








Owning a yacht often seems like a big commitment, not only in nancial terms. You must arrange for the berth, regular maintenance and check-ups while you also have to spend time getting the yacht ready for your holiday every time you want to use it. If you would like to own a yacht without worrying about anything, or if you are not sure you could nance it, maintain it or you do not have enough available time to use it as much as you would like to, our Yachting World charter management is something that you should seriously consider. Use the yacht when you want, and our experienced team will take care of the yacht the rest of the time. How does it work?
The program is designed to enable you to nance the
purchase of a yacht, its maintenance, and berth costs from the income generated by chartering, making it also possible to earn additional prot. On top of that you have a professional team taking care of your yacht, which enables it to retain maximum resale value and offers a carefree sailing vacation for you when you use your yacht. When it comes to choosing a yacht, the nal decision is yours. However, to make your purchase more favourable for you, we will recommend the best performing models, with detailed income and cost projections, based on our business experience.
Hanse, Bali and Sealine models can be seen, tested, or chartered in our charter bases in Kaštela, Trogir, Dubrovnik, Biograd and ŠIbenik.
We believe you have. This could be the right solution for making your dream come true.
9 our charter management program: reasons to consider
• special purchase conditions for your yacht
• try and buy option with a free weekly charter included in the purchase price
• excellent booking results with stable charter income
• carefree sailing vacations on your yacht that is ready to sail before your arrival
• high maintenance standards ensure best resale value for your yacht regardless of its age
• professional commissioning & high-quality aftersales support by a brand certied service team
• favourable nancing conditions through afliate leasing companies
• transparent cash ow reports through constant insight in income and expenses
• simple brokerage and trade-in options with special conditions
Secure a brand new boat on time for delivery in spring 2024, or choose one right away from our premium selection of pre-owned and new boats:
Disclaimer: Pre-owned boats are available after the charter season (Oct 2023) / The prices do not include VAT / **The above indicated prices are valid only if the charter management contract is signed (minimum two year period) / Croatia Yachting reserves the right to change the prices and charter management discounts at any time. / *The prot is based on an average of 20 charter weeks. For the current prices please visit: www.hanseyachts.hr, www.bali-catamarans.hr and www.sealine.hr
SX88 Observing the superstructure that reaches forward, and the beach area with the proportions of a large terrace, it becomes immediately clear that the SX line is a revolutionary project. Functions and uses of spaces intertwine, giving rise to a „crossover“ yacht that is perfect for sophisticated contemporary owner.
Model Taycan, maksimalna overboost snaga uz korištenje launch control funkcije: 300 kW / 408 KS, kombinirana potrošnja: 28.7 - 28.0 kWh / 100 km, maksimalni doseg: 354 – 484 km (WLTP); kombinirana vrijednost speci čne CO2 emisije: 0 g / km. Fotogra ja automobila je simbolična te uključuje dodatnu opremu. Izbor dodatne opreme automobila može utjecati na podatke o performansama, potrošnji i maksimalnom dosegu.
Model Taycan, maksimalna overboost snaga uz korištenje launch control funkcije: 300 kW / 408 KS, kombinirana potrošnja: 28.7 - 28.0 kWh / 100 km, maksimalni doseg: 354 – 484 km (WLTP); kombinirana vrijednost speci čne CO2 emisije: 0 g / km. Fotogra ja automobila je simbolična te uključuje dodatnu opremu. Izbor dodatne opreme automobila može utjecati na podatke o performansama, potrošnji i maksimalnom dosegu.
Model Taycan, maksimalna overboost snaga uz korištenje launch control funkcije: 300 kW / 408 KS, kombinirana potrošnja: 28.7 - 28.0 kWh / 100 km, maksimalni doseg: 354 – 484 km (WLTP); kombinirana vrijednost speci čne CO2 emisije: 0 g / km. Fotogra ja automobila je simbolična te uključuje dodatnu opremu. Izbor dodatne opreme automobila može utjecati na podatke o performansama, potrošnji i maksimalnom dosegu.
Progresivan dizajn eksterijera i doseg do 577 km*. Napredak koji možete osjetiti.
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Revier-Kompass Kroatien Süd von millemari Kroatien nautisch entdecken: Insiderwissen mit Mehrwert für Traumtörns zwischen Šibenik & Dubrovnik.
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Knotenbox von Seilflechter Handliches Seile- und KlampenSet zum Knotenüben zu Hause oder an Bord.
16. ACI Split
17. ACI Milna
18. ACI Vrboska
19. ACI Palmižana
20. ACI Korčula
21. ACI Slano
22. ACI Dubrovnik
1. ACI Umag 2. ACI Rovinj 3. ACI Pula 4. ACI Pomer 5. ACI Opatija 6. ACI Cres 7. ACI Supetarska Draga 8. ACI Rab 9. ACI Šimuni 10. ACI Žut + anchorage Žut 11. ACI Piškera 12. ACI Jezera 13. ACI Vodice 14. ACI Skradin 15. ACI Trogirwww.aci-marinas.com
ACI Marinas
ACI Anchorage
ACI Golf Range
Tesla Destination Charging
Dragi čitatelji, dopustite mi da ovogodišnje izdanje našeg magazina ACI No. 1 započnem jednim velikim i iskrenim – hvala!
Na čemu – pitate se? Ako čitate ovu uvodnu riječ, odnosno u rukama držite šesto izdanje ovog časopisa, namijenjenog našim partnerima, gostima i prijateljima, to znači da ste i vi na svoj način doprinijeli ostvarenju ovog velikog razloga za slavlje, a riječ je o obilježavanju 40. obljetnice postojanja našeg Društva.
U ovih 40 godina predanosti prema moru i čovjeku, svojoj zemlji i cjelokupnoj nautičkoj zajednici izgradili smo reprezentativan sustav marina koji je danas ne samo najveći na cijelom Mediteranu nego je i regionalni predvodnik u nautičkom turizmu te provedbi zelene tranzicije nautičkog sektora. Tijekom ovog razdoblja ACI je postao temeljni stup turističkog sektora Republike Hrvatske, ostvarujući uvjete za domaće i strane goste koji prate najviše svjetske standarde.
Da nije riječ tek o ispraznim riječima, posebno je potvrđeno upravo 2020. godine u najintenzivnijem razdoblju pandemije koronavirusa, kada se nautički turizam pokazao najotpornijim na aktualnu krizu, a ACI d.d. nositeljem hrvatskog turističkog sektora – žile kucavice nacionalnog gospodarstva Republike Hrvatske.
Dear readers,
Allow me to begin this year’s issue of our ACI No. 1 magazine with a big and heartfelt – Thank you!
What for? – you must be wondering. If you are reading this introduction, i.e. have in your hands the sixth consecutive issue of this magazine, intended for our partners, guests and friends, it means that you also have, in your own way, contributed to this great reason for celebration – our Company’s 40th anniversary.
In the 40 years of our commitment to the sea and people, we have provided our country and the entire boating community with a representative chain of marinas, which today is not only the largest in the Mediterranean but also a regional leader in nautical tourism and the process of making the green transition in the boating sector. During this period, ACI has become the pillar of the entire tourism sector in the Republic of Croatia, creating conditions for domestic and foreign visitors that meet the highest world standards. That these are not just empty words could be seen in 2020, the most intensive period of the coronavirus pandemic, when nautical tourism proved to be the most resilient sector in the current crisis and ACI established itself as the leader in Croatia’s tourism sector – the lifeblood of the national economy of the Republic of Croatia.
Based on the extremely good preparation, measures taken and care we took of our employees and guests, we were more than ready to welcome the next two nautical seasons, with 2022 already bringing record results in some of the segments. Further, in the course of its work, ACI has constructed or completely renovated some of the most beautiful and luxurious marinas. We proudly boast several of them: ACI Marina Rovinj, the most modern and luxurious marina in Croatia with a prestigious five-anchor rating, the eternal classic ACI Marina Dubrovnik, transforming into a “city in itself”, as
Na temeljima izrazito kvalitetne pripreme, poduzetih mjera i brige za naše zaposlenike i goste spremno smo dočekali i sljedeće dvije nautičke sezone, pri čemu je već 2022. donijela i rekordne rezultate u određenim segmentima. Nadalje, tijekom svojeg djelovanja ACI je izgradio ili potpuno renovirao neke najljepše i najluksuznije marine. Pritom s ponosom ističemo njih nekoliko: ACI marinu Rovinj, najmoderniju i najluksuzniju marinu u Hrvatskoj te nositeljicu prestižnih pet sidara, vječni klasik ACI marinu Dubrovnik, koja se pretvara u „grad u malom”, kao i šarmantnu ACI marinu Korčula koja ponovno poprima svoj stari sjaj. Sve što znamo i umijemo tek ćemo demonstrirati izgradnjom ACI marine Rijeka u partnerstvu s GITONE Kvarnerom, dijelom grupacije Lürssen. ACI marina Rijeka bit će najluksuznija i tehnološki najnaprednija marina na Mediteranu te ujedno najveći nautički projekt u hrvatskoj povijesti.
Naposljetku, u Hrvatsku smo zahvaljujući projektu ACI Sail i ekskluzivnom partnerstvu s Nautor Swanom doveli i najveću svjetsku flotu elitnih jedrilica ClubSwan 36 te jedini svjetski trening centar za taj tip plovila, smješten u ACI marini Split. U sklopu toga Hrvatsku smo punopravnim članstvom u regatnom kalendaru Nautor Swana pozicionirali uz bok najelitnijim nautičkim destinacijama svijeta, kao što su Monte Carlo, Porto Cervo i St. Tropez.
Četrdesetogodišnje putovanje ACI d.d. prožeto je dubokim utjecajem koji je ostvaren na nautičkoj sceni u Hrvatskoj. Milijuni nautičara i ljubitelja mora uvjerili su se u izvanrednu kvalitetu usluga naših marina doživjevši nezaboravna iskustva i prekrasne uspomene.
Tijekom četiri desetljeća ACI d.d. uvijek je bio predvodnik inovacija i vizionarstva u nautičkom sektoru, a ova obljetnica podsjeća nas na važnost nastavka inovacija i vizionarskog djelovanja kako bismo i dalje bili lideri u sektoru te osigurali održivi razvoj nautičkog turizma u Hrvatskoj.
U svijetu obilježenom stalnom promjenom i nepredvidljivošću sposobnost prilagodbe postaje vitalna vještina preživljavanja. Od tehnoloških napretka i ekonomskih promjena do društvenih i ekoloških izazova, pojedinci i društva moraju prihvatiti prilagodljivost kao temeljno načelo. Stoga naša 40. obljetnica služi kao polazišna točka za nove mogućnosti i prilike, ali i kao hommage brojnim izvanrednim ljudima koji su u proteklih 40 godina s nama sudjelovali na ovom nevjerojatnom putovanju.
Uz slogan „najbolji uz najbolje” ovogodišnje je izdanje magazina posvećeno pojedincima koji su zahvaljujući vizionarstvu, posvećenosti i kreativnosti ostvarili brojne svjetske uspjehe. Na našim stranicama čitat ćete o četverostrukoj osvajačici Oscara Frances McDormand, jednom od najvažnijih svjetskih chefova Massimi Botturi, uglednom biznismenu, ali i strastvenom jedriličaru Igoru Simčiču te dizajneru Chrisu Bangleu koji je zaslužan za neke najhrabrije kreirane BMW-e. Ljubitelji sporta uživat će u razgovoru s hrvatskim nogometnim izbornikom Zlatkom Dalićem, teniskoj zvijezdi budućnosti Carlosu Alcarazu te vrhunskoj regati Swan Croatia Challenge, a slavljeničko izdanje uveličali su i norveški majstor krimića Jo Nesbø i svjetski poznati čelisti 2Cellos.
Za vas smo također pripremili vodič o Paklenim otocima, a na stranicama magazina ACI No. 1 čekaju vas još brojni drugi zanimljivi sugovornici i teme, kao i katalog svih naših marina.
Veliku zahvalu upućujemo našim novim i postojećim partnerima te svima koji su sudjelovali u pripremi novog izdanja magazina. Njihovo znanje, vještina i strast te ljubav prema moru i nautici bili su presudni kako bi se ostvarili vrhunski rezultati u skladu s ugledom ACI-ja.
Svim svojim gostima i nautičarima na Jadranu želimo mirno more i sigurnu plovidbu.
Navigare necesse est
Kristijan Pavić, predsjednik Uprave
well as the charming ACI Marina Korčula, which is slowly returning to its former splendour. Everything we know and can do is yet to be demonstrated by constructing ACI Marina Rijeka, which will be built in partnership with GITONE Kvarner, part of the Lürssen group. ACI Marina Rijeka will be the most luxurious and technologically most advanced marina in the Mediterranean – and will also be the largest nautical project in the history of Croatia.
Finally, thanks to the ACI Sail project and the exclusive partnership with Nautor Swan, we have been able to welcome the largest international fleet of ClubSwan 36 sailing boats and to boast the only training centre for this type of vessels in the world, situated in ACI Marina Split. In relation to that, through our full membership in Nautor Swan’s racing calendar, Croatia has been put on a par with world’s elite yachting destinations, such as Monte Carlo, Porto Cervo and St Tropez.
One of the most prominent aspects of ACI’s forty-year-long journey is the enormous impact it has exerted on Croatia’s nautical scene. Millions of boaters and lovers of the sea have experienced an extraordinary level of quality of services provided in our marinas, and have enjoyed unforgettable experiences they will fondly remember.
During these four decades, ACI has always been an innovation leader and visionary in the nautical sector, and this anniversary reminds us of the importance of a continuous innovative and visionary activity in order to remain the leader in the sector and foster sustainable development of Croatia’s nautical tourism.
In the ever changing and increasingly unpredictable world, the ability to adapt becomes a vital survival skill. From technological advancement and economic changes to social and environmental challenges, individuals and societies must accept adaptability as a fundamental principle. Therefore, our 40th anniversary is also a starting point for new opportunities and possibilities, as well as a homage to many extraordinary people who have, in the past 40 years, joined us in this incredible journey.
Under the slogan The Best Support the Best, this year’s issue of the magazine is dedicated to individuals who have used their vision, devotion and creativity to achieve many international successes. In the pages of our magazine, you will find four-time Oscar winner Frances McDormand, Massimo Bottura, one of the most important international chefs, Igor Simčič, a prominent businessman as well as a passionate yachtsman, and designer Chris Bangle, who is responsible for some of the most courageously shaped BMWs. Sport lovers will enjoy reading the interviews with Zlatko Dalić, Croatia’s football head coach, and Carlos Alcaraz, the future tennis star, and finding out about the outstanding Swan Croatia Challenge race. This anniversary issue has been honoured by the presence of Jo Nesbø, the Norwegian master of crime stories, and 2Cellos, the international cello stars.
We have provided you with a guide to the Pakleni Islands, and you will also find many other interesting people and topics on the pages of ACI No. 1 magazine, as well as a catalogue of all our marinas.
We extend our deepest gratitude to all our new and existing ACI No. 1 partners and to all those who have participated in the making of the latest issue. Their knowledge, skill and passion, and love of the sea and boating were crucial in achieving spectacular results in accordance with ACI’s reputation.
We wish fair winds and smooth sailing to all our guests and boaters in the Adriatic.
Navigare necesse est Kristijan Pavić, Chairman of the Boarddr. sc. / PhD
Član Uprave za financije, korporativno pravo i ljudske resurse ACI d.d. / Member of the Management Board of ACI for Finance, Corporate Law and Human Resources
Na tragu povijesno najboljih poslovnih rezultata našeg Društva ostvarenih u protekloj godini i usvojenih poslovnih politika ulaganja, odnosno restrukturiranja na području ljudskih resursa, unapređenja kvalitete pružanja usluga, diversifikacije poslovanja, razvoja infrastrukture i superstrukture u marinama, informatizacije i digitalizacije poslovanja, Uprava Društva usvojila je novi trogodišnji Plan poslovanja ACI-ja.
Following our Company’s record-breaking business results achieved last year and business policies that we have already adopted regarding investment and restructuring in the field of human resources, improvement in the quality of services, diversification of business, construction of infrastructure and superstructure in marinas, and computerisation and digitisation of business, ACI’s Management Board has adopted a new, three-year Business Plan for the Company.
U sljedećem razdoblju okrećemo se budućnosti nautičkog turizma koju će ponajviše obilježiti zelena energetska tranzicija i digitalna transformacija. Procjena Uprave ACI-ja jest da energetska tranzicija označuje izazovno razdoblje s mnogo neizvjesnosti, odnosno da će suradnja s drugim industrijskim i tehnološkim partnerima i pionirima razvoja u sklopu projekta „Dolina vodika Sjeverni Jadran”, uz podršku vlada Republike Hrvatske, Slovenije i Italije, doprinijeti da se ACI s novom energetskom infrastrukturom pozicionira kao ključni pokretač energetske tranzicije u hrvatskom turizmu i pomorskoj industriji. U suradnji s akademskom i stručnom zajednicom razvijamo i implementiramo visokotehnološka rješenja s ciljem ne samo očuvanja čistoće mora i okoliša nego i stvaranja zelenijih, održivijih i učinkovitijih modela gospodarenja pomorskim dobrom upravo za generacije koje ostaju iza nas.
U tom kontekstu inovacijski razvojni projekt implementacije vodikovih tehnologija u ACI marina Opatija predstavlja pilot-instalaciju inovacije na temelju koje želimo uspostaviti učinkovito samodostatno energetsko čvorište.
U ovoj godini očekujemo i donošenje Strategije održivog razvoja ACI-ja do 2027. godine i pripadajućih Akcijskih programa kojima će dodatno biti operacionalizirani strateški razvojni ciljevi Društva.
Nakon što je potkraj prošle godine sa sindikatima zaključen Aneks kolektivnom ugovoru iz 2019. godine, kojim su uz povećanu osnovicu plaće i podizanje koeficijenata složenosti poslova povećana dosadašnja prava zaposlenika ACI-ja, fokus Uprave i u sljedećem razdoblju ostaje na osiguranju uvjeta da u uvjetima aktualnog stanja na današnjem tržištu rada u hrvatskom turizmu rad naših zaposlenika bude primjereno vrednovan.
U razdoblju koje je pred nama najveći fokus tvrtke i dalje ostaje na aktivnostima vezanim uz produljenje koncesijskih ugovora, koji u najvećem broju istječu 2030. godine. S obzirom na to da je produljenje koncesija strateško pitanje za ACI, spomenutom smo cilju maksimalno posvećeni.
In the coming period, we are turning to the future of nautical tourism, which will largely be characterised by the green energy transition and digital transformation. It is ACI’s Management Board’s assessment that the energy transition will be a challenging period, laden with uncertainty, and that the partnership with other industrial and technological partners and development pioneers within the Northern Adriatic Hydrogen Valley project, supported by the governments of the Republic of Croatia, Slovenia and Italy, will contribute to the positioning of ACI, with its new energy infrastructure, as the key promoter of the energy transition in Croatia’s tourism and maritime industry. In partnership with the academic and professional communities, we are developing and implementing high-tech solutions with the aim of not only keeping the sea and the environment clean but also creating greener, more sustainable and more efficient models of managing maritime domains for the generations to come. In this regard, we are launching an innovative developmental pilot project by implementing hydrogen technologies in Marina Ičići, which we would like to see as an efficient and energy self-sufficient energy hub. This year will also see the adoption of ACI’s Sustainable Development Strategy until 2027 and its Action Plans, which will additionally operationalise Company's strategic development objectives. Following the signing of the Additional Agreement to the 2019 Collective Agreement between the management and the unions in late 2022, under which the material rights of the employees improved by an increase in base salary and job complexity coefficients, the management will continue, in the coming period as well, to secure the conditions to properly value the work done by our employees in the current situation of today’s labour market in Croatia’s tourism.
In the coming period, the Company’s continuous focus is primarily on undertaking activities related to extending concession contracts, most of which expire in 2030. Since the issue of extending the concession periods is of strategic importance to ACI, we are utterly dedicated to this goal.
Član Uprave za investicije, marketing i maloprodaju ACI d.d. / Member of the Management Board of ACI d.d. for Investment, Marketing and Retail Sale
S obzirom na znatne prihode i rekordno dobre poslovne rezultate koje smo ostvarili u prethodnoj godini, i u idućem razdoblju očekujemo značajan rast poslovnih rezultata, uvjetovan ne samo unapređenjem naše ponude, nego i ulaskom Hrvatske u Schengen i Eurozonu. Društvo je spremno u sljedećem razdoblju izvršiti ulaganja u unapređenje kvalitete pružanja usluga, diversifikaciju poslovanja i nove akvizicije kako bismo zadržali poziciju vodeće nautičke kompanije ne samo na Jadranu, nego i u mediteranskom okruženju te ojačali brend u europskim i svjetskim okvirima.
Taking into account the substantial revenue and record-breaking business results we achieved in the previous year, we expect significant increase in business results in the coming period as well, not only as a result of the improvements that have been made in the range of services we offer, but also as a consequence of Croatia’s joining the Schengen area and entering the eurozone. In the next period, the company is ready to invest in improving the quality of services, business diversification and new acquisitions in order to maintain the position of the leading nautical company not only in the Adriatic but also in the Mediterranean, as well as to strengthen our brand at the European and global level.
U 2023. godini težit ćemo daljnjem ostvarenju postavljenih ciljeva, što ponajprije znači nastavak ulaganja u marine, s posebnim naglaskom na izgradnju buduće ACI marine Rijeka. Kao najvećem lancu marina na Mediteranu i regionalnom lideru u nautičkom turizmu, naša je misija koncipirati marinu budućnosti koja će objediniti i implementirati proizvod koji će odražavati sinergiju tehnološke moći, ekonomske i ekološke održivosti te luksuza – i to prema najvišim svjetskim standardima. I ostale ACI marine u našem sustavu kontinuirano se razvijaju sa sve većim naglaskom na tehnologije koje smanjuju negativan utjecaj na okoliš pa smo stoga iznimno posvećeni održivom zelenom poslovanju koje utječe i na pozicioniranje našeg lanca nautičkih marina na globalnom turističkom tržištu, minimizirajući pri tome negativan okolišni otisak. Karijatidu naših aktivnosti u tom smislu predstavlja status ACI-ja kao predvodnika zelene tranzicije u hrvatskom turizmu, ali i naše članstvo u međunarodnom konzorciju „Dolina vodika Sjeverni Jadran“, kroz koji namjeravamo implementirati vodikove tehnologije u sustav ACI marina te pokrenuti osnivanje vlastite čarter flote na vodik.
Osim pružanja najmodernijih usluga i sofisticiranog korisničkog iskustva za naše goste, kakvo i kolidira sa suvremenim trendovima u nautici, glavna zadaća implementacije tehnoloških rješenja u sustav ACI marina bit će prije i iznad svega usmjerena prema brizi o moru, okolišu i napose prema kvaliteti života lokalne zajednice, što je ujedno naša temeljna vrijednost, a naposljetku i dužnost i društvena odgovornost. Stoga i kontinuirano ulažemo u razvoj zelenih tehnologija kako bismo osigurali da naša djelovanja minimalno utječu na okoliš, a nautičari imaju najbolje moguće iskustvo tijekom boravka u našem akvatoriju.
Ovaj magazin je prilika da svoju viziju podijelimo s vama. Hvala vam što ste s nama na ovom putovanju. Dobro došli u naše H 2 marine.
In 2023, we will continue our efforts to achieve the goals we have set, which primarily means we will go on investing in our marinas, particularly regarding the construction of the future ACI Marina Rijeka. As the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean and the regional nautical tourism leader, we are on a mission to create a marina of the future, which will integrate and implement a product that will demonstrate the synergy of technological power, economic and ecological sustainability, and luxury – meeting, at the same time, the highest world standards. The other ACI marinas in our system are also continuously improving, with an increasing emphasis on technologies that reduce the negative impact on the environment. This shows our dedication to sustainable green business, which has an impact on the positioning of our marina chain in the international tourism market while at the same time reducing the negative environmental footprint. In that regard, the foundation of our activities is ACI’s position as the leader in the green transition in Croatia’s tourism and our membership in the international North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley consortium, through which we intend to implement hydrogen technologies into the ACI system and to start our own hydrogen-powered charter fleet.
In addition to offering state-of-the-art services and sophisticated user experience to our guests, reflecting contemporary trends in boating, the main task of implementing technological solutions in the ACI marina system will be, first and foremost, to take care of the sea, the environment and the quality of life in the local community, which is not only our fundamental value, but also our duty and responsibility. That is why we continuously invest in the development of green technologies in order to ensure that our activities have the minimal impact on the environment while making sure that boaters have the best possible experience during their stay in our waters.
This magazine is a way to share our vision with you. Thank you for joining us on this journey and welcome to our H 2 marinas.
Porast popularnosti društvenih mreža u hrvatski je poslovni žargon uveo riječ influencer koja označava osobu ili skupinu ljudi koji mogu utjecati na poslovne odluke zbog svojega ugleda, položaja ili veza. Ta teza primijenjena na ACI d.d. pokazuje kako se najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu tijekom posljednjih četrdeset godina profilirao u pravog nautičkog influencera.
The rise of social media popularity has introduced the word influencer into Croatian business jargon, a term denoting a person or a group of people who can influence business decisions because of their reputation, position or connections. Applied to ACI, it can be said that the largest chain of marinas in the Mediterranean has become a real influencer in the nautical sector over the last forty years.
Četiri desetljeća postojanja predstavljaju veliko putovanje ACI-ja do renomiranog lidera u industriji, sa snažnim fokusom na kvalitetu usluge, održivom razvoju i promicanju ljepota jadranske obale
Four decades since its founding represent ACI’s epic journey towards becoming a reputable leader in the industry, which is firmly focused on the quality of services, sustainable development and promoting the attractions of the Adriatic coast
Godina 1983. po mnogočemu je bila povijesna. Prije četiri desetljeća stvoren je internet, mreža svih mreža bez koje je danas ljudska civilizacija nezamisliva. Isto tako prije 40 godina na tržištu se pojavio prvi mobilni telefon, uređaj koji će obilježiti doba digitalne revolucije. No 1983. je i godina postanka ACI d.d., kompanije koja je obilježila nautički turizam na prostoru Mediterana.
Inovativnost, vizija i liderstvo opisuju ACI d.d. kao kompaniju već 40 godina, od jedinstvenog lanca marina od Umaga do Dubrovnika čiji je idejni začetnik bio pokojni Veljko Barbieri preko sjajno organiziranih regata s najvećim jedriličarskim zvijezdama do projekta ACI marine Rijeka kao najveće investicije u nautički turizam u povijesti Hrvatske. Ova četiri desetljeća predstavljaju veliko putovanje ACI-ja do renomiranog lidera u industriji, sa snažnim fokusom na kvalitetu usluge, održivom razvoju i promicanju ljepota jadranske obale. Od osnutka ACI d.d. zauzima ključno mjesto u hrvatskom nautičkom turizmu. Strateški raspoređenim marinama duž jadranske obale započela je misija pružanja sigurnih i modernih pristaništa nautičarima i ljubiteljima mora. Ili bolje rečeno drugog doma brojnim obožavateljima Jadrana. Jedan od najvećih čimbenika koji su doprinijeli uspjehu ACI d.d. jest predanost u pružanju vrhunskih usluga. Bez obzira na to jeste li vlasnik jahte ili gost u marinama, ACI d.d. svojim gostima osigurava izvanredno iskustvo. Osim izvrsne usluge najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu prepoznao je važnost očuvanja okoliša i promicanja održivog nautičkog turizma. Svjesni da je priroda najvažniji resurs, poduzete su brojne mjere smanjivanja utjecaja na okoliš te uložena značajna sredstva u modernizaciju infrastrukture i primjenu najboljih praksi za zaštitu morskog ekosustava.
Kao ključni pokretač razvoja nautičkog turizma u Hrvatskoj, ACI d.d. uz posvećenost, viziju i brigu za okoliš želi transformirati industriju. To najbolje pokazuje projekt ACI marine Rijeka, najvećeg nautičkog pothvata u povijesti Republike Hrvatske koji ACI provodi u partnerstvu s tvrtkom GITONE Kvarner d.o.o., iza koje stoji gru-
1983 was a historical year for many reasons. That year, four decades ago, saw the invention of the Internet, the mother of all networks, without which the human civilisation has become unimaginable. Forty years ago, the first mobile phone – the device that would mark the digital revolution era – also came on the market. But 1983 was also the year when ACI d.d., the company that has left its mark on nautical tourism in the Mediterranean, was founded. Innovation, vision and leadership are the words that have been describing ACI as a company for the past 40 years. From a unique marina chain stretching from Umag to Dubrovnik, whose founding father was the late Veljko Barbieri, to efficiently organised regattas, which saw the participation of greatest sailing stars, to the ACI Marina Rijeka project – the highest investment in nautical tourism in the history of Croatia. These four decades represent ACI’s epic journey towards becoming a reputable leader in the industry, which is firmly focused on the quality of services, sustainable development and promoting the attractions of the Adriatic coast.
Since its inception, ACI has occupied the key position in the nautical tourism of Croatia. Its mission of providing safe and modern landing places for boaters and sea lovers – or home away from home for many lovers of the Adriatic – started with strategically positioned marinas along the Adriatic coast. One of the most important factors to have contributed to ACI’s success is its dedication to provide first-class services. Whether you are a yacht owner or a marina visitor, ACI will provide you with an unforgettable experience. Not only does it offer excellent service, but the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean has also recognised the importance of environmen-
Brojnim sponzorskim aktivnostima najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu podupire brojne hrvatske sportaše s kojima dijeli brojne temeljne vrijednost poput predanosti, upornosti, timskog rada i fair playa
Through a large number of sponsorship activities, the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean supports many Croatian athletes, with whom it shares some fundamental values such as dedication, perseverance, team work and fair play
pacija Lürssen. Nova kvarnerska ljepotica ponajprije će za cilj imati transformaciju grada Rijeke iz tradicionalne tranzitne luke u važno turističko i nautičko odredište, a svojim kapacitetom, luksuzom i tehnološkim atributima zasigurno će se isticati među lukama nautičkog turizma na cijelom Mediteranu.
„Izvrsnost nije samo vještina nego i stav koji proizlazi iz tradicije i kvalitete usluga koje ACI d.d. nudi kao kompanija. ACI marina Rijeka bit će marina s kategorizacijom prestižnih pet sidara, što klijentima jamči ispunjavanje najviše razine kvalitete u kontekstu brojnih posebnih uvjeta i visokih standarda opremljenosti te izgleda prostora u kojima se djelatnost obavlja, načina na koji se usluge pru-
tal protection and the promotion of sustainable nautical tourism. Aware that nature is the most important resource, ACI has taken a large number of measures to reduce the impact on the environment and has invested heavily into modernising its infrastructure and introducing best practices to protect the marine ecosystem. As the key promoter of the development of Croatia’s nautical tourism, ACI d.d. wants to transform the industry through its dedication, vision and care for the environment. This can best be seen in the ACI Marina Rijeka project, the biggest nautical business venture in the history of the Republic of Croatia, which is undertaken by ACI in partnership with the company GITONE Kvarner, part of the Lürssen group. The primary goal of the future ‘beauty of Kvarner’ will be to turn Rijeka from a traditional transit port into an important tourist and nautical destination, and due to its capacity, luxury and technological features, it will certainly stand out among other marinas in the entire Mediterranean.
‘Excellence does not only mean having skills, but also an attitude stemming from tradition and the quality of services that ACI offers as a company. ACI Marina Rijeka will have the prestigious five-anchor rating, guaranteeing its clients that it meets the highest level of quality in the terms of a number of special requirements and high equipment standards as well as the appearance of the space where business is carried out, ways the services are provided, amenities offered in the marina and, finally, in applying the principles of environmental protection in its day-to-day business. The Porto Baroš Project is a unique project, unprecedented in Croatia, offering the highest quality of services not only for boaters but also for the citizens of Rijeka, in the very heart of the city’ Kristijan Pavić, President of the Management Board, has pointed out.
ACI d.d. u portfelj svojih marina i usluga uvodi i tehnološke inovacije, zahvaljujući kojima svake sezone privlači sve više nautičara i zaljubljenika u more
At the same time, ACI d.d. is introducing technological innovations into its marinas and services, attracting increasing numbers of boaters and sea lovers from one season to the next
žaju, sadržaja koji marina nudi te naposljetku i u pogledu primjene načela zaštite okoliša u svakodnevnom poslovanju. Porto Baroš jedinstven je projekt kakav dosad u Hrvatskoj nismo imali priliku vidjeti s obzirom na to da nudi najvišu razinu kvalitete usluge ne samo nautičarima nego i građanima, i to u samom središtu Rijeke”, istaknuo je predsjednik Uprave ACI d.d. Kristijan Pavić.
Vrlo važna stavka za najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu jest i zelena energetska tranzicija, područje u kojem je ACI d.d. etablirani lider u svojoj industriji i u kojem kroz svoj sustav vrlo uspješno djeluje u okviru digitalne transformacije i zelenog poslovanja.
„Implementacija održivih i zelenih poslovnih modela jedinstven je odraz dugoročnog plana razvoja naše kompanije. Apsolutno slijedeći trendove u poslovanju, a pritom vodeći računa o očuvanju mora i okoliša, ACI d.d. u portfelj svojih marina i usluga uvodi i tehnološke inovacije, zahvaljujući kojima svake sezone privlači sve više nautičara i zaljubljenika u more”, naglasio je Josip Ostrogović, član Uprave za investicije, marketing i maloprodaju ACI d.d.
Prelazak na održive izvore energije u posljednjih nekoliko godina jedna je od osnovnih odrednica politike EU-a u kojoj aktivno sudjeluje i Hrvatska. Kao jedna od kompanija koja vodi računa o tome u kakvom će stanju naš planet ostaviti budućim generacijama, ACI d.d. prijavio se na natječaj Europske unije „Dolina vodika Sjeverni Jadran” s ciljem da ACI marina Opatija postane prva hrvatska marina u kojoj bi se razvio cijeli lanac vrijednosti vodika.
„Glavni je cilj projekta da u naš sustav implementiramo energetska rješenja i inovacije koje uključuju i tehnologije vodika, čime će se istodobno provoditi Europski zeleni dogovor i Europska vodikova strategija. ACI d.d. kao jedan od vodećih partnera u projektu smatra da je integracija vodikovih ekosustava učinkovit način za prelazak na ugljično neutralno društvo”, objasnio je dr. sc. Ivan Herak, član Uprave ACI d.d. za financije, korporativno pravo i ljudske resurse.
A very important item on the agenda for the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean is the green energy transition, a field in which ACI d.d. has established itself as the industry leader, successfully implementing digital transformation and green business models into its system.
‘The implementation of sustainable and green business models clearly reflects our company’s long-term development plan. Following business trends to the letter and taking account of the marine and environmental conservation, ACI d.d. is introducing technological innovations into its marinas and services, attracting increasing numbers of boaters and sea lovers from one season to the next’, says Josip Ostrogović, Member of the Management Board of ACI d.d. for Investment, Marketing and Retail Sale.
In the past several years, the transition to sustainable energy sources has been one of the basic guidelines of EU policy, with Croatia actively participating. As one of the companies concerned about the state of the planet we will leave to future generations, ACI d.d. has applied to the EU North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley call for proposals with the aim of turning ACI Marina Opatija into the first marina in Croatia where the full hydrogen value chain would be built.
‘The main aim of the project is to implement energy solutions and innovations into our system that include hydrogen technologies, implementing, at the same time, the European Green Deal and the European Hydrogen Strategy. As one of the leading partners in the project, ACI believes that the integration of hydrogen ecosystems is an efficient way of transitioning to a carbon neutral society’, says
Kao tvrtka koja djeluje u nautičkom sektoru ACI d.d. snažno je povezan s morem i vodenim sportovima te prepoznaje važnost promicanja sporta i aktivnog načina života. Brojnim sponzorskim aktivnostima najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu podupire Hrvatski vaterpolski savez, Hrvatski savez daljinskog plivanja, istaknute pojedince kao što su Ivica Kostelić, Palma Čargo i Tonči Stipanović, ali i brojne lokalne sportske klubove i udruge diljem Hrvatske, dijeleći s njima brojne temeljne vrijednost poput predanosti, upornosti, timskog rada i fair playa.
Posebno poglavlje u protekla četiri desetljeća razvoja ACI-ja zauzimaju jedrenje i regate. Kada su sredinom osamdesetih godina duž Jadrana počele nicati ACI marine, rodila se i ideja organiziranja sportske manifestacije koja bi svake godine u isto vrijeme okupljala najzvučnija imena svjetskoga jedrenja. Tijekom 26 uspješnih izdanja ACI Match Race Cupa Hrvatska je postala jedna od prepoznatljivih jedriličarskih destinacija na kojima su jedrili pobjednici America’s Cupa, Volvo Ocean Racea, osvajači olimpijskih medalja i ostalih najvećih svjetskih regata. ACI definitivno u svojem DNK ima jedrenje. I to ne samo kao sport nego i kao djelatnost koja znatno pridonosi širenju turističke ponude u Hrvatskoj i promovira more na najbolji način. To dokazuje i projekt ACI Sail koji je u posljednjih nekoliko godina u suradnji s Nautor Swanom na Jadranu ugostio prestižne ClubSwan regate.
Uz slogan „najbolji uz najbolje” ACI d.d. proslavio je tek 40 godina. Reći ćemo tek jer budućnost donosi velike stvari…
Ivan Herak, PhD, Member of the Management Board of ACI d.d. for Finance, Corporate Law and Human Resources.
As a company whose primary activity is in the nautical secttor, ACI d.d. has a strong connection to the sea and water sports and recognises the importance of promoting sport and active life. Through a large number of sponsorship activities, the largest marina chain in the Mediterranean supports the Croatian Water Polo Federation, the Croatian Open Water Swimming Federation, and prominent individuals such as Ivica Kostelić, Palma Čargo and Tonči Stipanović, as well as many local sports clubs and organisations, with which it shares many fundamental values such as dedication, perseverance, team work and fair play.
Sailing and regattas deserve a special chapter in the book of ACI’s development in the past four decades. When ACI marinas began to spring up along the Adriatic in the mid-1980s, the idea of a sporting event was born that would bring together the world’s sailing greats and take place at the same time every year. In 26 successful editions, the ACI Match Race Cup has turned Croatia into a recognisable sailing destination and has seen the participation of Olympic medallists and winners of the America’s Cup, the Volvo Ocean Race and other major world races. ACI definitely has sailing in its DNA. Not only as a sport, but also as an activity that significantly improves Croatian tourism and promotes the sea in the best possible way. This is also evident in the ACI Sail project, which, in partnership with Nautor Swan, has held the prestigious ClubSwan races in the Adriatic in the past several years.
Under the slogan The Best Support the Best, ACI d.d. has only celebrated its fortieth birthday. We say ‘only’ because the future brings great things...
Jadransko more i jedinstvena obala nedvojbeno su glavni razlozi što je brojnim svjetskim nautičarima Hrvatska idealna destinacija za jedrenje – i u kontekstu savršenog odmora, kao i vrhunskih sportskih izazova. U oba slučaja zajednički nazivnik nautičkih potencijala Hrvatske upravo je najveći lanac marina na Mediteranu ACI d.d. kojem se zahvaljujući infrastrukturi i usluzi svjetske klase nautičari iz godine u godinu uvijek vjerno vraćaju. ACI prije svega krasi upravo bogata tradicija, ljubav i strast prema jedrenju, iz koje je naposljetku proizišao i ACI Sail. Zahvaljujući tom projektu koji je jedinstven u svijetu, Hrvatska je dobila priliku stati rame uz rame s najelitnijim svjetskim jedriličarskim zemljama.
The Adriatic Sea and its unique coast are undoubtedly the main reason why Croatia is one of the ideal sailing destinations for many international boaters – it offers not only a perfect holiday but also top-notch sport challenges. In both of these cases, the common denominator of all the boating potentials of Croatia is the largest marina chain in the Adriatic, ACI, to whose marinas – thanks to their infrastructure and the world-class services they offer – boaters faithfully return year after year. However, ACI is, first and foremost, characterised by a rich tradition, love of and passion for sailing, which ultimately resulted in the ACI Sail project. Thanks to this project, unique in the world, Croatia got the opportunity to be on a par with the world's most elite sailing nations.
Tijekom protekle dvije godine Split je bio središte jedriličarskog svijeta kao domaćin premijernog ClubSwan 36 europskog prvenstva u listopadu 2022. i Swan Croatia Challengea u travnju 2023., koji su privukli najjaču svjetsku flotu u ovoj one-design klasi. ACI marina Split i vizure starog grada bile su savršena pozornica za vrhunsko jedrenje.
„Domaćinstvo regata ClubSwan 36 Europeans i Swan Croatia Challenge bila je ACI-ju iznimna čast, ostvarenje sna i vizije koja je započeta prije nekoliko godina u suradnji s obitelji Ferragamo i Nautor Swanom. More je jedan od najboljih 'influencera' hrvatskog turizma, a osim sjajnih uvjeta za regatu brojni sudionici mogli su upoznati vrhunsku hrvatsku gastronomiju i kulturnu baštinu. Ponosan sam što su ACI i Hrvatska na ClubSwan regatama jedriličarskim posadama pokazali najbolje od Jadrana. Sportski događaji poput ovakvih regata pomažu u promociji naših turističkih aduta, a posebno bih istaknuo da je jedrenje izrazito ekološki orijentiran sport, što će dodatno staviti fokus na Jadran kao destinaciju održivog turizma”, istaknuo je predsjednik Uprave ACI d.d. Kristijan Pavić. Swan Croatia Challenge označio je početak ClubSwan sezone, a regata u Hrvatskoj ujedno je bila
During the last two years, Split was the centre of the sailing world as the host of the ClubSwan 36 European championship premiere, which took place in October 2022, and the Swan Croatia Challenge, which occurred in April 2023, with both events attracting the world’s mightiest fleet of sailing boats in this one-design class. ACI Marina Split and the vistas of the old town were the perfect backdrop for this first-class sailing experience.
‘ACI had a rare honour of hosting the ClubSwan 36 Europeans and the Swan Croatia Challenge. Organising races in Croatia was a dream come true for ACI, the realisation of an idea that was conceived several years ago in partnership with the Ferragamo family and Nautor Swan. The sea is one of the best ‘influencers’ in Croatian tourism, and in addition to great conditions for holding a regatta, the many participants were able to taste the first-class Croatian cuisine and to get to know its rich cultural heritage. I am proud that ACI and Croatia were able to show to the participating teams, through these ClubSwan regattas, the best that the Adriatic has to offer. Sports events such as these regattas help promote our tourist assets, and I would especially like to point out that sailing
premijerna regata The Nations League u 2023. godini. Nakon četiri dana regate u predivnim uvjetima pobjedu je odnijela monegaška posada G Spot koja je bila dominantna u svih pet održanih jedrenja.
„S pet pobjeda u pet jedrenja u Splitu imali smo jedriličarski tjedan iz snova. ACI se još jednom pokazao kao sjajan domaćin ClubSwan regate. Lani smo regatom ClubSwan 36 European perfektno zatvorili sezonu, a u 2023. Swan Croatia Challengeom savršeno otvorili našu sezonu regata. Grad i ljudi su predivni, što je još jedan velik razlog za ponovni dolazak na hrvatsku obalu. Osim regatavanja uživali smo u sjajnom gostoprimstvu i prekrasnom Splitu”, izjavio je kormilar pobjedničke jedrilice Giangiacomo Serena di Lapigio.
Među posadama iz 12 zemalja na Swan Croatia Challengeu jedrila je hrvatska posada Go Racing University of Split sastavljena od studenata Pomorskog
is an extremely environmentally friendly sport, which will additionally position the Adriatic as a sustainable tourist destination’, said Kristijan Pavić, President of the Management Board of ACI.
The Swan Croatia Challenge launched the ClubSwan season, premiering, at the same time, The Nations League 2023. After four days of sailing in wonderful conditions, the Monaco team of the G Spot triumphed, having won all five races.
‘Five wins in five races in Split have turned this into a sailing week of our dreams. ACI has once again proved to be the perfect host to a ClubSwan regatta. Last year, the ClubSwan 36 Europeans regatta was the grand finale of the season, and this year, the Swan Croatia Challenge was a perfect opening act for our racing season. The city and the people are wonderful, and that is yet another important reason
fakulteta u Splitu kojima se prvoga dana regate pridružio proslavljeni skijaš, jedriličar i ambasador ACI-ja Ivica Kostelić.
„Bio mi je izniman užitak jedriti na Swan Croatia Challengeu sa studentima Pomorskog fakulteta. ClubSwan 36 fantastičan je regatni brod, zabavan i performantan, jurilica koja itekako opravdava svoj renome u svijetu. Ovakvi su eventi u Hrvatskoj i više nego dobrodošli i zaista je važno nastaviti raditi na njihovoj realizaciji i u budućnosti”, rekao je Ivica Kostelić.
Kako je to svojedobno izrekao slavni jedriličar Paul Cayard, svaka regata mora imati četiri bitna elementa da bi bila uspješna: izvrsnu organizaciju, stručan regatni odbor, vrhunske jedriličare i društvene događaje koji promoviraju život na moru. Direktor sportskih aktivnosti u ClubSwan Racingu Federico Michetti bio je izrazito zadovoljan splitskim regatama, pritom istaknuvši ekspertizu ACI-ja u domaćinstvu takvih natjecanja.
„ACI i ACI Sail naši su partneri već nekoliko godina s kojima dijelimo strast prema jedrenju. U Hrvatskoj nas je dočekao velik entuzijazam, iskustvo i znanje koje je potrebno u pripremi ovako zahtjevnih regata.
