N. 11 - October 2013

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October 2013 | year III


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L’Accademia del Fitness Wellness & Anti-aging Magazine



La Spot Reduction o "dimagrimento localizzato" è un argomento controverso, ma recenti acquisizioni scientifiche ne hanno dimostrato l'esistenza. Nel workshop verranno analizzate le basi fisiologiche, i metodi di misurazione, le tecniche di allenamento, gli approcci dietologici, gli integratori, in riferimento ai vari biotipi costituzionali morfologici (ginoide, misto, androide) secondo i concetti della Dieta COM (CronOrMorfodieta) e del Metodo dimaCOM (Differenziata Integrazione Muscolazione Aerobica secondo la CronOrMorfodieta) per ottenere un dimagrimento localizzato anche nelle zone più resistenti. RELATORE Massimo Spattini


Sono stati richiesti al Ministero della Salute i crediti ECM per le figure professionali di: Medico Chirurgo, Biologo, Dietista, Farmacista

QUOTA € 200,00 (comprensiva della quota associativa) CERTIFICAZIONE Alla fine del Workshop verrà rilasciata la Certificazione di “DietaCOM® ADVISOR” previo superamento del test scritto finale. RESPONSABILE SCIENTIFICO MASSIMO SPATTINI PROVIDER ECM AKESIOS GROUP S.r.l. Via A. Viola, 9 - Parma www-akesios.it SEGRETERIA Scientifica e Organizzativa ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta, 9/A - 43126 Parma Tel. 0521 1682083 - Fax 0521 294971 info@accademiadelfitness.com


number 11 / 2013

EDITORIAL ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta 10/A 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521.941319 Fax 0521.294971 www.accademiadelfitness.com magazine@accademiadelfitness.com Editor in Chief: Massimo Spattini Editorial staff: Claudia Bonini Silvia Iorio Cristiana Pedrazzini Cinzia Ruggeri Scientific committee: Dott. Damiano Galimberti Prof. Fulvio Marzatico Dott. Filippo Ongaro Prof. Mario Passeri Writers: Marco Tullio Cau Alessandro Gelli Andrea Grieco Mauro Miceli Giovanni Montagna Giuseppe Notarnicola Giovanni Occhionero Maria Letizia Primo Alessandro Ronchi Massimo Spattini Patrizia Ziveri Photographer cover: Paolo Gepri Cover: Silvia Iorio Photographers: Alex Ardenti Nicola de Luigi Publisher: Profitness S.a.s. Galleria Crocetta 10/A 43126 Parma Tel. 0521.941319 Printed and delivered by: Mattioli 1885 S.r.l. Str. della Lodesana, 649 sx Loc. Vaio 43036 Fidenza (PR) Tel. 0524.530383 www.mattioli1885.com

The recent events concerning our society, and above all the political ruling class, have highlighted even further the distance – by now unbridgeable – between politicians and reality. Reality is becoming more and more complex, and the people have to deal with it every day. Our politicians’ words never find confirmation in their deeds. The condition of immobilism aims at keeping the status quo, and the anachronistic and inexcusable privileges of our politicians actually represent the main interest of those who are supposed to govern with the aim of developing a state of global (economic, psycho-physical, cultural) welfare for everyone. Yet, those who demand sacrifices in the name of the common good are not willing to do so, thus turning every speech, even if full of wisdom, into words with no meaning which people interpret as deception. This turns into total lack of reliance and causes a feeling of dangerous instability. This realization obviously spreads towards those who have the great responsibility of taking care of our health. A hugely relevant part of the economic welfare of the country, therefore of the individual, depends on the health system, which should lead to correct choices (food etc...) since they inevitably affect our health and, as a result, the economic and environmental sustainability. The people are tired and discouraged because they lack reliable points of reference. They are not motivated to behave correctly due to the

lack of people who set the example. Those who have certain roles should have the professional and moral duty to spur the others through their virtuous behaviour. The people are by now reasonably suspicious of doctors smoking cigarettes, overweight dietitians, psychologists with dysfunctional behaviours or personal trainers who do not show, at least, an athletic body. This is an important step since it means becoming aware and being able to choose. Personally, I was particularly impressed when, on the occasion of the recent certification in Functional Medicine which I obtained in Los Angeles, I realised that all the speakers were perfectly fit. I was even more impressed when I met many of them, at 6.30 in the morning, at the hotel gym, before classes started. In fact, the maxim of IFM, which is also shared by AFFWA, is “we practice what we preach”. This is one of the reasons why we have chosen as cover of this issue a person who works at our editorial office at Accademia del Fitness. This proves that we really practice what we preach. This trend is going to continue in the following issues as well. We are going to use pictures of our collaborators, direct and indirect, who have embraced our philosophy of life aiming at individual and social wellness, and who can prove it with their own body. Massimo Spattini Accademia del Fitness President

Registration n. 12/2004 Court of Parma


L’Accademia del Fitness



by Massimo Spattini



by Marco Tullio Cau



by Giuseppe Notarnicola


CELLFOOD: OXYGEN-BASED SUPPLEMENT an introduction to oxygen-based integration as food supplement in one’s diet by Mauro Miceli


MOOD TONE, SPORT PERFORMANCE AND HORMONAL BALANCE When we speak of sport performance or of integration to optimize it, we often neglect a very important factor: the tone of our mood! 22 by Giovanni Occhionero



by Andrea Grieco



by Massimo Spattini e Giovanni Montagna



by Patrizia Ziveri



by Alessandro Ronchi



by Maria Letizia Primo

NOTEWORTHY EVENTS a cura della Redazione 4


L’Accademia del Fitness

SEX-ABILITY & NUTRITIONAL APPROACH They say life begins at 40 years old… an integral life-style is the key to enjoy this second youth at best, exploiting the potentials we have within ourselves. Sexability: a neologism with several meanings... here it means sex cap-ability, the physical and psychological capacity-ability to start and carry out the sex act. A healthy life-style (proper food, regular physical activity, no smoking) is by now universally accepted as a form of prevention against many pathologies such as the metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular syndromes and sexability, which is closely linked to cardiovascular functionality. As a famous American expert said, “As for erection, anything which is good for your heart is good for your penis”... Many scholars explain that erectile dysfunction must be considered a warning signal for heart problems: for patients aged 40/50 two to five years pass by between the appearance of the first phenomenon and the concretization of the second. With regard to this topic it must be pointed out that a change in life-style, with an improvement in circulation, also allows a better utilization of the various phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as Viagra, Cialis... We have to remember that cardiovascular problems can be due both to factors which cannot be modified (age, sex, genetics) and to factors which can be modified (dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, smoking, sedentariness). Of course, there is little we can do about the former, yet we have wide possibilities of change with the latter. This (short) article will focus on the food factor: the first step is to limit calories: obesity gives rise to many problems for the body, including the health of the circulatory system, since the fat mass is actively responsible for many inflammatory processes... we must bear in mind that both erection and the turgescence of female sex organs are mainly a vascular phenomenon! The second step is to reduce food which favours the onset of cardiovascular pathologies: it is advisable to replace the majority of saturated fats with mono- and poly-unsaturated fats. While monounsaturated fats are generally consumed thanks to olive oil, which is commonly used here in Italy, it is not the same for polyunsaturated fats. Incidentally, we have to remember that it is important to reduce saturated fats, not to eliminate them ... Recent studies are (partly) rediscovering this kind of lipids which have been demonized for years. Yet, trans fats (hydrogenated lipids which are “silently” contained in many industrial products as well as in margarine) must be eliminated, since they are unequivocally detrimental to our health!



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L’Accademia del Fitness Instead, we should increase the Ω3 contained in fat fish and in some oils, such as linseed oil: if we do not like fish, the market offers many supplements rich in these substances which have the advantage of being (presumably) purified from polluting agents. Moreover, some studies carried out in Spain on a “standard” Mediterranean diet point out that an excess in high-density glucides – which have a high glycaemic load per se – can be even more harmful at “circulatory” level, especially if it is not burnt through physical activity. The antioxidant capacity of cereal was modest, perhaps because it was represented by white flour and ready-made food, which are also full of sugar... the ones which are generally consumed! Therefore, it is better to consume food with low calorie density: vegetables and fruit, which are low in calories but have high amounts of vitamins and antioxidant substances, which are so good for our arteries (and not only... ). Also the protein amount must be particularly taken care of, with prevalence of “noble” sources, low in fat. Moreover, among the supplements which are useful to improve the erectile functionality, one of the most widely used is arginine. If our normal diet is already rich in protein, there is less need to take it “separately”. As for integration, I believe the right approach is the one suggested by Moyad (who carried out several studies). He says that it is too facile to believe that some plants contain composites which are helpful for those who suffer from erectile dysfunction... Unfortunately, the majority of the active principles they contain have not been studied seriously enough, at least for now! Actually, literature by now contains many studies which have not, however, totally clarified many doubts... too many to be commented here. Anyway, besides the above-mentioned amino acid, the substances which have obtained some positive results are yohimbine, some varieties of gingseng and ginkgo biloba, which are often combined. All of them can affect the production of endothelial nitric oxide. McKay’s review on the topic is worth reading, too. And what about aphrodisiacs? People have been writing about substances with hypothetical erotic potentials for thousands of years... since Aphrodite’s times after whom this kind of substances is named! In this case as well we do not have enough space... However, since I have recently come across with one of the (numerous!) cooking programmes which rule on TV, Master Chef USA, I will just talk about the aphrodisiacs mentioned in the programme... What about artichokes? Many gourmets in the XVI century extolled their capacity in “increasing the venereal appetites”, in “serving madonna Venus”. Aretino, too, praised them, though in a more prosaic way... Moreover, their name come from a hot woman, Cynara (Latin

for artichoke), a beautiful but thorny nymph who refused even Zeus... Finally, some mention their phallic shape. In fact, there is no reliable source to support their reputation! The second one, the truffle, was once again quoted by Aretino and it was the favourite food of Napoleon, Marquis de Sade and Louis XIV... The famous physician Savonarola suggested it as an ideal food for old men who had a beautiful wife... Platina, learned man of the XV century, defined it as “stimulant for lust, often served in the prurient banquets of rich men to better prepare them to Venus’s pleasures” ... and in the XIX century even Mantegazza, world-famous anthropologist, listed it among the most effective stimulants! At the end of the XX century, in order to justify its “powers”, it was thought that its effect is due to its smell (caused by androstenone, also found in pig pheromone), which is supposed to have the same effectiveness both on us and on... sows. The third one is a classic: oysters. Thanks to the praise of the “same old” medieval doctors and gourmets as well as of many scribblers (though Joyce as well mentions oysters in his Ulysses...), oysters are by now considered the aphrodisiac par excellence. Probably in this case as well the shape of the mollusc stirs the imagination, though it is true that it contains zinc, which may help testosterone! However, even Casanova, who used to have the amount of 50 oysters for breakfast, pointed out in his writings that the context, the atmosphere and a care for details are fundamental for the success of “certain” meetings!

