N. 13 - April 2014

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L’Accademia del Fitness April 2014 | year IV

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Quarterly Journal

Wellness & Antiaging Magazine


Under the patronage of

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Fair of PARMA, 7-8 May, 2014



The V edition of Planet Nutrition& Integration in collaboration with the CIBUS International Food Exhibition will be held from May 5 to May 8 2014, into the Fair of Parma. 7-05-2014: NUTRITION PRESENTATION




Deanna Minich (USA)

10:50 Kenneth Setchell (UK) and Carlo Clerici (IT) 11:10 break

Food that promote inner healing and outer glow New functional nutrition and possible role in diseases prevention

11:40 Massimo Gualerzi (IT)

Cardiovascular physical activity as prevention of aging 12:00 Damiano Galimberti (IT) Nuclear receptor, longevity and cancer 12:20 Filippo Ongaro (IT) Elimination Diet

In this edition the AFFWA will organize the 1st AFFWA International Congress of Functional Antiaging Medicine: NUTRITION - EXERCISE & MIND, structured in on two days, on May 7 and May 8, 2014. 8-05-2014: EXERCISE & MIND PRESENTATION




Filippo Ongaro (IT)

Epigenetic effects of physical activity 10:10 Gianfranco Beltrami (IT) Physical activity and hypertension 10:30 Massimo Spattini (IT)

Physical activity and spot reduction

10:50 Ciro di Cristino (IT)

Balanced living



11:40 Davide Antoniella (IT)

Antiaging functional check-up

Methylation: health and aging risk

12:00 Luca Speciani (IT)

13:00 Presentation of the books “Star bene per davvero” by Filippo Ongaro and “La DietaCOM in pratica” by Massimo Spattini, presented by Valerio Merola 13:20 break

12:20 Adolfo Panfili (IT)

Hypothalamic regulation of body composition Spinal Health

12:40 Mauro Miceli (IT)

12:40 Sonja Ongaro (D)

14:50 Alberto Fidanza (IT)

Antiaging vitamins

13:00 Marco Tullio Cau (IT)

15:10 Gianluca Pazzaglia (IT)

Antineoplastic nutrition

13:20 break

15:30 Giovanni Occhionero (IT) Phyto-estracts at hormonal modulator 15:50 Massimo Spattini (IT)

Antiaging chronomorphological nutrition

16:10 break

14:50 Antonio Bonetti (IT) 15:10 Daniele Cozzini (IT)

Physical activity as a lifestyle and/or structured exercise Qi gong - The art of breath

15:30 Règis Grosdidier (FR)

The active cell nutrition Psycho-Bio-Etiquette: “Methodology to manage the subconscious with no stress”

16:40 Maria Corgna (IT)

PNEI and nutrition

15:50 Valeria Guerra (IT)

17:00 Eugenio Luigi Iorio (IT)

Redox modulation

16:10 break

17:20 Diana Graham (USA)

Skin cancer prevention

17:40 Giovanni Montagna (IT) Stevia: sweetener or nutraceutic? 18:00 Marco Del Prete (IT)

ECM: 6 ECM credits per day.

Inflamm-aging: the prevention of chronic inflammatory processes as an Antiaging therapy pillar

Stress management with biofeedback methodology Sexercises

16:40 Mark Wade (USA)

Is your posture killing you?

17:00 Basil De Luca (AUS)

Fire Walking

17:20 Krista Burns (USA)

Fitness, function, fabulous

17:40 Daniele Vietti (IT)

Management of oxidative stress in athletes Whp, health promotion in the workplace

18:00 Giampaolo Lavagetto (IT)

INFORMATIONS and REGISTRATION: AKESIOS GROUP S.r.l. Phone: +39 0521 647705 • Mail: info@akesios.it • Web: www.akesios.it

SCIENTIFIC SECRETARIAT: AFFWA (Accademia funzionale del Fitness - Wellness - Antiaging) Phone: +39 0521 1682083 • Mail: info@accademiadelfitness.com • Web: www.accademiadelfitness.com

number 13 / 2014

ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta 10/A 43126 PARMA Tel. 0521.941319 Fax 0521.294971 www.accademiadelfitness.com accademia-magazine@libero.it


Editor in Chief: Valerio Merola Scientific director: Massimo Spattini Art director: Cinzia Ruggeri Executive editors: Silvia Iorio Editorial staff: Claudia Bonini Cristiana Pedrazzini Andrea Angelozzi Scientific committee: Dott. Damiano Galimberti Prof. Fulvio Marzatico Dott. Filippo Ongaro Prof. Mario Passeri Writers: Andrea Angelozzi Claudia Bonini Antonella Dassenno Ciro di Cristino Simone Diotallevi Valeria Guerra Mauro Miceli Filippo Ongaro Giovanni Occhionero Massimo Spattini Cover: Cinzia Ruggeri

In January ‘s last editorial we announced the beginning of the course “Antiaging Advisor Certification” and the AFFWA (Functional Academy of Fitness Wellness and Antiaging) International Convention of Functional Antiaging Medicine in the context of Nutrition and Integration Planet at Cibus Parma Fair. Both initiatives have in fact received great success. About 60 participants were present on the opening day of the course “Antiaging Advisor Certification”, dedicated to ”Hormonal Management” and the feedback was very good. The participants belonged to various professions: doctors, biologists, dieticians, psychologists, personal trainers, proving that the message - aimed at making all the professional groups involved in health management share a common and clear language and knowledge - reached its goal. At the same time, Doctor Filippo Ongaro - a pioneer of Antiaging Medicine, author of successful books and collaborator in newspapers and national radios - was appointed vice-president of AFFWA. Doctor Ongaro’s important presence and active role in AFFWA opens new perspectives and opportunities which will not fail to manifest themselves.

The announced International Convention has then become “Nutrition – Exercise & Mind”, thus underlining its integrated approach taking into account nutrition, physical exercise and the mind. The opening day is mainly dedicated to food; the second one to physical and mental exercise. The Convention will open with the presence of Deanna Minich, one of the most representative figures in Functional Medicine in the States - famous and appreciated above all for her holistic approach to medicine - on her first visit to Italy. Moreover, Professor Alberto Fidanza, who is generally recognized as one of the greatest and widely known Italian vitaminologists, will also be present at Nutrition and Integration Planet. A number of Italian and international speakers of renown fame will take part in it and, during the break of the opening day, Massimo Spattini and Filippo Ongaro’s new books – “ The Com Diet in Practice” and ... will be presented. So, two days fully dedicated to health. Massimo Spattini AFFWA President

Photographer cover: Alex Ardenti Managing Editor: Profitness S.a.s. Galleria Crocetta 10/A 43126 Parma Tel. 0521.941319 Printed and delivered by: Mattioli 1885 S.r.l. Str. della Lodesana, 649 sx Loc. Vaio 43036 Fidenza (PR) Tel. 0524.530383 www.mattioli1885.com Registration n. 12/2004 Court of Parma


L’Accademia del Fitness





by Massimo Spattini

by Massimo Spattini



by Claudia Bonini

CELLFOOD: OXYGEN-BASED SUPPLEMENT. An introduction to oxygen-based integration as food supplement in one’s diet


by Mauro Miceli



by Andrea Angelozzi



by Valeria Guerra



by Massimo Spattini



by Filippo Ongaro



by Ciro Di Cristino



by Giovanni Occhionero



by Simone Diotallevi



by Antonella Dassenno



Food has cardinal importance in our life Food does not only represent a need. Our diets speak about the environment we live in and about the traditions we belong to. In the course of time our diets have been strongly influenced by the advent of industrialization and globalization which have radically changed our diet habits not only concerning our tastes, but also the quality of our food. However, data regarding a huge increase of pathologies significantly underline the central role played by food for our health. We can certainly state that our health, and also our diseases, depend on the food we eat, that is, a correct or bad diet can determine our health or our infirmities. We are recently revaluating the importance of food or, rather, of a correct diet and the central role of the combination between health and food in the prevention and treatment of many pathologies. This centrality of food for prevention clearly emerges in the document dating back to 2003 issued by the World Health Organization in “Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases”, according to which “Food has been recognized as an important, modifiable cause of chronic diseases (cancer, cardio-vascular diseases, diabetes, obesity etc.). There is growing scientific evidence which show that diet modifications can have strong, both negative and positive, effects on our health in the course of our lives”. The systematic presence of some foods in our daily diets, such as for instance, milk or red meat together with the lack of a varied diet, would seem to determine a constant state of inflammation of our immune system, leading to its excessive reactivity and to the alteration of regulating mechanisms in our body. Food intolerances are an expression of this immune reactivity. They are referable to the gradual accumulation of those food substances which are responsible for levels of hypersensitivity beyond “threshold doses”. Food intolerances are linked to immunoglobulin class G antibodies and are not to be confused with allergies. Whereas the symptoms of allergies are immediately perceived, food intolerances present less acute symptoms and are protracted for longer periods. They hardly ever provoke violent and immediate body reactions and therefore they are often not immediately associated to the intake of the food substances which determine them. However, there are a great number of pathologies (almost all characterized by a persistent inflammation state) which are considered determined by food intolerances. It is the case of gastro intestinal pathologies (irritable colon syndrome, digestion problems, recurring diarrhea, nausea, swollen abdomen after meals...), muscle skeletal problems (myalgia, muscle cramps, articular pain,....), skin modifications (dry skin, eczema, urticaria,...), respiratory pathologies (rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal congestion,...), genital-urinal problems such as chronic cystitis. Such problems appear almost always with more or less faint symptoms (chronic tiredness, headache, low concentration levels,...) and are often correlated to body weight disorders, both overweight and underweight. The TIAMI test, effected at the SpireLab Diagnostic Centre, is an analysis test for the detection in human blood of antibodies directed both against microorganisms (fungi, moulds, yeasts) and against food antigens, by determining immunoglobulins class G antibodies (IgG). The antigen-antibody reaction is detected by the ELISA computerized test method based on a colorimetric analysis of the results using an electronic support system. The ELISA test is the only test method which is academically and scientifically recognized and which can provide a reliable and accurate immunodiagnostic test. Besides the TIAMI test, the MINDER test can detect the presence of antibodies in human blood specifically directed against microorganisms (fungi, moulds and yeasts) by determining immunoglobulins class G antibodies (IgG) thanks to the ELISA test method. The possibility to detect immunoglobulins class G antibodies also

directed against microorganisms represents and added value in the treatment of mycosis. In the right conditions for their development, all types of fungi can quickly colonize tissues and organic liquids and, thanks to the capacity to produce huge amounts of toxins, they can become decisive stabilization elements of the pathology in progress. These tests are useful as they allow, together with proper pharmacologic treatment, the combination of a correct healthy diet which aims at reaching a new balance of the immune system, recovering the correct intestinal absorption of vitamins and minerals. It is evident that laboratory tests represent an innovative method, in support of the patient, for the identification of the correct strategies to follow. Through these tests it is possible to establish the best diet for each patient. If it is true that we are what we eat, our diet and therefore our health can suffer from a lack of balance (excesses or deficiencies) which can also be worsened by environmental factors of the world we live in such as pollution or cigarette smoke. The SpireLab Diagnostic Centre offers the opportunity to effect a hair or mineralogram test (NEW-BIOMINERAL) through a Cromomicroscanning© system. It is a non invasive, non traumatic repeatable test which analyzes the hair’s morphology, structure and biochemistry and detects possible excesses and/or deficiencies of amino acids, vitamins, hormones as well as mineral and toxic nutrients and heavy metals. All these substances have a fundamental importance for the functioning of our central and peripheral nervous systems, our endocrine system and for all the metabolic processes as they act as enzymatic reaction catalysers or of structural components. The innovation of this test consists in its method: through a study of different, digitally elaborated chromatic images, the active parts of the eye bulb, in which the various cellular processes are in full progress, are studied. It is by now widely acknowledged that the factors which determine cellular ageing are only partly of genetic origin. External, modifiable factors of our life style have a great importance such as for instance our diets, physical exercise, cigarette smoke, drugs. Our life styles is strictly connected to our aging. In a healthy body there exists a balance between oxidation mechanisms and antioxidation defences. The toxic potential of free radicals is normally neutralized by a complex system of anti-oxidation factors which is a physiological defence mechanism. If the production of free radicals exceeds the possibility of recovery of the anti-oxidation barrier, a condition of oxidation stress takes place which speeds up cellular and therefore tissue aging. Oxidation stress is by now recognized as being strictly connected to important degenerative chronic pathologies in the adult (cardiovascular, metabolic, neurodegenerative, tumoral, inflammation pathologies). A further service offered by the SpireLab Diagnostic Centre is the evaluation of the oxidation stress level. The so-called PASO (which stands for Profile of Antiaging Oxidation Stress) provides a spectrophotometric analysis of the variables of the anti-oxidation/pro-oxidation system and helps the patient to make proper diet corrections. Spire s.r.l. was set up by a group of chemists, biologists, biotechnicians and information technicians with a wide industrial experience in the field of immunodiagnostic kits and of academic level research in order to guarantee a high quality in all production phases.

For further information

L’Accademia del Fitness


AND BODY TEMPERATURE In my recent research on spot reduction I came across an article by dr. Lonnie Lowery. In this article, dated 2nd January 2011, the American doctor explains the scientific reasons and the practical applications to achieve localized loss of weight. Special emphasis is given to blood circulation and the body temperature of the critical areas. If we touch the fatter area of our body and we use a thermographic plate which shows the body temperature by means of the difference in colour, we will realize that the fatter areas are colder, too. This is due to the fact that there is less circulation in those areas. According to science, the blood flux is fundamental for fat extraction (Frayne 1998,1999). Scarce blood flux


in some areas of the body corresponds to scarce fat decrease in those areas. As pointed out by the researcher K. Frayne (Nutrition Society Proceedings): “There is proof that the blood flux in the adipose tissue does not increase enough to allow the distribution of all the fatty acids released in systemic circulation”. This process can actually be seen thanks to techniques such as microdialysis, which consists in the introduction of microtubes inside subcutaneous fat areas, such as the lower part of the stomach, in order to measure the products of fat cutting down – as glycerol and fatty acids – in the interstitial fluid. An increase in the blood flux in that area corresponds to an increase in localized fat loss (as long as the hormonal environment is regular).




