ACG School Jakarta May 2023 Newsletter

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Wolf Pack

World Scholars’ Cup Jakarta Round

We are thrilled to announce that all of our incredible students who participated in the World Scholars’ Cup Jakarta Round have qualified for the global rounds! Over the past three days, our students have demonstrated their exceptional knowledge and critical thinking skills, competing against some of the brightest young minds from all around Indonesia. We are so proud of their hard work, dedication, and achievements, and can’t wait to see what they will accomplish in the global round. Congratulations to all of our amazing scholars!

ISSUE NO.09 / 2023 T H E
The ACG School Jakarta Interactive Newsletter

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students,

April in the Northern Hemisphere signals the starts of spring, but also the exam season. The Year 11 and Year 13 students have had to be busy revising for their external exams. They have had mid and end of year exams, along with mocks to help prepare them, but there is nothing like walking into the exam room and knowing that this is the time. Everything you have learnt in the last 2 years could be tested in multiple 1-2 hour papers.

But April also signals the last term at school. Thoughts do turn to summer plans, the coming year, and what choices need to be made for subjects for the following year.

Kindy, Year 6, 9 and 11 have been working on transitioning to the next part of their school life. Though there are some similarities; education is not just about trying to cram all the data into a brain, but developing independence, responsibility, resilience, and continuing to improve study habits and other skills. It will look different throughout the school, but as a community, we are always working towards the next step in student’s learning journey so that they are ready when they leave ACG School Jakarta to make choices with confidence.

As mentioned in last month’s newsletter, the pace of technology is moving fast and it changes the dynamic of study and the workplace, being armed with the skills to know when technology helps, or can be a hinderance is important, but it also informs choices as students move into the workplace after university. How things were done, are done now, and how things can be done, could look very different.

I hope that as the students move through their years at ACG that they learn these important skills with the support of the teachers and other staff.

Warm regards

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Myles D’Airelle

Vice PrincipalMessage from the

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students,

As summarized in our Mission Statement, ACG School Jakarta is a diverse community of learners who are open-minded, responsible and caring. We inquire into the world around us through academic programmes that aim to prepare students for life’s opportunities. With an understanding of and respect for others and the environment, we actively strive to make a difference, locally and globally.

The month of April saw our Y6 students busy with their PYP Exhibition Unit of Inquiry under the Transdisciplinary Theme of Sharing the Planet, following the caring guidance of their mentors from the school community. Our school community was proud to see the culmination of our Year 6 students’ inquiry into issues that underpin the United Nations Global Goals, in their PYP Exhibition. We hope and expect they will continue throughout their lives to actively question the status quo, seek solutions and preventative measures for existing and foreseeable problems, to make ours a better world.

If you have an Instagram account, please use this QR code to view some of our Primary School students responding to the question: “If you could, how would you change the world?”

On 9 June, we will be celebrating our Y6 students’ completion of their PYP studies with a certificate awarding ceremony. We are confident that with the foundation they had in our Primary School, they will continue their critical inquiry into life’s opportunities in Secondary School.

Our Academic Leadership Team interviewed candidates for 2023-2024 Head Students. It was very difficult for the ALT to choose a headgirl and a headboy, as all candidates spoke with confidence and showed a deep understanding of what leadership is about. In their applications and interviews, aspiring young leaders gave examples of how they display capabilities and traits such as

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Vice Principal

• Leadership

• Delegating and taking on extra responsibilities

• Strategical problem solving

• Perseverance

• Setting high standards

• Effective communication

• Teamwork

• Inclusivity and open mindedness

• Outgoing and warm personality

• Being able to motivate self and others

• Reflectiveness and forward thinking

It is so refreshing to see and hear the young generation aspiring to make positive contributions to the world. It is our privilege to be facilitators of their growing into leaders of their own lives, and agents of positive change locally and globally.

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from the

Coordinator Message from IB Diploma

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students,

It’s certainly been an eventful month in ACG School Jakarta for our senior cohorts!