Uz sjajan društveni program sklopljena su nova jedriličarska prijateljstva, a regate su pokazale izvrstan
to return to the Croatian coast. Apart from racing, we have enjoyed the generous hospitality and the beautiful city of Split’, said Giangiacomo Serena di Lapigio, who skippered the winning sailing boat. Among the teams from 12 countries participating in the Swan Croatia Challenge, there was also the Croatian Go Racing University of Split team, made up of students from the Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split. On the first day they were joined by Ivica Kostelić, the celebrated skier, sailor and ACI’s ambassador.
‘It was an enormous pleasure to sail at the Swan Croatia Challenge with students from the Faculty of Maritime Studies. ClubSwan 36 is a fantastic, fun and high-performance racing boat. It’s a real speedboat, worthy of its international reputation. Such events are more than welcome in Croatia, and it’s really important to continue organising them in the future’, said Ivica Kostelić.
As Paul Cayard, the famous sailor, once said, every regatta needs four important elements to be successful: efficient organisation, a competent regatta committee, first-class sailors and social events promoting life at the seaside. Federico Michetti, head of the ClubSwan Racing sport activity, was extremely satisfied with the
Tijekom listopada 2022. Hrvatska je imala čast ugostiti ClubSwan 36 Europeans koji se prvi put u povijesti jedrio u Splitu. Na svjetskoj premijeri te regate zlatnu medalju osvojio je britanski Black Seal ispred dviju talijanskih posada G Spot i Farstar. ClubSwan 36 Europeans imao je i humanitarnu notu zahvaljujući akciji ACI za djecu. Posebni gosti regate bili su korisnici domova za odgoj iz Karlovca i Splita kojima je omogućena edukativna pratnja ovom sportskom događaju i druženje s brojnim jedriličarima.
In October 2022, Croatia had the honour of hosting the ClubSwan 36 Europeans, which took place in Split for the first time in history. At the world premiere of this race, the British Black Seal won the gold medal, ahead of two Italian teams, G Spot and Farstar. The ClubSwan 36 Europeans was also a charity event, through the ACI for Children action. Special guests of the regatta were children from the children’s care homes in Karlovac and Split, who were taken on a guided tour and had the opportunity to meet many of the sailors.
races held in Split, praising ACI’s expertise in hosting such competitions.
‘ACI and ACI Sail have been our partners for several years, and we share the same passion for sailing. In Croatia, we were welcomed by great enthusiasm, experience and expertise that are needed when organising such demanding regattas. During meticulously planned social events, new sailing friendships have been forged, and the races have shown the great potential that Croatia has as a permanent future ClubSwan destination’, Federico Michetti explained.
potencijal Hrvatske kao buduće stalne ClubSwan destinacije”, objasnio je Federico Michetti.
ClubSwan osnovan je 1999., a tijekom više od 20 godina postojanja razvio se u nezaobilazno mjesto druženja i jedrenja na poznatim svjetskim lokacijama kao što su Porto Cervo, St. Tropez i Palma de Mallorca. The Nations Trophy, Rolex Swan Cup i Swan One Design Worlds ubrajaju se među najprestižnije svjetske regate, a domaćinstvom ClubSwan 36 Europeans i Hrvatska je postala dio uglednog jedriličarskog društva. Svaka ClubSwanova regata, kombinirajući sport i biznis, okuplja najbolje od najboljih u svijetu jedrenja, a zahvaljujući brojnim događajima na kopnu postignut je velik iskorak u etabliranju Hrvatske kao izvrsne regatne destinacije.
ClubSwan was founded in 1999 and, in more than 20 years, it has become a place not to be missed for those wanting to socialise and sail in trendy international locations such as Porto Cervo, St Tropez, and Palma de Mallorca. The Nations Trophy, Rolex Swan Cup or Swan One Design Worlds are among the most prestigious regattas in the world, and by hosting the ClubSwan 36 Europeans, Croatia has also become a part of this reputable sailing community. Combining sport and business, each regatta in the ClubSwan calendar, brings together the crème de la crème of the sailing world, and with a number of events taking place on land, a significant step forward has been made in establishing Croatia as a great racing destination.
‘For me, my team and Nautor Swan, it has been a great pleasure to have these regattas held in Croatia. We are extremely grateful to ACI for the trust they have
„Meni, mojoj posadi i Nautor Swanu bilo je veliko zadovoljstvo jedriti na regatama u Hrvatskoj. Iznimno smo zahvalni ACI-ju što je imao povjerenja u projekt ClubSwan 36”, naglasio je Edoardo Ferragamo.
ACI je sklopio partnerstvo s Nautor Swanom te osnovao jedinstven ACI Sail ClubSwan 36 trening centar u Splitu, s individualnim pristupom, koji je namijenjen ljudima koji žele doživjeti potpuno novo jedriličarsko iskustvo na inovativnim jedrilicama uglednog finskog proizvođača. Na taj način ACI Sail omogućuje i potpunim amaterima doživljaj jedrenja kakav je dosad bio rezerviran samo za profesionalce. Među klijentima ACI
Saila koji su jedrili na regati u Splitu bio je ClubSwan 36 Goddess s Nikolaiem P. Burkartom za kormilom.
„Split je jedno od najatraktivnijih mjesta na Mediteranu gdje možete jedriti s pogledom na krasnu vizuru grada. ACI Sail odradio je vrhunski posao u pripremi broda pa je bilo iznimno zadovoljstvo jedriti u vrhunskoj konkurenciji”, ispričao je Nikolai P. Burkartom.
Split i ACI svoj su jedriličarski ispit položili s odličnim, u skladu sa sloganom ACI Saila: Jedrenje budućnosti.
Baš kako je to na kraju sažeo predsjednik ClubSwan
36 klase Vanni Pavesio.
„Vjerujem da smo u Hrvatskoj dobili još jednu sjajnu destinaciju u ClubSwan kalendaru. Dvije vrhunski organizirane splitske regate podigle su ljestvicu i za buduće događaje”, poručio je Vanni Pavesio.
placed in the ClubSwan 36 project', Edoardo Ferragamo pointed out.
In partnership with Nautor Swan, ACI has founded the unique ACI Sail ClubSwan 36 training centre in Split. Offering a completely individualised approach, this centre is intended for people who want to have an entirely new experience sailing on the innovative sailing boats made by the renowned Finnish manufacturer. ACI Sail has thus made it possible for amateur sailors to experience sailing in a way that has so far been reserved only for professionals. Among the ACI Sail clients sailing at the Split regatta was also the ClubSwan 36 Goddess with Nikolai P Burkart at the helm.
‘Split is one of the most attractive places in the Mediterranean where you can sail and have a breathtaking view of the city. ACI Sail has done a wonderful job preparing the boat, so it was a real pleasure to race against the top-notch competition’, said Nikolai P Burkart. Split and ACI have passed their sailing test with flying colours, in accordance with the ACI Sail slogan: the future of sailing. Just as Vanni Pavesio, the president of the ClubSwan 36 class, summarised at the end:
‘I believe that in Croatia, we have gained another great destination in the ClubSwan calendar. Two regattas held in Split have raised the organisational bar for future events’, said Vanni Pavesio.
Golf range and mini golf course
Î Practice net
Î Putting green
Î Chipping green
Î Sand bunker
ACI marina Dubrovnik offers a unique and attractive sports activity – play golf and have fun on mini golf with 9 lanes. On our Golf Range you can practice all golf shots with golf clubs and golf balls available on the reception desk and included in price per hour.
Guests of all ages are welcome. Spend your free time actively – on the ACI Golf Range!
Zlatko Dalić trener je čija se filozofija temelji na autoritetu znanja i kemiji u momčadi. Srebro na Svjetskom prvenstvu u Rusiji 2018. i bronca na Svjetskom prvenstvu 2022. godine u Kataru među najvećim su uspjesima hrvatskog sporta, a „vatreni” su pod njegovim vodstvom postali jedna od najmoćnijih svjetskih reprezentacija.
Zlatko Dalić is a football coach whose philosophy is underpinned by authority based on knowledge and chemistry among team members. Silver in the 2018 World Championship in Russia and bronze in the 2022 World Championship in Qatar are among the greatest successes of the Croatian sport and, under his leadership, the ‘Fiery Ones’ have become one of the mightiest national teams in the world.
Možete li usporediti srebro iz 2018. i broncu iz 2022. godine?
Zapravo je mnogo toga bilo drukčije, no ono najvažnije ostalo je isto – sjajna atmosfera i izvanredan rezultat. Naravno, ostao je kostur ekipe iz 2018., osam senatora koji su u Dohi podnijeli najveći teret, na čelu s kapetanom Modrićem. No ponosan sam što smo imali 18 novih igrača u odnosu na Rusiju i što smo s praktički sasvim novom ekipom opet ostvarili izniman uspjeh. U Rusiju smo stigli s ekipom koja je stvarana desetak godina, koju su selektirali i dobro vodili izbornici Bilić, Štimac, Kovač i Čačić i u koju su bili uključeni brojni igrači koji imaju važnu ulogu u najvećim svjetskim klubovima. U odnosu na 2018. u Dohi ipak nije nastupalo toliko međunarodnih zvijezda, nedostajali su Mandžukić, Rakitić, Ćorluka i Subašić. No mladi dečki koji su došli izvrsno su se uklopili i dali velik doprinos osvajanju bronce. Kao treneru taj mi je uspjeh posebno drag jer je potvrda da radimo kvalitetan posao s momčadi koju sam sa stožerom stvarao protekle četiri godine.
S dvije uzastopne medalje na svjetskim prvenstvima hrvatska reprezentacija ušla je u krug naj-
Actually, a lot of it was different, but the most important thing hadn’t changed – a great atmosphere and an extraordinary result. Of course, the core players from 2018 were there, eight oldies who, led by Captain Modrić, did the greatest part of the work in Doha. But I’m proud that, compared to the Cup in Russia, we had 18 new players and that we, once again, achieved extraordinary success – this time practically with a completely new team. The team that had played in Russia had been in the making for ten years or so, with players selected and managed very well by head coaches Bilić, Štimac, Kovač and Čačić. The squad had then consisted of players who played in the best football clubs in the world. In Doha, compared to 2018, we didn’t have as many international stars; Mandžukić, Rakitić, Ćorluka and Subašić were missing. However, the young lads fit in perfectly and contributed greatly to winning the bronze medal. As a coach, I’m particularly fond of that success because it was achieved by the team that I had been creating with my staff for the previous four years, and it was a confirmation that we had done a good job.
uspješnijih zemalja svijeta. Koja je najveća snaga „vatrenih”?
Moramo biti svjesni da su ova dva uspjeha uistinu nevjerojatna, teško možemo pojmiti činjenicu da je Hrvatska dva svjetska prvenstva zaredom završila ispred Brazila, Njemačke, Engleske, Španjolske, Portugala, Nizozemske ili Italije, koja se nije ni plasirala u Rusiju i Katar. Da biste ostvarili takav uspjeh, morate imati prije svega kvalitetne igrače, a mi ih zaista imamo. Naši dečki igraju u vrhunskim klubovima, za što je zaslužan ponajprije njihov talent, rad i trud, obitelji koji ih podržavaju te klubovi i treneri koji su s njima radili. No postoji 10-ak, možda i 15 reprezentacija na svijetu koje imaju dovoljno kvalitetne igrače da u jednoj utakmici mogu bilo koga pobijediti. Ono što je bila naša dodatna vrijednost jest posebno zajedništvo, obiteljsko ozračje u kojemu smo jedni druge podržavali i stavili momčad na prvo mjesto, što je rezultiralo time da kao momčad imamo veoma snažan karakter. Ta poruka zajedništva najvrjednije je naše postignuće kao momčadi proteklih godina. Bit će i drugih ekipa koje će osvajati medalje na uzastopnim prvenstvima, ali ne znam hoće li se ponoviti ekipa koja je u pet utakmica na ispadanje prva primila po-
Izbornici imaju specifičnu ulogu – trebate u kratkom vremenu pripremiti ekipu, prepoznati tko kako diše, tko je u kakvoj formi i u nekoliko dana stvoriti snažnu kemiju i izvući najbolje iz igrača
Football managers have a special role – you have to get the team ready in a very short time, know what drives each of the players and who is in good shape, as well as create the right chemistry among the players and bring out the best in them in just a matter of days
With its two consecutive World Championship medals, the Croatian national team has joined the most successful countries in the world. What is the greatest strength of the ‘Fiery Ones’?
We have to be aware that these two instances of success are truly incredible, that we can hardly grasp how impossible it is that Croatia has finished the World Cup twice in a row ahead of Brazil, Germany, England, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands and Italy, the last of which didn’t even qualify for Russia or Qatar. In order to achieve such a success, you, first and foremost, need great players, and we do have them. Our lads play in the best of clubs, and this is primarily down to their talent and hard work, their families, which support them, and the clubs and coaches they have trained with. But there are around 10, maybe even 15, national teams in the world that have good enough players who can beat anyone in one game. What was our ‘added value’ is a special kind of unity, family atmosphere, within which we supported each other and made the team our priority, and this resulted in our having an especially strong character as a team. This message of unity is the most valuable thing that we have done as a team in the past years.
godak i uspjela okrenuti utakmicu u svoju korist, kao što smo mi protiv Danske, Rusije, Engleske, Japana i Brazila.
U jednom ste razgovoru izjavili: „Mislim da je prošlo vrijeme kada se autoritet gradio tiranijom i galamom. Za izbornika je najvažniji psihološki pristup, odnos prema ljudima.” Možete li objasniti svoju trenersku filozofiju?
To je moj put jer sam takva osoba. Teško kao trener možete uspjeti ako niste autentični, ako se trudite biti nešto što niste. Danas treneri ne mogu biti tirani kao nekad jer igrači imaju veliku moć te je lakše nezadovoljnim igračima promijeniti trenera nego nezadovoljnom treneru promijeniti cijelu ekipu. Izbornici pritom imaju specifičnu ulogu – nemate mnogo vremena za treninge i analize, trebate brzo pripremiti ekipu, prepoznati tko kako diše, tko je u kakvoj formi i u nekoliko dana stvoriti snažnu kemiju. Riječ je o igračima koje ne treba učiti igrati nogomet, nego ih posložiti u dobru klapu, dati im povjerenje i taktičko-kadrovskim odabirima izvući najbolje iz njih. No moram istaknuti da i drugi ljudi, od igrača do članova stožera i logistike, uistinu ponosno i odgovorno doživljavaju svoju ulogu u hrvatskoj reprezentaciji i zato imamo tako kvalitetne odnose.
Sport ne dopušta odmaranje na lovorikama, stalno traži novo dokazivanje, a vjerujem da svatko tko želi biti uspješan mora imati jak natjecateljski duh. Kada je tako, svaki postignuti uspjeh zapravo vas motivira da opet osjetite nešto slično
Sport does not let you sit on your laurels; you constantly have to prove your worth. I believe that everyone wanting to be successful has to be competitive, and when you are, each success you achieve actually motivates you to want to feel the same feeling again
There will be other teams that will consecutively win medals in world cups, but I’m not sure that there will be another team that will start five knock-out matches with letting in a goal, yet manage to turn the tide and win, as we did against Denmark, Russia, England, Japan and Brazil.
In an interview, you stated the following: ‘I think that the times when authority was built on tyranny and shouting are behind us. In my opinion, the most important thing for a head coach is the psychological approach, the way they treat people.’ Can you elaborate on your coaching philosophy?
This is my way of doing things because that’s who I am. You will have trouble succeeding as a coach if you aren’t your authentic self, if you’re trying to be somebody you’re not. Nowadays, coaches can’t be tyrants as they used to be in the past because players have great power, and it’s easier for dissatisfied players to change their coach than it is for the dissatisfied coach to replace the whole team. Managers have a special role in all that – you don’t have a lot of time for training and analysis; you have to get the team ready in a very short time, know what drives each one of the players and who is in good shape, and create the right chemistry in just a matter of days. You don’t have to teach these players to play football; what you need to do is turn them into a
Nogomet je daleko najpopularniji sport na svijetu, ali uz popularnost igrači i treneri izloženi su stresu i očekivanjima navijača. Kako podnosite pritisak velikih natjecanja?
Istina, bez obzira na iskustvo koje putem čovjek stekne, nije se lako nositi s tim pritiskom jer osjećate velika očekivanja cijele nacije, posebno nakon srebra u Rusiji. Htjeli vi to ili ne, kao izbornik ste svakodnevno u medijima, nekad u lijepom, a često i u manje lijepom kontekstu. Srećom, tempo velikog natjecanja jest intenzivan, tako da smo posvećeni treninzima, analizi i pripremi, a osim toga mir tražim u komunikaciji s obitelji, kao i u vjeri. Upravo je zato važna ta dobra atmosfera. Uz ugodno druženje u našem kampu svi si skidamo taj teret s leđa. Veseli me kad vidim igrače da slobodno vrijeme krate igrajući stolni tenis, karte, pikado, PlayStation, da su sve manje na mobitelu i društvenim mrežama.
U stručni stožer pozivate igrače koji su bili u reprezentaciji. Koje kvalitete bivši „vatreni” donose na trenersku klupu?
Kada sam postao izbornik, vjerovao sam u svoje trenersko znanje, no želio sam uz sebe bivše reprezentativce koji dobro poznaju specifičnosti reprezentacije, koji razumiju kako igrači dišu i zato sam u stožer odmah uključio Dražena Ladića, Ivicu Olića i
good team, place trust in them and bring out the best in them with your tactical and substitute choices. But I have to say that other people, from the players to the backroom staff and logistic team members, truly feel the importance of the role they have in the Croatia national team and are filled with a lot of pride and responsibility, and that’s why we have such a good relationship.
Football is by far the most popular sport in the world, but with popularity come stress and fans’ expectations that players and coaches are subjected to. How do you cope with the pressure in big competitions?
It’s true, regardless of the experience that you gain along the way, it’s not easy to cope with the pressure because you’re aware of the expectations of the whole nation, especially after the silver we earned in Russia. Whether you like it or not, as a head coach, you are daily in the media; sometimes the context you find yourself in is nice, but often it is less so. Fortunately, the pace of a big competition is intense, so a lot of time is spent training, analysing and preparing; I also try to find peace in communication with my family, as well as in my religion. It is precisely because of this that good atmosphere is important because we can offload some of the burden off our back in a pleasant company within our camp. I’m
Dodatna vrijednost hrvatske reprezentacije jest posebno zajedništvo, obiteljsko ozračje u kojemu smo jedni druge podržavali i stavili momčad na prvo mjesto, što je rezultiralo time da kao momčad imamo veoma snažan karakter
The ‘added value’ of the Croatia national team is a special kind of unity, a family atmosphere within which we have supported each other and made the team our priority, and this has resulted in our having an especially strong character as a team
Marjana Mrmića. Poslije su nam se pridružili Vedran Ćorluka i Mario Mandžukić kao treneri te Stipe Pletikosa kao tehnički direktor. Uistinu sam sretan kako funkcioniramo zajedno kao stožer i koliko svatko od njih pridonosi svojim znanjem, energijom i iskustvom. Naravno da je važno i trenersko iskustvo, ali ovdje govorimo o ljudima koji su igrali finala Lige prvaka, koji imaju stotine nastupa za hrvatsku reprezentaciju i čije je nogometno iskustvo neprocjenjivo.
Imate li još nogometnih planova? Ugovor vas veže uz reprezentaciju do kraja SP-a 2026. u SAD-u…
Trenerima je uvijek najmudrije biti usredotočen samo na sljedeći izazov. Želimo uspješno dovršiti kvalifikacije za Euro 2024. Naravno, Hrvatskoj je uvijek cilj plasman na veliko natjecanje, a ovo u Njemačkoj bilo bi zaista posebno za naše navijače, stoga i za nas, pa ga ni pod koju cijenu ne želimo propustiti. SP 2026. još je veoma daleko, no ne sumnjam da će biti
always happy to see the players spend their free time playing games together – table tennis, cards, darts, PlayStation –which means they spend less time on their mobiles and social media.
You have invited national team players to join your coaching staff. Which qualities do the ex-‘Fiery Ones’ bring to the coaching bench?
When I became the manager, I had faith in my expertise as a coach, but I also wanted to have beside me former national team players who know well the specific characteristics of a national team, who know what makes the players tick, and that’s why I immediately included Dražen Ladić, Ivica Olić and Marjan Mrmić in my backroom team. Vedran Ćorluka and Mario Mandžukić joined us later as coaches with Stipe Pletikosa as technical director. I’m truly happy when I see the way we work together as a backroom team and how much each of them contributes with their expertise, energy and experience. Of co-
spektakularno. Naravno da će i Hrvatska htjeti biti ondje, braniti svoju broncu...
Poznato je da ste ljubitelj brodova. Imate li na Jadranu omiljenu rutu za plovidbu ili najdražu uvalu?
Jesam, ljubitelj sam plovidbe, to je sjajan način za odmak od vreve i obveza. Mnogo mi više odgovora mir nego „šušur”. Čim negdje isplovim, opuste mi se um, tijelo i duša. Imamo veliku sreću što živimo u jednoj od najljepših zemalja svijeta, pri čemu je posebno lijepa naša obala, jedna od najrazvedenijih u Europi, prepuna prekrasnih otoka i savršenih uvala. Izbjegavam otmjena, razvikana i popularna odredišta, težim mjestima gdje nije gužva i gdje mogu uživati u moru, suncu i prije svega miru.
urse, coaching experience is important as well, but these are people who played in the Champions League finals, who played hundreds of matches as members of the Croatia national team and whose experience in playing football is priceless.
Do you have any football plans for the future? Your contract with the national team is ending after the 2026 World Cup in the USA.
It’s wise for coaches to be focused only on the next challenge. We want to qualify for EURO 2024. Of course, Croatia always sets its heart on qualifying for a big competition, but this one in Germany would really be special for our fans, and therefore for us as well, and that’s something we don’t want to miss, no matter what. The 2026 World Cup is still far away, but I have no doubt it’s going to be spectacular. Croatia will want to be there, of course, and to defend its bronze medal.
We know that you are a boat enthusiast. Do you have a favourite sailing route or a favourite bay?
Yes, I am a sailing enthusiast. It’s a great way to distance oneself from the crowds and one’s duties – on a personal level, I’m much more comfortable when I’m in a quiet setting than when I find myself in a throng of people, and I can always feel my mind, body and soul relax as soon as I set sail. We are so lucky to be living in one of the most beautiful countries in the world with an especially attractive coast, which is one of the most indented ones in Europe and has lots of beautiful islands and ideal bays. I avoid fashionable, much-touted and very popular destinations because I seek places that aren’t crowded, where I can enjoy the sea, the sun, and, first and foremost, peace.
Finale US Opena 2022. godine. U Flushing Meadowsu piše se teniska povijest. Više od 20 tisuća gledatelja na stadionu Arthur Ashe jest u transu. Na semaforu svijetli Carlos Alcaraz – Casper Ruud 2:1 u setovima, 5:3 u četvrtom setu i 40:30 na servis mladog Španjolca. Jedan poen dijeli ga od osvajanja prvog Grand Slam turnira u karijeri, jedan poen dijeli ga od sportske besmrtnosti. Hladnokrvno poput revolveraša iz filmova Sergija Leonea poteže servis u Ruudovu bekhend stranu. Norvežanin je nemoćan, uspio je reketom samo taknuti lopticu i priča je gotova. Alcaraz je na drugu meč-loptu zabio servis winner za slavlje u New Yorku. Imao je 19 godina, četiri mjeseca i šest dana. Teniske povijesne knjige mogle su se ponovno početi pisati.
It’s the 2022 US Open finals and tennis history is being written in Flushing Meadows. More than 20,000 people at the Arthur Ashe Stadium are entranced. The scoreboard shows Carlos Alcaraz – Casper Ruud 2:1 (sets), 5:3 (fourth set) and 40:30, and the young Spaniard is about to serve. Only one point stands between him and his first Grand Slam victory – only one point between him and sporting immortality. Cool as a gunman from a film by Sergio Leone, he delivers his serve to Ruud's backhand side. The Norwegian player is powerless and is able just to touch the ball with his racket. The match is over. Alcaraz has won the New York tournament with a service winner on his second match point. At that moment, Carlos Alcaraz was 19 years, 4 months and 6 days old. Tennis history books could start to be re-written.
Carlos Alcaraz postao je najmlađi osvajač Grand Slam turnira nakon Rafaela Nadala u Roland Garrosu 2005. godine, najmlađi pobjednik US Opena od Petea Samprasa 1990., prvi čovjek rođen u 2000-ima koji je osvojio veliki pojedinačni naslov i najmlađi broj 1 na svjetskoj ljestvici u povijesti tenisa. Alcaraz je također treći igrač koji je došao do velikog finala nakon što je dobio tri uzastopna meča od pet setova, nakon Stefana Edberga na US Openu 1992. i Andrea Agassija na US Openu 2005.
„O ovome sam sanjao odmalena, otkako sam počeo igrati tenis. Htio sam biti broj 1 na svijetu i osvajač Grand Slam turnira, ali nisam mislio da ću to postići s 19 godina. Želim biti u vrhu još mnogo, mnogo tjedana. Nadam se i mnogo godina”, poručila je u Velikoj Jabuci teniska zvijezda u nastajanju. „Next big thing” kako to vole reći Amerikanci.
Godinu i nekoliko mjeseci prije priča o španjolskom teniskom čudu krenula je iz Hrvatske, točnije s Plava Laguna Croatia Opena, koji je od 1990. godine stalna etapa ATP Toura. Umag i tenis ljubav je koja traje više od trideset godina, posebna emocija kojoj nisu mogli odoljeti Goran Ivanišević, Novak Đoković, Thomas Muster, Carlos
Carlos Alcaraz is the youngest winner of a Grand Slam tournament since Rafael Nadal at Roland Garros in 2005, the youngest US Open winner since Pete Sampras in 1990, the first person born in the 2000s to win a major singles title, and the youngest ever World No 1 player in the history of tennis. He is also the third player to reach a major final having won three consecutive five-set matches, after Stefan Edberg at the 1992 US Open and Andre Agassi at the 2005 US Open.
‘It’s something I’ve dreamed of since I was a kid, since I started playing tennis. I wanted to be No 1 in the world and be champion of a Grand Slam, but I never thought I would achieve it at the age of 19. I want to be at the top for many, many weeks – hopefully many years,’ the emerging tennis star said in New York. He is the next big thing, as the Americans say.
A year and a couple of months earlier, the Spanish tennis sensation’s story started in Croatia or, to be more precise, at the Plava Laguna Croatia Open, which has been a regular stop in the ATP Tour calendar since 1990. Umag and tennis – theirs is a love story over 30 years long, a special emotion shared by Goran
San mi je biti jedan od najboljih tenisača u povijesti. Znam da će biti vrlo zahtjevno, možda čak i nemoguće, ali morate sanjati o velikim dosezima.
My dream is to be one of the best tennis players in history. I know it’ll be very complicated – maybe even impossible – but you must dream big.
Moya, Marcelo Rios, Stanislas Wawrinka i brojne druge teniske face koji su igrale na istarskoj zemlji.
Carlos Alcaraz u ljeto 2021. godine tek je postao punoljetan, no finale 31. izdanja pokazalo je da je teniski itekako zreo. U meču protiv 17 godina starijeg Richarda Gasqueta francuskom je tenisaču u dva seta prepustio samo četiri gema (6:2, 6:2) i ušao u umašku povijest kao najmlađi osvajač turnira. Vrijeme je pokazalo da je taj umaški trofej bio prvi od mnogih koji već sada krase Carlosovu riznicu. Lani se Carlos vratio na Plava Laguna Croatia Open, ali u finalu igrača koji će obilježiti budućnost tenisa Alcaraz je nakon tri seta morao stisnuti ruku Talijanu Janniku Sinneru.
„Bio je sjajan osjećaj osvojiti prvi ATP naslov, uživao sam u tom postignuću. Doživio sam mnogo lijepih trenutaka na turniru, pobijedio petoricu zaista kvalitetnih tenisača i igrački odrastao tijekom tog tjedna u Umagu”, ispričao je Alcaraz čiji je trener Juan Carlos Ferrero bio umaški pobjednik 2010. godine.
Carlos je počeo igrati tenis u ranoj dobi od tri godine uz podršku svojeg oca, strastvenog tenisača i bivšeg igrača među 40 najboljih u Španjolskoj. Njegov afinitet i strast prema sportu stalno su
Prije svakog meča nastojim slušati pjesme iz „Rockyja”. To me motivira. Slušajući glazbu, sjetim se filma i Rockyjeva nevjerojatnog borbenog duha.
I try to listen to songs from Rocky before every match. It motivates me. When I listen to the music, I remember the movie and the amazing fighting spirit that Rocky has.
Ivanišević, Novak Djokovic, Thomas Muster, Carlos Moya, Marcelo Rios, Stanislas Wawrinka and many other tennis greats who have played on the Istrian clay court.
Carlos Alcaraz came of age in the summer of 2021, but the 31st edition of the tournament showed his maturity in tennis. In the match against Richard Gasquet, 17 years his senior, Alcaraz lost only four games in two sets to the French player (6:2, 6:2), making the history of the Umag tournament as its youngest winner. The time has shown that the trophy he won in Umag was just the first of many to be displayed in Carlos’s trophy room. Last year, Carlos returned to the Plava Laguna Croatia Open, but in the finals played by tennis stars of the future, Alcaraz had to bow to the Italian Jannik Sinner after a three-set match.
‘Winning my first ATP tournament was great. I enjoyed the moment. I had a lot of good moments, I beat five really good tennis players, and my play developed during the week in Umag’, said Alcaraz, whose coach Juan Carlos Ferrero had won the Umag tournament back in 2010.
Carlos started playing tennis at the early age of 3, influenced by his father, a passionate former tennis player, who had made it into the Spain's top 40. His affinity and passion towards the sport kept
Rafa je igrač kojeg sam oduvijek pratio i divio mu se, no gledati Federera jest kao gledati umjetničko djelo
Rafa is someone I’ve always watched and admired, but watching Federer is like looking at a work of art
rasli, a ciljevi su bili postavljeni visoko – biti jedan od najboljih. U tinejdžerskim godinama stigao je u tenisku akademiju Juana Carlosa Ferrera i otad mu je nebo granica. Alcaraz je zasad osvojio osam turnira, a u Indian Wellsu u ožujka 2023. upisao je već stotu pobjedu na ATP Touru. Jedino je John McEnroe bio brži od njega. Mnogi obožavatelji zazivaju ga kao „biblijsko poslanje” koji će tenis osloboditi od „velike trojke”. Roger Federer otišao je u mirovinu, no Rafael Nadal i Novak Đoković i dalje pronalaze motive za rušenje novih rekorda.
„Ambiciozan sam i ciljevi su mi visoko postavljeni. San mi je biti jedan od najboljih u povijesti, pokušati im se nekako približiti. Znam da će biti vrlo zahtjevno , možda čak i nemoguće, ali morate sanjati o velikim dosezima. Vjerujem da ti nitko ništa neće darovati, nitko nije rekao da ću biti najbolji na svijetu, naporno sam radio za taj cilj”, objasnio je Alcaraz.
S takvim meteorskim usponom usporedbe s Federerom, Nadalom i Đokovićem postale su neizbježne. Kao u svim velikim sportskim dominacijama ljudi žele svjedočiti dolasku novog teniskog kralja na tron. Alcaraz je svojedobno za Vogue otkrio tko mu je najdraži tenisač u povijesti.
„Ono što su njih trojica radili u protekla dva desetljeća jest čudesno. Sad kad sam osvojio Grand Slam i proživio to iskustvo mogu posvjedočiti koliko je to zahtjevno, a govorimo o igračima koji su
growing, and he aims high – to be one of the best. In his teenage years, he joined Juan Carlos Ferrera’s tennis academy, and ever since the sky has been the limit. At the time of writing, Alcaraz had won a total of 8 tournaments, and his Indian Wells win in March 2023 was his 100th ATP Tour victory. Only John McEnroe had been faster. Many fans see him as the one to rid tennis of ‘The Big Three’. Roger Federer has retired, but Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic still find the motivation to set new records.
‘I am ambitious, and my goals are big. My dream is to be one of the best in history, to try to get somehow close to them. I know it’ll be very complicated – maybe even impossible – but you must dream big. Nobody gifts you anything, I believe. Nobody said I was going to be the best in the world, I’ve worked for it,’ Alcaraz explained. With such a meteoric rise, comparisons with Federer, Nadal and Djokovic are inevitable. As in every big dominance in sport, people are eager to see the arrival of a new king. Some time ago, Alcaraz revealed to Vogue who his favourite tennis player of all time is.
‘What the three of them have been doing in the last twenty years is short of miracle. Now that I have won a Grand Slam and have experienced it, I can testify to how complicated it is, and we are talking here about players who have won Grand Slam tournaments at least 20 times. It’s down to hard work, dedication, sacrifice and hunger for victory. Rafa is someone I’ve always watched and admired. Novak
Grand Slam turnire osvajali barem 20 puta. Riječ je o golemom radu, trudu i odricanju, gladi za pobjedama. Rafa je igrač kojeg sam oduvijek gledao i divio mu se. Novak Đoković sjajno je fizički i mentalno pripremljen i moćan, no Roger Federer, klasa koju je imao, način na koji je natjerao ljude da vide tenis, to je bilo prekrasno. Gledati Federera jest kao gledati umjetničko djelo. To je elegancija, sve je odigrao veličanstveno. Bio sam očaran njime. Nogometnim rječnikom rečeno, Federer je Messi tenisa zbog lakoće kojom je igrao i finoće svakog udarca”, opisao je Alcaraz. Tenisači su poznati po ritualima prije, tijekom i nakon turnirskih mečeva. Goran Ivanišević tijekom osvajanja Wimbledona svako je jutro gledao „Teletubbiese”, Bjorn Borg puštao je sretnu bradu, a Rafael Nadal neprestano čisti osnovnu liniju nakon svakog poena kada igra na zemljanoj podlozi. Carlos se priprema za mečeve uz pomoć legendarnog filmskog junaka. Alcaraz je borac poput Rockyja Balboe, lika s velikog platna koji ga nadahnjuje, posebno rock-klasik „Eye of the tiger” iz trećeg nastavka serijala o boksaču kojeg je glumio Sylvester Stallone. „Nastojim slušati tu pjesmu prije svakog meča. To me motivira. Slušajući glazbu, sjetim se filma i Rockyjeva nevjerojatnog borbenog duha.”
Djokovic’s physical and mental condition and strength are amazing, but Federer, the class he had, the way he got people to see tennis: that was beautiful. Watching Federer is like looking at a work of art. It’s elegance, he did everything magnificently. I became enchanted by him. In football terms, Federer is the Messi of tennis because of the ease with which he played and the grace he had in every shot,’ Alcaraz described.
Tennis players are known for their rituals before, during and after matches they play in tournaments. During his run to the Wimbledon title, Goran Ivanišević started each day watching Teletubbies; Bjorn Borg grew his lucky beard; and Rafael Nadal always wipes the baseline after each point when he plays on clay courts. Carlos prepares for his matches with the help of a legendary film hero. Alcaraz is a fighter just like Rocky Balboa, the big-screen character who inspires him. Specifically, he listens to the rock classic Eye of the Tiger, a song from the third instalment of the film series about a boxer played by Sylvester Stallone.
I try to listen to that song before every match. It motivates me. When I listen to the music, I remember the movie and the amazing fighting spirit that Rocky has.’
Izbornik hrvatskih vaterpolista više od deset godina vodi jednu od najboljih svjetskih reprezentacija
Head coach of the Croatian national water polo team has been managing one of the best national teams in the world
U današnje doba kada je sve brzo i prolazno trajati više od deset godina na istoj poziciji iznimno je postignuće. Pogotovo se to odnosi na trenere u vrhunskom sportu gdje je „njegovo veličanstvo” rezultat – svetinja. I često jedino mjerilo nečijeg uspjeha. Kaže se da iznimka potvrđuje pravilo, a u tom je kontekstu Ivica Tucak vrlo rijetka biljka. Na klupi izbornika hrvatske vaterpolske reprezentacije jest od rujna 2012. godine, a u tom je razdoblju osvojio 14 medalja. Bio je svjetski i europski prvak, srebrni na olimpijskim igrama, a 2017. Svjetska organizacija vodenih sportova proglasila ga je vaterpolskim trenerom godine.
In today's world, when everything is fast and transient, to hold the same position for more than ten years is an extraordinary achievement. This is especially true for coaches in top-level sport where ‘its majesty’ the score is the be-all and end-all, and, often, the only measure of someone's success. It is said that an exception proves the rule, and, in this sense, Ivica Tucak is an extremely rare bird. He has held the position of the head coach of the Croatian national water polo team since September 2012, and has won 14 medals in that period. He has won the world and the European championships as well as the Olympic silver, and, in 2017, was named the water polo coach of the year by the International Water Sports Federation.
Tijekom priprema za velika natjecanja koja potraju i više od mjesec dana igračima ste psiholog, otac, majka, sestra, prijatelj… K tomu je vrhunski sport velik stres, fizički i psihički, pa kao izbornik morate igrati različite uloge
While training ahead of major competitions, which can last for over a month, you are the players’ therapist, father, mother, sister, friend... At the same time, top-level sport means a great deal of stress, both physical and mental, and as a head coach, you have to play many different roles
A početak na izborničkoj klupi nije mogao biti teži. Nakon Olimpijskih igara u Londonu gdje je hrvatska reprezentacija osvojila zlato, Ivica Tucak na izborničkoj je klupi zamijenio Ratka Rudića, najboljeg trenera u povijesti vaterpola.
Biti na vrhu težak je posao. Više od desetljeća izbornik ste hrvatske vaterpolske reprezentacije. Kako je sve počelo?
„S obzirom na sportske prilike i brzinu današnjeg života moj je mandat koji traje više od deset godina raritet. Pritom ne mislim samo na sport nego i šire. Kada gledam unatrag, nekako mi se čini da je najteže bilo doći na meni svetu klupu reprezentacije. Jer hrvatski vaterpolo perjanica je našeg sporta po broju medalja, vrhunskih igrača, kontinuitetu, a ja sam, da se tako izrazim, ključeve „Ferrarija” preuzeo od Ratka Rudića nakon što je u Londonu s hrvatskom reprezentacijom osvojio olimpijsko zlato. Ostvario sam već zapažene trenerske rezultate, bio sam svjetski prvak s juniorskom reprezentacijom Hrvatske,
His beginnings, however, could not have been more difficult. After the Croatian national team won gold at the London Olympics, Ivica Tucak succeeded, as head coach, Ratko Rudić, the best coach in the history of water polo.
Being on top is hard work. You have been the head coach of the Croatian national water polo team for more than a decade. How did it all start?
Considering the conditions in sport and the pace of today's life, my term of more than ten years is a rarity. I don't only refer to sport here, I’m speaking generally. Looking back, I think the hardest part was to reach the national team bench, which I think of as sacred. Because the Croatian water polo is the flagship of our sport, taking into account the number of medals, top players, continuity etc. And I was handed the keys to the ‘Ferrari’, to put it so, by Ratko Rudić after he’d won the Olympic gold with the Croatian national team in London. I’d had impressive coaching results before,
osvajao trofeje na klupi Jadrana HN, ali povjerenje koje sam dobio od čelnika vaterpolskog saveza i dolazak na mjesto izbornika bila je nova razina u mojoj karijeri.
Trenerskim se poslom bavite skoro 20 godina. Koje bi osobine prema vašem mišljenju trebao imati uspješan trener?
Kada bih trebao izabrati jednu riječ koja najbolje opisuje vrhunske trenere, ta riječi bila bi – faca. Trener jednostavno mora biti faca. Jedini autoritet kojim se možete nametnuti igračima jest autoritet znanja. U karijeri sam trenirao brojne igrače koje ne možete „blefirati” krivim kartama, nego svoju viziju morate prezentirati stavom i znanjem. Mislim da je to univerzalna krilatica koja se može primijeniti na sve uspješne ljude, od biznisa do sporta. Osim što zahtijeva sportsko znanje, izbornički ili trenerski posao specifičan je jer vodite skupinu ljudi koji neupitno imaju različite karaktere, životne navike, načine motivacije. To znači da morate imati izraženu socijalnu inteligenciju i sposobnost razumijevanja odnosa između ljudi i njihova trenutačnog stanja. Tijekom priprema za velika natjecanja koja potraju i više od mjesec dana igračima ste psiholog, otac, majka, sestra, prijatelj… K tomu je vrhunski sport velik stres, fizički i psihički, pa kao izbornik morate igrati različite uloge. Naravno da dođe do točke pucanja. Igrači budu zasićeni, a ako
I’d won the world championship with the Croatian junior national team, won trophies on the bench of Jadran HN; however, the trust that the Water Polo Federation officials placed in me and the position of head coach was a new level in my career.
You have been a coach for almost 20 years. What do you think are elements that make a successful coach?
If I had to describe top-level coaches in just a few words, it would be ‘the real deal’. A coach simply has to be ‘the real deal’. The only authority that you can establish with players is competence. In my career, I have worked with great players that you can’t fool by pretending to be something you’re not; you have to present your vision through your attitude and your competence instead. I think this is a universal maxim that applies to all successful people, from business to sport. The coaching profession is unique because, in addition to sport expertise, you also have to be able to lead a group of people who unquestionably have different characters, lifestyle habits, motivations. This means you need to have considerable social intelligence and the ability to understand the relation between people and the states they are in. While training ahead of major competitions, which can last for over a month, you are the players’ therapist, father, mother, sister, friend... At the same
Trener jednostavno mora biti faca. U karijeri sam trenirao brojne igrače koje ne možete „blefirati” krivim kartama, nego svoju viziju morate prezentirati stavom i znanjem
A coach simply has to be ‘the real deal’. In my career, I have worked with great players that you can’t fool by pretending to be something you’re not; you have to present your vision through your attitude and your competence instead
se tada postavite kao kamen koji ništa ne osjeća, gotovi ste. Momčad vam više neće vjerovati niti stati iza vas. S obzirom na to da je ACI No. 1 magazin koji se bavi i nautikom, objasnit ću vam to na primjeru brodova. Barka je izrađena da izdrži nemirno more, lako je biti dobar „barba” po bonaci. Tu se krije i srž trenerskog posla. Znati upravljati brodom kad je nevera i dovesti ga u sigurnu luku. Znate, nekada je lako ostvariti rezultat na jednom natjecanju. Poklope se zvijezde, pomazi te sreća, ali stalno ponavljanje uspjeha u sportu zahtijeva viziju, znanje, posvećenost, upornost i zaista mnogo rada. I zato sam ponosan što svi ljudi u vaterpolskom savezu imaju povjerenja u moj stručni tim i način vođenja reprezentacije. Bili smo svjetski i europski prvaci, a jedina mi je još neostvarena izbornička želja osvajanje olimpijskog zlata.
Koliko se vaterpolo kao sport promijenio u vašem izborničkom mandatu?
Mijenja se društvo, mijenja se cijeli svijet, pa naravno da se munjevite promjene događaju i u sportu i njegovu utjecaju na cje-
time, top-level sport means a great deal of stress, both physical and mental, and as a head coach, you have to play many different roles. Of course, sometimes things can reach a breaking point. The players can suffer from mental fatigue, and if you take up too firm a position as if you were made of stone, you are finished. The team will not trust you anymore, won't back you up. Since ACI No. 1 is a boating magazine, I’ll explain this using boats as an example. A boat is made to withstand the rough seas, and it's easy to be a good captain when the sea is calm. And here lies the very essence of the job of a coach: to know how to steer the boat in a storm and to get it to a safe harbour. You know, sometimes it’s easy to have a good result in one competition: the stars align, you get lucky. But constant and repeated success in sport requires a vision, competence, dedication, perseverance and a lot of work. And that's why I’m proud that all the people in the water polo federation trust my coaching team and the way I manage the national team. We have won the world and European championships, and the only wish I have
lokupno društvo.Promotrite li razvoj vaterpola u proteklih nekoliko desetljeća, vidjet ćete da je danas mnogo teže izboriti veliko natjecanje, a onda još teže osvajati medalje jer je konkurencija mnogo žešća i brojnija. Pritom se danas svaki sport mora boriti s cijelim arsenalom moderne tehnologije koju nekadašnje generacije nisu posjedovale. Ne bih volio da me se pogrešno shvati, nije ovo pametovanje o starim danima, nego su jednostavne činjenice. Ljudi danas drugačije razmišljaju, imaju druge afinitete, ali pritom i mnogo više sjede. Zaboravljamo da sport ne služi samo fizičkom razvoju nego je koristan i u razvoju brojnih drugih vještina poput brzog donošenja odluka, upoznavanja ljudi, reagiranja u stresnim situacijama. Složit ćete se, navedeno vam može zaista koristiti u nekoj drugoj branši koja uopće ne mora biti vezana uz sport.
Spomenuli ste Ratka Rudića, čovjeka koji je vidio sve i osvojio sve.
Bio sam dio njegova stručnog stožera skoro tri godine u kojima sam od vaterpolskog maestra zaista mnogo naučio. Kao njegova pomoćnika oduvijek me fascinirala Ratkova mirnoća uoči teških i važnih utakmica, sastanaka s igračima na kojima je smirenim glasom objašnjavao što od njih očekuje. Danas i ja imam taj unutarnji mir uoči važnih ispita, izgradio sam ga tijekom
as a head coach that hasn’t come true yet is to win the Olympic gold.
How much has water polo changed as a sport in your term as a head coach?