LE TESTIMONIANZE PALASPRINT LA SPEZIA Nonostante lo scetticismo iniziale, già nel primo mese di prova ci siamo accorti dei numerosi vantaggi che ci ha portato sia a livello di fatturato che di fidelizzazione. Grazie!!!!

MIQO TREVISO Dopo essere stati scelti come area test ed aver toccato con mano i vantaggi di un progetto scientifico, abbiamo continuato ad utilizzarlo con successo, incrementando il fatturato e la fidelizzazione. Proprio ciò che serviva al nostro club !!!!!



35 anni educatrice


42 anni impiegato

Ho avuto da subito buone sensazioni confermate poi dal test di misurazione eseguito dopo appena 2 settimane: meno 4 cm di circonferenza in entrambe le cosce! Consiglio a tutte di farlo!

Innanzitutto funziona! Ho deciso di sottopormi al metodo nonostante mi stessi già allenando in maniera tradizionale. Perdere quasi 7 cm in circonferenza addominale in sole 4 settimane mi ha lasciato veramente a bocca aperta.


35 anni parrucchiera

e-mail: info@metooconsulting.it Alessandro: 3421466681 Igor: 3468584330

L’allenamento è stato efficace in quanto mi ha fatto perdere centimetri e allo stesso tempo migliorare il tono muscolare. Perdere 7 cm sui fianchi in sole 4 settimane è semplicemente fantastico!!

L’Accademia del Fitness According to a study carried out quite recently, the blood flux and lipolysis are generally higher in the subcutaneous adipose tissue adjacent to the contracted muscle (Stallknecht, 2007). In conclusion, acute exercise sessions can provoke localized lipolysis and the increase of blood flux in the adipose tissue adjacent to the contracted skeletal muscle. According to another study, there are well-documented regional variations in lipolysis: “The subcutaneous abdominal deposits have an intermediate turnover, while the gluteal-femoral deposits present a relatively slow turnover”. Yet, through localised training it is possible to have an impact on obstinate areas.

gic receptors than on insulin decrease in plasma”. Others have underlined that the consumption of carbohydrates before training and insulin certainly inhibit fat reduction or fat “burning” to a certain extent in optimal moderate training (Lowery, 2004; Turcotte, 1999). Timing is fundamental. Therefore, when the hormonal state contributes to fat reduction – for example on an empty stomach – it will be the right time to train the muscles adjacent to the critical area. Another fundamental precondition is to keep warm the area of fat accumulation, because the heating effect and the related increase of blood flux favour localized lipolysis. This effect can be achieved by using neoprene belts or bands. However, they must not be too tight-fitting, otherwise they may have a vasoconstrictive effect, reducing blood circulation. Honestly, when reading the 2011 article by Lowery, I was pleased to find confirmation of the same concepts I had already stated in 1997. Moreover, I found some interesting ideas. I had already given a lot of importance to the circulation factor, while I had not taken much into consideration the synergy of the thermal effect, due to evaluations on the thermogenic effect of fat burning aiming at the production of heat. That is, if the environmental temperature is lower, the body produces more heat in order to keep its temperature. This production of heat is caused by fat burning at mitochondrial level. We burn more fat by running naked in the snow (exposing ourselves to pneumonia, too) than covered in wind-jackets and neoprene clothes. For this reason I had never been particularly convinced of the use of the so-called slimming girdles: in my opinion they are above all responsible for higher loss of water through sweat, which is then easily restored. Actually, later on I started changing my mind, due to some personal experience. At the beginning of the 2000s I was contacted by a friend who had opened a beauty and slimming centre based on the use of machines operating through technology which combined physical exercise with the use of infrared rays. Basically, it was based on exercises on a gym bike performed inside a machine which irradiated infrared rays. In that context, my duty was to carry out medical examinations in order to authorise the use of this technology, to offer suitable nutritional plans to enhance the draining effect and, subsequently, to perform check-ups by examining the subcutaneous plicae. Well, I have to say that I noticed a notable result of localized loss of weight in the areas which had undergone this kind of treatment. The infrared radiation technique is an exogenous thermotherapy, since the heat that is developed and then absorbed by our body is superficial heat which slightly penetrates the skin and the muscular tissue. Localized treatment with infrared radiation instruments positioned in contact with the areas of adipose accumulation increase vascularisation and adipocyte metabolism, favouring the release of fats in blood. The infrared slimming

There is proof that the blood flux in the adipose tissue does not increase enough to allow the distribution of all the fatty acids released in systemic circulation

The method According to Lowery, cardio training on an empty stomach is the ideal condition to achieve localised loss of weight. As noted by an Oxford study, “In the adipose tissue the flux of fatty acids through a cellular membrane is bidirectional. It goes outward during net fat mobilization, such as on an empty stomach or when doing exercise, while it goes inward in the postprandial period (immediately after eating)” (Frayne, 1998). Another research carried out by Moro and coll. (Obesity, Silver Spring, 2007) concludes: “Lipid mobilization is less based on the stimulation depending on the catecholamines (for example adrenalin) of beta-adrener-



L’innovativo concetto di biosoma per il trattamento degli inestetismi del corpo


Dalla ricerca e dall’esperienza Fabbrimarine, un vero e proprio trattamento di bellezza domiciliare per cellulite, adipe e rilassamento tissutale. Il Plancton Primitivo potenzia l’azione del biosoma marino per un risultato di straordinaria efficacia. Immergi il tuo corpo nel potere rigenerante del mare.

L’Accademia del Fitness

system combines aerobic activity with a microvascular kinetic action. Thanks to its bio-stimulant characteristics, the infrared light optimises cellular metabolism, making the cellular membrane much more reactive. The properties of infrared rays were already well known in therapeutic and rehabilitation fields. The cells and the organs exposed to the heating effect of infrared rays are activated and, thanks to capillary vasodilation, they are permeated with blood. This causes an improvement in cellular exchange, as well as fat release favoured by the quick elimination of the metabolic waste, with detoxifying effect. So, it is logical to think that the microvascular kinetic effect caused by the thermal effect favours lipolysis more than the thermogenesis induced by low temperature. How can this be compatible with science? Well, this is linked to the fact that localized loss of weight exists, in the same way as the deposit of localized fat exists. The explanation is as follows: first of all, it is necessary to clarify that there are various areas of fat accumulation. That is, the visceral area, the haematic (haematic triglycerides), the muscular (triglycerides near the mitochondria and the muscles) and the subcutaneous area. Basal metabolism (that is, the energy consumption of an individual at rest) consumes above all fats (60-80%), while if the body moves also other energy sources are used. The production of energy starting from fats is only generated by the aerobic mechanism. If our body burnt only fats, it would start taking the ones near the mitochondria, so the first metabolised fat is muscular fat. Which muscle in particular? The working muscle. Therefore, it is clear by now that localized loss of weight exists, even if internally. This is not all. Accumulation in the muscular area at some point finishes, so the second source for energy is the haematic one, since it is thanks to blood that the cells obtain their nutrition. Subcutaneous and visceral fat are the last ones to be used. First


freed of the adipocytes, they are transported in blood and finally burnt in the mitochondria. This is why it is not sufficient to immerse in a cold water bath to lose subcutaneous fat: in cold conditions there is vasoconstriction of the blood vessels which supply the skin and the tissues below, and this limits lipolysis. The body avoids burning subcutaneous fat because it isolates the body from cold, so other energy sources are used instead. In the same way, when performing physical activity, the areas which contribute more to the triglyceride scission are the ones more permeated with blood, since they are the parts which allow higher transport of fatty acids. Actually, if we observe the body of swimmers and water polo players we notice that they are generally less lean than runners or football players. All this is also due to a control mechanism at hypothalamic level which regulates the centres of body temperature, recording the temperature of water that is colder than the body temperature. This mechanism orientates the body to keep more subcutaneous fat in order to have higher thermal insulation. Do you remember the study where three groups of people performed three different kinds of training with the same energy consumption (running, cycling, swimming), showing three different levels of weight loss? The group who had been running had lost more weight, the ones who had been swimming had lost less weight. The cooling effect produced by ventilation in case of cycling and by the contact with water had slowed down the lipolytic process. Doctor Massimo Spattini Specialized in Sports Medicine Specialized in Food Science Board Certificate in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM-USA) Certificate AFMCP (Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice) - (IFM-USA)

L’Accademia del Fitness

WHAT SHOULD I PUT IN MY SHOPPING TROLLEY? Whenever we enter a supermarket, the usual question we ask is: what shall I buy? We have with us the shopping list we prepared at home, perhaps even the night before, but, as soon as we set out foot inside a shop and find ourselves surrounded by thousands of posters with their infinite “offers of the day”, we naively let ourselves become fascinated and immediately forget all about our shopping list. I am not saying that the offers of the day should be avoided, but we should learn to be careful, since they are often “a mirror decoy for larks” and we risk not buying those products which perhaps cost a bit more, but are healthier. So, we end up with our cupboards full of junk food containing a big amount of salt, saturated fats, preservatives, colouring agents and much more!!!! What should we do then? First of all our first stop should be at the fruit and vegetable department. We should buy seasonal and organic products, not canned products (full of syrup and sugar), but fresh. Moreover, we should choose fruit and vegetables of various colours to be sure we get all the vitamin and mineral pool we need... Did you know that? Each colour cor-


responds to different properties and vitamins. For instance, the colour ORANGE/RED in strawberries, red oranges, watermelon, cherries tomatoes, red turnips, radish and beetroot corresponds to a high amount of lycopene and anthocyanins; YELLOW fruit and vegetables such as lemons, apricots, oranges, peaches, melons, tangerines, grapefruit, carrots, yellow peppers, pumpkins, corm are rich in vitamin C, carotenoids and flavonoids; WHITE, the colour of vitamin C, potassium and selenium and of flavonoids, polyphenols and sulphates is contained in garlic, cauliflowers, white onions, fennel, mushrooms, apples, pears, leeks, celery. Besides, all GREEN vegetables such as spinach, courgettes, cabbage, garden rocket, asparagus, parsley and basil and all green fruit such as kiwis, white grapes are rich in vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium and carotenoids while PURPLE fruit and vegetables like aubergines, chicory, blueberries, red grapes, plums, redcurrants, blackberries are rich in Vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, carotenoids and anthocyanins. Our second stop will be at the cereal department, where we will mainly buy gluten-free or low-in-gluten cereals or cereals with low glycemic index like buckwheat, defined as the “non cereal


IO gio n a m SITIVO PO

Tanti prodotti a base vegetale, buoni e ricchi di proteine, pensati per chi ama scoprire sapori nuovi, per chi vuole mangiare bene ogni giorno e per chi prova gusto in tutto quel che fa. Per tutti voi, oggi c’è Sojasun: perché chi mangia positivo, pensa positivo e vive positivo.



L’Accademia del Fitness cereal” as it has a good amount of protein, millet, quinoa and amaranth, and also oats, emmer, barley, kamut. It would be an excellent idea to choose wholemeal products rich in fibres which make us feel replete (so we will eat less), limit sugar and fat absorption and regularize intestinal transit. For breakfast we can choose buckwheat flakes, wholemeal oats or muesli without added sugar or unglazed, without honeyed crunchy bits or milk chocolate full of sugar. The next stop will be at the meat and fish department. Here we should choose lean fish like sole, gilthead, turbot, swordfish, halibut and cod or fish rich in healthy fats that is Omega-3, such as salmon, tuna, anchovy and mackerel. Be careful to choose freshly fished fish and not fish fed with feedstuff which alters the contents and quality of fats!! Choose also lean meat such as chicken or turkey breast, veal, chicken or turkey steak, rabbit, lean beef or horsemeat. Do you think something is missing? I actually “forgot” to mention the dairy department! Why? Simple…. there are contrasting views on dairy products. Against the general opinion, according to which it is important to consume milk and cheese for our supply of calcium which is useful in the prevention of osteoporosis - which mainly affects post menopausal women due to their low estrogen levels (our “protecting” hormones) - milk and dairy products are acid foods which induce the release of calcium ion - which is basic - from the bones in order to cope with acidity. Thus, they may even favour the appearance of osteoporosis!!!! A good supply of calcium without eating too many dairy products is provided by preferring cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, lettuce as they are alkalizing foods, and by drinking at least two litres of water rich in calcium a day. Yes, water! How often, by reading the nutritional values on the bottles of water, have you then chosen the type of water most suitable for you - poor in sodium in case of hypertension and liquid stagnation or rich in calcium for menopausal women, growing children or in cases of calcium deficiency, or basic ph water if our diet consists in acidifying foods (for instance a diet with a large amount of protein or with an excessive amount of carbohydrates)...? I think few people do so and generally just choose the type of water on a special offer or the one with the taste we like best! Not only is it important to read the nutritional values on the labels of water bottles, this should become a habit for all the food we buy! Only by learning to read the labels on the products and knowing what they contain is it possible to know what we are

really eating. Talking with my patients I have often been told that they do not read the nutritional contents as they do not consider them important or, in case they read them, they only count the amount of calories the product contains to know for instance how many calories their biscuits or their portion of rice contain etc….. This is not the right method to follow! The first thing to consider is the list of ingredients and it is important to know that the list is in decreasing order, that is, that the ingredients are listed starting from the largest to the smallest quantity. What does this mean? If we find, for instance, butter at the top of the list or, even worse, margarine, our product will not only be rich in fats, but in saturated fats, the so called “bad fats”! If we buy products whose label says “without added sugar”, but then in the ingredients we find corn malt, this does not mean that our product has no sugar in it as this is a sugar, it simply means that our product does not contain saccharose which for instance is not good for those who suffer from diabetes... In short, sugar is contained in it!! Speaking about diabetes and also about celiac disease or gluten intolerance, I would like to add a further recommendation: don’t let yourself be tempted by the aisle of “diet products” believing they can be used on a diet to lose weight. A “diet product” means that it should be used by people with some pathology. This is the case of gluten-free products for people who are intolerant or affected by celiac disease; or the case of products without saccharose for subjects affected by diabetes, but this does not mean they help you to lose weight. Indeed these products are rich in vegetal fats (often hydrogenated) and sugar so they are absolutely unsuitable for people who wish to lose weight. How many things one must know when shopping! With a bit of patience and practice I am sure you will get very good at it (even men, since there are so many men who do the shopping now!) and your trolleys will be full of healthy food!!!

