Health & Wellbeing Support The Covid-19 pandemic represents the biggest and most serious public health crisis of our time. When lockdown restrictions came into effect, we rallied together in ways never seen before to mitigate against the negative impact of Covid-19 on the health and wellbeing of our citizens. Over the past few months, we’ve been robust in our response efforts to keep everyone safe and informed, physically active, mentally strong and emotionally resilient while adapting to a new way of life. Here is an overview of the unstinting support we provided.
Shared key messages from the Public Health Agency about reducing the risk of infection through staying at home, regular hand washing and keeping 2m apart while also keeping you abreast of the evolving situation around Covid-19.
Supported the Southern Health and Social Care Trust in communicating how key services from maternity to mental health were being delivered differently due to Covid-19.
Created a dedicated section on our website so that you could find trusted and reliable information about maintaining optimum health during lockdown in one central location.
Encouraged everyone to take extra care of their mental health by incorporating the ‘5 steps to wellbeing’ into everyday life - connecting with friends and family, being active, taking notice, keep learning and giving.
Created a local directory of key support services and helplines signposting those in crisis to counsellors specialising in mental health, bereavement, addiction, domestic abuse, family relationships etc. We also promoted Helplines NI and directed you to over 30 support services operating across Northern Ireland. Promoted a constant stream of healthy lifestyle messages from the Public Health Agency and shared its Covid-19, Healthcare NI and StopCOVID NI apps.
Helped you keep active at home by creating our own extensive library of online exercise videos suitable for all ages, abilities and interests, and encouraged your participation in virtual exercise challenges such as C25K, Daily Mile at Home and Macmillan Move More’s Round the World.
Advised you on how to stay safe when grocery shopping, preparing and handling food safely as well as promoting the importance of healthy eating.
Signposted people in high-risk groups or living with health conditions such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes to dedicated Covid-19 support hubs so that they could get the right advice about staying healthy while shielding.
Supported a variety of national health awareness campaigns such as Mental Health Awareness Week, Men’s Health Week, Diabetes Week, Loneliness Awareness Week and Child Safety Week.
Provided safety advice with a view to reducing the number of home accidents and easing the pressure on A&E.
Encouraged fun and educational learning at home for children by promoting activities recommended by PlayBoard NI.
Engaged with children and inspired them to be creative through initiatives such as ‘ABC Get Creative - what makes you happy?’ and ‘My Covid-19 Time Capsule’.
Organised a Get Active Outdoors six-week physical activity programme over the summer aimed at getting children, adults and families across the borough exercising more outdoors.