALANCE It is clear that great part of traumas in old age are due to the lack of reactivity in the recovery of balance and coordination efficiency. Prevention is possible by means of gradually improved coordinative capacities and of static and dynamic balance. Very important to improve static balance are those activities based on slow barycentre shifts by which our bodies take different positions from usual, in which keeping steady is difficult as they involve isometric contractions and greater muscle extensibility. POWER It is important to consider that elderly people gradually lose muscle mass, their muscles become shorter, retracted, too tense and this reduces their articulation mobility. The loss of lean mass, the increased rigidity of connective structures, the decreased cartilage hydration and bone decalcification require a power training programme which must take into consideration the risk factors involved in its various exercises. Exercises must take into account some fundamental aspects which are: • Axial load on spine which presents a reduction in the intersomatic spaces. • Workout movements which can cause articulation friction. • Hyperflexions of knee under load • Excessive pressure on acetabulum • Flexed torso movements and subsequent spine extension. • Training sessions must be short, not intense with appropriate recovery.

• Obtain constant and correct monitoring by means of a cardio frequency metre which will provide instant warning in case of heart rate alteration during exercise. After a careful medical sports control, it is possible to have cardio activity performed using any tool, although walking is the best activity in old age as it stimulates ambulation reflexes whose preservation has so much importance in the prevention of injuries in elderly people. Practical application examples: • Low intensity and short sessions in adaptation or discharge periods (FC 100- 115, 15-20 min.) • Medium - low intensity and long sessions for lengthening aerobic capacity (FC 110-135, 30-35 min). Besides consuming fats in excess, this type of training has a positive effect on vascular patency through LDL cholesterol decrease which tends to block arteries, and the HDL cholesterol increase which makes endothelium smoother. • Medium intensity and medium short sessions (FC 120-145, 20-25min.) to guarantee tone and heart contractility. • Medium intensity and long sessions or interval training with medium high intensity peaks for more trained subjects. The most important rules for the elaboration of training sessions for elderly people. • Propose simple and motivating activities. • Propose activities which take into account biological and not chronological age. • Propose activities considering functional variations and age problems. • Avoid activities involving emulation and competition. • Avoid activities having high cardiovascular tasks. • Avoid activities with high traumatic risks. Exercise in water is a very pleasant and important activity for elderly people as it provides a satisfactory answer to their motor needs. Water allows them to perform exercises gradually according to their needs and physical stress exploiting the characteristics of water: its hydrostatic power and pressure which favours floating. Hydrostatic resistance may give rise to muscle contractions which are almost always isokinetic. Therefore, efforts must be gradual and constant during almost all the duration of the movement performed to guarantee the strengthening of the muscle apparatus. Water activities belong to a health context useful both from the psychophysical and the socializing points of view. In this period of life any motor activity can be very beneficial not only from the physical point of view but also from the psychological one. The simple fact of maintaining general higher health level and of contrasting problems contributes to raising the tone of their moods and to keeping them active.

With aging it is important to perform adequate, well structured physical training mainly based on muscle lengthening, postural activities and general tonification exercises.

MYOTENSIVE AND POSTURAL BALANCE To improve myotensive and muscle balance, the techniques of global postural re-education with proprioceptive training associated with respiration control offer great help in the improvement of the perception of one’s body in space and improve postural automatisms. . CARDIO-LUNG CAPACITY The main aim of cardio-fitness training is the efficiency of the heart muscle, of the lung system and vascular transport. A doctor’s collaboration is needed before elaborating an efficient and correct training session programme in order to: • Control heart rate at rest. • Control arterial pressure. • Check cardiac response to exercise with possible submaximal tests. • Diagnose evident or latent heart disease. • Evaluate the administration of drugs affecting heart rate. • Determine physical workout capacity in kilogram-metres per minute or functional capacity in MET. • Determine rate, intensity, duration and training type.


L’Accademia del Fitness GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE IN SUBJECTS OVER 60 YEARS OF AGE PRIMARY PHYSICAL-HEALTH AIMS • Preserving general body functions • Preserving skeleton-muscle integrity • Improvement of psychological conditions • Prevention and treatment of coronary disease and type 2 diabetes. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PROGRAMME • Mainly exercises of general mobility and flexibility, some loading tolerance exercises • Moderate intensity • Keeping account of individual capacities, up to 60 minutes per day distributed in more sessions • Little, but daily activity • Preference for moderate intensity activities (walking, for example). THE RESULTS OF STUDIES ON PREVENTION WITH SHORT AND INTENSE ACTIVITIES Short sessions of intense activity = prevention of heart diseases. Study published in “AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY” PROTOCOL • GROUP A 30” sprint bike with 90” recovery for 20-25’ twice a week • GROUP B 40-60’ of medium intensity STEADY STATE 5 times a week for 6 weeks RESULTS: glycaemia, insulin, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), reduced curve by 12, 37, 26% Prof. James Timmons research team of Heriot-Watt University of Edinburg Scotland and published in BMC ENDOCRINE DISORDERS • HIT 16 volunteers (19/23 years BMI 23.7) • 15’ HIT 6 Sessions 2 weeks 4-6 sprint bike of 30” with recovery RESULTS: Improved aerobic function, glycaemia, insulin action, metabolism.

TJONNA (NORWAY) study on the metabolic syndrome 2 PROTOCOLS: • A 16’ = 4 SESSIONS of 4’ at 90% max heart rate with 3’ intervals at 70% intensity • B CONSTANT ACTIVITY 40’ 70% max heart rate 3 times weekly for 16 weeks RESULTS: Greater in protocol A; Reduction lipogenic enzymes FATP-1, FAS Reduction HDL Reduction in weight


CONFERENCE PROGRAM: 9.30 – What is Anti-Aging Medicine – Filippo Ongaro 9.50 – The new frontier of Nutrigenomics – Damiano Galimberti 10.10 – Hypothyroidism: an underdiagnosed disease – Gianfranco Beltrami 10.30 – Nutraceutical Physiological Regulation: a new paradigm in the prevention of Aging – Alberto Fiorito 10.50 – Break 11.20 – Integration Nutritional Physiological Modulation: the role of mediators gaseous – Eugenio Luigi Iorio 11.40 – Extraskeletal metabolic effects of Vitamina D – Giorgio Severgnini 12.00 – Phytonutrients for detoxification – Giovanni Occhionero 12.20 – System stress the “heart” of psychoneuroendocrineimmunology. New therapeutic horizons – Maria Corgna 12.40 – Nutrition, supplements and degenerative diseases – Stefano Govoni 13.00 - Break 14.00 – Book Presentation “Anti-Aging and integrated lifestyle” 15.00 – What is Functional Medicine – Massimo Spattini 15.20 – Nutrition and body shape: a new way of doing prevention – Anna D’Eugenio 15.40 – Sex- ability & nutritional approach – Marco Tullio Cau 16.00 – Leaky gut syndrome: an integrated approach – Caterina Origlia 16.20 – Anti-Aging the concept in traditional Chinese medicine: nutrition and lifestyle – Daniele Cozzini 16.40 – Anti-stress adaptogenic supplements – Alessandro Gelli 17.00 – S-Adenosyl Methionine and L- Carnitine: the natural anti-inflammatory Vincenzo Aloisantoni 17.20 – Nutrition and Supplementation in menopause – Serena Missori 17.40 – Supplements of metabolic syndrome – Giovanni Montagna 18.00 – Hormones and stress. New frontiers against aging – Claudia Conti

CME – Were conferred n. 6 CME credits for the following categories: Medical doctor, biologist, dietitian, pharmacist Registration Fees: With ECM: € 100,00 No ECM: € 60,00 Members of the ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS and AMIA: € 50,00 (Fixed fee for “CME” and “NO CME”)

Informations: AKESIOS GROUP S.r.l. Tel. 0521 647705 - info@akesios.it http://pianetanutrizione.akesios.net/

L’Accademia del Fitness TRAPP (University of New South Wales Sydney AUSTRALIA) 2 PROTOCOLS: • A 8’’ sprint 12’’ recovery for max 20’ • B constant cycling for 40’ at 60% heart rate RESULTS: Major positive aspects with protocol A TREMBLAY 1997 (stem cells) (Montreal CANADA) 2 PROTOCOLS: • 15 weeks high intensity with • 20 weeks of 30-45’ aerobics RESULTS: GREATER WITH HIGH INTENSITY • GREATER INCREASE OF OXIDATION ENZYMES • GREATER WEIGHT LOSS (9 TIMES SUPERIOR) BRYNER ,1997 - UNIVERSITY MORGANTOWN WEST VIRGINIA 2 PROTOCOLS: • A constant 70% intensity • B intensity swinging between 80-90% (lactate threshold) DURATION 16 WEEKS RESULTS: Greater in protocol B BRIAN - UNIVERSITY VIRGINIA PROTOCOLS: 1 HIGH INTENSITY 2 LOW INTENSITY DURATION 16 WEEKS RESULTS Greater abdomen fat reduction in high intensity Dr. WISLOFF (Norway) PROTOCOL: Similar to Tjonna’s RESULTS: ALWAYS IN FAVOUR OF HIGH INTENSITY Very significant was the analysis of protein production which promotes muscle mitochondrial activity (capacity of muscles to burn calories from fats) Evidence of the capacity of high intensity to promote lipolysis STEVEN BLAIR 2009 (Br J Sports Med January 2009) University of South Carolina COLUMBIA • HIGH INTENSITY activity significantly reduces the risk of mortal cardiovascular pathologies compared with low intensity subjects. Subjects with BMI (30-35 OBESE) trained at high intensity have a lower risk of mortal cardiovascular pathologies compared with BMI subjects (18.5-25 NORMAL)