We have with us the shopping list we prepared at home, perhaps even the night before, but, as soon as we set out foot inside a shop and find ourselves surrounded by thousands of posters with their infinite “offers of the day”


Dr Claudia Bonini Dietician

L’Accademia del Fitness


AN INTRODUCTION TO OXYGEN-BASED INTEGRATION AS FOOD SUPPLEMENT IN ONE’S DIET (LAST PART) Cholesterol in excess “consumes” oxygen We are living in the age of fast-food and immediate gratification. Also, no contemporary society consumes more red meat and dairy products than the United States. According to a research, it is estimated that the diet of an American citizen is over 45% made of fats. Unfortunately, animal products and dairy products contain high concentrations of cholesterol. While the body needs ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL) in order to work efficiently, the so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol contained in meat and dairy products (LDL) somehow takes oxygen away from the blood. Actually, fats easily combine with oxygen to form ‘free radicals’, which use higher amounts of oxygen to form peroxides, unstable molecules which damage and destroy the cells. Already in 1977, the February issue of the Scientific American magazine reported that “… the epoxide of cholesterol (peroxide) and the other substances formed by


cholesterol cause cell mutation, hence cancer”. This is why fat food, excessively consumed by the Americans, causes lack of oxygen favouring cancer. Basically, the cells which lose their capacity to use oxygen properly have a higher probability to become carcinogenic. These cells have suffered from lack of oxygen for so long that they have undergone a metabolic transformation and have adjusted to a metabolism without oxygen (called anaerobic metabolism). It is, of course, the final stage of the degeneration caused by a lifestyle poor in oxygen. Moreover, it is interesting to point out that the research shows that people who consume high amounts of fats are much more at risk of developing cancer and other degenerative diseases. Also, the latest research in the field of nutrition clearly indicates that food rich in simple sugars, salt, fat and cholesterol is directly responsible for liver and kidney diseases, high pressure, hardening of the arteries, obesity and ictus.

IL TEST DIAGNOSTICO PIU’ COMPLETO PER VALUTARE LA SALUTE DEL TUO INTESTINO INFLORA SCAN L’intestino è un organo caratterizzato da complesse funzionalità: digestione ed assorbimento di nutrienti, produzione di anticorpi per difendere l’organismo, produzione di ormoni e neurotrasmettitori che regolano il senso di fame e sazietà e il ritmo della peristalsi. Il benessere dell’intestino si traduce in benessere generale della persona. La buona funzionalità intestinale dipende da numerosi fattori tra cui l’equilibrio della flora batterica, il sistema immunitario nella mucosa, l’assenza di stati infiammatori, la presenza di batteri patogeni, virus o miceti. INFLORA SCAN è un test innovativo, completo e non invasivo che valuta la presenza di microorganismi patogeni, specifici marker di infiammazione intestinale, capacità digestiva, permeabilità intestinale, funzione immunitaria intestinale e disbiosi. NATRIX È IL LABORATORIO DI ANALISI DI RIFERIMENTO PER VALUTARE LA SALUTE DELL’INTESTINO.

INFLORA SCAN è consigliato a tutti, per valutare il benessere dell’intestino e particolarmente utile a chi soffre di diarrea o stipsi, gonfiori addominali, tensioni e crampi addominali, flatulenza, infezioni genitali ricorrenti (candida), malassorbimento, difficoltà digestive, a chi conduce ritmi frenetici e stressanti a chi ha una alimentazione scorretta, ricca di cibi raffinati e povera di fibre. INFLORA SCAN è indicato anche a chi soffre di patologie croniche non intestinali, in quanto un disturbo o un’infiammazione intestinale si può ripercuotere a livello di vari distretti dell’organismo: mal di testa ed emicrania, stanchezza cronica, stati di ansia e sbalzi di umore, problemi dermatologici. Natrix Lab: il laboratorio certificato (UNI-ENI-ISO 9001 : 2000) di riferimento per le tue analisi personalizzate: • FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST: valutazione delle intolleranze alimentari IgGmediate, metodo ELISA. • CELIAC TEST: Valutazione immunitaria della positività al morbo celiaco.

• ANTIAGING PROFILE: (Free Radical Test + Antioxidant Capacity Test) valutazione globale dello stress ossidativo. • CELLULAR AGING FACTORS: valutazione dell’invecchiamento cellulare (ossidazione, metilazione, glicazione, infiammazione). • LIPIDOMIC PROFILE: valutazione del profilo lipidomico plas-matico e di membrana (acidi grassi). • CARDIO WELLNESS TEST: analisi globale del benessere cardiovascolare, integrato con l’indice di rischio di contrarre patologie a carico del sistema cardiovascolare. • ZONA PLUS TEST: valutazione del rapporto (AA/EPA), Glicemia, Insulina, indice HOMA. • HORMONAL PROFILES: dimagrimento, stress, sport, buona notte, donna fertile, donna menopausa, uomo. • MINERAL EVO: valutazione approfondita di minerali nutrizionali e metalli pesanti su capello. Tutte queste analisi sono eseguibili anche tramite un semplicissimo prelievo capillare o salivare.

L’Accademia del Fitness Doctor Levine has described the consequences of lack of oxygen in cells in these words: “It is a condition of acidity caused by the accumulation of acid by-products which occurs in poorly oxygenized cells. Fizzy drinks, caffeine, alcohol and red meat are some of the substances which cause systemic acidity (in all the body) where there is an excess of hydrogen ions with a positive charge (H+)”. When there are too many hydrogen ions in the tissues, they combine with oxygen (so they use it), causing a condition of lack of oxygen (hypoxia caused by tissue acidosis). When the cells are deprived of oxygen, lactic acid is accumulated due to the anaerobic fermentation of sugars, and the cellular environment becomes acid. This reduces the oxygen available for the primary function of metabolism, since there is need for more oxygen in order to neutralize local acidosis.

laries, increasing a lot the distance water has to cover between the cells. The longer the distance liquids have to cover in the same time span, the fewer the nutrients, oxygen and the minerals carried will be. Toxins, waste products, poisons, etc. will be fewer, too, and they will be taken back from the cells to the blood. The waste products, the toxins, etc. will therefore begin to accumulate in the cells. Such tense capillary walls allow the blood proteins to pour out and place themselves among the cells. The trapped proteins allow the accumulation of excess liquids around the cells. This prevents the very cells from receiving the oxygen they need. Thus, glucose starts its anaerobic fermentation, causing local acidosis and determining electric changes with the change of balance of salts and minerals between the internal and external part of the cell. In a simplistic view we can say that the haematic cells rich in oxygen – such as red blood cells – have a negative charge. They flow along the single ramifications of the capillaries. When the capillaries dilate and the electric balance of our body changes due to lack of oxygen, these haematic cells are scattered on a higher volume of capillaries, and they are not able to cover the longer distance which separates them from the cells. To complicate things further, the blood cells, due to electric change, start accumulating one on top of the other, causing a microscopic block in the capillaries. In this way, the capillaries are further dilated and a higher number of proteins pours out and deposits in the spaces between the cells. Due to all this, more liquid is produced around the cells and the process is repeated until the cells start suffering drastically up to their death caused by lack of oxygen. Doctor C. Samuel West, an expert in Science of Lymphology as well as member of the International Society of Lymphology, has demonstrated that the nourishment present in cells lacking oxygen turns into toxic waste and fat. West is a convinced supporter of exercise, since the lack of exercise reduces circulation and, as a consequence, the transfer of oxygen to the cells. This causes high pressure and liquid retention (2). As it has already been said, due to the lack of A.T.P. (Adenosine Triphosphate) glucose undergoes anaerobic fermentation (that is, without oxygen) in the cells, and this upsets the metabolic processes of the cells.

The so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol contained in meat and dairy products (LDL) somehow takes oxygen away from the blood

The chain reaction When meat and dairy products - rich in cholesterol - are decomposed in the stomach and in the intestine, toxic by-products are produced. They dilate (enlarge or expand) the capil-


L’Accademia del Fitness Suffering from lack of oxygen, the cells start producing bad chemical substances and soon both the cells and their surrounding environment become weaker and fall ill. If this condition protracts, all the immune system may certainly be affected, with severe health consequences.

consumed in the USA are bought by the poultry, dairy and beef industry to prevent diseases among the livestock. These antibiotics remain in the animals’ tissues destined to human feeding. When the livestock is butchered and placed on the market, the ‘stored’ antibiotics are consumed by each one of us, and are added to the ones already present in our body. The problem is that antibiotics can eliminate both useful bacteria and the pathogenic ones. This may create a lack of balance which may cause unchecked growth of Candida, or many other problems. Therefore, when using antibiotics, we are bartering. Moreover, this “non-therapeutic” use of antibiotics may cause allergies and dangerous hypersensitivity. We often sacrifice useful bacteria to get rid of the pathogenic ones. Even if antibiotics are important when our life is in danger, their common use for any kind of disease is to be considered – according to many doctors and researchers – inappropriate and may even be detrimental to one’s health.

Statistics indicate that the majority of antibiotics currently produced and consumed in the USA are bought by the poultry, dairy and beef industry to prevent diseases among the livestock.

Effective preventive alternatives When ill, the majority of people turn to conventional medicine in order to solve the problem. However, several researchers have discovered that many ‘effective’ treatments for diseases have side effects. For instance, antibiotics are effective in reducing the pathogenic bacteria from the body. Thousands of lives have been saved from bacterial infection thanks to penicillin or other antibiotics. Yet, many studies indicate the possibility that the recent considerable increase of Candida Albicans yeast infection is mainly due to the widespread and indiscriminate use of antibiotics. Statistics indicate that the majority of antibiotics currently produced and

NUTRIGENETICA per una nutrizione personalizzata

La genetica in aiuto degli specialisti per una maggiore personalizzazione della Dieta e dello Sport Test genetici di predisposizione:

Celiachia Intolleranza primaria al Lattosio Metabolismo dei Folati Metabolismo Glucidico e Lipidico Metabolismo della Vitamina D Sport e Metabolismo Muscolare

E’ possibile richiedere i test effettuando un semplice tampone buccale dal quale verrà estratto il DNA per le analisi richieste. Il tampone potrà essere ritirato presso lo studio dello specialista da corrieri autorizzati su tutto il territorio nazionale. Per maggiori informazioni contattare il numero 06 3295370 Laboratorio di Genetica Medica “Krom Genetics” (Certificazioni ISO 9001 e MedLab) info@kromgenetics.it www.kromgenetics.it


number 13 / 2014 When the body finds pathogens agents (such as viruses, fungi and bacteria) in the blood or in tissues, the cells of the immune system surround or ‘swallow’ these intruders. They bombard these pathogens with auto-generated free radicals, called ‘superoxides’. These ‘superoxides’ are produced in the cells during the normal cellular metabolism, using the oxygen they find in the haematic cells of the capillaries. If the immune system does not work properly, as we have already said, it generates more antioxidant enzymes in order to eliminate free radicals and protect the surrounding tissues. This system of anti-oxidant defence is of vital importance. Without it, the immune system would work against the body, generating too many free radicals which would damage the surrounding tissues and the body. Even if other factors are certainly involved, this dysfunction of the immune system has caused in many individuals an epidemic of auto-immune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Protective role of Oxygen Oxygen is both a life bearer and a ‘potential killer’. It is a very important protector and guardian of the body against harmful bacteria and other pathogenic agents. Actually, one of the main functions of oxygen is the so-called ‘disintegration’. Brian Goulet, a nutritional consultant, wrote in his article The Magic of Aerobic Oxygen (7): “Waste, toxins, fragments and everything which is not useful is destroyed by oxygen and expelled from the body. Just as a clean house does not attract flies, a body rich in oxygen is a hard fortress to conquer”. Harmful anaerobic bacteria and viruses do not survive in presence of oxygen. Yet, oxygen can obviously select what to kill. Unlike drugs and antibiotics, which generally kill all the bacteria in the body, oxygen only kills the harmful bacteria and allows the beneficial ones to proliferate, thus guaranteeing good health. Doctor Levine defines oxygen as ‘the very spark of life’.

normal metabolic functions of the body, as we have already seen. Decrease of the oxygen available in the atmosphere... Some studies have indicated that the increase in environmental pollution and the destruction of trees has drastically reduced the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere in the last 200 years. Wrong Diet... Saturated fats reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood. Food with high content of fats and little nutritional value (like ‘junk food’ and very elaborate food) contain less than half compared to food based on complex carbohydrates. Lack of exercise... Physical exercise increases metabolism and the amount of oxygen we introduce in our body, thus purifying the body from the accumulated toxins. A sedentary lifestyle reduces the body’s capacity to eliminate toxic pollutants and to carry out its normal metabolic functions.

