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ACINo.1 ACI No.1 2019 ∙ Broj / Issue 2 ∙ Godina / Year 2









Domagoj Đukec - BMW // RC44 // Alberto Contador // Ivica Kostelić // Enrico Marotti Mateja Benedetti // Ana Roš // NP Kornati // Igor Štagljar // Nenad Bakić // Photomath // Claes Hultling ISSN 2584-7988



Photos by Alberto Cocchi

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ACI No.1 // Sadržaj / Table of Contents










































































RC 44




























ACI No.1 // Uvodnik / Introduction

Fotografija / Photo by Petar Fabijan

UVODNIK INTRODUCTION Nakon poslovno najuspješnije godine od samog osnutka, ACI u 2019. nastavlja svoju plovidbu punim jedrima. Na isti način kako razvijamo svaku od naše 22 marine, nastojeći svake nove nautičke sezone podizati ljestvicu standarda u nautičkom turizmu za razinu više, tako i projekt magazina ACI No.1 u svom drugom izdanju dizajnom, kvalitetom sadržaja i izborom tema ide korak dalje u odnosu na svoje prvo izdanje. Sama naslovnica govori da je najveća investicija u povijesti ACIja privedena kraju i da prvi brodovi uplovljavaju u marinu Rovinj, najmoderniju i po mnogima najljepšu marinu nautičkog turizma na Jadranu koja dizajnom i tehnološkim rješenjima parira elitnim svjetskim destinacijama i stavlja Rovinj na sam vrh nautičke karte Europe. Marina od 196 vezova na koje se mogu vezati jahte prosječne dužine 17 metara, na godišnji vez može primiti i jahte do 35 metara dužine, a u tranzitu i plovila do 100 m dužine. ACI i Rovinj su to zaslužili, a vama želimo dobrodošlicu… ACI No.1 2019. donosi potpuno novi katalog svih naših marina s fotografijama snimljenima prošle sezone te iznimno zanimljive sugovornike i teme koje pokrivaju sve domene društvenog života i uz neizostavni hedonizmom podvučen potpis, ulazi u živote osoba koje su na određeni način obilježile 2018. godinu, počevši s najboljom svjetskom kuharicom do najpoznatijeg književnika moderne europske književnosti i najpoznatijeg dizajnera automobila u svijetu. Vjerujemo da smo ovim izdanjem ispunili, ako ne i nadmašili očekivanja postavljenja nakon prvog broja; pozivamo vas da nastavite s nama zajedničku plovidbu jer jedino što možemo obećati je da će biti hrabro, brzo, vjetrovito i sa puno stila, slovima i brojkom, No1. Svim svojim gostima i nautičarima na Jadranu želimo mirno more i sigurnu plovidbu. Navigare necesse est. Adriatic Croatia International Club d.d.

Following the most successful business year since its establishment, ACI is in full sail, continuing its voyage in 2019. In each new boating season, by improving every one of our 22 marinas, we strive to raise the bar in the standards of nautical tourism by a notch. Similarly, the second issue of ACI No. 1 magazine also takes a step further, in comparison to last year’s one, in its design, the quality of the content, and the selection of topics. On the front page you can see that the largest investment in the history of ACI has come to fruition and that first boats are entering Marina Rovinj, the most modern and considered by many the most beautiful marina in the Adriatic, whose design and technological solutions match those of world’s elite destinations, putting Rovinj on the nautical map of Europe in its exclusive segment. The marina with 196 berths, where yachts of an average length of 17 metres can moor, can also accommodate yachts up to 35 metres in length on annual berths and boats up to 100 metres in length on shortterm visitor berths. ACI and Rovinj have deserved it, and we would like to welcome you there. The 2019 issue of ACI No. 1 brings a whole new catalogue of all our marinas with photos taken last season, and stories of extremely interesting people with topics spanning all spheres of social life. Signed with ever present hedonism, it enters the lives of people who marked 2018 in particular ways, from the world’s best footballer and the world's best female chef to the most prominent writer of contemporary European literature and the world-famous car designer. We believe that with this issue we have met, if not surpassed, the expectations set in the first issue of the magazine. We invite you to continue sailing with us and the only thing we can promise is that it will be bold, fast, windy and in style; in short, it will be No. 1. Fair winds and following seas to all our guests and boaters in the Adriatic! Navigare necesse est. Adriatic Croatia International Club d.d.


Fotografije / Photos by Pagani


ACI No.1 // Horacio Pagani: Automobilska egzotika / Automotive exotica



PAGAN I Prva radionica bila je kućna ostava u kojoj je izrađivao modele od drveta i limenki Nesquika, a potom je u četrnaestoj godini otkrio svijet Leonarda da Vincija. Upoznavši ostavštinu najvećega renesansnog genija koji je savršeno spajao umjetnost i znanost, čvrsto je odlučio što želi raditi kad odraste.

- Idem u Modenu dizajnirati najljepši automobil na svijetu. – objavio je Horacio Pagani svojim roditeljima, koji mu možda u prvi mah i nisu vjerovali. No, desetak godina kasnije napustio je fakultet čijim su učionicama šetali naoružani vojnici i rodnu Argentinu zagušenu vojnom diktaturom te s koferom punim ideja i planova stigao u Italiju. Naoružan pismom preporuke koje je potpisao veliki Juan Manuel Fangio pokucao je na vrata Ferrarija, De Tomasa, Alfa Romea, Oselle i Lamborghinija, ali vremena su bila teška. Naftna kriza ostavila je traga i tek u drugome pokušaju odškrinula su se vrata u Sant'Agati Bolognese. Giulio Alfieri pružio je prigodu upornomu mladiću koji je bio spreman mesti i zalijevati cvijeće samo kako bi postao dio Lamborghinija.

His first workshop was in a small room at home, where he made car models out of wood and Nesquik tins; later, at the age of fourteen, he discovered the world of Leonardo da Vinci. Having explored the legacy of the greatest genius of the Renaissance, who made a perfect combination of art and science, Horacio Pagani firmly decided what he wanted to do when he grew up.

- I'm going to Modena to design the most beautiful car in the world, he announced to his parents, who perhaps did not believe him at first. However, ten years later he dropped out of college that was full of armed soldiers parading around its classrooms and left his native Argentina – a land suffocated by the military dictatorship – for Italy, where he arrived with a suitcase full of ideas and plans. Armed with a letter of recommendation written by the great Juan Manuel Fangio, he went on to contact Ferrari, De Tomaso, Alfa Romeo, Osella and Lamborghini, but times were tough. The oil crisis left its mark, and only in his second attempt did he get his break in Sant'Agata Bolognese. Giulio Alfieri hired the determined young man, who was ready to sweep the floors and water the flowers just to become part of Lamborghini.


