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ACINo.1 ACI No.1 · 2018 · Broj / Issue 1 · Godina / Year 1






Pobjednik America's Cup-a 2017. // 2017 America's Cup winner


Gordana Kovačević // Ivan Đikić // Mate Rimac // Ivan Ljubičić // Stipe Božić Goran Čolak // Sven Maričić // Matjaž Kek // Andrija Šimić ISSN 2584-7988

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ACI No.1 // Sadržaj / Table of Contents


























































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ACI No.1 // Uvodnik / Introduction


INTRODUCTION Fotografija / Photo by Ognjen Alujević

Na regati Columbus, organiziranoj prije više od 25 godina povodom 500. obljetnice Kolumbova otkrića Amerike, maksikrstaš imena ACI No. 1 s ACI-jevom mladom posadom otisnuo se preko Atlantika. Prvi je to brod koji je pod hrvatskom zastavom plovio stranim vodama, prešao Atlantik i boravio u Americi.

Svim svojim gostima i nautičarima na Jadranu želimo mirno more i sigurnu plovidbu.

At the Columbus regatta, organized more than 25 years ago on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Columbus discovering America, the maxi cruiser named ACI No. 1 and ACI’s young crew set off across the Atlantic. That was the first boat to sail through foreign waters, cross the Atlantic and stay in America under the Croatian flag. Many people and plenty of knowledge and skill were needed to sail such boat. The same phrase can be used to describe the history of establishing and managing the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean. Adriatic Croatia International Club today is a system of 22 marinas and two anchorages, strategically ideally distributed throughout the Adriatic coast, from Umag at the very north, to Dubrovnik at the very south of Croatia. This year, 2018, will be marked in ACI by great business zest and capital investments. By devoting ourselves to reconstructing our marinas, expanding our system and raising the level of our offer and service, we want to present more to our guests. We are also doing that by harmonizing our communication channels with modern trends and implementing the new ACI application, as well as the new concept of the printed and digital edition of our annual catalogue ACI No. 1. Our intention is to present the new catalogue format of all ACI marinas in a completely new form – the form of a yachting, lifestyle and luxury magazine ACI No 1 – to the readers and users of ours services, boaters – boat owners and guests. The magazine is an annual issue in four languages that will encompass the most important information for boaters, as well as interesting things, exclusive reportages and lifestyle topics for the target set of readers who live the sea and aspire to achieve the ultimate accomplishments in various aspects of social and economic activity, while at the same time nurturing a hedonist philosophy of life. Hoping that each following issue will mark a new, successful stage on our journey, we wish to thank all those who took part in preparing the first issue of the magazine named after the project; all the people whose knowledge and skills, and, most of all, love for the sea and sailing, were crucial for reaching the goal of the issue and achieving superb results. To all our guests and boaters in the Adriatic, we wish you fair winds and following seas.

Navigare necesse est.

Navigare necesse est.

Za upravljanje takvim brodom trebalo je puno ljudi, puno znanja i puno vještine. Ista sintagma može se provući kroz povijest nastanka i upravljanja najvećim lancem marina na Mediteranu. Adriatic Croatia International Club danas je sustav od 22 marine i dva sidrišta, strateški idealno raspoređenih Jadranom, od Umaga na krajnjemu sjeveru do Dubrovnika na krajnjemu jugu Hrvatske. Godina 2018. jest godina koja će u ACI-ju biti obilježena velikim poslovnim zamahom i kapitalnim investicijama. Usmjerenošću ka rekonstrukciji marina, širenju sustava te podizanju razine ponude i usluge želimo svojim nautičarima pružiti više. To činimo i prilagodbom komunikacijskih kanala suvremenim trendovima i implementacijom nove ACI-jeve aplikacije kao i novim konceptom tiskanoga i digitalnoga izdanja svojega godišnjeg kataloga ACI No. 1. Intencija je čitateljima i korisnicima naših usluga, nautičarima – vlasnicima plovila i gostima, predstaviti novi format kataloga svih ACI marina u potpuno novom obliku yachting, lifestyle i luxury magazina ACI No. 1 – četverojezičnoga godišnjeg izdanja koje će na jednome mjestu objediniti najbitnije informacije za nautičare te zanimljivosti, ekskluzivne reportaže i lifestyle teme za ciljanu skupinu čitatelja koja živi more, a teži postizanju vrhunskih dostignuća u raznim aspektima društvenoga i gospodarskoga djelovanja, istovremeno njegujući hedonističku životnu filozofiju. Uz želju da svaki sljedeći broj obilježi novu, uspješnu etapu na našemu putovanju, velika hvala svima koji su sudjelovali u pripremi prvoga izdanja magazina nazvanoga prema projektu za koji su također ljudi, njihova znanja i vještine, a prije svega ljubav prema moru i nautici bili presudni kako bi se ostvario njegov cilj i postignuli vrhunski rezultati.

Adriatic Croatia International Club d.d.

Adriatic Croatia International Club d.d.


Fotografija / Photo by: arhiva obitelji Barbieri / Barbieri family archives

ACI No.1 // Veljko Barbieri

VELJKO BARBIERI OSNIVAČ NAJVEĆEGA LANCA MARINA NA MEDITERANU THE FOUNDER OF THE LARGEST CHAIN OF MARINAS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN – I protivnici i neistomišljenici pa i neprijatelji sastavni su dio čovjekova života. Da nisam imao protivnika, veliko je pitanje bih li imao takvih poticaja koji su me tjerali naprijed i koji su me vodili u nove projekte. – rekao je Barbieri na predstavljanju svoje knjige memoarskih zapisa „Protiv vjetra“. Ti projekti na kraju će ostati i njegovo trajno naslijeđe.

“Opponents, even enemies, are a basic part of man’s life. If I had had no opponents, it is uncertain whether I would have had the encouragement that pushed me forward and that led me to new projects,” Barbieri said during the presentation of his memoirs “Protiv vjetra” (Against the Wind). Those projects in the end will become his permanent legacy.

Najveći lanac luka nautičkoga turizma na Mediteranu, danas Adriatic Croatia International Club d. d. – ACI d. d. osnovan je prije 35 godina kao tadašnji ACY. Bio je to jedinstven poslovno-graditeljski pothvat, tim više što se sve to događalo na prostoru bivše države usred teške gospodarske i političke krize – u kratkome, turbulentnome i dramatičnome vremenskom razdoblju. Turizam se pretežno temeljio na radničkim odmaralištima, domovima Crvenoga križa za odmor djece, hotelima, kućnim radinostima, autokampovima i restoranima. Nautika kao gospodarstvena grana turizma nije postojala. Na jadranskoj obali i otocima u to je vrijeme bilo tek nekoliko marina. Uglavnom su bile smještene uz brodogradilišta gdje su se jahte i brodice mogle ostaviti na čuvanome vezu. Strani nautičari plovili su Jadranom privučeni njegovom divljinom i izuzetnom ljepotom. Većinu je privlačilo upravo to što je Jadran

The largest chain of marinas in the Mediterranean, the Adriatic Croatia International Club p.l.c. – ACI d.d. was founded 35 years ago as the ACY. That was a unique business and construction venture, moreover because everything happened on the territory of the former state, in the middle of a difficult economic and political crisis – in short, at a tumultuous and dramatic time. Tourism was mostly based on workers’ resorts, Red Cross vacation homes for children, hotels, the cottage industry, autocamps and restaurants. Sailing as an economic branch of tourism did not exist. There were only several marinas on the Adriatic shore at that time. They were mostly located near shipyards, where yachts and boats could be left on safe berth. Foreign boaters sailed through the Adriatic Sea drawn by its wilderness and exceptional beauty. Most of them were drawn by the fact that the Adriatic was still a safari zone where they could sail and moor in untouched nature.


ACI No.1 // Veljko Barbieri

Barbieri je od mladih dana gajio veliku ljubav prema moru kraj kojega je rođen te je bio veliki poklonik svega morskoga – i jedrenja, i krstarenja, i ribarenja

Ever since he had been a boy, Barbieri had always had great love for the sea. He was born next to it and he was a great aficionado for everything related to the sea – sailing, cruising, fishing.

još uvijek bio safarizona u kojoj se moglo ploviti i sidriti u netaknutoj prirodi. Upravo će nautičari odigrati glavnu ulogu u stvaranju ACIja: jedriličari, mladi stručnjaci entuzijasti i menadžeri s vizijom. Međutim začetnik svega jedna je izuzetna ličnost…

Čovjek s vizijom Makaranin Veljko Barbieri, pun ambicija i dalmatinskoga dišpeta, u svojim najplodnijim, pedesetim godinama života, postao je menadžer. Barbieri je od mladih dana gajio veliku ljubav prema moru kraj kojega je rođen te je bio veliki poklonik svega morskoga – i jedrenja, i krstarenja, i ribarenja. U samim začetcima ideje o lancu marina na Jadranu Barbieri posjećuje tek sagrađene francuske i talijanske marine kao i novopokrenuti nautički sajam u Genovi te predstavlja program razvoja modernoga nautičkog turizma kroz osnivanje posebne nautičke tvrtke i gradnju lanca marina. Mehanika je programa jednostavna. Na gradnji marina najprije se zapošljavaju građevinske tvrtke, njihova mehanizacija i brojni radnici kao i cijela prateća vojska obrtnika. Intencija je da poslovno profitiraju i veliki proizvođači hrane, brojni ugostitelji, turistički radnici, razni trgovci te cijeli niz uslužnih djelatnosti. Obogatit će se sportski život, živnut će zanimanje za kulturnu baštinu, manifestacije i regate dobit će novu publiku. Barbieri aktivira svoju već ranije okupljenu interventnu ekipu sastavljenu od šestorice prijatelja, jedriličara, nautičara – stručnjaka za ekonomiju, investicije, građenje, more i pravo. Rade danonoćno i volonterski te izrađuju 24

It was precisely the boaters that played the main part in creating the ACI: boaters, young enthusiastic experts and managers with a vision. However, the founder of it all is one exceptional person…

A man with a vision Veljko Barbieri from Makarska, full of ambition and Dalmatian defiance, became a manager in his most fruitful years, that is, in his fifties. Ever since he had been a boy, Barbieri had always had great love for the sea. He was born next to it and he was a great aficionado for everything related to the sea – sailing, cruising, fishing. In the very beginning of the idea about a chain of marinas in the Adriatic Sea, Barbieri was visiting the newly built French and Italian marinas, as well as the newly-founded boat show in Genoa, where he presented the program of developing modern nautical tourism by establishing a special nautical company and building a chain of marinas. The mechanics of the program were simple. Construction companies were first hired to build the marinas, together with their mechanization, numerous workers and the entire army of artisans. The intention was to ensure profit for large food producers, restaurant and café owners, tourist workers, various trades and a whole string of services. The sport life would be richer, the interest in the cultural heritage will come alive, and manifestations and regattas will gain a new audience. Barbieri put his gathered team into motion – six friends, boaters, yachtsmen, experts in economy, investments, construction, sea and law. They work day and night and create the first study – Program on the Profitability of In-

ACI No.1 // Veljko Barbieri

Presudno za uspjeh ACI-ja bilo je i to što je otpočetka slijedio model menadžerskoga organiziranja i djelovanja. The crucial point of ACI’s success was that it had followed the model of managerial organization and action from the very start.

prvi elaborat – Program o isplativosti ulaganja u nautički turizam i u gradnju 25 marina. Izvršno vijeće Hrvatskoga sabora prihvaća ga te Veljko Barbieri sa svojim entuzijastima kreće u bitku za realizaciju Programa. Zbog lokalnih otpora otpali su projekti marina u lošinjskoj uvali Krivica i Ilovičkim vratima, u Nečujmu na Šolti i u Barbierijevoj rodnoj Makarskoj, ali mega projekt ACI ipak je krenuo. Polovicu potrebnih sredstava daje INA kreditom. Drugu polovicu osigurava 69 radnih organizacija – suosnivača ACI-ja: poljoprivrednih kombinata iz Slavonije i Baranje i raznih poduzeća koja se bave trgovinom, ugostiteljstvom, turizmom i raznim uslugama. Potpisivanjem Samoupravnog sporazuma u Splitu tadašnji ACI je službeno osnovan 1. srpnja 1983., što će kasnije postati najveći nautički praznik u svim njegovim marinama – Dan ACI-ja. Presudno za uspjeh ACI-ja bilo je i to što je otpočetka slijedio model menadžerskoga organiziranja i djelovanja. Bitku za lokacije i gradnju marina Barbieri i suradnici dobivaju korak po korak. Bedem otpora probijen je najprije kod Šibenika. U samo 120 dana sagrađene su prve tri marine: Vodice, Jezera i Skradin. Kornatske marine Žut i Piškera građene su u posebno teškim uvjetima, uz pomoć desantnih tenkonosaca. Uslijedile su marine u Trogiru, Milni na Braču, hvarskoj Palmižani i Vrboskoj, Pomeru, Umagu, Rovinju i Supetarskoj Dragi. Proradile su u sezoni 1984. Iduće godine otvorene su marine u Puli, Rabu i Splitu. Prvog srpnja 1989., na Dan ACI-ja, svečano je otvorena i prekrasna marina u Korčuli, a godinu dana kasnije, također 1. srpnja, i kultna opatijska marina u Ičićima. Rezultat je to suradnje s talijanskom grupacijom Ligresti-Grassetto. Bio je to prvi pravi joint venture u bivšoj državi. Dakle, ne strani kredit ili licenca, već zajedničko ulaganje s podjelom profita i obostranim rizikom gubitka.

vestments in Nautical Tourism and the Construction of 25 marinas. The executive council of the Croatian Parliament accepted it and Veljko Barbieri, together with his enthusiasts, set off to fight for the implementation of the Program. Due to local resistance, the marina projects in the Krivica Bay near Lošinj and Ilovička vrata, in Nečujam on Šolta Island, as well as in Barbieri’s hometown of Makarska, fell through. However, he still managed to launch the ACI mega-project. INA provided half of the necessary funds through a loan. The other half is ensured by 69 working organizations – co-founders of the ACI: agriculture companies from Slavonija and Baranja and various other companies that work in trade, the restaurant business, tourism and other services. By signing the Self-Management Agreement in Split, the ACI was officially founded on July 1st, 1983. Later, that day became the largest nautical holiday in all ACI marinas – the ACI Day. The crucial point of ACI’s success was that it had followed the model of managerial organization and action from the very start. Barbieri and his associates won the battle for locations and the construction of the marinas step by step. The wall of resistance was first broken near Šibenik. In only 120 days, the first three marinas were built: Vodice, Jezera and Skradin. Kornati marinas Žut and Piškera were built in especially hard conditions, with the help of tank landing ships. Marinas in Trogir, Milna on Brač, Palmižana and Vrboska on Hvar, Pomer, Umag, Rovinj and Supetarska Draga followed. They were opened in the season of 1984. The following year, marinas in Pula, Rab and Split were opened. On July 1st 1989, on the ACI Day, the gorgeous marina in Korčula was opened, and one year later, also on July 1st, the iconic Opatija marina in Ičići was opened. That was the result of the cooperation with the Italian group Ligresti-Grasseto. That was the first joint venture in the former state. Therefore, it was not made by foreign loans or licenses, but by joint investments with the share of profit and mutual loss risk. ACI’s chain with the highest, uniform and recognizable standard of nautical services functioned impeccably – everything from guest reception and safe berth, electricity, sanitary facilities, to excellent restaurant and technical service. One could get everything from shops connected to the marina – fresh bread, fruit, vegetables, groceries and all types of beverages, as well as outboard motors, fenders and fog horns. In duty free shops, there were exclusive clothes and footwear, custom designed gold jewelry, boat linen and other things on offer. That was all a part of the ACI system.


ACI No.1 // Veljko Barbieri

ACI-jev lanac s najvišim, unificiranim i prepoznatljivim standardom nautičkih usluga funkcionirao je besprijekorno – od prihvata gostiju i sigurnoga veza, struje, vode, sanitarija, do odličnoga restorana i tehničkoga servisa. U prodavaonicama povezanima s marinom može se nabaviti sve – od svježega kruha, voća, povrća, živežnih namirnica i svih vrsta pića do vanbrodskoga motora, bokobrana i roga za maglu. U duty free shopovima nudi se ekskluzivna nautička odjeća i obuća, posebno dizajniran zlatni nakit, brodska posteljina i drugo. Sve je to dio tadašnjega sustava ACI-ja.

ACI charter i škola jedrenja ANA U samim začetcima razvijanja poslovne strategije pokrenut je čarter koji otpočetka radi sjajno. ACI ima svoju flotu jedrilica napravljenih u Veloj Luci na Korčuli i u labinskoj Kvarnerplastici. Tomu je pridružio jahte svojih gostiju, s kojima je sklopio ugovor o menadžmentu. Flota je ubrzo narasla na više od 100 brodova. S pojedinim plovilima postiže se izuzetan rezultat od 30 tjedana angažmana. Istodobno Rovinj postaje domaćinom jednoga od najprestižnijih jedriličarskih natjecanja na svijetu – ACI Cup Match Racea. Regatno polje pod crkvenim tornjem Svete Eufemije postaje borilište najboljih svjetskih gladijatora dvobojjedrenja – Match Racea. Rovinj postaje stjecište svjetske jedriličarske elite. Barbieri pokreće i školu jedrenja pod imenom Adriatic Nautical Academy. Njezina skraćenica ANA postat će sinonim vrhunske škole mora. Zamislio je to ovako: u Akademiji se formiraju i kadrovi, i klijentela, i sportaši, i promicatelji hrvatskoga jedriličarskog turizma i sporta. Radi se o budućim skiperima, domaćinima stranim nautičkim gostima. To su kormilari na regatnim jedrilicama, odnosno redovni čartergosti inficirani nautikom koje je Akademija izvještila da krote vjetar, upravljaju brodom te uživaju u moru i krstarenju. Oni će pak na taj svoj put povesti prijatelje koji će također poželjeti svladati iste vještine. Računica se pokazala točnom. Akademiju je godišnje pohađalo 500 polaznika.

ACI No. 1. U ACI marini Opatija u Ičićima na vezu je maksikrstaš ACI No. 1. Plijeni pažnju svojim regatnim trupom dugim 25 metara, širokom sportskom palubom, radnim pogonom s velikim vinčevima i 32 metra visokim jarbolom za moćna jedra. Sudjelovao je na znamenitoj regati oko svijeta Whitbread kao i New Zealand Enterprise te talijanski Gatorade. S novim imenom ACI No. 1 i ACI-jevom posadom osvojio je četvrto mjesto među 17 maksikrstaša s profesionalnim posadama i milijunskim budžetima na regati preko Atlantika Columbus, organiziranoj povodom 500. obljetnice Kolumbova otkrića Amerike. Bio je to neočekivan uspjeh toga velikog, u Hrvatskoj dotad neviđenog broda te njegove mlade ambiciozne posade. ACI No. 1. bio je prvi brod


ACI charter and sailing school ANA In the very beginning of developing the business strategy, a charter was started, which has been working flawlessly ever since. The ACI had its own fleet of sailing boats made in Vela Luka on Korčula and in Kvarnerplastika in Labin. The yachts of its guests joined the fleet, and the ACI concluded a managing contract with them. The fleet soon grew to more than 100 boats. With certain vessels, the exceptional result of 30 weeks of engagement was sometimes reached. At the same time, Rovinj became the host of one of the most prestigious sailing boat competitions in the world – the ACI Cup Match Race. The regatta field under the bell tower of St. Euphemia became the arena of the best global gladiators of match racing, and Rovinj became the meeting place of the world sailing elite. Barbieri launched a sailing school named Adriatic Nautical Academy. Its abbreviation, ANA, would become a synonym of a supreme nautical school. This was how he envisioned it: the personnel, the clientele, the athletes and promoters of Croatian sailing tourism and sport will be formed in the Academy. They would go on to become skippers, and hosts to foreign sailing guests. They became helmsmen on regatta sailing boats, that is, regular charter guests infected with the love of sailing, trained by the Academy to tame the wind, steer the boat and enjoy the sea and cruising. They would, however, lead their friends to that journey, and they, too, would also want to master the same skills. The calculation proved to be on point. Annually, an average of 500 students would go to the Academy.

ACI No. 1 In ACI marina Opatija in Ičići, the maxi yacht ACI No. 1 was on berth. It captured the attention with its 25-meter-long hull, its wide sports deck, ship propulsion with large winches and the 32-meter-high mast for mighty sails. It participated in the famous regatta around the world Whitbread, as well as in the New Zealand Enterprise, and the Italian Gatorade. With its new name ACI No. 1 and the ACI crew, it won fourth place among 17 maxi yachts with professional crews and million-dollar budgets in the regatta across the Atlantic Columbus, organized for the 500th anniversary of Columbus’ discovery of America. That was an unexpected success of the great ship, unknown to Croatia until then, and its young ambitious crew. ACI No. 1 was the first ship that crossed the Atlantic under the Croatian flag, all that under the watchful eye of global media. In a very short period, everything was organized as it had been imagined, every marina and the entire Adriatic Sea were filled with boats, yachts and satisfied boaters from all around the world. In 1989, ACI reaches DM 83 billion of revenue, with DM 13 million of profit – all that with a growing trend. Those were the golden years of the ACI. A true Belle Époque.

ACI No.1 // Veljko Barbieri

Flota je ubrzo narasla na više od 100 brodova. S pojedinim plovilima postiže se izuzetan rezultat od 30 tjedana angažmana. The fleet soon grew to more than 100 boats. With certain vessels, the exceptional result of 30 weeks of engagement was sometimes reached.

koji je pod hrvatskom zastavom i u žiži svjetskih medija prešao Atlantik. U vrlo kratkome vremenu sve je posloženo kako je zamišljeno, sve marine i cijeli Jadran puni su brodica, jahti i zadovoljnih nautičara iz cijeloga svijeta. Godine 1989. ACI ostvaruje 83 milijuna njemačkih maraka prihoda, uz 13 milijuna dobiti – s tendencijom rasta. Bile su to zlatne godine ACIja. Pravi Belle Époque.

Era nakon ACI-ja Nakon ere u ACI-ju Barbieri je pokušao s novim nautičkim projektom nazvanim Sto lučica. Bio je čvrsto uvjeren da će to zaživjeti kao i nekad kad je pokretao ACI. Međutim, bila su to nova vremena, doduše s istim početkom, ali lošim završetkom. Čim je projekt došao u javnost, odmah su ga napali. Kasnije to čine i neki njegovi nekadašnji suradnici komentarima da će jahte devastirati najljepše jadranske uvale, upropastiti njihovo djevičanstvo, ljepotu i mir. Opet je Barbieri morao dokazivati da su te uvale „djevičanstvo“ već davno izgubile jer je njihovo dno izorano i uništeno brojnim sidrima, jer su njihove obale divlji deponiji smeća s jahti, jer su izložene paleži i divljem kampiranju bez imalo ekološke osviještenosti.

„U orcu“ Stvoritelj ACI-ja Veljko Barbieri preminuo je u 84. godini 21. lipnja 2013. – deset dana prije ACI-jeva 30. rođenda-

The era after the ACI After his time in the ACI, Barbieri tried a new nautical project called Sto lučica (A Hundred Harbors). He was strongly convinced that it would be a success, just like when he started the ACI. However, those were new times, and, even though the beginning was the same, the ending was not as successful. As soon as the project reached the public, he was attacked. Some of his former associates also get a jab or two in later, commenting how yachts will destroy the most beautiful bays of the Adriatic, ruin its virgin nature, beauty and peace. Once again, Barbieri had to prove that the bays had already lost their “virginity” a long time ago, because their seabed was dug up and destroyed with anchors, because their shores were wild landfills of trash from yachts, because they were exposed to fire and illegal camping with no awareness for the environment.

“Close-hauled” The creator of the ACI, Veljko Barbieri, died when he was 84, on June 21st, 2013 – ten days before ACI’s thirtieth birthday. In 2008, the then president of the Republic of Croatia Stjepan Mesić awarded Veljko Barbieri with the Order of Danica Hrvatska with the face of Blaž Lorković, a medal given for exceptional merit in economy. His own ACI and the city of Opatija gave him a medal for the foundation and huge contribution to the development of 27

ACI No.1 // Veljko Barbieri

na. Godine 2008. predsjednik Republike Hrvatske Stjepan Mesić odlikovao je Veljka Barbierija Redom Danice Hrvatske s likom Blaža Lorkovića, ordenom koji se dodjeljuje za osobite zasluge u gospodarstvu. Priznanje za utemeljenje i golem doprinos razvoju modernoga nautičkog turizma u Hrvatskoj – Nagradu za životno djelo dali su mu njegov ACI i Grad Opatija povodom 25. obljetnice ACI-ja. Predstavnici ACI-ja nagradu su mu uručili na svečanosti u Dioklecijanovoj palači u Splitu prigodom proglašenja pobjednika ACI Cup Match Racea. Bio je duboko ganut. No, sasvim sigurno, najveća bi mu utjeha bila saznanje da je ACI napokon digao otežalo sidro i zajedrio prema otvorenome moru nautičkoga turizma. Rekli bismo – boljoj budućnosti. Pa makar to sada bilo, kako je svojevremeno Barbieri često volio reći: „u orcu“ – protiv vjetra, što je ujedno i naziv njegove knjige memoarskih zapisa. Knjiga memoarskih zapisa Veljka Barbierija PROTIV VJETRA nikoga neće ostaviti ravnodušnim. U toj knjizi Veljko Barbieri govori sam za sebe – svojom pojavom i svojim djelom koje čak ni njegovi žestoki protivnici ne mogu osporiti. Naime, od dječaka koji je zaslužio Orden za hrabrost, do čovjeka koji je pokrenuo Končarov proizvodno-izvozni program u Italiji, preko njegova koncepta razvoja nautičkoga turizma koji je Hrvatsku uveo u red najpoželjnijih nautičkih destinacija na svijetu, riječ je o čovjeku koji izazove nije samo prihvaćao već ih je i sam postavljao pred sebe... 


modern nautical tourism in Croatia – the Life Work Award, on the 25th anniversary of the ACI. The representatives of the ACI gave him the award during the festivity in Diocletian’s Palace in Split when the winner of the ACI Cup Match Race was announced. He was deeply touched. However, certainly, his biggest consolation would be to know that the ACI has finally lifted the heavy anchor and set sail towards the open sea of nautical tourism. We would even say – towards a better future. And even if it was, as Barbieri liked to say often: “close-hauled” – against the wind, which was also the title of his memoirs. The memoirs of Veljko Barbieri AGAINST THE WIND will stir the hearts of everyone. In the book, Veljko Barbieri spoke for himself – with his appearance and his work, which even his fierce opponents could not dispute. Namely, from the boy that deserved the Medal for Bravery, to the man who started Končar’s production and export program in Italy, and to his concept of developing nautical tourism which brought Croatia to the level of the most desirable nautical destinations in the world, this is a man who not only accepted challenges, but also placed new ones before himself… 


BRINGING EVEN MORE ELEGANCE TO EVERY BAY. The new BAVARIA NAUTITECH 40 OPEN boasts an elegant hull design and offers luxurious interior layouts. A consistent development of the OPEN concept builds an outstanding connection between the cockpit and the saloon, creating a large living area and an incomparable feeling of space. The cabins below deck come with a stunning lighting concept – not least on account of their big hull windows. Welcome on board:


ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografija / Photo by ACI arhiva / ACI archives


ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor



THE ACI CUP Najveća imena svjetskoga jedrenja u dvije dekade ACI-ja

Kada su sredinom osamdesetih godina duž Jadrana počele nicati ACI marine, rodila se i ideja organiziranja sportske manifestacije koja bi svake godine u isto vrijeme okupljala najzvučnija imena svjetskoga jedrenja.

The biggest names of sailing in the world in the two decades of ACI When ACI marinas started sprouting throughout the Adriatic Sea mid-1980s, the idea of organizing a sports manifestation which would gather the most renowned names of world sailing every year at the same time was born. 31

ACI No.1 // Povijest ACI Cupa / The history of ACI Cup

Ustupio / Provided by: Živko Matutinović

Usprkos nevjerici priča je doista i počela na dan kada se u svijetu obično zbijaju šale. Vijest da će sada već davne 1987. godine Rovinj pohoditi neka od najvećih imena svjetskoga jedrenja zvučala je poput dobre prvoaprilske šale. Nešto ranije te iste godine završeno je 27. izdanje America's Cupa, najstarijega svjetskog sportskog natjecanja uopće. Prvi se put jedrilo u Australiji; bilo je to zatvoreno, ekskluzivno natjecanje svjetskih bogataša i velemajstora jedrenja, a medijska pozornost bila je golema. Nisu baš djelovale vjerodostojno tvrdnje da će u Rovinj doći Harold Cudmore – kormilar britanskoga izazivača na America's Cupu, Hubert Raudaschl – Austrijanac, legenda klase Finn, Šveđanin Pele Petterson, koji se, kaže priča, i rodio pod jedrima, ili Švicarac Pierrè Feklmann, pobjednik Whitbread regate oko svijeta. Regata se, međutim, na čuđenje i divljenje mnogih, održala, a godinu dana kasnije ista skupina ACI-jevih zanesenjaka, predvođena Veljkom Barbierijem, napravila je korak više. U Rovinj je stiglo novozelandsko „čudo“ od jedriličara Chris Dickson. Tada dvadesetšestogodišnji Dickson bio je, uz legendarnoga Dennisa Connera, najveća svjetska zvijezda sporta pod jedrima. Stigao je prvi put i veliki Peter Gilmour, australska nada, a u nevjerojatnoj konkurenciji jedrili su i prvi pobjednik Harold Cudmore, Talijan Tommaso Chieffi, Pele Petterson, Slovenac Dušan Puh te Riječanin Zvonko Bezić. Chris Dickson osvojio je ACI Cup, a svim zaljubljenicima u jedrenje postalo je jasno da se u Rovinju događaju velike svjetske stvari. Jedrilo se tada na Elanu 31. 32

Despite much disbelief, the story truly started on the day when jokes are usually made in the world. In 1987, the news that Rovinj would be frequented by some of the largest names of world sailing truly sounded like a good April Fools’ joke. The 27th America’s Cup finished earlier that year, and that was the oldest world sports competition in history. They sailed in Australia for the first time; that was a closed, exclusive competition of rich people and sailing masters from all around the world, and the media attention was enormous. The claims that Harold Cudmore – the helmsman of the British competitor in the America’s Cup, Hubert Raudaschl – Austrian, legend of Finn class, Swede Pele Peterson, who was, rumor has it, born under sails, or Swiss Pierrè Feklman, the winner of Whitbread round the world regatta, would come to Rovinj did not seem that credible. However, to the surprise and admiration of many, the regatta was held, and one year later, the same group of ACI’s aficionados, led by Veljko Barbieri, took it one step further. The New Zealand “sailing wonder,” Chris Dickson, came to Rovinj. The then 26-year-old Dickson was, together with the legendary Dennis Conner, the world’s largest sailing star. The great Peter Gilmour, Australia’s golden boy, also arrived, and the incredible lineup also included the first winner Harold Cudmore, Italian Tomamaso Chieffi, Pele Petterson, Slovenian Dušan Puh and Zvonko Bezić from Rijeka. Chris Dickson won the ACI Cup, and it became clear to all sailing aficionados that great global things were happening in Rovinj. Back then, they sailed on Elan 31.

ACI No.1 // Povijest ACI Cupa / The history of ACI Cup

Vijest da će sada već davne 1987. godine Rovinj pohoditi neka od najvećih imena svjetskoga jedrenja zvučala je poput dobre prvoaprilske šale.

Ustupio / Provided by: Živko Matutinović

In 1987, the news that Rovinj would be frequented by some of the largest names of world sailing truly sounded like a good April Fools’ joke.

Svjetska jedriličarska elita u Rovinju

Global sailing elite in Rovinj

Sljedeća svjetska zvijezda koja je pohodila Rovinj bio je Amerikanac Paul Cayard. Bilo je to 1989. i 1990. godine, kada je Cayard slavio dva puta zaredom. Promijenila se i flota: jedrilo se na danskim krstašima Biancama 107. Godine 1991. u Rovinju se posljednji put jedrilo pod zastavom bivše države. Te je godine prvi put s Novoga Zelanda došao Russell Coutts, dečko koji će za koju godinu ispisati povijest America's Cupa. U svojemu prvom rovinjskom nastupu bio je pobjednik.

The next sailing star that came to Rovinj was American Paul Cayard. That was in 1989 and 1990, when Cayard celebrated twice in a row. The fleet also changed: they sailed on Danish boats Bianca 107. The participants sailed under the flag of the old state for the last time in Rovinj in 1991. It was then that Russell Coutts, the boy who would write the history of America’s Cup in just a few years, came for the first time from New Zealand. He came out victorious in his first appearance in Rovinj.

Najjači ACI Cup 1992. – pod hrvatskom zastavom Godine 1992. ACI Cup već je ime, natjecanje s tradicijom, pa se pozivu odazivaju prvi sa svjetske ljestvice Chris Dickson, drugi Peter Gilmour i treći Russell Coutts. Bilo je to možda i najvažnije izdanje fantastičnoga natjecanja. Prvo pod hrvatskim stijegom, a nikada jače. Prvi jedriličar kojemu je pripala čast da na ACI Cupu jedri pod hrvatskom zastavom bio je legendarni barba s Orebića Branko Pešut. Te godine pobjedu na ACI Cupu odnosi po drugi put Chris Dickson, a u pobjedničkoj je posadi bio i Karlo Kuret, prvi Hrvat koji je jedrio na America's Cupu. Sredina devedesetih godina rađa i prvoga velikog junaka ACI Cupa. Od 1993. do 1995. tri puta zaredom slavi Australac Peter Gilmour. Peter Gilmour postaje vladar Rovinja, vladar ACI Cupa, a tih mu godina u krmu gledaju Russell Coutts, Roy Hayner, Tommaso Chieffi, Paul Cayard i ostali.

The strongest ACI Cup in 1992 – under Croatia’s flag In 1992, the ACI Cup had already become a name, a competition with tradition, and the first, second and third on the global ladder – Chris Dickson, Peter Gilmour and Russell Coutts – answer the call. That was perhaps the most important year of this fantastic competition. The first one under Croatia’s banner, but never stronger. The first sailor who got the honor of sailing under Croatia’s flag in the ACI Cup was the legendary ship-master from Orebić Branko Pešut. That year, Chris Dickson won the ACI Cup for the second time, and the winning crew included Karlo Kuret, the first Croat who sailed at the America’s Cup. The middle of the nineties spawned the first great hero of the ACI Cup. Since 1993 to 1995, Australian Peter Gilmour celebrates three times in a row. Peter Gilmour becomes the ruler of Rovinj, the ruler of the ACI Cup, and in those years, he leaves Russell Coutts, Roy Hayner, Tommaso Chieffi, Paul Cayard and others behind him. 33

ACI No.1 // Povijest ACI Cupa / The history of ACI Cup

Ustupio / Provided by: Živko Matutinović


Dubrovnik – domaćin svjetskoga prvenstva u dvobojskome jedrenju

Dubrovnik – the host of the world championship in match racing

Nakon devet godina uspjeha, rasta i stalnoga potvrđivanja visokih organizacijskih sposobnosti svjetska jedriličarska federacija povjerava ACI-ju nevjerojatan izazov – svjetsko prvenstvo u dvobojskome jedrenju. Bilo je to 1996., a raskošnu pozornicu za smotru desetorice veličanstvenih pružio je Dubrovnik. Na okupu se našlo prvih deset sa svjetske ljestvice poretka. Bili su to: Russell Coutts, osvajač America's Cupa 1995. za Novi Zeland, Amerikanac Ed Baird, Peter Gilmour, Bertrand Pacé i Thierry Pepponet, Peter Holmberg, Magnus Holmberg, Chris Law, Roy Hayner i Markus Wieser. U finalu su jedrili Russell Coutts i Ed Baird, a na završnoj svečanosti u hotelu Croatia u Cavtatu svjetski prvak Russell Coutts primio je trofej iz ruku predsjednika dr. Franje Tuđmana.

After nine years of success, growth and constant confirmation of organizational skills, the world sailing federation entrusts ACI with an incredible challenge – the world championship in match racing. That was in 1996, and Dubrovnik provided the lavish stage for the festival of the magnificent ten. The first ten people from the world ladder gathered there: Russell Coutts, the winner of the America’s Cup in 1995 for New Zealand, American Ed Baird, Peter Gilmour, Bertrand Pacé and Thierry Pepponet, Peter Holmberg, Magnus Holmberg, Chris Law, Roy Hayner and Markus Wieser. Russell Coutts and Ed Baird sailed in the finals, and the world champion Russell Coutts received the trophy at the final ceremony in the Croatia Hotel in Cavtat from the hands of President Dr. Franjo Tuđman.

Regate ACI Match Race Cup u Umagu i Splitu

ACI Match Race Cup regattas in Umag and Split

U mjesecu travnju 1997. godine regata ACI Match Race Cup seli se s krajnjega juga skroz na sjever – u Umag, a okuplja čak osam od prvih deset skipera sa svjetske ljestvice. Svoj četvrti trofej u osam nastupa na ACI Cupu osvaja Peter Gilmour. Godina 1997. velikim je slovima zapisana u hrvatskome dvobojskom jedrenju. Te godine sa svojim aktivnostima započinje ACI Match Race Team sa skiperom Tomislavom Baši-

In April 1997, the regatta ACI Match Race Cup moves from the south all the way to the north – to Umag, and it gathers eight out of ten first skippers from the world list. Peter Gilmour wins his fourth trophy in his eighth appearance at the ACI Cup. That year, 1997, will forever be written in the history of Croatian match racing. The ACI Match Race Team, with skipper Tomislav Bašić, starts sailing that year. Ot-

ACI No.1 // Povijest ACI Cupa / The history of ACI Cup

Fotografija / Photo by: arhiva obitelji Barbieri / Barbieri family archives

ćem. Uz Bašića članovi tima bili su Tonči Antunović, Darko Šupuk, Stjepan Vitaljić i Ognjen Uljević. U središte hrvatskoga jedrenja, u Split, regata ACI Match Race Cup seli se 1998. godine. Regatavalo se pod Sustipanom, čiji je park ponudio najljepšu pozornicu za praćenje regate. Britanac Andy Beadsworth pobijedio je 1998., a Danac Sten Mohr 1999. Tomislav Bašić petim je mjestom ostvario najveći uspjeh hrvatskih jedriličara u povijesti ACI Cupa.

ACI Cup u novome stoljeću U novome stoljeću – novi izazovi. Oduševljeni dubrovačkim iskustvom, čelni ljudi svjetske federacije još jednom ACI-ju i Hrvatskoj ukazuju povjerenje i tako je četrnaesto izdanje ACI Match Race Cupa u Splitu 2000. godine bilo također svjetsko prvenstvo i ponovo su se na okupu našli najbolji u borbi za naslov svjetskoga prvaka. Četiri godine nakon Couttsa u Dubrovniku hrvatske su vode donijele sreću Novozelanđaninu Deanu Barkeru. U finalu je svladao Petera Gilmoura i trofej svjetskoga prvaka ponovo je zaplovio put Novoga Zelanda. Sljedećih pet godina gostoprimstvo dvobojskomu jedrenju i ACI Cupu pruža Grad Split. Nakon svjetskoga prvenstva u Split se 2001. godine vraća braniti svoj naslov Dean Barker, dok je 2002. godine Francuz Philippe Presti bio veliko iznenađenje 16. ACI Cupa. Došao je s pozivnicom organizatora i oti-

her members of the team aside from Bašić included Tonči Antunović, Darko Šupuk, Stjepan Vitaljić and Ognjen Uljević. The regatta ACI Match Race Cup moves to the center of Croatian sailing, to Split, in 1998. The regatta was held under Sustipan, whose park offered the finest stage to watch the race. Britain’s Andy Beadsworth won in 1998, while Danish Sten Mohr won in 1999. Tomislav Bašić achieved the greatest success of Croatian sailors in the history of the ACI Cup by winning fifth place.

ACI Cup in the new century The new century came with brand new challenges. Thrilled with their experience in Dubrovnik, the heads of the world federation once again put their trust in ACI in Croatia; the fourteenth edition of the ACI Match Race Cup in Split in 2000 thus became also a world championship. Once again, the best in the fight for the title of world champion gathered there. Four years after Coutts in Dubrovnik, Croatian waters brought luck to Dean Barker from New Zealand. He beat Peter Gilmour in the final and the world championship trophy once again set sail towards New Zealand. The town of Split offered its hospitality to match racing and the ACI Cup for the next five years. After the world championship, Dean Barker returns to 35

ACI No.1 // Povijest ACI Cupa / The history of ACI Cup

Nakon devet godina uspjeha, rasta i stalnoga potvrđivanja visokih organizacijskih sposobnosti svjetska jedriličarska federacija povjerava ACI-ju nevjerojatan izazov – svjetsko prvenstvo u dvobojskome jedrenju.

After nine years of success, growth and constant confirmation of organizational skills, the world sailing federation entrusts ACI with an incredible challenge – the world championship in match racing.


šao s pobjedom. Na 17. ACI Cupu 2003. Russell Coutts dovodi na trening posadu Allinghija, međutim, pobjedu odnosi Danac Jesper Radich. Godinu kasnije, 2004., u svojemu devetom dolasku u Hrvatsku na ACI Cup pobjednički je pehar konačno osvojio sjajni Francuz Bertrand Pacé, a rekordnom petom pobjedom neponovljivoga Petera Gilmoura završio je ACI Cup 2005. godine. Godina 2006. bila je godina obilježavanja 20 godina kontinuiranoga održavanja ACI Match Race Cupa. Regata se nakon deset godina izbivanja vratila tamo gdje je sve počelo – u Rovinj. Rovinj se potvrdio kao sjajan domaćin vrhunskim jedriličarima. Te se godine, uz najveću zvijezdu Petera Gilmoura, okupila generacija mladih perspektivnih jedriličara poput Johnnieja Berntssona, koji je i odnio pobjedu! Narednih godina svjetski jedriličari mogli su ponovno uživati u splitskome šarmu i odličnim uvjetima za jedrenje. Godine 2007. pobjedu je odnio iskusni Talijan Paolo Ciani, koji je i 2008. godine bio najbolji. Na 23. ACI Match Race Cupu 2009. nastupilo je devet hrvatskih kormilara i kormilarki, koji su svoja jedriličarska znanja i vještine slijedom izmijenjenoga formata natjecanja pokazali u flotnome jedrenju te u dvobojima jedan na jedan. Sudionici toga izdanja ACI Cupa bili su Mate Arapov, Karlo Kuret, Marin Mišura, Frane Barbieri, Darko Hajdinjak, Tihana Tadinac, Zvonko Jelačić, Teo Piasevoli i Željko Kovačević. Pobjeda je otišla u ruke Riječanina Darka Hajdinjaka. Kormilo JOD-ova 35 2010. godine uzeli su u ruke najbolji kormilari i jedna kormilarka iz olimpijskih jedriličarskih klasa, u kojima se Hrvatska zadnjih godina probila u sam svjetski vrh. Četiri europska prvaka i jedna prvakinja odmjerili su podno Sustipana snagu zajedno s ostalim proslavljenim imenima hrvatskoga jedrenja. Bili su to: Ivan Kljaković Gašpić – Bambi, Tonči Stipanović, Šime Fantela i Igor Marenić, Tina Mihelić, Mate Arapov, Marin Mišura, Pavle Kostov i Petar Cupač te Luka Radelić. Jake snage hrvatskoga jedrenja natjecale su se i 2011. godine na jubilarnome 25. ACI Cupu na regatnome polju ispred splitske luke. Nastupilo je šest muških i dvije ženske posade: Ivan Kljaković Gašpić – Bambi, Marin Mišura, Tomislav Bašić, Tonko Rameša, Toni Bulaja i Luka Radelić te Tina Mihelić i Petra Kliba. Regatni format činili su flotno i dvobojsko jedrenje, a cilj takve koncepcije ACI Cupa bila je promocija i popularizacija jedrenja kao sporta broj jedan u zemlji koja ima jedno od ljepših svjetskih mora.

Split to defend his title in 2001, while the French Philippe Presti was a great surprise of the 16th ACI Cup in 2002. He came with the organizers’ invitation and went away with a victory. Russell Coutts brings the crew of Allinghi to the 17th ACI Cup in 2003; however, Danish Jesper Radich wins the title. One year later, in 2004, the glorious Frenchman Bertrand Pacé wins the cup in his ninth appearance in Croatia. The ACI Cup in 2005 ended with the record-breaking fifth victory of the exceptional Peter Gilmour. The 20th anniversary of ACI Match Race Cup was marked in 2006. After ten years, the regatta returned to where it all began – to Rovinj. Rovinj proved to be a great host to superb sailors. That year, together with the greatest star Peter Gilmour, a generation of young promising sailors like Johhnie Berntsson (who actually won) gathered in this town. World-class sailors could enjoy the charm of Split and its excellent sailing conditions during the next few years. In 2007, the experienced Italian Paolo Ciani won, who was also the best in 2008. Nine Croatian helmsmen and helmswomen participated in the 23rd ACI Match Race Cup in 2009. They showed their sailing knowledge and skill due to the changed format of competition in fleet racing and one on one duels. The participants of that edition of the ACI Cup were Mate Arapov, Karlo Kuret, Marin Mišura, Frane Barbieri, Darko Hajdinjak, Tihana Tadinac, Zvonko Jelačić, Teo Piasevoli and Željko Kovačević. Darko Hajdinjak from Rijeka came out victorious. The best helmsmen and one helmswoman from Olympic sailing classes, in which Croatia pushed to the very top of the world, took the helm of JODs 35 in 2010. Five European champions went head to head with other celebrated names of Croatian sailing under Sustipan. Those were: Ivan Kljaković Gašpić – Bambi, Tonči Stipanović, Šime Fantela and Igor Marenić, Tina Mihelić, Mate Arapov, Marin Mišura, Pavle Kostov and Petar Cupač, as well as Luka Radelić. The fierce representatives of Croatian sailing participated in 2011 in the 25th ACI Cup at the regatta field in front of the Split port. Six male and two female crews participated in the regatta: Ivan Kljaković Gašpić – Bambi, Marin Mišura, Tomislav Bašić, Tonko Rameša, Toni Bulaja and Luka Radelić, as well as Tina Mihelić and Petra Kliba. The regatta format included fleet and match racing, and the goal of such a concept of the ACI Cup was to promote and

Godina 2006. bila je godina obilježavanja 20 godina kontinuiranoga održavanja ACI Match Race Cupa. Regata se nakon deset godina izbivanja vratila tamo gdje je sve počelo – u Rovinj.

The 20th anniversary of ACI Match Race Cup was marked in 2006. After ten years, the regatta returned to where it all began – to Rovinj.

Fotografija / Photo by: arhiva obitelji Barbieri / Barbieri family archives

ACI No.1 // Povijest ACI Cupa / The history of ACI Cup

Ustupio / Provided by: Živko Matutinović

Pobjednički pehar jubilarnog 25. ACI Cupa imao je čast podignuti najbolji hrvatski jedriličar u dvobojskome jedrenju Tomislav Bašić. Sljedeća, 2012. godina i 26. ACI Cup ostaju također zapisani u povijesti ove manifestacije, koja je opravdano nosila epitet prestižne regate i bila zaštitni znak ACI-ja. Na tome zadnjem ACI Cupu zanimljive dvoboje ponudili su ponajbolji hrvatski kormilari i jedna kormilarka, a pridružili su im se i kormilari iz Slovenije i Velike Britanije. Pobjednički pehar ponovno je podignuo sjajni Tomislav Bašić.

Tajna dugovječnosti ACI Match Race Cupa A u čemu je bila tajna dugovječnosti ACI Match Race Cupa, koji je slovio za jednu od prestižnijih i omiljenijih svjetskih regata, sažeo je u jednome intervjuu Paul Cayard: – Da bi jedna regata uspjela, potrebno je pet bitnih elemenata. Prvo, odlična organizacija u kojoj ne smije ništa nedostajati. Zatim jaki sponzori. Treće, dobro medijsko praćenje. Četvrto, objektivan i stručan regatni odbor. Peto, najmanje četiri vrhunska jedriličara. Vi ste sve to kroz godine uspijevali objediniti i zato je ova vaša regata – svjetska priredba na najvišoj razini. 


popularize sailing as the number one sport in the country that has one of the finest seas of the world. The best Croatian sailor in match racing Tomislav Bašić had the honor of lifting the winning cup of the 25th ACI Cup. The next year, 2012, and the 26th ACI Cup will also be written in the history of the manifestation, which was justifiably considered prestigious and represented a hallmark of ACI. At the last ACI Cup, some of the best Croatian helmsmen and one helmswoman had some interesting duels, and they were joined by helmsmen from Slovenia and Great Britain. Once again, the splendid Tomislav Bašić lifted the winning cup.

The secret of the longevity of the ACI Match Race Cup Paul Cayard summarized in an interview the secret to the longevity of the ACI Match Race Cup, which was known as one of the most prestigious and favorite regattas in the world, “For a regatta to succeed, there have to be five important elements. One, excellent organization which cannot be lacking in anything. Then, strong sponsors. Three, good media interest. Four, an objective and expert regatta board. Five, at least four topnotch sailors. You have managed to include all that throughout the years, which is why your regatta is a global event at the highest level.” 


ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografije / Photos by ACI arhiva / archives


ACI No.1 // Kristijan Pavić



Kristijan Pavić, diplomirani inženjer pomorstva, karijeru je započeo kao glavni časnik za elektroniku na kruzerima Carnival Cruise Linea, američko-britanske putničke tvrtke koja danas raspolaže s 24 kruzera. Nakon šest godina „navigavanja“ po svjetskim morima 2006. godine vraća se u Hrvatsku, najprije na funkcije ravnatelja Županijske lučke uprave Dubrovnik i ravnatelja Lučke uprave Dubrovnik, gdje se uspješno koristi stečenim znanjem i iskustvom u svrhu pozicioniranja Dubrovnika kao jedne od vodećih svjetskih kruzing destinacija. Ugled i utjecaj u svjetskoj kruzing industriji priznaje mu se 2016. godine, kada preuzima dužnost predsjednika MedCruisea, Udruge mediteranskih kruzing luka, koja broji 72 članice i zastupa zajedničke interese više od 100 luka. U kolovozu iste godine imenovanjem za direktora društva ACI d.d., danas predsjednika Uprave, pred Kristijana Pavića postavljen je novi, u dosadašnjoj karijeri nesumnjivo i najveći izazov.

Kristijan Pavić, nautical engineer, started his career as the main electronics officer at the cruisers of Carnival Cruise Linea, an American-British travel company which today has 24 cruisers. After six years of “navigating” the world seas, he returns to Croatia in 2006, first as the director of the County Port Authority of Dubrovnik and director of the Port Authority of Dubrovnik, where he successfully uses his acquired knowledge and experience to position Dubrovnik as one of the leading global cruising destinations. His reputation and influence in the world cruising industry is recognized in 2016, when he becomes the President of MedCruise, the Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports, which has 72 members and represents the common interests of more than 100 ports. In August that same year, Kristijan Pavić faced a new and, definitely the greatest challenge in his career so far when he was appointed as the Chairman of the Board of ACI d.d.

Kako trenutno vidite ACI, najveću hrvatsku nautičku tvrtku?

How do you currently see ACI, the largest Croatian nautical company?

ACI je postavio temelje nautičkoga turizma u Hrvatskoj i danas je jedan od najvećih lanaca marina

ACI set the foundations of nautical tourism in Croatia and continues to be one of the Mediterrane-


ACI No.1 // Kristijan Pavić

na Mediteranu. Ima svoju povijest i tradiciju, danas je prepoznatljiv brand u nautičkome svijetu, no još uvijek ima velik potencijal za daljnji razvoj i rast. Naime, neovisno o postojećoj infrastrukturi i idealnoj rasprostranjenosti ACI marina duž obale i na otocima te marinama pozicioniranim na najboljim lokacijama duž Jadrana i dalje nismo tržišni lideri u svim segmentima poslovanja. Moja je misija učvrstiti lidersku poziciju ACI-ja ne samo u smislu povećanja broja marina već i kroz intenzivan razvoj i implementaciju cijeloga portfelja nautičkih usluga uz postizanje izvrsnosti u kvaliteti usluge. Naša konkurencija danas je vrlo kvalitetna i efikasna, nautički turizam u Hrvatskoj bilježi značajan rast, tržište je zahtjevno i standardi u nautici sve su viši. ACI je uvijek postavljao standarde u nautičkome turizmu u RH, a tu poziciju namjeravamo i zadržati, što nije nimalo lak zadatak. Kakva je poslovna politika tvrtke prema velikim jahtama, čijim je vlasnicima hrvatski dio Jadrana sve privlačniji? Segment tržišta velikih i megajahti jedno je od najlukrativnijih segmenata nautike luksuza, koja ima niz niša u kojima se možete profilirati ako za to imate ostvarene preduvjete, počevši od samoga veza za jahte takvih dimenzija, uređenja marina i infrastrukture neophodne za njihovu tehničko-energetsku održivost te ponude u marini i samoj destinaciji koja za goste takvih plovila mora biti na najvišoj razini. Visoki standardi usluge moraju do najsitnijega detalja pokrivati mogućnost udovoljavanja svakoj želji posade i njihovih gostiju kao i omogućiti rješavanje potencijalnoga problema koji može nastati prilikom održavanja takva plovila. Određeni broj ACI marina ima mogućnost ponude dnevnoga veza za velike i megajahte, no naša je buduća orijentacija prema tome tržištu neupitna. ACI marina Rovinj bit će prva ACI marina koja će u potpunosti poslovati u tome segmentu i u smislu ponude vezova i u nastojanju pružanja vrhunske usluge i različitosti ponude te uređenja marine. ACI marina Dubrovnik svojim je okruženjem i orijentacijom sama po sebi destinacija atraktivna za prihvat i duži boravak jahti većih dimenzija. Sukladno tomu, provodimo analizu mogućih opcija projekata koji bi predvidjeli proširenje marine Dubrovnik sa svom potrebnom infrastrukturom na obalnome zidu i pontonima kao preduvjetom za prihvat jahti znatno većih dimenzija no do sada. S jedne strane, uz osmišljavanje kompletne ponude i prilagođavanje razine usluge za takve goste, preuređenje Dvorca Sorkočević i botaničkih vrtova, a u konačnici i rekonstrukciju cijeloga obuhvata marine u Dubrovniku, već smo napravili značajan iskorak u tome smjeru uređenjem platoa servisnoga centra i suhoga veza te izgradnjom bazena travel lifta nosivosti do 130 t prilagođenoga takvim velikim jahtama. S druge strane, kroz segment luksuzne ponude za ciljanu klijentelu kao što su gosti naših marina u samoj marini realizirali smo pokusni projekt postavljanja golf vježbališta; Golf Range Concept u ACI marini Dubrovnik, koje pokriva i simulira sve segmente velikoga terena za golf na smanjenoj površini kao realni simulator i teren za uvježbavanje svih vrsta udaraca. To je smjer u kojemu ćemo nastaviti svoja nastojanja za podizanjem razine i kvalitete ponude za svoje goste i vanjske posjetitelje marine. 42

an’s largest marinas chain. It has its own history and tradition, and, today, it is a recognizable brand in the nautical world. However, it still has great potential for further development and growth. Namely, regardless of the existing infrastructure and ideal distribution of ACI marinas along the shore and on the islands and the marinas positioned on the best locations throughout the Adriatic Sea, we are still not market leaders in all business segments. It is my mission to strengthen ACI’s leadership position not just in the sense of increasing the number of marinas, but through intense development and implementation of an entire portfolio of nautical services, all the while achieving excellence in the quality of service. Our competition is of excellent quality today and also quite efficient; nautical tourism in Croatia is marked by significant growth since the market is demanding and nautical standards keep rising. ACI has always set the standard in nautical tourism in the Republic of Croatia, and we intend to keep that position, which is not an easy task. What is the business policy of the company regarding luxury yachts, whose owners are now finding the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea more and more appealing? The market segment of super and mega yachts is one of the most lucrative segments of luxury sailing. It has a string of niches in which you can profit if you have the preconditions for it; starting from the berth for yachts of such dimensions, the marina organization and the infrastructure necessary for their technical and energy sustainability, as well as offers in the marina and the actual destination which need to be at the highest level for guests of such vessels. High service standards need to cover the possibility of catering to every desire of the crew and their guests, and provide the solution of potential problems that may arise during the maintenance of such vessels. Some ACI marinas have the option of daily berth offers for super and mega yachts. However, our orientation towards that market is indisputable. ACI marina Rovinj will be the first ACI marina that will completely do business in that segment in the sense of offering berths and striving towards achieving superb service and span of offer, as well as the organization of the marina. With its surroundings and orientation, ACI marina Dubrovnik is an attractive destination which can take in and offer longer stay to yachts of bigger dimensions. In accordance with that, we are conducting an analysis of possible options for the projects that would include expanding the Dubrovnik marina with all the necessary infrastructure on the coastal wall and pontoons as a prerequisite of accepting yachts of significantly larger dimensions than has been the case so far. On the one hand, by designing the complete offer and adjusting the level of service for such guests, redecorating Sorkočević Summer House and botanical gardens, and, finally, reconstructing the entire scope of the marina in Dubrovnik, we have already made a significant step forward in that direction by organizing the plateau of the service center and dry berth, and by constructing the pool of the self-propelled crane with 130t of lifting capacity, suited for such large yachts. On the other hand, through the segment of luxury offer for target clientele such as the guests of our marinas, we have implemented an experimental project of setting up golf courses – Golf Range Concept – at ACI marina

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Određeni broj ACI marina ima mogućnost ponude dnevnoga veza za velike i megajahte, no naša je buduća orijentacija prema tome tržištu neupitna. Some ACI marinas have the option of daily berth offers for super and mega yachts. However, our orientation towards that market is indisputable.