Sexability: a neologism

with several meanings... here it means sex cap-

ability, the physical and psychological capacity-

ability to start and carry out the sex act.


Doctor Marco Tullio Cau Specialized Degree in Clinical Psychology Specialized in Communication Sciences

SEDE: PARMA - DATE 2013: 21-22 settembre / 5-6 ottobre / 19-20 ottobre SEDE: PALERMO - DATE 2013: ottobre/novembre (date da definire)

SEDE: PARMA DATE 2013: 9-10 novembre / 23-24 e 30 novembre / 14 dicembre

PROMOZIONE - Corso ISTRUTTORE + PERSONAL TRAINER QUOTA: € 890,00 PAGAMENTO: entro il 10-09-2013 QUOTA (per ogni singolo corso) : € 560,00 PAGAMENTI: - Corso ISTRUTTORE : entro il 10-09-2013 - PERSONAL TRAINER : entro il 25-10-2013 L'importo può essere pagato, con una maggiorazione, in due rate:


1a rata entro il 10-09-2013 : € 480,00 2a rata entro il 25-10-2013. : € 480,00

Corso ISTRUTTORE : 1a rata entro il 10-09-2013 : € 295,00 2a rata entro il 10-10-2013. : € 295,00

PERSONAL TRAINER : 1a rata entro il 25-10-2013 : € 295,00 2a rata entro il 25-11-2013 : € 295,00

Alle quote va aggiunta la quota di affiliazione di € 40,00

ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS - Galleria Crocetta 9/A - 43126 PARMA - Tel. 0521.1682083 - Fax 0521.294971



L’Accademia del Fitness



Women of about forty years old ask me this question every day: how can they be trained at best to achieve a perfect physical condition and, at the same time, prevent in advance the effects of aging? One of the greatest problems that women over 40 meet is no doubt the loss of lean muscular mass, that is, sarcopenia. The main consequence of sarcopenia is, especially in subjects who lead an inactive life, a reduced capacity of basal metabolism to burn calories also at rest. The result is the accumulation of adipose mass together with a remarkable reduction of muscular mass, which in fact determines energy consumption. For these reasons, besides following a healthy diet, it is advisable to integrate aerobic training with firming up and toning up workouts which have the aim of maintaining and increasing strength and muscular mass. This is possible above all by following a weightlifting protocol. It must be underlined that the progressive basal metabolic rate decrease and therefore the reduction of daily calorie consumption does not often go together with a decrease in the daily


calorie intake. The result is therefore an increase in fat mass, a gradual loss of strength, of muscular mass functionality and of fast fibres, which already begins at the age of 40. For these reasons weightlifting training helps contrast fast fibre regression, maintain their quality which trained subjects naturally have and recover them in subjects who lead an inactive life. Moreover, according to many medical studies, the increase of muscular strength, with the exception of the upper limbs, is greater in women than in men. From these studies it was also possible to observe that body weight did not vary significantly, body fat greatly diminished whereas there was a great increase in lean mass, a decrease in lactic acid, a decrease in the heart rate with an increased volume of systolic discharge, thus obtaining continuous positive adjustments. It is also very important to remember that from the age of about 40 women begin to lose bone density (from the age of 35 the is a 1% reduction every year) and this submits the skeletal apparatus to risks such as hip and leg fracture due to the gradual estrogen reduction in women approaching menopause. In order to contrast the effects of osteoporosis, it is therefore

L’Accademia del Fitness important to train with heavy weights because loading is an important factor for bone mass increase. Fundamental workouts involving large muscular groups are to be preferred, such as for instance the ones performed on a horizontal bench for the pectoral muscles, the lat-machine and tractions for the dorsal muscles, the curl for the biceps, horizontal bench presses for triceps, contrasts and lunge workouts for the gluteus and squat for the thighs in general. Each repetition must be performed slowly controlling all the extension of the articulation: this prevents losing flexibility; on the contrary it, increases it in the presence of rigidity. Moreover, the exercises must be performed fluidly and, to obtain positive effects, loading must be gradual, thus increasing the intensity of the effort. Power increase is obtained in training sessions between 60% and 90% of a maximum repetition (RM); for 1 RM we intend the maximum load quantity which can be shifted in a single repetition. The greater the intensity, the greater the response and the muscular adjustment. Workouts which include 8-12 controlled repetitions, performed slowly and involving intense effort, can already be considered of the intense kind. The PROGRESSION OF THE LOAD must be respected, increas-

ing, as the power increases, the load to be lifted: a good example is reaching 12 repetitions in a workout which started with 8, increasing the load and then returning to the established number of optimal repetitions (8). In general it is opportune to breathe in while a weight is lifted and breathe out when it is lowered or put down, as this helps core contraction, the main stabilizer of the human body which helps control the back bone and to avoid harm. Moreover, respiration is very important for tissue oxygenation. Women over 40 must always associate cardiovascular workouts with weightlifting training in order to contrast and prevent the effects of osteoporosis and menopause. I personally recommend to integrate this type of workouts with the principles of the functional method as well, and to adopt a healthy diet limiting the consumption of milk and dairy products, sweets and saturated fats, preferring integral cereals and lean proteins as well as fruit, vegetables and dried fruit, and to drink a lot of water, about 40ml/kg.

Moreover, according to many medical studies,

the increase of muscular strength, with the

exception of the upper limbs, is greater in

women than in men.


Giuseppe Notarnicola Fitness Consultant, Personal Trainer, Nutrition Educator

number 11 / 2013

La Chiropra*ca è una terapia sicura ed efficace per l’igiene posturale, che corregge l’allineamento della spina dorsale, il funzionamento del sistema nervoso e incrementa l’abilità del corpo di guarire dolore e mala>e.

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Via Mazzini 1 43121 Parma Tel 0521 285258 www.blvchiropra*ca.it


L’Accademia del Fitness

PLANTS AND VEGETAL EXTRACTS WITH “ADAPTOGENIC” ACTION: HEALTHY ANTI-AGING AND ANTISTRESS EFFECTS PART TWO Rhodiola Rosea and its extracts: There are many botanical species of Rhodiola, but the Rhodiola Rosea seems to be the most active as far as health is concerned. The Rhodiola Rosea is perhaps the most important plant with adaptogenic action and it is currently often prescribed and used in many areas of the world, even if this plant has been known since ancient times and various known effects have been now verified by clinical research. Many recent works have demonstrated that Rhodiola Rosea can increase the levels of 5-HT (Serotonin) and can really help in case of scarce vital energy, discouragement, in some mood and food disorders, since the lack in 5-HT can lead to compensation through the intake of carbohydrates with high-glycaemic index, even at evening hours. It is said to be effective against “huge meals”, a huge problem for some people. The extract of Rhodiola Rosea is said to stimulate the activity of some lipase, favouring fat mobilization, if the molecule Rosavin – apparently responsible for this action which favours lipolysis - is present. Studies have pointed out that in order to obtain


lipolytic effect, some physical activity is necessary. 5 HT is the precursor of Melatonin. It contains many molecules, including “Rosavin”, which is said to have a useful effect on adipocytes, favouring the reduction of extra fat in 2-3 months. Another active molecule is Salidroside, which seems useful against hyperphagia attacks. Rhodiola is said to reduce under stress excessive heart rate. At present it could be considered the point of reference as plant with adaptogenic action, since it acts both on mood and on the increase in resistance towards physical and psychic stress. Rhodiola can be used in case of depressive tendency (probably in seasonal changes, too), it can be used to increase memory and learning, to favour sport recovery and stress recovery in general and as a tonic to help slight erectile dysfunctions (studies published in 1999). Griffonia and its extracts: Griffonia Simplicifolia - or better its seeds out of which the spice is made – is famous for its content of 5Hydroxy Tryptophan which turns into 5Hydroxy Tryptamine or Serotonin. It is important for this famous neurotransmitter to be present at endoge-

L’Accademia del Fitness nous level in optimal amounts. Actually, Serotonin is involved in many psycho-physiological processes, starting with mood, the quality of sleep, the instinctive choice of sugary food. The lack of 5HT may partially be responsible for Carb Craving, restless sleep instead of refreshing sleep, and depressive tendencies (the so-called “black mood” as well as moodiness. Women are generally more prone to this kind of mood, characterised by the lack of geniality and calmness, also due to the pre-menstrual syndrome (customised vegetable extracts may solidly help). Griffonia - which contains the precursor of Serotonin, the 5 Hydroxy Tryptophan – must be considered per se a plant to be used in the hardest times, that is, when symptoms are already evident. It should not be used for long periods of time in order not to accustom the body. In fact, the amino acid Tryptophan, which is found in food, is turned into 5Hydroxy Tryptophan by a specific hydrolase enzyme, so it is important to “train” these reactions set by nature. The 5Hydroxy Tryptophan as a molecule has been sold for several years in drugstores as a medicine, therefore the intake of high dosages of Griffonia is equivalent to the intake of a medicine to all intents and purposes. In order to prescribe the extract of Griffonia, a doctor specialised in medicinal plants and their extracts will have to take into account both the length of the treatment and the dosage, to help the people who suffer from nervous hunger – in particular Carb Craving - insomnia, moodiness and depressive tendencies. For a more moderate action – slow and progressive on the optimization of Serotonin levels – Rhodiola Rosea is ideal.

Thanks to Rosavin, besides acting on the optimization of 5 HT, it also helps reactivating lipase, thus favouring the reduction of fat in excess. Basically, Griffonia guarantees quicker and more intense effects (because it acts more like a medicine) so, according to one’s condition, Griffonia can be considered a natural remedy in case of “black mood emergency”, together with other specific plants and to the mineral magnesium, to associate to Rhodiola Rosea. Then, Griffonia will have to be reduced (intermediate period) and keep taking only Rhodiola Rosea, which can be used for 3-4 months in a row, according to one’s response. Astragalus and its extracts: Astragalus is present in many species in the temperate zones almost all over the planet. It is an immunostimulating adaptogen since, thanks to its constituents, it has demonstrated it can help the immune system for the prevention of cold and flu. This has been proved both empirically by various traditional medicines such as CTM (Chinese Traditional Medicine) and by western clinical studies. It contains: Astragalosides (), astragaloglucanes and astragalanes (polysaccharides), various amines such as choline, betaine (trimethylglycine) and GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid, which has a relaxing action). The part used in medicine is its root. The Astragalus is rich in various classes of active principles which act complementarily and synergically. It can be legitimately considered within the class of the adaptogens both because it helps the efficiency of the immune system, and thanks to its capacity to help better resist to various forms of typical every-day stressors. It also helps memory and learning and fights the typical fatigue caused by psycho-physical surmenage. It is said to be particularly effective as hepatoprotector, and to help fight the effects of some toxic substances. It is also given as adjuvant and support for chemotherapy against cancer, and even to help fight Aids. It is very likely to help and meet the expectations, together with other plants and their extracts, of experts in Anti-Aging and Anti-Stress Methodologies.