ACI No.1 // Horacio Pagani: Automobilska egzotika / Automotive exotica

To je u početcima doslovno i radio, ali talent i radišnost nisu prošli nezapaženo. Uskoro je dobio mjesto u eksperimentalnome odjelu za karoserije, gdje je među ostalima surađivao i s Gianom Paolom Dallarom, a u godinama koje su slijedile radio je na razvoju modela koji su postali ikone Lamborghinija: na terencu LM002, jubilarnome izdanju Countacha i prvim verzijama Diabla. Upoznavši sve prednosti ugljičnih vlakana, vrlo je brzo prerastao okvire Lamborghinija i 1991. krenuo samostalnim putem. Na pola puta između Sant'Agate Bolognese i Maranella, u malenome gradiću San Cesario sul Panaro nastala je Modena Designe, a potom Pagani Automobili, čime je i počelo ostvarenje sna. Na salonu u Ženevi 1999. predstavljena je Zonda, 2011. Huayra, a krajem 2017. u San Cesariju otvoreni su novi pogoni iz kojih izlaze najekskluzivniji i najpoželjniji supersportski automobili na svijetu. Horacio, koji je nakon dolaska u Italiju sa svojom djevojkom, a današnjom suprugom Cristinom Perez nekoliko mjeseci živio uz obale jezera Como u šatoru s dvama kovčezima i dvama biciklima, danas je vlasnik tvrtke s godišnjim prometom od 60 milijuna eura. – Nikad nisam bio fenomen, ali radom, žrtvom i predanošću uspio sam ostvariti ono o čemu sam kao dijete sanjao. Moja je otac bio pekar i od njega sam naslijedio radišnost, majka je slikala i usadila mi ljubav prema ljepoti i umjetnosti, a ja sam samo potvrda da ako imate na umu jasnu ideju, možete

Svaki je automobil skrojen poput odijela po mjeri. Većina kupaca zahtjevni su kolekcionari spremni potrošiti znatne iznose kako bi dobili jedinstven automobil Each car is custom-made like a tailored suit. Most of our buyers are demanding car collectors willing to spend considerable amounts of money in order to get a unique model


And, in the beginning, that is exactly what he did; however, his talent and hard work did not go unnoticed. He soon got a place in the Experimental Bodywork Department, where, among other things, he collaborated with Gian Paolo Dallara. In the following years he worked on developing cars that were to become Lamborghini’s iconic models: the LM002 truck, the 25th Anniversary Countach and the first editions of the Diablo. Having found out about all the advantages of carbon fibre, he very quickly surpassed what Lamborghini was doing and went out on his own in 1991. Halfway between Sant'Agata Bolognese and Maranello, in the small town of San Cesario sul Panaro, he first founded Modena Design, followed by Pagani Automobili, and his dream started to become reality. The Zonda debuted at the 1999 Geneva Motor Show, the Huayra was presented to public in 2011, and in late 2017 a new facility was opened in San Cesario, which produces the most exclusive and desired super sports cars in the world. When he first arrived in Italy with his then girlfriend Cristina Perez, who is now his wife, Horacio spent several months living in a tent on the shores of Lake Como with two suitcases and two bicycles; today he owns a company with an annual turnover of 60 million euros. - I've never been an exceptional individual, but hard work, sacrifices and dedication have made it possible for me to accomplish what I dreamed of as a child. My father was a baker and working hard is something I inherited from him; my

ACI No.1 // Horacio Pagani: Automobilska egzotika / Automotive exotica

Ima klijenata koji žele Pagani u SUV izdanju, ali s obzirom na način na koji mi izrađujemo automobile, mislim da bi koštao više od 2,5 milijuna eura, možda i više od 3 milijuna There are clients who want a Pagani SUV, but given the way in which we make cars, I think it would cost over 2.5 million euros, maybe even more than 3 million

je i postići. – skromno odgovara 63-godišnji Horacio prisjećajući se svojega životnog puta dok pomno pregledavamo Zondu HP Barchetta. Prvi od tri planirana primjerka unatoč basnoslovnim ponudama koje su dosegnule 12 milijuna eura nije na prodaju. Razlog? Horacio je Barchettu namijenio sebi. Nakon Lamborghinija i Rolls-Roycea i Ferrari je najavio SUV. Postoji li mogućnost da i Pagani krene istim smjerom? - Bilo je takvih zahtjeva u nekoliko navrata. Ima klijenata koji žele Pagani u SUV izdanju, ali s obzirom na način na koji mi izrađujemo automobile, mislim da bi koštao više od 2,5 milijuna eura, možda i više od 3 milijuna. Konstruirati SUV vrhunskih performansi s tehnologijom i standardima kojima se mi koristimo bilo bi puno kompliciranije, uostalom uvijek je teže primjerice napraviti automobil s četirima vratima nego klasičan coupé. Uz to, mi smo malena neovisna kuća i, za razliku od Lamborghinija, nemamo s kim podijeliti troškove primjerice razvoja platforme. Nemamo iza sebe Audi ili Porsche od kojih bismo mogli uzeti osnovu na kojoj bismo potom gradili svoj proizvod. Nema platformi od ugljičnih vlakana, ni ovjesa kakvima se mi služimo, ni proizvođača s kojim bi se mogli podijeliti troškove njihove izrade i trenutno takav model ne ulazi u naše planove.

mother painted and taught me to love beauty and art; and I'm just a proof that if you have a clear idea in your mind, you can make it work, says the 63-year-old Horacio modestly, looking back at his life while we scrutinise the Zonda HP Barchetta. It is the first of just three to be produced and, despite the astonishing offers that have reached 12 million euros, it is not for sale. The reason? The Barchetta is intended for Horacio himself. Following Lamborghini and Rolls-Royce, Ferrari has also announced launching its SUV. Is there a possibility that Pagani will also follow suit? - There have been such requests on several occasions. There are clients who want a Pagani SUV, but given the way in which we make cars, I think it would cost over 2.5 million euros, maybe even more than 3 million. Constructing a high-performance SUV with the technology and standards that we use would be much more complicated; after all, it is always more difficult, for example, to make a four-door saloon than a classic coupé. Besides, we are a small independent company, and, unlike Lamborghini, we don’t have anybody to share costs with, such as the ones of developing a platform. We are not backed by Audi or Porsche, whose underpinnings we could take to build own own product on. There are no platforms made of carbon fibre, or suspension systems that we use, or manufacturers who we could share production costs with, so we’re not planning to make such a model at the moment. 23