Which type of exercise improves glucose tolerance? Eriksson (1998 Horm Metabol res; 30:37-41) is among the few who investigated the actual differences between aerobic and power exercise and who compared aerobic exercise and circuit weight training. From Eriksson’s study it is clear that: • Aerobic exercise improves VO2max and HDL but does not modify insulin sensitivity and secretion. • Circuit training improves insulin sensitivity (glucose disposal) by 23% (p<0.05) thanks to an increase of non oxidative glucose metabolism. • From this research carried out on 20 subjects it seems that circuit training efficiently contributes to glucose tolerance improvement.

Studies on diabetes • The study involved a group of subjects with type 2 diabetes who do not train, a group who practised moderate aerobics for 45’ 3 times a week, a group who practised 45’ of weight training 3 times a week and a group who practised 45’ of both (aerobics and weights) 3 times a week. • Glycosylated hemoglobin, which shows a person’s average glucose level, decreased in all the training groups, but more in the subjects who did both types of exercise. • The result was the same as that obtainable taking hypoglycaemic drugs. Aurelio Ricciardi Personal Trainer Accademia del Fitness and Dietitian Metabolic Fitness Trainer at Accademia del Fitness Training Course ‘’Wellbeing and Life-style’’ University Sapienza in Rome

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L’Accademia del Fitness


Every person is able to think, as it is just the easiest thing in the world. Actually, you just need a day to learn. In order to understand how to do it, though, your whole life is not enough. People often still believe that “when there’s a will there’s a way” is the right password to have access to certainty, and I love letting them believe so, even because it does no harm to those who say so or to those who perceive so. The real fact is different: we cannot achieve what we want, even because achieving something is often linked to other parameters and conjunction elements – I may want but if the other one does not want... -. We can say without a hint of denial that systemic logic enables you to achieve not just what you want but a lot of the things you believed impossible to obtain... this is right. First of all we must give an order to the meaning of thought: 1. THINKING is a faculty that many of us have, and this is a good thing. But it is not enough. 2. THINKING THOUGHTS starts being less conventional, since it means giving form, content and arrangement to a general vision of things which are normally linked to our perceptions and suggestion. Yet, this is not enough...


3. THINKING CONSIDERED THOUGHTS means – as well as giving form to our thought and to what we have planned – evaluating and predicting the feedback they could produce... in other words... activating a concept of logic motivation to the model of thought. That is, producing a “logically motivating thought”. Here is systemic logic. By definition, logic is the philosophical discipline which studies the dynamics of correct reasoning. It includes a series of meanings connected to the concept of reasoning, the abilities of using thought. It is an element upon which the geometry of the world is based and it is present in primary sciences which codify the universe and its systems. It is an evolutionary element of the species, and it allows us to appreciate and distinguish truth from falsehood, shapes, dimensions, spaces and, more generally, the environmental impact of man in his environment. It must also be considered as an alarm system which goes off when we fall into mental traps built by perception and suggestion. It is the lifebuoy that our logical mind throws towards us when we are in critical condition. Logic helps us create our navigation map, organize our flight, plan our change,

number 09 / 2013 both in language and in building our thought. It makes us balanced in the evaluation, distinction, classification of critical and objective terms, of the general and particular state of things, of simple and more complex systems. The aim of logic is therefore to identify the incontrovertible validity and distinguish what must be considered valid. Obviously, there are several forms of logic, such as: QUANTUM LOGIC: it is the use of a descriptive code which replaces classical language for the description of the infinitesimally small. ARISTOTELIAN LOGIC: it deals with the analysis of the process from the macrosystem (big) to the microsystem –small – in things, by means of detailed reasoning based on the analysis of every single component which is part of the process to analyse. FORMAL LOGIC: its task is to analyse the phases of the relation of deducibility. MATHEMATICAL LOGIC: it rigidly studies the principles and models of verification, of demonstrative processes through numerical systems and objective evidence of the results produced by them. INDUCTIVE LOGIC PROGRAMMING: it is a model of programming which is part of the automatic learning of the individual. SYSTEMIC LOGIC: it investigates the relation networks between things, people, places which are constantly interchanged, up to the creation of new regenerable models. This kind of Logic is the basis of the LPS TRAINING HUMAN RESEARCH method – where LPS stands for logical processing systems. We start from here. If thought means elaboration of new pieces of information (the ones we will know in the future) and acquired information (which is already part of our memory), then it means that our thought is based on perception and suggestion. Our ability in the formulation of a thought is not only linked to our culture or social rank. It does not necessarily depend on intelligence or expressive ability. It is rather the changeable synthesis of the abilities of the single individual in using all the perceptive channels properly and in being able to build – following a specific method and proper mental training – a code, both synthetic and descriptive, for interpretation and expression linked to the application of synthesis in a controllable and controlled time. For example, if we want to obtain something we build our thought according to the laws and routes that according to us our thought change will have to go through up to the achievement of what we had established. If it were really this simple, everybody would be billionaires, charmed, perfect ma-

chines able to face serenely the highest level of constant and permanent happiness with no deadlines. Apparently, it is just not like this. If we were able to use all our daily perceptions, stimuli and intuitions and to make them productive so that they may help us obtain the best every day, if we were really able to use at best all the pieces of information in our memories rather than information coming from new knowledge, well... we would be undisputed geniuses just at the age of 7 and we would not care less about dear Leonardo Da Vinci or Archimedes! Unfortunately, this does not happen. We are prepared to thought, reasoning and synthesis, it is true, but it is not enough. We must be able to apply at best, correctly and in the right time the information which we have thought and elaborated. Thought is not an application of systemic mathematics, but rather a process of “set theory”, what we learnt in primary school. It means gathering the information according to their degree and level of belonging, naming the groups of belonging, creating priority classifications, possibly using the most suitable elements for the creation of a thought which will have to become an action. Thought per se is much faster than an action, just because its horizon has no obstacles. It cannot be confined or delimited, it is a universe inside which known and unknown forces act, sharing as their only factor the possibility to believe that something can be what we expect it to be, that is, perceived thought. Let us try and reflect on every daily event, we must learn to create an order of elements which characterise or influence our state of mind, but first we have to understand how it works: before starting to reflect we must be calm, undisturbed by external events, we must set our mind free from rubbish and our eyes must not run on words but pause if we do not understand their meaning... if we are ready now, let’s start.

People often still believe that “when there’s a will there’s a way” is the right password to have access to certainty.

The phase of sleep-rest is basically a state of appearance, that is, a moment when things around us move according to their natural balance and everything normally seems calm, not restless and anyway we think everything is controllable... like being in the middle of the Ocean, lying on our boat at the bow in the Caribbean sun on a summer day, with calm sea and about

