ACI No.1 2024 - Croatian / English

Page 1


Nicole Kidman // Edward Norton // Luka Dončić
Giorgetto Giuggiaro // Palma Čargo // Ivan Krapić // Ivica Kostelić

Sanlorenzo South Central Europe

Zagreb · Rovinj · Sukošan · Porto Montenegro · Vienna · Budapest · Brno

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Sanlorenzo South Central Europe

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A company of the Master Yachting Group ·

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+385 99 731 02 02 | +382 67 20 16 55

Photocredit: © omas Pagani
Photocredit: © omas Pagani

The sea on board.

The sea on board.

Observing the superstructure that reaches forward, and the beach area with the proportions of a large terrace, it becomes immediately clear that the SX line is a revolutionary project. Functions and uses of spaces intertwine, giving rise to a „crossover” yacht that is perfect for the sophisticated contemporary owner.

Observing the superstructure that reaches forward, and the beach area with the proportions of a large terrace, it becomes immediately clear that the SX line is a revolutionary project. Functions and uses of spaces intertwine, giving rise to a „crossover” yacht that is perfect for the sophisticated contemporary owner.

Elegancija ima novi oblik

Novi Audi Q8

Progresivan dizajn i vrhunske performanse redizajniranog Audi Q8 modela uz quattro pogon na sve kotače oduševit će vas na svakom putovanju. To je napredak koji možete osjetiti.

Više na

Prosječna potrošnja goriva: 8,1-10,7 l/100km. CO₂-emisije, kombinirano: 213-244 g/km

Slika automobila je simbolična i sadrži dodatnu opremu dostupnu uz nadoplatu.



Natural Solution for Clean Drains

Discover the Power of BioFlow

BioFlow is your ultimate natural solution for clean and odour-free drains. Made from brown seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum), BioFlow harnesses the power of nature to effectively clean drain pipes, remove bad odours, and prevent clogging. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to a cleaner, greener solution for your plumbing needs.

Otkrijte Moć BioFlowa

BioFlow je vaše konačno prirodno rješenje za čiste odvode bez mirisa. Napravljen od smeđe alge (Asco phyllum nodosum), BioFlow koristi snagu prirode kako bi učinkovito očistio cijevi odvoda, uklonio loše mirise i spriječio začepljenja. Oprostite se od agresivnih kemikalija i pozdravite čišće, zelenije rješenje za vaše potrebe u vodoinstalacijama.


Nautical sewage systems on boats and yachts often battle persistent odors and clogging, detracting from the enjoyment of maritime experiences. Traditional chemical solutions pose environmental risks, complicating matters for eco-conscious boaters. Enter BioFlow: the eco-friendly answer to nautical sewage woes.

The use of BioFlow additive is very simple. Shake 1dcl of the additive and pour it into the toilet, then flush (at least 2L of water, on larger vessels also salt water - sea water


Nautički sustavi odvodnje na brodovima i jahtama često se bore s trajnim mirisima i začepljenjima, narušavajući užitak pomorskih iskustava. Tradicionalna kemijska rješenja predstavljaju ekološke rizike, komplicirajući stvari za ekološki osviještene nautičare. Ulazi BioFlow: ekološki odgovor na probleme s nautičkim odvodima.


Upotreba BioFlow aditiva vrlo je jednostavna Protresite 1 dcl aditiva i ulijte ga u WC školjku, zatim isperite (najmanje 2L vode, na većim plovilima može se koristiti i slana voda - morska voda).

Camper van owners often deal with two main challenges: sewage odors and clogs, which can spoil the camping experience and lead to costly repairs. BioFlow provides a natural solution, effectively tackling odor and clogging issues without environmental harm. Regular use ensures a clean, odor-free system, minimizing travel

Dilute 1 dcl of BioFlow in 5L of water. The additive should be used every second day in the case the sewage is discharged every day. The additive can also be used in



Vlasnici kamperskih vozila često se suočavaju s dva glavna izazova: mirisima iz otpadnih voda i začepljenjima, što može pokvariti iskustvo kampiranja i dovesti do skupih popravaka. BioFlow pruža prirodno rješenje, učinkovito rješavajući probleme s mirisima i začepljenjem bez štete okolišu. Redovita uporaba osigurava čist i bezmirisan sustav, smanjujući prekide u putovanju i troškove.


Razrijedite 1 dcl BioFlowa u 5L vode. Aditiv treba koristiti svaki drugi dan ako se otpadne vode ispuštaju svaki dan. Aditiv se također može koristiti u tuševima i sudoperima.

100% natural, non-aggressive, non-corrosive, non-toxic, and harmless to humans, animals, and the environment.

100% prirodno, neagresivno, nekorozivno, netoksično i neškodljivo za ljude, životinje i okoliš.



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Fotografija / Photo: Petar Fabijan
Kristijan Pavić, predsjednik Uprave / Chairman of the Board

Dragi čitatelji, broj sedam u svjetskim civilizacijama i kulturama ima magično značenje. I danas smo u brojnim sferama života okruženi njegovom simbolikom. Imamo sedam dana u tjednu, sedam svjetskih čuda, a još je veliki Shakespeare pisao o sedam doba čovjeka.

A danas pred vama stoji i sedmo izdanje našeg i vašeg magazina ACI No1., projekta koji smo s ljubavlju pokrenuli 2018. godine s ciljem da u tiskanom i digitalnom izdanju predstavimo iznimne pojedince te donosimo zanimljive reportaže i teme koje pokrivaju sve domene društvenog života.

Obilježavajući okruglih 40 godina djelovanja ACI-ja u prekrasnom okruženju ACI marine Rovinj, zaplovili smo punim jedrima prema novim izazovima i projektima koji će stvarati budućnost nautike u sljedećim desetljećima.

Doprinos toj viziji daje i ACI No1. koji svakim izdanjem postavlja nove standarde izvrsnosti.

I u ovom broju donosimo vam bogat sadržaj koji će vas oduševiti i inspirirati. Na našim stranicama možete pročitati razgovore s velikim holivudskim zvijezdama Nicole Kidman i Edwardom Nortonom, zaviriti u svijet jednog od najboljih dizajnera u povijesti Giorgetta Giugiara i otkriti magiju neponovljivog Luke Dončića.

Lijepu sportsku priču s nama je podijelio kapetan svjetskih prvaka u vaterpolu Ivan Krapić, a naša ambasadorica Palma Čargo otkrila nam je sve tajne uzbudljive klase IQFoil. Poznata uzrečica 'Do something great' savršeno opisuje životni put i postignuće hrvatskog liječnika i znanstvenika dr. Stevena Živka Pavletića, dok nas je kroz čari gastronomije i nove hrvatske kuhinje proveo chef Deni Srdoč.

Na stranicama magazina pronaći ćete priču o inovativnom projektu ACI Pet koji je posvećen našim nautičarima koji Jadranom plove sa svojim mezimcima, a sigurni smo da ćete uživati i u našim reportažama o prekasnim Elafitskim otocima, nagrađenoj ACI marini Rovinj i novom jedriličarskom pothvatu Ivice Kostelića. U sedmom broju čeka vas još mnogo zanimljivih sugovornika i tema te bogat i detaljan katalog svih naših marina na Jadranu.

Veliku zahvalu upućujemo našim novim i postojećim ACI No.1 partnerima te svima koji su sudjelovali u pripremi novog izdanja magazina. Njihovo znanje, vještina i strast te ljubav prema moru i nautici bili su presudni kako bi se ostvarili vrhunski rezultati u skladu s ugledom ACI-ja.

U nadi da će vam ovaj broj ACI No1. donijeti pregršt užitka i inspiracije želimo vam ugodno čitanje.

Navigare necesse est

Kristijan Pavić, predsjednik Uprave

Dear readers,

Number 7 is thought to have magical properties in many civilisations of the world. Even today, we are surrounded by this symbolism in many areas of life. There are seven days in a week, Seven Wonders of the World, and it was The Bard who wrote about The Seven Ages of Man.

And today, in front of you, you have the seventh edition of our and your magazine, ACI No. 1, the project we launched as a labour of love in 2018 in order to present, in a printed and digital edition, exceptional individuals and feature interesting stories and topics covering all spheres of social life.

Celebrating the 40th, round, anniversary of ACI’s operation in the beautiful setting of ACI Marina Rovinj, we set off with full sails towards new challenges and projects that will create the future of boating in the decades to come. ACI No. 1, which sets new standards of excellence with each new edition, also contributes to this vision.

This edition as well is full of rich contents, which will amaze and inspire you. On the pages of our magazine, you can read the interviews with the great Hollywood stars Nicole Kidman and Edward Norton, take a look into the world of one of the greatest designers in history, Giorgetto Giugiaro, and discover the magic of the unique Luka Dončić. Ivan Krapić, the captain of the water polo team that won the world championship, shared a nice sports story with us, and Palma Čargo, our ambassador, revealed all the secrets of the exciting IQFoil class. The famous saying ‘Do something great’ is perfect to describe the life and achievements of the Croatian doctor and scientist Steven Živko Pavletić, MD, while the chef Deni Srdoč introduced us to culinary delights and charms of the new Croatian cuisine.

On these pages, you will find a story about the innovative project ACI Pet, which is aimed at our boaters that sail in the Adriatic with their pets, and we are certain that you will also enjoy our feature stories about the beautiful Elaphiti Islands, the award-winning ACI Marina Rovinj and Ivica Kostelić's new sailing adventure. The seventh edition features many other interesting people and topics, as well as a detailed and rich catalogue of all our marinas.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all our new and existing ACI No. 1 partners and to all those who have participated in the making of the latest issue. Their knowledge, skills and passion, as well as love of the sea and boating, were crucial in achieving spectacular results in accordance with ACI’s reputation.

We hope that this edition of ACI No. 1 will bring you a lot of joy and inspiration. Enjoy reading it!

Navigare necesse est

Kristijan Pavić, Chairman of the Board

Fotografije / Photos: Davor Žunić
Petar Fabijan
Zona 100
Saša Zinaja




Autor teksta: Ivan Herak, član Uprave ACI d.d. za financije, korporativno pravo i ljudske resurse

Text Author: PhD Ivan Herak, member of ACI Management Board for Finances, Corporate Law and Human Resorces

Održivi razvoj ACI-ju ne predstavlja samo trend u društveno odgovornom poslovanju i priliku za jačanje imidža nego i apsolutni imperativ u svim segmentima poslovanja

To ACI, sustainable development is not only a trend in its socially responsible business practices and an opportunity for enhancing its image but also an absolute imperative in all segments of its business

ACI u sustav svojih marina želi implementirati energetska rješenja i inovacije koje uključuju i tehnologije vodika

Povezanost turizma i okoliša

Sve veća izloženost globalnoj turističkoj potražnji hrvatskom turističkom prostoru prijeti erozijom i obezvređivanjem njegovih vrijednosti pa se to više potencira potreba pronalaska modela zaštite i unapređenja prostora u skladu s europskim vrijednostima i politikama održivog razvoja turizma. Stoga su upravo aktivnosti kojima se izbjegava, smanjuje i kompenzira pritisak turizma na okoliš u fokusu našega djelovanja.

Turizam i okoliš u složenom su odnosu međusobnog utjecaja i međuovisnosti. S jedne strane očuvan okoliš bitan je segment atraktivnosti prostora, njegove kompetitivnosti i održivosti. Atraktivna i očuvana prirodna baština konkurentska su prednost hrvatskog turizma. Nesporno je, naime, da Hrvatska pripada zemljama koje posjetitelje više privlači odlikama prirodnog prostora i bogatstvom kulturno-prirodne baštine nego kvalitetom, raspoloživošću ili raznovrsnošću novonastalih turističkih atrakcija, iz čega proizlazi egzistencijalni značaj očuvanja prirodne baštine za održivost i kompetitivnost našega turizma. S druge strane neupitno je da turizam može značajno negativno utjecati na okoliš. Najveći pritisak generira sve veći opseg turističke potražnje s obzirom na transport turista u receptivne destinacije i uz njega vezane emisije stakleničkih plinova i drugih onečišćujućih tvari u zrak, vode i more. Od toga oko 40 % pripada avionskom prometu, 30 % automobilskom prometu i 20 % turističkom smještaju. Navedenom usprkos nesporno je da su rast

ACI wants to implement energy solutions and innovation that also include hydrogen technologies into its system of marinas

Connection between tourism and environment

The ever-increasing exposure to a global tourist demand threatens the Croatian tourist area with erosion and deterioration of its values, progressively emphasising, in turn, a need to find a model to protect and improve this area in accordance with European values and policies of sustainable tourism development. Therefore, it is the activities that avoid, reduce and compensate for the pressure of tourism on environment that are at the centre of our work.

Tourism and environment are in a complex relationship of mutual influence and interdependence. On the one hand, preserved environment is a vital segment of the attractiveness of the tourist area, its competitiveness and sustainability. Attractive and preserved natural heritage is a competitive advantage of the Croatian tourism. Undeniably, Croatia belongs to a group of countries that primarily attract visitors with the features of its natural space and the richness of its cultural and natural heritage, rather that quality, availability or variety of newly-formed tourist attractions, indicating the existential significance of preserving our natural heritage for the sustainability and competitiveness of Croatian tourism. On the other hand, tourism, unquestionably, can have a significant negative impact on the environment. The greatest pressure is generated by the ever-increasing intensity of tourist demand, due to the transport of tourists to their destinations and the emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the air, waters and the sea that go with it. Of that,

ACI No.1 // Zelena tranzicija / Green transition

turizma, zaštita okoliša i društveno blagostanje u uvjetima kontroliranog rasta te djelatnosti međusobno podupirući, a ne suprotstavljeni ciljevi.

Zelena tranzicija u turizmu

Ozelenjivanje turizma visoko je među prioritetima EU politika razvoja turizma. Samo u EU od 1987. godine do danas razvijeno je 80-ak različitih sustava, standarda, kriterija i indikatora za ocjenjivanje i praćenje, odnosno certificiranje održivosti turističkih sadržaja na razini destinacije, ali i pojedinog pružatelja ugostiteljsko-turističkih usluga. Kao pomoć turističkim destinacijama u praćenju Europska komisija razvila je ETIS – Europski sustav indikatora za održive turističke destinacije, koji uključuje 27 osnovnih i 40 dodatnih indikatora strukturiranih u četiri glavne teme i 22 kriterija. U publikaciji „Tranzicijski put za turizam”, koju je nedavno izdala Glavna uprava Europske komisije za unutarnje tržište, industriju, poduzetništvo i mala poduzeća, navedene su bitne smjernice zelene tranzicije turizma u EU, mehanizmi regulativnog i javnog upravljanja, analizirane sinergije s drugim ekosustavima kao i otpornost na smetnje. U naravi dokument možemo promatrati kao proces sukreiranja tranzicijskog puta za turizam, koji je pokrenut u lipnju 2021. godine objavljivanjem radnog dokumenta spomenute uprave EK, a sadržava potencijalne scenarije tranzicije turizma, u konačnici sve u funkciji osmišljavanja Europske agende za turizam za razdoblje od 2030. do 2050 godine. Među prioritetima koje treba integrirati u turističke razvojne politike osobito su naglašene klimatske promjene, ograničene količine pitke vode i pritisci na bioraznolikost. Posljedično, „ozelenjivanje” ponajprije uključuje efikasnost u potrošnji vode i energije, smanjivanje emisije stakleničkih plinova, smanjenje količina otpada i bolje upravljanje njime, zaštitu i očuvanje prirodne i kulturne baštine te jačanje veza s lokalnom zajednicom. Nesporno je da je održivi zeleni turizam kompetitivniji, da raste brže, da je bolji za investitore, stvara više boljih radnih mjesta i doprinosi zadovoljstvu lokalne zajednice. Osim svega navedenog okolišna održivost turizma bitna je sastavnica Globalnog etičkog koda u turizmu.

Održivost kao imperativ razvoja hrvatskog turizma iznimno je dobro zakonski normirana te je u potpunosti prepoznata i u svim strateškim dokumentima aktualne Vlade RH, od Strategije održivog razvoja hrvatskog turizma pa nadalje. Strateški dokumenti zaštite okoliša, od Nacionalnog plana djelovanja na okoliš te raznih drugih integralnih razvojnih strategija, prepoznaju okolišnu odgovornost i održivost razvoja turizma kao imperativ te daju vrlo sveobuhvatne i detaljne smjernice i mjere prema željenom razvoju.

about 40% is air travel, 30% is car transport and 20% tourist accommodation. In spite of this, it cannot be denied that the increase in tourism, environmental protection and social prosperity are, in conditions of a controlled growth of the industry, mutually supporting, rather than opposing, goals.

Green transition in tourism

Making tourism green is high on the priority list of the EU policies of tourism development. Only within the EU, from 1987 to this day, about 80 different systems, standards, criteria and indicators have been developed to monitor and evaluate, i.e. certify, the sustainability of tourist facilities at the level of a destination, as well as the level of an individual provider of catering and hospitality services. To help tourist destinations monitor sustainability, the European Commission has developed ETIS – the European Tourism Indicator System for sustainable tourist destinations – which includes 27 core and 40 additional indicators, structured in 4 main categories and 22 criteria. The publication titled Transition Pathway for Tourism, recently published by the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission, sets out important guidelines for the green transition of tourism within the EU, specifies the mechanisms of regulation and public governance, as well as synergies with other ecosystems that have been analysed, and indicates resilience to disruptions. This document can, actually, be seen as a process of co-creating the transitional path for tourism, which was started in June 2021, when a working document was published by the above-mentioned Directorate-General of the EC that included potential scenarios for the transition of tourism, all, ultimately, with the purpose of designing the European Agenda for Tourism 2030–2050.

Among the priorities to be integrated into tourism development policies, the ones that have especially been emphasised are climate changes, limited amount of drinking water and pressures on biodiversity. As a consequence, the ‘greening’ of tourism primarily includes efficiency in water and energy consumption, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing the quantities and better management of waste, protecting and preserving natural and cultural heritage, and strengthening links with local communities. Sustainable, green, tourism is undeniably more competitive, develops faster, is better for investors, creates more and better jobs and contributes to the satisfaction of local communities. In addition to all this, the environmental sustainability of tourism is an important part of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism.

Sustainability as an imperative for the development of the Croatian tourism, is exceptionally well legally regulated and also recognised in its entirety in all strategic documents adopted by the current government of the Republic of Croatia, from Croatia’s Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy to others. Strategic documents on environmental protection, from the National Environmental Action Plan to many other integral developmental strategies, recognise environmental responsibility and the sustainability of tourism development as an imperative, offering very comprehensive and detailed guidelines and measures to steer the development in the desired direction.

ACI, regionalni predvodnik zelene tranzicije u nautičkom turizmu

S obzirom na to da ACI gospodari jednim od najvećih resursa kojim naša država raspolaže, a to su naše more i priobalje, naša je odgovornost neusporedivo veća u odnosu na druge kompanije. Stoga održivi razvoj ACI-ju ne predstavlja samo trend u društveno odgovornom poslovanju i priliku za jačanje imidža nego i apsolutni imperativ u svim segmentima poslovanja.

Budući da je u ožujku 2022. Hrvatski sabor donio Hrvatsku strategiju za vodik do 2050. godine, koja određuje okvirne mogućnosti razvoja proizvodnje, pohrane, transporta i općenito uporabe vodika s ciljem smanjenja CO2 emisija, te s obzirom na intenciju što brže prilagodbe, odnosno tranzicije na zelenu energiju, na razini EU započelo je raspisivanje brojnih natječaja iz kojih se mogu povlačiti sredstva upravo u svrhu opisane uporabe vodika.

Stoga je i namjera ACI-ja da u sustav naših marina implementiramo energetska rješenja i inovacije koje uključuju i tehnologije vodika, čime će se istodobno provoditi Europski zeleni dogovor i Europska

ACI, regional leader of the green transition in boating tourism

Since ACI manages one of the greatest resources our county has, namely our sea and coast, our responsibility is considerably greater than that of other companies. Therefore, to ACI, sustainable development is not only a trend in its socially responsible business practices and an opportunity for enhancing its image but also an absolute imperative in all segments of its business.

In March 2022, the Croatian Parliament adopted the Croatian Hydrogen Strategy until 2050, which identifies broad possibilities of the development of the production, storing, transport and, generally, use of hydrogen with a view to decreasing CO2 emissions. On the other hand, given the intention to carry out the green energy transition as soon as possible, the EU has started announcing a series of tenders, granting funds for the above-described use of hydrogen. Therefore, it is ACI’s intention to implement energy solutions and innovation into our system of marinas that also include hydrogen technologies, implemen-

Održivost kao imperativ razvoja hrvatskog turizma iznimno je dobro zakonski normirana te prepoznata u svim strateškim dokumentima Vlade RH

Sustainability, as an imperative for the development of Croatian tourism, is exceptionally well legally regulated and recognised in all strategic documents of the government of the Republic of Croatia

ACI No.1
Rast turizma u Hrvatskoj, zaštita okoliša i društveno blagostanje ciljevi su koji trebaju biti međusobno usklađeni

development of tourism in Croatia, environmental protection and social prosperity are goals that should be mutually consistent

vodikova strategija. I Europska komisija i hrvatska Vlada uvjerene su da je integracija vodikovih ekosustava učinkovit način za prelazak na ugljično neutralno društvo. S vodikovom dolinom partneri žele potaknuti prelazak na integrirani ekosustav u području energetike.

Uprava ACI-ja procijenila je da energetska tranzicija predstavlja izazovno razdoblje s mnogo neizvjesnosti, odnosno da će suradnja s drugim industrijskim i tehnološkim partnerima i pionirima razvoja, uz podršku triju Vlada, doprinijeti da se ACI s novom energetskom infrastrukturom pozicionira kao ključni pokretač energetske tranzicije u hrvatskom turizmu i pomorskoj industriji. Iz spomenutih razloga ACI je i postao član međunarodnog konzorcija „Dolina vodika sjeverni Jadran” kao i Međunarodnog instituta za klimatske aktivnosti. 

ting, at the same time, the European Green Deal and the European Hydrogen Strategy. Both the European Commission and the government of Croatia are convinced that the integration of hydrogen ecosystems is an efficient way to transition to a carbon-neutral society. With the Hydrogen Vally project, partners want to stimulate the transition to an integrated ecosystem in the field of energy industry. It is ACI’s Management Board’s assessment that the energy transition will be a challenging period, laden with uncertainty, and that the partnership with other industrial and technological partners and development pioneers, supported by three governments, will contribute to the positioning of ACI, with its new energy infrastructure, as the key promoter of the energy transition in Croatia’s tourism and maritime industry. For these reasons, ACI has become a member of the international Northern Adriatic Hydrogen Valley Consortium, as well as a member of the International Institute for Climate Action. 

Fotografije / Photos: Davor Žunić, Petar Fabijan, Damjan Jelenović / VoxMarkt




Na svečanoj Akademiji u Rovinju uz nazočnost brojnih visokih uzvanika istaknut je golem značaj ACI d.d. za imidž Hrvatske u svijetu

The anniversary celebration, held in Rovinj and attended by many high-ranking officials, highlighted the huge significance of ACI for the international image of Croatia

Za ACI d.d. 2023. godina bila je obilježena okruglom obljetnicom – 40. godišnjicom postojanja. Taj važan događaj proslavljen je brojnim aktivnostima i prigodnim manifestacijama, što je samo dopunilo sjajne poslovne rezultate tvrtke.

Regionalni predvodnik u nautičkom turizmu svečanom je Akademijom održanom u kongresnoj dvorani rovinjskog hotela Lone okrunio četiri desetljeća izvrsnosti uz nazočnost brojnih visokih uzvanika koji su istaknuli značaj ACI d.d. za ukupno nacionalno gospodarstvo, ali i sliku Hrvatske u svijetu.

Svečano je bilo i na jednom od najvećih svjetskih nautičkih sajmova, Bootu u Düsseldorfu, gdje ACI d.d. tradicionalno sudje-

For ACI d.d., 2023 marked a round anniversary – 40 years in business. This important milestone was marked by a number of activities and special events, which only served to round off the great business results the company had achieved.

The regional leader in boating tourism marked the four decades of excellence at the anniversary celebration, held in the Lone Hotel Conference Hall in Rovinj and attended by many high-ranking officials, who highlighted the importance of ACI for the national economy in general as well as for the international image of Croatia.

There was also celebratory atmosphere at one of the biggest boat shows in the world, Boot Düsseldorf, where ACI has traditio-

luje kao izlagač i partner. Sajam koji je okupio čak 1500 izlagača iz 68 zemalja pružio je ACI-ju jedinstvenu priliku za predstavljanje nautičke izvrsnosti na globalnoj razini fokusirajući se na predanost moru, lokalnoj zajednici, nautičkim inovacijama i postavljanju novih standarda u stvaranju nautičke ponude namijenjene domaćim i stranim nautičarima. Među brojnim novitetima ACI je na Bootu prikazao buduću ACI marinu Rijeka kao viziju budućnosti, novi brend ACI Pet koji je namijenjenim nautičarima koji plove Jadranom s kućnim ljubimcima, a svi zainteresirani posjetitelji mogli su u izložbenom prostoru preuzeti i luksuzan lifestyle magazin ACI No.1.

Prestižni sajam Boot Düsseldorf pružio je ACI-ju jedinstvenu priliku za predstavljanje nautičke izvrsnosti na globalnoj razini

The prestigious Boot Düsseldorf show gave a unique opportunity to ACI to present boating excellence on a global level

nally been participating as an exhibitor and partner. The show, which attracted over 1,500 exhibitors from 68 countries, gave ACI a unique opportunity to present boating excellence on a global level, focusing on dedication to the sea, the local community and boating innovations and to setting new standards in creating boating tourism services intended for domestic and foreign boaters. At the show, among its many novel features, ACI also introduced the future ACI marina Rijeka as its vision of the future and the new ACI Pet brand, intended for boaters sailing the Adriatic with their pets. The visitors who came to ACI’s exhibition space were able to obtain the luxury lifestyle magazine, ACI No. 1.

Najveći lanac marina na cijelom Mediteranu povezuje najljepše krajeve hrvatske obale i otoka s 22 vrhunske luke nautičkog turizma

With its 22 first-class marinas, the largest marina chain in the entire Mediterranean interconnects the most beautiful parts of the Croatian coast and islands

Tijekom puna četiri desetljeća ACI se etablirao kao nacionalni i regionalni sinonim za izvrsnost u profesionalnom i društvenom djelovanju, a Hrvatsku pozicionirao u sam svjetski vrh nautike, uvelike doprinoseći ukupnim turističkim rezultatima i nacionalnoj konkurentnosti Republike Hrvatske. Viziju o jedinstvenom nacionalnom lancu marina, koja je tada bila daleko ispred svojeg vremena, u stvarnost je pretvorio idejni začetnik ACI-ja Veljko Barbieri 1983. godine, a prvih 16 ACI marina sagrađeno je u rekordnom roku od 18 mjeseci. Sve nakon toga je povijest, tijekom koje je ova nacionalna perjanica stasala u najveći lanac marina na cijelom Mediteranu, povezujući najljepše krajeve hrvatske obale i otoka s 22 vrhunske luke nautičkog turizma koje sudjeluju u najznačajnijem dijelu godišnjih nacionalnih prihoda od turizma. 

Over the four full decades, ACI has established itself as a national and regional symbol of excellence in professional and social responsibility and has positioned Croatia at the very top of international boating, greatly contributing to the overall tourism results and the competitiveness of the Republic of Croatia. The vision of a unique national chain of marinas, which then was far ahead of its time, was turned into reality by Veljko Barbieri, ACI’s founding father, in 1983, and the first 16 ACI marinas were built in record 18 months. And the rest is history, during which this national flagship has become the largest marina chain in the entire Mediterranean, interconnecting the most beautiful parts of the Croatian coast and islands via a network of 22 first-class marinas, which greatly contribute to the national tourism revenues every year. 

Marine s pet šapica Marinas with a five-paw rating

Brend ACI Pet označava posebnu liniju proizvoda namijenjenih kućnim ljubimcima nautičara i gostiju ACI marina, kao i svima koji svoje najdraže trenutke i slobodno vrijeme dijele sa svojim četveronožnim prijateljima

The ACI Pet brand is a special line of products intended for pets of ACI marinas’ boaters and guests, as well as everyone who spend their free time and leisurely moments with their four-legged friends

Za one koji vole more i svoje četveronožne prijatelje odlazak na odmor s kućnim ljubimcem savršeno je spajanje avanture i opuštanja. Osim što ćete uživati u prekrasnim plažama, kristalno čistom moru i netaknutoj prirodi, ova aktivnost nudi vam jedinstvenu priliku da stvorite nezaboravne uspomene.

S više od četiri desetljeća iskustva i postavljanja trendova u nautičkom sektoru ACI aktivno sudjeluje u oblikovanju budućnosti nautičkog turizma cijelog Mediterana. Prepoznatljivom kvalitetom ukorijenjenom u srce nautičke zajednice ACI proširuje svoju ponudu prema starim, ali i novim nautičarima.

For those who love the sea and their four-legged friends, going on holiday with them is a perfect combination of adventure and relaxation. You will not only enjoy the beautiful beaches, crystal clear sea and the untouched nature but will also have a unique opportunity to make unforgettable memories. With over four decades of experience and trendsetting in the boating sector, ACI is actively involved in shaping the future of boating tourism in the entire Mediterranean. With the quality that has become recognisable in the boating community, ACI is expanding its range of products intended for veteran and new boaters alike.

Fotografije / Photos: Damjan Jelenović, VoxMarkt

Uz ACI Pet najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu napravit će značajan iskorak prema nautičarima koji po Jadranu plove sa svojim mezimcima

With ACI Pet, the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean will take a significant step forward regarding the boaters that sail the Adriatic with their pets

Zbog sve većeg broja gostiju koji slobodno vrijeme provode na plovilima i u ACI marinama s kućnim ljubimcima osmišljen je ACI Pet, brend u okviru ACI Shopa s posebnom linijom proizvoda, ali i inovativni model poslovanja koji će posebnu pažnju posvetiti našim četveronožnim gostima i njihovim vlasnicima.

Brend ACI Pet prati svjetske trendove 'pet friendly' poslovanja te postavlja nove standarde u nautičkom turizmu, čineći ACI marine idealnim destinacijama za sve ljubitelje mora i životinja.

ACI vjeruje da su mladi ljudi budućnost društva, a njihova energija, kreativnost i inovativnost neprocjenjivi su resursi za rast i napredak. Stoga se najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu aktivno trudi davati priliku mladim i talentiranim osobama da se dokažu i ostvare svoje profesionalne snove.

Jedna od takvih 'mladih lavica' ACI-jeva je partnerica za brend ACI Pet. Hrvatska poduzetnica Valentina Jonjić postavlja nove standarde u 'pet friendly' turizmu ne samo u Hrvatskoj nego i na europskom tržištu. Prije nešto više od

Because of an increasing number of guests who spend their leisure time on their boats and at ACI marinas accompanied by their pets, an ACI Shop brand – ACI Pet – has been designed, offering a special range of products and representing an innovative business model, especially intended for our four-legged guests and their owners.

The ACI Pet brand follows the trends in pet-friendly business and sets new standards in boating tourism, making ACI marinas ideal destinations for all lovers of the sea and animals.

ACI believes that young people represent the future, and their energy, creativity and innovativeness are invaluable resources in development and progress. That is why the largest chain of marinas in the Mediterranean is actively engaged in giving opportunities to young and talented persons to prove their worth and make their professional dreams come true.

One of such young lionesses is ACI’s partner in the ACI Pet brand, Valentina Jonjić. The Croatian entrepreneur has been setting new standards in pet-friendly tourism both in Croatia and the European market. Over a year ago, after ten years in the pet supplies industry, Valentina recognised the growing trend in pet-friendly tourism and started Coco’s Management, the first and, so far, only company in Croatia that offers complete solutions for the pet-friendly segment in tourism. Her vision of starting a business that offers a comprehensive support in the creation and promotion of pet-friendly products became real. In an interview for ACI No. 1, she has told us all about the innovative ACI Pet brand and a great potential of pet-friendly tourism.

godinu dana, nakon 10 godina rada u branši opreme za kućne ljubimce, Valentina je prepoznala rastući trend 'pet friendly' turizma i osnovala Coco's Management, prvu i jedinu tvrtku u Hrvatskoj koja nudi cjelovita rješenja za 'pet friendly' segment u turizmu. Vizija o stvaranju biznisa koji nudi sveobuhvatnu podršku u kreiranju i promociji 'pet friendly' ponude postala je stvarnost. U razgovoru za ACI No.1 otkrila nam je sve detalje inovativnog brenda ACI Pet i velik potencijal 'pet friendly' turizma.

'Sve je počelo kada je u našu obitelj stigla pudlica Coco. Na vlastitom primjeru uvjerili smo se kako ponuda hrane, odjeće i ostalih dodataka za kućne ljubimce prije desetak godina nije bila zadovoljavajuća. Tako se rodila ideja za osnivanje consultinga koji nudi edukaciju, sadržaje i usluge prilagođene kućnim ljubimcima. Coco's Management nije samo tvrtka nego i platforma za povezivanje vlasnika ljubimaca, turističkog sektora i svih ostalih kompanija koji dijele strast prema našim četveronožnim prijateljima', ispričala je Valentina Jonjić.

Kako je počela suradnja s ACI-jem?

'Preko LinkedIna kontaktirala sam s većinom vodećih ljudi u hrvatskom turizmu, pa tako i s ACI-jem kao kompanijom koja je apsolutni lider u nautičkom segmentu. Tijekom poslovanja uspostavila sam brojne kontakte s nautičarima, posebice iz ACI marine Opatija, pa mogu

ACI Pet za početak je krenuo s brendiranim uzorcima dehidriranih papalina s Cresa u ekološkom pakiranju koji simbolično povezuju ACI i more

ACI Pet has started with branded samples of dehydrated sprat caught in the waters of Cres, which come in an environmentally-friendly package, symbolically linking ACI and the sea

‘It all started when a poodle named Coco became a member of our family. It was then, ten or so years ago, that we realised that the range of products relating to food, clothes and other accessories for pets was lacking. And so, an idea evolved to start a consulting firm that would offer education, facilities and services intended for pets. Coco’s Management is not only a company but also a platform for connecting pet owners, the tourism sector and all other companies that share passion for our four-legged friends,’ says Valentina Jonjić.

How did the partnership with ACI start?

‘I used LinkedIn to contact the majority of leaders in Croatian tourism, including ACI, which is the leading company in boating tourism. In my work, I had a lot of contacts with boaters, especially those staying at ACI Marina

reći kako dobro poznajem potrebe moreplovaca. Danas je brod praktički produžetak kuće, pa vlasnici na odmor vode i svoje kućne ljubimce. S tim u vezi raste i potražnja za uslugama i sadržajima prilagođenim ljubimcima u marinama. Upravo u sklopu naše zajedničke suradnje ACI će napraviti značajan iskorak prema takvim nautičarima koji po Jadranu plove sa svojim dlakavim prijateljima. Možete li nam predstaviti brend ACI Pet?

'ACI Pet za početak je krenuo s promotivnim brendiranim uzorcima za kućne ljubimce koji se vrlo dobro uklapaju u zelenu i održivu politiku ACI-ja. Riječ je o dehidriranim papalinama s Cresa u ekološkom pakiranju koji povezuju mnoge hrvatske proizvođače, pa mogu biti zaista lijep suvenir za turiste koji krstare Jadranom. Posebno bih htjela naglasiti kako je riječ o iznimno kvalitetnoj hrani bez konzervansa i umjetnih aroma koja pruža nutritivnu vrijednost i autentičan okus, što je iznimno važno za zdravlje i dobrobit naših ljubimaca. Istodobno, simbolično povezuje ACI i more s obzirom na to da je riječ o ribljoj poslastici koja je dobivena iz čistih voda Jadranskog mora, što dodatno naglašava našu predanost kvaliteti i tradiciji lokalnih okusa. S obzirom na to da se ACI-jeve marine smatraju jednim od vodećih nautičkih destinacija na Jadranu, suradnja s lokalnim proizvođačima hrane za kućne ljubimce nije samo poslovni aranžman nego i izraz dublje posvećenosti zajednici i lokalnoj ekonomiji. Za ACI Pet isto tako je osmišljena i posebna

Opatija, and I can say that I know sailors’ needs very well. Today, a boat is a home away from home and owners take their pets with them when they go sailing. In turn, the demand for marinas’ services and facilities intended for pets is increasing. It is through our partnership that ACI will make a significant step forward regarding boaters who sail the Adriatic with their furry friends.’

Can you introduce the ACI Pet brand?

‘ACI has started with promotional, branded samples for pets, which fit very well into ACI’s green and sustainable policy. The samples are of dehydrated sprat caught in the waters of Cres and coming in an environmentally friendly package, which connects many Croatian manufacturers and can be a very nice souvenir for the tourists sailing the Adriatic. I would especially like to emphasise that this is high-quality food with no preservatives and artificial flavourings, with high nutritional value and authentic flavour, which is of uttermost importance for our pets’ health and wellbeing. At the same time, it symbolically links ACI and the sea, given that it is a treat made of fish caught in the clear waters of the Adriatic Sea, which further emphasises our commitment to the quality and tradition based on local flavours. Given that ACI’s marinas are considered to be among the leading tourist destinations in the Adriatic, working with local manufacturers of pet food is not only a business matter but also an expression of a deeper commitment to community and local economy. A special branded product line has been designed

ACI No.1 // ACI Pet

Riječ je o kvalitetnoj poslastici bez konzervansa i umjetnih aroma koja pruža nutritivnu vrijednost i autentičan okus, što je iznimno važno za zdravlje naših ljubimaca

This is a high-quality treat with no preservatives and artificial flavourings, offering nutritional value and authentic flavour, which is of uttermost importance for our pets’ health

linija brendiranih proizvoda od zdjelica, jastučića i ostalih artikala korisnih za nautičare koji imaju kućne ljubimce.'

Osim suradnje s ACI-jem bavite se i consultingom koji pruža cjelovita rješenja za pet friendly segment u turističkom sektoru, pa i šire.

'Prema statističkim podacima Europske unije u 2023. godini 90 milijuna obitelji imalo je kućnog ljubimca, a od tog broja njih čak 30 posto vlasnici su pasa. Prepoznajući rast trenda putovanja s kućnim ljubimcima i potrebe vlasnika, sve više hotela i drugih vrsta smještajnih objekata u Hrvatskoj otvara svoja vrata kućnim ljubimcima i svojim gostima nudi dodatnu vrijednost. Naša je uloga kreirati pet friendly ponudu prilagođenu njihovim potrebama, a istodobno se trudimo u cijelu priču uključiti što više lokalnih proizvođača i dobavljača kako bismo dodatno podržali zajednicu. Pritom radimo na jačanju brenda uz personalizirana pakiranja i predmete poput zdjelica ili krevetića za ljubimce. Sve to odražava našu posvećenost pružanju vrhunske usluge koja je praktički tailor-made za svakog našeg klijenta. Isto tako moram istaknuti kako surađujemo i s mnogo kompanija izvan HoReCa-a segmenta koje žele poboljšati i istaknuti pet friendly kulturu u svojem poslovanju. Za njih provodimo ciljano istraživanje tržišta, nakon kojeg slijedi kompletan brending koji se sastoji od cijele linije custom-made proizvoda i usluga. Po tome smo na ovim prostorima jedinstveni. 

for ACI Pet, ranging from bowls, cushions and other products that boaters with pets can find useful.’

In addition to working with ACI, you also provide consulting services offering complete solutions for the pet-friendly segment in the sector of tourism and beyond.

‘According to the European Union statistics, in 2023, 90 million households had a pet and as much as 30% of these were dog owners. Recognising the growing trend in travelling with pets and the needs of their owners, an increasing number of hotels and other types of accommodation in Croatia have opened their doors to pets, offering added value to their guests. Our role is to create a pet-friendly range of products that meets their needs, and we are trying, at the same time, to include as many local manufacturers and suppliers as possible in order to support the community further. We are also strengthening the brand through personalised packages and objects such as bowls or pet beds. All of this reflects our commitment to offering a top-quality service that is practically tailor-made for each of our clients. I also have to stress that we are working with many companies outside the HoReCa segment that want to improve and highlight the pet-friendly segment in their business operation. For them, we are doing target market research, followed by complete branding, which will include an entire custom-made product and service line. This makes us unique in this region.’ 

Fotografije / Photos: Davor Žunić, Petar Fabijan / Foto Adria





Na dodjeli prestižnih nagrada Nautičko jedro ACI marina Rovinj proglašena je najboljom marinom na Jadranu kao destinacija vrhunske kvalitete i ekskluzivnog iskustva za nautičare koji traže najbolje što hrvatski nautički turizam može ponuditi

At the Nautical Sail award ceremony, ACI Marina Rovinj was declared the best marina in the Adriatic as a destination of supreme quality and exclusive experience for boaters seeking the best that Croatian boating tourism can offer

Još od 2019. godine kada je otvorena ACI marina Rovinj kao najmodernija, a prema mnogima i najljepša marina nautičkog turizma na Jadranu, ova ljepotica skuplja brojne nagrade i ne prestaje oduševljavati nautičare. Istinski biser Jadrana koji stoji uz bok najelitnijim nautičkim svjetskim destinacijama, ACI marina Rovinj očarava modernim dizajnom prožetim mediteranskom estetikom koji se savršeno uklapa u slikovit ambijent Rovinja. Smještena je u srcu romantičnog istarskog grada s prekrasnim pogledom na crkvu Svete Eufemije te je ponosna nositeljica prestižnih pet sidara. Utjelovljuje oazu mira i luksuza gdje se isprepleću vrhunska usluga, bogata gastronomska ponuda i nezaboravna iskustva.

Ever since 2019, when ACI Marina Rovinj opened as the most modern and, many would say, the most beautiful marina in the Adriatic, this gem has collected many awards and has filled boaters with admiration. It is the true jewel of the Adriatic, bearing comparison with the world’s most elite nautical destinations. The enchanting modern design of ACI Marina Rovinj is imbued with the aesthetics of the Mediterranean, which blends perfectly with the charming atmosphere of Rovinj. Situated in the very heart of this romantic Istrian city and boasting a breathtaking view of the Church of Saint Euphemia, this proud holder of the prestigious five-anchor rating is a destination in its own right. It is an oasis of peace and luxury, where firstclass service, a huge selection of culinary delights and unforgettable experiences intertwine.