ACI No.1 // Kristijan Pavić

Fotografija / Photo by Boris Kovačev

U kojemu će se smjeru tvrtka dalje razvijati? Strategija razvoja ACI-ja podrazumijeva definiranje buduće uloge svake pojedine ACI marine unutar sustava kao i unutar same destinacije, određivanje smjerova njihova poslovanja, ulaganja u preuređenje ili rekonstrukciju marina radi podizanja razine infrastrukturne opremljenosti te razvoj ponude sukladno vrsti usluga primjerenih ulozi koju će pojedina marina imati. Drugi smjer jest povećanje kapaciteta izgradnjom novih te akvizicijom i preuzimanjem u menadžment postojećih marina u regiji, u što možemo inkorporirati intenciju da proširimo poslovanje prema tržištu velikih i megajahti odnosno povećamo i prilagodimo kapacitete marina za plovila većih duljina. Taj način poslovanja podrazumijeva i intenzivni razvoj digitalizacije poslovanja s ciljem pojednostavljenja i ubrzanja procesa rada, što će u konačnici dovesti i do toga da je gostu nautičaru tijekom plovidbe praktički svaka usluga „na dlanu“ te da je može rezervirati unaprijed, brzo i jednostavno putem mobilnih platformi. ACI d.d. u sustavu ima 22 marine i 2 sidrišta od Umaga do 44

Dubrovnik, which covers and simulates all segments of a large golf course on a reduced surface as a realistic simulator and field to practice all types of shots. That is the direction in which we will continue with our efforts in order to raise the level and quality of offer for our guests and outside visitors of the marina. In which direction will the company develop further? The ACI development strategy includes defining the future role of each individual ACI marina within the system, as well as within the destination itself; determining the direction of their business; investing in the redecoration or reconstruction of the marinas to increase the level of infrastructure equipment; and developing the offer in accordance with the type of services suitable for the role a certain marina will have. Another direction is to increase capacity by building new marinas, or acquiring and taking over the existing marinas in the region as managers; that is something that we can use to incorporate our intention of spreading business towards the

ACI No.1 // Kristijan Pavić

Dubrovnika. Od 2011. godine ACI svake godine bilježi rast poslovanja, čime su stvoreni preduvjeti za daljnji razvoj. Međutim, kako bi dosegao svoj puni potencijal, potrebno je aktivno raditi u više smjerova. Sigurno je da je pred ACIjem razdoblje rasta i unapređenja kvalitete pružanja usluga. S obzirom na značajne prihode i dobre poslovne rezultate unatrag desetak godina, ACI je u mogućnosti velik dio investicijskoga ciklusa financirati iz vlastitih sredstava, no također je u prilici ishoditi financiranje po izuzetno povoljnim uvjetima od strane banaka, što je svakako veliki plus u razmatranju mogućnosti daljnjega razvoja. Koji su ključni problemi s kojima se ACI danas suočava? ACI je danas suočen s nizom problema koji predstavljaju objektivnu prepreku bržemu razvitku sustava: od administrativnih prepreka, nedovoljnoga broja i neodgovarajuće strukture vezova, neadekvatnih sadržaja u marinama, neodgovarajuće razine pružanja tehničkih usluga (servisa i sl.), prekratke sezone, velikog utjecaja vremena na popunjenost kapaciteta tranzitnih vezova uslijed niza ilegalnih privezišta i sidrišta, slaboga sadržaja ponude destinacije i kvalitete usluga pa do neodgovarajuće prostorno-planske regulative te nelojalne konkurencije. S obzirom na sve navedeno, smatram da bi prioritete rada trebalo usmjeriti na nekoliko osnovnih područja djelovanja. To su: proširenje koncesijskih područja uz prethodno usklađivanje s prostornoplanskom dokumentacijom jedinica lokalnih samouprava te produljenje koncesijskih razdoblja, unapređenje kvalitete pružanja usluga i konkurentnosti (standardizacija, brendiranje), razvoj infrastrukture i suprastrukture u marinama te informatizacija poslovanja. Kada kažete proširenje koncesijskih područja uz prethodno usklađivanje s prostornoplanskom dokumentacijom jedinica lokalnih samouprava te produljenje koncesijskih razdoblja – na što točno mislite? Prema važećim koncesijskim ugovorima sve ACI marine imaju koncesije do kraja 2030. godine, dakle još dvanaest godina (izuzev marine u Slanom). Upravo je to faktor koji više od svega ograničava potencijal razvoja ACI-ja. Naime, nakon početnoga rasta i uzleta uslijedilo je ratno razdoblje i dugi niz godina poslovanja u gubitku, zbog čega su i infrastruktura i objekti u marinama uvelike zapušteni. Da bi ACI mogao konkurirati marinama na Mediteranu i Jadranu, potrebna su mnogo ozbiljnija ulaganja. Takva ulaganja nisu moguća bez produljenja rokova trajanja koncesije. Povrh produljenja rokova, komparativne prednosti pojedinih marina u osnovi su nedovoljno iskorištene uslijed nedostatka adekvatnih vezova za kojima postoji izražena potražnja. Iako Strategija razvoja nautičkoga turizma predviđa povećanje broja vezova u RH kroz povećanje prihvatnih kapaciteta u postojećim lukama nautičkoga turizma te izgradnju novih luka, iz dosadašnje prakse u proteklih desetak godina nisu objavljivani natječaji za marine s velikim brojem vezova (više od 300), a za koje bi se mogla utvrditi ozbiljna gospodarska opravdanost.

market of super and mega yachts, that is, to increase and adjust the capacities of marinas for vessels of larger sizes. That way of doing business includes intense development of digitizing operations with the aim of simplifying and accelerating the work process, which will in the end result in our guests having practically every service “in the palm of their hand” during sailing; when that is achieved, they can reserve every service in advance, swiftly and simply through the mobile platforms. ACI d.d. has 22 marinas and 2 anchorages in its system, from Umag to Dubrovnik. ACI has noted a growth of business every year since 2011, which creates prerequisites for further development. However, in order to reach ACI’s full potential, we need to work actively in several directions. The age of increasing and advancing the quality of services is definitely ahead of us. Bearing in mind the considerable revenue and good business results for the past ten years, ACI is able to finance a large part of the investment cycle from its own funds. However, it also has the opportunity to obtain funds under extremely favorable conditions from banks, which is certainly a large plus when considering the options of further development. What are the key issues ACI is facing today? Today, ACI faces a string of problems which represent objective barriers to possible faster development of the system: from administrative barriers, the insufficient number and inadequate structure of berths, inadequate content in the marinas, inadequate level of offering technical services (servicing etc.), too short seasons, the enormous influence of the weather on the capacity of transit berths due to a string of illegal mooring and anchorages; poor content offer of the destination and quality of service, as well as the inadequate spatial planning regulations and disloyal competition. Bearing in mind all of the above, I believe that business priorities should be directed at several basic areas of action. They include: expanding concession areas with prior harmonization with the spatial planning documentation of units of local self-government, extending concession periods, promoting the quality of offered services and competitiveness (standardization, branding), developing infrastructure and suprastructure in the marinas and the informatization of business. When you say – expanding concession areas with prior harmonization with spatial planning documentation of units of local self-government and extending concession periods – what do you mean, exactly? According to current concession contracts, all ACI marinas have concessions until the end of 2030, that is, for another twelve years (except for the marina in Slano). That is the factor that, most of all, limits the potential of ACI’s development. Namely, after initial growth and rise, the war period and a long string of years of unprofitable business followed, which is why the infrastructure and facilities in the marinas are neglected. Much larger investments are needed so that ACI could be competitive with the marinas 45

ACI No.1 // Kristijan Pavić

Važan su čimbenik, uz prirodne uvjete, resursi odnosno tekuća investicijska izgradnja, posebice infrastruktura i suprastruktura koja će privući veći broj nautičara, ali i zadržati ih u marinama.

Together with natural conditions, resources, that is, the current investment construction, especially the infrastructure and suprastructure that will attract more boaters and keep them at the marinas, are important factors. U kontekstu razvoja ACI-ja spomenuli ste i unapređenje kvalitete pružanja usluga i konkurentnosti. Koliko se na tome planu može napraviti? ACI d.d. u osnovi samostalno pruža uslugu veza i čuvanja plovila, uz nekolicinu popratnih usluga (podizanje/spuštanje, pranje podvodnoga dijela plovila i sl.), no sve ostale prateće djelatnosti (ugostiteljstvo, servisi, trgovine) ACI povjerava na obavljanje drugim fizičkim i pravnim osobama. Stoga su ograničavajući čimbenici razvoja nerazmjernost razine kvalitete i kvantitete ponude i standarda te neadekvatna organizacija navedene domene poslovanja i zbog objektivnih (organizacijskih), ali dijelom i zbog subjektivnih okolnosti (nedostatak inicijative, slaba educiranost, neanalitičko promišljanje i sl.). Budući da se radi o sadržajima koji uvelike djeluju na konkurentnost i percepciju marine, potrebno je navedenu domenu regulirati najviše što se može. Paralelno s navedenim, potrebne su inovativne promotivne strategije u kreiranju prepoznatljivoga imidža. Nužno je intenzivirati umrežavanje s nizom lokalnih čimbenika u svrhu snažne i sustavne zajedničke promocije i kreiranja turističkoga proizvoda. Nadalje, kvalitetu usluge, standardizaciju, snažnije organizacijsko ustrojavanje i ekološke standarde postići će se i uvođenjem standarda kvalitete kao što su, između ostalog, ISO certifikati (ekološki, organizacijski i sl.). Nezaobilazni partner u daljnjemu poslovanju moraju postati charter agencije, posebice one koje djeluju u ACI marinama. Što je s razvojem infrastrukture i suprastrukture u marinama? Da bi marine ispunile sve zahtjeve korisnika, moraju omogućiti pružanje osnovnih i dodatnih usluga koje su, izravno ili neizravno, vezane uz krajnje korisnike. Uz osnovnu uslugu korištenja vezom, tu su i usluge snabdijevanja nautičara vodom, gorivom, namirnicama, rezervnim dijelovima, opremom i sl., zatim informacijama – prognozom, nautičkim vodičima, a važne su i usluge uređenja i pripremanja plovila, škole jedrenja, obuke za skipere i vođenje brodica i sl. Važan su čimbenik, uz prirodne uvjete, resursi odnosno tekuća investicijska izgradnja, posebice infrastruktura i suprastruktura koja će privući veći broj nautičara, ali i zadržati ih u marinama. 46

on the Mediterranean and the Adriatic Sea. Such investments are not possible without extending the deadlines of the concession. Therefore, one of the first steps of further development of ACI is to obtain the extension of the concessions for all marinas in the system. Aside from extending deadlines, comparative advantages of certain marinas are basically insufficiently used due to the lack of adequate berths, for which there is evident demand. The Strategy of Development of Nautical Tourism stipulates increasing the number of berths in the Republic of Croatia through the increase of capacity in existing ports, as well as building new ports. However, the calls for bids for marinas with a large number of berths (more than 300) have not been announced for the last ten years, even though we could establish their vital economic validity. In the context of ACI’s development, you have mentioned advancing the quality of services and competitiveness. How much can be done on that plane? ACI is basically independently offering the service of berth and surveillance of vessels, with a few additional services (crane/travel lift operation, washing of the boat’s underwater hull etc.); however, ACI entrusts other individuals and companies with all additional activities (pertaining to the catering industry, servicing, trade). Therefore, the imbalance of the level of quality and quantity of offer and standards, as well as the inadequate organization of the aforementioned domain of business are certainly limiting factors of development, both due to objective (organizational) and subjective circumstances (lack of initiative, insufficient training, non-analytical reasoning, etc.). Considering that these include contents that influence the competitiveness and perception of a marina, we need to regulate that domain the best that we can. Parallel to this, we need innovative promotional strategies in creating a recognizable image. It is necessary to intensify our networking activities with a string of local factors for the purpose of a strong and systematic joint promotion and creation of tourist products. Furthermore, the quality of service, standardization, the establishment of stronger organization and environmental standards will be achieved by introducing the quality of standard such as, among other things, ISO certificates (environmental, organizational, etc.). Charter agencies have to become our partners in further business, especially the ones that operate in ACI marinas. What about the development of infrastructure and suprastructure in marinas? For marinas to fulfill all requirements of users, they have to enable basic and additional services that are, directly or indirectly, tied to the final users. With the basic service of using berths, we have the services of water and fuel supply, groceries, spare parts, equipment etc. and also the supply of information – weather forecast, nautical guides; the services of maintenance and preparing vessels, sailing schools, skipper training and boating are also important. Together with natural conditions, resources, that is, the current investment construction, especially the infrastructure and suprastructure that will attract more boaters and keep them at the marinas, are important factors. Also, it is good to rationally envisage the space for optimum port space valorization. The constru-

ACI No.1 // Kristijan Pavić

Pritom valja racionalno osmisliti prostor radi optimalne valorizacije prostora luke. Izgradnja kvalitetne prateće suprastrukture nužna je kako bi se mogla razvijati odgovarajuća ponuda. Konkretno, u nadolazećemu razdoblju u fokusu bi bile investicije koje se odnose na proširenje platoa suhih vezova, izgradnju bazena travel liftova, postavljanje dizalica, produljenje lukobrana te izgradnju novih ugostiteljskih sadržaja unutar marine (boutique hotela do 40 soba sa svim popratnim sadržajima), zatim na zamjenu i postavljanje novih pontona, postavljanje dodatnih mobilnih objekata za uredsko poslovanje, plutajućih postaja za opskrbu gorivom, obnovu sanitarnih čvorova, rekonstrukciju obalnih zidova u marinama itd.

ction of high-quality accompanying suprastructure is necessary to develop an adequate offer. Specifically, in the upcoming period, the focus will be on investments that include expanding the dry berth plateaus, building the pool for self-propelled cranes, setting cranes, expanding the pier and building new content of catering services within the marina (a boutique hotel with up to 40 rooms with all additional contents); then, the focus will also be on replacing existing pontoons and placing new ones, placing additional mobile facilities for office work and floating fuel stations; renovating toilets, reconstruction of coastal walls in marinas, etc.

Uz sve to najavili ste i informatizaciju poslovanja, što je, nesumnjivo, važno u današnjemu svijetu brze i precizne komunikacije.

With all that, you have announced the informatization of business, which is, undoubtedly, important in today’s world of fast and precise communication.

U sljedećemu četverogodišnjem razdoblju nužno je provesti niz aktivnosti kojima će se nastaviti započeti proces digitalne transformacije poslovanja, a sve s ciljem optimiziranja postojećih poslovnih procesa i povećanja dobiti. Povećanje prihoda od prodaje veza zahtijeva praćenje modernih trendova te se u tu svrhu planira redizajn internetskih stranica ACI-ja i izrada mobilne aplikacije putem koje će krajnji korisnici moći jednostavno rezervirati i platiti vez u našim marinama. Povrh navedenoga, nužno je uspostaviti sustav za upravljanje odnosom s klijentima (CRM) radi unapređenja usluga korisnicima. Krajnji cilj navedenih aktivnosti bio bi stvoriti opsežnu mrežnu informacijsko-prodajnu platformu sa širokim spektrom dostupnih informacija o sustavu, destinacijama i poslovnim partnerima. Sve navedeno predstavlja samo kraći rezime i temelje nacrta strategije poslovanja Društva u sljedećim godinama, čiji je cilj, osim brojem marina i plovila kojima pruža siguran vez, ACI na svjetskoj karti nautičkoga turizma pozicionirati i kao nosioca izvrsnosti, odnosno lidera u upravljanju marinama s najvišom razinom i kvalitetom usluge u širokoj paleti osnovne i dodatne ponude. 

In the next four years, it is necessary to carry out a string of activities which will continue the process of digital transformation of business, all with the goal of optimizing current business processes and increasing profit. Increasing revenue from selling berths requires keeping track of modern trends; therefore, we are planning to redesign ACI’s webpage and constructing a mobile application that users can use to simply book and pay berth in our marinas. Aside from that, it is necessary to establish a system for client relations management (CRM) to promote services for users. The ultimate goal of listed activities would be to create an extensive network, an information-sales platform with a wide spectrum of available information on the system, destinations and business partners. All of the above represents a short summary and foundations of the draft of the strategy of business of the company in the following years. Their goal is to position ACI on the world map of nautical tourism with its number of marinas and vessels. They also intend to position the ACI on the world map as the bearer of excellence, that is, a leader in managing marinas with the highest level and quality of service in the wide palette of the basic and additional offer.  47

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor Renderi / renders: 3LHD


ACI MARINA ROVINJ ACI-jev odgovor na suvremene zahtjeve nautičkoga tržišta ACI’s response to modern demands of the nautical market 48

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Jedna od referentnih točaka rovinjske turističke zone Monte Mulini svakako je i nova ACI marina u kojoj je 2017. započela kompletna rekonstrukcija kopnenoga i morskoga dijela infrastrukture. U marini izgrađenoj davne 1984. godine ostaju nepromijenjeni samo koncesijom određeni gabariti, ali sve ostalo gradi se iznova.

One of the points of reference of Rovinj’s tourist zone Monte Mulini is certainly the new ACI marina, in which the complete reconstruction of the land and sea section of the infrastructure began in 2017. In the marina, built a long time ago (1984), the only thing unchanged is the dimension determined by the concession, but everything else is built anew.


ACI No.1 // Nova / New ACI marina Rovinj

Vizualni identitet marine nije jedino što će doživjeti promjene, već je namjera napraviti suštinski zaokret u pristupu nautičkomu turizmu, ponudi marine i usluzi nautičarima. Novi koncept prožet je notom ekskluzivnosti u svakome detalju, što s obzirom na zavidan turistički uzlet Rovinja posljednjih desetak godina taj grad »zahtijeva« i zaslužuje. Izgradnja nove ACI marine Rovinj predstavlja značajan iskorak u standardima nautičkoga turizma u Hrvatskoj. Vrhunski dizajn, najnovija tehnološka rješenja te visoka razina tailor made tehničke i ugostiteljske usluge marine na tragu najmodernijih nautičkih one stop shop odredišta idealno će se uklopiti u destinaciju koja se razvija ubrzanim tempom.

Najviši standardi nautičke usluge Svi uključeni u projekt nove marine ističu zadovoljstvo sudjelovanjem u realizaciji projekta koji se pripremao godinama i to baš u destinaciji poput Rovinja. – ACI marine većinom su građene u vrijeme kad su standardi u nautičkome turizmu bili drugačiji. Danas je nautičko tržište puno zahtjevnije, brodovi su znatno veći, charter plovila svakom je sezonom sve više. Ova je rekonstrukcija i odgovor na zahtjeve tržišta, i to upravo ovdje u Rovinju, koji je uz Dubrovnik perjanica hrvatskoga turizma. Prostorni planovi omogućili su nam da krenemo u rekonstrukciju ovdašnje marine i da je podignemo na najvišu razinu kategorizacije marina nautičkoga turizma. S obzirom na značaj Rovinja kao destinacije i poziciju 50

The visual identity of the marina is not the only thing that will have to undergo changes; our intention is to create a crucial turn in our approach to nautical tourism, marina offers and service provided to boaters. The new concept is interspersed with the note of exclusivity, evident in each detail, which is something Rovinj “demands” and deserves, considering that the number of tourists has soared in the last ten years. The construction of the new ACI marina Rovinj represents a significant step forward in the standards of nautical tourism in Croatia. Supreme design, the latest technological solutions and the high level of tailor made technical and catering services of the marina following the latest nautical one stop shop destinations will fit ideally in the destination which is being developed at a fast pace.

Highest standards of nautical services All those involved in the reconstruction of the new marina underscore the pleasure of taking part in the implementation of the project that was prepared for years, and precisely in a destination such as Rovinj. “ACI marinas were mostly built at a time when standards in nautical tourism were different. Today, the nautical market is much more demanding, the ships are significantly bigger, there are more charter vessels each season. This reconstruction is the response to the demands of the market, precisely here in Rovinj, a city that is, together with Dubrovnik, the crown of Croatian tourism.

ACI No.1 // Nova / New ACI marina Rovinj

ACI marine na tržištu procijenili smo da treba krenuti u smjeru smanjenja broja vezova manjih duljina te optimalnoga kapacitiranja vezova prema današnjim standardima i zahtjevima tržišta. U nastojanju da postignemo najviše standarde poslovanja u ovoj grani turizma u Rovinju želimo ponuditi uslugu koja je do sada nedostajala u nautičkome sektoru i privući nove kategorije gostiju te im ponuditi uslugu koja odgovara tomu rangu. Nautičari će ovdje imati zaista sve što im treba i zbog čega će željeti boraviti u našoj marini. Dosadašnja organizacija marine, njezin izgled i ponuda nisu odgovarali zahtjevima modernoga nautičara, a ni potencijalu Rovinja. Nužna preobrazba ACI-jeve marine Rovinj i jest spoj više okolnosti. Ta je marina pionir ACI-ja u tome poslu. Izgrađena je prije više od 30 godina i odradila je svoj radni vijek. Za veće brodove treba osigurati i vezove, a u zadanome prostoru to je moguće samo preraspodjelom postojećih kapaciteta. Dodatan je poticaj i sam Rovinj, koji nudi smještaj u vrhunskim prostorima i atraktivnu zabavu na koju dolaze i sve zahtjevniji gosti. – napominju nosioci projekta nove marine.

Novi hotel Park Paralelnom s izgradnjom ACI marine Rovinj i novoga Maistrina hotela Park u zaleđu u konačnici će se postići sklad ekskluzivnih komplementarnih usluga objekata smještenih u prelijepome, atraktivnome prostoru turističke zone Monte Mulini. U zaleđu ACI marine nestao je stari hotel Park, a na njegovu mjestu Maistra diže novi luksuzni Park kategorije pet zvjezdica. Kad jedno i drugo gradilište napuste radnici i njihova oprema, komadić obale južno od Rovinja slobodno će se moći nazvati – zlatnim! Na kratkome potezu

Spatial planning has enabled us to start reconstructing the marina and raise it to the highest level of marina categorization of nautical tourism. Taking Rovinj as a destination and the position of the ACI marina on the market into consideration, we have estimated that we should start with reducing the number of berths of shorter length, and to optimize the capacity of berths according to today’s standards and market demands. In our endeavor to achieve the highest standards of business in this branch of tourism in Rovinj, we wish to offer the service which has so far been lacking in the nautical sector and attract new categories of guests and offer them a service that fits that rank. Boaters will truly have here everything they need, which is why they will want to stay in our marina. The previous organization of the marina, its appearance and offer did not suit the demands of the modern boater, nor Rovinj’s potential. The necessary remodeling of ACI’s marina Rovinj is a mixture of various circumstances. This marina is ACI’s pioneer in the business. It was built over thirty years ago and it has done its job. Berths need to be secured for larger ships, and in the space offered, that is possible only by remodeling the existing capacity. Rovinj itself provide additional encouragement, since it offers accommodation in superb places and appealing fun, where even our increasingly demanding guests come,” say the heads of the project of the new marina.

New hotel Park Parallel with the construction of the ACI marina Rovinj and the new Maistra hotel Park in the back, the harmony of the exclusive complementary services of facilities located in the beautiful and attra51

ACI No.1 // Nova / New ACI marina Rovinj

smještena su samo zvučna i u Europi dobro poznata imena hotela – Park, Monte Mulini, Lone i Eden.

1.400 m2 novih komercijalnih prostora Projektnu dokumentaciju nove ACI marine Rovinj izradila je splitska projektantska tvrtka Obala d.o.o., a kopnenu arhitekturu potpisuje arhitektonski studio 3LHD. U kopnenome dijelu bio je to doista zahtjevan zadatak jer je trebalo u skladu s detaljnim planom uređenja Grada Rovinja i koncesijom na ograničenome prostoru maksimalno funkcionalno rasporediti sve sadržaje koje danas treba imati marina visoke kategorije. Nova marina raspolaže s 1.400 m2 komercijalnih prostora, uključujući ugostiteljske sadržaje, restoran i caffe – lounge bar, trgovinu prehrambenim proizvodima, wellness, trgovine kvalitetnim i poznatim robnim markama, uredske prostore za predstavništva renomiranih zastupnika za prodaju luksuznih jahti, charter agencije, trgovinu nautičkom opremom i servisni centar…

Jahte s više od 35 m dužine na tranzitnome vezu Što se morskoga dijela tiče, marina će biti podijeljena na dva bazena. Jedan će bazen biti za plovila na stalnome vezu, a drugi za plovila u tranzitu. Marina će imati 192 veza na koje će se moći vezati jahte prosječne dužine 17, umjesto dosadašnjih 11 metara. Marina će na godišnji vez moći primiti i jahte do 35 metara dužine, a u tranzitu i veća plovila. Što se manjih plovila tiče, njih je na godišnjemu vezu sve manje, ali ih ima puno u tranzitu i, s ciljem održavanja kontinuiteta nautičke destinacije po pitanju tranzitnih plovila, Rovinj će


ctive space of the tourist zone Monte Mulini will finally be achieved. The old Park hotel disappeared from the back of the ACI marina, and Maistra is building a luxurious new five-star hotel in its place. When workers and their equipment leave both construction sites, this chunk of the shoreline south of Rovinj will be freely called – golden! Only famed and well-known names of hotels in Europe are located on this narrow strip – Park, Monte Mulini, Lone and Eden.

1,400m2 of new commercial space The company Coast Ltd. (Obala d.o.o.) from Split has done the project documentation of the new ACI marina Rovinj, and the land architecture was designed by the architectonic studio 3LHD. That was quite a demanding task in the land section, since all content necessary for a high-category marina needed to be functionally distributed in accordance with the detailed urban plan of the city of Rovinj and the concession on the limited space. The new marina now has 1,400m2 of commercial space, including restaurants, bars, and a café – lounge bar, a store, wellness centre, shops with quality and well-known brands, office space for the branches of renowned representatives for the sale of luxurious yachts, charter agencies, trade in nautical equipment and a service center…

Yachts longer than 35 meters on transit berths When it comes to the sea section, the marina will be divided into two pools. One pool will be for vessels on permanent berth, and the other for vessels in transit. The marina will have 192 berths for the use of yachts of 17 meters of average length, instead of the

ACI No.1 // Nova / New ACI marina Rovinj

Marina će imati 192 veza na koje će se moći vezati jahte prosječne dužine 17, umjesto dosadašnjih 11 metara. Marina će na godišnji vez moći primiti i jahte do 35 metara dužine, a u tranzitu i veća plovila. The marina will have 192 berths for the use of yachts of 17 meters of average length, instead of the previous 11 meters. The marina will also be able to accept yachts up to 35 meters long on annual berth, while it can accept even larger vessels in transit.

zadržati primat među marinama ovoga dijela jadranske obale kao izrazito tranzitna marina. Cijelom dužinom obalnoga pojasa marine i lukobrana gradi se potpuno novi obalni zid koji je širi za metar i pol, tako da će sada imati koridor od šest metara pa će se moći organizirati dvotračni prolaz. Odvijaju se i radovi na produbljivanju podmorja duž cijele obalne linije do dubine od 4,5 m.

Otvorenje 2018. godine Iz tehničkih i sigurnosnih razloga te zbog potrebe izvođača za nesmetanim pristupom svim dijelovima marine akvatorij

previous 11 meters. The marina will also be able to accept yachts up to 35 meters long on annual berth, while it can accept even larger vessels in transit. As for smaller vessels, there have been fewer and fewer of them on annual berth, but there are plenty of them in transit. Therefore, for the purpose of maintaining the continuity of the nautical destination regarding transit vessels, Rovinj will keep its primary position among marinas of this part of the Adriatic shore as a distinctly transit marina. A completely new coastal wall is being built all along the coastal strip of the marina and the pier. It is wider by a meter and a half, so it will now have a six-meter corridor, which means that bidirectional passage can be organized. Work on deepening the seabed all along the coastal line up to 4.5 meters is currently underway.

Opening in 2018 The waters of the marina are completely devoid of vessels and pontoon constructions out of technical and safety reasons, and also due to the necessity of the contractor to have easy access to all parts of the marina. The planned works on the reconstruction of the marina are going according to the scheduled time dynamics, and the opening of the marina is predicted for 2018.


ACI No.1 // Nova / New ACI marina Rovinj

marine pred početak radova i tijekom radova u potpunosti je oslobođen od plovila i pontonskih konstrukcija. Planirani radovi na rekonstrukciji marine teku prema predviđenoj vremenskoj dinamici te je otvorenje predviđeno u 2018. godini. Pauza u izvođenju radova trajala je od 15. lipnja do 1. rujna 2017., kada je gradilište ponovno profunkcioniralo punim intenzitetom. O prognozi datuma završetka radova ovisi i priprema promocije nove marine na europskome i svjetskome tržištu. Signal za završetak radova jedva čekaju i vlasnici plovila jer je interes za vez u Rovinju ogroman, pa se po tome već sada može zaključiti da je izgradnja nove marine na mjestu stare bila ispravna odluka ACI-ja. Rovinjskoga akvatorija dobro se sjećaju i jedriličari. Čuveni ACI Match Race upravo je tamo učinio svoje prve milje. Tri desetljeća kasnije ACI će to slavno vrijeme nadograditi luksuznom marinom i ponudom za zahtjevnu klijentelu. Na kraju, ako kao nautičari namjeravate uploviti u rovinjski akvatorij i sigurno utočište potražiti u novoj ACI marini, uplovljavajući s mora, Rovinj se lako prepoznaje po zvoniku crkve sv. Eufemije, smještene na brežuljku usred poluotoka, te po otoku Sv. Katarina ispred samoga grada. Na rtu Sv. Eufemija nalazi se svjetionik čija je točna pozicija 45°05,0’ N 13°38,0’ E (B Bl 4s 19m 7M). U ACI-jevu marinu Rovinj može se uploviti između otoka Sv. Katarina i lukobrana gradske luke. Na kraju lukobrana nalazi se svjetionik (C Bl 3s 7m 3M). Između toga svjetionika i otoka Sv. Katarina nalazi se označena pličina (cilindrična žuto-crna plutača) koju treba oploviti sa sjeverne strane. Ako u marinu uplovljavate s južne strane, potrebno je ploviti bliže lukobranu marine na čijem je kraju zeleni svjetionik (Z Bl 5s 7m 5M). 


The break in the reconstruction work lasted from June 15th to September 1st, when the construction site started working at full speed once again. The preparation of the promotion of the new marina on the European and global market depends on the predicted date when the works will be finished. Owners of vessels can hardly wait for the signal that the construction works are done, because the interest for berths in Rovinj is enormous. We can arrive at the conclusion even now that building a new marina instead of the old one was the right decision for ACI. Yachtsmen remember the Rovinj waters well. The famous ACI Match Race crossed its first miles precisely there. Three decades later, ACI is going to upgrade that celebrated period with a luxurious marina and an offer for the demanding clientele. In the end, if you are planning to sail into Rovinj waters and look for a safe harbor in the new ACI marina, when coming from the sea, Rovinj can easily be recognized by the bell tower of St. Euphemia’s Church (Sv. Eufemija), located on a hill in the middle of the peninsula. You can also recognize it by the island of St. Catherine (Sv. Katarina), which is located beneath the city. A lighthouse, whose exact position is 45°05,0’ N 13°38,0’ E (Fl W 4s 19m 7M), is located on Cape St. Euphemia. You can sail in ACI marina Rovinj between St. Catherine Island and the town harbor breakwater. A lighthouse is located at the end of the pier (Fl R 3s 7m 3M). Between the lighthouse and St. Catherine Island, there is a shoal (marked by a black-yellow buoy) which needs to be rounded from the north. If you are approaching the marina from the south, you need to hold to the marina breakwater which is marked by a green lighthouse on its end. (Fl G 5s 7m 5M). 

Nautor’s reputation is anchored by half a century of experience in building outstanding sailing yachts, recognised the world over for the perfect combination of style, craftsmanship, endurance and performance. All yachts delivered by the iconic yard, located in Pietarsaari, Finland, are underpinned I` H JVTTVU OLYP[HNL HUK ILULÄ[ MYVT L_[LUZP]L 9 + HUK LUNPULLYPUN YLZV\YJLZ ,_JLW[PVUHS ZHPSPUN WLYMVYTHUJL ^PSS HS^H`Z KLÄUL HU` :^HU HUK ^OPSL [OL TVYL [YHKP[PVUHS :^HU @HJO[Z YL[HPU [OL MHTPSPHY LSLTLU[ VM JY\PZPUN JVTMVY[ HSVUN ^P[O [OLPY HIPSP[` [V JVTWL[L ^OLU YLX\PYLK *S\I:^HU @HJO[Z HYL TVYL KPZ[PUJ[ PU [OLPY YVSL HUK KPYLJ[PVU *S\I:^HU @HJO[Z VќLY H TVYL JVUJLW[\HS ]PZPVU ^P[O [OL HJJLU[ ÄYTS` VU OPNO WLYMVYTHUJL ]HS\LZ HUK competitive sailing potential. Innovative solutions focused upon maximising [OLZL X\HSP[PLZ HYL [OL JVYULYZ[VUL VM *S\I:^HU @HJO[ KL]LSVWTLU[


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ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografija / Photo by Ainhoa Sanchez / Volvo Ocean Race


ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor ACI//No.1 Lorem // Peter IpsumBurling Dolor

PETER BURLING NAJBOLJI SKIPER NA SVIJETU THE WORLD’S BEST SKIPPER U povijesti sporta tri su čovjeka nosila nadimak Pistol Pete. Prvi je bio pokojni sjajni američki košarkaš Pete Maravich, koji je prema jednoj priči nadimak zaradio jer je njegov šut prema košu izgledao kao da poteže iz pištolja. Drugi Pistol jest američki tenisač Pete Sampras, koji je tako prozvan zbog ubojitih servisa i razornih voleja kojima je uništavao suparnike. Treći Pistol jest Novozelanđanin Peter Burling, čovjek koji je u nekoliko godina izrastao u superzvijezdu svjetskoga jedrenja.

Olimpijski pobjednik osvojio America's Cup s 26 godina Olimpijsko zlato osvojeno u Riju u klasi 49er s partnerom Blairom Tukeom, potom premoćna pobjeda Emirates team New Zealanda u 35. izdanju America's Cupa na Bermudi, gdje je Oracle izgledao kao razbijena vojska. Iako je jedrenje timski sport, Burling je za većinu analitičara bio jedan od faktora prevage u dvoboju foiling katamarana. Čovjek s x faktorom… Pogled na njegov jedriličarski CV otkriva da je Burling jedriličar s velikim J. Koji god brod da je dobio, prije ili kasnije postao je šampion. Klasa 49er, America's Cup 2017, Moth; brodovi su na kojima je osvajao naslove…

In the history of sports, only three men had the nickname Pistol Pete. The first one was the late amazing American basketball player Pete Maravich, who, according to one tale, earned his nickname because, when he shot hoops, it looked like he was drawing a gun. The other Pistol is the American tennis player Pete Sampras, who was called Pistol Pete due to his killer serves and devastating volleys which he used to destroy his opponents. The third Pistol is the New Zealander Peter Burling, the man who grew to be a superstar of global sailing in just a few years.

Olympic winner, who won America’s Cup when he was 26 He won the Olympic gold medal in Rio in the 49er class with partner Blair Tuke, then a mighty victory of the Emirates team of New Zealand in the 35th edition of America’s Cup in Bermuda, where Oracle looked like a shattered army. Even though sailing is a team sport, Burling was one of the determining factors in the foiling catamaran duel for most analysts. The man with the X factor… A look at his sailing CV reveals that Burling is a skipper with a large “S”. Whichever boat he got, sooner or later he became the champion. The 49er Class, America’s Cup, the Moth class, where he won titles…


ACI No.1 // Peter Burling

Volvo Ocean Race za „sveto trojstvo“

Volvo Ocean Race for the “Holy Trinity”

Priliku da porazgovaramo s trenutačno najvećom zvijezdom svjetskoga jedrenja dobili smo na startu Volvo Ocean Racea u Alicanteu, gdje je sudjelovanje Burlinga i njegova partnera iz 49era i AC-a Blaira Tukea u suparničkim posadama bio jedan od najistaknutijih događaja u najavama te ekstremne off shore regate. Ukidanjem foiling katamarana u AC-u na važnosti je opet dobio Volvo, TP 52, RC 44 i ostale klase koje se jedre na jedno-trupcima, a najbolji svjetski jedriličari upravo Volvo smatraju sjajnom praksom i platformom za brušenje vještina potrebnih za jedrenje na novim AC 75 brodovima, na kojima će se jedriti 36. izdanje najstarijega sportskog natjecanja na svijetu. Pritom ne mislimo samo na čistu jedriličarsku praksu nego i na trening izdržljivosti i funkcioniranja u timu jer VOR traje osam mjeseci. U slučaju Burlinga i Tukea postoji još jedan veliki sportski motiv. Nakon olimpijskoga zlata i Auld Muga osvajanjem Volva jedan od njih postao bi prvi čovjek u povijesti jedrenja koji je osvojio jedriličarsko „sveto trojstvo“.

We had the chance to talk with the current biggest star of global sailing at the start of the Volvo Ocean Race in Alicante, where the fact that Burling and his partner from the 49er Class and the AC Blair Tuke participating in the race in opposite crews was one of the most prominent events in the announcements of this extreme off shore regatta. By canceling foiling catamaran in the AC, Volvo, TP 52, RC 44 and other classes that are sailed on monohulls have once again gained importance, and the best world sailors consider precisely Volvo to be an excellent practice and platform to hone their skills needed to sail on new AC 75 boats, which will be used for sailing in the 36th edition of the oldest sports competition in the world. We don’t mean just that Volvo will be used for sailing practice, but also for endurance training and functioning in a team because VOR lasts eight months. In the case of Burling and Turke, there is another great sport motive. After the Olympic gold and Auld Mug, one of them would become the first man in the history of sailing to win the “Holy Trinity of Sailing” if he wins Volvo.

Uživam jedriti pod pritiskom Peter Burling uživo je cool tip, smiren, opušten. Kroz ogromni sponzorski kompleks u Alicanteu dječački se nonšalantno voza žutim biciklom u bojama Teama Brunel, a ispod šilterice i sunčanih naočala vrlo ga je lako zamijeniti za mnogobrojno osoblje koje pomaže u organizaciji najveće off shore regate na svijetu.

Fotografija / Photo by: Jen Edney/Volvo Ocean Race


I enjoy sailing under pressure In person, Peter Burling is a cool guy, calm, relaxed. He rides his yellow bike in the colors of Team Brunel through the huge sponsor complex in Alicante, and he is easily mistaken for the many staff

ACI No.1 // Peter Burling

Fotografija / Photo by Jesus Renedo / Sailing Energy / Volvo Ocean Race

Volvo je poznat po ekstremnosti. Oko 12.500 milja proći ćete okrutnim Južnim oceanom. Na jedrilici s ostalima dijelite jedan toalet, imate samo dva odijela za jednu etapu, a prehrana nije bogznašto. Zašto ste izabrali ovu regatu? – Oduvijek želim završiti Volvo, ali nikad nisam imao vremena. Sada mi se pružila prilika da puno jedrim, vidim neka sjajna mjesta i budem dio jedne legendarne regate. Dehidrirana hrana i nije toliko loša, a zaspiš kao klada jer od umora jedva čekaš da vidiš krevet. Regata je naporna, ali ja volim takve izazove u kojima se mogu gurati do maksimuma. Ostatak regate jednak je svim ostalim regatama na svijetu. Jednostavno moraš biti brz. Točnije, brži od ostalih, a pritom donositi prave odluke. Na tolikome regatnom polju od više od 40.000 milja bitno je raditi manje pogrešaka od ostalih. Volim promjene, pa je i to jedan od razloga mojega dolaska u Alicante. Prilika za učenje novih stvari i sudjelovanje u novoj situaciji. Definitivno veliki izazov. Postoje li neke posebne pripreme za VOR? Neki simulator koji vas može naviknuti na uvjete koji Vas čekaju? – Ha, unatoč svoj tehnologiji još nisu smislili kako simulirati valove kod Rta Horn, ali za mene je nastup na Volvu stigao kao last minute aranžman. Stigao sam na brod tek prije par mjeseci. Kada se sjetim da sam za zlato u 49eru u toj klasi jedrio osam godina, a pripreme

which helps to organize the biggest off shore regatta in the world, hidden behind his baseball cap and sunglasses. Volvo is known for being extreme. You will go through 12,500 miles of the cruel Southern Ocean. You share a single toilet at the sailing boat, you only have two suits for one stage, and the food is not much. Why did you choose this regatta? “I have always wanted to complete Volvo, but I never had the time. Now I have a chance to sail a lot, see some great places and be a part of a legendary regatta. Dehydrated food is not so bad, and you sleep like a log because you can’t wait to see the bed, since you’re extremely tired. The regatta is arduous, but I like such challenges which push me to the maximum. The rest of the regatta is the same as any other regatta in the world. You simply have to be fast. To be precise, you have to be faster than the rest, while making the right decisions. On such a vast regatta field which encompasses more than 40,000 miles, it is important to have fewer mistakes than others. I like change, so that is one of the reasons I came to Alicante. An opportunity to learn new things and to participate in a new situation. It is definitely a big challenge.” Is there any special preparation for VOR? A sort of simulator that can prepare you for the conditions awaiting you? 59

ACI No.1 // Peter Burling

za America's Cup trajale su skoro četiri godine, onda je ovo mačji kašalj.

Bouwe Bekking – više godina proveo mokar nego suh Kako izgleda mornarski život uz legendarnoga Bouwea Bekkinga? Vašem skiperu ovo će biti osmi Volvo Ocean Race… – To znači da je Bouwe više godina proveo mokar nego što je bio suh. Šalim se… On je legenda, kao i naš navigator (Andrew Cape, nap. a.), njih dvojica nekoliko su puta oplovili Zemlju i bit će mi čast jedriti s njima i učiti od njih. Što se tiče života na brodu, imamo četverosatne smjene. Kad sam na straži, vozim ili trimam jedra, a kad „ne radim“, onda se trudim spavati. S time da svaki manevar ili promjena jedara zahtijeva uključenost cijele posade. Pa, ako si taman zaspao, sorry, nisi imao sreće. Sva hrana, oprema, dodatna jedra, rezervni dijelovi također se sele jer jedrilica ide brže ako je sve na jednoj strani. A poanta je biti brži, zar ne? Vratimo se na Bermudu, gdje je novozelandski katamaran izgledao kao Messi u odnosu na ostale nogometaše. Imali ste velika očekivanja nacije, pogotovo nakon što ste 2013. u San Franciscu vodili 8 : 1, pa izgubili 8 : 9. Zvuči banalno, ali koji je bio recept za uspjeh? – Što se mene tiče, od malih sam nogu uživao jedriti pod pritiskom. Bolje funkcioniram kada se za nešto natječem nego kada idem samo jedriti. Uspjeli smo kao tim. Tjerali smo tehnologiju do krajnjih granica, bili smo brži od ostalih, ali odlučivalo je puno sitnih detalja i sreća. Preživjeli smo i ono prevrtanje. Nakon prvoga tjedna natjecanja osjetili smo da imamo šansu. I nismo je pustili… Inače, ono na čemu smo jedrili bili su nevjerojatno cool i zabavni brodovi. Cool znači letjeti iznad mora brzinama većim od 30 milja? Jedriličari su izgledali kao piloti s kacigama… – Sve je pitanje navike i osjećaja na brodu. America's Cup najjače je jedriličarsko natjecanje i naravno da je u njega uključena i najmodernija tehnologija. Jedrenje je prije svega jako tehnološki sport, a foiling katamarani dokaz su što sve može moderna tehnologija.

Jedrenje – obiteljska mantra Peter Burling počeo je jedriti sa šest godina. Roditelji su njemu i bratu kupili drveni optimist za 200 dolara zvan Jelly Tip. – Scott je prvi krenuo u jedrenje, pa je povukao i mene. Otac je također bio u jedrenju, pa je smatrao da je to korisna vještina koju vrijedi znati. Jedreći u zaljevima oko grada Taurangea, naučio sam jednu vrlo korisnu vještinu. Promatrao sam druge kako jedre, uočavao njihove dobre i loše strane i upijao znanja. Kada za nekoga kažeš da je rođeni talent za jedrenje, to znači da je u stanju natjerati brod da ide brže od njegovih 60

“Ha, despite all the technology, they still haven’t thought up a way to simulate the waves at Cape Horn, but, for me, participating in the Volvo came as a last minute engagement. I arrived on the boat just a few months ago. When I think that I had to sail for eight years to get a gold medal in the 49er Class, and the preparations for America’s Cup lasted almost four years, then this is a piece of cake.”

Bouwe Bekking – spent more years wet than dry What is the sailor life with the legendary Bouwe Bekking like? This will be the eighth Volvo Ocean Race for your skipper… “That means that Bouwe spent more years wet than dry. I am kidding… He is a legend, just like our navigator (Andrew Cape), the two of them have sailed across the globe several times and it will be an honor to sail with them and learn from them. As far as the life on the boat is concerned, we have four hour shifts. When it’s my turn on watch, I drive or trim sails, but when I’m ‘not working,’ then I try to sleep. However, every maneuver or change of sails demands that the entire crew participates. So, if you just went to sleep, sorry, tough luck. All the food, equipment, extra sails, spare parts, also need to be moved because the sailing boat goes faster if everything is on one side. And the point is to be faster, is it not?” Let’s go back to Bermuda, where the New Zealand catamaran looked like Messi in comparison with other football players. You held great expectations from the nation, especially since you were losing 8:1 in San Francisco, and then you won 8:9. This sounds banal, but what was the recipe for success? “As far as I’m concerned, I have enjoyed sailing under pressure since I was a boy. I function better when I have something to compete for then when I just go sailing. We succeeded as a team. We pushed technology to its furthest limits, we were faster than others, but many minute details and good luck were what decided in the end. We survived when we tipped. After the first week of competing, we felt like we had a chance. And we did not let it go… Anyway, our sailing boats were extremely cool and fun.” Does cool mean flying above the sea at speeds higher than 30 miles? Sailors looked like pilots with helmets… “Everything is a matter of habit and feeling on the boat. America’s Cup is the strongest sailing competition and of course that it includes state-of-the-art technology. Sailing is, above all, a technological sport, and foiling catamarans are proof what modern technology can do.”

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografija / Photo by Rich Edwards / Volvo Ocean Race

Kao 11-godiťnjak, Peter je jedrio na Svjetskome prvenstvu za Optimiste. Osvojio je prvenstvo Novoga Zelanda za Optimiste s dvanaest godina Peter sailed in the Optimist World Championship when he was eleven. He won the New Zealand Optimist Nationals when he was twelve.


ACI No.1 // Peter Burling

Fotografija / Photo by Ugo Fonolla / Volvo Ocean Race

Burling i Tuke prvi su osvojili četiri uzastopna svjetska naslova u 49eru (2013. – 2016.) Između Londona i Rija Burling i Tuke osvojili su 28 najvažnijih svjetskih regata u klasi 49er. Burling and Tuke were the first to win four consecutive 49er class World Championships . (2013-2016). They won 28 of the most important world 49er regattas between London and Rio.

Sailing – family mantra Peter Burling started sailing when he was six. His parents bought a wooden optimist called Jelly Tip for 200 dollars for him and his brother.

mogućnosti. To se zove pomicanje granica mogućnosti, i sebe i jedrilice. Mnogo toga u našemu sportu ovisi o tvojoj sposobnosti prilagođavanja. Jedrenje je kompleksan sport jer ne ovisiš samo o sebi i suparniku nego i o vremenskim faktorima poput vjetra i vode. Brzina i kvaliteta odlučivanja određuju pobjednika.

“Scott started sailing first, and then he dragged me. Our father also sailed, and he believed that to be a useful skill, something worth knowing. While sailing in the gulfs around Taurange city, I learnt a very useful skill. I watched others sail, saw their good and bad sides and soaked up knowledge. When you say someone is a natural talent for sailing, that means that they are able to make the boat go faster than possible. That is called pushing the limits of possible, both yours and your sailing boat’s. Much in this sport of ours depends on your ability to adjust. Sailing is a complex sport because you do not only depend on yourself and your rival, but also weather factors such as the wind and water. Speed and quality of deciding determine the winner.”

Zlatni dečko

Golden boy

„Zlatni dečko“, kako su ga prozvali u Alicanteu, s jedanaest je godina bio srebrni na prvenstvu Novoga Zelanda u klasi Optimist. Govorimo o natjecanju gdje su se mahom natjecali jedriličari stariji od njega i po nekoliko godina (dobna granica bila je 16 godina). Kao 15-godišnjak bio je svjetski prvak u klasi 420 s Carlom Evansom, a potom je kao maloljetnik bio najmlađi novozelandski jedriličar u povijesti na Olimpijskim igrama. U Pekingu 2008. sa 17 godina bio je s Evansom 11. u klasi 470. Usput je upisao i inženjerski smjer na Sveučilištu u Aucklandu. Iako je završio samo dvije godine studija, priznaje da mu je ta edukacija pomogla da bolje razumije sport. 62

“The Golden Boy,” as he was nicknamed in Alicante, won the silver medal in the New Zealand Optimist Nationals when he was eleven. We are speaking about a competition in which sailors mostly several years older than him (the age limit was 16) participated. He was the world champion in the 420 Class Worlds with Carl Evans when he was 15, and then, as a minor, he was the youngest sailor ever to represent New Zealand at the Olympic Games. He finished 11th in the 470 class in Beijing in 2008, when he was just 17. In the meantime, he enrolled at the University of Auckland, to study engineering. Even though he completed only two years of studies, he

ACI No.1 // Peter Burling

– Oduvijek me zanimala ta tehnička strana jedrenja. Zašto stvari na brodu funkcioniraju na određene načine. Zbog te inženjerske strane bolesno sam pedantan kada je u pitanju brod. Svaki konop mora biti na svojemu mjestu, sve mora biti uredno i pospremljeno. Frustriralo bi me da izađem na regatu i ne pobijedim zbog kvara ili konopa koji nije bio tamo gdje mu je mjesto. Na Bermudi sam imao jako dobro predznanje o tome kako stvari na katamaranima rade. Naša posada imala je jak i kvalitetan odnos s dizajnerima, znali smo koliko možemo stiskati brod. Kao u pokeru, mogli smo procijeniti imamo li dovoljno jake karte ili ćemo riskirati. A ja volim riskirati. Jer tko ne riskira, ne profitira. – citirao je Burling krilaticu Who dares, wins, hrvatskoj javnosti poznatu iz popularne serije „Mućke“ i pojasnio: – Vrhunsko jedrenje pomalo podsjeća na šah. Imaš neki raspored figura na ploči, ali postoji još gomila varijanti na koje moraš biti spreman. Za kraj će reći: – Nagrade su lijepa stvar. Svi mi volimo dobiti priznanja za rad, ali meni je na kraju dana bitno da sam se dobro zabavio. Na fotografijama Volvo Ocean Racea vidi se da uživa. Kulerski položaj za kormilom na kojima se smije i očima. Peter Burling živi za jedrenje i regatavanje na onaj nevin dječački način. Definitivno prvak s dušom. 

admits that his education helped him better understand the sport. “I have always been interested in the technical side of sailing. Why things on boats function in a certain way. I am extremely pedantic when it comes to my boat because of that side. Every rope has to be in its place, everything has to be neat and tidied. I would be frustrated if I went out into a regatta and not win because there is a malfunction or because a rope wasn’t where it was supposed to be. I had a good knowledge of how things work in catamarans in Bermuda. Our crew had a strong and good relationship with the designers, we knew how much we can press the boat. As in poker, we could estimate whether we had sufficiently strong cards or if we were to risk it. And I like risking. Because, he who dares, wins,” Burling quoted the mantra from the famous show “Only Fools and Horses” and clarified: “Supreme sailing reminds me somewhat of chess. You have some order of the pieces on the board, but there are plenty of variables you need to be prepared for.” In the end, he says, “Rewards are nice and well. We all like getting recognized for our work, but, in the end, I care if I had fun.” At the photographs of Volvo Ocean Race, it is evident that he is enjoying himself. The chilling position at the helm, smiling with his eyes. Peter Burling lives for sailing and participating in regattas in that boyish way. Definitely a champion with a soul. 



U samo deset mjeseci Peter je osvojio olimpijsko zlato i America's Cup. Što će raditi ostalih 30 godina? Paul Cayard, proslavljeni američki jedriličar

In just ten months, Peter has won the Olympic gold and the America’s Cup. What will he do for the other 30 years? Paul Cayard, famous American sailor

U bilo koji brod da ga staviš, on će pobijediti. To je kvaliteta kakvu imaju samo pravi šampioni. Russell Coutts, peterostruki osvajač America's Cupa U pitanju je sirovi talent. To se vidi iz njegovih rezultata u olimpijskoj klasi. Ben Ainslie, osvajač pet olimpijskih medalja

Whichever boat you put him in, he will win. That is the quality of a true champ. Russel Coutts, five-time winner of America’s Cup

Fotografija / Photo by: Ainhoa Sanchez / Volvo Ocean Race

Burling je najmlađi novozelandski jedriličar u povijesti na OI-ju (u Pekingu 2008. imao je 17). U Londonu 2012. s 21 godinom bio je najmlađi jedriličar u klasi 49er. Burling is the youngest New Zealand sailor in history in the Olympic Games (in Beijing in 2008, when he was seventeen). He became the youngest 49er sailor in London in 2012, when he was 21.

That is raw talent. That is evident from his results in the Olympic class. Ben Ainslie, winner of five Olympic medals


ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografija / Photo by: Davor Žunić


ACI No.1 // Stipe Božić


Osvajač najviših vrhova na svih sedam kontinenata

The man who has conquered the highest peaks on all seven continents

Dovoljno je reći Stipe Božić. Svjetski alpinist. Sinonim za planine, visine, osvajanje najvećih i najopasnijih svjetskih vrhova. Čovjek koji je smrti gledao u oči bezbroj puta. Prkosio joj je. Smijao joj se u lice. Ali i poštovao je. Zato je valjda još uvijek živ. Mnogi oko njega poginuli su. Nestali u bjelini snijega i leda, polomljeni, zatrpani, smrznuti. Njegov kotač života uvijek je nezaustavljivo klizio k smrti, koju je izbjegavao prije svega zahvaljujući svojoj pripremljenosti, ali i neizostavnoj sreći.

Saying Stipe Božić alone would suffice. World-class mountaineer. A synonym for mountains, heights, and conquests of the highest and most dangerous peaks. The man who stared death in the face countless times. Who defied it. Who laughed at its face. But who respected it at the same time. Perhaps that is why he is still alive. Many around him have died. They perished in the whiteness of snow and ice, broken, buried, frozen. The wheel of his life has always inevitably glided towards death, a fate he has managed to avoid, mostly due to preparation, but also sheer luck.


ACI No.1 // Stipe Božić

Fotografija / Photo by: Privatna arhiva Stipe Božić / Stipe Božić private archives

Fotografija / Photo by: Privatna arhiva Stipe Božić / Stipe Božić private archives

„Ispunio sam sve svoje snove: bio sam na tri najviša vrha na svijetu i na najvišim vrhovima svih sedam kontinenata. Napravio sam više od 130 filmova sa svojih ekspedicija i stvarno nemam za čime žaliti. I još sam, za razliku od brojnih svojih prijatelja, sve to preživio.“ U onome čime se bavio, statistika mu nije išla u prilog jer, kako sam kaže, više od 60 posto njegovih kolega nije doživjelo duboku starost. Nedavno je jedan njegov prijatelj, svjetski poznati alpinist, Slovenac Franček Knez, koji je bio s njim na prvome osvajanju Mount Everesta, poginuo trenirajući na stijeni kraj svoje kuće. „Ili se pogine ovako banalno ili im tijela ostaju zarobljena na najvećim svjetskim vrhovima“, kaže Božić o onima koje je iz svijeta penjanja znao, s kojima se penjao, a sada ih više nema. On je spletom okolnosti ostao živ, našao se u onih manjih 40 posto, i možda je baš zato za razgovora koji smo vodili u mjestu Zagvozd, ispod moćne planine Biokovo, djelovao smireno, spokojno, pomalo usporeno, suprotno onomu čime se bavio cijeli svoj život.

Fotograf, putopisac, snimatelj… Po životnome opredjeljenju osvajač svjetskih vrhova, ali i novinar, fotograf, putopisac, snimatelj, čovjek koji je među mnogim pustolovnim pothvatima sudjelovao i u međunarodnoj ekspediciji na skijama kojima je došao i do Sjevernoga pola, Božić je upoznao za mnoge nepoznato. Kretao se između najviših i najnižih visina na zemaljskoj kugli, no jedinstven osjećaj penjanja na visine više od 8.000 metara, spoznajući pritom da postoji nešto veće i jače od njega i od same prirode, posebno poštuje.

S 28 prvi put na krovu svijeta „Kad se popneš tako visoko da je vegetacija, koja raste do nekih 5.000 metara, daleko ispod tebe, da su razni orlovi i čavke čorice, kako ih nazivamo, također ispod tebe jer ih napuštaš na 8.000 metara, kad je ispod tebe i domet helikoptera koji se penje do 6.500 metara, čovjek koji se za penjanje koristi samo svojom psihofizičkom snagom još je bliže nebu, nečemu svetom i nepoznatom, i 66

“I have fulfilled all my dreams: I have climbed three of the world’s highest peaks and reached the highest mountaintops on all seven continents. I have made more than 130 films from my expeditions and I really have nothing to regret. And, unlike many of my friends, I managed to survive all of this.” The statistics have never worked in Stipe’ favor when it comes to his chosen profession because, as he himself claims, more than 60 per cent of his colleagues do not get to live to a ripe old age. Just recently, a friend of his, and a world famous mountaineer Franček Knez, who was with him when he first conquered Mount Everest, died practicing on his local crag.“ “A person either dies in such a banal way, or their bodies get trapped on the world's highest peaks,” says Božić about those he knew from the alpinist world, those he climbed with and who are no longer here. He stayed alive by a combination of circumstances, entered the hall of those 40 per cent, and that might be the reason that, while we talked in Zagvozd, under the mighty mountain of Biokovo, he looked so calm, serene and a bit sluggish, which was in contrast with what he has been doing his entire life.

A photographer, travel writer, cameraman… A conqueror of world’s peaks by profession, but also a journalist, photographer, travel writer and a cameraman, a man who, among many other adventures, took part in an international expedition

ACI No.1 // Stipe Božić

Fotografija / Photo by: Privatna arhiva Stipe Božić / Stipe Božić private archives

valjda upravo zato tako moćnom. Kakav je osjećaj biti na Mount Everestu – to možete samo zamisliti! Fantastičan! Kad sam se sa samo 28 godina prvi put popeo na Everest, bio sam 85. na svijetu koji je to uspio, a drugi put bio sam 265. Malo je ljudi u tome uspjelo. Stajati gore, na vrhu svijeta, ostvariti svoj i san svojih prijatelja, biti svjestan da si to učinio svojim tijelom i duhom – e, to je uzvišen osjećaj“, kaže Božić. Iako je 2012. ugradio četiri premosnice, ide dalje, penje se, možda tek malo sporijim tempom, ali nezaustavljiv je u u kretanju okomito. Božić je čovjek koji cijeloga svojeg života pomiče granice penjanja, visina, težina uspona i vlastitih mogućnosti. „Najteža je zadnja dionica kad se penješ na Everest, nosiš oko 17 kilograma opreme: dvije boce s kisikom, svaka 6 i pol kilograma, nešto tekućine, kamera i pokoja čokoladica. Koraci su ti spori, teški, uzbuđenje na vrhuncu, a moraš ostati smiren i koncentriran. Jedan mali krivi potez i završavaš u ambisu“, kaže Božić, čiji je penjački život počeo u rodnome selu Zavojane. Kad je s 15 došao u grad, u Split, shvatio je da mu nedostaje priroda, kamen, planina. Uključio se u izviđače, pa u planinarsko društvo Mosor, brzo završio planinarsku školu i vikendima se sve više bavio planinama.