Lack of oxygen Currently, our body suffers from lack of oxygen every day. Here are the factors which take away oxygen from the body: Intoxication Stress... Due to the water we drink, the air we breathe or the food we eat, we are normally exposed to over 70,000 toxic pollutants, many of which did not exist ten years ago. Oxygen is fundamental in order for the body to try and metabolize these lethal toxic substances. Emotional Stress... Adrenalin and the hormones connected to it are produced by the body in case of emotional stress (that is, every day for many of us). The body has to use the available oxygen to metabolize these chemical substances, eliminate them and re-establish the metabolic balance. Physical Traumas and Infections... Bacteria and viruses can cause great stress to the immune system. In these cases, the immune system is deprived of the necessary oxygen for the

Way of use of cellfood The product CELLFOOD must be considered a food integrator. In fact, it effectively answers not only an integration principle, but also a therapeutic one thanks to its composition and, above all, to its mechanism. The composition of this product includes a large amount of trace minerals. These substances have proved to be fundamental cofactors for the correct development of many, if not all, chemical and biochemical reactions within animal metabolism. The distinctive feature of the product is the fact that it presents minerals as colloids, in order to optimize their absorption and, above all, to make the substances available only in case of real need. It also includes 34 enzymes – the fundamental ones for metabolism - and 17 amino acids, among which all the essential ones. So, this is a great example of integration, with no need to


L’Accademia del Fitness

explain why integration is necessary also for healthy people. The distinctive feature which makes the product unique is deuterium sulphate. This substance derives from a particular and exclusive formulation in which the deuterium can remain stable (which had been almost impossible for years), until it finds a tissue demanding oxygen. In this case it is activated through a reaction with water, on which it acts by weakening the molecular bonds. This leads to the liberation of H+ and O- ions. H+ ions will be used for the metabolic compensation of possible acidosis, while O- ions can meet a free radical of oxygen, O+ (singlet oxygen which is rapidly generated in radical metabolic reactions): this union generates molecular oxygen. So, three important actions take place: • Elimination of a free radical of oxygen • Saving a scavenger • Production of nascent oxygen It is important to remember that this happens while the other components of the integrator reach the cell. Therefore, the cell can count with both a higher amount of oxygen for its work (formed in loco and not coming from respiration, which is


why it is called Nascent), and fundamental material for metabolic construction. In conclusion, it can be said that the CELLFOOD integrator is necessary for cellular drainage and optimization of energy supplies, both in case of increased metabolic need and in case of pathology and, finally, also as an adjuvant in chemical therapies in order to reduce their side effects. WHO SHOULD USE CELLFOOD? The answer is easy. Anyone interested in a holistic approach to health and wellness (that is, anyone interested in the prevention of health problems, rather than in treating them after their appearance) will benefit from the use of CELLFOOD. Our body really needs a substantial amount of oxygen to work properly. Prof. Mauro Miceli Associate Professor Of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences Biomedical Centre University Of Florence U.F. Chemistry Of Food Lab Public Health - Florence

L’Accademia del Fitness


Endocrine disruptors (ED) are a heterogeneous group of substances or contaminators, often present in food chains, which share the capacity to alter hormonal balance. The first historically studied ED substances were DES or diethylstilbestrol, an anti-abortion drug often used at international level from the 1940s to 1970s and TCDD or 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, which became famous after the SEVESO disaster in 1976. From then on, all international research societies (WHO,EFSA,ISS etc.) have centred their attention on the possible interactions between drugs and chemical substances on perinatal and post natal development and on the interaction with endogenous endocrine processes. According to the National Institute for Health (ISTISAN report 11/18, 2011) ED (ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS) can act on the mechanisms of homeostasis or can give rise to unpredictable processes (in a given moment) of the vital circle. The substances which alter the endocrine system seem to interfere with the activity of this complex mechanism and act on at least three levels:


1) simulating the activity of a natural hormone, thus inducing similar chemical reactions to the normally produced ones, but at the wrong time or excessively (agonistic effect); 2) blocking the cell receptors which recognize and bind with hormones (hormonal receptors), thus preventing the usual activity of natural hormones (antagonistic effect); 3) interfering with the synthesis, transport, metabolism and excretion of natural hormones. So far, attention has been given above all to those substances that interfere with reproduction and development, that is, the substances which interfere with steroid hormones (estrogens and androgens). Steroid hormones act, together with other hormones, on reproduction, sexual behaviour, differentiation, development and foetal maturation. Some hypotheses have recently been made concerning the possibility that ED may be responsible for the changes which seem to have occurred in the population in the last decades.

number 13 / 2014 In particular, the main phenomena to which ED might have contributed are: • decrease in the number of spermatozoa in the seminal liquid detected in some areas in the last fifty years; • the appearance of congenital malformations; • increase of hypospadias and cryptorchidism cases; • increase of tumours which can be associated with hormones (testicle, prostate, breast, ovary cancer); • retarded sexual development; • retarded neurobehavioural development. The enormous amount of compounds which might interfere with

the human endocrine system does not facilitate their classification. In general terms it is possible to group them in the following main categories: Industrial and plastic processed products, such as PHTHALATES, BISPHENOL A and PCB (polychlorobiphenyls), have great importance both from the human and ecosystem points of view. These products are used as additives in the processing of plastic in order to make PVC (2-ethylhexyl-phthalate or DEHP) more flexible or to make polycarbonate (Bisphenol A) more resistant and unbreakable. All these substances are constantly in contact with us as they can be found in plastic bottles, food containers,




Hormones excreted by men and animals

• Effected by plants treating water discharge; • Water reuse; • Animal farming sewage; • Utilization of water-based mud discharge or dung scattering.

• 17β-estradiol, estrone, various estrogens

Phyto-estrogens and other vegetal estrogens

• water sewage from urban settlement; • Paper industry discharge.

• Genistein, β-sitosterol

Ionic compounds

• Drainage and percolate of organic or nitrate based fertilising ; • Industrial and military use of synthetic percolates.

• Nitrates • percolates


• mines; • industrial applications; • presence of products such as batteries and mobile phones; • incinerators; • fossil fuel combustion.

• Arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury.

Human and veterinary drugs

• Effected by plants treating discharge water; • Water reuse.

• 17α-etinilestradiol; • Conjugated estrogens, trenbolone

Dioxins, furans and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

• • • • •

• Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; • Benzo(a)pyrene

Chemical industry and its degeneration products

• Industrial effluent and discharge waste; • Product waste.

• Polychlorobiphenyls(PCB), nonylphenol,octylphenol, bisphenol A


• Agricultural use of pesticides and herbicides, washed away dumps and house settlements or followed by percolations in deep or shallow waters; • Elimination of unused biocide discharge

• DDE, lindane, atrazine, linuron, vinclozonil, tributyltin.

Accidental fires or forest arson; Volcanic activity Incinerators; Industrial processes; Fossil fuel combustion.




L’Accademia del Fitness tin coverings, toys and children products etc. Moreover, they can be activated photosynthetically or at high temperatures (bisphenol A) or bioaccumulated in the trophic chain and therefore last for years as is the case of DEHP and all phthalates. The latter, above all in newly born babies, have been seen to alter the synthesis and metabolism of lipids and steroids, interacting with some nuclear receptors (PPARs, PXR) of great importance in the liver. Although experiments on men do not exist, in animal models the administration of phthalates in pregnant mice led to the birth of brood that at the phase of puberty presented disorders and alterations of the hepatocyte metabolism with an altered glycide-lipid balance to the disadvantage of sugar, with consequent stenosis. Moreover, an increase in tumours such as retinoblastoma (one of the most serious in children) was observed. Another particular yet alarming case is the presence of gonads or the growth of parts of them of opposite sex in sweet water fish. A study carried out by CNR (National Research Council) at the beginning of the century showed that urban and industrial discharge waste is, for surface water, a source of pollution which can alter the activity of the endocrine system in vertebrates. These substances vary from agricultural herbicides, industrial plastic waste to even human hormonal metabolites and drug residue which lead to the masculinization and feminization of many national fish species. This phenomenon, called imposex, consists in the formation of gonads of the opposite sex in fish. It causes serious problems both from the point of view of the health of the fish and from the evolutionary point of view. Most of these fish, in fact, result to be infertile or generate infertile brood or brood with serious

malformations due to irregular embryo development. The alarming aspect of these ED is that - although they do not have evident acute or short-term toxicity - the persisting presence of these substances in the environment for decades, the bio-accumulation process and in some cases of biomagnification in the trophic web, make them appear as the possible causes of a great number of foetal diseases (neural tube disorders), of developmental diseases (hypospadias, endometriosis) and many hormonal disorders. Their bioaccumulation capacity, that is, their capacity to increase the concentration of a toxic element in animals in the surrounding environment, transforms ED in a constant danger, since fish products from contaminated water, the meat of animals bred with drugs and artificial fodder or contaminated by dioxins or industrial waste, arrive on our tables without our knowing it. Chronic exposition to these substances, even in small doses, can lead to a number of more or less serious disorders. The only measures to adopt to limit ED interactions in our body is to verify the derivation, the farming origin and feeding methods of animal products and to adopt some simple habits (for example, keep plastic bottles away from light sources) which reduce the risk of contact and assimilation of these substances, as well as to confide that the control on food wholesomeness is more accurate and that it takes into consideration ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS with greater attention.

Steroid hormones act, together with other hormones, on reproduction, sexual behaviour, differentiation, development and foetal maturation.


Doctor Andrea Angelozzi Nutritional Biologist

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FOR FARMA s.r.l. Via delle Ombrine, 17 - 00054 Fiumicino (RM) tel.: 065916517 - fax: 0697626018 - info@forfarma.it - www.forfarma.it E00473_D1V_12_01.indd 1

30/12/11 09.24

L’Accademia del Fitness

PSYCHO-BIO GOOD MANNERS: LEARNING BY DOING (LAST PART) Ever since the middle of the Sixteenth century, Monsignor Giovanni Della Casa in his treatise - his book of etiquette “De Costumi” - pointed out the importance of manners: “The elegance of good manners is the result of serene command over one’s natural inclinations”. A brilliant and surprising intuition for that period. I realize that it is through the serene command over our natural inclinations that we are able to build up the foundations of a harmonious relationship with ourselves, which enables us to keep under control our weaknesses and to accept them as part of ourselves, rather than demonize them. To be fully aware of and to follow carefully the rules of good manners allows us to manage in the right way and confidently every single moment of our life. And it will eventually become a natural habit of refinement. Good Manners do not simply represent an insignificant exercise of snobbery, but a powerful language which - after we have learnt to practise regularly - permits us to become accomplished and refined communicators. We always communicate even when we are not aware of it, even when we are silent. Our behaviour at the table conveys our values and represents


a marked act of non-verbal communication, worth more than a thousand words. We are about to take our seat for a meal – the table is laid, we can smell something good in the air which stimulates our appetite, we are on the point of enjoying some good food and, at this point, great embarrassment arises: Where should I sit? What shall I say? When and how should I begin? Is there a menu? Is there some precedence to follow? A guest to greet? Then there comes the riddle: four glasses, six pieces of cutlery, the special plate for the vegetables, a small plate on the left and... what is that little knife for – the one that looks like a spreading knife? If we don’t know the rules and don’t even feel any embarrassment, the situation is serious. In that moment our careful and discerning external observer does not judge us for what “we consciously know”, but for what we are unconsciously and unintentionally communicating through our behaviour. Unfortunately, what we are saying is usually not very gratifying indeed. All this shows that there is still a long way to go for those who wish to live with style and good manners and who have, at the

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Dai un colore alla tua forma Nelle migliori Farmacie, Parafarmacie ed Erboristerie

L’Accademia del Fitness same time, realized that it is possible to use body language to one’s advantage: knowing this language allows us to move around in society and in our professional life with more confidence. Today more than ever we need to recover those teachings which give value to our life. In the course of the recent evolution of customs which is giving more and more importance to appearances than to what we really are, ever since our childhood, we have left behind the respect for good manners, avoiding what we call respect for the rules: old and useless concepts in exile which repress our spontaneity and creativity. In this way we end up trivializing a much deeper and meaningful psychological and educational view. The result of all this is under our eyes: a society in total chaos, blinded by its extreme selfishness which cannot stand any rules. It is forbidden to forbid. It is also forbidden to think with one’s own brain, to be polite, to have respect for other people, to be grateful, to recognize the value of experience and of those people who have given so much to the future generations. Everything is forbidden except follow the party line blindly and stupidly. Unfortunately, also the school system has suffered from this atmosphere and has lost itself in this sea of commonplaces instead of accomplishing its aim that is to cultivate love for knowledge, respect for other people and their ideas, stimulate young people to act without looking for convenient shortcuts, to deserve the re-

sults they aspire to by committing themselves concretely. The school system has lost sight of its primary goal: to educate. Rudeness is everywhere, indeed it is paradoxically no longer considered as such: those who respect the rules, who are kind are not “smart”, but simply people who know nothing of how the world goes. These concepts, translated into a life style, are commonly accepted and I assure you that at meals people can give the worst impression of themselves not only because they have no idea of the right timing, and ignore the use of knives and forks or of how to use their napkins, but because they show off their carelessness and intolerance for what they consider irrelevant and useless: respect for good manners. A closer look might make us see that behind rudeness there is much aggressiveness. So, it is necessary to mind those little details which we usually tend to ignore and which might turn out to be a big problem in the future: Here is a list: Flirt with the waitress/waiter; keep one’s mobile on and speak about work on the phone; argue with one’s ex wife/ex husband on the phone over alimony or the children; bury one’s head in one’s plate; text a friend; speak and laugh with one’s mouth full; keep texting; interrupt someone who is talking; gossip about friends and acquaintances; put on make-up during the meal;

We always communicate even when we are not aware of it, even when we are silent. Our behaviour at the table conveys our values and represents a marked act of nonverbal communication, worth more than a thousand words


L’Accademia del Fitness look in the opposite direction while someone is talking; make unsuitable comments; eat out of someone’s plate; drink too much; argue about the bill in somebody’s presence; use a toothpick. I’ll stop here because this is more than enough. You have nothing to do with a person of this kind: where this will lead you is very clear, it is all pre-announced. In this case you have the permission to forget all about the rules of good manners and can leave the table before the end of the meal with any excuse. What dinner party is this? A trough! Speaking casually about Good Manners, we sometimes tend not to distinguish between the knowledge of the strictest rules - which reveal your level of education - and the ones that instead disturb the person sitting next to us at the table - which only reveal our ignorance. This confusion makes us say commonplaces to justify what we don’t know, as an ancient Hindu proverb reminds us: ”He who can’t dance says that the floor is uneven”. At this point, we should keep in mind that good manners communicate our appreciation and consideration. They are essential needs which, if satisfied, place our interlocutors in a position of openness: certainly not a trifle matter. For instance, if a business dinner should become a prelude to a business deal or if a first meeting with the man or woman of our life should lead to future happiness. I believe that, owing to a sort of misunderstood comradeship, a lot of people conform to the lowest levels of behaviour and judge people who behave politely as old fashioned snobs, even managing to make them feel uneasy. I asked myself what contribution I could give to change this degrading situation by spreading awareness on the importance of manners against this lack of restraint. I set off by considering good manners at the table as a starting point to begin my task of - let’s call it – civilization. In fact, our coarser aspects are always lurking and real change depends on a firm act of will, a conscious effort which is translated concretely into control, patience and perseverance. Difficult? It is, but eventually rewarding. However, do not expect a snobbish and useless list of Good Manners as the intention here is, through the observation of rules, to attain a method to help us reach awareness and therefore command over our actions. Our lives are so busy and full that we tend to forget the importance of being as present to ourselves as possible. For this

reason I have chosen the moment of our meals as the most suitable situation to start practising and applying ourselves in what will become a fundamental process of personal growth. If we realize that we are not well mannered during our meals we can decide in that context to make up for it and this is the best way to educate our instincts. If we are careful and strongly wish to make things work properly, we will realize how our subconscious magically guides us without us being aware of it and, at that point, we can take command over it. What distinguishes this offer from traditional courses is the importance given to the work of self-awareness and not only to the formal knowledge of rules. However, this does not mean that the didactic part on the formal aspects is not meticulously and widely dealt with. It is not by chance that the subtitle of the presentation is “learning by doing”. Through the concrete experience of the table it will be possible to experiment and live situations which will become moments of in-depth analysis to correct behaviour mistakes and to acquire greater self confidence. In conclusion, we will find inspiration and will not ignore the message of Monsignor Della Casa, who states that Good Manners “are a civil and political language, an expression of social gracefulness and propriety”. All issues will be debated in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere with the awareness that the knowledge of Good Manners and above all their application makes a big difference: it means being able to speak a more evolved language which puts culture, education and virtue on the same level as all three of them contribute to one’s overall education. Therefore, friends, let us sit around the table and experience how the pleasures of food can be even more enjoyable when shared and not dispersed in the ignorance of our contemporary dinner guests.