Sleep PROCESS of GENESIS the phases of the awakening



L’Accademia del Fitness 30°C in the shade, that is, nothTHE PROCESS OF GENESIS ing new on the horizon. This automatically creates THE SPIRAL OF GENESIS state of calmness is distributed sleep in our time according to several parameters of evaluation, sleep both personal (+PS), our calmness, and impersonal (+IP), the change change sleep sleep calmness of external elements – still water, pleasant temperachaos ture, etc. Awakening is that state of chaos shock which is disconnected from calmness and leads us to a breaking in balance. It is the nightmare that makes us start in placed on another level of interaction, since the changes which the middle of the night... the difference is that it does not hap- have been made, the shock of our awakening, have produced pen in a state of sleep but in a vigilant state. In order to under- new acquired information which have changed our short, mestand better we must think of everything that awakes us from a dium and long-term memory.... Obviously, we can intervene in state of calmness and that influences us (bad news heard on the the trigger of the processes, as indicated in number 4, to change radio or on TV, something which did not work as we wanted to, the route in terms of mistakes which have been made, nona sudden event, etc.). Awakening is basically the change from a competitive and non-effective solutions, errors in synthesis, state of calmness which had been previously created by us, and in the process, conduction and management of one’s cycle of it is able to change the values of things to the point of becoming GENESIS. All of this is the basis of the starting route towards a a surprise we are not ready to get. process of logic motivation. Without running, but inexorably and Chaos is generated by awakening. Now we are aware that our determined, we can certainly start our route in order to lead our sleep is not what we thought it was, that all of this has led mind to the control of our standard of relational wellbeing in a us to awakening. Now we are in the phase of chaos, that is, way we would never have thought. a condition we undergo and we must face, since our balance puts our wellbeing at risk. We have been awakened from our Alberto Meloni, Analyst sense of calmness, a big nightmare has made us start in sleep, Master Lps Training, Advisor and Teacher for the training we have rivulets of cold sweat on our forehead and our hands programmes of Diagnostic Psychotherapy applied to systemic are sweaty, something has moved our level of calmness shiftlogic. He is considered one of the greatest Italian experts in ing the crossbar to a non-controllable area: we have our back processing logic LPS applied to motivation. Official website to the wall. www.lpstraining.it Change is the way out of the phase of chaos, having clear in mind the process of thought-action we have to start. It is the planning and control of our new horizon towards the NEW model of change. It is the area of reaction to the elements, the phase in which we have to act and our action will have to be programmed, planned and suitable to the level of chaos previously absorbed. Change takes place following a logic route of mental structuring able to face some aspects connected to personal and impersonal priorities, needs and desires, spaces and dimensions. The cycle of Genesis, the route that takes us from the phase of calmness to change, is considered “always new”. It means that the subject that has been absorbed by Genesis or that has led the same process, actually does not come and never comes back to the starting point from which the phenomenon was generated and burst out – that is, from calmness – but the subject will move towards a new process called Spiral of Genesis, which activates a new spiral route towards a new destination. As we can see in the picture, a new awareness has been generated, a new phase of calmness which we may consider the same as the one at the beginning. In fact, it is similar but it is


PROGRAMMA: ANTROPOMETRIA: misurazioni- plicometria ed impedenziometria BIOCHIMICA ED ENDOCRINOLOGIA DELL’ALIMENTAZIONE ALIMENTAZIONE NELL’ATTIVITA’ FISICA DIETE DEL FITNESS: Gruppi sanguigni - Mediterranea - Metabolica - Paleodieta - Warrior Diet - Dieta Zona DIETA “COM” E DIMAGRIMENTO LOCALIZZATO INTEGRAZIONE ALIMENTARE INTOLLERANZE ED ALLERGIE ALIMENTARI - I PREBIOTICI ALIMENTAZIONE ANTI-AGING PROGRAMMAZIONE NEUROLINGUISTICA: l’aspetto motivazionale Il corso di Educatore Alimentare serve a dare una credibilità ed una competenza maggiore all’operatore di fitness che si trova a relazionare nell’ambito del suo lavoro con persone che cercano di migliorare il loro stato fisico come estetica, benessere, salute, tramite un percorso che prevede un adeguamento dello stile di vita. Se la pratica dell’esercizio fisico corretta è fondamentale in questo percorso altrettanto lo è un corretto approccio alimentare. Questo traguardo è raggiungibile tramite un’adeguata educazione alimentare che può essere impostata appunto da una figura come l’“Educatore Alimentare”, che non deve essere confuso con il “dietista” o il medico specialista in Scienza dell’Alimentazione, il primo preposto alla costruzione di una dieta calcolata e impostata per specifici obiettivi, il secondo unica autorità preposta a prescrivere diete finalizzate alla cura di patologie. Il compito dell’Educatore Alimentare sarà appunto quello di insegnare a scegliere i cibi più indicati nelle corrette proporzioni e modalità di assunzione senza impostare diete specifiche con grammature e percentuali.

Il corso è senza frequenza. Verrà fornito il materiale didattico e tutoraggio telefonico o via e-mail. E’ previsto un esame finale scritto (test a risposte multiple) e orale.

SEDE / DATA ESAME : PARMA - giugno 2013 QUOTA: € 500,00 (comprensiva della quota associativa)

Il pagamento deve pervenire entro il 15-04-2013

L'importo può essere pagato, con una maggiorazione in due rate : - 1a rata entro il 15-04-2013 : € 250,00 - 2a rata entro il 15-05-2013 : € 250,00

ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta 9/A 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521.1682083 Tel. 0521.941319 Fax 0521.294971

L’Accademia del Fitness


COMPLETE CHECK-UP The importance of an accurate check-up and the creation of a document containing constantly updated monitoring of every phase of growth, specific coordinated training planning, diet and any emerging needs and which the subject can carry along in all his activities contribute to foster a healthy life, to contrast many currently existing pathologies and permit him to face every phase of life with greater psycho-physical confidence. Once all the experts involved have analyzed together and compared the data that have emerged in the check-up, this document will represent a useful instrument to preserve a harmonious development, to detect the aptitude capacities and to reach predetermined goals. The collected information will be recorded in a personalized report containing the obtained results and a description of the areas which might need a possible therapeutic intervention. It is a multiple and integrated report of medical, motor and psychological elements and must be filled in by a team of experts who will follow each single patient considered as a person and not as a mass of symptoms, organs and disconnected aims. For too long check-ups were considered useful only for professional athletes, not so much for amateurs, very little at all for gym-goers and absolutely avoided by ordinary people. At present check-ups are carried out at every age and in all sports, motor fields as well as in anti-aging medicine. This has made us understand the importance of practising agonistic sports and motor activities. Movement is not automatically beneficial. On the contrary, in consequence of bad habits (alcohol, cigarette smoking, unhealthy diet, stress, bad management of sport training at both high and amateur levels) may even cause disorders and cardiovascular, chronic, degenerative and autoimmune pathologies. In order to fully reach the aim of being healthy, physical activity must be as much as possible personalized, it must take the subject’s features into serious consideration and, besides, we must also go beyond the idea that the more physical activity we do the better it is for us. During a training session, in fact, our body is submitted to stress that - if we want it to be beneficial - must be based on our capacities and counterbalanced by rest, during which modifications occur. Amateur sport is erroneously believed to be the least dangerous as it does not imply high activity levels and is practised by many without any form of control, with high loads, at advanced ages and this enormously increases negative effects and risks. Anti-aging medicine has introduced the concept of anti-aging check-up and is based on the understanding of the evolutionary origins of aging. In fact, anti-aging claims that the so called


number 09 / 2013 normal aging is a process in which our health is inevitably compromised, making us more susceptible to chronic diseases. Moreover, anti-aging believes that real health does not simply mean the absence of illnesses, but rather the presence of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. The aim of this new branch of medicine is therefore to supply validated scientific strategies to slow down the aging process, to prevent chronic diseases and to optimize the quality of health. It is possible to establish to which extent we are actually aging and the correspondence between our real age and our biological one. To know about our biological clock, to be able to make diagnosis in advance as well as to receive information about the degree of alteration of the biological markers of aging in order to elaborate a personalized therapeutic and motor programme which will help us improve the way our body works and slow down, within certain limits, some degenerative processes connected to aging. Balanced physical exercise can be considered as a real therapy with precise pleiotropic properties which can have effects, at the same time, in the preventive and therapeutic fields on many risk factors or pathological aspects. It is fundamental to analyse and to have a deep knowledge of the effects of training on the human body in order to follow a correct physical activity. Thus the need of a check-up, carried out by expert professionals, which must take into account medical, sport, nutritional tests in order to elaborate appropriate personalized protocols based on needs and desired goals. Doctors make their diagnosis and decide the steps to follow in appropriate motor protocols. The optimal prescription is determined by the objective evaluation of each case history, medical exams, the subject’s response to exercise, including heart rate measurement (HR), arterial pressure (BP), perceived effort (RPE), personal response to exercise, electrocardiogram (ECG), VO2 directly or indirectly measured in incremental stress tests, esteemed sub-maximal parameter stress tests. Protocols must not be rigidly put into practice by simply applying mathematical calculations to test and analysis results, but rather by analysing the results carefully and comparing the data and conclusions of the various experts. This is the philosophy behind the new check-up centre in Parma directed by Doctor Massimo Spattini with the collaboration of a team of experts in the field: • Davide Antoniella (ISEF – Athletics Trainer) for cardiovascular tests • Cristiana Pedrazzini (Degree in Motor Sciences, Specialized in Sport Traumatology) for osteoarticular tests • Dottor Giovanni Magnani (Specialized in Neurology, Master in Chirotherapy and Osteopathy) for postural tests

For too long check-ups were considered useful only for professional athletes, not so much for amateurs, very little at all for gym-goers. At present check-ups are carried out at every age and in all sports, motor fields as well as in antiaging medicine.