Jedini pokorili zapadni greben Everesta „Ubrzo sam shvatio da mi penjanje stvarno ide jako dobro pa sam krenuo put Alpi, pa na Hindukush u Afganistanu. Imao sam sreću da sam bio u ekspediciji koja se već 1979. prvi puta penjala na Mount Everest. Iako prvo takvo penjanje, to mi je možda bilo i najvrjednije. Penjali smo se, naime, zapadnim grebenom, koji nitko ni prije ni poslije nije uspio prepenjati. To je bio fantastičan uspjeh, pogotovo jer sam bio jedini Hrvat u slovenskoj ekspediciji; i tim više što nitko nije računao da će se netko s mora tako uklopiti u ekipu. To je bila senzacija. Taj zapadni greben Everesta nešto je što još nitko nije ponovio, isto kao što nije ponovljena južna stijena Makalua i južna stijena Napurne. Recimo, za zapadnu stijenu Everesta bilo je, mislim, više od 15 pokušaja osvajanja, redom neuspješnih, a radilo se o moćnim ekspedicijama. Zadnja je bila

that reached the North Pole on skies, Božić has faced what many would consider the unknown. He has moved between the world’s highest and lowest altitudes, but what he especially respects is the unique feeling of climbing heights above 8,000 meters, knowing that there is something bigger and stronger than him and nature itself. The first time at the top of the world at 28 “When you climb so high, that vegetation, which grows up to about 5,000 meters, remains far below; when various eagles and jackdaws, as we like to call them, are also below you because you leave them at 8,000 meters, when not even a helicopter can reach you, since they only go up to 6,500 meters; then, as a man who only uses his psychophysical strength, you feel even closer to the sky, to something sacred and unknown, something so powerful for these very reasons. Oh, the feeling of climbing Mount Everest – can you imagine it! It’s fantastic! When I climbed Everest for the first time when I was only 28 years old, I was the 85th person who achieved that, and when I did it for the second time, I was the 265th. Not many have managed to do that. To stand there, at the top of the world, having fulfilled your and your friends’ dream, to know you have done that, just with your body and spirit – that is a sublime feeling,” says Božić. Even though he had 4 bypass surgeries in 2012, he pushes forward and climbs, perhaps at a slightly slower pace, but he is unstoppable when moving upward. Božić is a man who has been pushing the limits of climbing, heights, the level of difficulty of his climbs and his own abilities throughout his whole life. “The last stage of climbing Everest is the most difficult one; you carry around 17 kilograms of equipment: two oxygen bottles, each about 6.5 kilograms, some water, a camera, and a chocolate bar or two. Your step is heavy, difficult, your excitement is at its peak, but you have to stay calm and focused. One tiny misstep and you land into the abyss,” says Božić, whose life of a climber started in his native village of Zavojane. When he moved to the town of Split 67

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britanska, vojna. Malo im je nedostajalo, ali nisu se popeli. Smjer je dug, tehnički je vrlo težak, vrijeme je ćudljivo, na tome grebenu pušu vjetrovi s Tibeta u Nepal i obrnuto. Stijena je pri samome vrhu jako strma. Penje se golim rukama. A temperature gore, pitate… Ha ha, vrlo, vrloo niske! Uvijek ispod -30, -40…

Navika suočavanja sa smrću Kad se čovjek penje tako visoko, kao da prijeđe granicu transcendencije. Koncentriran je samo na ono što radi. Sve drugo isključuje da ga ne ometa. Svu energiju usmjerava na planiranje kretanja. Nema razmišljanja o tome da možeš pasti i poginuti. Nema propitkivanja samoga sebe u smislu mogu li ja to ili što mi je to sve trebalo. Da tako razmišlja, čovjek bi u okolnostima koje vladaju na planinama brzo nastradao. Svaki je pokret izazov i sam se sebi diviš kako u takvim uvjetima – a drugi to ne mogu ni približno – ipak uspijevaš postići planirano. Mi pomičemo svoje granice i koji put, ali samo koji put, uživamo u tome, ha ha... Ma znate, važno je da je osjećaj uživanja u tome što radimo veći, puno veći od osjećaja patnje koji također nosimo u sebi. Nije dobro ako penjanje nije uživanje, no da bi se uživalo, moraš biti fokusiran, pripremljen, utreniran. Zadovoljstvo je što znaš da u tome trenutku nitko na svijetu ne radi to što ti radiš“, kaže Božić, čija je penjačka karijera obilježena stalnim suočavanjem sa smrću koja je prijetila izravno, provokativno, otvoreno ili iz prikrajka. Možda najteži trenutak bila mu je pogibija Boštjana Kekeca. „To se dogodilo 1993. godine, kod penjanja na K2. Nalazili smo se na 8.000 metara. Jako visoko prema vrhu. I nas je, kao i Boštjana,

Fotografija / Photo by: Privatna arhiva Stipe Božić / Stipe Božić private archives

when he was 15, he realized he missed nature, rock and mountains. He joined the scouts, and after that the mountaineering club “Mosor.” He quickly completed mountaineering school and started spending more and more of his weekends on mountains.

The only ones to have conquered the West Ridge of Mount Everest “I soon realized I was really good at climbing, so I started off with the Alps, and then I climbed the Hindu Kush in Afghanistan. I was lucky enough to participate in an expedition that climbed Mount Everest for the first time as early as 1979. Even though it was the first climb of that type for me, it might still be my most valuable one. We climbed the West Ridge, something that neither those that came before nor those after us managed to achieve. That was a phenomenal success, especially because I was the only Croat in a team of Slovenes, and even more so, because no one had expected that a guy from the seaside would fit in that well with the team. It caused a sensation. The West Ridge of Mount Everest was a success no one has repeated, just like my successes at the Makalu South Face and Annapurna South Face have never since been repeated. I think that there have been more than 15 attempts to conquer the West Ridge of Everest, all of them unsuccessful, and we are talking about formidable expeditions here. The last one was done by the British military. They were close, but they did not make the climb. It is a long trek, technically extremely demanding, the weather is unpredictable, the winds blow from Tibet to Nepal and the other way around. The rock at the very top is extremely steep. You climb it by using your bare hands. Oh, and the temperature, you ask… Ha ha, very, veery low! It is constantly below -30, -40 degrees Celsius.

The habit of facing death “When one climbs such high altitudes, it’s as if one crossed the border of transcendence. You are only focused on what you are doing. Everything else is put aside to avoid disturbance. You focus all your energy into planning your movements. You do not think about the possibility of falling and dying, do not question yourself if this is something you can do or why you ended up doing this in the first place. If you were to do all of the above, you would die pretty quickly given the conditions on mountains. Every movement is a challenge, and you admire yourself for being able to achieve the plan under such circumstances – which is something that others are not even close of doing. We all push our own limits, but sometimes, and only sometimes, we get to enjoy it, ha ha… You know, it’s important that the feeling of enjoyment in what we are doing is much more immense than the suffering we also carry within us. It’s not good if climbing is not enjoyable, but in order to enjoy it, one needs to be focused, prepared and well-trained. Pleasure lies in knowing that at that moment no one in the world is doing what you are,” says Božić, whose climbing career has been marked by constant encounters with death which threatened him directly, provocatively, openly or from the sidelines. The death of Boštjan Kekec was perhaps the most painful moment for him. “It happened in 1993, when we were climbing K2. We were at 8,000 meters, very high and close to the top when we, just as Boštjan, succumbed to hypoxia. Our brain, too, started to swell. Our lungs, too, started to fill with water. Our judgement, too, was becoming less rational by the minute…We were debating whether


ACI No.1 // Stipe Božić

uhvatila hipoksija. I naš je mozak počeo oticati. I naša su pluća počela dobivati vodu. I naše razmišljanje sve je manje bilo racionalno… Bila je dilema hoćemo li nas trojica ostati s Boštjanom ili ćemo ga pustiti da umre. On je bio evidentno gotov, vidjeli smo to, znali smo da mu nema spasa. E sad, bila je tu prisutna životna i moralna dilema – hoćemo li ipak ostati uz njega i pokušati ga spasiti s minimalnim šansama da u tome uspijemo, a realno smo znali da je to nemoguće i da pritom vjerojatnost vlastitoga preživljavanja svodimo gotovo na nulu, ili ćemo se nas trojica pokušati spasiti, a njega ostaviti. To je bila najteža odluka. Kako je donijeti, po kojim parametrima? Kako s time živjeti? Dilemu je prekinula njegova smrt. Nije to bilo olakšanje za nas, ali je bilo rješenje problema. Njegova nas je smrt spasila. Fiziološki gledano, da smo ostali gore još par sati, sigurno bismo umrli. Nismo imali tekućine, krv nam je bila zgusnuta i nalazili smo se na rubu života i smrti. U to vrijeme nije postojala injekcija ili tableta deksametazona koja može na neko vrijeme čovjeka podignuti, isprazniti mu tekućinu pa da se sam eventualno spusti par stotina metara niže niz planinu, što mu je automatski bolje jer je tlak zraka veći, kisik je bogatiji… No tada, ponavljam, mi to nismo imali. Boštjanovo se tijelo nažalost nikada nije pronašlo, premda se poslije prolazilo, kad se vrijeme smirilo, tim grebenom gdje je tijelo trebalo biti… Umro je kad smo ga izvukli iz šatora i pokušali vući po jednome blažem grebenu, no počeo nam je zapinjati u dubokome snijegu. To su bili naši očajnički pokušaji spašavanja. Da smo s njime došli na strmiji dio, bilo bi još više problema jer nismo za to imali ni užad ni opremu. U tome transportu Boštjan je naprosto izdahnuo. Morali smo ga pustiti. Znate, nije on nažalost jedini kojega se moralo ostaviti. Dosta je mojih prijatelja tako ostalo gore, u snijegu i ledu… Recimo, na Kangchenjungi 1993. godine jedan par Slovenaca, Jože Rožman i Marija Frantar,

the three of us should stay with Boštjan or let him die. It was obvious he was going to die; we saw it and knew he stood no chance. But this was a life and a moral dilemma – whether we will stay with him after all and try to save him with a minimal chance for success, all the while knowing this was impossible and that doing so would make our chances of survival close to zero, or leave him and try to save ourselves. That was the hardest decision. How were we to make it, which factors should be taken into account? How were we supposed to live with that? Our dilemma was cut short by his death. It wasn’t a relief for us, but it was a solution to our problem. His death saved us. Physiologically speaking, had we stayed there a couple of hours longer, we would have certainly died. We had no water, our blood was condensed and we were on the verge of death. At the time, there wasn’t an injection or a dexamethasone pill which can pick you up for a while, discharge your liquid so that you can go a few hundred meters down the mountain, which immediately makes you feel better because the air pressure is higher and oxygen more saturated… But, again, this didn’t exist at the time. Unfortunately, Boštjan’s body was never found, even though people were passing the area of the ridge where the body was supposed to be once the weather conditions got better. He died when we took him out of the tent and tried to carry him along a ridge that was less steep, but he kept getting stuck in the deep snow. Those were our desperate attempts to save him. Had we been on a steeper part of the ridge, we would have had even more problems because we had neither the ropes nor the equipment for that. Boštjan simply died during the transport. We had to leave him behind. He is not the only one who had to be left behind, you know. Many friends of mine were left up there, in snow and ice… For example, in 1993 on Kangchenjunga, two Slovenians Jože Ro-

"Ubrzo sam shvatio da mi penjanje stvarno ide jako dobro pa sam krenuo put Alpi, pa na Hindukush u Afganistanu. Imao sam sreću da sam bio u ekspediciji koja se već 1979. prvi puta penjala na Mount Everest." “I soon realized I was really good at climbing, so I started off with the Alps, and then I climbed the Hindu Kush in Afghanistan. I was lucky enough to participate in an expedition that climbed Mount Everest for the first time as early as 1979." Fotografija / Photo by: Privatna arhiva Stipe Božić / Stipe Božić private archives


ACI No.1 // Stipe Božić

na sličan su način okončali. Nadalje, na udaljenosti možda od 50 metara od mene 1979. pokliznuo se i poginuo Ang Phu. Kad sam doznao, bio sam šokiran. To je bilo u silazu, nespretno se pokliznuo, pao i zaustavio se nekih 2.000 metara niže. Grozna, teška, mučna smrt… Tijelo su mu naknadno našli u jednoj pukotini. Svaki put, barem kod nas je bilo to pravilo, ako bi se dogodila tragedija u usponu, sve smo prekidali i kretali natrag. Uhvati te depresija, bol, izgubio si nekoga svojeg, bliskog… Recimo, kad su 1983. na Makalu poginuli Nejc Zaplotnik i Ante Bučan, koje je poklopila lavina, odmah smo odustali. Nakon par sati našli smo Nejca. Mrtvoga, poluzakopanoga u ledu, a Bučanovo tijelo nikada nije pronađeno. Imao sam i ja svojih dramatičnih trenutaka, na korak do smrti, i tu na našim planinama i u Bosni.

Devet života Mislim da je najkritičnije ipak bilo na Kangchenjungi, trećemu vrhu po visini na svijetu, kad sam u silazu upao u neku pukotinu. Pomislio sam – gotovo je! Srećom, ostao sam, onako filmski, visjeti na nekomu mostiću koji me izdržao. Viki Grošelj dobacio mi je jedan cepin, pa drugi i uspio sam se izvući. Upao sam u pukotinu oko 20 metara, a ispod je bio ponor od još sigurno stotinjak metara dubine. Da taj mostić nije izdržao, zaglavio bih, sav polomljen, na dnu pukotine koje inače završavaju na V. Dolje se polomiš, ukliještiš, gotov si. U Bosni, na Prenju, 1982. godine, između Mostara i Konjica, uhvatila nas je lavina. Bilo nas je dvanaest i, nevjerojatno, nikomu ništa nije bilo! Svi smo padali s tom lavinom koja nas je povukla dok smo se penjali. Dogodila se u sekundi, malo se površina zamreškala i onda je krenulo. U početku nam je izgledalo da ćemo se spasiti bez problema, no kad nas je počelo nositi, mljeti, i tako punih 150 metara… Dok se to događalo, nisam baš bio siguran da ću preživjeti. Sreća, istek lavine bio je dosta brzo, neki su bili potpuno zatrpani, neki dopola, izvlačili smo se… Onda, drugi put kad sam bio na Everestu… Opet u silazu, koji su najkritičniji jer smo iscrpljeni, umorni, poskliznuo sam se i počeo padati… Bila je vrlo mala, nikakva šansa da se zaustavim. Oko mene noć, a dok me okretalo, gledao sam zvijezde kako se vrte iznad moje glave. Gotovo je, pomislio sam, sad je stvarno gotovo. Ili ću pasti u Kinu ili u Nepal. Odjednom, zvijezde su stale! Zaustavio sam se nakon nekih 200 metara poniranja na maloj zaravni! Znate kolike su šanse za takva preživljavanja – minimalne, nikakve! Kad sam se pridigao, do sebe sam vidio mrtvo tijelo, kolegu Nepalca koji se prije par godina smrznuo na tome mjestu! Kad sad bolje razmislim, puno puta bio sam na rubu…


žman and Marija Frantar suffered a similar fate. Also, in 1979, at about 50 meters away from me, Ang Phu slipped and fell. When I found out I was shocked. That happened during the descent; he slipped, fell and stopped about 2,000 meters below. A horrible, difficult, painful death… His body was later found in a crevice. Any time a tragedy would occur, at least that was a rule we held, we would abort the expedition and head back. You get hit by depression and pain, as you have just lost someone close to you. When in 1983, Nejc Zaplotnik and Ante Bučan died having been hit by an avalanche on Makalu, we quit immediately. We found Nejc dead, half-buried in ice after a couple of hours, while Bučan’s body has never been found. I have also had a couple of dramatic situations where I’ve been on the verge of death, here on our own Croatian mountains and in Bosnia.

Nine lives I think that the most dangerous experience I had was the on Kangchenjunga, the third highest peak in the world, when I fell into a crevice while I was descending. I thought I was done for. Luckily, just like in a movie, I was left hanging on a little bridge that held my weight. Viki Grošelj threw me an ice axe, followed by another one, and I managed to get out. Had the little bridge fallen through, I would have ended up crushed on the bottom of a crevice, which is normally V-shaped. If you fall in there, your body breaks, gets trapped, and you are gone. In 1982, on Prenj in Bosnia, between Mostar and Konjic, we were caught by an avalanche. There were twelve of us, and incredibly enough, we were all left unscathed. We were all falling together with the avalanche that had dragged us down while we had been climbing. It happened in a matter of a second, the surface trembled slightly and then it started. At first we thought we would make it just fine, but when it started carrying us and grinding us for the next 150 meters… While it was happening, I wasn’t quite sure I’d make it. Fortunately, the avalanche ended pretty quickly, some of us were completely covered by it, some halfway, we dragged each other out…. On my second expedition to Everest, again during the descent, which is, as a rule, the riskiest part since we are all exhausted and tired, I slipped and started falling… The chance of my stopping was slim, almost non-existent. Surrounded by night, while I was rolling over, I could see the stars rolling above my head. This is it, I thought, now it’s really the end. I will either fall to China or Nepal. Suddenly, the stars stopped. I came to a stop on a small plateau after about 200 meters of plunging. Do you know what the odds of surviving something like that are – they are minimal, virtually non-existent! When I stood up, I saw a dead body of my Nepalese colleague who had frozen to death a couple of years before. Now that I think about it, I have really been on the edge plenty of times.

ACI No.1 // Stipe Božić

"U silazu smo bili spori, nismo se mogli spustiti i morali smo noćiti na otvorenome. To je bila visina na kojoj dotad nitko nije preživio noć bez opreme za spavanje."

"We were slow to descend, we couldn’t get down and we had to spend the night in the open. That was an altitude at which no one had been able to survive the night without sleeping equipment."

Fotografija / Photo by: Davor Žunić

Noć je najveći neprijatelj

The night is your biggest enemy

Noć je, u što sam se osobno uvjerio, najveći neprijatelj na nadmorskoj visini. Pogotovo ako te zatekne bez opreme za spavanje, što se meni dogodilo s Ang Phuom u silasku s Everesta '79. kad smo visjeli na 8.300 metara. U silazu smo bili spori, nismo se mogli spustiti i morali smo noćiti na otvorenome. To je bila visina na kojoj dotad nitko nije preživio noć bez opreme za spavanje. Osim nas dvojice. I zamislite ovaj paradoks života: drugo jutro on se posklizne u silasku, nakon što smo sve preživjeli, i pogine u slobodnome padu od 2.000 metara... Ang Phu je bio šerpa, pripadnik naroda koji živi na velikim nadmorskim visinama. Oni su uglavnom Tibetanci, važni su za osvajanja najviših vrhova svijeta na Himalaji jer ih se uključuje u nošenje opreme na velikim nadmorskim visinama, iznad baznoga logora i iznad 5.000 metara. Oni su naši prijatelji, s njima sam se penjao cijeli život. Vežeš se uz te dobre i požrtvovne ljude, poput recimo sina Ang Phua, koji je mlad ostao siroče pa smo mu pomagali u školovanju na visokim budističkim školama. Nakon što mu je kuća u dolini Kumjung ispod Everesta stradala u potresu, u Splitu smo organizirali koncert, prikupili tri tisuće dolara i to mu poslali za njezinu obnovu…“ To je Stipe Božić, čovjek koji je vođen pustolovnim duhom pomicao granice riskirajući život i ostvarujući impresivne uspjehe… 

In my personal experience, the biggest enemy on altitudes is the night. Especially if it catches you without your sleeping equipment, which happened to me and Ang Phu when we were descending Everest in 1979 and hanging at 8,300 meters. We were slow to descend, we couldn’t get down and we had to spend the night in the open. That was an altitude at which no one had been able to survive the night without sleeping equipment. Except the two of us. And just imagine this paradox of life: the second morning, after everything we had been through, he slipped, freefalling 2,000 meters to his death… Ang Phu was a Sherpa, a member of a people that lives at high altitudes. They are mostly from Tibet, and are important for conquering the Himalayas’ highest peaks because they carry the equipment at high altitudes, above the basecamp and above 5,000 meters. They are our friends, and I have been climbing with them my whole life. You get attached to these nice and devoted people, like Ang Phu’s son, for example, who became an orphan at such a young age, so we funded his education at higher Buddhist schools. After his house in Kumyung valley under Everest got destroyed in the earthquake, we organized a concert in Split, raised money and sent him three thousand dollars for its reconstruction...” This is Stipe Božić, a man who, guided by the spirit of adventure, pushed the limits by risking his life and achieving impressive successes...  71

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografije / Photos by: Petar Fabijan


ACI No.1 // Goran Čolak

GORAN ČOLAK Najtrofejniji ronilac na dah svih vremena

The most-awarded freediver of all times

Kada je slavni jamajčanski sprinter Usain Bolt na Svjetskome prvenstvu 2009. u Berlinu u samo nekoliko dana skinuo svjetske rekorde na 100 i 200 metara, taj događaj u međunarodnoj javnosti primljen je kao svjetska senzacija. Ono što je „Lightning Bolt“ učinio u atletskoj areni, jedan Hrvat već godinama čini u ronjenju na dah. Samo što se njegova arena ne nalazi iznad, nego ispod razine mora. Najtrofejniji je ronilac na dah svih vremena, ime mu je Goran Čolak. Ne, on ne stiže s mora kako bi se moglo očekivati. Dolazi iz Zagreba, a za sobom ima jednu od najuspješnijih sezona svoje sportske karijere. Samo nebo zna, uz morske dubine, gdje su njegove granice. On sam vrlo će jednostavno objasniti da su granice, isto kao i ljudski strahovi, najčešće samo iluzije te da one, barem u njegovu slučaju, doista ne postoje.

When the famous Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt broke the 100 meters and 200 meters world records in Berlin in 2009, that event was received in the international public as a world sensation. What the “Lightning Bolt” did in the athletic arena has been done for years by a certain Croat. Only, his arena is not above, but under the sea. He is the freediver who has received the highest number of awards in history, and his name is Goran Čolak. No, he does not come from the seaside, as one might expect. He comes from Zagreb, and he has had one of the most successful seasons of his sports career. Heaven only knows, as well as the seabed, where his limits lie. He will explain quite clearly that limits, just like human fears, are mostly just illusions and that they, at least in his case, truly do not exist.

Nema granica „Legendarni Michael Jordan, po mnogima najbolji košarkaš svih vremena, to je rekao na kraju govora kad su ga primali u Dvoranu slavnih (engl. Hall of Fame). Mi u ronjenju na dah imamo sličan slogan: ‘Nema granica!’ – iako ne razumiju svi što taj slogan doista znači.“

There are no limits “The legendary Michael Jordan, the best basketball player of all times according to many, said that when he was being accepted in the Hall of Fame. We freedivers also have a similar slogan, ‘There are no limits!’ – even though not all understand what this slogan truly means.”


ACI No.1 // Goran Čolak

S dvanaest godina Čolak je gledao Veliko plavetnilo i taj film nadahnuo ga je da se odvaži, otisne od obale i prepusti morskoj dubini...

Čolak watched The Big Blue when he was twelve, and this film inspired him to be bold, to set off and enter the sea depths...


S dvanaest godina Čolak je gledao Veliko plavetnilo i taj film nadahnuo ga je da se odvaži, otisne od obale i prepusti morskoj dubini. Pa iako je odmah na početku razgovora potvrdio da su poveznice s Bessonovim filmskim hitom doista istinite, ali njemu sasvim opravdano već pomalo i otrcane, sličnost s mističnim i samozatajnim Jacquesom Mayolom iz Bressonova klasika više je nego zapanjujuća. Zasigurno nema puno onih koji dobiju mogućnost upoznati nekoga tko je najbolji i najuspješniji u nečemu – i to na svjetskoj razini, stoga je Čolaka logično pitati kakav je to osjećaj i što ga to tjera da uporno teži najboljemu... „Lijepo zvuči kad vas netko nazove najboljim u bilo kojoj kategoriji ili gotovo u bilo čemu do čega vam je stalo. Možda još i više kada ste krajnje natjecateljski tip poput mene, a vjerujte mi, ja sam stvarno kompetitivan i čitav sam svoj život posvetio traženju u čemu mogu biti bolji od ljudi koji me okružuju. Sjećam se da sam jednom uzimao satove šaha čitavu godinu samo zato što sam izgubio beznačajnu šahovsku partiju od jednoga prijatelja. Moja

Čolak watched The Big Blue when he was twelve, and this film inspired him to be bold, to set off and enter the sea depths. And even though he confirmed that his connection with Besson’s hit was truly true, even though, to him, somewhat corny now, right at the beginning of the interview, the resemblance with the mystical Jacques Mayol from Besson’s classic is more than astounding. Certainly there are not many people who get the opportunity to meet someone who is the best and the most successful at something – at the global level, which is why it is only logical to ask Čolak how it feels to persistently aspire to be the best and what it is that drives him. “It sounds nice to be called the best in any category, or in almost anything you care about. Perhaps even more when you are the ultimate competitive type, like myself, and believe me, I am really competitive and I have spent my entire life searching for something in which I can be better than those around me. I remember, I once took chess lessons for an entire year just because I had lost an insignificant chess game to

ACI No.1 // Goran Čolak

"Lijepo zvuči kad vas netko nazove najboljim u bilo kojoj kategoriji ili gotovo u bilo čemu do čega vam je stalo. Možda još i više kada ste krajnje natjecateljski tip poput mene, a vjerujte mi, ja sam stvarno kompetitivan i čitav sam svoj život posvetio traženju u čemu mogu biti bolji od ljudi koji me okružuju..."

"It sounds nice to be called the best in any category, or in almost anything you care about. Perhaps even more when you are the ultimate competitive type, like myself, and believe me, I am really competitive and I have spent my entire life searching for something in which I can be better than those around me..."

misija postala je, stoga, pobijediti ga, tako da sam poduzeo sve što je bilo u mojoj moći da to i postignem. Još kao osnovnoškolac imao sam prijatelja s kojim sam igrao košarku. On je bio odličan šuter, tada puno bolji od mene. Doslovno sam godine proveo beskonačno šutirajući na školskome igralištu dok napokon nisam šutirao jednako dobro kao on.“

a friend. Therefore, my mission became to beat him, so I did everything in my power to achieve that. When I was just in primary school, I had a friend with whom I played basketball. He was an excellent shooter, much better than I was at the time. I literally spent endless hours shooting hoops at the school playground until I finally could score as well as he could.”

Od malih nogu drugačiji od drugih

Different than the rest since he was a child

Djetetu s prašnoga zagrebačkog asfalta ljepote morskih dubina bile su jako daleko. No, dok su se njegovi vršnjaci igrali i pisali domaće zadaće, Goran je od najmanjih nogu bio, najblaže rečeno, malo drugačiji od drugih. „Čak i kao klinac, kad mi je bilo samo četiri-pet godina, volio sam filmove o bjegovima iz zatvora, ni sam ne znam zašto, ali jednostavno jesam. S obzirom na to da tada iz očiglednih razloga nisam imao priliku pobjeći iz zatvora (smijeh), pokušao sam pobjeći iz dječjega vrtića... Pa su me na kraju moji roditelji bili primorani ostaviti doma, jer sam postao stručnjak u bježanju iz vrtića, čak i nakon što su angažirali dodatne tete (smijeh).“ Sportom u kojemu je postigao gotovo nemoguće krenuo se baviti relativno kasno, a počeo pobjeđivati vrlo brzo. Godine 2006. postao je amater, onako pomalo čak i iz zezancije, a već četiri godine kasnije u Aarhusu u Danskoj osvojio je svoju prvu titulu svjetskoga prvaka! Potom je 2011. godine odlučio u potpunosti napustiti posao fizi-

To the child from the dusty Zagreb concrete streets, the beauty of the sea depths was too far away. However, while his peers played and wrote homework, Goran was, to put it mildly, a bit different from the rest. “Even as a kid, when I was only four or five, I loved films that showed prison escapes; I don’t know why, I just did. Considering, for obvious reasons, I did not have the opportunity to escape any kind of prison back then, I tried to escape from kindergarten… Then, finally, my parents were forced to leave me home, because I had become an expert in escaping kindergarten, even after they had hired additional personnel. (laughs)” He started doing the sport in which he achieved the impossible relatively late in life, and he started winning quite quickly. In 2006, he became an amateur, just for fun, and four years later in Aarhus in Denmark, he became the world champion for the first time! Then, in 2011, he decided to quit his job as a physiotherapist and join the global elite 75

ACI No.1 // Goran Čolak

oterapeuta pridruživši se svjetskoj eliti najboljih ronilaca na dah. Prilično smiona odluka, no ne i za Gorana... „Gledano iz prostora sigurnosti i komfora, sigurno da, ali za mene je to u tome trenutku bila zapravo jedina ispravna i moguća odluka, jer sam se napokon odlučio baviti onime što doista želim i volim. Pa sam to jednostavno i učinio.“

of the best freedivers. That was a pretty bold decision, but not to Goran… “If we look at it from the point of view of security and comfort, definitely yes, but to me, that was the only right and possible decision at that moment, because I finally decided to do what I truly wanted and loved. So I just did.”

Nitko prije njega – 23.01 min u jednome dahu

No one before him – 23.01 minutes in a single breath

U desetak godina ronjenja na dah nanizala se tako impresivna lista najsjajnijih medalja i najvećih rekorda, izuzetnih sportskih postignuća, uspjeha i priznanja. Samo u protekloj sezoni osvojio je prestižno natjecanje šeika Hamdana bin Mohammeda u Dubaiju, na bazenskome Euru u Cagliariju uzeo je čak četiri medalje u svim četirima disciplinama (tri zlata i srebro) – što nikomu nikad nije pošlo za rukom, a već ionako bogatoj zbirci medalja pridodao je još dva odličja (zlato i srebro) s dubinskoga Eura u Turskoj. Zapravo, kamo god bacili pogled na Goranovu fantastičnu karijeru, naići ćete na rijetkima dostižnu sintagmu – nitko prije njega. Godine 2013. ušao je tako i u Guinnessovu knjigu rekorda postigavši nadljudske 23 minute i jednu sekundu zadržane – u jednome jedinome dahu (iako će on sam reći da je to bilo više za egzibiciju i zbog promocije ronilačkoga sporta nego što je to za njega pravi sportski rezultat). Ove godine rušio je ponovno i dva nacionalna rekorda, pa ih trenutačno drži sve – i u bazenu i u dubini, a postavio je i dva nova svjetska rekorda, nanizavši ih ukupno više od deset, ni sam nije više siguran u točan broj. No sve te medalje i sva priznanja ne mogu se mjeriti s onim kratkim, ali preplavljujućim osjećajem uspjeha. „Ništa se ne može usporediti s onih samo nekoliko sekundi u kojima izroniš i znaš da si uspio. Nema sumnje da je taj osjećaj bio najsnažniji nakon prve medalje na lokalnome natjecanju u Zagrebu kada sam je htio pokazati doslovno svima... Pa prve zlatne

In his ten years of freediving, he created an impressive list of the shiniest medals and highest records, extraordinary sports achievements, successes and recognitions. He won the prestigious competition of sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed in Dubai, took four medals at the European Championship in Cagliari in all four disciplines (three gold medals and one silver) – which is something no one had ever done before him; he also added two more medals (gold and silver) from the European depth competition in Turkey. Actually, whichever part of Goran’s fantastic career you take into consideration, you will find a phrase only few achieve – no one before him. In 2013, he entered the Guinness Book of Records by breaking the world record in static apnea, achieving the superhuman 23 minutes and one second in a single breath (even though he will say that that was more for show and to promote the diving sport, than his actual sports result). This year, he broke two national records again, so he holds all of them now – in the pool, in depth, and he has set two new world records, which means that there are more than ten records he has broken, even though he himself is not sure what the exact number is. However, all the medals and recognitions cannot measure with the brief, but overwhelming feeling of success. “Nothing can compare to the few seconds when you surface and know you have succeeded. There is no doubt that the feeling was strongest when I won my first medal in the competition in Zagreb,


ACI No.1 // Goran Čolak

medalje na Svjetskome prvenstvu, kada sam mislio da mi više nikad ništa neće trebati osim te medalje. Danas je to ipak malo drukčije, jer velika je stvar uspeti se na najviše postolje, ali je puno, puno teže tu se i zadržati. Postavljati samomu sebi uvijek nove ciljeve i neprekidno podizati ljestvicu često nije lako. Ali u individualnome sportu poput ronjenja na dah nema drugoga načina. Uvijek se natječeš, u konačnici, sam sa sobom. Stoga, naravno da uvijek želim pobjeđivati, ali zapravo neću biti nesretan ako nisam pobijedio, ali sam postigao vlastiti cilj. Na primjer, recimo da je moj trenutačni cilj zaroniti 100 metara u ronjenju na dah u dubinu s jednom perajom (moj trenutačni najbolji rezultat u toj disciplini inače iznosi 115 metara). Uspijem li u tome – odlično, ali završim li pritom na sedmome mjestu, to je O.K., jer sam ispunio svoj osobni cilj koji sam si u tome trenutku postavio. Dobro, rijetki su baš slučajevi u kojima sam sedmi“, opravdava se Goran kroz osmijeh.

(Nije) sve u pobjeđivanju „Ali, doista, da ste me prije deset godina pitali je li u pobjeđivanju sve, sigurno bih rekao: da. No kako postajete stariji i mudriji, shvaćate da dok god ste zapeli na ovoj planeti, a zasad ne postoji druga opcija (smijeh), mogli biste se i malo zabaviti, proživjeti svoj život, putovati, činiti što god vas čini sretnim. To upravo i jest najteži dio – pronaći što će vas doista učiniti sretnim, no to ‘nešto’ nećete pronaći sjedeći doma u fotelji. Stoga i dalje želim pobjeđivati, ali sada znam da u pobjeđivanju nije sve. U življenju, međutim, jest.“ Ljudi se nerijetko boje svojih granica i neuspjeha ako ih ne uspiju prekoračiti. No i tu Čolak ima spreman odgovor. „Pa što je najgore što vam se može dogoditi? Nije li iskustvo pokušaja deset puta važnije od pitanja što bi bilo kad bi bilo? I ne biste li se zapravo trebali pitati što ako uspijem, što ako ispunim sve svoje snove!?“ Kroz poduži razgovor pomalo se odmičemo od sigurne obale sportskih tema i sve se više čini da sudjelujemo u nekome obliku motivacijskoga treninga. A da to i nije daleko od istine, potvrđuje i sam Goran, koji kaže da je ove godine započeo s motivacijskim predavanjima u kojima svoju sportsku priču povezuje s drugim područjima ljudske djelatnosti, poput suvremenoga biznisa.

Iskustvo nedokučivo običnim smrtnicima No prije nego i sami prijeđemo na teme izvan sporta, nemoguće ga je ne upitati kakav je to osjećaj ponirati u morski bezdan. Jer ronjenje na stotinjak metara dubine iskustvo je nedokučivo većini običnih smrtnika i čovjek se doista mora zapitati što može biti zabavno u poniranju u sve hladnije more, dok te tama obuzima sa svih strana, a povratak na površinu sve je dalji i dalji... „Možda to tako izgleda, a vjerojatno i jest, ali s druge strane nisam čuo ni jednu jedinu osobu koja je probala ronjenje na dah, a kojoj se nije svidio taj sasvim poseban osjećaj slobodnoga poniranja. Nakon prvih

when I wanted to show it to literally everyone… And then the first gold medal in the World Championship, when I thought I would never need anything else aside from that medal. Today, that is slightly different, because, even though it is a big deal climbing on the highest stand, it is much, much harder to stay there. It is often not easy, setting new goals for yourself and continuously raising the bar. However, there is no other way in an individual sport such as freediving. You are always competing, in the end, with yourself. Therefore, of course I always want to win, but I will actually not be sad if I lose, but manage to achieve my own goal. For instance, let’s say my current goal is to freedive 100 meters in constant weight with monofin (my current best result in that discipline is 115 meters). If I manage to do that – excellent, but if I end up being seventh, that is OK, because I have reached the personal goal I set for myself at that moment. Okay, I am really rarely seventh,” justifies Goran with a smile.

(Not) everything is about winning “But, truly, if you had asked me ten years ago whether winning was everything, I would have certainly said yes. However, as you grow older and wiser, you realize that, while you’re stuck on this planet, and there is no other option for now (laughs), you could have some fun, live your life, travel, do what makes you happy. That is precisely the hardest part – finding what truly makes you happy. However, you will not find that ‘something’ just sitting home in an armchair. That is why I still want to win, but now I know that winning is not everything. Living, however, is.” People are often afraid of their limits and failures if they do not manage to jump over them. However, Čolak has an answer for that, too. “Well, what is the worst thing that can happen? Isn’t the experience of trying ten times more important that what ifs? And shouldn’t you be wondering: what if I succeed, what if I fulfill my dreams?!” We are moving a bit away from the safe shore of sports topics in our lengthy conversation and it seems as though we are participating in some form of motivational training. And Goran himself confirms that that is not far from the truth. He says that he started holding motivational lectures in which he connects his sports story with other areas of human activities, like modern business.

Experience unfathomable to mere mortals However, before we cross over to topics outside of sports, it is impossible not to ask him what it is like to dive in the sea abyss. Because, diving to some hundred meters of depth is an experience unfathomable to most mere mortals and one must truly wonder what’s so fun about diving in the sea that keeps getting colder, while darkness encompasses you from all sides, and the return to the surface keeps getting farther away…


ACI No.1 // Goran Čolak

“Pa što je najgore što vam se može dogoditi? Nije li iskustvo pokušaja deset puta važnije od pitanja što bi bilo kad bi bilo? ”

“Well, what is the worst thing that can happen? Isn’t the experience of trying ten times more important that what ifs?”

tridesetak metara more vas, naime, prestaje izbacivati prema površini. Počinje vas usisavati prema dolje, u plavi bezdan. I doista, sve je mračnije i sve hladnije, ali s jedne strane ta tišina, taj mir i s druge strane adrenalin – to je nešto neopisivo. Kao padobranac koji skače iz aviona – samo usporeno. Naravno, kad stignete na dno, počinje onaj teži dio, a to je povratak na površinu.“ Boji li se nečega tamo dolje, pitamo ga. Odgovara jednostavno: „Ne.“ „Razmislite li malo bolje, svaki sportski rezultat na najvišoj razini djeluje nevjerojatno i nezamislivo, samo je u ronjenju to možda očitije. Jer kad samo nakratko prestanete disati, možete još bolje shvatiti što znači ne disati nekih trideset sekundi, a kamoli možda pet ili deset minuta. No jednako tako bilo bi probate li sprintati 100 metara ili plivati ili skakati u vis. Ukratko: ne, nije me strah, ja držim dah i ronim isto kao i vi, samo duže i dublje, a moja fizička i mentalna sprema, kvalitetna priprema i planiranje, tehnika i taktika osiguravaju mi da ronjenju na dah pristupim na pravilan način, što u konačnici utječe na rezultat, a usto mi ulijeva i sigurnost, pa i osigurava život.“ 78

“It may seem like that, and maybe it is, but, on the other side, I haven’t heard a single person who has tried freediving, and who did not like that special feeling of sinking. After the first thirty meters the sea, namely, stops ejecting you towards the surface. It starts sucking you down, into the blue oblivion. And truly, it keeps getting darker and colder, but, on the one hand, that silence, that peace and, on the other, adrenaline – that is something that cannot be described. As a parachute jumper who jumps from an airplane – only in slow motion. Of course, once you reach the bottom, the hard part begins, that is, returning to the surface.” Is there anything that frightens him down there, we ask him. He simply answers, “No.” “If you think about it, every sports result at the highest level seems incredible and unimaginable, only it may be a little more apparent in diving. Because, when you stop breathing even for a short while, you can understand what it means not to breathe for thirty seconds, let alone five or ten minutes. However, the same would happen if you try the 100 meters sprint or swimming or pole vaulting. To put it simply: no, I am not afraid, I hold my breath and dive just like you, only longer and deeper, and my physical and mental training, quality

ACI No.1 // Goran Čolak

„Ako ima nečega čega bih se ipak trebao bojati, onda su to odbačene mreže što poput sablasti plutaju morskim prostranstvom“, dodaje opisujući nedavnu situaciju u morima Antalyje upravo za zadnjega Eura u Turskoj, zbog čega je nakon njegova zarona cjelokupno natjecanje prekinuto na gotovo sat vremena. „Na to, međutim, ne možete utjecati, ali je svakako preporuka da nikad ne ronite sami“, zaključuje.

Šah , zvijezde i OI 2024. u Parizu Već je ranije u razgovoru spomenuo šah, koji je i danas jedna od njegovih strasti. Satima, kaže, može gledati emisije o kultnim šahovskim mečevima, što u većine vjerojatno izaziva osjećaj dosade. U njegovu slučaju šah izaziva dodatnu dozu znatiželje. Znatiželja je ta koja ga potiče i na daleka putovanja. U ovoj godini tako je istraživao vrleti Omana, uživao u zeleno-plavoj rapsodiji Balija i opuštao se u nepreglednome plavetnilu neba i mora Sejšela. Zbog znatiželje nabavio je i teleskop za promatranje zvijezda. Pa kad god ne gleda u veliko plavetnilo mora i oceana, nebo postaje njegovo drugo igralište bez granica koje mu otkriva svoje tajne. Godine 2015., nakon što je u bazenu postigao gotovo sve što je uopće moguće postići, započeo je prijelaz na discipline ronjenja u dubinu. I tu se već na svojemu prvom Svjetskom prvenstvu ovjenčao titulom ukupnoga pobjednika natjecanja! Uspije li u svojemu naumu da rezultatima u dubinskim disciplinama dostigne one iz disciplina ronjenja u bazenu, bit će to ponovno nešto što nije napravio nitko prije njega. A što mu je sljedeći veliki san ili cilj u životu? Čolak bez razmišljanja odgovara: „Da ronjenje na dah postane olimpijski sport te da na Olimpijskim igrama u Parizu 2024. godine nastupim kao hrvatski olimpijac.“ „U tome bih zasigurno vidio krunu svoje sportske karijere“, zaključuje. 

preparation and planning, technique and tactics, ensure that I will approach freediving the right way. That will, in the end, influence the result, and it also makes me, and my life, safe.” “If there is something you should still fear, it’s those discarded nets that travel through the sea like ghouls,” he adds, describing a recent situation in the Antalyan sea, from the last European Championship in Turkey, which is why, after his dive, the entire competition was stopped for almost an hour. “However, you cannot influence that, but it is recommended that you never dive alone,” he concludes.

Chess, stars and the Olympic Games 2024 in Paris He has already mentioned chess early in the interview, which is still one of his passions to this day. He can watch shows on cult chess matches for hours, while that is something that instigates a feeling of boredom in most. In his case, chess instigates an additional dose of curiosity. It is curiosity that encourages him to travel far. This year, he explored the cliffs of Oman, enjoyed the green-blue rhapsody of Bali and relaxed in the vast blue sky and sea of the Seychelles. It is due to curiosity that he got a telescope to watch the stars. So, when he is not looking at the great blue seas and oceans, the sky becomes his second limitless playground, which reveals its secrets to him. In 2015, after he achieved everything possible in the pool, he started crossing to the disciplines of deep diving. And he became the winner of the competition in his first World Championship! If he succeeds in his intention to reach his results from pool diving in deep diving as well; that would be something that, once again, no one has ever done before. And what is his next big dream or goal in life? Čolak answers without thinking: “That freediving becomes an Olympic sport and to represent Croatia at the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024.” “I would definitely see the crown of my career in that,” he concludes. 

"Razmislite li malo bolje, svaki sportski rezultat na najvišoj razini djeluje nevjerojatno i nezamislivo, samo je u ronjenju to možda očitije..." “If you think about it, every sports result at the highest level seems incredible and unimaginable, only it may be a little more apparent in diving..."


ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor





Ivan Ljubičić čovjek je kojemu su bitni ljudi; obitelj, prijatelji, kolege iz svijeta sporta… Poput mnogih vrhunskih sportaša želio je nastaviti istom linijom i nakon velike karijere – vrhunskim postignućima pomicati granice gradeći ime i uz sportske terene… I uspio je… Itekako…

Ivan Ljubičić is a man who cares about people; family, colleagues from the world of sports... Like many top athletes, he wanted to continue in the same line, and after a great career – with superb achievements, to push the limits, building his name alongside sports fields... And he has succeeded... He certainly has...

„Baki je čudo: kapetan, skiper, mornar, kuhar, nono, prijatelj i brat. Na našemu brodu on je sve. Brod bez njega nema smisla, sustav ne funkcionira i to onda nije to. A ideja je bila da nam on iz Španjolske dovede brod Menorquin 160 i da nam u tri-četiri dana pokaže pet-šest važnih stvari, a mi onda nastavljamo sami. No tri dogovorena dana pretvorila su se u deset godina neplaniranoga i neraskidivoga prijateljstva u kojemu je Baki postao nezaobilazan član naše obitelji. Putevi su nam se, srećom za nas, a vjerujemo i za njega, u jednome trenutku trajno isprepleli. Kad smo kupovali svoj brod, a željeli samo Menorquina 160 jer ništa drugo nije dolazilo u obzir, Baki se, prstom sudbine koja nas je povezala, odlučio baviti skiperažom. Murterinu, tada 54-godišnjaku, bivšemu veslaču i inženjeru građevine, puknuo je film. Dosta mu je bilo svega. I tad se pojavljujemo mi. Ispalo je – mi ga trebamo i želimo! I tu je dan danas. Stari morski vuk.“

“Baki is a wonder: captain, skipper, sailor, cook, nono, friend and brother. He is everything on our boat. The boat would not make sense without him, the system does not work and then, that’s just not it. And initially, the idea had been that he would bring the Menorquin 160 from Spain and show us five or six important things in three or four days, and then we would continue on our own. However, the three arranged days turned into ten years of unplanned and unbreakable friendship in which Baki became an indispensable member of our family. Our roads, luckily for us, and, we believe, for him, permanently intertwined at one moment. At the same time, when we bought our ship, and we wanted only the Menorquin 160 because nothing else was an option, through a twist of fate that linked us, Baki decided to become a skipper. The man from Murter, who was then 54 and was a former rower and construction engineer, had enough. He simply had enough of everything. And that’s when we appeared. It turned out – we needed him and wanted him! And he has been here to this day. The old sea dog.”

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografije / Photos by Petar Fabijan


ACI No.1 // Ivan Ljubičić

Baki i Roger

Baki and Roger

Takvim biranim riječima proslavljeni hrvatski tenisač Ivan Ljubičić, osvajač olimpijske medalje, osvajač Davis cupa i u jednoj fazi karijere treći igrač svijeta, a danas trener najboljega tenisača svih vremena Rogera Federera, priča o velikome obiteljskom prijatelju – Murterinu Bakiju.

These are the chosen words that the famous Croatian tennis player Ivan Ljubičić, winner of the gold Olympic medal, winner of the Davis Cup and, at one point in his career, the third player of the world, and today the coach of the best tennis player of the world Roger Federer, talks about his great family friend – Baki from Murter. “Hey, I listen to Baki on my own Menorquin 160! We have that kind of a relationship that I have to ask him whether I am allowed to walk on my boat wet,” says Ljubičić with a smile while we talk on the terrace of the restaurant in the ACI marina Ičići. And he just got a text from, guess who, Baki! Baki writes, “I prepared the octopus, we are coming!” Ljubičić laughs. Heartily, there is no acting there. Only sincerity. Baki, whose name he does not want to reveal to the public, is a warm, co-opted member of the Ljubičić family. Both he and his wife. That speaks volumes about the human greatness and simplicity of the tennis player who achieved more in his career that he believed possible, as he himself admits. That relationship with Baki is a testimony to the greatness and simplicity of the man who treats his Baki and one Roger Federer with the same amount of respect. Federer, a tennis genius and par excellence gentleman on the field and in personal life, whom he helped return to the tennis Olympus in 2017. However, that place does not belong to this Swiss man of South African roots just because of his

„Ej, na svojem Menorquinu 160 ja slušam Bakija! Imamo takav odnos da ga pitam smijem li mokar hodati po svojemu brodu“, kaže Ljubičić sa smiješkom dok razgovaramo na terasi restorana u ACI marini Ičići. Taman mu pristiže SMS od, pogađate, Bakija! Baki piše: „Spremio sam hobotnicu, stižemo!“ Ljubičić se smije. Od srca, nema tu glume. Samo iskrenost. Taj je Baki, čije ime ne želi iznijeti u javnost, topli, kooptirani član obitelji Ljubičić. I on i njegova supruga. To pak govori o ljudskoj veličini i jednostavnosti tenisača koji je u karijeri, sam to priznaje, postigao više nego što je mislio da je to moguće. Taj odnos prema Bakiju svjedoči o veličini i jednostavnosti čovjeka koji s istim poštovanjem pristupa svojemu Bakiju i jednomu Rogeru Federeru, teniskomu genijalcu i par excellence džentlmenu i na terenu i u privatnome životu, kojemu je 2017. pomogao da se vrati na teniski Olimp. Na mjesto koje tomu Švicarcu južnoafričkih korijena pripada ne samo po neviđenome teniskom umijeću i eleganciji u igri nego i po poštenome pristupu igri i protivnicima. 82

ACI No.1 // Ivan Ljubičić

"Trebao sam unaprijediti nešto što je samo po sebi već dovedeno na rub savršenstva. Imao sam i imam neka svoja razmišljanja u čemu smo se Roger i ja složili. Vrijeme je pokazalo da sam bio u pravu."

"I needed to advance something that was already brought to the brink of perfection. I had and I still have some ideas, which is someghing Roger and I agreed on. Time would tell that I was right." Čovjek prije svega Ivan Ljubičić čovjek je kojemu su bitni ljudi. I to je nekoliko puta naglasio u višesatnome razgovoru koji smo vodili, ali to proizlazi i iz njegova modusa vivendi. Čovjek, koji god, bilo radnik ili svjetska zvijezda, u središtu je zbivanja. „I Roger je takav: topao, iskren, obziran, ma genijalac. Otvoren, zainteresiran za sugovornika, spreman ga poslušati i za dvije godine svega se prisjetiti. On naprosto i vidi i čuje čovjeka pred sobom pa vjerojatno dobro funkcioniramo zajedno zato što sam i ja takav. Ujedno je i atipičan čovjek za svijet individualnoga sporta, u kojem su ljudi dosta introvertirani, zatvoreni, hladni, distancirani i egoistični. Federer je sve suprotno tomu“, kazat će Ljubičić koji je 2015. godine preuzeo težak, zahtjevan, kompliciran i iznad svega izazovan posao. Postao je trener Rogera Federera. Postavlja se, hoćeš-nećeš, logično, nezaobilazno pitanje: što čovjek, tenisač, uopće može naučiti najboljega tenisača svih vremena?

Kako unaprijediti savršenstvo „Konkurentski igrački odnos uspješno smo zamijenili igračko-trenerskim. Trebao sam unaprijediti nešto što je samo po sebi već dovedeno na rub savršenstva. Imao sam i imam neka svoja razmišljanja u čemu smo se Roger i ja složili. Vrijeme je pokazalo da sam bio u pravu. No da bi naša suradnja uspjela, moramo biti što više zajedno, od proljetnih priprema u Švicarskoj, preko zime u Dubaiju pa sve do turnira na koje zajedno putujemo. Stalno razgovaramo o tenisu, razmjenujemo informacije i mišljenja te onda Roger donosi odluku“, kaže Ljubičić. Kao igrač, krajnje karakteran. Kombinacija znalca i borca. S pristupom igri i svakomu bodu kao da je najvažniji u životu. Uvijek do kraja. Takav mu je pristup omogućio privilegiju biti dio ekipe, ustvari prvi suradnik najboljega tenisača svih vremena. Ivan Ljubičić za taj se status izborio svojim radom, pristupom i rezultatima. Kako bi ostao na vrhu, Federer je uzeo najboljega. Koliko je Federer velik sportaš, ali i da je njegova impozantna karijera odavno izašla iz samo sportskoga okvira, sugerira zadnja Forbesova lista po kojoj je upravo on, ispred NBA zvijezde Lebrona Yamesa i planetarno popularnoga nogometaša Christiana Ronalda, najvrijedniji marketinški brend u sportu!

incredible tennis skill and elegance, but also because of his approach to the game and opponents.

Person above all Ivan Ljubičić is a man who cares about people. And he has already stressed that in the several hours we have spent talking, but that also comes from his modus vivendi. The man, whoever, whether a worker or a global star, is at the centre of attention. “Roger is like that, too: warm, sincere, considerate, he’s brilliant. Open, interested in his interlocutor, willing to listen to them and remember everything in two years. He just sees and hears the man before him, which is why we function well together, because I am the same. He is also an atypical man for the world of individual sport, in which people are greatly introverted, closed off, cold, distant and egotistical. Federer is quite the opposite,” says Ljubičić, who took the difficult, demanding, complicated and, above all, challenging job in 2015. He became the coach of Roger Federer. A logical and inevitable question arises from this: what can a person, a tennis player, teach the best tennis player of all times anyway?

How to transcend perfection “We replaced our ‘competitive players’ relationship successfully with our coach-player one. I needed to advance something that was already brought to the brink of perfection. I had and I still have some ideas, which is someghing Roger and I agreed on. Time would tell that I was right. However, for our cooperation to succeed, we need to spend as much time together as possible, from the spring preparation in Switzerland, through a winter in Dubai, and the tournaments we travel to together. We constantly talk about tennis, exchange information and opinions, and then Roger makes a decision,” says Ljubičić. As a player, he is of strong character. A combination of an expert and a fighter. He approaches every match and every point as if it were the most important in his life. Always to the very end. Such approach enabled him to become the part of the team, that is, the first associate of the best tennis player of all times. Ivan Ljubičić fought for that status with his work, approach and results. In order to stay on top, Federer took the best. The last Forbes list, which places Federer above NBA star Lebron James and globally popular football player Christiano Ronaldo as the most valuable marketing brand in sports, shows how great of an athlete Federer is, while also showing that his imposing career has long exited the sports framework. As it is well known, 2016 was not a successful year for Federer. First, a serious injury, then the first operation in his career, and then recovery. And then 2017 came and – boom! With two Grand Slams at the age of 36! And the status of the first player of the world. With coach Ivan Ljubičić beside him, he was invincible. He conquered his biggest rival – Rafael Nadal – four times that same year.

Family – boat – Adriatic – vacation However, Ljubičić needs to rest with his family and dedicate himself to his wife and children in order to give Federer what he needs.


ACI No.1 // Ivan Ljubičić

Kao što je poznato, prošla, 2016. godina, za Federera je bila neuspješna. Teška ozljeda, prva operacija u karijeri, oporavak. A onda je stigla 2017. i – eksplozija. S dva Grand Slama u 36. godini života! Po igri – status prvoga igrača svijeta. S trenerom Ivanom Ljubičićem uz sebe bio je nepobjediv. U četirima navratima iste je godine svladao najvećega rivala – Rafaela Nadala.

Obitelj – brod – Jadran – odmor No da bi Ljubičić mogao dati Federeru ono što mu treba, neophodan mu je odmor s obitelji, posvećenost supruzi i djeci. Vremena je malo, nedovoljno, i zato ga se pomno planira i troši. „Brod je idealan za naše obiteljsko druženje i opuštanje po srednjemu Jadranu. Mir, tišina, samoća i spokoj. Supruga Aida ljeti je s djecom na brodu i po mjesec i pol dana. Ja uhvatim 15 do maksimalno 20 dana. Baki je, naravno, sve vrijeme s nama. Neprocjenjiv je. I kad sam ja tu i kad me nema. Najviše volimo ići po skrivenim uvalama, vrtimo se po Kornatima, malo do Brača, oko Hvara i Šolte pa se dignemo prema Olibu i Premudi… Obožavamo gastronomsku ponudu na koju nailazimo. Ne volimo dnevno biti u navigaciji sedam, osam sati, nikako, eventualno koji sat, i to je to… Ma mi vam volimo plutati“, smije se Ljubičić prisjećajući se prvoga đira s brodom kad ga je nazvao prijatelj koji je u blizini bio s jednim nogometašem pa je pao dogovor da se malo provozaju… „Vidio sam Bakijev nezadovoljan pogled. Tad i nikad više, ha, ha… Bakijeva je poruka bila – brod ne služi za takve stvari.“ Ljubičić brod drži na Jadranu. Iako obitelj živi u Monte Carlu, nikad mu nije ni palo na pamet Menorquina 160 prebaciti tamo. „Na našemu Jadranu destinacije su atraktivnije i ljepše, priroda je prekrasna i zato smo ovdje. Volimo otići do Paklenih otoka, ali ja se u životu, vjerovali ili ne, s broda nisam popeo na otok Hvar! Uvijek je previše gužve, a meni to ne odgovara! I zato još nisam bio na Hvaru. Ako brod i pristane, ja ostajem na njemu“, kaže Ljubičić. U razgovoru je opušten, u životu sretan, ispunjen zbog uspjeha koji prate njegovu karijeru. Uspješnu igračku dimenziju nakon medijske epizode sa Sky sportom sada je zamijenio trenerskom. Federer je izazov, no to nije sve čime se Ljubičić trenutno bavi.

Mentor i menadžer mladim tenisačima „Paralelno sam menadžer nekim mladim igračima. Imam agenciju SAM, Sporting Adventage Monaco, s trenerima uz čiju pomoć i znanje usmjeravam karijere mladih tenisača i tenisačica. Brinemo se o njima, pronalazimo im adekvatne uvjete za rad i napredovanje, pristupamo im individualno i za svakoga od njih pojedinačno tražimo najbolja rješenja. Upravo je u tome poanta rada moje agencije koja se, među ostalim, brine i za karijeru 15-godišnje Ukrajinke Marte Kostyk, koja je već osvojila Australian 84

There is little time, not enough, which is why he plans and spends it carefully. “The boat is ideal for our family time together and for relaxing in the middle of the Adriatic Sea. Peace, silence, solitude and serenity. My wife Aida spends up to a month and a half with the children on the boat. I manage to catch 15 to maximum 20 days. Baki is, of course, with us the whole time. He is invaluable. Both when I am here and when I am gone. We mostly like to go to hidden coves, sail through the Kornati, go to Brač for a bit, around Hvar and Šolta, and then go up towards Olib and Premuda… We adore the gastronomic offer we encounter. We do not like to sail for seven or eight hours, no way, just a few hours and that’s it… We just like to float around,” laughs Ljubičić, recalling the first time he “went on a round” on his boat, when his friend, who was nearby with a football player, called him, so they agreed to take a little drive… “I saw Baki’s disgruntled gaze. That happened then and never again, ha, ha… Baki’s message was – a boat is not for such things.” Ljubičić keeps his boat on the Adriatic Sea. Even though his family lives in Monte Carlo, he has never even thought about transferring the Menorquin 160 there. “The destinations are more attractive and more beautiful in our Adriatic Sea, the nature is lovely and that is why we are here. We like to go to the Pakleni islands, but I have never in my life, believe it or not, stepped from a boat onto Hvar island! There is always so many people, it is crowded, and I am bothered by it! That is why I haven’t been to Hvar yet. If the ship docks, I stay on it,” says Ljubičić. He is relaxed in conversation, happy in life, fulfilled because of the successes that follow his career. After the media episode with Sky sport, he replaced his player career with his coaching one. Federer is a challenge, but that is not everything Ljubičić is doing now.

Mentor and manager to young tennis players “I am also the manager of some young players. I have the agency SAM, Sporting Advantage Monaco, with coaches that use their knowledge to help me direct the careers of young tennis players. We take care of them, find adequate working conditions for progress, we approach each player individually and we look for the best solutions for each of them. That is precisely the point of the work of my agency, which is, among others, taking care of the career of the 15-year-old Ukrainian Marta Kostyk, who has already won Australian Open. I am her mentor and manager, together with my coaches,” Ljubičić says. Per aspera ad astra – that is how you could summarize and describe his career, which developed through war exile, being forced to grow up too early abroad and through the independent progress in the extremely competitive tennis world, where he pushed through to the 3rd place in May 2006, which was the best ranking of his career. Two years earlier, he won a bronze medal at the Olympic

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

„Brod je idealan za naše obiteljsko druženje i opuštanje po srednjemu Jadranu. Mir, tišina, samoća i spokoj." “The boat is ideal for our family time together and for relaxing in the middle of the Adriatic Sea. Peace, silence, solitude and serenity."


ACI No.1 // Ivan Ljubičić

Open. Sa svojim trenerima ja sam joj i mentor i menadžer“, kaže Ljubičić. Per aspera ad astra – tako bi se mogla sažeti i opisati njegova karijera, koja se razvijala i u ratnome izbjeglištvu, preranome odrastanju u inozemstvu i samostalnome probijanju kroz izuzetno kompetitivan teniski svijet u kojemu se u svibnju 2006. probio na 3. mjesto, što mu je bio i najbolji ranking karijere. Dvije godine ranije u paru s Mariom Ančićem na Olimpijskome turniru u Ateni osvojio je brončanu medalju. Možda najveći rezultat karijere ostvario je 2005. kao najbolji igrač hrvatske reprezentacije koja je osvojila Davis cup. Najveći uspjeh u pojedinačnome dijelu karijere osvajanje je turnira Masters serije 1000 u američkom Indian Wellsu 2010. godine, kad je u finalu pobijedio Andyja Roddicka. Uspjeh Ivana Ljubičića kombinacija je talenta, upornoga rada, odgovornosti, odricanja, podrške obitelji, životne jednostavnosti i prepoznavanja pravih vrijednosti. Njegova je životna realnost sudjelovanje u svjetskome teniskom cirkusu. Kao prvi do prvoga, mjesece provodi osmišljavajući nove teniske strategije i taktike, pomičući granice savršenstva još za korak… To je Ivan Ljubičić, tako velik, a opet tako normalan… 


Možda najveći rezultat karijere ostvario je 2005. kao najbolji igrač hrvatske reprezentacije koja je osvojila Davis cup. He achieved possibly the biggest success of his career in 2005, as the best player of the Croatian team that won the Davis Cup.