In conclusion, we will find inspiration and will not ignore the message of Monsignor Della Casa, who states that Good Manners “are a civil and political language, an expression of social gracefulness and propriety”.


Dr. Valeria Guerra For individual or group courses of psycho-bio good manners contact: www.valeriaguerra.it e-mail valeriawar@libero.it Degree in Education and Psychology “Degree of Master of Arts in Behavioral Studies” at Jolla University of California Autogenic Training with Kretschmer’s double track Specialised in Strategic Communication at CTS in Arezzo directed by Prof. Giorgio Nardone

number 13 / 2014

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f n i olo


L’Accademia del Fitness



My experience as well as my ongoing studies in the field of endocrinology have led me to understand the importance of a personalized approach which must take into account the hormonal prevalence of every single individual. After verifying that hormonal prevalence means that a person tends to accumulate fat in certain parts of the body, I formulated diversified diets and training sessions according to the different morphotypes which I divided into four types: hyperlipogenetic, hypolipolytic, hyper- mixed types, hypo- mixed types. The hyperlipogenetic type corresponds to the subject in which the functioning of the hypothalamic- hypophysisadrenocortical axis prevails. In other words, a high hormone production of the adrenal cortex, such as cortisol, which is linked to stress response. In the acute phase cortisol stimulates lipolysis, but a high and chronic secretion of it desensitizes the adipocytes which cease to react to lipolytic stimulation and instead contribute, thanks to their hyperglycemizing effect, (the transformation of proteins into glucose), to raise insulin levels and to favour the appearance of insulin resistance which increases trunk and abdomen visceral fat. This type of subjects (“apple-shaped�) present high cortisol levels already in the early morning (cortisol has a circadian rhythm and reaches its highest peak in the morning) so, against what is generally recommended, they must eat moderate quantities of carbohydrates for breakfast to avoid further increase in glycemic levels which are already raised by cortisol. On the contrary, if carbohydrates are included in their evening diet, they will stimulate greater serotonin production which will help regular sleep and a more regular hormone production. Although it is true that a protein evening meal helps GH stimulation, activating greater hypoglycaemia during the night, it is also true that in predisposed subjects it can lead to adrenergic hyperactivity, which does not favour a good phase of REM sleep, therefore GH secretion will be inhibited and high cortisol levels will remain also during the night producing catabolic effects.


La dieta COM (acronimo di CronOrMorfo dieta) è un approccio integrato che tiene conto della Cronobiologia degli Ormoni e della Morfologia dell’essere umano. Tutto questo, si sa, è legato alla genetica che indirizza il nostro sviluppo secondo le nostre predisposizioni. Oggi, tuttavia, si ha la certezza che anche l’epigenetica gioca un ruolo fondamentale nel permettere o impedire il manifestarsi di determinate predisposizioni. La dieta COM tiene conto della Morfologia dell’individuo che corrisponde a specifiche prevalenze Ormonali, la cui influenza sulla distribuzione del grasso può essere controllata e modificata, in parte, dalla scelta qualitativa, quantitativa e cronologica degli alimenti, favorendo, di conseguenza un dimagrimento localizzato.

“La Dieta COM in pratica” è un manuale dove le stesse informazioni presenti nel libro “La dieta COM e il dimagrimento localizzato” vengono rielaborate e rese di più semplice comprensione, arricchendosi di numerosi aspetti pratici come esempi di diete, schemi di integrazione alimentare, schede di allenamento e infine ricette di cucina funzionale per ogni biotipo. Le ricette tengono conto del gusto, dei sapori e della forma di una buona tavola, nell’assoluto rispetto delle tabelle nutrizionali della Dieta COM. “La Dieta COM in pratica” rappresenta un valido strumento per le persone comuni che intendono conoscere se stesse e attuare quelle strategie di stile di vita finalizzate ad assecondare le proprie caratteristiche individuali favorendone, nel contempo, lo sviluppo armonico e proporzionato scevro da inestetismi e patologie.

Cronormorfodieta Come perdere grasso nei punti giusti mangiando i cibi giusti al momento giusto

Nelle librerie e nelle edicole allegato alla rivista

“Cucina Naturale” - maggio 2014 -

L’antiaging o antiage è una terminologia che oggi è di moda, tanto è vero che è ormai utilizzata per molti prodotti rivolti alle cure del corpo e del viso. In realtà il concetto dell’antiaging va oltre, anche se non disconosce, le cure estetiche ed è rivolto principalmente a contrastare i danni funzionali legati al processo di invecchiamento. In questo libro Massimo Spattini, insieme a 12 esperti, ognuno per le proprie competenze specifiche, trattano l’alimentazione, l’integrazione alimentare, l’esercizio fisico, la postura, l’allenamento funzionale, l’igiene dentale, il sesso, la psiche e, le cure estetiche, le terapie ormonali e il check-up diagnostico. Ogni argomento è trattato in maniera semplice e comprensibile, in modo da poter fornire già utili indicazioni per iniziare un percorso finalizzato a trovare la “fonte della giovinezza”.

Un approccio funzionale a 360° per il benessere e un invecchiamento ritardato

L’Accademia del Fitness As these subjects present high cortisol levels even in the morn- ity, but there can be a prevalence. As far as I am concerned, ing, they do not particularly benefit from aerobic exercise in I belong to the hyper-mixed biotype with a hyperlipogenetic the morning, which instead can easily have catabolic effects. tendency. Instead, it would be recommended after a little one hundred Certainly, we must not only keep the genetic nature into ac-calorie snack consisting in fibre carbohydrates and serum pro- count: epigenetics or, in other words, the influence of the teins with the possible addition of branched amino acids and external environment is of the same importance. In my case phosphatidylserine. the constant stress to which I am submitted due to the heavy However, it is very important that aerobic exercise should be rhythm of my daily activity leads me towards a hyperlipogenetic practised very softly and gradually in order to allow the sub- situation and therefore I must take it into account choosing carject to adapt slowly to it. Hypolipolytic subjects stand on the bohydrates and to exercise in the evening when the level of opposite end, as they prevalently produce estrogen hormones cortisol is lower. (therefore mainly female, but it can be also produced by a man All these concepts expressed here simply and briefly for space who easily aromatizes testosterone in estrogens). reasons, are widely dealt with in my book “The Com diet and loEstrogens have a modulation effect on adrenal cortisol produc- calized weight loss” which is about the sort of diet which takes tion and tend to slow down thyroid meinto account the individual’s hormone tabolism, thus stimulating fat accumulaprevalence based on the evaluation of tion above all in the lower part of the body their morphology which can be regulated (“pear shaped” subjects). through a chronologic intake of various Therefore, these subjects have a slow types of food. metabolism, that is, they do not optimally The book also deals with another very inburn fats. So, it would be advisable for teresting theme which is localized weight them to follow a diet which helps them to loss, a very controversial subject, supproduce thyroid and GH hormones which ported by scientific evidence. are mainly lipolytic. For those who are not particularly interIn order to make this possible it is advisested in these issues from the scientific able to follow a diet rich in carbohydrates point of view, but who would like to have in the first part of the day to stimulate the a guide on the most suitable food choices production of thyroid hormones and a proaccording to the Com Diet, I recommend tein diet in the evening to stimulate GH production. These sub- my book ”The Com Diet in Practice” which will be available next jects can, indeed must, practise aerobic exercise in the morning May in book stores. It is a sort of manual in which one can find before breakfast as their glycemic levels will be very low hav- examples of diets, integration plans and training sheets accordde di Natucarbohydrates in the evening ingle gui avoided ing to one’s morpho-type. There is also an entire section ra&Salute le guide di Nat and as they present low cortisol levels in dedicated to the description of tasty ura&Salute recipes based on the Com Diet spetheL morning. a Dieta Mixed subjects instead accumulate fat hocifi cally elaborated by the Functional COM in pratica (“pepper shaped subjects”). mogenously Gastronomy chef, Marcello Ghiretti. The hypermixed types are usually proFinally, to make things easier for the Massimo Spa ttini vided with good metabolism and present reader, predefined weekly plans and ina well proportioned and athletic figure dications on the best consumption time but they can however suffer from food for each recipe divided by morpho-type disorders with consequences on thyroid have been included. Massimo Spatt metabolism. ini Dr. Ph. Massimo Spattini The hypo-mixed types present an alteraSpecialist in Sports Medicine tion of the hypophysis gland, low GH Specialist in Food Science production and high prolactin producBoard Certifi cate in Anti-Aging & Regenerative tion (antilipolytic hormone). Both mixed Medicine (ABAARM-USA) types must follow a diet with a limited Diplomate Functional Medicine (AFMCP) amount of carbohydrates in each meal (above all in the evening in hypo-mixed subjects). Moreover, whereas hyper-mixed subjects must mainly consume food rich in iodine in order to stimulate the thyroid, hypo-mixed subjects must avoid dairy products which stimulate prolactin production. Obviously, such clearly defined biotypes do not exist in real-

We must not only keep the genetic nature into account: epigenetics or, in other words, the influence of the external environment is of the same importance.

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788848 129 947

9,90 euro

Massimo Spa ttini

ISBN 978-8 8-481-2994


t aliquat aciduis

La Dieta COM in pratica

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le guide di Na

testo Osto dun

La Dieta COM è un approc cio alimentare conto della cro personalizato nobiologia deg che tiene li ormoni e dell umano. Trovar a mor fologia e la giusta alim dell’essere entazione per fondamentale ciascuno di noi per dimagrire è la strada e raggiunger e la salute.

La Dieta COM in pratica

Per difese più forti Per ossa solide

Il 60-80% della popolazione 1 presenta carenze di vitamina D

• Dosaggio elevato (1000 U.I.) per compressa masticabile

Gusto Lime

• Vitamina D3 (colecalciferolo) la forma di vitamina D meglio assimilata Categorie a rischio specifico di ipovitaminosi D:

• bambini • donne in gravidanza o allattamento • anziani • persone poco esposte al sole • individui dalla pelle scura • persone obese o sovrappeso

Vitamina D3 25 μg (500%*)

Dolcificato con glicosidi della Stevia rebaudiana

Dose giornaliera raccomandata: 400 U.I. (10 µg)

1000 U.I. (25 µg)

Upper intake level


1 cpr.


1000 U.I.


2 cpr.


2000 U.I.



1 cpr.

4000 U.I.

Anziani (60+)


1 o 2 cpr.

4000 U.I.

In gravidanza


1 o 2 cpr.

4000 U.I.


* European Food Safety Authority. EFSA Journal 2012;10(7):2813 [45 pp.].

Vitamina D3 10 μg (200%*)

*% A.R.: Assunzione di riferimento Holick MF, Chen TC. Vitamin D deficiency: a worldwide problem with health consequences. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Apr;87(4):1080S-6S. Review.


Philippart de Foy JM, Lambert Michel, Zech Francis. Carence en vitamine D, une pandémie facilement éradicable en médecine de 1ère ligne. UCL, 2009

Adami et al. Linee guida su prevenzione e trattamento dell’ipovitaminosi D con colecalciferolo. Reumatismo 2011;63 (3):129-147

In farmacia

L’Accademia del Fitness



IN ANTIAGING MEDICINE (LAST PART) Several natural integrators have proved helpful to control arterial pressure, together with physical exercise and a proper

diet, which have been already included in the guidelines of the American Heart Association. The following table lists the most accredited ones.

Table 1: Natural substances with proven effectiveness in managing hypertension Intervento

Effetto atteso

Evidenza scientifica

Coenzyme Q10

Significant reduction of diastolic and systolic arterial pressure at 225mg/day dosage. Possible effect through anti-oxidant action and mitochondrial potentiation.

Langsjoen et al. 1994a, Langsjoen et al. 1994b, Digiesi et al. 1990, 1992; Singh 1998, 1999

Vitamin C

There is a close link between Vitamin C and hypertension. Individuals with lower levels of Vitamin C have higher AP. The intake of 500mg of Vitamin C a day has caused significant reduction of AP in hypertensive women and men. The anti-hypertensive action is probably due to the modulation of the activity of nitric oxide (NO), an important vasodilatory substance produced by arginine.

Salonen et al. 1998; Taddei et al. 1998; Enstrom et al. 1992; Duffy et al. 1999;

Essential fatty acids (GLA, DHA, EPA)

Essential fatty acids have proven effective in the reduction of triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and arterial pressure. Moreover, they reduce fibrinogen, C-reactive protein, homocysteine levels and they improve insulin sensitivity.