Drugo mjesto u izboru Nautičkog jedra pripalo je ACI

marini Palmižana, smještenoj u bajkovitom arhipelagu Paklinskih otoka

ACI Marina Palmižana, situated in the magical archipelago of the Pakleni Islands, was awarded second place by Nautical Sail

ACI-jeva rovinjska ljepotica novo je priznanje dobila na dodjeli prestižne nagrade Nautičkog jedra gdje je proglašena najboljom marinom na Jadranu, dok je drugo mjesto osvojila ACI marina Palmižana, smještena u bajkovitom arhipelagu Paklinskih otoka. Godine 2021. ACI marina Rovinj dobila je priznanje Nautičkog jedra za razvoj elitnog turizma, a osvojenim prvim mjestom učvrstila je status najluksuznije marine na Jadranu potvrđujući svoju reputaciju kao destinacija vrhunske kvalitete i ekskluzivnog iskustva za nautičare koji traže najbolje što hrvatski nautički turizam može ponuditi. Nautičko jedro jedinstvena je medijska akcija Jutarnjeg lista u kojoj novinarska posada obilazi Jadran i ocjenjuje marine na temelju brojnih anketa s gostima i druženja s osobljem marina.

ACI’s Rovinj jewel received another recognition at the award ceremony of the prestigious Nautical Sail awards, where it was declared the best marina in the Adriatic, while ACI Marina Palmižana, situated in the magical archipelago of the Pakleni Islands, was awarded second place. In 2021, ACI Marina Rovinj received the Nautical Sail recognition award for developing elite tourism, and by winning the first prize it has now strengthened its status as the most luxurious marina in the Adriatic, confirming its reputation as a destination of superior quality and exclusive experience for boaters seeking the best that Croatian boating tourism can offer. Nautical Sail is a unique press activity carried out by the Jutarnji List newspaper, which consists in a press crew sailing along the Adriatic and evaluating marinas based on conducting a multitude of interviews with marina visitors and meeting marina staff.

Zahvaljujući trima restoranima vrhunske gastronomije i jedinstvenom ambijentu nedavno obnovljena

ACI marina Dubrovnik nagrađena je Priznanjem za gastronomiju

Thanks to its three restaurants with superb cuisine and unique atmosphere, the recently renovated ACI Marina Dubrovnik was awarded the Culinary Recognition Award

Krugu najtrofejnijih domaćih luka nautičkog turizma pripadaju i ACI marina Cres te ACI marina Dubrovnik. Kao i proteklih godina sustavna ulaganja u zasebne poslovne segmente najvećeg lanca marina na Mediteranu prepoznali su i sami korisnici, odnosno nautičari. Zahvaljujući trima restoranima vrhunske gastronomije i jedinstvenom ambijentu novoobnovljena ACI marina Dubrovnik nagrađena je Priznanjem za gastronomiju, dok je Priznanje za zaštitu okoliša i ekologiju dodatno potvrdilo dugogodišnje kontinuirane doprinose ACI marine Cres u očuvanju čistoće mora i podmorja. Te nagrade dodatna su potvrda istinske predanosti ACI-ja u stvaranju nezaboravnih iskustava za sve svoje goste te održivom razvoju nautičkog turizma.

Among the most-awarded Croatian marinas are also ACI Marina Cres and ACI Marina Dubrovnik. As in the past years, continuous investment into individual business segments of the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean has once again been recognised by marina users themselves, i.e. boaters. Thanks to its three restaurants with superb cuisine and unique atmosphere, the recently renovated ACI Marina Dubrovnik was awarded the Culinary Recognition Award, while the Environmental Protection and Ecology Recognition Award additionally confirmed the long-term continuous contribution of ACI Marina Cres to keeping the sea and seabed clean. These awards are an additional confirmation of ACI’s true dedication to creating unforgettable experiences for all its visitors and stimulating the sustainable development of boating tourism.

Priznanje za zaštitu okoliša i ekologiju dodatno je potvrdilo dugogodišnje kontinuirane doprinose ACI

marine Cres u očuvanju čistoće mora i podmorja

'Osvojeno prvo i drugo mjesto zaista je vrijedna potvrda izvrsnosti te dokaz da kontinuirana ulaganja u kvalitetu i osoblje naši gosti uvijek prepoznaju. Zahvalni smo na prilici da veliku 40. obljetnicu našeg Društva okrunimo i ovim važnim iskorakom te smo iznimno ponosni što smo predstavljali našu zemlju u najboljem svjetlu, što naposljetku potvrđuje upravo zadovoljstvo gostiju. Čestitam svim našim kolegama koji su sudjelovali u ovom projektu i koji su također ostvarili poticajna priznanja te time potvrdili da hrvatski turizam i hrvatski nautički sektor idu u pravom smjeru', poručio je predsjednik Uprave ACI-ja Kristijan Pavić, koji je naposljetku zahvalio na zajedničkom doprinosu u razvoju nautičkog turizma u Hrvatskoj. 

The Environmental Protection and Ecology Recognition Award additionally confirmed the long-term continuous contribution of ACI Marina Cres to keeping the sea and seabed clean

‘The first and second place are really a valuable confirmation of excellence and a proof that continuous investment into quality and staff never go unnoticed with our guests. We are grateful for the opportunity to crown our company’s 40th anniversary with this important step forward and are extremely proud to have represented our country in the best possible light, which is, ultimately, confirmed by our guests’ satisfaction. I would like to congratulate all our colleagues who have participated in this project and who have also won inspiring recognition awards, as a confirmation that Croatian tourism and Croatian boating sector are headed in the right direction’, said Kristijan Pavić, President of ACI’s Management Board, congratulating everybody on outstanding results and thanking them for their joint contribution to developing Croatian boating tourism. 

In 2024 the ACI Card is also valid for vessels used for commercial purposes with berthing contracts in ACI marinas – charter boats and the users of their services on daily wet berthing prices in ACI marinas on daily wet berthing prices in all other ACI on daily wet berthing prices in all ACI marinas from 1 April to 15 October except Šimuni and Slano*

▶ 20% discount on apartment accommodation in ACI marina Cres from 1 October to 31 March

Exclusively granted to Annual and 2 Semiannual combination contract holders!

▶ 50% discount on all Sea Help technical services once a year (Sea Help membership fee excluded), for all ACI Card members who are not members of Sea Help

And much more, check out @

*Does not apply to the anchorage Žut

Fotografije / Photos: ACI d.d. / Ivica Kostelić

Najbolji uz najbolje

The best support the best IVICA KOSTELIĆ

Najtrofejniji hrvatski skijaš, proslavljeni olimpijac, sjajan offshore jedriličar i jedan od najvećih hrvatskih sportaša svih vremena postao je prvak Mediterana u klasi 40 na jedrilici imena ACI 40 u čast jubilarne 40. obljetnice djelovanja ACI-ja

The most decorated Croatian skier, a celebrated Olympian, a great offshore sailor and one of the greatest Croatian athletes of all time won the Mediterranean Class40 championship aboard the ACI 40, called so in honour of ACI’s 40th anniversary

Pobjednik ostaje pobjednik. Prije nekoliko godina Ivica Kostelić snježne je staze zamijenio morskim valovima, ali pobjednički duh ostao je isti. U jedrenju je pronašao novu arenu za osvajanje titula i pisanje sportske povijesti. Nekadašnji skijaški as sada osvaja regate demonstrirajući da je njegova strast za pobjedama i dalje jaka. Njegova jedriličarska karijera dokaz je da je talent i predanost radu univerzalna formula za uspjeh bez obzira na sport.

A winner is always a winner. Several years ago, Ivica Kostelić replaced ski tracks with sea waves; however, the winning spirit has remained the same. Sailing has become his new sports arena where he wins titles and makes sport history. The former skiing champion has been winning boat races, showing that his passion to win is still strong. His sailing career is a proof that talent and dedication are parts of the universal winning formula, regardless of the sport.

'Moj cilj u jedrenju nije rezultat, nego da se osjećam ugodno kada postane neugodno', naglasio je Ivica Kostelić

‘When sailing, I don’t aim to win, but to feel comfortable when it becomes uncomfortable’, said Ivica Kostelić

Titulu prvaka Mediterana Kostelić je osigurao drugim mjestom na renomiranoj regati Palermo-Monte Carlo, a šlag na torti sjajne 2023. godine bila je pobjeda na 44. izdanju kultne regate Rolex Middle Sea Race. Simbolično, dogodilo se to na jedrilici imena ACI 40 u godini kada je najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu slavio 40 godina postojanja.

'Ivica je zaista istaknut član naše jedriličarske obitelji na kojeg smo iznimno ponosni i kojeg vjerno pratimo u svakom nautičkom pothvatu kojim god svjetskim morem ili oceanom on plovio. Njegovo osvajanje prvenstva Mediterana u klasi 40, i to na brodu ACI 40 apsolutna je kruna naše slavljeničke 40. godine poslovanja, a u ime naše cjelokupne zajednice mogu potvrditi da ljepši i simboličniji dar od ovoga nismo mogli dobiti. Ivici od srca čestitam u ime Uprave ACI-ja i našeg cijelog lanca te mu zahvaljujem što je naše ime i boje naše zemlje doveo na jedriličarski vrh Mediterana i tako još jednom

2023 was a great year; Kostelić clinched the Mediterranean championship title by coming second in the famous Palermo-Monte Carlo race, and his victory in the 44th edition of the iconic Rolex Middle Sea Race was the icing on the cake. And this happened on the sailing boat named ACI 40 in the year when the largest chain of marinas in the Mediterranean celebrated its 40th anniversary.

‘Ivica is indeed a prominent member of our sailing family; we are exceptionally proud of him and faithfully follow his every sailing adventure, whichever sea or ocean he might be sailing. His win in the Mediterranean Class40 championship, aboard the boat named ACI 40 at that, represents the absolute pinnacle of our celebratory year in which we marked ACI’s 40th anniversary. On behalf of our entire community, I can confirm that we couldn’t have received a more beautiful and symbolically more meaningful gift. On behalf of the Management Board of

Uz ACI-jevu podršku i Ivičinu neumornu strast postignuti su brojni uspjesi koji su ostavili velik trag u hrvatskom sportu

With ACI’s support and Ivica’s all-consuming passion many successes have been achieved, leaving an indelible mark in Croatian sport

potvrdio gdje oduvijek i pripadamo', istaknuo je predsjednik Uprave ACI d.d. Kristijan Pavić.

Proteklih nekoliko godina za jednog od najboljih hrvatskih sportaša u povijesti obilježene su iznimnim jedriličarskim uspjesima, ali isto tako i pomicanjem granica. Tako je jednu od svojih najvećih pustolovina, nastup na kultnoj regati Jacques Vabre, Ivica Kostelić odlučio prenijeti i na filmsko platno u dokumentarnom filmu 'Transat'.

'Ocean drži svoje kriterije. Ocean je nepotkupljiv. Skijanje je nekad bila borba protiv planine, kao što je jedrenje borba s oceanom. Nije mi problem priznati da me strah. Kada sam prvi put izašao na ocean, mislio sam da će se brod raspasti. No kada se uvjerite da brod može puno pretrpjeti, kada mu više vjerujete, pomičete granicu svoje komforne zone. Ipak, i dalje me bude strah ako dođem blizu

ACI and the entire chain of our marinas, I would like to congratulate Ivica from the bottom of our hearts and thank him for bringing our name and our national flag to the very top of the Mediterranean racing, confirming once more that that’s where we belong,’ said Kristijan Pavić, President of the Management Board of ACI.

For one of the best Croatian athletes in history, the last several years have been marked with extraordinary sailing results, and he has been pushing some boundaries as well: he has turned one of his greatest adventures, his participation in the iconic Jacques Vabre race, into a documentary film called Transat.

‘The ocean keeps its standards high. The ocean is incorruptible. Skiing was a battle against the mountain, just like sailing is a battle against the ocean.

ACI No.1 // Ivica Kostelić

Kostelić je sportaš koji ne poznaje granice, a njegova karijera inspirativna je priča o hrabrosti, upornosti i neizmjernom talentu

Kostelić is an athlete with no limits and his career is an inspirational story about courage, persistency and formidable talent

gubitka kontrole nad brodom. I zato moj cilj u jedrenju nije rezultat, nego da se osjećam ugodno kada postane neugodno', ispričao je Ivica Kostelić.

Rezultat suradnje ACI-ja d.d., jednog od najvjernijih Ivičinih sponzora, i Ivice Kostelića brojni su uspjesi koji su ostavili velik trag u hrvatskom jedrenju te hrvatskom sportu općenito. Jedrilicu ACI 40 i Ivicu Kostelića zasigurno čekaju brojne nove avanture, a uz geslo 'najbolji uz najbolje' ACI će ga svakako i dalje vjerno pratiti. Ivica je inspiracija svima koji žele ostvariti svoje snove i dokazuje da granice postoje samo u našim glavama. 

I have no problem admitting I’m scared. When I first sailed out into the ocean, I thought the ship was going to break down. But when you realise that a boat can take much more, when you trust it more, then you’re pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone. However, I still feel fear if I come close to losing control over the boat. And that’s why I don’t aim at a result when I’m sailing, but I want to feel comfortable when it becomes uncomfortable’, said Ivica Kostelić.

The partnership between ACI d.d., as one of Ivica’s biggest sponsors, and Ivica Kostelić resulted in many successful achievements, which have left a deep mark in Croatian sailing and Croatian sport in general. We are sure that many new adventures await the sailing boat ACI 40 and Ivica Kostelić. With the motto ‘The best support the best’, ACI will definitely continue to be his faithful supporter. Ivica is an inspiration to all of us who want to make our dreams come true and is a proof that limits are only in our heads. 




▶ 2+1 FREE - ACI marinas Šimuni (except 1 Jul - 31 Aug) and Slano

▶ 2 + 1 FREE - ACI marinas Žut and Piškera

▶ 1 + 1 +1 FREE - ACI marinas Žut and Piškera


for the first year to the new clients** who are entering the ACI and existing ACI clients for bringing the second and each subsequent vessel in the same marina:

▶ 15% discount on the annual berth rate in selected ACI marinas***

▶ Umag

▶ Supetarska Draga

▶ Korčula

▶ 5% discount on the annual berth rate*** in ACI marina Cres for new clients**

*The aforementioned applies only in the case of consecutive dates. Does not apply to the anchorage Žut; for 2 paid daily berths, the third daily berth is free of charge; for one paid daily berth in ACI Žut and one paid daily berth in ACI Piškera, the second daily berth in ACI Piškera is free of charge and vice versa.

**A new client is a vessel owner who did not have a berth contract concluded, was not a co-owner of a vessel that had a berth contract and/or was not a responsible person in a legal entity that had a berth contract in the ACI system in the last three years

***Exclusively for private and legal entities whose vessels are used not for commercial, but for private purposes



Kapetan hrvatske vaterpolske reprezentacije u bazenu je ostvario brojne velike sportske uspjehe, a posljednjih nekoliko godina uspješno igra za pariški Noisy le Sec

Captain of the Croatian water polo national team has achieved many great sport successes in the pool, and has been playing for the Paris Noisy-le-Sec for the past several years

Fotografije / Photos: Hrvatski vaterpolski savez

Igrati i osvajati medalje za svoju državu, za reprezentaciju najviša je počast koju sportaš može doživjeti u karijeri

To play and win medals for one’s country, for the national team, is the greatest honour an athlete can have in their career

U svijetu stripa i filma Aquaman je superjunak koji se bori za mir i pravdu u podvodnom svijetu. U hrvatskoj sportskoj verziji ovaj superjunak odijeva vaterpolsku kapicu i postaje kapetan moćne vaterpolske reprezentacije. Njegovo je ime Ivan Krapić, a njegova supermoć očituje se u osvajaju brojnih medalja na velikim natjecanjima poput naslova svjetskog i europskog prvaka. U bogatoj karijeri igrao je za mnoge klubove u Hrvatskoj i Italiji, a posljednjih nekoliko godina stanovnik je Pariza, gdje igra za Noisy le Sec. Hrvatska vaterpolska reprezentacija jedan je od najuspješnijih hrvatskih sportskih kolektiva. Kako se nosite s pritiskom osvajanja medalja na velikim natjecanjima?

U Hrvatskoj sport je način života. Strast prema sportu ukorijenjena je u nama od djetinjstva, a ta se strast manifestira na svim razinama, od rekreativnog igranja do vrhunskih natjecanja. Od malih nogu naviknuli smo na to da nas prate i promatraju, da se od nas očekuje da budemo dobri, da se natječemo i pobijedimo. To može biti stresno, ali naučio sam tu vrstu sportskog stresa iskoristiti kao dodatnu motivaciju. Znam da naši navijači uvijek imaju velika očekivanja, a mi se uvijek trudimo dati sve od sebe, da pobijedimo, da osvojimo medalju. To je poput ovisnosti, konstantna želja da se penjemo na vrh, da skupljamo trofeje i dokazujemo svoju vrijednost. Osim toga igrati i osvajati medalje za svoju državu, za reprezentaciju najviša je počast koju sportaš može doživjeti u karijeri.

In the world of comics and film, Aquaman is a superhero fighting for underwater peace and justice. In the Croatian sports version of this, this superhero wears a water polo cap and is the captain of a mighty water polo national team. His name is Ivan Krapić, and his superpower is winning many medals in big competitions such as the world and European championships. In his successful career, he has played for many water polo teams in Croatia and Italy; for the past several years, however, he has lived in Paris, playing for Noisy-le-Sec.

The Croatian water polo national team is one of the most successful sport teams in Croatia. How do you handle the pressure of winning medals in big competitions?

In Croatia, sport is a way of life. Passion for sports has been instilled in us since our childhood, and this passion is manifest at all levels, from recreational sports to top sports competitions. From an early age, we are used to being monitored and assessed, and we are expected to be good, to compete and win. It can be stressful, but I have learned to use this type of sports stress as an additional motivation. I know that our supporters always have high expectations, and we always try our best to win a match, to win a medal. It’s like an addiction – this constant wish to climb to the top, to collect trophies and prove our worth. Besides, to play and win medals for one’s country, for the national team, is the greatest honour an athlete can have in their career.

U reprezentaciji su vas kao izbornici vodili Ratko Rudić i Ivica Tucak. Možete li usporediti dva trenerska velikana? Snaga svake reprezentacije gradi se na kolektivu. U dobro uigranoj momčadi svaki igrač zna svoju ulogu, ali i ulogu svojih suigrača. Zna predvidjeti sljedeći potez te reagirati brzo i efikasno. Kemija među igračima ne stvara se preko noći. Potrebno je vrijeme, zajednički treninzi, a ponekad i druženje izvan terena da se izgradi povjerenje, međusobno poštovanje i razumijevanje. Ratko Rudić i Ivica Tucak imaju različite karaktere i metode kojima su došli do vrhunskih sportskih uspjeha. To pokazuje njihovu trenersku, ali i menadžersku vještinu. Posao izbornika nije samo stvoriti igru u bazenu, rekao bih da moraju stvoriti okruženje u kojem će svaki igrač dati maksimum. Pritom nemaju puno vremena jer pripreme uoči velikih natjecanja traju kratko. Na izbornike gledam kao na dirigente koji moraju uglazbiti soliste u vrhunski uigran orkestar. Rudić i Tucak po tom su pitanju odradili sjajan posao. Gospodin Ratko pripada starijoj trenerskoj školi, dok je gospodin Ivica malo fleksibilniji, ali obojica znalački svoj način rada prenose na momčad i stvaraju serijske pobjednike. U sportu je rezultat najvažniji, a statistika osvojenih medalja i trofeja pokazuje da su majstori svog zanata.

In the national team, you played under coaches Ratko Rudić and Ivica Tucak. Can you compare the two great coaches?

The strength of any national team is built on teamwork. In a team that plays in sync, each player knows their role, as well as the role of their teammates. They can predict their teammates’ next move and react fast and effectively. Chemistry between players is not something that can happen overnight. It takes time, joint training sessions, and sometimes spending time together outside the pool in order to build trust, mutual respect and understanding. Ratko Rudić and Ivica Tucak have different characters and they used different methods to achieve tremendous sport successes. This shows their coaching talent, as well as their managerial skills. The job of a head coach is not only to produce a game in the pool; I’d say they have to create an atmosphere for each of the players to give their best. And they don’t have a lot of time to do that because there is only a short period of training before big competitions. I see head coaches as conductors that have to help the soloists blend in to create an orchestra that will play in unison. Rudić and Tucak have both done a great job here. Mr Rudić belongs to the old school of water polo coaches, while Mr Tucak is a bit more flexible; however, they are both capable of communicating their

Snaga svake reprezentacije gradi se na kolektivu, bez kemije među igračima nema vrhunskih rezultata ni medalja

The strength of any national team is built on teamwork; without chemistry between the players, there are no top results or medals

Možete li usporediti klubove u Francuskoj, Italiji i Hrvatskoj?

U Francuskoj sport je dobio veliki 'boost' nakon organizacije Olimpijskih igara u Parizu. Premda vaterpolo nema tradiciju kao u Hrvatskoj i Italiji, zbog ulaganja u infrastrukturu, vrhunske igrače i trenere naš sport u Francuskoj bilježi konstantan rast. Italija je dosta slična Francuskoj po ulaganjima, a istodobno ima i veliku tradiciju vaterpola te brojne klupske i reprezentativne uspjehe. Hrvatska, s obzirom na svoju veličinu, ne može slijediti ta ulaganja. To je i normalno jer smo mnogo manje tržište, ali mislim da te 'ekonomske' nedostatke jako dobro nadoknađujemo velikim entuzijazmom i strasti prema sportu.

Kako provodite slobodno vrijeme u Parizu?

Moj raspored u klubu dosta je striktan. Nakon doručka odlazim u teretanu, gdje provodim oko sat i pol. Slijedi dva sata bazena, a navečer još dva sata. Tako je svaki dan, osim srijedom, kada imamo samo jedan trening. Kao jedan od velikih svjetskih gradova Pariz je poput Disneylanda za odrasle, prilagođen svačijim interesima, od mode i gastronomije do umjetnosti. Moj je najdraži pariški kvart Montmartre koji je zadržao intimu unutar velegrada. Obožavam se šetati njegovim uskim uličicama i sjediti u malim bistroima u kojima su nekad boravili brojni umjetnici kao što su Picasso, Manet, Toulouse-Lautrec, Renoir, Van Gogh... Velik dio slobodnog vremena uživam u društvu dragih ljudi, imamo zajednički interes prema gastronomiji, a Pariz kao svjetska gastronomska meka vrvi mjestima koje treba istražiti.

methods to the team and creating serial winners. In sports, the result is the most important thing, and the stats showing medals and trophies that have been won prove that both Rudić and Tucak are masters of their craft.

Can you compare playing for clubs in France, Italy and Croatia?

In France, sports have received a major boost after Paris was chosen to host the Olympic Games. Although water polo does not have a tradition it does in Croatia and Italy, thanks to investing in infrastructure, top players and coaches, this sport is constantly on the rise in France. Italy is quite similar to France regarding investment, while, at the same time, it has a long tradition in water polo playing and its local teams and its national team have achieved many successes. Croatia, taking into consideration its size, can’t follow this type of investments. This is only logical, because ours is a much smaller market, but I think that we make up for these ‘economic’ shortcomings with great enthusiasm and passion for sports. How do you spend your free time in Paris?

My schedule in the team is pretty strict. After breakfast, I go to the gym, where I spend about an hour and a half. This is followed by two hours in the pool; in the evening, there are two more hours in the pool. Every day is like this, except on Wednesdays, when there is only one training. As one of the world’s great cities, Paris is like Disneyland for adults, with something for everybody – from fashion to cuisine to art. My favourite city quarter is Montmartre, which has managed to keep an intimate atmosphere within a metropolis. I love walking its narrow streets and sit in small bistros, which, in

Profesionalni sport zahtijeva veliko odricanje. Koja je vaša formula uspjeha?

Osjećam se privilegirano jer mogu živjeti od sporta i baviti se njime. S istim guštom dolazim na treninge kao i kada sam bio dijete. U životu sportaša motivacija je poput goriva - bez nje nema napretka, nema pobjede. Istina je da svi volimo igrati utakmice, adrenalin natjecanja i osjećaj pobjede, ali motivacija za treniranje temelj je svega. To je ono što nas pokreće da se dignemo rano ujutro i treniramo, da se neprestano usavršavamo i stremimo vrhu. Motivacije za treniranje mi ne nedostaje bez obzira na to što sam već u vrlo zrelim sportskim godinama. Iskustvo i godine donijeli su mi dublje razumijevanje igre, bolju kontrolu nad vlastitim tijelom i sposobnost učenja iz svojih i tuđih pogrešaka. Planiram sigurno igrati još nekoliko godina na visokoj razini, a onda ću razmišljati o nekim drugim životnim planovima.

Gdje se vidite nakon završetka karijere?

Još se nisam zasitio bazena i treninga i mislim da ću nakon završetka igračke karijere ostati u sportu. Završio sam studij sportskog menadžmenta tako da ću sigurno krenuti u tom smjeru. Bogato iskustvo igranja vaterpola u tri države koristit ću kao temelj za izgradnju uspješne karijere. Boravak u Italiji i Francuskoj pomogao mi je da sport razumijem i s poslovne strane. Sport je već odavno mnogo više od samog natjecanja, to je jedna od najljepših i najvećih svjetskih industrija. Uvjeren sam da moje znanje u kombinaciji s vještinama stečenim na studiju može biti korisno u sportskoj industriji. Hrvatska vaterpolska reprezentacija jedan je od najdugovječnijih partnera s kojim ACI dijeli ljubav prema sportu... Naravno, put do uspjeha lakši je uz podršku sponzora, stoga s velikim poštovanjem zahvaljujem našem prijatelju i partneru ACI-ju čiji je veliki doprinos omogućio razvoj sporta u cjelini. Za sve nas koji živimo na moru ACI ima posebno mjesto kao brend koji strastveno živi nautiku. Moje sportske obveze trenutačno ne dopuštaju da više vremena provodim na moru, no nadam se da ću nakon završetka aktivne karijere mnogo više moći uživati u ljepotama Jadrana i ACI-jevih marina. 

Osjećam se privilegirano jer mogu živjeti od sporta i baviti se njime. S istim guštom dolazim na treninge kao i kada sam bio dijete

I feel privileged because I can do sports and earn a living. I still enjoy training sessions as I did when I was a kid

the past, were frequented by many artists such as Picasso, Manet, Toulouse-Lautrec, Renoir, Van Gogh and others. I like to spend a great part of my free time enjoying the company of people who are close to me; we share an interest in cuisine, and Paris, as an international culinary mecca, has innumerable places to explore. Professional sport requires a lot of sacrifices. What is your formula of success?

I feel privileged because I can do sports and earn a living. I still enjoy training sessions as I did when I was a kid. In the life of an athlete, motivation is like fuel – without it, there’s no progress, there are no wins. We all do love playing matches, feeling the adrenalin in a competition and winning, but the motivation to train is the basis of everything. That’s what drives us to get up early in the morning and train, to keep on improving and strive for the top. I still don’t lack the motivation to train, regardless of the fact that I’m quite advanced in years as far as sport is concerned. My experience and age have brought me a deeper understanding of the game, a better control of my own body and the ability to learn from my mistakes and those of others. I plan to play for another few years at the top level for sure, and then I’ll come up with other life plans.

Where do you see yourself after you finish your career?

Although I still haven’t had my fill of the pool and trainings, I think that, after my career as a player ends, I’ll stay in sports. I have a degree in sports management, and I’m sure to go in that direction. I’ll use my rich experience in playing water polo in three different countries as a foundation on which to build a successful career. Being in Italy and France has helped me understand the business aspect of sport. Sport has been much more than competing for a long time now; it’s one of the world’s biggest and most beautiful industries. I’m convinced that my knowledge combined with the skills I’ve acquired studying can be useful in the sports industry.

The Croatian water polo national team is one of ACI’s longest-lasting partners that share its love of sports.

Of course, the road to success is always easier when there is sponsor support, and, I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to ACI, our friend and partner, which greatly contributed to the development of sports in general. For all of us living near the sea, ACI has a special place in our hearts as a brand who passionately lives for boating. Although, at the moment, my sports commitments prevent me from spending more time at sea, I hope that, after my active sports career ends, I’ll be able to enjoy the beautiful Adriatic Sea and ACI marinas much more. 

Fotografije / Photos: Pixsell, FIBA Europe


Još kao klinac Luka Dončić bio je predodređen da postane superzvijezda.

Odrastajući u košarkaškoj obitelji, put ga je vodio od Ljubljane preko Madrida do Dallasa, a njegovo je ime postalo sinonim za igračku čaroliju

Udobno se smjestite i uživajte u predstavi! Kada se govori o vodećim imenima u svjetskoj košarci, ime Luka Dončića često je u prvom planu. Taj mladi slovenski košarkaš postao je nezaobilazno ime na terenima NBA lige, osvajajući srca fanova izvanrednom igrom, karizmom i posvećenošću. Dončićeva priča nije samo o sportskom uspjehu, to je priča o talentu, radu i odlučnosti koja ga je dovela do samih vrhova košarke. Luka Magic, kako ga zovu u Dallas Mavericksima, prava je čarolija na parketu.

As just a kid, Luka Dončić was meant to be a superstar. Growing up in a family of basketball players, his path has taken him from Ljubljana to Madrid to Dallas, and his name has become synonymous for the magic of playing

Lean back and enjoy the show! In a conversation about the leading names in the international basketball, Luka Dončić’s name often crops up. This young Slovenian basketball player has become indispensable on the NBA courts, winning the hearts of fans with his great game, charisma and dedication. Dončić’s is not only a story about sport success but also one about talent, work and determination that took him to the very top of the basketball sport. Luka Magic, as he is called in the Dallas Mavericks, is a real magic on basketball court.

Luka Dončić rođen je 28. veljače 1999. u Ljubljani. Još kao dijete pokazao je izniman interes za košarku, a već u ranoj dobi isticao se nadarenošću za igru. Prema riječima njegove obitelji Dončić je prvi put dodirnuo košarkašku loptu kada je imao sedam mjeseci i često je igrao na mali obruč u svojoj sobi već s godinu dana. Neki će reći bilo je to sudbinski jer je već kao osmogodišnjak odradio prvi trening za Union Olimpiju kada je njegov otac Saša počeo igrati za ljubljanski klub. Priča kaže kako su već 16 minuta nakon početka prvog treninga treneri prepoznali njegovu nadarenost i premjestili ga u grupu 11-godišnjaka. Uspon je potom bio meteorski. S 13 godina potpisao je petogodišnji ugovor s jednim od najslavnijih svjetskih klubova –

Luka Dončić was born in Ljubljana on 28 February 1999. When he was still a young child, he had a keen interest in basketball and showed natural talent for it very early on. According to his family, Dončić first touched a basketball when he was seven months old and he played with a miniature hoop in his room at the age of one. Some will say it was destiny since he did his first training session for Union Olimpija at the age of eight, when his father Saša started playing for the Ljubljana club. The story goes that only 16 minutes into the training, the coaches saw his talent and moved him to the 11-year-old group. His ascent after that was almost meteoric. When he was 13, he signed a five-year contract with one of the most famous interna-

'Rekordi nikada nisu bili moja opsesija, u NBA-u me pokreću pobjede i želja za osvajanjem naslova'

‘I have never been obsessed with records and what drives me in the NBA are wins and my wish to win titles’

Fotografija / Photo: Sipa USA, Pixsell
'Europska košarka temelji se na momčadskoj igri i taktici, dok su bogatstvo NBA lige sjajni individualci koje je gotovo nemoguće čuvati'

Real Madridom, gdje je u akademiji 'kraljevskog kluba' nastavio impresionirati sportsku javnost obarajući rekorde i osvajajući brojne individualne i momčadske naslove. Vrhunac njegovih dostignuća ostvaren je u svibnju 2015. godine, kada je podigao trofej juniorske Eurolige i osvojio prestižnu nagradu za najkorisnijeg igrača natjecanja. Dončić je već tada bio uključen u treninge prve momčadi, a Pablo Laso pružio mu je priliku da debitira za seniore 30. travnja 2015. godine. Tako je postao najmlađi igrač koji je debitirao u ligi u povijesti Real Madrida. Odigrao je 216 utakmica za španjolskog sportskog giganta, osvojivši sedam naslova, a apsolutni vrhunac bila mu je posljednja sezona u bijelom dresu 2018. godine kada je vodio Real Madrid do pobjede u finalu Eurolige, gdje je izabran za najkorisnijeg igrača Eurolige i Final Foura te člana najbolje petorke natjecanja. Iste godine osvojio je naslov prvaka Španjolske i nagradu za najkorisnijeg igrača španjolske lige, čime je ušao u povijest zaradivši tri MVP titule u istoj sezoni. Zbog brojnih sportskih uspjeha u Madridu Luka Dončić 2021. godine imenovan je počasnim članom Reala, najvišim priznanjem 'kraljevskog kluba'. Poput kralja Mide Luka Dončić pretvara u zlato većinu toga čega se dotakne. Tako je i na Europskom prvenstvu 2017. godine osvojio povijesni naslov prvaka s reprezentacijom Slovenije.

Nakon zvjezdane karijere u Europi bilo je vrijeme za novi iskorak u karijeri, prema najjačoj košarkaškoj ligi svijeta. NBA svijet upoznao ga je u dresu Dallas Mavericksa, gdje je rušio rekord za rekordom. Nakon izvanredne prve sezone 2018./2019. postao je tek drugi europski košarkaš nakon Paua Gasola koji je proglašen za novaka godine. Već sljedeće sezone odigrao je prvu All-Star utakmicu i bio je član najbolje NBA momčadi lige koju bira eminentna sportska javnost. Utakmicu života odigrao je u siječnju 2024. godine kada je ubacio 73 koša protiv Atlanta Hawksa i postao tek četvrti igrač u NBA povijesti koji je postigao 72 i više poena na jednoj utakmici. 'Gledate nešto što je rijetko poput Pabla Picassa. Svake večeri Dončić radi nešto posebno. Luka se ubraja u društvo Michaela Jordana, LeBrona Jamesa i Kobea Bryanta', na najbolji je način Dončićevu genijalnost opisao trener Dallas Mavericksa Jason Kidd. Jedinstven, inovativan, nepredvidiv. Luka Dončić igra košarku poput plesača tanga – graciozno i elegantno, a istodobno nevjerojatno efikasno kao 'ubojica dječjeg lica'. Iza te 'nepodnošljive lakoće igranja' krije se ocean rada, talenta i neumorne volje. Allen Iverson tu je fascinantnu razinu Dončićeve igre opisao kao mješavinu ulične i profesionalne košarke.

‘The European basketball is based on team play and tactics, while the advantages of the NBA league are extraordinary individuals who are almost impossible to guard’

tional clubs – Real Madrid – where he went on to impress the sport audiences playing in the youth academy of the ‘royal’ club, breaking records and winning many individual and team titles. He reached the pinnacle in May 2015, when he won the Junior EuroLeague trophy and the prestigious award for the most valuable player in the competition. At the time, Dončić already participated in the training sessions of the first team, and Pablo Laso gave him a chance to debut for the senior team on 30 April 2015. That was how he became the youngest debutant in the league in Real Madrid’s history.

He played a total of 216 games for the Spanish sporting giant, winning 7 titles and rising to the very top during his last season in the white jersey in 2018, when he led Real Madrid to victory in the EuroLeague finals. He was named the most valuable player in the EuroLeague and in the Final Four and finished in the competition’s top five. In the same year, he won the Spanish championship and the most valuable player award in the Spanish league, making history with three MVP titles during the same season. Thanks to his many successful results in Madrid, in 2021, Luka Dončić was named an honorary member of Real, which is the highest distinction award this royal club can bestow. Like king Midas, Luka Dončić turns most things he touches into gold. For example, he won the historical first EuroBasket Championship with the Slovenian national team in 2017.

After his glittering career in Europe, it was time to move forward, towards the best basketball league in the world. The NBA world got to know him wearing the jersey of the Dallas Mavericks, with which he broke one record after the other. After the extraordinary first season of 2018/2019 he became only the second European basketball player, after Pau Gasol, to be named Rookie of the Year. During the next season, he had already played in his first All-Star game and was a member of the best NBA team chosen by eminent members of sport audiences. His game of a lifetime was in January 2024, when he posted 73 points against the Atlanta Hawks, becoming only the fourth player in the NBA history who scored 72 or more points in one game.

‘You’re looking at something rare like Pablo Picasso. Every night, Dončić does something special. Luka Dončić’s name is up with the likes of Michael Jordan, LeBron James and Kobe Bryant’, said Jason Kidd, the Dallas Mavericks’ coach, aptly describing Dončić’s brilliance.

'Gledate nešto što je rijetko poput Pabla Picassa. Luka Dončić ubraja se u društvo Michaela Jordana, LeBrona Jamesa i Kobea Bryanta'

‘You’re looking at something that is as rare as Pablo Picasso. Luka Dončić’s name is up with the likes of Michael Jordan, LeBron James and Kobe Bryant’

'Moj otac Saša bio je profesionalni košarkaš pa sam uvijek bio s njom u doticaju. Kada sam bio dijete, većinu vremena provodio sam na terenu u blizini doma u Ljubljani. Na treninzima sam se često natjecao sa starijim klincima. Većina njih bila je viša i jača, što me natjeralo da se oslonim na inteligenciju kako bih ih nadmašio. Potom sam kao tinejdžer završio u Madridu, što je bila prekretnica u mom životu. Morao sam napustiti udobnost doma, školu i prijatelje', ispričao je Dončić svojedobno za podcast The Old Man & the Three, pa dodao: 'Prvih nekoliko mjeseci u Španjolskoj bilo je teško jer nisam poznavao jezik, ali brzo sam ga naučio. Danas kada gledam unatrag, iskustvo u Realu promijenilo me i nadogradilo. Ako se jednog dana vratim u Europu, vratit ću se u Madrid, to je sto posto sigurno.'

Sljedeći veliki 'milestone' u Dončićevoj karijeri bio je dolazak u NBA. Najjača košarkaška liga svijeta oduvijek je bila 'planet za sebe'.

'Na početku mi je najveći problem bila vremenska razlika i promjena nekih životnih navika. U Europi je nogomet broj 1, pa onda dolaze svi ostali… U Americi je fokus na NBA ligi velik. Puno više ljudi te prepoznaju, jako je

Unique, innovative, unpredictable. Luka Dončić plays basketball as if he were a tango dancer – graciously and elegantly, yet, at the same time, incredibly efficiently like ‘a killer with a child's face’. Behind this ‘unbearable lightness of playing’ are oceans of practice, talent and iron will. Allen Iverson has described this fascinating level of Dončić’s game as a combination of street and professional basketball.

‘My father Saša was a professional basketball player, so I was always in contact with it. When I was a child, I spent most time on the court near my home in Ljubljana. I often competed with kids older than me in training sessions. Most of them were taller and stronger, which made me use my intelligence to outperform them. Then, as a teenager, I ended up in Madrid, which was a turning point of my life. I had to leave the comfort of my home, school and friends’, Dončić once said, speaking in The Old Man & the Three podcast. He explained it further:

‘The first several months in Spain were very hard because I couldn't speak the language, but I learnt it quickly. When I look back today, the experience I got in

puno navijača. Zatim, europska košarka i NBA dijele istu osnovu, ali se u stilu igre i pravilima znatno razlikuju. Europska košarka često naglašava momčadski duh i taktički pristup, stoga je jako teško zabiti 30 i više koševa na utakmici. S druge strane utakmice u NBA ligi traju dulje, sezona je napornija, a postoje i sjajni individualci koje je gotovo nemoguće čuvati.'

Premda rekorde ruši svakoga dana, Luka Dončić otkriva kako je krajnji cilj osvojiti prvenstvo. Nešto što je prije njega s Dallas Mavericksima postigao još jedan legendarni Europljanin Dirk Nowitzki. 'Rekordi? Mogu biti sjajni, ali nikada nisu bili moja opsesija. Pobjede – to je ono što me pokreće. Statistike su važne u NBA ligi, to je jasno. Brojevi pokazuju koliko ste učinkoviti, ali na kraju dana ljudi se sjećaju osvojenih prstenova. To je ono što želim postići. Podizanje trofeja osjećaj je koji nikada ne možete zaboraviti.' 

Real changed me and I improved a lot. If I go back to Europe one day, I’ll definitely go back to Madrid, that’s 100% sure.’

The next big milestone in Dončić’s career was coming into the NBA. The best basketball league in the world has always been ‘a planet of its own’.

‘In the beginning, the biggest problem was the time difference and having to change some habits. In Europe, football is No 1, and the rest follows. In America, the focus on the NBA league is huge. Much more people recognise you; there are loads of fans. Then, the European basketball and the NBA have the same foundation, but there are significant differences in the playing styles and rules.

The European basketball often emphasises the team spirit and tactics approach, therefore it’s very difficult to score 30 points or more in one game. On the other hand, the NBA games are longer, the season is more exhausting, and there are also extraordinary individuals who are almost impossible to guard.’

Although he breaks records on a daily basis, Luka Dončić has revealed that his ultimate goal is to win the championship, which is something that another legendary European – Dirk Nowitzki – has managed to do with the Dallas Mavericks before him.

‘Records? They can be great, but I have never been obsessed with them. Wins – that’s what drives me. Stats are important in the NBA league, of course. Numbers show how efficient you are, but at the end of the day, people remember the hoops won. That’s what I want to achieve. Getting a trophy up in the air is a feeling you can never forget.’ 

Fotografija / Photo: REUTERS, Pixsell
Fotografije / Photos: Sailing Energy, Zvonimir Barišin / Pixsell


Volim biti na otvorenom, volim more, vjetar i slobodu koju mi jedrenje pruža. To je više od sporta, to je način života
I love being out in the open air; I love the sea, the wind and the freedom that sailing offers. It’s more than a sport, it’s a way of life

Foilanje je u jedrenju napravilo čudo. Nova tehnologija koja omogućuje lebdenje iznad valova potpuno je transformirala sport. America's Cup, SailGP, Vendée Globe, Ocean Race samo su neka jedriličarska natjecanja koja su usvojila 'letenje iznad vode', ali i manje olimpijske klase profitirale su od uvođenja foilinga. Jedna je od tih klasa iQFOil u kojoj talentirana hrvatska jedriličarka Palma Čargo niže brojne uspjehe. S vjetrom u jedrima Palma kao ACI-jeva ambasadorica potvrđuje slogan 'Najbolji uz najbolje', kojim hrvatska nautička kompanija spaja ljubav prema moru i plovidbi, ulaganje u napredak zajednice i razvoj poticajne okoline za ambiciozne mlade ljude.

Foiling has worked a miracle in windsurfing. The new technology that makes it possible to sail above the water has completely transformed the sport. America’s Cup, SailGP, Vendée Globe, Ocean Race are just some of the sailing competitions that have adopted 'flying above water’; however, the smaller Olympic classes have benefited from the introduction of foiling too. One of them is iQFOil, the class in which the talented Croatian sailor Palma Čargo has notched up many wins. With the wind at her back, Palma, who is ACI’s ambassador, affirms the slogan ‘The Best Support the Best’, which is used by the Croatian marina company to combine love of the sea and sailing with investing in community progress and developing a stimulating environment for ambitious young people.

Za početak možeš li našim čitateljima približiti klasu iQFOil?