Games in Athens, when he was paired with Mario Ančić. He achieved possibly the biggest success of his career in 2005, as the best player of the Croatian team that won the Davis Cup. His greatest success in the individual part of his career is winning the tournament of the Masters 1000 series in Indian Wells in America in 2010, when he beat Andy Roddick in the final. Ivan Ljubičić’s success in a combination of talent, hard work, responsibility, sacrifice, family support, life simplicity and his recognizing true values. His life reality is participating in the global tennis circus. As the first next to the first, he spends months designing new tennis strategies and tactics, moving borders of perfection by yet another step… That is Ivan Ljubičić, so great, yet so normal… 

Photo: Denys Vinson



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ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor


ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografija / Photo by: HNK Rijeka arhiva / archives



„Tu u Opatiji ću se skrasiti. Ima li bolje kombinacije života od jadranskoga škampa, friško ulovljenoga i kupljenoga na opatijskoj peškariji, začinjenoga boteljkom dobroga vina“, reći će Kek dok smo razgovarali između jutarnjega treninga i popodnevne trening utakmice. Ozbiljan, do krajnjih granica posvećen nogometu, priznaje kako ipak pokušava pronaći ravnotežu u životu profesionalca u svijetu nogometa i običnoga, privatnoga života.

“I will settle here in Opatija. Is there any better combination of life than the Adriatic shrimp, freshly caught and bought at the Opatija fish market, seasoned with a bottle of good wine,” Kek says as we talk between his morning practice and afternoon practice game. Serious, dedicated to football to the ultimate limits, he admits that he is trying to find a balance between the life of a football professional and his regular, private life.

Kada je 2012. preuzeo nogometni klub Rijeku, predsjednik Damir Mišković proročanski je najavio: „Dajte mi pet godina i osvojit ćemo prvenstvo, po prvi put u povijesti ovoga prvoligaša.“ Tako je i bilo! Sezonu 2016./2017. obilježila je, štoviše, dvostruka kruna, prvenstvo i domaći kup, te kao nagrada, plasman u Europsku ligu. U svojoj petoj godini mandata, kroz koji su riječkim prvoligašom prošli deseci, ako ne i stotine igrača, od kojih su se neki snašli i pustili traga, a neki bili tek puki epizodisti, jedan je čovjek bio konstanta.

When he took over the football club Rijeka in 2012, president Damir Mišković announced, “Give me five years and we will win the championship, for the first time in the history of this first-league club.” That came to be! What is more, the 2016/2017 season was marked with a double crown, that is, the championship and the national cup and, as a reward, a place in the Europa League. In his fifth year there, a time when boys, if not hundreds of players went through the Rijeka club, some of which managed to succeed and grow roots, and some were there temporarily, one man was a constant.


ACI No.1 // Matjaž Kek

Primjenjujući svoj modus operandi i iskustvo uspješnoga vođenja slovenske nogometne reprezentacije i Maribora kao višestrukoga državnog prvaka, Rijeci je donio toliko potrebnu dozu profesionalizma... By applying his modus operandi and his experience of successfully managing the Slovenian football team and Maribor as a multiple state champion, he brought the much needed dose of professionalism...

Vizijom, znanjem i disciplinom do četiri titule u pet godina

Vision, knowledge and discipline to four titles in five years

Matjaž Kek, slovenski trener koji je u gradnju uspjeha HNK Rijeka utkao svoje znanje, iskustvo, viziju, kreaciju i željeznu disciplinu, svojim je pristupom osvojio Rijeku, Riječane i sav nogometni svijet. Ponekad napadan, osporavan i neshvaćen, Kek je uvijek bio veliki radnik i profesionalac. Primjenjujući svoj modus operandi i iskustvo uspješnoga vođenja slovenske nogometne reprezentacije i Maribora kao višestrukoga državnog prvaka, Rijeci je donio toliko potrebnu dozu profesionalizma i odgovornosti pa je upravo to, u kombinaciji s karizmatičnim Damirom Miškovićem, receptom nevjerojatnoga uspjeha. U pet godina osvojena su dva domaća kupa, superkup, naslov prvaka i sudjelovanje u tri Europske lige.

Matjaž Kek, a Slovenian football coach that wove his knowledge, experience, vision, creation and discipline of steel in the foundation of success of the CFC Rijeka, won Rijeka, the people of this city and football fans throughout the country over with his approach. Sometimes abrasive, disputed and misunderstood, Kek has always been a hard worker, a professional par excellence. By applying his modus operandi and his experience of successfully managing the Slovenian football team and Maribor as a multiple state champion, he brought the much needed dose of professionalism and responsibility to Rijeka and it is precisely that, in combination with the charismatic Damir Mišković, which proved to be the recipe for incredible success. In five years, they won two national cups, a super cup, the championship title and participated in three Europa Leagues.

Klupska samoodrživost Svoju profesionalnost i prilagodljivost, ali i poštivanje službene klupske politike Kek je pokazao kad se uspješno suočio s činjenicom da se nakon prve tri godine i stalnih financijskih ulaganja preko Damira Miškovića projekt morao transformirati. Kako? Proklamirana je sintagma „klupska samoodrživost“. U praksi je to značilo samo jedno – potroši koliko si zaradio i ni eura više. Da bi pak zaradio, klub je u svakome trenutku morao biti spreman prodati, a Kek se odreći najboljih igrača na kojima je prethodno temeljio igru i gradio momčad. Nogometne legionare, koji su sve radije dolazili u Rijeku znajući da će u tome klubu pod njegovim trenerskim vodstvom povećati svoju tržišnu vrijednost, uporno je i nanovo slagao uoči početka svake


Club self-sustainability Kek demonstrated his professionalism and adaptability, as well as his respect for official club policy when he successfully faced the fact that the project had to be transformed after the first three years and constant financial investments through Damir Mišković. But how? The phrase “club self-sustainability” was proclaimed. In practice, that meant only one thing – spend how much you’ve earned and not a euro more. However, in order to make money, the club had to be prepared to sell players at all time, and Kek had

ACI No.1 // Matjaž Kek

sezone, znajući, međutim, da će zbog prijelaznih rokova u kojima je klub morao dovoljno zaraditi kako bi mogao funkcionirati ostati bez ponekoga od njih. Iako je to za trenera najnezahvalnija pozicija, u kojoj samo jedno ispadanje cigle iz zida dovodi u pitanje stabilnost konstrukcije, Kek se, prije svega kao inteligentan čovjek, prilagodio i toj situaciji. Prihvatio je stvarnost da već nakon prvih nekoliko kola može izgubiti najboljega igrača, što mu se i događalo, ali i da ne smije dopustiti da se sustav uruši.

Karakterni igrači i fair play Slovenski je znalac našao formulu uspjeha – uporno je inzistirao na izboru prije svega karakternih igrača, koji su u sezoni 2016./2017. konačno stvorili kemiju međusobno odličnih odnosa, što je sve garnirano golemom podrškom navijača i cjelokupne riječke javnosti. U takvim okolnostima, s neponovljivom sinergijom i s Kekom kao jamcem uspjeha, konačno je srušen mit o nepobjedivosti zagrebačkoga Dinama. Kek je pomaknuo granice, za navijače Rijeke, koji su se počeli organizirati diljem Primorsko-goranske županije, ali i šire, postao je prvi i jedini, trener na tronu nepobjedivosti i besmrtnosti. Kao primus inter pares klupskoga vrha Kek je osvajanjem prvenstva i kupa spasio dignitet i vjerodostojnost hrvatskoga nogometa. Svojim djelom na najbolji je mogući način demonstrirao kvalitetu i požrtvovnost. Protivnike je mljeo na terenu, a ne trash govorom. Suparnicima je nakon što bi ih pobijedio otvoreno čestitao, nije se naslađivao njihovim porazima. Nokautiranoga protivnika nije gazio, trudio se sačuvati mu dostojanstvo. U pobjedama je znao ostati malen i ponizan, ne gromoglasan i bahat. Uveo je nove standarde ponašanja, fair play prije svega.

Opatija – drugi dom Na gostoprimstvo je Kek znao i uzvratiti – odlukom da se ovdje, u riječkome kraju, točnije u Opatiji, trajno naseli, neovisno o tome kamo će ga karijera dalje voditi. Zavolio je Rijeku i Opatiju, Riječane i Opatijce do te mjere da upravo ovdje nakon kraja karijere želi provoditi najviše vremena. Više nego u rodnome Mariboru ili Sukošanu u Dalmaciji, gdje također voli boraviti. „Tu u Opatiji ću se skrasiti. Ima li bolje kombinacije života od jadranskoga škampa, friško ulovljenoga i kupljenoga na opatijskoj peškariji, začinjenoga boteljkom dobroga vina“, reći će Kek dok smo razgovarali između jutarnjega treninga i popodnevne trening utakmice. Ozbiljan, do krajnjih granica posvećen nogometu, priznaje kako ipak pokušava pronaći ravnotežu u životu profesionalca u svijetu nogometa i običnoga, privatnoga života. „Nogomet mi je sve dao, ali nije mi nogomet sve u životu. Mislim, zahvaljujući nogometu, situiran sam, siguran, zadovoljan postignutim… No ima i drugih stvari, ispušnih ventila koji me sve više čine sretnim“, kaže Kek. Dok razgovaramo, ponaša se asketski: mala kava, jedna, nema druge i pretjerivanja. Među njegovim prstima nema cigarete. Pazi

to be willing to give up his best players, whom he had used before to build the game and his team. He kept piling football legionnaires at the start of each season, who gladly came to Rijeka, knowing they would increase their market value in the club under his guidance; knowing, however, that he would have to lose some of them due to the transfer windows in which the club had to earn enough money to be able to function. Even though that is the most ungrateful position for a coach in which the fall of just one brick from the wall jeopardizes the stability of the construction, Kek, as the intelligent man that he is, adjusted to that situation. He accepted the reality that he may lose his best player only after a few games, which has happened to him, but that he mustn’t allow the system to collapse.

Players of strong character and fair play The Slovenian expert found the formula of success – he tirelessly insisted on selecting players of strong character, who finally had great chemistry and formed excellent relationships in the 2016/2017 season, which was all decorated with huge support of their fans and the entire Rijeka public. In such circumstances, with the extraordinary synergy and with Kek as the guarantee of success, the myth of the invincibility of Dinamo from Zagreb was finally shattered. Kek pushed the limits for Rijeka fans, who started organizing throughout the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, and what is more, he became the first and the only coach on the throne of invincibility and immortality. As the primus inter pares of the club top, Kek saved the dignity and credibility of Croatian football by winning the championship and the cup. With his work, he demonstrated quality and sacrifice in the best possible way. He ground his opponents on the field, but not with trash talk. He would always openly congratulate his opponents after beating them; he did not take pleasure in their defeat. He would not tread on the knocked-out opponent; he tried to preserve their dignity. In victory, he knew how to stay small and humble, and not become forceful and arrogant. He introduced new standards of behavior, fair play above all.

Opatija – a second home Kek knew how to respond to hospitality – he decided to settle permanently here, near Rijeka, in Opatija, to be more exact, regardless of where his career will take him later on. He grew to love Rijeka and Opatija, and the people there, so much, that it is precisely here where he wants to settle at the end of his career. He wants that more than settling in his hometown of Maribor, or Sukošan in Dalmacija, where he also likes spending time. “I will settle here in Opatija. Is there any better combination of life than the Adriatic shrimp, freshly caught and bought at the Opatija fish market, seasoned with a bottle of good wine,” says Kek as we talk between his morning practice and afternoon practice game. Serious, dedicated to football to the ultimate limits, he admits that 91

ACI No.1 // Matjaž Kek

Puno se troši, na nesigurnim trenerskim klupama živci brzo stradavaju, stres je velik, očekivanja vlasnika klubova i navijača golema. Kek se pak zna i može s time nositi. He spends a lot of energy working, nerves are the first to go on tumultuous coach benches, stress levels are high, expectations of club owners and fans huge. However, Kek knows he can handle that.

he is trying to find a balance between the life of a football professional and his regular, private life. “Football gave me everything, but football is not everything in my life. I mean, thanks to football, I’m well off, safe, satisfied with what I’ve achieved… However, there are other things, ‘exhaust valves’ which make me happier and happier,” says Kek. While we talk, he behaves in an ascetic way: a tiny cup coffee, just one, there is nothing more, no excess. There is no cigarette between his fingers. He looks after his health. He spends a lot of energy working, nerves are the first to go on tumultuous coach benches, stress levels are high, expectations of club owners and fans huge. However, Kek knows he can handle that.

By bicycle to Učka na zdravlje. Puno se troši, na nesigurnim trenerskim klupama živci brzo stradavaju, stres je velik, očekivanja vlasnika klubova i navijača golema. Kek se pak zna i može s time nositi.

Biciklom na Učku „Kad imam slobodan dan, uzmem bicikl i krenem prema Učki. Kakav je to uspon! Nevjerojatno! Onda dođem do Veprinca, do crkvice. Sjednem. I gledam. Panorama Opatije i Liburnije. Veličanstven pogled. Eto, to me opušta. Penjem se ili iz Opatije pa preko Matulja, iako je tom trasom previše buke i prometa, ili, možda malo češće, iz Ičića pa preko Poljana do Veprinca. Te serpentine koje vode uzbrdo velik su izazov. To mi je gušt – ta uzbrdica i stalna borba. Izazov koji prihvaćam. To je bitka protiv prirode i samoga sebe. Bicikliranje je muka, nema stajanja, stalno moraš vrtjeti pedale. Da nekamo dođeš, do nekoga cilja koji si izabrao, moraš se goniti naprijed. Vozeći jednom tako po uzbrdici, jedna me žena na biciklu tako prošla… Uh, ne mogu to opisati! Kao da je imala motor, a ja stojim… I stao sam, popio gutljaj vode i potjerao sam sebe: ‘Ajde, Kek, možeš ti to!’ Nisam je više nikad vidio. Pobjegla je! U listopadu i studenome volim voziti od Opatije prema Brseču, cestom uz more, preko kojega je u daljini Krk, a sasvim blizu Cres. Bicikliranje je vrijeme u kojemu se posvećujem samomu sebi. E da, planiram i bavljenje boksom. Vjerujem da tu mogu izbaciti stres. Sve više zanima me i hodanje. Time se planiram više baviti. Što god radio, ne gledam na sat. Sve radim po osjećaju“, kaže Kek. Trener hrvatskih nogometnih prvaka čovjek je koji svojim načinom rada i funkcioniranjem izlazi iz stereotipa o nogometašima, trenerima i nogometu. Intelektualac, ljubitelj džeza, dobroga vina, pa ne čudi da prijateljuje s ponajboljim slovenskim vinarima. To je njegov modus vivendi: s jedne strane kombinacija teškoga i mukotrpnoga rada, sportskih, natjecateljskih dokazivanja i uspjeha, a s druge strane slušanje pametne, odmjerene glazbe… No kako je Kek, koji je kao kralj Mida – što rukom takne, pozlati, za što mu klupska blagajna i Mišković mogu spomenik podignuti, krenuo u nogomet? „Sjećam se prvoga nogometnog ugovora s Mariborom i plaće. Bio sam srednjoškolac, gimnazijalac. Kupio sam tada kultni motor To92

“When I have a day off, I take my bicycle and set off towards Učka. What a climb that is! Incredible! Then I come to Veprinac, to a small church. I sit down. And I watch. The skyline of Opatija and Liburnija. A magnificent view. There, that is what relaxes me. I climb either from Opatija over Matulji, even there is too much noise and traffic on that route; or, perhaps a bit more often, from Ičići and through Poljane to Veprinac. Those serpentine roads that lead up the hill are a great challenge. I take pleasure in that – the climb and the constant struggle. The challenge I accept. That is a battle against nature and myself. Riding a bicycle is torturous, you can never stop, you have to keep pedaling constantly. To get somewhere, to a certain goal you’ve chosen, you have to push yourself forward. While driving uphill one time, a woman passed me on her bicycle… Ugh, I cannot describe it! It’s like she had a motorcycle, and I was standing still… So I stopped, had a sip of water and pushed myself. ‘Come on, Kek, you can do it!’ But I never saw her again. She fled! I like to ride from Opatija to Brseč in October and November; I take the road next to the sea. There is Krk in my line of sight, and Cres is quite near. Cycling is a time I take for myself. Oh, and I plan to do boxing. I believe I can release my stress there. I am becoming increasingly interested in walking. I plan to do that more. Whatever I do, I do not look at the time. I do everything by feeling,” says Kek. The coach of Croatian football champions, the man who crosses the boundaries of stereotypes on football players, managers and football, with his approach to work. An intellectual, jazz and good wine lover, it is not surprising that he is friends with the best Slovenian winemakers. That is his modus vivendi: a combination of hard and arduous labor, sports, competitive achievements and success on the one side, and listening to smart, relaxed music on the other… However, how did Kek, who is like king Midas – whatever he touches, he turns into the gold (which is something for which the club budget and Mišković should build him a monument) – start his football career? “I remember my first football contract with Maribor and my salary. I was in high school. I bought the cult motorcycle Tomos 4 then, a small automatic; I bought a gramophone with speakers and my first record, one by Bob Marley. Oh, yes, and I took my class to a pastry shop.”

ACI No.1 // Matjaž Kek

Kek je hedonist, ali umjeren, nepretenciozan, stvari radi s mjerom i razumijevanjem. Oblik hedonizma koji on preferira jest filozofija i način života. Kek is a hedonist, but a moderate one, unpretentious; he does things with understanding and measure. A form of hedonism he prefers is a philosophy and a way of life.

mos 4, mali automatik, kupio sam gramofon sa zvučnicima i svoju prvu ploču, onu Boba Marleyja. E da, i odveo sam razred u slastičarnicu na kolače.

Trenerski put Igrati tada za Maribor predstavljalo je statusni uspjeh, a nešto se i zaradilo. Rano sam shvatio da će nogomet biti moj život. U jednome trenutku malo sam mu se previše posvetio, skupio stotine (ne)opravdanih izostanaka pa sam pao prvi razred klasične gimnazije koju sam izabrao jer je bila najbliže stadionu Ljudski vrt. To je bio moj ključni kriterij kod odabira škole. No kad sam pao razred, otac me autoritativno posjeo nasuprot sebi i u jako ozbiljnome razgovoru objasnio mi neke stvari oko mojih obveza i života… Poslije sam završio učiteljsku akademiju i postao profesor tjelesnoga odgoja. Stekao sam i najviše trenersko zvanje, UEFA pro licencu“, prepričao nam je Kek svoje početke. Uslijedile su godine igranja u slovenskoj i austrijskoj prvoj ligi, pa trenerski posao u Mariboru, osvajanje naslova prvaka, uspješno vođenje slovenske nogometne reprezentacije na Svjetskome prvenstvu u Južnoafričkoj Republici i kratkotrajna trenerska avantura u Saudijskoj Arabiji. I onda se dogodila Rijeka. No ondašnja, u koju je on došao, nema veze s Rijekom sada. „Nismo imali normalne uvjete za treninge, seljakali smo se po igralištima regije, sat, dva prije treninga sjeli bismo u aute i krenuli u nepoznato. Čekali smo da menadžer tima javi kamo poći. S obzirom na to da nisam rob ustaljenih pravila, prilagođavao sam se situaciji. Maltretirao sam sve

Coach to manager road “To play for Maribor then meant success, and there was something to be earned still. I realized early that football will be my life. At one point, I dedicated myself to it too much, managed to get hundreds of (un)justified absences and failed the class of the high school I chose just because it was closest to the Ljudski vrt stadium. That was my key criterion in choosing schools. However, when I flunked, my father sat me down and explained to me some things regarding my obligations and life… After that, I completed the Teaching Academy and became a physical education teacher. I also acquired the highest coach title, the UEFA pro license,” says Kek about his beginnings. Years of playing in the Slovenian and Austrian first league followed, then the coach job in Maribor, winning the championship title, successful management of the Slovenian football team to the World Championship in the South African Republic and a brief manager adventure in Saudi Arabia. And then Rijeka happened. However, the Rijeka club back then, when he arrived, has nothing to do with the club now. “We did not have normal practice conditions, we used to move across the fields in the region; an hour or two before practice, we would sit in our cars and travel towards the unknown. We would wait for the manager to tell us where to go. Since I am not a stickler for routine, I adjusted to the situation. I harassed everyone around me for everything, keeping the tension at high levels constantly; I asked a lot to get what was realistically possible. Those were the first, romantic years in Rijeka. After, when we got the modern 93

ACI No.1 // Matjaž Kek

oko sebe za sve živo, stalno sam držao napetost, tražio sam puno da bih dobio realno moguće. To su prve, romantičarske godine u Rijeci. Poslije, kad smo dobili najmoderniji trening kamp, sve je bilo puno lakše. Imao sam svoj sustav rada, unaprijed pripremljene treninge i analize, tako da gotovo ništa ne prepuštam slučaju. Trening je osnova svega, a ja sam u Rijeci svakoga dana sve više razmišljao o igri, tehnici, taktici… Uspjeh je došao u godinama nakon toga.“

Džez i vino Matjaž Kek ima još dvije strasti. Džez i vina. Hedonist je u najpozitivnijemu smislu. Voli uživati u njemu važnim stvarima. Ali ne pretjeruje, nema tu pompoznosti. Stječe se dojam da je džez njegova životna priča, izbor, opredjeljenje, zadovoljstvo i filozofija života. Kao i u životu, tako i u džezu postoje neka pravila, a nakon toga slijedi, dopušta se ili se naprosto podrazumijeva – improvizacija i kreacija. „Džez sam otkrio jako rano, s frendovima. Doživljavam ga na svoj način, u tome sam izgradio neku svoju priču. S vremenom, postupno, džez me sve više uzimao da bi me u potpunosti i preuzeo. Što, naravno, ne znači da neću poslušati i drugu muziku. Mislim da je upravo prošlo 35 godina od mojega prvog koncerta u Mariboru. Pobornik sam džeza Milesa Davisa i Dizzyja Gillespieja. Oboje su američki džez trubači i improvizatori. Volim jake ženske vokale Carmen McRae i Billie Holiday“, kaže Kek. Muzika ne da mu nije strana već mu je toliko bliska i toliko je u njoj da je ženi kod adaptacije stana otvoreno poručio da itekako vodi računa o njegovu muzičkome kutku. Kek, naime, ima oko 12 tisuća nosača zvuka. „Za pohranjivanje muzike koristim se svim naprednim i modernim tehnologijama, no gramofon je gramofon, onaj osjećaj kad rastežeš i spajaš žice, slažeš zvučnike. Volim ono pucketanje kad staviš iglu na staru ploču kupljenu prije više od trideset godina. Ploče koje sam tada kupovao i danas bi bile ekstra zanimljive“, kaže Kek koji će poslušati i Paula Simona, i Dire Straitse, i Gibonnija. Kek je hedonist, ali umjeren, nepretenciozan, stvari radi s mjerom i razumijevanjem. Oblik hedonizma koji on preferira jest filozofija i način života. Uz zahtjevan i iscrpljujući trenerski posao Kek pronađe vremena i volje uživati u životu i njegovoj ponudi, posebno kad se radi o gastronomiji i vinima. Vina su s vremenom postala izazov i strast, opuštanje. „Preferiram sva dobra vina. Neki su mi vinari prijatelji pa često imam prilike kušati nova vina, istraživati. Ne volim se orijentirati samo na crno ili bijelo vino. Više mi odgovara što je vino prirodnije i jednostavnije, što je okus izravniji. No volim znati sve o vinu koje pijem. A kad popijem jednu čašu koja traži i drugu, onda to znači da me to vino zanima. Moj veliki prijatelj, nažalost pokojni Stanko Radikov, vrhunski slovenski vinar, jedan je od pionira maceriranih vina. On mi je satima pričao o vinima i širio horizonte. To je bila nevjerojatna privilegija. Drugačije gledaš na vina kad te takav znalac provede kroz svoje podrume i konzumaciju pa prepoznavanje vina oplemeni znanjima o tome. Tu je i Joško Gravner, pa Marijan Simčić, koji je ‘razmrdao’ vinsku kulturu, volim Tomca. Meni je vino užitak, ispušni ventil od nogometa, način smanjenja stresa, o vinu se volim zapričati, kao i o dobroj hrani. Kažem ženi: ‘Ja ću pripremiti ribu, a ti izaberi vino…’“ Matjaž Kek, čovjek koji pomiče granice, netipični nogometni trener… 


training camp, everything was much easier. I had my system of work, prepared practices and analyses, so I almost never leave anything to chance. Practice is the basis of everything, and I thought about the game, the technique, the tactics in Rijeka more with each passing day… Success came years after that.”

Jazz and wine Matjaž Kek has two other passions. Jazz and wine. He is a hedonist in the most positive sense. He likes enjoying things that are important to him.. But he does not exaggerate, there is no pompousness there. We get the idea that jazz is his life story, choice, preference, satisfaction and the philosophy of life. As in life, there are some rules in jazz and after, what comes, what is allowed or what goes without saying is – improvisation and creation. “I discovered jazz quite early, with my friends. I perceive it in my personal way; I built some kind of my story in that. In time, gradually, jazz took over more and more, until it took over completely. Which, of course, does not mean that I will not listen to other types of music. I think that the 35-year anniversary since my first concert in Maribor just passed. I am a fan of Miles Davis and Dizzy Gillespie. They both are American jazz trumpet players and improvisers. I love the strong female vocals of Carmen McRae and Billie Holiday,” says Kek. Music is not foreign to him, it is so close and he is so engrossed that he openly told his wife, when they were renovating the apartment, that she needs to take care of his music corner. Namely, Kek has about 12 thousand records. “I use all state-of-the-art and modern technologies to store music, but a record player is a record player. The feeling when you stretch and fuse wires while making speakers. I love the crackle when you put the needle on an old record that was bought more than thirty years ago. The records I bought then would be super interesting even today,” says Kek, who claims he will also listen to Paul Simon, the Dire Straits and Gibonni. Kek is a hedonist, but a moderate one, unpretentious; he does things with understanding and measure. A form of hedonism he prefers is a philosophy and a way of life. With his demanding and exhausting coaching job, Kek finds the time and will to enjoy life and its offer, especially when it comes to gastronomy and wine. Wine has become a challenge and passion in time, a repose. “I prefer all good wines. Some of my friends are winemakers, so I often have the opportunity to taste new wines, to explore. I do not like to strictly stick to red or white wine. I prefer a natural and simple wine, a more direct taste. I do not like knowing everything about the wine I’m drinking. And when I drink one glass, which later asks for another, that means I am interested in that wine. My great friend, the late Stanko Radikov, top Slovenian winemaker, is one of the pioneers of macerated wines. He used to tell me about wines and broaden my horizons for hours. That was an incredible privilege. You see wines differently when such an expert takes you through his cellars and through the process of consummation, and ennobles recognizing wines with knowledge. There is Joško Gravner, then Marijan Simčić, who ‘shook up’ the wine culture, I like Tomac. Wine is pleasure for me, a stress relief from football, a way for the stress to be reduced. I like to talk about wine, just like I like to talk about good food. I tell my wife: ‘I will prepare the fish, and you pick the wine…’” Matjaž Kek, the man who pushes the limits, an untypical football coach and manager… 



30.000 COPIES


ACI marina ACI marina - Dobitnik priznanja 2017. / Award winner 2017 ACI sidrište / anchorage ACI Golf Range Tesla Destination Charging Zračna luka / Airport


ACI MARINE / ACI MARINAS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ACI Umag ACI Rovinj ACI Pula ACI Pomer ACI Opatija ACI Cres ACI Supetarska Draga ACI Rab

9 10 11 12 13 14

ACI Šimuni ACI Žut + sidrište/anchorage Žut ACI Piškera ACI Jezera ACI Vodice ACI Skradin + sidrište/anchorage Vozarica


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

ACI Trogir ACI Split ACI Milna ACI Vrboska ACI Palmižana ACI Korčula ACI Slano ACI Dubrovnik

SADRŽAJI U MARINAMA - LEGENDA / MARINAS' AMENITIES - LEGEND Recepcija s mjenjačnicom / Reception with exchange office Sanitarije prilagođene osobama s posebnim potrebama / Toilet and shower facilities with a section for persons with disabilities Restaurant / Bistro / Caffe bar Trgovina prehrambenim namirnicama / Grocery store Praonica rublja / Launderette Bankomat / ATM Parkiralište / Car park Navoz / Slipway Besplatan WI-FI / Free WI-FI Internet access Bazen / Swiming pool

Dječje igralište / Children's playground Sanitarije / Toilet and shower facilities

Samohodna dizalica / Travel lift Dizalica / Crane

Apartmani / Apartments

Tesla Universal Destination charge

Sidrište / Anchorage

Tesla Only Destination Charge

Lučka kapetanija / Harbourmaster´s office Iznajmljivanje brodova (charter) / Charter agencies Iznajmljivanje automobila / Rent-a-car Iznajmljivanje bicikla / Rent-a-bike Iznajmljivanje motorkotača / Rent-a-scooter

Golf vježbalište / Golf range

Ronilački centar / Diving center Benzinska crpka / Fuel station

Škola jedrenja / Nautical Academy Carina / Customs Fitness centar / Fitness center Wellness centar / Wellness center Tehnički servis plovila / Maintenance and repair shop

ACI MARINA UMAG Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic

98 ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

ACI Umag 

Šetalište Vladimira Gortana 7, 52470 Umag

45° 26,02’ N 13° 31,00’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 52 741 066  Fax: +385 (0) 52 741 166

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 833

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Umag je grad na sjeveru Istarskoga poluotoka koji od pamtivijeka živi od i zbog turizma. Već su antički Rimljani ovamo slali svoje vojnike na oporavak i „punjenje baterija“. U okolici Umaga mnogo je vinskih cesta, na kojima vinograde imaju najpoznatiji hrvatski vinari pa se izlet nekom od tih cesta višestruko isplati. Umag i njegova neposredna okolica dom su nekima od najboljih restorana, konoba i vinarija, koji se ubrajaju u sam vrh istarske i hrvatske gastronomske i enološke scene. Zahvaljujući iznimnoj tradiciji sportskoga i rekreacijskoga turizma, Umag se smatra sportskom prijestolnicom Istre pa svojim posjetiteljima omogućuje bavljenje nizom sportskih aktivnosti. Za one koji se žele posebno opustiti okruženi prekrasnom prirodom na udaljenosti od otprilike 10 km sjeverno od ACI marine nalazi se ekskluzivni golf teren s 18 rupa. Posebna, sad već tradicionalna atrakcija jest i teniski turnir ATP Umag, koji se svake godine održava u sklopu teniskoga kompleksa Stella Maris. ACI marina Umag smještena je u sjevernome dijelu gradske luke i pruža vrhunsku udobnost nautičarima. ACI marina Umag svojom poslovnom orijentacijom i kapacitetima za plovila do 60 m dužine nudi sve što nautičari danas trebaju za ugodan boravak i brigu o svojim plovilima. ACI marina Umag osvajač je priznanja „Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku” i ponosni nositelj Plave zastave. Umag is a town on the northwestern coast of Istria which has been living for and from tourism from time immemorial. The ancient Romans sent their soldiers to recuperate and “recharge their batteries” here. There are many wine roads near Umag, home of the vineyards of the most famous Croatian winemakers; therefore, taking a trip down one of those roads will certainly pay off in many ways. Umag and its surroundings are the home of some of the best restaurants, taverns and wineries from the top echelons of the Istrian and Croatian culinary and wine scene. Thanks to the exceptional tradition of sports and recreational tourism, Umag is also considered the sports capital of Istria, providing a number of sports activities for its visitors. For those who wish to relax surrounded by divine nature, an exclusive golf course with 18 holes is located about 10 km north of the ACI marina. A special, and now traditional attraction is the ATP Croatia Open Umag, held every year at the Stella Maris tennis complex. ACI marina Umag is located in the north part of the city port and it offers superb comfort to sailors. It is open all year round and it offers everything sailors need today for a pleasant stay and care for their vessels with its business orientation and capacities for vessels up to 60m long. ACI marina Umag has won the “Tourism Flower – Quality for Croatia” award and it is the proud winner of the Blue Flag.

ACI marina Umag Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:

475 40

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:

125 A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 

Pula, Trst / Trieste, Ljubljana E751

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 100t, 50t

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 0,11nm

Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula ispostava Umag / branch office Umag 

tel/fax: +385 (0) 52 741 662

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, MK-1, MK-2, Plan 11


ACI Rovinj 

Šetalište Vijeća Europe 1, 52210 Rovinj

45°04,06’ N 13°38,04’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 52 813 133  Fax: +385 (0) 52 842 366

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 836

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Rovinj je još 1963. godine proglašen gradom spomenikom. Poznat je kao grad ljubavi i romantike; grad umjetnika, koji ga vole osobito ljeti, kada se njegove ulice pretvaraju u umjetničke galerije na otvorenome. Grad je to renesansno-baroknih palača. Rovinj su i batane, tipične barke ravnoga dna, koje je prepoznao i zaštitio UNESCO. Jednom riječju, Rovinj je turističko središte s brojnim hotelima u gradu, na otočićima ispred gradske luke ili u okolici. ACI marina Rovinj smještena je na jugoistočnoj strani gradske luke, odakle je najljepši pogled na staru gradsku jezgru i crkvu Sv. Eufemije te na otok Sv. Katarinu. Već je pune 34 godine sastavni dio prelijepe vizure grada. ACI marina Rovinj od samoga je početka svojim izgledom, položajem i sadržajem bila u vrhu mediteranskih nautičkih odredišta za brojne nautičare i njihove brodove, a to namjerava i ostati. Godine 2017. započeta je cjelovita rekonstrukcija morskoga i kopnenoga dijela marine. Nova ACI marina Rovinj bit će suvremena marina vrhunskoga dizajna s najnovijim tehnološkim rješenjima, sa svim uslugama najvišega standarda u svjetskome nautičkom turizmu. Nova marina imat će ukupno 192 veza za brodove prosječne duljine 17 metara. Objedinjavat će sve tehničke i uslužne servise te biti najmodernija nautička one stop shop destinacija. ACI marina i novi Maistrin hotel Park, dizajnom i razinom kategorizacije potpuno komplementaran novoj marini, svojim će sadržajima i šetnicom koju dijele donijeti gradu novu dimenziju. It was in 1963 that Rovinj was declared a monument of culture. Known as the city of love and romance; a city of artists, who especially love it in the summer, when its streets turn into open art galleries. It is a city of renaissance-baroque palaces. Rovinj is also reflected in batanas, typical flat bottom vessels, recognized and protected by UNESCO. In one word, Rovinj is a tourist pearl with numerous hotels in the city and islands in front of the city port or nearby. ACI marina Rovinj is located on the southeastern side of the city port, the site of the best view of the old city center and the Church of St. Euphemia, as well as the island of St. Catherine. It has been the central part of the beautiful landscape of the city for 34 years. With its appearance, position and content, ACI marina Rovinj has been at the top of Mediterranean nautical destinations for numerous sailors and their boats since the very beginning, and it intends to stay that way. In 2017, an all-encompassing reconstruction of the sea and land part of the marina started. The new ACI marina in Rovinj will be a modern marina of superior design with the latest technological solutions and with all the services of the highest standards in global nautical tourism. The new marina will have a total of 192 moorings or berths for boats of average length of 18 meters. It will bring together all the technical and support services and it will be the most modern nautical one stop shop destination.  Through its content and promenade that they share, the ACI marina and the new Maistra’s Hotel Park, with its design and level of categorization, will bring a whole new dimension to the city.


ACI marina Rovinj Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports


Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:

125 A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 

Pula, Trst / Trieste, Ljubljana E751

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 0,5nm

Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula ispostava Rovinj/ branch office Rovinj 

tel/fax: +385 (0) 52 811 132

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, 100-16, MK-2, MK-3, Plan 11


Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


ACI MARINA PULA Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic

102 ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

ACI Pula 

Riva 1, 52100 Pula

44°52,6’ N 13°50’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 52 219 142  Fax: +385 (0) 52 211 850

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 837

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Pula je grad na istočnoj obali Jadrana s najviše Rima u sebi. Zapadnije od Foruma, na mjestu gdje se danas nalazi ACI marina, bila je rimska luka, a uz luku i danas stoji ne najveći, ali svakako jedan od najbolje sačuvanih rimskih amfiteatara – pulska Arena. Arena je i danas pozornica spektakularnih događanja, filmskih i glazbenih, ali i sportskih natjecanja. Pulu oplemenjuju i brojni drugi povijesni spomenici: Herkulova vrata, ostaci gradskih bedema, ranokršćanske crkve, Jupiterov hram na Forumu... Ukratko, Pula je danas grad alternativne umjetnosti sa skladno ukomponiranim povijesnim elementima u tkivo modernoga industrijskog, ali i turističkog grada. National Geographic Traveler Pulu je svrstao među deset najatraktivnijih turističkih destinacija na svijetu. U neposrednoj blizini Pule nalazi se otočje Brijuni, nekad jedno od najprestižnijih ljetovališta, koje su za svoj odmor birali carevi, predsjednici, svjetski vođe i zvijezde zlatnoga doba Hollywooda. Pula je tisućljetno središte i vrata Istre, jedno od idealnih polazišta za istraživanje prirodnoga, kulturnoga i gastronomskoga bogatstva toga poluotoka, koji često opisuju kao nedirnutu, čistu verziju Toskane. ACI marina Pula prava je gradska marina, smještena u samome srcu Pule i ujedno jedina marina na Mediteranu koja pruža jedinstven pogled na rimski amfiteatar.

ACI marina Pula Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Priključci struje / Power connections:

125 A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 

Pula, Trst / Trieste, Ljubljana E751

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Pula is a city on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea that most resembles Rome. A Roman harbor used to be to the west of the Forum, where the ACI marina is located today. Not the largest, but certainly one of the best preserved Roman amphitheaters in the world – the Pula Arena is located next to the harbor. The Arena continues to be the stage of spectacular film and music events, as well as sports competitions. Pula is adorned by numerous other historical monuments: the Gate of Hercules, remnants of city walls, an Early Christian church, the Temple of Jupiter on the Forum… In brief, Pula today is a city of alternative art with historical elements coherently incorporated in the tissue of the modern industrial and tourist city. National Geographic Traveler included Pula among the ten most attractive tourist destinations in the world. The Brijuni Islands, once among the most prestigious summer resorts visited by emperors, presidents, world leaders and stars of Hollywood’s golden age, are in the immediate vicinity of Pula. For thousands of years, Pula has been both a center of Istria and a gateway to it, one of the ideal starting points for an exploration of natural, cultural and culinary riches of the peninsula that is often described as an untouched, pristine version of Tuscany. ACI marina Pula is a true city marina, located at the very heart of Pula. Also, it is the only marina on the Mediterranean that offers a unique view of the Roman amphitheater.

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula 

tel/fax: +385 (0) 52 222 037

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-16, 50-3, MK-3

103 103

ACI Pomer 

Pomer 26 A, 52100 Pula

44°49’ N 13°54’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 52 573 162  Fax: +385 (0) 52 573 266

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 832

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

ACI marina Pomer Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports

Fascinantna priroda Istre ovdje će vas očarati u svoj svojoj punini – more, vjetar i čista priroda pomoći će vam da se oslobodite svih briga i napetosti. Privlačnost Pomera prepoznali su još stari Rimljani, koji su tamo gradili svoje kuće za odmor. Stari ribarski gradić bit će idealno utočište svima koji traže netaknuti Mediteran te njegove ekološke i gastronomske užitke. Ovdje se i danas nastavlja antička tradicija uzgoja ribe i školjaka, pa nautičari u Pomeru ne propuštaju uživati u vrhunskim morskim delicijama pripremljenima prema recepturama starima i do tisuću godina. ACI marina Pomer smještena je u najdubljemu dijelu Medulinskoga zaljeva. Godine 2016. dovršen je cjelovit kapitalni pothvat u marini. Uklonjeni su stari objekti marine i sagrađen je potpuno novi kopneni dio. Sada je ACI Pomer suvremena marina mediteranske vizure okružena lijepim plažama, otocima i prirodom, posebno pogodna kao polazište za krstarenja prema jugu.

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Pula, Trst / Trieste, Krk, Venecija / Venice, Ljubljana 

Istria’s fascinating nature will mesmerize you – the sea, the wind and untouched nature will help you release all worries and tension. The attraction of Pomer was recognized by ancient Romans, who built their country homes there. This old fishing village will be an ideal haven for all those searching for the unspoilt Mediterranean and its natural and culinary delights. The ancient tradition of fish and shell farming is still practiced here, and boaters who come to Pomer never miss the opportunity to savor superb seafood dishes, prepared according to recipes that date back as much as a thousand years. ACI marina Pomer is located in the deepest part of Medulin Bay. In the 2016, a comprehensive capital undertaking was completed. The old buildings of the marina were removed and a completely new land part was built. The Marina is open throughout the year and it offers 294 wet berths and 30 dry berths. Now, ACI Pomer is a modern marina with a Mediterranean feel, surrounded by beautiful beaches, islands and nature, especially suitable as a starting point for cruising towards the south.



Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 30t

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 11nm

Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula 

tel/fax: +385 (0) 52 222 037

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-16, 50-3, MK-3, MK-4


ACI MARINA POMER Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic



Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic

106 ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

ACI Opatija 

Liburnijska cesta 7 A , 51414 Ičići

45°19,0’ N 14°17,7’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 51 704 004  Fax: +385 (0) 51 704 024

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 840

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

ACI marina Opatija Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports

Opatija je jedna od kolijevki turizma na hrvatskome Jadranu i s pravom se naziva Biser Mora. Prvi opatijski hotel dovršen je 1884. godine, a postoji i danas pod istim imenom – Kvarner. Do kraja 19. stoljeća Opatija je postala mondena turistička destinacija u kojoj su ljetovali Habsburzi i okrunjene glave Rumunjske, Švedske, Norveške; Čehov, Mahler, Isadora Duncan… Ugodne šetnje duž dvanaest kilometara čuvene šetnice poznate kao Lungomare, užitak u glazbenim večerima, prepuštanje zadovoljstvu u modernim i vrhunski opremljenim wellness & spa centrima, sve do provoda u noćnim klubovima čine Opatiju destinacijom kao stvorenom za odmor, užitak i razonodu. ACI marina Opatija smještena je u mjestu Ičići nedaleko od Opatije, dovoljno blizu gradu sa svim sadržajima koje on nudi, a opet na pristojnoj udaljenosti za uživanje u miru i sigurnosti ACI marine s velikom plažom u neposrednoj blizini. Marina Opatija jedna je od deset ACI marina nagrađenih prestižnom nagradom Plava zastava.

Opatija is one of the cradles of tourism on Croatia’s Adriatic Sea and it is rightfully called the Pearl of the Sea. The first hotel in Opatija was finished in 1884, and it is still open today under the same name – Kvarner. By the end of the 19th century, Opatija became a trendy tourist destination where the Habsburgs and crowned heads of Romania, Sweden, Norway, as well as Chekhov, Mahler, Isadora Duncan and many more spent their summers. Pleasant walks along the twelve kilometers of the famous promenade known as Lungomare, enjoying music nights, giving in to pleasure in modern and supreme wellness & spa centers, including partying in night clubs, make Opatija a destination made for rest, pleasure and entertainment. ACI marina Opatija is located in the town of Ičići, not far from Opatija. It is sufficiently close to the town with all the contents it offers, while, at the same time, being at a decent distance to enjoy the peace and safety of the ACI marina with a great beach nearby. Marina Opatija is one of ten ACI marinas rewarded with the prestigious award Blue Flag.

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:

283 35

Priključci struje / Power connections:

125 A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 

Rijeka, Zagreb, Pula, Trst, Ljubljana A6, A7, E65, E71, E751

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 15t

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 2nm


Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka ispostava Opatija/ branch office Opatija 

tel/fax: +385 (0) 51 711 249

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:  Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, 50-4, MK-5 107 107

ACI Cres 

Obala sv. Benedikta 3, 51557 Cres

44°57’ N 14°24’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 51 571 622  Fax: +385 (0) 51 571 125

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 839

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Grad Cres pravi je biser okružen stablima masline, a ujedno i rodno mjesto jednoga od najvećih svjetskih filozofa renesanse Franje Petrića – Francisiusa Patriciusa. Na mjestu današnjega grada Cresa nalazila se u prapovijesti gradina, kasnije antička utvrda (Crepsa). Do dolaska Hrvata Cres je nastanjen Liburnima, ali postoje i tragovi grčke, rimske i bizantske nazočnosti. Sve je ovdje izvorno, prirodno, netaknuto. Takav je cijeli otok Cres. Šume hrasta i kestena na Tramuntani kao i djevičanski gradić Beli na sjevernoj strani otoka rezervat su bjeloglavih supova, zaštićene vrste ptica u Hrvatskoj, što je prizor koji ne smijete propustite ako posjetite taj prekrasan otok. ACI marina Cres, lijepa i velika marina s brojnim sadržajima i osvajač brojnih priznanja, smještena je tek nekoliko minuta hoda od centra Cresa. U akciji „Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku“ ACI marina Cres osvojila je 2009. i 2010. godine drugo mjesto u izboru najbolje marine na Jadranu. U 2011. godini proglašena je najboljom marinom u kategoriji više od 450 vezova, dok je 2013. nagrađena Priznanjem za 3. mjesto u kategoriji Najbolje velike marine na Jadranu. Marina je i ponosna nositeljica Plave zastave. U akciji „Nautička patrola“ Jutarnjega lista u 2017. godini ACI marina Cres proglašena je najdražom marinom po izboru nautičara.

The town of Cres is a true pearl surrounded by olive trees, and it is also the birthplace of one of the greatest philosophers of the Renaissance, Franjo Petrić – Francisius Patricius. In prehistoric times, a fort stood right where the town of Cres is located today. Later, it became the ancient fortress Crepsa. Until Croats came, Cres was inhabited by Liburnians, but there are traces of Greek, Roman and Byzantine presence. Everything here is original, natural, untouched. That is the entire island of Cres. Oak and chestnut forests in Tramuntana, as well as the virginal town Beli on the northern side of the island are a natural reserve of the griffon vulture, a protected species of birds in Croatia, which is a sight you mustn’t pass if you visit that gorgeous island. ACI marina Cres, a beautiful and large marina with numerous contents and winner of various awards, is located just a few minutes on foot from the center of Cres. ACI marina Cres has been awarded the prize “Tourist Flower – Quality for Croatia” for the second place in 2009 and 2010 for the category of the best marina on the Adriatic. In 2011, it was declared the best marina in the category over 450 berths, while in 2013 it was awarded the prize for the third place in the same category. The marina is also the proud winner of the Blue Flag. The “Nautical Patrol” of Jutarnji list declared ACI marina Cres the dearest marina according to sailors’ choice in 2017.


ACI marina Cres Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports


Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

  

Rijeka, Zagreb, Pula, Trst, Ljubljana A6, A7, E65, E71, E751 Rijeka – Cres, Brestova – Porozina, Valbiska – Merag

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 80t


Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka ispostava Cres / branch office Cres 

tel/fax: +385 (0) 51 571 111

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-16, 100-18, 50-3, Plan 20

ACI MARINA CRES Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


ACI MARINA SUPETARSKA DRAGA Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic

110 ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

ACI Supetarska Draga 

Supetarska Draga, 51280 Rab

44°48,2’ N 14°43,8’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 51 776 268  Fax: +385 (0) 51 776 222

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 841

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Otok Rab svoje ime duguje Ilirima, stanovnicima istočne obale Jadrana koje su pokorili Rimljani. Iliri su otok zvali Arbe – taman, mrk. Ime je dobio zahvaljujući gustim tamnozelenim šumama mediteranskoga zimzelenog hrasta koje su ga prekrivale u antička vremena. Supetarska Draga naziv je mjesta i morske uvale te je jedno od najstarijih mjesta na otoku Rabu. Poznata je po svojim čistim pješčanim plažama zaštićenima od vjetra zbog čega je izuzetno privlačnom nautičarima, a posebno nautičkim obiteljima s malom djecom. Okruženo je brojnim nenaseljenim otočićima s prirodnim plažama idealnima za robinzonski turizam. Ovo je pravi mali turistički raj jer se ispred uvale nalaze tri mala otoka s prekrasnim pješčanim plažama. Zahvaljujući dugoj pomorskoj tradiciji, Supetarska Draga omiljeno je odredište nautičara. Ljepota najstarije benediktinske opatije na otoku podjednako privlači i turiste, i vjernike. Ukoliko je posjetite tijekom sezone sva je prilika da ćete naići na neki na gastro, sportski ili kulturno zabavni događaj. U takvu prekrasnome ambijentu smjestila se i ACI marina.

Rab Island owes its name to the Illyrians, who lived on the eastern shore of the Adriatic, and who were conquered by Romans. The Illyrians called the island Arbe, which means dark, murky. It was named after the thick dark green forests of the Mediterranean evergreen oak that covered it in ancient times. Supetarska Draga on Rab is the name of both the village. It is one of the oldest settlements on the island of Rab.It is well known for its pure sandy beaches protected from wind, which makes it attractive to boaters, especially sailing families with small children. Supetarska Draga is surrounded with numerous uninhabited islets with natural beaches ideal for robinson tourism. This is a true tourist paradise. And tourists are not the only ones who enjoy beaches and bays of Supetarska Draga. As photo enthusiasts are already aware of, many kinds of birds have settled in this natural peace of heaven. Thanks to long maritime tradition, Supetarska Draga is a favorite boaters’ destination. The beauty of the island’s oldest bendictian abbey attracts tourists and believers the same. If you visit Supetarska Draga during the summer, it is very likely that you will have an opportunity to visit some gastro, sport or cultural entertainment happening. The ACI marina has found its way to such a stunning ambience.

ACI marina Supetarska Draga Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports


Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

  

Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar E751 Stinica – Mišnjak, Valbiska – Lopar, Rijeka – Rab

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 10t

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 11nm

Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka ispostava Rab / branch office Rab 

tel: +385 (0) 51 725 419 fax: +385 (0) 51 724 103

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, MK-7 111 111

ACI Rab 

Šetalište kap. I. Dominisa 101, 51280 Rab

44°45,4’ N 14°46,0’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 51 724 023  Fax: +385 (0) 51 724 229

Otvorena: 1. 4. - 31. 10. Open: April 1st - October 31st

GSM: +385 (0) 98 399 842

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Unutrašnjost otoka Raba jednako je impresivna kao i obala. Čak 35 posto površine otoka prekriveno je šumom i plodnim zemljištem pa je Rab danas drugi najzeleniji hrvatski otok nakon Mljeta. Grad Rab podiglo je još ilirsko pleme Liburna, isprva kao gradinu okruženu kamenim suhozidom. Sve od tada pa do današnjih dana Grad Rab stoji kao ukras otoka, ali i središte iz kojega se širi kultura, umjetnost, obrazovanje... Ne treba onda čuditi da je u rapskim njedrima odrastao i Marko Antun de Dominis, jedan od najvećih europskih umova 16. stoljeća, teolog, fizičar, propovjednik, crkveni reformator. Ribom i drevnim trgovačkim putovima blagoslovljeno more, raznovrsno ljekovito bilje, izdašni plodovi rodnih polja, vinograda i maslinika te krajnje gostoljubivi domaćini čine Rab atraktivnim odredištem u svako doba godine. Za vrijeme Rapske fjere krajem srpnja cijeli se grad vraća 500 godina u prošlost i preobražava u veselu srednjovjekovnu utvrdu s viteškim turnirima, zanatlijama na ulicama i trgovima uz tisuće ljudi obučenih u povijesne kostime... ACI marina Rab nalazi se uz sam grad, u rapskoj gradskoj luci.

ACI marina Rab Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports


Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

  

Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar A6, E65, E71 Stinica – Mišnjak, Valbiska – Lopar, Rijeka – Rab

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 10t

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

The heartland of Rab Island is equally impressive as the coast. Thirty-five percent of the island’s surface is covered in forest and fertile land, so Rab today is the second greenest Croatian island after Mljet. The town of Rab was built by Illyrian tribe of Liburnians, first as a fort surrounded by stone drywall. Ever since then, until this day, the town of Rab has been the ornament of the island and the center from which culture, art, education has spread… It is not surprising, therefore, that Marko Antun de Dominis, one of the greatest European minds of the 16th century, a theologian, physicist, preacher, church reformer, grew in the bosom of Rab. A sea blessed with plentiful fish and ancient trading routes, numerous medicinal herbs, the bountiful fruits of fertile fields, vineyards and olive groves, together with the inordinate friendliness of its people, make Rab an attractive destination at any time of the year. During Rab Fair at the end of July, the entire town is brought 500 years into the past and transformed into a medieval fortress with jousting tournaments, craftsmen in the streets and squares with thousands of people dressed in historical costumes… ACI marina Rab is located just next to the town, in the Rab town harbor.


Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka ispostava Rab / branch office Rab 

tel: +385 (0) 51 725 419 fax: +385 (0) 51 724 103

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, MK-7, Plan 20


Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic



Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic

114 ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

ACI Šimuni 

Obala 1, Šimuni, 23251 Kolan

44°28’ N 14°58’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 23 697 457  Fax: +385 (0) 23 697 462

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 843

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

ACI marina Šimuni Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports

Šimuni se nalaze na jugozapadnoj strani otoka Paga, neposredno uz malo ribarsko i turističko mjesto, točno na pola puta između Grada Paga i Novalje. Nedaleko Šimuna nalazi se svjetski poznata destinacija vrhunske zabave – uvala Zrće, urbana oaza ljetne klupske scene u Hrvatskoj i središte zabavnoga života mladih iz cijeloga svijeta s brojnim ekskluzivnim klubovima, spektakularnim nastupima najpopularnijih DJ-a i tisućama mladih željnih provoda i adrenalinskih atrakcija, kao što su bungee jumping i cable. Pokraj Grada Paga, izgrađenoga po nacrtima velikoga kipara i graditelja Juraja Dalmatinca, još uvijek postoji solana, u kojoj se dobiva najkvalitetnija morska sol. Pag je otok s izvrsnom janjetinom i najboljim sirom u Hrvatskoj – paškim, ovčjim. ACI marina Šimuni svojevrsni je sjeverni ulaz u Dalmaciju ili posljednja marina kvarnerskoga otočkog kruga, pa je iz nje jednako pogodno organizirati krstarenja prema sjeveru – Istri i Opatiji – ili prema jugu – Kornatima i Šibeniku.

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:


Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

  

Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar A6, E65, E71 Prizna – Žigljen, Rijeka – Novalja

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 15t

Šimuni is located on the southwest side of Pag Island, right next to the small fishing and tourist place, halfway between Pag and Novalja. The world renowned destination of supreme fun – Zrće, the urban oasis of the summer club scene in Croatia and center of fun for youth from all over world is not far from Šimuni. Zrće is filled with numerous exclusive clubs, spectacular performances of the most popular DJs, and thousands of young people eager to have fun and experience adrenaline attractions, such as bungee jumping and cable. Next to the town of Pag, whose grid plan was drawn by the great sculptor and architect – Juraj Dalmatinac, there is still a saltern, where salt of best quality is produced. Pag is an island with exceptional lamb meat and best cheese in Croatia – Pag, sheep milk cheese. ACI marina Šimuni can perhaps be considered to be the north entrance to Dalmatia, as it is the last marina in the Kvarner archipelago. Therefore, it is convenient to organize cruises to the north – Istria and Opatija – or to the south – Kornati or Šibenik, just as easily.

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 7nm

Lučka kapetanija Zadar / Harbour Master’s Office Zadar ispostava Pag / branch office Pag 

tel/fax: +385 (0) 23 611 023

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-17, 100-19, MK-9, MK-10 115 115

ACI Žut 

Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, 22242 Jezera

43°53,2’ N 15°17,4’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 22 786 0278  Fax: +385 (0) 22 786 0279

Otvorena: 1. 4 - 31. 10. Open: April 1st - October 31st

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 844

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

ACI marina Žut

Ploviti Jadranom, a ne vidjeti Kornate isto je kao doći u Rim i ne vidjeti Vatikan. Kornate se jednostavno mora posjetiti. Premda djeluju vanvremenski i izvan domašaja ljudi, Kornati nikada nisu bili pusti. Naći ćemo ovdje i rimskih ostataka, bizantskih utvrda, pastirskih koliba i ribarskih kuća. Nacionalni park koji danas upravlja najvećim dijelom kornatskoga arhipelaga brine se da se milenijska ravnoteža Kornata ne naruši. Na otoku obraslome maslinama, smokvama i lozom nema stalnih naselja, tijekom godine tamo tek povremeno borave ribari, stočari i poljoprivrednici s otoka Murtera. ACI Marina Žut za sve koji posjećuju Kornate neizostavna je nautička postaja. Smještena je na najzapadnijemu dijelu uvale Luka Žut, a sama uvala nalazi se u sjeverozapadnome dijelu kornatskoga arhipelaga, izvan granica Nacionalnoga parka Kornati. Za jake se bure preporuča vez na sjevernome kraku gata te na bovama, a za jakoga juga mnogo su ugodniji vezovi na južnome kraku. Brodovi s gazom većim od 3 metra vežu se duž cijeloga južnog kraka gata ili na samome kraju sjevernoga kraka.

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Priključci struje / Power connections:


Voda se isporučuje od 8 do 10 sati Water available from 8 to 10 a.m. Struja se isporučuje od 8 do 12 sati i od 18 do 24 sata Electricity available from 8 a.m. to noon and from 6 p.m. to midnight Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

To sail on the Adriatic Sea, and not see the Kornati is like coming to Rome and not seeing the Vatican. The Kornati simply must be visited. Even though they seem timeless and out of human reach, the Kornati have never been deserted. Here we can find Roman remains, Byzantine fortresses, shepherd cottages and fishermen’s houses. The national park that manages the largest part of the Kornati Archipelago takes care that the millennia balance of the Kornati is not disturbed. On this island, covered in olive and fig trees and vineyards, there are no permanent habitations – only the odd fisherman, shepherd or farmer occasionally comes from the island of Murter. ACI marina Žut is an indispensable nautical station to all who visit the Kornati. It is s situated in the westernmost part of the harbor of Žut, in the northwest part of the Kornati Archipelago, just outside of the borders of the Kornati National Park. In strong bora winds, it is recommended to berth on the marina’s north pier and at buoys, whereas in strong jugo winds it is much more pleasant to berth on the south pier. Boats with a draft of more than 3 meters can berth anywhere on the south pier or at the very end of the north pier.



Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik ispostava Murter / branch office Murter 

tel/fax: +385 (0) 22 435 190

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:,

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, 100-20, MK-14, Plan 512


Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


ACI MARINA PIÅ KERA Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic

118 ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

ACI Piškera 

Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, 22242 Jezera

43°45,6’ N 15°21,2’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 91 470 0091

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 845

Otvorena: 1. 4 - 31. 10. Open: April 1st - October 31st

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

ACI marina Piškera


Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:

Otok Piškera nenaseljeni je otok čija površina iznosi tek 2,66 kvadratnih kilometara, a najviši mu je vrh nad morem 127 metara. ACI marina jedini je civilizacijski doseg u netaknutoj prirodi, a okružuje je mozaik otoka i otočića, hridi i svjetionika. Jedna od legendi o postanku pripovijeda kako su Kornati zapravo nastali slučajno kada je Bog stvarao svijet. Iz džepa mu je ispalo 140 kamenčića i, kada se okrenuo kako bi ih pokupio, ostao je iznenađen onime što je vidio i rekao: „Ne, neka ostanu, ovdje ne treba ništa popravljati“! Poznati je irski pisac George Bernard Shaw oduševljen Kornatima zapisao: „Bogovi su htjeli okruniti svoje djelo, pa su posljednjega dana stvaranja od suza, zvijezda i daha stvorili Kornate.“ Želite li se i sami uvjeriti u to, nema boljega mjesta od ACI marine Piškera.


Priključci struje / Power connections: Voda se isporučuje od 8 do 10 sati Water available from 8 to 10 a.m. Struja se isporučuje od 8 do 12 sati i od 18 do 24 sata Electricity available from 8 a.m. to noon and from 6 p.m. to midnight Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

The island of Piškera is an uninhabited island whose surface covers only 2.66 square kilometers, and its highest point is 127 meters above sea level. ACI’s marina is the only outpost of civilization disrupting the pristine nature of the island, surrounded by a mosaic of islands and islets, rocks and lighthouses. One of the legends on its creation says that the Kornati were made accidentally when God created the world. When 140 stones fell out of God’s pocket, he turned to pick them up, but then he was stunned by what he saw and said: “No, let them remain like this, there is nothing to be changed here!” Famous Irish writer George Bernard Shaw wrote: “On the last day of Creation, God desired to crown His work, and thus created the Kornati islands out of tears, stars and breath.” If you wish to see for yourself, there is no better place than ACI marina Piškera.


Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik ispostava Murter / branch office Murter 

tel/fax: +385 (0) 22 435 190

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:,

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, 100-20, 100-21, MK-14, Plan 512


ACI Jezera 

Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, 22242 Jezera

45° 26,02’ N 13° 31,00’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 22 439 295  Fax: +385 (0) 22 439 294

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 846

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Naselje Jezera na otoku Murteru, u sjeverozapadnome dijelu šibenskoga arhipelaga, dobilo je ime po lokvama vode što se tijekom zime stvaraju u kraškim udolinama. Jezera su sinonim za obilje sunca, čisto more i niz uvala s prekrasnim plažama, što pogoduje sve intenzivnijemu razvoju turizma. Brojna kulturna, sportska i zabavna događanja pod nazivom „Jezerski dani mora“ završavaju manifestacijom Big Game Fishing, koja u ovo tradicijsko mjesto ribara i pomoraca privlači sve više zaljubljenika u more. Povijesni ostaci iz rimskoga doba koje ćete naći na Murteru dokaz su koliko su i drevni Rimljani cijenili masline, izvanredno maslinovo ulje i smokve, koji su bili glavni poljoprivredni proizvodi otoka kroz cijelu povijest, a i danas su prave delicije na gurmanskome stolu. Pet godina zaredom Jezera na Murteru ovjenčana su Plavim cvijetom Hrvatske turističke zajednice, najprestižnijim priznanjem za ljepotu i uređenost okoliša. Jezera se mogu pohvaliti i ACI marinom – jednim od najnagrađivanijih i ekološki najosvještenijih nautičkih centara sjeverne Dalmacije. Godine 2013. u akciji „Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku“ marina Jezera nagrađena je Priznanjem za 2. mjesto u kategoriji Najbolje male marine na Jadranu, dok je 2015. godine nagrađena Priznanjem za 3. mjesto. Marina je također ponosna nositeljica Plave zastave. ACI marina u Jezerima polazna je luka brojnim nautičarima za obilazak Kornata i plovidbu tim božanskim arhipelagom. The town of Jezera on Murter Island, in the northwest part of the Šibenik archipelago, was named after the pools of water that are created in the rocky valleys. Jezera is a synonym for plenty of sun, a clear sea and a string of coves with supreme beaches, which is beneficial for the increasingly intense tourism development. Numerous culture, sports and entertainment events called “Jezera Sea Days” end with the manifestation Big Game Fishing, which is starting to attract more and more sea aficionados to this traditional place of fisherman and sailors. Historical remains from the Roman age that you will find on Murter are proof of how much ancient Romans appreciated olives, extraordinary olive oil and figs, which were the main products of the island throughout its history. Even today, they are the first delicacies on the gourmet table. For five years in a row, Jezera on Murter has been awarded the Blue Flower of the Croatian Tourist Board, the prestigious award for the beauty and orderliness of the environment. Jezera can also boast the ACI marina – one of the most awarded and environmentally friendly nautical centers of northern Dalmatia. In 2013, the Jezera marina was awarded the prize “Tourist Flower – Quality for Croatia” for the second place in the category of the best small marina on the Adriatic, while it won third place in 2015. The marina is also a proud winner of the Blue Flag. ACI marina in Jezera is the starting point of many sailors who want to visit the Kornati and sail through the divine archipelago.


ACI marina Jezera Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:

233 60

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 

Zadar, Split A1, E65, E71

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 10t

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik ispostava Tisno / branch office Tisno 

tel: +385 (0) 22 439 313, fax: +385 (0) 22 439 860

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-20, 100-21, MK-14, MK-15, Plan 512

ACI MARINA JEZERA Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic



Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic

122 ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

ACI Vodice 

Artina 13 A, 22211 Vodice

45° 26,02’ N 13° 31,00’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 22 443 086  Fax: +385 (0) 22 442 470

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 847

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vodice svoje ime zahvaljuju bunarima s pitkom vodom što ne presušuju ni ljeti, a koju su Vodičani uspješno prodavali otočkim naseljima sve do 19. stoljeća. Na gradskome trgu i danas stoje dva bunara kao spomen na te dane. Oko Vodica danas je mnogo povijesnih lokaliteta i arheoloških nalazišta, pretpovijesna gradina Prižba, ilirsko-rimski rezervoar pitke vode Rimska ograđenica, ilirska, kasnije rimska naseobina Arauzona. Posljednjih su se desetljeća Vodice pretvorile u značajno turističko središte, koje je posebno oplemenjeno izgradnjom ACI marine. Danas se može reći da su Vodice vodeće turističko središte na šibenskoj rivijeri. Okružene morem te Nacionalnim parkom Kornati s jedne i Nacionalnim parkom Krka s druge strane, Vodice mame sve one željne aktivnoga odmora, zabave i užitaka: vesele i pune života danju, ljupke i čarobne u zalazu Sunca, glamurozne i blještave u noćnome životu koji potraje i do ranih jutarnjih sati... ACI marina Vodice nalazi se u samome središtu mjesta, u sjeveroistočnome dijelu gradske luke. Marina Vodice jedna je od deset marina iz sustava ACI-ja kojima je dodijeljeno visoko priznanje Plava zastava. Godine 2017. u akciji „Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku“ marina Vodice nagrađena je Priznanjem za 3. mjesto u kategoriji Najbolja srednja marina na Jadranu.

The town of Vodice (“waters”) owes its name to the wells which never run dry, not even during the hottest days of summer. The locals traded water to islanders until the 19th century, as testified by the two wells which still stand in the town square. There are many historical sites and archeological sites, prehistoric fort Prižba, the Illyrian-Roman fresh water Rimska ograđenica, Illyrian, later roman town of Arauzona etc. around Vodice. Vodice has become a significant tourist place in the last decades, which was especially improved with the construction of the ACI marina. Today, you can say that Vodice is the leading tourist center on the Šibenik Riviera. Surrounded by sea and the Kornati National Park from one side and the Krka National Park from the other, Vodice lures everyone who yearns for an active vacation, fun and enjoyment: merry and vivacious in the day, charming and magical during sundown, glamorous and sparkling in the night life, which can last up to early hours of the morning… ACI marina Vodice is located at the very center of the town, in the northeast part of the city harbor. Marina Vodice is one of the ten marinas from ACI’s system to be awarded the extraordinary award Blue Flag. Marina Vodice was awarded the prize “Tourist Flower – Quality for Croatia” for the third place in the category of the best medium marina on the Adriatic in 2017.

ACI marina Vodice Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports


Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 

Zadar, Split A1, E65, E71

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 10t


Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik ispostava Vodice/ branch office Vodice 

tel/fax: +385 (0) 22 443 055

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-21, MK-15, Plan 533


ACI Skradin 

Obala Pavla Šubića 18, 22222 Skradin

43°49,0’ N 15°55,6’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 22 771 365  Fax: +385 (0) 22 771 163

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 848

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Arheološka su istraživanja potvrdila da Skradin postoji već 2000 godina. Osim što je smješten na strateški povoljnome mjestu, prvome od obale prema unutrašnjosti gdje se mogla prebroditi rijeka Krka, nalazi se i na jednome od najljepših mjesta – na ušću rijeke Krke u more. Skradin je bio jedan od prvih gradova što su ga izgradili Hrvati. Današnja ACI marina izgrađena je u lučici čiji su položaj otkrili stari Rimljani, a sam Skradin bio je glavni grad rimske pokrajine Liburnije. Skradin je polazna točka za obilazak Nacionalnoga parka Krka brodicama – do Skradinskoga buka, jednoga od najljepših vodopada u Europi, izgrađenoga od sedrenih sedimenata koji postoje jedino u najčišćoj slatkoj vodi. ACI marina Skradin čarobna je i slikovita lučica, jedinstvenoga prirodnog krajolika, smještena na mjestu gdje rijeka ljubi more. Spojena s Gradom Skradinom u prirodnoj simbiozi, pruža jedinstveni spoj vrhunske gastronomije i kulturnih i arheoloških znamenitosti. Tajna ACI marine Skradin krije se u dobrome strateškom položaju i njezinu prirodnome okruženju. Marinu posebno cijene vlasnici drvenih brodova, koji ovdje najradije zimuju zbog jedinstvene kombinacije morske i slatke vode. Novost za sezonu 2018. u ponudi ACI marine Skradin jest i novo ACI sidrište Vozarica. Ugodna atmosfera i bogata ponuda glavni su razlozi za odabir ove tranzitne destinacije brojnih nautičara, koji u smiraj dana rado uživaju u vrhunskoj gastronomskoj ponudi i kvalitetnim dalmatinskim vinima.

ACI marina Skradin Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 

Zadar, Split A1, E65, E71

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Archaeological research has confirmed that Skradin has been around for 2,000 years. Aside from being located at a strategically favorable place, since it is the first from the shore towards the inland where the Krka River could be braved, Skradin is also located on one of the most beautiful places in Croatia – at the mouth of the river Krka into the sea. Skradin was one of the first cities built by Croats. Today’s ACI marina was built in the harbor whose position was discovered by ancient Romans, and Skradin was the capital of the Roman province Liburnia. Skradin is the starting point for a tour of the Krka National Park on boat – to Skradinski buk, one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Europe, made of travertine, which exists only in the purest fresh water. ACI marina Skradin is a magical and picturesque harbor, with a unique natural landscape, positioned at the place where the river kisses the sea. Merged with the town of Skradin in a natural symbiosis, it offers a unique mixture of supreme gastronomy and cultural and archeological attractions. The secret of ACI marina Skradin lies behind a good strategic position and its natural environment. Owners of wooden boats, who spend their winters here due to the unique combination of seawater and fresh water, especially appreciate the marina. News for the 2018 season – the new anchorage Vozarica is now in offer of ACI marina Skradin. Pleasant atmosphere and rich offer are the main reason why many sailors choose this transit destination. They enjoy its supreme culinary offer and quality Dalmatian wines at sunset.


Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 8nm

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik 

tel: +385 (0) 22 217 216 fax: +385 (0) 22 317 378

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-21, MK-15, Plan 518

ACI MARINA SKRADIN Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


ACI MARINA TROGIR Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic

126 ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

ACI Trogir 

Put Cumbrijana 22, 21220 Trogir

43°30,8’ N 16°15,2’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 21 881 544  Fax: +385 (0) 21 881 258

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 849

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Trogir je grad muzej. Stara je jezgra grada, na otočiću između kopna i otoka Čiova, od 1997. godine upisana u UNESCO-ov registar spomeničke baštine, a ta se jezgra grada, muzej na otvorenom, oblikovala u razdoblju od 13. do 15. stoljeća. Prva na popisu znamenitosti grada Trogira svakako je trogirska katedrala Sv. Lovre sa znamenitim portalom majstora Radovana, do koje se dolazi uskom glavnom ulicom s pročeljima renesansnih, gotičkih i baroknih palača. Tražimo li najstariji simbol Trogira, onda je to Kairos, starogrčki bog sretnoga trenutka, čiji se reljef iz 3. stoljeća prije Krista čuva u ženskome benediktinskom samostanu. Most koji povezuje staru gradsku jezgru s otokom Čiovo ne otvara se, a ispod njega mogu proći brodovi do 2,60 m visine. U cijeloj središnjoj Europi Trogir se smatra najbolje očuvanim romaničko-gotičkim gradom. Otprilike 1,5 km istočno od centra grada nalazi se ihtiološko-ornitološki rezervat Pantan (od 2000. godine), sa 163 ptičje, 34 riblje i 124 biljne vrste. U sklopu rezervata nalazi se renovirana mlinica s restoranom i pješčano-šljunčana plaža. ACI marina smještena je na otoku Čiovu, nasuprot trogirskoj gradskoj jezgri, od koje je odvojena kanalom ne širim od stotinjak metara. Najpopularnija i najljepša plaža na rivijeri jest plaža Okrug Gornji, koja se nalazi na zapadnoj strani otoka Čiova, 2 km od gradskoga središta. Godine 2017. u akciji „Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku“ ACI marina Trogir nagrađena je Priznanjem za 3. mjesto u kategoriji Najbolja mala marina na Jadranu. Trogir is a museum town. The old center of the town, on the islet between mainland and the island of Čiovo has been an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997. That city center, the open museum, was formed between the 13th and the 15th century. The first on the list of Trogir’s attractions is certainly the Cathedral of St. Lawrence, with its famous portal by Master Radovan, which can be reached via the narrow main street lined with Renaissance, Gothic and Baroque palace fronts. If we are to look for the oldest symbol of Trogir, that would be Kairos, the ancient Greek god of the right or opportune moment, whose 3rd-century BC relief is preserved in the Benedictine convent. The bridge connecting the old town center with the island of Čiovo does not open, and it allows the passage of boats of up to 2.60 meters high. Trogir is considered to be the best-preserved Romanesque-Gothic town in all of Central Europe. The ichthyologic and ornithological reserve Pantan (since 2000) is located about 1.5 kilometers east from the town center. It is a host to 163 bird, 34 fish and 124 plant species. The renovated mill with a restaurant and the shingle and sand beach are within the reserve. The ACI marina is located on the island of Čiovo, on the opposite side of the Trogir town center, from which it is separated by a canal about a hundred meters wide. The most popular and beautiful beach on the Riviera is Okrug Gornji beach on the western coast of the island of Čiovo, 2 km from Trogir town center. ACI marina Trogir was awarded the prize “Tourist Flower – Quality for Croatia” for the third place in 2017 in category of the best small marina on the Adriatic.

ACI marina Trogir Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:

174 35

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:


Ancona - Split

A1, E65, E71 (15 km)

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 9t

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Trogir / branch office Trogir 

tel: +385 (0) 21 881 508 fax: +385 (0) 21 796 468

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, MK-16, Plan 534

127 127

ACI Split 

Uvala Baluni 8, 21000 Split

43°30,1’ N 16°26,0’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 21 398 599  Fax: +385 (0) 21 398 556

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 850

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Na ruševinama Aspalathosa i u neposrednoj blizini Salone, antičkoga urbanog centra, rimski car Dioklecijan dao je oko 293. godine sagraditi veličanstvenu palaču u kojoj će provesti svoje posljednje dane. Iz Dioklecijanove palače, najbolje očuvane kasnoantičke palače na svijetu, razvio se današnji Split, prijestolnica Dalmacije, koja osvaja mediteranskim šarmom i velebnom arhitekturom. Unatoč 1700 godina dugoj povijesti Split je grad mladoga duha i grad mladosti. To je drugi po veličini hrvatski grad, ali kažu i najsportskiji i najraspjevaniji grad u Hrvatskoj. U njegovoj gradskoj luci, na njezinu najljepšemu dijelu, sjeverno od poluotoka Sustipana, nalazi se ACI marina. ACI marina Split, uz lučice dvaju jedriličarskih klubova i zaštićena čvrstim kamenim lukobranom od južnih vjetrova i mora, pruža prekrasan pogled na Split i njegovu jezgru – Dioklecijanovu palaču. Splitska ACI marina zapravo je točka kojom počinje splitski lungomare, najduža i svakako jedna od najljepših šetnica na Jadranu. Godine 2013. u akciji „Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku“ ACI marina Split nagrađena je Priznanjem za 3. mjesto u kategoriji Najbolje srednje marine na Jadranu, dok je 2017. godine nagrađena Priznanjem za 2. mjesto. ACI marina Split nositeljica je i prestižnog priznanja Plava zastava.

In 293 AD Roman Emperor Diocletian ordered the construction of a magnificent palace in which he would spend his final years on the ruins of the Greek city of Aspalathos and near Salona, an ancient urban center. The city of Split as we know it today expanded from Diocletian’s Palace, the world’s best preserved palace from late antiquity. Split is now the capital of Dalmatia, captivating visitors with its Mediterranean charm and majestic architecture. Despite its 1,700 years of history, Split is a city of young spirit and the town of youth. It is the second largest city in Croatia, but they say it is the most athletic and the most songful city of the country. The ACI marina is located in the most beautiful part of the city’s port, north of the Sustipan peninsula. ACI marina Split, with the harbors of two sailing clubs, protected by solid rock breakwater from southerly winds and rough seas, offers a glorious view of Split and its center – Diocletian’s Palace.  It is at ACI Marina Split that the Split Lungomare begins; the longest and most certainly one of the most beautiful promenades in the Adriatic. ACI marina Split was awarded the prize “Tourist Flower – Quality for Croatia” for the third place in 2017 in the category of the best medium marina on the Adriatic, while in 2017 received the award for the second place. ACI marina split is also the winner of the prestigious Blue Flag Award.

ACI marina Split Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports


Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

  

Split A1, E65, E71 Split – Supetar, Split – Stari Grad, Split – Vela Luka – Ubli Split – Milna - Hvar - Vis, Split – Bol – Jelsa, Split – Hvar – Vela Luka – Ubli, Split – Bol – Hvar – Korčula - Dubrovnik Ancona – Split, Ancona – Stari Grad – Split

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 10t

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 0,05nm

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split 

tel: +385 (0) 21 302 400 fax: +385 (0) 21 361 298

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:


101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, 100-26, MK-16, MK-18, Plan 47

ACI MARINA SPLIT Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic



Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic

130 ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

ACI Milna 

21405 Milna

43°19,6’ N 16°27,0’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 21 636 306

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 851

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

ACI marina Milna Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports

Otok Brač lako je prepoznati po dvama specifičnim zvukovima – cvrčanju cvrčaka i batu čekića u jedinoj školi za klesare u ovome dijelu Europe, u Pučišćima na Braču, gdje se kleše u bračkome kamenu. Nadaleko poznati brački kamen bijel je poput snijega i glavni je materijal od kojega je izgrađena Dioklecijanova palača u Splitu, a dijelom i Bijela kuća u Washingtonu. Brač je i zvuk kotrljanja šljunka Zlatnoga rata – čuvenoga žala pokraj Bola, poznate surferske odrednice, ali i fenomena plaže koja tijekom dana mijenja oblik ovisno o tome kako se kreću morski valovi tjerani vjetrom. Milna je najveća, najzaštićenija i najljepša bračka luka na zapadnoj obali otoka, koja pruža sigurnost i mir od svih vjetrova te je zahvaljujući tomu jedna od najpoznatijih sigurnih uvala za čarter tijekom ljetne sezone. Uvala je to koja gleda na Splitska vrata. ACI marina Milna nalazi se u dnu jugoistočnoga dijela uvale Milna nasuprot središtu mjesta, tamo gdje šarmantne gradske ulice susreću more. Čisto more, domaća zdrava hrana, idealni uvjeti za ronjenje, jedrenje i ribolov – samo su neki od razloga za dolazak u ovo prekrasno mediteransko mjesto. Potvrda je tomu i prestižno priznanje Plava zastava, koju marina Milna ponosno nosi.

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:

170 15

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

  

Brač, Split A1, E65, E71 Split – Supetar Split – Milna - Hvar - Vis, Split – Bol – Jelsa, Split – Bol – Hvar – Korčula - Dubrovnik Ancona – Split

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

The island of Brač is easily recognized by two specific sounds – the chirping of crickets and thump of hammers in the only stonemason school in this part of Europe, in Pučišći on Brač, where they work on stone from Brač. The widely known Brač stone is white as snow and it is the main material from which Diocletian’s Palace in Split, and partly the White House in Washington were built. Brač is also the sound of gravel from Zlatni rat – the well-known beach near Bol, the famous surfer destination. It is also a unique phenomenon – it changes shape and position – depending on the waves chased by the wind. Milna is the largest, best-protected, and the most beautiful bay on the western shore of the island, which offers security and peace from all winds. Thanks to that, it is one of the best known safe harbors for charter during the summer season. It is a bay facing the Splitska vrata strait. ACI marina Mlina is located at the bottom of the southeast part of Mlina harbor, opposite the town’s center, where the charming town streets meet the sea. Clear sea, homemade healthy food, ideal diving, sailing and fishing conditions – are merely some of the reasons to come to this lovely Mediterranean place. The prestigious award Blue Flag, which the marina Mlina proudly won, confirms that.


Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Milna / branch office Milna 

tel: +385 (0) 21 636 205 fax: +385 (0) 21 718 154

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, 100-22, 100-26, MK-16, MK-18 131 131

ACI Vrboska 

21463 Vrboska

43°10,8’ N 16°41,0’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 21 774 018  Fax: +385 (0) 21 774 144

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 812

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

ACI marina Vrboska

Vrboska, iako najmanje mjesto na otoku Hvaru, ostale lako zasjenjuje svojom ljepotom, koju u prvome redu zahvaljuje specifičnomu zemljopisnom položaju. Nalazi se na sjevernoj obali središnjega dijela najdužega otoka na Jadranu, duboko u zaljevu. Usred uvale smjestio se otočić, a preko kanala protežu se brojni mali mostovi, zbog kojih se Vrbosku ponekad naziva i malom Venecijom. Ovo područje, s još uvijek dobro sačuvanim antičkim kamenim međama i arheološkim nalazima, stavljeno je pod zaštitu UNESCO-a 2009. godine kao dio svjetskoga kulturnog i povijesnog nasljeđa. U mjestu prevladava mediteranska arhitektura kamenih građevina, skrivenih dvorišta i uskih uličica. Idilična je slika upotpunjena gustom borovom šumom, koja okružuje mjesto s kopnene strane, te prekrasnim plažama i uvalama, koje ga okružuju s morske strane. Uvala oko koje se poleglo mjesto Vrboska duga je i uska poput fjorda. U vanjskome dijelu mjesne luke smjestila se ACI marina Vrboska. Bogata ribarska tradicija danas se ogleda u gastronomskoj ponudi ovoga malog mjesta koje odiše šarmom i toplinom. Temeljna djelatnost u Vrboskoj danas je, dakako, turizam, a ACI marina predstavlja za Vrbosku važan gospodarski subjekt. Marini Vrboska već se godinama dodjeljuje priznanje Plava zastava.

Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports


Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

  

Split, Brač A1, E65, E71 Split – Stari Grad, Drvenik – Sućuraj Split – Milna - Hvar - Vis, Split – Bol – Jelsa, Split – Bol – Hvar – Korčula - Dubrovnik Ancona – Split, Ancona – Stari Grad – Split

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Although it is the smallest town on the island of Hvar, the beauty of Vrboska easily surpasses that of all the others, primarily due to its geographical location. It is situated on the northern coast of the central part of the island, deep in a bay at the end of a narrow, meandering inlet. In the middle of the bay there is an island and numerous small bridges span the channel, earning Vrboska the nickname of “Little Venice”. This area, with the preserved ancient stone borders and archeological findings, has been protected by UNESCO since 2009 as a part of the world cultural and historical heritage. Mediterranean architecture with characteristic stone buildings and narrow streets, predominate in the town. This idyllic picture is complemented by the thick pine forest hugging the town on the landward side, and beautiful beaches and coves on the seaward side. The bay where the town of Vrboska is located is long and narrow, like a fjord. ACI marina Vrboska is located in the outer part of the harbor of Vrboska. The rich tradition of fishing is evident in the cuisine offered in this charming, warm small town. Nowadays, the primary activity in Vrboska is tourism, of course, and the ACI marina represents economically the most important establishment in Vrboska. Marina Vrboska has been awarded the Blue Flag for years.



Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Jelsa / branch office Jelsa 

tel: +385 (0) 21 761 055 fax: +385 (0) 21 718 127

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-25, 100-26, MK-19, Plan 535


Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


ACI MARINA PALMIŽANA Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


134 ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

ACI Palmižana 

21450 Hvar

43°09,8’ N 16°23,8’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 21 744 995  Fax: +385 (0) 21 744 985

Otvorena: 1. 4. - 31. 10. Open: April 1st - October 31st

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 853

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Nasuprot najsunčanijemu hrvatskom otoku, koji godišnje bilježi oko 2800 sunčanih sati, i istoimenomu Gradu Hvaru, na udaljenosti od samo 2,5 nm smjestila se Palmižana, najljepša i najsigurnija od mnogobrojnih uvala u sklopu znamenitih Paklenih otoka, koji su usprkos imenu izgledom apsolutno rajski i božanstveni, a ne pakleni. Palmižana je oduvijek bila na glasu kao jedno od najpoznatijih izletišta Grada Hvara kao i sigurna luka za sve moreplovce i ribare. Na toj popularnoj nautičkoj destinaciji možete iskusiti opušten i bezbrižan odmor u jedinstvenome ambijentu harmonije s prirodom. Večera u umjetničkoj galeriji ili botaničkome vrtu, uživanje u dalmatinskoj kuhinji uz nezamjenjive okuse i upijanje mirisa Mediterana. Od plivanja i pješačenja po prirodi, do vožnje kajacima, ronjenja i surfanja, Palmižana nudi nebrojeno mnogo mogućnosti za aktivan odmor. Ostatak arhipelaga odavde je nadohvat ruke, tako da se tijekom dana lako otisnuti u istraživanje brojnih skrivenih uvala i izoliranih plaža koje će vas ostaviti bez daha, dok se u večernjim satima kratkom vožnjom taksi brodovima svi željni uzbudljivoga noćnog života mogu prebaciti do samoga centra Grada Hvara i tamo uživati u uzbudljivome noćnom životu i glamuru kakav samo Hvar može ponuditi.

ACI marina Palmižana Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

  

Brač, Split A1, E65, E71 Dubrovnik – Hvar, Ancona – Split – Hvar, Pescara – Split – Hvar, Bari – Dubrovnik – Hvar, Taxi boats: Hvar – Palmižana

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Palmižana, the most beautiful and the safest of the many bays of the Pakleni islands, which are, despite their name, absolutely heavenly, lies opposite the sunniest Croatian island that marks around 2,800 sunny hours and the town of Hvar, which are just 2.5 nm away. Palmižana has always been known as one of the most famous haunts of Hvar residents, as well as a safe haven for all boaters and fishermen. The marina was built mid-1908s, and due to its position and natural beauty, in time, it has become one of the most popular marinas on the Adriatic and an indispensable destination of all sailors. At this popular boating destination, you can experience a relaxed and carefree holiday in a unique atmosphere of harmony with nature. You can have dinner in an art gallery or botanical garden and enjoy Dalmatian cuisine, full of unmistakable flavors, while basking in the aromatic air of the Mediterranean. From swimming and hiking to kayaking, diving and surfing, Palmižana offers plenty of opportunities for an exciting holiday. The rest of the archipelago is also easily reached from here: from Palmižana you can set off to explore numerous hidden coves and isolated beaches which will leave you breathless, while all those eager for the exciting night life can go to the center of Hvar on just a short taxi boat ride and enjoy the exciting night life and glamour only Hvar can offer.

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 2,5nm

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Hvar/ branch office Hvar 

tel/fax: +385 (0) 21 741 007

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-22, 100-25, 100-26, MK-19, Plan 50


ACI Korčula 

20260 Korčula

42°57,6’ N 17°08,4’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 20 711 661  Fax: +385 (0) 20 711 748

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 854

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Otok Korčula gotovo se spojio s Pelješcem preko Pelješkoga kanala. Grad Korčula, smješten na sjeveroistoku istoimenoga južnodalmatinskog otoka, jedan je od najljepših i najbolje očuvanih srednjovjekovnih gradova na hrvatskoj obali, ali i Mediteranu, te ga se s punim pravom naziva i malim Dubrovnikom. I danas ima izgled koji je dobio na prijelazu iz 15. u 16. stoljeće. Iste kamene kule, zidine, isti raspored ulica po uzoru na riblju kost. Urbanisti Korčule pazili su i na funkcionalnost i savršeni sklad s prirodom – ulice su postavljene tako da tijekom ljeta lako u sebe propuštaju osvježavajući maestral sa zapada te kako bi zagušile hladne i zimske vjetrove sa sjeveroistoka. ACI marina Korčula, naslonjena na samu povijesnu jezgru Grada Korčule, pruža nezaboravan pogled na stoljetnim kamenim zidinama opasan grad. U akciji „Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku“ ACI marina Korčula, uz posebno priznanje za najbolju otočnu marinu, 2013. je osvojila drugo mjesto, a 2014. treće mjesto u kategoriji Najbolje male marine. Marina je i dugogodišnji nositelj priznanja Plava zastava. Korčula island is almost completely merged with Pelješac through the Pelješac canal. The town of Korčula, located in the northeast of its namesake South Dalmatian island, is among the most beautiful and best preserved medieval towns on the Croatian coast and in all of the Mediterranean, and is justly referred to as “Little Dubrovnik.” It still has the appearance it had at the turn of the 16th century. The same stone towers, walls, the same fishbone structure of the streets. Korčula’s town planners took into consideration both functionality and perfect harmony with nature – the streets are lined in such a way as to let the refreshing maestral from the west pass, but to stop the cold and winter winds from the northeast. ACI marina Korčula, situated next to the historical center of the town, offers an unforgettable view of the town ringed with centuries-old stone walls. In 2013, ACI marina Korčula was awarded the prize “Tourist Flower – Quality for Croatia,” with a special award for the best island marina, for the second place in the category of the best small marina on the Adriatic, while it was awarded for the third place in the same category in 2014. The Marina has also been the winner of the Blue Flag award for many years. Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik / Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik ispostava Korčula / branch office Korčula 

tel: +385 (0) 20 711 178, fax: +385 (0) 20 715 087

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-25, 100-26, 100-27, MK-22


ACI marina Korčula Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports


Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

  

Split, Dubrovnik A1, E65, E71 Orebić – Dominče, Ploče – Trpanj, Split – Vela Luka – Ubli Split – Bol – Hvar – Korčula – Dubrovnik Bari – Dubrovnik

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 10t

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 0,5nm


Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic


ACI MARINA “VELJKO BARBIERI” SLANO Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic

138 ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

ACI “Veljko Barbieri” Slano 

Slanica 2, 20232 Slano

42°47,1’ N 17°53,2’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 20 441 721  Fax: +385 (0) 75 801 809

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 99 478 8059

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

ACI marina “Veljko Barbieri” Slano Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Najnovija ACI marina u Slanome idealno je polazište za krstarenje Elafitima ili izlet do Dubrovnika, a ime je dobila po idejnome tvorcu lanca ACI marina Veljku Barbieriju. Sagrađena je u prelijepoj uvali koja je oduvijek bila dobro sklonište za sve brodove. Za rekreativce i goste željne aktivnijega odmora Dubrovačko primorje nudi 50 km dugu biciklističku stazu. ACI marina Slano leži u istoimenoj prostranoj i prelijepoj uvali. Do Lopuda, gradića što se pružio duž istoimene uvale istoimenoga otoka okruženoga bujnom vegetacijom, kolijevke dubrovačkoga brodarstva, i njegove uvale Šunj tek je desetak milja plovidbe. Koju milju dalje put istoka čeka nas Koločep, posljednji naseljeni južnojadranski otok. Zaplovi li se, pak, zapadno Koločepskim kanalom, ući će se u još jedan – Stonski kanal pa prošavši ga ili zastavši u Kobašu i Brocama, stići će se do Stona, još jednoga jadranskog bisera, znamenitoga renesansnog urbaniteta čuvenog i po svojim zidinama, koje se protežu sve do Maloga Stona na sjevernoj strani poluotoka, kao i po solani.

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections: 


A1, E65, E71

Bari – Dubrovnik

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

The newest ACI marina in Slano is the ideal starting point for cruising the Elaphite islands or for a trip to Dubrovnik. It was named after the creator of the ACI marina chain Veljko Barbieri. It was built in a beautiful bay, which has always been a good shelter for all boats. There is a 50-kilometre bicycle trail for visitors who want an active vacation on Dubrovnik’s shore. ACI marina Slano is in the spacious and gorgeous bay of the same name. Lopud, a small town situated along the bay and island of the same name, surrounded by lush vegetation, the cradle of Dubrovnik navigation, and its bay Šunj are only around 10 nautical miles away from Slano. Koločep, the last inhabited island of the South Adriatic with Donje and Gornje Čelo, is a few miles eastward. By sailing westward through the Koločepski channel, one enters the Stonski channel and by passing or staying in Kobaša and Broce, once can reach Ston, another pearl of the Adriatic, a world-renowned Renaissance city, famous also for its walls reaching all the way to Mali Ston on the northern part of the peninsula and the saltern.

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 14nm

Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik / Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik ispostava Slano / branch office Slano 

tel/fax: +385 (0) 20 871 177

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-34, INT3414, 100-27, 50-20, MK-25 139 139

ACI Dubrovnik 

Na skali 2, Mokošica, 20001 Dubrovnik

42°40,3’ N 18°07,6’ E

 Tel: +385 (0) 20 455 020  Fax: +385 (0) 20 451 922

Otvorena: Cijele godine Open: All year round

GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 813

  UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Na jugu Dalmacije, gdje prestaje niz jadranskih otoka i počinje otvoreno more, u podnožju brda Srđ smjestio se biser Jadrana i počasni stanovnik UNESCO-ova popisa zaštićene svjetske baštine. Između mnogih svjetskih gradova Dubrovnik je jedan od onih koji je najbolje sačuvao svoje zidine i povijesnu jezgru. Upravo zbog svojih zidina Dubrovnik je magnet koji danas privlači brojne turiste, filmske ekipe i svjetsku elitu. Dubrovnik je ugostio ekipe danas najpopularnijih serija i filmova: Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Robin Hood... Jedan od najatraktivnijih načina posjeta Dubrovniku jest morskim putem. ACI marina Dubrovnik, smještena u Komolcu, u Rijeci Dubrovačkoj, samo je šest kilometara udaljena od stare dubrovačke jezgre. Ova ACI marina jedna je od najsigurnijih za privez, čuvanje i održavanje plovila. Idealno je polazište za potpunu nautičku avanturu priobaljem i živopisnim otocima. ACI marina Dubrovnik ujedno je i najtrofejnija ACI marina, višestruki osvajač priznanja „Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku“ i ponosni nositelj Plave zastave. Od prošle godine gostima i posjetiteljima ACI marine Dubrovnik na raspolaganju je i inovativni ACI Golf Range. ACI marina Dubrovnik prva je i jedina marina na Jadranu koja pruža tu jedinstvenu uslugu. In the south of Dalmatia, where the string of Adriatic islands ends and the open sea begins, at the foot of Srđ hill, lies the pearl of the Adriatic, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that dates back to the 7th century. Among many world cities, Dubrovnik is one of those that has best kept its walls and historical center. It is precisely because of its walls that Dubrovnik is a magnet today that attracts numerous tourists, film crews and the global elite. Dubrovnik has been the host of the crews of the most popular TV shows and films today: Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Robin Hood… One of the most attractive ways of visiting Dubrovnik is via the sea. ACI marina Dubrovnik, located in Komolac, in Rijeka Dubrovačka, is only six kilometers away from the old Dubrovnik center. ACI marina Dubrovnik is one of the safest marinas to berth, keep and maintain your vessel in. It is also an ideal starting point for a complete boating adventure. ACI marina Dubrovnik is ACI marina with most “Flower of Tourism – Quality for Croatia” awards and Blue Flag recognitions. Since last year, guests and visitors of ACI marina Dubrovnik also have the innovative ACI Golf Range at their disposal. ACI marina Dubrovnik is the first and only marina on the Adriatic Sea to offer that unique service.

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-34, INT3414, 100-27, 100-28, 50-20, MK-26, Plan 83


ACI marina Dubrovnik Najbliži aerodromi / Nearest Airports

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:


Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

  

Dubrovnik E751 Dubrovnik – Korčula – Hvar - Bol – Split Bari – Dubrovnik

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 130t, 60t

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik / Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik 

tel: +385 (0) 20 418 988, fax: +385 (0) 20 418 987, +385 (0) 20 418 987

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:

ACI MARINA DUBROVNIK Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic




Golf Range i teren za mini golf / Golf range and mini golf course


Practice net


Putting green


Chipping green


Sand bunker

ACI marina Dubrovnik pruža jedinstvenu i atraktivnu sportsku aktivnost – golf i mini golf na 9 staza! Na našem Gorlf Range-u moguće je vježbati sve golf udarce koristeći golf opremu dostupnu na recepciji i uključenu u cijenu najma po satu. Dobrodošli su gosti svih generacija. Provedite aktivno vaše slobodno vrijeme – na ACI Golf Range-u! ACI marina Dubrovnik offers a unique and attractive sports activity – play golf and have fun on mini golf with 9 lanes. On our Golf Range you can practice all golf shots with golf clubs and golf balls available on the reception desk and included in price per hour. Guests of all ages are welcome. Spend your free time actively – on the ACI Golf Range!






3+1 gratis Cres- ACI Cres


3 + 1 free Cres - ACI Cres


3+1 gratis Kornati- ACI Žut i ACI Piškera


3 + 1 free Kornati - ACI Žut and ACI Piškera


1+1+1 gratis Kornati - ACI Žut i ACI Piškera


1 + 1 + 1 free Kornati- ACI Žut and ACI Piškera

BONUS DOBRODOŠLICE ZA GODIŠNJI VEZ za prvu godinu, samo za nove goste ACI sustava ÎÎ

15% popusta na godišnji vez u odabranim ACI marinama**

ANNUAL BERTH BENEFITS for the first year to the new clients who are entering the ACI ÎÎ

15% discount on the annual berth rate in selected ACI marinas** ÎÎ ACI Umag




ÎÎ ACI Supetarska Draga

ÎÎ ACI Supetarska Draga

ÎÎ ACI Milna

ÎÎ ACI Milna

ÎÎ ACI Vrboska

ÎÎ ACI Vrboska

ÎÎ ACI “Veljko Barbieri” Slano

ÎÎ ACI “Veljko Barbieri” Slano

*vrijedi isključivo za uzastopne dane dnevnog veza; ne vrijedi za sidrište Žut **namijenjeno isključivo fizičkim i pravnim osobama kojima plovilo ne služi u gospodarske svrhe već za osobne potrebe *The aforementioned applies only in the case of consecutive dates. Does not apply to the anchorage Žut **Exclusively for private and legal entities whose vessels are used not for commercial, but for private purposes






NP Kornati

NP Kornati

ACI marine Piškera

ACI marina Piškera

svim posjetiteljima

for all visitors of

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor













Turistički cvijet - kvaliteta za Hrvatsku/ Tourist flower - quality for Croatia 1. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 1st place in the Marina of the Year cathegory 2. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 2nd place in the Marina of the Year cathegory 3. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 3rd place in the Marina of the Year cathegory 1. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 1st place in the Size cathegory 2. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 2nd place in the Size cathegory 3. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 3rd place in the Size cathegory kategorija velikih marina/ Large marina cathegory kategorija srednjih marina/ Medium marina cathegory kategorija malih marina/ Small marina cathegory posebno priznanje za najbolju otočnu marinu/ The Best Island Marina special recognition

SKRADIN Plava zastava / Blue Flag



ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

ACI marine dugoodišnji su i redovni osvajači prestižnih nagrada i priznanja “Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku” koja se dodjeljuju najuspješnijim, najkvalitetnijim i najprepoznatljivijim hrvatskim turističkim subjektima i destinacijama. Slijede samo neka od priznanja i nagrada koje su ACI marine osvojile od 2010. godine:

ACI marina - Dobitnik priznanja ACI Marina - award winner Plava zastava / Blue flag

For many years, ACI marinas have regularly won prestigious awards and recognitions “Tourism Flower - Quality for Croatia,” awarded to the most successful, the best and the most recognized Croatian tourist companies and destinations. These are some of the recognitions and awards ACI marinas have won since 2010:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

ACI Umag ACI Rovinj ACI Pula ACI Pomer ACI Opatija ACI Cres ACI Supetarska Draga ACI Rab ACI Šimuni ACI Žut + sidrište/anchorage Žut ACI Piškera ACI Jezera ACI Vodice ACI Skradin + sidrište/anchorage Vozarica ACI Trogir ACI Split ACI Milna ACI Vrboska ACI Palmižana ACI Korčula ACI Slano ACI Dubrovnik 149




Osobna iskaznica ili putovnica: Državljani EU-a, EGP-a, Švicarske

ID card or passport: EU, EGP citizens, Swiss citizens



Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova RH:

Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the RC: Kuna, HRK (1 kuna = 100 lipa) Napon gradske mreže 220 V, frekvencija 50 Hz

Residential voltage 220 V, frequency 50 Hz

Voda iz slavine pitka je u svim dijelovima Hrvatske

Tap water is drinkable in all parts of Croatia



+385 195 VHF, UKV: 16, 10 112 194 193 192 1987 / 060 520 520 072 777 777 (iz Hrvatske / from Croatia) 112 18981

ACI No.1 // Informacije za nautičare u Republici Hrvatskoj / Information for boaters in the Republic of Croatia













+385 52 741 662

Josipa B. Tita 3



+385 52 811 132

Budičina 1, p.p.60



+385 52 535 877

Riva 18



+385 52 535 877

Riva 18



+385 51 711 249

Zert 3



+385 51 571 111

Jadranska obala 1



+385 51 725 419

Trg municipia Arbe 1



+385 51 725 419

Trg municipia Arbe 1



+385 23 611 023

Golija 1



+385 22 435 190

Trg Rudine 8



+385 22 439 313

Velika Rudina 1



+385 22 443 055

Trg Marine bb



+385 22 217 217

Obala Franje Tuđmana 8



+385 22 217 217

Obala Franje Tuđmana 8



+385 21 881 508

Obala bana Berislavića 19



+385 21 636 205

Riva 7



+385 21 741 007

Fabrika bb



+385 21 761 055




+385 21 741 007

Fabrika bb



+385 20 711 178

Obala Franje Tuđmana 1



+385 20 871 177

Trg Ruđera Boškovića 23



+385 20 418 988

Obala Stjepana Radića 37


















Zapovjednik plovila koje uplovljava u Republiku Hrvatsku morskim putem dužan je najkraćim putem uploviti u najbližu luku otvorenu za međunarodni promet radi obavljanja granične kontrole te je dužan obaviti sljedeće: 1. podvrgnuti se graničnoj kontroli 2. ovjeriti popis posade i putnika koji se nalaze na plovilu u lučkoj kapetaniji ili ispostavi lučke kapetanije 3. platiti propisane naknade za sigurnost plovidbe 4. platiti naknadu za boravišnu pristojbu 5. prijaviti boravak stranih državljana na plovilu sukladno posebnim propisima.

The commander of a vessel, which sails into the Republic of Croatia by sea, is required to sail by the shortest route to the nearest port open for international traffic for the purposes of border control, and is required to perform the following: 1. Pass through border control; 2. Verify the list of the crew and passenger who are on the vessel with the harbormaster’s office or its branch office. 3. Pay the required navigation safety fees; 4. Pay the sojourn tax; 5. Report the stay of foreign nationals on the vessel accordingly with specific regulations. 151

ACI No.1 // Informacije za nautičare u Republici Hrvatskoj / Information for boaters in the Republic of Croatia



Zapovjednik plovila koje je u Republiku Hrvatsku dovezeno kopnenim putem ili se nalazi na čuvanju u luci ili na drugome odobrenom mjestu u Republici Hrvatskoj dužan je prije započinjanja plovidbe: 1. platiti propisane naknade za sigurnost plovidbe 2. platiti naknadu za boravišnu pristojbu 3. prijaviti boravak stranih državljana na plovilu sukladno posebnim propisima.

The commander of a vessel that has been brought to the Republic of Croatia by land or is located in a harbor or another approved place within the Republic of Croatia is required to do the following before going to sea: 1. Pay the required navigation safety fees; 2. Pay the sojourn tax; 3. Report the stay of foreign nationals on the vessel in accordance with specific regulations.



Vlasnik strane brodice ili jahte namijenjene razonodi, sportu ili rekreaciji koja plovi i boravi u unutarnjim morskim vodama i teritorijalnome moru Republike Hrvatske dužan je prilikom uplovljenja platiti naknadu za sigurnost plovidbe i zaštitu od onečišćenja. Iznos naknade utvrđuje se prema formuli iz tablice u nastavku, a visina naknade ovisi o duljini i ukupnoj snazi porivnih uređaja jahte ili brodice.

An owner of a foreign boat or yacht intended for leisure, sport or recreation which sails and stays in the internal waters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia is required upon sailing to pay a fee for the safety of the vessel and the prevention of pollution. The amount of the fee is set out in line with the formula from the following table, and the amount of the fee depends on the length and total propulsion power of the yacht or boat.



Domaće i strane jahte i brodice plaćaju naknadu za korištenje objektima sigurnosti plovidbe u unutarnjim morskim vodama i teritorijalnome moru Republike Hrvatske. Obveza plaćanja naknade nastaje kada plovilo uplovi u luku ili doplovi na sidrište unutarnjih morskih voda ili teritorijalnoga mora Republike Hrvatske. Domaće i strane brodice i jahte plaćaju godišnju naknadu, i to za tekuću (kalendarsku) godinu. Iznos naknade utvrđuje se prema formuli iz sljedeće tablice, a visina ovisi o duljini jahte ili brodice.

NAKNADA ZA BORAVIŠNU PRISTOJBU Vlasnik ili korisnik plovila za sebe i sve osobe koje noće na tome plovilu boravišnu pristojbu plaća u paušalnome iznosu. Plovilom u tome smislu smatra se svako plovilo duže od 5 m s ugrađenim ležajevima kojim se koristi za odmor, rekreaciju ili krstarenje, a koje nije plovni objekt nautičkoga turizma. Paušalni iznos boravišne pristojbe nautičari plaćaju prije isplovljavanja plovila u lučkim kapetanijama, odnosno ispostavama lučkih kapetanija, i to kada na plovilu borave i noće u lukama nautičkoga turizma ili na vezu u nautičkome dijelu luke koja je otvorena za javni promet. Lučke kapetanije dužne su izdati račun o plaćenoj boravišnoj pristojbi. Visina paušalnoga iznosa boravišne pristojbe za nautičare ovisi o duljini plovila i vremenskome razdoblju za koje nautičari kupuju boravišnu pristojbu. Račun za plaćenu boravišnu pristojbu uvijek se mora nalaziti na plovilu te ga je zapovjednik plovila dužan predočiti na zahtjev ovlaštene osobe.

PUNOMOĆ KORISNIKA PLOVILA Na plovilu u vlasništvu fizičke osobe ili fizičkih osoba koje plovi u Republici Hrvatskoj mogu se za vrijeme plovidbe nalaziti vlasnik plovila, članovi njegove uže obitelji i osobe koje vlasnik plovila za to pisano ovlasti. Potpis vlasnika na pisanome ovlaštenju mora biti ovjeren od domaćega ili stranoga nadležnog tijela.


Domestic and foreign yachts and boats pay a fee for using aids for navigation safety within the internal waters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia. The obligation of paying the fee comes into force when a vessel sails into a harbor or arrives at an anchorage of the internal waters or territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia. Domestic and foreign boats and yachts pay an annual fee and it is for the current (calendar) year. The amount of the fee is set out in line with the formula from Table 2, and the amount of the fee depends on the length of the yacht or boat.

SOJOURN TAX The owner or user of the vessel pays sojourn tax for themselves and all the people who spend the night on the vessel at a flat rate. A vessel in this sense is considered as any vessel longer than 5 meters with built-in bunks, that is used for holidays, recreation and cruising, and that is not a nautical tourism vessel. The flat rate sojourn tax is paid by boaters to the harbormaster’s office before sailing out, or to harbormaster’s branch office when they are staying and overnighting on the boat in nautical tourism ports or at a berth in a nautical section of a port which is open to public traffic. The harbormaster’s offices and harbormaster’s branches to whom boaters have paid the flat rate of the sojourn tax are to issue a receipt regarding the payment of the sojourn tax. The amount of the flat rate of the sojourn tax for boaters depends on the length of the vessel and time for which the boaters have paid. The receipt for paying the sojourn tax must always be on board and the vessel’s commander is required to present it upon the request of an authorized person.

AUTHORIZATION OF VESSEL USERS A vessel in the ownership of a natural person or persons, can, for the period of sailing in the Republic of Croatia, carry the owner

ACI No.1 // Informacije za nautičare u Republici Hrvatskoj / Information for boaters in the Republic of Croatia






< 11,99

40 kn


20 kn

10 kn/m


40 kn


20 kn

25 kn/m


40 kn

7.500 kn

20 kn

25 kn/m

L = duljina brodice ili jahte u m / length of boat or yacht in meters P = snaga motora u kW / engine power in kW

DOKUMENTI NA PLOVILU Na plovilu koje plovi u Republici Hrvatskoj moraju se u svrhu provjere nalaziti sljedeći dokumenti u izvorniku: 1.

dokaz da su plaćene sve naknade

2. dokaz da je plovilo sposobno za plovidbu 3. dokaz da je osoba koja zapovijeda plovilom sposobna upravljati plovilom, sukladno nacionalnim propisima države čiju zastavu vije odnosno sukladno propisima Republike Hrvatske 4. dokaz o osiguranju od odgovornosti za štetu počinjenu trećim osobama 5. dokaz o vlasništvu ili punomoć za korištenje plovilom.


of the vessel, members of their immediate family and persons whom the owner of the vessel has given written permission to. The owner’s signature on the written authorization must be verified by an appropriate local or foreign authority.

DOCUMENTS ON VESSEL For the purpose of verification, original copies of the following documents must be on board the vessel sailing in the Republic of Croatia: 1.

Proof that all fees have been paid;

2. Proof that the vessel is seaworthy; 3. Proof that the person who is commanding the vessel is capable of controlling the vessel, in accordance with the regulations of the country under whose flag it is sailing, and in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Croatia; 4. Proof of third party insurance;

Za upravljanje brodicama i zapovijedanje jahtama osoba mora biti

5. Proof of ownership or authorization for use of the vessel

osposobljena sukladno propisima države čiju zastavu brodica ili ja-


hta vije, a ako u matičnoj državi nije propisana nikakva osposobljenost za upravljanje brodicom, tada se primjenjuju hrvatski propisi. Popis priznatih stranih isprava / dozvola objavljen je na internetskim stranicama MPPI-ja:

For the command of small boats and yachts, a person must be qualified in accordance with the regulations of the state under whose flag the boat or yacht is sailing, and if in the home state there is no such kind of written qualification for the command of a boat, then the regulations of Croatia shall be implemented.


The list of recognized foreign documents/licenses is available on the website of the MPPI:


Zapovjednik plovila dužan je prije isplovljenja iz Republike Hrvatske: 1.

podvrgnuti se graničnoj kontroli

2. ovjeriti popis posade i putnika koji se nalaze na plovilu u lučkoj kapetaniji ili ispostavi lučke kapetanije. Nakon što obavi navedene obveze, zapovjednik plovila dužan je najkraćim putem napustiti unutarnje morske vode i teritorijalno more Republike Hrvatske.

SAILING OUT FROM THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Before sailing out from the Republic of Croatia the commander of a vessel is required to: 1.

Pass through border control;

2. Verify the list of the crew and passengers who are on the vessel with the port authority or branch of the port authority. After completing the mentioned obligations, the commander is required to leave the internal waters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia via the shortest possible route.




































Obrt Lido ■■ +385(0) 52 741-382 ■■ +385(0) 91 796-0571 ■■

Obrt "Žut" ■■ +385(0) 22 216-251 ■■ +385(0) 91 473-5155 ■■

Opus Meus d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 91 553-3119 ■■

Domicil d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 51 704-147 ■■ +385 (0) 98 982-2623 ■■ ■■

Obrt "Klif" ■■ +385(0) 98 337-496 ■■

Obrt "Kolarin" ■■ +385( 0) 20 871-256 ■■ +385(0) 98 184-9165 ■■ ■■

Ugostiteljski obrt "VOJKO" ■■ +385(0) 51 776-805 ■■ +385(0) 91 6776-700 ■■ ■■

Obrt "Leut" ■■ +385(0) 22 441-966 ■■ +385(0) 98 320-421 ■■

Ugostiteljski obrt "Nava" ■■ +385(0) 20 451-010 ■■ +385(0) 98 344-680 ■■ ■■


Almi d.o.o. ■■ +385(0)52 741-065 ■■ +385(0) 98 214-176 ■■

Brodomehaničarski servis "Moras" ■■ +385(0) 51 725-048 ■■ +385(0) 98 329-698 ■■

Mehanika nautika d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 20 715-755 ■■ +385(0) 91 507-4635 ■■ 154

Prestige d.o.o. ■■ +385 (0) 52 300-001 ■■ +385(0) 98 403-908 ■■ ■■

Obrt "Polaris Yacht Service" ■■ +385(0) 98 266- 343 ■■

Nautički servis Dubrovnik d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 20 454-215 ■■ +385(0) 91 445-1110 ■■

Fra-Ni Remont d.o.o. ■■ +385 (0) 51 571-920 ■■ +385(0) 98 234-893 ■■ ■■

Matadura d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 21 398-561 ■■ +385(0) 98 336-421 ■■ ■■

ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas













Mennyacht d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 51 705-720 ■■ +385(0) 91 177-2636 ■■ ■■

Dalmatia Charter d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 21 797-239 ■■ +385(0) 91 259-4099 ■■ ■■

Adriatic Yacht Charter d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 52 573-848 ■■ ■■

Ultra jedrenje d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 21 398-578 ■■ +385(0) 98 294-635 ■■ ■■

Adria Yacht Center Plus d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 22 443-221 ■■ +385(0) 99 815- 1766 ■■ ■■

Euromarine d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 1 555-2200 ■■ +385(0) 98 230-286 ■■ ■■ ŠKOLA JEDRENJA/ NAUTICAL ACADEMY







Dream Yacht Croatia d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 1 3751-463 ■■ +385 (0) 91 274-5145 ■■ ■■

Croatia Yachting d.o.o. ■■ +385 (0)21 332 332 ■■ +385 (0)91 332 3331 ■■ ■■





Auro Domus d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 51 585-300 ■■ +385( 0) 91 4201-348 ■■ ■■

EFT USLUGE d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 1 6326-700 ■■ +385( 0) 91 1204-251 ■■ ■■

A.N.A. d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 51 711-814 ■■ +385( 0) 99 217-8407 ■■ ■■ NAUTIČKA ODJEĆA I OBUĆA/ NAUTICAL CLOTHES STORE ACI UMAG, ACI OPATIJA, ACI CRES, ACI SPLIT


MARE NOSTRUM CROATICUM d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 51 271-444 ■■ +385( 0) 99 609-4989 ■■ ■■










Boltano d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 21 398-577 ■■ +385(0) 91 201-4607 ■■ ■■

Timun d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 51 571-420 ■■

Faraon Travel d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 20 432-723 ■■ +385(0) 91 400-3920 ■■ ■■ 155

ACI No.1 // Musto

Fotografije / Photos by MUSTO Ltd


VIŠE OD 50 GODINA TRADICIJE S MIRISOM MORA MORE THAN 50 YEARS OF TRADITION WITH THE SCENT OF THE SEA Povijest engleske nautičke marke MUSTO seže u prošlo stoljeće, konkretnije u godinu 1965. kada je u Engleskoj počela proizvodnja prvih artikala. Osnivač, Keith Musto, olimpijac u jedrenju, osvajač srebrne medalje na olimpijadi u Tokiju 1964. godine, imao je samo jedan cilj - ostati suh na moru.


The history of the English nautical brand MUSTO goes back to the last century, more specifically, to the year 1965, when the manufacture of their first articles started in England. The founder, Keith Musto, who won the silver medal at the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, had only one goal – to remain dry at sea.

ACI No.1 // Musto

Kako je sve počelo Te 1964. godine Keith Musto je bio sve samo ne favorit. Osvojivši drugo mjesto, i to samo nekoliko nanosekundi iza pobjednika, iznenadio je svih. U to se doba jedrilo u Guernseyjevim džemperima i starim flanelskim hlačama pa su jedriličari konstantno bili mokri, no to se smatralo normalnim i morali su prihvatiti. Nakon oduševljenja koje je izazvao neočekivanim uspjehom na olimpijadi, Keith je shvatio kako je to ipak problem koji treba riješiti. Uskoro je postao proizvođač i veletrgovac jedriličarske opreme MUSTO.

MUSTO danas Zahvaljujući vrhunskim tehnologijama materijala kao što su Gore-Tex®, BR1, BR2, Arctec®, Primaloft®, Schoeller®, Windstopper®, proizvodi MUSTO osiguravaju maksimalnu zaštitu i produženu uporabu i u najekstremnijim vremenskim uvjetima. Ali priča nije ostala na jedrenju. MUSTO danas koristeći visokokvalitetne materijale proizvodi odjeću i obuću i za druge outdoor sportove. MUSTO „casual“ kolekcija, namijenjena za svakodnevno korištenje, kombinacija je trendovskog dizajna i tehničkih materijala. Ova engleska marka danas je poznata širom svijeta po kombinaciji tehnologije materijala, stila i tradicije uz najvišu zaštitu u različitim zahtjevnim vremenskim uvjetima. Proizvode MUSTO možete pronaći u 15 trgovina diljem Hrvatske. Na internetskoj stranici možete pronaći lokacije trgovina, sve detalje o tehnologijama materijala i službenu internetsku trgovinu. 

How it all began In 1964, Keith Musto was everything but the favorite. He surprised everyone by winning second place, crossing the finish line just a few nanoseconds after the winner. At that time, people sailed in Guernsey jumpers and old flannel trousers, so sailors were constantly wet. However, that was considered normal and they had to accept that. After the thrill he caused with his unexpected success at the Olympics, Keith realized that this was a problem that needed to be solved. He soon became the manufacturer and wholesaler of the sailing equipment MUSTO.

MUSTO today Thanks to state-of-the-art technologies of material such as Gore-Tex®, BR1, BR2, Arctec®, Primaloft®, Schoeller®, Windstopper®, MUSTO products ensure maximum protection and extended use in the most extreme weather conditions. But the story did not stop just at sailing. By using high-quality materials, MUSTO manufactures clothes and shoes for other outdoor sports. MUSTO “casual” collection, intended for everyday use, is a combination of trendy design and technical materials. You can find MUSTO products in 15 stores throughout Croatia. At, you can find the locations of the stores, all details about technologies of the materials, and the official web store. 


ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor



ACI No.1 // Check in za luksuz s pogledom // Check in for a luxury with a view

CHECK IN ZA LUKSUZ S POGLEDOM FOR A LUXURY WITH A VIEW Netaknuta priroda, mediteranska klima i razvedena obala s brojnim otocima, gastronomska ponuda koju je prepoznao i sam Michellinov tim, jedinstvena kultura i povijest; atributi su to koji krase destinaciju Rovinj, višegodišnjeg šampiona hrvatskog turizma i razlog zbog kojih je on danas nezaobilazna stanica svim posjetiteljima koji se upute u Istru. Ove sezone dodatni razlog za posjet zasigurno će dati novi Maistrin petozvjezdani landmark hotel koji će staviti točku na „i“ luksuznoj hotelskoj ponudi destinacije.


The untouched nature, Mediterranean climate and indented coastline with its many islands, the gastronomic offer which earned accolades from the Michelin team, and the unique culture and history are just some of the qualities of Rovinj, the champion of Croatian tourism, which make it a must-see destination all for those heading to Istria. This season, Maistra’s new five-star landmark hotel will undoubtedly add another reason to the list by further improving the luxury hotel services of the destination.

ACI No.1 // Check in za luksuz s pogledom // Check in for a luxury with a view

Iako je veći dio sadržaja namijenjen isključivo gostima hotela, vlasnici su ovog puta išli korak dalje te su ponudu prizemlja hotela u potpunosti namijenili svim građanima i gostima Rovinja...

Even though most of the facilities are intended to be used by hotel guests only, the owners went one step further and made the ground floor services available to all Rovinj citizens and guests... Na jednoj od najatraktivnijih lokacija na Mediteranu, svega 50-ak metara od mora, s pogledom na stoljetna zdanja rovinjske starogradske jezgre te zeleni otok Katarinu, krajem godine niknut će Grand Park Hotel Rovinj. Iz tvrtke najavljuju da je riječ o luksuznom full service hotelu koji će biti otvoren tijekom cijele godine te će svojom ponudom i uslugom biti idealan za odmor, ali i poslovna događanja. Sve od dizajna i atmosfere do dodatnih ponuda i osoblja u ovom hotelu pružit će jedinstven doživljaj. Pogled iz hotela bit će prava razglednica, no i pogled na hotelsko zdanje bit će jednako upečatljivo. Kaskadnim tipom gradnje novi hotel vizualno je vrlo atraktivan i gotovo stopljen sa zelenilom. Na svakoj od šest etaža bit će raspoređene 193 sobe i 16 suiteva s pogledom na more od kojih će neki biti veličine i do 175 četvornih metara. Krasit će ih velik dnevni boravak, kuhinja, privatna sauna i garderoba, zatim terasa sa sunčalištem i takozvanim plunge-poolom – manjim bazenom za opuštanje, privatna garaža i još mnoštvo sadržaja i usluga koje će boravak činiti luksuznim. Wellness&Spa, koji je svojom veličinom od 3800 četvornih metara ujedno i najveći takav centar u Istri, prostire se na čak dvije etaže hotela te obuhvaća njegove unutarnje i vanjske prostore. Pored unutarnjih bazena, hotel će imati i tri vanjska na najvišem katu. Pogled s tih bazena bit će spektakularan. Multifunkcionalna kongresna dvorana također je orijentirana prema crkvi sv. Eufemije, dajući tako fantastičnu scenografiju za sve vrste događanja.

By the end of the year, new Grand Park Hotel Rovinj will arise on one of the most desirable locations in the Mediterranean, only 50 metres from the sea, with a view of the centuries-old town centre and the verdant Katarina Island. The company announced this to be a luxury full service hotel open all year round, offering services ideal for both holidays and business events. Everything in this hotel, including the design, ambiance, additional services and personnel, will provide a unique experience. The view from the hotel will be breathtaking, but the view of the hotel will be no less remarkable. The cascading structure makes the hotel visually attractive and almost blended with the landscape. The six floors of the hotel will contain 193 rooms and 16 suites with a sea view, some of which will be up to 175 square metres in size. Some of them will feature a spacious living room, kitchen, private sauna and dressing room, terrace with a sunbathing area and plunge pool, a private garage and numerous other facilities which will complement the luxurious stay. The Wellness & Spa centre spanning 3,800 square metres is the biggest centre of its kind in Istria. It extends over two floors of the hotel and includes its indoor and outdoor areas. Besides the indoor pools, three outdoor pools will be located on the top floor of the hotel. The view from these pools will be spectacular. The hotel’s multipurpose conference room is oriented towards the Church of St. Euphemia, providing an amazing backdrop to all events. 161

ACI No.1 // Check in za luksuz s pogledom // Check in for a luxury with a view

Iako je veći dio sadržaja namijenjen isključivo gostima hotela, vlasnici su ovog puta išli korak dalje te su ponudu prizemlja hotela u potpunosti namijenili svim građanima i gostima Rovinja. Niz barova i restorana, od najluksuznijih signature restorana s pogledom na more i stari grad pa do posebnih trgovina i barova. Sve sadržaje povezivat će lungo mare šetnica, podno koje se nalazi ACI marina Rovinj koja će također doživjeti potpunu rekonstrukciju. Zanimljivo je da je projekt izgradnje novog hotela ponovna, četvrta po redu suradnja Maistre i domaćeg arhitektonskog studija 3LHD koji potpisuju arhitekturu rovinjskih hotela Lone, Adriatic i Mulini Beach plaže. Ovog puta projekt je oplemenjen suradnjom s milanskim studijem Pierra Lissonija – Lissoni Architecture, jednim od najcjenjenijih i svjetski najpoznatijih talijanskih dizajnera, čovjeka koji definira trendove u svjetskom produkt-dizajnu i čiji su radovi danas izloženi u mnogim europskim i svjetskim muzejima. Lissonijev rad odiše minimalizmom, a posebna je pažnja dana samom izboru materijala koji će krasiti unutarnje prostore hotela. Otvaranje novog hotela ujedno će biti dovršenje ekskluzivne zone Monte Mulini u kojoj se nalaze vrhunski Maistrini hoteli uz koje treba istaknuti i potpuno preuređenu šetnicu Mulini Beach dostupnu gostima i građanima. Ovo je do sada najveće turističko ulaganje Maistre koja je svojim dosadašnjim investicijama dala velik zamah u razvoju rovinjskog turizma. 


Even though most of the facilities are intended to be used by hotel guests only, the owners went one step further and made the ground floor services available to all Rovinj citizens and guests. This includes some of the most luxurious signature restaurants overlooking the sea and the old town, and special stores and bars. All of the hotel’s facilities will be connected by the Lungomare coastal promenade located near the ACI Marina Rovinj, which is also scheduled for a complete reconstruction. It is interesting to note that the construction project of the new hotel is the fourth collaboration between Maistra and the local architecture studio 3LHD, a studio which also designed Rovinj’s Hotel Lone, Hotel Adriatic and the Mulini Beach. This time, the project will benefit from the collaboration with the Milan studio Lissoni Architecture by Piero Lissoni - one of the most renowned and famous Italian designers, a man who defines global trends in product design and whose works are exhibited in numerous European and international museums. Lissoni’s work is known for its minimalism and special attention was given to the choice of materials in decorating the interior of the hotel. The opening of the new hotel will also mark the end of construction of the exclusive Monte Mulini zone, home to Maistra’s luxury hotels and the completely reconstructed Mulini Beach promenade which is open to both guests and citizens. This is Maistra’s biggest financial investment in the tourism sector to date. Its past investments contributed significantly to the success of tourism in Rovinj. 

ACI No.1 // Check in za luksuz s pogledom // Check in for a luxury with a view

Fotografija / Photo by: Davor Žunić

TESLA DESTINATION CHARGING U ACI MARINAMA / IN ACI MARINAS Prateći svjetske trendove, od ljeta 2017. ACI marine nadopunjuju lepezu svojih usluga električnim punionicama za automobile na električni pogon te tako postaju dio globalne mreže Tesla Destination Charginga.

Following global trends, ACI marinas have been extending the span of their services with electric charging stations for electric cars since the summer of 2017, thus becoming a part of the Tesla Destination Charging global network.

U pet ACI marina na obali te jednoj na otoku ACI je instalirao Tesla električne punionice putem kojih vlasnici električnih automobila mogu napuniti svoja vozila.

ACI has installed electric charging stations in five ACI marinas on the shore and one on an island, where owners of electric cars can charge their vehicles.

ACI marine koje raspolažu novom uslugom za goste nautičare, ali i za ostale posjetitelje ACI marina jesu ACI Umag, ACI Cres, ACI Opatija, ACI Supetarska Draga, ACI Split, ACI „Veljko Barbieri“ Slano te ACI Dubrovnik. Svaka ACI marina raspolaže s po dvjema Tesla Only električnim punionicama snage do 22 kW te s po jednom Tesla Universal punionicom snage do 22 kW. Iznimka je ACI marina Opatija, u kojoj je, uz dvije Tesla Only punionice, instalirana i univerzalna punionica tipa Etral 2 x 22 kW. U daljnjem planu oplemenjivanja usluga u ACI marinama jest instaliranje Tesla električnih punionica i u ostalim ACI marinama. Za informacije u svezi korištenja usluge potrebno je izravno kontaktirati željenu ACI marinu. 

The ACI marinas that can provide this new service for our sailing guests, as well as other visitors of ACI marinas are ACI Umag, ACI Cres, ACI Opatija, ACI Supetarska Draga, ACI Split, ACI „Veljko Barbieri“ Slano and ACI Dubrovnik. Every ACI marina has two Tesla Only electric charging stations with the power of up to 22kW and one Tesla Universal charging station with the power of up to 22kW. The exception is ACI marina Opatija, where, with two Tesla Only charging stations were installed along with a model of the universal Etrel 2 x 22 kW charging station. The plan to expand the services of ACI marinas includes installing Tesla electric chargers in other ACI marinas. For information regarding this service it is necessary to contact the required ACI marina directly.  163

Gold. The smart choice. Auro Domus is the largest gold retail and currency exchange provider in Croatia, with shops in all tourist destinations and major cities in Croatia. Present in over 200 locations in the country, Auro Domus provides the customer with better exchange rates for larger transactions and the possibility of sending and receiving cash through the Western Union or buying gold bars and coins. Cooperation with the biggest gold refineries in Europe and the world enables Auro Domus to offer the biggest selection and the best prices for the investment gold products in this part of Europe. Also, check out our original souvenirs - "gold cards" with the illustrations of the best Croatian tourist destinations adorned with gold plates!


At Auro Domus, you can find the best selection of bullion products at best prices. Choose today an investment for eternity.

Zlato. Najbolji izbor. Auro Domus najveći je hrvatski lanac mjenjačnica i tvrtka za trgovinu plemenitim metalima s poslovnicama dostupnima u svim turističkim središtima i većim gradovima u Hrvatskoj. Na više od 200 lokacija, uz povoljnije tečajeve svih svjetskih valuta, moguće je primati i slati gotovinu putem usluge Western Union, obaviti otkup zlata te kupiti proizvode od investicijskog zlata dukate, poluge i zlatnike. Zahvaljujući suradnji s najvećim europskim i svjetskim rafinerijama zlata, Auro Domus nudi najveći izbor i najbolje cijene investicijskog zlata. Potražite i originalne suvenire - "zlatne kartice" s motivima hrvatskih turističkih destinacija i pločicama od čistog zlata!


U Auro Domusu možete pronaći najbolji izbor proizvoda od investicijskog zlata po najboljim cijenama. Izaberite danas investiciju za vječnost

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografija / Photo by Globus Exclusive arhiva / archives


ACI No.1 // Diamond Palace & Crystal Palace

Diamond Palace & Crystal Palace Novi koncept luksuznih kasina u Hrvatskoj

A new concept of luxurious casinos in Croatia

S De Nirom ili bez njega

With or Without De Niro?

– Ej, je li ono De Niro? – upitao je prvi.

“Hey, is this De Niro?” the first guy asked.

– Ma daj, koji De Niro, misliš onaj, pravi De Niro, Robert De Niro, glumac? – uzvratio mu je drugi protupitanjem.

“Oh, come on, De Niro who, you mean, like, the De Niro, Robert De Niro, the actor?” the second guy fired back at him.

Činilo im se nevjerojatnim da su oni jedni od rijetkih sretnika koji u životu imaju priliku uživo vidjeti Roberta De Nira u ambijentu koji savršeno odgovara njegovim glumačkim ostvarenjima – u kasinu. A opet, bili su u vrhunskome kasinu, jednome od najboljih koji su dotad posjetili, pa ne bi bilo čudno vidjeti toga filmskog velikana kako se zabavlja neopterećen ishodom igre stavljajući uloge na crno ili crveno. Ogledavali su se oko sebe: kasino je izgledao vrhunski, debeli tepisi, kristalni lusteri, luksuz primjeren prostoru u čijoj se pozadini čuo onaj karaktrerističan zvuk zveckanja žetona i nenametljiv glas krupijea. Ambijent je bio fantastičan. Nije bilo ni najmanje sumnje da bi se i veliki De Niro ovdje mogao osjećati ugodno. I to je pojačavalo njihovo uvjerenje da je čovjek na kojega su se usredotočili upravo – on! Zajedno su promatrali čovjeka koji je na glavi imao šiltericu, prilično spuštenu sprijeda. Ustvari, puno više nego što je uobičajeno, s očitim ciljem da se lice prikrije koliko god je to moguće. Njima dvojici nije bilo druge nego se približiti na metar-dva udaljenosti karizmatičnomu liku, kojeg je, primijetili su, još nekoliko posjetitelja kasina također promatralo ispod oka procjenjujući je li to stvarno čovjek koji misle da jest.

They found it incredible that they were one of those few lucky people who got the chance to see Robert De Niro in person, in a place that perfectly matches his movie roles – a casino. But then again, they were in an excellent casino, one of the best they had visited so far, so it would not be that strange to see one of the movie greats having fun unburdened by the outcome of the game, placing bets on black or red. They looked around the place: the casino was magnificent, with thick carpets, crystal chandeliers; luxury appropriate for the surroundings where one could hear that characteristic sound of chips rattling and croupier’s unassuming voice. The atmosphere was fantastic. There was no doubt that even De Niro would feel comfortable there. That only served to increase their belief that the man they were focusing on was precisely – De Niro himself! The two observed the man who was wearing a baseball cap really low. In fact, it was lowered more than it was usual, obviously with the intention of hiding his face as much as possible. The two of them had no choice but to get closer to the charismatic man, a meter or two away from him, and they noticed that a couple of other visitors were eyeing him subtly, trying to determine if it was really the man they thought him to be.


ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Oba kasina izgledaju toliko atraktivno da nema nikakva straha ili sumnje hoće li se gosti željni prije svega dobre zabave doista i uspjeti zabaviti.

Both casinos have such an attractive appearance that there is no fear or doubt whether their guests, predominantly eager to have fun, will indeed find fun.

Odlučili su mu doći s druge strane, no, odjednom, kao da je osjetio prevelik interes za sebe, čovjek je vještim pokretom pokupio žetone i otišao. Filmski brzo, uvjerljivo, dojmljivo. Očito željan anonimnosti, zagonetni je posjetitelj nestao, no njima je na raspologanju ostala cijela noć za zabavu u kasinu. – Tko bi rekao da ćemo u Zagrebu doživjeti ovakvo što? – rekao je prvi. – U pravu si, idemo se zabaviti, s De Nirom ili bez njega! – zaključio je drugi.

They decided to approach him from the other side; however, suddenly, as if he felt too much interest surrounding him, in one skillful movement, the man took his chips and left. Movie fast, convincingly, impressively. Clearly in need of anonymity, the mysterious visitor disappeared, but they had a whole night of having fun in the casino ahead of them. “Who would have thought we could experience something like this in Zagreb?” the first guy said. “You’re right, let’s have fun, with or without De Niro!” the second one concluded.

Novi koncept kasina u Hrvatskoj – Diamond Palace i Crystal Palace

A New Casino Concept in Croatia – Diamond Palace and Crystal Palace

Njihov razgovor odvijao se u kasinu, no ne u onome istoimenom filmskom hitu poznatijemu po nazivu Casino, gdje su Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci i nezaboravna Sharon Stone vrhunski odigrali svoje glumačke role, već u zagrebačkome kasinu Diamond Palace. Ima tomu koji mjesec otkad su se dvojica Talijana na poslovnome proputovanju kroz Zagreb odlučila malo zabaviti. Smješteni u jednome od najboljih 168

Their conversation took place in a casino, but it wasn’t the one from the eponymous movie hit, where Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci and Sharon Stone played their roles masterfully, but in Zagreb’s casino Diamond Palace. A couple of months have passed since these two Italians on a business trip in Zagreb decided to have some fun. With their accommodation in one of Zagreb’s best hotels, they spent a part of their eve-

ACI No.1 // Diamond Palace & Crystal Palace

Moderna kasina poput ovih mjesta su dobrih vibracija, užarene pozitivne atmosfere i velikih doza adrenalina. Modern casinos like these have good vibes, a hot and positive atmosphere and high adrenaline levels.

zagrebačkih hotela, dio večeri i noći prema preporuci consiergea odlučili su prekratiti u kasinu Diamond Palace. I kad tamo… mislili su, štoviše, bili su uvjereni da su vidjeli De Nira! I nije im to bilo ni najmanje čudno jer je kasino bio vrhunski opremljen, usluga savršena… Prepuni pozitivnih dojmova, iz kasina su izašli tek pred jutro, opet vrteći noćni film – je li ono bio Robert De Niro koji je u Casinu, filmu prepunome kocke, seksa i nasilja, utjelovio opakoga lika, šefa kasina koji u vrtlogu osobnih odnosa, sukoba i interesa povlači teške poteze. No toga više nema, priče poput one u Casinu rezervirane su za filmska platna.

Zabava važnija od zarade i dobitka Kasina danas, posebno Diamond Palace, koji se nalazi u zagrebačkome hotelu Sheraton, i bratski Crystal Palace, smješten u Rijeci, mjesta su vrhunske zabave i visokoga standarda. Oba su u vlasništvu tvrtke Globus Exclusive, koja je u njihovo uređenje i stvaranje pozitivne atmosfere uložila velik kapital. Oba kasina izgledaju toliko atraktivno da nema nikakva straha ili sumnje hoće li se gosti željni prije svega dobre zabave doista i uspjeti zabaviti. Pritom se ni oni ni zaposlenici neće opterećivati koliko će tko zaraditi i komu će na kraju noći ostati novac – kasinu ili gostima. Takva pitanja postala su drugorazredna, nebitna i suvišna. Smisao je boravka u kasinima zabava sama po sebi; to više nije isključivo zarada i dobitak. Takva su razmišljanja klišej i stvaraju krive predodžbe o kasinima.

ning and night in Diamond Palace casino, on a hotel employee’s recommendation. And once they got there… they thought, in fact, they were convinced they had seen De Niro! And they did not find it strange in the least because the casino was perfectly furnished and the service was superb… Full of great impressions, they left the casino before the dawn, replaying scenes from the previous night in their head – was it the Robert De Niro, who starred in Casino, a movie brimming with gamble, sex and violence, embodying a dangerous guy, the chief of a casino who is forced to make difficult decisions in a whirlwind of personal relations, conflicts and interests. But that is a thing of the past, the stories like the one in Casino can happen only in movies.

Fun Is More Important Than Profit and Winning Today’s casinos, especially Diamond Palace, located in Sheraton hotel in Zagreb, and its affiliate Crystal Palace, located in the city of Rijeka, are places that offer exquisite fun and high standards. They are both owned by Globus Exclusive Company, which invested huge capital into their design and the creation of a positive atmosphere. Both casinos have such an attractive appearance that there is no fear or doubt whether their guests, predominantly eager to have fun, will indeed find fun. At the same time, neither the guests nor the employees will be burdened by who will profit or who will take the money by the end of the night – the casino or the guests. These questions have become second-rate, irrelevant and superfluous. The point in visiting a casino is to simply have fun; it’s no longer exclusively for profit and winning. These notions constitute a cliché and they create a false image of casinos. And similarly, in the aforementioned casinos, there are no longer dangerous guys in leather jackets leaning against the bar, who, like predators, prey upon their victims, those unlucky players who just need a thousand of something to get rich and solve their life problems. No, those days are gone. Those stereotypes have been overcome and 169

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Isto kao što u navedenim kasinima više nema onih opasnih tipova u kožnim jaknama koji naslonjeni na šank poput predatora čekaju na žrtve, ustvari nesretne igrače kojima, eto, treba još samo tisuću nečega pa da se obogate i riješe svoje životne probleme. Ne, toga više nema. Ti su stereotipi prevladani i završili su u ambisu povijesti. Moderna kasina poput ovih mjesta su dobrih vibracija, užarene pozitivne atmosfere i velikih doza adrenalina. Pravi igrači znat će to cijeniti, isto kao i kad im se kaže da se u Diamond Palaceu, definitivno najluksuznijemu kasinu u jugoistočnoj Europi, igra s najvećim mogućim ulozima u Hrvatskoj. Uostalom, Diamond Palace, smješten na 1.600 četvornih metara raspoređenih na nekoliko etaža, svakomu pruža mogućnost zabave kroz 118 automata, elektronički rulet, 15 stolova za živu igru poput ruleta, blackjacka, punto banca i pokera, VIP sobu te posebno iskustvo u odvojenim salama s 15 stolova za pokeraške turnire. Diamond Palace kasino je – kazat će ona dvojica iskusnih Talijana koja su u neznancu vidjela i možda prepoznala De Nira – koji ima puno šarma, kasino koji ima toplinu, ljudskost i urbanu priču. Upravo u okviru takve urbane priče u polivalentnome prostoru Diamond Palacea nedavno je modnu reviju održala i Kristina Burija, hrvatska dizajnerica koja sve uspješnije gradi svjetsku karijeru. Njezin brend Krie design doživljava velike uspjehe, čemu pridonosi i to što njezinu 170

they ended up in the abyss of history. Modern casinos like these have good vibes, a hot and positive atmosphere and high adrenaline levels. The real players know how to appreciate this, just like when they are told that Diamond Palace, which is definitely the most luxurious casino in southeastern Europe, has games with the highest possible stakes in Croatia. In any case, the Diamond Palace, spreading over 1,600 square meters on several floors, offers fun for everyone with its 118 slot-machines, electronic roulette, 15 tables for live games such as roulette, blackjack, punto banco and poker, a VIP room, and special experience in separate halls with 15 tables for poker tournaments. Just like those two veteran Italians who saw and maybe recognized De Niro in that stranger would tell you – the Diamond Palace casino is a casino full of charm, warmth, humanity and urban touch. It is precisely within such an urban touch that Kristina Burija, a Croatian designer whose global career is currently taking off, held her fashion show in the multipurpose space of Diamond Palace. Her brand Krie Design has been garnering huge successes, which is helped by the fact that the ex-supermodel, actress, singer and TV host Tyra Banks, who has her own extremely popular reality show in the USA, adores her clothes.

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

robu obožava bivši supermodel, glumica, manekenka, pjevačica i televizijska voditeljica Tyra Banks, koja u SAD-u ima svoj iznimno gledani reality show.

Društveno odgovorno poslovanje Naravno, oni koji vode takva mjesta, a to su u ovome slučaju vlasnici tvrtke Globus Exclusive, društeno su odgovorni pa uopće ne čudi što se dio prihoda iz riječkoga Crystal Palacea donira Dječjoj bolnici Rijeka, ali i Nogometnome klubu Rijeka, koji osvaja domaća prvenstva i kupove te se uspješno natječe u Europskoj ligi. I zagrebački Diamond Palace, treba li to uopće posebno naglašavati, dio prihoda preusmjerava u humanitarne svrhe, što je praksa koju vlasnik obaju kasina misli i dalje provoditi. Nema sumnje da u Globus Exclusiveu mogu biti zadovoljni onime što su u Hrvatskoj vrlo brzo postigli – s kasinima Diamond Palace i Crystal Palace pokrenuli su biznis koji njihovim klijentima u luksuzno opremljenome prostoru garantira zabavu na svjetskoj razini. I baš zato, želite li se barem ponadati da ćete u nekome kasinu u Hrvatskoj možda vidjeti Roberta De Nira, nema vam druge nego doći u zagrebački Diamond Palace. Jedino tamo imate tu šansu. I da, nema veze ako je priča s dva talijanska poslovnjaka možda samo dobra priča, jer ona naprosto dobro zvuči, zar ne? Uostalom, između mašte i stvarnosti koje se isprepleću u kasinima Globus Exclusivea ponekad je tanka granica, toliko nevidljiva da realno otvara prostor za dilemu – je li frajer sa šiltericom stvarno bio De Niro ili, slučajno, ipak samo netko tko mu je jako sličan… 

Socially responsible business Of course, the individuals in charge of places like these, in this case, the owners of Globus Exclusive company, are socially responsible, so it should come as no surprise that a part of the profit from Rijeka’s Crystal Palace is donated to Children Hospital Rijeka, and Rijeka F.C. which is the winner of national championships and is competing successfully in UEFA Europe League. It comes without saying, of course, that Zagreb’s Diamond Palace also donates a part of its profit to charities, which is something that the owner of both casinos plans to continue doing. There is no doubt that Globus Exclusive can be pleased with what they have accomplished in Croatia in a short amount of time – with the Diamond Palace and the Crystal Palace casinos, they have started a business which guarantees a world-scale entertainment for their clients in a luxuriously furnished space. Therefore, if you at least want to get to hope that you will maybe see Robert De Niro in a casino in Croatia, you are left with no other option but to visit the Diamond Palace in Zagreb. It’s only there that you will have this opportunity. And yes, it shouldn’t matter if the story about those two Italian businessmen might, in fact, just be a good story, because it simply sounds nice, doesn’t it? After all, sometimes there is a thin line between fantasy and reality, intertwined in Globus Exclusive Casinos, so invisible that it leaves room for the following dilemma – was the guy with the baseball cap really De Niro, or, just maybe, someone who really looked like him…  171

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografija / Photo by Noa grupa arhiva / archives


ACI No.1 // Noa Beach Club

NOA BEACH CLUB Kralj Zrća / The King of Zrće Noa Beach Club jedan je od najatraktivnijih trendovskih i zabavnih klubova na cijeloj jadranskoj obali. Smješten iznad razine mora, nudeći epski pogled na sraz kristalno čistoga Jadrana i visokih hrvatskih planina, u kombinaciji s vrhunskim glazbenim i zabavnim doživljajem, Noa nudi životnu perspektivu ljetnih užitaka kao jedan od najboljih klubova u Europi.

Noa Beach Club is one of the most attractive, trendy and fun clubs on the entire Adriatic shore. Located above the water, it offers an epic view on the clash of the clear blue Adriatic Sea and grand Croatian mountains, in combination with a supreme music and entertainment experience. Noa offers a life perspective of summer pleasure as one of the best clubs in Europe.

Najveći teškaši svjetske DJ scene, plesni podij prepun lijepih, mladih ljudi iz čitavoga svijeta, lude noćne zabave i još luđa jutra, raspamećena ekipa golih torza na after beach partyjima – sve je to Zrće, plaža zbog koje se mnoga majka uhvatila za glavu kada su kći ili sin objavili da pakiraju kofere i kreću prema Pagu. U čitavoj toj gunguli zabave, glasne muzike, kioska s brzom hranom, salona za tetovažu i sličnih čudesa jedan se klub izdvojio kao apsolutni kralj plaže – Noa Beach Club – grandiozno zdanje jedino smješteno iznad površine mora. I dok su se svi ostali klubovi skutrili u betonskim zdanjima poviše plaže, klub Noa nadvio se iznad mora, pa ga nikako ne možeš zaobići. Čim se s glavne ceste koja vodi od Novalje spustiš prema plaži, u oko ti upadne impresivno grotlo Noe.

The greatest heavyweights of the global DJ scene, a dance floor filled with gorgeous, young people from all around the world, crazy night parties and even crazier mornings, a frenzied team of naked torsos on after beach parties – that is all Zrće, the beach which made many a mother hold her head when her daughter or son announced that they were packing their suitcases and setting off towards Pag. In that entire commotion of fun, loud music, fast food stands, tattoo parlors and other wonders, one club stands out as the absolute queen of the beach – Noa Beach Club – a grandiose edifice, the only one located above the water. And while all other clubs have huddled in concrete buildings above the beach, club Noa leans over the sea, so you cannot miss it. As soon as you go down to the beach from the main road which leads to Novalja, your eye will catch Noa’s impressive entrance.


ACI No.1 // Noa Beach Club

Jednostavno, trebalo je imati viziju, trebalo je imati hrabrosti investirati u neizvjesni projekt, trebalo je imati mudrosti birati suradnike, licitirati na tržištu bookinga najvećih faca DJ svijeta. Trebalo je, ali na kraju se isplatilo... Simply, all that was needed was vision, courage to invest in an uncertain project, wisdom to choose associates, to bid on the market of booking the biggest hotshots of the DJ world. But, in the end, it paid off...

Četrnaesti najbolji klub na svijetu

Fourteenth best club in the world

A klub nije pao s neba, puno je tu znoja i rada uloženo od samih početaka prije šest godina, kada je vizionar Ivan Jokić, ugostitelj koji zaista pomiče granice, zajedno sa svojim partnerom Zlatkom Balaškom priču započeo s omalenim pontonom. Svake iduće godine klub je rastao, najprije na jednoj razini, zatim je izgrađena i gornja galerija pa onda impresivni stage kojeg se ne bi posramili ni najbolji klubovi Ibize ili Miamija. S godinama su rasli i apetiti dovođenja velikih svjetskih DJ zvijezda. Tako su u Noi među ostalima nastupali Calvin Harris, Skrillex, Steve Aoki – najveći globalni glazbeni fenomeni. U svojim su riderima tražili high end vizualnu i akustičnu podršku. – Nema problema – sve to već ionako imamo. – odgovarali su im ljudi iz Noe. Jer, zaista, klub je opremljen po najvišim svjetskim produkcijskim standardima. Nije prošlo puno, svega šest godina, i Noa je od skromnoga pontona na plaži došao do statusa četrnaestoga najboljeg kluba na svijetu prema izboru Top DJ Maga, najpoznatijega i najrelevantnijega klupskog časopisa na svijetu. Jednostavno, trebalo je imati viziju, trebalo je imati hrabrosti investirati u neizvjesni projekt, trebalo je imati mudrosti birati suradnike, licitirati na tržištu bookinga najvećih faca DJ svijeta. Trebalo je, ali na kraju se isplatilo jer je lijepo biti četrnaesti na svijetu bilo u kojoj disciplini, makar i u bacanju šibice u čašu, a kamoli ne biti četrnaesti najbolji klub na svijetu. Danas su stvari puno lakše, Zrće je brend, ali je i Noa sam po sebi jednako snažan brend. Noa svoja otvorenja obično tempira za kraj svibnja i klub tada obično bude – pun. Da, zvuči nevjerojatno, krajem svibnja Jadran je još prilično praznjikav, ali u Noi se već tulumari na veliko.

And the club did not just fall from the sky; much sweat and hard work has been invested in it since the very beginning, six years ago, when visionary Ivan Jokić, an entrepreneur who truly raises the bar, and his partner Zlatko Balaško, started their story with a tiny pontoon. Each following year, the club grew, first on one level, and then the upper gallery was built, and then the impressive stage which can put some of the best clubs of Ibiza and Miami to shame. As years passed, the appetites of bringing grand global DJ stars grew. Calvin Harris, Skrillex, Steve Aoki – world’s biggest music phenomena – and many others played in Noa. In their riders, they would ask for high-end visual and acoustic support. “No problem, we already have all of that,” was the reply of the people from Noa. Because, truly, the club was equipped according to the highest production standards in the world. It was not long after, just six years, that Noa went from the modest pontoon on the beach to the position of the fourteenth best club in the world according to Top DJ Mag, the most famous and relevant club magazine in the world. Simply, all that was needed was vision, courage to invest in an uncertain project, wisdom to choose associates, to bid on the market of booking the biggest hotshots of the DJ world. But, in the end, it paid off, because it is nice to be the fourteenth in the world in any discipline, even in throwing matches in a glass, let alone being the fourteenth best club in the world. Today, things are much easier. Zrće is a brand, but Noa is an equally strong brand. Noa times its openings usually at the end of May and the club is usually completely full even then. Yes, it sounds incredible, since beaches on the Adriatic Sea are still pretty empty in May, but the party is rocking in Noa even then.

Sigurnost na prvome mjestu Što se tiče one majke s početka priče, majke koja se hvata za glavu kada kći ili sin objave da pakiraju kofere i kreću prema Pagu, dobra je vijest da draga gospođa slobodno može odahnuti. Sve 174

Safety first Let’s go back to that mother from the beginning of the story, the mother that grabs her head when her daughters or sons announ-

ACI No.1 // Noa Beach Club

te medijske tlapnje o sodomi i gomori ionako su samo praznomlati slame za dnevnu prodaju novina. Recimo, samo dvanaest redara u Noi kontrolira sigurnost prosječnih tri tisuće gostiju po večeri i rijetko kada bude problema ili intervencija. Usporedite li to bilo s kojim narodnjačkim klubom u Zagrebu, u kojem redovno radi i po trideset redara da bi pazili na tri stotine gostiju i gotovo svake večeri moraju intervenirati, shvatit ćete, draga majko, koliko su vam djeca u Noi sigurna. U Nou se dolazi plesati i tulumariti, svi su dobre volje. U klubu je uvijek nekoliko policajaca u civilu, pa tko je došao s prljavim mislima, taj brzo bude lociran i transferiran. Sve u svemu, šanse da se nešto loše dogodi vašemu djetetu možete mjeriti u promilima.

Vez za mega jahte i VIP sekcija U Noi su mislili i na ekologiju pa se barem jednom u sezoni pozovu dečki iz ronilačkoga kluba i čisti se podmorje uz Zrće. Kad smo već kod morskoga dijela, moramo spomenuti i vez za brodove kojim se Noa obilato koristi. Svakih nekoliko dana za klub se veže nova mega jahta pa klupske hostese ekipu s palube otprate ravno do VIP sekcije, a onda se već zna što će biti – deset ili dvadeset boca šampanjca, neka se nađe, ljudi vole potrošiti, vole se zabaviti pa neka im bude. Jedini problem u čitavoj priči jest što će se takav bogati gost, kakve na Jadranu trebamo kao suho zlato, odlično provesti u VIP-u

ce that they are packing their bags and setting off towards Pag. Well, good news is, the dear lady can rest at ease. All the media commotion about Sodom and Gomorrah are just hacked up tales to sell newspapers. For instance, only twelve security guards at Noa control the safety of three thousand guests that come a night on average, and there are rarely any problems or interventions. Compare that to any folk club in Zagreb, where there are regularly even thirty security guards to watch over three hundred guests. They have to intervene almost every night. You will realize, dear mother, how much your children are safe at Noa. People come to Noa to dance and to party, and everyone in a nice mood. There are always several plainclothes police officers there, so anyone who has come with impure thoughts is soon located and transferred. All in all, the chances of anything bad happening to your child are miniscule.

Berth for mega-yachts and the VIP section Noa thought about the environment, too, so the guys from the diving club are called in at least once a season, and they clean the seabed near Zrće. While we are discussing the seabed, we need to mention the berths that Noa uses profusely. Every few days, a new mega-yacht is berthed to the club, so the club hostesses escort the deck crew right to the VIP section, and then everyone knows what happens – ten or twenty bottles of champagne, just


ACI No.1 // Noa Beach Club

U Noi posao vrijedno odrađuje oko 130 zaposlenika, konobara, logističara, hostesa, tehničara; složen je to pogon koji proizvodi vrhunsku zabavu. Around 130 employees, waiters, logistics workers, hostesses, and technicians work hard at Noa; that is a complex operation which produces supreme fun.

Noe… i tu priča staje; na kopnu on nema što raditi, barem ne one stvari koje njega zanimaju. Obližnji gradić Novalja ponudom nije pratio svjetsku razinu do koje su došli klubovi Zrća. Osim Boškinca, tu nema ozbiljnoga restorana, nema luksuznoga hotela, nema spa sadržaja, sauna i masaža, nema igrališta za golf, nema ničega zbog čega bi bogati gost sišao sa svoje jahte.

Produkcijski i estetski perfekcionizam U Noi posao vrijedno odrađuje oko 130 zaposlenika, konobara, logističara, hostesa, tehničara; složen je to pogon koji proizvodi vrhunsku zabavu. Hrvatska zaista jest vrhunska turistička destinacija, ali puno nam još treba da dosegnemo razinu ponude koja bi iskoristila sve naše potencijale. Ipak, ako smo u jednome segmentu otišli zaista daleko, to je festivalski turizam, to su proizvodi koje nudi Zrće – Hideout Festival, BlackSheep Festival, Sonus Festival… To su prave stvari koje na plažu kroz sezonu dovode stotine tisuća gostiju. Noa je tu otišao najdalje, i produkcijski i estetski. Uostalom, ne nazivaju ga bez veze kraljem plaže, on zaista to i jest.  176

in case; people like to spend, they like to have fun, so leave them to it. The only problem in this entire story is the fact that such a rich guest, who we need like gold in the Adriatic, will have an excellent time in VIP of Noa… But that is where the fun ends, because the guest has nothing to do on land, at least not what nothing that interests him. The nearby town of Novalja has not kept up with the level reached by the clubs of Zrće. Aside from Boškinac, there is no serious restaurant there, no luxurious hotel, no spa content, saunas and massages, no golf courses, nothing that would make a rich guest come down from his yacht.

Production and aesthetic perfectionism Around 130 employees, waiters, logistics workers, hostesses, and technicians work hard at Noa; that is a complex operation which produces supreme fun. Croatia truly is a supreme tourist destination, but it needs a lot to reach the level of offer which would use all of our potential. However, if we have reached new heights in any single segment, that is festival tourism, those are the products offered by Zrće – Hideout Festival, BlackSheep Festival, Sonus Festival… That is the real deal that brings hundreds of thousands of guests to the beach every season. Noa has gone the furthest, production- and aesthetic-wise. Anyway, it is not called the king of the beach for nothing; it truly is the king. 

The restaurant Gariful is located on the sunniest island of the Croatian coast, on the very edge of the harbor of Hvar where luxurious boats and yachts of wealthy owners are located. Thanks to this extraordinary position, everyone can come and taste some of the well-known specialties, and, at least for a moment, be part of the world elite that can boast of having eaten at this restaurant.

mended to all true wine lovers, and is an invaluable treasure trove because it contains more than 500 different types of wine from the world’s most diverse locations and regions, famous for a long tradition of making this magnificent beverage.

Restoran Gariful se nalazi na najsunčanijem otoku hrvatske obale, na rivi gdje se nalaze luksuzni brodovi i jahte bogatih vlasnika.

Zahvaljujući ovom izvanrednom položaju, svatko može doći i kušati neke od poznatih specijaliteta, i Staff of the restaurant are proud to barem na trenutak biti dio svjetske be able to offer sufficient quantities elite i osetiti jedinstveni doživljaj u of fresh fish on the menu at any ovom restoranu. time. This would not be possible if it wasn’t for fishermen who sail out Restoran Gariful otvoren je u The restaurant Gariful was opened in daily to catch fish just off the coast proljeće 1981. s namjerom da or on the open sea, so that they the spring of 1981, with the desire ponudi svojim gostima nešto novo i could provide a fresh batch before to offer its customers something jedinstveno, neusporediv užitak koji the restaurant is open for the day. new and unique, an inimitable kombinira ugodnu atmosferu s pleasure that combines a pleasant vrhunskim specijalitetima mediteratmosphere with top sea specialties, The main mission of the restaurant anske kuhinje, uvijek svježe ribe i Gariful is to provide an unforgettable morskih plodova, i neke od iznimnih ever fresh fish and seafood, and some of the extraordinary and quite dining experience at Hvar, one of the i rijetkih vrsta vina koje se s ponoworld's most beautiful islands with som čuvaju u vinskom podrumu rare types of wine which the wine an amazing waterfront view. cellar of this restaurant proudly ovog restorana. contains. If you want to know more about the Vinski podrum dio je ponude restaurant Gariful, please visit our The wine cellar is a part of the restorana koji se preporučuje svim website restaurant's offer that is recomistinskim ljubiteljima vina i

neprocjenjiva je riznica jer sadrži više od 500 različitih vrsta vina s najrazličitijih svjetskih lokacija i regija poznatih po dugoj tradiciji proizvodnje ovog veličanstvenog pića. Restoran s ponosom ističe činjenicu da gostima mogu u svakom trenutku ponuditi dovoljne količine svježe ribe na jelovniku. To naravno ne bi bilo moguće bez ribara koji svakodnevno isplovljavaju na otvoreno more i pučinu da ulove ribu kako bi doneli svoj ulov i najreprezentativnije primerke, još prije otvaranja restorana. Glavna zadaća restorana Gariful je pružiti svojim posetiocima nezaboravan gastronomski doživljaj na Hvaru, jednom od najljepših otoka na svijetu s predivnim pogledom na more. Ako želite saznati više o restoranu Gariful, posjetite našu web stranicu

Mljet, Sv. Marija Fotografija / Photo by Ivo BioÄ?ina - HTZ

Nacionalni parkovi na Jadranu National parks on the Adriatic Sea Hrvatska se ponosi s točno osam nacionalnih parkova, po četiri u primorskom i planinskom dijelu. To su Brijuni, Kornati, Mljet, Krka, Plitvička jezera, Risnjak, Paklenica i Sjeverni Velebit. Sva četiri morska parka u blizini su ili na plovidbenoj ruti marina ACI sustava, tako da ih je moguće oploviti uz maksimalnu sigurnost i dostupnost svih usluga koje su neophodne nautičarima i njihovim plovilima.

Croatia is proud to have exactly eight national parks, four in the coastal area and four in the mountain area. They include Brijuni, Kornati, Mljet, Krka, Plitvička jezera, Risnjak, Paklenica and Sjeverni Velebit. All four sea parks are near or on the sea route of ACI marinas, so it is possible to sail around them with maximum security and availibility of all services which are necessary for boaters and their vessels.

ACI No.1 // Nacionalni parkovi na Jadranu / National parks on the Adriatic Sea

Brijuni Fotografija / Photo by Ivo Biočina - HTZ

Kornati su najgušći sredozemni arhipelag, a čine ih 152 otoka, otočića i hridi između Dugog otoka i otoka Žirja. Nacionalni park obuhvaća njih 89. Kornati is the densest archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea. It is made up of 152 islands, islets and rocks between Dugi Island and Žirje Island. The national park encompasses 89 islands.

NP Brijuni

NP Brijuni

Brijunsko otočje koje čine Veli i Mali Brijun s dvanaest otočića ladanjska su oaza od antičkih vremena pa osim prirodnih ljepota čuvaju i zanimljiva povijesna nalazišta. Otoci se prostiru uz jugozapadnu obalu Istarskog poluotoka, od kojeg ih dijeli oko tri kilometra širok Fažanski kanal. Brijuni nude bogat izbor sadržaja i aktivnosti i stoga predstavljaju idealan izbor za izlet s polazištem u ACI marinama Pula ili Pomer.

The Brijuni Islands, made up of Veli and Mali Brijun with twelve islets, are a rural oasis from old times; aside from its natural beauty, they also keep interesting historical findings. The islands are located along the southwest coast of the Istria Peninsula, divided by the three-kilometer wide Fažanski canal. Brijuni are a rich source of content and activities, therefore, an ideal choice for a picnic with the starting point in ACI marinas Pula or Pomer.

NP Kornati Kornati su najgušći sredozemni arhipelag, a čine ih 152 otoka, otočića i hridi između Dugog otoka i otoka Žirja. Nacionalni park obuhvaća njih 89. Od ukupne površine parka samo oko četvrtinu čini kopno, dok je preostali dio morski ekosustav. Obiluje prirodnim i kulturnim posebnostima. Okomite litice ‘krune’ kornatskih otoka okrenute prema otvorenom moru najpopularniji su fenomen toga parka, a istovremeno su i staništa rijetkih vrsta. Svijet kornatskoga podmorja otkriva pak neke nove zadivljujuće priče. U samome srcu Parka smjestila se ACI marina Piškera dok se na obližnjemu otoku nalazi i druga, ACI marina Žut. Park, u besprijekornoj harmoniji s marinama, predstavlja pravi raj za nautičare i sve željne netaknutih prirodnih ljepota.

NP Mljet Nacionalni park na otoku Mljetu zauzima zapadni, šumoviti dio otoka s pet tipova šuma i ostatcima prašume, brojnim pticama pjevica180

NP Kornati Kornati is the densest archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea. It is made up of 152 islands, islets and rocks between Dugi Island and Žirje Island. The national park encompasses 89 islands. Out of the entire surface of the park, only about a quarter is consisted of land, while the remaining part is comprised of the sea ecosystem. It is rich in natural and cultural uniqueness. Steep cliffs, the “crowns” of the Kornati Islands that face the open sea, are the most popular phenomenon of the park, while at the same time being the habitat of rare species. The sea life surrounding the Kornati can reveal new, impressing stories. ACI marina Piškera is located at the very heart of the national park, while the other, ACI marina Žut, is located on a nearby island. The park, in impeccable harmony with the marinas, represents a true heaven for boaters and all those who are eager to witness untouched natural beauty.

ACI No.1 // Nacionalni parkovi na Jadranu / National parks on the Adriatic Sea

Kornati Fotografija / Photo by Ivo Pervan - HTZ

NP Mljet

Krka - Skradinski buk Fotografija / Photo by Zoran Jelača - HTZ

ma i staništima orla zmijara. Veliko jezero površine 145 hektara te dubine do 46 metara i Malo jezero površine 24 hektra i dubine do 29 metara svojim tajnama privlače prirodoslovce, ali i druge znatiželjnike i zaljubljenike u prirodu. Usred Velikoga jezera nalazi se otočić Sveta Marija s drevnim benediktinskim samostanom i crkvom koji datiraju iz 12. stoljeća. Otočić je poradi svojega izuzetnog estetskog ugođaja i snažne duhovno-kulturne dimenzije svojevrsni simbol otoka i Nacionalnog parka Mljet. Sam otok Mljet nalazi se točno na sredini morskih ruta između ACI marina Korčula i Dubrovnik i preporuka je uvrstiti ga među nezaobilazne nautičke destinacije.

NP Krka Djevičanski čista krška rijeka Krka sa sedam čarobnih slapišta izvire blizu Knina, a dvjema trećinama svoje dužine teče kroz kanjone. Izuzetno je bogata endemskom florom i faunom, s 222 vrste ptica. Mlinice uz rijeku i nad slapovima, gradine obrambenih utvrda nad kanjonom kao i živopisno ušće Čikole iznad Skradinskoga buka posebnosti su riječnoga pejzaža. Estuarij Krke, Prokljansko jezero, dopire do Skradinskoga buka, dugo je 23,5 km te bogato školjkama, slatkovodnim i morskim ribama. Na Visovačkome jezeru između Roškoga slapa i Skradinskoga buka (13 km) nalazi se otočić – franjevački samostan u idiličnome perivoju s dugom kulturnom poviješću. Manastir Krka (Arhanđelovac) nalazi se u proširenju kanjona u području Kistanja. Morskim putem može se doći gotovo do samoga nacionalnog parka. ACI marina Skradin nudi siguran vez plovilima i jedinstven gastronomski doživljaj te je izvrsna polazna točka za uživanje na Krki. 

The national park on the island of Mljet takes up the western part that is covered by a forest. There are five types of forests and remnants of the old-growth forest, as well as numerous songbirds and the short-toed snake eagle’s habitats. Big Lake (Veliko jezero), which spans over 145 hectares and is 46 meters deep, and Small Lake (Malo jezero), which spans over 23 hectares and is 29 meters deep, attract naturalists and other curious people and nature lovers. The islet Saint Maria (Sveta Marija) is located in the middle of Veliko jezero. The islet holds an old Benedictine monastery and a church, which date back to the 12th century. Saint Maria is somewhat of a symbol of the island and the national park Mljet due to its exceptional aesthetic atmosphere and spiritual-cultural dimension. The island of Mljet is located in the middle of the sea routes between ACI marinas Korčula and Dubrovnik and our recommendation is to include it in your essential nautical destinations.

NP Krka The spring of the impeccably pure Krka River with its seven magical waterfalls is near Knin, and the river runs through canyons in two-thirds of its flow. It is extremely rich in endemic flora and fauna, with 222 types of birds. Mills along the river and over the waterfalls, ruins of fortresses over the canyon, as well as the vibrant confluence of the Čikola over the Skradinski Buk are unique qualities of the river scenery. The estuary of Krka, Prokljan Lake, reaches Skradinski Buk. It is 23.5 kilometres long and rich in shells, freshwater and sea fish. An islet is located on the Visovac Lake, between Roški Slap and Skradinski Buk (13 km), which holds a Franciscan monastery, situated in the idyllic park with a long cultural history. Monastery Krka (Arhanđelovac) is located in the canyon’s extension in the area of Kistanj. The national park can be reached via the sea. ACI marina Skradin offers safe berth to vessels and a unique gastronomic experience, and it represents an exceptional starting point to enjoy Krka.  181




ACI No.1 // ACI Online Booking & ACI App

Rezervacijom i plaćanjem putem ACI Online booking sustava i aplikacije možete uživati u plovidbi do kasnih večernjih sati i ujedno biti sigurni da će vas vaše rezervirano mjesto čekati u odabranoj ACI marini.

By booking and paying via the ACI Online Booking system and app, you can enjoy sailing until the late evening and, at the same time, be certain that your booked place at the selected ACI marina will be there, waiting for you.

ACI Online Booking

ACI Online Booking

ACI Online Booking internetski je sustav rezervacija dnevnoga veza za sve ACI marine u potpunosti prilagođen svim platformama – računalima, prijenosnim računalima, tabletima i pametnim telefonima. Takva rezervacija omogućuje plaćanje dnevnoga veza sukladno raspoloživim kapacitetima pojedinih marina u tome trenutku. ACI Online Booking brz je i jednostavan način rezervacije dnevnih vezova za plovila, posebice u periodu nautičke sezone, koji omogućava rezervaciju i plaćanje dnevnoga veza u samo nekoliko minuta. Sustavu ACI Online Booking može se pristupiti jednim klikom s internetske stranice ili izravno na adresi kao i očitanjem donjega QR koda, a dostupan je na četiri jezika: hrvatskome, engleskome, njemačkome i talijanskome. Rezervacijom i plaćanjem dnevnoga veza putem ACI Online booking sustava možete uživati u plovidbi do kasnijih večernjih sati i ujedno biti sigurni da će vas vaše rezervirano mjesto u odabranoj ACI marini čekati te izbjeći čekanje i plaćanje na recepciji marine. Rezervacija dnevnoga veza vrijedi do 7 sati ujutro sljedećega dana, a dnevni vez plaćen je sve do 14 sati sljedećega dana, kada započinje obračun za sljedeći dan ako plovilo ne napusti marinu.

ACI Online Booking is a system of booking daily berth for all ACI marinas via the Internet service completely adjusted to all platforms – computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones. This way of booking enables paying daily berth in accordance with the available capacity of certain marinas at that moment. ACI Online Booking is a fast and simple way of booking and paying daily berth in just a few minutes. You can access the ACI Online Booking system with a single click on the webpage or directly on the address, as well as by scanning the QR code at the bottom. It is available in four languages: Croatian, English, German and Italian. By booking and paying daily berth via the ACI Online Booking system, you can enjoy sailing until late evening and, at the same time, be certain that your booked place at the selected ACI marina will wait for you; in addition, you can avoid waiting and paying at the marina’s reception desk this way. Booking daily berth is valid until 7 a.m. on the following day, and the payment of daily berth is valid until 2 p.m. on the following day. If the vessel does not leave the marina by then, another daily berth fee will be charged.

ACI App ACI mobilna aplikacija korak je naprijed u smislu usluge i funkcionalnosti za goste ACI sustava. Uz mogućnost rezervacije i plaćanja dnevnoga veza, ACI App korisnicima pruža i uslugu informacija o ACI marinama s ponuđenim sadržajima, vremensku prognozu i slobodne kapacitete na željenim lokacijama. ACI App dostupan je od sezone 2018. Aplikacija se može besplatno preuzeti u trgovinama aplikacija Google Play i App Store za Android i iOS operativne sustave. ACI App ponudit će dodatno napredno korisničko iskustvo uz mogućnost brze i jednostavne registracije i samim time još brži i jednostavniji postupak rezervacije i plaćanja dnevnoga veza, kao i mogućnost vezivanja više plovila na jednoga korisnika. ACI App dostupna je na četiri jezika: hrvatskome, engleskome, njemačkome i talijanskome, a može se preuzeti s internetskih stranica www., ili izravno iz trgovina aplikacija. Obogatite svoje iskustvo plovidbe uz novi ACI App i rezervirajte siguran vez za svoje plovilo od sada i putem pametnih telefona ili tableta! 

ACI App ACI App is a step forward in the sense of service and functionality for guests of the ACI system. Together with the possibility of booking and paying daily berth, ACI App offers its users information on ACI marinas with content on offer, the weather forecast and available capacity at desired locations. The ACI App can be used as of the season 2018. The app is available for free download on Google Play and App Store for Android and IOs operating systems. ACI App offers additional advanced user experience with the possibility of a swift and simple registration, and, at the same time, a faster and simpler procedure of booking and paying daily berth, as well as the option of mooring more vessels on one user. ACI App is available in four languages: Croatian, English, German and Italian, and it can be downloaded from the following webpages and or directly from app stores. Enrich your experience of sailing with ACI App and, from now on, book a safe berth for your vessel with the use of smart phones or tablets!  183

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografija / Photo by Mara BratoĹĄ


ACI No.1 // Gordana Kovačević




Od 1. siječnja 2005. godine na čelu ste kompanije Ericsson Nikola Tesla. U hrvatskim okvirima rijetki su čelni ljudi kompanija koji toliko dugo obnašaju najvišu funkciju, posebno u tako značajnoj kompaniji. Postoji li recept uspjeha? Što Vas i dalje pokreće, jeste li se umorili? Mislim da svaki posao, osobito na rukovodećim pozicijama, što u današnjemu turbulentnom okruženju predstavlja najsloženije i najstresnije odgovornosti, zahtijeva puno znanja, vještina, sposobnosti i naravno rezultat. Da biste uspjeli u ovako kompetitivnoj industriji kao što je ICT, jednostavno se morate okružiti kvalitetnim ljudima i sustavno prepoznavati njihove kompetencije i predan rad. Svjesna sam da, kao lider, moram neprekidno inovirati i motivirati poslovnu organizaciju za rast i razvoj, stvarajući poticajnu kompanijsku kulturu. To prenosim i na svoje najbliže suradnike, s namjerom da svaki zaposlenik ima uvjete za realizaciju postavljenih ciljeva i planova kroz oslobađanje svojega punog potencijala. Tek tada možete očekivati maksimum od svakoga pojedinca. Postoje stvari oko kojih nema kompromisa – po njima vas ljudi prepoznaju i cijene. To su: stručnost, profesionalnost i znanje te ljudske kvalitete. Jednostavno ljude cijenim i odabirem isključivo prema njihovim sposobnostima i ljudskim kvalitetama i na taj način želim da i drugi doživljavaju mene. Kakve poslovne rezultate očekujete u 2018. godini? Godinu koja je na izmaku pamtit ćemo kao veoma zahtjevnu i punu izazova. Iako konačni rezultati još nisu poznati, već sada mogu reći da će 2017. godina za Ericsson Nikolu Teslu biti još jedna u nizu godina sa solidnim ostvarenjima. Godinu ćemo

You have been the head of the company Ericsson Nikola Tesla since January 1st 2005. There are not many heads of companies in the Croatian context who have been on the highest position for such a long period of time, especially in such a significant company. Is there a recipe for success? What still drives you, are you tired? I think that every job, especially in the managing positions, which includes the most complex and stressful responsibilities in today’s turbulent environment, demands plenty of knowledge, skills, abilities and, of course, result. If you want to succeed in such a competitive industry such as ICT, you simply have to surround yourself with quality people and systematically recognize their competences and devoted work. I am aware that, as a leader, I have to constantly innovate and motivate the business organization to grow and develop, while creating a stimulating company culture. I transfer that to my closest associates, with the intention of providing every employee with the conditions to achieve set goals and plans through the liberation of their full potential. Only then can you expect the maximum from each individual. There are things which cannot be compromised – people recognize and value you for them. Those are: expertise, professionalism and knowledge, as well as human qualities. I simply value and choose people according to their abilities and human qualities and it is the way I want others to perceive me. What business results are you expecting in 2018? We will remember this past year as a very demanding and challenging one. Even though the final results are yet un185

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Fotografija / Photo by Boris Šćitar

sigurno pamtiti po brojnim izazovima, ali i mogućnostima koje smo maksimalno iskoristili te kvalitetnim rezultatima na svojim tržištima gdje su naši stručnjaci uspješno realizirali važne projekte. Zahvaljujući širenju poslovanja i novim odgovornostima, izvoz usluga u Ericssonu i dalje raste. To su činjenice koje pokazuju da su kvaliteta i visoka dodana vrijednost koju naši stručnjaci isporučuju prepoznate od kupaca širom svijeta, ali i u korporaciji Ericsson. Koliko ulažete u istraživanje i razvoj te pomicanje granica tehnologije? Svoj strateški razvoj gradimo na stalnome ulaganju u tehnološki razvoj i kompetencije ljudi, što nije lako jer zahtijeva velika ulaganja. Tako svake godine ulažemo oko 200 milijuna kuna u brojne projekte istraživanja i razvoja (R&D), a još otprilike toliko u druge aktivnosti u redovnome poslovanju svojega razvojno-istraživačkog centra, danas najvećega u Hrvatskoj s više od 1.200 stručnjaka. Pretpostavljam da je prosječna plaća u ENT-u i dalje barem za 50 posto veća od hrvatskoga prosjeka. Vjerujem da spadamo u sam vrh hrvatskoga gospodarstva po sustavu vrednovanja i nagrađivanja rada te razvoju svojih zaposlenika. Kao kompanija koja čvrsto zastupa načela različitosti i jednakosti nudimo iste mogućnosti i uvjete rada za sve svoje zaposlenike. U kompaniji smo razvili i implementirali niz mjera i aktivnosti kako bismo osigurali motivirajuće i perspektivno radno mjesto. Uz konkurentne zarade nudimo i dodatne pogodnosti poput napredova186

known, I can already say that 2017 for Ericsson Nikola Tesla will be another in the string of years with solid achievements. We will certainly remember the year for its numerous challenges, but also the possibilities we have used to the maximum and the quality results on our markets, where our experts have successfully carried out important projects. Thanks to spreading our business and new responsibilities, service export in Ericsson is still growing. Those are the facts that show that quality and high value added, which our experts deliver, are recognized by buyers throughout the world, as well as in the Ericsson company. How much do you invest in research, development, and pushing the borders of technology? We build our strategic development on constant investments in the technological progress and competences of people, which is not easy, since it requires great investments. Thus, we invest around 200 million kunas in numerous research and development projects (R&D), and approximately the same amount into other activities in the regular business of our development-research centre, which is today the largest one in Croatia, with over 1,200 experts. I suppose the average salary in ENT is still at least 50 percent higher than the Croatian average. I believe we are at the very top of Croatian economy according to our system of evaluating and rewarding work, as well as the development of our employees. As a company that firmly advocates for

ACI No.1 // Gordana Kovačević

Fotografija / Photo by Kristian Krog

nja u karijeri, cjeloživotnoga učenja, nagrade za inovacije, nagrade za posebno kvalitetna postignuća po projektima i sustava praćenja rezultata uz adekvatno nagrađivanje, visokoga standarda brige za zdravlje, vrtića za djecu u susjedstvu kompanije, sportskih i kulturnih sekcija i sl., što se sve treba zajedno promatrati u kontekstu zadovoljstva zaposlenika. Ukratko, želimo biti poželjan poslodavac. U dvama ste navratima proglašeni najmoćnijom ženom u hrvatskome biznisu. Što Vam znači ta nagrada? I te dvije nagrade, kao i mnoge do sada, doživljavam kao istinsko priznanje meni osobno, ali i svim zaposlenicima kompanije koji predano rade na ostvarivanju kompanijskih ciljeva i razvoju poslovanja. Osim što motiviraju, nagrade i obvezuju da i u budućnosti svi zajedno djelujemo kao skladan tim koji se maksimalno koristi svojim znanjem, sposobnostima i inovativnim kapacitetima u ostvarivanju respektabilnih rezultata za nas, naše kupce i sve druge zainteresirane. ENT je izvoznik znanja. Koliko mi je poznato, u Ericsson Nikola Tesla Grupi zapošljavate oko 3.000 stručnjaka, uglavnom magistara elektrotehnike i računarstva. Sve što radite izgleda impresivno, no običnim je ljudima teško shvatiti što vi zapravo radite kada kažete da se bavite informacijsko-komunikacijskim tehnologijama i poslovima. Možete li to pojasniti? Kompanija koju vodim najbolji je primjer da se u maloj zemlji poput Hrvatske uz strateško povezivanje s tehnološkim liderom kakav je Ericsson te vlastite stručnjake ipak može uspješno djelovati u zahtjevnome području istraživanja, razvoja i inovacija. Već tradicionalno svoj uspjeh temeljimo na trima ključnim tržišnim segmentima: domaćem i izvoznom tržištu te izvozu u Ericsson. Zadnjih je godina zbog nepovoljne gospodarske klime došlo do odgode i usporenoga investiranja naših kupaca na domaćemu tržištu i inozemnim tržištima, što je rezultiralo smanjenom prodajom na tim tr-

Fotografija / Photo by Kristian Krog

principles of difference and equality, we offer the same possibilities and work conditions to all our employees. We have developed and implemented a string of measures and activities to ensure a motivating and perspective workplace in the company. With competitive income, we also offer additional benefits such as career progress, lifelong learning, rewards for innovations, rewards for especially high-quality achievements in projects and the system of tracking results with adequate rewards, high standard of healthcare, kindergartens in the company’s neighborhood, sports and cultural clubs etc. That needs to be observed in the context of employee satisfaction. In short, we want to be a desirable employer. You have been declared the most powerful woman in Croatian business twice. What does that award mean to you? I perceive those two awards, as many others I have received, as a true recognition of myself personally, but also, as the recognition of all employees of the company that dedicate themselves to achieve company goals and develop business. Aside from being motivating, awards also require us to act as a harmonious team in the future, one that uses its knowledge, abilities and innovative capacities in achieving respectable results for us, our buyers and all other interested parties, to the maximum. ENT is an exporter of knowledge. As far as I know, you employ around 3,000 experts in Ericsson Nikola Tesla Group, who are mostly magisters of electric engineering and computer sciences. Everything you do seems impressive. However, regular people find it hard to understand what it is that you do when you say you are in the business of information-communication technologies. Can you clarify that? The company I lead is the best example that one can still act successfully in a demanding area of research, development and innovation in a small country like Croatia, with strategically connecting 187

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"Što se tiče budućih projekata, samo bih rekla da je inoviranje karakteristika naše kulture pa mogu samo ustvrditi da već sada intenzivno radimo na rješenjima, proizvodima i uslugama koji su namijenjeni budućnosti." "As far as future projects are concerned, I would just like to say that innovation is a characteristic of our culture, so I can only assert that we are currently working intensely on solutions, products and services intended for the future."