The society changes, the whole world changes; it’s only natural that rapid changes occur in sport and the way it influences the entire society. If you look at the development of water polo in the last several decades, you will see that it is much harder to get into a major championship today, and it’s even harder to win medals because the competition has increased in number and become much fiercer. And today each sport has to fight against an entire arsenal of modern technology that earlier generations did not have. I wouldn’t like to be misunderstood: I don't want to wax lyrical about the ‘good old days’. These are just facts. Today, people think differently, have different affinities, but they also spend much more time sitting... We are forgetting that sport doesn't only benefit your physical development but is also useful in developing many other skills, like making decisions quickly, meeting people, reacting in stressful situations. You’ll agree that these things can come in handy in another line of work that doesn’t have to do anything with sport.
karijere. U sportu je putem tehnologije praktički sve dostupno, literature o taktici i videozapisa utakmica ima na tone, ali još nisu smislili tehnologiju koja te može naučiti pravim reakcijama u ključnim trenucima. Ta vještina može se steći samo iskustvom, pobjedama i porazima, kroz život.
Često u javnim nastupima ističete svoju vezu sa Šibenikom.
Moji su vlaji iz Konjevrata, sela desetak kilometara od Šibenika, grada koji me definirao kao čovjeka. Tu sam doživio prve sportske uspjehe, prve ljubavi. Zaljubljen sam u šibenski arhipelag. Kakan, Kaprije, Tijat i Žirje mjesta su kamo volim otploviti kada imam vremena.
Promotrite li razvoj vaterpola u proteklih nekoliko desetljeća, vidjet ćete da je danas mnogo teže izboriti veliko natjecanje, a onda još teže osvajati medalje jer je konkurencija mnogo žešća i brojnija
If you look at the development of water polo in the last several decades, you will see that it is much harder to get into a major championship today, and it’s even harder to win medals because the competition has increased in number and become much fiercer
You have mentioned Ratko Rudić, the man who has seen all and won all...
I was a part of his coaching team for almost three years and, in that time, I have learned a lot from this water polo maestro. As his assistant, I was always fascinated by Ratko's calmness ahead of difficult and important games, meetings with players where he very calmly explained what he wanted from them. Today, I too have this inner calmness before important tests. I have developed it in the course of my career. In sport today, practically everything is available through technology; there are loads of books on tactics and video recordings of games, but they still haven't come up with the technology that can teach you how to react in the right way in crucial moments. This skill can only be learned through one's experience, through won and lost matches, through living your life.
In your public appearances, you have often pointed out your relationship with Šibenik.
My family is from Konjevrate, a village about ten kilometres inland from Šibenik, but that city defined me as a person. It was there that I achieved my first successes in sport, found my first love. I’m in love with the Šibenik archipelago: the islands of Kakan, Kaprije, Tijat, Žirje are the places I like to sail to when I have time.
Svojim najnovijim kreacijama Rolex pokazuje svoju stalnu težnju za izvrsnošću. Stalno prisutan izazov koji se očituje u ambiciji brenda da usavrši svaku komponentu, preispita svaku metodu i ovlada svakim aspektom stručnosti u izradi satova. Predstavljeni satovi ilustriraju želju za ponovnim izumom uz očuvanje osjećaja kontinuiteta, inovacije uz svijest o tradiciji i za korištenjem tehnologije uodvažnosti stvaranja. Upravo kroz takve napore – potpomognute „superlativnom” vizijom koja prožima cijeli proces stvaranja do najsitnijih detalja –uzorni satovi nastaju i prevladavaju. Satovi koji s vremenom postaju ikone.
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Ovaj kalibar predstavlja novu estetiku za brend: ukras
Rolex Côtes de Genève i izrezani oscilirajući uteg. Na verziji u platini 950 oscilirajući uteg izrađen je u 18-karatnom žutom zlatu i vidljiv je nositelju kroz prozirnu stražnju stranu kućišta – prvi put u kolekciji Oyster Perpetual. Kroz ove brojne prilagodbe i evolucije Cosmograph Daytona podsjetnik je da je potraga za izvrsnošću utrka bez cilja.
The emblematic style and technical performance of the Cosmograph Daytona have cemented its iconic status well beyond the motor racing circuits. To mark the 60th anniversary of the watch, Rolex ensures the legend lives on by revisiting the entire range – a high- precision rework involving the case and face as well as the movement. The restyled Cosmograph Daytona presents even greater visual harmony and a more modern demeanour. The dial graphics have new balance. Graceful lines of light are elegantly reflected from the lugs and the sides of its redesigned middle case. On versions with a Cerachrom bezel, the bezel is edged with the same metal as the middle case. The new 4131 movement incorporates the Chronergy escapement, the Paraflex shock absorbers and a new oscillating weight with optimized ball bearing. This calibre features a new aesthetic for the brand: the Rolex Côtes de Genève decoration and a cut-out oscillating weight. On the version in 950 platinum, the oscillating weight is made from 18 ct yellow gold and is visible to the wearer through the transparent case back – a first for the Oyster Perpetual collection. Through these numerous adjustments and evolutions, the Cosmograph Daytona is a reminder that the pursuit of excellence is a race with no finish line.
Elegantan, klasičan i izrazito suvremen, model 1908 ovjekovječuje Rolexov odvažni duh. Njegova koncepcija rezultat je opsežne unutarnje stručnosti brenda i nepokolebljive predanosti izvrsnosti. Inspiriran jednim od prvih Rolex satova s rotorom Perpetual, ovaj potpuno novi sat otvara kolekciju Perpetual, koja reinterpretira tradicionalni ručni sat kroz Rolexovu avangardnu leću. Naziv "1908" referenca je na datum kada je zaštitni znak "Rolex" službeno registriran u Švicarskoj. Oblik kazaljki, fasetirane oznake sati i prsten - kupolast i rebrast - simbol su Rolexovog naslijeđa urarstva. Proizvode delikatnu međuigru između svjetlucanja i refleksije, gdje se svjetlost susreće sa sjenom, unoseći u ovaj novi sat rijetku ljepotu i profinjenost. 1908 je dostupan u 18-karatnom žutom ili bijelom zlatu, s intenzivno bijelim ili intenzivno crnim brojčanikom, a prepoznatljiv je po svom tankom kućištu. Prozirna stražnja strana kućišta otvara nove estetske perspektive, otkrivajući jedinstveno ukrašen mehanizam. S vrhunskim kronometrom 1908 je destilacija Rolexovog znanja i iskustva u smislu tehnologije i dizajna. Njegov kalibar 7140, s malim sekundama, spaja performanse i eleganciju. Uz inovacije koje su dovele do podnošenja pet patentnih prijava, ovaj mehanizam, dizajniran i proizveden posebno za sat, ima ukras Rolex Côtes de Genève i izrezani oscilirajući uteg u 18-karatnom žutom zlatu. Ovaj je sat postavljen na remen od aligatorove
Elegant, classic and decidedly contemporary, the 1908 immortalizes Rolex’s age-long daring spirit. Its conception is the result of the brand’s comprehensive in-house expertise and unwavering commitment to excellence. Inspired by one of the first Rolex watches with a Perpetual rotor, this completely new timepiece opens the Perpetual collection, which reinterprets the trad itional wristwatch through the Rolex avant-garde lens. The name ‘1908’ is a reference to the date the ‘Rolex’ trademark was officially registered in Switzerland.
The shape of the hands, the faceted hour markers, and the bezel – domed and with fine fluting – are emblematic of Rolex’s watchmaking heritage. They produce a delicate interplay between scintillation and reflection, where light meets shadow, infusing this new watch with a rare beauty and refinement.
The 1908 is available in 18 ct yellow or white gold, with an intense white or intense black dial, and is distinctive for its slim case. The transparent case back opens up new aesthetic perspectives, revealing a uniquely decorated movement. Superlative Chronometer certified, the 1908 is a distillation of Rolex knowhow in terms of technology and design. Its calibre 7140, with small seconds, marries performance and elegance. In addition to the innov ations that led to the filing of five patent applications, this movement, designed and manufactured specifically for the
kože sa zelenom postavom i opremljen je novom dvostrukom preklopnom kopčom Dualclaspom. Klasičan sat koji podiže umjetnost izrade satova na nove visine, 1908 je izborio mjesto kao Rolex prožet tradicionalnim duhom, ali odiše modernošću, i tako otvara novi put.
Lagan i robustan, novi Yacht-Master 42, u RLX titanu, saveznik je onih koji traže slobodu pokreta. Posebno prilagođen zahtjevima i pritiscima natjecateljskog jedrenja, stavlja urarsku izvrsnost u službu sportskih postignuća. RLX titan, posebno lagana legura s izvrsnim svojstvima otpornosti na koroziju i velikom mehaničkom čvrstoćom, koristi se za izradu kućišta i narukvice Oyster.
Kombinacija poliranog, visokog sjaja i tehničkog satena ilustrira izvrsnost brenda u tehnikama završne obrade. Zajedno proizvode suptilnu igru tekstura i svjetla između sjaja poliranog štitnika krunice za navijanje, visokog sjaja na gornjim rubovima nogica i mat-zrnatosti tehničkog satenskog završetka.
Novi Yacht-Master 42 je drugi sat u RLX titanu koji je Rolex predstavio nakon Oyster Perpetual Deepsea Challenge, potvrđujući da je lakoća kvaliteta koju treba shvatiti ozbiljno.
watch, features the Rolex Côtes de Genève decoration and a cut-out oscillating weight in 18 ct yellow gold. This timepiece is mounted on an alligator leather strap with a green lining, and equipped with the new Dualclasp. A classic watch that raises the art of watchmaking to new heights, the 1908 carves out a place for itself as a Rolex imbued with traditional spirit yet exuding modernity, and, in so doing, opens a new path.
Light and robust, the new Yacht-Master 42, in RLX titanium, is the ally of those seeking freedom of movement. Especially suited to the demands and pressures of competitive sailing, it puts watchmaking excellence at the service of sporting performance. RLX titanium, a particularly lightweight alloy with excellent corrosion-resistance properties and high mechanical strength, is used to make the Oyster case and bracelet. The combination of polished, high-sheen and technical satin finishes illustrates the brand’s excellence in finishing techniques. Together, they produce a subtle play of textures and light between the gleam of the polished crown guard, the highsheen lustre on the top edges of the lugs, and the matt grain of the technical satin finish. The new Yacht-Master 42 is the second watch in RLX titanium released by Rolex after the Oyster Perpetual Deepsea Challenge, confirming that lightness is a quality to be taken seriously.
Uz dvije vremenske zone i godišnji kalendar Saros, Sky-Dweller je elegantan i pouzdani suputnik svjetskim putnicima. Linija je osvježena brojnim poboljšanjima koja ilustriraju ulogu koju izvrsnost igra čak i u najsitnijim detaljima. Estetski ukrasi dolaze u obliku novih opcija i kombinacija. 18-karatno bijelo zlato vraća se u verziju sa svijetlim crnim brojčanikom na narukvici Oysterflex, opremljenoj kopčom Oysterclasp i Rolex produžnim sustavom za optimalnu udobnost Glidelock. Nove boje brojčanika krase lice Sky-Dwellera: nježna mint zelena ponuđena na bijeloj Rolesor verziji i elegantna plavozelena na varijanti u 18-karatnom Everose zlatu s narukvicom Oyster. Tehnička evolucija očituje se i uvođenjem mehanizma koji sadrži najnovija dostignuća Rolexove tehnologije. Kalibar 9002 uključuje Chronergy escapement i novi oscilirajući uteg s optimiziranom kuglom za bolje performanse.
With its two time zones and its annual Saros calendar, the Sky-Dweller is an elegant and trusted companion for world travellers. The range has been updated with numerous enhancements which demonstrate excellence even in the tiniest details. Aesthetic embellishments come in the form of new options and combinations. 18 ct white gold makes a comeback on a version with a bright black dial on an Oysterflex bracelet, fitted with an Oysterclasp and the Rolex Glidelock extension system for optimal comfort. New dial colours adorn the face of the Sky-Dweller: a delicate mint green offered on the white Rolesor version and an elegant blue-green on the variant in 18 ct Everose gold with Oyster bracelet. Technical evolutions are revealed with the introduction of a movement equipped with the latest advances in Rolex technology. Calibre! 9002 incorporates the Chronergy escapement and a new oscillating weight with optimized ball for heightened performance.
GMT-Master II je ove godine dostupan u dvije nove verzije – žutoj Rolesor verziji i 18-karatnom žutom zlatu – s umetkom prstena Cerachrom u sivoj i crnoj keramici, potpuno nove kombinacije boje. Uzorna izrada potvrđena je izborom materijala i preciznošću završnih obrada, koji zajedno prikazuju sat u najboljem svjetlu. Skladan kontrast između svjetlucavog zlata narukvice Jubilee i dvobojnog prstena sa svojim tamnim, prigušenim tonovima dočarava putanju sunca i izmjenu dana i noći. Ovu eleganciju naglašava crni lakirani brojčanik i 24-satna kazaljka u 18-karatnom žutom zlatu. Ukazujući na prolazak vremena u drugoj vremenskoj zoni, naglašava našu povezanost sa svijetom.
The GMT-Master II is available this year in two new versions – yellow Rolesor and 18 ct yellow gold – with a Cerachrom bezel insert in grey and black ceramic, an entirely new colour combination. Exemplary craftsmanship is borne out by the choice of materials and precision of the finishes, which come together to show the watch in its best light. The harmonious contrast between the gleaming gold of the Jubilee bracelet and the two-colour bezel with its dark, muted tones evokes the path of the sun and the alternation of day and night. This elegance is elevated by a black lacquer dial and a 24-hour hand in 18 ct yellow gold. By indicating the passing of time in a second time zone, it highlights our connection to the world.
Linija Explorera proširena je dolaskom novog modela promjera 40 mm. Nudeći poboljšanu čitljivost, ovaj sat nosi sve kvalitete koje su Explorer, jedan od prvih profesionalnih satova brenda, učinile referencom tijekom desetljeća postojanja. Jednostavan, robustan i otporan na koroziju, novi Explorer 40 je izrađen u čeliku Oystersteel, legure koju je razvio Rolex. Satenska obrada na središnjem dijelu kućišta, narukvici i kopči te odsjaj svjetla na ulaštenim rubovima kućišta poziv su da iznova pogledate ovaj kultni alatni sat. Nenametljivi sklad nadopunjuje udobna narukvica Oyster opremljena kopčom Oysterlock.
The Explorer range is expanded with the arrival of a new, 40 mm model. Offering enhanced legibility, this timepiece carries all the qualities that have made the Explorer – one of the brand’s first Professional watches – a reference throughout the decades. Simple, robust and corrosion-resistant, the new Explorer! 40 is crafted from Oystersteel, an alloy specific to Rolex. The satin finishes on the middle case, bracelet and clasp, and the light reflections from the polished flanks of the case are an enticement to look afresh at this iconic tool watch. Complementing this understated harmony is a comfortable Oyster bracelet equipped with Oysterlock clasp.
Oživljen bojama, vitalnošću i pozitivnošću, novi lakirani brojčanik Oyster Perpetual promjera 31 mm, 36 mm i 41 mm prošaran je šarolikim mjehurićima koji radosno ujedinjuju pet nijansi, predstavljenih u ovoj liniji 2020. Ovaj pjenušavi, euforični dizajn proizvod je majstorske tehnike. Dekoracija brojčanika provodi se u strogo kontroliranim uvjetima i iziskuje potpunu preciznost u svakom stadiju kako bi se stvorilo šaroliko čudo boja.
Alive with colour, vitality and positivity, the new lacquered dial of the Oyster Perpetual in 31 mm, 36 mm and 41 mm is dotted with many-coloured bubbles that joyfully reunite the five hues introduced to the range in 2020. This effervescent, euphoric design is the product of masterful technique. The dial decoration is carried out in strictly controlled conditions and requires the utmost precision at every stage to create a marvel of colour.
Novi Day-Date 36 pozdravlja brojčanike izrađene od ukrasnog kamena u svjetlucavim tonovima koji dočaravaju ugođaj mediteranske obale. Zeleni aventurin, karneol i tirkiz upareni su sa satovima u 18-karatnom Everose, žutom i bijelom zlatu.
Kristalizirani efekti, matrice i vene svojstveni ovom ukrasnom kamenju čine svako lice sata jedinstvenim umjetničkim djelom. Kamen otkriva svoje karakteristične osobine tek kada je izrađen. Zatim se izvodi individualna završna obrada svakog brojčanika kako bi se zadovoljili brendovi zahtjevi kvalitete. Kao izraz
Rolexove stručnosti u izradi brojčanika, novi satovi Day-Date 36 također su dokaz savršenog majstorstva brenda u umjetnosti postavljanja dragulja. Ovaj ekskluzivni spoj iznimnog kamenja, dragulja i plemenitih metala naglašava distinktivnost i eleganciju ovog prestižnog sata.
The new Day-Date 36 welcomes dials made of decorative stone in shimmering tones that evoke the atmosphere of the Mediterranean coast. Green aventurine, carnelian and turquoise are paired with watches in 18 ct Everose, yellow and white gold respectively. The crystallized effects, matrices and veins peculiar to these decorative stones make every watch face a unique work of art. The stone reveals its distinctive traits only once it has been crafted. Individual finishing of each dial is then performed to satisfy the brand’s exacting quality requirements. As expressions of Rolex’s dial-making expertise, the new Day-Date 36 watches are also a testament to the brand’s perfect mastery of the gemsetting art. This exclusive union of exceptional stones, gems and precious metals emphasizes the distinction and elegance of this prestigious watch.
S ovim verzijama Day-Date 36, Rolex donosi neočekivani kreativni zaokret u jedan od svojih kultnih modela. Prikazujući novu emociju svaki dan, sat unosi element spontanosti u svakodnevni život nositelja i omogućuje im da očitavanje vremena obavljaju zajedno s očitavanjem promjena raspoloženja. Otvor u obliku luka na 12 sati predstavlja kalendar inspirativnih riječi kao što su "Ljubav", "Mir" i "Nada". Prozor s datumom, u međuvremenu, prikazuje repertoar emocija izraženih u 31 emotikonu dizajniranom posebno za model. Brojčanik ima nov i šaren motiv koji aludira na ideju da je život slagalica koju slažemo iz dana u dan, a svaki dio simbolizira ključni trenutak našeg postojanja. Ovaj zamršeni rad rezultat je zahtjevne tehnike champlevé emajliranja koju izvode Rolexovi izrađivači brojčanika koji su majstori svog zanata. Dobiveni oblici tvore lice mnogih nijansi koje odražavaju višestruku zagonetku naših života. Istražite čaroban svijet Rolex satova u butiku Mamić 1970 u centru Zagreba u Ulici Frane Petrića 7.
With these versions of the Day-Date 36, Rolex brings an unexpected creative twist to one of its iconic models. By displaying a new emotion each day, the watch brings an element of spontaneity into the wearers’ daily life and allows them to invest the reading of time with their changing mood. The day window presents a calendar of inspirational words such as ‘Love’, ‘Peace’ and ‘Hope’. The date window, meanwhile, displays a repertoire of emotions expressed in 31 emojis designed specially for the model. The dial features a novel and colourful motif alluding to the idea that life is a puzzle that we piece together day by day, with each part symbolizing a key moment of our existence. This intricate work is the result of the demanding champlevé enamelling technique performed by Rolex dial-makers who are masters of their craft. The resulting shapes form a face of many hues reflecting the multifaceted puzzle of our lives.
Explore the magical world of Rolex watches at the Mamić 1970 boutique in the centre of Zagreb in 7 Frane Petrića Street.
Ove godine TUDOR stvara put u budućnost odajući počast svojoj prošlosti. Novi dodatak liniji Black Bay, Black Bay 54, potpuno je moderan izraz brendovog prvog ronilačkog sata koji je predstavljen 1954. godine. Proširujući postojeću Black Bay liniju, TUDOR predstavlja novi model Black Bay s bordo prstenom, koji predstavlja najnoviju tehničku i estetsku evoluciju te nove verzije Black Bay 31/36/39/41 u čeliku s fiksnim prstenom. Novi, otkačeni brojčanik u opal verziji pridružuje se liniji Black Bay GMT kako bi se slagao s prepoznatljivim tamnocrvenim i plavim prstenom, a također je opremljen postojanim Manufakturnim kalibrom. Konačno, TUDOR Royal nudi još dvije uzbudljive varijante brojčanika koje se pridružuju liniji: čokoladno smeđi i boje lososa.
This year, TUDOR paves the way towards the future by paying homage to its past. The new addition to the Black Bay line, the Black Bay 54, is a purely modern expression of the brand’s first-ever dive watch that was launched in 1954. Expanding on the existing Black Bay line, TUDOR presents a new Black Bay with a burgundy bezel that features the latest technical and aesthetic evolution and new versions of the Black Bay 31/36/39/41 in steel with a fixed bezel. A new, whimsical dial in opaline joins the Black Bay GMT line to match the distinctive burgundy and blue bezel and is also equipped with a steadfast Manufacture Calibre. Finally, the TUDOR Royal sees two more exciting dial variants joining the range: Chocolate brown and Salmon.
TUDOR je predstavio najnoviji Black Bay, posljednju tehničku i estetsku evoluciju simboličnog ronilačkog sata s bordo prstenom. Predstavljajući najnovije u Black Bayu, ovaj model ima napredne elemente dizajna, kopču “T-fit” te METAS-ov certifikat Master Chronometer. Izvorni Black Bay prvi je put lansiran 2012. s bordo prstenom, a 2015. dobio je i Manufakturni kalibar. Sada se vraća u trećoj evoluciji nagovještavajući estetsku i tehničku budućnost linije. Nazvan Black Bay, ovaj amblematski dizajn u kolekciji TUDOR još je jedan primjer TUDOR-ovog stručnog upravljanja jednim od najzahtjevnijih standarda u industriji u smislu kronometrije i otpornosti na magnetska polja. Testiran od strane Saveznog instituta za mjeriteljstvo ili METAS, Black Bay objedinjuje vrhunsku tehnologiju izrade satova s elementima dizajna inspiriranim TUDOR-ovim gotovo sedam desetljeća dugim nasljeđem izrade robusnih profesionalnih ronilačkih satova.
TUDOR introduced the newest Black Bay, the latest technical and aesthetic evolution of the emblematic diving watch with a burgundy bezel. Representing the latest in Black Bay, this model features evolved design elements, a “T-fit” clasp and is Master Chronometer-certified by METAS. The original Black Bay first launched in 2012 with a burgundy bezel and it was given the Manufacture Calibre treatment in 2015. Now it returns in a third evolution foreshadowing the aesthetic and technical future of the line. Named Black Bay, this emblematic design in the TUDOR collection is another example of TUDOR’s expert command of one of the industry’s most demanding standards in terms of chronometry and resistance to magnetic fields. Tested by the Federal Institute of Metrology or METAS, the Black Bay brings together cutting-edge watchmaking technology with design elements inspired by TUDOR’s nearly seven-decade heritage of making robust professional diving watches.
TUDOR predstavlja novi dodatak liniji Black Bay koji utjelovljuje najčišći moderni izričaj prvog ronilačkog sata ovog brenda. Godine 1954. izdan je referentni 7922, danas Black Bay 54 podsjeća na ovaj model s 37 mm kućištem i Manufakturnim kalibrom. Dok se linija Black Bay odnosi na niz TUDOR-ovih ranih ronilačkih satova, potpuno novi Black Bay 54 najvjerniji je primjer TUDOR-ova prvog ronilačkog sata, referentni 7922. 37 mm kućište zadržava klasične proporcije prošlih godina, a ipak se može pohvaliti tehničkom vještinom TUDOR-ovog vremenskog, Manufakturnog kalibra MT5400 s dopuštenom dubinom od 200 m. U skladu s formom, jednosmjerni prsten lišen je bilo kakvih gradacijskih oznaka, podsjećajući na dane ranih 50-ih kada je SCUBA ronjenje bilo u povojima, a TUDOR proizveo sat za one koji su bili dovoljno odvažni da se upuste u ovaj sport u usponu. Novi estetski detalji, međutim, ne zaustavljaju se na dimenzijama kućišta i prstena. Kazaljka za sekunde podsjeća na izgled originala s dizajnom lizalice. Ergonomija je također evoluirala, s redizajniranom krunicom i prstenom, oba imaju povijesne proporcije.
TUDOR presents a new addition to the Black Bay line that embodies the purest modern expression of the brand’s firstever dive watch. In 1954, the reference 7922 was released, today the Black Bay 54 recalls this model with a 37mm case and a Manufacture Calibre. While the Black Bay line references a range of TUDOR’s early dive watches, the all-new Black Bay 54 is the most true-to-form example of TUDOR’s first dive watch, the reference 7922. The 37mm case retains the classic proportions of yesteryear, yet boasts the technical prowess of TUDOR’s timeonly Manufacture Calibre MT5400 and a 200m depth rating. True to form, the unidirectional bezel is devoid of any graduated hash marks, echoing the days of the early ‘50 when SCUBA diving was in its infancy and TUDOR produced a watch for those daring enough to engage with the burgeoning sport. The new aesthetic details, however, don’t stop at the case dimensions and bezel. The seconds hand recalls the look of the original with a lollipop design. Ergonomics have evolved as well, with a redesigned crown and bezel, both featuring historical proportions.
TUDOR predstavlja novu verziju svoje Black Bay linije u čeliku s fiksnim prstenom. Svi opremljeni Manufakturnim kalibrima, modeli dolaze u četiri veličine, s narukvicom s pet članaka i kopčom za brzo podešavanje. Modeli Black Bay 31/36/39/41 donose jedinstvenu estetiku liniji Black Bay. Zakrivljena kućišta imaju kombinaciju završnih obrada koje podižu sat na suvremeni način i nude dizajn koji malo odstupa od ikoničnog duha alatnih satova brenda kako bi prigrlio sofisticiran, svestran, unisex-chic izgled i dojam. Opremljeni Manufakturnim kalibrom, ovi su modeli na vrhuncu tehničke profinjenosti izrade satova. Još jedna važna značajka za optimalnu udobnost je narukvica s pet članaka koja dolazi s TUDOR kopčom “T-fit”, za brzo podešavanje, u svim veličinama. Novitet za ovu godinu je niz brojčanika s efektom sunčevih zraka koji sat dodatno guraju u stilskom smjeru. Ovisno o tome je li brojčanik plave, antracit ili svijetle boje šampanjca, zapis minuta prikazan je u kontrastnoj boji koja dočarava određenu toplinu dizajnu.
TUDOR presents a new version of its Black Bay line in steel with a fixed bezel. All fitted with Manufacture Calibres, the models come in four sizes, with a five-link bracelet and clasp with rapid adjustment. The Black Bay 31/36/39/41 models bring a unique aesthetic to the Black Bay line. The curved cases feature a combination of finishes that elevates the watch in a contemporary fashion and offers a design language that slightly departs from the brand’s iconic tool watch spirit to embrace a sophisticated, versatile, unisex chic look and feel. Fitted with Manufacture Calibres these models are at the cutting edge of technical watchmaking refinement. Another important feature for optimum comfort is the five-link bracelet which comes with the TUDOR “T-fit” clasp, with rapid adjustment, in all sizes. New for this year is an array of sunray dials that further push the watch in a stylish direction. Depending on whether the dial is blue, anthracite, or light champagne-coloured, the minute track is rendered in a contrasting colour that evokes a certain warmth to the design.
TUDOR proširuje liniju Black Bay GMT novim, otkačenim brojčanikom u opal verziji, koji se slaže s prepoznatljivim bordo i plavim prstenom. Također je opremljen postojanim Manufakturnim kalibrom. TUDOR Black Bay GMT napravljen je od pravih materijala. Prvo, ima nevjerojatno funkcionalnu komplikaciju s više vremenskih zona – također poznatu kao GMT funkcija – koja uspostavlja lokalno vrijeme bez gubljenja vremena u dvije druge vremenske zone. Prepoznatljiv po svom rotirajućem prstenu, koji je posudio svoju tamno plavu i tamnocrvenu kombinaciju boja od drugih modela u liniji Black Bay, ali u mat verziji, Black Bay GMT također je počast ranim danima ove visoke estetike. Sada je TUDOR dodao opciju potpuno novog opal brojčanika koji savršeno nadopunjuje kultnu shemu boja Black Bay GMT. Opal nije sasvim bijel, umjesto toga postoji blagi srebrnasti prizvuk na brojčaniku. Kroz galvanski proces, mat bijelo-sivi završetak se nanosi na brojčanik, a okviri za oznake sati su potamnjeni kako bi se stvorio zamjetan kontrast. Osim što podsjeća na procvat komercijalnog zrakoplovstva sredinom stoljeća, šarmantni opal brojčanik vrlo je čitljiv.
TUDOR is expanding the Black Bay GMT line with a new, whimsical dial in opaline to match the distinctive burgundy and blue bezel. It’s also equipped with a steadfast Manufacture Calibre. The TUDOR Black Bay GMT is made of the right stuff. First off, it sports an incredibly useful multiple time-zone complication – also known as a GMT function – that establishes local time without losing sight of the time in two other time zones. Recognisable by its rotatable bezel, which borrows its deep blue and burgundy colour scheme from other models in the Black Bay line, but in a matte version, the Black Bay GMT is also a nod to the early days of this high-flying Aesthetic. Now TUDOR has added the option of an all-new opaline dial that perfectly complements the iconic colour scheme of the Black Bay GMT. Opaline isn’t quite white, instead there’s a slight silvery hint to the dial. Through a galvanic process, a matte white-grey finish is applied to the dial, and the marker surrounds are darkened to create a noticeable contrast. Beyond being reminiscent of the mid-century boom in commercial aviation, the charming opaline dial is highly legible.
Sa svojom integriranom metalnom narukvicom, nazubljenim prstenom ili s dijamantima, i automatskim mehanizmom, linija TUDOR Royal je utjelovljenje svestranog i pristupačnog sportchica, a sada postoje još dvije uzbudljive varijante brojčanika koje se pridružuju liniji: čokoladno smeđa i svijetla boja lososa. Linija Royal nudi samonavijajuće, sportske i chic satove s integriranim narukvicama koji su pristupačni koliko i estetski sofisticirani. Uz prvoklasnu tehničku izvedbu i profinjenu estetiku, ova linija nalazi se na raskrižju između klasičnih i sportskih satova. Royal je bio naziv koji je TUDOR prvi put upotrijebio 1950-ih kako bi naglasio vrhunsku kvalitetu svojih satova, koja stoji do danas. Dolazi od nehrđajućeg čelika ili zlata i čelika i nudi se u četiri veličine s ukupno trinaest mogućih brojčanika za svaku osobnost.
Istražite odvažan svijet TUDOR satova u butiku Mamić 1970 u centru Zagreba u Ulici Frane Petrića 7.
With its integrated metal bracelet, notched or diamond-set bezel and automatic movement, the TUDOR Royal range is the epitome of versatile and affordable sport-chic, and now there are two more exciting dial variants joining the range: chocolate brown and light salmon.
TUDOR has expanded the dial range of the much-loved Royal to include radial-brushed salmon and brown dials that offer an unexpected and exquisite aesthetic. The Royal range offers selfwinding, sporty and chic watches with integrated bracelets that are as affordable as they are aesthetically sophisticated. Boasting first-class technical performance and a refined aesthetic, this line sits at the crossroads between classic and sports watches. Royal was a name first used by TUDOR in the 1950s to emphasize the superior quality of its watches, which stands until today. It comes in stainless steel or gold and steel and is offered in four sizes with a total of thirteen possible dials for every personality.
Explore the daring world of TUDOR watches at the Mamić 1970 boutique in the centre of Zagreb in 7 Frane Petrića Street.
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Premium proizvođač zakoračio je u doba elektromobilnosti uz Audi e-tron* 2018., označavajući početak električne budućnosti za marku s četiri prstena. Od tada taj model postavlja standarde u segmentu električnih SUV vozila luksuzne klase. Novi Audi Q8 e-tron sada se nadovezuje na priču o uspjehu tog električnog pionira. Vrhunski električni SUV i crossover impresionira optimiziranim konceptom vožnje, boljom aerodinamikom, većom snagom punjenja i kapacitetom baterije te povećanim dosegom do 577 kilometra u SUV verziji (prema WLTP-u) i do 594 kilometara u Sportback verziji (prema WLTP-u). Značajne promjene, posebno na prednjem dijelu vozila, novom vodećem SUV vozilu daju osvježeni izgled. Audi Q8 e-tron i Q8 Sportback e-tron modeli su već dostupni za narudžbu u Hrvatskoj, a Konfigurator vozila i više informacija možete potražiti na web stranici www.audi.hr.
The premium manufacturer entered the age of e-mobility with the Audi e-tron in 2018, marking the start of the electric future for the four-ring brand. Since then, the model has been setting standards in the electric SUV luxury class. The new Audi Q8 e-tron now continues the success story of the electric pioneer. As a top electric SUV and crossover model, it boasts an optimised drive concept, improved aerodynamics, higher charging power and expanded battery capacity, as well as an increased range of up to 577 km in the SUV (according to WLTP), and up to 594 km in the Sportback (according to WLTP). Significant updates, especially in the front of the vehicle, lend the new SUV flagship a new and fresh appearance. The new Audi Q8 e-tron and Q8 Sportback e-tron can already be ordered in Croatia. Model configurator and more information can be found at www.audi.hr.
Odabirom naziva Q8 za ovaj model, Audi šalje jasnu poruku da je Audi Q8 e-tron vrhunski model među električnim SUV modelima i crossoverima. Audi Q8 e-tron i Q8 Sportback e-tron na prvi se pogled mogu identificirati kao potpuno električni modeli zahvaljujući novom dizajnu prednjeg i stražnjeg dijela koji sustavno govori električnim jezikom Audi dizajna. Kao prestižno električno SUV vozilo marke Audi, Q8 e-tron predstavlja novi korporativni identitet dizajna vanjskog izgleda vozila koristeći se dvodimenzionalnim dizajnom četiri prstena. Nova je i oznaka modela s Audi logotipom na B-stupu. Za oba oblika karoserije moguće je odabrati tri varijante električnog pogona na sve kotače.
Postoji mogućnost odabira dviju baterija. Baterija modela Q8 50 e-tron ima kapacitet pohrane od 89 neto kWh (95 bruto kWh), dok snažnije verzije modela Q8 55 e-tron imaju 106 neto kWh (114 bruto kWh). Zahvaljujući prilagodbi sustava upravljanja baterijom, povećan je i kapacitet baterije koji mogu upotrebljavati kupci. Na stanici za punjenje velike snage, Audi Q8 50 e-tron postiže maksimalnu snagu punjenja od 150 kW. Kod modela Q8 55 e-tron maksimalna se snaga povećava do 170 kW. Velika baterija može se napuniti od deset do 80 posto tijekom otprilike 31-minutnog zaustavljanja radi punjenja – u idealnim uvjetima to odgovara dosegu do 420 kilometara (prema WLTP-u). Na AC stanici za punjenje ili wallboxu, Audi Q8 e-tron puni se pri do 11 kW. Audi nudi opcijsko AC punjenje snage do 22 kW.
U idealnim se uvjetima Audi Q8 50 e-tron može potpuno napuniti za oko devet sati i 15 minuta
(22 kW: oko četiri sata i 45 minuta) korištenjem izmjenične struje. Za veliku bateriju to iznosi oko 11 sati i 30 minuta pri 11 kW i šest sati pri 22 kW. Nova usluga punjenja Audi Charging omogućuje praktičan pristup na oko 400.000 javnih stanica za punjenje diljem Europe.
Naming this model Q8, Audi is sending a clear message that the Audi Q8 e-tron is a top model in the electric SUV and crossover range. The Audi Q8 e-tron and Q8 Sportback e-tron are immediately identifiable as all-electric models thanks to the new front and rear designs, which systematically build on Audi’s electric design language. As a prestigious electric Audi SUV, the Q8 e-tron introduces the new corporate identity of the exterior appearance with a two-dimensional design of the four rings. The model name in Audi lettering on the B-pillar is also new. Three versions with electric all-wheel drive are available for each of the two body styles.
Two battery sizes are available. In the Q8 50 e-tron, the battery has a net storage capacity of 89 kWh (gross: 95 kWh), while the more powerful versions of the Q8 55 e-tron have 106 net kWh (114 gross kWh). By updating the battery management system, the battery capacity available to customers has also been increased. At a high-power charging station, the Audi Q8 50 e-tron reaches a maximum charging power of 150 kW. For the Q8 55 e-tron, the maximum charging power increases up to 170 kW. The large battery can charge from 10 to 80 percent during a roughly 31-minute charging stop – under ideal conditions this corresponds to a range of up to 420 kilometres (according to WLTP). At an AC charging station or a Wallbox, the Audi Q8 e-tron charges with up to 11 kW of power. Audi also offers an optional AC charging capacity of up to 22 kW.
Under ideal conditions, the Audi Q8 50 e-tron can fully charge in about 9 hours and 15 minutes (22 kW: about 4 hours and 45 minutes) using AC power. The large battery takes approximately 11 hours and 30 minutes with 11 kW and 6 hours with 22 kW. The new Audi Charging service provides convenient access to about 400,000 public charging points across Europe.
Stakleni panoramski krovni otvor čini unutrašnjost svjetlijom i pojačava osjećaj prozračnosti i otvorenosti. Stakleni se elementi otvaraju i zatvaraju elektronički. Upravljanje zaslonima za sunce za zatamnjivanje jednako je praktično. Kada je otvoren, dvodijelni stakleni krov poboljšava klimu u unutrašnjosti zahvaljujući učinkovitoj ventilaciji. Integrirani deflektor vjetra također smanjuje buku. Kao alternativu standardnom dvozonskom klima-uređaju Audi također nudi komforni automatski klima uređaj s 4 zone i paket kvalitete zraka. Trostupanjska ventilacija osigurava udobno sjedenje, čak i na visokim vanjskim temperaturama. Individualna konturna sjedala sprijeda podesiva po visini najistaknutiji su element dodatne opreme interijera. Uz pneumatsko namještanje sjedala i naslona, mogu se naručiti i s funkcijom masaže. Novi dodaci uključuju svjetlosmeđe orahovo drvo i održivi tehnički materijal izrađen djelomično od recikliranih
PET boca.
Poput svih modela marke Audi luksuzne klase, Q8 e-tron opremljen je operativnim sustavom MMI touch response. Njegova dva velika zaslona visoke rezolucije – gornji s dijagonalom od 10,1 inča i donji s dijagonalom od 8,6 inča – zamjenjuju gotovo sve konvencionalne prekidače i gumbe. Osim upravljanja pomoću dva dodirna zaslona, velik se broj značajki može aktivirati govornim naredbama normalnim govorom. Koncept digitalnog zaslona i upravljanja u modelu Audi Q8 e-tron zaokružuje serijski Audi virtualni kokpit s HD rezolucijom. Specifična grafika prikazuje sve važne aspekte električne vožnje, od snage punjenja do dosega. Na zahtjev je moguće dodati head-up zaslon. Na hrvatskom će tržištu Audi Q8 e-tron u serijskoj opremi biti opremljen s MMI navigacijskim sustavom plus. Njegov medijski centar podržava standard za brzi prijenos podataka LTE Advanced i ima integrirani WiFi hotspot za mobilne uređaje putnika. Navigacijski sustav inteligentno preporučuje odredišta na temelju prethodnih ruta.
Audi Q8 e-tron bit će certificiran kao neto ugljično neutralan1 za kupce u Europi i SAD-u. Audi također upotrebljava reciklirane materijale za neke komponente modela Audi Q8 e-tron. Tim se materijalima, obrađenima postupkom recikliranja, smanjuje količina korištenih resursa i osigurava zatvoren, učinkovit i održiv ciklus materijala.
1 Audi
u opskrbnom lancu, proizvodnji i recikliranju vozila marke Audi dobrovoljnim kompenzacijskim projektima koji se provode diljem svijeta. U tom kontekstu, emisije ugljika nastale tijekom faze upotrebe vozila, tj. od trenutka kada je vozilo isporučeno kupcu, nisu uzete u obzir.
The panoramic glass roof makes the interior even brighter, enhancing the feeling of lightness and spaciousness. The glass elements open and close electrically. The sunshades are just as convenient to operate. When open, the two-part glass roof improves the interior climate through efficient ventilation, and an integrated wind deflector reduces wind noise. As an alternative to the standard two-zone automatic air conditioning, Audi also offers four-zone automatic air conditioning and an air quality package. A three-stage ventilation system makes for highly comfortable seating, even at hot outside temperatures. The individual contour seats in front, which are height-adjustable, are the most prominent interior accessory. With their pneumatic seat and backrest adjustment option, they are also available with a massage function on request. New additions include lightbrown walnut wood and a sustainable technical fabric made from recycled PET bottles.
Like all luxury-class Audi models, the Q8 e-tron is equipped with the MMI touch response operating system. Its two large, high-resolution displays – the upper with a 10.1-inch, the lower with an 8.6-inch diagonal – replace almost all conventional switches and controls. In addition to operation via the two touch displays, many functions can be activated using natural voice control. The digital display and operating concept in the Audi Q8 e-tron is rounded off with the standard Audi virtual cockpit with full HD resolution. Specific graphics display key parameters for electric driving, from charging power to range. An optional head-up display can be added upon request. For the Croatian market, the Audi Q8 e-tron will come standard with MMI Navigation plus. Its Media Center supports the fast LTE Advanced transmission standard and has an integrated Wi-Fi hotspot for passengers’ mobile devices. The navigation system offers intelligent destination suggestions based on previously driven routes.
The Audi Q8 e-tron will be certified as a net carbon-neutral1 car for customers in Europe and the United States. Audi also uses recycled materials for some components in the Audi Q8 e-tron model. These materials, recovered via a recycling process, make it possible to reduce the quantity of resources used and ensure a closed material cycle, both efficient and sustainable.
1 Audi understands net-zero carbon emissions to mean a situation in which, after other possible reduction measures have been exhausted, the company offsets the carbon emitted by Audi’s products or activities and/or the carbon emissions that currently cannot be avoided in the supply chain, manufacturing, and recycling of Audi vehicles through voluntary offsetting projects carried out worldwide. In this context, carbon emissions generated during a vehicle’s utilisation stage, i.e. from the time it is delivered to the customer, are not considered.
neto nulte stope emisije ugljika definira kao situaciju u kojoj, nakon što su iscrpljene druge moguće mjere smanjenja, tvrtka nadoknađuje ugljik koji emitiraju proizvodi ili aktivnosti marke Audi i/ili emisije ugljika koje se trenutačno ne mogu izbjeći
Poput filmske superzvijezde napeta crna karoserija unikatnog Bugattija La Voiture Noire elegantno je klizila kroz špalir obožavatelja. Unatoč netipično prohladnom rujanskom vremenu, zagrebačke ulice bile su prepune ljudi. Crvena legenda – Ferrari F40 svojim je ljutim osmocilindarskim zvukom najavio dolazak svetog automobilističkog trojstva – Ferrarija LaFerrari, Porschea 918 Spyder i McLarena P1. Uslijedili su rijetka Pagani Zonda Barchetta, puristički Aston Martin Speedster, nova inkarnacija Lamborghini Countacha LPI 800-4 i japanski superautomobil Lexus LFA čija je nježna bijela boja uspješno prikrivala opaki temperament. Kao šećer na kraju, tu su Rimac Nevera, električni hiperautomobil brži od metka, i Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR Pro. Zvuči kao svijet iz bajke, zar ne? Automobilističke bajke…
Just like a film superstar, an intense black body of the one-of-a-kind Bugatti La Voiture Noire was gliding elegantly between two rows of admirers. In spite of the unusually chilly September weather, the streets of Zagreb were full of people. The angry eight-cylinder sound of the red legend – the Ferrari F40 – announced the arrival of the automotive holy trinity: the LaFerrari, the Porsche 918 Spyder and the McLaren P1. They were followed by a rare Pagani Zonda Barchetta, a puristic Aston Martin Speedster, a new incarnation of the Lamborghini Countach LPI 800-4 and the Japanese supercar Lexus LFA, whose soft white colour hid very well its fiery temperament. And as a cherry on top, there were the Rimac Nevera, the electric hypercar faster than a bullet, and the Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR Pro. Sounds like a fairy tale, doesn't it? An automotive fairy tale.
Supercar Owners Circle automobilistička je verzija crvenog tepiha, oskarovaca na četiri kotača, putujuća izložba egzotičnih automobilima koji su proizvedeni u jako malim količinama. Globalnu mrežu kolekcionara automobila kreirali su 2014. godine u Švicarskoj tri ljubitelja automobila i poduzetnika, Florian Lemberger, Stefan Lemberger i Niels Schäfer.
Trenutačno, klub broji oko 150 međunarodnih članova, a prosječni član posjeduje više od 65 automobila. SOC navodi da je prosječna cijena za svaki automobil 1,2 milijuna dolara. Za članstvo se možete jednostavno prijaviti na njihovoj web stranici. Trebate upisati puno ime i prezime, e-mail, telefon i, naravno, vašu zbirku automobilu.
Članstvo odobrava posebna prijemna komisija sastavljena od aktualnih članova i specijalista iz automobilske industrije, a kriteriji su pritom prilično strogi. Potencijalne kandidate se ocjenjuje prema njihovoj kolekciji kako bi klub ostao raznolik.
The Supercar Owners Circle is an automotive version of the red carpet, a procession of Oscar winners on four-wheels, a travelling exhibition of exotic cars built in very small quantities. This global network of car collectors was created in Switzerland in 2014 by three car lovers and entrepreneurs: Florian Lemberger, Stefan Lemberger and Niels Schäfer.
At the moment, the club has around 150 international members, and each member, on average, owns more than 65 cars. The SOC says that the average price of each car is 1.2 million dollars. Applying for membership on their webpage is very easy. All you have to do is give your first name and surname, email address, phone number, and, of course, list the cars in your collection.