Rhodiola can be used in case of depressive tendency (probably in seasonal changes, too), it can be used to increase memory and learning, to favour sport recovery and stress recovery in general.

Prof. Alessandro Gelli Coordinator and Teacher at Higher Training and Training Course in “Anti-Aging and Anti-Stress Methodologies”, Sapienza University in Rome. Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology.


number 11 / 2013


in forma con


18g di proteine

Le nuove barrette proteiche

per barretta

Disponibili in due gusti:

vaniglia cioccolato

Nei centri Dima Biodiet

Nelle migliori Farmacie 速

Seguici su


L’Accademia del Fitness


AN INTRODUCTION TO OXYGEN-BASED INTEGRATION AS FOOD SUPPLEMENT IN ONE’S DIET For almost 50 years doctors and researchers have been observing that patients using any kind of therapy based on oxygen (including supplements with stabilized oxygen) gain benefit for their health. How can the most abundant element on earth give these surprising physiological benefits, as declared by many experts? In order to answer this question, first of all we have to understand what oxygen is and how important it is for a healthy body. Oxygen Chemistry Oxygen is one of the five elements at the basis of life (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and sulphur). It is colourless, tasteless and odourless. No one of the four other elements, or any other element, is as abundant as oxygen. Moreover, only oxygen is able to combine with almost all the other elements and it is essential for combustion. It is estimated that, in relation to its weight, the earth’s crust is 49.2% composed of oxygen; almost 20% of the atmosphere is made of oxygen and the rest by nitrogen; almost 85% of sea water, 42% of vegetation, 46% of igneous rocks and over 65% of the human body are made of oxygen. Oxygen was discovered in 1773 by the Swedish chemist Karl Wilhelm Scheele and by the Englishman Joseph Priestley. It was only in 1777 when the great French scientist Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, one of the fathers of Chemistry, demonstrated that oxygen is a pure substance and a component of air.


Oxygen – the basis of all life No other element is as important as atomic oxygen (with eight electrons per atom). Oxygen is fundamental for the vital processes of all living beings. By means of respiration we bring oxygen to our lungs, where it spreads into the blood flux through the over 140 square metres of the pulmonary surface. The average individual breathes in about 6 litres of air per minute, (about 14 respirations per minute for about 500 ml) in the so-called ‘state of rest’, while in case of intense effort or stress one can breathe in over 125 litres per minute. Oxygen rapidly spreads from the lungs to the blood, where it is collected by haemoglobin in the red blood cells. Haemoglobin becomes saturated with over 95% of the available oxygen, which is then taken to every cell in the body. Once inside the cell, oxygen is consumed through the biochemical combustion of sugars and is then turned into dispersible energy and heat. The more energy and heat are needed by the body, the more oxygen is consumed. This process is called “oxidation” and the molecules which are oxidized (or ‘burnt’) are mainly carbohydrates (sugars), which represent the main combustible for the body, while in certain situations fats or lipids are burnt as well. Therefore, in order to keep healthy and carry out their function – that is, provide energy to the body – the cells must be constantly supplied with enough oxygen. Is there enough oxygen

L’Accademia del Fitness in our blood flux? If not, what happens to our cells and vital organs when they do not receive enough oxygen? Scientists and researchers have been trying to answer these fundamental questions for years. Let us see some of the conclusions they have reached. THE BLOOD FLUX or THE RIVER OF LIFE The human blood is basically composed of plasma, white and red blood cells. If put on a test tube together with an anticoagulant substance, the blood forms three layers, related to the three cell types: the red blood cells, which outnumber the others, are placed at the bottom; the white blood cells (composed of lymphocytes, monoliths, basophils, eosinophils and neurophils) and the platelets form together a white thin line in the middle, on the layer above the red blood cells, while above them the plasma, aqueous and yellowish, parts. The plasma is the real ‘river’ which carries all the various blood components through the wonderful circulatory system. Among the various components, in this river we also find dissolved oxygen (up to 5% of the total). Unlike fish, which live thanks to the oxygen dissolved in plasma, the human body needs more oxygen than plasma can give. Hence, the great importance of red blood cells, which carry huge amounts of oxygen to the tissues. In normal conditions, 70 to 75% of the oxygen which has started its journey in the red blood cells completes its journey back to the lungs. In this way, 25 to 30% of oxygen is consumed by normal cell metabolism. However, if the body undergoes an effort, stress or any prolonged physical activity, this ‘reserve’ can decrease to 20/25%. If the amount of oxygen dissolved in the plasma can be increased, more oxygen will get to the cells, thus becoming part of the oxygen ‘reserve’. The red blood cells carry the oxygen from the plasma to capillaries, where it is released into the plasma again, ready to be used by the cells for metabolism.

the blood guarantee that water is kept in the blood flux, so that no liquid in excess filters around the cell walls. If the blood proteins leak out of the blood flux and come forward among the intercellular spaces, our lymphatic system must immediately eliminate these proteins from the spaces. Actually, the proteins in this anomalous condition take away sodium and water from the blood flux. This inverse transfer causes a lack of balance of the sodiumpotassium pump in the membrane covering the cells, it changes the ‘dry’ state of the cells, it inflames them and reduces their capacity to produce energy. When this occurs, the presence of excess water among the cells takes oxygen away from the blood. This reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the cells through the blood. From the proteins we eat we obtain amino acids. Thanks to these amino acids the body produces its own proteins, above all the blood ones (albumin, globulin and fibrinogen). Until doctor Guyton’s discovery, it was believed the blood proteins were too big to pass from the membranes of the capillaries to the cellular spaces. Yet, Guyton demonstrated that this assumption was wrong. In fact, he wrote: “It is really essential to stress the importance of this function of the lymphatic system, since it is only through the lymphatic system that the proteins in excess (which go from blood capillaries to the spaces surrounding the cells) can go back to the circulatory system”. The fluids of the lymphatic system flow along the legs up to the large thoracic duct, where they flow into the subclavicular vein placed at the base of the neck. Now the fluids go back to the blood with the proteins they have ‘captured’ to rebalance the system. Doctor Guyton demonstrated that the lymphatic vessels are provided with one-way valves which make the liquids flow in one direction only. Each minute every day about three-quarters of the blood flows through the capillaries (it is more or less equivalent to 1445,000 litres of blood pumped through the capillaries every day!). In sixty seconds the heart beats eighty times and spreads (pumps) the water through the tiny pores of the capillaries. Experts estimate that the pressure is so high and the pumping so fast, that the distance covered by water is microscopic. In less than one second, the flux of water must rapidly exchange the nutrients, the minerals and the oxygen with toxins and waste products before the blood proteins push the water into the blood again (2). For this reason it is important for the cells to be in a ‘dry’ state. In order to carry out this exchange, the cells must be as close as possible to each other and to the capillaries as well.

Oxygen is one of the five elements at the basis of life. It is colourless, tasteless and odourless.

The lack of oxygen is the cause of almost all the chronic diseases In his book The Textbook of Medical Physiology, Professor Arthur C. Guyton makes a surprising statement when he writes: “... all the chronic pain, suffering and diseases are caused by lack of oxygen at cellular level”. (1) In his study, doctor Guyton has found out that, in order to get oxygen from the blood flux, the cells must be in a state that he defines as ‘dry’. Upon this state “there is no liquid in excess around the cells”, that is, there is only enough liquid to cover the spaces surrounding the cell”. Doctor Guyton, as well as other doctors, was convinced that as long as the liquid surrounding the cells contained the right amount of water, the right proportion of minerals and it did not contain toxic waste, the cells would live, work and grow healthily. Doctor Guyton’s studies demonstrated that the proteins inside


Prof. Mauro Miceli Associate Professor Of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences Biomedical Centre University Of Florence U.F. Chemistry Of Food Lab Public Health - Florence

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L’Accademia del Fitness


When we speak of sport performance or of integration to optimize it, we often neglect a very important factor: the tone of our mood! A mild form of depression or a state of anxiety does not only mean we feel less like training; it also accounts for an altered hormonal profile which negatively conditions body composition and training. There is a direct correlation between energizing steroid hormones such as cortisol, testosterone, dhea and psycho-physical wellbeing. We must remember that steroid hormones, in particular cortisol, are released to help us come to terms with stressful situations and, when these are particularly difficult to deal with, the result is adrenal exhaustion, which leads to a state of chronic tiredness and depression. This explains why we should have respect for our suprarenal glands and save our cortisol. Let us keep in mind that the ca-


pacity to release cortisol can be fundamental for our survival in situations of “swim or sink”. However, too often we end up wasting our cortisol by sulking in negative situations or by letting stressful events overwhelm us. A wise athlete should instead save cortisol to improve his/her performance and mood. Yet, if we are going through a period in which our suprarenal glands are under pressure, it would be advisable to adopt all those measures which can foster their function. First of all find a sleep-wake balance (serotonin-melatonincortisol) which facilitates the physiological release of steroid hormones in the morning. To accomplish this aim the integration of myo inositol can be useful as it activates serotonin receptors, Vitamin b6 (enzy-

L’Accademia del Fitness matic cofactor of 5htp-serotonine transformation) and above all Griffonia Simplicifolia, a medical plant whose seeds provide 5-hydroxyhyptophan (5-HTP), the endogenous precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter which plays a fundamental role in the regulation of the tone of our mood. The cerebral tissue of depressed subjects contains reduced quantities of serotonin; on the contrary, increased serotonin levels in SNC correspond to an improvement in mood tone. The efficacy of the integration of 5-hydroxytryptophan in our diet as a regulator of mood tone is due to its conversion into serotonin of which it represents a clinically valid precursor. Ever since the early 70’s at least 15 studies have been published showing the clinical validity of 5-hydroxytryptophan on about 60% of the patients treated on a total of over 500 patients affected by different forms of depression. The effects of the treatment, already evident after the first week, were accompanied by high tolerability. More recent studies, carried out on a daily 5-HTP intake between 50 and 300 mg, confirmed its capacity to significantly reduce mild forms of depression in a period of a couple of weeks. It is interesting to underline that, according to most of the clinical studies published in literature, 5-HTP integration reports a significantly rapid response and its effect can be seen already after 1-2 weeks of treatment. In all the studies examined it appears that 5-HTP is above all effective on depression associated with anxiety and in patients affected by mild endogenous depression. Thanks to its capacity to increase endogenous serotonin levels, 5-HTP is also used in the treatment of sleep disorders which are actually frequently associated with alterations of mood tone. The use of 5-hydroxytryptophan has proven to be effective in sleep quality improvement, regulating the duration of REM phase. Therefore, besides improving one’s mood tone, serotonin physiologically transforms into melatonin thus improving the sleep quality without producing the typical rebound effects. The result of this process is the regulation of the sleep-wake rhythm with an improved release of steroid hormones in the morning. Doctor Giovanni Occhionero


Let us keep in mind that the capacity to release cortisol can be fundamental for our survival in situations of “swim or sink”. However, too often we end up wasting our cortisol by sulking in negative situations or by letting stressful events overwhelm us.