ACI No.1 // Horacio Pagani: Automobilska egzotika / Automotive exotica

Elektronika je postala neizostavni element modernih automobila. Uz sigurnosne i multimedijske sustave na njoj se temelji i aerodinamika Huayre. Čekaju li nas u budućnosti električni automobili koji će uz to preuzimati kontrolu nad vožnjom? – Uvjeren sam da neke stvari nikada neće nestati. Primjerice, kada mi vrijeme i zdravlje dopuštaju, na posao dolazim običnim biciklom i čini mi se da nisam jedini koji se koristi tim prijevoznim sredstvom koje je, usput rečeno, nastalo puno prije automobila. Premda sam strastveni vozač, vjerujem da određeni stupanj autonomne vožnje, posebice u urbanim sredinama gdje se dnevno sati provode u kolonama, ima smisla. Ne vidim razloga zašto u takvim situacijama ne prepustiti upravljanje elektronici koja bi jamčila sigurnost i manje naprezanja. U tome dijelu i električni automobili imaju svoje mjesto. No, kada govorimo o sportskim automobilima, stvar je potpuno drugačija. Kada sjednem za upravljač svojega Porschea ili Ferrarija, uživam u zvuku njegova motora, u izmjeni stupnjeva prijenosa, u pogledu na kazaljku okretaja i sve ostale elemente vožnje koji u svakom od nas bude emocije. U pitanju su modeli koji se voze malo i rijetko. Primjerice prosječna je kilometraža naših klijenata oko 2 000 km godišnje. Doduše ima i onih koji rade više, ali uglavnom to nisu automobili s kojima se ide na posao ili voze djeca u vrtić. Većina ih se tim automobilima koristi za vikend, za kraće izlete, a tada žele upravljati, osjetiti kontrolu, unijeti malo strasti u svoj život i vjerujem da autonomna vožnja nema budućnosti u pravim sportskim automobilima. Neki od automobila koje ste proizveli u ovih 20 godina žive poput umjetničkih izložaka i nikada nisu izašli na cestu. Je li vam žao zbog toga s obzirom na trud koji ste uložili kako biste svojim klijentima pružili jedinstveni vozački ugođaj i performanse? – Za mene je najvažnije da su klijenti zadovoljni bez obzira na to voze li ili ne voze automobil koji su kupili. Jedan od naših klijenata iz Hong Konga sagradio je klimatizirani staklenik kako bi u njemu izložio četiri Paganija i divio im se iz dnevne sobe. Pretprošle sam ga godine posjetio i uspio nagovoriti da sudjeluje na jednom okupljanju Kini. Nevoljko je izvukao jedan od svojih automobila i, nakon što je s njim napravio oko 700 kilometara, nakon povratka kući prodao ga je, a mi smo mu morali napraviti potpuno identični novi. Ne smeta mi kada klijenti ne voze automobile koje su kupili jer, uostalom, ni ja nisam ništa bolji. U garaži imam Lamborghini Countach Aniversário s kojim nisam napravio ni kilometra, a Porsche 911 R na kilometar satu još nije dosegnuo brojku 900. Ja te automobile jednostavno obožavam gledati. Ponekad ih izvezem iz garaže i parkiram u dvorištu ispod prozora pa uživam u pogledu. Osmislili ste izgled nove tvornice i muzejskoga prostora, dizajnirali mnoge stvari i izvan svijeta automobila. Neke i za osobnu uporabu. Imate li još vremena baviti se dodatnim poslovima? – Uvijek se nađe vremena za crtanje, za dizajniranje. Trenutno radimo na osmišljavanju izgleda hotela na Tajvanu. Objekt će imati 70-ak katova, ali naš je dio posla uređenje prvih dvaju katova, ulaza i recepcije. Imamo i dvogodišnji ugovor s Airbusom, za koji uređujemo interijer modela 319. Projekt koji smo nazvali Infinito podrazumijeva uređenje kompletnoga putničkog prosto24

Electronics has become an essential element of modern cars. Along with the security and multimedia systems, the Huayra’s aerodynamics is also based on it. Are electric cars with automated systems that are able to take control of the vehicle our future? - I’m convinced that some things will never disappear. For example, if time and my health permit, I go to work by bike and it seems to me that I’m not the only one who uses this means of transport, which, by the way, long predates cars. Although I’m a passionate driver, I believe that a certain degree of autonomous driving makes sense, especially in urban areas, where you spend hours in traffic jams every day. I see no reason why, in such situations, we couldn’t let the car electronics take care of the driving, guaranteeing security and less effort. In that aspect, there’s place for electric cars too. But when we’re talking about sports cars, it’s a completely different story. When I’m at the wheel of my Porsche or Ferrari, I enjoy listening to the sound of the engine, changing the gears and looking at the revolution counter; I take pleasure in all the other elements of driving that stir emotions in each of us. We’re talking here about models that aren’t used often and for long. For instance, our clients do about 2000 km per year on average. Admittedly, there are those who drive more, but mostly these aren’t cars you’d go to work in or use to drive your children to nursery school. Most people use them at the weekend, for short trips, and then you want to steer, to feel in control, to bring a little passion into your life, so I believe that autonomous driving has no future in genuine sports cars. Some of the cars that you have produced in the last 20 years are like art exhibits and have never been on the road. Does this make you sad, considering the efforts you have put into their creation in order to provide your clients with a unique driving experience and performance? - For me, the most important thing is that our clients are happy regardless of whether they're driving the car they’ve bought or not. One of our clients from Hong Kong has built an air-conditioned glass house in order to display four Paganis and admire them from his living room. I visited him the year before last and managed to persuade him to take part in a gathering in China. Reluctantly, he took one of his cars out and, having done about 700 kilometres, he sold it when he returned home, so we had to make him a new, completely identical, one. It doesn't bother me when our clients don't drive the cars they’ve bought because, after all, I’m no better myself. I have a Lamborghini Countach Anniversary in my garage, which hasn’t done a kilometre yet, and the odometer in my Porsche 911 R still hasn’t reached 900 km. I just adore watching them. I sometimes drive them out of the garage and park them in the courtyard below the window and simply enjoy the view. You designed your new factory and museum, and many things outside the world of cars, some of which for your own use. Do you still have time to do other things? - You can always find the time to draw, to design. We are currently working on designing a hotel in Taiwan. It will have around 70 floors, but our job is to design the first two floors, the entrance and reception areas. We also have a two-year contract with Air-

Jedan od naših klijenata iz Hong Konga sagradio je klimatizirani staklenik kako bi u njemu izložio četiri Paganija i divio im se iz dnevne sobe One of our clients from Hong Kong has built an air-conditioned glass house in order to display four Paganis and admire them from his living room


ACI No.1 // Horacio Pagani: Automobilska egzotika / Automotive exotica

ra aviona dugoga 35 metara za posebne klijente za privatnu uporabu. Uz to radimo i na uređenju helikoptera za jednu kraljevsku obitelj te na dodatnim sitnicama kao što su Paganijevi promotivni proizvodi. Početkom 80-ih došli ste u Italiju s jasnim ciljem. Prije 20 godina predstavili ste Zondu, no jeste li očekivali takav uspon? Jeste li sanjali da će Pagani postati ime koje se stavlja uz bok Ferrariju i Lamborghiniju? – Znao sam što želim raditi, ali iskreno nisam razmišljao što ću postati. Nisam radio nešto kako bih ostvario nešto drugo. Nikada nisam imao takve ciljeve. Za mene je bilo najvažnije stvarati automobile i to je ono što najviše volim i želim. Ispunjava me kada vidim zadovoljne klijente. No, postoji nekoliko stvari, nekoliko trenutaka na koje moramo biti ponosni svi koji radimo u Paganiju. Prije svega jer smo uspjeli preživjeti bure kojih u ovih 20 godina nije nedostajalo. Kada dođu teška vremena i krize, mali konstruktori uvijek su prvi na udaru. Mislim da je više od 90 % proizvođača koji su krenuli ovim putem zapelo i nestalo zbog raznih motiva. Činjenica da smo na nogama razlog je za zadovoljstvo. Uz to, svih ovih godina uspjeli smo u svijet superautomobila unijeti brojne tehnološke inovacije. Prvi smo složili kompletnu šasiju i karoseriju od ugljičnih vlakana, uveli titanij u ugljičnu strukturu, aktivnu aerodinamiku i, kada na trenutak pogledamo unatrag, kada pogledamo što su i ostali radili, kako su i ostali proizvođači preuzimali naša rješenja, čini mi se da smo radili i išli u pravom smjeru. Jer ako kompanije koje imaju puno više sredstava i potencijala na kraju prihvate neke od naših inovacija i rade ono što smo radili mi, onda je to dobro. Ono što je bila avantura, preraslo je u ozbiljan posao. Imamo podružnice diljem svijeta, što zahtijeva pažnju i donosi dodatna opterećenja ne samo za mene već za cijelu ekipu koja je kroz godine rasla pa nas je trenutno oko 160 zaposlenih. Volja je ostala ista, ali je odgovornost veća. Baš kao i očekivanja klijenata. Svi dolaze s vrlo preciznim zahtjevima, ali to nas veseli i tjera na stalni napredak. Svaki je automobil skrojen poput odijela po mjeri. Nije tu u pitanju samo ispunjavanje želja poput želim crvenu, žutu ili crnu boju. Tu se ulazi i u tehničke aspekte. Većina kupaca zahtjevni su kolekcionari spremni potrošiti znatne iznose kako bi dobili jedinstven automobil, ali ne radi se samo o bogatim ljudima, što je s obzirom na cijenu naših automobila neophodno. Premda se radi o vrlo šarolikome društvu, većina je njih prošla sličan put kao i Pagani. Svoje su ime izgradili sami i to nam olakšava da s njima ostvarimo čvrst kontakt i dijalog kako bi sudjelovali u kreiranju svojega automobila jer je i to dio emocija koje želimo pružiti. 