Toft et al. 1995; Pizzorno 2001; Bucher et al. 2002; Hu et al. 2002; Iso et al 2001; Saynor et al 1992; Madsen et al. 2001; Engler et al. 1998

Vitamin E

The anti-oxidant effects of Vitamin E are also effective for the reduction of arterial pressure. Hypertensive individuals often show low levels of Vitamin E.

Kumar and Das 1993; Newaz et al. 1999


Garlic is a powerful hypotensive and vasodilator agent. 600-900 mg a day have proven effective in reducing pressure in individuals with slight hypertension. The antihypertensive effect seems to be particularly effective on systolic pressure. The action is based on the reduction of the levels of epinephrine, ACE inhibition and increase in NO synthesis.

Silagy et al. 1994; Steiner 1996; Morihara et al. 2002


L-Arginine has similar effects to nitroglycerin, with vasodilation, pressure reduction and increase in NO production.

Hambrecht et al. 2000; Rector et al. 1996; Brunini et al. 2002; Campese et al. 1997


Potassium intake reduces arterial pressure through the reduction of renin release, antagonism of angiotensin II and vasodilation.

Appel et al. 1997; Wheltono et al. 1997; Morris and Sebastian 1995


Magnesium has effective hypotensive action above all in those individuals who have Kotchen and Kotchen 1999; Nadler and low magnesium levels due to continuous use of diuretics. Magnesium stimulates the Rude 1995 endothelial cells to produce prostaglandins I2with vasodilator action. Moreover, lack of magnesium is associated to insulin resistance.


Low calcium intake is associated to hypertension. The possible mechanisms are membrane stabilization and regulation of cellular processes. However, some data indicate that at lower dosage than 700-800 mg a day calcium may have hypertensive effect.

Brown and Hiu 2001; Williams 2001; Luft et al. 1990; Meese et al. 1987

Pomegranate extract

Pomegranate has several beneficial effects, some of which are connected to the cardiovascular system. The molecules which cause the effects are ellagic acid and punicalagin, substances with high anti-oxidant action. Moreover, these substances prevent the degradation of vasodilator molecules.

Aviram M et al 2001; Gil MI et al 2000; Lansky EP 2006; Ignarro LJ et al 2006

C12 peptide (from casein)

C12 peptide isolated from milk casein is a natural ACE inhibitor which is effective in controlling hypertension.

Karaki H et al 1990; Townsend RR et al 2004; Sekiya S et al 1992

Physical exercise

Moderate physical exercise is by now considered a fundamental intervention against hypertension. It can eliminate the problem in cases of slight hypertension.

American Heart Association guidelines


The DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is the most famous and scientifically accepted example of diet intervention to control the levels of arterial pressure. DASH indicates as fundamental a proper intake of Magnesium, Potassium and Calcium through the intake of proper consumption of fruit and vegetables.

American Heart Association guidelines; Cushman et al. 1998; Allender et al. 1996 McCarron 1997

Relaxation techniques and stress reduction

More and more attention is devoted to the role of stress in gene rating hypertension. According to some authors the problem is caused by a sort of unconscious hypersurveillance which keeps the central nervous system hyperactive. Relaxation techniques are pivotal for a multimodal treatment of the problem.

Schulkin J (Ed). Allostasis, homeostasis and the cost of physiological adaptation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2004, pp 39-58.


number 13 / 2014

It must be pointed out that every nonpharmacological intervention against hypertension will not have immediate effect. For this reason, it is always advisable to wait 8-12 weeks before evaluating their effects.

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension are recognised on an international scale as an effective intervention to prevent and treat hypertension.

The DASH diet The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension are recognised on an international scale as an effective intervention to prevent and treat hypertension. Yet, few doctors know it and prescribe it. The DASH diet is rich in fruit, vegetables and other food rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium, and poor in sodium. Patients are advised to take high quantities of omega 3 fatty acids present above all in fish, and to reduce the use of kitchen salt (less than 2.4g a day, which is about 1 spoon). It has been demonstrated that the DASH approach alone can help reduce systolic pressure of 11 points and the diastolic pressure of 6.

side effects. A more scientifically correct and modern approach is the multi-modal approach, which fights hypertension in a complex and integrated way, working on one’s lifestyle, diet, stress and physical exercise, using correctly a series of natural substances of proven effectiveness and introducing drugs only in very small doses and only as support therapies in case the natural intervention has not achieved results.

Dr. Filippo Ongaro Health Director Institute of Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine s.r.l. (Ismerian) Vice-President (AMIA) Italian Association of Anti-Aging Medical Doctors Board Certified Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM) Diplomate Functional Medicine (AFMCP) Certified Practioner International School of Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE)

Conclusions Hypertension is not effectively treated by approaches which only tend to stop pressure regulation, thus causing inevitable


L’Accademia del Fitness

POSTURE AND FOOD INTOLERANCE As it often happens, one is moved to go deeper into issues by problems connected to one’s own life experience. As a teenager, I used to play basketball but I was always suffering from a problem (dysentery) which would normally make any athlete suspend for a while, but in my case I would have had to stop playing. After becoming a teacher of Physical Education, while attending a course of plantar reflexology in February 1986, Prof. Michelangelo Chiecchi (expert in natural medicine) spoke so much about health problems connected to one’s diet and above all to some types of food which we pay little attention to, but are not salutary to everybody. In my case, since I was a good athlete, I obliged myself to drink a lot of milk, even at meals. I later discovered that I was doing harm to myself without knowing it. Food Intolerances are usually congenital, but can also be due to bad metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, even if the most frequent case is due to disaccharidase disorder, that is, when the colon is reached by a great quantity of sugars stimulating bacterial fermentation and generating gases and acids which end up in the intestine lumen. The disorder which was surely a great obstacle for my performance was caused by the lack of “lactase”, an enzyme. As many more competent authors have written about this issue, I would like to underline that food intolerances, like allergies, are reactions to non-toxic foods. Allergies are generally caused by an IgE antibody mediated response which can eventually provoke anaphylactic shock. Intolerances, instead, can be of various origins: enzymatic when, owing to genetic reasons, an enzyme which can metabolize a type of food is missing (for example lactase); or they can have an immune origin. Recent studies have shown that various food intolerances are linked to the presence of IgG antibodies directed against certain types of food. The most common symptoms due to food intolerances are: headache, photophobia, gastralgia, inappetence, dermatitis. These symptoms can be caused by real immune reactions with immediate and delayed effects, or with formation of toxic substances which cannot be effectively discharged. However, all these mechanisms cause flogosis on the intestine wall. The exams to detect such intolerances are accomplished through various tests, among which the “ELISA” test (EnzymeLinked ImmunoSorbent Assay) is currently the most reliable for the detection of IgG mediated intolerances. A diet deprived of the food which causes intolerance is beneficial to the body. Besides the ELISA test (which is in any case necessary to identi-


number 13 / 2014


TI RENDE LIBERO FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST Le intolleranze alle proteine alimentari, dette allergie ritardate, sono reazioni conseguenti l’introduzione di alimenti di consumo comune. Queste reazioni sono causate da un’iperproduzione di immunoglobuline di classe G (IgG). Emicrania, disturbi gastro-intestinali e respiratori, stanchezza cronica, dermatiti, irritabilità, sovrappeso, sono solo alcuni dei sintomi ricorrenti nei soggetti affetti da allergia ritardata. Il FOOD INTOLERANCE TEST (F.I.T.) di Natrix permette di verificare la reazione dell’organismo nei confronti di 46, 92 o 184 alimenti. Ciò che ha reso il F.I.T. affidabile è la metodica analitica ELISA,

affidabile e ripetibile e la lunghissima esperienza di Natrix nel campo della diagnostica delle intolleranze.

celiaci, per il monitoraggio della malattia celiaca in soggetti che seguono una dieta priva di glutine.


Natrix Lab: il laboratorio certificato (UNI-ENI-ISO 9001: 2000) di riferimento per le analisi:

Ad oggi per ogni celiaco diagnosticato, ve ne sono sette a cui la celiachia non viene diagnosticata. L’ingestione di glutine, nei pazienti affetti o predisposti a celiachia, provoca un grave danneggiamento della mucosa intestinale. Il CELIAC TEST è una prova allergometrica che consente di effettuare un saggio di I° livello completo per la celiachia. Il CELIAC TEST è consigliato in caso di sospetto di malattia celiaca, in familiari di primo grado (genitori, fratelli) di soggetti

• • • • • • • •


Tutte le analisi sono eseguibili anche tramite un semplicissimo prelievo capillare e salivare.


L’Accademia del Fitness fy the existence of intolerances), in Kinesiology and Osteopathy also diagnostic “postural” tests are used, such as for instance Barré’s Vertical, the Rotator Test, Romberg, Fukuda and the Osteopathic Fascial and Craniosacral Evaluation. They give immediate clinical evidence of the subject’s intolerance and determine whether it is important for the subject in order to solve their postural problem. What has posture got to do with all this? Posturology looks for the repercussions in the general human body system of every single specific function, so nutrition cannot be reduced to a matter of energy and food supply. Since all body functions influence one another, probably some alterations of the normal physiology of the digestive apparatus could reveal situations which can influence posture. Food problems concern the food we daily eat that expose us to problems of immunological nature: man’s immune system is a complex integrated web of chemical and cellular mediators which has developed in the course of evolution in order to defend the body from any form of chemical, traumatic or infection damage to its integrity. Therefore, a fundamental feature of the immune system is the capacity to distinguish between those endogenous and exogenous structures which do not represent any danger and so can or must be preserved (self), and those endogenous and exog-

enous structures which instead are harmful for the body and so must be eliminated (non-self). Hence, the immune system’s primary role concerning the functionality of the digestive system is quite evident. Through a complex system of chemical mediators (cytokines, neurotransmitters, hormones etc.) every mucosal lymphocyte receives “information” about what happens from the immunological point of view in every other mucosa of the body. Any alteration of this system of response modulation entails the appearance of negative reactions against some types of food. However, only a small number of subjects results to be allergic. This is due to the phenomenon of “immunological tolerance”. The production of these antibodies derives from a chronic digestive dysfunction which allows antigenic protein absorption. This provokes the function alteration of the organ involved and also of the structures connected to it, such as for instance the muscles of the abdominal wall communicating with the organ interested by flogosis. How food intolerance affects posture. The digestive system is composed of organs such as the oesophagus, stomach, liver, tenuous and crass intestine etc. but also of other anatomic components which are part of the same system and do not have a secondary physiological role and that,

Since all body functions influence one another, probably some alterations of the normal physiology of the digestive apparatus could reveal situations which can influence posture.


L’Accademia del Fitness if altered, can provoke its alteration manifesting unsuspected symptoms such as lumbar pain or postural alterations of many kinds. Inflammation gives origin to a change in the general conditions and therefore muscular function is altered by it and contractures or muscular tone modifications can appear. The altered contractile function, having skeleton insertions, will also affect these structures. Therefore, it is necessary to make some considerations on the anatomical parts, examining them not only in their collocation, but also while performing their function. The “Fascial System”, besides being a mechanical support element, connects the various parts of our body. In the abdomen region such system is composed by the Peritoneum. The mechanic features of the fascial system are linked to its fibrous connective inelastic constitution: the traction of any portion of it is transmitted from a distance to every part of the wall insertion and this creates tractions that, if protracted in time, facilitate the appearance of altered functionality of the lumbar vertebral metamers. A traction on the fascial system of the peritoneum can appear after recurring or chronic inflammation events which involve the walls of the contained organs. In case of tension of the mesenteric root, we have a traction of the respective vertebral metamers which will make L2 rotate to the right and L4 rotate to the left, thus creating the preconditions for a lumbar rachis dysfunction which can clinically turn into a postural alteration. All this is true also in the opposite sense: an incorrect lumbar rachis function can have effects on the digestive system function. The diaphragm is a very important muscle which presents a central fibrous section, a phrenic centre and a real peripheral muscular section. It is asymmetrically attached at vertebral level through two main pillars and is intimately connected to vital organs. Food intolerance, through the mechanisms already described, can easily determine a diaphragm contraction which - owing to anatomical reasons - necessarily determines an asymmetrical traction of the lumbar spine and, therefore, also an opposite rotation and inclination of the vertebral metamers involved. According to studies on the evolution of erect posture, the “IlioPsoas” muscle, is the first muscle responsible for physiological lumbar lordosis. It is a very important muscle not only for the movement of the lower limbs, but also for posture management. It is a large muscle (two in fact…) which delimitates the posterior abdominal cavity.

Its action: in open kinetic chain it flexes, abducts and permits thigh extrarotation when it takes a fixed point on spine and hip; in closed kinetic chain, it flexes and inclines the trunk on its side and rotates it in the opposite direction when it takes fixed point on femur. A unilateral contraction determines an inclination and rotation of the lumbar vertebrae on which it inserts itself. These muscles are strictly linked to the functions which determine postural balance, as they are intimately linked to the proprioceptive nervous system of the articulations and of the deep muscles also belonging to other muscle chains. When a muscle works for a long time in a hypertonic or contracted condition, whatever the cause, its altered activity inevitably has effects on the other muscles belonging to the same muscle chain. From the clinical point of view it is useful to be informed about these anatomicalfunctional relations because it is possible to evaluate relatively easily the function and tone of a series of muscles and the probable consequences. In conclusion, among the various causes of posture alterations we can include also food intolerances. With the same mechanism of inflammation mediator production, probably also intolerances to other toxic types, exogenous and endogenous, can have similar importance. After effecting the necessary tests, more specific interventions will be possible in a multidisciplinary approach in order to have a complete vision as much as possible - and not a partial one to the advantage of the subject’s health. The invitation to a Correct Lifestyle obviously includes the healthy practice of a healthy and complete Motor Activity which will include “Postural Education”, “Counter resistance Exercises”, but, as far as the above described problems are concerned, in order to detoxify the organs it is important to provoke physiological cardiovascular stimulations through “Cardio-Fitness” training performed in the gym or in the open air. “Movement is life”.