L’Accademia del Fitness


AND EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX ACID-BASE BALANCE SECOND PART In the first part of my article, on the relationship between acidbase balance of extracellular matrix and health management (and/or disease management), I referred to how important the consequences of this issue are for athletes. I would like to go into the matter more in depth here. First of all, I would like to make a linguistic distinction: many people feel they are “athletes” simply because they often talk about sport or because they practise some form of physical exercise for an hour or so a week. By “athletes”, instead, I mean people who not only understand the fundamental role of physical activity on physical and psychological health, but who also dedicate themselves daily and with assiduity to a sport, as professionals or not. Obviously, ludic activities are not the same as competitive sport. In the first case sport is not practised competitively, but


in terms of healthy activities; the second case demands intense psychophysical effort and the need to make precise choices also concerning one’s diet and food integration. Being myself a bicycle racing athlete, I am often taken by surprise when I see a very widespread behaviour in amateur cycling: when practising competitive sports, above all amateurs do not realize that, when they are submitting their body to more or less demanding efforts, they cannot avoid taking into account the issue of the best diet to follow and of choosing the right food integrators which can give them the extra help their body needs. While the concept of muscle training as a means to improve one’s performance is given for granted, this is not so as far as food integration and a proper diet are concerned. Among athletes, professionals and amateurs alike, a healthy diet and the right food integration are not seriously taken into consideration and, even when people are convinced that they should do so - in fact they seek the help of doctors and/or dietitians - serious mistakes are made all the same. This ends up limiting muscular and the overall athletic performance. One of the most frequent mistakes, which is avoided only in the field of body-building and weightlifting, concerns low protein supply which is necessary when the muscular mass is submitted to an intense activity. This mistake progressively stiffens one’s metabolism catabolically and represents a drawback for an athlete who wants to achieve the best results.

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L’Accademia del Fitness We Italians run the risk of making this mistake more than others, as we feel we are the repositories of the so-called “Mediterranean diet” which, however, superficial campaigns have reduced to “pasta, bread, pizza, some vegetables, legumes and extra-virgin olive oil”. The result is an unbalanced diet, a disproportion of carbohydrates compared with other elements (proteins and lipids) generating hyperinsulinism, which as we know is perhaps one of the most harmful mistakes against our health. Moreover, as we know from the acid-base view of health, cereals (from which bread, pasta and pizza derive) are acidifiers and are therefore carriers of a myriad possible harmful effects on our health which are listed in detail in my book “Vivere alcalini, vivere felici”. A widespread false myth is that carbohydrates = energy and therefore a great amount of carbohydrates = a great amount of energy. The physiopathological information provided by the acid-base diet especially disowns the second of the above theories: a great amount of carbohydrates does not increase the athlete’s energy at all; on the contrary there is less energy and tiredness begins when the extracellular matrix leads to chronic acidosis. Moreover, this chronic acidosis stiffens the muscles and relative tendons, ligaments and connective bands predisposing the athlete to straining and tendonmuscular and ligament fractures. Let us consider, for instance, how often the players in our national Italian football team and in our clubs suffer from muscular-skeletal sprains, fractures and tendonitis (I think the suffix – itis is overused: it is linked to inflammation, which

hardly ever occurs. In fact, inflammation is characterised by its typical signs, that is, tumefaction, reddening, heat, pain, altered functionality ….those who have experience of this kind of problems in athletes are aware that in the overused diagnosis of “tendonitis”, for example, there is no sign of reddening and heat which are typical of inflammation. Instead, it is a matter of tendinopathy determined by acidosis, a clinical problem of which we still know too little). Football players are given too much pasta, bread, jam, jam pies, maltodextrins etc. As a result, their muscles acidify and the consequences are clearly visible (fatigue, cramps and tendon-muscular fractures). Muscles which are too rigid, prone to cramps and sprains, fragile tendons and ligaments should not be an athlete’s inevitable disorders, but are due to training mistakes as well as to the wrong diet and food integration. Due to the above mentioned reasons, modern Sports Medicine and awareness in sports activity cannot disregard the acid-base balance of the extracellular matrix.

A widespread false myth is that carbohydrates = energy and therefore a great amount of carbohydrates = a great amount of energy.


Doctor Andrea Grieco Neurologist, Nephrologist, Psychotherapist Specialized in Natural Medicine Author of the book “Vivere alcalini, vivere felici” Useful sites to contact the author: info@andreagrieco.it www.naturvis.com www.saluteviva.it Doctor Grieco’s book can be purchased on: www.naturvis.com

number 11 / 2013


















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L’Accademia del Fitness

STEVIA REBAUDIANA Our modern life style and diet habits are reflected in today’s growing phenomenon of overweight and obesity. The accumulation of body fat and its consequent weight increase are followed by an imbalance between calorie intake and energy consumption, but also by modifications in hormonal profile, concerning above all sugar metabolism (insulin in this case is the most involved hormone). The increase of adipose tissue seems to be associated with persistent low intensity inflammation which is the consequence of an excessive ingestion of fats and/or simple sugars. This determines insulin resistance and facilitates fat mass accumulation. Obesity is a risk factor for cardiovascular pathologies, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, ictus, certain types of cancer, muscular-skeleton disorders and chronic respiratory diseases which worsen the quality of life. On the contrary, the efficacy of a healthy diet in the reduction of risk factors and the prevention of pathologies associated to diets or the ability to reduce the possibility of recurring in particular of cardiovascular diseases have been widely demonstrated. A 5-10% body weight loss in obese subjects can reduce many health risks, as it improves lipid and lipoprotein profile, hypertension, diabetes and insulin resistance, it reduces osteoarthri-


tis risks and relative symptoms, certain types of cancer and other risk factors involved in the development of chronic diseases. Weight loss can be fostered by the adoption of certain measures such as for instance substituting (in coffee, tea, drinks etc.) sugar with low calorie sweeteners (better if of natural origin): this is a simple but effective habit. Also the introduction or the increase of physical exercise is necessary to improve one’s life style. Recently, as a result of the positive European evaluation concerning the safety of steviol glycosides, extracted from the leaves of Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni, and its subsequent authorization to be used as a sweetener in EU, a new sweetener which is an effective natural alternative to sugar and other sweeteners is available in Italy. Stevia was first discovered by the indigenous populations who used its leaves to sweeten their drinks. The consumption of Stevia spread throughout South America, including Argentina and Brazil in the 19th century. Its utilization besides South America started when the botanist M.S. Bretoni “discovered” it in 1887. In 1931 two French chemists M. Brideled and R. Lavielle, isolated the main components that give Stevia its agreeable flavour: steviol glycosides.

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L’Accademia del Fitness Already utilized for their medical as well as sweetening properties, many of the components of Stevia were gradually studied in the following years both to eliminate any doubts concerning their safety and to study all their possible positive applications. Since 1970 Japanese researchers have carried out studies on Stevia underlining the absolute safety of its utilization. Also international food safety institutions such as the joint FAO and OMS Commission of international experts (respectively the UN Food and Agricultural Organization and World Health Organization) on food additives (JEFCA), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and also national food safety agencies have created a “panel” on the safety of the consumption of Stevia and its components. Recently, EFSA has elaborated a “Scientific Opinion on the safety of steviolglycosides for the proposed uses as a food additive” in which the daily intake of 4mg/kg of steviol glycosides (expressed in stevioliequivalent) is considered safe. Steviol glycosides are intense sweeteners extracted from the leaves of the plant called Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni). The sweetening power of substances such as steviosides and rebaudiosides is from 40 to 300 times greater than sucrose. Toxicological tests have underlined that these substances are neither genotoxic nor cancerogenic nor have harmful effects on the human reproductive system or of developing children. Owing to the high sweetening power of the most commonly used glycosides, an almost impalpable quantity is necessary to sweeten compared with sucrose. Effects of Stevia on blood glucose levels in subjects with diabetes Purified Stevia in doses up to 1000mg has no immediate effect on blood glucose or on insulin levels in subjects with diabetes. A study concerning this matter showed that there was no difference in the undesired effects between subjects taking Stevia and subjects taking a placebo.

for 4 weeks underlined that a regular use of purified extract from Stevia leaves does not have any effect on blood pressure or on the health of healthy adult subjects. No difference was in fact found between the side effects of both groups of subjects. A study with the aim of evaluating the tolerability of 1500 mg of stevioside (three daily 500 mg doses) found that the utilization of stevioside for 2 months was associated with a respectively 6.7% systolic and a 6.4% diastolic pressure decrease without besides tolerability side effects. Moreover, this study showed that the Stevia group presented a reduced amount of left ventricular hypertrophy with a value of 11.5% for the Stevia group compared with the 34.0% of the placebo group. In hypertension subjects, the intake of 250mg of stevioside three times a day (total 750 mg) determined a blood pressure decrease (8.1% systolic and 13.8% diastolic) compared with the placebo group after three months and it was maintained for the following nine months. Interestingly the subjects with regular blood pressure did not show pressure variations.

Stevia was first discovered by the indigenous populations who used its leaves to sweeten their drinks. The consumption of Stevia spread throughout South America, including Argentina and Brazil in the 19th century.

Effects of the sweetener in subjects with type 2 diabetes A blind randomized study underlined that the regular use of the extract of the leaves of Stevia has no effect on blood glucose, on insulin on glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), on blood lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) of subjects affected by type 2 diabetes. By following 122 subjects who were taking a daily dose of 1000 mg of extract from Stevia leaves or a placebo for 4 months, the researchers did not find any difference in the undesired effects in the two groups of subjects. Effects of Stevia in non diabetic adult subjects. A study carried out on 100 healthy adult subjects who were taking a daily dose of 1000 mg of Stevia leaves extract or a placebo


Effects of stevia on reproduction health and development Many studies on reproduction toxicity and on the development of newborns of various animal species have shown there are no reproductive health problems also for the following generations of these animals even when taking large doses. Moreover, there was evidence that pure steviol glycosides (both stevioside and rebaudioside A) have a metabolic profile and a pharmacokinetics which is similar in humans and rats therefore a report submitted to FDA underlines that the utilization of stevia does not present health risks to human reproduction and therefore it can be taken also during pregnancy. Allergizing/toxic effects of Stevia extracts According to a report submitted to FDA no doubts appeared on the possible allergizing or toxic effects of the products of degradation or of the glycosides contained in the product. According to all the available data it was concluded that there was no scientific evidence of possible toxic or allergizing effects of steviol glycosides. Doctor Massimo Spattini Specialized in Sports Medicine Specialized in Food Science Board Certificate in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM – USA)