žištima. Usprkos navedenomu, zahvaljujući znanju i inovativnosti naših stručnjaka, povećan je opseg poslovanja i odgovornosti u području istraživanja i razvoja te isporuke usluga za korporaciju Ericsson. Izvoz na Ericssonovo tržište zadnjih godina stalno raste i daje snažan vjetar u leđa našemu poslovanju. Zahvaljujući upravo tomu, spadamo u najveće hrvatske izvoznike, a na prvome smo mjestu kada je riječ o izvozu znanja. S obzirom na to da naši razvojno-istraživački stručnjaci zajedno s kolegicama i kolegama iz cijeloga svijeta svakodnevno kreiraju najnovije tehnološke trendove, mi smo u poziciji da za svoje kupce, za čiji se poslovni uspjeh stalno brinemo, osiguramo najsuvremenije proizvode, rješenja i usluge – i to nas čini uspješnima. Naučili smo da svoj poslovni uspjeh gradimo na sigurnim temeljima, a to su: tehnološko liderstvo, znanje, inovativnost i kompetencije naših zaposlenika te partnerstvo s našim kupcima. Koje biste projekte izdvojili? Od brojnih uspješnih projekata koje realiziramo s našim strateškim partnerima kao što su Vipnet i HT u Hrvatskoj, BH Telekom i HT Mostar u BiH, Crnogorski Telekom, IPKO na Kosovu i brojni drugi, kojima nudimo najmodernija mobilna i fiksna konvergentna rješenja, u poslovnome resoru, gdje smo možda manje prepoznati, istaknula bih nekoliko projekata. Projekt Zajednički informacijski sustav zemljišnih knjiga i katastra (ZIS) koji obuhvaća aktivnosti koje provode Ministarstvo pravosuđa i Državna geodetska uprava s ciljem modernizacije i sređivanja stanja registracije nekretnina u RH, a značajna karika u njegovoj realizaciji jest i Ericsson Nikola Tesla. ZIS građanima pruža bolji, brži i jednostavniji uvid u podatke iz zemljišnih knjiga i katastra te donosi značajno poboljšanje razine kvalitete i brzine pružanja usluga. Građani RH sada mogu na jednome mjestu vidjeti cjelokupnu vlasničku strukturu nekretnine i njezin smještaj u prostoru, za što su prije morali upotrijebiti više različitih izvora. Uspostavom toga sustava građani mogu zemljišno-knjižni izvadak u obliku javne isprave dobiti iz vlastitoga doma samo „jednim klikom“. Visoka razina informatizacije zdravstva u Hrvatskoj, ostvarena kroz Centralni zdravstveni informacijski sustav Republike Hrvatske (CEZIH), čiji je isporučitelj Ericsson Nikola Tesla, dodatno je unaprijeđena implementacijom središnjega elektroničkog zdravstvenog 188

with a technological leader such as Ericsson and our own experts. We have traditionally based our success on three key market segments: domestic and foreign market, and export to Ericsson. Due to the unfavorable economic climate in these few years, there has been a respite and the investment of our buyers on the domestic market have slowed down. That happened to foreign markets as well, which then resulted in reduced sale on those markets. Despite what I’ve just mentioned, thanks to the knowledge and innovativeness of our experts, the scope of business and responsibility in the R&D area and the scope of the delivery of services for Ericsson Corporation have increased. The export to Ericsson’s market has been constantly growing these last few years and it strongly encourages our business. Thanks to that, we are one of the biggest exporters in Croatia, and we are first when it comes to exporting knowledge. Considering that our development-research experts are creating the latest technologic trends with their colleagues from all around the world, we are in the position to ensure the latest products solutions and services for our buyers, for whose business success we are always concerned. That is what makes us successful. We have learnt to build our business success on solid foundation, which includes: technological leadership, knowledge, innovativeness and competences of our employees, as well as partnership with our buyers. Which projects would you like to emphasize? Out of the numerous successful projects we are carrying out with our strategic partners such as Vipnet and HT in Croatia, BH Telekom and HT Mostar in BiH, Crnogorski Telekom, IPKO on Kosovo and numerous others, whom we offer the latest mobile and fixed convergent solutions, I would like to point out a few projects in the business section, where we are perhaps less recognizable. Zajednički informacijski sustav zemljišnih knjiga i katastra (ZIS) (The Joint Information System of Land Records and Cadastres) project, which includes activities carried out by the Justice Ministry and the State Geodetic Administration with the goal of modernizing and fixing the state of property registration in the RC. A significant link in the chain of its implementation is precisely Ericsson Nikola Tesla. ZIS offers better, faster and simpler insight into the data from land records and cadastres and brings a significant improvement to the level of quality and speed of offering services. Croatian citizens can now see in one place the entire ownership structure of a property and its location, which is something that they needed several different sources to achieve. By establishing the system, the citizens can get the land-registry excerpt in the form of a public document from their own home, with just “one click.” The high level of healthcare informatization in Croatia, achieved through Centralni zdravstveni informacijski sustav Republike Hrvatske (the Central Healthcare Information System of the Republic of Croatia; CEZIH), made by Ericsson Nikola Tesla, has been additionally promoted with the implementation of the central electronic health record, the so-called eKarton (eCard) and the portal for patients. EKarton represents a unified and structured set of personal health information about the patient, gathered and stored in CEZIH, which can be accessed only by authorized doctors who are taking part in patient treatment and to whom the patient has given

ACI No.1 // Gordana Kovačević

Fotografija / Photo by Arhiva / Archives Ericsson Nikola Tesla

zapisa, tzv. eKartona, i Portalom za pacijente. EKarton predstavlja objedinjen i strukturiran skup osobnih zdravstvenih podataka o pacijentu prikupljenih i pohranjenih u CEZIH, kojemu pristup imaju samo ovlašteni liječnici koji sudjeluju u liječenju pacijenta i za koje je pacijent dao pristanak. Portal za pacijente na jednostavan način obuhvaća medicinske i administrativne podatke u digitalnome obliku te aktivno uključuje i same pacijente koji će kroz portal, dostupan putem sustava e-Građani, moći vidjeti svoje propisane i izdane lijekove te nalaze i otpusna pisma. Sustav za nadzor državne granice obuhvaća aktivnosti koje provodi Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske na graničnome prostoru RH. Sustav nadzora osigurava pregled stanja granične crte i bliskoga područja s obiju strana granice u svim vremenskim uvjetima, što se postiže kombinacijom više povezanih sustava detekcije. Hrvatskoj će to smart rješenje osigurati ispunjavanje dijela preduvjeta za ulazak u schengenski prostor, koji će u budućnosti našim građanima omogućiti nesmetano i lakše kretanje, bez graničnih kontrola unutar zemalja EU-a koje su već članice Schengena. Što se tiče budućih projekata, samo bih rekla da je inoviranje karakteristika naše kulture pa mogu samo ustvrditi da već sada intenzivno radimo na rješenjima, proizvodima i uslugama koji su namijenjeni budućnosti. Svojedobno ste izjavili, među ostalim, da će do 2020. godine u svijetu biti umreženo 26 milijardi uređaja. Zvuči nevjerojatno. Kako će izgledati umreženo društvo budućnosti? Možete li to pojednostaviti i približiti običnomu čovjeku? Strategija umreženoga društva polazi od toga da bi u sljedećih nekoliko godina trebali biti umreženi svi koji od toga mogu imati

his or her consent. The patient portal encompasses medical and administrative data in digital form in a simple way, while actively including the patients who will be able to see their prescribed and issued medicine, as well as their reports and discharge summaries through the portal, which is available through the system e-Građani (e-Citizens). The system for the supervision of state border includes activities carried out by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Croatia on the border space of the RC. The surveillance system ensures an overview of the state of the border crossing and nearby area on both sides of the border in all weather conditions, which is achieved through a combination of several connected systems of detection. That smart solution will enable Croatia to fulfill the part of the conditions for its entry in Schengen Area, which will enable our citizens in the future to travel more easily, undisturbed, with no border controls within EU countries that are already Schengen member states. As far as future projects are concerned, I would just like to say that innovation is a characteristic of our culture, so I can only assert that we are currently working intensely on solutions, products and services intended for the future. You once said, among other things, that 26 billion devices will be connected to the network. That sounds incredible. What will the network society of the future look like? Can you simplify that and explain it to the regular person? The strategy of the network society says that everyone who can benefit from it should be connected in the next few years. We do not expect only connecting places and people through fixed and mobile communication systems, but we also that communication 189

ACI No.1 // Gordana Kovačević

neke koristi. Očekujemo ne samo umrežavanje mjesta i umrežavanje ljudi kroz fiksne i mobilne komunikacijske sustave nego i sve veću komunikaciju između uređaja, u sklopu koje će međusobno „razgovarati“ i kućanski aparati, automatski se povezivati i slično. Sve više govorimo o stvaranju takozvanih „pametnih gradova“, u kojima su gotovo sve usluge umrežene kako bi građani dobivali brže i kvalitetnije servise. Također, ne treba zaboraviti da informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija ima vrlo pozitivan utjecaj na zaštitu i očuvanje okoliša jer se njezinom primjenom izrazito smanjuje emisija ugljikova dioksida te čuvaju resursi. Drugim riječima, ljudi i njihova dobrobit u prvome su planu, a na nama je da nađemo kvalitetna tehnološka rješenja koja će im služiti. Digitalna transformacija koja je u tijeku općenito je promjena u ponašanju, kulturi i ekonomiji kojoj će se s vremenom prilagoditi svi segmenti poslovanja. Ona ima golem potencijal, a tehnologije poput mobilnosti, oblaka i analitike omogućuju četvrtu industrijsku revoluciju koja, kako je procijenjeno prema studiji Svjetskoga ekonomskog foruma, nudi prihode od čak 2 bilijuna dolara. Digitalna transformacija donijet će nove prilike za industriju i društvo. Nove mogućnosti virtualizacije fundamentalno će promijeniti izgradnju i funkcije mreža. Očekuje se da će proširenjem povezivosti nove tehnologije, poput Interneta stvari, proširene stvarnosti i digitalnih komunikacija, donositi i nove prihode. Također, redefiniranjem angažmana oko kupaca, kompanije imaju priliku svojim postojećim i potencijalnim korisnicima ponuditi visokokvalitetne digitalne doživljaje te zadobiti njihovu lojalnost. Digitalna transformacija otvara velike mogućnosti za inovacije i suradnju te omogućuje njihov brži razvoj, uz nove modele i strategije za digitalnu radnu snagu.

Fotografija / Photo by Arhiva švedskog veleposlanstva / Swedish Embassy archives


between devices will increase; for instance, household appliances will “talk” to each other, connect automatically etc. We are talking more and more about creating so-called “smart cities,” in which almost all services are connected to the network, so that citizens could get faster, better-quality service. Also, we should not forget that the information-communication technology has a quite positive influence on the protection and preservation of the environment, because its application significantly reduces toxic gas emission and preserves resources. In other words, people and their wellbeing come first, and it is up to us to find quality technological solutions that will serve them. The digital transformation that is currently in progress generally represents a change in behavior, culture and economy, to which all business segments will adjust in time. It has enormous potential, and technologies such as mobility, cloud and analytics are enabling a fourth industrial revolution that offers an income of two billion dollars, according to the estimates of the study of the World Economic Forum. Digital transformation will bring new chances for the industry and society. New possibilities of virtualization will change the construction and the function of networks in a fundamental way. It is expected that the extension of the connectedness of new technology, such as the Internet of things, extended realities and digital communications, will bring new income, as well. Also, by redefining their engagement around customers, companies have the opportunity to offer high-quality digital experience to their current and potential users, thus gaining their loyalty. Digital transformation opens great possibilities for innovation and cooperation, and enables their faster development, with new models and strategies for the digital workforce.

Fotografija / Photo by Arhiva korporacije Ericsson / Ericsson corporation archives

ACI No.1 // Gordana Kovačević

"Digitalna transformacija koja je u tijeku općenito je promjena u ponašanju, kulturi i ekonomiji kojoj će se s vremenom prilagoditi svi segmenti poslovanja." "The digital transformation that is currently in progress generally represents a change in behavior, culture and economy, to which all business segments will adjust in time."

Izjavili ste da djevojke u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi imaju bolje rezultate u matematici od dječaka, ali često ne izabiru STEM zanimanja pa je u ICT sektoru u konačnici zaposleno 80 posto muškaraca, a samo 20 posto žena. Zašto dolazi do takvih brojčanih preokreta? Potencijal ICT sektora takav je da već i ovim linearnim rastom do 2025. godine u Hrvatskoj možemo doseći 50.000 zaposlenih u ICT-u. Iako se radi o zanimanju budućnosti, danas u EU-u tek 30 posto žena radi u ICT sektoru, a u Hrvatskoj je disbalans između broja muškaraca i žena još i veći. Studiji iz područja ICT-a još uvijek su dominantno muški odabir s tek 12 posto studentica. Takvo stanje moramo mijenjati. Današnja djeca odrastaju s tehnologijom i ona im je bliska za upotrebu pa tu činjenicu treba iskoristiti. Roditelji i nastavnici trebali bi od najranije dobi na jednak način pristupati odgoju djevojčica i dječaka te nastojati kroz igru razvijati interes djece za tehnologiju i prirodne znanosti bez obzira na spol. Prema brojnim istraživanjima upravo je osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje ključno pri odabiru studija i budućega zanimanja. Problem nedovoljnoga broja stručnjaka najlakše ćemo riješiti ako osiguramo uvjete da se djevojke i mlade žene češće odluče za razvoj karijere u ICT industriji. Pretpostavljam da se zalažete, upravo iz pozicije osobe koja STEM smatra temeljem razvoja društva i biznisa, za reformu školstva i obrazovanja. Kakvo školstvo i obrazovanje u Hrvatskoj smatrate najprimjerenijim? Danas iz hrvatskoga obrazovnog sustava svake godine izlazi oko 1.500 mladih ICT stručnjaka, a samo njih 1.000 iziđe na tržište rada. Premalo, jer daljnji rast i razvoj ICT sektora jako će ovisiti o tome hoćemo li imati dovoljno stručnjaka za rad na poslovima s visokom dodanom vrijednošću. Problem je još i veći ako se zna da adekvatnih kadrova nedostaje i u cijeloj Europskoj uniji, gdje se procjenjuje da će do 2020. nedostajati više od 750 tisuća STEM stručnjaka. Važno je da mlade u Hrvatskoj usmjeravamo tehničkim zanimanjima te im pružimo platformu za razvijanje inovativnosti i kreativnosti kao osnovnih čimbenika uspjeha. Danas su u hrvatskim školama nedovoljno zastupljeni prirodoslovni predmeti i taj segment u budućnosti treba pojačati kako bismo na vrijeme djecu pripremili da lakše mogu odabrati i završiti tehničke studije. Na to nas upozorava alarmantan podatak da na ICT studijima 40 posto studenata odustaje od studija već na prvoj godini. Kao razlog najčešće se navode pretežak ili pogrešno odabran studij.

You stated that girls in elementary and high school have better results in mathematics than boys, but that they often do not choose STEM occupations, which is why 80 percent of men are working in the ICT sector, as opposed to 20 percent of women. Why are there such disproportions in numbers? The ICT sector’s potential is that we can reach 50,000 employees in ICT with this linear growth by 2025. Even though it is the occupation of the future, only 30 percent of women work in the ICT sector in the EU; and the imbalance between the number of men and women is even greater in Croatia. Studies in the area of ICT are still predominantly chosen by men, with only 12 percent of female students. We need to change such a state. Today’s children are growing up with technology and it is close to them, so we need to use that fact. Parents and teachers should approach the education of girls and boys in the same way from an early age, and try to develop children’s interest for technology and natural sciences through play, regardless of their gender. According to numerous studies, it is precisely the high school education that is pivotal in choosing studies and future occupation. The problem of an insufficient number of experts will be solved easily if we ensure conditions to make girls and young women decide to develop their careers in the ICT industry. I suppose you advocate for the reform of education and the school system, precisely from your position of a person who regards STEM as the foundation of social and business development. What kind of school system and education in Croatia do you perceive as the most appropriate? Today, around 1,500 young ICT experts leave the Croatian education system, and only 1,000 of them enter the labor market. That is not enough, because the further growth and development of the ICT sector will depend greatly on whether we will have enough experts to do high value-added jobs. The problem is even greater if we know that there is a shortage of adequate workforce in the entire European Union, where it is estimated that there will be a shortage of more than 750 thousand STEM experts by 2020. It is important to direct young people in Croatia towards technical occupations and to offer them a platform to develop innovation and creativity as the basic factors of success. Subjects from natural sciences are not represented enough in Croatian schools today, and that segment needs to be increased in the future so we can prepare our children in time to select and finish technical studies more easily. The alarming information that 40 percent of students drop out on the first year of ICT studies warns us of this issue. They usually list the level of difficulty and wrong choice of studies as their reason for such a decision.


ACI No.1 // Gordana Kovačević

Fotografija / Photo by Arhiva / Archives Ericsson Nikola Tesla

More i morsko plavetnilo opuštaju Vas. Volite jedrenje, bili ste sudionik Volvo Ocean Racea. Jedrite li po hrvatskoj obali, među hrvatskim otocima, posjećujete li nautičke marine? Velika sam zaljubljenica u ljepote Jadrana. Dijelim stav većine nautičara da je morski osjećaj slobode neprocjenjiv i neponovljiv. Stoga kad god uhvatim koji slobodni trenutak, moj je prvi odabir more. Jedrenje, i kao sport i kao mogućnost druženja s dragim ljudima, posebno mi je drago, samo je slobodnoga vremena nažalost premalo. Moram priznati da se volim družiti s jedriličarima jer i oni, slično kao i kvalitetni lideri, s puno ljubavi i strasti rade svoj posao. Prije nekoliko godina bila sam počašćena pozivom od strane čelnih ljudi iz korporacije da budem kuma Ericssonovu brodu na Volvo Ocean Raceu. Doživljaj je bio izvanredan, kao i dobra prigoda za lijepo druženje u prekrasnome okruženju i dobrome društvu. 

The sea and its vast blue surface relax you. You like sailing; you were one of the judges of the Volvo Ocean Race. Do you sail along the Croatian shore, among Croatian islands, do you visit nautical marinas? I am completely in love with the beauty of the Adriatic Sea. I believe, as most boaters do, that the sea feeling of freedom is priceless and unique. Therefore, whenever I have a free moment, my first choice is the sea. Sailing, both as a sport and as an opportunity to socialize with my friends, is especially dear to me; it is just that, sadly, I have too little free time. I have to admit that I love socializing with boaters because they, like quality leaders, do their job with much love and passion. A few years ago, I was honored to receive an invitation from the heads of the corporation to be the godmother of Ericsson’s boat on the Volvo Ocean Race. The experience was extraordinary, and a nice occasion to socialize in a divine environment and in good company. 

"Velika sam zaljubljenica u ljepote Jadrana. Dijelim stav većine nautičara da je morski osjećaj slobode neprocjenjiv i neponovljiv. Stoga kad god uhvatim koji slobodni trenutak, moj je prvi odabir more." "I am completely in love with the beauty of the Adriatic Sea. I believe, as most boaters do, that the sea feeling of freedom is priceless and unique. Therefore, whenever I have a free moment, my first choice is the sea."


uz usluge hrvatskog telekoma spremno zakoračite u novu sezonu!


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ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografija / Photos by Rimac automobili Press Kit


ACI No.1 // Mate Rimac

MATE RIMAC Američki san u Hrvatskoj

American Dream in Croatia

Pobjednik na državnoj i županijskoj razini natjecanja elektrotehničara i inovatora 2006. godine; rođen 1988. u Livnu, BiH. Za prvi patentirani izum nazvan iGlove (zamjena za tipkovnicu i miš) Mate Rimac 2006. godine osvojio je Zlatno Teslino jaje, VIDI e-novation nagradu za najbolji IKT proizvod u Hrvatskoj. Od tada je prošlo dvanaest godina, a malo je reći da je to bio početak jedne velike priče… Toga rujna 2011. godine mladi Mate Rimac stajao je na podiju jednoga od paviljona najznačajnijega salona automobila na svijetu, onoga koji se svake druge godine održava u Frankfurtu, bankarskoj prijestolnici Europe. Stajao je i ponosno se smješkao fotoreporterima koji, i sami u nevjerici, nisu mogli skinuti pogled i objektiv s njegova električnoga superautomobila Concept_One. I ne samo da je Rimac šokirao svojom kreacijom – nevjerica se širila i zbog zemlje iz koje je proizvod dolazio. Hrvatski električni superautomobil? „Znamo za prekrasnu hrvatsku obalu, sjajne nogometaše i sportaše općenito, no da Hrvati proizvode automobile... Nevjerojatno“, zborili su novinari koji na otvorenje salona automobila u Frankfurt dolaze iz skoro svih država svijeta i to u broju koji nikad nije manji od deset tisuća. A hrvatski medijski poslanici? Ponosni skoro kao Rimac! Njemu su se u tome trenutku pak počela otvarati vrata globalne automobilske pozornice. Concept_One bio je

He is the winner of the county and state competition of electric engineers and innovators in 2006; born in 1988, in Livno, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2006, Mate Rimac won Tesla’s Golden Egg and VIDI e-novation award for the best ICT product in Croatia for his first patent named iGlove (an alternative for keyboard and a mouse). Twelve years since then have passed, and stating that this was a beginning of a great story would be an understatement. That September 2011, young Mate Rimac stood on a podium of a pavilion that belonged to the most important motor show in the world, the one that is held every other year in Frankfurt, the banking capital of Europe. He stood there and smiled proudly at the reporters who, in disbelief, couldn’t take their eyes and cameras off his electric supercar Concept_One. Not only did Rimac shock the audience with his creation – the incredulity spread partly because of the country the product came from. A Croatian electric supercar? “We have heard of the beautiful Croatian coasts, great football players and sportsmen generally, but to think that Croats produced cars… Unbelievable.” This could be heard among the reporters who came to the opening of the Frankfurt Motor Show from all over the world, and in numbers that are never under ten thousand. What about reporters from Croatia? They felt almost as proud as Rimac! But it was for him that the door of the global auto195

ACI No.1 // Mate Rimac

jedan od najvećih hitova toga „Frankfurta“, a Rimac je ostvario nemoguće: američki san u Hrvatskoj.

Rimac Concept_One Vlasnik danas globalno poznate tehnološke tvrtke, koja je nastala u njegovoj garaži, a obiteljsko joj je prezime postalo naziv, u poslovni svijet ušao je praktički kao tinejdžer. Zahvaljujući svojoj ingenioznosti, koja je već u njegovoj srednjoškolskoj dobi bila nagrađivana na čitavome nizu inovatorskih natječaja, sam je 2007. godine jedan stari automobil preuredio u – električno vozilo. Tada je to djelovalo kao zanimljiva kreacija, skoro pa maštarija naprednoga i kreativnoga maturanta. No kad je samo četiri godine kasnije u Frankfurtu zabljesnuo Concept_One, svi su ostali bez daha. Istina, tada su električna vozila još uvijek bila poprilično utopistička priča kojoj se i nisu davale pretjerano velike šanse za značajniju komercijalizaciju, da bi danas, svega nekoliko godina kasnije, postalo jasno kako Mate Rimac ne samo da je genijalac kad je u pitanju tehnologija – on je to i u poslovnome svijetu. Zašto? Danas je na čelu iznimne tvornice automobila i komponenti za električna vozila smještene u Svetoj Nedelji nedaleko od Zagreba, tvrtke čiji broj radnika raste velikom progresijom. K tomu je riječ o ljudima koji su uvelike slični samomu Rimcu, zaposlenicima koje u pravilu krasi velika kreativnost te inovativnost. Danas ih je već skoro 350, a s obzirom na velika ulaganja kineskih partnera – riječ je o investiciji od 30 milijuna eura namijenjenoj prvenstveno proizvodnji baterija za električne automobile – uskoro bi ih moglo biti i dvostruko više. Svi su mladi i u velikome postotku visokoobrazovani. Posljednja runda investicije namijenjena je ulaganju u proizvodne pogone, osobito serijsku proizvodnju komponenti, razvoju novog modela i povećanju tima.

Društvo znanja A Mate Rimac, ma koliko se već danas za njega može reći kako je jedan od najznačajnijih i najingenioznijih Hrvata u novijoj povijesti,


motive stage started opening at that moment. Concept_One was one of the biggest hits of that Frankfurt Motor Show, and Rimac achieved the impossible: the American dream in Croatia.

Rimac Concept_One The owner of what today is a globally renowned technology company that started in his garage and carried his family name, Rimac entered the world of business while he was practically still a teenager. Due to his ingeniousness, which had received recognition many a time at various innovation contests during his high-school years, in 2007, he remodeled an old car into an electric vehicle all by himself. This seemed like an interesting creation at that time, almost like a fancy of a precocious and creative high-school senior. But when only four years later, Concept_One stole the show in Frankfurt, everyone was left breathless. Truth be told, electric vehicles were considered as something pretty utopian at the time, and they weren’t given many chances of becoming broadly commercialized. However, it has become clear that Mate Rimac is a genius not only when it comes to technology – but also when it comes to business. Why? Today he is the CEO of an exceptional cars manufacturer and electric vehicle components with headquarters in Sveta Nedelja, not far from Zagreb, a company whose employee base is growing fast. These are the people who are in many aspects similar to Rimac, employees who, by rule, possess great creativity and innovation skills. Today there are as many as 350 of them, and, considering the significant investments by the company’s Chinese partners – we are talking about 30 million euros of investments that are designed for the production of electric car batteries – their number could soon be doubled. All of them are young, and a significant percentage is highly educated. The purpose of the last round of investments is intended for production facilities, serial production of components, the development of a new model and the increase of the team.

ACI No.1 // Mate Rimac

itekako cijeni društvo znanja. Upravo da bi mogao osnovati i voditi poduzeće, upisao je i s odličnim ocjenama završio studij ekonomije na privatnome sveučilištu. K tomu mu je završni rad nagrađen na Business Plan Contestu, a u njemu je zapravo opisao sve ono što će mu se događati u godinama koje su uslijedile nakon diplome. Mate Rimac i planetarno je poznata osoba koja oko sebe okuplja sebi slične. Primjerice, vezuje ga prijateljstvo s Christianom von Koenigseggom, švedskim plemićem koji također proizvodi superbrze i ekstremno skupe sportske automobile, čija osnovna cijena bez davanja doseže iznose od 10 milijuna kuna. Štoviše, Koenigseggu je 2005. godine s modelom CCR uspjelo srušiti rekord za najbrži proizvodni model automobila: postignuta brzina bila je 388.87 km/h! Njega i Rimca povezala je ista ljubav, a danas uspješno surađuju jer tvornica u Svetoj Nedelji proizvodi baterije kao i još neke dijelove za automobile koji se produciraju u švedskom Margretetorpu.

C_Two Concept_One je 2018 dobio svog nasljednika, na Genevskom autosalonu Rimac Automobili predstavili su novi model supersportskog električnog automobila: C_Two. Dok Concept_One ima 1225 konjskih snaga, ubrzanje 0-100 kph za 2,5 sek s maksimalnom brzinom 355 km/h, C_Two je još brutalniji. C_Two ima 1914 konjskih snaga, juri do stotke za ispod dvije sekunde, a maksimalna brzina je 412 km/h. Concept_One čest je gost raznih natjecanja i televizijskih emisija. Nedavno je gostovao i u najpoznatijoj automobilskoj emisiji na svijetu, Clarksonovu The Grand Touru, gdje je pobijedio supersportaše Hondu NSX i Lamborghini Aventador S, a s C_Two sve zajedno sluti i na nove rekorde, na novo pomicanje granica.  Baš kao što je to učinio i sam Mate Rimac, jer do njegove pojave svatko bi vam u Hrvatskoj rekao kako je u toj, istina, lijepoj državi proizvodnja ma koje vrste osuđena na propast. Njezini stanovnici smatraju kako je visoko sofisticirana tehnologija još udaljenija od Hrvatske, zemlje zauvijek osuđene isključivo na – uvoz automobila.

Knowledge economy As much as Mate Rimac is already considered to be one of the most important and ingenious Croats in recent history, he has a great appreciation for knowledge economy. It is precisely with the idea of establishing and leading his own company that he enrolled at a private university where he graduated with the highest marks in economy studies. His final thesis, in which he actually described everything that was going to happen to him in the years that would follow after he obtained a degree, received an award at the Business Plan Contest. Mate Rimac is also a worldwide famous individual who surrounds himself with those similar to him. For example, he is known to be friends with Christian von Koenigsegg, a Swedish nobleman who also produces superfast and highly expensive sports cars whose price, without counting additional expenses, can reach 10 million kunas. Moreover, with his CCR model, Koenigsegg managed to break the record for the world's fastest production car in 2005: it reached the speed of 388.87 km/h. Christian and Rimac are bound by the same love, and today they cooperate successfully since the company in Sveta Nedelja produces batteries and several other spare parts for cars that are being produced in Margretetorp in Sweden.

C_Two In 2018, however, Concept_One got its follow-up in the form of C_Two. And while Concept_One has 1.225 hp and can reach 100 km/h in two and a half seconds, with a maximum speed of 355 km/h, C_Two is even more brutal: its power is 1.914 hp, it can reach 100 km/h in less than 2 seconds and it's maximum speed is 412 km/h.Concept_One is a frequent guest at various contests and television shows. Just recently it had its appearance in the world’s most famous automotive TV show, Clarkson’s The Grand Tour, where it beat super sports cars Honda NSX and Lamborghini Aventador S, and the introduction of C2 promises new records and new boundary breakings. 197

ACI No.1 // Mate Rimac

Rimac Automobili, sa sjedištem u suvremenom postrojenju tek malo dalje od Zagreba, provjereni je globalni OEM dobavljač korporacija Aston Martin, Renault, Jaguar Land Rover, Koenigsegg, Siemens i mnogih drugih. Rimac Automobili, based in a modern facility just outside of Zagreb, Croatia, is a trusted supplier to global OEMs, from Aston Martin to Renault, Jaguar Land Rover, Koenigsegg, Siemens and many more.

Danas je pak, Mate Rimac vlasnik tehnološke tvrtke čija je vrijednost 200 milijuna eura, a tendencija rasta također je iznimno naglašena. Today, Mate Rimac is the owner of a technology company whose estimated worth reaches 200 million euros, with a prominent tendency of growth. Povratak u budućnost iz obiteljske garaže Danas je pak, Mate Rimac vlasnik specijalizirane tehnološke tvrtke čija je vrijednost 200 milijuna eura s iznimnom tendencijom rasta: dizajn, razvoj i proizvodnja vrhunskih električnih vozila izuzetnih performansi. Rimac Automobili, sa sjedištem u suvremenom postrojenju tek malo dalje od Zagreba, provjereni je globalni OEM dobavljač korporacija Aston Martin, Renault, Jaguar Land Rover, Koenigsegg, Siemens i mnogih drugih. S obzirom na to da su najznačajniji automobilski divovi najavili kako će se u sljedećih desetak godina naglasak staviti upravo na proizvodnju električnih automobila, Rimac će iznimno profitirati. Prognoza je naime da će najpoznatiji proizvođači automobila uskoro proizvoditi više električnih nego konvencionalnih automobila. Tako će baterije za njih postati jedna od traženijih roba, a Rimac upravo u taj segment mnogo ulaže, odnosno profitno mu je – dominantan. Iskustvo, znanje i permanentno ulaganje u visokoobrazovnu strukturu djelatnika uvijek, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj, ma što o njezinim gospodarskim perspektivama mislili, donosi dobitnu kombinaciju. A sve je započelo u obiteljskoj garaži. Mada, da budemo do kraja pošteni – počelo je zapravo u Matinoj genijalnoj glavi, u garažu se preselilo tek kasnije.  198

Which is exactly what Mate Rimac himself did, because, before he appeared, had you asked anyone in Croatia about its production, they would have told you that in that country of theirs, which is, without any doubt, a beautiful one, any form of production was doomed to fail. Croatian people believe that highly-sophisticated technology is even further away from Croatia, a country destined to rely solely on the import of cars.

Back to the Future from His Family Garage Today, Mate Rimac is the owner of a specialist technology company whose estimated worth reaches 200 million euros, with a prominent tendency of growth: a designer, developer and manufacturer of ultimate and bespoke performance electric vehicles. Rimac Automobili, based in a modern facility just outside of Zagreb, Croatia, is a trusted supplier to global OEMs, from Aston Martin to Renault, Jaguar Land Rover, Koenigsegg, Siemens and many more. Considering that the most important automotive giants have announced that in the following ten years, the emphasis will be placed on the production of electric cars, Rimac is bound to make a huge profit. It is estimated that the most famous car manufacturers will soon be producing more electric cars than those of the conventional kind. Therefore, the batteries for them will become one of the most sought after commodities, and this is exactly the segment in which Rimac is investing significantly, i.e. that is a dominant part of his profit. Experience, knowledge and constant investments into highly-educated employees is always a winning combination in any country, including Croatia, no matter what we think of its economic perspective. And it all started in his family garage. Although, let us be completely fair – it all actually started in that brilliant head of Mate’s, it only moved into the garage afterwards. 


ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografija / Photo by Davor Žunić


ACI No.1 // Andrija Šimić


Kapetan Andrija Šimić, dobitnik godišnje državne nagrade za doprinos razvitku pomorskoga gospodarstva, tvrdi da Hrvatskoj, koja je raj za jahting turizam, nedostaje 15.000 novih vezova

Captain Andrija Šimić, the winner of the annual state award for the contribution to the development of maritime economy, claims that Croatia lacks 15,000 new berths, since it is a paradise for yachting tourism.

– Karibi su 2017. godine osjetili koliko priroda može biti nemilosrdna i razarajuća. Uragan je uništio oko 2.000 brodova, što većih, što manjih. Ponekad je tako: dok jednomu ne smrkne, drugomu ne svane. Meteorološke promjene kojima je svijet sve izloženiji hrvatskomu jahting turizmu apsolutno idu u prilog.

“In 2017, the Caribbean felt how ruthless and devastating nature can be. A hurricane destroyed around 2,000 boats, large and small. Sometimes that happens: when someone loses, another one wins. Climate changes that are present in the world certainly benefit Croatian yachting tourism.”

Karibi se nikada neće dogoditi Jadranu

What happened in the Caribbean will never happen in the Adriatic Sea

Smatram da će Jadransko more upravo zbog meteoroloških, a njima bih pridodao i sigurnosne razloge, biti sve interesantnije, traženije i poželjnije za jahting turizam. Po svakomu, pa i najgoremu meteorološkom scenariju, ovaj dio svijeta bit će pošteđen. Jadran je, naime, toliko sjeverno da se opasni suptropski pojas koji nosi strašno loše vrijeme s vjetrovima do 200, 300 kilometara na sat do nas neće podizati. Takvi vjetrovi u lukama doslovno razbijaju velike jahte kao igračke. To se dogodilo na Karibima kod potonuća Siera Romea, ogromne, 50-metarske jahte. Vrijedna 30 milijuna eura, na sigurnome vezu unutar same luke, jahta je uslijed nevjerojatne siline uragana potpuno uništena. Kapetan mi je poslao sliku te jahte, na čiju je provu uragan „popeo“ drugu jahtu. Strašno!

Mega jahte u Riječkoj luci Riječi su to kapetana Andrije Šimića, vlasnika pomorske agencije Simmor, koji je nakon jedanaest godina plovidbe u trgovačkoj mornarici karijeru završio kao kapetan na 56-metarskoj jahti jednoga talijanskog milijardera. A onda je odlučio, pomalo naprasno i na čuđenje mnogih, završiti i kapetansku karijeru te započeti posao s agencijom specijaliziranom za servisiranje potreba velikih jahti. Temeljna djelatnost postale su mu mega jahte, koje uspješno dovodi u Rijeku, nekad industrijski grad koji je sada u potrazi za novim poslovnim identitetom. Zbog njegova angažmana i poslovnih uspjeha kojima je Rijeku učinio zanimljivom destinacijom vlasnici-

I believe that the Adriatic Sea will be more interesting, more sought after, more desirable for yachting tourism precisely due to weather, and, I would like to add, safety reasons. According to many, even in the worst meteorological scenario, this part of the world will be spared. The Adriatic is, namely, so far north, that the dangerous subtropical climate zone that carries awfully bad weather with winds up to 200-300 kilometers per hour, will not come here. Such winds literally break large yachts like toys in ports. That happened in the Caribbean when the Siera Romeo, a huge 50-meter yacht, simply sunk. It was worth 30 million euros, it was on secure berth within the actual port, but the yacht was completely destroyed due to the incredible force of the hurricane. The captain sent me the picture of the yacht, and the hurricane “stacked” another yacht on its prow. Terrible!

Mega yachts in Rijeka port Those are the words of captain Andrija Šimić, the owner of the maritime agency Simmor, who ended his career after sailing in the merchant navy as a captain on a 56-meter-long yacht of an Italian billionaire. Then he decided, somewhat abruptly and to the surprise of many, to end his captain career and start working in an agency specialized for servicing the needs of great yachts. Mega yachts became his basic activity. He is successfully bringing them 201

ACI No.1 // Andrija Šimić

Fotografija / Photo by Ranko Frka

Zbog njegova angažmana i poslovnih uspjeha kojima je Rijeku učinio zanimljivom destinacijom vlasnicima mega jahti, Ministarstvo pomorstva dodijelilo mu je godišnju nagradu za doprinos razvitku pomorskoga gospodarstva. Because of his work and business success that made Rijeka an interesting destination to owners of mega yachts, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs presented him with the annual award for his contribution to the development of maritime economy. ma mega jahti, Ministarstvo pomorstva dodijelilo mu je godišnju nagradu za doprinos razvitku pomorskoga gospodarstva.

– Riječka gradska luka najljepša je u Hrvatskoj i upravo zato Rijeka može biti ozbiljna nautička destinacija za mega jahte i super jahte dulje od 100 metara. Njezina dva lukobrana, Molo Longo i Porto Baroš, komparativna su prednost koju nema ni jedna luka u Hrvatskoj. To je takozvani dupli lukobran koji garantira potpunu sigurnost i najvećih jahti na vezu.

Riječki dupli lukobran – Nedavno sam bio u Ateni na World Yacht Forumu, gdje je iznesen podatak da za super jahte na cijelome Mediteranu postoji samo 29 adekvatnih vezova. Fascinantno je da se od 29 vezova zahvaljujući duplim lukobranima čak dva veza nalaze upravo u Rijeci. To što je Rijeka napravila u kratkome vremenu – a to su along side vezovi 202

to Rijeka, once an industrial city, and now, a city in search of a new business identity. Because of his work and business success that made Rijeka an interesting destination to owners of mega yachts, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs presented him with the annual award for his contribution to the development of maritime economy. “The Rijeka city port is the most beautiful port in Croatia and that is why Rijeka can be a serious nautical destination for mega yachts and superyachts longer than 100 meters. Its two piers, Molo Longo and Porto Baroš, are a comparative advantage that no other port in Croatia has. That is the so-called double breakwater that guarantees complete safety to the biggest yachts on berth.

Double breakwater in Rijeka “I have recently been to Athens on the World Yacht Forum, where I heard the information that there are only 29 adequate berths for superyachts in the entire Mediterranean. It is fascinating that, out of those 29 berths, two are located precisely in Rijeka thanks to its double breakwater. What Rijeka did in a short amount of time – including alongside berths – which means: berths on the side and power above 600 amperes – is absolutely amazing. There is no other location like this in Croatia, which is why it needs to be developed further. The idea to make Rijeka a paradise for mega yachts can be achieved, and we have already ‘mapped’ that road during the stay of a large number of such boats, like the Northern Star yacht, which is known throughout the world and was built in one of the most prestigious shipyards, the German Lurssen; which belongs to the Canadian billionaire and owner of the biggest fishing fleet in the world John Risley. The scope of service and various work done on

ACI No.1 // Andrija Šimić

"Hrvatski jahting turizam usredotočio se na brodice od oko 18, 19 metara. To je naš fokus, što je jednim dobrim dijelom i logično jer su do te veličine i najbrojnije."

“Croatian yachting tourism is focused on boats of around 18, 19 meters. That is our focus, which is partly logical because most yachts are around that size."

– što znači: vezovi bokom s napajanjem iznad 600 ampera – apsolutno je fantastično. U Hrvatskoj nema više ni jedna takva lokacija i zato ovu treba dodatno razvijati. Ideja da Rijeka postane raj za mega jahte ostvariva je, a put smo već trasirali kroz dosadašnji boravak većega broja takvih brodova, poput jahte Northern Star, svjetski poznate i izgrađene u jednome od najprestižnijih brodogradilišta, njemačkome Lurssenu, čiji je vlasnik kanadski milijarder i vlasnik najveće ribarske flote na svijetu John Risley. Opseg servisa i raznih poslova obavljenih na njoj bio je impresivan, čak i do dimnjačarskih. – kaže Šimić.

it was impressive, it even included chimney sweeping services,” says Šimić.

Hrvatska – idealna destinacija za jahting turizam Kapetan Andrija Šimić, čovjek s golemim iskustvom u jahting biznisu, u kojemu prijateljuje s mnogim vlasnicima mega jahti i super jahti, kao i s njihovim kapetanima, a upravo su oni ti koji često odlučuju gdje će se vezati takvi brodovi, fasciniran je potencijalima ne samo Rijeke već prije svega Jadrana. No, tvrdi, kapacitet marina premalen nam je za ono što budućnost nosi. Posebno se to odnosi na kapacitet za mega jahte i super jahte. Njegova eksterna, zanimljiva i na znanju, činjenicama i osobnim iskustvima građena razmišljanja pokušali smo sažeti… – Hrvatski jahting turizam usredotočio se na brodice od oko 18, 19 metara. To je naš fokus, što je jednim dobrim dijelom i logično jer su do te veličine i najbrojnije. Fokus jahtinga ipak je na elitnome segmentu, sofisticirano opremljenim te desetinama i stotinama milijuna eura skupim jahtama velikih dužina. To mora biti vodilja kvalitete, nad standard. Naš razvoj u mnogim aspektima ide u pravome smjeru. Hrvatska je nevjerojatno atraktivna destinacija, posebno za charter klijentelu. Najgore što se takvomu gostu može dogoditi jest da dođe na brod, da plati jahtu par desetaka do par stotina tisuća eura, ovisno o veličini i luksuzu, i da onda ne isplovi iz luke! To mi se u više navrata dogodilo u Francuskoj, na Azurnoj obali, koja nema, kad se izlazi iz Monaca, Cannesa, ili Marseillea, tri linije otoka. Oni nemaju takvu prirodnu zaštitu koju mi imamo. Kod njih, ako je vani loše vrijeme s vjetrom od 50, 60, 70 čvorova, bolje je brodom ne izaći i ostati u luci. Kod nas takvih prepreka nema. Tri su linije naših otoka ne samo zaštita nego otvaraju mogućnost da uvijek jedan dio otoka ostaje otvoren za plovidbu. U mojih 14 sezona u Hrvatskoj nikada se nikomu nije dogodilo da mu je charter propao zbog vremenskih uvje-

Croatia – the ideal destination for yachting tourism Captain Andrija Šimić, a man with huge experience in the yachting business, where he is friends with many owners of mega yachts and superyachts, as well as their captains, and it is precisely they who often determine where such boats will be berthed, is fascinated with the potential of not only Rijeka, but the Adriatic Sea in general. However, he claims that our marina capacity is too small for what the future holds. Especially the part of the future that refers to the capacity for mega yachts and superyachts. We tried to understand his external, interesting thoughts built on knowledge, facts and personal experience. “Croatian yachting tourism is focused on boats of around 18, 19 meters. That is our focus, which is partly logical because most yachts are around that size. However, the focus of yachting is on the elite segment, the expensive yachts of great lengths with sophisticated equipment, yachts that sometimes cost tens or hundreds of millions of euros. That has to be our guiding light, to have high quality, to be above standard. Our development in many aspects is headed in the right direction. Croatia is an incredibly attractive destination, especially for the charter clientele. The worst thing that can happen to such a guest is to come on a boat, pay a couple of thousand to couple of hundreds of thousands of euros, depending on size and luxury, and then never leave the port! That happened to me several time in France, on the Azure shore, that does not have three lines of islands. They do not have the natural protection we have. With them, if the weather is poor, and the wind is blowing at 50, 60, 70 knots, it is better not to leave and just stay in port. We do not have such obstacles. The three lines of our islands do not just provide protection, but they also open the possibility of always leaving one part of the islands free for sail. In my 14 seasons in Croatia, it never happened that someone’s charter fails due to weather conditions. There was always some route in which they could sail undisturbed, and the sailors would be happy. If, for instance, the bora is strong, we choose coves on the south sides of the islands. If the jugo is strong, we move to the north parts of the islands. And every island 203

ACI No.1 // Andrija Šimić

ta. Uvijek se našla nekakva ruta u kojoj bi se charter nesmetano odvijao, a nautičari bili zadovoljni. Ako je, recimo, jaka bura, biraju se uvale na južnim stranama otoka. Ako je jako jugo, premješta se na sjeverne dijelove otoka. A svaki naš otok, neovisno o jakoj buri ili jugu, može nešto ponuditi. I zato Hrvatsku vidim kao idealnu destinaciju za jahting biznis.

15.000 novih vezova No, kako se stvari odvijaju, treba nam novih, dodatnih 15 tisuća vezova u narednih desetak godina. Smatram kako to ne bi previše opterećivalo Jadransko more. Prostora za planirani i održivi razvoj ima svugdje. Zapadna je obala Italije, na primjer, pokazala kako se može razvijati. Treba tražiti odgovorne investitore. Kad sam bio u Monacu na sastanku Udruge pomorskih kapetana Italije i Francuske, saznao sam da su oni u novoj fazi rješavanja ekoloških problema, kao i problema uništavanja morske flore i faune. Da bi se sačuvalo morsko dno i sve što živi na njemu i oko njega, Francuzi su osmislili sidra čiji lanci ne dotiču morsko dno. Upravo je to – lan-

here, regardless of the strong bura or jugo, has something to offer. And that is why I see Croatia as an ideal destination for a yachting business.”

15,000 new berths However, as things progress, we need new, additional fifteen thousand berths in the next ten years. I believe that would not burden the Adriatic Sea too much. There is room for planned and sustainable development everywhere. For instance, the western shore of Italy showed how we could develop. We need to find responsible investors. When I was in Monaco, attending the meeting of the Association of Sea Captains of Italy and France, I learnt that they are in a new phase of solving ecological problems, and the problems of the destruction of the sea flora and fauna. In order to save the seabed and everything that lives in it and around it, the French devised anchors whose chains do not touch the seabed. It is precisely that – chains being dragged across the seabed – that is the biggest problem in the Mediterranean. Namely, anchorages and coves are so

"U mojih 14 sezona u Hrvatskoj nikada se nikomu nije dogodilo da mu je charter propao zbog vremenskih uvjeta. Uvijek se našla nekakva ruta u kojoj bi se charter nesmetano odvijao, a nautičari bili zadovoljni. " "In my 14 seasons in Croatia, it never happened that someone’s charter fails due to weather conditions. There was always some route in which they could sail undisturbed, and the sailors would be happy."

Fotografija / Photo by Davor Žunić


ACI No.1 // Andrija Šimić

Fotografija / Photo by Ranko Frka

ci koji se vuku po morskome dnu – najveći problem na Mediteranu. Sidrišta i uvale su, naime, toliko izorani od lanaca da se na njima život doslovno gasi. Samo sidro nije problem. Ono će zaorati 10, 15 metara i to je to. Problem je lanac koji ostaje iza sidra i koji leži na morskome dnu i kad se brod ovisno o struji ili vjetru počne okretati oko svoje osi, njegov lanac napravi radijus od 40, 50 metara i sve pod sobom uništi. Zeleni su napravili studiju da se flora i fauna po zimi ne može obnoviti koliko se po ljeti na taj način uništi. Cilj je napraviti organizirana sidrišta gdje će se paziti na prirodu. Velik fokus mora se posvetiti ekologiji. Zato su Francuzi napravili nešto kao plutajući kišobran koji omogućava da se lanac nikada ne spušta na morsko dno. Lanac, naime, uvijek ili visi ili je skroz napet, a na dnu ga drži, na primjer, 50-tonska betonska konstrukcija. Poanta je da treba postaviti puno takvih sidrišta na što više mjesta. Tendencija je, posebno kod Francuza, da se u svakoj za jahtaše potencijalno zanimljivoj vali, a takvih je puno, primijeni takav model. To se već radi ispred Cannesa i Saint Tropeza, čije je pak morsko dno pred devastacijom. Hrvatsko podmorje, srećom, nije uništeno. No, zato naš južni Jadran puca po šavovima, preopterećen je, dok je sjeverni Jadran potpuno rasterećen. Oko 70 posto mega jahti koje dođu u Jadran maksimalno doplovi do Zadra i sjevernije više ne idu. S obzirom na to da je sve prisutnija tendencija dolaska sve više jahtaša, zbog ravnomjernijega razvoja, ali i izbjegavanja preopterećenosti srednjega i južnoga Jadrana, treba ih pametnom politikom preusmjeravati prema sjevernome Jadranu, za njih nedovoljno istraženom, a za nas nedovoljno iskorištenom, unatoč brojnim prednostima i ljepotama toga područja. – zaključio je kapetan Šimić. 

Fotografija / Photo by Davor Žunić

plowed that literally all life forms are being extinguished there. The anchor itself is not the problem. It will plow through 10, 15 meters and that is it. The chain that remains behind the anchor and that lies on the seabed even when the boat starts turning around its own axis, and its chain makes a 40-50 meter radius and destroys everything under it; that is the real problem. The Greens have conducted a study that the flora and fauna cannot replenish themselves in the winter to the extent that they are destroyed in the summer. The goal is to make organized anchorages where we will take care of the environment. We have to put the environment in our focus. That is why the French have made something like a floating umbrella that stops the chain from ever going down to the seabed. The chain, namely, is always hanging, or it is strung completely, and it is held by a, for instance, 50-ton concrete construction on the bottom. The point is that we need to set up many such anchorages on many places. The tendency, especially with the French, is to apply that model in each cove that is potentially interesting to yachtsmen, and there are plenty of them. That is already being done in front of Cannes and Saint Tropez, whose seabed is nearly ruined completely. The Croatian seabed, luckily, is not destroyed. However, that is why our south Adriatic is bursting at the seams, it is overburdened, while the north Adriatic is completely vacant. Around 70 percent of mega yachts that come to the Adriatic Sea sail to Zadar and they never go any farther north. Considering that there is a tendency of more and more yachtsmen coming to the Adriatic, we need to redirect them towards the north with smart policies to encourage more equal development and avoid the middle and south Adriatic becoming overburdened. The north is insufficiently explored to them and underused to us, despite numerous advantages and beauties of that area,” concludes captain Šimić.  205

20. BIOGRAD BOAT SHOW 18.-21.10. 2018.



20th Biograd Boat Show

20. Biograd Boat Show

Central and Eastern Europe’s largest in-water boat show celebrates its 20th year following 19 years of continuous record breaking shows. The show is held in the resort town of Biograd, at Marina Kornati and includes Ilirija hotels, restaurants, and entertainment facilities. The special atmosphere and a rich calendar of events attracts many exhibitors and visitors from all neighboring countries, making it a truly international event for those interested in boating on the Adriatic. This show is unique, as sunset marks the end of the exhibition day and the start of an on-site evening program offering great food and live entertainment each night, continuing into the town centre until the late hours. Also, many side events take place attracting locals as well as many affluent visitors from Central Europe that make a holiday of the event.

Najveća izložba plovila na moru središnje i istočne Europe slavi svoju 20. godišnjicu nakon 19 godina kontinuiranog rasta. Sajam se održava u turistčkom mjestu Biograd, u impresivnim objektma Ilirije d.d., koja uključuje marinu Kornat, Ilirija hotele, restorane i zabavne sadržaje. Posebna atmosfera i mnoga poslovna i društvena događanja privlače mnogo izlagača i posjettelja iz susjednih zemalja, što čini ovaj sajam jako zanimljivim za sve zainteresirane za nautku na Jadranu. Sajam je jedinstven, a zalazak sunca označava kraj izlaganja i početak večernjeg programa, nudeći vrhunske hranu i zabavu koja se nastavlja u centru grada, do kasnih sati. Isto tako, mnoga popratna događanja prate sajam koja privlače domaće stanovništvo kao i posjetitelje iz srednje Europe.

ACI is a long-term partner of the event, and will welcome visitors at a new exhibition stand in Hall B. Also in Hall B, the Biograd B2B business networking event will take place with an expanded congress program and social events. Participants register their business profile and gain access to hundreds of companies to interact with and arrange meetings. Take a virtual tour of the boat show and get more information at

ACI je dugogodišnji partner sajma, a posjetitelje će dočekati na novom izložbenom štandu u hali B. Također u hali B održat će se Biograd B2B nautičko poslovno umrežavanje s proširenim kongresnim programom i društvenim događanjima. Sudionici registriraju svoj poslovni profil i steknu pristup stotinama tvrtki za interakciju i organizaciju sastanaka. Posjetite te upoznajte sajam preko 360° virtual toura.


ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografije / Photos by Sandro Puncet

Lovac na oluje / Stormchaser

SANDRO PUNCET Sandro Puncet, lovac na oluje s otoka Lošinja, svojim genijalnim fotografijama munja, oblaka i drugih meteoroloških pojava izaziva oduševljenje ljudi diljem Hrvatske, ali i inozemstva.


Sandro Puncet, a storm chaser from the island of Lošinj, has been stirring up excitement throughout Croatia and the world with his genius photographs of lightning, clouds and other meteorological phenomena.

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Fotografije Sandra Punceta uglavnom su nastale na otocima Lošinju i Cresu, koji su jako dobro područje za hvatanje oluja okom kamere. Preglednost je dobra sa svih strana pa je oluju moguće fotografirati i pri dolasku i pri odlasku. Lošinj, zahvaljujući visinama Osorčice i Sv. Ivana, pruža idealne pozicije za dočekivanje i ispraćanje oluje. Mnoge Puncetove fotografije postale su viralne i jako popularne na internetu. Među njima se izdvaja impresivna fotografija shelf oblaka iznad Lošinja, snimljenoga tik pred početak oluje, koju su objavili brojni mediji u Hrvatskoj, regiji, ali i diljem Europe te u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama.

The photographs of Sandro Puncet were mostly made on the islands of Lošinj and Cres, which represent an excellent area to capture storms with the eye of the camera. The visibility is exceptional from all sides, which makes it possible to photograph a storm in its beginning and end. Thanks to the heights of Osorščica and Sv. Ivan, it offers ideal positions to see the storm arrive and leave. Puncet’s many photos have gone viral and become incredibly popular online. The impressive photograph of a shelf cloud above Lošinj, taken just before the storm started, particularly stands out. Many media in Croatia, the region and throughout Europe and the United States published this photograph.


ACI No.1 // Sandro Puncet: Lovac na oluje / Stormchaser

Njegove upečatljive motive prepoznali su i urednici internetskoga izdanja National Geographica izabravši jednu njegovu fotografiju za najbolju fotografiju – top shot dana između nekoliko tisuća radova koje svakodnevno primaju. Puncet kaže da je oduvijek osjećao strast prema proučavanju meteoroloških pojava, čemu je pridonijelo to što su mu oba roditelja i nono meteorolozi po struci. Odrastao je u kući odmah pokraj meteorološke stanice, gdje njegovi roditelji još uvijek rade.

His striking motives were recognized by the editors of the internet edition of National Geographic. They selected one of his photos to be the top shot of the day among thousands of photographs they receive on a daily basis. Puncet says that he has always felt passion for studying meteorological phenomena, and that having two parents and a grandfather who are meteorologists certainly contributed to his line of work. He grew up in a house just beside a weather station, where his parents still work. He says,

– Oduvijek sam bio u oblacima, vremenskim prilikama i neprilikama, kaže Sandro Puncet.

“I have always walked among clouds, weather conditions and storms.”