Windsurfing kao jedriličarska disciplina u olimpijskom programu postoji već nekoliko desetljeća i neprestano se razvija. Za muškarce je uvedena 1984. u Los Angelesu, a za žene 1992. u Barceloni. Na Olimpijskim igrama u Parizu 2024. godine započinje jedna nova era koja primjenjuje blagodati najmodernije tehnologije. Premijeru će imati moja klasa iQFOil koja koristi podvodna krila (foil) za podizanje daske iznad vode i omogućuje nam da postižemo nevjerojatne brzine. Riječ je o pravoj raketi na valovima koja zahtijeva iznimnu koncentraciju i fizičku pripremu. Govorimo o brzinama jedrenja koje su veće od 50 kilometara na sat. Kad staviš kacigu, imaš li osjećaj da postaješ morska inačica Top Gun pilota?

'Ne postoji ljepši osjećaj od letenja ispred mog Splita, jedrenje pruža apsolutnu slobodu koju je ponekad teško opisati riječima, ali kada ljudi jednom isprobaju ovaj sport, ostaju doživotni zaljubljenici u vjetar i more. Za mene je ova klasa više od sporta, ona je strast u kojoj mogu osjetiti moć prirode u najčišćem obliku. U njoj pronalazim savršenu ravnotežu između fizičkog i mentalnog izazova, spoj koji me ispunjava i motivira da stalno rastem', objašnjava hrvatska windsurferica koja je u dosadašnjoj karijeri osvojila brončanu medalju na Mediteranskim igrama u Alžiru 2022., a posljednjih godina redovito završava u TOP 5 najbolje plasiranih na svjetskoj rang-ljestvici.

Potječeš iz sportske obitelji. Otac ti je offshore jedriličar, a majka se bavila ronjenjem na dah…

'S obzirom na moje roditelje odmalena sam bila naučena na sport. Najprije sam trenirala gimnastiku šest godina, a potom sam krenu-

First of all, can you say something more about the iQFOil class for our readers?

‘Windsurfing has been an Olympic sailing class for several decades now and is constantly evolving. It was introduced in Los Angeles in 1984 for men and in Barcelona in 1992 for women. In the 2024 Olympics in Paris, a new era will begin, brought about by the advantages of the state-of-the-art technology. My class, the iQFOil, will also premiere there. It uses hydrofoil to raise the surfboard above the water, allowing us to reach unbelievable speeds. It’s a real rocket on waves, requiring total concentration and extensive physical preparation.’

These are sailing speeds over 50 km an hour. When you put your helmet on, do you feel like a sea version of a Top Gun pilot?

‘There is no better feeling than “flying” on my surfboard with Split, my city, in the background. Sailing offers absolute freedom, which is sometimes hard to describe, but once people try this sport, they become wind and sea enthusiasts for the rest of their lives. To me, this class is much more than sport; it’s passion which allows me to feel the power of nature in its purest form. In it, I find the perfect balance between physical and mental challenge, a fulfilling combination that motivates me to keep improving’, says this Croatian windsurfer, who won a bronze medal in the Mediterranean Games in Algeria in 2022, and has repeatedly reached the TOP 5 of the world ranking list over the last few years.

You come from a sports family. Your father is an offshore sailor and your mum was into freediving.

‘Thanks to my parents, I was used to sports from a very early age. I first trained gymnastics for six years, and then I started sailing, first in the Optimist class, transferring to surfboards later. Since it was

Ne postoji ljepši osjećaj od 'letenja' ispred mog Splita kada na dasci mogu osjetiti moć prirode u najčišćem obliku

There is no better feeling than ‘flying’ on my surfboard with Split in the background, when I can feel the power of nature in its purest form

la u jedrenje. Za početak klasa Optimist, a poslije sam se prebacila na daske. Kao temeljni sport gimnastika mi je puno pomogla u mojoj morskoj karijeri. Snaga i koordinacija pokreta koje sam stekla na gimnastičkim treninzima olakšale su mi zaista puno toga u jedrenju. Na moru sam isto tako odmalena jer smo kao obitelj na brodu provodili mnogo vremena, što je zasigurno uvelike pridonijelo mom jedriličarskom putu.

Kako se pripremaš za regate u iQFOilu?

U ovoj fazi vrhunskog jedrenja vrlo je važno trenirati sa svojim konkurenticama, tako da se ja moram pridružiti ostalima, odnosno biti ondje gdje i većina odluči trenirati. Iako mi u Hrvatskoj imamo sjajne uvjete za trening, nažalost nemamo i sparing partnerice pa opet moram otići na mjesto gdje dolazi većina. U mojem slučaju to su Kanarski otoci gdje je najjača konkurencija uz koju se mogu pripremiti za sve izazove. Regate u iQFOilu traju od pet do šest dana, a svaki se dan odveze nekoliko plovova koji traju po 15 minuta. To je velik stres za tijelo, stoga je trening usmjeren na razvoj snage i izdržljivosti kako bi izdržala sva naprezanja na moru.

Pripreme za ovu razinu natjecanja zahtijevaju velik trud, mnogo vremena i dobru organizaciju. Kako izgleda tvoj tipičan dan? Imaš li vremena za izlaske i druženje?

Moj dan u Splitu izgleda ovako: trening u teretani od 9 do 10.30, potom trening jedrenja u 14 sati, koji obično traje dva do tri sata. Nakon toga slijede šetnja sa psom, večera i krevet. Moram naglasiti da jako volim spavati, tako da sam do 22 sata sigurno u krevetu. Što se tiče prijatelja, nekad se nađemo na kavi između treninga, ali večernjih izlazaka, onih do kasno u noć u kakvim uživa većina mojih vršnjaka, nema. Da budem iskrena, izlasci me ni ne privlače,

my foundation, gymnastics has helped me a lot in my career on the sea. The strength and movement coordination I gained in gymnastics training sessions have made a lot of things easier in sailing. I’ve been on the sea since I was very young because we spent a lot of time on a boat as a family, which undoubtedly contributed a lot to me choosing the career of a sailor.

How do you prepare for iQFOil races?

At this stage of top-level sailing, it is essential to train with your competitors, so I have to join the others and be where the majority decides to train. Although we have great training conditions in Croatia, unfortunately, there aren't any sparing partners, so that’s another reason for me to go where the majority goes. In my case, it is the Canary Islands because the training competition there is the strongest in the world and I can prepare for all challenges there. iQFOil races last five to six days, and we have several 15-minute sails every day. It places a great strain on the body, and the training is focused on developing the strength and stamina so to be ready to endure all the stress at sea.

Preparing for this level of competition requires hard work, a lot of time and good organisation. What does your typical day look like? Do you have time to go out and get together with friends?

When I’m in Split, my day looks like this: training at the gym from 9 to 10.30, followed by a windsurfing training at 2 pm, which usually lasts for two or three hours. After that, I take the dog for a walk, have dinner and go to bed. I must say I like sleeping a lot, so I’m definitely in bed by 10 pm. As far as friends are concerned, we sometimes go for a coffee between training sessions, but there are no nights out, especially those that go on until the small hours, which are a favourite with most of my peers. To be honest, I’m not keen on go-

jedrenje je mnogo zanimljivije! Na putovanjima godišnje provedem više od šest mjeseci pa kad se vratim u Split obožavam svoju svakodnevnu rutinu. Vožnja biciklom, šetnja psa – to me opušta.

S obzirom na to da jedrenje uključuje putovanja i zahtijeva mnogo opreme, zasigurno nije riječ o jeftinom sportu. Koliki doprinose sponzori u cijeloj priči?

Većinom putujemo kombijem i sa sobom vučemo gumenjak, što dosta košta. S druge strane sama oprema vrlo je skupa, a nužno ju je promijeniti barem jednom godišnje te je imati minimalno duplo, u slučaju da se nešto razbije. Na intenzivnim treninzima i regatama oprema se troši, puca i svi se dijelovi naposljetku promijene nekoliko puta tijekom godine. Srećom, imam potporu Hrvatskog olimpijskog odbora, Hrvatskog jedriličarskog saveza, Jedriličarskog kluba Labud i, naravno, ACI-ja. Njihova podrška omogućuje mi da svu svoju energiju usmjerim na sport ne brinući se za ostalo. Nakon završetka skijaške karijere proslavljeni hrvatski olimpijac Ivica Kostelić, koji je također ambasador ACI-ja, skije je zamijenio jedrom i krenuo u osvajanje mora i oceana. S obzirom na tvoje pripreme za velika svjetska natjecanja, vodene sportove koji uključuju vjetar u jedru i ACI kao partnera, imate dosta zajedničkih tema. Jeste li već razmijenili neka iskustva?

Ivica je na nekoliko regata jedrio s mojim ocem Damirom Čargom i tako sam ga i ja upoznala. Naravno, svaki put kad ga vidim obasipam ga pitanjima, a on mi uvijek sve rado odgovori, objasni i pomogne. Baš kada se vraćao sa samačke regate Route du Rhum duge 3400 nautičkih milja dočekali smo ga ispred Splita po jakoj

ing out. Sailing is much more interesting! I spend over six months a year travelling, and that’s why I love my everyday routine when I’m in Split. Riding my bike and taking out my dog for a walk is what I find relaxing.

Since sailing involves frequent travelling and requires a lot of equipment, it can’t be an inexpensive sport. How important are sponsors in all this?

We mostly travel in a van, pulling an inflatable boat, which costs a pretty penny. On the other hand, the equipment is rather expensive itself, and it’s necessary to replace parts of it at least once a year and to have no less than two of each piece in case something gets broken. In intensive trainings and races, the equipment wears out, breaks, and all parts eventually get replaced several times during one year. Luckily, I have the backing of the Croatian Olympic Committee, the Croatian Sailing Federation, the Labud Sailing Club and, of course, ACI. Their support makes it possible for me to channel all my energy into sport and not worry about other things.

After ending his skiing career, the celebrated Croatian Olympian Ivica Kostelić, who is also ACI’s ambassador, exchanged his skis for a sail and started mastering the art of ocean sailing. Taking into account your training for big international competitions, water sports that include wind in the sail and ACI as partner, you two have a lot of shared interests. Have you swapped experiences yet?

Ivica sailed with my father, Damir Čargo, in a few regattas, and that’s how I met him. Of course, every time I see him, I bombard him with questions, and he is always happy to answer them, to explain and help. On his return from the single-person Route du Rhum race (which is 3400 miles long), we welcomed him off Split in a thunder-

Moja klasa iQFOil koja koristi podvodna krila (foil) za podizanje daske iznad vode može postići brzine veće od 50 kilometara na sat

iQFOil, my class, uses the hydrofoil to raise the surfboard above the water and can reach speeds over 50 km an hour

Velika podrška ACI-ja omogućuje mi da svu svoju energiju usmjerim na sport ne brinući se za ostalo

ACI’s great support makes it possible for me to focus my energy and not worry about other things

južini i grmljavini. To je bio baš predivan i emotivan trenutak za pamćenje.

Jedrenje je sport koji uvelike ovisi o vanjskim uvjetima. Kako to utječe na tvoj plan i program treninga?

Svi su treninzi orijentirani prema vremenskoj prognozi, a svi moji prijatelji znaju da ako se sprema jaka južina to znači otkazivanje svih naših planova za druženje. U ovoj fazi života sve je podređeno jedrenju, tako da kada zapuše sve ostalo pada u drugi plan. Kakvi su tvoji sportski i životni planovi?

Moji su sportski planovi osvojiti olimpijsku i svjetsku medalju te, naravno, uživati u ovome svemu što dulje. S obzirom na to da sam tek zakoračila u profesionalni sport, ne razmišljam još o kraju svoje sportske karijere. Upisala sam se na Pomorski fakultet, a sada ću vidjeti hoću li uspjeti uskladiti studij s vremenom koje provodim izvan Splita. 

storm and strong southerly wind. It was a beautiful and emotional moment to remember.

Sailing is a sport that largely depends on weather conditions. How does it influence your training regime?

All trainings are planned according to the weather forecast, and all my friends know that if there is a strong southerly wind coming, all our plans to meet are going to be cancelled. At this stage of my life, sailing is my priority; when the wind starts blowing, everything else ends up in the background.

What are your plans regarding sport and private life?

My sports plans are to win an Olympic and World Championship medal and, of course, to enjoy all this as long as possible. Since I’ve only started out on my professional sporting career, I don’t think about its ending. I have been accepted to the Faculty of Maritime Studies, and now I’ll see if I’m going to be able to balance the studies with the time I spend out of Split. 

Fotografije / Photos: Rolex




Sa svojim najnovijim kreacijama, Rolex donosi svježi izgled nekima od svojih najpoznatijih modela. Nudeći jedinstvene harmonije materijala, boja i tekstura, satovi za 2024. ilustriraju težnju za konstantnim buđenjem urarskih emocija, pritom demonstrirajući beskompromisnu kvalitetu do najsitnijeg detalja. Zahvaljujući internom brendovom majstorstvu u izradi satova, novi satovi poigravaju se kontrastima kako bi postigli skladnu ravnotežu funkcionalnosti i estetike, izvedbe i dragocjenosti, tradicije i inovativnosti.

With its latest creations, Rolex brings a fresh new look to some of its most iconic models. Offering unique harmonies of materials, colors, and textures, the 2024 watches illustrate a desire to constantly reawaken watchmaking emotions while demonstrating uncompromising quality down to the smallest detail. Thanks to the brand's in-house mastery of watchmaking expertise, the new timepieces play with contrasts to achieve a harmonious balance of functionality and aesthetics, performance and preciousness, tradition and innovation.




Po prvi put, Oyster Perpetual GMT-Master II u čeliku Oystersteel predstavljen je s umetkom prstena Cerachrom u sivoj i crnoj keramici. Predstavljen u liniji 2023., ovaj prigušeni kontrast boja suptilno dočarava promjenu dana i noći. Metal korišten za izradu ove nove verzije također slavi identitet modela koji je, na samom predstavljanju, bio dostupan samo u čeličnoj izvedbi. U ponudi su dvije nove verzije koje spajaju diskreciju i funkcionalnost: jedna s narukvicom Oyster, druga s narukvicom Jubilee. Crni lakirani brojčanik ima natpis "GMT-Master II" u zelenoj boji. Ova se boja također pojavljuje na 24-satnoj kazaljki koja poput snopa svjetlosti skreće pozornost na našu povezanost sa svijetom. Prikazujući puno više od alternativne vremenske zone, kazaljka pokazuje na drugu lokaciju koja rezonira s nositeljem –podsjetnik na emocije koje prate svakog putnika.

For the first time, the Oyster Perpetual GMT-Master II in Oystersteel is presented with a Cerachrom bezel insert in grey and black ceramic. Introduced to the range in 2023, this muted colour contrast subtly evokes the alternation of day and night. The metal used to create this new version also celebrates the identity of the model, which, at its launch was only available in steel. Two new versions are offered, combining discretion and functionality: one with an Oyster bracelet, the other with a Jubilee bracelet. The black lacquer dial bears the inscription ‘GMT-Master II’ in green. This colour is also featured on the 24-hour hand, which, like a beam of light, calls attention to our connection with the world. Displaying much more than just an alternative time zone, the hand points to another location that resonates with the wearer – a reminder of the emotions that accompany each traveller.



Ombre brojčanici, obojeni plavo-zelenom bojom ili biserno bijelim sedefom. Fasetirani, dekonstruirani rimski brojevi i fasetirane oznake sati. Prsten optočen dijamantima reza u obliku trapeza. Nove verzije modela Day-Date izražavaju trajnu želju brenda da se rijetka i široko rasprostranjena stručnost može pronaći čak i u najsitnijim detaljima. Boje, materijali, motivi, oznake sati – svaki element pridonosi harmoniji novih kombinacija. Predstavljene su dvije nove verzije modela Oyster Perpetual Day-Date 40. Prva, u 18-karatnom zlatu, dolazi sa slate ombre brojčanikom. Ovaj dizajn nudi delikatan prijelaz između svjetla u središtu brojčanika i tame oko ruba – simfonija sjene koja je oživljena posebno preciznim procesom proizvodnje. Druga verzija, u 18-karatnom bijelom zlatu, ima biserni bijeli sedefni brojčanik: prvi za Day-Date 40. Rijedak i profinjen, ovaj sedef sjaji upečatljivom raznolikošću blistavih odsjaja. Njegova nepravilna, voluminozna tekstura izaziva sitna preklapanja oblaka koji se igraju sa svjetlom, stvarajući osjećaj svjetlucanja koji je naglašen s 10 oznaka sati ukrašenih dijamantima baguette reza. Oyster Perpetual Day-Date 36 također je predstavljen u dvije nove verzije. Prvi, u 18-karatnom žutom zlatu, ima bijeli lakirani brojčanik s fasetiranim, dekonstruiranim rimskim brojkama i fasetiranim oznakama sati. Ove glatke, sjajne oznake sati, koje su prije bile ekskluzivne za Day-Date 40, ističu se svojim čistim i izražajnim dizajnom. Day-Date 36 također je predstavljen u 18-karatnom Everose zlatu s plavo-zelenim brojčanikom. Novo u liniji, ova duboka, intenzivna boja osvijetljena je s prstenom optočenim sa 60 dijamanata trapez reza. Ovo je prvi put da se ova vrsta prstena pojavljuje na verziji sata u 18-karatnom zlatu.

Dials that are ombré, coloured blue-green, or in pearlized white mother-of-pearl. Faceted, deconstructed Roman numerals and faceted hour markers. A bezel set with trapeze-cut diamonds. The new versions of the Day-Date express the brand’s enduring desire for rare and wide-ranging expertise to be found in even the smallest details. Colours, materials, motifs, hour markers – each element contributes to the harmony of the new combinations. Two new versions of the Oyster Perpetual Day-Date 40 are being unveiled. The first, in 18 ct Everose gold, introduces a slate ombré dial. This design offers a delicate transition between light at the centre of the dial and darkness around the edge – a symphony of shade brought to life by a particularly precise manufacturing process. The second version, in 18 ct white gold, features a pearlized white mother-of-pearl dial: a first for the Day-Date 40. Rare and refined, this mother-of-pearl shines with a striking variety of iridescent reflections. Its irregular, voluminous texture evokes tiny overlapping clouds that play with the light, creating a sense of shimmer that is enhanced by the 10 baguette-cut diamond hour markers. The Oyster Perpetual Day-Date 36 has also been released in two new versions. The first, in 18 ct yellow gold, has a white lacquer dial with faceted, deconstructed Roman numerals and faceted index hour markers. These smooth, shiny hour markers, which were previously exclusive to the Day-Date 40, stand out for their pure and expressive design. The Day-Date 36 is also presented in 18 ct Everose gold with a blue-green dial. New for the range, this deep, intense colour is illuminated by a bezel set with 60 trapezecut diamonds. It is the first time that this type of bezel has been featured on an 18 ct gold version of the watch.





Perpetual 1908 sada je dostupan u platini 950 s ledeno plavim brojčanikom, nijansom koja je rezervirana isključivo za Rolex satove od ovog prestižnog metala. Na ovom guilloché brojčaniku sa zrnatim motivom, svjetlost se odbija o uzdignuti uzorak, stvarajući razne refleksije pri svakom pokretu zapešća. Ovaj novi sat potvrđuje svoj jedinstveni identitet elegancijom i finoćom. Motiv na brojčaniku izrađen je tehnikom guilloché ili okretanjem motora – tehnika koja koristi okretni alat za oblikovanje geometrijskog uzorka na površini. Dekoracija aludira na tradicionalno urarstvo, no dizajn poput rozete, usredotočen na mali brojač sekundi na 6 sati, daje ovom satu iznimnu osobnost. Sat rijetke prepoznatljivosti, novi 1908 vizualno je remek-djelo, što pokazuju blistavi brojčanik i delikatna izrada čak i u najsitnijim detaljima, od dizajna brojčanika do rebrastih rubova prstena i filet sauté s guilloché naboranim uzorkom koji okružuje minutnu stazu.

The Perpetual 1908 is now available in 950 platinum with an ice blue dial, a hue reserved exclusively for Rolex watches in this prestigious metal. On this guilloché dial with a rice-grain motif, light bounces off the raised pattern, producing a variety of reflections with every movement of the wrist. This new watch affirms its unique identity with elegance and finesse. The motif on the dial is created via guillochage or engine turning – a technique that uses a turning tool to sculpt a geometric pattern into a surface. The decoration alludes to traditional watchmaking, yet the rosette-like design, centred on the small seconds counter at 6 o’clock, gives this watch exceptional personality. A watch of rare distinction, the new 1908 is a visual masterpiece, as demonstrated by the scintillating dial and delicate craftsmanship in even the tiniest details, from the dial design to the fine fluting of the bezel, and the filet sauté with guilloché crimped pattern around the minute track.




Prvi Rolex sat za dubinsko ronjenje u 18-karatnom žutom zlatu, novi Oyster Perpetual Rolex Deepsea ukrašen je plavom bojom. Sadrži još neviđenu kombinaciju materijala: zlato je upareno s elementima od keramike i RLX titana na satu koji predstavlja primjer Rolexove stručnosti u materijalima i bojama. Kompresijski prsten izrađen je u plavoj keramici, tehničkoj inovaciji koja označava novi način integracije ovog materijala u kućište sata. Prsten Cerachrom, koji je ukrašen kružno satiniranom obradom, čini dio sustava Ringlock. Ova arhitektura kućišta omogućuje satu da izdrži kolosalan pritisak ponora. Ventil za ispuštanje helija, koji radi na zaštiti integriteta sata tijekom dekompresije, proizveden je u RLX titanu, kao i stražnja strana kućišta. Ujednačenost boje brojčanika, umetka prstena i kompresijskog prstena je trijumf, naglašen 18-karatnim žutim zlatom kućišta i narukvicom Oyster. Dragocjen i izvrsnih tehničkih performansi. Veličanstven i inovativan. Svijetli sat za tamni ponor. Ova nova verzija modela Rolex Deepsea dizajnirana je kako bi zasjala u dubinama oceana.

The first Rolex deep-sea divers’ watch is 18 ct yellow gold, and the new Oyster Perpetual Rolex Deepsea is decked in blue. It features an as-yet-unseen combination of materials: gold is paired with ceramic and RLX titanium elements on a timepiece that exemplifies Rolex's expertise in materials and colours. The compression ring is made from blue ceramic, a technical innovation that marks a new way of integrating this material into the watch case. This Cerachrom ring, which is decorated with a circular satin finish, forms part of the Ringlock system. This case architecture enables the watch to withstand the colossal pressure of the abyss. The helium escape valve, which works to protect the watch's integrity during decompression, is manufactured from RLX titanium, as is the case back. The uniformity of colour between the dial, bezel insert, and the compression ring is a triumph, accentuated by the 18 ct yellow gold of the case and the Oyster bracelet. Precious and technical. Majestic and innovative. A bright watch for the dark abyss. This new version of the Rolex Deepsea is engineered to shine into the ocean depths.



Rolex predstavlja dvije nove verzije modela Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona čiji su brojčanici u kontrastu s bijelim i crnim prirodnim sedefom i prstenom optočenim dijamantima. Ove reinterpretacije kultnog sata postižu savršenu ravnotežu preciznosti i dragocjenosti. Suptilna međuigra nijansi odražava široku stručnost, od postavljanja dragulja do umjetnosti izrade brojčanika. Satovi ispisuju još jedno poglavlje u legendarnoj priči o modelu poznatom po bogatstvu varijacija, prizivajući potencijal u svakome od nas za neprestano ponovno otkrivanje. Izrađeni u 18-karatnom bijelom zlatu, ovi satovi imaju dvije boje prirodnog sedefa na brojčaniku. Brojčanik je bijele boje s crnim brojačima na prvom satu; kombinacija boja koja je obrnuta na drugom. Snaga kontrasta, intenzitet boja i dubina odsjaja rezultat su posebno strogog procesa odabira materijala. S obje varijante sedefa umjetnici brenda rukuju s najvećom pažnjom. Dva nova sata imaju prsten ukrašen s 36 dijamanata briljantnog reza i opremljeni su s narukvicom koja odgovara boji brojača: narukvica Oysterflex za sat s crnim podbrojčanicima i narukvica Oyster za verziju s bijelim podbrojčanicima.

Rolex presents two new versions of the Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona, whose dials contrast white and black natural mother-of-pearl and a bezel set with diamonds. These reinterpretations of the iconic watch achieve the perfect balance of precision and preciousness. A subtle interplay of hues reflects wide-ranging expertise, from gemsetting to the art of dial-making. The watches write another chapter in the legendary story of a model known for a wealth of variations, summoning the potential in each of us for perpetual reinvention. Made from 18 ct white gold, these timepieces display two colours of natural mother-of-pearl on the dial. The dial is white with black counters on the first watch, a colour combination that is reversed on the second. The strength of the contrast, the intensity of the colours and the depth of the reflections result from a particularly stringent material selection process. Both varieties of mother-of-pearl are handled with the greatest care by the brand’s artisans. The two new timepieces incorporate a bezel adorned with 36 brilliant-cut diamonds and are fitted with a bracelet to match the colour of the counters: an Oysterflex bracelet for the watch with black counters and an Oyster bracelet for the version with white counters.




Sofisticiran, izvrsnih tehničkih performansi i istaknut, Oyster Perpetual Sky-Dweller u 18-karatnom Everose ili žutom zlatu sada je dostupan s narukvicom Jubilee. Dizajniran kako bi neumornim putnicima omogućio brzo pronalaženje smjera, Sky-Dweller ponovno potvrđuje svoju eleganciju i užitak je za osjetila.

Izmjenom veličine i završetka članaka – s manjim, poliranim središnjim člancima i većim, satiniranim vanjskim člancima – narukvica Jubilee u 18-karatnom zlatu ističe se svojim bogatstvom odsjaja i skladnim oblicima. Uparena sa slate brojčanikom na verziji u 18-karatnom Everose zlatu i s intenzivno bijelim brojčanikom na satu u 18-karatnom žutom zlatu, ova je narukvica također cijenjena zbog keramičkih umetaka –dizajniranih od strane brenda unutar članaka, koji poboljšavaju njezinu dugotrajnost i fleksibilnost na zapešću.

Istražite čaroban svijet Rolex satova u butiku Mamić 1970 u centru Zagreba u Ulici Frane Petrića 7. 

Sophisticated, technical and distinguished, the Oyster Perpetual Sky-Dweller in 18 ct Everose or yellow gold is now available with a Jubilee bracelet. Designed to enable tireless travellers to find their bearings rapidly, the Sky-Dweller reaffirms its elegance and is a delight to the senses. By alternating the size and finish of the links – with smaller, polished centre links and larger, satin-finished outer links –the Jubilee bracelet in 18 ct gold stands out for its wealth of reflections and harmonious forms. Paired with a slate dial on the version in 18 ct Everose gold and with an intense white dial on the watch in 18 ct yellow gold, this bracelet is also appreciated for the ceramic inserts – designed by the brand – inside the links, which enhance its longevity and its flexibility on the wrist. Explore the magical world of Rolex watches at the Mamić 1970 boutique in the centre of Zagreb at 7 Frane Petrića Street. 



Sanlorenzo closely works with their customers to create inspirational and imaginative spaces. Something you’ll want to keep forever is perfectly tailored to suit your way of life.

Fotografije / Photos: Sanlorenzo

We are introducing four breathtaking new Sanlorenzo models:

SD Yacht range

Just a glance suffices to rediscover, in the silhouette of this range, the memory of boats that dwells in our collective imagination. The yachts of the SD fleet, the semi-displacement models of Sanlorenzo, draw inspiration from the lines of the Trans-Atlantic liners of the 1930s. The series offers models in composite material from 28 to 38 meters in length offering outstanding range to reach even the most faraway destinations


The SD90 is configured with a lower deck and main deck with a layout designed to guarantee the boat's maximum liveability, as witnessed by the new solutions introduced both externally and internally that give a totally revised perception of space


Yacht range

Streamlined, elegant and well-balanced at the same time: this is the SL fleet, the planing yachts by Sanlorenzo.

The range includes six models (SL78, SL86, SL90A, SL96A, SL106A, SL120A) with lengths from 24 to 38 meters. Every yacht, even the smallest, offers various interior layout possibilities and can be completely personalized in keeping with the tastes and passions of its owner.

SL96 Asymmetric

The SL96Asymmetric rethinks the conventional layout of a yacht, and revises traditional onboard balances, offering not just volumes previously set aside for other functions, but also and above all new living scenarios, new vantage points capable of intensifying and encouraging that innate visual, physical and emotional bond that exists between human beings and the sea.

SX Yacht range

Observing the superstructure that reaches forward, and the beach area with the proportions of a large terrace, it becomes immediately clear that the SX line is a revolutionary project. Functions and uses of spaces intertwine, giving rise to a "crossover" yacht that is perfect for sophisticated contemporary owner.


The SX100 is a crossover yacht where spaces and functions unite in large, open spaces closely in contact with the sea.

This yacht offers a large lounge characterised by beautiful translucences merges outdoors with the equipped beach area and two spacious side terraces that open onto the sea.

SP Yacht range

The new SP line embodies the Sanlorenzo view, in which its founding principles of sustainability, comfort and exclusivity converge. This is genuinely a new generation of vessels, a new model of usability, a Sanlorenzo to the core.


The first model of the brand new open series by Sanlorenzo, the SP110 offers the best performances at the lowest fuel consumption. The water jet propulsion ensures top efficiency and comfort at every speed range and the solar panels supply power to run the hotel load. A new generation of yacht is born.

Brand Ambassador for Sanlorenzo Yachts and Sanlorenzo Superyachts: Sanlorenzo South Central Europe d.o.o. -


Ove godine TUDOR predstavlja dvije nove odvažne verzije modela Black Bay 58. Prva je u 18-karatnom žutom zlatu s otvorenom stražnjom stranom kućišta, manufakturnim kalibrom i narukvicom izrađenom potpunosti u zlatu. Drugi je potpuno novi Black Bay 58 GMT certificirani Master Chronometer. TUDOR predstavlja najnoviju iteraciju Black Baya u crno-bijeloj boji. Predstavljajući najnovije u Black Bayu, ovaj model ima napredne elemente dizajna, kopču "T-fit" i Master Chronometer certificiran od strane METAS-a. Na modele Clair de Rose, dostupne isključivo u nehrđajućem čeliku s mehaničkim mehanizmima, TUDOR dodaje novi brojčanik: svoj prepoznatljivi plavi brojčanik.

This year, TUDOR presents two new bold versions of the Black Bay 58. The first is made in 18k yellow gold with an open case back, a production caliber, and a solid gold bracelet; the other is a brand new Black Bay 58 GMT certified Master Chronometer. TUDOR presents the latest iteration of the Black Bay in black and white. Representing the latest in Black Bay, this model features advanced design elements, a "T-fit" buckle and a Master Chronometer certified by METAS. On the Clair de Rose, available exclusively in stainless steel with mechanical movements, TUDOR adds a new dial: its signature blue dial.

Fotografije / Photos: Tudor


TUDOR predstavlja dodatni model liniji Black Bay, Black Bay 58 GMT. Ovaj potpuno novi model evocira eru kada je novina jet-settinga u različitim vremenskim zonama bila usklađena s glamuroznim i elegantnim stilom. Opremljen je novim TUDOR GMT manufakturnim kalibrom srednje veličine, uparenim s toplim nijansama tamnocrvene, crne te pozlate na prstenu. Univerzalno privlačno kućište Black Bay 58 postalo je posjetnica modela, a sada dolazi u GMT obliku. Black Bay 58 dobio je ime po godini u kojoj je predstavljen prvi TUDOR ronilački sat vodootporan do 200 metara, referenca 7924, nazvan "Big Crown". Između ostalih estetskih aluzija na ovaj slavni povijesni sat, ovaj model ima kućište promjera 39 mm, u skladu s karakterističnim proporcijama 1950-ih. Sat savršeno odgovara GMT funkciji, a uz Black Bay 58 GMT, ultimativna funkcija jet-settera dolazi s daškom elegancije iz sredine stoljeća. Prsten je tamnocrvene i crne boje s pozlaćenom 24-satnom skalom, u skladu s općim jezikom dizajna linije Black Bay. Dizajn podsjeća na vrijeme kada su se prvi put izrađivali TUDOR ronilački satovi, a mlazni zrakoplovi kretali kroz vremenske zone i prevozili putnike na odredišta o kojima su mogli samo sanjati, brže nego ikad prije. Završni pozlaćeni detalji primijenjeni su na oznake sati, kazaljke i oznake sati dvobojnog prstena. Još jedan omiljeni detalj koji je ostao na Black Bay 58 GMT je vijugava kruna koja nosi logo TUDOR ruže u reljefu.

TUDOR is introducing an additional model to the Black Bay line, the Black Bay 58 GMT. This entirely new model is evocative of an era when the novelty of jet-setting across time zones was matched by glamorous and elegant style. It is fitted with TUDOR's new mid-size GMT Manufacture Calibre paired with warm hues of burgundy, black, and gilt on the bezel. The universally appealing case of the Black Bay 58 has become the model's calling card, and now it comes in GMT form. The Black Bay 58 is named after the year in which the first TUDOR divers' watch waterproof to 200 metres, the reference 7924, dubbed the "Big Crown", was introduced. Among other aesthetic allusions to this famous historical watch, this model has a 39mm diameter case, in keeping with the characteristic proportions of the 1950s. The watch is the perfect match for a GMT function, and with the Black Bay 58 GMT, the jet-setter's ultimate function comes with a touch of mid-century elegance. The bezel is burgundy and black with a gilt 24-hour scale, keeping with the general design language of the Black Bay line. The design is reminiscent of when TUDOR divers' watches were first being made, and jet planes were moving through time zones and delivering interlopers to destinations they could only dream of faster than ever before. Finishing gilt touches have been applied to the bicolour bezel's hour markers, hands, and hour markers. Another fan-favourite touch that remains on the Black Bay 58 GMT is the winding crown, which bears the TUDOR rose logo in relief.


TUDOR predstavlja najnoviju iteraciju Black Baya u crnobijeloj boji. Predstavljajući najnovije u Black Bayu, ovaj model ima napredne elemente dizajna, kopču "T-fit" i Master Chronometer certificiran od strane METAS-a. Izvorni Black Bay prvi je put lansiran 2012., a 2016. dobio je i manufakturni kalibar. Sada se nudi u trećoj evoluciji koja učvršćuje estetsku i tehničku budućnost linije. Uz treću generaciju Black Baya s tamnocrvenim prstenom, ova nova iteracija ima monokromatski izgled s crnim brojčanikom boje tinte i apliciranim oznakama sati te kazaljkama obloženim rodijem za modernu estetiku. Nazvan Black Bay, ovaj amblematski dizajn u kolekciji TUDOR još je jedan primjer TUDOR-ovog stručnog upravljanja jednim od najzahtjevnijih standarda industrije u smislu kronometrije i otpornosti na magnetska polja. Testiran od strane Saveznog instituta za mjeriteljstvo ili METAS, Black Bay objedinjuje vrhunsku tehnologiju izrade satova s elementima dizajna inspiriranim TUDOR-ovim gotovo sedam desetljeća dugim nasljeđem izrade robusnih profesionalnih ronilačkih satova.

TUDOR introduces the newest iteration of the Black Bay in monochrome. Representing the latest in Black Bay, this model features evolved design elements, a "T-fit" clasp and is Master Chronometer certified by METAS. The original Black Bay launched in 2012 and was given the Manufacture Calibre treatment in 2016. Now, it is offered in a third evolution, cementing the aesthetic and technical future of the line. Alongside the third-generation Black Bay with burgundy bezel, this new iteration features a monochromatic look with an inky black dial and applied rhodium-plated hour markers and hands for a modern aesthetic. Named Black Bay, this emblematic design in the TUDOR collection is another example of TUDOR's expert command of one of the industry's most demanding standards in terms of chronometry and resistance to magnetic fields. Tested by the Federal Institute of Metrology or METAS, the Black Bay brings together cuttingedge watchmaking technology with design elements inspired by TUDOR's nearly seven-decade heritage of making robust professional diving watches.


TUDOR predstavlja odvažnu verziju svog popularnog modela, Black Bay 58, u 18-karatnom žutom zlatu s otvorenom stražnjom stranom kućišta, manufakturnim kalibrom i i narukvicom koja sada dolazi u punom zlatu, upotpunjenom s kopčom "T-fit". Naziv Black Bay 58 18K je, naravno, referenca na plemeniti metal njegovog kućišta i narukvice, ali i na 1958., godinu u kojoj je predstavljen prvi TUDOR ronilački sat vodootporan do 200 metara (660 stopa), referenca 7924 ili “Big Crown”. Black Bay 58 18K također je prvi TUDOR ronilački sat izrađen u punom 18-karatnom žutom zlatu, koji se nudi s otvorenom stražnjom stranom kućišta. A sada dolazi s potpuno odgovarajućom narukvicom, satinirane završne obrade, u 18-karatnom žutom zlatu kao dodatak.

TUDOR introduces a bold version of its popular model, the Black Bay 58, in 18 ct yellow gold with an open case back, Manufacture Calibre and now a solid gold bracelet, complete with a “T-fit” clasp. The name Black Bay 58 18K is, of course, a reference to the precious metal of its case and bracelet, but also to 1958, the year in which the first TUDOR divers’ watch waterproof to 200 metres (660 ft), reference 7924 or “Big Crown”, was introduced. The Black Bay 58 18K is also the first TUDOR divers’ watch to be made in 18 ct solid yellow gold, offered with an open case back. And now it comes with a matching all-satin-finished 18 ct yellow gold bracelet to boot.


TUDOR revidira ženstvenu liniju Clair de Rose s dodatkom novih karakterističnih plavih brojčanika brenda. Dostupne isključivo u nehrđajućem čeliku s mehaničkim mehanizmima, ove nove konfiguracije dolaze u tri veličine, svaka u dva dizajna. Clair de Rose je klasična TUDOR linija čije se ime poetično odnosi na clair de lune, "mjesečina" na francuskom, i na povijesni logo brenda, ružu, spajajući to dvoje na razigran način. 2024. obitelj dobiva potpuno novi brojčanik "TUDOR Blue". U klasičnom, profinjenom i bezvremenskom duhu, koristi se povijesnim estetskim kodovima brenda bez odstupanja od blagih oblina svog središnjeg kućišta i upečatljive krunice za navijanje, koja je na ovom modelu ukrašena plavim kupolastim poliranim draguljem. Dostupan u tri veličine, promjera 26, 30 i 34 milimetra, predstavlja opal i sada "TUDOR Blue" brojčanike s delikatnim reljefnim ukrasima, isprekidanim rimskim brojevima ili dijamantima. Sat Clair de Rose opremljen je samonavijajućim mehanizmom s funkcijom datuma i dostupan je isključivo u nehrđajućem čeliku.

Istražite odvažan svijet TUDOR satova u butiku Mamić 1970 u centru Zagreba u Ulici Frane Petrića 7. 

TUDOR revisits the feminine Clair de Rose line with the addition of new, brand-signature blue dials. Available exclusively in stainless steel with mechanical movements, these new configurations come in three sizes, each with two designs. Clair de Rose is a classic TUDOR line whose name poetically refers to both clair de lune, “moonlight” in French, and the historical logo of the brand, a rose, playfully combining the two. In 2024, the family gets a brand-new “TUDOR Blue” dial. In a classic, refined and timeless spirit, it uses the brand’s historic aesthetic codes without straying from the gentle curves of its middle case and its striking winding crown, which is set with a blue spinel cabochon on this model. Available in three sizes, 26, 30 and 34 millimetres in diameter, it presents opaline and now “TUDOR Blue” dials with delicate relief decorations punctuated with Roman numerals or diamonds. Clair de Rose is fitted with a self-winding movement complete with a date function and is available exclusively in stainless steel. Explore the daring world of TUDOR watches at the Mamić 1970 boutique in the centre of Zagreb at 7 Frane Petrića Street. 

Fotografije / Photos: Porsche



Novi Porsche Taycan: bolji u gotovo svakoj disciplini

The new Porsche Taycan: improved in almost every discipline

Porsche je iznimno opsežno aktualizirao model Taycan. Nove verzije odlikuje veća snaga, veći doseg, veće ubrzanje te kraće i stabilnije punjenje. Style Porsche je k tomu izoštrio dizajn i jače diferencirao Turbo modele. Sve verzije Taycana raspolažu još opsežnijom serijskom opremom, a najmlađa generacija cockpita Porsche Driver Experience konceptom prikaza i rukovanja koji je poboljšan u brojnim segmentima.

Porsche has given the Taycan an exceptionally extensive update. The new versions have more power, more range, faster acceleration and faster and more stable charging. Style Porsche has also sharpened the design and more clearly differentiated the Turbo models. All Taycan versions feature an even more extensive standard equipment list, and the latest generation of the Porsche Driver Experience cockpit comes with a display and control concept that has been improved in many segments.

Od brojnih modifikacija imale su korist sve tri varijante karoserije već pri samom predstavljanju na tržište – Taycan sportska limuzina, svestrani Taycan Cross Turismo s offroad paketom te sportski i praktičan Taycan Sport Turismo. Raspoložive su po četiri izvedbe motora u varijantama sa stražnjim pogonom ili pogonom na sve kotače.

„S Taycanom smo krajem 2019. kročili u doba električne mobilnosti. On se od samog početka pokazao nositeljem promjena i predvodnikom u pogledu inovacija u segmentu e-vozila“, govori Kevin Giek, voditelj nadležan za ovu seriju modela. „S opsežno aktualiziranim Taycanom nastavljamo pisati ovu priču o uspjehu. Što se tiče performansa, ova modelska linija dostiže novu razinu s izvanrednom dinamikom vožnje i užitkom u vožnji. Istodobno smo u velikoj mjeri uspjeli poboljšati učinkovitost, doseg, prikladnost za svakodnevicu i komfor.“

Još izraženija sportska vozna svojstva

Svi aktualizirani modeli znatno brže postižu ubrzanje u odnosu na njihove prethodnike. Dva primjera su Taycan i Taycan Turbo S kao sportske limuzine koje postižu ubrzanje do 100 km/h iz mirovanja za samo 4,8 odnosno 2,4 sekunde. Time su brži od svojih prethodnika za 0,6 odnosno 0,4 sekunde.

All three body variants benefited from many modifications as soon as they were launched – the Taycan sports sedan, the versatile Taycan Cross Turismo, available with an off-road package, and the sporting and practical Taycan Sport Turismo. Four engine designs are available, with rear- and all-wheel drive variants.

“We ushered in the new era of e-mobility with the Taycan at the end of 2019. It immediately proved to be a game changer and innovative pioneer in the e-vehicle segment,” says head of the model line, Kevin Giek. “We are now continuing this success story with the extensively updated Taycan. In terms of performance, this model line has reached a new level with exceptional driving dynamics and driving pleasure. At the same time, we were able to significantly improve efficiency, range, day-to-day usability and comfort.”

Even greater sporting performance

All updated models accelerate significantly faster than their predecessors. Two examples are the Taycan and Taycan Turbo S as sports sedans that reach 100 kph (60 mph) from a standstill in just 4.8 and 2.4 seconds respectively, making them 0.6 and 0.4 seconds faster than their predecessors.