Membership is granted by a special admission board, made up of current members and automotive industry specialists, according to very strict criteria. Potential candidates are evaluated on
'Sve je počelo strašću prema automobilima koju smo brat i ja naslijedili od oca s kojim smo redovito doživljavali sjajne trenutke na trkaćoj stazi i u raznim drugim prilikama. Od najranijeg djetinjstva bio sam očaran svijetom automobila, toliko da je jedna od mojih prvih izgovorenih riječi bila – Porsche. Moj apsolutni auto iz snova je Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta SWB. To nije samo vrlo lijep i vrlo kultni automobil, već vjerojatno i jedan od najznačajnijih GT trkaćih automobila svog vremena. Unatoč toj ljubavi, moj se život razvijao u mnogim drugim pravcima: pravo na Sveučilištu St. Gallen i financije na Londonskoj poslovnoj školi bili su na mom studijskom programu, a nakon MAS-a (Master of Advanced Studies) iz područja nekretnina na Sveučilištu u Zürichu, krenuo sam karijeru graditi u nekretninskoj industriji. Potom sam, 2012. godine kroz svoje profesionalno okruženje dobio priliku za ulaganje u The Chedi Andermatt Hotel, jedan od najboljih alpskih hotela u Švicarskoj. S odabra-
Odluka da ugostimo SOC događaj u Hrvatskoj prvenstveno je povezana s vrijednom suradnjom s kompanijom Bugatti Rimac, pojasnio je Florian Lemberger, CEO Supercar Owners Circlea
The decision to host an SOC event in Croatia primarily has to do with the valuable partnership with Bugatti Rimac, says Florian Lemberger, Supercar Owners Circle CEO
the basis of their collection in order to keep the club diverse.
“It all started with our passion towards cars, which my brother and I inherited from our father, with whom we regularly experienced great moments on a racing track and on many other occasions. Since my earliest childhood I have been entranced by the automotive world, so much so that one of the first words I said was – Porsche. My favourite dream car is a Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta SWB. Not only is it an extremely beautiful and very iconic car but it’s also probably one of the most important GT racers of its time. Despite my love for cars, my life has gone in many other different directions: I studied law at St Gallen's University and finance at the London Business School, and after the MAS (Master of Advanced Studies) in real estate, which I obtained at the University of Zurich, I started my career in real property. Then, in 2012, an opportunity came up, in connection with my business, to invest
Prosječni član Supercar Owners Circlea posjeduje više od 65 automobila, a klub navodi da je prosječna cijena za svaki automobil 1,2 milijuna dolara
nim investitorima uspjeli smo doći do svih apartmana u ovom prekrasnom hotelu. Kako bi koncept hotela i destinacija oko Andermatta oživjeli i privukli prave ljude, regija sa svojim prekrasnim planinskim cestama i prijevojima ponudila je najbolje uvjete za događaj i tako obilježila rođenje SOC-a. Od tada je SOC mreža prerasla u najekskluzivniju svjetsku platformu za kolekcionare automobila, koja organizira događaje po narudžbi diljem svijeta', ispričao je Florian Lemberger, CEO Supercar Owners Circlea, jedan od onih sretnih ljudi koji je hobi i strast pretvorio u posao.
U protekle dvije godine Supercar Owners Circle posjetio je Hrvatsku, a brojni 'oktanoglavci' divili su se sedmoj automobilskoj umjetnosti. Kako ste se odlučili doći u našu zemlju?
'Odluka da ugostimo SOC događaj u Hrvatskoj prvenstveno je povezana s vrijednom suradnjom s kompanijom Bugatti Rimac. Oni su bili važan partner našeg događaja i vrlo je impresivno za naše kupce saznati više o ovoj tvrtki. To je glavni razlog zašto smo odlučili doći u Hrvatsku. Zemlja i njeni ljudi dočekali su nas raširenih ruku i imali smo vrlo pozitivno iskustvo', istaknuo je Florian Lemberger.
in The Chedi Andermatt Hotel, one of the best hotels in the Swiss Alps. With selected investors we managed to acquire all the suites in this beautiful hotel. It was our goal to revive the concept of the hotel and the destination of Andermatt and to attract the right clientele, and the region with its beautiful alpine roads and mountain passes offered the best conditions for such an event. And that is how the SOC was born. Since then, the SOC network has become the most exclusive world platform for car collectors, organising bespoke events around the world”, says Florian Lemberger, Supercar Owners Circle CEO, one of the lucky ones who have turned their passion and their hobby into a job.
In the last two years, the Supercar Owners Circle visited Croatia twice, and many petrolheads had the chance to admire the automotive art. What prompted you to come to our country?
“The decision to host an SOC event in Croatia primarily has to do with the valuable partnership we have with Bugatti Rimac. They were an important partner in our event and it is very impressive for our clients to know more about this company. This was the main reason why we decided to come to Croatia. The country and its
An average member of the Supercar Owners Circle owns more than 65 cars, and the club says that the average price of each car is 1.2 million dollars
U današnje vrijeme događa se prava poplava različitih automobilskih evenata. Supercars Owner Circle od njih se diferencira ultrarijetkim automobilima i brojnim popratnim sadržajima. Kao globalna platforma za automobilske entuzijaste, SOC je najekskluzivnija svjetska mreža kolekcionara automobila koja nudi jedinstveno i nezaboravno iskustvo superautomobila. Poput preciznog krojača odijela ili vrhunskog artisana, ljudi koji organiziraju SOC znaju da u industriji luksuza detalji čine razliku. Tako članovi imaju svojeg osobnog menadžera koji im pruža širok spektar usluga, od savjeta pri kupnji i prodaji, do pomoći oko skladištenja, osiguranja, prijevoza, servisa, kupnje rezervnih dijelova, restauracija... Također, u suradnji s poznatom aukcijskom kućom članovima se nudi prekrasna uspomena – izrada bogato ilustrirane knjige s njihovom privatnom kolekcijom automobila.
'Ono što nas prvenstveno razlikuje je to što ciljano želimo obuhvatiti samo vrhunski segment kolekcionara automobila. Ovaj poseban tip vlasnika živi druge vrijednosti i kupuje vozila iz drugih motiva. U 2014., s prvim događajem u Švicarskoj, organizirali smo jedinstvenu kombinaciju relija i natjecanja za moderne i povijesne super sportske automobile. Spajamo svjež duh s luksuznim ambijentom hotela s 5
Važno je da su naši članovi i gosti svjesni da su u vrlo privilegiranoj situaciji i drago mi je što redovito možemo dati pozitivan doprinos boljem svijetu kroz dobrotvorne aukcije
people welcomed us with open arms and we had a very positive experience”, Florian Lemberger points out.
Today, there is an explosion of various car events. The factor that distinguishes the Supercars Owner Circle from the others is its ultrarare cars and many accompanying events. As a global platform for car enthusiasts, the SOC is the most exclusive international network of car collectors that offers a unique and unforgettable supercar experience. Like a meticulous tailor making suits or a first-class artisan, the people organising the SOC events know that in the luxury industry it is the details that make a difference. Thus, members have their own personal manager that provides them with a wide range of services, from giving advice when buying or selling to helping with storage, insurance, transport, servicing, buying spare parts, restoration etc. Also, in partnership with a well-known auction house, members can have a beautiful memento made – a richly illustrated book showing their private car collection.
“What primarily makes us different is that we aim to include only the top segment of car collectors. This special type of car owners live by different kinds of values and buy cars for different reasons. In 2014, when we had our first event in Switzerland, we organised a unique combination
It’s important for our members and guests to be aware that they are very privileged and I’m glad that we can regularly give a positive contribution to make the world a better place through charity auctions
zvjezdica, izborom jedinstvenih iskustava oko kulture ili gastronomije na primjer i konferencijskim pristupom sa zanimljivim gostima govornicima iz automobilske industrije, koji su objedinili potpuno nove elemente. Postalo nam je pomalo tradicija organiziranje male dobrotvorne aukcije na našim događanjima. Redovito surađujemo, primjerice, sa Zakladom Laureus Sport for Good koja kroz sport želi podržati djecu u teškim životnim situacijama i izvesti ih na pravi put. Važno je da su naši članovi i gosti svjesni da su u vrlo privilegiranoj situaciji i drago mi je što redovito možemo dati pozitivan doprinos boljem svijetu.
U jednom ste intervjuu rekli da vam je san stvoriti ograničenu seriju automobila za članove.
Koju marku biste odabrali?
Određeni proizvođači automobila imaju više tradicije za posebne modele i jednokratne modele, dok se drugi vrlo striktno drže svoje ponude modela. Budući da cijenim izazove, radije bih se usmjerio na ovo drugo. Primjerice, svidjela bi mi se ograničena serija Porschea za članove SOC-a, ne samo zato što sam veliki obožavatelj ove marke.
of a rally and a concours for modern and vintage super sports cars. We combine fresh energy with the luxury atmosphere of a 5-star hotel, a choice of unique cultural or culinary experiences, for example, and a conference approach with interesting guest speakers coming from the automotive industry, who have introduced completely new elements. Holding a small charity auction has become somewhat of a tradition in our events. We work on a regular basis with, for instance, the Laureus Sport for Good foundation, which aims to support children in difficult situations in life and give them a chance for a better life. It’s important for our members and guests to be aware that they are very privileged and I’m glad that we can regularly give a positive contribution to make the world a better place through charity auctions.
In one interview you said that your dream is to create a limited edition of cars for your members. Which marque would you choose?
Some car manufacturers are traditionally oriented towards making special and one-off cars, while others are very strict about sticking to their lines of models. Since I like challenges, I’d rather focus on the latter. For instance, I’d like a limited series of Porches for SOC members, and it’s not only because I’m a great admirer of this marque.
Sanitarije prilagođene osobama s posebnim potrebama / Toilet and shower facilities with a section for persons with disabilities
Restaurant / Bistro / Caffe bar
Trgovina prehrambenim namirnicama / Grocery store
Praonica rublja / Launderette
Bankomat / ATM
Parkiralište / Car park
Navoz / Slipway
Besplatan WI-FI / Free WI-FI Internet access
Bazen / Swiming pool
Dječje igralište / Children's playground
Sanitarije / Toilet and shower facilities
Apartmani / Apartments
Sidrište / Anchorage
Lučka kapetanija / Harbourmaster´s office
Iznajmljivanje brodova (charter) / Charter agencies
Iznajmljivanje automobila / Rent-a-car
Iznajmljivanje bicikla / Rent-a-bike
Iznajmljivanje motorkotača / Rent-a-scooter
Ronilački centar / Diving center
Benzinska crpka / Fuel station
Samohodna dizalica / Travel lift
Dizalica / Crane
Tesla Universal Destination charge
Tesla Only Destination Charge
Golf vježbalište / Golf range
Škola jedrenja / Nautical Academy
Carina / Customs
Fitness centar / Fitness center
Vanjsko fitness vježbalište / Outside fitness
Wellness centar / Wellness center
Tehnički servis plovila / Maintenance and repair shop
Frizerski salon / Hair salon
Kozmetički salon / Beauty salon
ACI marina
ACI sidrište / anchorage
ACI Golf Range
Tesla Destination Charging
Zračna luka / Airport
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic
Kontakt / Contact
Šetalište Vladimira Gortana 7, 52470 Umag
Tel: +385 (0) 52 741 066
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 833
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 475
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 40
Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 40m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 119m
Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:
Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:
101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, MK-1, MK-2, Plan 11
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:
Kontakt / Contact
Šetalište Vijeća Europe 1, 52210 Rovinj
Tel: +385 (0) 52 813 133
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 836
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:
Prometna povezanost /
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 196
Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 35m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 100m
Travel connections:
Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:
101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, 100-16, MK-2, MK-3, Plan 11
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round | 44°52,6’ N 13°50’ E
Sadržaji u
Kontakt / Contact
Riva 1, 52100 Pula
Tel: +385 (0) 52 219 142
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 837
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 192
Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 28m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 55m
Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:
Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, 100-16, MK-2, MK-3, Plan 11
marini / Amenities in the Marina: blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:
Kontakt / Contact
Pomer 26 A, 52100 Pula
Tel: +385 (0) 52 573 162
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 832
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 294
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 30
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 35m
Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:
Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-16, 50-3, MK-3, MK-4
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round | 45°19,0’ N 14°17,7’ E
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:
Kontakt / Contact
Liburnijska cesta 7 A, 51414 Ičići
Tel: +385 (0) 51 704 004
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 840
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 283
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 35
Priključci struje / Power connections: 125 A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 35m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m
Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:
Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:
Rijeka, Zagreb, Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana
A6, A7, E65, E71, E751
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, 50-4, MK-5
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round | 44°57’ N 14°24’ E
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:
Kontakt / Contact
Obala sv. Benedikta 3, 51557 Cres
Tel: +385 (0) 51 571 622
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 839
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 440
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 70
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 50m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 50m
Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:
Mali Lošinj, Rijeka, Zagreb, Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana
A6, A7, E65, E71, E751
Rijeka - Cres, Brestova - Porozina, Valbiska - Merag
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:
101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-16, 100-18, 50-3, Plan 20
ACI marina Cres
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport
Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka ispostava Cres / branch office Cres
tel:+385 (0) 51 571 111
UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
Tourist info: www.tzg-cres.hr
Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round | 44°48,2’ N 14°43,8’ E
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:
Kontakt / Contact
Supetarska Draga, 51280 Rab
Tel: +385 (0) 51 776 268
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 841
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
11 nm
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 310
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 53
Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 18m
Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:
Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar
Stinica - Mišnjak, Valbiska - Lopar, Rijeka - Rab
Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:
101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, MK-7
Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka ispostava Rab / branch office Rab
tel: +385 (0) 51 725 419
UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
Tourist info: www.tzg-rab.hr
ACI marina Supetarska Draga Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest AirportSjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic
Kontakt / Contact
Šetalište kap. I. Dominisa 101, 51280 Rab
Tel: +385 (0) 51 724 023
GSM: +385 (0) 98 399 482
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 134
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 20m
Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:
Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar
A6, E65, E71
Stinica - Mišnjak, Valbiska - Lopar, Rijeka - Rab
u marini / Amenities in the Marina:Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:
INT3410, 100-18, MK-7, Plan 20
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round
Kontakt / Contact
Obala 1, Šimuni, 23251 Kolan
Tel: +385 (0) 23 697 457
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 843
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 191
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 45
Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 14m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 18m
Prometna povezanost /
Travel connections:
Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar
A6, E65, E71
Prizna - Žigljen, Rijeka - Novalja
u marini / Amenities in the Marina:Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:
101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-17, 100-19, MK-9, MK-10
ACI marina Šimuni
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport
Lučka kapetanija Zadar / Harbour Master’s Office Zadar ispostava Pag / branch office Pag
tel:+385 (0) 23 611 023
UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
Tourist info: www.pag-tourism.hr
Kontakt / Contact
Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, 22242 Jezera
Tel: +385 (0) 22 786 0278
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 844
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:
Vezovi / Berths:
Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic
Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:
8 nm
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 120
Sidrište / Anchorage: 15
Priključci struje / Power connections: 16A
Voda se isporučuje od 8 do 10 sati Water available from 8 to 10 a.m.
Struja se isporučuje od 8 do 12 sati i od 18 do 24 sata
Electricity available from 8 a.m. to noon and from 6 p.m. to midnight
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:
101, 300-32, 100-20, MK-14, Plan 512
Otvorena: 1. 4 - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st |
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:
Kontakt / Contact
Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, 22242 Jezera
Tel: +385 (0) 91 470 0091
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 845
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 118
Priključci struje / Power connections: 16A
Voda se isporučuje od 8 do 10 sati
Water available from 8 to 10 a.m.
Struja se isporučuje od 8 do 12 sati i od 18 do 24 sata
Electricity available from 8 a.m. to noon and from 6 p.m. to midnight
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, 100-20, 100-21, MK-14, Plan 512
Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All
Kontakt / Contact
Obala sv. Ivana 47 E, 22242 Jezera
Tel: +385 (0) 22 439 295
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 846
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 212
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 40
Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 20m
Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:
Zadar, Split
A1, E65, E71
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-20, 100-21, MK-14, MK-15, Plan 512
u marini / Amenities in the Marina:Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round | 45° 26,02’ N 13° 31,00’ E
Kontakt / Contact
Artina 13 A, 22211 Vodice
Tel: +385 (0) 22 443 086
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 847
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 398
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 24
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 25m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 25m
Prometna povezanost /
Travel connections:
Zadar, Split
A1, E65, E71
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-21, MK-15, Plan 533
u marini / Amenities in the Marina:Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round | 43°49,0’ N 15°55,6’ E
Kontakt / Contact
Obala Pavla Šubića 18, 22222 Skradin
Tel: +385 (0) 22 771 365
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 848
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 180
Priključci struje / Power connections: 125A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 30m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 70m
Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:
Zadar, Split
A1, E65, E71
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:
101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-21, MK-15, Plan 518
Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:
Kontakt / Contact
Put Cumbrijana 22, 21220 Trogir
Tel: +385 (0) 21 881 544
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 849
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 174
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 35
Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 20m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 30m
Prometna povezanost /
Travel connections:
A1, E65, E71 (15 km)
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, MK-16, Plan 534
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:
Kontakt / Contact
Uvala Baluni 8, 21000 Split
Tel: +385 (0) 21 398 599
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 850
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 10t 0,05 nm
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 318
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 30
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 26m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 90m
Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:
A1, E65, E71
Split - Supetar, Split - Stari Grad, SplitVela Luka - Ubli, Split - Milna - Hvar - Vis, Split - Bol - Jelsa, Split - Hvar - Vela Luka - Ubli, Split - Bol - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik, Ancona - Split, Ancona - Stari Grad - Split
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |
Kontakt / Contact
Brdo I 3, 21405 Milna
Tel: +385 (0) 21 636 306
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 851
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 157
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 15
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 18m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 35m
Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:
Brač, Split
A1, E65, E71
Split - Supetar, Split - Rogač - Milna, Split - Milna - Hvar - Vis, Split - Milna - Hvar - Korčula - Mljet - Dubrovnik
u marini / Amenities in the Marina:Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:
101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, 100-22, 100-26, MK-16, MK-18
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport
Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split
ispostava Milna / branch office Milna
tel: +385 (0) 21 636 205
UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
Tourist info: www.otok-brac.info
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:
Kontakt / Contact
21463 Vrboska
Tel: +385 (0) 21 774 018
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 812
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:
Prometna povezanost /
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 119
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 12
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth: 25m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 35m
Travel connections:
Split, Brač
A1, E65, E71
Split - Stari Grad, Drvenik - Sućuraj, Split - Milna - Hvar - Vis, Split - Bol - Jelsa, Split - Bol - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik, Ancona - Stari Grad - Split
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:
101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-25, 100-26, MK-19, Plan 535
Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport
Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Jelsa / branch office Jelsa
tel: +385 (0) 21 761 055
UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
Tourist info: www.tz-vrboska.hr
Otvorena: 1. 4. - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:
Kontakt / Contact
21450 Hvar
Tel: +385 (0) 21 744 995
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 853
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near
2,5 nm
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 180
Priključci struje / Power connections: 32A
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 40m
Prometna povezanost /
Travel connections:
Brač, Split
A1, E65, E71
Dubrovnik - Hvar, Ancona - Split - Hvar, Bari - Dubrovnik - Hvar, Taxi boats: Hvar - Palmižana
the Marina:Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:
101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-22, 100-25, 100-26, MK-19, Plan 50
Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Hvar/ branch office Hvar
tel: +385 (0) 21 741 007
UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
Tourist info: www.tzhvar.hr
ACI marina Palmižana Najbliži aerodrom / NearestSadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:
Kontakt / Contact
20260 Korčula
Tel: +385 (0) 20 711 661
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 854
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round | 42°57,6’ N 17°08,4’ E
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 159
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 16
Priključci struje / Power connections: 125A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 17m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 50m
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-25, 100-26, 100-27, MK-22
Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:
Split, Dubrovnik
A1, E65, E71
Trajekt / Ferry (cijelu godinu / all year):
Orebić - Dominče (Korčula)
Split - Vela Luka
Ploče - Trpanj
Dubrovnik - Bari
Katamaran / Catamaran
Cijelu godinu / all year:
Orebić - Korčula
Split - Hvar - Korčula
Split - Hvar - Vela Luka - Ubli
Dubrovnik - Korčula - Ubli
Samo u sezoni:
Split - Hvar - Korčula - Mljet (Pomena) - Dubrovnik
Split - Bol - Makarska - Korčula - Mljet (Sobra) - Dubrovnik
Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:
Kontakt / Contact
Slanica 2, 20232 Slano
Tel: +385 (0) 20 441 721
GSM: +385 (0) 99 478 8059
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 193
Priključci struje / Power connections: 63A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 20m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth: 50m
Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:
14 nm
Prometna povezanost /
Travel connections:
A1, E65, E71
Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:
The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-34, INT3414, 100-27, 50-20, MK-25
Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round |
Kontakt / Contact
Na skali 2, Mokošica, 20001 Dubrovnik
Tel: +385 (0) 20 455 020
GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 813
UHF kanal / VHF channel 17
Vezovi / Berths:
Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: 380
Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: 120
Priključci struje / Power connections: 125A
Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez:
Maximum vessel length annual berth: 40m
Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez:
Maximum vessel length daily berth: 45m
Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:
Dubrovnik - Korčula - Hvar - Bol - Split, Bari - Dubrovnik
Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:ACI marina Dubrovnik Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport 988
Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik / Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik
tel: +385 (0) 20 418 988, fax: +385 (0) 20 418 987, +385 (0) 20 418 987
UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16
Tourist info: www.tzdubrovnik.hr
Tourist info: www.tzdubrovnik.hr
1. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 1st place in the Marina of the Year cathegory
2. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 2nd place in the Marina of the Year cathegory
3. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 3rd place in the Marina of the Year cathegory
1. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 1st place in the Size cathegory
2. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 2nd place in the Size cathegory
3. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 3rd place in the Size cathegory
Kategorija velikih marina/ Large marina cathegory
Kategorija srednjih marina/ Medium marina cathegory
Kategorija malih marina/ Small marina cathegory
Posebno priznanje za najbolju otočnu marinu/ The Best Island Marina special recognition
Posebno priznanje za razvoj ponude luksuznog turizma / Special Recognition for the Development of Luxury Tourism
Najbolja marina po ocjenama nautičara
The best marina recognized by their boaters
Druga najbolja marina po ocjenama nautičara
The second-best marina recognized by their boaters
Treća najbolja marina po ocjenama nautičara
The third-best marina recognized by their boaters
Ekskluzivno priznanje za razvoj elitnog turizma
The exclusive recognition for the development of elite nautical tourism
Posebno priznanje Moja najdraža marina
“My favorite marina” Special Reward
Posebno priznanje za najljubaznije osoblje
Zlatni osmijeh
The "Golden Smile of the Adriatic”Staff Kindness Special Reward
Posebna zahvala
Special Acknowledgment
Najsigurnija korona-free marina
The safest Coronavirus-free marina
Biser zelene magistrale
The Pearl of the green highway
Zlatni vez gastronomije
The Golden berth of gastronomy
Nagrada Kolos
Kolos award
Zlatno jedro/ Gold sail
Srebrno jedro/ Silver sail
Brončano jedro/ Bronze sail
Posebno priznanje za razvoj nautičkog turizma/ Special award for the development of nautical tourism
Posebno priznanje za gastro marinu Jadrana/ Special award for the gastronomic marina of the Adriatic Posebno priznanje za najbolju ponudu dodatnog sadržaja/ Special award for the best offer of additional content
ACI marine dugoodišnji su i redovni osvajači prestižnih nagrada i priznanja “Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku” i "Zlatno sidro" Nautičke patrole Jutarnjeg lista koja se dodjeljuju najuspješnijim, najkvalitetnijim i najprepoznatljivijim hrvatskim turističkim subjektima i destinacijama. Slijede samo neka od priznanja i nagrada koje su ACI marine osvojile od 2010. godine:
For many years, ACI marinas have regularly won prestigious awards and recognitions “Tourism Flower - Quality for Croatia,” and "The Golden Anchor" of the Jutarnji list Nautical Patrol awarded to the most successful, the best and the most recognized Croatian tourist companies and destinations. These are some of the recognitions and awards ACI marinas have won since 2010:
1 ACI Umag
2 ACI Rovinj
3 ACI Pula
4 ACI Pomer
5 ACI Opatija
6 ACI Cres
7 ACI Supetarska Draga
8 ACI Rab
9 ACI Šimuni
10 ACI Žut
+ sidrište/anchorage Žut
11 ACI Piškera
12 ACI Jezera
13 ACI Vodice
14 ACI Skradin
+ sidrište/anchorage Vozarica
15 ACI Trogir
16 ACI Split
17 ACI Milna
18 ACI Vrboska
19 ACI Palmižana
20 ACI Korčula
21 ACI Slano
22 ACI Dubrovnik
Fotografije / Photos: Davor Žunić Petar Fabijan ACI marina - Dobitnik priznanja ACI Marina - award winner Plava zastava / Blue flag Posebno priznanje za razvoj ponude luksuznog turizma / Special Recognition for the Development of Luxury Tourism▶ 2+1 FREE - ACI marinas Šimuni (except 1 Jul - 31 Aug) and Slano
▶ 2 + 1 FREE - ACI marinas Žut and Piškera
▶ 1 + 1 +1 FREE - ACI marinas Žut and Piškera
for the first year to the new clients** who are entering the ACI and existing ACI clients for bringing the second and each subsequent vessel in the same marina:
▶ 15% discount on the annual berth rate in selected ACI marinas***
▶ Umag
▶ Pula
▶ Supetarska Draga
▶ Vrboska
▶ Korčula
▶ 5% discount on the annual berth rate*** in ACI marina Cres for new clients**
*The aforementioned applies only in the case of consecutive dates. Does not apply to the anchorage Žut; for 2 paid daily berths, the third daily berth is free of charge; for one paid daily berth in ACI Žut and one paid daily berth in ACI Piškera, the second daily berth in ACI Piškera is free of charge and vice versa.
**A new client is a vessel owner who did not have a berth contract concluded, was not a co-owner of a vessel that had a berth contract and/ or was not a responsible person in a legal entity that had a berth contract in the ACI system in the last three years
***Exclusively for private and legal entities whose vessels are used not for commercial, but for private purposes
Obrt "Lido"
+385 (0) 99 642 5733 lidoaciumag@gmail.com www.restoran-lido.eatbu.hr
Gurman d.o.o.
+385 (0) 52 496 036 alma.dokaj@hotmail.com
Fidem-Arba d.o.o.
+385 (0) 98 386 225 fidemarbadoo@gmail.com restaurant-santa-maria.eatbu.hr
Obrt ''Mirela''
+358 (0) 91 917 3679
+385 (0) 91 553 0171 miammbajic.0107@gmail.com
Grašo commerce d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 398 560
+385 (0) 99 413 6361 restaurantadriatic@yahoo.com www.restaurantadriatic.com
Zajednički ugostiteljski objekt, vl. Željan Petković i
Fran Zvonimir Petković
+385 (0) 98 929 5832
Raunig d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 622 5624 info@zephyrus-yachtclub.com
Maistra d.d. +385 (0) 52 800 250 hello@maistra.hr www.maistra.com
Domicil d.o.o. +385 (0) 51 704 147 jure.peris@gmail.com
ACI ŠIMUNI MAESTRAL Obrt "Smokva" +385 (0) 23 697 053
ACI VODICE AZIMUTH Krka Belvedere d.o.o.
Loza Vrdoljak d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 399 333 +385 (0) 91 434 3050 zrnosoli.split@gmail.com www.zrnosoli.hr
Obrt za organizaciju koncerata, vl. Marko Skokandić
+385 (0) 20 721 188
+385 (0) 91 538 9773
Maistra d.d. +385 (0) 52 800 250 hello@maistra.hr www.maistra.com
Turić i Bućan j.d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 306 0057 paveturic@yahoo.com
ACI ŽUT ŽUT NO. 20 Žut Number 20 d.o.o. +385 (0) 22 207 038 nincevicmonika@gmail.com
Obrt "Pasquale" +385 (0) 98 588 108 arka.skipperclub@gmail.com
M.B. Vičić d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 636 285 +385 (0) 91 734 4004 info@mb-vincic.com
Dakordo Tim d.o.o.
+385 (0) 20 711 155
+385 (0) 98 196 3153
Authentic j.d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 223 3660 cvitanduje@gmail.com
Obrt "Vojko"
+385 (0) 51 776 805 +385 (0) 91 677 6700 vojko.rab@gmail.com www.vojko.hr
Number 20 d.o.o. +385 (0) 99 432 4434 no20@gmail.com
Obrt "Lašk"
+385 (0) 21 884 001 pereza.mario2012@gmail.com
Opus Meus d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 570 3372 opusmeusbol@gmail.com restaurant-navigare.business.site
Šimun d.o.o.
+385 (0) 20 871 991
restaurantazzurro@gmail.com www.restaurantazzurro.com
Almi d.o.o.
+385 (0) 52 741 065 info@almi.hr www.almi.hr
Obrt "Secom NS"
+385 (0) 51 216 894
+385 (0) 91 502 2622 danijel@secom-ns.com www.secom-ns.com
Shark Yacht Service d.o.o.
+385 (0) 95 544 1966 info@shark-yachtservice.hr www.shark-yachtservice.hr
Nautički centar Orka d.o.o.
+385 (0) 22 435 437
+385 (0) 91 566 7755 servis@ncorka.hr
Obrt "Wave Yacht Service" +385 (0) 99 402 5562
Coredus d.o.o.
+385 (0) 20 000 000
+385 (0) 99 793 420 info@coredus.com
Fokus d.o.o.
+385 92 170 8199 marinefokus@gmail.com
Prestige d.o.o.
+385 (0) 52 300 001 +385 (0) 98 403 908 info@prestige-yachtservice.hr www.prestige-yachservice.hr
Cesar servisi d.o.o. +385 (0) 51 325 310 josip.pavic@cesar.hr
Paracelsus d.o.o.
+385 (0) 51 776 483 makaus.denis@gmail.com
Obrt "Polaris Yacht Service"
+385 (0) 22 443 021
+385 (0) 98 266 343 igor.lokas@si.t-com.hr
enia@ri.t-com.hr http://Enia.hr
+385 (0) 95 818 3433 mario@kuna-dubrovnik.com
+385 (0) 20 454 215
+385 (0) 91 445 1110 nsd@vip.hr
Master Yacht Service d.o.o. +385 (0) 99 403 8507 info@masternautika.com
Fra-Ni Remont d.o.o.
+385 (0) 51 571 920
+385 (0) 98 234 893 fra-ni.remont@ri.t-com.hr www.fra-ni.info
Obrt "Moras"
+385 (0) 51 725 048
+385 (0) 98 329 698 servis.moras@hi.t-com.hr
Robert Skroza, vlasnk obrta "RS"
Matadura d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 398 561 matadura@matadura.hr www.matadura.hr
Obrt "Lanterna"
+385 (0) 91 533 5125 niksa.krecak@gmail.com
ACI DUBROVNIK NICRO NAUTIKA Nicro Nautica d.o.o. nikola.violic@nicro.hr
ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas
Adriatic Wave d.o.o.
+385 (0) 98 917 3629 mario@adriaticwave.com www.adriaticwave.com
Adriatic Marine d.o.o.
+385 (0) 52 815 670 info@adriaticmarine.de
Vito nautika d.o.o.
+385 (0) 52 393 890 info@vitonautika.hr www.vitonautika.com
Centar Jedrenja d.o.o.
+385 (0) 22 439 000
+385 (0) 99 443 9000 info@alternautika.com www.alternautika.com
Angelina Vodice d.o.o.
+385 (0) 23 385 293 info@angelina.hr
Angelina Trogir d.o.o.
+385 (0) 23 385 293 info@angelina.hr www.angelina.hr
Nautika Kufner d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 478 9219
info@nautika-kufner.hr www.nautika-kufner.hr
Mennyacht d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 573 1136 info@mennyacht.com www.mennyacht.com
Salpa d.o.o.
+385 (0) 98 428 730 neven@ayc.hr
Obrt "BB Jezera" +385 (0) 98 985 7301 info@bbjezera.com www.bbjezera.com
ACI JEZERA EMU YACHTING Emu Yachting d.o.o. info@emu-yachting.com
Pitter putnička agencija d.o.o. +385 (0) 23 386 700 info@pitter-croatia.com www.pitter-croatia.com
Arkanđel j.d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 587 211 info@detonicharter.com
Nova Eurospectra d.o.o.
+385 (0) 95 516 6212 info@eurospectra.hr www.eurospectra.com
Dream Yacht Croatia d.o.o.
+385 (0) 20 456 750
+385 (0) 91 274 5145 croatia@dreamyachtcharter.com www.dreamyachtcharter.com
Studio tim d.o.o.
+385 (0) 52 213 988
+385 (0) 98 334 684 info@vala-charter.com www.vala-charter.com
+385 (0) 51 705 620 davor@marea.hr
+385 (0)91 3300 691
+385 (0)91 3300 697 booking@uth-sailing.com www.uth-sailing.com
Veritas Yachting Europe GmbH
+385 (0) 22 571 736
+385 (0) 99 437 8301 info@veritas-yachting.com www.veritas-yachting.com
Dalmatia Charter Agency d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 797 239
+385 (0) 91 188 2881
Waypoint d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 367 686
+385 (0) 98 368 334
booking@waypoint.hr www.waypoint.hr
Aba Vela d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 321 407
+385 (0) 98 667 622 contact@abavela.com www.abavela.com
Bomi Ship d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 314 555 +385 (0) 91 314 5555 booking@bomiship.com www.bomiship.com
International Cruising Yachts d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 358 824 bosotina@bosotina.com
Sail Croatia d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 317 902 sales@sail-croatia.com www.sail-croatia.com
Sailor's moon d.o.o.
+385 (0) 95 811 0379
KRISTINA@OMGSAILING.COM www.sailorsmoon-charter.com
Dubrovnik Yachting d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 488 1999
Adria Yachting d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 263 4256 info@admiral-boats.hr www.admiral-boats.hr
Euromarine d.o.o. +385 (0) 1 555 2200 +385 (0) 99 210 1594 info@euromarine.hr www.euromarine.com.hr
ACI SPLIT ORVAS Orvas d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 735 377 +385 (0) 95 344 4111 orvas-yachting@orvas.hr www.orvasyachting.com
ACI SPLIT SUN LIFE Sunčani Život d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 398 496 +385 (0) 91 3456 783 info@sunlife.hr www.sunlife.hr
Adriatic Yacht Charter d.o.o.
+385 (0) 98 273 880 ayc@ayc.hr www.ayc.hr
Navigare Yachting d.o.o.
+385 (0) 1 233 1661
+385 (0) 91 377 7603
booking@navigare-yachting.com www.navigare-yachting.com
Astarea d.o.o.
+385 (0) 23 385 293 info@angelina.hr www.angelina.hr
Fair Wind d.o.o. +385 (0) 98 162 0992 booking@croatia-charter.hr www.croatia-charter.hr
Na pola puta d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 539 0089 ivana@sail-charter-in-croatia.com www.sail-charter-in-croatia.com
Top Light d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 358 344
+385 (0) 91 605 3947 info@splityachtcharter.com www.splityachtcharter.com
Croatia Yachting d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 332 332
+385 (0) 91 331 3343
Sunsail Adriatic d.o.o.
+385 (0) 20 455 075
+385 (0) 99 813 8624 sales@sunsail.com
ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas
Adria Luxury Boats d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 727 1866 info@alb.hr www.alb.hr
Alberta Yachts d.o.o.
+385 (0) 21 398 786 info@princessadriatic.com www.princessadriatic.com
Sanlorenzo South Central Europe d.o.o. +385 99 357 1727 info@sanlorenzoadria.com
ACI OPATIJA KVARNER NAUTIKA Kvarner nautika d.o.o. +385 (0) 98 983 1430 kvarner-nautika@ri.t-com.hr www.kvarner-nautika.hr
ACI SPLIT ULTRA Ultra d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 398 578 sales@ultra-sailing.hr www.beneteau-croatia.hr
Donar d.o.o.
+385 (0) 52 219 173
+385 (0) 98 802 328 donarboats@gmail.com www.donarboats.hr
Boltano d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 201 4607 nautika@boltano.hr www.boltano.hr
Fokus d.o.o. marinefokus@gmail.com www.frigomarine.hr
Gumicentar d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 201 2599 cres@gumicentar.hr www.gumicentar.hr
Lalizas Marina d.o.o. +385 (0) 20 454 073 www.marinastores.hr
Almi d.o.o. +385 (0) 52 741 065 info@almi.hr www.almi.hr
Procella d.o.o.
+385 (0) 98 924 1034 mfs.umag@gmail.com
Mare Nostrum Croaticum d.o.o.
+385 (0) 51 271 080
+385 (0) 99 216 3272 info@musto.hr www.musto.hr
Mennyacht d.o.o. +385 (0) 91 177 2610 croatia@mennyacht.com www.mennyacht.com
Nautika Centar Nava d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 407 705 info@navaboats.com www.navaboats.com
Aurani d.o.o.
+385 (0) 51 774 823 rab@aurani.eu www.aurani.eu
ACI DUBROVNIK SEARIVER TECH. DEPARTMENT Seariver Tech. Department d.o.o. +385 (0) 20 486 040
Obrt "Wave Yacht Service" +385 (0) 99 402 5562
Veliko plavetnilo d.o.o.
+385 (0) 51 704 741 rogi.ribaru@gmail.com www.veliko-plavetnilo.hr
Procella d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 583 4255 ivanaversicek@gmail.com
ACI PIŠKERA LUKA TRADE Luka trade j.d.o.o.
Obrt "Žele"
+385 (0) 21 744 988
MLINAR pekarska industrija d.o.o.
+385 (0) 1 23 82 300 info@mlinargrupa.com
ACI CRES TIMUN Timun d.o.o. +385 (0) 51 571 312
ACI TROGIR MALA MEDENA Obrt "Mala medena" +385 (0) 21 881 430 +385 (0) 91 539 5866
ACI KORČULA, ACI DUBROVNIK KONZUM Konzum plus d.o.o. 0800 400 000 konzum@konzum.hr www.konzum.hr
ACI KORČULA MALI RIBAR Mali Ribar d.o.o. +385 (20) 780 6980
ACI ŽUT MARKET ŽUT P.V. Lišnjak trade d.o.o. +385 (0) 99 314 6205
ACI SPLIT KASKADE Kaskade d.o.o. +385 (0) 21 398 320
ACI KORČULA TISAK Tisak plus d.o.o. +385 (0) 72 000 001 tisak@tisak.hr www.tisak.hr
Procella d.o.o.
+385 (0) 91 583 4255 ivanaversicek@gmail.com
Old Republic j.d.o.o.
+385 (0) 20 780 6948
+385 (0) 99 380 6744
Mrše d.o.o.
+385 (0) 22 771 101
+385 (0) 98 768 783 mrse@si.t-com.hr
ACI MILNA VINORETUM Vinoretum j.d.o.o.
+385 (0) 99 298 2047 visnja@zws.hr
Obrt ''Go Digital''
+385 (0) 98 446 754 andriano.barcic@gmail.com go-digital.hr
Obrt "Valentina"
+385 (0) 52 463 308
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„Ako radite na nečemu uzbudljivom do čega vam je zaista stalo, vizija vas vuče naprijed”, misao je pokojnog Stevea Jobsa koja se u potpunosti može primijeniti na karijeru i život Igora Simčiča. Uvijek barem dva koraka ispred ostalih, s mislima usmjerenim prema budućnosti, slovenski je biznismen i strastveni jedriličar ostvario pobjede na brojnim prestižnim regatama diljem svijeta i bio apsolutni vladar klase maxi krstaša. Od ljeta na Azurnoj obali preko projekta Esimit Europa, koji je bio mnogo više od samog jedrenja, do nagrade monegaškog princa Alberta II., Igor Simčič stigao je vizijom i napornim radom – slijedeći svoje snove.
‘If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.’ These words spoken by the late Steve Jobs could be referring to Igor Simčič’s life and career. Always at least two steps in front of everybody else, always thinking ahead, the Slovenian businessman and a keen yachtsman has won a number of prominent races worldwide and was, for a time, the absolute leader in the maxi class. From summers spent on the French Riviera to the Esimit Europa Project, which has been much more than just sailing, to the award bestowed by Prince Albert II of Monaco – Igor Simčič has achieved all by having a vision, working hard and following his dreams.
Kako ste počeli jedriti i zašto jedrenje doživljavate kao poseban sport?
Skijanje mi je odmalena bio prioritetan sport. Tada sam želio da mi postane profesija pa sam mu se posvetio svim srcem, položio učiteljski ispit i stekao međunarodnu licenciju ISIA. Budući da sam u srednjoj školi odabrao francuski kao strani jezik, stric Boris Trpin pozvao me na ljetovanje u St. Tropez, gdje je bio skiper jahte Helisara svjetski poznatog dirigenta Herberta von Karajana. Susret s Karajanom i jednom od najboljih momčadi u Europi dao mi je sasvim novu dimenziju o ovom sportu koji me potpuno obuzeo. Bila je to jedna od prvih maxi jahta na koju su voljeli dolaziti Karajanovi prijatelji Gianni Agnelli (Fiat), Brigitte Bardot, John Holliday, Jochen Rindt (svjetski prvak u Formuli 1) i brojni drugi. Shvatio sam da je ovaj sport zaista nešto posebno, možda jedan od najcjelovitijih sportova jer morate biti vrhunski u svim njegovim segmentima želite li postići izvanserijski uspjeh. Sastaviti vrhunsku ekipu znači imati par vrhunskih kormilara, izvrsnog taktičara i navigatora jer regate u ovoj kategoriji budu duge i više od 100 milja, a presudan je, naravno, skiper koji sve povezuje, koordinira i vodi kako treba. Jedrilica također mora biti vrhunska i temeljito pripremljena da kad puše više od 30 čvorova ne bude iznenađenja i prepreka za postavljanje rekorda. Izazov je stvoren sam po sebi pa sam odlučio da ću u jedrenju morati učiniti nešto izvanredno.
How did you start sailing and why is sailing a special sport to you?
When I was growing up, skiing was the most important sport for me. At the time, I wanted to be a professional skier, and I devoted myself to it with all my being; I even passed the instructors’ test and qualified for the international ISIA licence. Since French was my optional subject in secondary school, my uncle Boris Trpin invited me to spend a summer in St Tropez, where he was the skipper of the yacht Helisara, owned by the world-renowned conductor Herbert von Karajan. Meeting Karajan and one of the best teams in Europe gave me a whole new perspective on this sport, which then completely engrossed me. The Helisara was one of the first maxi yachts, and its frequent guests were Karajan’s friends Gianni Agnelli (Fiat), Brigitte Bardot, John Holliday, Jochen Rindt (Formula 1 world champion) and many others. I realised then that this sport is really special, perhaps one of the most complete sports, where you have to excel in all of its segments if you want to achieve extraordinary success. To put together a team means to have a couple of outstanding helmsmen, an excellent tactician and navigator because races in this category can be over 100 nautical miles long, and, of course, the skipper, who makes all the decisions and connects, coordinates and runs everything. The sailing boat also has to be top-notch and properly prepared, so that there are no surprises in a wind of over 30 knots, and that the yacht can set records. The challenge presented itself, and I decided that I’d have to do something extraordinary here.
Ideja projekta Esimit Europa jest povezati ljude, države i kontinente snažnim simbolom suradnje i prijateljstva
The idea behind the Esimit Europa Project is to connect people, countries and continents by a powerful common symbol of cooperation and friendship
Često znate govoriti da ste ponajprije jedriličar, a potom poslovni čovjek. Možete li objasniti tu tvrdnju?
Jedrenje na maxi krstašima je poput vođenja posla. Odabir tima, organizacija, motivacija, ciljevi, strategija, vizija, brzo prilagođavanje aktualnim promjenama, promptna i odlučna reakcija... Sve je to slično. Paralelno sam vodio i razvijao tvrtku Esimit i projekt Esimit Europa. U prvom slučaju cilj je bio stvoriti uspješnu i stratešku tvrtku, dok je u drugom slučaju projekt bio povezati ljude, države i cijelu Europu snažnim simbolom suradnje i prijateljstva. Da je to uspjelo, možda najljepše potvrđuje podrška koju sam 2014. dobio od glavnog tajnika UN-a Ban-Ki Moona koji je rekao da ono što radimo dijeli vrijednosti UN-a.
Jedrenje me naučilo da kada se dogodi promjena na tržištu ili u tvrtki ne inzistirate na prijašnjoj strategiji i organizaciji, nego se što prije prilagodite novoj stvarnosti. Fleksibilnošću pratite promjene i razvoj tržišta, a upravo je to prilika za postizanje boljeg rezultata, odnosno većeg tržišnog udjela. U kokpitu jahte kormilar, taktičar i navigator cijelo vrijeme glasno govore o svojim osjećajima, idejama, prijedlozima kako bi uz što više informacija od ključnih ljudi na brodu skiper mogao donijeti što bolju odluku.
Na vašim brodovima jedrili su najbolji svjetski jedriličari. Koji vas se najviše dojmio?
Najbolji, najkompletniji s velikom sposobnosti vođenja i brzim, ispravnim odlukama u kritičnim situacijama nedvojbeno je Jochen
You often say that you are first a yachtsman before being a businessman. Can you explain what you mean by that?
Sailing maxi yachts is like running a business. Putting a team together, organising everything; motivation, objectives, strategy, vision; adapting quickly to current changes, reacting fast and decisively... It's all very similar. I ran and developed the company Esimit and the Esimit Europa Project at the same time. In the first case, my goal was to create a successful strategic company, and in the other, I wanted to connect people, countries and the entire Europe by a powerful common symbol of cooperation and friendship. That I managed to do both is perhaps best shown by the support I received in 2014 by the secretary-general of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, who said that what we are doing reflects the values of the UN.
What part of sailing were you able to apply to business?
Sailing taught me that when there are changes in the market or a company, you should not insist on the strategy and organisation you have had up to that point, but rather adapt to the new reality as quickly as possible. You have to be flexible and follow the changes and the developments in the market, and this is where the opportunity lies to achieve a better result or, in other words, gain a larger market share. In the cockpit of a yacht, the helmsman, tactician and navigator share their feelings, ideas, suggestions aloud all the time, so that the skipper can make the best decision possible using as much information as he gets from the key people aboard.