• Claudia Bonini (Degree in Dietetics) and Andrea Angelozzi (Biologist) for nutritional tests

Medical evaluation can include: • Detailed case history • Physical exam: • Bioimpedentiometry and plicometry • 12 derivation ECG at rest • Blood pressure at rest (also in different positions) • Blood test • Nutritional evaluation: • Food intolerance test • Oxidation test assessment • General tests concerning metabolism of macronutrients and predisposition to exercise type. The trainer has the task to hand out protocols, explain them clearly, measure and communicate any changes to the doctor, establish (together with the doctor) the aims, manage counselling activities. Trainer’s evaluation can include: 1) Case history in which data and information are collected and which must be integrated and compared with the doctor’s. 2) Anthropometry and integration plicometry and comparison of instrumental clinical analysis of body composition and tomography of cellular bio impedance. 3) Global postural analysis followed by detailed global evaluation in case of presence of disorders. 4) Motor apparatus function test by means of simple biomechanical and articular mobility test. 5) Articular R.O.M. and general articular mobility and function tests with exercise and postural biomechanical study in relation to the subject. 6) Organic and sub-maximal stress tests carried out in the open and inside gym to calculate heart rate, oxygen consumption, thresholds, muscle disorders, stress values, comparison of nerve activation modality of the various muscles involved in the movement and monitoring of any modifications and improvements. Stress tests by means of “ERGO SYSTEM WITH TWIN PLATES STRESS PLATFORMS AND ISO CONTROL” which include: • Dynamic tests: for the evaluation and movement control whi-


L’Accademia del Fitness •

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le performing exercise and re-elaboration of natural muscle activation patterns. Isometric evaluation: to evaluate max isometric power, muscle activation time (explosive power), power imbalance between homologous and agonist/antagonist limbs, max strength resistance, muscle strain resistance. Biomechanical evaluation: foot pressure distribution analysis, analysis of bilateral motor asymmetries with recovery of postural balance, walking analysis, separate evaluation of every limb. Test with optic detection systems for ballistic evaluations: Squat jump, counter movement jump, multi jump, drop jump, stiffness test, to assess the morphological-functional and neuromuscular features of lower arts muscles and monitoring of changes and improvements. Jump test to evaluate the actual jump power of every limb in the act of performing jump in every single phase Specific Jumps for the ankle Elaboration of highly personalized protocols

It is possible to develop in detail, according to needs, the following fields: Muscle-skeletal screening Postural screening Analysis of body movement Push and Pull assessment Lumbar-pelvic hip complex integrity and active shoulder stability in movement range

Internal and external rotation of rotators cuff Shoulder flexibility Head and neck integrity and stability Cervical range of movement Complete Knee Extension Resisted and flexed Knee Extension Lumbar spine flexibility and integrity Knee tendon flexibility Overall flexibility tests Cardio assessment VO 2 Score and cardio classifications Heart rate at rest Max heart rate Heart rate recovery Cardio training areas Biomechanics and functional screening movement patterns The specific tests and various instruments are used according to the subject’s personal needs permitting us to follow our training protocols properly in respect of important morphological-biostructural requirements avoiding injuries, overloading and with the intention of meeting the subject’s full satisfaction. This is what we intend for the application of carefully elaborated and personalized protocols which are the result of accurate analysis of the data provided by check-ups carried out by experts in various fields. Prof. Davide Antoniella ISEF Diploma and Athletic Trainer

Facoltà di Farmacia e Medicina Corso di Formazione in Direttore: Prof.ssa Lucia Martinoli Coordinatore Scientifico: Prof. Alessandro Gelli http://www.uniroma1.it/didattica/corsiformazione/metodologie-anti-aging-e-anti-stress-26221

Corso di Alta Formazione (CAF) in Direttore: Prof.ssa Lucia Martinoli Coordinatore Scientifico: Prof. Alessandro Gelli http://www.uniroma1.it/didattica/corsiformazione/metodologie-anti-aging-e-anti-stress-26376


number 09 / 2013

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L’Accademia del Fitness


VEGETAL EXTRACTS IN FAVOUR OF HORMONE BALANCE An efficient body from the psycho-physical point of view is certainly characterized by a good hormone balance which allows it to perform all its metabolic functions correctly. However, this balance can change with time, thus bringing along a number of symptoms due to the lack of these very important biological substances. Steroid hormones are among the ones that mainly suffer from aging. These substances, which are first synthesized by cholesterol, are fundamental in the prevention of many pathologies connected with aging, first of all the ones concerning cognitive, sexual and metabolic disorders. The first hormones whose lack we first

STEROID HORMONE CASCADE Cholesterol $ Pregnenolone ' DHEA ' Androstenedione $ Estrone $ Estriol



( ' Testosterone $ Estradiol

( Progesterone $ Corstisol

( Aldosterone

suffer from are the ones with anabolic functions that is Dhea and Testosterone; their lack gives rise to common symptoms in both men and women such as mood alterations, a reduced ability to form lean mass, difficulty in losing weight, cardiovascular risk increase, chronic tiredness, libido decrease and general sexual disorders. There does not exist a precise age in which steroid hormone cascade occurs. However, the approximate age of forty can be crucial to accelerate or slow down aging processes. Behind a good hormone level there certainly is a style of life characterized by physical activity, mental exercise and a healthy diet to which we can also add the use of vegetal ex-

Un nuovo appuntamento all’insegna di proposte scientifiche innovative, esiti di recenti ricerche, confronti e dibattiti serrati, teso alla definizione di un linguaggio comune in medicina ed all’affermazione di più attuali paradigmi. Il Congresso si aprirà con una sessione sull’aging, che vedrà coinvolti alcuni tra i massimi esperti mondiali. La presenza di scienziati di caratura internazionale assicurerà nuovissime acquisizioni nel campo delle terapie oncologiche integrate. Una tavola rotonda sull’integrazione tra medicina e stili di vita farà poi da chiusura ad interventi di qualificatissimi relatori su temi di grande interesse quali lo sport e la nutrizione. Il Simposio proseguirà, quindi, con due sessioni dedicate rispettivamente all’ambito psicologico e strutturale, apportando ulteriori contributi finalizzati a stabilire un proficuo confronto tra le varie forme mediche nonché a favorire utili sinergie nell’ottica di una Medicina Biointegrata. “Medicine and lifestyle”, quale tema portante di un Congresso che vuole rappresentare un punto d’incontro e confronto da non mancare, dove i contributi e le esperienze di tutti i partecipanti saranno determinanti nell’indicare un ulteriore progresso lungo un percorso che, iniziato anni fa con il primo evento, ha già conseguito rilevanti risultati. RELATORI E MODERATORI: Bartolo ALLEGRINI - Fabrizio ANGELINI - Cesare ARAGONA – Massimo BONUCCI - Lamberto BORANGA - Francesco BORGHINI – Monica BOSSI – Nader BUTTO - Anna CAPURSO - Carlo Di STANISLAO - Aldo ESPOSITO - Massimo FIORANELLI - Thierry HERTOGHE - Eugenio Luigi IORIO – Stephane G. MARLOYE - Cesare MAROLLA - Carlo MASSULLO – Franco MASTRODONATO - Stefania MESCHINI – Giovanni OCCHIONERO - Luciano ORSINI - Giacomo PAGLIARO - Carlo PASTORE – Raffaele PASTORE - Gianluca PAZZAGLIA - Patrizio RIPARI – Giovanni SCAPAGNINI - Massimo SPATTINI - Claudio TOZZI - Matteo TUTINO

L’ Accademia numero 09 / 2013 del Fitness

There is not a precise age in which steroid hormone cascade occurs. However, the approximate age of forty can be crucial to accelerate or slow down aging processes.

tracts which have a similar hormone function without secondary effects and above all without creating negative feedback on the same hormone producing glands. According to scientific studies, good results have been achieved with a mix of diascorea villosa and tribulus terrestris to make up for the lack of dhea and with a mix of tribuulus, ginseng, Andean maca and muira puama to make up for the lack of testosterone. Re-establishing good levels of anabolic hormones is certainly an important step towards aging prevention and body composition improvement. However, hormone shortage can be of multiple kinds and therefore careful attention must be given to the signs and symptoms of each deficiency. One of the most commonly used phytotherapeutic treatments for re-establishing hormone balance is certainly the one based on phytoestrogens, but not all women find themselves in a condition of hypoestrogenism. On the contrary, more and more even young women show typical symptoms due to the lack of progesterone above all in the second part of their cycle, such as for instance body weight increase, water retention, headache, bad mood, chronic tiredness, libido decrease, anovulatory cycle; that is, they enter that state which is called “relative estrogen dominance”, that is, a disorder in the ratio between estrogens and progesterone in favour of the former. In such cases it is very important to avoid all “estrogen like” substances belonging to polluting categories such as pesticides, herbicides, drinks in plastic containers, which contain hormones. It might be useful to integrate these precautions with a mix of plants containing Vitex Agnus Castus and Dioscorea Villosa which, thanks to their active agnoside and diosgenin principles, contrast the symptoms due to progesterone deficiency.