With the new Push-to-Pass function in the Sport Chrono package, and depending on the model, a boost of up to 70

Uz novu funkciju Push-to-Pass u sklopu paketa Sport Chrono ovisno o modelu pritiskom na gumb možete pokrenuti dodatnu snagu od čak 70 kW u trajanju od deset sekundi. Izraženije sportske vrijednosti ubrzanja rezultat su generalno veće sistemske snage. Tako osnovni model Taycana daje 60 kW više nego prije. U Taycanu Turbo S to povećanje iznosi čak 140 kW kada se koristi Launch-Control program. Time se sistemska snaga ovog vrhunskog modela povećava na 700 kW (952 KS).

Do 35 posto veći doseg u odnosu na prethodne modele

Ovisno o varijanti karoserije i izvedbi motora doseg prema WLTP-u povećao se na 678 kilometara, što predstavlja povećanje od 175 kilometara odnosno 35 posto. U odnosu na prethodni model aktualiziranom je Taycanu s jedne strane potreban manji broj zaustavljanja radi punjenja na dugim dionicama, a s druge strane on se može također brže napuniti: na DC agregatima za punjenje s 800 V vozilo se primjerice može puniti s čak 320 kW. To je 50 kW više nego prije.

Ovisno o individualnom profilu vožnje, potrebno vrijeme punjenja od deset do 80 posto napunjenosti može se upola smanjiti u odnosu na prethodni model. Vrijeme punjenja za Taycan prve generacije pri temperaturi baterije od 15 Celzijevih stupnjeva iznosi 37 minuta. U jednakim okvirnim uvjetima redizajniranim modelima Taycana potrebno je samo 18 minuta. Baterija Performance Plus sada ima bruto sadržaj energije od 105 umjesto 93 kWh. Novi Porsche Active Ride

Svi aktualizirani modeli Taycana serijski su opremljeni adaptivnim voznim postrojem s pneumatskim opružjem. Opcijski se za verzije s pogonom na sve kotače može naručiti novi vozni postroj Porsche Active Ride. Ovaj sustav nudi takvu raznolikost komfora u vožnji i dinamike vožnje kao nikad dosad.

kW can be called upon for a length of 10 seconds at the touch of a button. The increased sports acceleration rates are the result of the generally higher system output. For instance, the base Taycan model delivers 60 kW more than before. In the Taycan Turbo S, this increase is as high as 140 kW when the Launch Control program is used. This increases the system output of this top model to 700 kW (952 PS).

Up to 35 per cent more range compared to the predecessor cars

Depending on the body and engine variant, the WLTP range has increased to 678 km, which is an increase of 175 km, or 35 per cent. Compared to the previous model, the updated Taycan not only requires fewer charging stops on long trips but it can also recharge faster: at 800-volt DC charging stations, for example, it can be charged at 320 kW, which is 50 kW more than before.

Depending on an individual’s driving style, the charging time from a 10 to an 80 per cent charge can be halved compared to the predecessor car. In the first-generation Taycan, the charging time at 15 degrees Celsius is 37 minutes. Under the same general conditions, the updated Taycan models take just 18 minutes. The Performance Battery Plus now has a gross capacity of 105 kWh, rather than 93 kWh.


new Porsche Active Ride

All updated Taycan models come with adaptive air suspension as standard. The new Porsche Active Ride suspension can be ordered as an option for the all-wheel drive versions. This system offers an unprecedented range in driving comfort and driving dynamics. The suspension keeps the body of the Taycan level at all times, even during dynamic braking, steering and acceleration. With a smooth ride, the system absorbs bumps almost completely. In dynamic driving situations, the Porsche Active Ride suspension

Vozni postroj kontinuirano drži karoseriju Taycana u vodoravnom položaju, također kod dinamičnog kočenja, upravljanja i ubrzanja. Tijekom ravnomjerne vožnje sustav apsorbira gotovo sve neravnine na kolniku. U dinamičnim situacijama u vožnji vozni postroj Porsche Active Ride jamči gotovo savršeno prianjanje na cesti zahvaljujući ujednačenoj raspodjeli opterećenja na kotačima.

Znatno bolja oprema uz manju masu

Iako je serijska oprema opsežnija nego prije, masa ovih modela manja je za čak 15 kilograma . Tako sada u sklopu serijske opreme dolaze ambijentalno osvjetljenje, potpora pri parkiranju uključujući kameru za vožnju unatrag, električno preklopiva vanjska zrcala s osvjetljenjem okoline zrcala, grijanje sjedala sprijeda, Porscheov inteligentni upravitelj dosega (PIRM), toplinska pumpa s novim konceptom hlađenja, pretinac za smartphone za bežično punjenje, električni poklopac priključka za punjenje na vozačevoj i suvozačevoj strani, prekidač za modus vožnje i servoupravljač Plus.

Još atraktivniji dizajn

S novim dijelovima na prednjem i stražnjem kraju vozila te novim glavnim svjetlima stručnjaci za Style Porsche dodatno su izoštrili jasan, pročišćeni dizajn Taycana. Novi blatobrani s plosnatijim glavnim svjetlima još jače naglašavaju širinu Taycana.

guarantees almost perfect tyre traction thanks to a balanced distribution of wheel loads.

Significantly improved equipment with less weight

Although the standard equipment is more extensive than before, the models weigh as much as 15 kilograms less . Standard features now include: ambient lighting, ParkAssist with reversing camera, electrically folding exterior mirrors with mirror surround lighting, heated front seats, Porsche Intelligent Range Manager (PIRM), heat pump with a new cooling system, smartphone tray for wireless charging, electric charging ports on the driver and front passenger sides, Drive Mode switch and Power Steering Plus.

Even more attractive design

With new front- and rear-end styling and new headlights and tail lights, the experts at Style Porsche have further sharpened the clean and purist design of the Taycan. The new front wings and the flatter headlights emphasise the width of the Taycan even more. The new optional headlights with high-resolution HD matrix technology have more detailed optics and now display the brand’s characteristic four-point graphics at night as well. The Porsche logo in the rear light strip has been designed in a three-dimensional glass appearance. For the first time, an illuminated version of it is

ACI No.1 // Novi Porsche Taycan / New Porsche Taycan

Nova opcijska glavna svjetla s HD matrix tehnologijom visoke oštrine imaju sofisticiranu izvedbu te odsada i tijekom noći nude grafiku s četirima točkama tipičnu za marku. Natpis Porsche u svjetlosnoj traci na stražnjem dijelu vozila oblikovan je trodimenzionalno u staklenoj optici. Prvi je put po želji dostupan u osvijetljenoj verziji s pozdravnim animacijama pri ulasku i izlasku iz vozila.

Modeli Turbo i Turbo S sada se u vanjskom i unutrašnjem dizajnu vizualno još više ističu od drugih verzija zahvaljujući akcentnoj turbonit boji.

Dizajniran za performanse na stazi: Taycan Turbo GT s paketom Weissach Taycan Turbo GT s paketom Weissach osvojio je titulu najbržeg električnog serijskog automobila na Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca, u Kaliforniji, 23. veljače 2024. S vremenom od 1:27.87 min., razvojni vozač Porschea Lars Kern odvozio je najbrži krug od bilo kojeg vozača ranije s električnim automobilom homologiranim za ceste.

Nedugo prije toga, predprodukcijska verzija istog novog modela postavila je novi rekord u klasi na Nürburgringu. Za volanom je ponovno bio Kern koji je zabilježio vrijeme kruga od 7:07.55 min. na Nordschleifeu.

Taycan Turbo GT s paketom Weissach još je oštriji u svom pozicioniranju. S dodatnom aerodinamikom i mjerama lagane konstrukcije, ovaj je model još odlučnije dizajniran za performanse.

Taycan Turbo GT s Weissach paketom ubrzava od nula do 100 km/h za 2,2 sekunde, čime je za desetinku sekunde brži od gotovo jednako snažnog Taycana Turbo GT. Najveća brzina mu je 305 umjesto 290 km/h.

Novi Taycan modeli dostupni su u Porsche Centru Zagreb od sredine svibnja 2024. godine. 

Skeniraj za testnu vožnju/ Scan for a test drive

optionally available, featuring greeting animations when entering and leaving the car.

The accent Turbonite colour makes the Turbo and Turbo S models stand out more distinctively from the other versions in both the exterior and interior.

Designed to perform on track: The Taycan Turbo GT with Weissach Package The Taycan Turbo GT with Weissach Package won the title of the fastest electric series-production car at the Weathertech Raceway Laguna Seca in California on 23 February 2024. With a time of 1:27.87, Porsche development driver Lars Kern put in the fastest lap ever with an electric car approved for roads.

Not long before that, a pre-production version of this same new model set a new class record on the Nürburgring. Once again, Kern was at the wheel, recording a lap time of 7:07.55 on the Nordschleife.

The Taycan Turbo GT with Weissach Package is even sharper in its positioning. With additional aerodynamics and lightweight construction measures, this model is even more resolutely designed for performance. The Taycan Turbo GT with Weissach Package accelerates from zero to 100 kph (60 mph) in 2.2 seconds, making it a tenth of a second faster than the similarly powerful Taycan Turbo GT. Its top speed is 305 kph (190 mph), instead of 290 kph (180 mph).

The new Taycan models will be available at Porsche Centar Zagreb from mid-May 2024. 

ACI No.1 // Novi Porsche Taycan / New Porsche Taycan



Talijanski dizajner nije samo dizajnirao automobile, on je stvarao umjetnost. Njegove elegantne i inovativne linije krasile su automobile legendarnih brendova poput BMW-a, Fiata, Ferrarija, Aston Martina, Alfa Romea, Volkswagena, Audija…

The Italian designer has not just designed cars; he has created art. The elegant and innovative lines he has drawn graced the cars of the legendary brands such as the BMW, Fiat, Ferrari, Aston Martin, Alfa Romeo, Volkswagen, Audi and others

Bez obzira na stalešku pripadnost i osobne afinitete većina Europljana starijih od 20 godina barem jednom u životu sjela je u jedan od automobila koje je potpisao Giorgetto Giugiaro, ili barem poželjela to. Slavni talijanski dizajner autor je oko dvjesto serijskih modela automobila, što je u kontekstu proizvedenih količina ekvivalent broju više od pedeset milijuna automobila koji nose oznaku BMW-a, Fiata, Ferrarija, Aston Martina, Alfa Romea, Volkswagena, Audija, Seata... No uz automobile koje crta od svoje 17. kada je ušao u Centro Stile Fiat na pozive Dantea Giacose, Giugiaro je osmislio i brojne svakodnevne predmete, od fotoaparata do bicikla, skejtova, brodova, vlakova, telefona, aparata za kavu, satova, raznih kućanskih aparata, čak i posebnu formu tjestenine. Talentirani dječak koji je želio biti slikar poput oca i djeda obilježio je povijest dizajna na prijelazu dvaju stoljeća, ali prije svega dao predložak generacijama vrlo popularnih automobila koji su oblikovali navike i svakodnevni život ljudi.

Regardless of their social position and personal preferences, most Europeans aged over 20 have travelled, at least once in their lifetime, in one of the cars designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro – or have at least wanted to. The famous Italian designer has designed about 200 production car models, which, in terms of quantities produced, is equivalent to over fifty million cars made by BMW, Fiat, Ferrari, Aston Martin, Alfa Romeo, Volkswagen, Audi, Seat etc. However, along with cars – which he has been drawing since he was 17, when he entered the Centro Stile Fiat at the invitation of Dante Giacosa –Giugiaro has also designed a lot of everyday objects, from cameras to bicycles, skateboards, boats, trains, phones, coffee machines, watches, various home appliances, and even a new shape of pasta.

Fotografije / Photos: Giorgetto Giugiaro / Italdesign

U rodnoj Italiji tepaju mu Michelangelo svijeta automobila, a 1999. respektabilan međunarodni žiri proglasio ga je dizajnerom stoljeća i jedini je živući član Automotive Hall of Fame. No, uz brojne uspjehe i priznanja, osobina kojom Giugiaro osvaja svakog svog sugovornika jest jednostavnost. Ujedno je to stilsko obilježje i ključ interpretacije njegova rada.

'Dizajn je prirodno kompromis između kreativnosti i stvaranja u odnosu na vrijednosti koje mu nameću industrija i tržište. Pritom predstavlja nezamjenjivu posredničku funkciju između čovjeka i predmeta, ali i njegova svakodnevnog života. Mora se podvrgnuti diktatima upotrebljivosti i platonskim idejama ljepote, mora predvidjeti nadolazeće promjene, ali i odgovoriti na poticajni svijet novih naraštaja koji predstavljaju budućnost.'

Kada govori o svojim projektima, Giorgetto uspijeva sve, pa i najsloženije poslove učiniti krajnje prirodnim, na određeni način uobičajenim i jednostavnim. Možda to proizlazi iz njegova karaktera, ali jedno je sigurno, svo-

A talented boy who wanted to be a painter like his father and grandfather, has left a mark on the history of design at the turn of the century; however, he has primarily given shape to generations of very popular cars that have influenced people’s habits and everyday lives.

In 1999, the Michelangelo of the car world, as he is referred to in his native Italy, was named Car Designer of the Century by a respectable international jury, and is now the only living member of the Automotive Hall of Fame. However, despite his success and recognition, Giugiaro’s character trait that proves the most charming is his simplicity. It is, at the same time, a characteristic of his style and the key to interpreting his work.

‘Design in itself is a compromise between creativity and creation on the one hand and values forced upon it by the industry and the market on the other. Design is also an irreplaceable intermediary between a person and an object, between a person and their everyday life. It has to follow the dictate of

'Civilizacije se mijenjaju i automobil je izgubio središnju poziciju koju je imao u prošlom stoljeću. Postao je samo jedan od uređaja'

‘Civilisations change and the car has lost the central position it had in the last century. It has become just one of the devices we have’

ACI No.1 // Giorgetto Giugiaro

jim pričama nikada ne dodaje epske značajke. Nema zato ni potrebe s obzirom na plodove svog rada, osobito iz razdoblja 80-ih koje rado ističe zbog velike kreativnosti i potrage za rješenjima koje su nudile premda su temelji, kako kaže, ostali isti.

'Potraga za idejom na praznom listu papiru jest vježba, izazov koji je i danas prisutan, samo se alati mijenjaju. Klinci danas crtaju uz pomoć sustava koji štede vrijeme. Koriste se drugom vrstom olovke, ali ne mijenjaju se ti trenuci u kojima svoje zamisli, svoje vizije stavljate na list papira ili neki nosač vizija.'

Jedna od tajni Giugiarove veličine, ali i uspjeha njegovih modela leži u funkcionalnom pristupu dizajnu i uključivanju tehničkog faktora u jednadžbu. Osnovavši 1968. Italdesign, vrlo se brzo etablirao kao pouzdan partner sposoban isporučiti pakete po principu 'ključ u ruke', odnosno dizajn s inženjerskim studijama i studijama industrijalizacije. No iza discipliniranog tumača potreba industrije krio se briljantan talent s jedinstvenim pristupom.

'Automobilu koji ću dizajnirati pristupam s osjećajem prvog kupca. Stavljam se u poziciju krajnjeg korisnika proizvoda koji ima svoje potrebe i svoje zahtjeve bilo da je riječ o automobilu za svakodnevnu uporabu u kojem je naglasak na praktičnosti ili sportskom u koji je ponekad teško ući, poput De Tomaso Manguste ili koncepta Alfa Canguro koji je nastao dok sam bio u Bertoneu i bio visok tek 105 cm. Hedonističkih automobila u kojima se tragalo za čistom ljepotom i snagom.'

usability and Plato’s ideas of beauty, it has to foresee the coming changes, and also react to the stimulating world of the new generations, who represent the future.’

When he talks about his projects, Giorgetto manages to make every task, including the most complicated ones, seem normal and natural; in a way, even ordinary and easy. It may be his character trait, but one thing is sure – he never adds epic dimensions to his stories. There is no need for it, given his results; especially those achieved in the 1980s, which he is happy to point out because of the great creativity and search for solutions that the period offered, although, as he says, the foundations have remained the same.

‘Searching for an idea on an empty piece of paper is an exercise, a challenge that is still present today; it’s just the tools that have changed. Today, kids draw designs using a timesaving system. They use another type of a pen, but the thing that hasn’t changed are the moments in which you put your ideas, your visions on a paper or another media that can carry your vision.’

One of the secrets of Giugiaro’s greatness, as well as the success of his models, is that he approaches design in a functional way and takes into account the technology factor. Having founded Italdesign in 1968, he quickly established himself as a reliable partner, capable of delivering turnkey solutions, i.e. design with engineering and industrialisation studies. However, behind the disciplined interpreter of the needs of the industry, there was tremendous talent with a unique approach.

'Nove generacije koriste se programima umjesto olovkama, ali ono što se ne mijenja jest umijeće stvaranja kreativnih ideja'

‘New generations use programs instead of pencils; however, the thing that hasn’t changed is the art of making creative ideas come true’

'Dizajn je gotovo uvijek kompromis između kreativnosti i stvaranja u odnosu na vrijednosti koje mu nameću industrija i tržište'
‘Design is almost always a compromise between creativity and creation on the one hand and values forced upon it by the industry and the market on the other'

‘I approach the car I’m going to design as the first buyer would. I put myself in the position of the end user of the product, who has his/ her own needs and requirements, regardless of whether it’s about a car to be used daily, where practicality is priority, or a sports car, which is at times hard to get in such as De Tomaso Mangusta or the 105-cm tall concept Alfa Canguro, which I designed while I was at Bertone – hedonist cars, where pure beauty and power were the most important thing.’

Balansirajući između racionalnosti i kreativnosti, strogo određenih formi i slobode, Giugiaro je uvijek mogao pristupiti zadatku otvorenim umom. Neka nekonformistička rješenja koja je zagovarao postala su univerzalna 'pravila' nekoliko desetljeća poslije. Spremnost na usvajanje novina prati njegov pristup i danas kada je na pragu 86. godine.

'Civilizacije se mijenjaju i automobil je izgubio središnju poziciju koju je imao u prošlom stoljeću. Ne prate ga emocije na koje smo naviknuli. Kupuje se iz čiste potrebe i samo je jedna od stavki jer danas je toliko uređaja koji su nam na neki način postali nužni, poput mobitela primjerice. Istodobno, trenutačno se odlučno i snažno nameću proizvođači automobila s Istoka. Europa pomalo gubi primat, pri čemu nije važna samo cijena. Mi smo naviknuli imati puno, uživati u određenom komoditetu i nedostaje nam duh žrtvovanja. Na drugoj strani konkurencija je spremna za osvajanje i imaju plan, sredstva i znanje kojima rade goleme, nevjerojatne korake naprijed. Budućnost kako je ja vidim vodi nas u položaj u kojem se teško možemo nadmetati ako ne uključimo kreativnost, znanje i ideje. Snaga je brenda važna i ima svoju težinu, ali bitno je stvoriti uvjete koji neće otupiti stvaralačku energiju. Spremnost na inovacije i originalnost koja oslonac može pronaći u našoj povijesti, u tradiciji i kulturi. U suprotnom teško možemo pratiti korak koji se nameće.' Premda i dalje vozi automobile s klasičnim benzinskim motorom i voli pritisnuti gas, zbog čega ponekad i plati kaznu, Giugiaro je zagovornik električnih automobila za koje kaže da je potrebno vrijeme da ih razumijemo, ali ne i sustava za autonomnu vožnju. 'Električni automobili predstavljaju svojevrstan prijelaz iz srednjeg vijeka u moderno doba. Imaju ubrzanje koje ni najekstremniji superautomobil nema i sve to u potpunoj tišini, ali dok ne dođemo do stupnja koji će nam omogućiti duge vožnje neopterećene punjačima, rekao bih da nema smisla govoriti o tome. Čovjek je s elektrikom i elektronikom postigao nešto važno, a donijelo je to i nove izazove dizajnerima i inženjerima. Prostor koji nam stoji na raspolaganju jest veći, granice i opcije su veće, no postoje i ograničenja. Jedan od problema malo su povišene podnice u kojima su baterije. Inače smo puno slobodniji i možemo raditi što god želimo. Puno je lakše stvarati kada je podnica lijepa i ravna poput stola za bilijar. Razvojem tehnologije autonomni automobili postat će dio naše budućnosti. U pojedinim slučajevima postoji potreba za vozilima koji će nas odvesti nekamo, ali mislim da je čovjek sasvim sposoban sam upravljati automobilom', smatra najveći živući automobilski dizajner. 

Trying to find a balance between rationality and creativity, strictly defined forms and freedom, Giugiaro has always been able to approach a task with an open mind. Some of the non-conforming solutions he advocated became universal “rules” after several decades. Even now, approaching the age of 86, he is still ready to introduce innovation.

‘Civilisations change and the car has lost the central position it had in the last century. The emotions around it that we were used to aren’t there anymore. We buy things because we need them, and a car is just one of the items on the list; today we have so many devices, which have, in a way, become necessary, such as the mobile. At the same time, car manufacturers from the Far East are resolutely and fiercely gaining ground. Europe is losing its supremacy and the price is not the only important thing here. We are used to having a lot of things and enjoying certain comforts, but what we lack is the spirit of sacrifice. On the other hand, the competition is ready to advance and has a plan, the means and the knowledge to make huge, incredible steps forward. The future as I see it will take us to a position in which it will be difficult to compete if we don’t include our creativity, knowledge and ideas. The power of a brand is important and has its merits; however, it’s also important to create conditions that will not dull the creative energy. Readiness to innovate and originality that can find its support in our history, tradition and culture are also important. Otherwise, it’ll be hard to keep the pace that has been imposed on us.’

Although he still drives cars with a typical petrol engine and likes to step on the gas – and sometimes has to pay a fine for it – Giugiaro is an advocate of electric cars, saying that it takes time to understand them. However, he does not support autonomous driving systems. ‘Electric cars represent a transition of a sort from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era. Their acceleration is faster than that of the most extreme supercars, and they are completely silent at that; however, before we reach the point where long drives without charging are possible, I’d say there’s no point in discussion. We have made an important step forward with electricity and electronics, but this has also brought new challenges to designers and engineers. The space we have at our disposal is bigger, the boundaries have been pushed and there are more options. There are also limitations. One of the problems is the raised floor, where the batteries are stored. Otherwise, we have a much greater freedom to do what we want. It’s much easier to create when the floor is flat and level as a pool table. The technology will develop to a point where self-driving cars will become part of our future. In certain cases there is a need for vehicles that can take us to places, but I think that humans are quite capable of driving cars themselves,’ says the greatest living car designer.

Doživite „Napredak kroz tehniku“: predstavljamo novi Audi Q6 e-tron

Experience Progress through Technology: Meet the new Audi Q6 e-tron

Audi Q6 e-tron

Audi Q6 e-tron prvi je serijski model izgrađen na Premium Platform Electric (PPE) platformi i označava sljedeći korak u transformaciji tvrtke u pružatelja vrhunske električne mobilnosti. Svojim karakteristikama električni SUV sinonim je za „Napredak kroz tehniku“ (Vorsprung durch Technik). Model definiraju ne samo impresivne performanse vožnje i punjenja, već i povećana učinkovitost i veliki doseg. Audi Q6 e-tron* utjelovljuje tipičan stil SUV vozila marke Audi s dodatno profinjenim jezikom dizajna e-tron. Nova filozofija dizajna u unutrašnjosti i revolucionarne tehnologije po prvi put dostupne u novom modelu otvaraju sljedeće poglavlje električne mobilnosti za marku s četiri prstena i čine „Napredak kroz tehniku“ opipljivim iskustvom svaki dan. S Q6 e-tron modelom, e-mobilnost po prvi put dolazi iz tvornice u Ingolstadtu.

The Audi Q6 e-tron is the first series-production model built on the Premium Platform Electric (PPE), representing the next step in the company’s transformation into a provider of premium electric mobility. The electric SUV’s characteristics make it synonymous with Progress through Technology (Vorsprung durch Technik). The model is defined not only by its impressive driving and charging performance but also its increased efficiency and long range. The Audi Q6 e-tron* embodies the typical style of an Audi SUV with an additionally refined e-tron design language. The new philosophy of the interior design and the revolutionary technology which is, for the first time, available in the new model mark the start of the next chapter in electric mobility for the four-ring brand, making Progress through Technology a palpable experience on a daily basis. The Q6 e-tron is the first e-mobility model to come from the Ingolstadt plant.

Fotografije / Photos: Audi

Audi Q6 e-tron quattro i SQ6 e-tron već su dostupni za narudžbu i u Hrvatskoj, a isporuka prvih vozila očekuje se u ljeto 2024. PPE platforma, razvijena u suradnji s tvrtkom Porsche, i elektronička arhitektura E3 1.2 važne su prekretnice u širenju globalne ponude modela marke Audi s električnim pogonom. One označavaju početak sveobuhvatnog jačanja i pomlađivanja ponude modela. Q6 e-tron slijedi obećanje marke Audi da će ponuditi električna vozila u svim ključnim segmentima do 2027. „Izgrađen na novoj PPE platformi, Audi Q6 e-tron* sljedeći je tehnološki skok u vrhunskoj električnoj mobilnosti za naše kupce“, rekao je Gernot Döllner, predsjednik upravnog odbora tvrtke AUDI AG, na svjetskoj premijeri u glavnoj tvornici u Ingolstadtu. „PPE pokazuje kako spajamo stručno znanje unutar Volkswagen koncerna i time električnu mobilnost činimo skalabilnom. Zahvaljujući PPE platformi, u mogućnosti smo predstaviti modele velike serije s visokim tehničkim standardima u različitim segmentima i tako dodatno elektrificirati svoju ponudu“, dodao je izvršni direktor marke Audi. Fleksibilnost PPE platforme pomaže osigurati da budući modeli imaju neovisan karakter i tipičan Audi DNK unatoč zajedničkoj tehničkoj osnovi.

The Audi Q6 e-tron quattro and the SQ6 e-tron are also already available to order in Croatia, and the first cars are expected to be delivered in summer 2024.

The PPE, which was developed in partnership with Porsche, and the E3 1.2 electronic architecture are important milestones in the expansion of Audi’s global electric vehicle range. They mark the beginning of a comprehensive boost and rejuvenation of the models. The Q6 e-tron series is proof that Audi is honouring its promise to offer electric models in all core segments by 2027.

“Built on the new PPE, the Audi Q6 e-tron* is the next technological leap in premium electric mobility segment for our customers,” said Gernot Döllner, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI AG, at the world premiere at the company’s main plant in Ingolstadt.

“The PPE demonstrates how we are pooling our expertise within the Volkswagen Group, making electric mobility scalable. Thanks to the PPE, we are able to launch high-volume, technologically advanced models in different segments and thus additionally electrify our portfolio,” the Audi CEO added.

The flexibility of the PPE will help ensure that future models have both their unique character and the typical Audi DNA despite their shared technological foundation.

Q6 e-tron postavlja standarde u pogledu električnih performansi, dosega i punjenja. Utjelovljuje tipičan stil SUV vozila marke Audi s dodatno profinjenim jezikom dizajna e-tron i visokom razinom svakodnevne upotrebljivosti. Zahvaljujući novoj elektroničkoj arhitekturi E3 1.2, serija modela Q6 e-tron tehnološki je predvodnik ponude marke Audi.

Impresivan doseg i performanse punjenja Snažni, kompaktni i vrlo učinkoviti električni motori, kao i novorazvijena litij-ionska baterija koja se sastoji od dvanaest modula i 180 prizmatičnih ćelija ukupnog bruto kapaciteta od 100 kWh (94,9 neto) osiguravaju doseg do 625 km. Novi Audi Q6 e-tron osigurava sportske performanse tipične za Audi uz izlaznu snagu sustava od 285 kW (kombinirana potrošnja energije u kWh/100 km: 19,4–17,0 (WLTP); kombinirane emisije CO2 u g/km: 0; CO2 – klasa A), a SQ6 e-tron uz izlaznu snagu sustava do 380 kW uz aktivaciju dodatne funkcije (kombinirana potrošnja energije u kWh/100 km: 18,4–17,5 (WLTP); kombinirane emisije CO2 u g/km: 0; CO2 – klasa A) postavlja standarde u pogledu performansi, dosega, punjenja, dinamike vožnje i dizajna. Dvije varijante

The Audi Q6 e-tron sets standards in electric performance, range and charging. It embodies the characteristic style of an Audi SUV with an additionally refined e-tron design language and a high level of everyday usability. Thanks to the new E3 1.2 electronic architecture, the Q6 e-tron model series is the technological flagship of the Audi portfolio.

Impressive range and charging performance

Powerful, compact, and highly efficient electric motors, as well as a newly developed lithium-ion battery consisting of twelve modules and 180 prismatic cells that have a total gross capacity of 100 kWh (94.9 net) make it possible to reach a range of up to 625 km. The new Audi Q6 e-tron ensures the sporty performance that is typical of Audi with a system output of 285 kW (combined power consumption in kWh/100 km: 19.4 – 17.0 (WLTP); combined CO2 emissions in g/km: 0; CO2 – class A) and the SQ6 e-tron with a system output of up to 380 kW when the extra function is engaged (combined power consumption in kWh/100 km: 18.4 – 17.5 (WLTP); combined CO2 emissions in g/ km: 0; CO2 – class A), thus setting standards in terms of performance, range, charging, driving dynamics and

modela s pogonom na sve kotače bit će dostupne pri lansiranju na tržište, a nakon njih – ovisno o tržištu – uslijedit će posebno učinkoviti i na doseg orijentirani modeli s pogonom na stražnje kotače koji također označavaju ulazak u seriju Q6 e-tron. Q6 e-tron quattro ubrzava od 0 do 100 km/h za 5,9 sekundi. Modelu SQ6 e-tron potrebno je za to samo 4,3 sekunde. Zahvaljujući tehnologiji od 800 V i maksimalnom kapacitetu punjenja od 270 kW kao standardu, model Audi Q6 e-tron omogućuje kratka zaustavljanja za punjenje. Do 255 km moguće je napuniti u samo deset minuta na odgovarajućem punjaču (High Power Charging, HPC). Razina napunjenosti (SoC) povećava se s 10 na 80 % za oko 21 minutu. Inteligentno, visokoučinkovito i prediktivno upravljanje toplinom ključna je komponenta ove impresivne performanse punjenja. Opremljeno funkcijom Plug & Charge, vozilo se autorizira na kompatibilnim punjačima čim se kabel za punjenje priključi i počinje se puniti. Punjenje se također odvija potpuno automatski. Ako punjač radi s tehnologijom od 400 V, Audi Q6 e-tron može po prvi put omogućiti paralelno punjenje. Baterija od 800 V automatski se dijeli na dvije baterije jednakog napona koje se zatim mogu puniti paralelno s do 135 kW. Ovisno o razini napunjenosti, obje polovice baterije se prvo izjednače, a zatim se istovremeno pune. Punjenje izmjeničnom strujom s do 11 kW moguće je putem standardnih kućnih punjača. 

design. Two model variants with all-wheel drive will be available at market launch, followed – depending on the market – by particularly efficient range-oriented models with rear-wheel drive, which will also mark the entry into the Q6 e-tron series. The Q6 e-tron quattro accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h (0-60 mph) in 5.9 seconds. The SQ 6 e-tron models takes just 4.3 seconds.

Thanks to the 800-volt technology and a maximum charging capacity of 270 kW as standard, the Audi Q6 e-tron allows for short charging stops. It can be recharged for up to 255 km in just ten minutes at an appropriate charging station (High Power Charging, HPC). The state-of-charge (SoC) increases from 10 to 80 percent in about 21 minutes. Intelligent, highly efficient and predictive thermal management is a key component of this impressive charging performance. Equipped with the Plug & Charge function, the car authorises itself at compatible charging stations as soon as the charging cable is plugged in and starts charging. Charging is also fully automatic.

If a charging station works with the 400-volt technology, the Audi Q6 e-tron1 can, for the first time, enable bank charging. The 800-volt battery is automatically divided into two batteries of equal voltage, which can then be charged in parallel with up to 135 kW. Depending on the state of charge, both halves of the battery are first equalised and then charged simultaneously. AC charging with up to 11 kW is possible at standard home chargers. 



Sanitarije prilagođene osobama s posebnim potrebama / Toilet and shower facilities with a section for persons with disabilities

Restaurant / Bistro / Caffe bar

Trgovina prehrambenim namirnicama / Grocery store

Praonica rublja / Launderette

Bankomat / ATM

Parkiralište / Car park

Navoz / Slipway

Besplatan WI-FI / Free WI-FI Internet access

Bazen / Swiming pool

Dječje igralište / Children's playground

Sanitarije / Toilet and shower facilities

Apartmani / Apartments

Sidrište / Anchorage

Lučka kapetanija / Harbourmaster´s office

Iznajmljivanje brodova (charter) / Charter agencies

Iznajmljivanje automobila / Rent-a-car

Iznajmljivanje bicikla / Rent-a-bike

Iznajmljivanje motorkotača / Rent-a-scooter

Ronilački centar / Diving center

Benzinska crpka / Fuel station

Samohodna dizalica / Travel lift

Dizalica / Crane

Tesla Universal Destination charge

Tesla Only Destination Charge

Golf vježbalište / Golf range

Škola jedrenja / Nautical Academy

Carina / Customs

Fitness centar / Fitness center

Vanjsko fitness vježbalište / Outside fitness

Wellness centar / Wellness center

Tehnički servis plovila / Maintenance and repair shop

Frizerski salon / Hair salon

Kozmetički salon / Beauty salon


Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Šetalište Vladimira Gortana 7, 52470 Umag

 Tel: +385 (0) 52 741 066

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 833


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

100 t, 50t

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 515

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 40

Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 40m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 119m

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

0,11 nm

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana

 E751

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, MK-1, MK-2, Plan 11

ACI marina Umag Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula ispostava Umag / branch office Umag  tel:+385 (0) 52 741 662

UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

Tourist info:


Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  45°04,06’ N 13°38,04’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

0,5 nm

Kontakt / Contact

 Šetalište Vijeća Europe 1, 52210 Rovinj

 Tel: +385 (0) 52 813 133

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 836


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 195

Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 35m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 100m

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana

 E751

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, 100-16, MK-2, MK-3, Plan 11

ACI marina Rovinj

Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula

ispostava Rovinj/ branch office Rovinj

 tel:+385 (0) 52 811 132  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  44°52,6’ N 13°50’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Riva 1, 52100 Pula

 Tel: +385 (0) 52 219 142

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 837


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 215

Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 28m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 55m

Prometna povezanost /

Travel connections:

 Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana

 E751

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:

The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, 100-16, MK-2, MK-3, Plan 11

ACI marina Pula

Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula

 tel:+385 (0) 52 222 037

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  44°49’ N 13°54’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Pomer 26 A, 52100 Pula

 Tel: +385 (0) 52 573 162

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 832


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 295

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 14

Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 35m

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana

 E751

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-16, 50-3, MK-3, MK-4

ACI marina Pomer

Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula

 tel:+385 (0) 52 222 037

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  45°19,0’ N 14°17,7’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Liburnijska cesta 7 A, 51414 Ičići

 Tel: +385 (0) 51 704 004

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 840


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 292

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 35

Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 35m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 Rijeka, Zagreb, Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana

 A6, A7, E65, E71, E751

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, 50-4, MK-5

ACI marina Opatija

Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka

ispostava Opatija/ branch office Opatija

 tel:+385 (0) 51 711 249

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  44°57’ N 14°24’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Obala sv. Benedikta 3, 51557 Cres

 Tel: +385 (0) 51 571 622

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 839


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 440

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 70

Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 50m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 50m

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 Mali Lošinj, Rijeka, Zagreb, Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana

 A6, A7, E65, E71, E751

 Rijeka - Cres, Brestova - Porozina, Valbiska - Merag

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-16, 100-18, 50-3, Plan 20

ACI marina Cres

Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka ispostava Cres / branch office Cres

 tel:+385 (0) 51 571 111

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Supetarska Draga, 51280 Rab

 Tel: +385 (0) 51 776 268

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 841


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 9t 11 nm

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 310

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 53

Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 18m

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar

 E751

 Stinica - Mišnjak, Valbiska - Lopar, Rijeka - Rab

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, MK-7

ACI marina Supetarska Draga Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka

ispostava Rab / branch office Rab

 tel: +385 (0) 51 725 419

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: 1. 4. - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st |  44°45,4’ N 14°46,0’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:


Kontakt / Contact

 Šetalište kap. I. Dominisa 101, 51280 Rab

 Tel: +385 (0) 51 724 023

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 399 482


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 132

Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 20m

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar

 A6, E65, E71

 Stinica - Mišnjak, Valbiska - Lopar, Rijeka - Rab

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, MK-7, Plan 20

ACI marina Rab Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka

ispostava Rab / branch office Rab

 tel: +385 (0) 51 725 419

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Obala 1, Šimuni, 23251 Kolan

 Tel: +385 (0) 23 697 457

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 843


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 15t

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 191

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 55

Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 14m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 18m

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar

 A6, E65, E71

 Prizna - Žigljen, Rijeka - Novalja

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-17, 100-19, MK-9, MK-10

ACI marina Šimuni Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Zadar / Harbour Master’s Office Zadar ispostava Pag / branch office Pag

 tel:+385 (0) 23 611 023

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:


Otvorena: 1. 4 - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st |  43°53,2’ N 15°17,4’ E

Kontakt / Contact

 Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, 22242 Jezera

 Tel: +385 (0) 22 786 0278

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 844


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 8 nm

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 131

Sidrište / Anchorage: 15

Priključci struje / Power connections: 16A

Voda se isporučuje od 8 do 10 sati

Water available from 8 to 10 a.m.

Struja se isporučuje od 8 do 12 sati i od 18 do 24 sata

Electricity available from 8 a.m. to noon and from 6 p.m. to midnight

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:

The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:

101, 300-32, 100-20, MK-14, Plan 512

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik

ispostava Murter / branch office Murter

 tel:+385 (0) 22 435 190

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:,

ACI marina


Otvorena: 1. 4 - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st |  43°45,6’ N 15°21,2’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 12 nm

Kontakt / Contact

 Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, 22242 Jezera

 Tel: +385 (0) 91 470 0091

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 845


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 129

Priključci struje / Power connections: 16A

Voda se isporučuje od 8 do 10 sati

Water available from 8 to 10 a.m.