Some of the best sailors in the world have sailed on your boats. Who of them has made the biggest impression?
The best, the most well-rounded sailor, who has a great ability to lead and make fast, right decisions in critical situations is undoubtedly Jochen Schümann, the German sailing legend, a three-time Olympic gold medallist, a two-time America's Cup winner and a
Schümann, legenda njemačkog jedrenja, trostruki zlatni olimpijac, dvostruki pobjednik America's Cupa i svjetski jedriličar godine. Bio je ključni član tima Esimit Europe 2, skiper koji je znao izvući maksimum iz 18 vrhunskih pojedinaca iz 11 zemalja, motivirajući ih da i u iznimno teškim situacijama daju sve od sebe i više.
Kakav je osjećaj bio iz jedne male Slovenije pobijediti posade iz većih pomorskih zemalja?
Esimit europa 2 jedrio je za Jedriličarski savez Slovenije i za YC Monaco te je plovio pod europskom zastavom uz potporu predsjednika Europske komisije koju je projektu odobrio Manuel Barroso. Sve je to malo zbunilo natjecatelje na početku, ja sam to zadovoljstvo najviše osjetio kada smo bili prvi ispred svih milijunaša iz raznih zemalja na regati Giraglia, i to pet puta zaredom, a posebno kad smo postavili nevjerojatan rekord. Nevjerovatan osjećaj je bio pobijediti Fastnet, jednu najzahtjevnih legendarnih regata, na kojoj startaju svi, koji nešto znače u jedrenju, ili Svjetsko prvenstvo u maxi krstašima na Sardiniji (Porto Cervo). Znate, na ulazu u YC Costa Smeralda, koji je u vlasništvu Age Khana, postoji srebrna ploča na kojoj je ugraviran godišnji pobjednik. Na njoj vidite natpise prvo Australija, SAD, Italija pa Slovenija, Slovenija, Slovenija... Svi su se pitali odakle mi.
Koja vam je bila najdraža pobjeda na regatama i zašto?
Najdraža mi je bila Giraglia 2012. Prvo, zbog nevjerojatno teških uvjeta, organizatori su već razmišljali o otkazivanju jubilarne 60. regate zbog jakog maestrala koji je puhao od 35 do 40 čvorova. Drugo, zbog postizanja nevjerojatnog rekorda od 14 sati i 56 minuta za regatu od 250 milja, koji još nije nadmašen. Treće, jer smo postigli maksimalnu brzinu na ovoj regati, 38 čvorova, a četvrto, zbog krizne situacije na samom startu kad se teško ozlijedio član posade te je sve moglo završiti drugačije, no izvanrednom reakcijom sve je spasio naš skiper Jochen Schumann. Imali smo
World Sailor of the Year. He was the key member of the Esimit Europa 2 team, the skipper who knew how to get the best out of 18 magnificent individuals coming from 11 countries, motivating them to give a hundred percent and more, sometimes in extremely hard situations.
What did it feel like to be from a small country like Slovenia and beat crews from bigger maritime countries?
The Esimit Europa 2 has flown the flags for the Slovenian Sailing Federation and YC Monaco, and has sailed under the European flag, endorsed by the president of the European Commission, Manuel Barroso, who had approved the project. At first it was a bit confusing for the other contestants. I experienced the greatest pleasure when we beat all those millionaires from various countries in the Giraglia regatta, five times in a row, and especially when we set this sensational record. I can't put into words what I felt when we won Fastnet, one of the most demanding legendary races, where everybody who’s anybody in sailing come to compete, or the Maxi Yacht World Cup off Sardinia (Porto Cervo). You know, at the entrance to YC Costa Smeralda, which is owned by Aga Khan, there is a silver plate where the names of winners are engraved. First there is Australia, followed by the USA, then Italy, and then Slovenia, Slovenia, Slovenia... Everybody wondered how we got there.
My favourite was Giraglia 2012. Firstly, because of the incredibly harsh conditions. The organisers were considering cancelling the milestone 60th regatta because of the strong mistral wind reaching 35 to 40 knots. Secondly, because of the sensational record we set. We finished in 14 hours and 56 minutes sailing a 250-nautical mile course, and this record hasn't been broken yet. Thirdly, because we reached the maximum speed in this race, 38 knots; and fourth, because of a crisis situation that we had at the onset of the race, when a crew member had a serious injury. It all could have ended differently, but our skipper, Jochen Schumann, reacted swiftly and saved the day. We also had a great navigator, Boris Herrmann, whose navigation was impeccable till the very end and who was incredibly calm when facing the great gusts of wind and huge
Jedrenje me naučilo da kada se dogodi promjena na tržištu ili u tvrtki ne inzistirate na prijašnjoj strategiji i organizaciji, nego se što prije prilagodite novoj stvarnosti
Sailing has taught me that when there are changes in the market or a company, you should not insist on the strategy and organisation you have had up to that point, but rather adapt to the new reality as quickly as possible
i izvrsnog navigatora Borisa Herrmanna koji nas je besprijekorno vodio do kraja s nevjerojatnom smirenosti pred jakim udarima vjetra i golemim valovima. Cijela ekipa radila je kao švicarski sat te su na toj regati pokazani rezultati beskompromisnog treninga, znanja svakog pojedinca i timskog rada.
Nedavno ste dobili odlikovanje Yacht Cluba de Monaco za poseban doprinos jedrenju. Što vam to znači?
Biti nagrađen u klubu koji ima 2500 članova iz 80 zemalja velika je čast i zadovoljstvo jer princ Albert ll. zna pokazati da i njemu ti uspjesi mnogo znače, zato nas neprestano potiče da se dalje razvijamo i da u svojoj viziji uvijek imamo nove ciljeve. YC Monaco moj je drugi dom, ondje su me dobro primili prijatelji i poznanici, koji nikada ne zaboravljaju dosadašnje uspjehe i nagrade koje smo pojedinačno donijeli klubu.
Uz jedrenje vaša obiteljska tradicija počiva na vinu. Koliko su slični ili različiti vino i brodovi?
Ako za plovidbu moram zahvaliti stricu Borisu, za vinski ugled naše obitelji dugujem ocu Zvonimiru Simčiču, koji je prvo bio dugogodišnji generalni direktor zadružne vinarije u Brdima. Njegova vizija razvoja kraja na temeljima vrhunskog vina i vjera u autohtonu rebulu donijeli su mu ugled i počasne titule u zemlji i svijetu. Zbog očuvanja te sorte i poboljšanja kvalitete vina koje se pravi od nje na temelju svojih inovacija i tehnoloških rješenja dobio je nadimak oca
waves. The whole team ran like clockwork, and those were the results of rigorous training, every individual's skills, and teamwork.
Recently, you received an award by Yacht Club de Monaco for your special contribution to sailing. What significance does it have for you?
To receive an award in a club with 2,500 members from 80 countries is a great honour and privilege, and Prince Albert II is good at showing that these successes mean a lot to him. That's why he constantly encourages us to develop and to always strive for new goals in our vision. YC Monaco is my home away from home, where I feel welcomed by my friends and acquaintances, who never forget the results and awards that we have brought to the club individually.
Along with sailing, your family tradition is winemaking. What are the similarities and differences between wine and boats?
If I have my uncle Boris to thank for sailing, for the winemaking reputation of my family I have to thank my father Zvonimir Simčič, who was first the general manager of a winemaking cooperative in the region of Brda. His vision of how the region should develop based on premium wine and his faith in the indigenous Rebula grape gained him reputation and honorary titles in the country and around the world. For the efforts he made in order to preserve this grape variety and to improve the quality of the wine made from it, and based on his innovations and technological solutions, he has
rebule s obje strane granice, u Sloveniji i Italiji. Na 100. godišnjicu rođenja podignut mu je spomenik u dvorcu Dobrovo, a svečanost su svojom nazočnošću uveličali predsjednik Republike Slovenije te talijanski i slovenski ministar poljoprivrede. Nakon umirovljenja, uz sve znanje i iskustvo povrh svega, kao veliki ljubitelj šampanjca, moj je otac u domaćem vinogradu, u kojem su se naši preci vinom bavili od 1812. godine, započeo proizvodnju klasičnih pjenušaca na bazi rebule, na temelju čega je stvorio brend Medot. Sad je na redu moj sin Simon da vodi i razvija taj obiteljski dragulj generacijama. Vino i jedrenje savršeno se dopunjuju jer kada se pobijedi na regati nazdravlja se pjenušcem Medot.
Plovili ste na brojnim svjetskim morima, ali uvijek ističete da vam je Jadran najdraži. Zašto?
Jadran mi je najdraži od 1984., kada sam kupio prvu jedrilicu, kada sam s obitelji ili sam uživao u svim ljepotama najljepšeg mora na svijetu, gdje smo ja i moja partnerica najdraži tim, gdje brzina nije na prvom mjestu, a gdje možete sve to spojiti s nevjerojatnom ljepotom otoka, ljubaznim ljudima, dobrom hranom, u posljednje vrijeme i vrhunskim vinom. U svakom slučaju moj su treći dom ACI marine na Cresu i u Opatiji, gdje se osjećam kao kod kuće, među prijateljima koji znaju što je u životu važno.
been called the father of Rebula on both sides of the border – Slovenia and Italy. On the 100th anniversary of his birth, a monument was unveiled at Dobrovo Castle, attended by the President of the Republic of Slovenia and the Italian and Slovenian ministers for agriculture. Having retired, my father, a great champagne lover, used all of his expertise and experience to start making traditional sparkling wine from Rebula in our vineyard, where our ancestors had been making wine since 1812, and created the Medot brand. Now it is my son Simon's turn to run and develop this family treasure for the generations to come. Wine and sailing complement each other perfectly, because when one wins a sailing race, one makes a toast with Medot sparkling wine.
You have sailed on a number of the world seas, yet you always say that the Adriatic is your favourite. Why?
The Adriatic has been my favourite since 1984, when I bought my first sailing boat, and when I, alone or with my family, enjoyed all the wonders of the most beautiful sea in the world. It is the place where I and my partner are my favourite team, where speed is not the most important thing and where you can combine all that with the breathtaking beauty of the islands, friendly people, delicious food and, lately, premium wines... In any case, my other home away from home are ACI marinas on the island of Cres and in Opatija, where I feel at home among friends who know what matters in life.
ACI marina Palmižana, otvorena od početka travnja do kraja listopada, ubraja se među najljepše marine na Jadranu i idealna je početna točka za istraživanje božanstvenog arhipelaga Paklenih otoka. Pruža sve benefite civilizacije poput sanitarija, bankomata, interneta, trgovine i ugostiteljskog objekta, a pritom i dalje imate osjećaj da se nalazite u raskošnoj riznici prirode.
ACI Marina Palmižana, open from the beginning of April to the end of October, is one of the most beautiful marinas in the Adriatic and the ideal starting point for exploring the divine Pakleni archipelago. It provides all the benefits of civilisation, such as sanitary facilities, a cash machine, the internet, a shop and a restaurant, but you still have the feeling that you are in a treasure trove of nature.
Hvar je najpopularniji otok na Jadranu, a neodvojiv dio njegove nautičke ponude jest ACI marina Palmižana sa 180 vezova, otvorena od početka travnja do kraja listopada, koja se ubraja među najljepše marine na Jadranu. Nalazi se u istoimenoj uvali na sjeveroistočnoj strani Svetog Klementa, najvećeg među Paklenim otocima. Ostatak arhipelaga odavde je nadohvat ruke: iz Palmižane se lako otisnuti u istraživanje brojnih skrivenih uvala i izoliranih plaža koje će vas ostaviti bez daha.
Još od antičkih vremena ovdje buja život, pa je ideja ovog teksta predstaviti vam podrobnije jedno od najdojmljivijih mjesta za nautičare koji dolaze na hrvatsku obalu. Opisat ćemo samo neka najpopularnija odredišta, a ostatak možete otkrivati sami dok plovite Jadranom.
Zaštićeno područje Paklenih otoka prostire se od grada Hvara prema zapadu, a otočnu skupinu čine otočići Dobri, Gojca, Jerolim, Marinkovac, Paržanj, Planikovac, Pokonji dol, Stambedar, Sveti Klement, Travna, Vlaka, Vodnjak Mali i Vodnjak Veli i Gališnik te dva otočića istog imena Borovac.
Pakleni otoci ime duguju paklini, vrsti borove smole koja se davnih dana upotrebljavala u brodogradnji. Kao posljedica dijalekta iskrivljavanjem riječi „paklina” skupina se naziva i Pakleni otoci iako sam naziv nema apsolutno nikakve veze s paklom. Štoviše, ta otočna oaza u blizini Hvara nautički je raj na zemlji. Hvarski škoji, kako Paklene otoke naziva lokalno stanovništvo, božanstveno je lijep ar-
The island of Hvar is the most popular island in the Adriatic, and an integral part of the island's nautical tourism is one of the most beautiful marinas in the Adriatic – ACI Marina Palmižana, which has 180 berths and is open from the beginning of April to the end of October. It is situated in Palmižana bay in the north-east of the island of Sveti Klement, the largest in the Pakleni archipelago. The rest of the archipelago is within easy reach: from Palmižana, you can set out on an exploration tour of the many sheltered coves and secluded beaches, which will leave you breathless.
Life has been present here since ancient times, and the idea behind this text is to provide some details about one of the most remarkable places that a boater coming to the Croatian coast can find. We will only describe a few of the most popular destinations, and you can discover others while sailing in the Adriatic.
The Pakleni Islands protected area spreads from the town of Hvar towards the west, with the archipelago consisting of the following islands: Dobri, Gojca, Jerolim, Marinkovac, Paržanj, Planikovac, Pokonji Dol, Stambedar, Sveti Klement, Travna, Vlaka, Vodnjak Mali, Vodnjak Veli, Gališnik and two islets bearing the same name – Borovac.
The Pakleni Islands got their name after paklina, a type of pine resin, which was used in boatmaking in ancient time. Since the word is pronounced paklena in the dialect, the archipelago is called Pakleni Islands, and the link to the word
hipelag koji kombinira party destinacije, osamljene uvale i vrhunsku gastronomsku ponudu.
Kada posjetiti Paklene otoke? Na to pitanje morat ćete odgovoriti sami jer ovisi o vašim preferencijama i stilu života.
Oni željni zabave, glamura i ljetne vreve birat će sezonske mjesece kada Paklenjaci pucaju od života i vrve ljudima, kako kopnenim turistima koji brodicama dolaze iz grada Hvara, tako i onima koji stižu brojnim plovilima te im je ovaj dio Jadrana nezaobilazan dio itinerara.
S druge strane nautičari željni mira i tišine birat će proljetne ili jesenske mjesece kada će vam ovi otoci otkriti nježnu mediteransku dušu iz drugačije perspektive. Obale koje uljepšava zelenilo borova, tirkizne nijanse mora i vjetar koji raznosi opojne mirise mediteranskog bilja doživljaji su koje ćete dugo pamtiti.
Pakleni otoci počinju od Pokonjeg dola, otočića sa svjetionikom iz 1872. godine koji krasi brojne hrvatske turističke promotivne plakate i poput kamene barke brodi hvarskim arhipelagom. Brojni nautičari vole uz njega snimiti poneku fotografiju prije nego što se otisnu u morsko plavetnilo prema najvećem otoku Svetom Klementu, gdje je Arheološko društvo Sveti Klement otkrilo tragove kasnoantičke civilizacije. ACI marina Palmižana nalazi se na sjeveroistočnoj strani otoka, ušuškana u lijepoj uvali koja nudi siguran vez po svim vremenskim uvjetima. Uklopljena je u ambijent, a more je tako bistro i čisto da ćete često vidjeti kupače.
Hvarski škoji, kako Paklene otoke naziva lokalno stanovništvo, božanstveno je lijep arhipelag koji kombinira party destinacije, osamljene uvale i vrhunsku gastronomsku ponudu.
Hvarski Škoji, as the locals call the Pakleni Islands, are a divinely beautiful archipelago that combines party destinations, secluded coves and first-rate culinary delights.
for ‘hell’ (pakao) is only indirect. Despite the etymology, this island oasis near Hvar is a real nautical heaven on earth. Hvarski Škoji, as the locals call the Pakleni Islands, are a divinely beautiful archipelago that combines party destinations, secluded coves and first-rate culinary delights. When to visit the Pakleni Islands? You will have to answer this question yourself because it depends on your preferences and lifestyle. Those leaning towards entertainment, glamour and the buzz of summer will choose summer months, when the islands are bustling with life and teeming with people – both tourists from the mainland, coming from the town of Hvar on boats, and boaters who find this part of the Adriatic an indispensable part of their itinerary. On the other hand, boaters intent on finding peace and quiet will choose spring or autumn months, when these islands show another part of their nature, revealing their soft Mediterranean soul. Shores adorned with green pine trees, the turquoise shades of the sea, and the wind spreading the intoxicating scents of Mediterranean herbs are experiences that will stay with you for a long time. The first in the string of the Pakleni Islands is Pokonji Dol, an islet with a lighthouse built in 1872, which can be seen on many Croatian tourist promotion posters, looking like a stone boat sailing in the Hvar archipelago. Many a boater will want to take a photo or two of it before sailing off towards the largest island, Sveti Klement, where the Sveti
Nautičari je rado posjećuju jer pruža sve benefite civilizacije poput sanitarija, bankomata, interneta, trgovine i ugostiteljskog objekta, a pritom i dalje imate osjećaj da se nalazite u raskošnoj riznici prirode. Velika je prednost i blizina Hvara (malo više od dvije nautičke milje) pa oni željni bržeg otočnog ritma mogu kratkom vožnjom taksi brodovima brzo stići do jednog od najljepših gradova na Jadranu.
Marina u Palmižani često je polazišna točka za obilazak cijelog Svetog Klementa koji možete istražiti kopnenim i morskim putem. Nautičarima koji vole duge šetnje ovaj je otok idealan poligon za lakši trekking. Sveti Klement prošaran je kozjim puteljcima pa svakako ponesite kartu koja se može nabaviti na recepciji marine, prikladno se odjenite i obujte te ponesite dovoljno tekućine. Vodite računa i o ljetnim temperaturama. Jutro ili večer mnogo je prikladnije za hodanje, a u vrijeme „zvizdana” bolje je boraviti na palubi broda i rashladiti se kupanjem u moru. Preporučili bismo vam šetnju stazom do uvale Taršće, Vlake ili Momića polja, od kojeg put vodi do najviše točke Paklenih otoka – vrha Vela glava (visina 94 metra), a oni koji se zapute kopnom prema Solinama mogu vidjeti i ostatke rimske ladanjske vile.
„Šetnja” morem najbolja je omanjom brodicom, tenderom ili čak kajakom i SUP-om-, što će vam omogućiti da zavirite i u one kutke koji će vam u plovidbi većim brodovima biti nedostupni. Pritom vodite računa da je ljeti morski promet u Paklenom kanalu između Hvara i Paklenih otoka poput rush houra u svjetskim metropolama, a valovi koje stvaraju trajekti i brojni ostali brodovi znaju biti prilično neugodni za manja plovila. Južne strane otoka
ACI marina Palmižana nalazi se na sjeveroistočnoj strani otoka Sveti Klement. Uklopljena je u ambijent, a more je tako bistro i čisto da ćete često vidjeti kupače.
ACI Marina Palmižana is in the north-east of the island of Sveti Klement. It is completely integrated into the environment, and the sea is so clear and clean that you will often see people swimming in it.
Klement Archeological Society has discovered traces of a civilisation living here in Late Antiquity. ACI Marina Palmižana is in the north-east of the island, tucked in a beautiful bay, providing a safe harbour in all weather conditions. It is completely integrated into the environment, and the sea is so clear and clean that you will often see people swimming in it.
It is a favourite with boaters because it provides all the benefits of civilisation, such as sanitary facilities, a cash machine, the internet, a shop and a restaurant, but you still have the feeling that you are in a treasure trove of nature. The short distance to Hvar (a little over 2 nautical miles) is another great advantage, so those wanting a buzz can take a short trip in a taxi boat to one of the most attractive towns in the Adriatic.
The Palmižana marina is often the starting point for a tour around the entire island of Sveti Klement, which can be explored both by land and by sea. For boaters who are keen on long walks, this island is an ideal training ground for less demanding trekking. Desire paths meander across Sveti Klement, so be sure to take a map, which you can get at the marina reception desk; wear appropriate clothes and footwear and don't forget water.
Also, take into account the summer temperatures: morning or evening is much more suitable for a walking tour, and at midday it is better to be on the deck of your boat and cool yourself by swimming in the sea. We recommend a walk to the coves of Taršće, Vlaka or Momića Polje, from where you can follow a path leading to the highest point in the Pakleni Islands – the Vela Glava
koje gledaju prema Visu imaju mnogo intimniju atmosferu. Uvala Taršće pruža iskonski užitak u hedonizmu mora, kao i manja uvala Perna s pješčanim žalom i bistrim morem. Treba naglasiti da su te uvale otvorene prema južnim vjetrovima, stoga pratite vremensku prognozu i prema potrebi premjestite plovilo na sigurnije mjesto.
Na manjim otocima istočno od Svetog Klementa također je nekoliko ultrapopularnih nautičkih punktova. Jerolim ili Sveti Jerolim poznato je naturističko kupalište, a uvala Stipanska na Marinkovcu popularno party odredište koje tijekom ljeta stotinama veselih i rasplesanih ljudi nudi provod do sitnih jutarnjih sati. Mala laguna u prolazu Ždrilca između otočića Planikovca, Borovca i malo većeg Marinkovca dobar je izbor za dnevnu „đitu”, dok je tijekom sjevernih vjetrova bolje potražiti mjesto u ACI marini Palmižana i uživati u nebu prepunom zvijezda.
U jedinstvenom pejzažu Paklenih otoka i 50 nijansi tirkizne najljepše je izgubiti pojam o vremenu i prepustiti se bezbrižnom odmoru.
„Šetnja” morem oko Paklenih otoka najbolja je omanjom brodicom, tenderom ili čak kajakom i SUP-om, što će vam omogućiti da zavirite i u one kutke koji će vam u plovidbi većim brodovima biti nedostupni.
A sea ‘tour’ around the Pakleni Islands is best in a smaller boat, a tender, or even a sea kayak or an SUP, because this will give you an opportunity to have a peek into those nooks and crannies that might be unreachable in a larger boat.
(altitude: 94 m). Those setting off inland towards Soline can also see the remains of a Roman villa.
A sea ‘tour’ is best in a smaller boat, a tender, or even a sea kayak or an SUP, because this will give you an opportunity to have a peek into those nooks and crannies that might be unreachable in a larger boat. Keep in mind that in summer, maritime traffic in the Pakleni Channel separating Hvar and the Pakleni Islands is just like rush hour in a metropolis, and the waves made by ferries and other bigger vessels can be fairly unpleasant for smaller crafts. The south side of the island, looking out to the island of Vis, is much more intimate. The cove of Taršće offers pure sea hedonism, as does the smaller cove of Perna with its small sand beach and clear sea. It should be pointed out that these coves are exposed to south winds, so be sure to check the weather forecast and move your boat to a safer spot if necessary.
Smaller islands to the east of Sveti Klement also offer several megapopular nautical spots. Jerolim or Sveti Jerolim boasts a naturist beach, and the Stipanska cove on the island of Marinkovac is a famous party destination, offering all-night entertainment to hundreds of revellers in the summer. Mala Laguna in the Ždrilca channel, separating the islets of Planikovac, Borovac and the somewhat bigger Marinkovac, is a good choice for a day trip, while in a north wind it is better to find a safe spot in ACI Marina Palmižana and enjoy the star-studded sky.
In the unique landscape of the Pakleni Islands and their 50 shades of turquoise, the best thing to do is to lose track of time and indulge in a carefree holiday.
ACI marine, strateški raspoređene po cijelom području Jadrana, idealne su početne točke za istraživanje skrivenih uvala i plaža u kojima se možete prepustiti užicima mora i Mediterana
ACI marinas, strategically placed all over the Adriatic, are the ideal starting points for exploring sheltered bays and secluded beaches where you can surrender to all the pleasures offered by the sea and the Mediterranean
S više od tisuću otoka, bogatim kulturnim nasljeđem i čistom prirodom hrvatska obala Jadrana jedno je od najatraktivnijih nautičkih područja u svijetu. Tomu svjedoče brojni brodovi koji svake godine plove Jadranom i mnoštvo sretnih lica koja uživaju u otkrivanju mnogih tajni hrvatske obale.
Upravo su ACI marine, strateški raspoređene po cijelom području Jadrana, idealne početne točke za istraživanje skrivenih uvala i plaža u kojima se možete prepustiti užicima mora i Mediterana.
With over a thousand islands, rich cultural heritage and pristine nature, the Croatian Adriatic coast is one of the most attractive nautical areas in the world. A great number of boats sailing the Adriatic Sea every year testifies to this, as does a multitude of happy faces that enjoy uncovering innumerable secrets of the Croatian coast. And it is ACI marinas, strategically placed all over the Adriatic, that are just the ideal starting point for exploring sheltered bays and secluded beaches where you can surrender to all the pleasures offered by the sea and the Mediterranean.
Da bi vam olakšali navigaciju jadranskim ljepotama, tekst je podijeljen na sjeverni, srednji i južni Jadran, a vjerujemo da će iskusni morski vukovi, kao i oni koji prvi put dolaze ploviti u Hrvatskoj pronaći svoju uvalu snova. S obzirom na to da smo u tiskanom izdanju ograničeni prostorom, ne možemo spomenuti sve lijepe uvale, no nadamo se da će vas naš tekst potaknuti na daljnje istraživanje jadranskih morskih prostranstava.
Svakako pripazite da brod sidrite prema pravilima i da uvala koju odaberete kao sidrište nudi dobar zaklon. Uvijek pratite vremensku prognozu, imajte na plovilima svu potrebnu opremu te, ako se za nevremena ipak nađete na moru, budite u blizini sigurnih luka.
More snova koje počinje na pitomim obalama Istre i završava kod Zadra pruža vam brojne mogućnosti za plovidbu iz snova. Nacionalni parkovi i parkovi prirode te otoci kvarnerskog arhipelaga sjajne su nautičke destinacije u kojima uvijek možete pronaći miran kutak za sebe. ACI Pula s prekrasnim pogledom na jedan od najljepših amfiteatara na svijetu nudi nautički izlet iz snova u Nacionalni park Brijuni, koji je udaljen oko pet nautičkih milja od najvećeg istarskog grada. Južni dio Istarskog poluotoka njegov je najistureniji krak, vršak trokuta koji rtom Kamenjak uranja u nebeskoplavo jadranskomore. U zagrljaju jednog od atraktivnih zaljeva tog arhipelaga smjestila se ACI
To make it easier for you to navigate the Adriatic scenic attractions, this text has been divided into three parts: Northern, Central and Southern Adriatic. We believe that experienced sea dogs, as well as sailors who have come to Croatia for the first time, will find their dream bay. Since space is restricted in the print edition, we can hardly mention all the beautiful bays and coves, but we believe that our text will inspire you to explore the blue expanse of the Adriatic some more.
Be sure to anchor your boat according to regulations and that the bay you have chosen as your anchorage gives good shelter. Always check the weather forecast and have all the necessary equipment onboard. Should you nevertheless find yourself in a storm at sea, be near safe harbours.
The dream sea that starts on the gentle coasts of Istria and ends near Zadar offers a great number of possibilities for a sailing trip of your dreams. National parks and nature parks as well as the islands of the Kvarner archipelago are great nautical destinations where you can always find a peaceful spot for yourself. ACI Pula with a breathtaking view of one of the most beautiful amphitheatres in the world offers a nautical dream trip towards Brijuni National Park, which is about 5 nautical miles away from the biggest city in Istria. The southern part of the Istrian penin-
marina Pomer. Od nekadašnjeg malog ribarskog mjesta zaplovite u ljepotu Kamenjaka prema nekoliko milja udaljenoj uvali Portić koju krasi prekrasno čisto more. Ljubiteljima otočnog hedonizma svidjet će se plovidba Cresom, čije zapadne obale kriju pregršt „opako” dobrih mjesta za nautičare. ACI marina Cres glavno je ishodište svih plovidbi, a put prema sjeveru dovest će vas do plaže Sveti Ivan ili, kako je domaći zovu, Luce, koja se nalazi podno mističnih Lubenica. Kupanje s ovakvim pogledom izvanzemaljsko je iskustvo, no noćenje na sidru nije preporučljivo. Mnogo veću sigurnost pruža Punta Križa na jugu Cresa, u čijih nekoliko krakova možete pronaći uvalu po svojoj mjeri. I dok je Cres poznat kao otok koji očarava divljim pejzažima, na Rabu ili sretnom otoku, kako su ga zvali Rimljani, čak su dvije ACI marine (Supetarska Draga i Rab) iz kojih možete krenuti u otkrivanje rapskog kraljevstva. Plovidba tim akvatorijem ponudit će vam uživanje u sjevernoj strani Raba od poluotoka Kalifronta te uvala Ćifnata i Gožinka preko carstva pješčanih plaža u blizini Lopara do otoka Sveti Grgur i Golog otoka na kojima su tijekom povijesti bile smještene kaznene ustanove. ACI marina Šimuni svojevrsni je sjeverni ulaz u Dalmaciju ili posljednja marina
sula ends in Cape Kamenjak, which, resembling a point in a triangle, juts into the sky-blue Adriatic Sea. ACI Marina Pomer has made itself comfortable in the embrace of one of the attractive bays in this archipelago. Start off from the former small fishing town and, surrounded by the breathtaking scenery of Kamenjak, sail for only a few miles to the bay of Portić, which is characterised by a beautiful, clean sea. Those in love with island hedonism will appreciate sailing around Cres, whose west coast offers a great number of extremely good spots for boaters. ACI Marina Cres is the main starting point of all sailing trips, and sailing north will bring you to the Sveti Ivan beach, or, as the locals call it, Luce, situated beneath the mystical town of Lubenice. Swimming in a place like this is an out-of-this-world experience; however, spending the night at anchor is not recommended. Much safer is Punta Križa in the south of Cres, where you are sure to find a bay made to your measure. Whereas Cres is famous for its enchanting wild scenery, Rab, or the happy island, as the Romans called it, has as many as two ACI marinas (Supetarska Draga and Rab), from which you can start your exploration of the Rab kingdom. By sailing in these waters, you can enjoy the view of the north side of the
Brijuni, Kamenjak, divljina otoka Cresa i carstvo pješčanih plaža na Rabu samo su dio ljepota koje vas očekuju na sjevernom Jadranu
The Brijuni islands, Kamenjak, the wild scenery of the island of Cres, and the kingdom of sandy beaches on the island of Rab are just some of the attractions waiting for you in the Northern Adriatic
The Central Adriatic offers many possibilities. From the dream bays of Kornati to glamorous destinations in the Pakleni Islands
kvarnerskoga otočnog kruga. Lijepo je sidrište u uvali Šip na otoku Maunu, a potom možete krenuti na otok Olib gdje se nalaze neke najljepše pješčane plaže na Jadranu ili se otisnuti prema Rabu i Cresu te putovanje završiti u ACI marini Opatija.
Prva asocijacija na zadarski, šibenski i splitski arhipelag jest nautički raj. Već na početku plovidbe srednjim Jadranom očekuju vas dva ACI-jeva bisera – ACI Žut i ACI Piškera, koji su smješteni u kornatskom labirintu snova. Svakako posjetite najljepšu kornatsku uvalu Lojena, jedinu pješčanu plažu na Kornatima čije će vas tirkizne nijanse mora očarati. Otočić Veli Rašip između Piškere i Mane zanimljiv je nautičarima jer jedna od stijena ima oblik ljudske glave,
island, which spreads from the Kalifront peninsula and the bays of Ćifnata and Gožinka, to the empire of sandy beaches near Lopar and the islands of Sveti Grgur and Goli, where there used to be prisons. ACI Marina Šimuni can be considered the northern gate to Dalmatia, being the last marina in the Kvarner group of islands. There is a nice anchorage in the bay of Šip on the island of Maun, from where you can continue your trip to the island of Olib, which boasts some of the most beautiful sandy beaches on the Adriatic, or you can set off towards Rab and Cres, ending your journey in ACI Marina Opatija.
When you think of the islands of the Zadar, Šibenik and Split archipelagos, the first thing that comes to your mind is – nautical heaven. Right at the beginning of your sailing trip in the Central Adriatic, you will come across two jewels in ACI's crown – ACI Žut and ACI Piškera, located in the Kornati labyrinth of dreams. Be sure to visit the most attractive bay in the Kornati archipelago –Lojena – which boasts the only sandy beach in this group of islands, whose turquoise shades of blue will enchant you. Veli Rašip, a small island between the islands of Piškera and Mana is of interest to boaters because one of the rocks is shaped like a human head, whereas the islets
dok malene otoke između Kornata i Telašćice, znane i kao Tajerske sestrice, vrijedi posjetiti zbog svjetionika smještenog na Veloj Sestrici. Otok Žut ne pripada Nacionalnom parku Kornati, ali je iznimno zanimljiv. Nautičarima preporučujemo uvale Pinizel, Žešnja i Babin bok. Šibenski arhipelag najbolje je istraživati iz ACI marine Jezera, ACI marine Vodice ili pak iz ACI marine Skradin koja se nalazi na vratima Nacionalnog parka Krka, stoga nemojte propustiti vidjeti i jedinstvene slapove jadranske riječne ljepotice. Onima željnim mira i tišine preporučujemo nenaseljene otoke u blizini Šibenika poput Tijata i uvale Tijašćica te Kakana i uvale Potkućina. Oni koji nastavljaju prema jugu bit će nagrađeni tirkiznom lagunom u uvali Krknjaši, koja se nalazi sedam nautičkih milja od ACI Trogir. Kao jadranski „centar svita”
ACI marina Split idealno je polazište za zlatni trokut Jadrana, prema otočnim prostranstvima Brača i Hvara, gdje ljeti uživa tisuće nautičara. ACI marina Milna ušuškana u uvali tisuću brodova, kako nazivaju najsigurniju bračku luku, sjajan je intermezzo prije prirodnih spektakala u uvali Blaca i glasovite plaže Zlatni rat koje krase južne obale tog otoka. A potom se pred vama otvara Hvar, najpopularniji jadranski otok koji nautičarima nudi neslućene mogućnosti. Na sjevernoj strani otoka na kojoj se nalazi ACI marina Vrboska smještena je prostrana uvala Žukova, a nakon što prođete rt Pelegrin kao najzapadniju točku Hvara, čeka vas carstvo Paklenih otoka. ACI marina Palmižana savršeno je uklopljena u božanstvenu okolinu, a ostatak arhipelaga nudi uvale „za prste polizat”. Taršće, Perna, Mlini, Ždrilca samo su neke koje vrijedi posjetiti.
between the Kornati and Telašćica, known as the Tajer sisters, are worth a visit because of the lighthouse on the island of Vela Sestrica. Although it does not belong to the Kornati National Park, the island of Žut is particularly interesting. We recommend visiting the bays of Pinizel, Žešnja and Babin Bok. It is best to explore the islands off Šibenik starting from ACI Marina Jezera, ACI Marina Vodice or ACI Marina Skradin, the last of which borders on the Krka National Park; be sure to visit the incomparable waterfalls of this beautiful river flowing into the Adriatic. To those who are after some peace and quiet, we can recommend the uninhabited islands off Šibenik, such as Tijat with its Tijašćica bay and Kakan with the bay of Potkućina. Sailing south will pay off in the shape of a turquoise lagoon in the bay of Krknjaši, situated 7 nautical miles off ACI Trogir. As the Adriatic “centre of the world”, ACI Marina Split is the ideal starting point for a journey towards the Adriatic “golden triangle” – the islands of Brač and Hvar and their waters, where thousands of boaters enjoy the summer every year. ACI Marina Milna, tucked in the bay of thousand boats – as the safest harbour of the island of Brač is sometimes called – is a great overture to the natural extravaganza of the bay of Blaca and the iconic beach of Zlatni rat on the south coast of the island. And then you come to Hvar, the most popular island in the Adriatic, which offers untold possibilities. On the northern coast of the island, where ACI Marina Vrboska is situated, there is the large bay of Žukova, and after you have sailed past cape Pelegrin, the westernmost point of Hvar, there awaits the empire of the Pakleni Islands. ACI Marina Palmižana perfectly fits the divine environment, and other bays of the archipelago are simply to die for. Taršće, Perna, Mlini, Ždrilca are just some that you should visit.
Ruta južnim Jadranom jamči savršen spoj povijesti i hedonizma. Korčulanski škoji, Elafitski otoci i čudesan Dubrovnik idealni su sastojci za spektakularnu plovidbu
The Southern Adriatic route will provide you with a perfect combination of history and hedonism. The Korčula islands, the Elaphites and the amazing city of Dubrovnik are the perfect ingredients for a spectacular sailing trip
Opijeni toplim suncem juga, drevni gradovi južnog Jadrana osigurat će vam savršen spoj povijesti i hedonizma. Uskočite u cipele legendarnog Marka Pola i istražite kamenu ljepotu grada Korčule. Ovdje ćete se osjećati privilegirano jer je ACI marina Korčula smještena tik do velebnih zidina starog grada. U blizini su i korčulanski škoji, kako lokalno stanovništvo zove skupinu od 20 otoka i otočića u blizini najvećeg grada na otoku. Prekrasne uvale na otocima Badija, Stupe i Vrnik savršen su izgovor za dnevno kupanje. Dok pramac vašeg broda reže rutu prema ACI Slano, zastanite na Elafitskim otocima, omiljenim mjestima dubrovačke vlastele koja je nekoć ovdje imala svoje ljetnikovce. Šipan, Koločep i Lopud narisat će vam slike nekadašnjeg Mediterana, a mi vam preporučujemo stanku u uvali Šunj, najpopularnijoj pješčanoj ljepotici u dubrovačkom arhipelagu. I za kraj, prije nego što uplovite u sigurnost ACI marine Dubrovnik, savjetujemo plovidbu ispred jednog od najljepših svjetskih gradova. Vidjeti Dubrovnik s morske strane poseban je spektakl.
Dazzled by the southern warm sun, the ancient cities of the Southern Adriatic will provide you with a perfect combination of history and hedonism. Walk in Marco Polo’s shoes and explore the stone beauty of the town of Korčula. You will feel privileged here because ACI Marina Korčula is right next to the great walls of the old town. Nearby are the Korčula islands (or Škoji, as the locals call them), a group of 20 islands and islets situated off the biggest town on the island. Beautiful bays and coves on the islands of Badija, Stupe or Vrnik are a perfect “excuse” for going for a swim. While the bow of your boat is cutting through the water en route for ACI Marina Slano, make a stop at the Elaphites, the favourite summer spot of the Dubrovnik nobles, who once had their summer houses there. Šipan, Koločep and Lopud will present you with images of the Mediterranean as it once was, and we recommend a short break in the bay of Šunj, where is a beautiful sandy beach, the most popular one in the Dubrovnik archipelago. And, finally, before entering the safety of ACI Marina Dubrovnik, we suggest sailing in front of one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Dubrovnik from the sea is a spectacular sight.
Promenada Lungomare plaza, koja se nalazi samo nekoliko koraka od povijesnog dijela živopisnog Rovinja, u kratkom je razdoblju postala jedno od mjesta koje morate posjetiti tijekom svog boravka u Istri. Najbolje se može opisati kao promenada ispod Grand Park Hotela Rovinj s pet zvjezdica i iznad marine iste kategorije. Zahvaljujući svojoj jedinstvenoj lokaciji i posebno dizajniranom sadržaju, postala je mjesto susreta izvanrednih restorana i ljudi, nezaboravnog shoppinga i pogleda, mjesto na kojem možete popiti kavu i upijati sunčeve zrake.
The Lungomare Plaza promenade, only a few steps from the historical area of picturesque Rovinj, has quickly become one of those mustsee places you will visit while staying in Istria. It is best described as a promenade below the five-star Grand Park Hotel Rovinj and above the same-category marina. Thanks to its unique position and specially designed amenities, it has become a hub of great restaurants and people, unforgettable shopping and views, drinking coffee, and soaking up the sun.
Ovo opušteno, ležerno mjesto ima 13 ekskluzivnih butika koji nude vrhunsku modu, umjetnost, namještaj, rijetke parfeme, nakit, modne dodatke, časopise i gadgete više od 200 renomiranih međunarodnih i popularnih hrvatskih brendova. Ponuda uključuje poznate moderne dizajnerske brandove kao što su Just Cavalli, Isabel Marant,
This relaxed, casual place has 13 exclusive boutiques that offer upscale fashion, art, furniture, niche perfumes, jewellery, accessories, magazines, and gadgets made by more than 200 renowned international and popular Croatian brands. The offer includes famous modern designer brands like Just Cavalli, Isabel Marant,
Ulla Johnson, GANNI, Rodebjer, Heidi Klein, Vilebrequin, Gant, La Martina, Polo Ralph Lauren, Zimmermann, Rosetta Getty, Sheriff&Cherry, Marshall, Seletti, Pomellato, Bvlgari, Byredo, Xerjoff, Escentric Molecules, Juliette has a gun, Dr. Barbara Sturm, Lei Lou by Aleksandra Dojčinović, Chopard i mnoge druge. Čak je i modna kuća Chanel odabrala Lungomare Plazu 2021. kao svog domaćina za proslavu 100. godišnjice parfemske ikone N°5.
Ulla Johnson, GANNI, Rodebjer, Heidi Klein, Vilebrequin, Gant, La Martina, Polo Ralph Lauren, Zimmermann, Rosetta Getty, Sheriff&Cherry, Marshall, Seletti, Pomellato, Bvlgari, Byredo, Xerjoff, Escentric Molecules, Juliette has a gun, Dr. Barbara Sturm, Lei Lou by Aleksandra Dojčinović, Chopard, and many others. Even fashion house Chanel chose Lungomare Plaza in 2021 as its host for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the iconic perfume N°5.
Jeste li za nešto slatko ili osvježavajuće nakon shoppinga? Odložite vrećice za kupovinu i uživajte u poslijepodnevu u Katarina’s Patisserie uz probrane aperitive inspirirane Italijom te elegantne pekarske proizvode ili domaći sladoled. Ovdje čak možete doći i na rani ili kasni doručak u sjeni zelenila koje visi s rešetkastog krova.
Looking for something sweet or refreshments after shopping? Put down your shopping bags and enjoy the afternoon at Katarina’s Patisserie with exquisite Italian-inspired aperitivo and stylish pastries or home-made ice cream. Here you can even have early or late morning breakfast in the shade of the plants hanging from its lattice roof.
Navečer se promenada pretvara u mjesto za predivne fotografije zalaska sunca s Rovinjem u pozadini, savršeno za Instagram. U istom pogledu možete uživati i iz restorana Primi Terreni
Restaurant & Deli, gdje je opuštena atmosfera začinjena DJ glazbom, roštiljem i najnovijim koktelima, lokalnim vinom te craft pivom. Za večernja gurmanska iskustva nemojte propustiti restoran s Michelin zvjezdicom Agli Amici
Rovinj, čija kuhinja govori jezicima Istre i regije
Friuli Venezia Giulia, a može se iskusiti putem tri degustacijska menija koje je napravio poznati
chef Emanuele Scarello: Godia, Istria i Rovinj.
In the evening, the promenade turns into a place for amazing Instagram-perfect sunset photos with Rovinj in the background. The same view can be enjoyed from the Primi Terreni Restaurant & Deli, where the casual atmosphere is spiced up with DJ music, BBQ and the latest cocktails, local wine, or craft beer. For evening gourmet experiences, don’t miss the Michelin-star restaurant Agli Amici Rovinj whose cuisine speaks the languages of Istria and Friuli Venezia Giulia and can be experienced through three tasting menus created by the renowned chef Emanuele Scarello: Godia, Istria and Rovinj.
Autohtona bijela sorta grožđa iz Lumbarde na otoku Korčuli stara je nekoliko tisućljeća, a najbolje uspijeva u pješčanim vinogradima lumbarajskog polja. U posljednjih nekoliko godina grk je nova hrvatska vinska
zvijezda koja je nagrađena brojnim svjetskim priznanjima
Indigenous white grape variety from Lumbarda on the island of Korčula is several thousand years old, and the best place for it to grow are the sandy vineyards in the Lumbarda plain. In the last several years Grk has become the new Croatian wine star, presented with many international wine awards
Lumbarda na Korčuli oduvijek je mjesto preklapanja različitih naroda i kultura. Sudeći prema dosadašnjim spoznajama, prvi su joj stanovnici bili Iliri, koji su otokom vladali tijekom brončanog i željeznog doba, a njihova se materijalna ostavština ogleda u nizu grobnih i strateških kamenih gomila, pronađenih mahom na zapadnim predjelima Lumbarde.
Throughout its history, Lumbarda on the island of Korčula was a meeting point of different nations and cultures. Research that has been done to date indicates that its first inhabitants were the Illyrians, who ruled the island in the Bronze and Iron ages, leaving us a number of stone tumuli as well as stone heaps marking strategic points, which are mainly located in the western part of Lumbarda.
Prodorom grčkih interesa u Jadran otok Korčula izišao je iz povijesne anonimnosti i postao poznat kao Korkyra Melaina. Grcima je to područje očito bilo veoma važno jer su na Crnoj Korkiri podigli čak dvije svoje naseobine., a ona mlađa utemeljena je početkom trećeg stoljeća pr. Kr. u Lumbardi. O tom povijesnom događaju svjedoči najpoznatiji i najznačajniji antički kameni natpis dosad pronađen na tlu Republike Hrvatske. Riječ je o Lumbardskoj psefizmi, koja je pohranjena u Arheološkom muzeju u Zagrebu.