However, estrogen dominance is not a problem which concerns women alone. On the contrary, more and more men manifest symptoms which can be connected to estrogen dominance such as obesity, gynaecomastia, decrease of sexual desire, erection problems, anxiety, depression, muscle tone loss, prostatic hypertrophy. Male estrogen dominance is practically due to the same above-mentioned causes in women, we must also mention the key role of an enzyme in both sexes with the function of transforming testosterone in estrogens. This enzyme is called aromatase and under normal conditions it performs its physiological function. Yet, in some cases, it is over-performing and increases estrogen production to pathological levels. Among the factors which stimulate the expression of aromatase there are high insulin levels and cortisol, the excessive intake of caffeine and alcohol, the accumulation of adipose tissues and the intake of some drugs. It is evident that in order to avoid the state of estrogen dominance all the situations leading to it must be avoided, for example bad diet habits, sedentary life style and psycho-physical stress. However, we can improve this balance by taking natural substances which can modulate and inhibit such enzyme; among these substances the most widely studied are epilobium, astaxanthin, zinc, sarsaparille, cyperus rotundus . A healthy diet, physical activity and the right phyto substances can favour hormone balance and prolong the state of the body’s psycho-physical efficiency. Dr. Giovanni Occhionero

L’Accademia del Fitness


GIVE YOUR CENTRE THE OPPORTUNITY OF A MONTH’S TRIAL! Dima.com® is a project born from the collaboration between Dr. Massimo Spattini and the consulting company MeToo Consulting which manages to involve 90% of people who do not go to the gym regularly and also to increase the number of already loyal clients. It is based on the studies carried out in over 20 years on hundreds of patients by dr. Massimo Spattini, author of the book ‘’La dieta-com’’, in which he explains, in minute detail, the project’s scientific basis. “Dima.com® is a project which places the clients’ health and wellbeing in the foreground.” Fitness + Health = Life

Dima.com® is a training system which can be perfectly integrated in any fitness club. The Dima.com® Method Dima.com® was conceived in the health awareness campaign of fitness centres involved in a scientific research. The method is based on the integration of the COM diet aiming at hormone regulation for the achievement of endocrine system balance with the method of LOCAL WEGHT LOSS (specific training techniques) in the view of obtaining in the best of ways a physiological weight loss and as a result the endocrinal and morphological readjustment of the body. The method also avails itself of high technology complex fabrics which can maximize lipolysis and blood flux in specific body parts by means of active principles with the ability to improve local circulation. In particular, Dima.com® has the aim of obtaining, by means of a training protocol combined with specific personalized diets, the reduction of body fat mass and, as a result, of localized weight loss. It must be remembered that this research must be seen in a wider perspective which has the aim of bringing the world of fitness closer to the field of health and personal wellbeing.


number 09 / 2013 All the results obtained will be used in marketing campaigns on a national scale. How does it work? The Dima.com® project starts by analysing the patient’s body by means of Bioimpedentiometric scales which can detect the patient’s morphology. Dima.com® is easy to use and has been specifically designed so that any member of a club can benefit from this project. The training period lasts about 40 minutes. The club can make good profits from it already after the first month of tests. It creates a greater loyalty to the club. Marketing services and project training. MeToo Consulting, availing itself of specific consulting professionals, will guide all the club team throughout the tests setting up an in house training course in which both the method’s technical concepts and its marketing and sales strategies are explained. Moreover, by accepting this project, it will be possible to follow a training course concerning both the technical and the managerial fields; besides, professional support for marketing campaigns and advertising instruments will also be provided. Try it, make profits and if you like it...

It is based on the studies carried out in over 20 years on hundreds of patients by dr. Massimo Spattini, author of the book ‘’La dieta-com’’,

Outfits for clients who accept the project Exclusive licence

in which he explains,

During the first month the project will involve about 100/120 people. Also club members can participate and this will represent a further advantage for creating customer retention. In order to start participating to the project the clients will pay a fee of 24.90 Euros per week for 4 weeks, so this will allow to cash about 9000 / 10000 Euros in the first month.

in minute detail, the

project’s scientific basis.

The research test lasts 4 weeks! The first research of the Dima.com® project lasts 4 weeks, during which the fitness centre has the possibility to try the protocol for a month on a test area of 100 people, after which it is possible to decide whether to proceed or to abandon the project. All the profits made during the trial month remain to the fitness centre. During this period the fitness centre will have free access to the Dima.com® kit which includes the fundamental instruments for the success of the project: Free bioimpedentiometric scales Free diet plans to give out to clients 1 free complete company analysis Free Dima.com® product Free training sheets Free annual programming The project also includes: An in-house training course A kit for advertising the project both inside and outside the club

Together with our expert, the best communication and marketing strategy to adopt for your club will be studied. ... and if you like it ... After the first trial month, during which all the obtained data will be collected, the fitness centre can decide without obligation whether to proceed or to abandon the project. All the profits made in this trial month will totally remain to the club. Try it without obligation and become a Dima.com partner!!! Send an E-mail with the fitness centre’s name and address to: info@metooconsulting.it or phone 342 1466681 (Alessandro) or 346 8584330 (Igor) or, in office hours, phone 0521 982545 Alessandro Giampietri e Igor Manzini


L’Accademia del Fitness


FROM PREDICTIVE ASSESSMENT OF TRAINABILITY AND PERFORMANCE TO NUTRIGENOMIC PERSONALIZATION In the last few years many studies have been trying to identify and describe the morphologic, anthropometric, physiologic, functional and motor characteristics of athletes who reached high-level performances. Only in recent times the research has focused on DNA analysis, and particularly on single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Recent studies show that sports performance is certainly influenced by the genetic characteristics of the single athlete. In fact, the maximum aerobic power (VO2max) cannot be increased over 20% with training, and over 50% of the Bone Mineral Density strictly depends on genetics. The challenge in the field of Sports Medicine is today represented by three main elements: • High levels of Performance • Reduction of Accidents (physical and physiological traumas) • Recovery from specific problems related to muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments.


Looking for the effects of a genetic variation on sports performance, which is complex and can be easily influenced by the environment, is extremely complicated, since it is a “polygenic trait”. Yet, many studies have demonstrated that the physiologic parameters – genetically determinable – have a direct influence on performance: vascular tone, oxygen consumption, enzymic oxidative activities and anatomic parameters (area of the transverse muscular section and percentage of contraction of slow fibres). Many of the athletes who have reached in years sports performances beyond the average have been able to optimize their athletic training according to their characteristics. The value of knowledge in the field of sports performance is very high. The enhancement of prediction capacity and, consequently, of intervention on the body of an athlete is a complex

number 09 / 2013

Bilancia bioimpedenziometrica Gratuita Diari alimentari per i propri clienti Gratuiti Analisi aziendale completa Gratuita Prodotto dimaCOM速 Gratuito Protocolli di allenamento Gratuiti Programmazione annuale Gratuita All'interno del progetto troverete anche Un corso di formazione in house Indumenti per i clienti che aderiscono al progetto Licenza per esclusiva

E-mail: info@metooconsulting.it - tel: 342 1466681 - 346 8584330


L’Accademia del Fitness process. The study on DNA today allows us to identify on a strictly scientific basis the limit and potential of athletes playing sports and, above all, to support them in a process aiming at reaching an optimum of performance, at the same time reducing the probability of traumatic and non-traumatic accidents. The term “training” does not exclusively refer to the mere physical activity. Today its meaning is becoming wider and wider, including cardio-pulmonary capacity, nutrition, the assessment of food intolerance, up to muscular inflammation caused by physical exertion. Today it is possible to improve one’s sports performances in a programmed way supported by rational objectives. Young female athletes, for example, show higher oxidative stress compared to male athletes with the same load of work. Nutrigenetics, for instance, analyses the effects of gene variations on the interaction between food and physiologic response of the body, thus allowing to personalise one’s diet and improve physical performances. Even if genetics is often disconnected from a real anamnestic and phenotypical personal analysis of an individual, today there are genetic tests aiming at identifying some of the most important morphologic, anthropometric, physiologic and motor characteristics in relation to sports performance and to the prevention/recovery from accidents.

For this reason, they are targeted according to Muscular Profile (Type I and Type II Fibres, Myoglobin, Myostatin, Actinin [sprain, muscular lesion]), Bone Profile (Bone Mineral Density), Cartilaginous Profile, Tendinous and Ligamental Profile (Collagen fibres, Metalloproteinase, Elastin, Fibronectin) and Cardiovascular Profile (Vascular tone, Angiotensin, Nitric Oxide, Arterial pressure). The same applies to genetic tests aiming at Sports Fitness (Aerobic Metabolism, Anaerobic Lactacid, Anaerobic Alactacid, Anaerobic threshold, Mitochondrial Activity and Density, Metabolism of Lactate, Cori Cycle, Creatine Kinase, Sodium-Potassium Pump, Heme, Metabolism of Iron) and to Nutrition and Nutritional Integration (Uptake minerals and vitamins, Metabolism of Glucose and Fatty Acids, protein Turn-over). The knowledge of these genetic features will allow to develop highly specific training, in order to address performances towards the personal biologic optimum as far as performance is concerned, in agreement with successful ageing goals.

The study on DNA today allows us to identify on a strictly scientific basis the limit and potential of athletes playing sports.