Year 13

The corridors are a little quieter after the departure of our Year 13 students, who have finished their IB Exams! This was a long and stressful 3 weeks for them, and I was impressed at their dedication during the exam session. Everyone was on time for their examinations and followed all of the directions and procedures.

On behalf of the IBDP teachers, I’d like to congratulate them on finishing their senior program. This is even more impressive after the challenges that online learning and readjusting to school over the course of their studies. We look forward to celebrating their success during our Graduation Ceremony on Saturday 10th June. Check out the smiling faces after their final exam!

I’d also like to thank the IBDP teachers for their efforts in preparing the students for the exams including running additional lessons after lesson hours, changing their rooms to provide quiet spaces for the exams, providing tips and hints on the day, and supporting them emotionally. A special thank you to Pak Bambang, Ms. Datrix, Ms. Ursula, and Mr. Myles for staying after hours to invigilate the examinations and assisting me to run the exam session efficiently.

This was the first full IB examination session since 2019, and we have our fingers crossed for positive results when grades are released on the 6th of July. I will share access codes with students so that they can access these when they are released.

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Kieran Pascoe

Coordinator Message from IB Diploma

Year 12

Our Year 12 cohort just finished their End of Year Exams, which has given them a small taste of what the IB exams will be like next May. These results, combined with the Semester 2 Summative Assessment tasks will provide us with a good indication of how the students are progressing in their studies. We will be reviewing these results over the next few weeks. If there are any concerns regarding your child’s academic progress in certain subjects, your child’s teacher may contact you to discuss some options for support and improvement. If there are concerns in several subjects or with their program as a whole, I will contact you to discuss any challenges and to examine alternate options or pathways.

We have an action packed few weeks to go before the Summer Break. We have the Artscape Creativity Gala on Thursday afternoon/evening on the 8th of June, which parents are encouraged to attend. We also have Prizegiving and the Swimming Carnival, which both should be exciting events for everyone.

I’m sure everyone is looking forward to a restful break. Wishing everyone a safe holiday period with your friends and family.

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Kindergarten to Primary Transition

As the end of Semester 2 is fast approaching, the end of kindergarten, for our K4 students, is on the horizon. It’s a very exciting time.

We invited our K4 parents to a Transition to Primary School information meeting on Monday 3 April 2023, and some parents joined the meeting online. It was an opportunity to learn about what the parents and the children can expect in primary school. There was also time for the school staff to answer any burning questions parents had.

In the next phase of our transition programme, K4 students have been regularly spending some time in Year 1 classroom, lunch and play areas every week throughout May and will continue to do so in June. Buddies from Year 1 will help them get familiar with the Primary School routines. They are paired in buddy groups, with Y1 students serving as role models and helping K4 students transition to the more autonomous student life in Primary School. We will be celebrating our K4 students transition to Primary on our Prizegiving Day, 9 June, with a certificate ceremony. You can find the invitation at the end of this newsletter.

Kindergarten children moving into Primary requires everyone’s input: teachers, educators, children, parents and carers. Children have their own unique traits and develop at different rates. They also have different strengths and weaknesses. Here are some general guidelines

Kindergarten parents can support their children’s transition to Primary:

• encourage your child to explore their feelings; invite them to talk about their joy (and fears, if any)

• help them connect to the school; view their photos and videos from the current year, look through our school website and social media accounts with your child

• help them build friendships and relationships with people; those experiences will help them initiate and develop friendships at school, too

• empower them by building their confidence and independence; for example, let them stay overnight or spend some hours during the day with relatives or friends without you, give them tasks within your home

• read and view stories, listen to and sing songs, and dance with them; help them talk about their likes and dislikes

• and most importantly, always play age-appropriate games with them; and also ensure they have opportunities to play with other children; and talk about their experiences with you

ACG JKT | 7 May Newsletter

A community of entrepreneurial and compassionate learners

ACG School Jakarta as a learning organization

Throughout April and May, we continued with our preparations for the upcoming IB Evaluation. Our self-study groups which have members from different sections of the school teaching and administration teams, together with our Academic Leadership Team, continued working on Programme Development Plans. At the moment we have three draft plans, focusing on

• ACGSJ mission statement guiding all aspects of the school life

• Collaborative curriculum planning and implementation

• Student well-being

We are proud of our staff taking ownership of our approaches to teaching and learning, and working collaboratively to enhance our curricula.