L’Accademia del Fitness



The choice of a vegetarian or vegan diet can be determined both by ethical and health values. We do not wish to linger on ethical issues here. However, we would like to underline that, by consuming meat, we introduce into our body substances which are to a high degree toxic and have to be metabolized by us by employing energy and “consuming” enzymes and oligoelements. Some of these substances are: malonic aldehyde (which is cancerogenic and results from meat cooking), acrolein (which is toxic for the liver and derives from fat cooking), adrenalin (produced by the stress of killing), cadaverine (coming from lysine), ethyl methyl mercaptans (deriving from cystine and methionine), putrescine-agmatine-thyroxine phenol (deriving from meat and fish cooking), benzopyrene, nitrosamines, free radicals, purines and other compounds which our body needs to eliminate and, if consumed in great quantities, can accumulate determining harmful effects. The term organic is fundamental in the vegetarian diet. By organic we mean foods which do not contain polluting chemical substances, but the limits allowed by law always refer to a single substance and do not take into account that there may be many of them also present together in the same food. Moreover, what is not considered is the accumulation dose effect and the interaction that these chemical substances can have in our body. These substances are called xenobiotic and concern wide categories: phytodrugs, veterinary drugs residues, additives, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), dioxins, polychlorobiphenyl compounds and heavy metals such as for instance lead, mercury and cadmium. In the rediscovery of a vegetarian or vegan diet we may find all that our body needs but we must also underline that our diet should supply all the essential amino


acids and enough amino acid nitrogen in order to synthesize the non essential ones. In fact, a low amount or the lack of an essential amino acid acts as a limiting factor in endogenous protein synthesis. Some foods are characterised by “absolute” or “relative” lack of essential amino acids. In such case we refer to incomplete proteins, generally present in foods of vegetable origin. An essential amino acid which is present in a lower concentration than we need is defined as limiting. Cereal proteins, for instance, have a “relative” lack of some amino acids such as lysine or tryptophan. Legumes, vegetable food very rich in proteins, contain a good amount of lysine but are poor in methionine. A good integration of cereals and legumes represents a well balanced protein complex which can cover our need of essential amino acids. In this case we refer to mutual integration (or protein complementarity) as we have in the traditional combination of cereals and legumes. The lack of an essential amino acid impedes other amino acids being used in protein synthesis only when its “supply” in blood amino acid pool is completely exhausted. It is advisable to avoid the association of proteins of different origin in order to optimise digestion and protein absorption. It is fundamental to follow a very varied diet which makes use of all cereal types and their assimilates. Oats: a cereal rich in protein and fats, iron, potassium and calcium, a good remineralizer; Emmer: a forebear of bread wheat (monococcus, dicoccus and spelt) Wheat: the most widely grown and consumed in Italy. It belongs to the Triticum family which is divided into Triticum Durum (durum wheat) and Triticum Aestivum (bread wheat);

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QUANDO E’ DIFFICILE PERDERE PESO, SPESSO E’ COLPA DEGLI ORMONI Fai attività fisica regolare, hai eliminato grassi e dolci e cerchi di seguire un’alimentazione sana? Eppure, i rotolini sulla pancia e la cellulite sui fianchi non se ne vanno? La colpa potrebbe essere di alcuni ormoni. La parola ormone deriva dal verbo greco “ormao”, che significa mettere in movimento, questa definizione rispecchia molto bene il ruolo di questi “messaggeri“ chimici, che inviano segnali da una cellula all’altra. Sono gli ormoni a regolare l’appetito, il senso di sazietà, la velocità con cui bruciamo energie. Natrix è il laboratorio di analisi ideale per valutare il livello degli ormoni che possono crearci difficoltà nel perdere peso.

PROFILI ORMONALI NATRIX PROFILO DIMAGRIMENTO: permette di determinare il nostro metabolismo, è consigliato quando si inizia, in maniera consapevole, un percorso alimentare finalizzato al dimagrimento. PROFILO STRESS: determina i livelli bioattivi di cortisolo e DHEA. Il livello di cortisolo tende ad aumentare con il passare degli anni o in seguito a stress severo e prolungato. Il livello del DHEA, al contrario, diminuisce progressivamente con l’età e l’aumento dello stress. PROFILO SPORT: permette di valutare l’impatto dell’attività sportiva sull’organismo. Il test è consigliato per perfezionare la performance sportiva ed evitare l’over-training. PROFILO DONNA FERTILE: permette di conoscere i livelli di progesterone ed estradiolo in tre diversi momenti del ciclo. Rappresenta

un utile strumento per comprendere eventuali squilibri ormonali. PROFILO DONNA MENOPAUSA: è utile per il controllo dello stato ormonale della donna nel periodo che precede la menopausa e durante la menopausa. Fornisce importanti informazioni sulla necessità di una terapia ormonale. PROFILO UOMO: permette di verificare l’efficienza ormonale e sessuale maschile in età fertile e in andropausa. Il test determina il cortisolo e il DHEA. PROFILO BUONANOTTE: permette di conoscere la concentrazione serale di melatonina, fondamentale neurormone che regola il ciclo sonno-veglia. Il test è consigliato in periodi di elevato stress psico-fisico, durante l’invecchiamento, in menopausa. Utile anche nei bambini che hanno difficoltà a dormire nelle ore notturne. Natrix Lab: il laboratorio certificato (UNIENI-ISO 9001: 2000) di riferimento per le tue analisi personalizzate: • • • • • • • •


Tutte le analisi sono eseguibili anche tramite un semplicissimo prelievo capillare e salivare.


L’Accademia del Fitness Bulgur: crushed integral durum wheat, partially boiled and then dried, it is delicious in salads and cooked vegetables; Couscous: semolina of precooked durum wheat, it is highly digestible, suitable in the diets of children, elderly and convalescent people; Buckwheat: gluten free and very energizing; Kamut: a forebear of wheat, more easily digestible, richer in fats and proteins and well tolerated by subjects who are intolerant to wheat; Corn: gluten-free; Millet: gluten-free, rich in minerals, vitamin A, phosphorus, magnesium and iron; Barley: nutritious, slightly laxative and very digestible; Brown rice: gluten-free, very energizing; Rye: slightly laxative; Quinoa: gluten-free, a good source of phosphorus, potassium and manganese; Amaranth: gluten-free, rich in proteins up to 16%, and also a good source of fibres (up to 15%). Wheat derivatives: Fu: wheat gluten, rich in proteins; Seitan: durum wheat gluten, cooked in water, tamari and kombu, an excellent source of proteins, mineral salts and oligoelements. Legumes: Beans (besides proteins, they contain phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium and zinc, vit. B2,B3,B6) peas (rich in potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, group C and B vit.), fava beans (rich in vitamin A, B1, B2, C, E), lentils (with antioxidant action, they contain iron - above all the red type), chickpeas (very useful as intestinal regulators, they contribute to lowering cholesterol and glucose levels) Soy: rich in proteins, mineral salts, vitamins and fats, cholesterol-free. Soy derivatives: Tempeh: a product which is obtained from slightly cooked yellow soy beans inoculated with a bacterium and left to ferment at a low temperature for 24 hours. It is rich in proteins and poor in fats. Tofu: yellow soybean, neutral tasting food, it is highly digestible, therefore appropriate in the diets of children, elderly people and of subjects who have digestion problems. It is rich in proteins, calcium and phosphorus, it is low in calories and cholesterol-free. It is advisable to introduce a wide variety of fresh seasonal vegetables in every meal. The properties of vegetables have various positive effects on our health. For example those provided by anthocyanins, polyaromatic polyhydroxy compounds which can react with oxidants such as molecular oxygen and free radicals, thus reducing the damage these molecules can cause to our cells and tissues. Thanks to their antioxidant and antiradical action, these pigments seem to have a protective function against capillary fragility and also against various aging processes or cellular modifications determined by oxygen, such as anti-inflammatory processes and carcinogenic modifications. A very interesting aspect is represented by the introduction


of seaweed in our diet. Seaweed has many nutritional properties, it is rich in mineral salts such as iron, magnesium, iodine, potassium and vitamin A, B, C, E, K; all these elements are ten times more present than in vegetables. Due to its high amount of iodine, seaweed is not recommended to subjects affected by hyperthyroidism. Seaweed has the effect of dissolving mucus and fat deposits together with alkalising and purifying effects of the blood and of the body in general, they facilitate the elimination of toxic substances. The most common types of seaweed are: Agar agar: rich in mineral salts, vitamin A, B1, C, D, K, it can be found in powder, flakes and bars and is excellent in the preparation of sweet and savoury gelatines, it is low in calories and therefore suitable in diets. Arame: eisenia bicyclis, it is rich in iron and calcium, useful in cases of high blood pressure, it is excellent in dressings, sauces, soups, salads; Dulse: rhodymenia palmata, of a dark red colour, it is very rich in iron and sodium, it is delicious both grilled or cooked in water, eaten alone or in soups, dressings or with vegetables; Hiziki: it has a fusiform shape, it is rich in calcium, iron, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, vitamin A, B1, B2 and niacin (vitamin PP), it is excellent in soups, salads, dressings, sauces; Kelp: laminaria sinclairii: dried, toasted and pulverized green seaweed belonging to the variety of Atlantic kombu; Kombu: brownish, laminated, it is rich in mineral salts and vitamins, it is excellent in dressings, soups, broths, cooked with legumes and other vegetables; Nori: porphyria, tender, dried seaweed compressed in rectangular sheets, rich in vitamin A, calcium, iron, iodine and a 35% percentage of proteins; Wakame: undaria pinnatifida, it contains high amounts of vitamin C, calcium, thiamine niacin. All the necessary elements must be distributed during the day with all the variations depending on personal “needs” and “conditions”: they do not always have to be contained in the same meal. It is important to underline that a balanced diet has effects on our intestinal activity which can be easily regularised. It would be interesting to analyse how the aspect of the faeces might contribute to make us understand whether our intestinal condition is healthy. In ancient times cooking traditions were handed down from one generation of mothers to their daughters who watched them in their activities in the kitchen, but this habit has slowly disappeared. Therefore, we need to go back to learning how to remain healthy by attending proper courses based on the seasonal combination of foods and how to cook them. Doctor Patrizia Ziveri Degree in Agricultural Sciences Teacher of Natural Nutrition at Università Popolare in Parma http://www.biocookingbook.it/ http://biocookingbook.blogspot.it/