Ph. Francesco Marotta Human Nutrition Dept, Texas University, USA; 2ReGenera Research Group for Aging Intervention, Milan; 3NIDDK, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, USA; 4Gazi University, Nutrition and Food Technology Division, Ankara, Turkey; 5NextGenomics Lab., Prato

Me Too Consulting e il Dottor Massimo Spattini presentano WORKSHOP GRATUITO DIETA COM E METODOLOGIA DIMA COM “Strategie vincenti per il dimagrimento localizzato” Sabato 18 Maggio 2013 PIANETA NUTRIZIONE dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 17.30 c/o Fiere di Parma, Viale delle Esposizioni, 393/A info - 0521.941319

Programma del Workshop 9.30 - 10.00

Arrivo partecipanti

10.00 - 11.00

La situazione del mercato del fitness in Italia... Dieta Com e Dima Com una strategia vincente: non solo aerobica Igor Manzini

11.00 - 12.30

Fondamenti scientifici della Dieta Com: una dieta personalizzata secondo i biotipi Dott. Massimo Spattini

12.30 – 14.00

Pausa pranzo

14.00 – 15.30

Fondamenti scientifici del metodo Dima Com: un metodo per il dimagrimento localizzato Giuseppe Notarnicola

15.30 – 16.30

Strategie di marketing Alessandro Giampietri

16.30 – 17.00

La comunicazione in sala Francesco Menconi

17.00 - 17.30

…tempo di domande…

L’Accademia del Fitness














A growing number of proofs suggests that many chronic pathologies are caused by three factors: a) An environmental substance – internal or external to the body – which is introduced into the immune system through the mucous membranes (MALT). b) A genetic tendency of the immune system to react excessively to that substance c) An unusually permeable intestine. The intestinal barrier does not merely have a mechanical function: a layer of mucus, of secretory immunoglobulins (IgA) and of eubiotic flora form a layer of “super-epithelium” which protects the mucous membranes from aggressions of various type. The microflora is directly involved in the process of fermentation of digested food. By protecting the mucous membrane from pathogenic colonization, it protects the host from exogenous microflora. The growth and transit of bacteria from the intestinal lumen to the tissues (translocation of the bacterium or toxins alone), the absorption of bacterial catabolites in the blood and the residual bacterial products depend on the holding of the intestinal barrier on the whole. The intestinal barrier is supported in its function by the liver, since all the substances absorbed by the intestine first reach this organ in order to be transported to every organ and tissue. The Kupffer cells of the hepatic sinusoids remove the macromolecules possibly absorbed through phagocytosis, while the microsomal enzymes through mechanisms of oxidation and conjugation with glycine and glutathione (GSH) allow the excre-


tion of toxic substances with the bile. Detoxification has a high cost, with the production of free radicals and consumption of antioxidants. Trying to eliminate the toxic catabolites, the liver exhausts the supply of sulphur amino acids. The altered oxidation-reduction state increases the activity of xanthine-oxidase with consequent oxidative damage to the intestinal mucosa and an increase in the lipid peroxidation of the brush border in the membranes. This mechanism has been clearly demonstrated in the damage caused by ethanol. Sudduth has suggested that ethanol induces the leaky gut, favouring toxicity at hepatic level, to which the organ would respond by stimulating the production of ROS and carcinogens. The excretions of these products of oxidation with the bile and the reflux of this “toxic bile” inside the pancreatic ducts may be one of the main causes for chronic pancreatitis, which in turn causes malabsorption and damage to the intestinal epithelium. The alteration of intestinal permeability is caused by the intragastric infusion of ethanol and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) but not with the mere intake of LPS. This demonstrates the capacity of ethanol in determining an alteration in intestinal permeability for several molecules, including endotoxins. Moreover, also the high concentration of acetaldehyde produced by the intestine is responsible for an increase in permeability. The transit of endotoxins and cytokines (above all TNF) in the portal circle leads to the activation of the starred cells, thus triggering fibrosis – at the basis of NASH – up to the condition of frank cirrhosis. Several hypotheses have been presented to explain why intestinal bacteria can favour the synthesis of lipoproteins, which are fundamental

number 09 / 2013 in fat mobilization. New studies are necessary to determine the accurate causal relation between these elements, and this knowledge may lead to new therapies for steatosis aiming at the modification of the gut flora. It is not always clear how the antigen goes beyond the mucosal barrier. Yet, in many cases a triggering event such as a viral or bacterial infection, a trauma or the intake of FANS seems to lead the beginning of the disease. Therefore, the leaky gut represents the bottleneck of pathologies which can be extra-intestinal as well (leaky gut syndromes), favoured by a series of stressful situations for the intestinal mucosa which amplify the clinical symptomatology, supporting it. Several organic alterations can be associated to altered intestinal

“If the intestinal barrier breaks down, it becomes a portal for stuff in the outside world to leak into the inside world. When these worlds collide, this can cause many diseases, like inflammation and cancer”. Scott Waldman head of the Programme of Gastrointestinal Cancer at Jefferson Kimmel Cancer Center

permeability. Among these, we recall: a) Coeliac disease b) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – IBS with food intolerance c) Dermatological diseases (acne, eczema, psoriasis, nettlerash, herpetiform dermatitis) d) Pancreatic insufficiency – chronic pancreatitis – pancreatic cancer e) Hepatopathy, in particular steatosis f) Intestinal infarction, states of post-surgical shock even subsequent to open-heart surgery g) High levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) subsequent to the hyper activation of the immune system and hyper production of inflammatory cytokines h) Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) i) Chronic candidiasis syndrome j) Rheumatoid arthritis spondyloarthritis k) Neoplasia treated with chemotherapy l) Alcoholism m) Malnutrition, eating disorders n) Corticosteroid therapy, protracted antibiotic therapy and consequent dysbiosis, NSAIDs o) HIV - AIDS p) Giardiasis q) Tropical sprue r) Crohn disease s) Ulcerous rectocolitis t) Stress affective disorders (IBS + fibromyalgia) u) Cystic fibrosis v) Autism –child hyper activity syndrome w) Multiple chemical polysensitivity – mycotoxin contamination Hyper-permeability can be primary or secondary to immune activation, like in coeliac disease, hepatic or pancreatic dysfunction, bacterial endotoxinemy, chronic distress, etc., thus forming a vicious circle. For instance, in case of SIBO the non-conjugated biliary acids have a toxic effect on the enterocytes, acting as detergents of the mucosa. The biogenic amines (histamine, serotonin) produced by the decarboxylation of the amino acids on part of the bacteria in the microflora can increase in case of dysbiosis: the increase in the concentration of non-conjugated biogenic amines contributes to the barrier hyper-permeability. The patient’s symptomatology may include: A. Asthenia. Easy fatigability B. Artromyalgia, fibromyalgia C. Fever of unknown origin D. Food intolerance, medicine intolerance, intolerance to cosmetic products E. Bloating, meteorism F. Crampy abdominal pain G. Diarrhoea or alternating alvus H. Dermatitis, skin rash I. Attention and memory deficits J. Mood disorders


L’Accademia del Fitness K. Feeling of general swelling L. Dryness of eye mucosa, photophobia M. Feeling breathless Hyper-transaminasemia with unknown aetiological cause is a possible sign of coeliac disease and it is due to an increase in the passage of food antigens through the intestinal barrier – secondary to the leaky gut – and to their subsequent arrival at the liver through the portal circle, with consequent hepatic cytonecrosis. Many scientific contributions have pointed out that a strict gluten-free diet normalizes the transaminase values within 3-6 months. These studies also revolutionize the concept of “food intolerance”. For a long time reduced oral tolerance to some food has been thought as the cause for wall phlogosis and barrier dysfunction, with consequent symptomatology. Today we know that the “first cause” is not food but an usual intestinal permeability from which, like a “strainer”, the food antigens permeate the wall. The idea that the first cause of the damage was due to a problem of excessive permeability and of fraying of tight junctions (junctions between an intestinal epithelial cell and the neighbouring ones) was at first welcomed quite sceptically by the academic world, in part due to the way scientists considered the intestine. Up to a few years ago, the small intestine was described like a ductwork formed by a layer of cells connected like tiles by a sort of impermeable mortar – the tight


Figura 1 Tight junction nella celiachia

junctions – which sealed them one to the other. It was thought that the junctions were inert fillers whose aim was to keep away the external part (the intestinal lumen and its content) from the internal (the subepithelial immune system). The scientific community has by now accepted that the TJ are formed by a sophisticated reticular structure of proteins. In particular one of them, zonulin, is responsible for the increase in intestinal permeability in man and in higher animals. Dottoressa Maria Letizia Primo Nutritionist, Forensic Doctor, Psychiatrist

number 09 / 2013


L’Accademia del Fitness Publiredazionale



Therefore, obesity is always associated to a state of low-grade inflammation of the adipose tissue.