Tim dekretom ugovorene su pojedinosti o osnivanju kolonije. Iz teksta se, među ostalim, doznaje da su lumbardsku naseobinu utemeljili Grci s otoka Isse, današnjeg Visa, na osnovi ugovora s predstavnicima lokalnih Ilira Pilom i njegovim sinom Dazom. Lumbardska psefizma pronađena je na
The Greek incursions into the Adriatic Sea have brought the island of Korčula out of the historical anonymity, and it became known as Korkyra Melaina (‘Black Korkyra’). The area must have been of great significance to the ancient Greeks since they established as many as two settlements on the island. The later one was established in Lumbarda in the early 3rd century BCE. A testament to this historical event is the most well-known and significant stone inscription from antiquity that has been found in the Republic of Croatia up to the present day. It is the Lumbarda Psephisma, displayed in the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb.
The inscription is a decree detailing the establishment of the colony. From it, we know, among other things, that the Lumbarda settlement was established by the
Butikna proizvodnja od samo 70 tisuća boca grk svrstava među izrazito rijetka vina, pa priliku za njegovo kušanje treba shvatiti kao svojevrstan vinski praznik
A boutique production of only 70,000 bottles makes Grk one of extremely rare wines, so an opportunity to taste it should be seen as something of a wine holiday
vrhu brežuljka Koludrt, gdje je vjerojatno nekoć stajao isejski grad. Taj vrijedni povijesni dokument o korijenima današnje Lumbarde jednako je važan i za priču o počecima vinogradarstva i vinarstva starim nekoliko tisuća godina.
Otprilike tada počinje priča i o glavnom junaku ili bolje rečeno junakinji ovog teksta, o čemu će poslije biti riječ. Osim po Lumbardskoj psefizmi mjesto na Korčuli prepoznatljivo je i po autohtonoj bijeloj sorti grožđa zvanoj grk koje uspijeva u pješčanim vinogradima lumbarajskog polja. Trenutačno je u Lumbardi 13 proizvođača tog vina, od kojih je deset ujedinjeno u udruzi Grk Lumbarda (Ivica Batistić-Fidulić (Fides), Bartul Batistić-Zure (Zure), Bartul Cebalo (Vinarija Vitis), Branimir Cebalo (Grk Cebalo), Zoran Cebalo-Popić (Popić), Frano Milina Bire (Bire), Renci Milina-Lovrić (Lovrić), Ivan Nobilo (Vinarija Nobilo), OPG Marija Markovina-Cipre (Vinarija Cipre), OPG Mario Milina (Vinarija Casa Boschi), a tri su izvan udruge (Ante Cebalo (Vinarija Sabulum), OPG Luče, OPG Ivan Milina-Butara).
Prvi misterij vezan uz grk počinje s imenom. Kako objašnjava predsjednik Udruge Grk Lumbarda Ivan Batistić-Zure, postoje dvije teorije.
Greeks from the island of Issa, today’s Vis, on the basis of a previous agreement with the representatives of the local Illyrians, Pyllos and his son Dazos. The Lumbarda Psephisma was found on the top of the Koludrt hill, where, most likely, there once had been an Issian town. This valuable historical document revealing the origins of today’s Lumbarda is just as important for the story of the beginnings of viticulture and winemaking, which have been practiced here for several millennia.
Just about then begins our story about the hero, or, better said, the heroine of this text, which we will return to later. Apart from the Lumbarda Psephisma, this village on the island of Korčula is well-known for its indigenous white grape variety named Grk, which grows in the sandy vineyards in the Lumbarda plain. At the moment, there are 13 winemakers that produce this wine, ten of which are members of the Grk Lumbarda association – Ivica Batistić-Fidulić (Fides), Bartul Batistić-Zure (Zure), Bartul Cebalo (Vinarija Vitis), Branimir Cebalo (Grk Cebalo), Zoran Cebalo-Popić (Popić), Frano Milina Bire (Bire), Renci Milina-Lovrić (Lovrić), Ivan Nobilo (Vinarija Nobilo), OPG Marija Markovina Cipre (Vinarija Cipre), and OPG Mario Milina
„Prva teorija povezana je s grčkim narodom koji je prije nekoliko tisuća godina ovdje osnovao koloniju i proizvodio vino. No istraživanje podrijetla te sorte pokazalo je da grk nije rođak sortama koje rastu u Grčkoj, nego je u bliskom srodstvu s plavcem malim koji je karakterističan za dalmatinsko podneblje. Ipak, bliže je istini tvrdnja da je grk dobio ime po prepoznatljivoj gorkoj aromi. Naime, na našem dijalektu grk znači gorak”, ispričao je Ivan Batistić-Zure. U posljednjih nekoliko godina na hrvatskoj vinskoj sceni dogodila se renesansa grka. Butikna proizvodnja od samo 70 tisuća boca godišnje (svih 13 proizvođača zajedno) svrstava ga među izrazito rijetka vina, pa priliku za njegovo kušanje treba shvatiti kao svojevrstan vinski praznik. Raskošnom aromom i karakterističnom svjetlozelenkastožutom bojom sa zlatnim nijansama privukao je i međunarodne vinoljupce koji su lumbardskoj sorti, sasvim opravdano, dodijelili pregršt prestižnih nagrada poput Decantera i IWC-a.
„Priča o grku prepuna je legendi i interesantnih crtica koje bi svoje mjesto mogli pronaći i u filmskom scenariju. Zanimljivo je da je na
(Vinarija Casa Boschi) – and three non-members – Ante Cebalo (Vinarija Sabulum), OPG Luče, and OPG Ivan Milina Butara.
The first mystery relating to Grk is its name. As has been explained to us by Ivan Batistić-Zure, the president of the Grk Lumbarda association, there are two theories regarding the origin of the name Grk. “The first one is related to the Greeks (in Croatian, Grk is the singular form of the demonym) who established a colony here and started making wine several millennia ago. However, research into the origin of this variety has shown that Grk is not genetically related to varieties that are grown in Greece, but is a close relative of the Plavac Mali, which is characteristic of Dalmatia. Therefore, the theory about Grk being named after its distinctive bitter aroma is closer to the truth. In our dialect, grk means ‘bitter’”, says Ivan Batistić-Zure.
In the last several years, there has been a real Grk Reneissance on the Croatian wine scene. Grk is a boutique wine; only 70,000 bottles a year are produced (by all 13 winemakers combined), which
Grk je univerzalni vinski vojnik koji se može proizvoditi u zaista mnogo stilova – od pjenušca preko svježeg vina pa zrelog i odležanog sur lie metodom do desertnog i sasvim slatkog prošeka
Grk is a really versatile grape variety, which can be used to produce many different types of wines: from sparkling to fresh, to mature and aged sur lie, to dessert wines and a completely sweet Prošek
toj sorti muški cvijet medicinski rečeno impotentan pa se sadi u paru s plavcem malim ili nekom drugom sortom koje ga oprašuju. Zato ga nazivamo i grkinjom, odnosno profinjenom vinskom damom kojoj treba ugađati da bi vino rodilo što bolje. Zbog pijeska gdje raste lumbardski grk pokazao se posebno izdržljiv tijekom filoksere početkom 20. stoljeća, kada je ta bolest poharala dalmatinske otoke i potaknula velik egzodus stanovništva koje je živjelo od grožđa i vina”, istaknuo je Ivan Batistić-Zure. Nova hrvatska vinska zvijezda počela se rađati upravo inzistiranjem na kvaliteti konačnog proizvoda. Udruga u Lumbardi ulaže mnogo energije u ozbiljnu vinsku produkciju te potiče proizvodnju vrhunskih vina.
„Kada bismo naš lumbardski grk usporedili s međunarodnim sortama, rekli bismo da ima puno tijelo poput chardonnaya, svježinu rieslinga te jaku aromatičnost kao sauvignon blanc. Riječ je o univerzalnom vinskom vojniku koji se može proizvoditi u zaista mnogo stilova – od pjenušca preko svježeg vina pa zrelog i odležanog sur lie metodom do desertnog i sasvim slatkog prošeka. Upravo je zbog te svestranosti zahvalan za sljubljivanje s hranom jer odgovara uz morske delicije, ono najbolje što se lovi u moru, dobro se slaže i s jelima od bijelog mesa, a može se poslužiti i kao aperitiv. U neka starija vremena, kada su otočani puštali da grožđe raste do
make it one of extremely rare wines, so an opportunity to taste it should be seen as something of a wine holiday. Its rich aroma, characteristic light greenish-yellow colour with golden hues have also attracted international wine lovers, who have presented it, quite justifiably, with a great many prestigious awards such as the Decanter and the IWC.
“The story of Grk is full of legends and interesting anecdotes, like something out of a film. An interesting fact is that in this variety the male flower is, medically speaking, impotent, so the grape is planted together with Plavac Mali or another variety that can pollinate it. That is why we sometimes call it Grkinja – a sophisticated wine lady, who needs to be humoured in order to bear more fruit. Due to the sandy soil it grows on, the Lumbarda Grk proved especially resilient during the phylloxera outbreak in the early 20th century, when vineyards on Dalmatian islands were decimated, causing a real exodus of locals who had lived off viticulture and winemaking”, Ivan Batistić-Zure points out.
The new Croatian star was born through insistence on the quality of the end product. The Lumbarda association has put a lot of effort into professional wine making and promotes the production of high-quality wines.
“If we were to compare our Lumbardian Grk with international varieties, we could say that it is full-bodied like a Chardonnay, fresh like a Riesling and has a powerful aroma of a Sauvignon Blanc. It is a really versatile grape variety, which can be used to produce many different types of wines: from sparkling to fresh, to mature and aged sur lie, to dessert wines and a completely sweet Prošek. It is this versatility and range that makes it easy to match with food, because it can be paired with seafood, with the best the sea can offer; it also goes well with white meat, and it can serve as aperitif as well. In the olden days, when the local people used to let the grapes ripen completely, Grk was a semidry wine, which had a
potpunog sazrijevanja, grk je davao polusuho vino slatkastog okusa koje je sadržavalo i više od 15 posto alkohola. Pritom govorimo o jačini plavca malog, a riječ je o vinu ukusnom za konzumaciju s obzirom na slatkoću, ali i izrazito jakom. Zbog tih značajka idealna je baza za prošek”, naglasio je Ivan Batistić-Zure.
U vrlo skoroj budućnosti grk iz Lumbarde će, poput talijanskih ili francuskih vinskih regija i položaja, imati zaštićenu oznaku izvornosti. „S obzirom na specifičnost sorte naša udruga vinara u Lumbardi želi zaštititi i grk i njegove kupce. Naljepnica o zaštićenoj oznaci izvornosti pomaže potrošačima osvijestiti što kupuju i konzumiraju. Grk je postao prepoznatljiv brend Lumbarde i treba ga tretirati s poštovanjem”, smatra Ivan Batistić-Zure.
Od antike do danas grk nije samo vinska sorta nego i svjedok dalmatinskog načina života. A to je nešto vrijedno zdravice. Naravno, grkom, vinom koje slavi more i Mediteran.
sweetish taste and over 15% of alcohol. We are talking about the powerful body of Plavac Mali, which was delicious given its sweetness, but it was also extraordinary powerful. These characteristics make it an ideal basis for Prošek”, Ivan Batistić-Zure points.
In the very near future, the Grk from Lumbarda will have a protected designation of origin, just like Italian or French wine regions and locations.
“Taking the uniqueness of the variety into consideration, our Lumbarda winemakers’ association wants to protect, at the same time, both Grk as a variety and its consumers. The protected designation of origin logo helps consumers know what they are buying and consuming. Grk has become a recognisable brand of Lumbarda and should be treated with respect”, says Ivan Batistić-Zure.
From antiquity to this day, Grk has not only been a wine variety but also a witness to the Dalmatian way of life. And that is something to toast to – with a glass of Grk, of course, the wine that celebrates the sea and the Mediterranean.
U vrlo skoroj budućnosti grk iz Lumbarde će, poput talijanskih ili francuskih vinskih regija i položaja, imati zaštićenu oznaku izvornosti.
In the very near future, the Grk from Lumbarda will have a protected designation of origin, just like Italian or French wine regions and locations.
Rovinj se svakome gostu otkrije u svojoj punoj raskoši, a prvo što privlači pažnju je starogradska jezgra koja u jutarnjim satima vibrira svojim živim bojama, dok u suton dobije jedan pomalo sanjiv izgled. U rovinjskim ulicama krije se štošta zanimljivog - od malih i šarenih ‘butiga’ sa suvenirima i lokalnim proizvodima, preko pogleda kakve se može doživjeti samo penjanjem na vrh zvonika crkve sv. Eufemije, a svakako valja istražiti i priču o batanama i bogatoj rovinjskoj povijesti. No postoji i strana Rovinja koja će posebno oduševiti gurmane. Naime, od šetnje ovim istarskim gradom koji oduševljava povijesnim znamenitostima lako je ogladnjeti. Idealna je to prilika za isprobavanje najukusnijih jela, odnosno prilika da vam Rovinj na još jedan način pokaže zašto je s razlogom top destinacija.
The town of Rovinj is happy to delight each of its visitors with the full splendour of its unique charm and beauty, and its biggest attraction is certainly the historic old town, vibrant and glowing in the early morning hours, and slightly dreamy and nostalgic at sunset. The labyrinthine streets of Rovinj hide many interesting details and secrets – from small, colourful shops, called butige by the locals, and their souvenirs and local products, to stunning views that you can enjoy only by climbing to the top of the Church of St Euphemia bell tower, not to mention the fascinating story of local shipbuilding and the traditional boats called batana, illustrative of the town’s centuries-old maritime history. However, foodies will be thrilled to know that there’s another side to Rovinj that is well worth exploring. Naturally, a day of sightseeing and exploring this Istrian town and its historical landmarks would leave anyone famished. It’s an ideal opportunity for you to try delicious new food, and for the town of Rovinj, an opportunity to once again show you why it is considered a top destination.
U Rovinju je smješten i restoran Agli Amici, čiji jelovnik potpisuje poznati talijanski chef Emanuele Scarello. Ovo jedinstveno, sofisticirano i elegantno mjesto nalazi se u prekrasnom pojasu između Grand Park Hotela Rovinj i marine, odakle se sa slikovite terase pruža izravna panorama na more. Gostima pruža jedinstveno i nezaboravno gastronomsko iskustvo. Naime, održivost, strast i istraživanje niti su vodilje ovog restorana u kojem ne postoji mjesto s kojeg se pruža loš pogled na plavi Jadran. Talijansku verziju ovog restorana, smještenog u Udinama, mnogi gastronomski kritičari i struka smatraju jednim od najboljih u Italiji, a nimalo ne zaostaje ni rovinjski. Chef je osobno odabrao male obrtnike, uzgajivače i ribare koji mogu jamčiti najbolje od lokalne proizvodnje. Nude tri degustacijska jelovnika: Godiu posvećenu restoranu u istoimenom predgrađu Udina, Istru nadahnutu istarskom kuhinjom i sastojcima te Postcards from Rovinj. Tartufi, file brancina, janjetina i vrhunski krumpir samo su dio ponude ovjenčane jednom Michelinovom zvjezdicom za koje se traži mjesto više pa svakako rezervirajte svoj stol.
The Agli Amici Restaurant is a rising star also located in Rovinj, its menu designed by the celebrated Italian chef Emanuele Scarello. You will find this unique, sophisticated, and elegant venue on the beautiful strip between the Grand Park Hotel and the marina, with a stunning terrace offering an unobstructed panoramic view of the sea. The restaurant’s guests can expect a truly unique and unforgettable dining experience. Its guiding principles are based on sustainability, passion, and exploration, additionally inspired by gorgeous views of the blue Adriatic from every corner of the restaurant. The Italian version of Agli Amici, found in Udine, is widely regarded by food critics and experts as one of Italy’s best, and its Rovinj counterpart is also second to none. The chef personally selected small growers, producers, and fishermen who can guarantee a supply of only the highest quality local produce. Three tasting menus are available to choose from: Godia, in honour of the restaurant in the eponymous district on the outskirts of Udine, Istria, inspired by Istrian cuisine, and Postcards from Rovinj. Truffles, sea bass fillets, lamb, and delicious potatoes are just a small part of the concept that was awarded a Michelin star during its first year of business, now deservedly one of the hottest spots in Rovinj, so make sure to book in advance.
Cap Aureo, restoran s Michelinovom preporukom smješten u hotelu Grand Park, donosi vrhunski doživljaj s potpisom renomiranog chefa Jeffreya Velle, inspiriran mirisima i okusima bogatog mediteranskog kraja. Nije nimalo lako izdvojiti samo nekoliko aduta zbog čega bi se ovaj restoran trebao svakako naći na vašoj listi, no u prvom redu to je Vellina posvećenost lokalnim namirnicama i inovativnost koju je u svakoj od njih prepoznao. U restoranu koji ima oznaku 55 Plate većina jelovnika temelji se na povrću. Primjerice, tu su bijele šparoge s umakom od smrčaka, hrskavo pržena bazga, cikla u pet formi, karamelizirani karfiol, kao i nezaobilazni istarski tartufi. No nisu zaboravljeni ni mesoljupci pa se tako može probati caccio e pepe od lignjinih rezanaca, te brojni drugi riblji i mesni specijaliteti. Vinska karta Cap Aureo pomno je osmišljena kako bi uključila niz hrvatskih i međunarodnih vina koja će upotpuniti gurmansko iskustvo. Ono što ovom restoranu dodatno daje na vrijednosti je predivan pogled na rovinjski krajolik uz koji će svaki obrok biti još veći užitak.
Cap Aureo, restaurant with Michelin recommendation located in Grand Park Hotel, thrills visitors with its premium dining experience under the watchful eye of renowned chef Jeffrey Vella, inspired by the aromas and flavours of the bountiful Mediterranean region. Mentioning just a few standout details that should definitely convince you to add this restaurant to your list is no easy feat, but Vella’s devotion to local ingredients and the innovation that he brings out in each of them is certainly a major highlight. Most of the menus in this 55-Plate restaurant are vegetable-based. Examples include white asparagus with morel mushroom sauce, elderflower fritters, beetroot five ways, caramelised cauliflower, as well as the indispensable Istrian truffles. However, those who prefer meat dishes didn’t get the short end of the stick, either, especially with squid ink cacio e pepe pasta and numerous other meat and seafood delicacies. Cap Aureo’s wine list has been carefully designed to include a number of Croatian and international wines for a well-rounded dining experience. What makes this restaurant even more impressive is the spectacular view of the Rovinj scenery, making every meal an even greater pleasure.
Ovo je još jedan novitet u gurmanskoj ponudi grada. Nakon što je zadnjih 20 godina jedno od najposjećenijih mjesta za ljubitelje japanske i azijske kuhinje s Michelinovom preporukom u Zagrebu, Tekka je okuse Istoka donijela na zapadnu obalu Hrvatske. Ovdje zaista možete kušati visokokvalitetni sushi, sashimi, nigiri, tempuru, wok, spring rolls... od najsvježijih sastojaka i tradicionalne tehnike pripreme. Atraktivna lokacija, koja nudi i dizajnerski interijer i primamljivu organsku vrtnu terasu okruženu lijepim travnjacima i borovima, upotpunjuje doživljaj.
Tekka is another new addition to the town’s culinary scene. After 20 years of being one of the most popular spots for fans of Japanese and Asian cuisine in Zagreb, recommended by the Michelin guide, Tekka brought flavours of the East to the eastern coast of Croatia. Here you can truly enjoy high-quality sushi, sashimi, nigiri, tempura, stir-fry, spring rolls... prepared using the freshest ingredients and traditional cooking techniques. The dining experience is elevated by the attractive location, which offers a designer interior and an inviting organic garden terrace surrounded by beautiful lawns and pine trees.
Kao da ste ušli u skriveni vinski podrum, restoran Wine Vault mjesto je na kojem su hrana i vino spoj umjetnosti, znanja i strasti. Vinska karta ima više od 340 vina iz Hrvatske i svijeta koja su izabrali vrhunski sommelieri restorana. Jedinstveni menu inspiriran francuskom kuhinjom uz mogućnost večere uz druženje s kuharima prepoznao je i renomirani austrijski gastronomski magazin Falstaff koji ga je svojedobno proglasio jednim od ponajboljih restorana u Hrvatskoj.
As though you have entered a hidden wine cellar, the Wine Vault restaurant is a place where food and wine are a combination of art, knowledge and passion. The wine list includes over 340 wines from Croatia and around the world, chosen by the restaurant’s award-winning sommeliers. The unique menu inspired by French cuisine and the exclusive Chef’s table was also recognised by the acclaimed Austrian gastronomy magazine Falstaff, which has proclaimed it one of the best restaurants in Croatia.
Dok istražujete gradsku jezgru, ne smijete propustiti šik restoran u stilu francuskog brasseria, koji se nalazi na trgu u srcu rovinjske vreve. Od 7 do 12 sati možete uživati u ukusnom i svježe pripremljenom à la carte doručku, nakon čega slijedi lagani ručak. Večera oduševljava u bogatom francuski inspiriranom tonu uz korištenje lokalnih okusa i sastojaka. Izbor viskija ovdje među najširima je u u Hrvatskoj. Mještani ovo mjesto nazivaju gradskim dnevnim boravkom zbog lokalne atmosfere, okusa terroira i prekrasnog pogleda na glavni gradski trg i malu luku.
As you explore the old town, make sure to drop by the chic French brasserie-style restaurant, occupying a spot on the square in the heart of Rovinj’s hustle and bustle. From 7 to 12, you can enjoy a delicious and freshly prepared à la carte breakfast, followed by a light lunch. The sumptuous dinner inspired by French cuisine is a major hit, notable for its use of local flavours and ingredients. The eatery also offers one of the best selections of whiskeys in Croatia. Locals refer to this place as the town’s living room because of the local atmosphere, the taste of the terroir, and the beautiful view of the central town square and the small harbour.
U centru Rovinja smjestila se Konoba Kantion u kojoj goste oduševljavaju stari, gotovo zaboravljeni autohtoni recepti. Ragu od morskih plodova, istarski žgvacet, obrazi boškarina i maneštra samo su neka od jela s bogatog jelovnika koji pokazuje široku lepezu okusa i povijesti Istre. Svi su sastojci lokalno uzgojeni, a osim na kvalitetu hrane i pića pazi se i na uređenje prostora u kojem blagovanje postaje posebno iskustvo. Naime, Kantion se nalazi u prostoru nekadašnjeg vinskog podruma, po čemu je i dobio ime. Da je tu uistinu bio podrum, danas svjedoči još uvijek postojeća bačva od 5 000 litara iz koje se vino točilo u boce omotane slamom radi prodaje Rovinjanima.
Located in the town centre, you will find Kantinon Tavern, an old-fashioned konoba-style restaurant thrilling guests with old, nearly forgotten recipes. Seafood ragout, Istrian žgvacet sauce, boškarin beef cheeks, and maneštra vegetable stew are just some of the dishes from the vibrant menu that mirrors the wide variety of flavours and history of Istria. All of the ingredients are local, and apart from the high quality of food and drinks, special attention is also paid to the interior decoration, making dining there a truly special experience. One of the things that make Kantinon interesting is that the space was once a wine cellar, which is how the restaurant got its name. A 5000 l barrel, still there today, is a silent witness of a different time, when the people of Rovinj would come to the cellar and buy bottles of wine wrapped in straw, poured directly from the massive wooden barrel.
Oio Vivo ili živo ulje nosi starorimski naziv u čast istroromanskom dijalektu, a njihova ekstra djevičanska maslinova ulja već se godinama nalaze u Top 20 najboljih ulja na svijetu prema uglednom vodiču Flos Olei
Istra je već dugi niz godina poznata kao jedna od najboljih svjetskih regija za maslinova ulja, a to dokazuju i brojne nagrade koje su ulja s najvećeg hrvatskog poluotoka osvojila na najprestižnijim i najrelevantnijim svjetskim sajmovima. Među najpriznatijim brendovima ulja nalazi se Oio Vivo čiji su jasna vizija, upornost, zajedništvo, primjena inovacija, uz odgovornost i poštovanje društvene zajednice i prirode, urodili proizvodnjom ulja vrhunske kvalitete.
The old Roman name of Oio Vivo, or ‘oil that is alive’, is a nod to the Istriot dialect, and their extra virgin olive oils have been in the top 20 finest oils in the world in Flos Olei, the highly prestigious guide to olive oils
For many years, Istria has been known as one of the world’s best regions for extra virgin olive oils, and the many awards that the oils from the Croatian biggest peninsula have won at the world’s most prestigious and relevant trade fairs serve to prove this. Oio Vivo is among the most distinguished brands and its clear vision, determination, collectivity, innovation, coupled with responsibility and respect for the community and nature have resulted in the creation of top-quality oil.
Istria cannot produce olive oil on a large scale as its mass-producing competition, and that is why we have chosen the superior quality, which resulted in spectacular results on a global level.
Oio Vivo, živo ulje, nosi starorimski naziv u čast istroromanskom dijalektu koje je i danas u upotrebi na području Vodnjana. Ime je to koje ukazuje na tisućljetnu tradiciju proizvodnje maslinova ulja, povezujući tako izvrstan geografski položaj za uzgoj maslina s inovativnim pristupom proizvodnji maslinova ulja.
Priča o brendu Oio Vivo započinje 2005. godine kada je na požarom devastiranom području niknuo najveći maslinik u južnoj Istri. U zelenoj oazi, samo 5 km udaljenoj od mora, maslinici s kojih seže prekrasan i jedinstven pogled na brijunski arhipelag esencija su Istre na koju je teško ostati ravnodušan.
Oio Vivo trenutačno u svojoj liniji ekstra djevičanskih maslinovih ulja ima monosortna ulja, Istarsku bjelicu, Vodnjansku bužu, Rozinjolu te staru autohtonu sortu Žižoleru i dvije mješavine Gajardo i Bòn, a njihovu su kvalitetu i izvrsnost prepoznali certificirani oleolozi u brojnim međunarodnim žirijima. U 2022. godini, sportskim rječnikom rečeno, pokorili su svijet. Na velikim natjecanjima od New Yorka do Tokija pa do Pariza, Londona, Monte Carla i Dubaija, na koja su poslali uzorke svojih maslinovih ulja, Oio Vivo osvaja samo zlata. Impresivan niz uključuje: Dubai Olive Oil Competition, međunarodno natjecanje na kojem se biraju najbolji svjetski proizvođači ekstra djevičanskog maslinova ulja, gdje su nagrađeni trima zlatnim medaljama, New York International Olive Oil Competition – 4 zlatne medalje, Olive Japan, najveće natjecanje maslinova ulja u regiji Azije i Oceanije – 3 zlatne medalje, Pariz AVPA Gourmet World Edible Oils – 2 zlatne medalje, Monte Carlo Masters of Olive Oils Monaco – 3 zlatne medalje, a na svjetskom natjecanju maslinovih ulja London International Olive Oil Competitions osvojili su dvije zlatne medalje.
“Prema vodiču Flos Olei koji se smatra biblijom kada su u pitanju maslinova ulja Istra je već nekoliko godina najbolja svjetska maslinarska regija. To vam najbolje pokazuje podatak da od 500 najboljih ulja koja ulaze u vodič više od 70 čine ulja istarskih proizvođača. Takva vrsta promocije bila je pravi vjetar u leđa za sve nas koji se bavimo ovim prekrasnim poslom. Istra ne može velikim proizvođačima konkurirati masovnom proizvodnjom, upravo zato smo izabrali iznimnu kvalitetu, što je rezultiralo vrhunskim rezultatima na svjetskoj razini. Moram istaknuti kako je to puno pomoglo i cijeloj hrvatskoj maslinarskoj zajednici jer u posljednje vrijeme i sve više ulja iz Dalmacije osvaja brojne nagrade”, pojasnio je jedan do spiritus movensa Oio Viva Velimir Jurić, čovjek beskrajne ener-
Oio Vivo, ‘oil that is alive’, has been given an old Roman name in a nod to the Istriot dialect, which is still in use in the Vodnjan area today. It is a name that points to the millennia-long tradition of olive oil production, linking the geographical position that is perfect for olive cultivation with an innovative approach to olive oil production.
The story of the Oio Vivo brand started in 2005, when the largest olive grove in southern Istria was planted on a fire-devastated land. In a green oasis, situated only 5 km from the sea, olive groves with a beautiful and unique view of the Brijuni Islands have been the essence of Istria that is difficult to feel indifferent to.
In the Oio Vivo range, you can currently find the monovarietal oils
Istarska Bjelica, Vodnjanska Buža, Rosignola, and Žižolera, the old local cultivar, as well as two blends, Gajardo and Bon, the quality of which has been recognised by certified olive oil experts, members of many international jury panels. It could be said that in 2022, they conquered the world. In big competitions from New York to Tokyo, to Paris, London, Monte Carlo and Dubai, where they sent their olive oil samples, they only won gold medals. The impressive series includes: the Dubai Olive Oil Competition, which is an international competition of the world’s best producers of extra virgin olive oil, where they won 3 gold medals; the New York International Olive Oil Competition – 4 gold medals; Olive Japan, the largest olive oil competition in Asia and Oceania, where they won 3 gold medals: Pariz AVPA Gourmet World Edible Oils – 2 gold medals; Monte Carlo Masters of Olive Oils Monaco – 3 gold medals; and 2 gold medals in the London International Olive Oil Competitions.
Istra ne može velikim proizvođačima konkurirati masovnom proizvodnjom, upravo zato smo izabrali iznimnu kvalitetu, što je rezultiralo vrhunskim rezultatima na svjetskoj razini
gije i vizije, koji s ponosom priča o gotovo dva desetljeća tvrtke koja se nalazi u Top 20 maslinovih ulja svijeta prema uglednom vodiču Flos Olei.
Lani ste osvojili 17 zlatnih medalja na najvažnijim svjetskim natjecanjima. Koja je tajna uspjeha?
“Iznad svega je to ljubav prema maslinarstvu, a riječ je o dugoročnom radu i investiranju. Rezultati dolaze nakon godina velikog i požrtvovnog rada, a ne preko noći. Davne 2012. godine bili smo ponosni kada smo proizveli svojih prvih 150 litara ulja, a danas smo tvrtka koja ima 15 tisuća stabala maslina i proizvodi oko 50 tisuća litara ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja godišnje. Zlatne medalje su nesumnjivo potvrda stabilne kvalitete i da smo iz godine u godinu sve uspješniji. Kao i ostale, i ova je nagrada prije svega obaveza, jer smo dostigli razinu svjetske kvalitete. Ljudi zaboravljaju da maslinovih ulja ovakve kakvoće u svijetu ima samo 2-3 posto. Zato je naša i obaveza svih naših proizvođača da održimo taj renome. Oio Vivo se odlučio za beskompromisan pristup kada su u pitanju maslinova ulja. Zanima nas samo vrh, biti najbolji od najboljih. Zbog toga smo i revitalizirali žižoleru, staru istarsku autohtonu sortu karakterističnu za područje Vodnjana koja je praktički bila pred izumiranjem. To se pokazalo kao izvrsna odluka jer žižolera je vrlo prepoznatljiva. Čak i ljudi koji ne znaju ništa o maslinovom
“For several years, Istria has been the world’s best region for extra virgin olive oils, according to the Flos Olei guide, which is considered the olive oil bible. This is best shown by the fact that out of 500 best oils in this guide more than 70 are oils from Istrian producers. This kind of promotion has really been the wind at our back, for all of us who are in this fascinating business. Istria cannot produce olive oil on a large scale as its mass-producing competition, and that is why we have chosen the superior quality, which resulted in spectacular results on a global level. I must point out that this has done a lot for the entire olive oil community in Croatia because a number of awards have lately been won by many oils from Dalmatia”, says Velimir Jurić, one of the moving spirits of Oio Vivo, a man of inexhaustible energy and vision, who proudly talks about the almost two-decade-long history of the company whose oils have made the world’s top 20 in Flos Olei, the highly prestigious guide to olive oils.
Last year you won 17 medals in the biggest international competitions. What is the secret of your success?
“Above all, it is the love for olive-growing, which is long-term work as well as a long-term investment. The results are achieved only after years of hard and demanding work, rather than overnight. In 2012, we were very proud when we produced our first 150 litres of oil, and today, a decade and more later, we are a company with 15,000 olive trees, producing around 50,000 litres of extra virgin olive oil a year. Gold medals are undoubtedly a confirmation of the consistency of quality and a sign that we have improved year after year. This award, as well as the others, are, first and foremost, an obligation because we have now attained the international quality levels. People tend to forget that only 2–3 percent of olive oils in the world is of such quality. That is why it is our duty, as well as all our producers’, to live up to the reputation. Oio Vivo has decided on an uncompromising approach when it comes to olive oils. We are only interested in the very best, the top of the game. That is why we have brought back Žižolera, the old local cultivar typical of the area of Vodnjan, which was practically at the verge of extinction. This turned out to be the right decision, because Žižolera is extremely distinctive. Even people who don’t know the first thing about olive oil recognise Žižolera as the best.
Flagship OIO Viva je Žižolera, ulje stare istarske autohtone sorte karakteristične za područje Vodnjana koja je spašena od izumiranja
Oio Vivo’s flagship is Žižolera, the old Istrian local cultivar typical of the area of Vodnjan, which has been saved from extinction.
U 2022. godini Oio Vivo je, sportskim rječnikom rečeno, pokorio svijet. Na velikim natjecanjima od New Yorka do Tokija pa do Pariza, Londona, Monte Carla i Dubaija njihova su ulja osvojila 17 zlatnih medalja
ulju prepoznaju našu Žižoleru kao najbolje ulje. Ima i pikantnost i voćnost, miris i boju. Zanimljivo je kako je prisutna i gorčina koja je odlično ukomponirana te daje posebnost. Znači, Žižolera ima sve što vrhunsko maslinovo ulje treba imati, predivan balans svega. To je naša perjanica s kojom se neizmjerno ponosimo”, pojasnio je Velimir Jurić.
Oio Vivo ulja mogu se pronaći u moderno uređenoj specijaliziranoj trgovini okruženom zelenilom maslinika u blizini Vodnjana gdje se može doživjeti vrhunsko iskustvo degustiranja maslinova ulja pod stručnim vodstvom zaposlenika, entuzijasta i zaljubljenika u tekuće zlato. Isto tako, Oio Vivo prvi je istarski proizvođač maslinovih ulja koji je otvorio trgovinu u Zagrebu, šarmantni Oio Vivo & WINE bar u kojem se mogu degustirati i kupiti ulja iz vašeg asortimana. Kakvi su planovi za budućnost?
“Ljudi danas žele kompletno iskustvo i to im u novoj kušaonici možemo pružiti. Želimo da upoznaju mediteranski način života i gastronomiju u kojoj je maslinovo ulje jedan od najvažnijih sastojaka. U planu nam je otvaranje još barem jednog shopa na jadranskoj obali, na potezu između Splita i Dubrovnika. Nas motivira rad, znamo da imamo vrhunska ulja, ali ne želimo sada stati nego nastavljamo stvarati”, najavio je Velimir Jurić.
It could be said that in 2022, Oio Vivo conquered the world. In big competitions from New York to Tokyo, to Paris, London, Monte Carlo and Dubai, their oils won 17 gold medals.
It has both spiciness and fruitiness; aroma and colour. An interesting fact is that it also has some bitterness, which is masterfully incorporated and adds to its being special. This means that Žižolera has everything that is expected of olive oil – a wonderful balance of all ingredients. It is our flagship,” Velimir Jurić explains.
Oio Vivo oils can be found in a very modern specialised shop, surrounded by the green of the olive groves near Vodnjan. Customers can have the unforgettable experience of tasting olive oil under the expert guidance of the employees, enthusiasts and lovers of this liquid gold. In addition, Oio Vivo is the first olive oil producer from Istria that has opened a shop in Zagreb –the charming Oio Vivo & WINE Bar, where the Oio Vivo oils can be tasted and bought. What are your plans for the future?
“Today, people want to have a complete experience and we can offer them that in our new tasting room. We want them to get to know the Mediterranean way of life and the cuisine where olive oil is one of the main ingredients. We are planning to open at least one other shop on the Adriatic coast between Split and Dubrovnik. We are motivated by work; we know that our oils are top of the range, but we don’t want to stop, we want to continue creating”, says Velimir Jurić.
Virtuoz u kuhinji i velik filantrop jedan je od vodećih svjetskih chefova koji nadahnuće za jela crpi iz umjetnosti, glazbe, spore hrane i brzih automobila
A virtuoso in the kitchen, a great philanthropist, and one of the finest international chefs gets his inspiration from art, music, slow food and fast cars
U njegovim jelima stanuju filmovi Frederica Fellinija, žličica Ferrarija, Maseratija i Lamborghinija, tradicionalna mamina talijanska kuhinja, emocija Billie Holiday i žestok gejzir kreativnosti. On je Maestro Massimo Bottura, jedan od vodećih talijanskih i svjetskih chefova.
In his dishes, there are traces of Federico Fellini’s films, a spoonful of the Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini, traditional Italian mum’s cooking, the emotion of Billie Holiday and a powerful geyser of creativity. He is Maestro Massimo Bottura, one of the finest Italian and international chefs.
„Moje je ime Massimo Bottura, talijanski sam kuhar rođen u Modeni. Odrastao sam ispod kuhinjskog stola na koljenima bake Ancele. Tu za mene počinje apetit. Inspiracija dolazi iz svijeta oko mene –umjetnosti, glazbe, spore hrane i brzih automobila”, tako sebe opisuje Maestro, čovjek koji je krenuo neutabanim stazama, kuharski umjetnik koji stvara nove poglede na gastronomiju.
Poput većine ljudi s vizijom prošao je trnovit put do uspjeha, od mržnje i osporavanja do potpunog obožavanja i poštovanja. Kao što je svojedobno rekao Aristotel: „Nijedan veliki um nije postojao bez dodira ludila”.
“My name is Massimo Bottura. I’m an Italian chef born in Modena. I grew up under the kitchen table at my grandmother Ancella’s knees. That is where appetite begins for me. Inspiration comes from the world around me – from art, music, slow food and fast cars.” This is how Maestro describes himself –a man who has taken the path less travelled, a cooking artist who creates new perspectives on gastronomy.
As is the case with most people with a vision, his path to success was a thorny one. He has experienced the lot –from hatred and negation to sheer adoration and respect. As Aristotle once said: “No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.”
Danas je Massimo Bottura svjetska legenda gastronomije, chef restorana Osteria Francescana u Modeni koji ima tri Michelinove zvjezdice i koji je 2016. i 2018. izabran za najbolji restoran na svijetu. Projekti u drugim gradovima i državama kao što su Gucci Osteria Firenze, Gucci Osteria Los Angeles, Torno Subito Dubai i Gucci Osteria Tokyo imaju jednu Michelinovu zvjezdicu. Uz brojne restorane koji nose njegov potpis, Bottura je i sjajan pripovjedač koji će vas energijom i strašću osvojiti na prvu.
„U životu treba pronaći put koji vam odgovara i uživati u njemu, a ne samo raditi što se od vas očekuje. To donosi začin životu. Kako Ferrari proizvodi automobile, tako mi nastojimo raditi u kuhinji. Iz prošlosti uzimamo najbolje, pritom na nju gledamo kritički, nipošto nostalgično i stvaramo od nje budućnost. Današnja moderna kuhinja ne ovisi samo o vrhunskim sastojcima nego i o kvalitetnim idejama. Neke običaje u Italiji ne smijete dirati, a među njima je i tradicija. Tortelini su religija. Ako ne vjeruješ u Boga, vjeruješ u torteline. U početku je bilo teško mijenjati neke tradicionalne ideje, ali nakon što smo ljudima pokazali drugačiji pristup, svi su to prihvatili raširenih ruku. No da biste pokušali nešto promijeniti, tradiciju trebate poznavati u srž. Morate je osjetiti, omirisati i okusiti. Jer ako vam gastronomski korijeni nisu bliski , teško ćete ih modernizirati. Promotrite li suvremenu talijansku kuhinju, tu se događa evolucija. Spajanje tradicije i prošlosti u neka nova jela”, smatra Massimo Bottura, koji je karijeru u kuhinji započeo 1986. preuzimanjem Trattorije del Campazzo. Na periferiji Modene definirao je kulinarski identitet.
Today, Massimo Bottura is an international culinary legend, the chef of Osteria Francescana, a restaurant in Modena with three Michelin stars, which was named the World's Best Restaurant in 2016 and 2018. Projects in other cities and countries such as Gucci Osteria Firenze, Gucci Osteria Los Angeles, Torno Subito Dubai and Gucci Osteria Tokyo have one Michelin star each. Not only does he own many restaurants that serve his signature dishes, but Bottura is also a great story-teller who will immediately win you over with his energy and passion.
Ljudi posjećuju restorane ne samo zbog dobre hrane nego se dolaze nahraniti i emocijama. Svaki dobar kuhar mora biti toga svjestan.
People don’t go to restaurants just because of great food; they go to ‘eat’ emotions. This is something every good chef must be aware of.
„Divna žena imena Lidia Cristoni pokazala mi je kako organizirati kuhinju i svaki dan pripremiti svježu tjesteninu, no naučila me još nešto mnogo važnije – kako u restoranu stvoriti obiteljsku atmosferu. Zbog Lidije je osoblje u Osteriji Francescana počeli zajedno ručati i večerati, jednostavno živjeti kao obitelj.”
Iskustvo s Alainom Ducasseom u restoranu Le Louis XV u Monte Carlu 1994. dovelo ga je do otvaranja Osterije Francescana 1995. u povijesnom središtu Modene. Pet godina poslije radio je u kuhinji Ferran Adria u El Bulliju, gdje je oplemenio svoju reinterpretaciju tradicije. Osteria Fran-
“In your life, you have to find the path that suits you and enjoy it, and not just do what you are expected to do. This gives spice to life. As Ferrari makes cars, we try to do things in the kitchen. We take the best from the past, looking at it in a critical way, not in a nostalgic one, and create future from it. Today’s modern cuisine does not depend only on first-class ingredients but also on the quality of ideas. In Italy, there are certain customs you can’t touch; the traditions are among them. Tortellini are like a religion. If you don’t believe in God, you believe in tortellini. In the beginning, it was difficult to change some traditional ways, but after we showed a different approach to people, everybody welcomed it with open arms. But to try to change a tradition, you have to know it inside out. You have to feel it, smell it, taste it. Because if you don’t know your culinary roots, you will have a hard time modernising them. If you look at the contemporary Italian cuisine, there is an evolution going on –combining tradition and the past to make new dishes,” says Massimo Bottura, who started his culinary career in 1986 by taking over Trattoria del Campazzo. He defined his culinary identity on the outskirts of Modena.
“A lovely woman named Lidia Cristoni showed me how to organise my kitchen and how to make fresh pasta every day, but she also taught me something much more important: how to create a family atmosphere in a restaurant. Thanks to Lidia, the staff at Osteria Francescana started eating lunches and dinners together – simply, to live as a family.
The experience he gained with Alain Ducasse in Le Louis XV in Monte Carlo in 1994 was a stepping stone to Osteria Francescana, which he opened in the historical centre of Modena in 1995. Five years later, he worked in Ferran
cescana dobila je tri Michelinove zvjezdice 2011. godine, a 2016. i 2018. bila je prva na listi 50 najboljih svjetskih restorana. Botturin restoran mjesto je gdje nastaju maštovita jela inspirirana brojnim uspomenama iz djetinjstva, umjetničkim djelima, čak i kuhinjskim nezgodama.
„Ljudi posjećuju restorane ne samo zbog dobre hrane nego se dolaze nahraniti i emocijama. Svaki dobar kuhar mora biti toga svjestan. Goste treba nahraniti emocijama i uspomenama koje će trajati. Moj put definirali su hrana i automobili. Modena je srce doline hrane, ali i brzih automobila. U samo 40 kilometara imate Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Pagani – svi najljepši automobili na svijetu proizvedeni su ondje gdje sam rođen. Nastali su zbog artisana koji su bili opsjednuti kvalitetom. I sebe smatram zanatlijom koji je opsjednut kvalitetom – kvalitetom sastojaka i kvalitetom ideja koje stavljam na tanjur.”
Adrià’s El Bulli kitchen, where he refined his reinterpretation of tradition. Osteria Francescana received 3 Michelin stars in 2011, and topped The World's 50 Best Restaurants list in 2016 and 2018. Bottura’s restaurant is a place where imaginative dishes are made, inspired by many childhood memories, works of art, and even kitchen accidents.
People don’t go to restaurants just because of great food; they go to ‘eat’ emotions. This is something every good chef must be aware of. To feed people with emotions and memories that will last. My path was defined by food and cars. Modena is at the heart of the food valley and the Motor Valley, where fast cars are made. In an area of only 40 kilometres, you have Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Pagani – all the most beautiful cars in the world are produced in the place where I was born. They were made by artisans obsessed with quality. I also think of myself as an artisan obsessed with quality – the quality of ingredients and the quality of ideas I put on the plate.
Bottura is also well-known for its commitment to fighting food waste and social isolation, manifest in the philosophy behind the Refettorio Ambrosiano project, which was designed for Expo 2015. In the same spirit, he and his wife Lara Gilmore have founded Food for Soul, a non-profit organisation active in various countries around the globe.
“The numbers are, unfortunately, relentless. More than 30 percent of the world’s food production goes to waste every year; these are millions of tonnes of food that can feed the hungry. To feed the planet, first you have to fight the waste. No more excuses. I even had it tattooed on my arm. We have a great responsibility and we have to do something about it. The world needs us. Food for Soul is no more a project; it is a movement. It is a model for fighting food waste and social isolation on the front lines.
Smatram se zanatlijom koji je opsjednut kvalitetom – kvalitetom sastojaka i kvalitetom ideja koje stavljam na tanjur.
I think of myself as an artisan obsessed with quality – the quality of ingredients and the quality of ideas I put on the plate.