bus to design the interior of their 319 plane. The project, which we have called Infinito, includes the design of the entire passenger area of the 35m long plane intended for the private use of special clients. In addition, we are also working on designing a helicopter for a royal family and on some other small matters, such as Pagani promotional products. In the early 1980s, you came to Italy with a clear goal; twenty years ago you presented the Zonda. Did you expect this kind of success? Did you dream of Pagani becoming a name equal to Ferrari and Lamborghini? - I knew what I wanted to do, but I honestly didn't think about what I was going to become. I wasn't doing something in order to achieve something else. I’ve never had those kinds of aims. For me, the most important thing has been to make cars and that's what I love the most and what I want to do. Seeing happy clients is a rewarding experience. But there are also a few things, moments, which we who work at Pagani must be proud of. First of all, we have weathered all the storms, and there has been no shortage of them in the past 20 years. When crises arise and the times are tough, small car manufacturers are always the first to bear the brunt. I think that more than 90% of manufacturers who took the same path as us floundered and had to close down, for various reasons. The fact that we're still going strong is one reason for satisfaction. In addition, in all these years, we have succeeded in introducing many technological innovations into the world of supercars. We were the first to make the entire chassis and bodywork from carbon fibre; we introduced titanium into the carbon structure and brought in active aerodynamics. If we take a moment to look back and consider what others did, how other car makers embraced our solutions, it seems to me that we did the right thing, that we went in the right direction. Because if companies with much more financial resources and potential eventually accept some of our innovations and do what we’ve done, then that's a good thing. What was an adventure has turned into serious business. We have branch offices all over the world, which need to be taken care of, bringing additional responsibilities; not only for me but also for the whole team, whose number has grown over the years and now stands at about 160. The will, however, is always the same, but the responsibility is greater. The same goes for clients’ expectations. They all come with very precise requirements, but that is something we enjoy, something that constantly forces us to improve. Each car is custom-made like a tailored suit. It’s not just about fulfilling wishes, such as: I want it in red, yellow or black. Technical aspects are also considered. Most of our buyers are demanding car collectors willing to spend considerable amounts of money in order to get a unique model. These people are not just rich, which is a prerequisite considering the price of our cars: although they’re a motley bunch, most of them have had an experience similar to Pagani. They have made their own names and that makes it easy for us to establish a firm contact and meaningful dialogue with them, and enables them to participate in designing their cars because that’s also an aspect of the emotions we want to stir. 


BEST IN CLASS. The BAVARIA C45 is the best evidence: super yachts need not necessarily be super large. It is the only yacht in this class that exists in the optional 5-cabin version and that also offers a dinghy garage. With a length of 14.25 metres, every comfort is available to ensure an unforgettable time at sea. With friends, acquaintances and family. And to make sure that everyone finds what works best for them, the BAVARIA C45 is available in three versions: Holiday, Style or Ambition. Welcome aboard:




Fotografije / Photos by Audi mediacenter



ACI No.1 // Druga generacija / Second-generation Audi Q3

USPJEŠAN MODEL S NOVIM PREDNOSTIMA: SUCCESSFUL MODEL WITH NEW STRENGTHS: Veće dimenzije, više udobnosti: kompaktni SUV s izvanrednom svakodnevnom iskoristivosti

Larger dimensions, more comfort: a compact SUV with an outstanding everyday usability

Novi koncept upravljanja: digitalni zasloni i MMI touch zaslon

New operating concept: digital displays and a MMI touchscreen

Povezan kao modeli iz visoke klase: pametan Infotainment i sustavi pomoći u vožnji

Connected as its larger siblings: smart Infotainment and driver assistance systems

Novi Audi Q3 je obiteljski SUV s izvrsnim i raznovrsnim talentima. U svojoj drugoj generaciji vizualno ne izgleda samo samouvjerenije, nego također prostranije i raznovrsnije. Kao i Audijevi top modeli iz ponude, uključuje potpuno digitalni koncept uporabe i prikaza, bogata rješenja za informacije i zabavu te inovativne sustave pomoći u vožnji. Oni unaprjeđuju udobnost, kao i dodatno razvijeni ovjes.

The new Audi Q3 is a family SUV with excellent and diverse talents. In its second generation, it appears not only visually more self-confident but also more spacious and versatile. In the same fashion as the Audi top-of-the-range models, it incorporates a fully digital concept of use and display, rich infotainment solutions and innovative driver assistance systems. They provide better comfort, as does the further developed suspension.

Vanjski dizajn: Snaga i prisutnost Novi Audi Q3 izgleda više sportski od svog prethodnika. Zahvaljujući privlačnoj Singleframe maski u obliku oktogona koji je podijeljen okomitim šipkama i zajedno s velikim otvorima za zrak. Oni karakteriziraju mišićavi prednji kraj svojom intenzivnom igrom svjetla i sjene. Uska prednja svjetla klinasto su usmjerena prema unutra. Audi ih isporučuje u tri izvedbe, sve do Matrix LED tehnologije čije prilagodljivo dugo svjetlo inteligentno osvjetljava cestu. Pogled sa strane utjelovljuje ravnotežu vanjskog dizajna sa simetričnom grafikom svjetlosti prednjih i stražnjih svjetala. Bočna linija ih stilski povezuje i pruža ukupni atletski dojam sa snažnim mišićima iznad lukova kotača.

Unutrašnjost: Sportska i orijentirana vozaču Zategnute linije, trodimenzionalni stilski elementi – unutrašnjost se nadovezuje na dizajn vanjštine i jako nalikuje unutrašnjosti modela visoke klase ove marke. Arhitektura je savršeno usklađena s novim konceptom uporabe. Njezin središnji element je MMI touch zaslon sa svojim obrubom u crnoj boji visokog sjaja.