These muscles are strictly linked to the functions which determine postural balance, as they are intimately linked to the proprioceptive nervous system of the articulations and of the deep muscles also belonging to other muscle chains.


Prof. Ciro di Cristino Qualified at ISEF; Teacher at the AFFWA National Courses; Teacher at the Training Course “Wellbeing and Lifestyles”: at Sapienza University in Rome; Teacher-Educator-Trainer of various Sport Disciplines.

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L’Accademia del Fitness

WHAT HELPS THE ADRENAL GLANDS? The adrenal glands are two small glands placed above the kidneys which have an important role for the body’s production of energy. In particular, when it is necessary to react against external stress, they release, under the action of acth, glucocorticoids, adrenalin, noradrenalin, substances that have different effects: • they stimulate the heart’s activity, increasing the contractile force of the cardiac muscle; • they increase blood glycemic level, thus facilitating sugar absorption by the tissues; • they decrease muscle fatigue, so they allow more intense and longer physical exercise; • they have a vasoconstriction action, so they allow a greater amount of blood to flow in a part of the body where it is urgently needed. • They regulate water and mineral balance; Therefore, the adrenal glands regulate energy levels and emotional conditions, resistance to diseases, the sense of wellbeing through the hormones they synthesize. They can strongly influence glycidic, lipid and protein metabolisms, immune response, thyroid functioning and heart activity.


As long as the solicitations defined by the English word “stress” are within normal levels, the adrenal glands can answer the body’s energy demand by releasing the above described hormones. Instead, in case of greater and more intense stress, as for instance during physical exercise, there can be and overstimulation which leads to energy exhaustion and, therefore, to strain of biological structures. An example of how stress can lead to the body’s strain of biological structures is represented by the over production of free radicals which occurs in case of physical or psychological overstimulation. Intense physical exercise can also lead to complex chemical reactions involving the immune, cardiac and nervous systems. Stress, on the other hand, is not a negative element in itself as it is generally believed to be. Indeed, strong external solicitations, obstacles to overcome, conflicts, have always represented a vital spur in the history of man who would never have evolved without his capacity of adaptation against adversities such as, for instance, the sudden lack of food in a certain geographical area. In general, stress intended as a “spur towards change” is es-

number 13 / 2014

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L’Accademia del Fitness

sential in life as it gives us the necessary motivation to move from a certain situation to another (in one’s studies, in sports, in sentimental and social affairs, in one’s working life). It this case we refer to “constructive stress”. However, when the external solicitations are too big to be successfully coped with, “destructive” reactions and pathological alterations can appear. Therefore, the real problem is not represented by stress in itself, but by the body’s reaction to it. In these particularly intense conditions, it can be useful to take natural substances which - thanks to the active principles in them contained - imitate the action of the hormones produced by the adrenal glands, improve the body’s resistance to solicitations, contrast the action of free radicals and reduce our sense of fatigue. The most studied and utilized medical plants in these situations are:

When the external solicitations are too big to be successfully coped with, “destructive” reactions and pathological alterations can appear.

Eleutherococcus: Eleutherococcus extract strongly binds itself to glucocorticoid and mineral corticoid receptors (Pearce et al 1982). Vitro tests have given evidence of an increase of ACTH and LH levels after administration of ES extract (Wagner 1995). The strong tropism towards the adrenal glands would explain the strong resistance to heat, cold, infections, physical stress in general, radiations and also the effects of lack of weight in space. Athletes have shown up to a 9% increase in resistance after taking the plant, probably due to improved oxygen metabolism (perhaps caused by an increase in the number of mitochondria). Eleutheroside E seems to be mainly responsible for the increase in stress resistance. Rhodiola: Widely used in Russian popular traditions, it is at present the object of many studies which have confirmed its precious properties. It has an adaptive action, facilitates intellectual activity in conditions of stress and therefore improves learning and memory. It improves sport performance. Rhodiola stimulates lipase activity, an enzyme which hydrolyzes the ester linkage present in the molecule of triglycerides releasing fatty acids which can be thus metabolized. Alfalfa: Its main components are: mineral salts, proteins, chlorophyll,


vitamins C, K, provitamin A, B2, B6, D, sterols, cerebrosides. It has important remineralizing and invigorating effects. Being rich in minerals, vitamins and amino acids, it has therapeutic use in cases of physical and mental asthenia and in disorders due to insufficient diet. It has remineralizing, tonic and antiasthenic effects.

Schisandra: Many clinical studies have shown that Schisandra is efficient against stress, above all if it is connected to the adrenal cortical system. In particular, Schisandra has a tonic action on mental processes, increasing concentration and memory without the nervous side effects of other tonic stimulant remedies. Schisandra is widely used and appreciated for its enhancement of mental acuity and against visual fatigue. There also exist preliminary results on its influence on the endogenous anti-oxidation system of glutathione. There are also a number of interesting studies which correlate the intake of this herb with an increase of oxide nitric levels. Fenugreek: Thanks to the presence of mineral salts (iron, manganese, copper, magnesium) and vitamins (B6, thiamine and riboflavin), Fenugreek seed extract has tonic and stimulant properties useful in cases of intense physical stress, weakness, anaemia, convalescence. Dr. Giovanni Occhionero


■ La teoria neuro-endocrina dell’invecchiamento ■ Alimentazione neuro-endocrina ■ L’allenamento come stimolo ormonale ■ Integratori alimentari per la modulazione dei valori ormonali ■ La terapia sostitutiva ormonale con ormoni bioidentici per contrastare il decadimento psico-fisico: applicazioni ed indicazioni terapeutiche, effetti benefici ed effetti indesiderati

Dr. MASSIMO SPATTINI Specialista in Medicina dello Sport Specialista in Scienza dell’Alimentazione Certified in Anti-aging & Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM - USA) Certified AFMCP (Applying Functional Medicine Segreteria organizzativa in Clinical Practice) - IFM (USA) SCUOLA ITALIANA FITNESS E ALIMENTAZIONE (SIFA) Docente nell’anno accademico 2012/2013 nel Corso Dott. Fabrizio D’Agostino - Cell. 3289027865 di Formazione “Metodologie Anti-aging e Anti-stress” info@fitnessplay.net - www.fitnessplay.net dell’Università Sapienza di Roma con l’insegnamento Quota iscrizione “Ipotesi di terapia sostitutiva ormonale per contrastare Residenziale hotel Ramada: € 250 Iva inclusa Online (FAD) : € 230 iva inclusa il decadimento psico-fisico: applicazioni potenziali ed Disponibilità fino ad esaurimento posti effetti indesiderati psico-fisici della terapia sostitutiva ormonale”. ECM : sono stati richiesti i Crediti per le figure professionali di: Medico Chirurgo, Biologo, Dietista, Farmacista. LOCATION: Hotel Ramada, Via Galileo Ferraris, 40 – 80142 Napoli

L’Accademia del Fitness

FROM MOTOR EVALUATION TO PHYSICAL EXERCISE PLANNING The increase in the demand for physical exercise on part of people of all ages, both healthy people and subjects suffering from metabolic disorders, has led to the expansion of the fitness sector. Certainly, the operators have improved their scientific knowledge, yet sometimes technical and professional lack in managing the training sessions thwart goal achievement. Among the faults we can mention the omission to evaluate correctly the motor and functional capacity of our users, which would reduce the error margin often caused by a kind of training which remains below the intensity threshold to provoke adaptation stimuli. In the same way as after an examination a doctor prescribes a patient some analyses to be followed by a therapy, before being trained a person must undergo a motor check-up. The analysis of the results allows training customization. Careful monitoring of the training variables guarantee protocol correctness in terms of achievable results. The guidelines of the American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM’s Guidelines for exercise testing and prescription, 8th edition, 2010) provide general indications on physical activity for the majority of adult people. When giving advice on physical education it is important to know the initial physical condition of the subject as well as the relation between dose (external or given loading) and response (internal or training load) of the very exercise in order to achieve the goals previously agreed in the short, medium and long period. Moreover, in creating a training programme, it is particularly useful to structure it by frequency, intensity, time and type of exercise. Therefore, it is obvious that in order to give a suitable training we must evaluate the fitness level of the examined sub-


ject, controlling and monitoring some fundamental parameters. Routine evaluation is based on personal anamnesis, the identification of the main risk factors and other possible muscularskeletal problems. In this first classification it is useful to have some physiological and biochemical parameters under control, in order to exclude metabolic problems. So, it is important to collaborate with the doctor in order to solve problems and choose a healthy lifestyle. Now, in order to obtain a more in-depth analysis of the physical condition and metabolism, we can analyse the body composition so as to establish some goals for fitness optimization and evaluate the daily energy requirements. In medical field the Body Mass Index (BMI) is taken into great consideration. It is used to calculate the ratio between body weight and height (kg/ height2), a parameter that indicates the degree of cardiovascular risk per overweight or underweight level in comparison with a normal range (between 20-25). Actually, such evaluation cannot give any indication on the body composition, and we do not know if the changes in weight are due to qualitative changes in the lean mass or to fat loss or gain. In order to have a more detailed vision at the starting physical condition and then evaluate if the effects of training and diet have given the desired result, we have to use other measures. Body Impedance Assessment or BIA is a professional scale which – by means of the passage of current through the body - can determine the body composition and in particular the amount of water present in the body: • Total body water (TBW); • Extracellular water (ECW); • Intracellular water (ICW);

number 13 / 2014 • Fat-free mass (FFM); • Fat mass (FM); • Muscle mass (MM); • Basal metabolism (BM). Even if it is a sensitive instrument, BIA is not faultless. Therefore, the use of other instruments is advised, too. For instance, the plicometer and the metre tape. The most used and simple method is the comparison between the thickness of the sectional plicae of subcutaneous fat and the circumference of the limbs. The most important circumference is waist measurement in order to evaluate the amount of visceral fat (ideal <94 cm in men and <80 cm in women). Work on the spot and the support of scientific research are consolidating the theory according to which there is a correlation between hormonal levels and fat accumulation, useful information for training customization and localized loss of weight. The fundamental premise for the creation of a good training programme is careful cardiopulmonary evaluation. As mentioned before, the quantification of the internal training load is fundamental for goal achievement. The knowledge of the right intensity of cardio-metabolic work and of the physiological mechanisms responsible for the adjustments caused by training depend on the analysis of cardiac frequency (CF). The evaluation of training CF can be calculated indirectly (the formulas can be easily found in literature and are based on the subject’s age: Cooper, Tanaka, Karvonen) or through tests with maximal or sub-maximal progressive loads. The heart beat is mainly influenced by genetic factors and by the effects of time, it responds to exercise in a very subjective way and can be a great indicator of acute stress. Instead, V02max represents the maximum amount of oxygen provided by the blood and used by the muscles. It indicates aerobic power, that is, the functional capacity of the cardiopulmonary system. Calculating the exact VO2 max we obtain CFmax (maximum heart frequency) and through these parameters it is possible to set targeted and effective training sessions. High-intensity cardiovascular training (HIIT, High Intensity Interval Training) can enhance energy consumption and the post-training in-

crease of basal metabolism. This phenomenon is called EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption), also known as “afterburn”. The requirements for an evaluation test are validity and accuracy, but other important aspects are reliability and objectivity. The method I suggest to measure VO2max is that of measuring the gases exhaled by means of a metabolimeter. Training for muscle strengthening is generally made of increasing loads performed in series and repetitions, but also of constant loads in circuit. The aim of the power test is to determine the intensity of the training load. The evaluation of the power level of the main muscle groups – by performing the highest number of repetitions (RM) with a maximal load – allows to establish the intensity of the training load and, if compared to a previous test, it can estimate the improvement in training. When building training charts, what stimulates muscle growth is the right ratio between load/repetitions and recovery, as well as the type of exercise. Muscle hypertrophy is a multifactor process which occurs when we give rise to a series of complex hormonal mechanisms and structural mechanical stress which are only achieved with the right intensity. After the evaluation of the fundamental parameters for the “right” training, a further step for its correct definition is postural evaluation. The use of stabilometric and baropodometric platforms allow a more accurate and standardised measurement. Specific preparation is required in order to know and interpret the data of postural evaluation. Instead, flexibility tests are easy to perform, in particular as for the muscles of the posterior kinetic chain (sit & reach test) and anterior kinetic chain (Thomas test), useful to give stretching exercises in order to prevent backache. In conclusion, I would like to mention a famous sentence by Professor Margaria, also used by Doctor Vecchiet – physiologists and sports doctors -, who defined “physical exercise as a drug: if in excess it is harmful, but if insufficient it is useless”.

Routine evaluation is based on personal anamnesis, the identification of the main risk factors and other possible muscularskeletal problems.