Bottura je također poznat po predanosti borbi protiv bacanja hrane i društvene izolacije koja se očituje u filozofiji projekta Refettorio Ambrosiano, osmišljena u povodu Expa 2015. U istom duhu on i njegova supruga Lara Gilmore osnovali su neprofitnu organizaciju Food for Soul, koja je aktivna u zemljama diljem svijeta.
'Brojke su, nažalost, neumoljive. Više od 30 posto svjetske proizvodnje hrane svake se godine baca, to su milijuni tona namirnica koje nekomu mogu utažiti glad. Da biste nahranili planet, naprije se morate boriti protiv otpada. Nema više isprika. Tu sam rečenicu čak tetovirao na ruku. Nosimo veliku odgovornost i moramo poduzeti nešto, svijet nas treba. Food for Soul više nije projekt, to je pokret. To je model za borbu protiv bacanja hrane i socijalne izolacije na prvim crtama. Talijanska cucina povera bila je izvorna kuhinja bez otpada. Ono što mislite da je bacanje hrane samo je prilika da se stvori nešto nevjerojatno.”
Virtuoz u kuhinji, „Pavarotti paste”, jest i velik filantrop. „Definitivno treba vratiti nešto od sretnog života koji živite. Osjećaj odgovornosti jest misliti na druge, ne samo na sebe. Kad ste mladi, učite što više i razvijajte viziju kamo želite ići. Nemojte pokušati učiniti sve, nego se usredotočite na to da jednu stvar naučite i odradite zaista dobro. Korak po korak širite dobre ideje, vibracije i etičan pristup – tako se gradi budućnost. Pritom um držite otvorenim za novitete te budite marljivi i strastveni u tome što radite. Ostavite li u svakodnevnom životu malo prostora za maštu, to je tajna sreće. Važno je sanjati. Ne možete promijeniti svijet ako ne sanjate velike stvari.”
The Italian cucina povera was the original no-waste kitchen. What you think is food waste is just an opportunity to create something amazing.”
The kitchen virtuoso, the “Pavarotti of pasta”, Bottura is also a great philanthropist.
“It’s absolutely necessary to give back some of the lucky life you’re living. A sense of responsibility is thinking about the others, not only yourself. Learn as much as possible when you are young and develop a vision of where you want to go. Don’t try to do everything, but rather focus on learning one thing and doing it really well. Step by step, spread good ideas, vibes and an ethical approach – that’s how the future is built. And keep your mind open for new things, work hard and be passionate about what you’re doing. If you leave a little space in your everyday life for imagination, that’s the secret to happiness. It’s important to dream. You cannot change the world if you don’t dream big.”
Društvu treba vratiti nešto od sretnog života koji živite. Osjećaj odgovornosti jest misliti na druge, ne samo na sebe.
It’s necessary to give back some of the lucky life you’re living. A sense of responsibility is thinking about the others, not only yourself.
Američka glumica članica je prestižnog kluba Triple Crown of Acting kao dobitnica najvećih priznanja Oscar, Emmy i Tony, a 2021. zahvaljujući ulozi u filmu „Zemlja nomada” postala je prva glumica u povijesti koja je Oscar osvojila u dvije kategorije
The American actress is a member of the elite Triple Crown of Acting club, having won the three major awards – Oscar, Emmy and Tony – and, in 2021, she became the first actress ever to win an Oscar in two categories
Ubio je pet ljudi, kaže ona. „A zašto? Zbog malo novca. U životu postoji više od malo novca. Zar to ne znate? Pa ja to jednostavno ne razumijem.”
Autorica tih rečenica trudna je policajka Marge Gunderson u briljantnom filmu „Fargo” iz 1996. godine Joela i Ethana Coena. Policajku je savršeno odigrala Frances McDormand, a ostalo je, kako se kaže, povijest. Frances McDormand nagrađena je Oscarom za najbolju glumicu, a braća Coen Oscarom za najbolji scenarij.
He's killed five people, she says. ‘And for what? For a little bit of money? There's more to life than a little money, you know. Don’t you know that? Well. I just don't understand it.’
The person saying these words is a pregnant police officer Marge Gunderson in the brilliant 1996 film Fargo, directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. The police officer was flawlessly played by Frances McDormand, and the rest is, as they say, history. Frances McDormand won the best actress Oscar, while the Coen brothers won the one for best screenplay.
- Nemoguće je zadržati prisebnost u ovoj situaciji, pogotovo s obzirom na izvanrednu grupu žena s kojima sam bila nominirana. Nas pet žena imale smo sreću što smo dobile ne samo priliku nego i izbor igrati tako bogate složene ženske likove. Ohrabrujem scenariste i redatelje da nastave s ovim zaista zanimljivim ženskim ulogama, a kad ste već kod toga, možete dodati nekoliko i za muškarce - rekla je 1997. godine na primanju prvog zlatnog kipića. Frances McDormand dugo se smatra jednom od najistaknutijih živućih glumica. Snažnim karakternim ulogama i nizom izvrsnih glumačkih ostvarenja oduševljava kritiku i publiku više od četiri desetljeća. Njezine izvedbe u filmovima i serijama kao što su „Fargo”, „Tri plakata izvan grada”, „Zemlja nomada”, „Spaliti nakon čitanja”, „Mississippi u plamenu”, „Korak do slave”, „Sjeverna zemlja”, „Olive Kitteridge” i mnogi drugi neprestano podižu standarde glumačkog umijeća kako ga mi shvaćamo. Frances McDormand nagrađena je s četiri Oscara, a kao dobitnica najvećih priznanja Oscar, Emmy i Tony u glumačkim kategorijama članica je i prestižnog kluba Triple Crown of Acting. To je svojevrsna prestižna glumačka trostruka kruna koju je u povijesti uspjelo osvojiti samo 15 glumica i devet glumaca.
Američka glumica rijetka je biljka. Premda se smatra da slavna osoba mora s vremena na vrijeme živjeti u središtu pozornosti, Frances McDormand je nakon „Farga” poput velikog iluzionista Davida Copperfielda nestala iz javnosti. Unajmila je publicista koji je imao samo jedan zadatak – pristojno odbijati zahtjeve za intervjue. Usput pokazala je da je moguće postati zvijezda samo zbog vrhunske glume.
- Nakon uspjeha s „Fargom” uložila sam svjestan napor da ne radim na publicitetu skoro deset godina. Neki bi mislili da je to vrlo opasan trenutak u karijeri glumice koja je osvojila Oscar, ali isplati-
- It is impossible to maintain one's composure in this situation. Especially considering the extraordinary group of women with whom I was nominated. We five women were fortunate to have the choice, not just the opportunity but the choice, to play such rich, complex female characters. And I encourage writers and directors to keep these really interesting female roles coming, and while you're at it you can throw in a few for the men as well, she said in 1997, accepting her first golden statuette.
Frances McDormand has long been considered one of the greatest living actresses. Her strong character roles and a series of outstanding acting achievements have been captivating audiences for more than forty years. Her performances in films and series like Fargo, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, Nomadland, Burn After Reading, Mississippi Burning, Almost Famous, North Country, Olive Kitteridge, and many others continuously raise the standards of acting as we understand it. Frances McDormand has won four Oscars, and, as the winner of the three major awards –Oscar, Emmy and Tony – in acting categories, she is a member of the elite Triple Crown of Acting club. Only 15 female and 9 male actors have earned this prestigious title so far.
The American actress is a rare bird. Although it is often considered that a celebrity has to live in the limelight from time to time, after Fargo Frances McDormand disappeared from the public eye in the manner of the great illusionist David Copperfield. She hired a publicist, who had only one job – to politely decline requests for interviews. And by doing so, she showed that it is possible to become a star only on account of brilliant acting.
- (After Fargo) I made a very conscious effort not to do press and publicity for ten years in what other people would think would be
lo se upravo iz razloga zbog kojih sam to i učinila. To mi je pomoglo da spoznam tko sam, a zatim sam u ulogama koje sam izvodila mogla odvesti publiku na mjesto gdje netko tko prodaje satove ili parfeme nije mogao. Nisam glumica jer želim da me slikaju - objasnila je za NY Times u jednom razgovoru.
Frances je željela ostati glumica, a ne putujuća reklama ili reel na društvenim mrežama. Složit ćete se, to je u današnjem prenaglašeno informativnom svijetu gotovo nemoguća misija, zar ne? No Frances McDormand je uspjela. U zahtjevnom holivudskom svijetu ostala je karizmatična i svoja. Jednostavno, relevantna za sva vremena. Glamur dođe i prođe, a karakterne uloge osiguravaju dugovječnost: „Ima nešto sjajno u starenju, a to je da ti je život ispisan na licu. Budući da portretiram ženske likove, imam priliku promijeniti način na koji ih ljudi doživljavaju.”
Autentična i opuštena, puna životnih priča i ljudske topline, pojavila se i u ljeto 2022. na otoku Lopudu, gdje je u jedinstvenom parku zasadila drugu palmu Ponta Lopud Festivala, čime je ostavila trajni trag na Elafitima. Tijekom festivala Frances McDormand i njezin suprug Joel Coen vodili su zajedničke i individualne radionice na kojima su govorili o svojoj karijeri, iskustvu zajedničkog rada i suradnje
a very dangerous moment in (an Oscar-winning) female actor's career, but it paid off for exactly the reasons I wanted it to. It gave me a mystery back to who I was, and then in the roles I performed, I could take an audience to a place where someone who sold watches or perfume and magazines couldn’t. I'm not an actor because I want my picture taken, she explained in an interview for the NY Times. Frances wanted to be an actor, not to become a travelling commercial or a social media reel. You will agree that, in today's information-packed world, this is almost mission impossible. But Frances McDormand has done it. In the demanding world of Hollywood, she has remained charismatic and continued to be herself; simply, relevant for all time. Glamour comes and goes, and character roles bring longevity. ‘That's another great thing about getting older. Your life is written on your face. Because I portray female characters, so I have the opportunity to change the way people look at them.'
Genuine and relaxed, full of life stories and human warmth, she came to the island of Lopud in the summer of 2022 and, in a unique park, planted the second palm tree of the Ponta Lopud Festival, leaving a lasting mark on the Elaphites. During the festival, Frances McDor-
s brojnim profesionalcima u procesu snimanja filmova. Tijekom boravka u Hrvatskoj američka glumica predstavila je film „Zemlja nomada”, koji je publika gledala na plaži.
- Koje divno mjesto za gledanje filma, zaista ste sretnici! Naslov koji ćete pogledati, „Zemlja nomada”, zajednički je moj i Peterov projekt, a najzaslužnija je za njega Chloe Zhao, žena čije sam ime vidjela na špici njezina drugog filma na Filmskom festivalu u Torontu. Odmah sam se počela raspitivati o njoj i zahvaljujući njoj nastao je ovaj film - izjavila je McDormand na Lopudu.
Nastao prema knjizi „Zemlja nomada: Preživjeti Ameriku u 21. stoljeću” književnice Jessice Bruder, ovaj je film 2021. okrunjen nagradama Oscar, i to za najbolju glumicu (Frances McDormand), najbolju režiju (Chloe Zhao) i najbolji film (Frances McDormand, Peter Spears, Mollye Asher, Dan Janvey, Chloe Zhao). Istodobno je Frances prva glumica koja je dobila dvije nagrade za isti film u istoj godini (najbolja glumica i najbolji film kao jedna od producentica „Zemlje nomada”).
Nakon Marge Gunderson u „Fargu” i Mildred Hayes u „Tri plakata izvan grada” Fern u „Zemlji nomada” još je jedna dojmljiva uloga koju Frances igra maestralno. Poetično i melankolično, a opet
mand and her husband, Joel Coen, delivered joint and separate masterclasses, in which they talked about their careers, the experience of working together and with many other professionals in the process of making a film. During her stay in Croatia, the American actress introduced her film Nomadland, which the audience watched on the beach.
- What a wonderful place to watch a movie, you are really lucky! The film you’re about to watch, Nomadland, is a joint project that Peter and I did, but the most deserving person is Chloé Zhao, the woman whose name I saw on the credits of her second film at the Toronto Film Festival. I immediately started researching about her and thanks to her, this film was made, McDormand said on Lopud. Based on the book Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century by Jessica Bruder, this film won several Oscars in 2021: for the Best Actress (Frances McDormand), Best Directing (Chloé Zhao) and Best Picture (Frances McDormand, Peter Spears, Mollye Asher, Dan Janvey and Chloé Zhao). At the same time, Frances is the first female actor who has won two awards for the same film in the same year (Best Actress and Best Picture, as one of the producers of Nomadland).
moćno, dostojanstveno i toplo McDormand vas realistično uvodi u svijet ljudi ceste. - U svojim četrdesetima rekla sam mužu da ću kad navršim 65 godina promijeniti ime u Fern, pušiti Lucky Strikes, piti Wild Turkey i krenuti na put u kamperu. Priča Jessice Bruder raspršila je svu moju romantiku o odlasku na cestu kombijem. Dobila sam pljusku realnosti u vezi s tim i objašnjenje zašto je toliko ljudi izabralo takav život, mnoge su na to natjerale i ekonomske prilike. To je posljedica događaja u cijelom svijetu. Postoji razlika između onih koji imaju i onih koji nemaju te načina na koji se brinemo jedni o drugima i činimo svijet pravednim. Razgovor među ljudima mijenja perspektivu.
After Marge Gunderson in Fargo and Mildred Hayes in Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, Fern in Nomadland is another fascinating role masterfully played by Frances. Poetic and melancholic, yet powerful, dignified and warm is the manner in which McDormand leads you realistically into the world of nomads.
- In my forties, I told my husband that when I turned 65, I was going to change my name to Fern, smoke Lucky Strikes, drink Wild Turkey and hit the road in an RV. The story by Jessica Bruder dispelled all my romanticism about hitting the road in a van. It was a good slap in the face about the reality of the whole thing and explained exactly why so many people are drawn to that choice economically. It’s a huge part of what’s happening all over the world. There’s a disparity between who has and who hasn’t, and how we’re effectively taking care of each other and making the world equitable. Conversation among people changes things.
Početkom veljače 2009. iz Münchena je stigla neočekivana vijest – Chris Bangle odstupio je s kormila dizajnerskog odjela BMW grupe. Bio je to kraj 17 godina duge ere koja je ostavila trag na brojnim modelima i konkurentima poslužila kao uzor. Radikalni potezi američkog dizajnera u stvaranju novog identiteta bavarskog proizvođača kojima je BMW, Mini Cooper i Rolls Royce uveo u 21. stoljeće nisu prolazili bez kritika tradicionalista. Novinari su skovali neologizam Bangleov kut, ali svi su morali ustuknuti pred rekordnim tržišnim brojkama koje je postigao BMW.
In early February 2009, unexpected news broke from Munich: Chris Bangle resigned as chief of design for BMW Group. It was the end of a 17-yearlong era, which left its mark on many models and served as an example for competition to follow. The radical moves that the American designer used in order to create a new identity for the Bavarian carmaker – ushering BMW, Mini and Rolls Royce into the 21st century – often came under criticism from traditionalists. Journalists coined a new term, the Bangle Angle, but everybody had to give in before the record-breaking results BMW achieved in the market.
Nakon gotovo tri desetljeća dizajnerske karijere započete u Opelu početkom osamdesetih, nastavljene u Fiatu, koji mu je prepustio vođenje dizajnerskog odjela prije nego što je prešao u BMW, Bangle se odlučio usredotočiti na osobne dizajnerske izazove. Na sjeveru Italije, nedaleko od Torina, na staroj farmi otvorio je studio koji je postao sjedište konzultantske tvrtke za projektiranje i dizajn, specijaliziran za projekte i ideje koje fizički ili emocionalno pokreću svijet.
- Automobili su dizajnerima poput avatara i možda zvuči kao nedostatak snage ili čvrstine, ali ako stvarima pristupate sa strašću, to postaje prilično bolno. Morate se unijeti u projekt, a kada on prođe, osjećate gubitak. To je normalno, no kada si menadžer, taj se gubitak multiplicira. Nikada ne znate koji će projekt na platformi ući u proizvodnju. Pozicija menadžera pritom je vrlo neobična. Radite na projektima, potpisujete ih, ali pritom si ne biste trebali pripisivati zasluge jer iza toga se krije tuđi rad. Istodobno prilično je stresno. Ne samo zbog pritiska koji osjećate, iako pogreške izbijaju na vidjelo nakon dvije-tri godine, problem je što s vremenom gubite identitet. Mijenjate osobnost zbog masovne potrebe identifikacije s proizvodom i na neki način postajete dio ne jednog, nego desetak proizvoda. Kada sam navršio 45 godina, postao sam svjestan te pomalo nezdrave situacije i odlučio sam otići prije nego što proslavim 50. Prije negoli me pogodi vlak u obliku srčanog udara ili nečeg sličnog.
Ipak niste pobjegli od automobila i prije pet godina predstavili ste koncept Reds, mali inovativni gradski automobil na struju.
- Bio je to pokušaj promjene filozofije upotrebe automobila. Kažem pokušaj jer je cijeli projekt, premda doveden do razine proizvodnje, na čekanju. Kineski partner osnovao je kompaniju, ali uletjeli su u neke političke probleme.
Većina ljudi automobilom se koristi samo 10 posto vremena, a dizajn električnog automobila povezan je s novim konceptom mobilnosti i promjenom mentalnog pristupa.
Most people use their car only 10 percent of the time, and an EV design has to do with a new concept of mobility and a change in the mental approach.
Following an almost thirty-year-long designer career –started at Opel in the early 1980 and continued at Fiat, where he was entrusted with heading the designer department, before moving on to BMW – Bangle decided to focus on his own designer challenges. In the north of Italy, not far from Torino, he set up his own studio on an old farm, which has become the headquarters of a design consulting company, specialising in projects and ideas that physically or emotionally move the world.
- For designers, cars are like avatars, and this may sound like a lack of strength or resilience, but if you approach things with passion, it can become very painful. You have to immerse yourself in the project, and when it’s not accepted, you feel a loss, and this is normal; but when you are a manager, then this loss is multiplied. You never know which of the projects on the platform will reach production. And the manager's position is very unusual in all this. You work on projects, you sign them, but you shouldn't take all the credit because other people's work is behind them as well. At the same time, it's all pretty stressful. Not only because of the pressure you feel (although the mistakes come to light after two or three years), but the problem is that you lose your identity over time. You change your personality because of the massive need to identify with the product, and, in a way, you become part of not only one product, but a dozen of them. When I turned 45, I became aware of this somewhat unhealthy situation and so I decided to leave before I turn 50. Before I get hit by a train in the form of a heart attack or something like it.
Still, you haven't run away from cars, and you introduced the Reds concept, a small innovative electric town car, five years ago.
- It was an attempt at changing the philosophy of using a car. I say, an attempt, because the entire project, although it has made it to the production stage, is on hold. The Chinese partner has set up a company, but they have run into some political problems. In the meantime, we have remodelled the car twice, using the progress that has been achieved with batteries, but since my last visit to China before the pandemic, things haven't moved one bit. Reds’ is a radical approach to design, but it is also an attempt to
U međuvremenu smo dva puta dorađivali automobil iskoristivši postignuti napredak u baterijama, no od posljednjeg posjeta Kini prije pandemije situacija se nije promijenila. Reds predstavlja radikalnu dizajnersku struju, ali i pokušaj pretvorbe automobila u ured, u životni prostor. Naime, većina nas automobilom se koristi samo 10 posto vremena, ostalih 90 posto oni su parkirani. U želji da izmijenimo tu naviku i iskoristimo nešto od tih 90 posto kreirali smo najprije unutrašnjost, a potom vanjštinu. Pritom smo tražili brojna inovativna rješenja i mislim da smo uspjeli. Dizajn električnog automobila povezan je s novim konceptom mobilnosti i promjenom pristupa. U sličnom smjeru krenuo je i Citroen s modelom Ami L6. Riječ je o vozilima koja imaju toliko malo pravila u aerodinamici i sigurnosti. Ne doživljavam ih kao lude aute, nego kao jednostavno drugačiju ideju koju možete voljeti ili ne, ali imaju svoju funkcionalnost i to je jedan od smjerova koje možemo prigrliti i raditi na takvu dizajnu.
U 10 godina koliko radite kao konzultant za dizajn možete se pohvaliti raznolikim klijentima i proizvodima, a među njima je i Sanlorenzo, vrhunski brodograditelj prestižnih jahti. - Suradnju smo započeli 2015. velikim programom, a zatim smo se koncentrirali na jedan model. Brodovi 30-ak metara dužine često su tranzicijski, odnosno prvi na kojem vlasnici imaju posadu s kojom dijele prostor i sve što to donosi. Stoga smo krenuli u potragu za optimalnim rasporedom i
transform a car into an office, a living space. A great majority of us use our cars only 10 percent of the time, while they are parked the other 90 percent. Wanting to change this approach and to use some of the 90 percent, we started designing the interior first, and then the exterior. In doing so, we looked for many innovative solutions and I think we have done it. An EV design has to do with a new concept of mobility and a change in the mental approach. Citroën started in the same direction with its Ami L6 model. They are vehicles with so few rules, regarding either aerodynamics or safety. Personally, I don't see them as crazy cars; I see them only as a different approach, which you can like or not, but they do have their own functionality. And that is one of the directions we can take, and we can work on such a design.
In the ten years you have been working as a design consultant, you have had a wide range of clients and products, among which is Sanlorenzo, the world-class shipbuilder of prestigious yachts.
- We started our partnership in 2015 with a wide programme, and then we focused on one model. Boats of about 30 metres in length are often transitional in that they are the first boat on which owners have a crew and share space with them, with all that comes with it. That is why we started our search for an optimal layout, and designed the asymmetrical boat, i.e. a yacht on which only one side is
osmislili asimetrični brod, odnosno jahtu na kojoj se za prolaz od pramca do krme upotrebljava samo jedna strana. Umjesto da gledamo kompjutorske simulacije, izradili smo nekoliko maketa pojedinih dijelova broda u punoj veličini poput 10-metarskog fly bridgea. Osmislili smo koncept, a proizvodni projekt prepustili Sanlorenzu. Zadovoljan sam što je tako radikalan pristup prihvaćen. Bilo je i još nekih manjih detalja, poput stuba s krmene platforme na gornju palubu. One u načelu zauzimaju puno mjesta pa smo osmislili ljestve koje se kada napustite luku i izađete na otvoreno prelome u srednjem dijelu i izbacuju izvan broda, iznad površine mora i postaju svojevrsna platforma za skokove u more. Rješenje kojim se oslobađa prostor na krmenoj platformi i zadržava funkcionalnost stuba. U svakom slučaju bilo je zanimljivo i nadam se da će biti još takvih zadataka. Vratimo se još malo u prošlost. Tradicionalno konzervativnu marku kao što je BMW uspjeli ste modernizirati, a istodobno ste radili i na oživljavanju Minija.
- Vanjski izgled osmišljen je u moje dizajnersko vrijeme na odjelu BMW-a. Prva vizija Minija nastala je na šasiji MG-a F i taj crveni prototip promijenio je mišljenje
used as a passageway from bow to stern. Instead of making computer simulations, we made several life-size models of certain parts of the boat, such as the 10-metre flybridge. We made the concept and left the production project to Sanlorenzo. I’m pleased that they have accepted such a radical approach. There were some other minor details as well, such as the stairs leading from the aft deck to the upper deck. They generally take up a lot of space, and we have designed a ladder that, when you leave the harbour for the open sea, folds in two in the middle and is thrust out above the sea, becoming a kind of jumping platform. This is a solution that frees space on the aft deck and keeps the stairs’ functionality. In any case, it was interesting, and I hope that there will be more jobs like that in the future.
Let us go back to the past. You have succeeded in modernising a traditionally conservative brand like BMW, working, at the same time, to revive the Mini.
- Its appearance was created while I was a designer for BMW. The first version of the Mini was based on the MG F platform, and this red prototype changed the bosses’ minds. At BMW, they have their own defini-
Moj je studio za Sanlorenzo osmislio koncept asimetrične jahte na kojoj se za prolaz od pramca do krme upotrebljava samo jedna strana.
My studio has designed an asymmetrical yacht concept for Sanlorenzo, where only one side is used as a passageway from bow to stern.
šefova. U BMW-u imaju svoju definiciju ikone automobila prema kojoj takav status ne nosi automobil koji se prepoznaje na prvu, nego onaj koji rješava problem, otvara novu kategoriju kupaca i prostor za nastanak novih modela. Istodobno Mini je za BMW riješio još jedan problem. Ponudio je odgovor na pitanje kako prodati mali auto za mnogo novca. Neki su to pokušali luksuzom, bogatijom opremom, ali ništa od toga nije upalilo. Mini je uspio jer je ponudio karakter, brojne varijante i mogućnost personalizacije. Već na početku smo radili na ideji kako će se razvijati u budućnosti, ali krenulo se u drugom smjerom i sada se priča Minija pomalo rasplinjava.
Što mislite o posljednjim trendovima u BMW-u, sve većim bubrezima na novim modelima?
- Može se reći da su novi modeli sprijeda i straga vizualno prenaglašeni, a u sredini zanemareni. No veliki bubrezi u osnovi mi ne smetaju jer znam što se krije iza njihova bujanja. Naime, nekad je prednja maska služila za dovod zraka do hladnjaka i motora, a sad štiti kamere, senzore i radar. Ono s čime se danas dizajneri u BMW-u muče jest kako funkcionalno smjestiti svu tu tehnologiju koja ne funkcionira iza lima. Za to je prijeko potreban veliki crni komad plastike.
tion of an iconic car: it is not a car that is readily recognised, but one which solves a problem, attracts a new category of buyers, and opens up space for making new models. At the same time, the Mini solved another problem for BMW. It offered an answer to the question how to sell a small car for a lot of money. Some had tried this by offering luxury, better amenities, but nothing worked. The Mini was successful because it offered character, many variants, and the possibility of personalisation. At the very beginning we worked on the idea how it would develop in the future, but another direction was taken and now the story of the Mini is starting to dissipate.
What is your take on the latest BMW trends, on the ever bigger kidney grilles on new models?
- It can be said that the new models are visually too prominent in the front and rear, while the middle is neglected. But big grilles basically don’t bother me, because I know what is behind their growth. In the past, the front fascia was used to bring air to the cooler and engine, and today its function is to protect cameras, sensors and the radar. What designers at BMW are faced with today is how to functionally place all this technology, which does not work behind a metal plate, but requires a piece of black plastic.
The reinvention of the Mini was successful because it offered character, many variants, and the possibility of personalisation.
Reinkarnacija Minija je uspjela jer je tržištu ponudila karakter, brojne varijante i mogućnost personalizacije.
Spoj tradicije i luksuza / A combination of tradition and luxury
U stara vremena, hrvatske djevojke svojim su zaručnicima vezivale rubac oko vrata, kao znak njihove međusobne ljubavi i vjernosti. Time su se međusobno obvezali, ali i obznanili svoju ljubav drugima. Taj čin je posebno bio nezaobilazan i važan u ratna vremena. Njime su zaručnice svojim odabranicima davale svoje obećanje da su spremne na dugogodišnje čekanje, a zaručnicima-vojnicima to je saznanje pružalo utjehu i ohrabrenje u najtežim trenucima na ratištu.
In the olden days, Croatian girls would tie a scarf round the necks of their fiancés, marking their mutual love and fidelity.
This was done to show their commitment to each other, as well as to let the world know about their love. This act was especially important in times of war as it was a way for the girls to show their promise that they would wait for their fiancés no matter how long, and it provided comfort and encouragement to the fiancés – soldiers – in the worst moments on the battlefield.
U priči o kravati ključan trenutak desio se u vrijeme europskog Tridesetogodišnjeg rata, u 17. stoljeću. Hrvatska laka konjica, na glasu po iznimnom junaštvu, pristupila je francuskoj kraljevskoj vojsci. Uz vojničko umijeće i hrabrost, hrvatski vojnici odlikovali su se jednim originalnim detaljem – crvenim rupcem oko vrata. To su odmah uočili modno profinjeni Parižani. Za razliku od tadašnjih visokih krutih okovratnika, hrvatski rupci bili su jednostavni, slikoviti, lepršavi i k tome otmjeno svezani u čvor. Taj modni novitet, s oduševljenjem je prihvaćen na dvoru kralja Luja XIV. Kravata, kao znak dostojanstva i uljudnosti, otmjenosti i svečanosti, ubrzo je zavladala u ondašnjoj građanskoj modi i osvojila cijelu Europu, a danas i cijeli civilizirani svijet.
Kako to obično biva - izvrsnost se ne događa preko noći, spajanjem tradicije i dizajna, CROATA je uspjela objediniti i očuvati sjećanje na hrvatsku kulturnu baštinu i to uspješno kombinirati s današnjim modnim stilovima i sofisticiranošću.
Ona podupire stoljećima staru tradiciju stvaranja i proizvodnje kravata i marama te promiče temeljne simboličke vrijednosti koje predstavlja kravata i njezino hrvatsko podrijetlo.
The key moment of the story of the necktie happened during the Thirty Years' War, which took place in Europe in the seventeenth century, when the Croatian light cavalry, renowned for its great heroism, joined the French Royal Army. In addition to their military skills and bravery, Croatian soldiers boasted one original detail – a red scarf worn around their necks. Fashionable Parisians noticed this immediately. Unlike the high rigid collars worn at the time, Croatian scarfs were simple, colourful, light, and tied into a handsome knot. The court of King Louis XIV was quick to adopt this new fashionable accessory, and it was not long before the cravat, as a token of dignity and decency, style and ceremony, started to dominate the bourgeois fashion of the time, conquering the whole of Europe, as well as today’s entire civilised world.
As it usually happens, excellence is not achieved overnight. Combining tradition and design, CROATA was successful in integrating and preserving the memory of Croatian heritage and efficiently merging it with today’s fashion styles and sophistication.
It supports the centuries-old tradition of making and manufacturing neckties and scarfs, and promotes fundamental symbolical values represented by the necktie and its Croatian origin.
CROATA kravate, šalovi i rubci su izrađeni od najfinije svile u izuzetno malim serijama te su ručno dovedene do savršenstva.
Poruke brenda su duboko ukorijenjeno i bazirane na temeljnim vrijednostima kravate: dostojanstvu, poštovanju i samosvijesti, kao i ljubavi, svečanosti i poslovnom uspjehu.
Posebna pažnja posvećena je dizajnu, širokoj paleti kolora, uzoraka i motiva. Najčešći motivi na CROATA proizvodima su hrvatski pleter, preuzet sa starih hrvatskih kamenih spomenika, te glagoljica – pismo iz 9. stoljeća. Ti motivi su svojom elegantnim oblicima i povijesti koju skrivaju duboko u sebi vodeća inspiracija Croata dizajnerskom studiju.
Croata je odgovorna za proizvod – od vlastitog dizajnerskog studija do proizvodnje u vlastitim proizvodnim pogonima čime je omogućeno dosljedna visoka kvaliteta i personalizirani pristup prema kupcima diljem svijeta.
Zavezana ispod ovratnika bijele košulje koja paše muškom tijelu kao salivena, Croata kravata govori o povjerenju, odgovornosti, zrelosti i poslovnom uspjehu. U konačnici, ljepota čvora je upravo ta transformacija - od nesigurnog momka - vojnika do ozbiljnog muškarca zahvaljujući ljubavi - ono što čini ovu priču zaista nezaboravnom i inspirativnom.
CROATA neckties, shawls and scarfs are made from the finest silk in extremely small series, and are perfected by hand.
The brand’s messages are rooted in and based on the fundamental values of the necktie: dignity, respect and self-awareness, as well as love, ceremony and business success.
Special attention is given to design and the wide range of colours, patterns and motifs. The most common motifs on CROATA products are Croatian interlace, which can be found on old Croatian stone monuments, and the Glagolitic script, dating back to the ninth-century. With their elegant shapes and the history that is hidden in their depths, these motifs are a leading inspiration to Croata designers.
Croata is responsible for its products – from their design in its own designer studio to their manufacture in its own production facilities. This allows for maintaining a consistently high quality and adopting a personalised approach to clients around the world.
Tied under the collar of a white shirt which perfectly fits a man’s body, the Croata necktie speaks of trust, responsibility, maturity and business success. Ultimately, the beauty of its knot is in the transformation – from an insecure young man/soldier to a real man, a transformation enabled by love. And this is what makes this story inspirative and unforgettable.
Master Yachting was founded 45 years ago. Franz Schillinger and Peter Schmid made it one of the most successful in the European yacht trade.
Looking back, 2008 was a pivotal year for Master Yachting. With Franz Schillinger, a previously unknown figure in the yachting industry entered the stage and would set the pace and direction. The Viennese, bought Master Yachting together with his long-term business partner Peter Schmid in 2011 after having it restructured for 3 years. The division of the work areas works without complaint. Schmid primarily took care of finances and administration, Schillinger of sales and marketing. Everyone does what they do best and with maximum dedication. An unbeatable combination. The high level of personal commitment was quickly reflected in figures. Sales increased year after year, from 2015 to 2018 Master Yachting was by far the best Lagoon dealership in all of Europe, in 2019 even the best in the world. The secret of success, in addition to hard work: Schmid and Schillinger know how to convey the meaning and added
value of Yacht Charter Investment to customers, and thus considerably enlarge the target group of potential yacht owners. “We show how the dream of owning a yacht can be realized.”
In 2016, Master Yachting opened a subsidiary in Munich, which serves the German market from Munich up to Düsseldorf, and there is also a sales office in Zurich. In addition, the product range has been expanded to include Sanlorenzo Yachts in 2019 which doubled the volume of the Beneteau, Lagoon and Frauscher sales. Schillinger and Schmid have meanwhile brought youthful and dynamic support into the company. Marcel Glaubacker from Düsseldorf is the operational director of Master Yachting GmbH, the Swiss Cornelius Kistler manages the subsidiary Sanlorenzo South Central Europe d.o.o. Zagreb based Dino Mehun is head of After Sales for both companies.
The only educational conference for yacht charter professionals is back for the 5th time this November bringing even more knowledge and excitement!
More than 200 participants from 20 different countries will enjoy three days of first class educational lectures, professional panel discussions, practical workshops and valuable networking opportunities with another fantastic lineup of over 30 international speakers. The Summit covers every relevant topic in the yacht charter industry in the relaxing setting of the Hilton Garden Inn hotel in Zagreb, Croatia.
Use this unique opportunity to grow your business and learn by discovering the latest innovations and emerging trends. Spark new ideas and discuss the most profitable and mutually beneficial ways of implementing them with your current or potential partners.
Tim Green Sail organizacije je nedavno razvio način na koji tvrtke za iznajmljivanje plovila mogu mjeriti ekološki otisak svojih plovila. Ovaj prvi takve vrste Vessel Environmental Footprint (VEF), koji su verificirali znanstvenici s Instituta za turizam u Hrvatskoj, pomaže plovilima u određivanju njihovog otiska, a također djeluje i kao sustav ocjenjivanja, pokazujući razinu održivosti svakog plovila.
Green Sail has recently developed a way for yacht charter companies to measure their vessel’s environmental footprint. This first-of-its-kind Vessel Environmental Footprint (VEF), which was verified by scientists from the Institute for Tourism in Croatia, helps vessels determine their footprint and also acts as a rating system, indicating the sustainability level of each vessel.
VEF mjeri emisije i razinu održivosti na plovilu, što rezultira ocjenama do 5. Ova ocjena naglašava utjecaj plovila na okoliš, pri čemu 1 označava plovilo koje proizvodi značajan otisak na okoliš, a 5 je održivo plovilo koje aktivno ublažava svoj utjecaj na okoliš.
Sustav radi na smanjenju utjecaja industrije iznajmljivanja plovila na okoliš, omogućujući korisnicima da donose informirane odluke koje podržavaju zelene inicijative.
Kako bi se izmjerio ukupni ekološki otisak plovila, Green Sail mjeri četiri ključna područja: emisije proizvedene na brodu, potrošnju energije, potrošnju vode i otpad proizveden na brodu.
Nadalje, Green Sail također uzima u obzir elemente koji mogu neutralizirati ili smanjiti utjecaj plovila na
The VEF measures emissions and sustainability actions onboard a boat, resulting in a rating out of 5. This rating highlights the impact the vessel has on the environment, with 1 indicating a vessel that produces a significant environmental footprint, and 5 being a sustainable vessel that actively mitigates its impact on the environment.
The system works to reduce the impact the yacht charter industry has on the environment, allowing customers to make informed decisions that support green initiatives.
In order to measure the overall environmental footprint of a vessel, Green Sail measures four key areas: emissions produced onboard, power usage, water usage and waste produced onboard.
okoliš, na primjer, vrstu i količinu potrošenog antifaulinga, postoje li obnovljivi izvori energije na brodu (kao što su solarni paneli i generatori vode) te postrojenja za recikliranje. Starost plovila, tj. koliko često se plovila koriste i kako se koriste (najam plovila ili privatno vlasništvo) također se uzimaju u obzir unutar sustava VEF-a.
Green Sail već nekoliko godina surađuje s ACI marinama, educirajući zaposlenike marina o ekološkim praksama raznim informativnim materijalima. Krenuvši upravo s ACI marinama u sklopu svojih obrazovnih aktivnosti, ovakvim uspješnim partnerstvom organizacija Green Sail nastavlja svoje obrazovne aktivnosti unutar nautičke zajednice, što i dalje uključuje razvijanje ekološke svijesti o zaštiti okoliša.
Furthermore, Green Sail also takes into consideration elements that are able to offset or reduce the vessel’s environmental impact, for example, antifouling processes, whether there are renewable energy sources onboard (such as solar panels and water makers) and recycling facilities. The age of the vessel, how frequently it is used and how it is used (i.e. charter or leisure) are also considered in the VEF system.
Green Sail has partnered with ACI Marinas for many years now, providing environmental education and informative materials to ACI Marina employees. This partnership has allowed Green Sail to continue its educational activities within the nautical community, using ACI marinas as a base for educational activities, including environmental awareness raising activities and environmental research.
PINNA NOBILIS SSMA-19 - jedno sidro za sva mora. Maleno, gotovo neprimjetno na livadi posidonije - plućima mora, a moćno da se odupre sili snažnih valova i vjetrova držeći na sigurnom vezu brodske gorostase. Ne smeta mu ni pjeskovito, ni muljevito dno ispod kojeg su čvrste stijene, prilagodit će se svakom morskom i riječnom dnu. Sidro koje mijenja betonski blok ili popularni corpo morto. Prije tri godine to je bila vizija jednog zaljubljenika u morsko plavetnilo. Danas vizionar u rukama ima opipljivo i živo sidro budućnosti.
PINNA NOBILIS SSMA-19 - one anchor for all seas. Small, almost imperceptible in a bed of Posidonia oceanica – the lungs of the sea – yet strong enough to resist the force of fierce winds and huge waves, keeping gigantic boats safely moored. Neither sand nor mud with hard rock below are a problem for it; it will adapt to any sea and river bed. A mooring system that will replace the concrete block, called deadweight anchor. Three years ago, this was just a sea lover’s vision. Today, this visionary is holding a tangible and real anchor for the future.
“Svaka ideja rodi se iz muke”, kaže Gordan Župa, vlasnik renomirane tvrtke Dubina inženjering d.o.o. koja ima dvadesetogodišnje iskustvo u izvedbi sidrenih sustava i ostalih vrsta podvodnih radova. Dubina je pionir u postavljanju ekoloških sidrišta u nas, prva su instalacijska sidra ugradili u Komiži 2008., godinu poslije u Dubrovniku ispred lukobrana Kaše, potom u ACI marinu Pula, marinu Agana. U uvalama zaštićenog Parka prirode Lastovo postavljali su ekološki prihvatljiva moderna sidrišta koja ne uništavaju polja posidonije. “Francuska ima slična sidra, no njihova su samo za pjeskovita ili dna sačinjena od rasutog materijala. U području dinarskog krša osnova je čvrsta stijena koja pruža oslonac sedimentu ograničene debljine i tu u smislu osiguranja projektom predviđene nosivosti nastaje problem. Mali je nanos pijeska da se usidri takvo sidro, a kamen je duboko”, objašnjava nam Župa. Podvodna su sidra inače prilagođena pojedinoj vrsti morskog dna - za stjenovito koriste se tzv. kohezijska sidra, a kod pjeskovitog materijala na dnu je tzv. Manta Ray.
I onda se iz ljute muke, dalmatinskog dišpeta, znanja i iskustva rodila ideja o sidru primjenjivom u realnim uvjetima Jadranskog bazena, kombinaciji rasutog materijala i stijenske mase, za varijabilne karakteristike plovila i valnog polja, za sidrenje brodica i plovila do
“Necessity is the mother of invention”, says Gordan Župa, the owner of Dubina Inženjering, a renowned company with 20 years of experience in the construction of mooring systems and other types of underwater works. Dubina is a pioneer in installing ecological mooring systems in Croatia; they constructed the first permanent mooring in Komiža in 2008, which was followed by the one in Dubrovnik, in front of the Kaše breakwater, a year later, and then those at ACI Marina Pula and marina Agana. In the bays of the Lastovo Nature Park, they installed environmentally friendly modern mooring systems that do not destroy meadows of Posidonia oceanica. “France has similar anchors, but theirs are only intended for sandy bottoms or those made of loose sediment. In the Dinaric Karst area, the base is solid rock that supports the sediment of limited thickness, and here is where the problem lies, in terms of the bearing capacity envisaged in the project. The sand deposit is too shallow to anchor such a system, and the rock is too deep”, says Župa. Permanent mooring systems are adapted to a particular type of sea bottom: the so-called cohesive soil anchor is used for rocky sea beds, the so-called Manta-Ray for sandy seafloors.
And then, out of dire necessity, Dalmatian defiance, expertise and experience, an idea emerged about a
30 m dužine, što čini ukupno 80% plovila u morskom i riječnom prometu. “Moja ideja bila je ideja sanjara, a stručnjaci sa splitskog Fakulteta građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije viziju su pretočili u djelo”, tako Župa govori o suradnji realnog i znanstvenog sektora. Viziju i suradnju prepoznao je i EU pa je s 333.000 eura bespovratnih sredstava financirao projekt pod nazivom “PINNA NOBILIS SSMA-19”, u sklopu programa povećanja razvoja novih proizvoda i usluga koja proizlaze iz aktivnosti istraživanja i razvoja.
“Župa je preko jednog zajedničkog kolege došao do nas, trebala mu je znanstvena podrška u dijelu aplikativnih istraživanja i razvoja proizvoda koji je u tom razdoblju bio samo jasna ideja. Krenuli smo u projektnu prijavu vođeni Gordanovom vizijom, a s obzirom na interes MSP-ova koji je vladao za podnošenje projektnih prijava na ovom pozivu, nisam baš vjerovao da ćemo proći”, iskreno o počecima suradnje govori izv. prof. dr. sc. Veljko Srzić, član tima splitskog FGAG-a, te dodaje: “No prošli smo na natječaju, projekt je pozitivno evaluiran i odobren za financiranje. Pandemija nas je malo usporila, ali unatoč tomu, u roku smo ga završili i od svih projekata koje sam vodio, ovaj mi je najdraži. Zašto? Jer imamo konačni proizvod koji možeš držati u rukama i koji ima jasnu primjenu, vidiš mu mjesto u moru, na tržištu, u luci, na sidrištu.”
Ne skrivajući ponos profesor Srzić pojašnjava posebnosti projekta od milja nazvanog sidro budućnosti. “Ovo sidro jedinstveno je u svijetu jer je promijenjen statički sustav, na prijelazu iz stijenske mase u rasuti materijal ne ide šipka, ona se prekine, ima jedan zglob koji se može vrtjeti čime se smanjuje moment savijanja i poprečna sila u presjeku tako da šipka može 'raditi'. Od rijeka, mora do jezera, gdje god je kombinacija čvrste stijene na dnu i pijeska
mooring system that could be used in the real conditions of the Adriatic basin – which is a combination of sediment and rocky mass –and which would be would be suitable for variable characteristics of vessels and wave fields, and capable of anchoring boats and other vessels up to 30 m in length, which, in total, make up 80% of vessels in the sea and inland waterways transport. “My idea was a dreamer’s idea, but experts from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy (FGAG) in Split have turned my vision into reality”, this is what Župa says about this partnership of the real and the scientific sector. The vision and the partnership were recognised by the EU, which awarded the project titled PINNA NOBILIS SSMA-19 a grant worth €333,000 under the programme “Increasing the development of new products and services arising from R&D activities”.
“Župa reached us through a mutual colleague; he needed scientific support in the part that has to do with applied research and the development of a product, which was, at the time, only a clear idea. We started the project application process led by Gordans's vision, and taking into account the high interest of SMEs for that call, I wasn't quite sure we would be successful”, Veljko Srzić, PhD, member of the team from the Split FGAG, frankly admits, talking about the early days of the partnership, “but our application was accepted, our project received a positive evaluation and we were given the grant. The pandemic slowed us a bit, but in spite of it, we managed to meet the deadline. Of all the projects I was the leader of, this one is my favourite. Why? Because there is the end product that you can hold in your hands, which has a clear application, and you can see where it can be placed in the sea, on the
ili šljunka, može se usidriti bez obzira na dubinu. A može ići od jednog do trideset, četrdeset metara dubine. Njegova primjena ima i praktične razloge, povećava se operativna dubina jer se ugrađuje u morsko dno tako da viri samo jedno oko (metalni gambet), desetak centimetara visine, kroz koje se provlači lanac ili se vrši veza lanca. Marine su u plitkim uvalama, brodovi su sve veći i ima ih sve više pa će ovo sidro u odnosu na tradicionalne betonske blokove povećati kapacitete jer otvara mogućnost priveza u plićem akvatoriju, tamo gdje zbog betonskih blokova to nije bilo moguće”, dodaje profesor Srzić.