Struja se isporučuje od 8 do 12 sati i od 18 do 24 sata

Electricity available from 8 a.m. to noon and from 6 p.m. to midnight

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 30m

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:

The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, 100-20, 100-21, MK-14, Plan 512

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik

ispostava Murter / branch office Murter

 tel:+385 (0) 22 435 190

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:,

ACI marina Piškera

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, 22242 Jezera

 Tel: +385 (0) 22 439 295

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 846


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi / Berths:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 208

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 45

Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 20m

Prometna povezanost /

Travel connections:

 Zadar, Split

 A1, E65, E71

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-20, 100-21, MK-14, MK-15, Plan 512

ACI marina Jezera

Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik

ispostava Tisno / branch office Tisno

 tel: +385 (0) 22 439 313,

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round | 

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Artina 13 A, 22211 Vodice

 Tel: +385 (0) 22 443 086

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 847


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 60t 10t

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 412

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 25

Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 25m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 25m

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 Zadar, Split

 A1, E65, E71

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-21, MK-15, Plan 533

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik

ispostava Vodice/ branch office Vodice

 tel:+385 (0) 22 443 055

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

ACI marina Vodice
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Obala Pavla Šubića 18, 22222 Skradin

 Tel: +385 (0) 22 771 365

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 848


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 164

Priključci struje / Power connections: 125A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 50m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 70m

Prometna povezanost /

Travel connections:

 Zadar, Split  A1, E65, E71

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-21, MK-15, Plan 518

ACI marina Skradin

Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik

 tel: +385 (0) 22 217 216

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  43°30,8’ N 16°15,2’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 9t

Kontakt / Contact

 Put Cumbrijana 22, 21220 Trogir

 Tel: +385 (0) 21 881 544

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 849


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 161

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 26

Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 20m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 30m

Prometna povezanost /

Travel connections:

 Split

 A1, E65, E71 (15 km)

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, MK-16, Plan 534

ACI marina Trogir

Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split

ispostava Trogir / branch office Trogir

 tel: +385 (0) 21 881 508

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Uvala Baluni 8, 21000 Split

 Tel: +385 (0) 21 398 599

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 850


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 10t

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 318

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 15

Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 26m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 90m

0,05 nm

Prometna povezanost /

Travel connections:  Split  A1, E65, E71

 Split - Supetar, Split - Stari Grad, SplitVela Luka - Ubli, Split - Milna - Hvar - Vis, Split - Bol - Jelsa, Split - Hvar - Vela Luka - Ubli, Split - Bol - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik, Ancona - Split, Ancona - Stari Grad - Split

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, 100-26, MK-16, MK-18, Plan 47

ACI marina Split

Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split

 tel: +385 (0) 21 302 400

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  43°19,6’ N 16°27,0’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Brdo I 3, 21405 Milna

 Tel: +385 (0) 21 636 306

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 851


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 8t

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 148

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 15

Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 35m

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 Brač, Split  A1, E65, E71

 Split Supetar

Split Rogač Milna

Split Milna Hvar Vis

Split Milna Hvar Korčula Mljet Dubrovnik

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, 100-22, 100-26, MK-16, MK-18

ACI marina Milna Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Milna / branch office Milna

 tel: +385 (0) 21 636 205

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |  43°10,8’ N 16°41,0’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 21463 Vrboska

 Tel: +385 (0) 21 774 018

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 812


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 5t

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 116

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 12

Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 25m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 35m

Prometna povezanost /

Travel connections:

 Split, Brač

 A1, E65, E71

 Split - Stari Grad, Drvenik - Sućuraj, Split - Milna - Hvar - Vis, Split - Bol - Jelsa, Split - Bol - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik, Ancona - Stari Grad - Split

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-25, 100-26, MK-19, Plan 535

ACI marina Vrboska Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Jelsa / branch office Jelsa

 tel: +385 (0) 21 761 055

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:


Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: 1. 4. - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st d |  43°09,8’ N 16°23,8’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 21450 Hvar

 Tel: +385 (0) 21 744 995

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 853


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

2,5 nm

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 180

Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 Brač, Split

 A1, E65, E71

 Dubrovnik - Hvar, Ancona - Split - Hvar, Bari - Dubrovnik - Hvar, Taxi boats: Hvar - Palmižana

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:

101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-22, 100-25, 100-26, MK-19, Plan 50

ACI marina Palmižana Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Hvar/ branch office Hvar

 tel: +385 (0) 21 741 007

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 20260 Korčula

 Tel: +385 (0) 20 711 661

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 854


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 166

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 16

Priključci struje / Power connections: 125A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 17m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 50m

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:

The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-25, 100-26, 100-27, MK-22

Prometna povezanost /

Travel connections:

 Split, Dubrovnik

 A1, E65, E71

 Trajekt / Ferry (cijelu godinu / all year): -Orebić- Dominče (Korčula)

-Split-Vela Luka -Ploče-Trpanj -Dubrovnik-Bari

 Katamaran / Catamaran

Cijelu godinu / all year: -Orebić-Korčula


-Split-Hvar-Vela Luka-Ubli -Dubrovnik-Korčula-Ubli

Samo u sezoni:

-Split-Hvar-Korčula-Mljet(Pomena)-Dubrovnik -Split-Bol-Makarska-Korčula-Mljet(Sobra)-Dubrovnik

ACI marina Korčula Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik / Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik ispostava Korčula / branch office Korčula

 tel: +385 (0) 20 711 178

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Slanica 2, 20232 Slano

 Tel: +385 (0) 20 441 721

 GSM: +385 (0) 99 478 8059


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 197

Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 20m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 50m

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

14 nm

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 Dubrovnik

 A1, E65, E71

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-34, INT3414, 100-27, 50-20, MK-25

ACI marina “Veljko Barbieri” Slano

Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik / Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik ispostava Slano / branch office Slano

 tel:+385 (0) 20 871 177  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round | 



Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

 Na skali 2, Mokošica, 20001 Dubrovnik

 Tel: +385 (0) 20 455 020

 GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 813


 UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi / Berths:

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 371

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 120

Priključci struje / Power connections: 125A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:

Maximum vessel length annual berth: 40m

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:

Maximum vessel length daily berth: 45m

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

 Dubrovnik

 E751

 Dubrovnik - Korčula - Hvar - Bol - Split, Bari - Dubrovnik

pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:

ACI marina Dubrovnik

Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport 988

Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik / Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik

 tel: +385 (0) 20 418 988, fax: +385 (0) 20 418 987, +385 (0) 20 418 987

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16

 Tourist info:

 Tourist info:


Fotografije / Photos:

Davor Žunić

Petar Fabijan


1. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 1st place in the Marina of the Year cathegory

2. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 2nd place in the Marina of the Year cathegory

3. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 3rd place in the Marina of the Year cathegory

1. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 1st place in the Size cathegory

2. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 2nd place in the Size cathegory

3. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 3rd place in the Size cathegory

K ategorija velikih marina/ Large marina cathegory

K ategorija srednjih marina/ Medium marina cathegory

K ategorija malih marina/ Small marina cathegory

Posebno priznanje za najbolju otočnu marinu/ The Best Island Marina special recognition

Posebno priznanje za razvoj ponude luksuznog turizma / Special Recognition for the Development of Luxury Tourism Best New Investment Reward



Najbolja marina po ocjenama nautičara

The best marina recognized by their boaters

Druga najbolja marina po ocjenama nautičara

The second-best marina recognized by their boaters

Treća najbolja marina po ocjenama nautičara

The third-best marina recognized by their boaters

Eksk luzivno priznanje za razvoj elitnog turizma

The exclusive recognition for the development of elite nautical tourism

Posebno priznanje Moja najdraža marina

“My favorite marina” Special Reward

Posebno priznanje za najljubaznije osoblje

Zlatni osmijeh

The "Golden Smile of the Adriatic” -

Staff Kindness Special Reward

Posebna zahvala

Special Acknowledgment

Najsigurnija korona-free marina

The safest Coronavirus-free marina

Biser zelene magistrale

The Pearl of the green highway

Zlatni vez gastronomije

The Golden berth of gastronomy

Nagrada Kolos

Kolos award


Zlatno jedro/ Gold sail

Srebrno jedro/ Silver sail

Brončano jedro/ Bronze sail

Posebno priznanje za razvoj nautičkog turizma/

Special award for the development of nautical tourism

Posebno priznanje za gastro marinu Jadrana/ Special award for the gastronomic marina of the Adriatic

Posebno priznanje za najbolju ponudu dodatnog sadržaja/ Special award for the best offer of additional content

Priznanje za zaštitu okoliša i ekologiju

Environmental protection and ecology award





Fotografije / Photos:

Davor Žunić

Petar Fabijan

ACI Umag, ACI Rovinj, ACI Pula, ACI Pomer, ACI Opatija, ACI Cres, ACI Supetarska Draga, ACI Rab, ACI Jezera, ACI Vodice, ACI Skradin, ACI Trogir, ACI Split, ACI Milna, ACI Vrboska, ACI Korčula, ACI Slano, ACI Dubrovnik

ACI marine dugoodišnji su i redovni osvajači prestižnih nagrada i priznanja “Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku” i "Zlatno sidro" Nautičke patrole Jutarnjeg lista koja se dodjeljuju najuspješnijim, najkvalitetnijim i najprepoznatljivijim hrvatskim turističkim subjektima i destinacijama. Slijede samo neka od priznanja i nagrada koje su ACI marine osvojile od 2010. godine:

For many years, ACI marinas have regularly won prestigious awards and recognitions “Tourism Flower - Quality for Croatia,” and "The Golden Anchor" of the Jutarnji list Nautical Patrol awarded to the most successful, the best and the most recognized Croatian tourist companies and destinations. These are some of the recognitions and awards ACI marinas have won since 2010: 1 ACI Umag


ACI Pula

ACI Pomer

ACI Opatija

ACI Cres

ACI Supetarska Draga


ACI Šimuni

ACI Žut + sidrište/anchorage Žut

ACI Piškera

ACI Jezera

ACI Vodice

ACI Skradin

ACI Trogir

ACI Split

ACI Milna 18 ACI Vrboska 19 ACI Palmižana 20 ACI Korčula 21 ACI Slano 22 ACI Dubrovnik

ACI marina - Dobitnik priznanja
ACI Marina - award winner
Plava zastava / Blue flag
Posebno priznanje za razvoj ponude luksuznog turizma / Special Recognition for the Development of Luxury Tourism





Obrt "Lido"

+385 (0) 99 642 5733



Gurman d.o.o.

+385 (0) 52 496 036



Fidem-Arba d.o.o.

+385 (0) 98 386 225



Obrt ''Mirela''

+358 (0) 91 917 3679

+385 (0) 91 553 0171



Grašo commerce d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 398 560



Fran Zvonimir Petković

+385 (0) 98 929 5832


Poolaka Bar & Restaurant

Salsum d.o.o.

+385 (0) 99 300 1985



Maistra d.d.

+385 (0) 52 800 250


Domicil d.o.o.

+385 (0) 51 704 147


Obrt "Smokva"

+385 (0) 23 697 053



Obrt Omegamaris

+385 (0)995625034



Loza Vrdoljak d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 399 333

+385 (0) 91 434 3050



Obrt za organizaciju koncerata, vl. Marko Skokandić

+385 (0) 20 721 188

+385 (0) 91 538 9773


Maistra d.d.

+385 (0) 52 800 250


Turić i Bućan j.d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 306 0057


ŽUT NO. 20

Žut Number 20 d.o.o.

+385 (0) 22 207 038



Obrt "Pasquale"

+385 (0) 98 588 108;


M.B. Vičić d.o.o.

+385 (0) 021 636 220



Šimun d.o.o.

+385 (0) 20 871 991


Authentic j.d.o.o.

+385 (0) 91 223 3660


Obrt "Vojko"

+385 (0) 51 776 805 +385 (0) 91 677 6700


Number 20 d.o.o.

+385 (0) 99 432 4434



Obrt "Lašk"

+385 (0) 21 884 001


Opus Meus d.o.o.

+385 (0) 095 319 9527


Zephyrus Restaurant & Pool Bar

Raunig d.o.o.

+385 (0) 91 622 5624



Almi d.o.o.

+385 (0) 52 741 065


Obrt "Secom NS"

+385 (0) 51 216 894

+385 (0) 91 502 2622



+385 (0) 993665522


Nautički centar Orka d.o.o.

+385 (0) 22 435 437

+385 (0) 91 566 7755



Obrt "Wave Yacht Service"

+385 (0) 99 402 5562



Coredus d.o.o.

+385 (0) 20 000 000

+385 (0) 99 793 420



Fokus d.o.o.

+385 92 170 8199


Prestige d.o.o.

+385 (0) 52 300 001

+385 (0) 98 403 908


Cesar servisi d.o.o.

+385 (0) 51 325 310 099 263 8980


Paracelsus d.o.o.

+385 (0) 51 776 483


Obrt "Polaris Yacht Service"

+385 (0) 22 443 021

+385 (0) 98 266 343



Enia d.o.o

+385 (0) 51 263 409

+385 (0) 51 264 128



Obrt "Kuna"

+385 (0) 95 818 3433



Nautički servis Dubrovnik d.o.o.

+385 (0) 20 454 215

+385 (0) 91 445 1110


Master Yacht Service d.o.o.

+385 (0) 99 403 8507


Fra-Ni Remont d.o.o.

+385 (0) 51 571 920

+385 (0) 98 234 893


+385 (0) 98 343 284


Robert Skroza, vlasnik obrta "RS" 095 9057 797



Matadura d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 398 561


Obrt "Lanterna" +385 (0) 91 533 5125



Nicro Nautica d.o.o.

+385 (0) 97 7392000




Adriatic Wave d.o.o.

+385 (0) 98 917 3629


Studio tim d.o.o.

+385 (0) 52 213 988 +385 (0) 98 334 684



Centar Jedrenja d.o.o.

+385 (0) 22 439 000 +385 (0) 99 443 9000



Pitter putnička agencija d.o.o.

+385 (0) 23 386 700



Arkanđel j.d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 587 211


Mennyacht d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 573 1136


Vito nautika d.o.o. +385 (0) 52 393 890


CHARTER d.o.o.

Eol Nostrum d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 252 1329



Veritas Yachting Europe GmbH

+385 (0) 22 571 736

+385 (0) 99 437 8301



Dalmatia Charter Agency d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 797 239

+385 (0) 91 188 2881



Nova Eurospectra d.o.o. +385 (0) 95 516 6212


Waypoint d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 367 686 +385 (0) 98 368 334


Dream Yacht Croatia d.o.o.

+385 (0) 20 456 750 +385 (0) 91 274 5145


BB Jezera

Obrt "BB Jezera" +385 (0) 98 985 7301



Under Heaven d.o.o.

+385 (0)91 3300 691 +385 (0)91 3300 697


GLOBAL YACHTING +40745236003



Salpa d.o.o.

+385 (0) 98 428 730


ISTION YACHTING +385 (0) 98 588 680 +385 (0) 99 210 9327



Aba Vela d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 321 407 +385 (0) 98 667 622


Marea Forte Group d.o.o.

+385 (0) 51 705 620



Angelina Tours d.o.o.

+385 (0) 23 385 293



Angelina Trogir d.o.o. +385 (0) 23 385 293



Nautika Kufner d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 478 9219



Adria Yachting Charter d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 263 4256




Astarea d.o.o.

+385 (0) 23 385 293



Fair Wind d.o.o.

+385 (0) 98 162 0992


Orvas d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 735 377 +385 (0) 95 344 4111



Sunčani Život d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 398 496 +385 (0) 91 3456 783



Croatia Yachting d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 332 332

+385 (0) 91 331 3343



Nautika Nava Centar d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 407 705



Alberta Yachts d.o.o. + 385 (0) 21 398 786 + 385 (0) 95 9024 761



Na pola puta d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 539 0089



Top Light d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 358 344 +385 (0) 91 605 3947



Dubrovnik Yachting d.o.o.

+385 (0) 91 488 1999



Bomi Ship d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 314 555 +385 (0) 91 314 5555


+385 (0) 99 496 7631



ULTRA d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 398 578



Sailor's moon d.o.o.

+385 (0) 95 811 0379 KRISTINA@OMGSAILING.COM



Navigare Yachting d.o.o.

+385 (0) 1 233 1661

+385 (0) 91 377 7603


Euromarine CHARTER d.o.o.

+385 (0) 1 555 2200

+385 (0) 99 210 1594


International Cruising Yachts d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 358 824



Sail Croatia d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 317 902



Adriatic Yacht Charter d.o.o.

+385 (0) 98 273 880



Sunsail Adriatic d.o.o.

+385 (0) 20 455 075

+385 (0) 99 813 8624




Adria Luxury Boats d.o.o.

+385 (0) 91 727 1866



Ultra d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 398 578



Kvarner nautika d.o.o. +385 (0) 98 983 1430



Nautika Centar Nava d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 407 705


Mennyacht d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 177 2610


Sanlorenzo South Central Europe d.o.o. +385 99 357 1727




Donar d.o.o.

+385 (0) 52 219 173

+385 (0) 98 802 328



Lalizas Marina d.o.o.

+385 (0) 20 454 073



Obrt "Wave Yacht Service" +385 (0) 99 402 5562


Gumicentar d.o.o.

+385 (0) 91 201 2599



Seariver Tech. Department d.o.o. +385 (0) 20 486 040


Aurani d.o.o.

+385 (0) 51 774 823


Fokus d.o.o.



+385 ( 0) 91 760 4226




Procella d.o.o.

+385 (0) 98 924 1034



Alberta Yachts d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 398 786


Boltano d.o.o.

+385 (0) 91 201 4607


Almi d.o.o.

+385 (0) 52 741 065



Veliko plavetnilo d.o.o.

+385 (0) 51 704 741




International Cruising Yachts d.o.o.

+385 (0) 95 3986 765





Procella d.o.o.

+385 (0) 91 583 4255



Luka trade j.d.o.o.

+385 (0) 98 382 509



Obrt "Žele"

+385 (0) 21 744 988



MLINAR pekarska industrija d.o.o.

+385 (0) 1 23 82 300


Timun d.o.o.

+385 (0) 51 571 312



Obrt "Mala medena"

+385 (0) 21 881 430

+385 (0) 91 539 5866


Konzum plus d.o.o. 0800 400 000


P.V. Lišnjak trade d.o.o. +385 (0) 99 314 6205


Kaskade d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 398 320


Tisak plus d.o.o. +385 (0) 72 000 001




Procella d.o.o.

+385 (0) 91 583 4255



Old Republic j.d.o.o.

+385 (0) 20 780 6948

+385 (0) 99 380 6744


WINESTOCK MARKET d.o.o. +385(0) 98 9317898



Vinoretum j.d.o.o.

+385 (0) 99 298 2047




Obrt ''Go Digital''

+385 (0) 98 446 754




Obrt "Valentina"

+385 (0) 52 463 308 +385 (0) 98 335 563



Obrt ''Mabel''

+385 (0) 91 619 1141



Obrt za njegu i održavanje tijela ''Studio balance''

+385 (0)95 829 3131




Admiral Laundry j.d.o.o. +385 (0) 95 258 8827



Parilo d.o.o.

+385 (0) 98 417 415



Amare j.d.o.o.

+385 (0) 95 505 3652



Obrt "Glenda Cut"

+385 (0) 91 989 0200



Obrt Hair Force, vl. Veronika Medić

+385 (0) 98 176 2446



Auto Benussi d.o.o.

+385 (0) 52 385 888


Obrt "Diamond beauty"

+385 (0) 98 972 1111


Obrt "Paeonia"

+385 (0) 99 665 8820



Markel d.o.o.

+385 (0) 51 725 639



Velox d.o.o.

+385 (0) 20 891 015

+385 (0) 99 417 7787




Bruškin Dubrovnik j.d.o.o.

+385 (0) 91 603 8910



Obrt za češćenje i održavanje ''Kristal''

+385 (0) 20 452 019

+385 (0) 99 206 7708



Obrt ''Cvijetno blago''

+385 (0) 91 311 2296



Parabellum Plus d.o.o.

+385 99 513 09 06



Obrt Hair Force, vl. Veronika Medić

+385 (0) 98 176 2446



Obrt za čišćenje ''P.I.A.''

+385 (0) 91 363 6483



+385 (0) 91 632 6115




Generali osiguranje d.d.

+385 (0) 51 704 171




N Travel Adriatic d.o.o.

+385 (0) 99 834 3738



Korkyra Nautika d.o.o.

+385 (0) 20 721 073

+385 (0) 99 638 8944



Autotrans d.d.

+385 (0) 72 660 660




Academia navalis Adriatica d.o.o.

+385 (0) 51 711 814

+385 (0) 99 217 8404




Ameba d.o.o.

+385 (0) 21 386 250

+385 (0) 98 235 662


Rona Trade d.o.o.

+385 (0) 51 715 728



Eurovilla d.o.o.

+385 (0) 1 4815 111 +385 98 367 582



GeoTag d.o.o.

+385 (99) 732 21 38



Rei Capital d.o.o.

+385 (0) 91 110 1888

Fotografije / Photos: Cannes Yachting Festival - Abracadabra Studio




Kao medijski partner Cannes Yachting Festivala ACI No.1 imao je idealnu platformu za predstavljanje na najvećem svjetskom sajmu nautike. Azurna obala ponudila je savršenu pozornicu za promociju našeg luksuznog lifestyle magazina među elitnom publikom ljubitelja jahti i hedonističkog načina života

Being a media partner of the Cannes Yachting Festival was an ideal platform for ACI No. 1 to present itself at the largest international boat show. The French Riviera provided the perfect setting for the promotion of our luxury lifestyle magazine among the elite audience of yacht enthusiasts and lovers of a hedonist lifestyle

Svake godine na Cannes Yachting Festivalu izloženo je više od 600 plovila, a ovaj događaj posjeti više od 50 tisuća ljudi

Each year, over 600 boats are exhibited at the Cannes Yachting Festival and more than 50 thousand people visit the event

Cannes, grad prepoznatljiv po filmskom sjaju i azurnom plavetnilu, svakog rujna postaje pozornica za ples brodova. Cannes Yachting Festival, oaza luksuza i nautičke avanture, okuplja jahte iz svih krajeva svijeta pretvarajući obalu u kaleidoskop boja i stilova. Ikonični Boulevard de la Croisette pleše u ritmu valova, a zlatni zalasci sunca s Le Suqueta pružaju gotovo impresionističke kadrove nad francuskom rivijerom.

Gradske luke Vieux Port i Port Canto pretvaraju se u morske snove pod vedrim nebom. Više od 600 izloženih plovila, od elegantnih jedrenjaka do raskošnih superjahti, predstavljaju vrhunac nautičke kreativnosti i inovacija. Kao prvi i središnji događaj u međunarodnom kalendaru festival u Cannesu privlači sve velike igrače u industriji koji ovdje održavaju svjetske premijere novih modela. Mogućnost isprobavanja plovila u njihovu prirodnom ambijentu dodatna je prednost koju cijene brojni mogući kupci.

U sklopu 46. izdanja ovog prestižnog događaja sjajila se i naša luksuzna lifestyle platforma ACI No.1. Predani tim ACI-ja imao je čast upoznati posjetitelje s bogatim i raznolikim sadržajem magazina koji je dostupan u tiskanom i digitalnom

Every September, Cannes, a city famous for its film glamour and the azure sea, becomes the stage on which boats perform. The Cannes Yachting Festival, an oasis of luxury and boating adventures, brings together yachts from all over the world, transforming the coast into a kaleidoscope of colours and styles. The iconic Boulevard de la Croisette dances to the rhythm of the waves and the golden sunsets seen at Le Suquet create quasi-Impressionist pictures of the French Riviera.

The city ports of Vieux Port and Port Canto transform into a sea fantasy under the sky. Over 600 exhibited boats, ranging from elegant sailing ships to lavish superyachts, represent the pinnacle of nautical creativity and innovation. The first and central event in the international calendar, the Cannes festival attracts all the big players in the industry as the place where their new models are premiered. Being able to try out a boat in its natural setting is an additional benefit, which is appreciated by many prospective buyers.

As part of the 46th edition of this prestigious event, ACI No. 1, our luxury lifestyle platform, also sparkled. The dedicated ACI team were

Premda su jahte nesumnjivo u središtu pozornosti, festival u Cannesu pruža sveobuhvatno iskustvo glamura, kulture i ljepote života na moru

Although the yachts are undoubtedly the centre of attention, the Cannes festival offers an all-encompassing experience of the glamour, culture and beauty of the life at sea

obliku. Od fascinantnih intervjua s ikonama iz svijeta show businessa do očaravajućih reportaža o najuzbudljivijim hrvatskim destinacijama ACI No.1 čitateljima pruža izvanredno iskustvo i premium sadržaj.

Istodobno smo predstavili najnovije vijesti iz ACI-jevih marina pružajući uvid u inovativne projekte, događaje i usluge koje ACI-jev lanac marina već 40 godina čine poželjnom destinacijom za sve nautičare koji odluče zaploviti Jadranom. Od obnovljenih marina do ekskluzivnih sadržaja i usluga ACI d.d. kontinuirano postavlja standarde u industriji nudeći nezaboravna iskustva svim ljubiteljima morskih avantura. Bilo da je riječ o istraživanju skrovitih kutaka hrvatskih otoka ili otkrivanju živahnih obalnih gradova, najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu pruža sve potrebne sadržaje i usluge za nezaboravan odmor. Prvo izdanje festivala u Cannesu održano je 1977. godine, a u proteklih skoro pet desetljeća postojanja taj je događaj postao epicentar svjetske nautike na kojem izlažu najveća i najpoznatija brodogradilišta i diktiraju se novi trendovi u industriji. Cannes Yachting Festival izdvaja se od ostalih pomorskih manifestacija svojim cjelovitom pristupom. Dok su jahte nesumnjivo u središtu pozornosti, festival pruža sveobuhvatno iskustvo luksuza. Zahvaljujući brojnim gurmanskim restoranima, vrhunskim dizajnerskim buticima i prekrasnoj lokaciji festival nudi kompletan doživljaj glamura, kulture i ljepote života na moru.

privileged to be able to familiarise the visitors with a rich and varied contents of the magazine, which is available in a print and a digital edition. From fascinating interviews with icons of the world of show business to enchanting feature stories about the most exciting Croatian destinations, ACI No 1 offers its readers an extraordinary experience and premium content.

At the same time, we were able to report the latest news from ACI marinas, offering insight into innovative projects, events and services, which, for the past 40 years, have been making the ACI chain of marinas an attractive destination for all boaters who decide to sail in the Adriatic. From renovated marinas to exclusive amenities and services, ACI has continuously been setting standards in the industry, offering unforgettable experiences for all lovers of sea adventures. Be it about exploring the hidden corners of Croatian islands or about discovering lively coastal cities, the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean offers all the amenities and services needed for an unforgettable holiday.

The first edition of the Cannes festival took place in 1977, and in the nearly five decades of its existence, this event has become the centre of the international boating industry, where the largest and bestknown shipyards put their boats on display and new industry trends

Uzbuđenje i luksuz ispunjavaju svaki kutak grada na francuskoj rivijeri dok posjetitelji uživaju u spektaklu koji se proteže duž obale

Every corner of the city on the French Riviera is full of excitement and luxury, while the visitors enjoy the spectacle taking place along the coast

Onima željnim znanja edukativni seminari i predavanja otkrivaju tajne nautičke industrije. Stručnjaci dijele svoje iskustvo i raspravljaju o najnovijim trendovima i izazovima u toj fascinantnoj grani, dok glamurozne zabave na jahtama i u elitnim klubovima privlače zvijezde iz svijeta filma, glazbe i sporta. Ljubiteljima gastronomskih užitaka festival nudi degustacije vrhunskih vina i delicija iz raznih krajeva svijeta, a modne revije pronalaze inspiraciju u morskom ambijentu predstavljajući najnovije trendove u nautičkoj modi. Aukcije luksuznih predmeta i umjetnina privlače kolekcionare i one u potrazi za jedinstvenim komadima, a blizina dragulja Azurne obale kao što su Monte Carlo i Saint-Tropez pruža bezbroj dodatnih mogućnosti. Cannes Yachting Festival nije samo prilika da vidite najluksuznije jahte na svijetu nego i da doživite morski chic u njegovu punom sjaju. 

are set. The Cannes Yachting Festival stands out from others maritime events due to its comprehensive approach. Whereas the yachts are undoubtedly the centre of attention, the festival offers an all-encompassing experience of luxury. Thanks to a number of gourmet restaurants, first-class designer boutiques and its beautiful location, the festival offers a full experience of the glamour, culture and beauty of the life at sea.

For those eager to know more, educational seminars and lectures reveal the secrets of the boating industry. Professionals share their expert knowledge and discuss the latest trends and challenges in this fascinating branch of industry, while glamourous parties on yachts and in elite clubs attract film, music and sport stars. To gourmets, the festival offers tastings of first-class wines and delicacies from various parts of the world, while fashion shows find inspiration in the marine ambience, presenting the latest trends in boating fashion. Auction sales of luxury items and artwork attract collectors and those in search of unique pieces, and the vicinity of the gems of the French Riviera, such as Monte Carlo and Saint-Tropez, offer a multitude of additional possibilities. The Cannes Yachting Festival is not only an opportunity to see the most luxurious yachts in the world but also a chance to experience the nautical chic in its full glory. 

Fotografija / Photo: Juraj Kopač, HTZ



Između ACI Slano i ACI Dubrovnik nalaze se čarobni Elafitski otoci. Zaplovite s nama kroz magičan arhipelag i otkrijte skrivene bisere Jadranskog mora koji će vas očarati netaknutom ljepotom i autentičnim mediteranskim šarmom

Plovidba od ACI marine Dubrovnik do ACI marine Slano ubraja se u najljepše doživljaje na Jadranu.

Krstarenje Elafitima istinska je gozba za sva osjetila u kojoj vas čeka prekrasna kombinacija očaravajuće prirode, bogate povijesti i šarmantnih otočića.

Za početak naše rute po Elafitima izabrali smo ACI Dubrovnik, a za kraj plovidbe ACI Slano. Smještena na samom kraju impresivnog fjorda Rijeka dubrovačka, ACI marina Dubrovnik najjužnija je marina u ACI-jevu lancu. Jedna od najvećih prednosti marine blizina je povijesnom centru Dubrovnika u kojem nautičari mogu istražiti bogatu povijest, kulturu i znamenitosti Dubrovnika, uključujući dubrovačke zidine, Stradun, katedralu, crkve i muzeje. Kombinacijom izvrsne lokacije, kvalitetne usluge i prekrasnog okruženja ACI Marina Dubrovnik privlači brojne nautičare iz cijelog svijeta kojima je ovo idealna polazna točka za istraživanje ljepota južnog Jadrana, s naglaskom na Elafite.

Prekrasan arhipelag koji se nalazi nedaleko od Dubrovnika omiljena je destinacija nautičara koji traže mir i tišinu. Skupina se sastoji od 13 otoka i hridi, od kojih su najpoznatiji Koločep, Lopud i Šipan, no postoji i nekoliko manjih manje naseljenih otoka poput Jakljana, Olipe i Tajana.

Between ACI Slano and ACI Dubrovnik, there are the enchanting Elaphiti Islands. Sail with us around the magic archipelago, discover the hidden gems of the Adriatic Sea and let yourself be captivated by their untouched beauty and authentic Mediterranean charm

Sailing from ACI Marina Dubrovnik to ACI Marina Slano is one of the most beautiful experiences in the Adriatic. Cruising around the Elaphites is a real feast for all the senses, filled with a delightful combination of beautiful scenery, rich history and charming little islands.

We have chosen ACI Dubrovnik as the starting point of our tour of the Elaphiti Islands and will finish it at ACI Slano.

Situated at the far end of the impressive deep inlet of Rijeka Dubrovačka, ACI Marina Dubrovnik is the southernmost marina in ACI’s chain. One of the biggest advantages of the marina is its vicinity to the historical centre of Dubrovnik, where boaters can explore the city’s rich history, culture and local attractions, including the City Walls, Stradun, the cathedral, churches and museums. The combination of a great location, first-class service and beautiful surroundings is the reason why ACI Marina Dubrovnik attracts many boaters from around the world, who see it as the ideal starting point for exploring the beauties of the Southern Adriatic, especially the Elaphiti Islands. The beautiful archipelago not far from Dubrovnik is a favourite spot with boaters seeking peace and quiet. The archipelago consists of 13 islands and islets,

Prekrasan arhipelag koji se nalazi nedaleko od Dubrovnika omiljena je destinacija nautičara koji traže mir i tišinu

The beautiful archipelago not far from Dubrovnik is a favourite spot with boaters seeking peace and quiet

Nakon što isplovite iz ACI marine Dubrovnik već nakon nekoliko milja čeka vas Koločep, jedan od rijetkih otoka na Jadranu koji ima dva imena. Kalamota, kako glasi lokalno ime otoka, oaza je mira i zelenila s gustom borovom šumom i razvedenom obalom prepunom uvala. Na otoku se nalaze dva naselja Donje Čelo i Gornje Čelo spojena ugodnim šetalištem dugim nekoliko kilometara koja očaravaju tradicionalnim kamenim kućama i uskim ulicama. Otok krije bogato naslijeđe crkvica, kapelica i fortifikacijskih spomenika. Tvrđava Kaštio, dominirajući nad lukom Donjeg Čela, impozantnom prisutnošću svjedoči o prošlim vremenima kada je služila kao utočište od gusarskih napada. Najveća crkva na otoku, posvećena Blaženoj Gospi, izgrađena je u 12. ili 13. stoljeću, a među ostalim dragocjenim spomenicima su i kapelice sv. Antuna Opata, Sv. Trojstvo, Sv. Nikola te Sv. Antun Padovanski. Nautički, Koločep predstavlja mali raj na zemlji. U uvalama Gornje Čelo i Donje Čelo nalaze se lijepe plaže, a preporučujemo i posjet Modroj špilji na jugozapadnoj strani otoka.

Kada stupite na obalu Lopuda, osjetit ćete kako vas obavija osjećaj mira i spokoja. Na ovom otoku vlada blaga mediteranska klima koja

best-known of which are Koločep, Lopud and Šipan; however, there are also some smaller, less populated, islands such as Jakljan, Olipa and Tajan.

Sailing out of ACI Marina Dubrovnik, you will get to Koločep after only a few miles. The island is one of the few in the Adriatic with two names. Kalamota, as it is called by the locals, is a real oasis of peace and greenery with a thick pine wood and the indented coastline full of bays and coves.

There are two villages on the island, Donje Čelo and Gornje Čelo, with enchanting traditional stone houses and narrow streets. The villages are connected via a lovely footpath, several kilometres long. The island has a rich cultural heritage, represented by small churches, chapels and fortifications. Towering above the Donje Čelo harbour, the Kaštio Castle testifies to times gone by when it served as a refuge from pirate attacks. The largest church on the island, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, was built in the 12th or 13th century, and among other valuable heritage sites are the chapels of St Anthony the Abbot, St Trinity, St Nicholas and St Anthony of Padua. From the boating perspective, Koločep is a heaven on earth. There are beautiful beaches in the bays of Gornje Čelo and Donje Čelo, and we would also recommend a visit to the Blue Cave in the south-west of the island.

When you step onto the coast of the island of Lopud, you will feel peace and quiet wash over you. With its mild Mediterranean climate, this island invites you to relax and enjoy the warmth of the sun. Lopud is famous for its beautiful sandy beaches, and the best-known among them is definitely Šunj, which is one of the most popular beaches in the Dubrovnik area. However, Lopud offers much more than just beaches. The island has many footpaths meandering through lush

Fotografija / Photo: Ivo Biočina, HTZ

Upoznajte tri bisera Elafita – Koločep, Šipan i Lopud – i otkrijte zašto su omiljena destinacija nautičara i ljubitelja prirode

Get to know three gems of the Elaphites – Koločep, Šipan and Lopud – and find out why they are a favourite spot with boaters and nature enthusiasts

poziva na opuštanje i uživanje u toplom suncu. Lopud je poznat po prekrasnim pješčanim plažama, a najpoznatija među njima svakako je Šunj, jedna od najpopularnijih plaža u dubrovačkom akvatoriju. No Lopud nudi mnogo više od plaža. Otok je dom brojnim stazama za šetnje koje vode kroz bujnu mediteransku vegetaciju. Šetnja tim stazama pruža vam priliku da istražite skrivene uvale, divite se prekrasnom pogledu na more i osjetite miris borove šume koji se miješa s morskim povjetarcem. Baština Lopuda iznimno je bogata, o čemu svjedoče brojne povijesne znamenitosti koje krase otok. Samim mjestom dominira franjevački samostan iz 16. stoljeća, a na cijelom otoku nalaze se čak 24 crkve i kapelice. Osim toga Lopud je nekada bio važna trgovačka točka, što dokazuju i njegove čarobne kamene palače i elegantne vile koje se mogu vidjeti šetajući starim gradom. Svakako posjetite nekadašnju španjolsku tvrđavu Sutvrač na najvišoj uzvisini otoka s koje se pruža prekrasan pogled.

Mediterranean vegetation. Walking along these footpaths will give you an opportunity to explore secluded bays, admire a breathtaking view of the sea and feel the scent of the pine forest mixing with the sea breeze. Lopud’s cultural heritage is exceptionally rich, which is testified to by the abundance of historic sites on the island. A Franciscan monastery dating from the 16th century dominates the place, and there are as many as 24 churches and chapels on the island. In addition, Lopud was once an important trade centre, indicated by its magical stone palaces and elegant villas, which can be seen while strolling around the old town. Be sure to visit the former Spanish fortress called Sutvrač on the highest hill of the island, where you can enjoy a spectacular view.

After you have visited Lopud, sail towards Šipan, the largest island in the Elaphites, which has found its place in the Guinness book of records as the island with the largest number of olive trees in relation to the size of the island and its population. The island was once home to many noblemen from Dubrovnik, who built their summer houses there, creating a harmonious landscape among vineyards, olive groves and fig trees. The elegance of the Dubrovnik country-style architecture is especially noticeable in the summer house of Vice Stjepović-Skočibuha from the 16th century in Suđurađ, one of the two villages on the island. You can safely moor in the 2.5 km long bay in the village of Šipanska Luka. A huge selection of culinary delights in the restaurants has turned this fishing village into one of must-see destinations in the Southern Adriatic.

If you sail through the impressive Harpoti Channel to explore the north-eastern bays of the uninhabited island of Jakljan, you will reach the part of the Elaphites intended for ‘Robinson Crusoe style' tour-

ACI No.1 // Krstarenje južnim morima / Cruising the southern seas
Fotografija / Photo: Christophe Dutour, Unsplash

Nakon Lopuda zaplovite prema Šipanu, najvećem otoku u arhipelagu Elafita koji je upisan u Guinnessovu knjigu rekorda kao otok s najviše maslina u odnosu na veličinu otoka i broj stanovnika. Otok je nekada bio dom mnogim dubrovačkim plemićima koji su ovdje gradili svoje ljetnikovce stvarajući skladan pejzaž među vinogradima, maslinicima i smokvama. Elegancija dubrovačke ladanjske arhitekture posebice je vidljiva na ljetnikovcu Vice Stjepovića-Skočibuhe iz 16. stoljeća koji se nalazi u Suđurađu, jednom od dva mjesta na otoku, dok će vas u Šipanskoj Luci dočekati vala duga oko dva i pol kilometra koja nautičarima jamči sigurnost. Pritom je bogata gastronomska ponuda u restoranima pretvorila ovo ribarsko seoce u jednu od 'must see' destinacija južnog Jadrana.

Dio Elafita namijenjen ljubiteljima robinzonskog odmora čeka vas ako krenete u istraživanje sjeveroistočnih uvala nenaseljenog otoka Jakljana kroz impresivan prolaz Harpoti. Svjedočit ćete idiličnim scenama gdje se borovi gotovo ljube s morem stvarajući prekrasnu igru boja od dubokog zelenila do blistavo plave nijanse mora. Bez obzira na to koju uvalu odaberete duž rute od otočića Crkvine do sigurne luke Veli Jakljan, možete se prepustiti osami ili uživati u društvu rijetkih brodova koji se tu mogu zateći. S obzirom na to da Ston na poluotoku Pelješcu također nije daleko, bila bi šteta propustiti posjet impresivnim stonskim zidinama i solani gdje se sol još uvijek 'bere' na tradicionalan način, a svakako kušajte i glasovite stonske kamenice. Nakon stonske 'Igre prijestolja' ACI Slano dočekat će vas u prelijepoj uvali koja je bila sigurno sklonište za brodove još od antičkih vremena. Najnovija marina u ACI sustavu nudi i brojne pogodnosti poput restorana, bazena, wellnessa i ostalih sadržaja koji će boravak u marini pretvoriti u ugodno i opuštajuće iskustvo za nautičare Završetak plovidbe Elafitskim otocima u ACI Marini Slano ostavit će vam nezaboravne uspomene i želju za ponovnim posjetom ovom prekrasnom dijelu Jadranskog mora. 

Istražite Modru špilju, okupajte se u uvali Šunj i kušajte bogatu gastronomsku ponudu urestoranima Šipanske Luke

Explore the Blue Cave, swim in the Šunj Bay and enjoy the wide selection of culinary delights in the restaurants in the Šipanska Luka

ism. You will be welcomed by idyllic scenes where pine trees and the sea meet, creating a beautiful play of colours from the deep green of the trees to the crystal blue of the sea. Regardless of which bay you choose along the route from the islet of Crkvina to the safe harbour of Veli Jakljan, you can indulge in solitude or enjoy the company of a few boats you might find there. Since the town of Ston on the peninsula of Pelješac is not very far, it would be a pity if you did not visit its impressive city walls and the saltworks, where salt is still harvested in the traditional way. Be sure to try the famous Ston oysters.

Following the Ston’s ‘Games of Thrones’, you will be welcomed by ACI Slano, situated in a stunning bay, which has been a great shelter for boats ever since the times of the Greeks and Romans. The latest addition to the ACI chain offers many amenities such as a restaurant, a pool, a wellness centre and other facilities that will make your stay in the marina a pleasant and relaxing experience.

Finishing your sailing trip around the Elaphiti Islands in the ACI Marina Slano will create an unforgettable memory and make you want to visit this beautiful corner of the Adriatic again. 

Fotografija / Photo: Ivo Biočina, HTZ


Doživite ljepotu Jadrana uz čarter jahti u Hrvatskoj CharteraYachtinCroatiaandExperiencetheBeautyoftheAdriatic

Magazin Yachts Croatia vodi vas na najpoželjnije destinacije za čarter jahti u Hrvatskoj. S kristalno čistim morem, šarmantnim gradićima i beskrajnom obalom, Hrvatska je savršeno mjesto da doživite ljepotu Jadranskog mora uz čarter jahti. Kad zapuše ljetni maestral, na Jadranskom moru propupaju bijela jedra koja svjetlucaju poput božićnog drvca. Posljednjih se godina među njima sve češće nalaze i elegantne luksuzne jahte. Naime, Hrvatska je glavna svjetska destinacija za najam jedrilica dok je ponuda luksuznih jahti vrlo dobra, a ponuda luksuznih katamarana sve je bolja. Kojim god rutama jedrili i kamo god njima odjedrili, sjajno ćete se provesti, a časopis Yachts Croatia u ovom vam je broju odlučio predstaviti svoj izbor destinacija u Hrvatskoj i prijedlog načina na koji ih možete najbolje iskusiti.

Split: Grad koji UNESCO i lokalci smatraju najljepšim na svijetu

Grad koji je nekad bio tiha postaja na putu sad je dinamično središte za kopnene i morske putnike. Istražite zadivljujuću Dioklecijanovu palaču iz 4. st., prekrasnu rezidenciju rimskog cara. Prošećite šarmantnim ulicama ili pobjegnite na pješačke staze

Yachts Croatia magazine leads you to the top yacht charter destinations in Croatia. With its clear waters, charming towns, and endless coastline, Croatia is the perfect place to charter a yacht and experience the beauty of the Adriatic Sea.

When the summer mistral blows, the Adriatic Sea blooms with white sails, sparkling like a decorated Christmas tree. In recent years, elegant luxury yachts have increasingly found their place among them. Being the world’s number one destination for renting a sailing boat, Croatia has an emerging offer of luxury catamarans for hire and a very good offer of luxury yachts for charter.

Whicheverrouteyoudecidetosailandwhicheverdestinations you choose, you will have a wonderful time, but in this article, Yachts Croatia magazine would like to present their selection of destinations in Croatia and the way to experience them in the best possible way.

Split – a town both UNESCO and locals consider the most beautiful in the world

Once a quiet stopover, it's now a vibrant hub for land and sea

TEXT Josipa Vlahović Cikatić PHOTOS Yachts Croatia Archives

na Marjanu i šljunčane plaže. Volite li sunčanje, oduševit će vas žamor plaža Bačvice i Firule. Preferirate li pak hranu i izlaske, pronaći ćete razne restorane, konobe i klubove. Preskočite gužve u srpnju i kolovozu – topli rujan naše je najdraže doba za posjet.

Hvar i Pakleni otoci: Doživljaj jedrenja s 5 zvjezdica

Osim glamuroznog noćnog života, u Hvaru možete istražiti povijesnu jezgru, popeti se na tvrđavu Fortica, lutati kamenim uličicama, posjetiti samostan i najstarije kazalište u Europi. Luka koja pršti životom i šarmantna šetnica mjesta su koja morate upiti. Iako u Hvaru ima pregršt mjesta za zabavu (Saint Tropez u malom!), ako to nije scena koja vas zanima, možete popiti kavu, čašu vina ili pojesti jelo koje pripremaju poznati kuhari. Luksuzne jahte nalaze se posvuda, što je dokaz privlačnosti tog grada.

Obližnji Pakleni otoci nude rajski užitak za svakoga: mir za robinzone, zabave za partijanere i vrhunsku hranu za gurmane. Ovaj arhipelag koji se sastoji od 21 otoka djeluje kao da je povezan s Hvarom pupčanom vrpcom. Usidrite se u ACI Marini Palmižana, jednoj od najljepših na Jadranu i istražujte šarmantne uvale raštrkane po ovim idiličnim otocima.

Vis: Mamma Mia, kakav otok

Otok Vis podjednako je popularan među lokalcima i stranim jahtama. Proslavio ga je film 'Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again', koji se snimao na njegovim obalama, a 2019. uvršten je na popis geoparkova UNESCO-a.

Prekrasni otok Vis možete istraživati danima, ali dva do tri noćenja bit će dovoljna da doživite njegove mnogobrojne čari. Provedite dan u starom gradu Visu ili slikovitoj Komiži, ili se ušuljajte u jednu od brojnih skrivenih uvala koje se nalaze duž njegovih sjevernih i južnih obala. Nemate vremena? Odaberite predivne plaže uvale Stiniva i otok Budikovac. Za nezaboravno iskustvo, i ako vam vrijeme to dopusti, nemojte propustiti posjet Modroj špilji. Korčula: Otok pjesme, vjetra i očaravajućih oblika Šarm otoka Korčule množi se s 20 zaklonjenih otoka u kojima možete pronaći idilično mjesto za sidrenje. Istražite grad omeđen zidinama poznat po glazbi, plesu i gostoprimstvu. Strateški sagrađen na poluotoku, zahvaljujući ulicama raspoređenima u oblik riblje kosti, osjetit ćete povjetarac i u vrućim ljetnim danima. Kušajte lokalne poslastice u Cukarinu ili posjetite restoran Lešić Dimitri s Michelinovom zvjezdicom. Sudjelujte u jedinstve-

travelers. Explore the awe-inspiring 4th-century Diocletian's Palace, a stunning Roman emperor's residence. Wander charming streets or escape to Marjan Hill's nature trails and pebble beaches. Sun seekers love lively Bačvice and Firule beaches. Foodies and night owls are catered to with a variety ofrestaurants,trattorias,andclubs.AvoidJuly/Augustcrowds - September's warmth is our favorite time to visit.