Dotaknuti rukom munju

To touch a lightning by hand

Zvuči nestvarno i nevjerojatno, no zadnju nepriliku jedva je preživio. Pomazila ga je sreća, koja valjda u stopu prati njegovu hrabrost u želji da snimi što bolju munju. Taj se profesionalni vozač kamiona nalazio na vidikovcu iznad rodnoga otoka Lošinja. Čekao je zanimljiv kadar… I onda – udar! Jak! Neočekivan! – Imao sam neviđenu sreću. Munja je doslovno udarila na metar od mene! Šokirao sam se! Bila je toliko blizu da sam je mogao rukom dotaknuti. Kad je udarila, uspio sam snimiti iskrenje i lišće oko sebe koje se zapalilo. Mogla me ubiti. To je takozvana sporadična munja koja udara i lijevo i desno. – kaže Puncet, koji inače pokušava izbjeći, koliko god je to moguće, opasne i kritične situacije. Prvi fotoaparat kupio je 1997. godine. Bio je to Kodak na film, a njime je pokušavao loviti munje. – Tek iz petoga ili šestoga pokušaja uspio sam snimiti dvije munje. Počeo sam loviti munje i time se bavim i dandanas. Munje, oblaci i druge meteorološke pojave moja su najveća strast. No rado lovim i rijetke meteore i komete. – kaže naš sugovornik. 210

It sounds surreal and incredible; however, he barely survived his last storm. Lady Luck helped him, who has been most likely following his courageous feats in his desire to take the best photograph of a lightning he can. This professional truck driver was on a lookout above his native island of Lošinj. He was waiting for an interesting shot... And then – a hit! Strong! Unexpected! “I was incredibly lucky. The lightning literally hit a meter away from me! I was shocked! It was so close I could have touched it with my hand. When it hit, I managed to capture the sparks and the leaves around me that had caught on fire. It could have killed me. That is the so-called sporadic lightning that hits left and right,” Puncet says, who, otherwise, tries to avoid dangerous and critical situations as much as possible. He bought his first camera in 1997, a Kodak film camera, and he tried to chase lightning with it. “It was only during my fifth or sixth attempt that I managed to capture two lightnings. I started chasing lightning and that is what I have done to this day. Lightning, clouds and other meteorological

ACI No.1 // Sandro Puncet: Lovac na oluje / Stormchaser

Vatrenjaci – najveći uspjeh Jednom prilikom uspio je snimiti i vatrenjake, ne tako rijetku, ali za fotografe poprilično teško uhvatljivu meteorološku zgodu. Vatrenjaci, naime, nastaju visoko nad grmljavinskim oblacima, a crvene su boje, s plavim krakovima koji se protežu na dolje. U pravilu nastaju odmah nakon jake pozitivne munje između oblaka i tla, i to na visinama od 70 do 80 kilometara. Vidljivi su doslovno samo na treptaj oka, točnije 0,07 sekundi, pa ne čudi da za fotografe takve pojave predstavljaju prestižan trofej. Neke druge njegove fotografije dobile su daleko veći odjek u javnosti, ali Sandro Puncet posebno je ponosan upravo na fotografiju vatrenjaka. Osim njega, vatrenjake je dotad u Hrvatskoj uspio snimiti samo Boris Bašić, čuveni dubrovački lovac na oluje. – Na vatrenjake osobno gledam kao na svoj najveći uspjeh. Okinuo sam više od 50.000 fotografija prije nego li sam ih konačno uspio uhvatiti. Potrošio sam jako puno vremena, bezbrojne noći dizao sam se iz kreveta, čim bi mi alarm u mobilnoj aplikaciji zvonio da su se prve munje pojavile 50 kilometara daleko. – objašnjava Sandro Puncet.

Shelf oblak obišao svijet Zanimljive priče vežu se i uz druge njegove fotografije koje su oduševile širu javnost. Veliki vau efekt i popriličnu pažnju javnosti izazvala je moćna fotografija takozvanoga shelf oblaka, kojom je oluju iznad Lošinja pretvorio u umjetnost lijepu oku. Oluji je prethodio shelf oblak, koji je zapravo donja baza olujnoga kumulonimbusa, a iza njega je zapuhala olujna tramontana.

phenomena are my greatest passion. However, I also like to chase rare meteors and comets,” Puncet says.

Sprites – his biggest success Once, he managed to capture a sprite, a not-so-rare, but for photographers, a quite difficult meteorological phenomenon to capture. Namely, sprites are formed high above thunder clouds, and they are red, with bluish tendrils below. They are made right after a strong positive lightning stretches between the cloud and ground, at about 70-80 kilometers altitude. They are visible literally in the blink of an eye, that is, for 0.07 seconds, so it is no wonder that such phenomena represent a prestigious trophy for photographers. Some other photographs he took have received far more attention in the public, but Sandro Puncet is especially proud of the sprite photograph. Except him, only Boris Bašić, the famous storm chaser from Dubrovnik, managed to capture sprites in Croatia. “I personally see the sprite as my biggest success. I snapped more than 50,000 photographs before I finally managed to capture it. I spent a great deal of time, I rose from my bed countless nights, as soon as the alarm in my mobile application would go off, signaling that there are first lightnings 50 kilometers away,” Sandro Puncet explains.

Shelf cloud crosses the world Interesting stories are tied to his other photos which have thrilled the public. A great wow effect and considerable attention from the public was caused by a 211

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor

"Fotografijom se ne bavim zbog novca, već zato što zaista obožavam fotografirati vremenske (ne)prilike."

"I do not take photographs for money, but because I truly adore capturing weather phenomena."

Temperatura je pala za nekoliko stupnjeva. Otok Lošinj mjestimice je zahvatio pljusak, a naposljetku se južno od otoka ukazala i duga. – Fotografija nije nastala slučajno. Očekivao sam neveru u jutarnjim satima pa sam se stoga dan ranije organizirao kako bih sav posao završio na vrijeme. Ravno s posla pokupio sam kolegu Vilsona, a na vidikovac iznad Lošinja stigli smo u posljednji tren i uspjeli uhvatiti lijep kadar shelf oblaka. – objašnjava lošinjski fotograf. Kad je sliku objavio na internetu, počeli su ga, kaže, zvati svi živi mediji. Istu fotografiju prijavio je i za kalendar Svjetske meteorološke organizacije, a odmah je ušla u najboljih 50 fotografija izbora. Ponosan je i na to što je jednu njegovu fotografiju National Geographic odabrao kao top shot toga dana, u konkurenciji nekoliko tisuća radova, koliko ih dnevno njihovi urednici primaju na izbor. – Velika mi je čast izaći na stranicama National Geographica. Fotografijom se ne bavim zbog novca, već zato što zaista obožavam fotografirati vremenske (ne)prilike. – objašnjava Puncet. Kako zapravo izgleda klasičan fotografski pohod lošinjskoga lovca na oluje? Puncet objašnjava da ničega ne bi bilo bez temeljite i dobre pripreme.


powerful photograph of the so-called shelf cloud, which turned the storm above Lošinj into an eye appealing piece of art. The storm was preceded by a shelf cloud, which is actually the lower base of a stormy cumulonimbus, and behind it, a stormy tramontane blew. The temperature lowered by several degrees. The island of Lošinj was caught in a downpour in some parts, and after, there was also a rainbow south of the island. “The photograph was not made by accident. I was expecting a storm in the morning, so I organized the day before to get my work done in time. I picked up my colleague Wilson just after work, and we arrived on the lookout over Lošinj in the nick of time and managed to capture a nice shot of the shelf cloud,” this photographer from Lošinj explains. When he published the photograph online, he says that all media started calling him. He submitted the same photograph for the calendar of the World Meteorological Organization, and it entered the top 50 photographs right away. He is proud of the fact that one of his photographs was published by National Geographic as their top shot of the day, when several thousand photographs, received by the editors on a daily basis, were in the selection. “It is a great honor to be on the pages of National Geographic. I do not take photographs for money, but because I truly adore capturing weather phenomena,” Puncet explains.

ACI No.1 // Lorem Ipsum Dolor // Lorem Ipsum Dolor Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet / lorem dolor condescindium elit

Njegove upečatljive motive prepoznali su i urednici internetskoga izdanja National Geographica izabravši jednu njegovu fotografiju za najbolju – top shot dana između nekoliko tisuća radova koje svakodnevno primaju.

His striking motives were recognized by the editors of the internet edition of National Geographic. They selected one of his photos to be the top shot of the day among thousands of photographs they receive on a daily basis.

– Prognoze na TV-u poprilično su šture pa Vilson i ja pratimo razne

What is the typical photographic quest of the Lošinj-based storm chaser really like? Puncet explains that there would be nothing without thorough and good preparation. “Weather forecast on the TV is pretty scant, so Wilson and I follow various models available online, such as Meteoadriatic, the air temperature at 850 meters, buoyancy and other parameters. We create visual maps according to those parameters, to see where storms might appear. We start from there. We usually follow the weather forecast for the following 15 days and base our visual maps on that. It is good to go to the field at least several hours before the storm is supposed to arrive. None of our storm chases lasted less than four hours. We often return to work sleep-deprived, but content. Our predictions are sometimes wrong, sometimes there is no storm, or, in the summer, we are sometimes late because of tourist crowds, but that is all part of the job. Patience and a lot of good will are most important in this business. There are more than fifty Croatian photographers who are storm chasers. They all make perfect photographs, but someone is usually more prominent in the public eye, and someone else less,” Sandro Puncet concludes. 

modele dostupne na internetu, poput Meteoadriatica, temperaturu zraka na 850 metara, uzgon i ostale parametre. Po svemu tome izrađujemo vizualne karte kako bismo vidjeli gdje bi se mogle pojaviti oluje. Otud krećemo. Uobičajeno pratimo prognozu za sljedećih 15 dana i na tome temeljimo svoje vizualne karte. Na teren valja otići barem nekoliko sati prije nego li bi oluja trebala stići. Nijedan naš lov na oluju nije potrajao manje od četiri sata. Često se na posao vraćamo neispavani, ali zato zadovoljni. Zna se dogoditi i da naše prognoze pogriješe, da od oluje ne bude ničega ili da, pogotovo ljeti, zakasnimo na poziciju zbog turističkih gužvi, ali sve je to dio ovoga posla. Strpljivost i puno dobre volje u svemu su tome najvažniji. Hrvatskih fotografa – lovaca na oluje danas je više od pedeset. Svi oni rade perfektne fotografije, samo se u javnosti netko istakne više, a netko manje. – zaključio je Sandro Puncet. 


SVEN MARIČIĆ Fotografije / Photos by Davor Žunić

ACI No.1 // Sven Maričić

PIONIR 3D PRINTA U HRVATSKOJ I ČOVJEK KOJI PROIZVODI REZERVNE DIJELOVE ZA LJUDSKO TIJELO A PIONEER OF 3D PRINTING IN CROATIA AND A MAN WHO MAKES SPARE PARTS FOR THE HUMAN BODY Doc. dr. sc. Sven Maričić predavanja o 3D printu već godinama drži po cijeloj Hrvatskoj, ali i u Dubaiju, Danskoj, diljem cijele Europe… Nedavno je transferirao svoja znanja u Kini, u kojoj je puno toga i naučio. Svojedobno je u Švedskoj imao priliku raditi na Kraljevskome institutu za tehnologiju, no suradnju nije mogao niti započeti jer mu to na tadašnjemu radnom mjestu nisu tolerirali! Iako Riječanin, trenutno profesionalno napredovanje odvija mu se većim dijelom na Sveučilištu u Puli, gdje je pomoćnik rektora i voditelj Centra za biomodeliranje i inovacije u medicini na Medicinskome fakultetu. Sven Maričić pionir je kirurške primjene 3D tehnologije u ovome dijelu Europe. Poanta 3D printa u primjeni u kirurške svrhe jest da pomogne pacijentu nakon većih defekata kako bi se što brže oporavio. Odnosno, pomoću 3D printera nadogradit će mu se dio tijela koji nedostaje kao posljedica neke bolesti, stanja ili ozljede.

3D print dijelova ljudskoga tijela Taj dio koji se ugrađuje doslovno se, slojevito, proizvodi 3D printom. Maričić, inače dobitnik brojnih nagrada, objašnjava da je sam postupak kompleksan i sastoji se od nekoliko faza. – Prva je snimanje pacijenta CT-om i/ili magnetskom rezonancijom. Druga je analiza snimki i razgovor s kirurzima o tome kakav model, nadomjestak u tijelu treba napraviti, odnosno izraditi 3D printerom. Treća faza jest izrada matematičkoga modela na računalu, nakon čega se primarna slika prebacuje u 3D printer. Znači, da bi se dio tijela isprintao u 3D printeru, da on postane stvaran i opipljiv, moramo napraviti taj model u računalnome obliku. Opet se konzultira s kirurzima, pa slijede probe i tek nakon toga ide se u konačno projektiranje za izradu i ugradnju. Za izradu nadomjestka upotrebljavaju se svi materijali koje je dopustio HZZO, npr. polimetil-metakrilat (PMMA), slitina titana…

Assistant Professor Sven Maričić has been holding lectures on the topic of 3D printing for years across Croatia, but also in Dubai, Denmark and throughout Europe. Just recently he has shared his knowledge in China, where he has also learned a lot. When he was in Sweden, he got the opportunity to work at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, but, he wasn't able even to start the collaboration, because this was not tolerated at his workplace then! Although originally from Rijeka, he is currently advancing professionally at the University of Pula, where he holds his position of Assistant Rector and the Chief of Center for Biomodeling and Innovation at the Faculty of Medicine.  Sven Maričić is a pioneer of surgical implementation of 3D printing in this part of Europe. The point of the surgical implementation of 3D printing is to help the patient recover more quickly after major injuries. Basically, a 3D printer is used to produce a spare body part that is missing as a consequence of a disease, current state or an injury.

3D print of human body parts The implant that is being used is produced in layers by using 3D print. Maričić, who has received many awards for his work, explains that the process itself is highly complex and that it consists of several stages. – The first stage is doing a CT or an MRI scan of the patient. The second stage includes the analysis of the scans and a consult with surgeons on what model of the implant ought to be made, that is, produced by a 3D printer. In the third stage, a computer mathematical model is generated, after which the primary image is transferred to a 3D printer. This means that in order for the spare body part to be printed out by a 3D printer, for it to become real and tangible, we need to make a computer


ACI No.1 // Sven Maričić

Suradnja s hrvatskim klinikama – Dosad smo surađivali s desetak klinika u Hrvatskoj, a uspostavili smo izvrsnu suradnju s Klinikom za ortopediju u Lovranu. Već smo izveli nekoliko uspješnih primjena 3D printera u ortopediji. Radili smo matematička mjerenja za zdjelice i za razne rekonstrukcije, a printali smo i 3D modele na kojima su kirurzi uvježbavali operacije. – kaže Maričić. Dakle, pojednostavljeno, a opet nepogrešivo točno – Sven Maričić sa suradnicima radi i ovo: osim što isprinta neki dio tijela koji se ugrađuje, često isprinta i neki dio tijela koji je najvjernija kopija ljudskoga i na kojemu onda kirurzi uvježbavaju operaciju. – Znači, kirurzi pomoću 3D printera dobiju dio tijela identičan ljudskomu na kojemu vježbaju prije nego krenu u pravu operaciju. Kirurg vježba operaciju kad god i koliko god želi i kreće u zahvat tek kad procijeni da je potpuno spreman. Dosad smo 3D printali, odnosno radili implantat za rekonstrukciju čela i nosa koji su pacijentu prethodno odstranjeni zbog bolesti. Zadnje smo radili jednu ušku i nos, a jednoj pacijentici dio lica i kože. To znači da smo nakon tvrdih tkiva usvojili i segmentacijsku tehniku rada s mekim tkivima kao što je koža. U inozemstvu je to trend koji mi uspješno pratimo. Nadalje, radimo proteze ruke i šake, proteze noge… – kaže Maričić. – O.K. – pitamo ga – po čemu je vaša, takva proteza noge bolja od one koja se izrađuje nekim uobičajenim postupkom? 216

model of it. A new consult with the surgeons is followed by additional testing, and only after this all has been completed, we start with the final project of production and implantation. The materials that are used for the production of an implant are approved by the Croatian Health Insurance Fund, e.g. polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), titanium alloys...

Cooperation with clinics in Croatia – So far we have collaborated with around ten clinics in Croatia, and we also have also established great cooperation with Lovran Clinic for Orthopedics. We have already performed several successful 3D printer implementations in orthopedics. We have done mathematical measurements for pelvises and various other reconstructions, and we have also printed 3D models for surgeons to practice operating on – says Maričić. To put it in simple terms and still be exact – Sven Maričić and his associates do the following as well: not only do they print the body part that is being implanted, they also often print a body part that is a most fateful copy of the human body that surgeons then use to practice operating on. – This means that, by using a 3D printer, surgeons get to have a body part that is identical to an actual human body part, and then they can practice on it before they perform an actual surgery. Surgeons get to practice the surgery whenever and as much as they want and they can proceed with the actual surgery only when

ACI No.1 // Sven Maričić

Zašto 3D proteze – Naša, 3D printana proteza noge 20 je posto lakša, bolje se navlači, što je osobi s invaliditetom jako bitno i rađena je baš po mjeri i za tu osobu jer je prethodno do najsitnijega detalja 3D skenirana. Takve noge radimo od oko 20 vrsta (kompozitnih) polimera. No, rade se i konfekcijske noge, koje se ipak mogu prilagođavati za svakoga pacijenta. Kad se radi proteza isključivo za točno određenoga pacijenta, kako bi postupak i proizvod bili što kvalitetniji i uspješniji, u obzir se uzimaju svi mogući podatci: starosna dob pacijenta, visina, težina, anatomska geometrija… Zasad se mogu 3D printati nadomjesci, epiteze i proteze, dijelovi tijela poput kostiju, njihovi komadi… No sami organi još se ne mogu printati. To će jednom biti sasvim nova epizoda u području 3D printa. Nažalost, još uvijek se ne postižu rezultati koje se priželjkuje. Danas se, dakle, još uvijek ne može isprintati funkcionalni organ, na

they believe they are fully ready. So far, we have 3D printed an implant for forehead and nose reconstruction that had previously been removed from a patient due to an illness. The latest project that we had was an auricula and a nose, and we also did a part of a face and skin for one patient. This means that after hard tissue, we have also developed a segmentation technique of working with soft tissue like skin. This has become a trend abroad and we are successfully keeping up. We also do arm, hand and leg prosthetics… – says Maričić. – OK – we ask him – what makes your leg prosthetics better than the one produced by a more common procedure?

"Naša, 3D printana proteza noge 20 je posto lakša, bolje se navlači, što je osobi s invaliditetom jako bitno i rađena je baš po mjeri i za tu osobu jer je prethodno do najsitnijega detalja 3D skenirana." "Our 3D printer leg prosthetics is 20 per cent lighter, easier to put on, which is very important for a disabled person, and it is custom made for that particular patient because it had previously been 3D scanned to miniscule detail."

Why 3D prosthetics is better – Our 3D printer leg prosthetics is 20 per cent lighter, easier to put on, which is very important for a disabled person, and it is custom made for that particular patient because it had previously been 3D scanned to miniscule detail. These legs are made 217

ACI No.1 // Sven Maričić

"Zasad se mogu 3D printati nadomjesci, epiteze i proteze, dijelovi tijela poput kostiju, njihovi komadi… No sami funkcionalni organi još se ne mogu printati. To će jednom biti sasvim nova epizoda u području 3D printa." "For the time being we are able to 3D print substitute parts, facial prosthetics, prosthetics, body parts such as bones, parts of bones... But the actual functional organs are yet to be printed. This will become a whole new area of 3D printing in the future.

primjer srce koje će se moći ugraditi. To je zasad samo želja. – kaže poznati hrvatski znanstvenik. Posljednji, čini se jedan od najvećih i najzanimljivijih uspjeha Svena Maričića, dio je projekta Risk na Sveučilištu u Rijeci. – Postigli smo takve rezultate da nas je pohvalio i predsjednik Svjetskoga udruženja neurokirurga profesor Sekhar.

Znanost smanjuje neizvjesnost printanja svih dijelova tijela – Za predstojnika Klinike za neurokirurgiju KBC-a Rijeka prof. prim. dr. sc. Dinka Štimca napravili smo modele aneurizmi. Prof. Sekhar i prof. Štimac imali su ideju da im napravimo model glave i aneurizme sa sitnim krvnim žilama. Na tome modelu željeli su vježbati kompliciranu i zahtjevnu operaciju za pacijenticu koja je s tom dijagnozom jedan ponedjeljak došla u KBC Rijeka. Radili smo na tome dan i noć, tijekom cijeloga tjedna radili smo matematičku snimku i prikaz na temelju kojega smo od fotopolimera 3D printom izradili model glave s aneurizmom. To smo predali već u petak pa je tim prof. Štimca na modelu vježbao cijeli vikend prije nego što su je u ponedjeljak, sedam dana nakon što je pacijentica zaprimljena, konačno operirali. Profesor Sekhar rekao je da je to što radimo svjetska kvaliteta i standard, u rangu onoga što se radi u SAD-u. Današnja tehnologija toliko je napredna i brzo se razvija da smo doslovno na korak do printanja svih dijelova tijela. No pitanje je hoće li za taj zadnji korak biti potrebno vrijeme od samo godine, dvije ili 50 do 100 godina. Uzet ću za primjer rendgen: kad je on ušao u upotrebu, kad je prvi put javno prikazan, u ondašnjim medijima izašao je tekst u kojemu je zaključeno da nije daleko dan u kojemu će se rendgenom moći čitati ljudske misli. Trebao je, mislilo se, samo taj, još jedan korak. Prošlo je, međutim, više od 120 godina, a misli se, pogotovo rendgenom, ipak ne mogu čitati. Ljepota znanosti upravo je i u takvoj neizvjesnosti. – zaključio je Maričić.  218

of around 30 types of (composite) polymers. We also produce ready-made legs that can be adjusted to the needs of every patient. When we make a custom made prosthetics, we take into consideration all the possible data: the patient’s age, height, weight, anatomical geometry... For the time being we are able to 3D print substitute parts, facial prosthetics, prosthetics, body parts such as bones, parts of bones... But the actual organs are yet to be printed. This will become a whole new area of 3D printing in the future. Unfortunately, the desired results are still missing. To this day, it is impossible to print out a working organ, for example, a heart implant. That’s still just wishful thinking – says this famous Croatian scientist. The latest, and possibly the biggest and most interesting success of Sven Maričić, is a part of the project Risk at the University of Rijeka. – The results that we achieved were so good that we were commended by the President the Word Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, Professor Sekhar.

Science reduces the uncertainty of all body parts printing – We made aneurysm models for the President of the Neurosurgical Clinic at the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, Professor Sc.D. Dinko Štimac. Professor Sekhar and professor Štimac had the idea of us making a model of a head and an aneurysm with small blood vessels. They wanted to practice on that model, to prepare themselves for a complicated and demanding operation on a patient who had come to the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka with that diagnosis on Monday that week. We were working on this day and night; we spent the whole week working on the mathematical scan and image on a foundation that we used to 3D print a model of a head with an aneurysm by using photopolymers. We gave it to them on Friday, so that professor Štimac’s team had the whole weekend to practice on the model before the operation scheduled for Monday, seven days after the patient had initially been admitted. Professor Sekhar told us that the quality and standard of our work is on par with the work done in the USA. Today’s technology has advanced so much and so quickly that we are literally on the verge of printing all body parts. But the question remains whether it will take us a year, two years, or 50 to 100 years to make that final step. Take X-ray for example: when it started being implemented, when it was presented to the public for the first time, there was an article in the media of the time where it was stated that the day was close when an X-ray would be able to read minds. They believed this to be the final step. However, it has been more than 120 years from then, and we are still unable to read minds, let alone with an X-ray. The beauty of science lies partly in this uncertainty. – Maričić concludes his story. 

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Fotografija / Photo by Uwe Dettmar


ACI No.1 // Ivan Đikić

IVANĐIKIĆ NAJUSPJEŠNIJI HRVATSKI ZNANSTVENIK NAŠEGA DOBA THE MOST SUCCESSFUL CROATIAN SCIENTIST OF OUR TIME Ivan Đikić jedan je od najuspješnijih hrvatskih znanstvenika u inozemstvu. Iako je tek ušao u peto desetljeće života, znanstvenu je biografiju popunio impresivnim ostvarenjima. Trenutno je redoviti profesor medicine na Sveučilištu Goethe u Frankfurtu, dobitnik je najvažnije njemačke znanstvene nagrade „Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz“ i član Leopoldine, njemačke akademije znanosti. Isto tako dobitnik je niza prestižnih međunarodnih nagrada među kojima se ističu priznanja američkog (AACR) i europskog (EACR) udruženja za rak.

Ivan Đikić is one of the most successful Croatian scientists abroad. Even though he has just entered his fifties, he has fulfilled his scientific resume with quite impressive achievements. He is currently a professor of medicine at the Goethe University Frankfurt; he has won the most important scientific award “Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz” and he is a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. He has also won a string of prestigious international awards, including the recognitions of the American and European associations for cancer research.

Đikiću je tumor fokus znanstveno-istraživačkoga rada pa kad se njegova dosadašnja karijera podvrgne i samo površnijoj analizi, bez ikakve mogućnosti pogreške zaključit će se – taj znanstvenik želi pustiti trag u pronalasku lijeka za vjerojatno najnemilosrdniju bolest današnjice. Iako od 1992. živi u inozemstvu, kamo se uputio u želji za usavršavanjem i s brojnim pitanjima na koja odgovore u Hrvatskoj nije mogao dobiti, ostao je vezan za Hrvatsku. Zadnjih 15 godina intenzivno sudjeluje u njezinu znanstvenome, obrazovnome i društvenome životu, prije svega kao ambasador znanosti u javnosti. Tijekom 2017. Đikić je bio na slobodnoj studijskoj godini koju je s obitelji proveo u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama na Sveučilištu Stanford i u biotehnološkoj kompaniji Genentech. Od 1. siječnja 2018. godine s radom počinje laboratorij u biotehnološkoj kompaniji Genentechu te će tri mjeseca godišnje boraviti u San Franciscu, a ostatak na Sveučilištu Goethe u Frankfurtu.

Đikić's scientific and research work focuses on tumors. When his career so far is subjected to even a superficial analysis, we can conclude, with no margin of error, that this is a scientist who wants to leave his mark in finding the cure for the most ruthless disease today. Even though he has lived abroad from 1992, since he went there to study and find the answers to many questions, something that he could not get in Croatia, he still feels connected to Croatia. He has been intensely participating in its scientific, educational and social life for the last 15 years, mostly as an ambassador of science in the public. In 2017, Đikić took a year off, which he spent in the United States of America at Stanford University and the biotechnological company Genentech. As of January 1st 2018, he has started working in the laboratory of the biotechnological company Genentech; as of now, he will spend three months a year in San Francisco, and the rest at the Goethe University Frankfurt.

Život na dva kontinenta

Life on two continents

– U Americi sam naučio jako puno. Tamo sam shvatio mnoge stvari koje nisam znao o industriji, stvaranju lijekova, o ulaganju i vrlo snažnome i napornome radu koji farmako-

“I learnt a lot in America. I understood many things I did not know about the industry, about making medicine, investing and the very strenuous and arduous work that the phar221

ACI No.1 // Ivan Đikić

Fotografija / Photo by David Ausserhofer

"Glavni su naši izazovi kombiniranje bakteriologije i tumora. Zbog evolucijskih razloga ljudske su bolesti, pogotovo tumori, naši ozbiljni neprijatelji."

"Our main challenges include combining bacteriology and tumors. Due to evolutionary reasons, human illnesses, especially tumors, are our most serious enemies."

loška industrija ulaže u stvaranje lijekova i to me na neki način potaknulo da se vratim u Frankfurt, gdje je moj laboratorij i gdje imam jako dobre suradnike. U Americi mi je ponuđeno da dođem tamo raditi, ali sam ponudu odbio zbog obitelji. No, sad su mi ponudili da otvorim laboratorij, tako da ću od 1. siječnja tri mjeseca godišnje biti u San Franciscu, a devet u Frankfurtu. To me jako raduje i mislim da je to velik izazov u mojoj karijeri. Imat ću svoje ljude koji rade u kompaniji, a koje ću ja mentorirati i voditi projekte. To je, da tako kažem, besplatno igralište za treniranje i pokušaj stvaranja novih lijekova. Glavni su naši izazovi kombiniranje bakteriologije i tumora. Zbog evolucijskih razloga ljudske su bolesti, pogotovo tumori, naši ozbiljni neprijatelji. Tumori su ozbiljna bolest koju prije svega trebamo razumjeti da bismo mogli biti uspješni u liječenju. U ranoj su fazi sto posto izlječivi, u srednjoj su s lijekovima također visoko izlječivi, no u uznapredovaloj fazi, pogotovo kod metastatskih tumora, apsolutno smo neuspješni u liječenju i to se mora jasno reći. U takvoj fazi više nije bitno imate li novac za liječenje ili ne. I Steve Jobs imao je sav novac ovoga svijeta i nije si mogao kupiti ozdravljenje. – kaže Đikić.

Ograničenja personalizirane medicine E sad, zanimljivo je pitanje koje su realnosti i ograničenja moderne personalizirane medicine koja, smatra Đikić, jako obećava jer se njome želi individualnim pristupom omogućiti svakoj osobi najbolja i najmodernija, dijagno222

macological industry is investing in creating medicine. In a way, that inspired me to return to Frankfurt, where my laboratory is located, and where I have very good colleagues. I was offered to come and work in America, but I declined the offer because of my family. However, now they offered me to open a laboratory, so, as of January 1st, I will spend three months a year in San Francisco, and nine in Frankfurt. I am very happy because of that and I believe that this is a great challenge in my career. I will have my people who work at the company, whom I will mentor, and I will run the projects. That is, so to speak, a free playground for training and trying to create new medicine. Our main challenges include combining bacteriology and tumors. Due to evolutionary reasons, human illnesses, especially tumors, are our most serious enemies. Cancer is a serious illness that we need to understand first to be able to achieve success in treatment. In the early stage, it is completely curable, in the middle stage, there is also a high rate of success; however, in the advanced stage, especially in the case of metastasis, we are completely unsuccessful in treating it, and that needs to be clearly stated. It is unimportant at that stage whether you have money for treatment or not. Steve Jobs had all the money in the world, and even he couldn’t buy his health,” says Đikić.

Limitations of personalized medicine Now, the question of what the realities and limitations of modern personalized medicine are is an interesting one. According to Đikić, this type of medicine is promising because it strives to, through individual approach, enable that every person gets the best, latest, diagnostically sound therapy in tumors. Generally speaking, expectations and possibilities are great, but the reality is such that because of money, ethical dilemmas, and scientific limitations, not every person can be promised personalized medicine. Namely, it is also costly, and it is quite often impossible to offer it because we still don’t know enough about it. In a wider sense, personalized medicine represents all procedures that doctors use to try to discover individual reasons for the illness, which are then used to choose the most favorable method of treatment for each individual.

ACI No.1 // Ivan Đikić

Fotografija / Photo by David Ausserhofer

stički utemeljena terapija kod tumora. Generalno gledajući, velika su očekivanja i mogućnosti, no realnost je takva da se zbog novca, etičkih dilema, ali i znanstvenih ograničenja ne može svakoj osobi obećavati personalizirana medicina. Ona je, naime, i skupa, a vrlo često ju je i nemoguće ponuditi jer se o njoj još uvijek ne zna dovoljno. Personalizirana medicina predstavlja, u širemu smislu, sve postupke kojima liječnici pokušavaju proniknuti u individualne razloge pojave bolesti i kojima odabiru najpovoljniju metodu liječenja za svakoga pojedinca. Stoga su i danas izrazito važni anamneza, detaljni liječnički pregled kao i razgovor s bolesnikom, za što je neophodno dovoljno vremena i fokusiranje liječnika, kao i cijeli spektar dijagnostičkih i terapijskih metoda. U ovome posljednjem području postoji značajna razlika između troškova dijagnostike i liječenja jer su suvremene metode liječenja danas izrazito skupe i neke od tih metoda nisu dostupne većini ljudi. Pri tome je obaveza razvijenih društava da razvijaju solidarnost prema svim građanima i osiguraju što je moguće ravnopravniju medicinsku njegu. Također je neophodno javno raspravljati o rastućim cijenama novih lijekova jer je takav trend dugoročno neodrživ i za zdravstvene sustave vrlo bogatih zemalja.

Fotografija / Photo by Uwe Dettmar

Therefore, what is important is medical history, as well as detailed doctor’s examination, and talking to the patient, which requires enough time and focus from the doctor, and a whole range of diagnostic and therapy methods. In this last area, there is a significant difference between the costs of diagnosis and treatment, because modern treatment methods are extremely expensive today and some of those methods are not available to most people. Also, developed societies are under the obligation to extend solidarity to all of their citizens and ensure medical care that is as equal as possible. Also, it is necessary to have public discussions on the growing prices of new medicine because such a trend is unsustainable long-term even for healthcare systems of extremely rich countries.

Cancer vaccination – the latest method of treating metastatic cancer

Vakcinacija tumora – najnovija metoda liječenja metastatskoga raka

“In their understanding of the evolution course of cancer development, scientists are beginning to realize that the right treatment at the right time, with modern, molecularly based, so-called smart medicine, represents one path of treatment, while another is tumor immunotherapy that shows much more successful results than we expected,” believes Đikić, who sees the latest hope for treating cancer in the latest method of treating metastatic cancer with the so-called cancer vaccination.

– U razumijevanju evolucijskoga tijeka razvoja tumora znanstvenici danas sve više shvaćaju da pravo liječenje u pravo vrijeme, s modernim molekularno utemeljenim, tzv. pametnim lijekovima po-

“This is a method of treating cancer where the tumor tissue is extracted from the patient, and then antigens that are specific for that precise tumor in that precise person are found with modern 223

ACI No.1 // Ivan Đikić

staje jedan put liječenja, dok je drugi tumorska imunoterapija koja pokazuje puno uspješnije rezultate nego što smo očekivali. – smatra Đikić, koji novu nadu za liječenje raka vidi u najnovijoj metodi liječenja metastatskoga raka tzv. vakcinacijom tumora. – Riječ je o metodi liječenja raka gdje se kod oboljeloga izvadi tumorsko tkivo i iz njega se modernim metodama pronalaze antigeni koji su specifični upravo za taj tumor kod te konkretne osobe. U srpnju 2017. godine objavljena su dva rada koja se bave tom problematikom i čiji su rezultati jako obećavajući. Dakle, znanstvenici su pacijentu uzeli tumor i analizirali antigene tumora koji su stvoreni mutacijama i koji su unikatni. Naime, niti jedan tumor nema dvije stanice s istim mutacijama; toliko je heterogen da se jednostavno ne može liječiti jednom terapijom. No, ako uzmete te antigene i izdvojite deset ili dvadeset antigena i stavite ih u vektore koje ćete ubaciti natrag u istu osobu te je na taj način vakcinirati i potaknuti imunološki sustav da napada tih deset ili dvadeset antigena, onda se događa da tumor, koji je u navedenome slučaju bio metastatski melanom, nestane. Ti su klinički pokusi, doduše, bili vrlo mali i radili su se u dvjema grupama od šest i 13 ljudi. No, u više od pedeset posto slučajeva ti metastatski tumori u kasnoj fazi nestali su uz pomoć takve terapije. Kod tumora koji nisu nestali vakcinacijom liječnici su dodali i tzv. Anti-PD-1 imunoterapiju. Na oba načina svi su pacijenti odgovorili pozitivno i ušli su u remisiju. Rezultati su doista impresivni. Radi se o kliničkim pokusima i mnoge kompanije iz farmakološke industrije prebacuju se na ta istraživanja. Ta metoda jedan je dio dokaza zašto je važna brzina evolucije. Naime, naš imunološki sustav jedini je partner koji se može suprotstaviti tumoru. Naš sustav ima velik dijapazon promjena kojima se može boriti s varijacijama tumora. Dok god imamo dobar imunološki sustav, zaštićeni smo od tumora koji se stalno pojavljuju, a mi ih uništavamo. Kad nam imunološki sustav oslabi i kad tumori u njemu pronađu rupe, onda se tumori i pojave. Pomoću takvih vakcinacija možemo retrenirati imunološki sustav da krene u borbu s tumorima. Vjerujem da će se na taj način u sljedećih pet do deset godina dobiti vrlo dobri rezultati. Ukratko, kombinirat ćemo molekularnu terapiju s imunoterapijom i s vakcinacijom antigenima tumora. Međutim, ljudi uvijek moraju biti svjesni da je financijski interes također jedan od vrlo velikih igrača u samoj toj odluci. Ja se samo nadam da će etički odbori, ljudi koji odobravaju terapiju, imati na umu da ta terapija treba biti primjenjiva i na široku populaciju, a ne da bude ekskluzivno pravo bogatih. – kaže Ivan Đikić.

Doživjeti trenutak otkrića Što ga pokreće u znanstvenim istraživanjima: je li to strast, dug i(li) obveza prema zajednici, pitali smo znanstvenika kod kojega se odgovori, prije svega, odnose na strast, kreativnost i znatiželju. – Znanost je prekrasna profesija koja daje dovoljno slobode za kreativnost i inovativnost. Nema ništa ljepše nego doživjeti trenutak otkrića. Taj je osjećaj zarazan i znanstvenici mogu cijeli život, više od 50 – 60 godina, istraživati i biti podjednako uzbuđeni kod novih otkrića kao i na početku. Meni je osobno uz strast jako važno da je znanost koju radim usmjerena dobrobiti društva, razvoju i obrazovanju mladih te da je u skladu sa svim legalnim i etičkim pravilima, što osigurava znanstvenu čestitost i odgovornost znanstvenika prema društvu. Ljudi moraju vjerovati znanosti i znanstvenicima jer se na tome temelji dugotrajni razvoj svih nas. 224

methods. Two papers were published in July 2017 that deal with this issue and whose results are quite promising. So, scientists took the tumor from the patient and analyzed the tumor’s antigens that were created through mutations and that are unique. Namely, not one tumor has two cells with the same mutations; it is so heterogeneous that it simply cannot be treated with a single therapy. However, if you take those antigens and extract ten or twenty antigens and put them in vectors, which you will place back into the same person, vaccinating them in the process and encouraging the immune system to attack those ten or twenty antigens, then the tumor, which in this case was a metastatic melanoma, disappears. Those clinical trials were very small and they were done in two groups of six and 13 people. However, in more than fifty percent of the cases, the metastatic cancer disappeared in the late stage with the help of such therapy. They added the so-called Anti-PD-1 immunotherapy with tumors that did not disappear after vaccination. All patients responded positively and entered remission in both cases. The results are truly impressive. These are clinical trials and many companies from the pharmacological industry are turning to such research. That method is one part of the evidence why the speed of evolution is important. Namely, our immune system is our only partner that can stand up to cancer. Our system has a great scope of changes to use to fight cancer variations. As long as we have a good immune system, we are protected from tumors that keep appearing, and we destroy them. Once our immune system is weak and when tumors find holes in it, then tumors appear. By using these vaccines, we can retrain the immune system to fight the tumors. I believe that good results will be achieved that way in the next five to ten years. In short, we will combine molecular therapy with immunotherapy and vaccination with tumor antigens. However, people need to be aware that financial interest is also one of the major players in that very decision. I just hope that ethical boards that approve therapy will keep in mind that the therapy is meant to be applicable to the overall population, and not just the exclusive right of the rich,” says Ivan Đikić.

Having a moment of discovery What drives him in his scientific research: is it passion, debt and/or commitment towards the community, we asked the scientist, and his answers, most of all, refer to passion, creativity and curiosity. “Science is a superb profession which gives enough freedom for creativity and innovativeness. There is nothing better than having a moment of discovery. That feeling is infectious and scientists can conduct research their entire lives, more than 50-60 years, and still be equally excited about new discoveries like they were at the beginning. Personally, to me, while passion is important, it is extremely important that the research I am conducting is intended for the benefit of society, for the development and education of youth and that it is in accordance with all legal and ethical rules, which ensures scientific rectitude and scientists’ responsibility towards society. People need to believe in science and scientists because long-term development of us all is based on that. I have so many ideas I would like to carry out that I sometimes wish that there were 44 hours in the day instead of 24… Some days, I can be occupied with science for 20 hours and not feel tired. Currently, my main challenge is to study the interaction of bacteria and tumors. That is

ACI No.1 // Ivan Đikić Fotografija / Photo by David Ausserhofer

Imam toliko ideja koje bih želio ostvariti da ponekad zaželim da dan ima 44 umjesto 24 sata… Dogodi se da dnevno mogu biti okupiran znanošću i po 20 sati i da ne osjećam umor. Trenutno mi je glavni izazov proučavanje interakcije bakterija i tumora. To je relativno nepoznato područje s ogromnim medicinskim izazovima u budućnosti. Činjenica je da u svakome pojedincu ima više bakterijskih stanica nego ljudskih te da postoji gotovo neograničen broj raznih vrsta tumora koji se mijenjaju vrlo brzo u svakome pojedincu. Zamislite sada kako razumjeti sve te varijable i brojeve unutar svakoga pojedinca te kako s jedne strane pojedine bakterije tada mogu utjecati na širenje tumora i odgovor našega imunološkog sustava i kako tumori s druge strane mogu lučenjem raznih faktora utjecati na bakterijske stanice! Ta dvosmjerna komunikacija u tolikome spektru raznih stanica uistinu je velik izazov znanosti.

Od prve jedinice do 5,0 na medicini Život Ivana Đikića sve je samo ne dosadan. Uostalom, jednomu znanstveniku njegova glasa i priliči sadržajan, ali ne uvijek lagan život. No, želja za znanjem uvijek ga je, i u najtežim trenucima, pokazat će se, tjerala naprijed. Izuzetno kompetitivan tip imao je olakotnu okolnost da je sve brzo razumio, učio i znao postavljati prava pitanja. Nije sve bilo idealno kad je ujesen 1973. godine krenuo u prvi razred osnovne škole. Prva ocjena u

a relatively unknown area with huge medical challenges in the future. The fact is that there are more bacteria cells in each individual than there are human cells, and that there is almost an infinite number of various types of tumors that are changing rapidly in each individual. Imagine now if we could understand all those variables and numbers within each individual and if, on the one hand, certain bacteria could then influence the spread of tumors and the response of our immune system while tumors, on the other hand, could influence bacteria cells by excreting various factors. The two-way communication in such a spectrum of various cells is truly a great challenge of science.”

From the first F to straight A’s in med school The life of Ivan Đikić is everything but boring. A full, but not always easy life befits a scientist of his reputation. However, the desire for knowledge has always, even in the darkest hours, as time would tell, pushed him forward. An extremely competitive type, he luckily had the extenuating circumstances that he understood everything and learnt everything quickly, and that he knew how to ask the right questions. Not everything was ideal when he started the first grade in 1973. His first grade was an F! OK, that grade was not the result of a lack of knowledge. He earned it for coming to school without ho-

"Dok god imamo dobar imunološki sustav, zaštićeni smo od tumora koji se stalno pojavljuju, a mi ih uništavamo. Kad nam imunološki sustav oslabi i kad tumori u njemu pronađu rupe, onda se tumori i pojave." "As long as we have a good immune system, we are protected from tumors that keep appearing, and we destroy them. Once our immune system is weak and when tumors find holes in it, then tumors appear. "


ACI No.1 // Ivan Đikić

imeniku bila je jedinica! O. K., nije ta jedinica bila rezultat neznanja. Zaradio ju je jer se u školi pojavio bez domaće zadaće. Pokušao se opravdati, izmislio je da mu je ostala kod kuće. Učiteljica mu je naredila da je hitno donese, a dok je Ivan još hodao prema kući, kontaktirala je njegovu mamu i saznala da je mali lagao. No čim se ta jedinica tako urezala u pamćenje ovoga vrhunskog znanstvenika, znači da je tada imala jaku pedagošku snagu. – Neopisivo sam joj zahvalan na toj jedinici. – reći će desetljećima kasnije Ivan Đikić, koji je u nastavku školovanja dobivao – isključivo petice! U osnovnoj školi počeo se interesirati za prirodne znanosti, posebice kemiju i biologiju, sudjelovao je u brojnim natjecanjima i školskim eksperimentima. S ocem je često odlazio u veterinarske inspekcije. – Uvjeren sam kako je na moj interes za životne procese, što još uvijek predstavlja glavni cilj moje karijere, utjecao slobodan život u Zagorju, tatina veterinarska profesija i sjajni profesori u Mariji Bistrici. – objašnjava. Godine 1985. prijavio se na Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu. Konkurencija je bila žestoka jer se na 270 mjesta prijavilo oko 1.300 studenata. Na prijemnome ispitu bilo je mnogo takozvanih vezista, što je tada bio termin za djecu koja su se upisivala preko veze. Te godine fakultet je odlučio spriječiti dilanje testova izabranoj djeci pa su svi ispiti bili zaključani u zgradi gimnazije u Klaićevoj ulici. – Na kraju su ih neposredno prije početka prijemnoga ispita dovezli u blindiranome policijskom autu. – prisjeća se Đikić i više od

"Nikada nisam bubao gradivo. Na ispitima sam profesorima pokušao objasniti ono što sam naučio. Prihvatili su moj način polaganja ispita i na tome sam im neizmjerno zahvalan." "I never memorized for exams. I always tried to explain to professors what I had learnt. They accepted my way of taking exams and I am immensely grateful to them."

Fotografija / Photo by David Ausserhofer


mework. He tried to justify himself, made up a story of how he had forgotten it at home. The teacher ordered him to urgently bring it, but, while Ivan was still walking home, she got in touch with his mother and learnt that the boy had lied. However, it seems that the F was quite disciplinary, since it was carved into the memory of this superb scientist. “I am immensely grateful for that F,” says Ivan Đikić, decades later, who only got straight A’s throughout the course of his education. He developed an interest for natural science in primary school, especially chemistry and biology, and he participated in numerous competitions and school experiments. He used to go with his father to veterinary inspection. “I am convinced that the free life in Zagorje, my dad’s veterinary profession and great professors in Marija Bistrica influenced my interest in life processes, which still represents the main goal of my career,” he explains. In 1985, he applied for the Zagreb Medical School. The competition was fierce because around 1,300 students applied for around 270 places. At the entrance exam, there were many so-called “connections,” which meant that many kids enrolled through personal connections. That year, the faculty decided to prevent handing out tests to selected children, so all exams were locked in the building of the high school in Klaić Street. “In the end, they were brought in armored police cars just before the entrance exam was about to start,” Đikić reminisces, more than

ACI No.1 // Ivan Đikić

30 godina nakon toga događaja. Večer prije objave rezultata našao se u gradu sa svojim tadašnjim najboljim prijateljem. Cijelu su se noć zabavljali, a ujutro su na motorima došli pred ulazna vrata zagrebačke Medicine. Đikić nikako nije uspio pronaći svoje ime na listi. Počeo je čitati imena s kraja popisa primljenih, odnosno od broja 51. Pogriješio je smjer. Trebao je čitati otpočetka. Bio je, naime, prvi na listi poretka. Faks je na kraju završio s prosjekom 5,0! U rekordnome roku, u prilično nevjerojatne četiri i pol godine!

Oduševljenje molekularnom medicinom – Nikada nisam bubao gradivo. Na ispitima sam profesorima pokušao objasniti ono što sam naučio. Prihvatili su moj način polaganja ispita i na tome sam im neizmjerno zahvalan. – komentira s odmakom. Tadašnja profesorica anatomije potaknula ga je na prve eksperimentalne korake. Naučila ga je znanstvenomu moralu i testiranju vlastitih ideja. – Naučila me kako da postavljam pitanja kao znanstvenik. – objašnjava. Na trećoj godini faksa, 1988. godine, Ivanu je preminuo otac i to je za majku i troje djece koja su išla na fakultete ili u srednju školu bilo teško razdoblje. Tijekom toga razdoblja Đikić je odlučio da se neće baviti kliničkom medicinom. Posvetit će se znanosti. Ubrzo je dobio stipendiju za znanstveno usavršavanje u Weizmannovu institutu u izraelskome Retohovu. Međutim, stipendija je pokrivala sve troškove boravka u Izraelu, ali nije uključivala avionsku kartu. Đikić je bio očajan, znao je da mu mama ne može financirati let. Naposljetku se povjerio jednomu kapelanu, koji mu je darovao vlastiti novac za tu kartu. Upravo se u Izraelu, na Weizmannovu institutu, Đikić oduševio molekularnom medicinom. Diplomirao je u svibnju 1991. godine. Godine 1992. Đikića je kontaktirao dr. Joseph Schlessinger, direktor Instituta na Sveučilištu New York. Đikić je prihvatio njegov poziv i za nekoliko mjeseci otputovao je u Ameriku. Njegov prvi projekt odnosio se na strukturnu biologiju, no kako za to uopće nije bio školovan, puno je učio o atomima, proteinima, ali i načinu na koji strukturne promjene definiraju životne procese. Ne krije da je nakon dolaska u Ameriku pune tri godine živio u znanstvenoj krizi jer u laboratorijskome radu nije imao gotovo nikakav značajan rezultat. To ga je, naravno, poljuljalo, koga ne bi, no strpljenje je na kraju pobijedilo. S nepunih 30 napokon mu je krenulo. U relativno kratkome roku objavio je dva rada u uglednim časopisima Nature i Science. Otvorila su mu se vrata najboljih sveučilišta na svijetu. U radovima je opisao otkriće posebnih gena, a desetak godina kasnije njegov bivši mentor Schlessinger na temelju njegovih, ali i brojnih drugih otkrića, razvio je lijek protiv tumora bubrega Sutent i lijek protiv melanoma Vemurafenib. Ameriku je Đikić napustio 1997., kada je obranio i doktorat na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu. Odlučio se za još jedno putovanje pa se

30 years after the event. The night before the results were published, he met with his best friend in the city. They partied all night, and, in the morning, they came to the front door of the Zagreb School of Medicine on motorcycles. Đikić could not find his name on the list. He started reading names from the end of the list of accepted students, that is, from the number 51. But, he was reading in the wrong direction. He was supposed to read from the beginning, since he was the first on the list. He finished faculty with a perfect GPA! In record time, in just four and a half years!

Enthralled by molecular medicine “I never memorized for exams. I always tried to explain to professors what I had learnt. They accepted my way of taking exams and I am immensely grateful to them,” he comments from a distance. His then professor of anatomy encouraged him to take his first experimental steps. She taught him scientific ethics and testing his own ideas. “She taught me how to pose questions as a scientist,” he explains. In his third year of faculty, in 1988, Ivan’s father died and that was a difficult time for his mother and her three children that were all at faculty or in high school. During that time, Đikić decided that he would not pursue clinical medicine. He would dedicate himself to science. Soon, he got a scholarship for a scientific specialization at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel. However, while the scholarship covered the costs of accommodation in Israel, it did not include the plane ticket. Đikić was devastated; he knew that his mother could not pay for his flight. Finally, he told a chaplain about his flight, who gave him his own money for the ticket. It is precisely in Israel, at the Weizmann Institute, that Đikić first was thrilled by molecular medicine. He graduated in May 1991. In 1992, Dr. Joseph Schlessinger, the director of the Institute at the University of New York, contacted Đikić. Đikić accepted his invitation and in a few months, he traveled to America. His first project involved structural biology; however, since he had had no education on the matter, he studied a lot about atoms, proteins and the way that structural changes define life processes. He does not hide that his scientific crisis lasted for three years after he had arrived in America, since he had no significant result in his laboratory work. That, of course, shook him , but patience prevailed in the end. He finally caught a break, when he was barely thirty. He published two papers in renowned journals Nature and Science in a relatively short period of time. Doors of the best universities in the world opened for him. He described in his papers the discovery of special genes, and, ten years later, his former mentor Schlessinger developed a cure for kidney tumor, Sutent, and a cure for melanoma, Vemurafenib, on the basis of his discovery, and numerous other ones.


ACI No.1 // Ivan Đikić

Fotografija / Photo by David Ausserhofer

Fotografija / Photo by Uwe Dettmar

Njegov prvi projekt odnosio se na strukturnu biologiju, no kako za to uopće nije bio školovan, puno je učio o atomima, proteinima, ali i načinu na koji strukturne promjene definiraju životne procese.

sa ženom Ingom Ivanković Đikić doselio u švedski grad Uppsalu. Tamo se, naime, zaposlio na Ludwigovu institutu za istraživanje tumora. Kao čovjek spreman učiti, prilagođavati se i usvajati nove vrijednosti, Đikić je naučio živjeti na švedski način. Poštivanje slobode i jednakosti među partnerima za njega su iznad svega. Njegova žena Inga u Švedskoj je završila svoj doktorat, a Đikić je u labosu predvodio ekipu od šest znanstvenika. Ni tu uspjeh nije izostao: otkrio je kako protein ubikvitin sa stanične površine uklanja druge proteine koji mogu pokrenuti rak – onkogene. Slično djeluje lijek Herceptin, koji uništava zloćudne stanice tumora dojke. Sredinom 2002. godine Đikići su tragično izgubili kćer pa su odlučili napustiti Uppsalu, gdje ih je sve podsjećalo na nju. U Frankfurt su se doselili 2002. godine, a on je doslovno uzeo prvi posao prihvaćajući poziciju na Medicinskome fakultetu J. W. Goethea u Frankfurtu, koji mu je omogućio vrhunske uvjete za rad. Đikić je na to uzvratio tako da je iz raznih zaklada za istraživanja svake godine privukao više od 3 milijuna eura. Godine 2004. njegova je ekipa znanstvenika otkrila mehanizme kojima se stanice štite od nastanka tumora. Taj je rad 2005. godine objavljen u Scienceu, a predstavljen je kao najznačajnije medicinsko otkriće za prethodnu godinu. U posljednjih pet godina sa svojim suradnicima radi na bakterijskim upalama i neurodegenerativnim bolestima.

His first project involved structural biology; however, since he had had no education on the matter, he studied a lot about atoms, proteins and the way that structural changes define life processes.


Đikić left America in 1997; it was the same year that he defended his PhD thesis at the University of Zagreb. He decided to go on another trip, so he moved to the Swedish city of Uppsala with his wife Inga Ivanković Đikić. There, he got a job at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. As a man willing to learn, adjust and adopt new values, Đikić learnt to live in the Swedish way. Respecting freedom and equality among partners stands above everything for him. His wife Inga finished her PhD in Sweden, while Đikić headed a team of six scientists in the laboratory. He was also quite successful there: he discovered how the protein ubiquitin removes other proteins that can instigate cancer – oncogenes – from the cell’s surface. The medicine Herceptin, which destroys malignant breast cancer cells, has a similar effect. Mid-2002, the Đikić couple lost their daughter tragically, so they decided to leave Uppsala, where everything reminded them of her. They moved to Frankfurt in 2002, and he literally took the first job he was offered by accepting a position at the Faculty of Medicine of Goethe University Frankfurt, which enabled him superb conditions for his work. Đikić repaid them by attracting more than three million euros from various research foundations every year. In 2004, his team of scientists discovered mechanisms that cells use to protect themselves from forming tumors. That paper was published in Science in 2005, and it was presented as the most important medical discovery of the previous year. He has been working on bacterial inflammations and neurodegenerative diseases for the last five years.

ACI No.1 // Ivan Đikić

Borac za znanstveno poštenje i čestitost

Fighter for scientific honor and integrity

U vodećemu znanstvenom časopisu Cell 2016. godine objavio je istraživanje o nepoznatome mehanizmu kojim se bakterija legionela koristi kako bi preuzela kontrolu nad stanicama, što ponekad uzrokuje smrtonosne upale pluća. U suradnji sa švedskim kolegama u Frankfurtu dokazao je kako nastaje Lou Gehrigova bolest, inače najagresivnija neurodegenerativna bolest. Đikić je, posve je evidentno, trenutačno najuspješniji hrvatski znanstvenik u svijetu. Bavi se molekularnom biologijom i radi na otkrivanju mehanizama pomoću kojih nastaju karcinomi i ostale bolesti. Objavio je 256 radova, koji su citirani 20.310 puta. Na početku karijere primio je dvije nagrade kao najbolji mladi znanstvenik Europe. Američka udruga za istraživanje raka 2006. godine dodijelila mu je nagradu za izvanredna dostignuća. U svemu tome Đikić je ostao prije svega izuzetno moralan čovjek i znanstvenik, borac protiv plagiranja, borac za znanstveno poštenje i čestitost, pobornik forsiranja mladih kojima treba dati šansu… A on nastavlja svoj životni put tražeći nove izazove i njihova znanstvena rješenja samo s jednim ciljem – kako ljudima pomoći u njihovim bolestima… 

In 2016, he published a study in the leading science journal Cell on the unknown mechanism that the bacteria legionella uses to take over control over cells, which sometimes causes deadly pneumonia. In cooperation with his Swedish colleagues in Frankfurt, he proved how Lou Gehrig’s disease occurs and develops; this disease is the most aggressive neurodegenerative disease. It is evident that Đikić is currently the most successful Croatian scientist in the world. His field of work includes molecular biology and he is working on discovering mechanisms responsible for cancer and other diseases. He has published 256 papers, which have been quoted 20,310 times. At the beginning of his career, he received two awards as the best young European scientist. The American Association for Cancer Research presented him with the award for exceptional achievements. During all of this, Đikić remained, above all, an extremely virtuous man and scientist, fighter against plagiarism, fighter for scientific honesty and integrity, fighter for young people who deserve a chance… And he travels on his life path searching for new challenges and their scientific solutions with only one goal in mind – how to help people in their illness… 

Što je za vas Hrvatska?

What is Croatia to you?

Hrvatska je moja domovina, prekrasna zemlja u kojoj sam odrastao i u kojoj žive meni dragi ljudi, moja obitelj, prijatelji i velik dio građana koji svaki moj dolazak u domovinu ispunjavaju zadovoljstvom. Kao i svaka druga zemlja, Hrvatska ima svojih problema i nedostataka, no upravo javni angažman svakoga pojedinca može pridonijeti unapređenju zemlje. S takvim javnim angažmanom počeo sam još 1998. godine, kada sam pokrenuo projekte za popularizaciju znanosti i edukaciju mladih u Hrvatskoj i neću prestati uporno i iskreno raditi za mlade u Hrvatskoj. Osjećam veliku zahvalnost prema Hrvatskoj jer sam u njoj završio svoje cjelokupno školovanje i želim kroz svoj volonterski rad prenijeti svoje znanje i iskustva na mlade generacije u RH. Na taj način pridonosim stvaranju novih stručnjaka koji će biti uspješniji i sretniji te će sami osjećati potrebu za dodatnim unapređenjem Hrvatske. Osim obrazovanja, novčano sam pomagao i opremanje dvaju laboratorija u Hrvatskoj, jedan na Institutu Ruđer Bošković 1999. godine te Laboratorij za istraživanje tumora u Splitu od 2006. godine.

Croatia is my homeland, a wonderful country where I grew up, where my loved ones live, my family, friends and a large part of citizens who fill each trip to my homeland with pleasure. As any other country, Croatia has its issues and flaws; however, it is precisely the public engagement of each individual that can contribute to the progress of the country. I started with such public engagement in 1998, when I initiated projects to popularize science and educate young people in Croatia, and I will never stop working constantly and genuinely for young people in Croatia. I feel incredible gratitude towards Croatia because that is where I finished my entire education. Through my volunteer work, I wish to transfer my knowledge and experience to young generations in Croatia. That way, I am contributing to the creation of new experts that will be more successful and happier, and they themselves will feel the need to further promote Croatia. Aside from aiding education, I financially helped equip two laboratories in Croatia, one at the Ruđer Bošković Institute in 1999, and the Laboratory for Cancer Research in Split in 2006.


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