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L’Accademia del Fitness



By Osteoporosis we intend that condition in which the skeleton loses bone mass and resistance due to nutritional, metabolic or pathological factors. The skeleton is therefore subject to a greater risk of pathological fractures due to this mass reduction and to the microarchitecture modifications of the bones. Motor activity in the prevention of osteoporosis In order to improve bone mineralization and structure it is necessary to create a dynamic mechanic stimulation. Recent studies recognize that the best stimulation is represented by muscular strength transmitted by tendons to bone tissue during contraction (natural load isotonic exercises or with light weights, plyometric action exercises of elastic resistance involving intense articular movements such as high jumping, or leaping exercises). In order to keep the bone “healthy”, a motor activity schedule must be carefully planned and the following six main principles must be respected: 1) Specificity: it would be recommendable to train the speTitolo del volume cific skeleton parts involved, since bone adaptation to mecognome / nome chanical stimulation is mainly local. Bone matrix deposition indirizzo is greater in relation to the intersection jointcap of the muscle pagheròin euro under strain. More specifically: strengthen femur proximal portion and perform exercises involving the hip (press, squat, step, walking); strengthen lumbar vertebrae and







perform rachis extension exercises; strengthen wrist with exercises involving the upper limbs. Strengthen hip with exercises involving glutei for the great trochanter and perform exercises involving iliopsoas for the small trochanter; perform exercises involving hip abductors and extensors for Ward’s triangle of femoral neck. Overload: positive effects of bone matrix are achieved if mechanical loading is progressively increased. However, it must be greater than a minimum efficient threshold. We must consider that overstimulation with inappropriate loading produces bones with lower structural and biomechanical resistance. Prevention: greater bone mass development is observed in subjects who start physical exercise as pre-adolescents as they have a smaller bone mass and this prevents bone fracture when they are older. Mechanical stimulations are more osteogenic in youth rather than in maturity. Mechanical stimulation: when approaching achievement of maximum bone density, greater physical exercise is necessary in order to increase it further. Reversibility: The positive osteogenic effect connected to physicaltelefono exercise is eliminated if physical activity is suso mail al postino al ritiro del pacco. Firma pended. Personalization: the type of physical exercise and the modality in which it is performed (intensity, duration and ses-



number 11 / 2013



Pagina 1

PRONTO INTERVENTO MAMMA 1/disturbi e cure del bambino


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L’Accademia del Fitness sion frequency) must be decided with the collaboration of medical staff in order to achieve the best results to prevent osteoporosis. In order to achieve positive effects on the osteoarticular system the following rules and advice should be followed: • exercises with greater intensity than standard stimulation since physical activity acts on bone mass through vasal effect; increase muscle activity in a certain part of the body with a vasodilation increase which determines a positive periosteal and haematic bone flux variation with positive effects on the local metabolism. In order to become osteogenic, mechanical stimulation must exceed a certain tension strength which is genetically predetermined. • The osteogenic response (bone mineralization) is proportional to the mechanical stimulation frequency. The stimulation threshold for bone structure maintenance is given by the product of exercise frequency and its intensity. The bone can be “maintained” both through less frequent high intensity stimulations and through more frequent but minor intensity stimulations. • The bone’s adjusting response is greater when 2 short daily sessions are followed. Actually, the bone requires an interval of at least 6-8 hours rest to respond more effectively to a dynamic load exceeding the threshold. • The bone’s adjusting response depends on a certain load modality; the loads must vary in orientation and intensity compared with the ones that normally act on the bone. • Modification of life style by means of a healthy diet because the bone’s adaptive response depends on a great supply of energy nutrients. An insufficient amount and excessive metabolic acidosis would have negative hormonal effects with anabolic action on the bone. • The bone’s positive adjusting response to exercise depends on a great supply of macronutrients such as magnesium, calcium and cholecalciferol (vit D) and all those other vitamins indispensable for the bone’s health. This principle is particularly important in Preventive and Functional Medicine as it is a preventive and preservation health measure which lasts in time according to the “antiaging” point of view.

as the particular structure of the bone, its micro and macro architecture, bone turnover and metabolism, as it is a dynamic and not static tissue and there are particular cells which have constant exchange. The bone is a complex structure of dense, mineralized, connective tissue provided with blood, lymphatic and nervous ducts for supply, elimination and information of bone cells. These cells (osteoblasts osteocytes and osteoclasts) allow the continuous process of bone regeneration.

Recent studies recognize that the best stimulation is represented by muscular strength transmitted by tendons to bone tissue during contraction (natural load isotonic exercises or with light weights, plyometric action exercises of elastic resistance involving intense articular movements such as high jumping, or leaping exercises).

Physical exercise and above all the load implied by the exercise have a great impact on bone trophism and on all the articulation apparatus. Bone tissue reacts to quantitative factors such as mass, mineral density, volume and to qualitative factors such


Bone mass growth until it reaches the so-called “bone mass peak” - that is, our individual patrimony of mineral bone content - is a natural process which reaches its peak at the age of 30-35. Genetic factors condition in the degree of 70-80% this process of achieving and preserving bone mass peak; for the remaining 20% other important factors are connected to our life style, a healthy diet rich in calcium and constant physical exercise. The latter in particular represents a fundamental factor in promoting the entity of bone mass peak and also in slowing down loss due to menopause.

Many studies have shown statistically significant relations between physical exercise and a reduced fracture risk due to osteoporosis. Physical activity results to be fundamental in youth, that is, in the period when bone tissue responds actively to stimulations and can determine an increase in bone mineral density (BMD). Among the many sports activities, a motor activity such as weightlifting performed in conditions of gravitational load determines greater positive effects than swimming which, owing to the lower gravitational load that characterizes it, has fewer positive BMD effects even if practised intensely. The skeleton’s response to exercise is greater in that district where mechanical stress is greater (30% greater bone mass in the tennis player’s dominant arm compared with his other arm). Another factor having a positive effect on bone density is represented by exercise repetition. Every physical activity which determines repeated “mechanical stress” on a certain part of the skeleton tends to increase the bone density of that area. Aerobic training which includes continuous movements of two or more articulations is always associated with bone density increase. A sedentary life style is instead considered one of the main risk factors for osteoporosis. A study carried out with particular techniques showed that the weekly bone loss due to immobility amounts to 1%. The absence of gravity power and prolonged immobility determine the lack of mechanical stimulation which is necessary for

number 11 / 2013

PROGRAMMA: ANTROPOMETRIA: misurazioni- plicometria ed impedenziometria BIOCHIMICA ED ENDOCRINOLOGIA DELL’ALIMENTAZIONE ALIMENTAZIONE NELL’ATTIVITA’ FISICA DIETE DEL FITNESS: Gruppi sanguigni - Mediterranea - Metabolica - Paleodieta - Warrior Diet - Dieta Zona DIETA “COM” E DIMAGRIMENTO LOCALIZZATO INTEGRAZIONE ALIMENTARE INTOLLERANZE ED ALLERGIE ALIMENTARI - I PREBIOTICI ALIMENTAZIONE ANTI-AGING PROGRAMMAZIONE NEUROLINGUISTICA: l’aspetto motivazionale Il corso di Educatore Alimentare serve a dare una credibilità ed una competenza maggiore all’operatore di fitness che si trova a relazionare nell’ambito del suo lavoro con persone che cercano di migliorare il loro stato fisico come estetica, benessere, salute, tramite un percorso che prevede un adeguamento dello stile di vita. Se la pratica dell’esercizio fisico corretta è fondamentale in questo percorso altrettanto lo è un corretto approccio alimentare. Questo traguardo è raggiungibile tramite un’adeguata educazione alimentare che può essere impostata appunto da una figura come l’“Educatore Alimentare”, che non deve essere confuso con il “dietista” o il medico specialista in Scienza dell’Alimentazione, il primo preposto alla costruzione di una dieta calcolata e impostata per specifici obiettivi, il secondo unica autorità preposta a prescrivere diete finalizzate alla cura di patologie. Il compito dell’Educatore Alimentare sarà appunto quello di insegnare a scegliere i cibi più indicati nelle corrette proporzioni e modalità di assunzione senza impostare diete specifiche con grammature e percentuali.


Sede: Parma Date 2013: 30 novembre Date 2014: 18 gennaio - 15 febbraio - 15 marzo -19 aprile - maggio: convegno Pianeta Nutrizione (data da definire)


Per il corso “senza frequenza” Verrà fornito il materiale didattico e tutoraggio telefonico o via e-mail.

Data esame: da definire - E’ previsto un esame finale scritto (test a risposte multiple) e orale.

QUOTE: Corso con frequenza: € 560,00 + € 40,00 (quota associativa) Corso senza frequenza: € 460,00 + € 40,00 (quota associativa) Data pagamento: entro il 15-11-2013 L'importo può essere pagato, con una maggiorazione in due rate : Corso con frequenza: - 1a rata entro il 15-11-2013 : € 310,00 + € 40,00 (quota associativa) - 2a rata entro il 28-02-2014 : € 310,00 Corso con frequenza: - 1a rata entro il 15-11-2013 : € 250,00 + € 40,00 (quota associativa) - 2a rata entro il 28-02-2014 : € 250,00

ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta 9/A 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521-1682083 Fax 0521.294971


L’Accademia del Fitness the skeleton’s physiological homeostatic balance. Actually, a study carried out on astronauts showed a BMD reduction on their return to earth. Also muscle contraction seemingly achieves not only the effect of a “pump” on blood vessels, but it also mechanically stimulates the bone on which the muscle tendon is inserted. There are no doubts concerning the direct correlation between body weight and BMD, because both underweight and overweight people are more subject to osteoporosis and problems connected to the osteoarticular system. Moreover, it has been shown that physical exercise determines positive biochemical modifications which favour and increase bone cellular activity. In adolescents and young people exercise has a fundamental importance in the achievement and preservation of bone mass peak but it plays a very important role in the development and preservation of bone tissue throughout our life. In older age physical activity reduces the risk of falling, which is a main cause of femur fracture. Exercise must be considered an essential factor in bone tissue homeostasis and this is demonstrated by the fact that BMD is much higher in athletes than in sedentary people. In this phase of life the main aim of exercise is to increase bone mass. For this aim it is important to perform exercises which strengthen articulation and dorsal muscles, mechanical stress


exercises making use of gravity power, body weight and small and medium weights. Exercise must always be gradual, regular and personalized. Gradual because the maximum intensity, both for workouts and for exercise difficulty, must be reached by means of gradual physical strengthening. Regular, because if it is practised irregularly, it does not determine constant stimulation which can gradually produce positive effects of bone homeostasis. In conclusion, physical training must be personalized because the mechanical stimulation threshold varies in each different subject depending on age, physical ability and load bearing capacity of the skeleton. Many studies have pointed out that the adoption of a physical activity programme can slow down bone tissue loss in women. Physical exercise associated with mean estrogen levels in women between the age of 20 and 30 can be considered a fundamental factor in the reduction of osteoporosis risk in advanced age. During menopause physical exercise reduces bone tissue loss which usually accompanies estrogen level decrease. Alessandro Ronchi Food Educator AFFWA, Personal Trainer ISSA – Training Course “Wellness and life-styles” – Sapienza University - Rome

number 11 / 2013


L’Accademia del Fitness

LEAKY GUT SYNDROME THIRD AND FINAL PART Trophic therapies We will see together how to keep our intestinal barrier efficient, how to support a stressed liver and how to invigorate the intestinal eco system, it being understood that the correction of any nutritional deficits by means of a proper diet and possible integrators is binding. The frequent association to pancreatic deficit often makes the intake of digestive enzymes necessary. NITROGEN SHUTTLE