Nautički turizam bilježi stalni rast, ali i globalne izazove vezane uz ekološki prihvatljive tehnologije, zaštitu i održivost okoliša. Investitori su postali svjesni potrebe smanjenja negativnih utjecaja na okoliš pa kad se grade luke ili sidrišta, sve češće traže alternativu za corpo morto, masivan betonski blok, posebno radi očuvanja staništa posidonije. “To se sidro zabuši u tlo i operativno zauzima nekih 10% četvornog metra potrebnog za bušenje i postavljanje gambeta. Betonski blok zauzme dva-tri kvadrata na metar površine, kod većih periodičkih opterećenja može se i pomaknuti, puzati po dnu i time znatno ugrožava
market, in the port, in an anchorage.” Not hiding his pride, Professor Srzić explains the special features of the project nicknamed the anchor for the future. “This anchor is unique in the whole world because the static system has been changed: where the rocky mass gives way to sediment, there is no shank; it folds, because there is a hinge that can revolve, decreasing the bending moment and shear force in the cross section, so that the shaft can do its job. From rivers to seas to lakes, everywhere where the seabed is a combination of hard rock and sand or gravel, it can anchor regardless of the depth, which can be from 1 to 30, even 40 metres. Its use has practical reasons as well: the operational depth increases because it is built into the sea floor so that only one shackle is visible around 10 cm in height, through which the anchor chain can be pulled or where it can be secured. Marinas are situated in shallow bays, boats get bigger and bigger, and this anchor, compared to the traditional concrete block, will increase mooring capacity because it opens up the possibility of mooring in shallower waters, where it wouldn’t be possible with concrete blocks”, Professor Srzić continues.
livade posidonije”, pojašnjava profesor Srzić ekološku opravdanost sidra. “Ekonomski je apsolutno konkurentno standardnim rješenjima, i to ćemo potvrditi kroz nosivost. U fazama industrijskog istraživanja i eksperimentalnog razvoja utvrđeno je da je nosivost na poteznu silu do deset tona. Samo usporedbe radi, jedan kubni metar betona na suhome teži dvije i pol tone, što odgovara četiri kubna metra betona te još treba dodati povećanje za otprilike 40 posto jer se efektivna težina bloka u moru izgubi zbog uzgona. Znači jedno naše sidro mijenja corpo morto od otprilike 15 tona. Uz to, za izradu i postavljanje betonskog bloka treba imati veći građevinski tim i logistiku kako bi se osigurali izrada oplate, slaganje armature i ankera, betoniranje, njega betona, skidanje oplate, transport i ugradnja. Naša sidra dopremaju se gotova, neusporedivo su manjeg volumena, što olakšava transport, potrebna su dva ronioca na bušilici i prosječno vrijeme ugradnje sidra je oko dva-tri sata, dok za corpo morto treba barem tjedan dana da se proizvod stavi upotrebu. Kad se sve zbroji, ovo sidro ima puno prednosti nad konvencionalnim rješenjima, ne samo tehničkih nego i financijskih i ekoloških”, zaključuje profesor Srzić.
Ispitivanja i razvoj sidra provedeni su u Hidrotehničkom laboratoriju splitskog FGAG-a, jednom od najsuvremenijih u regiji. U sklopu laboratorija od
Nautical tourism is on a steady rise, but so are global challenges related to the ecologically acceptable technologies and the environmental protection and sustainability. Investors have become aware of the need to mitigate the negative impact on the environment, so when ports or anchorages are constructed, alternatives to the deadweight anchor, a massive block of concrete, are increasingly sought, especially in order to preserve the meadows of Posidonia oceanica. “This mooring system is driven into the ground and operationally takes up approximately 10% of a square metre, which is needed for drilling and installing the shackle. A concrete block requires two to three square metres, and under larger periodic loads it can shift and drag along the bottom, endangering the Posidonia meadows”, explains Professor Srzić why this mooring system is ecologically justifiable. “In economic terms, it is absolutely competitive with standard solutions, and this will be confirmed through its bearing capacity. In the industrial research and experimental development stages it was established that its bearing capacity is up to ten tonnes under tensile force. In comparison, one cubic metre of concrete weighs 2,5 tonnes on the land, which equals 4 cubic metres of concrete, and to this we should add approximately 40 percent because the effective weight of the
kapitalne infrastrukture korišteni su multifunkcionalni istraživački bazen te kanal s integriranim generatorom valova i sustavom za prikupljanje podataka i kontrolu eksperimenata. Simulirani su valovi specifični za Jadran, u sklopu projekta nabavljen je i veliki sidreni blok bračkog kamena od devet tona na kojem su testirana nosivost kohezijskog dijela sidra te primjena različitih injekcijskih masa. Nakon industrijskog uslijedila je faza eksperimentalnog razvoja. Prototip je napravljen u domaćoj tvrtki i sada je sidro u fazi testiranja u realnom relevantnom okruženju.
Posljednja je faza testiranja na Palagruži. Srpanj je rezerviran za pripremu patentne prijave, a na iduću godinu gledaju s velikim očekivanjima i usmjerenošću na tržište.
“Ono što je važno istaknuti”, dodaje Gordan Župa, “konačan proizvod bit će konceptualno jedinstven, ali imat će desetak promjenjivih parametara. Njihov izbor ovisit će o specifičnostima mikrolokacije na kojima će se sidra koristiti i specifikacijama brodova koji će se privezivati. Sve će to, naravno, biti implementirano u aplikaciju koja će projektantu nuditi suport u odabiru najboljeg rješenja za sidro”. Inovativni proizvod hrvatske pameti, znanja i iskustva jedinstven je i konkurentan na europskom tržištu. Sidro kakvog nema nigdje. Za sva mora. Sidro budućnosti.
Sadržaj publikacije isključiva je odgovornost društva
block is lost in the sea due to buoyancy. This means that one of our anchors can replace a deadweight anchor of approximately fifteen tonnes. In addition, in order to make and install a concrete block, a large construction team and complicated logistics are required to ensure the fabrication of formwork, placing of reinforcement and screws, pouring of concrete, curing of concrete, removal of formwork, transportation, and installation. Our mooring systems are delivered as an end product and are of incomparably smaller volume, which makes them easier to transport. Two divers are needed at the drill and it takes approximately two to three hours to install the anchor, while a deadweight anchor requires at least a week to be put into service. When all is taken into account, this mooring system has many advantages over conventional solutions, not only regarding the technical part but also in terms of finance and environmental concerns”, professor Srzić concludes.
The testing and development of the anchor were carried out at the Hydrotechnical Laboratory of the FGAG in Split, one of the most advanced laboratories in the region. The following laboratory capital infrastructure was used: the multifunctional research tank, and the channel with an integrated wave generator and a data collection and experiment control system. Waves typical of the Adriatic were simulated, and a big anchoring block of Brač stone, weighing nine tonnes, was procured and used to test the bearing capacity of the cohesive part of the anchor and the application of various injection materials. The industrial development was followed by the experimental development stage. The prototype was made in a Croatian company, and the anchor is now in its testing stage in a real and relevant environment. The final testing stage will be carried out on the island of Palagruža. Patent application will be done in July, and they are looking forward to the next year with great expectations, especially regarding the market.
“What is important to stress”, Gordan Župa adds, “is that the final product will have one single concept, but ten variable parameters, the choice of which will depend on the specific characteristics of the micro location in which the anchors will be used and the specification of boats that will be moored there. Of course, all this will be implemented in an application that will offer the designer support in choosing a suitable anchor solution. This innovative product is the result of Croatian intelligence, knowledge and experience, and is unique and competitive in the European market. This is an anchor that cannot be found anywhere else, an anchor for all the seas – an anchor for the future.
The society DUBINA INŽENJERING d.o.o. is solely responsible for the content published above.
Iako je globalno slavan autor, pozivan širom svijeta, Jo Nesbø voli dolaziti u Hrvatsku. Među temperamentne hrvatske čitatelje koji ga dočekuju gotovo kao rock-zvijezdu dolazi i zato što voli ovdašnju prirodu. Strastveni penjač Nesbø predstavljanja svojih knjiga kombinira s penjanjem po hrvatskim stijenama. Za boravka u Splitu 2018., kad su ga izvrsno utrenirani penjači, inače članovi Hrvatske gorske službe spašavanja (HGSS), vodili na penjanje u kanjon Paklenice, jednu od najljepših penjačkih destinacija Europe i šire, na dar je dobio majicu HGSS-a. Kad se poslije više godina vratio predstavljati nove knjige i penjati se po Omiškoj Dinari, komentirao je da je majica HGSS-a tako ugodna da u njoj već dugo voli – spavati. „Ne samo da te osiguravamo dok penješ nego te grijemo i noću”, na to su mu, natjeravši ga u smijeh, odgovorili HGSS-ovci.
Jo Nesbø, although an internationally famous writer who is invited to all corners of the world, likes coming to Croatia. He likes to come here among the temperamental Croatian readers, who welcome him almost as a rock star, because he also likes our countryside. Nesbø, an avid climber, combines book promotion events with climbing Croatia’s rocks. During his stay in Split in 2018, he was taken by some highly trained climbers, members of the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service (HGSS), on a climbing trip to Paklenica canyon – which is one of the most remarkable climbing destinations in Europe and beyond – and was given an HGSS T-shirt as a gift. When he came back years later to launch new books and climb the Omiš Dinara, he remarked that the HGSS T-shirt was so comfortable that he had been sleeping in it for quite some time. “Not only do we make your climbs secure, but we also keep you warm at night,” members of the HGSS replied, making him laugh.
Razgovarali smo u Splitu, ljubaznim posredovanjem Fokusa, autorova hrvatskog izdavača, netom pred Nesbøv povratak u Oslo.
Nenametljiv je, govori tiho, kao da ničim ne želi privlačiti pažnju. Nije ni čudo, ovdje izaziva pozornost kakvu dobivaju jedino nogometaši.
Koincidencija je da je Nesbø u mladosti i sanjao o karijeri nogometaša, nogomet je trenirao sve dok se nije ozbiljno ozlijedio. Kad ne piše i ne penje se, desetljećima svira s bendom Di Derre. To ga, kaže, silno raduje. Konačno, prvo što je pisao, puno prije knjiga, bili su stihovi za pjesme koje izvodi s bendom. Diplomirao je ekonomiju, nekad radio kao burzovni mešetar, u životu isprobao štošta prije no što se uhvatio pisanja.
We arranged to meet in Split, thanks to his kind Croatian publisher, Fokus, just before Nesbø’s return to Oslo. He is unassuming, soft-spoken, as if he does not want to draw attention to himself in any way. It is no wonder, he gets the kind of attention here that is usually reserved only for footballers.
It is a coincidence that the young Nesbø dreamed of a football career, and he played it professionally until he sustained a serious injury. When he is not writing or climbing, he plays with Di Derre, the band he has been playing for decades in. It makes him, he says, extremely happy. After all, the first thing he wrote, long before any books, were the poems he performs with his band. He has a degree in economics and used to work as a stockbroker; he did a lot of things in his life before settling on writing.
Prodali ste više od 500 milijuna knjiga širom svijeta. Sa životnim iskustvom i dosegnuvši brojeve koje vas stavljaju u sam vrh svjetskih bestselera, što vi osjećate kao uspjeh?
Uspjeh je, kao i mnogošto drugo, pitanje definicije. Pitanje je kako netko definira njegovo značenje. Osjećaj osobnog postignuća nije isto što i uspjeh. Uspjeh je ono što ti ljudi pripisuju, ali ne mora biti jednako tvom intrinzičnom osjećaju uspjeha.
Evo primjer iz mog života. Kad sam prvi put popeo penjači smjer ocijenjen sa 6e, što je ocjena koju većina ljudi dostigne ako ulože napor u penjanje, ako treniraju, meni je to bilo veliko postignuće. Dobro to pamtim. Imam prijatelja koji je bitno bolji penjač nego ja, osim toga je i ambiciozan pisac i svako malo podsjeti me na taj događaj.
Jer dogodilo se da mi je u trenutku kad sam popeo taj smjer i sišao zazvonio mobitel. Javili su da sam prvi put u Njemačkoj na listi bestselera. „Odlična vijest!” kazao sam. Kratko poslije toga prijatelj me upitao je li mi važnije to da sam upravo prvi put popeo 6 e ili da sam prvi put među najčitanijim autorima na velikom tržištu u Njemačkoj. Promislio sam nekoliko sekundi i odvratio: „Važnije mi je popeti 6 e!” Jer to sam postigao snagom vlastite volje. Sve što sam postigao u penjanju snaga je moje volje. A napisati knjigu meni je jednostavno.
You have sold more than 500 million books around the world. With your life experience and figures that put you at the top of the lists of world’s bestselling authors, what do you feel success is?
Success, just like many other things, is a matter of definition. It depends on how a person defines its meaning. A sense of personal achievement is not the same as success. Success is what people attribute to you, but it does not have to be the same as your intrinsic feeling of success.
Here is an example from my life: when I first climbed a 6e grade route, which is something most people can do providing they put in some effort, providing they train, it was a great achievement for me. I remember it very well. I have a friend who is a much better climber than I am, and who is also an ambitious writer, and every now and then he reminds me of the event.
Because it happened that my mobile rang just as I came down from that climb, and I was told that I’d made the German bestselling list for the first time. “Great news!” I said. Shortly afterwards, my friend asked me if it was more important to me that I’d just climbed the 6e or that I’d made the list of best-read authors in the big German market for the first time. I thought for a couple of seconds and replied, “It’s more important to have climbed 6e!” Because I made it through sheer willpower. Everything I have achieved in climbing is through my willpower. And writing a book is very easy for me.
Za pisanje treba talent, rad, a pomaže i iskustvo. Je li vam s godinama postalo lakše pisati?
Čovjek si postavi cilj što želi postići u pisanju, no čim ga dosegneš, želiš postići nešto drugo. Barem ja tako funkcioniram.
Ako ti je u knjigama dovoljno se ponavljati, brzo dođeš do toga da možeš reći: sad znam kako se to radi i samo ću raditi ovako dalje i dalje. No to postane dosadno.
A i nećeš baš uspjeti jer čitatelji su pametni. Imam osjećaj, a vjerujem da je tako i vama i većini ljudi, da dok čitamo neku knjigu znamo, točno možemo reći je li je autor napisao iznutra, s velikom energijom ili pokušava slijediti obrazac. Jer ako pišeš iznutra, čak i ako je to kriminalistička priča, ako je mainstream književnost, posve si nag i ne možeš se dugo pretvarati, moraš iz knjige u knjigu težiti biti bolji. Pokušati rasti. Iskusiti nešto novo. Istraživati novo. To nije lako. Zapravo, što dulje pišem, to postaje teže.
Svaki se dan u svijetu izdaju dobre knjige, čak i odlične, koje su vrlo slabo čitane, možda će ih pročitati samo nekoliko ljudi. Jer nije dovoljno napisati dobru knjigu. Treba imati sreću pogoditi pravu knjigu u pravo vrijeme, pogoditi zeitgeist.
You need talent and hard work to write a book, and experience can’t hurt either. Has it become easier to write over the years?
You set a goal when writing. But as soon as you achieve it, you want to achieve something else. At least, this is how I work. If it’s enough for you to repeat yourself over and over again in your books, then you come very fast to a place where you can say: now I know how to do it, and I’m going to go on and on doing things this way. But it soon becomes boring. Also, you are not going to make it anyway because readers are clever. I have a feeling – and I suspect the same goes for you and for most people – that when we are reading a book, we know, we can tell if the writer has written it “from within”, with a lot of energy, of if he or she is just trying to follow a pattern. Because if you write from within, even if it’s a crime story, or mainstream literature, you completely bare yourself and you can’t pretend for too long; you have to strive to be better from one book to another. Try to grow. Experience something new. Explore something new. It’s not easy. Actually, the longer I write, the harder it gets.
Ne volite pozornost. Je li vam gnjavaža davati intervjue?
To je dio mog posla. Osim toga nekad sam bio novinar. Pisac ima povlasticu pisati novu priču svaki put, a kad radiš intervjue, to je kao da pišeš stalno istu priču.
Vaše prvo, davno putovanje u Hrvatsku bilo je gotovo slučajno. Što se dogodilo?
Kao mladić putovao sam bivšom Jugoslavijom, iako mi to nije bila prvotna namjera. Prijatelj i ja sjeli smo u pogrešan vlak i završili u Beogradu. Bilo je to u kasnim 1970-ima. Beograd nam se nije baš svidio pa smo razmišljali kamo dalje. Netko nam je kazao: „Ljudi, otiđite na obalu!” I, premda sam kasnije pokušavao rekonstruirati gdje smo to bili, nisam siguran, ali znam da smo završili u nekom mjestu, zapravo više selu na hrvatskoj obali. Ljudi su bili baš srdačni, to mi je duboko u sjećanju. Ondje smo bili veoma dobro prihvaćeni.
A u ona vremena upotrebljavali su se putnički čekovi, nismo imali gotovine, samo putničke čekove.
Stigli smo kasno poslijepodne i banke su već bile zatvorene. Netko nam je predložio da odemo voditelju banke, štoviše odveli su nas do njegove kuće. Čovjek se baš spremao na tuširanje i mirno nam kazao: „Pričekajte malo da se istuširam pa ćemo zajedno do banke.” Tako smo pričekali da se istušira, odjene i izvan radnog vremena ode s nama u banku da možemo unovčiti putničke čekove.” (smijeh)
Every day, some good, even excellent, books are published somewhere in the world, which are not read widely, which only a handful of people will read.
Because it’s not enough to write a good book. You need luck to write the right book at the right time, to get the zeitgeist right.
You do not like attention. Is giving interviews a nuisance to you?
It’s part of my job. Besides, I used to be a journalist myself. A writer has the privilege to write a new story every time. And when you do interviews, it’s like you’re writing the same story over and over again.
You first came to Croatia a long time ago and it was almost by chance. What exactly happened?
When I was a young man, I travelled in former Yugoslavia although it wasn’t my plan. It happened that a friend and I took a wrong train. We ended up in Belgrade; it was in the late 1970s. We didn’t like the city very much, and we were thinking about where to go next. Someone said:
‘You should go to the seaside!’ And I tried to reconstruct later where we had been, but I wasn’t able to; what I know is that we ended up in a town, actually more of a village, on the Croatian coast. People were really very friendly; I remember it to this day. They accepted us very well. And those were the times when traveller’s cheques were used and we didn’t have any cash, just those cheques.
S pedeset godina počeli ste se penjati i svake godine sve ste zagrijaniji za taj sport. Što vas u penjanju tako snažno drži?
Više je toga. Zbog straha i potrebe za sigurnosti dok se penjem ne mogu razmišljati ni o čemu drugome, posve sam usredotočen.
I danas osjećam dozu straha pri penjanju iako znam da će me uže zadržati ako padnem. Unatoč tomu lako osjetim strah. Dio mene voli taj osjećaj straha, to je jedan od razloga što volim penjanje.
Drugi dio priče jest da su mi u mladosti mnogi sportovi došli spontano. Trenirao sam nogomet, ali spontano sam igrao i razne druge sportove s loptom.
Penjanje mi nije došlo spontano, za taj sport nisam talentiran.
Vidio sam mnogo penjača koji imaju osjećaj za balans, instinkt za kretanje u stijeni. Ja, pak, u penjanju ništa nisam dobio olako. To me pomalo i ljutilo, ali me i vuklo dalje. Fascinira me što svake godine u tom sportu pomalo napredujem. Kad se penješ na stijeni ili penjačkom zidu u dvorani, život je odjedanput veoma jednostavan. Što god da čovjeka dok je dolje na tlu inače muči, bilo da pišeš knjigu i ne ide ti ili imaš probleme u ljubavnom životu ili račune koje ne možeš platiti, sve to nestane iz glave dok se penješ. Dok se penjem, ne mogu ni o čemu drugom razmišljati.
We arrived late in the afternoon. The banks had already closed for the day. Somebody suggested going to the bank manager’s place. They even took us to his house. The man was just getting ready to have a shower, and calmly said: ‘Wait until I have a shower, and I’ll go with you to the bank.’ So, we waited for him to have a shower, get dressed and, outside working hours, go with us to the bank so that we could cash our traveller’s cheques” (laughing).
You started climbing at the age of fifty. And each year you become even keener on the sport. What is it in climbing that has got you hooked?
There are many things. The fear and the need to be safe make me not able to think of anything else while I’m climbing; I’m totally focused.
I still feel some fear today when I’m climbing although I know the rope will hold me if I fall. Despite that, I can easily feel fear. A part of me likes this feeling. And that is one of the reasons why I like climbing.
The other part is that, when I was young, a lot of sports came naturally to me. I played football professionally, but I also played other ball sports; they came naturally to me.
Climbing did not happen spontaneously. I have no talent for it.
I saw climbers who have a natural balance, who have an instinct for moving on a rock. As far as climbing goes, I didn’t get anything easy. It made me angry a bit, but it also pushed me forward. I find it fascinating that my climbing improves a little every year.
When you’re climbing a rock or an indoor climbing wall, life is, all of a sudden, really simple. Whatever your worries are while you are on the ground, whether writing a book and experiencing a writer’s block or having problems in your love life or problems paying bills, everything disappears from your head while you’re climbing. When I’m climbing, I can’t think of anything else.
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Od prvog trenutka osjećali smo bezuvjetnu podršku Eltona Johna.
Poticao nas je cijelo vrijeme, nevjerojatno je koliko je imao vjere u nas.
From the first moment, Elton John had given us unconditional support. He encouraged us all along, and the amount of faith he had in us was incredible.
Dvojica mladih klasično obrazovanih violončelista prije dvanaest su godina gotovo slučajno obradom pjesme „Smooth Criminal” Michaela Jacksona pronašli crossover formulu zahvaljujući kojoj su ubrzo postali globalne zvijezde. Hrvatski gudački duet 2Cellos Luka Šulić i Stjepan Hauser intenzivnim i energičnim obradama postali su sinonim za crossover.
Twelve years ago, two young, classically trained, cellists covered Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal, finding, almost by accident, a formula for crossover music that soon turned them into international stars. The intensive and energetic covers of the Croatian string duo 2Cellos, consisting of Luka Šulić and Stjepan Hauser, have become synonymous with classical crossover.
Snimili su šest albuma, nastupali u pedesetak zemalja, svirali u dvoranama poput londonskog Royal Albert Halla i njujorškog Radio City Music Halla, u Japanu, Singapuru, Južnoj Koreji, Australiji, širom svijeta te surađivali s imenima poput Andree Bocellija, Red Hot Chili Peppersa i Eltona Johna.
Zajedno su studirali na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, Šulić potom i na londonskoj Kraljevskoj glazbenoj akademiji, Hauser na Kraljevskom sveučilištu u Manchesteru.
Nakon što su Šulić i Hauser, zaljubljenici u klasičnu glazbu i violončela, 2011. obradili „Smooth Criminal” uspjeh je bio i brz i globalan, a 2Cellos su počeli snimati obrade mnogih poznatih naslova autora kao što su Bon Jovi, Iron Maiden, Guns’n’Roses, AC/DC, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Prodigy, White Stripes, Nirvana, Leonard Cohen… Njihovi koncerti bili su eksplozivni, širom svijeta pratila ih je često frenetična publika. Više od desetljeća radili su intenzivno, a potom, na vrhuncu svjetske karijere, odlučili su se – razići. Posljednje koncerte 2Cellos održali su u prosincu 2022. u Australiji i na Novom Zelandu. S Hauserom i Šulićem razgovarali smo uoči koncerta u Ljubljani, koji je također bio dio posljednje velike svjetske turneje. “Koliko god mnoge zanimalo što stoji iza odluke da više ne sviramo zajedno, doista se ništa dramatično između nas ne događa. Razumijemo se bolje nego ikad, no došlo je do zasićenja i logično je
The duo has made six albums, toured around fifty countries – playing in venues such as the London Royal Albert Hall and the New York Radio City Music Hall as well as in countries such as Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Australia, and the rest of the world – and worked with the likes of Andrea Bocelli, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Elton John.
They had studied together at the Zagreb Academy of Music; Šulić later went on to study at the Royal Academy of Music in London, Hauser at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. After Šulić and Hauser, lovers of classical music and the cello, did a cover of Smooth Criminal in 2011, they achieved a quick and global success, and 2Cellos started covering hits by many other musicians such as Bon Jovi, Iron Maiden, Guns N’Roses, AC/DC, the Rolling Stones, Prodigy, White Stripes, Nirvana, Leonard Cohen etc. Their concerts were explosive, and they were besieged by often frenzied fans around the world. They worked intensively for more than a decade, and then, at the peak of their international career, they decided – to split. They held their last concerts in Australia and New Zealand in December 2022. We talked to Hauser and Šulić just ahead of their concert in Ljubljana, also part of their last big world tour.
Ovo čime se bavim ne osjećam kao posao, to bih radio i da nisam plaćen. Čak i da me traže da ja platim, učinio bih to samo da me puste da sviram.
I don’t see what I do as a job, I’d be doing it even if I didn’t get paid. Even if I was asked to pay to play, I would, if it meant they’d let me play.
da počnemo graditi samostalnu karijeru”, mirno govori Luka Šulić. Većinu razgovora spontano preuzima Stjepan Hauser. Šulić je tih introvert, Hauser pak glasan, otvoren, naglašeno razgovorljiv.
Bili su na samom početku karijere kad ih je nazvao Elton John i predložio suradnju.
„Elton je živuća legenda, ikona. Dobiti poziv od takvog glazbenika i danas bi, a kamoli u doba kad smo tek počinjali, bila golema čast. Pozvao nas je na svjetsku turneju. Od prvog trenutka osjećali smo njegovu bezuvjetnu podršku. Poticao nas je cijelo vrijeme, nevjerojatno je koliko je imao vjere u nas”, kazuje Stjepan Hauser. Ostali su u kontaktu do danas.
Za 75. rođendan Eltona Johna Hauser je u čast slavljeniku i svojevrsnom nekadašnjem mentoru objavio „My Gift Is My Song” s pet dojmljivo izvedenih hitova Eltona Johna „Your Song”, „Candle in the Wind”, „Rocket Man”, „Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word” i „Goodbye Yellow Brick Road”.
Postoji li danas osoba čiji bi ih poziv na suradnju jednako obradovao kao tad poziv Eltona Johna?
„Imali smo sreću da od samog početka surađujemo s redom najvećim imenima. Ne želim zvučati bahato, ali ne pada mi na pamet nijedno ime čiji bi nam poziv danas mogao i izbliza tako značiti, iako je dobra suradnja uvijek inspiracija”, govori Luka Šulić. Hauser ove godine ima samostalnu svjetsku turneju: „Najvažnije mi je biti kreativan, jedino tako osjećam da idem dalje i napredujem. Ovo čime se bavim ne osjećam kao posao, to bih radio i da nisam plaćen. Ma čak i da me traže da ja platim, učinio bih to samo da me puste da sviram. Prema tome veoma sam sretan čovjek”, smije se grleno.
Na pitanje pada li mu u tom poslu išta teško, odmahne rukom pa kaže:
„Baš ništa, nemam problem sa stresom, s putovanjima, intenzitetom nastupa. Iskreno mi nije jasno zašto ljudi tako često pucaju u ovakvim poslovima. Sve te slavne zvijezde za koje često čujem jedan je ljut, drugi je gadno frustriran, treći je na rubu živaca… Meni je uvijek dobro. Volim komunikaciju i susrete. Volim ljude općenito, a mislim da se to i osjeti pa su i oni pozitivni prema meni.
Nedavno je menadžer naše turneje, čovjek koji je surađivao s brojnim zvijezdama, rekao da sam jedina osoba iz tog svijeta koju zna a koja sve što ide s ovim poslom zaista voli. Jednostavno sam takav. Naravno da nas dvojicu prepoznaju kamo god dođemo, ali ljudi imaju poštovanje, uglavnom nisu napadni. To je uvijek fina atmosfera, ugodni susreti. Evo i jučer su, dok sam šetao Ljublja-
We understand each other better than we ever have. But we’ve reached a kind of a plateau and it’s logical to go solo.
“As much as people want to know what is behind the decision that we are not going to play together anymore, nothing dramatical is going on between us. We understand each other better than we ever have. But we’ve reached a kind of a plateau and it’s logical to go solo”, Luka Šulić says calmly. Most of the interview is spontaneously taken over by Stjepan Hauser. Šulić is the quiet introvert, while Hauser, on the other hand, is loud, outspoken, noticeably talkative.
They were just starting their career when they got a call from Elton John, suggesting collaboration.
“Elton is a living legend, an icon. To get a call from such a musician would be an honour even today, let alone at the start of our careers. He invited us to be a part of his world tour. From the first moment, he had given us unconditional support. He encouraged us all along, and the amount of faith he had in us was incredible”, Stjepan Hauser says.
And they’ve kept in touch ever since.
In honour of Elton John’s 75th birthday, Hauser released My Gift Is My Song, dedicated to the man who was a kind of a mentor to him, with five of Elton’s hits – Your Song, Candle in the Wind, Rocket Man, Sorry Seems To Be the Hardest Word, and Goodbye Yellow Brick Road –performed superbly by Hauser.
Is there a person today whose invitation to work together would make them as happy as Elton John’s call did back then?
“We were extremely lucky to have worked with some of the greatest musicians from the start. I don’t want to sound arrogant, but I can’t think of anybody whose call would mean as much as his did then. Although a good collaboration is always an inspiration”, Luka Šulić says.
Hauser is embarking on a solo world tour this year. “The most important thing for me is to be creative because it is only then that I feel I’m going forward, I’m improving. Honestly, I don’t see what I do as a job, and I’d be doing it even if I didn’t get paid. Even if I was asked to pay to play, I would, if it meant they’d let me play. So, I’m a very happy man”, he says laughing throatily.
Asked if there is any part of the job that he finds difficult, he says gesturing dismissively,
“None whatsoever; I have no problems with the stress, travelling, the intensity of performances. I really don’t understand why people so often break down in jobs like mine. All those famous stars you hear things about such as: one is angry, the other is extremely frustrated, yet another is on a brink of a nervous breakdown and so on. I’m always okay. I love communicating and meeting people.
Razumijemo se bolje nego ikad, no došlo je do zasićenja i logično je da počnemo graditi samostalnu karijeru.
It’s important to me to continue doing something enriching, and when I see people enjoying it, it’s a huge inspiration to me.
nom, prilazili ljudi koji nas slušaju. Meni je to drago. Čak ponekad podijelim i karte nekima koji ih nisu uspjeli kupiti.”
Bi li voljeli na tjedan ili dva biti anonimni?
Šulić diskretno potvrdno kimne glavom. Nema sumnje, njemu bi to odgovaralo. No Hauser kaže: „Ne bih. Ako mi je do mira, uvijek se mogu povući, otići nekamo gdje me nitko neće prepoznati. Možda na neki otok. Mislim da slavni koji ističu da žude za anonimnosti često glume i pretjeruju. Jer kad imaš novca, svijet je velik i mnogo je mjesta gdje ćeš biti u miru.”
Šulić o planovima za solističku karijeru govori kratko:
„Bitno mi je nastaviti razvijati se, raditi ono što oplemenjuje. Kad vidim da ljudi u tome uživaju, to mi je golema inspiracija.”
Stjepan Hauser uredio je posjed nedaleko od Pule. Zašto je dom odlučio graditi ipak u Hrvatskoj? „Ne mogu reći da živim u Hrvatskoj jer stalno sam na putu. Takva sam i duša. Putujuća. Boemska.
I love people in general, and I think they can feel it, so they react positively to me too.
Recently, our tour manager, who has worked with a lot of great stars, said that I’m the only person he knows in this profession who really loves everything in connection to the job. That’s who I am. Of course, they recognise us wherever we go, but people feel respect and mostly respect boundaries. The atmosphere is always congenial, the encounters pleasant. For example, yesterday, while I went for a walk in Ljubljana, people who listen to our music came to me. I think it’s nice. I even give out tickets to people who weren’t able to get them.”
Šulić nods his head discreetly. He would be okay with it, there is no doubt about it. However, Hauser says, “I wouldn’t. If I want some peace and quiet, I can always withdraw to a place nobody will recognise me. Maybe to an island. I think that celebrities who say they crave anonymity are often putting on an act, exaggerating. Because when you have money, the world is your oyster and there are lots of places where you can find peace.”
About his plans for a solo career Šulić says only, “It’s important to me to continue to grow, to do something enriching. When I see people enjoying it, it’s a huge inspiration to me.”
Stjepan Hauser has bought an estate not far from Pula. How come he’s decided to make his home in Croatia, after all? “I can’t say I
Ni tu kuću u Hrvatskoj, koliko god mi se sviđala i koliko god volio Istru i Lijepu Našu, ne mogu nazvati domom, zasad je to više kao neka investicija.
Posljednjih godina često sam, primjerice, u Italiji, stalno me putovi vraćaju tamo. Svirali smo Papi u Vatikanu. I ne znam koliko sam puta posjetio Bocellija, s njim smo doista prijatelji. Često sam i na talijanskom jugu.”
Kako ih se dojmio Papa?
„Papa je veoma jednostavan, pristupačan čovjek, barem je takav dojam ostavio za tog susreta”, kazuje Šulić.
2Cellos iza pozornice često su dolazili pozdraviti utjecajni i slavni, u razgovoru spominjemo Elona Muska, Stevena Spielberga, Leonarda DiCaprija…
„Sve su to ljudi koji su veoma dobri u onome čime se bave, ali krvavi ispod kože, obični, sa svojim životima i problemima.
No teško mi je reći nešto više jer ih nisam imao priliku bolje upoznati, to se često svede samo na pokoju razmijenjenu duhovitu rečenicu”, razmišlja Hauser.
Zbog posla često je na putu, no gdje bi samo odmora i užitka radi volio otputovati? „Hrvatska ima najljepše more i otoke, ali nikada nisam stigao na odmoru putovati Lijepom Našom. Ono malo vremena što nađem provedem ili u kući u Istri ili negdje na putu u inozemstvu. Baš bih volio napokon putovati Jadranom, razgledati otoke.
Jedrio sam oko nekih, ali sve smo to prebrzo prolazili, svaki dan drugi dio, na kraju imaš dojam da si projurio.
Volio bih jedriti polako, ostati usidren danima, pa onda opet polako isplovljavati dalje. Otići na Vis jer je prekrasan. Ondje je mir Božji, posebna atmosfera.”
Hrvatska ima najljepše more i otoke, ali nikada nisam stigao na odmoru putovati Lijepom Našom. Volio bih jedriti polako, ostati usidren danima, pa onda opet polako isplovljavati dalje. Otići na Vis.
Croatia has the most beautiful sea and islands, but I’ve never had the time to travel across it when I’m on holiday. I’d like to go on a slow sailing trip, to stay moored for days and then slowly set sail again. I’d love to go to Vis.
live in Croatia because I’m travelling all the time. That’s what my soul is like – travelling, bohemian. I can’t even call this house –regardless of how much I like it and how much I love Istria and Croatia – a home. It’s more of an investment for now.
In recent years, I have often spent time in Italy, I keep going back there. We played for the Pope in the Vatican. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve been to see Bocelli. We’re really good friends with him. I often visit the south of Italy as well.
What impressions do they have of the Pope?
“The Pope is a simple, approachable person; that’s at least the impression we got when we met him”, says Šulić.
Many influential and famous people came backstage to say hello to 2Cellos, and during this conversation names such as Elon Musk, Steven Spielberg, Leonardo DiCaprio and others are mentioned. “All those people are good at what they do. But they’re all human, they’re just people, with their own lives and their own problems. But it’s hard to say more, because I didn’t have a chance to get to know them better; it often just comes down to a witty exchange”, muses Hauser.
He travels a lot because of his work, but where would he like to go on a holiday, just to relax? “Croatia has the most beautiful sea and islands, but I’ve never had the time to travel across it when I’m on holiday. The little free time I have I spend at home in Istria, or I travel abroad somewhere. I would really like to finally travel in the Adriatic, visit the islands.
I’ve sailed around some of them, but it was all too fast for me. Another place each day and, in the end, you’re left with the impression that you’ve run through it all.
I’d like to go on a slow sailing trip, to stay moored for days and then slowly set sail again. I’d love to go to Vis because it is beautiful. There’s heavenly peace, a very special atmosphere.
Each piece brings a taste of Croatian history, customs and landmarks turned into beautiful pieces of jewelry which are a proof that it is possible to combine the modern moment of today with tradition, and that tradition has actually stopped being outdated long time ago. The jewelry from this collection will complete any fashion outfit with its timeless design and elegance, and it will create a connection between the person wearing it and the past and provide the feeling of pride and strength. Romantic Šibenik botun (button), delicate and feminine rećine, remarkable dalmatinke and distinctive konavoske verižice are just some of the models from Zaks’ Heritage collection which has been entirely made in Croatia and which can be found in all Zaks stores and the web shop.
Even though trends and fashion change fast, some pieces remain timeless. This is the case of Croatian traditional jewelry − elegant and everlasting in its design. Such jewelry used to be exclusively handmade, using filigree − a technique that involves twisting thin gold and silver threads, in combination with beads made from the same metal. The conservation of this distinctive design and quality is maintained and continued today with a combination of old manufacturing techniques and modern technologies. Something that used to be a symbol of status and fortune that was passed down from generation to generation, wealth, or maturity for marriage − today is the symbol of our heritage and a true connection with our ancestors and culture. Traditional jewelry, as a symbol of strength and pride, carries the treasure of the old days in a modern version and allows us to remember who we are and what we carry inside of us.
Mistral Beach Club, dio *****Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, donosi luksuzni ambijent resorta i prvoklasno iskustvo odmora na samoj plaži. Gostima su na raspolaganju visokokvalitetne ležaljke na palubi i na plaži, vrhunske kabine i ekskluzivne kabane na stijenama. Osvježavajuća pića i ukusni zalogaji poslužuju se upravo ukabanama za ono nešto, taj određeni osjećaj ekskluzive i luksuza. Gotovo da se moglo zaboraviti na pogled na more koji oduzima dah. Skoro.
Za one koji su u potrazi za finom hranom, uz samo par koraka preko šetnice dovodi ih do restorana Mistral, koji oduševljava ugodnom atmosferom, ukusnim jelima i izborom domaćih slastica.
Međunarodni DJ-i odgovorni su za zvučnu kulisu beach cluba. Od opuštenih i smirenih do živahnih i intenzivnih numera, raznolikost nudi nešto prikladno za svakoga. Za DJ pultom se mogu vidjeti samo najtraženiji i visoko cijenjeni međunarodni DJ-i.
Počastite se u najboljem beach clubu na Jadranu. Sigurni smo da će to biti iskustvo koje nikada nećete zaboraviti.
The Mistral Beach Club, the part of the *****Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, brings the resort’s luxurious ambiance and first class holiday experience right to the beach. High-quality sun loungers on deck and on the beach, premium cabanas and exclusive cabanas on the rocks are available. Refreshments, snacks and drinks are served right at the cabana for that certain something, that certain exclusive luxurious flair. One could nearly forget about the breathtaking view. Nearly. For those who are looking for more fine foods, a quick dash across the small street brings them to the Mistral Restaurant, with its delightful atmosphere and tasty dishes and range of homemade desserts.
International DJs are responsible for the beach club’s soundscape. No wonder it is spot on, no matter what time of the day. From relaxed and calm to lively and intense, the variety features something suitable for everyone. Only the most sought after and highly regarded international DJs can be spotted at the turntables. Treat yourself at the best beach club in Adriatic. We are sure it will be an experience you will never forget.
Mistral Beach Club: 10:00 - sunset | Mistral Restaurant & Bar: 12:00 - 19:00
Najveća izložba plovila na moru središnje i istočne Europe slavi svoju 25. godišnjicu nakon rekordnog sajma 2022. godine. Biograd Boat Show pokazao se kao jedan od najdinamičnijih i najživljih sajmova na svijetu, s posebnom atmosferom i bogatim kalendarom događanja koji privlači brojne izlagače i ugledne posjetitelje iz susjednih zemalja.
Sajam se održava u turističkom gradu Biogradu, u Marini Kornati, a uključuje hotele, restorane i zabavne sadržaje Ilirije d.d. Osim fantastičnog prikaza plovila, opreme i usluga, sajam je poznat po jedinstvenoj zabavnoj i gastro ponudi koja se prelijeva u grad stvarajući festivalsku atmosferu.
Sajam je također pionir u B2B aktivnostima, uključujući Hrvatske dane nautike, Biograd B2B umrežavanje i Croatia Charter Expo. ACI je dugogodišnji partner sajma, a posjetitelje će dočekati na svom izložbenom štandu u hali D, u kojoj će se održati poslovno umrežavanje BiogradB2B s proširenim kongresnim programom i društvenim događanjima.
Za spektakluarna videa, fotografije i kompletan virtualni obilazak posjetite www.bbs.com.hr
and Eastern Europe’s largest in-water boat celebrates its 25th Anniversary, following yet another record breaking show in 2022. The Biograd Boat Show has proven to be one of the most dynamic, and vibrant shows in the world, with special atmosphere and a rich calendar of events attracting many exhibitors and affluent visitors from all neighboring countries.
The show is held in the resort town of Biograd, at Marina Kornati and includes Ilirija hotels, restaurants, and entertainment facilities. Beyond a fantastic display of vessels, equipment and services, the show is famous for its unique
entertainment and gastro offerings that spill into the he town creating a festival atmosphere.
The show is also a pioneer in B2B activates, Including the Croatia Nautical Days, Biograd B2B networking event, and the Croatia Charter Expo. ACI is a long-term partner of the event, and will welcome visitors at their exhibition stand in Hall D, where nearby the BiogradB2B business networking event will take place with an expanded congress program and social events.
For spectacular videos, photos, and a complete virtual tour, go to www.bbs.com.hr
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■ Sajam nautike u Rijeci postoji od 1984. što ga čini najstarijim sajmom nautike na širim prostorima regije te je bio najvažniji i najsnažniji sajam u ne tako davnoj prošlosti.
■ Geografska lokacija grada Rijeke je oduvijek imala strateški značaj. Rijeka je oduvijek bila “Prvo more” za Srednju Europu.
■ Rijeka Boat Show od 2019-te godine ima nove organizatore sa snagom, hrabrošću i vizijom kojom najstariji sajam nautike ubrzanim tempom dovode na nekadašnje visoke razine i značaj.
■ Rijeka Boat Show je danas sajam na kojem izlagači zaista prodaju svoje proizvode i usluge!
■ Rijeka Boat Show je 2022. godine imao rekordan broj izlagača te je prostor sajma bio rasprodan!
■ 2023. godine sajam će reorganizacijom prostora imati dodatne izlagačke površine te se očekuje daljnje povećanje broja izlagača.
Posjetitelji i izlagači, sa veseljem Vas pozivamo na druženje tamo gdje je Grad Luka, a Luka je Grad.
Od 1984 Vaš, Rijeka Boat Show.
■ The Rijeka Boat Show has been in existence since 1984, making it the oldest boat show in the wider region. It used to be the most important and powerful boat show in the not-so-distant past.
■ The geographical location of the city of Rijeka has always had strategic significance. Rijeka has always been the “First Sea” for Central Europe
■ Since 2019, the Rijeka Boat Show has had new organizers with strength, courage and a vision that rapidly brings the oldest boat show back to its former high levels and significance.
■ Today, the Rijeka Boat Show is a fair where exhibitors truly sell their products and services!
■ In 2022, the show had a record number of exhibitors, and the exhibition space was sold out!
■ In 2023, through a reorganization of the space, the show will have additional exhibition areas, and further increase in the number of exhibitors is expected.
Dear visitors and exhibitors, we invite you with joy to come and join us where the City is a Port, and the Port is a City.
Since 1984, Yours, Rijeka Boat Show.
Adriatic Croatia International Club, za djelatnost marina d.d.
R. Strohala 2, 51000 Rijeka.
Tel. +385 (0) 51 271 288
Fax. + 385 (0) 51 271 824 www.aci-marinas.com
Kristijan Pavić / predsjednik Uprave / Chairman of the Board
Josip Ostrogović / član Uprave/ Board Member
dr.sc. Ivan Herak / član Uprave/ Board Member
Kristijan Pavić
Tanja Miletić / tanja.miletic@aci-club.hr
Bojan Kovačević / bojan.kovacevic@aci-club.hr
Vibor Visković
Vixel, obrt za web i grafički dizajn
Vixel, obrt za web i grafički dizajn
Sandra Antulov
Vibor Visković, Fotografski studio Prof, Fotofaktor d.o.o.
Kerschoffset d.o.o.
Rukopisi, fotografije i medijski zapisi se ne vraćaju! Zabranjeno je kopiranje i prenošenje sadržaja časopisa ACI No.1 bez dopuštenja izdavača.
Izlazi jednom godišnje.
Manuscripts, photographs and media records are non-returnable! Copying and transferring content of the magazine ACI No.1 without consent from the publisher is forbidden. Published annually.
ISSN 2584-7988
ACI d.d. ne preuzima odgovornost za eventualne tiskarske pogreške.
ACI d.d. does not assume responsibility for any printing mistakes
Experts estimate that human activity causes as much as 90% of forest fires. A cigarette butt you picked up behind you, a glass bottle you threw in the trash or a flame you put out can often prove to be crucial fire prevention measures. Since the season of high risk of fires officially starts in June, Croatian Forests Ltd. and its partners have launched the Recklessness is the First Spark campaign (Nemar je prva iskra) to make citizens and tourists aware of their role in preserving forests, property, and human lives from the devastating effects of fires.
Prevent forest fire before it starts is an additional message of the campaign that warns about the most common wildfire triggers.
It is also crucial to report spotting smoke as quickly as possible. At the first sign of a fire, many people just shrug their shoulders, thinking that someone must have already called the fire department or that it is none of their business. However, it is exactly the opposite. Given there is a strict ban on lighting fires in open areas during the summer, if you notice any smoke, be sure to call 193 or 112. Maybe your call will prevent a devastating fire that would last for days.