We will be putting these development plans into action soon. Meanwhile, we are focusing our efforts on collaboratively revising our School Policy documents. The month of August will see our new teachers joining us in reviewing and contributing their knowledge and experience to revising our curriculum documents and policies.

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Learning In Kindergarten

On our kindergarten trip, we embarked on a journey to learn about community helpers, and what better way to do it than by exploring the process of making pizza? Our enthusiastic children had a hands-on experience from start to finish. They excitedly chose their favourite toppings, spreading joy and creativity as they crafted their personalized pizzas.

This trip provided an excellent opportunity for our little ones to understand the hard work and dedication of the community helpers at Pizza Hut. They discovered the teamwork and coordination required to create delicious pizzas enjoyed by so many. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the staff at Pizza Hut Cilandak for their warm hospitality and for sharing their knowledge with our curious minds.

ACG JKT | 9 May Newsletter

Learning in Year 2 and Year 3

In Year 2s Unit of Inquiry titled “ How the world works”, we had a guest speaker named Caroline Tobing from Paisley Things. She talked to our students about her sustainable marketplace that supports local artisans. They use waste materials from hotels, the fabric industry, and businesses to create beautiful products. Year 3 and Year 5 students were also invited to the presentation and found it inspiring and educational.

As a year-end excursion, Year 2 and Year 3 visited XSprojek, a social and environmental organisation that turns industrial and community waste into everyday items. The students got to see how refillable pouches were cleaned and dried, and they witnessed the process of making washing baskets and bags.

These experiences helped our students understand the importance of repurposing waste and the value of sustainability in our world.

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Learning in Year 7

The year 7 students had an exciting and educational day as they embarked on a field trip to Ragunan Zoo. The trip aimed to enhance their understanding of the diverse types of habitats found in our world and the intricate web of interdependence among species within an ecosystem. As they explored the zoo, the students had the opportunity to observe firsthand various animal habitats, from the lush rainforests to the arid savannahs. They witnessed how different species rely on specific food sources and interact with one another to maintain a balanced ecosystem. This hands-on experience helped them grasp the importance of preserving these habitats and conserving biodiversity. The trip to Ragunan Zoo not only provided valuable knowledge but also instilled a sense of awe and responsibility in our young learners towards the environment and its delicate ecosystems.

ACG JKT | 11 May Newsletter

Learning in Year 8

A fascinating educational field trip to the Bank and Money Museum in Central Jakarta, Indonesia, was taken on May 11, 2023, by 16 pupils and two teachers, Mr. Patrick and Ms. Renita. The objective of the tour was to provide students a hands-on understanding of Indonesia’s monetary system and the history of the country’s currency over a century. The class came together for a thoughtful conversation after the museum trip. They discussed their findings, perceptions, and fresh information regarding Indonesia’s monetary system. Mr. Patrick and Ms. Renita, the supervisors, promoted critical thinking and sparked more conversation about the effects of currency transition on the economy and society at large. Students have the chance to solidify their knowledge and obtain a wider perspective on the topic during this open discussion.

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Our Year 8 and Year 9 students participated in the Gauss Mathematics Contests on Monday, May 22. These contests are organized by the CENTRE for EDUCATION in MATHEMATICS and COMPUTING, housed within the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo, Canada. The Gauss Contests introduce students in Years 8 and 9 to a broader perspective of mathematics in a fun, accessible way. Intriguing problems and a multiple-choice format make the Gauss Contests a wonderful opportunity for all students in these grades to grow their interest in and get curious about the power of math. More than 30.000 students worldwide participated in this fun contest!

ACG JKT | 13 May Newsletter Mathematics

World Scholars’ CupJakarta Round

We are thrilled to announce that all of our incredible students who participated in the World Scholars’ Cup Jakarta Round have qualified for the global rounds! Over the past three days, our students have demonstrated their exceptional knowledge and critical thinking skills, competing against some of the brightest young minds from all around Indonesia. We are so proud of their hard work, dedication, and achievements, and can’t wait to see what they will accomplish in the global round. Congratulations to all of our amazing scholars!