Picture 1 Glutamine Glutamine is the most important system of transport for nitrogen in our body. It carries more than one third of all the nitrogen deriving from the amino acid metabolism. It is the result of the synthesis between glutamic acid and ammonia. This is why it is essential within detoxification processes (at hepatic level through the synthesis of urea which allows the removal of ammonia, highly toxic above all for the CNS) and to control the acid-base balance (through the kidney with the use of NH3 ammonia present in glutamine and its transformation into NH4 ammonium ion, then expelled through urine. This


mechanism catches and expels H+ hydrogen ions, reducing acidity). It is an irreplaceable nourishment for enterocytes and it is responsible for the integrity of the small intestine and of the gastric and intestinal mucosa in general, since it stimulates the synthesis of secretory IgA. This non-essential amino acid as a source of carbon and nitrogen plays a fundamental role in the synthesis of macromolecules as well as in the processes of cellular renewal and reparation, essential to prevent wall inflammation and the subsequent penetration of pathogen agents, food intolerance etc. It can go through the hemato-encephalic barrier, where it turns into glutamic acid, a source of energy for brain cells. It is the most abundant amino acid in the human skeletal muscle, where it is normally accumulated. In case of inflammation it goes back to the liver, causing asthenia and muscular pain. In chronic inflammation the myalgic component based on amino acid deficiency is more than merely correlated to inflammatory cytokines. Also muscular stress (for example post-surgical catabolic stress) and intense physical exercise can cause its lack. In these cases the therapeutic goal includes the supplementation of glutamine, omega three and arginine at the same time, in order to mitigate the immunodepression following surgical stress and to favour recovery. Distress caused by the overproduction of glucorticoids can determine the transfer of a large amount of glutamine from muscular deposits, too. In case of stress prolonged in time with hyper-activation of the neurovegetative system, the release of

number 11 / 2013

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L’Accademia del Fitness glutamine from the muscles is “under-regulated” due to deficiency, therefore the immune system is depressed both because of hypercortisolism and because of the lack of the amino acid. Supplementation through integrators (500-1000 mg/day) has positive effects not only on the leaky gut but also on the general energetic state and on immunity, which is essential for the multiplication of the cells in the immune system and as primary energetic source for lymphocytes, among which ϒδ lymphocytes and macrophages. GLUTATHIONE (GSH) and N-ACETYLCYSTEINE (essential for the formation of glutathione and to avoid EMT) fundamental antioxidant which can be lacking at hepatic level in the leaky gut syndrome. BOVINE COLOSTRUM: it contains immunoglobulins and EGF growth factors (epithelial growth), FGF (fibroblast growth), IGF1 and IGF2 (insulin-like), TGF A and B (transformation). Among these, EGF is particularly useful to treat intestinal hyperpermeability. EGF is a polypeptide which stimulates the growth and reparation of the epithelial tissue. It has been demonstrated that purified EGF can treat ulcer in the small intestine. It is widely distributed in the body. Saliva can be a rich source of EGF. So, accurate chewing of food could nourish the intestine, being a source of salivary EGF. Colostrum is not recommended in case of allergy to milk or in case of neoplasia (the concentration of IGF-1 is correlated to the risk of some carcinomas). POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS: above all GLA, which are the substrata for the synthesis of prostaglandins E which reduce permeability. GAMMA ORYZANOL: contained in rice oil, it has been widely studied in Japan for its effects in treating gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as for its antioxidant action. BUTYRIC ACID: short-chain fatty acids have the capacity to protect against the proliferation of anomalous cells in the colon. Butyric acid is present in ghee (clarified butter used in Indian cuisine) and in seasoned cheese. ENTEROABSORBING THERAPY: The benefits depend on the capacity to regulate optimal functioning of the intestinal barrier on part of these formulations. Intestinal detoxification through natural enteroabsorbants is very old. In particular, green clay has natural absorbing and cicatrizing properties. It absorbs intestinal gas and liquids, it catches toxins and pathogenic bacteria. Thanks to its richness in oligoelements (silicium, magnesium, iron, cobalt, manganese, potassium, calcium) it activates the regenerative processes of the mucosa. Moreover, it improves the digestive function, avoiding fermentation which gives rise to swelling and abdominal algia. PREBIOTIC FIBRES: Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin are soluble fibres which stimulate the growth of the protective intestinal flora. They produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), in particular butyric acid, so they guarantee nourishment to colonocytes and the integrity of the colon mucosa, and they acidify the intestinal pH. In recent years, the ability of fructo-oligosaccharides and inulin in promoting the proliferation of bifidobacteria in the colon has been widely studied and scientifically docu-


mented. As a result, the role of these carbohydrates as prebiotic has been more and more emphasised. They are naturally present in some food or they can be added as ingredients in the formulation of functional food. Moreover, as far as nutrition is concerned, FOS and inulin present numerous beneficial effects such as the capacity to reduce the level of lipids and cholesterol in blood, and to favour calcium absorption. It is possible to find FOS naturally in some vegetables, such as beet (after pulp processing), soy (in the peel), psyllium (cereal whose filaments are used), chicory (after hydrolysis). They can also be used in their more effective purified form. Recently, inulin has been used as substitute for macro-nutrients, in particular as fat-replacer in dairy products, bakery and spreadable products, in addition to nutritional properties. TURMERIC: Turmeric is a yellow-orange spice, the basic ingredient in many types of curry, commonly used in Indian cuisine, Southern Asia and the Middle East. It also boasts a ‘medical past’, since it has been used for 2,500 years as medicinal compound in Ayurvedic medicine in India. Curcumin inhibits the synthesis of inflammation mediators which cause intestinal inflammation. Moreover, it can increase the levels of a protein which is able to stimulate the immune system. The protein is CAMP, cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide, already known in the fight of the body against various pathogenic agents and known above all because it was identified as favoured by vitamin D intake. Curcumin seems not to have its effects, but it certainly increases by three times the physiological levels of CAMP, which implies new therapeutic perspectives, perhaps in combination with vitamin D, for the correct functioning of the immune system.

Picture 2 Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG newswise.com PROBIOTICS: A good balance between fermentation and putrefaction flora in the intestine is fundamental for the good functioning of digestion and for proper immunity. By covering the walls of the intestine, fermentation flora forms a protective barrier and favours the growth of saprophyte bacteria, preventing at the same time the growth of pathogenic bacteria. An adequate fermentation flora is opposed to the uncontrolled development of putrefaction flora which, if in excess, can be irritating for the colon and toxic for the liver, since it produces nitrosa-

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mines. Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are fundamental components of the fermentation bacterial flora. Both bifidobacteria and lactobacilli have a “ligand-receptor” mechanism of binding to the mucosa aiming at keeping good adhesion. Moreover, they show histoadhesive properties to mucin in order to modulate histoadhesion. Since the benefits of the bacterial flora are strain-dependent, the association of more probiotics allows to reinforce the barrier function. As a consequence, this widens the field of action against pathogenic bacteria for a higher production of lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and antimicrobial compounds. Moreover, lactobacilli produce extracellular polysaccharides (glycogen) which are the nutritional substrate for the growth of saprophyte bifidobacteria. Probiotics use the fermentation of fibre to produce short-chain fatty acids among which butyric acid, source of energy for colonocytes. The current “western style” lifestyle characterised by a diet poor in fibres and rich in fatty sugars and meat, stress, therapies based on repeated antibiotic cycles break the balance between fermentation and putrefaction flora, causing alterations in the mucosa and dysfunctions in the immune system. Especially the Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG strains have a special structure which allows them to adhere to the intestinal mucosa in order to perform their properties, particularly: a) Prevent episodes of diarrhea (due to infections, antibiotic therapy, traveller’s diarrhea); b) Immunomodulation effect in healthy subjects and immunomodulatory effect in people suffering from wall inflammation or allergies; c) Trophic effect on the mucosa; d) Rebalance of the intestinal bacterial flora; e) Stimulation of the secretory IgA liberation in the intestinal lumen in order to prevent bacterial and viral penetration into the mucosa. IgA also have anti-allergic activity, therefore the benefits of the GG strain are evident in all atopic subjects;

f) Protection of the mucosa in the small intestine during radiotherapy. The supplementation of probiotics is important in the leaky gut where, due to increased porosity, bigger food allergens pass through the epithelium causing immune reaction. The mucosal immune system (MALT) must tolerate saprophyte flora but at the same time it also has to identify the pathogenic bacteria without causing important inflammatory response which may alter the integrity of the mucosa. SACCHAROMYCES BOULARDII: this yeast stimulates the secretion of IgA antibodies, important immunological components in the intestinal barrier. It is very used in the prevention and treatment of diarrhea of various origin. Particularly useful to treat intestinal candida. For this reason it is called “yeast against yeast”. OLIGOELEMENTS: Minerals act as “architrave” for thousands of enzymes and chemical compounds, contributing to regulate the activity of all the tissues. In other words, the micro-macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, etc.) have plastic or catalytic function, since they can get in the formation of body structures or they represent the accelerators of many metabolic processes. Even if they represent a very low percentage of the whole body weight, only 4% of it, they have a huge importance for the correct functioning of the body. In the human body the enzymatic reactions take place in cascade, so it is necessary to keep a balanced intake of essential minerals in small doses. In fact, even a slight lack in minerals causes many cellular dysfunctions which are responsible for many chronic pathologies. An acid ground like the one in chronic inflammation and intense stress favour the urinary loss of alkaline minerals such as magnesium, calcium and potassium, and the activation of the adrenergic system. The lack of oligoelements can be correlated to the intake in poor quality nutrients, for example to their chelation due to heavy metals, to insufficient absorption, to age or competition phenomena (for example an intake


L’Accademia del Fitness of calcium three times over the one of magnesium causes a lack of balance in the absorption of both) or to inactivation caused by pollution. In periods of stress, of intense physical exercise in chronic diseases, in malabsorption and in convalescence the need for oligoelements increases. In the process of adaptation to stress, the body experiences a series of reactions which involve the excessive consumption of important oligoelements such as zinc, copper, manganese used in the transmission of the nervous impulse and in the protection against oxidative stress.