Hvar and Pakleni islands: A 5-star yachting affair

Beyond glamorous Hvar’s nightlife, explore the historic core - climb Fortica fortress, wander cobbled streets, visit the monastery & Europe's oldest theater. Soak in the vibrant port scene & charming promenade. While Hvar throbs with parties (mini-Saint Tropez!), those seeking tranquility can savor coffee, wine, or meals by renowned chefs. Luxury yachts dot the scene, a testament to Hvar's allure.

Nearby Pakleni islands offer a paradise for all: peace for Robinsons, parties for revelers, and gourmet experiences for foodies.This21-islandarchipelagofeelsconnectedtoHvarby an umbilical cord. Anchor at ACI Marina Palmižana, one of the Adriatic's most beautiful marinas, and explore the charming coves scattered across these idyllic islands.

Vis: Mamma Mia, what an island

The island of Vis is beloved among locals and international yachts alike. Made famous by "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again", filmed on its shores, the island has in 2019 made it to the UNESCO geo-parks list.

Stunning island Vis offers 2-3 days of exploration. Spend a day in Vis old town or the picturesque Komiža, or sneak into one of the many hidden coves dotted alongside its northern and southern shores. Short on time? Stiniva cove's beaches & Budikovac island are stunning. Don't miss the Blue Cave (weather permitting) for an unforgettable experience.

Korčula: An island of song, wind and mesmerizing shapes

Korčula's charm is multiplied by 20 sheltered islands for idyllic anchorages. Explore the walled town, known for music, dance, and hospitality. Built strategically on a peninsula, its herringbone streets cool summer days. Indulge in local sweets at Cukarin or Michelin-starred Lešić Dimitri. Witness

Hrvatska je savršeno odredište za najam

jahti i plovidbu

Jadranskim morem

Croatiaistheperfect placetochartera yachtandexperience thebeautyofthe

Adriatic Sea

Yachts Croatia stoji vam na usluzi za kreiranje savršenog čarter iskustva u Hrvatskoj

YachtsCroatiaisatyourservice whencreatingyourperfect charterexperienceinCroatia

nom dočeku pola Nove godine ili uživajte u moreški, romantičnom plesu s mačevima. Nemojte propustiti vino grk iz obližnje Lumbarde i predivne pješčane plaže, Bilin žal i Pržina. Istražite šarmantni arhipelag između Korčule i Lumbarde koji je popularna postaja za sve nautičare u potrazi za privatnošću i netaknutom ljepotom. Lokalni vodič za čarter luksuznih jahti u Hrvatskoj

Kako bismo vam omogućili da doživite ono najbolje od ovog područja, magazin Yachts Croatia pruža besplatne usluge savjetovanja u vezi s čarterom i aktivnostima dostupnima za vrijeme čartera. Tim stručnjaka okupljenih u našem magazinu na raspolaganju vam je kako biste zajedno osmislili savršeno čarter iskustvo u

the unique 'Half New Year' or the romantic 'moreška' sword dance. Don't miss nearby Lumbarda's Grk wine and beautiful sandy beaches; Bilin žal and Pržina. Explore the charming archipelago between Korčula and Lumbarda as a popularstopoverspotforyachtsmenlooking for some privacy and unspoiled beauty. Local guide for luxury yacht charter in Croatia

In order to explore this area at its best, Yachts Croatia provide free counselling regarding chartering and activities during your charter holidays. The team of experts that brings together Yachts Croatia is also at your service when creating your perfect charter experience in Croatia.

Hrvatskoj. Pri odabiru jahte prvo trebate odlučiti želite li osjetiti meditativnu moć tišine na palubi jedrilice i katamarana ili, pak, želite brzinu i udobnost, a zanima vas najam glisera ili luksuzne jahte. Nakon toga, sve detalje prepustite našim stručnjacima. Naš tim posvetit će posebnu pažnju svim vašim potrebama, odabrati brod kakav želite i na kakvom ćete se osjećati sigurno i udobno te s posadom, koja će vam učiniti boravak posebnim, organizirati nabavu namirnica i osmisliti rute koje će vas ostaviti bez daha.

Tim magazina Yachts Croatia na vaš će zahtjev posjetiti jahte koje vas zanimaju, posvetiti se vašim željama i pobrinuti se da ugode svakom klijentu i omoguće mu da doživi ljepotu tijekom jedrenja.

When choosing a yacht, you first need to decide whether you want to feel the meditative power of silence on board sailing boat and catamaran, or whether you appreciate speed and comfort, with interest to rent a motorboat or luxury yacht. After that,leaveallthe‘details’toprofessionals.YachtsCroatiateam will pay special attention to all your needs, to select the boat up to your wishes, to feel safe and comfortable with the crew thatwillmakeyourtimespecial,organizeprovisioningandprepare the route that will leave you breathless.

Upon request, Yachts Croatia team will visit the yacht (s) you are interested in, with special care to your wishes – and make sure to ‘pamper’ each client with beauty while sailing.

Hrvatska obala je gotovo nestvarno lijep nautičarski raj

The Croatian coast is an almost surreal beautiful yachtingparadise




Ekstra djevičanska maslinova ulja vodnjanskog brenda Oio Vivo već su godinama u top 20 najboljih ulja na svijetu

Extra virgin olive oils produced by the Vodnjan brand Oio Vivo have been one of the world’s top 20 finest oils for years

Iz dubine grčkih mitova dolazi priča o nastanku masline, plemenitog stabla čiji su plodovi stoljećima bili izvor hrane i inspiracije. Prema legendi sve je započelo borbom božice Atene i Posejdona, moćnog vladara mora.

Buried deep in the Greek myths, there is a story of the origin of the olive tree, a noble tree the fruit of which has been a source of food and inspiration for centuries. The legend says that it all started with a battle between the goddess Athena and Poseidon, the powerful ruler of the sea.

Fotografije / Photos: Oio Vivo

Na dodjeli maslinarskih 'oscara' u New Yorku monosortna ulja Vodnjanska Buža, Žižolera, Istarska Bjelica i Rozinjola osvojila su zlatne medalje

At the olive oil Oscars award ceremony, held in New York, the monovarietal oils Vodnjanska Buža, Žižolera, Istarska Bjelica and Rosignola won gold medals

Posejdon je udario svojim trozupcem u zemlju i iz nje je buknuo izvor slane vode. Atena, pak, nije htjela uništiti tlo slanom vodom. Umjesto toga dotaknula je liticu kopljem i iz nje je niknula maslina. Bogovi su bili oduševljeni Ateninim darom. Maslina je davala hranu, ulje i drvo za gradnju te postala simbol mira i prosperiteta. Čvrsta i žilava drva masline ukorijenjena su u mediteranski DNK, pa tako i u Istru gdje pisani dokazi otkrivaju kako su još u doba antike stari Grci i Rimljani bili oduševljeni kvalitetom istarskog maslinova ulja, koje je tada čak služilo kao standard za druga ulja. Stoga nimalo ne iznenađuje što je hrvatski poluotok danas svjetski poznata destinacija za ekstra djevičanska maslinova ulja. Među elitnim istarskim maslinovim uljima ističe se vodnjanski brend Oio Vivo, čiji su proizvodi godinama zvijezde najprestižnijih vodiča i osvajači brojnih svjetskih nagrada. Ta ulja nisu samo hrana nego tekuće zlato koje priča priču o izvrsnosti i strasti.

Ime Oio Vivo, koje znači 'živo ulje', nosi sa sobom starorimsko naslijeđe, odajući počast istro-romanskom dijalektu koji se i danas upotrebljava u Vodnjanu. To ime nije samo znak poštovanja prema drevnoj tradiciji proizvodnje maslinovog ulja nego i simbol savršenog spoja geografskog položaja Istre i suvremenih tehnika proizvodnje. Svaka kap ovog ulja priča priču o zemlji, povijesti i inovaciji stvarajući jedinstven i neponovljiv okus.

Gdje se nekada prostirala opožarena pustoš, 2005. godine niknuo je najveći maslinik južne Istre. To je Oio Vivo, srce Istre koje osvaja

Poseidon slammed his trident into the ground, creating a salt spring. Athena, on the other hand, did not want to destroy the ground with salt water. She touched a cliff with her spear instead, and an olive tree sprouted from the ground. Gods were thrilled with her gift.

The olive tree provided food, oil and timber, becoming a symbol of peace and prosperity.

Firm and tough, olive trees are an inseparable part of the Mediterranean DNA, including Istria, where we have records dating to ancient times confirming that ancient Greeks and Romans highly appreciated the quality of the Istrian olive oil, which was, at the time, considered the standard against which all other oils were evaluated. It is, therefore, no wonder that today the Croatian peninsula is a world-famous destination known for extra virgin olive oil.

The oil that stands out among the elite Istrian olive oils is the brand from Vodnjan, Oio Vivo, whose products, for years, have been featured as stars in highly prestigious guides and have won many international awards. These oils can be considered more than foodstuff; they are liquid gold, telling a story about excellence and passion.

The name Oio Vivo, meaning ‘oil that is alive’, has an ancient Roman heritage and is a nod to the Istriot dialect, which is still in use in Vodnjan. The name is not only a token of respect for the ancient tradition of making olive oil but also a symbol of the perfect combination of the ideal geographical position of Istria and state-of-the-art production technologies. Each drop of this oil tells a story of the earth, history and innovation, creating a unique and outstanding taste.

ljepotom i privlači one koji žele okusiti istinsku esenciju Mediterana. Danas se tu, u zelenoj oazi udaljenoj samo pet kilometara od mora, prostire 15 tisuća stabala maslina s jedinstvenim pogledom na brijunski arhipelag.

Nudeći maslinovo ulje, Oio Vivo donosi neodoljivu simfoniju okusa i aroma. U svojoj kolekciji ekstra djevičanskih maslinovih ulja predstavljaju nam monosortne dragulje: Istarsku Bjelicu, Vodnjansku Bužu, Rozinjolu i staru autohtonu sortu Žižoleru kao perjanicu kuće. Za one koji vole mješavine, tu su još Gajardo i Bon. Kvalitetu i izvanrednost ulja Oio Vivo prepoznali su i certificirani oleolozi na brojnim međunarodnim natjecanjima. Gdje god su stigla –od New Yorka i Tokija do Pariza, Londona, Monte Carla i Dubaija – osvajaju samo zlata. Istodobno, već su dugi niz godina prisutni u prestižnim vodičima Flos Olei i EVOOLEUM koji se smatraju 'biblijama' u maslinarskom svijetu. Lani su na najvećem i najprestižnijem svjetskom natjecanju u kvaliteti ekstra djevičanskog maslinova ulja New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC) sva četiri monosortna ekstradjevičanska maslinova ulja Vodnjanska Buža, Žižolera, Istarska Bjelica i Rozinjola ovjenčana zlatnom medaljom za kvalitetu. Sudački panel maslinarskog 'oscara' čini tim vodećih svjetskih stručnjaka koji slijede rigorozan tehnički protokol za analizu svakog ulja, a dobitnici nagrada predstavljaju se u službenom vodiču za najbolja svjetska maslinova ulja The Best Olive Oil Index. Njegov godišnji popis dobitnika nagrada smatra se autoritativnim vodičem za najbolja ekstra djevičanska maslinova ulja.

'Oio Vivo kao brend od samoga početka odlikuje jasna vizija, upornost, zajedništvo i primjena inovacija. Uz odgovornost i poštovanje društvene zajednice i prirode sve zajedno urodilo je uljem vrhunske kvalitete. Godine 2012. počeli smo malim korakom – s prvih 150 litara maslinova ulja. Danas Oio Vivo proizvodi oko 50.000 litara ekstra djevičanskog ulja godišnje. Istra se svojom skromnom veličinom ne može natjecati u masovnoj proizvodnji s velikim gigantima, upravo zato smo izabrali butikni pristup i iznimnu

In 2005, the largest olive grove in southern Istria was planted in a place where there once was a fire-devastated wasteland. That was Oio Vivo, the heart of Istria, which attracts people who want to taste the true essence of the Mediterranean. Today, in a green oasis situated only 5 km from the sea, there are 15,000 olive trees with a spectacular view of the Brijuni Islands.

What Oio Vivo offers is not only olive oil but also a real symphony of flavour and aroma. In the Oio Vivo extra virgin olive oil range, there are the monovarietal oils: Istarska Bjelica, Vodnjanska Buža, Rosignola, and Žižolera, the old local cultivar and the company’s flagship. For those who like blends, there are also Gajardo and Bon.

The quality and excellence of the Oio Vivo oil have been recognised by qualified olive oil experts in many international competitions. In every competition the Oio Vivo oils participated in – from New York and Tokyo to Paris, London, Monte Carlo and Dubai – they only won gold medals. For years, they have been part of the reputable guides Flos Olei and EVOOLEUM, which are considered olive oil bibles in the world of olive oil. Last year, all four monovarietal oils – Vodnjanska Buža, Žižolera, Istarska Bjelica and Rosignola – won gold at the New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC), the largest and most prestigious quality extra virgin oil competition in the world. The judging panel of the olive oil Oscars is made up of leading international experts, who follow a rigorous technological protocol in order to analyse each sample of oil, and the winners are featured in the official guide to the world’s best olive oils – The Best Olive Oil Index. Its annual list of award winners is considered the authoritative guide to the best extra virgin olive oils.

‘As a brand, Oio Vivo has been characterised by a clear vision, determination, unity and the use of innovation since its beginning. With responsibility and respect for the society and nature, this all resulted in premium quality oil. We started with baby steps in 2012, when we produced our first 150 litres of oil. Today, Oio Vivo produces about 50,000 litres of extra virgin oil every year. Istria, small as

Kao i u sportu lakše je doći na vrh nego ostati na njemu, stoga su nagrade za ulja dokaz stabilne kvalitete i

As in sports, it is easier to climb to the top than to stay there; therefore, oil awards are proof of stable quality and continuous progress

Boravak u Oio Vivu osmišljen je kao putovanje kroz tradiciju Istre u kojem možete doživjeti strast prema uljima, prirodi i mediteranskom načinu života

A visit to Oio Vivo has been designed as a journey through the tradition of Istria, during which you can experience the passion towards oils, nature and the Mediterranean way of life

kvalitetu, što je rezultiralo vrhunskim rezultatima na svjetskoj razini. To potvrđuje i činjenica da se u svim relevantnim medijima i među stručnjacima o Istri govori kao najboljoj svjetskoj maslinarskoj regiji. Takva promocija bila je velik vjetar u leđa svima nama koji se bavimo maslinarstvom. Zlatne medalje koje krase ulja Oio Vivo nisu samo sjajni trofej nego i dokaz stabilne kvalitete i kontinuiranog napretka. Kao i u sportu lakše je doći na vrh nego ostati na njemu, stoga su nam priznanja neovisnih ocjenjivača potvrda izvrsnosti. Sve nagrade istodobno su povlastica i obveza. Naša je misija da održimo taj renome i inspiriramo i ostale proizvođače', s ponosom govori Velimir Jurić, jedan od osnivača Oio Viva. U elegantnoj modernoj trgovini u blizini Vodnjana Oio Vivo nudi vam ne samo vrhunska maslinova ulja nego i neprocjenjivo iskustvo. Doživite čaroliju degustiranja pod stručnim vodstvom zaposlenika – entuzijasta i zaljubljenika u maslinovo ulje.

'Boravak u Oio Vivu osmišljen je kao putovanje kroz tradiciju i kulturu Istre. Šetnja ili vožnja terenskim automobilom kroz maslinik, upoznavanje procesa proizvodnje, degustacija koja će vam otkriti tajne svake sorte, od nježnih cvjetnih nota do pikantnih okusa. Ljudima želimo pružiti kompletno iskustvo u kojem mogu doživjeti našu strast prema uljima, prirodi i mediteranskom načinu života. A sljedećih nekoliko godina planiramo pokrenuti i proizvodnju vina kako bismo zaokružili našu ponudu', najavio je Velimir Jurić.

Doživite i vi čaroliju ulja Oio Vivo i otkrijte zašto su zlatne kapljice iz Vodnjana osvojile svijet. 

it is, cannot produce olive oil on a large scale as the mass-producing giants, and that is why we have chosen the boutique approach and superior quality, which have produced spectacular results on a global level. The proof of this is that all relevant media and experts mention Istria as the world’s best olive oil region. This kind of promotion has really been the wind at our back, for all of us who are in the business of making olive oil. The gold medals that Oio Vivo has won are not only shiny trophies but they also show a stable quality and continuous progress. As in sports, it is easier to climb to the top than to stay there; therefore, we see the recognition given by independent judges as the confirmation of our excellence. All awards are both privilege and obligation. It is our mission to live up to the reputation and inspire other manufacturers,’ Velimir Jurić, one of the Oio Vivo founders, proudly says.

In a modern and elegant shop near the town of Vodnjan, Oio Vivo offers not only premium oils but also invaluable experience. Feel the magic of an olive oil tasting under the expert guidance of the employees – enthusiasts and lovers of olive oil.

‘A visit to Oio Vivo has been designed as a journey through the tradition and culture of Istria. You can walk or travel in an SUV through the olive grove, get to know the production process, and participate in oil tastings that will reveal the secrets of each variety, from the tender floral notes to spicy tastes. We want to offer a comprehensive experience to people, in which they can experience our passion towards oils, nature and the Mediterranean way of life. And we are planning to start wine production in the next few years in order to supplement our range of products,’ Velimir Jurić has announced. Experience the magic of Oio Vivo oils and find out why the golden drops from Vodnjan have captivated the world. 

ACI No.1 // Esencija Istre / Essence of Istria


Fotografije / Photos: Sunset Sports Media Festival

Nogometna legenda Alessandro Del Piero i brojna druga svjetski poznata imena dolaze na ovogodišnje izdanje Sunset Sports Media Festivala

The legendary footballer Alessandro Del Piero and many other world-famous names are coming to this year’s Sunset Sports Media Festival

Treće izdanje svjetski poznatog sportsko-medijskog festivala održat će se od 6. do 8. lipnja u gradu Zadru, na lokaciji Fortis Cluba, gdje će svim sudionicima pružiti nezaboravno iskustvo u jednom od najljepših turističkih odredišta Hrvatske. Sunset Sports Media Festival je vrhunski događaj koji spaja globalnu sportsku i medijsku industriju te okuplja najbolje stručnjake iz različitih područja. Nakon što je proteklih godina privukao poznata imena kao što su Darijo Srna, Mario Ančić, Matt Barnes, Stephen Jackson, Stephen Espinoza i Miško Ražnatović, ovogodišnje izdanje dovodi nove, globalno poznate zvijezde.

Proslavljeni talijanski nogometaš, a danas popularni komentator talijanskih TV kuća i CBS/ Paramount+, Alessandro Del Piero bit će počasni gost trećeg izdanja, a uz njega, svoje tajne će podijeliti i Guillem Balague, nagrađivani autor biografija najvećih nogometaša kao što su Messi, Ronaldo i Maradona. Na impresivnom popisu potvrđenih imena nalazi se i izvršni je potpredsjednik

From 6 to 8 June, the third edition of the well-known sports and media festival will take place in the city of Zadar, at Fortis Club, where all the participants will have an unforgettable experience in one of Croatia’s most beautiful tourist destinations. The Sunset Sports Media Festival is a major event that combines the global sports and media industry by bringing together the best experts from different areas. Following the last year’s edition, which attracted famous names such as Darijo Srna, Mario Ančić, Matt Barnes, Stephen Jackson, Stephen Espinoza and Miško Ražnatović, this year’s festival will present new global stars.

Alessandro Del Piero, the celebrated Italian footballer and, these days, a popular commentator for Italian TV stations and CBS/ Paramount+, will be the guest of honour at the festival’s third edition, while Guillem Balague, the award-winning writer of biographies of the greatest football players, such as Messi, Ronaldo and Maradona, will share his secrets. The impressive list of confirmed guest appearances also contains the following names: Jeffrey

digitalnog odjela za CBS Sports, News, Stations i Entertainment Jeffrey Gerttula, direktor međunarodnih odnosa i marketinga NBPA-e Matteo Zuretti, direktor Udruženja igrača Eurolige Boštjan Nachbar, generalna direktorica Instituta za razvoj lidera pri Ministarstvu sporta Saudijske Arabije Mezna AMarzaooqi, direktor marketinga i strategije u SERIE A Michele Ciccarese, odbojkašica i koordinatorica za EU fondove HOO-a Maja Poljak, državni tajnik Ministarstva turizma i sporta Josip Pavić te mnogi drugi. Za sve sportske zaljubljenike organizatori pripremaju brojna iznenađenja, a već su sada najavili dolazak Ivice Kostelića i proslavljene tenisačice Bojane Jovanović. Bogati program u opuštenoj atmosferi donosi inspirativne priče, iskustva, zanimljiva predavanja, panele te networking i dijeljenje znanja te sinergijom stručnjaka stvara temelje za novu eru sportsko-medijske industrije, kao i promociju Hrvatske. 

Gerttula, the executive vice-president of the Digital Department at the CBS Sports, News, Stations and Entertainment, Matteo Zuretti, chief of International Relations and Marketing at NBPA, Boštjan Nachbar, director of the EuroLeague Players Association, Mezna AlMarzooqi, director general of the Leaders Development Institute at the Ministry of Sport, Saudi Arabia, Michele Ciccarese, marketing and strategy director at SERIE A, Maja Poljak, volleyball player and EU Funds coordinator at the Croatian Olympic Committee, Josip Pavić, state secretary at the Ministry of Tourism and Sport, and many others. The organisers have prepared many surprises for all lovers of sports and have already announced that Ivica Kostelić and the celebrated tennis player Bojana Jovanović, will be attending the festival. A varied programme in a relaxed atmosphere will offer inspirational stories, experiences, interesting lectures, panel discussions, networking and knowledge sharing, and the synergy of experts will create the basis for a new era of the sports and media industry, as well as for the promotion of Croatia. 

Fotografije / Photos:
Acibadem Healthcare Group
Poliklinika Terme Selce
PAR Medical Esthetic


Već više od 150 godina Kvarner privlači one koji traže zdravlje, vitalnost i ljepotu. Zahvaljujući brojnim medicinskim programima, vrhunskim ustanovama s visokostručnom uslugom i prekrasnim prirodnim ljepotama idealna je destinacija za opuštanje, oporavak i revitalizaciju

For more than 150 years, Kvarner has attracted those looking for health, vitality and beauty. A great number of health programmes, first-rate facilities offering highly professional services, and beautiful scenery make it an ideal destination to relax, recover, and revitalise oneself

Opatija je 1889. godine dobila status carskog lječilišta, što je označilo početak bogate tradicije regije Kvarner u pružanju vrhunskih usluga u području zdravstvenog turizma. Tijekom sljedećih desetljeća i stoljeća Kvarner je kontinuirano unaprjeđivao svoju ponudu uz uključivanje suvremenih stručnih znanja i širenje popisa mjesta s iznimnim lječilišnim kapacitetima. Uz Opatiju, Crikvenicu, Selce, Mali i Veli Lošinj te Rab Kvarner se profilirao kao regija s idealnim spojem medicinskih učinaka i ugodnog boravka.

In 1889, Opatija was granted the status of an imperial health resort, marking the beginning of the rich tradition of the Kvarner region in providing first-class services in medical tourism. Over the next decades and centuries, Kvarner continued to improve the quality of its services, embracing state-of-the-art specialist expertise and widening the list of places with exceptional treatment facilities. With Opatija, Crikvenica, Selce, Mali Lošinj, Veli Lošinj and Rab, Kvarner established itself as a region with an ideal combination of medicinal effects and a pleasant stay.

Od najsuvremenijih medicinskih ustanova do suosjećajnih i visokokvalificiranih zdravstvenih djelatnika, ACIBADEM pacijentima osigurava najvišu kvalitetu skrbi tijekom njihova cjeloživotnog zdravstvenog putovanja

From state-of-the-art medical facilities to compassionate and high-skilled health workers, ACIBADEM makes sure that patients are provided with the highest-level healthcare service during the entire medical journey

U dinamičnom svijetu zdravstvene skrbi jedno ime ističe se predanošću izvrsnosti, inovacijama i skrbi usmjerenoj na pacijenta: zdravstvena grupacija ACIBADEM. Uz bogatu povijest koja se proteže više od tri desetljeća ACIBADEM je stekao međunarodno priznanje za zdravstvene usluge svjetske klase. Drugi najveći svjetski zdravstveni lanac ACIBADEM dostupan je na Kvarneru, gdje je u hotelu Hilton Costabella otvoren ured za pacijente koji vodi poznati riječki liječnik Aron Grubešić. „Ovaj ured mjesto je za kontakt za sve potrebne informacije koje se tiču zdravstvene grupacije ACIBADEM. Pacijenti mogu donijeti svoju medicinsku dokumentaciju te zatražiti mišljenje ili plan liječenja od Acibademovih stručnjaka. Ako se odluče otputovati u Tursku na liječenje, u ovom će uredu dobiti potrebnu

In the dynamic world of health care, a name that stands out with its commitment to excellence, innovation and patient-centred care is the ACIBADEM Healthcare Group. With its rich history, spanning over thirty years, ACIBADEM has gained international recognition for the world-class health services it offers.

The second healthcare chain in the world, ACIBADEM, is now available in the Kvarner region, where a patient office was opened at the Hilton Costabella Hotel, and is headed by Aron Grubešić, the renowned doctor from Rijeka.

‘This office is the place where you can get all the information you need regarding the ACIBADEM Healthcare Group. Patients can bring their medical records and ask ACIBADEM experts for a medical opinion or treatment plan. If they choose to travel to Tur-

pomoć oko putnih aranžmana i tako biti sigurni da će njihovo putovanje na liječenje proći bez teškoća”, ističu predstavnici Acibademova ureda u Rijeci.

„Nedavno je otvoren i Acibademov ured u Zagrebu, koji se nalazi u prostorima vrhunske Specijalne bolnice Primamed, čime dodatno podižemo razinu skrbi za naše pacijente”

Zdravstvena grupacija ACIBADEM osnovana je 1991. godine i od tada je stasala u vodećeg privatnog pružatelja zdravstvenih usluga u Turskoj. S mrežom od 24 bolnice, 15 ambulantnih klinika, sveučilištem i mnogim drugim uslužnim tvrtkama diljem Turske, Bugarske, Makedonije, Srbije i Nizozemske ACIBADEM nudi sveobuhvatnu ponudu zdravstvenih usluga, od primarne skrbi do specijaliziranih tretmana i naprednih kirurških zahvata. Središte Acibademove filozofije potpuna je predanost skrbi usmjerenoj na pacijenta. Svaki aspekt poslovanja osmišljen je tako da osigura dobrobit i zadovoljstvo pacijenata i njihovih obitelji. Od najsuvremenijih medicinskih ustanova do suosjećajnih i visokokvalificiranih zdravstvenih djelatnika, ACIBADEM pacijentima osigurava najvišu kvalitetu skrbi tijekom njihova cjeloživotnog zdravstvenog putovanja.

ACIBADEM predvodi medicinske inovacije te neprestano ulaže u najnovije tehnologije i medicinske inovacije kako bi se poboljšali ishodi za pacijente. Od robotske kirurgije i naprednih tehnika snimanja do personaliziranih planova liječenja uz uporabu precizne medicine, ACIBADEM primjenjuje moć medicinske tehnologije u svrhu osiguranja vrhunskih zdravstvenih rješenja.

Zahvaljujući sustavu za usluge pacijentima iz inozemstva i suradnji s vodećim zdravstvenim ustanovama diljem svijeta ACIBADEM kao globalni brend medicinskog turizma u Turskoj dočekuje pacijente iz cijelog svijeta, kojima osigurava pristup zdravstvenim uslugama svjetske klase.

key for treatment, this office is the place where they will get the help they need to make their travel arrangements, ensuring that their medical journey is without problems,’ said the ACIBADEM office representatives in Rijeka.

‘Recently, an ACIBADEM office was also opened in Zagreb, within the first-rate Primamed Special Hospital, additionally raising the level of care for our patients.’

Since it was established in 1991, the ACIBADEM Healthcare Group has turned into the leading private-sector provider of healthcare services in Turkey. With its network of 24 hospitals, 15 outpatient clinics, a university and many other companies providing different services throughout Turkey, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Serbia and the Netherlands, ACIBADEM offers comprehensive medical services, from primary health care to specialised treatments and advanced surgery.

At the centre of ACIBADEM’s philosophy is total commitment to patient-centred health care. Each aspect of their business operations has been designed to ensure the welfare and satisfaction of the patients and their families. From state-of-the-art medical facilities to compassionate and high-skilled health workers, ACIBADEM makes sure that patients are provided with the highest-level healthcare service during the entire medical journey.

ACIBADEM is the leader in health-care innovation, constantly investing in state-of-the-art technologies and medical innovation in order to improve patients’ outcomes. From robotic surgery and advanced scanning methods to personalised treatment plans using precision medicine, ACIBADEM uses the power of health technology in order to ensure first-class medical solutions.

Thanks to the system offering services to patients from abroad and partnerships with leading medical facilities around the world, ACIBADEM, a global brand in the field of medical tourism in Turkey, welcomes patients from all over the world, providing them with access to world-class health services.

Poliklinika Terme Selce prva je privatna poliklinika za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju u kojoj se već 35 godina provode individualizirani programi te zdravstvene usluge iz fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije, interne medicine i kardiologije, neurologije, opće kirurgije, ortopedije, dermatologije i venerologije.

Uz integrativni holistički i multidisciplinarni pristup u dijagnostici, terapiji i prevenciji te znanje i iskustvo stručnjaka specijalista i inovativne tehnologije ulogu u liječenju imaju i prirodni faktori crikveničke rivijere. Poliklinika Terme

Selce može se pohvaliti suradnjom s brojnim vrhunskim stručnjacima i klinikama u zemlji i inozemstvu, a također je partner-klinika Hrvatskog olimpijskog odbora.

Pionirska ideja i vizija liječnika Vlaste i Ivana Brozičevića pretvorila se u stvarnost 1989. godine kada je osnovano Terme-Selce d.o.o., prvo poduzeće za zdravstveni turizam u Hrvatskoj.

Ubrzo zatim osnivaju Polikliniku Terme Selce koju je tijekom više od tri desetljeća iskustva i tradicije posjetilo više od 50 000 pacijenata iz 88 zemalja, od kojih 120 sportaša olimpijaca, što je najbolja potvrda izvrsnosti i kvalitete usluge.

„Od osnutka Poliklinike Terme Selce prirodno mi je bilo za naše pacijente stvoriti ugođaj 'kao kod kuće' u kojem su liječnici ujedno domaćini i prijatelji pacijentima. Ta emocija koju pacijent, gost nosi sa sobom velika je pohvala našem radu jer brend znači povjerenje. Naši su najbolji ambasadori naši pacijenti, zato stvaramo takav ugođaj i doživljaj da se požele vratiti. Akademik Ivan Golub napisao je da smo čuvari zdravlja, a ja volim dodati da smo čuvari zdravlja, tijela i duha. Zato volim reći da Poliklinika Terme Selce

The Terme Selce Polyclinic was the first privately owned physical medicine and rehabilitation polyclinic in Croatia and has been offering individualised programmes and health services in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation, internal medicine and cardiology, neurology, general surgery, orthopaedics, dermatology and venereology for the past 35 years.

Along with the integrated, holistic and multidisciplinary approach in diagnostics, therapy and prevention, and the expertise and experience of specialist doctors helped by innovative technology, a great part in therapy is played by natural factors of the Crikvenica Riviera. The Terme Selce Polyclinic can boast working with many top-grade experts and clinics both in Croatia and abroad, and is also the partner clinic of the Croatian Olympic Committee.

The pioneering idea and vision of the doctors Vlasta and Ivan Brozičević became reality in 1989, when Terme-Selce, the first company specialising in health tourism in Croatia, was established. Soon after, the duo started the Terme Selce Polyclinic, which has seen, in over thirty years of experience and tradition, more than 50,000 patients from 88 countries, 120 of which were Olympian athletes – the best confirmation of its excellence and quality of its services.

‘Since the inception of the Terme Selce Polyclinic, it has felt natural to create an atmosphere that makes patients feel at home, with doctors being patients’ hosts and friends. The emotion that patients, or guests, take away is a great praise to our work because our brand means trust. Our patients are our ambassadors, and that’s why we create such an atmosphere and experience to make them want to come back.

Kroz Polikliniku Terme Selce je u preko tri desetljeća iskustva i tradicije prošlo preko 50 000 pacijenata iz 88 zemalja, od kojih 120 sportaša olimpijaca, što je najbolja potvrda izvrsnosti i kvalitete usluge

In over thirty years of experience and tradition, the Terme Selce Polyclinic has seen more than 50,000 patients from 88 countries, 120 of which were Olympian athletes, which is the best confirmation of its excellence and quality of its services

postavlja vrijednosti, a ne cijenu”, naglasila je dr. Vlasta Brozičević.

Upravo topla obiteljska atmosfera izdvaja Polikliniku Terme Selce od sličnih ustanova jer uz dr. Vlastu Brozičević i supruga, prim. mr. sc. Ivana Brozičevića, stalne su članice uspješnog tima i njihove dvije kćeri. Mr. sc. Iva Brozičević Dragičević, prof., voditeljica je posebnih wellbeing programa Poliklinike Terme Selce i direktorica tvrtke Healthy living by IBD, dok u podružnici u Rijeci dr. med. Tea Brozičević vodi Centar dermatologije i kozmetologije.

Treba naglasiti da u Poliklinici Terme Selce djeluju psihološko i nutricionističko savjetovalište. Prateći potrebe modernog čovjeka, razvijeni su i raznoliki wellbeing programi, kao i programi mršavljenja za djecu i odrasle. Kao jedan od osnivača Klastera zdravstvenog turizma Kvarnera poliklinika svojom dugogodišnjom tradicijom u pružanju vrhunskih usluga 365 dana u godini doprinosi razvoju cjelogodišnjeg zdravstvenog turizma na Kvarneru.

The academician Ivan Golub has written that we are guardians of health, and I like to add that we are guardians of health, body and mind. That’s why I like to say that the Terme Selce Polyclinic sets values, rather than prices,’ said Dr Vlasta Brozičević.

It is the warm family atmosphere that sets the Terme Selce Polyclinic apart from other similar organisations because along with Dr Vlasta Brozičević and her husband, Dr Ivan Brozičević, MSc, chief physician, the permanent members of the team are their two daughters. Iva Brozičević Dragičević, MSc, is the head of special well-being programmes at the Terme Selce Polyclinic and the director of Healthy Living by IBD, while Tea Brozičević, MD, is the head of the Dermatology and Cosmetology Centre at the Rijeka branch of the Polyclinic.

It should also be noted that the Terme Selce Polyclinic also offers psychological and nutritional counselling services. Meeting the needs of people in the modern society, various well-being programmes, as well as weight loss programmes for both children and adults, have been developed at the Polyclinic. As one of the founding organisations of the Kvarner Health Tourism Cluster, the Terme Selce Polyclinic, with its long tradition in providing first-rate services every day of the year, contributes to the yearround health tourism in the Kvarner region.

ACI No.1 // Destinacija zdravlja /

PAR Medical Esthetics prva je riječka specijalizirana ordinacija za nekiruršku i antiaging estetsku medicinu. Osim usluga tretmana Revanesse dermalnim filerima ordinacija nudi i tretmane skinbooster preparatima, Profhilo tretman, tretman egzosomima, dermalno oblikovanje i povećanje stražnjice, tretmane botoksom, a ujedno je certificirani centar za injekcijsku lipolizu i intralipoterapiju, odnosno metode nekirurškog uklanjanja masnog tkiva na cijelom tijelu uključujući i područja celulita. Svim korisnicima na raspolaganju su i usluge nutricionista. Tim ordinacije čine liječnici članovi Hrvatskog društva za estetsku medicinu i Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora.

U današnjem svijetu gdje je izgled često povezan sa samopouzdanjem i društvenim statusom medicinska estetika igra ključnu ulogu u unapređenju izgleda, ali i mentalnog zdravlja. PAR Medical Esthetics bavi se upravo tim zadatkom nudeći širok spektar tretmana koji kombiniraju medicinsku znanost i estetske tehnike kako bi klijentima omogućili da se osjećaju najbolje što mogu, naglasila je Antonia Par, prof., direktorica i suosnivačica ordinacije. Nekirurška antiaging medicina grana je medicinske prakse koja se fokusira na neinvazivne i minimalno invazivne tretmane usmjerene poboljšanju izgleda i prevenciji starenja. Ovi tretmani osmišljeni su tako da osiguraju brze rezultate uz minimalno vrijeme oporavka, zbog čega su idealni za one koji žele učinkovite, ali manje

PAR Medical Esthetics is the first clinic in Rijeka specialising in non-surgical and anti-ageing aesthetic medicine. In addition to Revanesse dermal filler treatments, the clinic also offers skin booster treatments, Profhilo treatments, exosome treatments, dermal reshaping and augmenting of buttocks, and Botox treatments. The clinic is also a certified centre for injection lipolysis and intralipotherapy, i.e. methods of non-surgical reduction of fat cells throughout the entire body, including areas with cellulite. All clients have services of a nutritionist at their disposal. The team is made up of doctors and members of the Croatian Association of Aesthetic Medicine and the Croatian Medical Association.

In today’s world, where appearance is often linked with self-confidence and social status, medical aesthetics plays a key role in advancing people’s physical appearance as well as mental health. It is this task that PAR Medical Esthetics is engaged in, offering a wide range of treatments that combine medical science and aesthetic techniques in order to make it possible for their clients to feel their best, says Antonia Par, the director and co-founder of the clinic.

Non-surgical anti-ageing medicine is a branch of medical practice focusing on non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments directed towards appearance improvement and prevention of ageing. These treatments

PAR Medical Esthetics prva je Riječka specijalizirana ordinacija za nekiruršku i antiaging estetsku medicinu čiji predani tim čine liječnici članovi Hrvatskog društva za estetsku medicinu i Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora

PAR Medical Esthetics is the first clinic in Rijeka specialising in non-surgical and anti-ageing aesthetic medicine, whose dedicated team is made up of doctors who are members of the Croatian Association of Aesthetic Medicine and the Croatian Medical Association

agresivne opcije u usporedbi s tradicionalnom plastičnom kirurgijom.

Prednosti nekirurške antiaging medicine uključuju minimalno vrijeme oporavka (većina je tretmana neinvazivna ili minimalno invazivna, pacijenti se mogu brzo vratiti svakodnevnim aktivnostima), rezultate koji izgledaju prirodno (suvremene tehnike i materijali omogućuju postizanje prirodnog izgleda, bez pretjeranog „zamrznutog” efekta), povećanje samopouzdanja (poboljšanje izgleda može znatno podići samopouzdanje i poboljšati kvalitetu života) te prevenciju starenja (redoviti tretmani mogu uvelike odgoditi pojavu znakova starenja i održati mladolik izgled).

Uz najmodernije metode, postupke i tehnike nekirurške antiaging medicine ova ordinacija raspolaže širokim spektrom rješenja za sve svoje pacijente. Također, u ugodnoj atmosferi ordinacije u Rijeci možete isprobati dermokozmetičke tretmane preparatima renomiranog švicarskog proizvođača Teoxane.

Za kraj treba još dodati kako PAR medical Esthetics usko surađuje s bolnicom Medistanbul koja je članica OneClick Health grupe, jedne od uglednijih zdravstvenih ustanova u Turskoj. 

have been designed to achieve fast results in a minimal recovery time, making them ideal for those who want efficient yet less aggressive options compared to traditional cosmetic surgery.

The advantages of non-surgical anti-ageing medicine include minimal recovery time (most of the treatments are non-invasive or minimally invasive, and patients can quickly return to their everyday activities), naturally looking results (modern techniques and materials make it possible to achieve a natural look, without an overly ‘frozen face’ effect), increase in self-confidence (improvement in physical appearance can significantly increase a person’s self-confidence and improve their quality of life) and prevention of ageing (regular treatments can significantly postpone the signs of ageing and maintain a youthful look).

Using the state-of-the-art methods, procedures and techniques of non-surgical anti-ageing medicine, this clinic has a wide range of solutions for all its patients at its disposal. Additionally, in the pleasant atmosphere of the clinic in Rijeka, you can also try dermocosmetic treatments that use products by the renowned Swiss company Teoxane. Finally, it should also be noted that PAR Medical Esthetics works very closely with Medistanbul Hospital, which is a member of the OneClick Health Group, a highly acclaimed health institution in Turkey. 


Prošle je godine skupina međunarodnih vlogera krenula na putovanje uz predivnu obalu Hrvatske. Nije se radilo o običnom godišnjem odmoru; u pitanju je bio Vlogfest Croatia, jednotjedno okupljanje vlogera zamišljeno da pokrene kreativnost, potakne suradnju i prikaže ljepote te jadranske zemlje.

Last summer, a group of international vloggers set sail for the stunning shores of Croatia. This wasn't your typical vacation; it was Vlogfest Croatia, a week-long gathering designed to ignite creativity, foster collaboration, and showcase the beauty of the Adriatic nation.

Fotografije / Photos: Vlogfest

U organizaciji The Vlogfesta, koji je prethodno posjetio Maltu i Cipar, ova je manifestacija okupila šest vlogera iz različitih područja koji kreiraju različite sadržaje. Od zaljubljenika u putovanje do foodija i avanturista, skupina je ponudila različite perspektive i omogućila svakom članu internetske publike da pronađe nešto za sebe. Kako bi sve učinili zanimljivijim, svaki je kreator sadržaja snimio video kako bi motivirao svoje pratitelje da posjete Hrvatsku, a međunarodna publika glasala je za onaj koji im se najviše sviđa. Ponuđena je i nagrada u iznosu od 15,000 € autoru videozapisa koji dobije najviše glasova i bude proglašen pobjednikom Vlogfesta.

Natjecatelji su bili: Marta Rossi i Luca Lattanzio, Callum McSwiggan, Fabio Fabreezy, Sorted Food, Nelly’s Life i Jason Billam.

Tjedan dana u životu: vlogerski dragulji Hrvatske

Tjedan se odvijao kao putovanje iz snova: svaki je dan pomno planiran kako bi se snimkom „uhvatila“ bit Hrvatske. Evo kratkog uvida u vlogerske avanture:

Natjecatelji su stigli u čudesan glavni grad, Zagreb. Posjetili su Gornji grad i njegove legendarne znamenitosti kao što su zagrebačka katedrala i crkva sv. Marka. Šetnja živahnom Tkalčićevom ulicom, punoj kafića i dućana, vlogerima je pružila priliku da iskuse živopisnu atmosferu grada.