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Congratulations to our ACG Wolves Boys and Girls Volleyball Team for their outstanding performance at last week’s ASAC Junior Volleyball competition in Hanoi, Vietnam!

Our Wolves have made us proud, representing our school with excellence and resilience.

A special shoutout to each player who gave their all pushed boundaries, and displayed exceptional talent throughout the tournament. Your hard work and dedication have paid off!

Thank you to the coaches, staff, and parents who supported our team every step of the way. Your guidance and encouragement have been invaluable.

ACG JKT | 15 May Newsletter Sports

Julia Lannary

Ms. Julia Lannary is from London, UK. She qualified from Goldsmiths University in London with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, and has started her Masters in Guiding Effective Learning. She is an experienced teacher with over 15 years in leadership.

Julia is passionate about supporting children to develop skills to become lifelong learners and is extremely happy to be joining the ACG team. She is familiar with Jakarta, having spent the last 5 years working as a Deputy Head at another International school. She is a keen scuba diver and an avid reader.

Hayley Platts

Ms. Hayley is English and has been working in education for 20 years. She believes learning comes naturally when your child is given the right environment to develop, and believes in helping shape socially adept, happy children who have a strong sense of self, a sense of adventure and a desire to learn. Hayley graduated with a BA Honours in Early Childhood and Family Studies and Postgraduate Certificate in Education.

Hayley has lived in Jakarta with her husband and two children since 2019 and considers Jakarta home. She enjoys spending days with her family outdoors exploring and enjoys visiting as many new countries as possible.

New Primary
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James (Jim) Slattery

Mr. Jim Slattery is originally from the state of Pennsylvania but lived most of his adult years in Hawaii before making his way overseas. He taught seven years in Hawaii, five years in Malaysia and 1.5 years in Italy. He has a Bachelors in Health and Exercise Science and a Masters in Secondary Education with a license in Secondary Math and PE.

Jim enjoys being active whether it is sport or fitness. In college, he was an America football player until injury and became a cheerleader for his final years. He loves to travel and is willing to try any food once. His door is always open, so swing by and have a chat!

Mr. Rizwaan Ali is from the West Midlands in England. He has taught and lived in Qatar where he was the Subject Coordinator for Business and Economics. Rizwaan has majored in Economics and holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Business Education and Economics.

Rizwaan has also taught Business and Economics in the West Midlands and Oxfordshire and is now living with his wife and young family in the ACG community. His hobbies include playing football and cricket and spending time with his young family as well as keeping up to date with economic developments.

ACG JKT | 17 May Newsletter
Secondary Staff Rizwaan Ali
Sports Director & PE Teacher Economics Teacher & iGCSE Coordinator

Christopher Wilson

K-13 / University Counsellor

After successfully completing his Masters of Science degree in Counselling and Occupational Psychology, Mr. Christopher Wilson began to work with High School students as a counsellor, mentoring, guiding and supporting students who had a range of specific learning difficulties.

In 2004 Christopher began his international counselling career and has worked in seven different countries, which include, United Kingdom, Oman and Indonesia, where he continued his passion of inspiring, motivating and empowering students to self-actualize and become the very best version of themselves.

In his spare time Christopher enjoys playing the guitar, very badly, listening to a diverse range of musical genres and reading about the latest advances in science and technology.

Robertus Wibowo

Mr. Robert has all his working years in librarianship, with more than 12 years working in IB-based school libraries. Robert has double Bachelor’s degrees in Social Studies and Library Science. He is also an active member of the school librarians association, named APISI (Asosiasi Pekerja Informasi Sekolah Indonesia), and supports the librarianship by sharing his experiences as an instructor in its library workshops. Robert now is working in the ACG community. His hobbies include an interest in diecast-collecting and creating songs to channel his love to music. He enjoys engaging with students in discussion and their exploration of all things.

New Whole School Staff
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