In the economy of the good functioning of the intestinal barrier, molybdenum (MO) is fundamental; thanks to it, the resident epithelial-correlated bacterial flora (different from the luminal flora, which is more external) creates “anchorage bridges” with the epithelium itself. The lack of molybdenum makes this biofilm more fragile, exposing the epithelium below to the harmful action of toxins and pathogenic agents. A lack of molybdenum is also found in chronic intestinal inflammation and in Crohn’s disease. The food which grow above the ground – such as peas, fresh vegetables (including broccoli and spinach) and cauliflower - tend to have higher amounts of molybdenum compared to meat and food which grow under the ground, such as potatoes. Among grain, oats are rich in molybdenum. The content of molybdenum in the tissue is low, with higher concentrations in the liver, in the kidney, in the suprarenal gland and in the bone. Molybdenum is an essential trace element for man because it is the component of three essential enzymes: sulphite oxidase necessary for the metabolism of sulphur amino acids (cysteine, cystine, taurine and methionine), xanthine oxidase with antioxidant action and aldehyde oxidase. At liver level it influences the action of some enzymatic sulphur systems, favouring the mobilization of iron supply from the liver and the intestinal absorption of iron for the reduction of ferric iron into ferrous iron. A low level of molybdenum is generally the sign of excessive consumption of refined food, since it is mainly contained in grain bran and in offal. It is also contained in peas, which should be consumed raw since their cooking leads to molybdenum depletion. ZINC: zinc is part of over 200 enzymatic complexes and it is necessary for the correct functioning of many hormones, including insulin, the hormone of growth and sex hormones. In the form of the so-called “zinc fingers” it is the core element of transcription factors which tie to DNA modulating gene expressivity. The receptor of glucocorticoids contains two zinc fingers. Our cells often use an atom of zinc to make protein wrapping


easier. If two cysteines and two histidines are placed one next to the other in a protein chain, they can tie a zinc ion and the resulting chain must bend to wrap itself Picture 3 Zinc finger wikipedia.org tightly around the metal ion, taking the typical shape which recalls a finger. In these proteins, called zinc fingers, a short chain of only 20 or 30 amino acids is enough to create a solid and stable structure. Zinc fingers are so useful that they can be found in thousands of our proteins, and they are common in plants and animals. In case of physical and psychic stress the percentage of zinc expelled with urine increases significantly. The body contains between 1.4 to 2.5 g, accumulated above all in the muscles, in red and white blood cells. Only 20-30% of the zinc present in food is absorbed by the body. The majority of the zinc absorbed is inside the cells (99%). Calcium reduces its absorption, and so do cadmium, alcohol, casein. It is important to remember that due to its chelation on heavy metals, it can be sequestrated by them, leading to its lack. The situations that can lead to lack of zinc are a diet poor in proteins, hepatic cirrhosis, pregnancy and lactation, nephropathies, cystic fibrosis and coeliac disease. The zinc in vegetables is less available because it ties to phytic acid (for example oat flakes), so it can form an insoluble complex which is not absorbed. Its main sources are: fish (oysters), egg yolk, red meat (liver), grain, legumes, cocoa and dried fruit (walnut). Severe lack in zinc are not frequent and they are characterised by skin alterations, diarrhea, hair loss, mental diseases and recurrent infections due to the weakening of the immune functions. Studies have pointed out its antimicrobial properties which have a key role at the level of prostatic liquid. The PAF (prostatic antibacterial factor) depends on zinc due to its biological activity. The typical sign of lack of zinc is the association between dysmenorrhoea and depression. Many patients present cold hands and feet, tendency towards dizziness, arthalgia, alterations in taste and smell, delay in development and growth, glycidic tolerance disorder due to the importance of zinc in stabilizing and stocking the molecule of insulin. All these symptoms are also frequent in patients suffering from coeliac disease, so it is necessary to keep physiological values of zinc through the use of integrators as well. In the intestine of mice fed with diets lacking zinc, there are severe morphological and functional alterations such as mucosa ulceration, vast inflammation, increase in inflammatory cytokines, oxidative stress. Doctor Maria Letizia Primo Legal Doctor Psychiatrist Nutritionist


TI RENDE LIBERO FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST Le intolleranze alle proteine alimentari, dette allergie ritardate, sono reazioni conseguenti l’introduzione di alimenti di consumo comune. Queste reazioni sono causate da un’iperproduzione di immunoglobuline di classe G (IgG). Emicrania, disturbi gastro-intestinali e respiratori, stanchezza cronica, dermatiti, irritabilità, sovrappeso, sono solo alcuni dei sintomi ricorrenti nei soggetti affetti da allergia ritardata. Il FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST (F.I.T.) di Natrix permette di verificare la reazione dell’organismo nei confronti di 46, 92 o 184 alimenti. Ciò che ha reso il F.I.T. affidabile è la metodica analitica ELISA,

affidabile e ripetibile e la lunghissima esperienza di Natrix nel campo della diagnostica delle intolleranze.

celiaci, per il monitoraggio della malattia celiaca in soggetti che seguono una dieta priva di glutine.


Natrix Lab: il laboratorio certificato (UNI-ENI-ISO 9001: 2000) di riferimento per le analisi:

Ad oggi per ogni celiaco diagnosticato, ve ne sono sette a cui la celiachia non viene diagnosticata. L’ingestione di glutine, nei pazienti affetti o predisposti a celiachia, provoca un grave danneggiamento della mucosa intestinale. Il CELIAC TEST è una prova allergometrica che consente di effettuare un saggio di I° livello completo per la celiachia. Il CELIAC TEST è consigliato in caso di sospetto di malattia celiaca, in familiari di primo grado (genitori, fratelli) di soggetti

• • • • • • • •


Tutte le analisi sono eseguibili anche tramite un semplicissimo prelievo capillare e salivare.

L’Accademia del Fitness

NOTEWORTHY EVENTS “ACTIVE CELLULAR NUTRITION” – Laboratoire Nutergia Bologna - at Savoia Hotel Regency via del Pilastro, 2 - 19- 20 October 2013 Napoli - at Starhotel Terminus Piazza Garibaldi, 91 - 9-10 November 2013 Verona - at Hotel San Marco - Via Longhena, 42 - 16-17 November 2013 Firenze - at Hotel Londra - Via Jacopo da Diacceto, 16/20 - 1819 January 2014 Info: Akesios Group srl - Tel. 0521 1622061 www.akesios.it EURODREAM XVIII Medical-Scientific CONGRESS - “Lack of oxygen, acidosis and inflammation. The role of physiological modulation at cellular level: mitochondrial alterations in the pathogenesis of diseases. New protocols for regenerative and anti-aging medicine. Diet and life-style. The future has come in a flash!” Sana – 25th International Exhibition of Organic and Natural Products - Bologna Fair – 7th September 2013 Info: Eurodream srl - Tel. 500620800 info@eurodream.net - www.eurodream.net EXHIBITION ON HERBAL MEDICINE At Palacassa Conference Centre – Parma Fair - 28/29 September 2013 Info: Tel. 051 056073 erboristeria@senaf.it - www.senaf.it/erboristeria SEMINAR “NUTRIGENOMICS AND EPIGENETICS: THE ROLE OF NUTRIENTS” Milan 29th September 2013 at Hotel Klima – via Venezia Giulia, 8 Info and admission: http://tinyurl.com/jeffreybland THE CHRONOMORPHODIET AND LOCALIZED WEIGHT LOSS Pozzuoli (Naples) – 3rd November 2013 Info: Tel. 3289027865 doctor Fabrizio D’Agostino info@fitnessplay.net - www.fitnessplay.net AMPIC 2013 - Aesthetic Medicine Practical International Congress at Florence Congress Centre 15-16 November 2013 Info: Tel. 02 89653797 info@aspem@yahoo.it - www.aspem.net


1st ANTI-AGING MEDICINE EUROPEAN CONGRESS - Aesthetic Dermatology and Surgery, Preventive and AntiAging Medicine Paris (France) – Congress Centre - 11/12 October 2013 Info: www.euromedicom.com 21st ANNUAL WORLD CONGRESS ON ANTI-AGING REGENERATIVE AND FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE at The Venetian - Palace Hotel - Las Vegas, Nevada - 12/15 December 2013 Info: Tel. (561) 997-0112 Fax (561) 997-0287 www.a4m.com b.b. AND FITNESS TRAINER COURSE Parma, course opening 21-22 September 2013 PERSONAL TRAINER COURSE Parma, course opening 9-10 November 2013 FOOD EDUCATOR COURSE Parma, course opening 30th November 2013. Course programme: 30.11.2013 -“COM”Diet and Localized Weight Loss 18.01.2014 - Anthropometry (measurements, plicometry, impedentiometry) and Nutrition in physical activity 15.02.2014 – Food Biochemistry and Endocrinology; Neurolinguistic Programming (the motivational aspect) 15.03.2014 – Fitness Diets 19.04.2014 – Food Intolerance and Allergies - Prebiotics; Food Integration Thursday 08.05.2014 – Planet Nutrition WORKSHOP “COM” DIET ADVISOR Parma 30th November and 1st December 2013 ; Rome 18-19 January 2014 For the B.B. Trainer and Personal Trainer Courses, and the Workshop COM Diet ADVISOR Tel. 0521 1682083 info@accademiadelfitness.com

La dieta COM (acronimo di CronOrMorfo dieta) è un approccio integrato che tiene conto della Cronobiologia degli Ormoni e della Morfologia dell’essere umano. Non siamo tutti uguali e trovare la giusta alimentazione e tipologia di esercizio fisico per ognuno di noi è la strada per raggiungere la salute. Determinate morfologie, ovvero determinate forme del corpo, sono legate a specifiche espressioni caratteriali. Tutto questo, si sa, è legato alla genetica che indirizza il nostro sviluppo secondo le nostre predisposizioni. Oggi, tuttavia, si ha la certezza che anche l’epigenetica (cioè l’influenza dell’ambiente esterno) gioca un ruolo fondamentale nel permettere o impedire il manifestarsi di determinate predisposizioni: “Nasciamo come siamo, diventiamo come mangiamo, come ci muoviamo, come pensiamo!”. La dieta COM tiene conto della Morfologia dell’individuo (a mela, a pera o a peperone) che corrisponde a specifiche prevalenze Ormonali, la cui influenza sulla distribuzione del grasso può essere controllata e modificata, in parte, dalla scelta qualitativa, quantitativa e Cronologica degli alimenti, favorendo, di conseguenza un dimagrimento localizzato.

L’antiaging o antiage è una terminologia che oggi è di moda, tanto è vero che è ormai utilizzata per molti prodotti rivolti alle cure del corpo e del viso. In realtà il concetto dell’antiaging va oltre, anche se non disconosce, le cure estetiche ed è rivolto principalmente a contrastare i danni funzionali legati al processo di invecchiamento. In una società dove ormai le malattie di tipo degenerativo sono in aumento esponenziale (obesità, diabete, malattie cardiovascolari, Alzheimer, Parkinson, artrosi, tumori) e dove la medicina convenzionale ha fallito nella promessa di migliorare la nostra qualità della vita, l’unica possibilità di recuperare la nostra dignità e la gestione del nostro organismo è uno stile di vita corretto, supportato dalla guida di un operatore della salute esperto in metodologie antiaging. In questo libro Massimo Spattini, insieme a 12 esperti appartenenti al suo gruppo, ognuno per le proprie competenze specifiche pur sempre integrate, trattano l’alimentazione, l’integrazione alimentare, l’esercizio fisico, la postura, l’allenamento funzionale, l’igiene dentale, il sesso, la psiche e, le cure estetiche, le terapie ormonali e il check-up diagnostico. Ogni argomento è trattato in maniera semplice e comprensibile, in modo da poter fornire già utili indicazioni per iniziare un percorso finalizzato a trovare la “fonte della giovinezza”.



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