Čari Dubrovnika – Putovanje je počelo u Dubrovniku, gradu uvrštenom na UNESCO-ov popis svjetske baštine. Vlogeri su snimili dobro očuvane gradske zidine, razgledali raskošna Vrata od Pila te lutali ljupkim Starim gradom.

Spektakularni posjeti otocima – Jahta unajmljena u ACI marini u Splitu bila im je prijevozno sredstvo na avanturi u kojoj su posjetili otoke. Kristalno čisto more oko otoka Brača bilo je savršeno mjesto za plivanje, ronjenje i sunčanje.

Povijesni sjaj Splita – Pristavši u Splitu, drugom po veličini gradu u Hrvatskoj, vlogeri su zaronili u njegovu bogatu povijest. Razgle-

Organised by The Vlogfest who have previously visited Malta and Cyprus, the event brought together six vloggers from diverse backgrounds and content areas. From travel enthusiasts to foodies and adventure seekers, the group offered a multifaceted perspective, ensuring there was something for everyone in the online audience. To spice things up, each content creator submitted a video to inspire their followers to visit Croatia, where a global audience voted for their favourite video. There was a €15,000 cash prize on offer for the creator who gained the most votes and was also crowned the Vlogfest Champion.

Our challengers included Marta Rossi & Luca Lattanzio, Callum McSwiggan, Fabio Fabreezy, Sorted Food, Nelly’s Life and Jason Billam.

A Week in the Life: Vlogging Croatia's Gems

The week unfolded like a dream itinerary, with each day meticulously planned to capture the essence of Croatia. Here's a glimpse into the vloggers' adventures:

Our competitors arrived in the marvellous capital of Zagreb. They explored the Upper Town, with its iconic landmarks like Zagreb Cathedral and St. Mark's Church. A stroll down the lively Tkalčićeva Street, lined with cafes and shops, provided a taste of the city's vibrant atmosphere.

Dubrovnik Delights – The journey began in Dubrovnik, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The vloggers documented the city's well-preserved walls, explored the intricate Pile Gate, and wandered through the charming Old Town.

Island Hopping Extravaganza – A chartered yacht from ACI Marina in Split became their mode of transport as they embarked on an island-hopping adventure. The pristine waters of Brac island provided a backdrop for swimming, snorkelling, and soaking up the sun.

Split's Historical Splendor – Docking in Split, the second-largest city in Croatia, the vloggers delved into its rich history. They ex-

dali su dojmljivu Dioklecijanovu palaču, koja je također uvrštena na UNESCO-ov popis. Više možete saznati u videu Jasona Billama. Gastronomske delicije u Dalmaciji – Posjet tradicionalnom Dalmatinskom selu vlogerima je omogućio da izbliza okuse i iskuse hrvatsku gastronomiju. Naučili su pripremati lokalne specijalitete kao što je peka te uživali u svježim morskim plodovima na obali. Očaravajuća ljepota Nacionalnog parka Plitvice – Vlogfest Croatia uputio se u unutrašnjost do Nacionalnog parka Plitvice, poznatog po slapovima i kaskadno povezanim jezerima. Grupa je snimila veličanstveni krajolik parka i adrenalinsko uživanje na zipline žicama. Pogledajte priče na Instagramu: @thevlogfest.

Umjetnički šarm Rovinja – Na sjeveru zemlje vlogeri su posjetili Rovinj, pitoreskni grad na istarskom poluotoku. Snimili su slikovite gradske kuće penjući se uzbrdo prema crkvi sv. Eufemije, razgledali ljupku luku i susreli lokalne umjetnike, poznate po živopisnim djelima. Arhitektonski dragulji Šibenika – Vlogeri su stigli u Šibenik, grad bogate kulturne baštine. Snimili su impresivnu šibensku katedralu, uvrštenu na UNESCO-ov popis svjetske baštine, razgledali povijesne gradske zidine i utvrde te prošetali ljupkim Starim gradom.

Otočne vibracije u Novalji – U Novalji ih je čekala promjena ritma. Iako je grad poznat po živahnom noćnom životu i partijima, naši kreatori sadržaja obišli su stazu Life on Mars, gdje je nastala čudesna snimka koju je dronom snimio Fabio Fabreezy.

Povezivanje s prirodom u Funtani – Kako bi doživjeli istarsku kulturu, vlogeri su posjetili Funtanu, gradić smješten u samom srcu poluotoka. Ovdje je na programu bila priroda, a naši su se gosti povezali s morem i zelenilom te, naravno, kušali najbolju hranu koja se nudi u Istri.

Vodička avantura – U Vodicama, gradu poznatom po vodenim sportovima i aktivnostima na otvorenome, otišli smo u laganu šetnju po marini i uživali u tirkiznom moru i predivnim plažama.

plored the impressive Diocletian's Palace, a UNESCO site itselfsee more on Jason Billam’s video entry.

Culinary Delights in Dalmatia – A visit to a traditional Dalmatian village allowed the vloggers to experience Croatian cuisine firsthand. They learned to prepare local specialties like peka and enjoyed fresh seafood by the waterfront.

Plitvice National Park's Enchanting Beauty – Vlogfest Croatia ventured inland to Plitvice National Park, renowned for its waterfalls and cascading lakes. The group captured the park’s breathtaking scenery and adrenaline on the zip wires. Check out the stories on @thevlogfest Instagram account.

Rovinj's Artistic Charm – In the north of the country, the vloggers journeyed to Rovinj, a picturesque town on the Istrian peninsula. They captured the town's colourful houses climbing the hill towards the Church of St. Euphemia, explored the charming harbour, and met with local artists known for their vibrant creations.

Šibenik's Architectural Gems – The vloggers arrived in Šibenik, a city boasting a rich cultural heritage. They captured the awe-inspiring Šibenik Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, explored the historic city walls and fortresses and strolled through the charming Old Town.

Island Vibes in Novalja – A change of pace awaited the vloggers in Novalja, although famous for its vibrant nightlife and party scene, our creators explored the Life on Mars trail which made for amazing drone footage from Fabio Fabreezy.

Connecting with Nature in Funtana – For a taste of Istrian culture, the vloggers visited Funtana, a small town nestled in the heart of the peninsula. Here nature was the order of the day and our guests connected with the sea, the greenery and off course sampled the best food that Istria has to offer.

Vodice Adventure – In Vodice, a town known for its water sports and outdoor activities, we took leisurely strolls along the marina and an exploration of some of the turquoise seas and beautiful beaches.

Iza kulisa: suradnja i kreiranje sadržaja

Vlogfest Croatia više je od razgledavanja i dodjele nagrade. Manifestacija je zamišljena kako bi potakla suradnju među vlogerima.

Duh suradnje motivirao je vlogere da izađu iz zone komfora, što je dovelo do inovativnog i privlačnog sadržaja. Jedni su od drugih učili o stilovima montaže, filmskim tehnikama i načinima na koje se priča može ispričati, što je rezultiralo raznolikim rasponom videa koji su prikazali Hrvatsku iz različitih perspektiva. Šušur na društvenim mrežama: #VlogfestCroatia osvaja digitalni svijet

Uspjeh manifestacije Vlogfest Croatia nije bio ograničen samo na obalu Jadrana. Vlogeri su zabilježili svoja iskustva u stvarnom vremenu uz oznaku #VlogfestCroatia, što je stvorilo značajan šušur na društvenim platformama kao što su YouTube, Instagram i TikTok.

Pratiteljima je ponuđen neprestani niz očaravajućeg sadržaja, od zadivljujućih snimki otoka učinjenih dronom do krupnih planova primamljivih hrvatskih delicija. Entuzijazam vlogera bio je zarazan, a publika se osjećala dijelom avanture.

Trajni utjecaj: više od sjećanja

Vlogfest Croatia nije vlogerima bio samo odmor; bilo je to i nabrijano natjecanje te odskočna daska za povećanje njihove digitalne prisutnosti. Manifestacija je omogućila stvaranje vrijedna sadržaja koji je tjednima (i mjesecima) održavao šušur na njihovim kanalima.

Prekrasni hrvatski krajolici u kombinaciji s izazovima suradnje rezultirali su kvalitetnim vlogovima, koji su odjeknuli kod gledatelja. To je vlogerima koji su sudjelovali u manifestaciji donijelo veću gledanost, povećanje broja pretplata te veću prepoznatljivost brenda.

Beyond the Scenery: Collaboration and Content Creation

Vlogfest Croatia wasn't just about sightseeing and the cash prize. The event was designed to foster collaboration among the vloggers.

This collaborative spirit pushed the vloggers outside their comfort zones, leading to innovative and engaging content. They learned from each other's editing styles, filming techniques, and storytelling methods, resulting in a diverse range of videos showcasing Croatia from various perspectives.

Social Media Buzz: #VlogfestCroatia Takes Over

The success of Vlogfest Croatia wasn't limited to the Adriatic coast. The vloggers documented their experiences in real-time using the hashtag #VlogfestCroatia. This generated a significant buzz on social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

Followers were treated to a constant stream of captivating content, from stunning drone footage of the islands to mouth-watering close-ups of Croatian delicacies. The vloggers' enthusiasm was infectious, and the audience felt like they were part of the adventure.

A Lasting Impact: More Than Just Memories

Vlogfest Croatia wasn't just a vacation for the vloggers; it was a highly charged competition and springboard for their online presence. The event provided valuable content that kept their channels buzzing for weeks (and months) to come.

The beautiful Croatian backdrop, coupled with the collaborative challenges, resulted in high-quality vlogs that resonated with viewers. This translated to increased viewership, subscriber growth, and brand recognition for the participating vloggers.

Ali učinak se osjetio i izvan digitalnog svijeta. Vlogfest Croatia potaknuo je stvaranje iskrenog prijateljstva među vlogerima.

Lančana reakcija: predstavljanje Hrvatske svijetu

Utjecaj manifestacije Vlogfest Croatia jako se proširio izvan društvenih mreža. Videozapisi koje su vlogeri snimili hrvatskom su turizmu poslužili kao moćan marketinški alat. Prekrasni vizualni zapisi uz iskrene preporuke vlogera izazvali su želju za putovanjem kod gledatelja diljem svijeta.

Budući Vlogfesti

Uspjeh manifestacije Vlogfest Croatia utro je put za buduća izdanja. Ove godine Vlogfest se vraća u Hrvatsku s potpuno novom grupom kreatora sadržaja, koji će se natjecati za novčanu nagradu od 15,000 € u kreiranju videozapisa koji će najviše inspirirati gledatelje diljem svijeta da posjete Hrvatsku.

Tjedan koji je stvorio pokret

Vlogfest Croatia bio je više od okupljanja vlogera. Bila je to jednotjedna proslava kreativnosti, suradnje i čudesnih ljepota Hrvatske.

Gledajući unaprijed, Vlogfest Croatia svjedočanstvo je svijeta društvenih mreža koji je stalno u mijeni i njegova potencijala da utječe na trendove putovanja i kulturnog povezivanja. A sada smo spremni to ponoviti!

Vlogfest su omogućile ACI marine, turističke zajednice Rovinja, Rijeke, Funtane, Vodica, Novalje, Splita, Dubrovnika, Zagreba, Šibenika i Istre, Hoteli Valamar i Maistre, Mastercard te Sixt Rent a Car. Hvala vam!

Sve videozapise možete vidjeti na competitions. Nemojte nas zaboraviti pratiti na našem sljedećem putovanju kroz Hrvatsku i našim avanturama nakon njega na našoj instagramskoj stranici: @thevlogfest. 

But the impact went beyond the digital world. Vlogfest Croatia fostered genuine friendships among the vloggers.

The Ripple Effect: Showcasing Croatia to the World Vlogfest Croatia's influence extended far beyond the social media realm. The vloggers' videos served as a powerful marketing tool for Croatia's tourism industry. The stunning visuals, coupled with the vloggers' genuine recommendations, sparked wanderlust in viewers worldwide.

Vlogfests to Come

The success of Vlogfest Croatia has paved the way for future iterations. This year, the Vlogfest returns to Croatia with a brand new group of content creators, all vying to win the €15,000 cash prize and create the video that most inspires global viewers to visit Croatia.

A Week That Sparked a Movement

Vlogfest Croatia was more than just a gathering of vloggers. It was a week-long celebration of creativity, collaboration, and the captivating beauty of Croatia.

Looking ahead, Vlogfest Croatia stands as a testament to the ever-evolving world of social media and its potential to influence travel trends and cultural connections and now we are ready to do it all over again!

The Vlogfest was made possible thanks to ACI Marinas and the tourism boards of Rovinj, Rijeka, Funtana, Vodice, Novalja, Split, Dubrovnik, Zagreb, Sibenik and Istria, Valamar and Maistre Hotels, Mastercard and Sixt Rent a Car. Thank you!

You can see all the video entries at competitions and don’t forget to follow us on our next journey through Croatia and our adventures after that on our instagram page @thevlogfest 





Udruga primijenjenih tehničkih znanosti iz Rijeke svoje projekte eksperimentalnih plovila temelji na modernim tehnologijama i inženjerskoj etici s posebnim naglaskom na održivost

The Association of Applied Technical Sciences from Rijeka bases its projects on developing experimental vessels on modern technologies and engineering ethics, with special emphasis on sustainability

Fotografije / Photos: Yacht Club de Monaco, Udruga primijenjenih tehničkih znanosti

Udruga je 2019. godine osvojila prva mjesta u dvije kategorije na međunarodnom natjecanju Hydrocontest-X u Švicarskoj

The Association won two first prizes in two respective categories in the Hydrocontest-X international competition, held in Switzerland

Latinska izreka 'Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse' (Ploviti se mora, živjeti se ne mora) pokazuje snažnu ulogu koju pomorstvo ima u ljudskoj civilizaciji. Plovidba kakvom je poznajemo stoljećima nalazi se na svojevrsnom raskrižju, a na horizontu pomorske industrije nazire se era održivosti. Među brojnim svjetskim projektima koji eksperimentiraju s različitim vrstama alternativnih pogona jest i Udruga primijenjenih tehničkih znanosti iz Rijeke koja se u proteklih nekoliko godina pokazala kao fenomenalan rasadnik znanja i ideja. Svi projekti udruge temelje se na modernim tehnologijama i pristupu rješavanja problema naglašavajući važnost zaštite okoliša i inženjerske etike.

UPTZ je udruga građana osnovana 2018. godine koja se bavi promocijom tehničkih znanosti, unapređenjem obrazovanja mladih ljudi te razvojem i izradom tehničkih projekata. Već 2019. godine osvojili su prva mjesta u dvije kategorije na međunarodnom natjecanju Hydrocontest-X koje je održano u Švicarskoj, a posljednjih nekoliko godina sudjeluju i ostvaruju sjajne rezultate na Monaco Energy Boat Challengeu, natjecanju koje pod pokroviteljstvom princa Alberta II. od Monaka promovira održivost i tehnološki 'tour de force'. Cilj je natjecanja razvoj novih formi plovila, hidrokrila i alternativnih pogonskih sustava koristeći se samo čistim izvorima energije za napajanje plovila u budućnosti. Velik je to tehnološki

The Latin phrase Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse (meaning ‘to sail is necessary, to live is not necessary’) shows the powerful role that seafaring has had on the entire human civilisation. Navigation, as we have known it for centuries, is at a crossroads of sorts, and the era of sustainability can be seen on the maritime industry’s horizon. Among many international projects experimenting with different alternative propulsion systems is the Association of Applied Technical Sciences from Rijeka, which has proved to be an exceptional hub of learning and ideas in the past several years. All the projects of the Association are based on modern technologies and the problem-solving approach, emphasising the importance of environmental protection and engineering ethics.

Established in 2018, the AATS is a civil society organisation that promotes technical sciences, advances the education of young people and develops and carries out technical projects. As early as 2019, they won first prizes in two categories in the international Hydrocontest-X competition, held in Switzerland. For the past several years, they have participated, achieving great results, in the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge, a competition held under the auspices of Albert II, Prince of Monaco, which promotes sustainability and the technological ‘tour de force’. The aim of the competition

ACI No.1 // Riječki rasadnik znanja i ideja / Rijeka’s hub of

izazov za stvaranje energetski učinkovitih plovila i novih brodskih tehnologija s posebnim osvrtom na zaštitu okoliša i inženjersku etiku. Koliko je natjecanje zahtjevno, najbolje ilustrira podatak kako za nastup svaki prijavljeni projekt treba proći zahtjevnu tehničku inspekciju plovila prema 30-ak stranica tehničkih pravila. 'Ideja je bila osnovati udrugu koja će surađivati s tvrtkama i sa sastavnicama Sveučilišta u Rijeci na višoj razini s ciljem stvaranja novih znanja pokretanjem inovativnih projekata. Nautički svijet mijenja se velikom brzinom, a svojim plovilima želimo istraživati granice tehnologije i pokazati kako može izgledati plovidba budućnosti. Kao hrvatski predstavnici s ponosom sudjelujemo na prestižnom Monaco Energy Boat Challengeu, gdje s velikim zanimanjem prate naš rad, a 2021. godine dobili smo i nagradu Coup de coeur za najuspješniji tim s obzirom na utrošeni budžet. Udruga počiva na timskom radu, stoga želimo zahvaliti svim dobrim ljudima i tvrtkama koje su prepoznale naš trud, kao i Sveučilištu u Rijeci, Studentskom zboru Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Studentskom centru Ri i Pomorskom fakultetu u Rijeci bez kojih sve ne bi bilo moguće. Također velika hvala svim članovima, volonterima i simpatizerima udruge koji su vjerni zupčanici koji nas pokreću i pogone dalje', naglašava predsjednik udruge Ljubomir Pozder.

Posljednjih nekoliko godina sudjeluju na prestižnom natjecanju Monaco Energy Boat Challenge, čiji je pokrovitelj princ Alberta II. od Monaka

For the past several years, they have participated in the prestigious Monaco Energy Boat Challenge, held under the auspices of Albert II, Prince of Monaco

is to develop new forms of boats, hydrofoils and alternative propulsion systems, using only clean energy sources for the boats of the future. To create energy-efficient boats and develop new boat technologies with a special emphasis on environmental protection and engineering ethics is a real technological challenge. How demanding the competition is can best be illustrated by the fact that, in order to be presented, each project entering the competition has to be subjected to a very detailed technical boat inspection that is carried out according to a 30-page long book of technical rules.

‘The idea was to start an organisation that will work with companies and the constituents of the University of Rijeka at a higher level. The association was established with the aim of creating new kinds of knowledge in innovative projects. The boating world is changing very fast, and we want to use our vessels to explore the limits of technology and show what the sailing of the future could be. As representatives of Croatia, we are proud to be participating in the prestigious Monaco Energy Boat Challenge, where our work is followed with great interest. In 2021, we received the Coup de Coeur award given to the most successful team considering the budget that was spent. The association is based on teamwork, and that is why we want to thank all the good people and companies

ACI No.1 // Riječki rasadnik znanja i ideja / Rijeka’s hub of learning and ideas

Nautički svijet mijenja se velikom brzinom, a UPTZ u sklopu projekata želi istraživati granice tehnologije i pokazati kako može izgledati plovidba budućnosti

The boating world is changing very fast, and the AATS wants to use projects to explore the limits of technology and to show what the sailing of the future could be

Među eksperimentalnim plovilima koje su ambiciozni, vrijedni i kreativni riječki studenti izradili nalaze se električni Delta One i Teredo Navalis koji dobivaju energiju iz fotonaponskih ćelija te prototip trkaćeg katamarana pod nazivom 'Malo vitra' koji pokreću obnovljivi izvori energije putem solarnih ćelija bez upotrebe CO2 što opskrbljuju izvanbrodski električni motor.

Za novi dizajn katamarana naziva 'Vilson'koji su samostalno projektirali i proizveli vjeruju da je vrijedan jednog od prva tri mjesta u Monaku.

UPTZ ne gradi samo plovila nego i budućnost uz naprednu pomorsku tehnologiju koja bi mogla transformirati način na koji plovimo i čuvamo naša mora i oceane. Da parafraziramo latinsku izreku s početka teksta: Ploviti se mora – na održiv način. 

that have recognised our efforts, as well as the University of Rijeka, the University of Rijeka Students’ Council, Student Centre Rijeka and the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Rijeka, without whose support all this would not have been possible. Also, we would also like to say thank you to all our members, volunteers and supporters, who are our loyal cogs that drive and propel us to push forward,’ says Ljubomir Pozder, the president of the Association.

Among the experimental vessels made by the ambitious, hardworking and creative students from Rijeka are the electric Delta One and Teredo Navalis, which are powered by photovoltaic cells, and a racing catamaran prototype called Malo Vitra, powered by renewable energy sources using solar cells without CO2, which supply the electric outboard motor.

For the new catamaran design called 'Vilson', which they independently designed and produced, they believe it is worthy of one of the top three places in Monaco.

The AATS do not only build vessels; they are building our future using advanced maritime technology, which could transform the way we sail and look after our seas and oceans. To borrow the Latin saying from the beginning: To sail is necessary – in a sustainable way. 

ACI No.1 // Riječki rasadnik znanja i ideja / Rijeka’s hub of




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U suradnji s brendom Krie Design ACI kao najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu planira započeti još jedan novi trend usmjeren na poticanje pozitivnih promjena za očuvanje okoliša Hrvatske

Jadransko more, sa svojim kristalno čistim vodama i bogatim morskim životom, već stoljećima je izvor inspiracije umjetnicima i dizajnerima. U posljednje vrijeme ta inspiracija prelila se i u svijet mode, gdje se sve više dizajnera okreće održivim praksama i materijalima kako bi izradili kolekcije koje su istodobno lijepe i prijateljske prema okolišu koristeći se pritom otpadnim tvarima koje dobivaju novu, vrjedniju svrhu i postaju pravi ekološki statement. Na filozofskoj razini taj trend može se shvatiti kao poziv na buđenje svijeta i promjenu načina života u kojem dominiraju konzumerizam i hiperprodukcija.

With a collaboration with Krie Design, ACI, the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean, is planning to start another new trend oriented towards encouraging positive changes that will ensure environmental protection in Croatia

For centuries, the Adriatic Sea, with its crystal clear waters and rich in marine life, has been a source of inspiration for artists and designers. Lately, this inspiration has spilled into the fashion world, with an ever increasing number of designers turning to sustainable practices and materials to create collections that are both beautiful and environmentally friendly By using waste material and giving it a new, more valuable purpose, they are making a real ecological statement. On a more philosophical level, this trend can be seen as a wake-up call to the world to change the way of life dominated by consumerism and hyperproduction.

Fotografije / Photos: Angelo Virag, Luka Ašanin, Green Fashion Week, Riccardo Plozzer, Goran Matijašec

Prije skoro 10 godina hrvatska dizajnerica Kristina Burja postavila je standarde održivog djelovanja u modnoj industriji. Njezin Krie Design 2016. godine odabran je kao jedini regionalni brend za promicanje održivosti u modnoj industriji u sklopu projekta Green Fashion Week, koji je pod pokroviteljstvom UN-a. Godinu dana poslije Kristina je kao jedina hrvatska predstavnica u Rimu sudjelovala na panelu o održivom razvoju u modnoj industriji, a 2020. godine predstavila je vlastiti rad i u hrvatskom paviljonu na Expou u Dubaiju, gdje je izložena njezina popularna kreacija, haljina ‘Bow’. Početkom 2023. Kristina Burja je s Božidarom Blaslovom, ribarom iz mjesta Kali na otoku Ugljanu, započela novi hvalevrijedan ekološki projekt. Zahvaljujući inovativnoj suradnji brenda Krie Design i projekta Provir ribarske mreže koje su prije zagađivale Jadransko more postale su sirovina za vlakno od kojeg se izrađuje održiva odjeća. Kao kruna zajedničkog djelovanja nastala je treća Krie Design

The Croatian designer Kristina Burja set the standards of sustainability in the fashion industry almost 10 years ago. In 2016, her Krie Design was selected as the only brand in the region to promote sustainability in the fashion industry with the Green Fashion Week project, sponsored by the UN. A year later, Kristina was the only Croatian representative in Rome to participate in a panel discussion on sustainable development in the fashion industry, and in 2020, she presented her own work in the Croatian Pavilion at the Dubai Expo, exhibiting the very popular Bow dress. In 2023, Kristina Burja started a new admirable ecological project with Božidar Blaslov, a fisherman from the town of Kali on the island of Ugljan. Thanks to the innovative collaboration between the Krie Design brand and the Provir project, fishing nets that were polluting the Adriatic Sea have become raw material to produce a fibre, used in making sustainable clothing. To crown their collaboration, the third Krie Design collection made of ECON-

'Budućim naraštajima želimo u nasljeđe ostaviti nautiku koja počiva na zelenim, održivim i uključivim principima koji su fokusirani na okoliš i čovjeka', istaknuo je Kristijan Pavić, predsjednik Uprave ACI d.d.

‘To future generations, we want to leave a legacy of boating that is based on green, sustainable and inclusive principles focusing on environment and people,’ said Kristijan Pavić, President of the Management Board of ACI d.d.

kolekcija od ECONYL-a® inspirirana upravo ribarima koji su se priključili u nuđenju rješenja putem načina raspolaganja otpadom od najlona. Kolekcija nazvana Krie X Provir obuhvaća casual, sportsku liniju, dok ostale kolekcije Krie Designa od ECONYL-a® nude elegantne komade. Pritom svaki komad odjeće Krie x Provir ima NFC čip koji vodi do informacija o projektu.

Vrijedi istaknuti kako je Božidar ovom inicijativom informirao ribarsku zajednicu i u godinu dana more je očišćeno od 21 tone odbačenih ribarskih mreža, a lociranje otpada u budućnosti će pomagati i aplikacija Provir Sea.R.C.H.

'U sklopu projekta Provir predstavljamo način raspolaganja otpadom koji u konačnici proizvodi vlakno budućnosti jer ga beskonačno možemo regenerirati. Iz ribarske mreže i ostalog odbačenog najlona dobije se vlakno, iz vlakna tkanina, a iz tkanine odjevni predmeti, ali i tepisi i plastični namještaj i tako dalje. I kad ti artikli završe svoj životni vijek, oni su ponovno sirovina za regeneriranje', naglasila je Kristina Burja.

Potporom manifestaciji 'Uz more za more: zelena misija za održivu budućnost Hrvatske' ACI d.d. kao najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu naglašava posvećenost održivom

YL® was created, inspired by fishermen who offered solutions to reuse nylon waste. The Krie X Provir collection consists of a line of casual, sports clothes, while other Krie Design collections made of ECONYL® offer elegant items of clothing. In addition, each item of the Krie x Provir clothing has an NFC chip that can provide you with information on the project.

It is worth mentioning that Božidar informed the fishing community about the initiative, and, within a year, 21 tonnes of discarded fishing nets were hauled from the sea. In the future, an application called Provir Sea.R.C.H. will help locate the waste.

‘With the Provir project, we are introducing a way of waste management that ultimately produces the fibre of the future because it can be regenerated countless times. A fishing net or other discarded nylon objects can be turned into fibre, from which fabric is produced to make items of clothing as well as rugs, plastic furniture and so on. Even when those objects reach the end of their lifespan, they again become raw material and can be regenerated,’ said Kristina Burja.

By supporting the By the Sea for the Sea: A Green Mission for Croatia’s Sustainable Future project, ACI, the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean, highlights its firm com-

Prije skoro 10 godina hrvatska dizajnerica Kristina Burja postavila je standarde održivog djelovanja u modnoj industriji

Croatian designer Kristina Burja set the standards of sustainability in the fashion industry almost 10 years ago

razvoju i uz aktivni angažman pruža potporu kreativnim rješenjima koji smanjuju zagađenja podmorja.

'Biti pionir u industriji kao što je nautika, ne samo u Hrvatskoj nego i na cijelom Mediteranu, daje nam određenu odgovornost prema društvu, stoga nastojimo promicati i podržavati inicijative s kojima dijelimo iste vrijednosti. Akcijama čišćenja koje provodimo u našim marinama oslobađamo more i podmorje velikih količina otpada, a drago nam je vidjeti da i druge organizacije i pojedinci slijede tu praksu. Budućim naraštajima želimo u nasljeđe ostaviti nautiku koja počiva na zelenim, održivim i uključivim principima koji su fokusirani na okoliš i čovjeka', istaknuo je Kristijan Pavić, predsjednik Uprave ACI d.d., na manifestaciji 'Uz more, za more: zelena misija za održivu budućnost Hrvatske'.

Kao predvodnik nautičkog turizma i održivog razvoja ACI d.d. planira započeti još jedan novi trend koji će nastaviti dugogodišnju tradiciju očuvanja nasljeđa i poticanja pozitivnih promjena za očuvanje okoliša Hrvatske. U pripremi je posebna kolekcija održive mode Krie Designa nastala u suradnji s ACI-jem i inspirirana ljepotom Jadranskog mora. Više detalja donosimo u budućnosti, zelenoj i održivoj. 

Zahvaljujući inovativnoj suradnji brenda Krie Design i projekta Provir ribarske mreže koje su prije zagađivale Jadransko more postaju sirovina za posebno vlakno od kojeg nastaje tkanina budućnosti

Thanks to the innovative collaboration between the Krie Design brand and the Provir project, fishing nets that were polluting the Adriatic Sea are becoming raw material from which a special fibre is made, which is then turned into a fabric of the future.

mitment to sustainable development and, through its active involvement, lends support to creative solutions that reduce marine pollution.

‘Being a pioneer in an industry such as boating, not only in Croatia, but also in the entire Mediterranean, means that we assume certain responsibility towards society; therefore, we are trying to promote and support initiatives that share our values. In the underwater clean-up campaigns that we conduct in our marinas, we clean the sea and the seabed removing a significant amount of waste, and we are happy to see that other organisations and individuals follow this practice as well. To future generations, we want to leave a legacy of boating that is based on green, sustainable and inclusive principles focusing on environment and people,’ Kristijan Pavić, President of the Management Board of ACI d.d., said at the By the Sea for the Sea: A Green Mission for Croatia’s Sustainable Future event.

As the leader in boating tourism and sustainable development, ACI is planning to start a new trend, which will continue the long tradition of preserving the heritage and encouraging positive changes that will ensure environmental protection in Croatia. A special Krie Design sustainable fashion collection is being designed in collaboration with ACI, inspired by the beauty of the Adriatic Sea. We will provide you with more details in the future, green and sustainable future... 


ACI MARINA DUBROVNIK Golf range and mini golf course

▶ Practice net

▶ Putting green

▶ Chipping green

▶ Sand bunker

ACI marina Dubrovnik offers a unique and attractive sports activity – play golf and have fun on mini golf with 9 lanes.

On our Golf Range you can practice all golf shots with golf clubs and golf balls available on the reception desk and included in price per hour.

Guests of all ages are welcome. Spend your free time actively – on the ACI Golf Range!

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the EU.

Fotografije / Photos: Miho Bakalić



Na Jadranskoj obali je više od tisuću i pol luka i zaljeva koje nude siguran vez. Nautički turizam bilježi stalni rast, ali i globalne izazove vezane uz ekološki prihvatljive tehnologije i zaštite održivosti okoliša na koje mora odgovoriti ako želi i dalje zadržati zvjezdani status. Nakon više od četiri godine rada Fakultet građevinarstva arhitekture i geodezije Split u partnerstvu sa tvrtkom Dubina inženjering dovršili su prvo hrvatsko podvodno ugradbeno sidro za sidrenje plovila i plutajućih gatova pod imenom projekta Pinna Nobilis-SSMA19. Projektom je proveden niz aktivnosti koji je rezultirao razvojem novog proizvoda koji u pogledu negativnih utjecaja na okoliš minimalizira iste, dok istovremeno pruža inženjerski pouzdano tehničko rješenje. Konačan proizvod konceptualno je jedinstven, te ima više promjenjivih projektnih parametara koji osigu-

On the coast of the Adriatic Sea, there are more than a thousand and five hundred harbours and bays that offer safe mooring. Not only is boating tourism experiencing steady growth but it is also facing global challenges related to environmentally friendly technologies and the protection of environmental sustainability, which it must rise to if it is to continue having its star status. After more than four years of work, the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split, in partnership with the company Dubina Inženjering, has completed the Pinna Nobilis-SSMA19 project, the aim of which was to construct the first Croatian underwater mooring system that anchors vessels and floating jetties. Within the project, a series of activities were carried out, resulting in the development of a new product, which minimises the negative impact on the environment, offering, at the same time, a technical solution that is reliable in engineering terms. The end product is conceptually unique

ACI No.1 // Habemus Anchoram – Pinna Nobilis

ravaju primjenu u gotovo svim uvjetima morskog dna, a sve je implementirano i korisnički usmjerenu softversku aplikaciju koja će projektantu nuditi podršku o odabiru prikladnog rješenja, tj. odgovarajućih projektnih parametara sidra. Cilj projekta Pinna Nobilis-SSMA-19 bio je povećati kvalitetu usluga u turizmu, pomorskom prometu s naglaskom na primjenu održivih tehnologija i očuvanja prirodnih vodnih ekosustava, te razviti pouzdan sustav za sidrenje plovila u uvjetima realno zastupljenog temeljnog tla, prilagodljiv svim uvjetima morskog dna, za varijabilne karakteristike plovila i valnog polja, a što je u potpunosti i uspjelo. Projekt je sufinancirala Europska Unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.

Sadržaj publikacije isključiva je odgovornost društva DUBINA INŽENJERING d.o.o 

and has several variable project parameters that make sure it can be applied in almost any seabed condition. There is also a user-friendly application, which can offer support to the designer in choosing an optimal solution, i.e. the appropriate project parameters for the mooring system. The aim of the Pinna Nobilis-SSMA-19 project was to increase the quality of services in tourism and maritime transport with a focus on applying sustainable technologies and preserving natural aquatic ecosystems, and to develop a reliable system for anchoring vessels in the conditions of a realistically represented foundation soil, which is adaptable to all seabed conditions and suitable for vessels and wave fields with variable characteristics – all of which was met with complete success. The project was co-funded by the EU’s European Regional Development Fund.

The society DUBINA INŽENJERING d.o.o. is solely responsible for the content published above. 

ACI No.1 // Habemus Anchoram – Pinna Nobilis



Sjajna australska glumica proslavila se ulogama u filmovima kao što su 'Oči širom zatvorene', 'Moulin Rogue' i 'Sati', a uz aktivizam i humanitarni rad pokazuje da je snaga umjetnosti moćan alat za pokretanje pozitivnih promjena u svijetu

The great Australian actress made a name for herself by acting in films such as Eyes Wide Shut, Moulin Rouge, and The Hours, and her activism and charity work are proof that the art is a powerful tool to bring about positive changes in the world

Fotografije / Photos: Omega Watches

Kada se govori o ikonskim glumicama današnjice, ime Nicole Kidman neizbježno se ističe. Rođena u Honolulu, Nicole Kidman australska je glumica koja je osvojila srca publike diljem svijeta iznimnim talentom, karizmom i besprijekornom elegancijom. Njezina karijera obilježena je brojnim filmskim i TV ulogama zahvaljujući kojima je postala jedna od najtraženijih i najcjenjenijih glumica današnjice.

Na međunarodnu scenu probila se početkom devedesetih filmovima poput 'Opasno more' i 'Dani groma', gdje je glumačkim sposobnostima oduševila kritičare i publiku. Od tada je izgradila bogatu karijeru, demonstrirajući izniman talent u raznim žanrovima. Od dojmljivog portreta u 'Očima širom zatvorene' do energične plesačice u 'Moulin Rougeu', od složenih drama poput 'Sati' i 'Dogville' do napetih trilera kao što su 'Studengora' i 'Ubojstvo svetog jelena', Kidman je dokazala da nema granica u njezinoj glumačkoj transformaciji.

Pritom je na veliko platno unijela eleganciju, glamur i šarm, podsjećajući na ikonske holivudske filmske zvijezde iz 40-ih i 50-ih godina.

'Svaki filmski redatelj otvara vam neka nova vrata, a ja rado istražujem što se krije iza njih. To je čarolija glumačkog posla

‘Every film director opens a new door, and I’m happy to explore what’s behind them. That’s the magic of the movie business

When talking about today’s iconic actresses, Nicole Kidman’s name inevitably stands out. Born in Honolulu, Nicole Kidman is an Australian actress who has won the hearts of the audiences around the world with her extraordinary talent, charisma and great elegance. Her career has been filled with many film and TV roles, which have made her one of the most sought-after and appreciated actresses of today.

Her international breakthrough came in the early 1990s with films such as Dead Calm and Days of Thunder, where her acting abilities fascinated both critics and audiences. Since then she has built a great career, demonstrating her outstanding talent in different genres. From an impressive portrayal in Eyes Wide Shut to an energetic dancer in Moulin Rouge, from complex dramas such as The Hours and Dogville to gripping thrillers like Cold Mountain and The Killing of a Sacred Deer, Kidman has proved that there are no limits to her transformation as an actor. At the same time, she has brought elegance, glamour and charm to the big screen, evoking iconic Hollywood film stars from the 1940s and 1950s.

Her brilliant performances have won her many prestigious awards, including an Oscar for best actress for The Hours and a collection of Golden Globes and BAFTAs.

‘Every film director opens a new door, and I’m happy to explore what’s behind them. That’s the magic of the movie business –we discover new aspects of our artistic expression all the time. I don’t know what a correct definition of a film star would be. I only know that my role is to remain grounded, committed, curious and always ready to learn. I always try to be emotionally connected with the character I portray. I still approach my roles as if I’d just left the drama school. It’s not a conscious choice; this is just the way it happens. I learnt very early on that it’s crucial to read the script carefully and note down my first impressions and reactions. Those reactions are the most sincere and valuable ones. Later, when you read the script again, you will have new perspectives and ways of approaching the role. But what you get the first time are raw emotions and instinctive reactions to the characters and the plot. That’s the advice Stanley Kubrick gave me, and I’ve never forgotten it.’

Eyes Wide Shut, the last film Kubrick made before his death, is one of the films that have marked Nicole Kidman’s career. One of the greatest filmmakers of all times was known to be a perfectionist and was dedicated to making perfect scenes, which led to setting several world records. One of them was a scene in The Shining that was retaken 148 times before Kubrick was


Njezini briljantni nastupi donijeli su joj brojne prestižne nagrade, uključujući Oscara za najbolju glavnu glumicu u filmu 'Sati' te brojne Zlatne globuse i BAFTA nagrade.

'Svaki redatelj otvara vam neka nova vrata, a ja rado istražujem što se krije iza njih. To je čarolija glumačkog posla – stalno otkrivamo nove aspekte našeg umjetničkog izraza. Ne znam koja je točna definicija filmske zvijezde. Znam samo da je moja uloga ostati prizemljena, predana i znatiželjna te uvijek spremna učiti. Uvijek se trudim biti emocionalno povezana s likom koji glumim. Svojim ulogama i dalje pristupam kao da sam upravo izašla iz glumačke škole. To nije svjestan izbor, jednostavno se tako događa. Naučila sam vrlo rano da je ključno pažljivo pročitati scenarij i zabilježiti svoje prve dojmove i reakcije. Te su reakcije najiskrenije i najvrjednije. Kasnije, kada scenarij ponovno pročitate, imat ćete nove perspektive i načine pristupa ulozi. No prvi put dobijete čiste emocije i instinktivne reakcije na likove i radnju. To mi je savjetovao Stanley Kubrick i taj njegov savjet nikada nisam zaboravila.'

Upravo je 'Oči širom zatvorene', posljednji rad Stanleya Kubricka prije smrti, ostao jedan od filmova koji je obilježio karijeru Nicole Kidman. Jedan od najvećih filmaša svih vremena bio je poznat po perfekcio-

Stanley Kubrick bio je nestašan i duhovit, provokator s izvanrednim smislom za humor i filozofskim promišljanjima

Stanley Kubrick was mischievous, funny, provocative, had a great sense of humour and leant towards the philosophical

completely satisfied with it, setting the world record for a dialogue scene. The film Eyes Wide Shut also holds a record for the longest constant movie shoot, which ran for over 15 months. His passion for film left a deep impression on the Australian actress.

‘In the film world, Stanley Kubrick is synonymous with brilliance and unconventional methods. His ability to encompass ideas, pictures and music, the whole atmosphere of a film, was fascinating. He was mischievous, funny, provocative, had a great sense of humour and leant towards the philosophica. He never preached, and all his observations resulted from curiosity, research and deep thought. Kubrick’s working

ACI No.1 // Nicole Kidman

nizmu i posvećenosti postizanju savršenih scena, što ga je dovelo do postavljanja nekoliko svjetskih rekorda. Jedan je bio za najveći broj ponavljanja scene s dijalogom. U filmu 'Usijanje' takva je scena ponavljana 148 puta prije nego što je Kubrick bio potpuno zadovoljan. 'Oči širom zatvorene' također drži rekord za najdulje neprekidno snimanje filma – više od 15 mjeseci. Njegova strast prema filmu ostavila je dubok trag na australsku glumicu. 'U svijetu filma Stanley Kubrick sinonim je za genijalnost i nekonvencionalne metode. Njegova sposobnost da obuhvati ideje, slike i glazbu, cijelu atmosferu filma bila je fascinantna. Bio je nestašan i duhovit, provokator s izvanrednim smislom za humor i filozofskim promišljanjima. Nikada nije bio propovjednik, a sva su njegova zapažanja bila rezultat znatiželje, istraživanja i dubokog promišljanja. Kubrickov radni proces bio je tako neobičan da je potpuno mijenjao osnove onoga što ste dotad znali o filmskoj umjetnosti. Njegova sposobnost da vam ne ponudi odgovore, a ipak razbudi vatru u vama i izvuče vas iz zone komfora bila je nevjerojatna. Otišla sam na snimanje misleći da će trajati tri mjeseca, a pretvorilo se u godinu i pol. No onda sam pomislila da ako se prepustim ovome, imat ću nevjerojatno iskustvo. Radila sam s jednim od najvećih holivudskih filmaša svih vremena, učila o životu i uživala na setu. Na kraju dobila sam neponovljivo iskustvo i vječne uspomene.'

Kurtizana Satine, književnica Virginia Woolf, policajka Erin Bell, ožalošćena majka Becca Corbett, neovisna i odvažna Alice Harford samo su neke snažne ženske uloge koje je Nicole Kidman svojim talentom i predanosti uspjela oživjeti na ekranu i približiti ih publici na dirljiv i autentičan način.

'Film me očarava sposobnostima koje razbuđuju maštu. U kinu se volim prepustiti čaroliji i jednostavno nestati u priči. Gluma zahtijeva duboko samopouzdanje. Morate dobro poznavati sebe i svoje emocije. To je za mene bio ključni korak – razumjeti kako funkcioniram. Trebalo mi je dosta vremena, ali sam naučila kako se osjećati ugodno u svojoj koži. Stoga se ne bojim niti stidim svojih emocija, što mi pomaže da uvjerljivije utjelovim likove koje glumim. Međutim, gluma može biti i emocionalno iscrpljujuća. Uloga zahtjevnog lika može vas potpuno zarobiti i preplaviti negativnim emocijama. Ponekad se jednostavno nađete na opasnom teritoriju.'