The exterior design: strength and presence The new Audi Q3 looks sportier than its predecessor. The attractive octagonal Singleframe grille, which is broken up by vertical bars, and the large air inlets characterise the muscular front end with their intensive play of light and shadow. The narrow wedge-shaped headlights run inwards. Audi supplies them in three versions, all with Matrix LED technology, whose adaptive high beam intelligently illuminates the road. The view from the side reveals the balance between the exterior design and the symmetrical visual structure of the headlights and tail lights; they are connected by the shoulder line, which matches their style, providing an overall athletic impression with strong muscles above the wheel arches.

The interior: sporty and driver-oriented With taut lines and three-dimensionally styled elements the interior continues the design of the exterior and hints in many ways at the brand’s bigger models. The architecture is perfectly consistent with the new operating concept and its central element is the MMI touchscreen with its high-gloss black surround. 29

ACI No.1 // Druga generacija / Second-generation Audi Q3

Koncept prostora: darežljiv i promjenjiv

The space concept: generous and adaptable

U usporedbi s prethodnikom, novi Audi Q3 je narastao doslovno u svim smjerovima. Dugačak je 4.485 milimetara, širok 1.856 milimetara, visok 1.585 milimetara. Njegov međuosovinski razmak, koji je razvučen za 77 milimetara, omogućuje prostranost, ali u isto vrijeme raznovrsnost: stražnja sjedala se mogu pomicati naprijed/ nazad za 150 milimetara. Njihova tri podijeljena naslona mogu se preklopiti u sedam položaja u omjeru 40:20:40. Ovisno o položaju stražnjih sjedala i naslona sjedala, kapacitet prtljažnika se kreće između 530 i 1.525 litara.

At 4,484 millimetres in length, 1,849 millimetres in width and 1,585 millimetres in height, the new Audi Q3 has literally grown in all directions, compared to its predecessor. Its wheelbase, which has been stretched by 77 millimetres, allows for much more space, while, at the same time, offers versatility: the rear seats can be moved fore and aft by 150 millimetres. Their seatbacks split three ways, in a 40/20/40 configuration, and can be tilted in seven settings. Depending on the position of the rear seats and seatbacks, the capacity of the luggage compartment can total between 530 and 1,525 litres.

Kontrole i zasloni: digitalni svijet Koncept upravljanja i prikaza ovog SUV modela je prerađen od početka – Audi je umirovio analogne instrumente. Čak i osnovni model uključuje digitalnu ploču s instrumentima s dijagonalom zaslona od 10,25 inča, kojom vozač upravlja preko multifunkcijskog upravljača. Uz top opremu MMI navigation plus, Audijev virtualni kokpit uključuje prikaze s mnogim dodatnim funkcijama.

Infotainment i Audi connect: inteligentno povezani Top informacijsko-zabavni sustav u ponudi u modelu Audi Q3 nudi jednake tehničke funkcije kao i u višim klasama. Njegov modul za prijenos podatka podržava LTE Advanced standard s integriranom Wi-Fi hotspotom za mobilne uređaje putnika. Navigacijski sustav prepoznaje preferencije vozača na osnovi prethodnih vožnji, omogućujući mu da generira prikladne sugestije za rute. Audi connect portfelj idealno nadopunjuje navigaciju s online prometnim informacijama, traženjem točaka interesa i informacija o parkirnim mje30

Controls and displays: the digital world The operating and display concept of this SUV has been entirely redesigned – Audi has done away with the analogue technology. Even the basic version includes a digital instrument panel with a 10.25-inch display, which the driver can control through the multifunction steering wheel. In addition to the top-of-the-range MMI Navigation Plus equipment, the Audi Virtual Cockpit also includes displays with many additional features.

Infotainment and Audi connect: intelligently connected TThe top infotainment system supplied in the Audi Q3 offers the same technical features as in its bigger siblings. Its data transfer module supports the LTE Advanced standard with an integrated Wi-Fi hotspot for passengers’ mobile devices. The navigation system recognises the driver's preferences based on previous journeys, allowing it to generate suitable route suggestions. The Audi

ACI No.1 // Druga generacija / Second-generation Audi Q3

stima i benzinskim stanicama, koji se direktno prikazuju na navigacijskoj karti. Audijevo sučelje za pametne telefone povezuje iOS i Android telefone klijenta i prebacuje Apple Car Play ili Android Auto okolinu na MMI zaslon. Bang & Olufsen Premium audio sustav s virtualnim zvukom osigurava trodimenzionalni zvuk i uključuje ukupno 15 zvučnika.

Sustavi pomoći u vožnji: praktičnost i sigurnost Prilagodljivi tempomat istaknuta je značajka sustava pomoći. On uključuje funkcije prilagodljivog tempomata, pomoći u prometnoj gužvi i aktivnu pomoć u zadržavanju vozne trake. Na ovaj način pomaže vozaču s uzdužnom i poprečnom kontrolom što značajno povećava udobnost, posebno na dugim putovanjima. Audi Q3 olakšava manevriranje zahvaljujući četiri 360 stupanjske kamere. Na velikom zaslonu informacijsko-zabavnog sustava prikazuju neposrednu okolinu ovog SUV modela. .

Motori i ovjes: agilnost na cesti i izvan ceste U početku prodaje, Audi će nuditi novi Q3 s četiri motora, tri benzinska i jedan dizelski u kombinaciji s prednjim ili quattro pogonom. Njihova snaga se kreće od 110 kW (150 KS) do 169 kW (230 KS). Svi motori su četverocilindrični motori s direktnim ubrizgavanjem goriva i turbo punjačima. Oni su snažni, profinjeni i učinkoviti. Za prijenos snage koriste se šest stupanjski ručni mjenjač ili brzi sedam-stupanjski S tronic. Izvan ceste, stalni pogon na sve kotače osigurava visoki užitak vožnje s optimalnim prianjanjem i čvrstom stabilnošću. Novi Audi Q3 možete potražiti kod svih ovlaštenih Audi partnera, od sada uz 5 godina jamstva! 

connect portfolio complements the navigation in an ideal way with online traffic information, point-of-interest searching and information on parking spaces and petrol stations, which appear directly on the navigation map. The Audi smartphone interface links customers’ iOS and Android smartphones and mirrors their Apple Car Play or Android Auto features on the MMI display. The Bang & Olufsen Premium Sound System with virtual 3D sound provides three-dimensional audio and includes a total of 15 loudspeakers.

Driver assistance systems: practicality and safety The adaptive cruise assist is a prominent feature of the driver assistance system, incorporating the functions of the adaptive cruise control, traffic jam assist and active lane-keeping assistance. This helps the driver with longitudinal and lateral control, greatly enhancing comfort, particularly on long journeys. The Audi Q3 makes manoeuvring easier thanks to four 360-degree cameras, which show the immediate surroundings of the SUV on its large infotainment screen.