INFLAMMATION • Inflammation is the BIOCHEMICAL response of the body to an ATTACK or STRESS of various nature • Inflammation is currently at the basis of many of the so-called “chronicdegenerative” pathologies à chronic inflammation • The current lifestyle has actually produced a relatively new condition, known as silent or LOWGRADE chronic inflammation. Low–grade inflammation Causal factors: • Improper diet • Scarce physical activity • Excess weight /obesity • Improper stress management • Environmental toxins Each of these factors represents a sort of low-density, yet continuous, attack against the body Low–grade inflammation and metabolic alterations Low-grade chronic inflammation has a fundamental role in the appearance of metabolic alterations such as:


• • • • •

Insulin resistance Dyslipidemia Excess weight / Obesity Metabolic syndrome Diabetes

There is a twofold relation between metabolic alterations and inflammation: • On one hand the excessive accumulation of adipose tissue leads to inflammation through the production of inflammatory cytokines • On the other, inflammation – through the induction of insulinresistance – leads to an increase in the adipose tissue, thus causing excess weight-obesity ADIPOSE TISSUE and INFLAMMATION The mechanism that leads to inflammation in the adipose tissue is still not entirely clear, even if it is quite likely that metabolic stress, with the accumulation of intra and extra cellular metabolites, is the cause for inflammation Therefore, obesity is always associated to a state of low-grade inflammation of the adipose tissue

number 09 / 2013

Naturalmente innovativa La For Farma è una realtà italiana consolidata presente sul mercato dell’integrazione alimentare dal 2004, specializzata in fitoterapia clinica, particolarmente attenta alla qualità di materie prime, processi produttivi e prodotto finito. Attenzione alla qualità significa poter fornire alla Classe Medica e ai Farmacisti prodotti sicuri, ben tollerati ed efficaci. I nostri nutraceutici sono tutti formulati da esperti fitoterapeuti e specialisti clinici. Vengono prodotti presso stabilimenti certificati che ci garantiscono:

• I migliori principi attivi presenti sul mercato • Estratti titolati e standardizzati con le corrette metodologie • Tecniche e sinergie di fitocomplessi e nutrienti che ottimizzano la biodisponibilità per una migliore efficacia • Analisi sicure • Produzione, confezionamento, etichettatura in linea con la regolamentazione CEE Tutti i nostri prodotti sono formulati con dosaggi, titolazioni, posologie e forme farmaceutiche (compresse, capsule, perle) in linea con la letteratura scientifica e secondo le indicazioni del Ministero della Salute. I nostri prodotti sono tutti senza glutine e senza lattosio, tutte le creme sono di origine e ad azione naturale, nickel e gluten free, senza parabeni nè derivati animali nè olii minerali e dermatologicamente testate. Tutti i nostri integratori alimentari sono notificati al Ministero e presenti nel Registro degli integratori.

FOR FARMA s.r.l. Via delle Ombrine, 17 - 00054 Fiumicino (RM) tel.: 065916517 - fax: 0697626018 - info@forfarma.it - www.forfarma.it E00473_D1V_12_01.indd 1

30/12/11 09.24


L’Accademia del Fitness Inflammation, insulin-resistance and type 2 diabetes Insulin-resistance and type 2 diabetes are currently recognised as chronic inflammatory pathologies In fact, the increase in insulin production on part of the beta cells in the pancreas in response to an excess in glucose and free fatty acids in the blood leads to high cellular death, with recall of monocytes which are differentiated into M1 macrophages. The latter produce inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1-, IL-6, TNF-alpha In turn, cytokines – in particular TNF-alpha – reduce insulin sensitivity, leading to chronic inflammation and progressive worsening of the metabolic condition Low–grade inflammation and Oxidative Stress A condition of chronic inflammation, even if low-grade, favours a state of oxidation In turn, the alteration of the oxidation-reduction balance may be an important co-factor of immunological reactions, overlapping with the inflammatory stimulus INFLAMMATION and DIET Food and diet approach are a fundamental causal factor for low-grade inflammation: • Quality Quantity Combination • of food may orient the production of inflammation mediators • In order to work in the long period, and at the same time guarantee optimal health conditions, the diet must fight inflammation and guarantee proper hormonal balance à it is necessary to know slimming biochemistry Fitomuscle An effective CONTROL of PRO INFLAMMATORY PROCESSES Must have an integral approach 1. Inhibit the activity of cyclooxygenases 2 (COX2)


2. 3.

Inhibit the activity of the 5 lipoxygenases (LOX5) Modulate the inflammatory cytokines INFLAMMATION, EXCESS WEIGHT and INSULIN RESISTANCE Inhibition of the activity of 5- lipoxygenases (LOX5) and cyclooxygenases 2 (COX2)

BOSWELLIA SERRATA 75% titrated in boswellic acids CURCUMA PHYTOSOME * 18-22% titrated in curcuminoids WITHNANIA SOMNIFERA al 2,5% titrated in whitanolides

Arachidonic acid cyclooxygenases 2 Inflammatory prostaglandins

5-lipoxygenases Inflammatory leukotrienes

Antioxidant Action COPPER: Copper is necessary for the GOOD FUNCTIONALITY OF THE LYSYLOXIDASE ENZYME, necessary for the formation of the cross links between collagen and elastin SELENIUM: PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT TO DIMINISH THE PRODUCTION OF PROSTAGLANDINS AND LEUKOTRIENES, it has a crucial role in the PROTECTION from free radicals and FROM OXIDATIVE DAMAGE ZINC: It acts on the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD copper-zinc) and is useful as integration in pathologies connected to arthritis. VITAMIN E and C: Their antioxidant action is complete in the combination of the two vitamins and it widely interacts with other nutrients present in Fitomuscle Forte, vitamin C and selenium. by the editorial staff

number 09 / 2013

Sex and the ADI

mattioli 1885

Convegno regionale ADI



ECM PER INFORMAZIONI ED ISCRIZIONI ON LINE www.mattioli1885.com/formazione Tel. 0524.530383

“TUTTO QUELLO CHE AVRESTI VOLUTO SAPERE SU CIBO E SESSUALITÀ E NON HAI MAI OSATO CHIEDERE” Nella diagnosi e nel trattamento di obesità, patologie metaboliche e disturbi alimentari la funzionalità sessuale è un aspetto clinico e psicologico di grande importanza ma che raramente viene affrontato dagli operatori del settore. C’è ampia documentazione scientifica che evidenzia come, sia nel sesso maschile che in quello femminile, in queste patologie la funzionalità sessuale sia compromessa in elevate percentuali di pazienti. In particolare donne obese o con disturbo alimentare manifestano disfunzioni sessuali in relazione al disagio corporeo e ad alterata immagine e donne affette da diabete mellito di tipo 1 e di tipo 2 hanno punteggi significativamente inferiori ai test diagnostici rispetto ai controlli soprattutto in relazione ad elevati BMI. Negli uomini esiste invece un’importante relazione fra obesità, diabete e disfunzione erettile, la quale viceversa risulta essere un parametro importante per identificare situazioni di prediabete e per la previsione di eventi cardiovascolari futuri. Per quanto riguarda le coppie bisogna inoltre segnalare la ridotta fertilità in situazioni in cui uno dei partner o entrambi siano in una condizione di obesità. Esistono infine prove che il miglioramento dello stato clinico migliori anche la funzionalità sessuale e di conseguenza la qualità di vita. Questo Convegno si propone pertanto l’obiettivo di fare un focus sulla relazione esistente fra le patologie trattate nel mondo delle nutrizione e la funzionalità sessuale dei soggetti che ne sono affetti, nonché di stimolare i professionisti del settore attraverso un confronto multidisciplinare finalizzato all’abbattimento dei tabu’ per una presa in carico completa dei pazienti, a partire dalla più giovane età, efficace sia dal punto di vista clinico che motivazionale. Questo Convegno si rivolge ai professionisti che operano o collaborano con il mondo della dietologia e patologie correlate, in particolare a: Medici (tutte le specializzazioni), Dietisti e Biologi Nutrizionisti. DIREZIONE DEL CORSO Annalisa Maghetti Presidente ADI, Emilia - Romagna SEDE DEL CONVEGNO Camera di Commercio di Parma Via Verdi, 2 - 43121 Parma ECM Al Corso sono stati assegnati 6 crediti ECM. Il Corso è stato accreditato per la professione di Medico Chirurgo (tutte le specializzazioni), Dietista, Biologo.