Simone Diotallevi ISEF Graduate


L’Accademia del Fitness

THE ALCHEMY OF FOOD: THE RECIPES THAT TREAT Wellbeing and health are no doubt connected to a subjective state of fulfilment of one’s personal needs and wishes which depend on many private, social, cultural, educational and mental variables, but they are also strictly connected to the awareness of one’s state of happiness or unhappiness. The wish to be satisfied in terms of “wellbeing-health” is deeply rooted in each one of us: there are people who go in search of the pleasures of the senses, others who dedicate themselves to others, people who choose renunciation or ascesis, those who seek company and those who choose solitude, those who prefer appearances and those who do not, those who squander and those who accumulate money, those who are after art and imagination and those who look for money and power. Very few people fulfil their wishes and, consequently, very few reach a state of wellbeing, and this goes against their health. Freud used to say that the task of psychoanalysis is to turn anguish into ordinary unhappiness, thus inferring that it was part of human life. To treat, instead, means to succeed in making people become aware of the concrete possibility of realizing their destiny and health, beginning from the miracle of their birth. We need to give up materialistic and organicistic criteria and develop instead spiritualist, dynamic and, above all, vitalistic standards. Utmost importance should be given to the study of

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the constitutional pathological reality of every individual to find out what sediments have formed throughout the years which are the causes of the disorder. The food we eat helps us to unravel this problem in a natural way and, through an organicistic intelligence, it makes the pathology, which needs to be fully cured, emerge. This opens up a new world in which it could obviously happen to be ill, but this will be more difficult thanks to the awareness that food, which is unavoidable, represents a real therapeutic reality which needs to be discovered. Then, how can we combine delicious well cooked food and the prevention of the main metabolic, cardiovascular, self immune diseases and, at the same time, manage to reach a high psycho-physical balance? How can we treat gastritis, cholesterol, triglycerides eating well and above all really “good” food? How is it possible to lose weight without giving up tasty food or, even worse, without giving up food? The answer is really easy. Fortunately, we are becoming more and more aware of ourselves as individuals who can undertake the task of maintaining the right psycho-physical balance. We take better care of ourselves, we try to eat healthy food and often go on a diet which includes more fruit and vegetables and fewer fats. We try to be informed about food and pay more attention to the labels on it. Luckily, we eat more organic food and we are aware that food is important, that eating fats is

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L’Accademia del Fitness

Food contains the archetypes of all medicines, of all sciences, philosophies.

unhealthy, that cheese is “heavy”, that salami and cold pork meats can intoxicate us. However, we ignore the extraordinary “energetic” powers of food on pathologies, both from the symptomatic and archetypical points of view, and that it is possible to reach, through certain foods, the inner self, treating the individuals in their psychosomatic unity. We know very little of the therapeutic use of food. In presence of acute symptoms, from a simple indigestion to a viral infection in the case of surgery (both as regards the preparation of the patient to the intervention and after the operation), in terminal patients and in infinite other cases food can act on painful symptoms both generally and specifically and often, not to say always, food can become more effective than any other allopathic or homeopathic drug (food abstinence is far less effective). Making use of the exceptional power of food means for instance contrasting the side effects of a great number of drugs: in the case of chemotherapy, anaesthesia, in drug allergies etc. The most common chronic disorders such as gastritis, colitis and chronic pain of various nature, usually deriving mostly from a number of concomitant causes such as food intolerances, stress, metabolic and enzymatic imbalance, from indigested or non tolerated food, do not often respond to any kind of therapy, even only symptomatic, and are in fact called disorders of psychosomatic origin. In such cases the proper sequence of food can quickly treat the patients, who will very soon forget all about their chronic disorder. These pathologies treated initially with a simple diet, intended as a sequence of dishes, respond immediately and definitely to the treatment. I do not believe that there is for them a more effective and harmless treatment. Certain dishes can also enhance any therapy at any level and can have both a synergic effect with other forms of therapy and


of contrast against possible undesired physical, psychological or energetic effects. We know that incorrect sports activity can be harmful, but we ignore that an unsuitable diet, even if it is balanced with proteins, carbohydrates, mineral salts, lipids, vitamins can have very harmful effects on us. Above all, we ignore the power of the food we eat, if it will make us feel hot or cold. If it will make us swell, if it will make us lose or put on weight, if it will make us withhold liquids or not, if it will give us energy or take it away from us, if it will make us calm or anxious or make us depressed… To be informed about food means to discover an extraordinary world. I will only mention some treatment principles which can be applied to food and to the preparation of some dishes. Food, that is, the variety of the food we eat, has various properties: • nutritional properties of each type of food, that is, vitamins, proteins, mineral salts, lipids, glucides etc. • probiotic properties (of every single food), that is, all the substances contained in the food itself which will help the body to strengthen its immune defences, such as for example flavonoids, lactic ferments, yeasts, lecithin, mineral salts, vitamins, enzymes, oligoelements etc. • an energy component and, by energy, I do not refer to calories, but to the energy to which macrobiotics refers to with the yin-yang concept, based on the ancient Chinese philosophy of Taoism, and on, for example, the dualism of cold/heat, night/day, to what expands and what is essential, sweet/sour etc. according to which reality is formed by the ratio between two energies: yang (male) and yin (female). Health is the result of the harmony between them.

number 13 / 2014 A further energy feature of food is given by its taste. Taste is, in fact, a form of energy which directly provides the organ with nutrition. According to Chinese dietetics, the taste of a food is not only limited to the gustative sensations it gives us, but also a more subtle energy component which varies according to the different types of food. In the course of millenary experimentations, Chinese doctors have identified all the foods corresponding to the five fundamental tastes which in turn correspond to the five elements and to the related body organs: • acid sour taste (liver and gallbladder) • bitter (heart and small intestine) • sweet (stomach and spleen) • spicy (lungs and colon intestine) • salty (kidney and bladder) • an organoleptic component that is the colour, smell, taste….. • a component of “appeal”, that is colour, taste, smell, aftertaste, aspect and consistency of the food, no longer as a subjective element, but as a principle of treatment which is strictly connected to the emotional, vibration component and consequently to the harmonic component of the dish. A dish which is not prepared in order to obtain that particular taste, that aspect, consistency, smell will not have the same properties, even if it will contain exactly the same ingredients. It goes without saying, of course, that the preparation of the ingredients, the method used to cool them represent a fundamental aspect which is almost always neglected when dealing with diets and food. What really cures is not only the properties of a certain food, the ingredients and the way they are mixed, but first of all its “taste”, consistency, the harmony we will be able to obtain by cooking the ingredients in order to create that peculiar emotion. The harmony of taste that we will manage to obtain can overcome the negative properties of mixing certain ingredients. If we eat very good food, but “heavy”, the heaviness will be in part eliminated, that is, the food will not be indigestible exactly because the goodness of the dish will overcome its indigestibility. The same applies for the opposite: if we eat light food, but which does not taste very good or if we eat food having many pro-biotic factors, but with a flat taste, we will in part eliminate the positive elements contained in that dish. Nobody has experimented all the range of possibilities of creating treating dishes as they are infinite. The dishes we eat are not only a mixture of ingredients, but an assemblage of elements. We

need to consider the way the ingredients or some of them are cooked, how much an ingredient or other has been cooked, the amount of one ingredient compared with the others, contained in a dish, if there is a preponderance of a colour over the general other ones. There are many more, if not infinite modification elements which result in the “final dish” we wish to prepare, as we can obtain infinite dishes with the same ingredients. Therefore, when we speak of treating food, following the recipe is fundamental. Food contains the archetypes of all medicines, of all sciences, philosophies. It responds to the principles of allopathic medicine which has created a branch of medicine interested in food; it also responds to the principles of homeopathy. The highest homeopathic dilution applicable to food corresponds to abstaining from food itself which must, however, always be cooked according to the principles of another science: energy medicine, rite. We can apply to food, the principles of allopathic medicine, homeopathy, energy medicine, but also phyto-therapeutic medicine, emotion or vibration medicine, aromatherapy, alchemy and so on and above all, the principle of pleasure. Preparing the same dish it will be possible to apply various treating principles together or to select some of them rather than others, like in a symphony. Antonella Dassenno Naturopath expert


L’Accademia del Fitness LATEST RESEARCH IN FITNESS, WELLNESS AND ANTIAGING MEDICINE By Dr. Filippo Ongaro AFFWA Vice President www.filippo-ongaro.it Scientific research in the field of prevention and antiaging has been offering more and more indications on the fundamental role of nutrition, the use of food integrators, physical exercise and relaxation techniques in keeping us healthy and fit. One of the aspects which have been neglected for too long in clinical practice is the role of optimal glycaemia in keeping people healthy and slowing the aging process. Many studies have confirmed that the higher glycaemia levels are – even under the maximum levels over which we must speak of diabetes – the higher the risks of developing diabetes and a great amount of other diseases such as infarction, ictus, kidney insufficiency and cancer. For instance, a recent study has underlined that drinking only one sugary drink a day produces a 18-20% increase in the risk of developing type II diabetes (Romaguera D et al. Consumption of sweet beverages and type II diabetes incidence in European adults: results from the EPIC-Interact. Diabetology. 2013 Jul; 56(7):1520-30). It is important to remember that the problem is not only linked to sugars but also to an excessive consumption of refined cereals which produce constant shifts of glycaemia levels similar to those provoked by simple sugars. The action of wholemeal cereals is different, as they are rich in fibre and so provide energy without harmful effects on glycaemia and on insulin production. In order to evaluate glycaemic levels in a complete way it is not enough to dose blood sugar levels, it is necessary to add insulin (which could be high even in the presence of a normal glycaemia) and glycated haemoglobin doses, a parameter which indicates the glycaemic values of the last three months. Another negative effect of sugar consumption is linked to its action on hunger circuits and on appetite increase. When the hormones which regulate appetite are unbalanced, it is very difficult to lose weight. Some studies underline that beans, a type of food which is often neglected (in particular the pinto bean type) have an important effect in controlling appetite and in increasing the sensation of being replete, thus causing an increase in ghrelin, a hormone which reduces appetite and helps body weight loss (Spadafranca A et al. Phaseolus vulgaris extract affects glycometabolic and appetite control in healthy human subjects. Br J Nutr 2013 May; 109(10):1789-95). Moreover, the fibres contained in legumes slow down sugar and fat absorption and contribute to regulate glycaemia. Beans inhibit alpha amylase, a fundamental enzyme for carbohydrate assimilation. The incidence of diseases starts increasing when glycaemia is over 85mg/dl, quite far from the higher threshold


now placed around 100mg/dl. A study on over 11,000 people has indicated that almost 85% of the subjects had a level of glycaemia over 85mg/dl (Kao M et al Fasting plasma glucose and incidence of diabetes-implication for the threshold for impaired fasting glucose: results from the population based Omiya MA cohort study. J Atheroscler Thromb 2009 16(6):857-61). Moreover, as mentioned before, many people may have a sufficiently low glycaemia, yet very high levels of insulin, which is also linked to an increase in the risks of diseases. Another strong link is that between glycaemia and risk of developing tumors, in particular breast tumor. An Italian study of some years ago is quite indicative on this point. 10,786 women between 35 and 69 years old were recruited and followed for 5.5 years. For women in their fertile age, a level of glycaemia over 84mg/dl was associated to a 150% increase in the risk of developing a mammary tumor. (Muti P et al. Fasting glucose is a risk factor for breast cancer: A Prospective study. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Prev. 2002;11(11):1361-8). This is a particularly alarming datum considering that 84mg/dl glycaemia is quite below the upper limit provided by the law. Other studies have confirmed this hypothesis. (Mink PJ et al. Serum insulin and glucose levels and breast cancer incidence: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2002;156(4):349-52; Sieri S, et al. Prospective study on the role of glucose metabolism in breast

number 13 / 2014 cancer occurrence. Int J Cancer. 2011;130(4):921-9). Other studies point out the link between glycaemia and risk of tumors in general, not only related to breast tumor (Stattin P et al. Prospective Study of Hyperglycemia and Cancer Risk. Diabetes Care. 2007;30(3):561-7). The association between hyperglycaemia and cancer in men and women, apart from obesity, is linked on the one hand to the fact that tumor cells grow using sugars their main metabolite, and on the other to the fact that hyperglycaemia represents a sign of metabolic abundance which stimulates cellular replication. This may justify the action of oncological prevention with the use of metformin. Aldea M et al Repositioning metformin in cancer: genetics, drug targets, and new ways of delivery. Tumour Biol. 2014 Feb 7. [Epub ahead of print]). What can we do before such facts? First of all, we must accept that sugar is not healthy at all, it is neither useful to the brain nor to the muscles, and the caries it can cause are the least of our problems. We have other reasons why not to consume it. We must avoid putting sugar in drinks such as coffee and tea. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of other sugary drinks, fizzy drinks but also fruit juices, especially those with added sugar. Other forms of sugar and sweeteners are not a good alternative, either, except for stevia and xylitol, which seem to

have no negative effect. We have to reduce sweets, snacks, biscuits. Also, we have to reduce the use of refined grain, choosing the wholemeal version of rice, pasta and bread which are rich in fibres , thus having a far lower impact on glycaemia. Keeping glycaemia under control is a further reason to do regular physical activity, both aerobic and muscular. In this way the cellular receptors are stimulated to absorb glucose and use it for energy purposes. However, talking of physical exercise there is also good news: if you want to keep something sweet in your diet, keep it as a post-training reward, possibly in combination with a protein snack. In this case, the temporary increase in glycaemia is useful since the insulin produced by the pancreas contributes to the penetration of proteins in the muscles and to their growth! Dr. Filippo Ongaro Surgeon Health Director Institute of Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine s.r.l. (Ismerian) Vice-President of AMIA (Italian Association of Anti-Aging Medical Doctors) Vice-President of AFFWA Functional Fitness-Wellness-Antiaging Academy



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*Per altri esercizi, visitate il nostro sito web.

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RELATORE Massimo Spattini

La Spot Reduction o "dimagrimento localizzato" è un argomento controverso, ma recenti acquisizioni scientifiche ne hanno dimostrato l'esistenza. Nel workshop verranno analizzate le basi fisiologiche, i metodi di misurazione, le tecniche di allenamento, gli approcci dietologici, gli integratori, in riferimento ai vari biotipi costituzionali morfologici (ginoide, misto, androide) secondo i concetti della Dieta COM (CronOrMorfodieta) e del Metodo dimaCOM (Differenziata Integrazione Muscolazione Aerobica secondo la CronOrMorfodieta) per ottenere un dimagrimento localizzato anche nelle zone più resistenti. QUOTA

Entro il 30-05-2014 Soci: € 200,00 Non soci : € 240,00

Oltre il 30-05-2014 Soci: € 240,00 Non soci : € 280,00

CERTIFICAZIONE Alla fine del Workshop verrà rilasciata la Certificazione di “DietaCOM® ADVISOR” previo superamento del test scritto finale.


Sono stati richiesti al Ministero della Salute i crediti ECM per le figure professionali di: Medico Chirurgo, Biologo, Dietista, Farmacista RESPONSABILE SCIENTIFICO MASSIMO SPATTINI PROVIDER ECM AKESIOS GROUP S.r.l. Via A. Viola, 9 - Parma www-akesios.it SEGRETERIA Scientifica e Organizzativa ACCADEMIA DEL FITNESS Galleria Crocetta, 9/A - 43126 Parma Tel. 0521 1682083 - Fax 0521 294971 info@accademiadelfitness.com

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