Engines and suspension: agility on- and off-road From the launch, Audi is delivering the new Q3 with four engine versions: three petrol and one diesel engine combined with frontwheel or quattro four-wheel drive. Their power outputs range from 110 kW (150hp) to 169 kW (230hp). All of them are four-cylinder units with direct injection and turbocharging. They are powerful, refined and efficient. A six-speed manual gearbox or a fast-shifting seven-speed S tronic transmission is used to transmit the power. Off-road, the permanent all-wheel drive delivers excellent driving pleasure with optimum traction and supreme stability. You can find the new Audi Q3 at all approved Audi partners, now with a 5-year warranty!  31




Krojač za najbolja BMW-ova odijela

Tailor of the best BMW suits

U prošlosti su se pojedini autodizajneri zvali i krojačima lima. Naziv potječe od posebnih verzija Ferrarija, Rolls Roycea i sličnih ekskluzivnih automobila koji su se krojili po mjeri kupca. Dizajner hrvatskih korijena Domagoj Đukec znao je da se želi baviti automobilskom modom već s 13 godina, kada je ugledao letak za profesionalnu orijentaciju o studiju dizajna. Nakon srednje škole upisao je priznato Sveučilište u Pforzheimu, a nakon završetka studija radio je za Volkswagen, potom za Citroën, a 2010. prešao je u bavarski ponos – BMW. Od 2017. bio je šef dizajna za modele i i M, a od travnja 2019. godine je šef dizajna za cijeli BMW program. Prevedeno na modni rječnik – „šiva“ samo najbolja odijela. Kultno slovo M četrdeset je godina crème de la crème u ponudi bavarskog proizvođača. S jedne strane, M1, M3 i M5 dio su svake enciklopedije o povijesti automobila, a s druge strane slovo i na BMW-ovu jeziku označava budućnost: modeli i3 i i8 definitivno izgledaju kao modeli stigli iz SF filmova.

In the past, some car designers were also called “tailors of steel”. The name comes from special versions of the Ferrari, Rolls Royce and similar exclusive cars that were tailor-made for customers. Domagoj Đukec, designer of Croatian origins, knew that he wanted to work in car design at the young age of 13, when he saw a vocational guidance flyer about design studies. Having completed his secondary education, he went on to study at the acclaimed University of Pforzheim. Following his graduation, he first worked for Volkswagen, then Citroën, before transferring to the pride of Bavaria – BMW – in 2010. Since 2017th he was the Head of Design for i and M departments. As of April 2019th he has been promoted to the Head of BMW Design. Translated into fashion terminology, he is only “sewing” the best of suits. For forty years the world-famous letter M has been the crème de la crème in the Bavarian manufacturer’s offer. The M1, M3 and M5 are part of every encyclopaedia of car history; on the other hand, the letter i in the BMW language stands for the future. The i3 and i8 models definitely look like something out of SF films.

Fotografija / Photo by Jurica Galoić/PIXSELL


ACI No.1 // Domagoj Đukec

Ljudi sanjaju i žele BMW jer očekuju vrijednost i kvalitetu People dream about and want a BMW because they expect value and quality - The i sub-brand has been specially designed to provoke reaction and emotion. The i3 was the first, the initial product that was supposed to give the brand its identity. It was designed to be different. If we were just to show an electrified 3 Series, people would think: "Why is this i?” The i3 did everything differently. It was designed to be a small car for big cities. We tried to make it in a completely opposite way to what is normal for BMW. That is its purpose. And it has not faded. Cars must have attitude and character. Later, the i8 arrived, which was designed to usher in a new era. The i brand is a sort of incubator of new ideas for the entire brand. BMW has always been known for technological innovation. When we introduced the turn knob to control the infotainment system in the BMW 7 series, Apple was presenting its iPod. Later, similar solution was taken over by other manufacturers, as well. Fotografija / Photo by Srđan Vrančić / CROPIX

- Podmarka i provokativno je dizajnirana kako bi izazvala reakciju i emociju. i3 bio je prvi, početni proizvod koji je trebao dati marki i identitet. Osmišljen je da bude drugačiji. Da smo samo predstavili električnu seriju 3, ljudi bi pomisli: „Zašto je to i?“ i3 je učinio sve drugačije. Osmišljen je da bude mali automobil za velike gradove. Pokušali smo ga napraviti potpuno suprotno onomu što je normalno za BMW. To je njegova svrha. I nije izblijedjela. Automobili moraju imati stav i karakter. Kasnije je stigao i8 koji smo dizajnirali da bude predvodnik nove ere. Marka i neka je vrsta inkubatora novih ideja za cijelu marku. BMW je oduvijek bio poznat po tehnološkim inovacijama. Kada smo predstavili rotirajući gumb za upravljanje sustavom za infozabavu (engl. infotainment) u BMW serije 7, Apple je imao prezentaciju iPoda. Kasnije su slično rješenje preuzeli i drugi proizvođači.

Mate Rimac? - U kolumni koju sam pisao za jedne hrvatske novine usporedio sam ga s Nikolom Teslom. Mlad je, sjajan i strastven. Ima viziju koju gura i zapošljava puno ljudi. Nije lako dogovoriti suradnju s etabliranim proizvođačima, a on ih je uspio zainteresirati. Nudi im znanje o tehnologiji koja dolazi, a usput je iz jako male zemlje. U Kini je nekoliko desetaka proizvođača koji traže identitet s puno većim financijskim mogućnostima, zato je velika stvar što se je uspio pozicionirati u industriji. 34

Mate Rimac? - In an article I wrote for a Croatian newspaper I compared him to Nikola Tesla. He is young, brilliant and passionate. He has a vision that he promotes and he employs a lot of people. It's not easy to start cooperating with established manufacturers, but he managed to attract their interest. He offers them knowledge about future technology, yet he is, at the same time, from a very small country. There are several dozen manufacturers in China that are looking for identity and have much greater financial capabilities, so it is a big deal that he has managed to position himself in the industry.

What will the cars of the future look like? - I love science fiction films. They look to the future and give it a specific shape, which requires a great power of imagination. As for the design, we will see a few fundamental changes that will revolutionise our understanding of what a car is. The whole world is changing, and with it the means of transport and the way we see them. In the near future, cars will be more and more autonomouos. This will give users greater freedom to make decisions. They will still be able to drive, but will no longer have to do it and will be able to deal with other things instead. Our task is to design vehicles that meet new various requirements, as in Vision iNEXT, the latest BMW concept. It's about having more time for yourself. Its interior design has been inspired by boutique hotels because they are synonymous with the place where you feel good. The design is deliberately open and enables conversation. And when the driver switches to the fully automated driving, there are four features that can be controlled via intelligent interfaces. The

ACI No.1 // Domagoj Đukec

Zadatak dizajnera jest kupcima prenijeti emocije i napraviti poželjan automobil The task of the designer is to convey emotions to customers and create a desirable car