SEGRETERIA ORGANIZZATIVA PROVIDER ECM Mattioli 1885 srl Strada di Lodesana, 649/sx 43036 Fidenza (PR) tel. 0524 530383 - fax 0524 82537 E-mail: ecm@mattioli1885.com Sito web: www.mattioli1885.com Per iscriversi è necessario compilare l’apposito modulo al sito web. Le quote di iscrizione al Corso sono le seguenti: - Euro 60,00 + iva 21% per Soci ADI - Euro 100,00 + iva 21% per non Soci ADI


L’Accademia del Fitness


VASCULAR RISK AND OPTIMAL PREVENTION In the last decade Homocysteine, homologous substance of the amino acid Cysteine, has become particularly important not only as an indicator of the recovery of the methyl group, but also as a key factor for many physio-pathological processes which characterise many chronic-degenerative diseases with vast social impact, in particular cardio-vascular diseases. Contrary to what has been considered so far, the level of this substance in the blood should be definitely under the limit values taken as range of normality. In fact, recent studies carried out by Boston University have pointed out that the cardiac risk doubles with values over 9 µmol/litre, while with values of 15 µmol/litre (limit of normality indicated in many laboratories) the risk even shifts to 4. Among the biochemical-molecular causes implied in the genesis of this risk at vascular level, a crucial role is played by the biotransformation in Homocysteine Thiolactone, which is able to oxidize LDL cholesterol to form molecular aggregates which attack the arterial wall, promoting the formation of foamy cells. Then, thanks to the combined intervention of the reactive species of oxygen, they cause endothelial dysfunction, the deactivation of nitroxide at vascular level and, finally, the proliferation of smooth muscle cells. Besides the damage to the extravascular matrix, also mediated by lipid peroxidation, this leads to the athero-thrombotic phenomenon. This is confirmed by clinical evidence supported by important


studies which showed a close correlation between the increasing levels of homocysteine and an increase in the risk of myocardial infarction. Also, favourable prognosis was shown in patients with previous infarction, thanks to a significant decrease of this specific amino acid in the haematic levels. Then, there are several controlled clinical studies supporting the involvement of homocysteine in the pathogenesis of stroke, of the coronary disease and of peripheral arteriopathy, as well as in the brain-vascular pathology. It was demonstrated that the levels of this substance in blood progressively increase with age: this increase is closely connected to the increase of the abovementioned chronic vascular pathologies. The optimal therapy which allows to control the increase in the values of Homocysteine is mainly based on the intake of a pool of vitamins of the B group, all involved in the recovery of the methyl groups, which allow the reconversion of Homocysteine in Methionine (folic acid and vitamin B12), or by means of transsulfuration, directly into Cysteine (Vitamin B6 in the Glutathione), together with Betaine or trimethyl-Glycine which allows complete recovery of the remethylation process. Both clinical and experimental studies have confirmed that the proper supplementation of folic acid is able to stop and cause a regression in the progression of the atherosclerotic process, parallel to a significant reduction in the incidence of both stroke and cardiac infarction. Moreover, integrative doses of folate

number 09 / 2013 have been favourably used in the prevention of coronary restenosis, as well as in the increase of the endothelial functionality in case of coronary disease. The progressive physiological loss of the methyl groups, due to the ageing process, has been closely correlated to life duration in man. For this reason, it is really necessary to recover it properly at metabolic level. An ideal preparation for this purpose should guarantee a wellbalanced intake of all these vitaminic cofactors aiming at favouring an effective process of remethylation, in order to turn as much as possible homocysteine into the non-toxic amino acids Cysteine and Methionine. At the same time it should give a proper intake of nitrogenous bases which can be immediately and correctly used in the physiological process of cell regeneration. In this context the intake of the product Cellfood DNA/RNA (Longevity Formula) guarantees the following benefits: - it gives the best release system directly to the cells of all the vitaminic factors to prevent and decrease Hyperhomocysteinemia

- it keeps the rejuvenating benefits of the bioavailable nitrogenous bases for the construction and replacement of nucleic acids - Increase in oxygenation for the optimal production of ATP - Deuterium intake to reinforce the bonds in macromolecules prone to ROS attack - Integration of Cellfood base to guarantee proper functionality and protection of the vasal endothelium (see studies Prof. Ferrero)

The optimal therapy which allows to control the increase in the values of Homocysteine is mainly based on the intake of a pool of vitamins of the B group, all involved in the recovery of the methyl groups.

To conclude, it is particularly important to point out that its sublingual formulation guarantees the complete bioavailability of the bioactive principles contained in the product. For example, see the intake of vitamin B12, whose effective absorption is quite difficult at physiological level. All this is solved through the sublingual supply of the biologically active form of the vitamin, methylcobalamin, immediately available at cellular level. Doctor Mauro Miceli


L’Accademia del Fitness


CERVICALGIA Cervicalgia is a common condition of neck pain that the majority of the population will experience sometime in their life. The pain associated with cervicalgia may be localized in the cervical spine or extend to the musculature of the shoulders, and in some cases causes pain or tingling in the arms and hands. Associated symptoms with cervicalgia are often neck rigidity, cervical muscular imbalances, dizziness, pain in the shoulders, arms, and hands, postural abnormalities, and headaches. As cervicalgia is a very common condition, it is important to understand what it is caused by, lifestyle changes to help prevent it from occurring, and ways to effectively manage the pain and reduce the length and intensity of symptoms when it does occur. Like many other health conditions, cervicalgia does not necessarily happen “over night.” Although it may seem that “sleeping incorrectly” caused that cervicalgia or that the “wind or humidity” triggered the onset, cervicalgia is actually a result of multiple preexisting factors. The key factor causing symptoms associated with cervicalgia is a misalignment of one or more vertebrae in the cervical spine. When a vertebra has lost its proper position, inflammation from the joint space is released, causing decreased range of motion and irritation to the cervical spinal nerves. Muscular and postural imbalances also occur to compensate for the spinal


misalignments. Common visual postural compensations include lateral flexion or rotation of the head, one shoulder being higher than the other shoulder, or the head being anteriorly placed in relation to the midline of the body. Prolonged spinal joint dysfunction, inflammation, and muscular imbalances of the cervical spine later manifest as symptoms termed “cervicalgia.” The muscles of the neck as well as the cervical spine, with its joints and discs, are designed to support the weight of the head, but only when it is centered over the shoulders. When the head moves forward, the pressure exerted on the spine, and the shoulder and neck muscles, increase drastically as they have to work harder to hold the head up. For most people this posture generally starts from habits learned at a young age. For example, school aged children spend many hours per day sitting, and when reading, they naturally lean their heads forward causing anterior placement of the head in relation to the shoulders. With the head in this position for a prolonged period of time, naturally the shoulders round forward weakening the muscles of the spine, and the curvature of the dorsal spine is increased. Incorrect posture starts at a young age, and is generally carried out throughout adulthood. For adults who have jobs in which they remain seated for prolonged periods of time, a similar pos-

number 09 / 2013

La Chiropratica Può Aiutarvi! La chiropratica si focalizza sui disturbi del sistema nervoso e sugli effetti di questi disturbi per la salute in generale. Le interferenze del sistema nervoso indeboliscono le normali funzioni del corpo e abbassano la sua resistenza alle malattie. I disallineamenti vertebrali della colonna alterano molte importanti funzioni del corpo e possono causare una larga scala di problemi.

Bella La Vita Chiropratica S.R.L. Via Mazzini, 1 43100, Parma, PR Tel. 0521 285 258 BLVChiropratica.it BLV@BLVChiropratica.it


L’Accademia del Fitness ture is very common, thus the cervical spine is constantly under stress. When cervicalgia manifests, proper management of the condition is key to reducing the symptoms and correcting the underlying cause of the problem. Spinal stretches and massages, for example, are effective for initial symptom relief of cervicalgia. However, if the cervical vertebrae are still out of alignment, the biomechanical cause of cervicalgia has not been corrected nor has proper function of the joints of the spine been restored. It is just a matter of time before the muscles again become rigid and the person experiences another episode of cervicalgia. Chronic spinal misalignments that are untreated may lead to spinal degeneration, a predisposition to herniated discs of the cervical spine, shortened musculature surrounding the neck and the shoulders, and recurrent cervicalgia symptoms. The body works best when it is aligned. Chiropractic care is highly effective in correcting spinal misalignments and realigning the spinal column. Doctors of chiropractic identify and analyze the direction of the misalignment of the vertebra, then correct the position of the vertebra by performing a specific manual adjustment. With restoration of the proper alignment of the spine, the joints move with more fluidity and precision, and muscle rigidity is


decreased. Among experiencing pain relief after a chiropractic adjustment, patients also commonly mention that their neck feels much “freer” indicating a greater range of motion and less muscular tension, and “straighter” meaning the proper structural position has naturally been restored. Treat your spine as you treat your teeth. Proper dental hygiene, such as brushing your teeth daily and scheduling regular dental exams, is important to prevent dental problems. Consider the same concept with your spine. Focus on maintaining correct posture and schedule routine spinal checkups with a doctor of chiropractic to ensure proper alignment of the spine. Chiropractic is the best way to prevent, correct, and manage symptoms associated with cervicalgia. Remember, symptoms of cervicalgia often take years to develop. Correct cervicalgia before it ever happens through routine chiropractic care and postural correction in your activities of daily life. Doctor Krista Burns B.S, D.C. P.h.D. Bella La Vita Chiropratica S.R.L. www.BLVChiropratica.it Parma/Sassari/Olbia BLV@BLVChiropratica.it

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