Osim glume Kidman se okušala i u produkciji filmova i serija osnovavši produkcijsku tvrtku Blossom Films. U posljednjih nekoliko godina streaming servisi preuzeli su primat nad filmovima, a zov televizije privukao je i Nicole Kidman koja je za ulogu u seriji 'Male laži' nagrađena Emmyjem.

'Televizija me privlači zbog sposobnosti da se duboko probije u živote ljudi. Ta veza, građena kontinuiranim sudjelovanjem u priči, mnogo je intenzivnija od onog što film može ponuditi. Danas televizija nudi fantastične

process was so unusual that it completely changed the basics of what you’d learnt about film art until then. His ability to not give you answers, yet light a fire in you and take you out of your comfort zone was incredible. I went to shoot the film, thinking it would take three months, and it turned into a year and a half. But then I thought, “If I surrender to this, I’ll have an incredible experience.”

I worked with one of the greatest Hollywood filmmakers of all time, learnt about life and enjoyed myself on set. In the end, I gained an invaluable experience and lasting memories.’

Courtesan Satine, writer Virginia Woolf, police officer Erin Bell, bereaved mother Becca Corbett, independent and daring Alice Harford are only a few of the strong female roles that Nicole Kidman, through her talent and dedication, has brought to the screen and the audiences in a touching and authentic way

‘Film fascinates me with its ability to excite the imagination. In the cinema, I like to surrender to the magic and lose myself in the story. Acting requires great self-confidence. You have to know yourself and your emotions well. That has been the crucial step for me – to understand how I operate. It has taken me a long time, but I have learnt to feel comfortable in my own skin. That’s why I’m neither afraid nor ashamed of my emotions, which helps me portray my characters more convincingly. However, acting can be emotionally exhausting. Playing a demanding character can completely take you over and overwhelm you with negative emotions. Sometimes you just find yourself in a dangerous territory.’

In addition to acting, Kidman tried her hand in film and series production and has founded the Blossom Films production company. In the past few years, streaming services have taken over the world of films, and TV has also attracted Nicole Kidman, who has received an Emmy award for her role in the TV series Big Little Lies.

‘TV attracts me because of its ability to enter the lives of people. This connection, built through a continuous involvement in the story, is much more intensive than anything film can offer. Today, television offers fantastic possibilities. It attracts money and best directors, who are willing to work in this medium, create elaborate scripts and explore innovative narrative techniques. This is extremely attractive to actors because it gives them time to develop their character and let the story unfold gradually in all its colours, nuances and textures.’

Nicole Kidman is not just an actress with extraordinary talent but is also an inspiration to many people. Her involvement in charity campaigns and activism regarding various social issues make her an influential person using her voice for the benefit of others. She has been a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF since 1994 and UNIFEM since 2000.

mogućnosti. Privlači novac i vrhunske redatelje koji su spremni raditi u tom mediju, stvarati razrađene scenarije i istraživati inovativne pripovjedačke tehnike. To je izrazito privlačno glumcima jer im daje vremena da razviju lik i dopuste da se priča postupno otkriva, u svim svojim bojama, nijansama i okusima.'

Nicole Kidman nije samo glumica iznimnog talenta nego i inspiracija mnogima. Utjecajna je ličnost koja koristi svoj glas za dobrobit drugih angažmanom u humanitarnim akcijama i aktivnošću u raznim društvenim pitanjima. Od 1994. godine ambasadorica je dobre volje UNICEF-a, a od 2000. godine i UNIFEM-a.

'Smatram da je rješavanje problema i spašavanje života mnogo važnije od moje filmske karijere. Našla sam se u privilegiranoj poziciji gdje mi je mnogo toga dano i mislim da je moja dužnost da kao utjecajna osoba humanitarnim radom napravim nešto korisno za društvo. Radeći s UN Women, susrela sam se sa ženama koje su morale premostiti goleme prepreke, ali su ipak nastavile pomagati drugima i zalagati se za društvene promjene. Za mene te žene utjelovljuju otpornost, snagu, dostojanstvo – i nadu.' 

U privilegiranoj sam poziciji i moja je dužnost da kao utjecajna osoba humanitarnim radom napravim nešto korisno za društvo

I’m in a position of privilege and my duty, as an influential person, is to do something useful for the society through humanitarian work.

‘I think that solving problems and saving lives is much more important than my film career. I have found myself in a position of privilege, where a lot is given to me, and I think that my duty, as an influential person, is to do something useful for the society through humanitarian work. Working with UN Women, I have met women who have had to overcome huge obstacles, yet they have continued helping others and advocate for social changes. For me, these women embody resilience, strength, dignity –and hope. 



Američki glumac, redatelj i producent stekao je slavu ulogama u brojnim hvaljenim filmovima, a zahvaljujući raznolikosti i talentu za transformaciju jedan je od najpoštovanijih glumaca svoje generacije

The American actor, director and producer gained fame by acting in many widely acclaimed films, and his versatility and talent for transformation have led to him being one of the most respected actors of his generation

Fotografija / Photo: WENN/PIXSELL
Glumiti znači prepustiti se mašti i uživati u procesu stvaranja. Tek tada se naša kreativnost potpuno oslobađa i doprinosi nečemu većem od nas samih
To act means to abandon oneself to imagination and enjoy the creative process. Only then can our creativity be completely unleashed and can contribute to something bigger than ourselves.

Edward Norton, možda jedan od najneobičnijih dragulja Hollywooda, istodobno je fascinantan i nepredvidiv. Njegov talent ne poznaje granice, a zahvaljujući sposobnosti da utjelovi širok spektar likova jedan je od najistaknutijih glumaca svoje generacije.

Norton nije samo glumac, on je umjetnik koji svojim transformacijama na ekranu iznova oduševljava i iznenađuje publiku. Od dubokih drama do napetih trilera, od suptilnih karakterizacija do intenzivnih performansa, Nortonova karijera obiluje raznolikošću i kvalitetom. Zahvaljujući sposobnosti da duboko pronikne u duše likova koje tumači, svaka je njegova uloga nezaboravna. Njegova izvedba ne ostavlja nikoga ravnodušnim; ona izaziva emocije, potiče na razmišljanje i ostavlja dubok dojam.

Njegovo ime sinonim je za intenzivne i kompleksne uloge. Od mučenog osumnjičenika u 'Iskonskom strahu' do nasilnog neonacista koji se suočava s prošlošću u 'Generaciji X' preko kultnog 'Kluba boraca', Norton je pokazao nevjerojatnu sposobnost preobražavanja i portretiranja emotivnih nijansi ljudske psihe.

No Nortonova umjetnička vizija ne zaustavlja se samo na glumi. Tijekom godina pokazao je interes i talent i za režiju te produkciju, dodajući novu dimenziju svojoj već impresivnoj karijeri. Njegova djela ne samo da zabavljaju i intrigiraju nego i potiču na razmišljanje i raspravu o važnim društvenim temama.

Tijekom prošlog ljeta američki je glumac boravio na jugu Hrvatske, gdje je održao seriju predavanja i radionica za glumce na trećem Ponta Lopud festivalu.

'Već 30 godina snimam filmove i većina onoga što sam naučio o samom stvaralaštvu i filmskoj umjetnosti proizišla je iz razgovora sa starijim redateljima o brojnim pojedinostima iz njihovih iskustava. Filmovi se stvaraju za publiku, da. Ali i mi trebamo jedni druge da bismo uistinu naučili zanat te mi se ideja filmskog festivala za filmaše jako sviđa', izjavio je Edward Norton u povodu sudjelovanja na Ponta Lopud festivalu.

Rođen 1969. godine u Bostonu, Edward Norton od ranog je djetinjstva pokazivao sklonost glumi. Njegova fascinacija pozornicom dovela ga je do sudjelovanja u brojnim dječjim predstavama, gdje je već tada očarao publiku talentom i

Edward Norton, perhaps one of the most unusual gems in Hollywood, is fascinating and unpredictable at the same time. His talent knows no limits and his ability to portray a wide range of characters has made him one of the most prominent actors of his generation.

Norton is not just an actor – he is an artist who, again and again, fascinates and surprises the audiences with his onscreen transformations. From powerful dramas to gripping thrillers, from subtle characterisations to intensive performances, Norton’s career abounds in variety and quality. His ability to probe deeply into the souls of the characters he portrays makes each of his roles unforgettable. His performance leaves no one indifferent; it evokes emotions, encourages thought and leaves a deep impression.

His name is synonymous with intensive and complex parts. From a tortured suspect in Primal Fear to a violent Neo-Nazi facing his past in American History X to the iconic Fight Club, Norton has shown an exceptional capability for transformation and portraying emotional nuances of the human psyche. However, Norton’s artistic vision is not only limited to acting. Over the years, he has shown an interest in and talent for directing and producing, adding a new dimension to his, already impressive, career. Not only are his films entertaining and intriguing but they also provoke thinking and discussion about important topics in the society.

Last summer, the American actor spent some time in the south of Croatia, where he held a series of lectures and workshops for actors at the third Ponta Lopud Festival.

‘I’ve been making films for 30 years and the large majority of what I’ve learned about the craft and art of filmmaking has come from talking to older filmmakers about the various details of their experiences. Films are made for audiences, yes. But we also need each other to really learn the trade and I absolutely love the idea of a film festival for filmmakers’, said Edward Norton about his participation in the Ponta Lopud Festival.

Born in Boston in 1969, Edward Norton showed a talent for acting from a very early age. His fascination with the stage led to his participation in many children’s plays, where his talent and charisma immediately captivated the public. After secondary school, Norton enrolled at the prestigious Univer-

// Edward Norton

karizmom. Nakon završetka srednje škole Norton upisuje prestižno Sveučilište Yale, gdje je završio povijest. No umjetnička duša vukla ga je u drugom smjeru. Njegova strast prema glumi odvela ga je u New York, gdje je počeo graditi profesionalnu karijeru. 'U mladosti sam često uranjao u vrtlog spontanosti, bez brige o neuspjehu. Opušten i prepušten trenutku, bio bih iznenađen samim sobom i tom neočekivanom kreativnom snagom. Kasnije, tijekom rada u kazalištu ili na filmu, prepoznavao sam slične trenutke u procesu stvaranja. Ključ je bio u pronalasku ravnoteže. Na jednoj je strani cerebralni dio, promišljanje i planiranje, a na drugoj spontana kreativnost koja se rađa iz kaosa. Za mene je bit upravo u pronalaženju ravnoteže između tih dvaju aspekata. Cerebralni dio glume i perfekcionizam mogu biti iscrpljujući. S druge strane spontanost donosi neizmjerno veselje i oslobađa kreativnu snagu. Dakle, riječ je o upravljanju tim dvjema stranama iskustva, o plesu između kontrole i neočekivanog. Naposljetku, ne bismo se trebali baviti glu-

sity of Yale, where he earned a degree in history. However, his artistic soul took him in another direction. His passion towards acting took him to New York, where he started his professional career.

‘When I was young, I often jumped into the swirl of spontaneity, without worrying about failure. Relaxed and abandoning myself to the moment, I would surprise myself with this unexpected creative power. Later, when I worked in the theatre or on film, I would recognise similar moments in the creative process. The key was to find the balance. On the one side, there is the cerebral part, thinking and planning, and, on the other, the impulsive creativity coming from chaos. For me, it is about finding the balance between the two aspects. The cerebral part of acting and the perfectionism can be exhausting. However, spontaneity brings enormous joy and unleashes creative energy. So it’s about managing these two sides of the experience, about ‘dancing’ between control and the unexpected. Ultimately, you shouldn’t be acting if you’re not having fun.

ACI No.1 // Edward Norton
Fotografija / Photo: Ponta Lopud Film Festival

Ponekad se pitam kako bi današnja djeca, koja se bore s različitim oblicima digitalnih napada i definiranja identiteta u virtualnom svijetu, reagirala na Klub boraca?

I sometimes wonder how today’s kids, who have to grapple with various forms of online violence and defining identities in the virtual world, would react to Fight Club.

mom ako se pritom ne zabavljamo. Bez tog uživanja rad na filmu gubi smisao. Glumiti znači prepustiti se mašti i uživati u procesu stvaranja. Tek tada se naša kreativnost potpuno oslobađa i doprinosi nečemu većem od nas samih.'

Prve tri godine njegove filmske karijere bile su poput brzog vlaka. Šest filmova, svaki značajan: 'Iskonski strah' (nominacija za Oscara), 'Svi kažu volim te' (Woody Allen), 'Narod protiv Larryja Flynta' (Miloš Forman), 'Pokeraši' (budući kultni klasik), 'Generacija X' (još jedna nominacija za Oscara) i 'Klub boraca' (generacijski kultni klasik). Upravo je ovaj potonji priznat kao jedan od najlegendarnijih antikonzumerističkih filmova svih vremena. Premda je od djela Davida Finchera prošlo više od 25 godina, tema kojom se bavi i dalje je relevantna u današnjem društvu. 'Nevjerojatno je zamisliti da tada nisu postojale društvene mreže, a pametni telefoni bili su tek daleka budućnost. Prije dva desetljeća najveća je prijetnja bila nametnuta korporativna kultura. Međutim, sada se suočavamo s novim izazovima. Ponekad se pitam kako bi današnja djeca, koja se bore s različitim oblicima digitalnih napada, ovisnosti i definiranja identiteta u virtualnom svijetu, reagirala na Klub boraca. Bi li se 18-godišnjak poistovjetio s tim filmom? Čini mi se da se prijetnje kojima smo izloženi kao društvo mijenjaju svjetlosnom brzinom u današnjem svijetu.'

Edward Norton nije samo lice s plakata. On je umjetnik aktivist, intelektualac sa srcem. Dokaz da se svjetla Hollywooda mogu usmjeriti na važne društvene teme i potaknuti promjenu. Kao UNov ambasador dobre volje za bioraznolikost Norton naglašava važnu vezu između zanemarivanja prirode i različitih oblika neravnopravnosti u društvu.

Without enjoying it, making a film makes no sense. To act means to abandon oneself to imagination and enjoy the creative process. Only then can our creativity be completely unleashed and can contribute to something bigger than ourselves.

The first three years of his film career were like a fast train. Six films, each one very important: Primal Fear (an Academy Award nomination), Everyone Says I Love You (Woody Allen), The People vs. Larry Flynt (Miloš Forman), Rounders (a future cult classic), American History X (another Academy Award nomination) and Fight Club (a generational cult classic). It is the last one that is widely recognised as one of the most iconic anti-consumerist films of all time. Although more than 25 years have passed since David Fincher made this film, the topic it deals with is still relevant in today’s society.

‘It’s incredible that there were no social networks then, and smartphones were only a distant future. Two decades ago, the imposed corporate culture was the greatest threat. But now we are facing new challenges. I sometimes wonder how today’s kids, who have to grapple with various forms of online violence, addiction and defining identities in the virtual world, would react to Fight Club. Could an 18-year-old relate to this film today? I think that the threats we, as a society, face in today’s world are changing at the speed of light.’

Edward Norton is not just a face seen on posters. He is an artist activist, an intellectual with a soul. This proves that the Hollywood spotlight can be turned on important social topics and encourage change. As the UN Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity, Norton has stressed the important relationship between disregarding the nature and different forms of social inequality.

ACI No.1 // Edward Norton
Fotografija / Photo: DPA/PIXSELL

U usporedbi s osobama koje su dobile Nobelovu nagradu ili se bave ozbiljnim znanstvenim radom, fokus javnosti na slavne osobe djeluje neproporcionalno

Compared to Nobel Prize winners or people who do serious scientific work, the focus of the public on celebrities seems disproportionate

'Istina je da je naša kultura uzdigla ljude iz svijeta izvedbenih umjetnosti, glazbe, filma i sporta na pijedestal. Iako je razumljivo da su ostavili dubok trag u našim životima, ta opsesija slavom ponekad djeluje pomalo neobično. Sjećanje na snažan utjecaj filmova iz mladosti i čarolija velikih glumaca potvrđuje moć umjetnosti u oblikovanju našeg osjećaja svijeta. No kulturni značaj koji im pripisujemo možda je i pretjeran. U usporedbi s osobama koje su dobile Nobelovu nagradu ili plemenitim profesijama, poput učiteljstva, fokus na slavne glumce i sportaše djeluje neproporcionalno. U racionalnom svijetu pažnja javnosti bila bi ravnomjernije raspoređena. Oscari za znanost i nagrade za najbolje učitelje dobili bi jednaku pozornost kao i dodjele nagrada za film. Takav bi pristup slavio doprinos svim segmentima društva i naglasio važnost različitih sfera ljudskog djelovanja. Naravno, umjetnost i zabava imaju svoje mjesto u kulturi. Donose nam radost, inspiraciju i poticaj na razmišljanje. No ne smijemo zaboraviti i one koji rade u tišini, čiji doprinos možda nije tako glamurozan, ali je jednako važan za napredak društva. Trebamo težiti ravnoteži u kojoj se slavi doprinos u svim područjima ljudskog djelovanja bez obzira na sjaj i glamur.' 

‘It’s true that our culture has put people in the performing arts, music, film and sport on a pedestal. While it is understandable that they have left a deep mark in our lives, this obsession with fame sometimes seems very unusual. The strong and lasting influence of films we have seen in our youth and the magic of great actors prove the power of art to shape our sense of the world. But the cultural importance we give those people might really be exaggerated. Compared to Nobel Prize winners or noble professions such as teaching, the focus on celebrity actors and athletes seems disproportionate. In a rational world, the attention of the public would be distributed more evenly. Oscars of Science and awards for best teachers would get as much attention as film awards. Such an approach would celebrate the contribution to all segments of the society and emphasise the importance of various areas of human activity. Of course, art and entertainment have their place in our culture. They bring us joy, inspiration and encourage us to think. However, we must not forget the people who work quietly, whose contribution might not be as glamorous, but is, nevertheless, equally important for the society’s progress. We should strive towards a balance which celebrates a contribution in all areas of human activity, regardless of the level of glitz and glamour.’ 

ACI No.1 // Edward Norton Fotografija / Photo: John Pavlish


23.-27. 10. 2024.

N ajveća izložba plovila na moru središnje i istočne Europe slavi svoju 26. godišnjicu nakon rekordnog sajma 2023.godine. Biograd Boat Show pokazao se kao jedan od najdinamičnijih i najživljih sajmova na svijetu, s posebnom atmosferom i bogatim kalendarom događanja koji privlači brojne izlagače i ugledne posjetitelje iz susjednih zemalja.

Sajam se održava u turističkom gradu Biogradu, u Marini Kornati, a uključuje hotele, restorane i zabavne sadržaje Ilirije d.d. Osim fantastičnog prikaza plovila, opreme i usluga, sajam je poznat po jedinstvenoj zabavnoj i ga-

stro ponudi koja se prelijeva u grad stvarajući festivalsku atmosferu.

Sajam je također pionir u B2B aktivnostima, uključujući Hrvatske dane nautike, Biograd B2B umrežavanje i Croatia Charter Expo. ACI je dugogodišnji partner sajma, a posjetitelje će dočekati na svom izložbenom štandu u hali D, u kojoj će se održati poslovno umrežavanje BiogradB2B s proširenim kongresnim programom i društvenim događanjima.

Za spektakularne videe, fotografije i kompletan virtualni obilazak posjetite

Central and Eastern Europe’s largest in-water boat celebrates its 26th Anniversary, following yet another record breaking show in 2023. The Biograd Boat Show has proven to be one of the most dynamic, and vibrant shows in the world, with special atmosphere and a rich calendar of events attracting many exhibitors and affluent visitors from all neighboring countries.

The show is held in the resort town of Biograd, at Marina Kornati and includes Ilirija hotels, restaurants, and entertainment facilities. Beyond a fantastic display of vessels, equipment and services, the show is famous for its unique

entertainment and gastro offerings that spill into the he town creating a festival atmosphere.

The show is also a pioneer in B2B activates, Including the Croatia Nautical Days, Biograd B2B networking event, and the Croatia Charter Expo. ACI is a long-term partner of the event, and will welcome visitors at their exhibition stand in Hall D, where nearby the BiogradB2B business networking event will take place with an expanded congress program and social events.

For spectacular videos, photos, and a complete virtual tour, go to




Ugledni hrvatski znanstvenik i liječnik jedan je od najvećih svjetskih autoriteta iz područja transplantacije matičnih krvotvornih stanica

The renowned Croatian scientist and medical doctor is one of the greatest authorities on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in the world

Steven Živko Pavletić renomirani je hrvatski internist, hematolog i onkolog, svjetski priznat stručnjak iz područja transplantacije matičnih krvotvornih stanica.

Pročelnik je Odjela za autoimunitet i komplikacije presađivanja koštane srži u Zavodu za eksperimentalnu transplantaciju i imunologiju Nacionalnog instituta za rak (NCI) pri Nacionalnim institutima za zdravlje (NIH) u Bethesdi, u SAD-u. Također je profesor medicine i onkologije na Sveučilištu Georgetown, Washington, DC.

Steven Živko Pavletić is a renowned Croatian internist, haematologist and oncologist, and an internationally recognised authority on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

He is the head of the autoimmunity and bone marrow transplant complications unit at the Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Center of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), in Bethesda, USA. He is also a professor of medicine and oncology at the Georgetown University, Washington, DC.

Fotografije / Photos: Privatna arhiva / Private Archives

Profesor Pavletić osnivač je Radne skupine za imunoterapiju Američkog društva za hematologiju, a napisao je i više od 300 znanstvenih radova. Vrlo aktivno djeluje na povezivanju i suradnji hrvatskih iseljenika u Sjedinjenim Državama s njihovim korijenima u Hrvatskoj. Istodobno je strastveni ljubitelj pickleballa, sporta koji u svijetu bilježi sve veću popularnost, a u SAD-u je ove godine po broju igrača nadmašio tenis.

Kako ste se odlučili za studij medicine?

Završio sam gimnaziju u kojoj sam stekao širok spektar interesa, a volio sam raditi s ljudima, tako da je medicina nekako bila logičan put. Moji roditelji bili su biolozi, što me dodatno potaknulo i usmjerilo prema prirodnim znanostima. Kako jedna mudra životna izreka kaže, krenuo sam putem srca, a zatim su mi se pružile neke prilike koje sam iskoristio. Već s 23 godine imao sam diplomu doktora medicine, a tijekom sljedećih deset godina u KBC-u Zagreb uz specijalizaciju i medicinska istraživanja usmjerio sam se u hematologiju. Tijekom rada u bolnici bio sam u jednom inspirativnom posjetu Nacionalnom institutu za onkologiju u Milanu koji me zainteresirao za liječenje raka i mogu slobodno reći usmjerio moju znanstvenu karijeru. U našem je okruženju otprilike u to vrijeme započela transplantacija koštane srži u bolnici Rebro, što mi je bilo veoma atraktivno i uzbudljivo. Radio sam u timu profesora Borisa Labara na najvišoj svjetskoj razini izvrsnosti. Krajem osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća uslijedio je kongres u Dubrovniku, gdje sam dobio poziv profesora Deana Bucknera iz Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centera da se pridružim njihovu timu u Se-

Izreka 'Amerika je zemlja prilika' ima uporište u stvarnom životu. U američkoj medicini cirkulacija ljudi i ideja jest golema, njezina je najveća snaga inovacija

As the saying goes, America really is a land of opportunities. In the US medicine, the flow of people and ideas is huge, and innovation is its greatest strength

Professor Pavletić is the founder of the Immunotherapy Task Force of the American Society of Hematology, and has published more than 300 scientific papers. He is very actively involved in connecting Croatian expatriates in the USA to their roots in Croatia. He is also a passionate pickleball enthusiast – a great fan of a sport that has increasingly been gaining traction all over the world, having surpassed tennis in the USA this year, in terms of the number of players.

Why did you decide to study medicine?

I went to a grammar school, where I took an interest in a wide range of things, and I liked working with people, so medicine was somehow a logical step. My parents were both biologists, which additionally motivated and directed me towards the natural sciences. As in a wise saying about life, I started by listening to my heart, and then some opportunities presented themselves and I took them. At the age of 23 I had already graduated with a degree in medicine, and while working at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb for the following ten years, I directed my work towards haematology by specialising and doing medical research in the field. During my work at the hospital, I went on a visit to the National Cancer Institute in Milan, which turned inspirational. It got me interested in cancer treatment, and, I can say without a doubt, directed my career as a scientist. In our part of the world, it was around the time when bone marrow transplants were started to be done at the Rebro hospital in Zagreb, which I found fascinating and exciting. I was part of the team lead by Professor Boris Labart, which operated at the highest, world-class level. Towards the end of the 1980s there was a congress in Dubrovnik, where

attleu. Shvatio sam to kao priliku života jer sam želio užu specijalizaciju odraditi u nekom vrhunskom mjestu u svijetu. A Seattle je u tom trenutku bio sjajan izbor i zbog profesora E. Donnalla Thomasa koji je 1990. godine dobio Nobelovu nagradu za medicinu za rad na kliničkoj transplantaciji alogene koštane srži. U Americi sam obavio dvije subspecijalizacije koje su pomogle da se znanstveno dodatno usavršim za teme koje će me zaokupljati tijekom velikog dijela moje karijere.

Koliko vas je SAD promijenio kao čovjeka i liječnika?

Kad se jednom prijeđe Atlantski ocean, to gotovo beskrajno plavo prostranstvo, svaka osoba ostaje zauvijek promijenjena bez obzira na duljinu boravka. Na početku je to za mene bio novi svijet na koji sam se trebao priviknuti, ali vrlo brzo shvatite da izreka 'Amerika je zemlja prilika' ima uporište u stvarnom životu. U američkoj medicini cirkulacija ljudi i ideja jest golema, njezina je najveća snaga inovacija. U ustanovi u kojoj radim možete se potpuno posvetiti svojem poslu i raditi ono u čemu ste najbolji bez komercijalnih distrakcija. Kao u onoj izreci: Do something great... Na nama liječnicima je da stvorimo nešto sjajno! Zdravstveni sektor u Americi funkcionira kao industrija koja čini 20 posto gospodarstva, ali razvili su pritom koncept koji je genijalan. Država preko nacionalnih instituta i drugih institucija u početku financira istraživanja koja su visoko rizična i nekomercijalna, a kada inovacija prijeđe u fazu primjene, preuzimaju ga ko-

Professor Dean Buckner from the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center invited me to join their team in Seattle. I took it as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because I wanted to do my subspecialisation at a world-class research facility. And Seattle was also a great choice at the time because of Professor E Donnall Thomas, who received the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1990 for his work on clinical allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. In the US, I subspecialised in two fields, which helped me scientifically further my knowledge in the topics that would be the focus of my interest during a great part of my career.

How did the USA change you as a person and a doctor?

As soon as you cross the Atlantic once, this almost infinite blue expanse, you, as well as anybody else, are changed forever. No matter how long you stay there. At first, it was a new world that I had to get used to, but you soon enough realise that, as the saying goes, America really is a land of opportunities. In the US medicine, the flow of people and ideas is huge, and innovation is its greatest strength. At the organisation where I work, you can completely devote your attention to your job and do what you’re best at without any materialistic distractions. Just like the saying goes: ‘Do something great...’ It’s up to us doctors to do great things! The health sector in the US operates as an industry that makes up for 20 percent of the economy, but they have developed a concept that is brilliant. Through its national institutes and other institutions, the state funds

Rad na Nacionalnom institutu poput igranja je za vrhunsku momčad. To je esencija medicine koja radi za dobrobit bolesnika

Working at the National Institute is like playing for a top team. It is the essence of medicine that is here for patients’ benefit

Kvarner je regija koja ima što ponuditi u grani zdravstvenog turizma uz boravak ljudi na rehabilitaciji i korištenje svih blagodati mediteranske dijete

Kvarner is a region that has a lot to offer in the field of health tourism to tourists visiting for rehabilitation purposes or using all the benefits of the Mediterranean diet

mercijalne tvrtke. Takav sustav omogućuje bolesnicima da već u ranoj fazi dobivaju terapiju koja je inovativna, a klinički znanstvenici poput mene imaju potpunu slobodu istraživanja koja dovodi do primjene inovativnih tehnika liječenja. Povući ću paralelu sa sportom. Rad na Nacionalnom institutu poput igranja je za vrhunsku momčad. Nakon dugotrajne edukacije možete u idealnim uvjetima iskušati koji su vam znanstveni dometi. To je izazov koji me tjera da svakog dana pomičem svoje granice. I ono što mi je vrlo važno, ovo je esencija medicine koja radi za dobrobit bolesnika. U znanosti se treba fokusirati, samo tako u životnom vijeku možete postići jednu ili dvije inovacije. Moja je glavna okupacija kako izliječenim bolesnicima omogućiti kvalitetniji život. Tu smo ostvarili golem napredak. Krajem devedesetih u roku od 100 dana nakon presađivanja koštane srži prihvaćali smo stopu smrtnosti od 25 do 50 posto, a danas govorimo o 10 ili 20 godina, pa i više preživljenja nakon bolesti u većine bolesnika. Albert Einstein jednom je rekao: 'Život je poput vožnje biciklom. Da biste održali ravnotežu, morate se kretati.' Vjerujem da je to istina i u medicini. Da bismo pobijedili rak, moramo se stalno kretati naprijed, istraživati i pronalaziti nove metode liječenja.

high-risk and non-commercial research at first, and when the innovation enters the application stage, it is taken over by commercial companies. Such a system makes it possible for patients to get innovative therapy in early stages, and clinical researches like me have a complete freedom of research, which leads to the use of innovative treating methods. I’ll make a comparison with sports. Working at the National Institute is like playing for a top team. After a long training, you can expand your scientific range in ideal conditions. That is the challenge that makes me push my limits every day. And, something which is really important to me, this is the essence of the medicine that is here for patients’ benefit. In science, you need to focus; that is the only way to achieve one or two innovations in a lifetime. My main interest lies in how to make possible for cured patients to have a better quality of life. We have made a lot of progress here. In the late 1990s, we accepted the mortality late from 25 to 50 percent within 100 days after a bone marrow transplant, and now, we are talking about 10 or 20, or even more, years of survival after the illness in the greatest majority of patients. Albert Einstein once said: ‘Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.’ I believe this is true for medicine as well. In order to defeat cancer, we have to keep moving forward, do research and find new treatment methods.

ACI No.1 // Steven Živko Pavletić

Osim medicine vaša je velika strast pickleball. Možete li nam približiti taj sport?

Pickleball se često opisuje kao kombinacija badmintona, stolnog tenisa i tenisa. Poput svih sportova s reketom može se igrati pojedinačno ili najčešće u parovima. Nastao je 1965. godine, a u posljednjih je nekoliko godina postao sport koji ima najbrže rastuću bazu u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Posebnu je popularnost dosegnuo tijekom pandemije. Naravno da je prepoznatljivosti i vidljivosti sporta pomoglo i to što ga igraju Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Leonardo DiCaprio. To je marketing koji ne možete platiti. Ja sada pomalo uvodim ovaj sport u Hrvatsku, organizirali smo neke turnire, počeli su nam dolaziti strani igrači, a u Zagrebu se u lipnju ove godine otvara i prvi komercijalni centar s fantastičnim vanjskim terenima. Vrlo ste aktivni u promociji zdravstvenog turizma u Hrvatskoj?

Uvijek sam razmišljao kako da spojim američku izvrsnost u medicini s Hrvatskom. Većinu inicijativa pokrenuli smo u sklopu Udruženja hrvatsko-američkih stručnjaka (ACAP), nepolitičke i neprofitne udruge koja ujedinjuje pripadnike hrvatske dijaspore u SAD-u. Naši dobrovoljni članovi uspješni su članovi američkog društva koji imaju volje i želje pokrenuti neke stvari u suradnji s kolegama u Hrvatskoj. Kvarner je regija koja ima što ponuditi u grani zdravstvenog turizma uz boravak ljudi na rehabilitaciji, korištenje svih blagodati mediteranske dijete, prirodnih ljepota i sl. Zasad je naša inicijativa još u povojima, ali nadam se lijepim vijestima u budućnosti jer se oko Amerike vrijedi potruditi. Ipak je riječ o vodećem svjetskom tržištu. Kada se ondje probiješ i etabliraš, samo nebo je granica. 

Besides medicine, pickleball is also your great passion. Can you familiarise our readers with the sport?

Pickleball is often described as a combination of badminton, table tennis and tennis. As all racket sports, it can be played as singles or, most often, as doubles. It was invented in 1965 and has become the sport with the fastest-growing number of players in the USA in the past few years. This especially gained momentum during the Covid 19 pandemic. Of course, the fact that Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Leonardo DiCaprio play it also helped the sport become visible and recognisable. This is marketing no money can pay. Now, I’m slowly introducing it to Croatia; we have organised a few tournaments, international players started to come and play, and the first commercial centre with fantastic outdoor courts is opening in Zagreb in June this year.

You are very active in promoting health tourism in Croatia.

I’ve always tried to think how to combine the American excellence in medicine and Croatia. We have launched most of our initiatives through the Association of Croatian-American Professionals (ACAP), a non-political and non-profit organisation that brings together Croatian expatriates in the USA. Our voluntary members are successful members of the American society that want to start some things working with their colleagues in Croatia. Kvarner is a region that has a lot to offer in the field of health tourism to tourists visiting for rehabilitation purposes or using all the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, beautiful scenery and so on. It’s still early days for our initiative, but I hope there will be great news in the future because America is worth the effort. It really is the greatest world market, after all. When you enter it and establish yourself, only the sky is the limit. 


Get ready to transform the future of Yacht Charter. The only conference for Yacht Charter Professionals is back! Join us for three days of live and virtual educational lectures, panel discussions, and hands-on workshops with another fantastic lineup of over 30 international experts covering all industry hot topics. Learn and grow your business, spark new ideas, and network with more than 300 industry leaders from all over the world. See you in November! THIS NOVEMBER

Hilton Garden Inn Hotel, Zagreb, Croatia


Adriatic Croatia International Club, za djelatnost marina d.d. R. Strohala 2, 51000 Rijeka.

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Kristijan Pavić / predsjednik Uprave / Chairman of the Board Ivan Herak / član Uprave / Board Member


Kristijan Pavić



Tanja Miletić /

Bojan Kovačević /


Vibor Visković


Vixel, obrt za web i grafički dizajn


Foto / Photo: Damjan Jelenović, VoxMarkt Marketing Agency

Model: Hanna Delić


Sandra Antulov


Vibor Visković, Fotografski studio Prof, Fotofaktor d.o.o., VoxMarkt Marketing Agency


Kerschoffset d.o.o.

Rukopisi, fotografije i medijski zapisi se ne vraćaju! Zabranjeno je kopiranje i prenošenje sadržaja časopisa ACI No.1 bez dopuštenja izdavača. Izlazi jednom godišnje.

Manuscripts, photographs and media records are non-returnable! Copying and transferring content of the magazine ACI No.1 without consent from the publisher is forbidden. Published annually.

ISSN 2584-7988

ACI d.d. ne preuzima odgovornost za eventualne tiskarske pogreške.



3. - 6.10.2024.

40 godina stvarana je povijest prvog i svojedobno najvećeg sajma nautike u regiji.

Rijeka je prvi grad koji je imao sajam nautike i to nije slučajno!

Bogatom poviješću vezanom uz more, još od proglašenja Slobodne kraljevske luke Rijeka prije 305 godina zacrtan je razvojni put grada na moru koji danas doživljava novi, ponovni uzlet, a gdje sajam nautike u Rijeci, Rijeka Boat Show od 1984. godine ima svoju svrhu i važno mjesto.

Geografska lokacija grada Rijeke je oduvijek imala strateški značaj. Rijeka je oduvijek bila “Prvo more” za Srednju Europu.

Rijeka Boat Show je  najpovoljniji sajam u odnosu na dobiveno i uloženo sa  najnižim cijenama izlagačkih prostora u Republici Hrvatskoj i  visokom marketinškom vrijednošću za partnere, sponzore i izlagače.

Rijeka Boat Show je danas sajam na kojem izlagači zaista prodaju svoje proizvode i usluge!

Dragi posjetitelji i izlagači, kao i prije 40 godina, sa veseljem Vas pozivamo na druženje tamo gdje je Grad Luka, a Luka je Grad.

Od 1984 Vaš, Rijeka Boat Show.

40 years has been the history of the first and at once upon a time the largest nautical fair in the region.

Rijeka is the first city that had a nautical fair, and it is not accidental!

With a rich history related to the sea, ever since the declaration of the Free Royal Port of Rijeka 305 years ago, the development path of the city by the sea has been mapped out, which today is experiencing a new, renewed rise, and where the nautical fair in Rijeka, the Rijeka Boat Show since 1984 has its own purpose and important place

The geographical location of the city of Rijeka has always had strategic significance. Rijeka has always been the "First Sea" for Central Europe

Rijeka Boat Show is the most favorable fair in relation to the received and invested with the lowest prices of exhibition spaces in the Republic of Croatia and high marketing value for partners, sponsors and exhibitors.

Today, the Rijeka Boat Show is a fair where exhibitors truly sell their products and services!

Dear visitors and exhibitors, as 40 years ago, we are happy to invite you to come and join us where the City is a Port, and the Port is a City.

Since 1984, Yours, Rijeka Boat Show.

Novi kanali pružaju dodatnu optimizaciju većini medijskih kampanja. Jedni od njih digitalni su ekrani zvani Fitness TV, kao i digitalne mreže ekrana dostupne u poslovnim zgradama i marinama. Već 1919. godine, John Wanamaker, Amerikanac koji je bio pionir koncepta robne kuće, a uz to i ideje marketinga, izjavio je: "Znam da je pola novca koji potrošim na oglašavanje bačeno... Samo ne znam koja je to polovica." Ova je izjava kasnije upotrijebljena od strane osobe koja nam je poznatija, Davida Ogilvya, 1963. godine, postavljajući nam pitanje: Jesmo li sada – 100 godina kasnije – sigurniji što djeluje, a što ne?

S brzim razvojem digitalnih kanala, predstavljene su nam mnogo veće mogućnosti, ali s time dolazi i eksponencijalni rast fragmentacije medijskih kanala. Medijski pejzaž promijenio se više u posljednjih 5 godina nego u zadnjih stotinu zajedno. Toliko da postoje potrošačke skupine koje su postale imune na masovne medijske kanale. Čak su im nadjenuli naziv "nedohvatljivi".

Kako dosegnuti nedohvatljive – ciljnu skupinu koja raspolaže sa najvećim prihodima?

Teoretski je to jednostavno, ali u praksi baš i nije tako. Najbolji pristup je optimizacija medijskog miksa. U većini slučajeva, mainstream marketing generira svijest, ali konverzija od svijesti do kupnje (put do kupnje) ovisi o tome nalazite li se na pravim kanalima u pravo vrijeme.

New channels offer additional optimisation to most media campaigns. One type are the digital displays called Fitness TV, and another the digital display networks that can be seen in commercial buildings and marinas.

Back in 1919, John Wanamaker, the American who pioneered the concept of the department store as well as the idea of marketing, said: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is I don’t know which half.” This statement was later used by a person we are better acquainted with, David Ogilvy, who, in 1963, posed the following question: “Are we now – 100 years later – sure what works and what doesn’t?”

The fast development of digital channels brings much greater possibilities, but with this comes the exponential increase in the fragmentation of media channels. The media landscape has changed in the past five years more than in the past 100 years in total; so much that there are consumer groups that have become immune to mass media channels. They even have a name – The Unreachable.

How to reach The Unreachable – the target group with the biggest income?

It is easy in theory, but the practice shows that it isn’t quite so. The best approach is media mix optimisation. In most cases, mainstream marketing generates an awareness, but the transition from awareness to purchase (the path to purchase) depends on whether you are on the right channels at the right time.

Digitalni paneli diljem Hrvatske

Novi kanali pružaju tu dodatnu optimizaciju većini medijskih kampanja Jedni od njih su digitalni ekrani u fitness centrima zvani Fitness TV, kao i digitalne mreže ekrana dostupne u poslovnim zgradama i marinama. Fitness TV je programski digitalni prikaz na zaslonu i zvučni putem audio sustava dostupan u svim boljim teretanama u Hrvatskoj. Većinski privlači potrošače od 18 do 50 godina, koji aktivno donose odluke o životu i poboljšavaju ga te su spremni trošiti svoje prihode na predmete koji im nešto znače. Takvi potrošači relevantni su ne samo za zdravstvenu industriju, već i za uslužne djelatnosti poput osiguranja i bankarstva, ali i modnu te lifestyle industriju – od odjeće i automobila do putovanja. Većina potrošača provodi više od 45 minuta dnevno konzumirajući informacije putem ovog medija, s ciljem poboljšanja svog života.

Drugi kanal, digitalne mreže ekrana, dostupan je u 30 poslovnih zgrada i doseže više od 80.000 kontakata dnevno s ciljnom skupinom – poslovni ljudi. Digitalni zasloni postavljeni su u svim predvorjima i dizalima zgrada te omogućuju višestruke dodirne točke za dosezanje potrošača. To ih čini učinkovitim sredstvom za jačanje brenda i plasiranje prodajnih poruka prema aktivnim potrošačima. Treći kanal, digitalna baza ekrana, nalazi se u 20 ACI marina gdje je doseg preko 500.000 posjetitelja, s dnevnom potrošnjom preko 130€. Statistika govori kako se B1 mediji koriste za dobivanje korisnih i pravovremenih informacija.

B1 medijski kanali ukupno nude najveći broj digitalnih panela diljem Hrvatske. Za više informacija o tome kako B1 Media može optimizirati vaše medijske kampanje, posjetite ili pošaljite e-mail na: 

Digital signage across Croatia

New channels offer this additional optimisation to most media campaigns. One type are the digital displays in fitness centres called Fitness TV, and another the digital display networks that can be seen in commercial buildings and marinas. Fitness TV is a digital display showing content on a screen and playing audio through an audio system, and can be found in all good gyms in Croatia. It mostly attracts consumers in the 18 – 50 age group, who actively make life decisions, improving their life, and are prepared to spend their income on items that mean something to them. This type of consumers is relevant not only for the health industry, but also for the service sector, such as the insurance and banking business as well as the fashion and lifestyle industries – from clothes and cars to travel. Most consumers spend more than 45 minutes a day consuming information through this type of media with the aim of improving their lives.

The second channel, digital display networks, is present in 30 commercial buildings and can reach more than 80,000 contacts a day with the target group – businesspeople. Digital displays have been placed in all the buildings’ lobbies and elevators, ensuring multiple touchpoints to reach the consumers. This makes them an efficient means for brand strengthening and communicating sales messages to active consumers.

The third channel, a series of digital displays, is in 20 ACI marinas, with a reach of over 500,000 visitors, whose daily expenditure is over €130. Statistics show that B1 media are used to obtain useful and timely information.

B1 media channels offer the greatest number of digital signage in total across Croatia. For more information on how B1 Media can optimise your media campaigns, visit or send an email to: 

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