Fotografija / Photo by Jurica Galoić/PIXSELL

Kako će izgledati automobili budućnosti? - Volim filmove znanstvene fantastike. Oni gledaju na budućnost i daju joj konkretan oblik. To zahtijeva veliku moć mašte. Što se tiče dizajna, vidjet ćemo nekoliko temeljnih promjena koje će revolucionirati naše razumijevanje onoga što je automobil. Cijeli se svijet mijenja, pa tako i prijevozna sredstva i naše mišljenje o njima. U bliskoj budućnosti automobili će biti sve autonomniji. To će korisnicima omogućiti veću slobodu odlučivanja. I dalje će moći voziti, ali više neće morati to učiniti i umjesto toga moći će se baviti drugim stvarima. Naš je zadatak projektiranje vozila koja zadovoljavaju nove i raznovrsnije zahtjeve, kao što je slučaj kod najnovijeg koncepta BMW Vision iNEXT. Radi se o dobivanju više vremena za vaš život. Boutique hoteli bili su inspiracija za dizajn interijera jer su sinonim za mjesto gdje se dobro osjećate. Dizajn je namjerno otvoren i omogućuje razgovor. A kad se vozač prebaci u potpuno automatiziranu vožnju, postoje četiri značajke kojima se može upravljati putem inteligentnih sučelja. Tehnologija nestaje u pozadini te postaje vidljiva i korisna kada je to potrebno – jednostavno i intuitivno. Ako idete za novim horizontima, morate poduzeti neke rizike, ali istovremeno morate zadržati baštinu ili ćete izgubiti ravnotežu. Upravo zbog toga bubrezi i dalje definiraju izgled prednjeg dijela jer je to dio BMW-ove tradicije. Čak i u električnim vozilima većina kupaca i dalje želi vidjeti dizajnerski jezik kojem se možda divio kao dijete. Zato ćemo i u budućnosti i dalje čuvati neke tradicionalne vrijednosti marke BMW. To, naravno, uključuje bubrege. Bez obzira na pogon, naši automobili moraju izgledati i voziti se kao BMW.

technology disappears into the background and becomes visible and useful when needed – it is simple and intuitive. If you strive for new horizons, you have to take some risks, but at the same time, you need to retain the heritage or you will lose the balance. That's exactly why the kidney grilles still define the look of the front end, because it is a part of the BMW tradition. Even in electric vehicles most customers still want to see the design language they may have admired as a child. That's why we're going to keep some of the traditional values of the BMW brand in the future, as well. This, of course, includes the kidneys. Regardless of the drive, our cars have to look like BMW cars and to be driven as ones.

How are these futuristic trends to be linked to the M Brand that came into being on the race track? - We designers are like prophets, we always look for surprise elements. BMW has a very strong identity, and with M models we are trying to move luxury out of the comfort zone. We strive to reach people who are looking for something special and want to stand out from the crowd. The magical letter M or, better still, the Motorsport tradition is four decades long and has always represented the best of BMW, from the engine, gearbox, suspension to car performance. Only later did our premium competitors start to make similar sub-brands. Being in charge of the i brand and managing the M brand complement each other very well. Although they are two extremes, two polar opposites, they create the image that is later reflected on our traditional models, such as the 3 Series or the 5 Series. 35

ACI No.1 // Domagoj Đukec

Mate Rimac mlad je, sjajan i strastven. Ima viziju koju gura i zapošljava puno ljudi Mate Rimac is young, brilliant and passionate. He has a vision that he promotes and he employs a lot of people

Kako taj futurizam spojiti s markom M koja je nastala na trkaćoj stazi? - Mi smo dizajneri uvijek kao proroci, tražimo elemente iznenađenja, BMW ima vrlo jak identitet, a modelima M pokušavamo pomaknuti luksuz iz „zone komfora“. Nastojimo dotaknuti ljude koji traže nešto posebno i žele se izdvojiti iz mase. Čarobno slovo M ili motorsport tradicija duga je četiri desetljeća i uvijek je predstavljala najbolje od BMW-a. Počevši od motora, mjenjača, ovjesa do performansi. Tek su kasnije naši premium konkurenti počeli raditi slične podmarke. Rukovođenje markama i i M jako se dobro nadopunjuje. Iako je riječ o dvije krajnosti, dva suprotna pola, oni su nositelji imidža koji se kasnije odražava na naše tradicionalne modele poput serije 3 ili serije 5.

Koliko se dizajner može nazvati umjetnikom? - Ostala je slika iz davnina kada se automobile crtalo olovkom. Bila su to neka nostalgična vremena. Dizajner nije slobodan umjetnik, već je dio šireg tima. Ne odlučuje samo on o izgledu automobila, nego su tu marketinški stručnjaci, financijski odjeli, inženjeri. No, zadatak dizajnera uvijek je isti, bez obzira na to radi li se o automobilima, torbama, mobitelima… Ključna je stvar kupcima prenijeti emocije i napraviti poželjan automobil. Mi smo donekle mala kompanija i ako jedan projekt ne ide u dobrom smjeru, to se odražava na velik broj ljudi. Mislim da danas ima jako puno kompanija koje dobro dizajniraju automobile, ali u premium segmentu pravila su postavljena malo drugačije. Kupac zna kako će uz posjedovanje takvih automobila dobiti i status. Ljudi sanjaju i žele BMW jer očekuju vrijednost i kvalitetu. I tako je svugdje u svijetu. U Americi modele M kupuju ljudi koji vole voziti, dok je kupcima u Kini luksuzna unutrašnjost važnija od samih performansi, ali i jedni i drugi znaju i cijene sve ono što dolazi uz BMW. 


Fotografija / Photo by Srđan Vrančić / CROPIX

To what extent can a designer be called an artist? - From a distant past we have inherited an image of drawing cars with a pencil. We feel nostalgic about those times. A designer is not an independent artist, he or she is a part of a bigger team. The designer is not the only one to decide on how the car will look like; you also have marketing experts, financial departments, engineers. However, the designer’s task is always the same. Whether it is about cars, bags, cell phones etc., the key thing is to convey emotion to customers and create a desirable car. To a certain extent, we are a small company and if one project is not going in the right direction, that affects a large number of people. My opinion is that today there are a lot of companies that design cars well, but in the premium segment, the rules are set a little differently. The buyers knows that the possession of such cars will get them status as well. People dream about and want a BMW because they expect value and quality. And it is like that everywhere in the world. In the USA, M models are bought by people who love to drive, and for the buyers in China the luxurious interior is more important than the car’s performance, but both the buyers in the USA and the ones in China know and appreciate what comes with a BMW. 






ACI No.1 // Ford ponovno u igri / Ford is back in the game

Fotografije / Photos Ford

FORD Početkom prošle godine u Ford dolazi novi tim ljudi s jednom važnom misijom, a to je ponovno vratiti na vrh jednu od najvrjednijih automobilskih marki na svijetu. Prvi i najvažniji korak bio je uspostaviti funkcionalnu, svježu mrežu partnera u Hrvatskoj za sve Fordove kupce i njihove potrebe. Posebno se radilo na novome konceptu zastupništva prema najnovijim Fordovim standardima. Tako je prošle godine otvoren prvi Ford Store u Zagrebu kao najmoderniji Fordov salon u regiji, uređen prema najvišim svjetskim standardima.


P O N OV N O U IG RI IS B AC K IN T H E GAME In early 2018 a new team of people came to Ford with an important mission, to once again bring one of the world’s most important car brands back to the top. The first and crucial step was to establish a new and functional partner network in Croatia for all Ford customers and their needs. Special attention has been paid to the new concept of dealership based on Ford’s latest standards. Last year marked the opening of the first Ford Store in Zagreb, the most modern Ford showroom in the region, furbished according to the highest world standards.

ACI No.1 // Ford ponovno u igri / Ford is back in the game

U prvoj polovici ove godine intenzivno se radi na razvoju značajnoga projekta za poslovne kupce, a detalje možete saznati na www. Više vrhunskoga iskustva za vozača i putnike predstavlja osvježeni Mondeo, koji ujedno donosi i nove elegantne detalje vanjskoga i unutarnjega dizajna. Jedan od najznačajnijih Fordovih modela jest EcoSport, najpovoljniji i jedini pravi mali SUV na tržištu. Krasi ga snažan, robustan izgled dok je istovremeno iznimno moćan i štedljiv.

MODERNO LICE FORDA O velikome povratku na vrh i strategiji pomlađivanja marke govori nam Agata Babić, najmlađa snaga marketinga u Fordu. Što smatrate najvećim uspjehom? Focus nosi titulu automobila godine 2019. u Hrvatskoj, što dokazuje da je Ford dizajnirao auto koji je i hrvatski stručni žiri prepoznao kao najbolji kompaktni automobil u klasi. Novi Focus u svim je usporednim testovima pobijedio VW Golf kao dosadašnjega kralja klase. Koje su novosti za 2019. godinu? Osim novoga Focusa, posebno oduševljenje kupaca izaziva Ford Ranger, a ove godine predstavit ćemo još spektakularniju izvedbu odnosno Ranger Raptor. Raptor je čistokrvni pustinjski trkač i ekstremni lifestyle terenac koji najbolje radi u najtežim uvjetima, nakon čega možete zaboraviti sve što ste ikada znali o kamionetima, tzv. pick upovima. Ford sprema iznenađenje i na području budućnosti mobilnosti, a cijelu priču popratit ćemo nacionalnom kampanjom #BePostive i nevjerojatnom financijskom ponudom za tehnološki najsuvremeniji mali automobil – Ford Fiestu. Krajem godine očekujemo potpuno novu Ford Kugu koja dolazi uz mild, full i plug-in hibridne pogone te predstavljanje revolucionarnog crossovera - Ford Pume. 

In the first half of this year Ford is working intensively on developing an important project for business customers, the details of which can be found at A refreshed Mondeo offers greater first-rate experience for the driver and passengers and features new elegant details in its exterior and interior design. One of Ford’s most important models is the Ford EcoSport, the most affordable and the only truly small SUV on the market. It has a dominant, robust appearance, while being extremely powerful and fuel-efficient at the same time.

THE MODERN FACE OF FORD Agata Bibić, the youngest team member in Ford’s marketing department, tells us about Ford’s big comeback and the brand rejuvenation strategy. What do you consider Ford’s biggest achievement? Focus holds the title of the 2019 Croatian Car of the Year, which proves that Ford has designed a car that has been recognised by the Croatian expert jury as the best compact in the class. In all comparative tests, the new Focus beat the former king of this class, the VW Golf. What is new in 2019? Apart from the new Focus, buyers are especially delighted with Ford Ranger, and this year we are going to present it in its even more spectacular edition – Ranger Raptor. Raptor is a full-blooded desert runner and an extreme-lifestyle SUV that works best in the most difficult conditions; it will make you forget everything you have ever known about pick-ups. Ford is also preparing a surprise in the future of mobility field, and the whole thing will be accompanied by the national #BePostive campaign and an incredible deal for the state-of-the-art small car – Ford Fiesta. By the end of the year we expect a brand new Ford Kuga that comes with mild, full and plug-in hybrid drives and the introduction of the revolutionary crossover - the Ford Puma.  39

Fotografija / Photo by Manuel Kovšča


ACI No.1 // Mateja Benedetti

MATEJA BENEDETTI Slovenska dizajnerica bavi se luksuznom ekološki održivom modom Iza svake je moje kolekcije Benedetti Life poruka o životinjskim i biljnim vrstama koje je ugrozio čovjek.

Rožna dolina ili Dolina ruža. Već sam naziv asocira na idealno mjesto za osobu koja uživa u prirodi. Mateja Benedetti upravo je to šarmantno ljubljansko predgrađe izabrala kao mjesto za život i stvaranje. Slovenska modna kreatorica bavi se luksuznom ekološki održivom modom, a ideje za svoju marku Benedetti Life crpi iz prirode. Majka priroda najkreativniji je umjetnik na svijetu

Slovenian sustainable luxury fashion designer In each of my Benedetti Life collections, there is an underlying message about animal and plant species that humans have endangered. Rose Valley (Rožna dolina in Slovenian). The name calls to mind a place that is ideal for a person who enjoys being in the countryside. And it is precisely this charming Ljubljana suburb that Mateja Benedetti has chosen as the place to live and create in. The Slovenian sustainable luxury fashion designer draws ideas for her brand Benedetti Life from nature. Mother nature is the most creative artist in the world.


ACI No.1 // Mateja Benedetti

Moda je beskrajno igralište. Poput mora. Boje, materijali, oblici… Ne postoji način da se čovjek toga zasiti.

Fotografija / Photo by Manuel Kovšča

Karijeru je započela kao kostimograf za operne kuće i kazališta. U 20 godina iskustva stekla je mnogobrojna priznanja za svoj kreativan i inovativan rad, a kroz svoju uspješnu kostimografsku karijeru pokazala je svoju strast prema održivoj modi kroz održive tkanine napravljene od jabuka, ananasa, drva, recikliranih plastičnih boca… U 2014. godini počela je eksperimentirati sa svojom prvom ekološkom modnom markom, koju je već u prvoj godini Vogue Italia odabrao među 20 najperspektivnijih ekoprijateljskih marki odjeće u svijetu. U 2017. godini Mateja je ušla među pet finalista na dodjeli Green Carpet Fashion Awardsa, prestižne nagrade koja je poznatija kao Oskar mode, održanoj u Teatru alla Scala tijekom Milanskoga tjedna mode. Godine 2018. nominirana je za žensku osobu godine u Sloveniji za izuzetna postignuća, a iste je godine dobila i nagradu Positive Luxury i nagradu Big See. Tijekom modne karijere surađivala je s brojnim priznatim svjetskim publikacijama kao što su: Vogue Italia, International Vogue, Vogue Brasil, Vogue Germany, Book Sposa, Collezioni, L’Officiel, Rendez-Vous de la Mode, Collezioni TRENDS, ELLE, Glamour, Grazia, Luxiders, Ufashon, Cosmopolitan, Gloria, The Calvert Journal, The Issue Magazin… Njezine kolekcije prikazivane su i hvaljene u Milanu, Parizu i na Ljubljanskome tjednu mode, Održivome luksuznom bijenalu 1.618 u Parizu, na konferenciji High-End Fashion u Kuvajtu i prvome svjetskom veganskom Losanđeleskom tjednu mode 2019. Zašto i kako ste se odlučili za ekološki održivu modu? - Prvo sam se odlučila za modu. Onaj dio o ekološki održivoj modi došao je nešto kasnije. Odmalena sam pokazivala sklonost prema crtanju i oblikovanju. Moja majka htjela je da postanem računovođa, ali kao osoba s umjetničkim sklonostima nisam se vidjela u takvu okruženju i zanimanju. U studentskim sam danima počela razmišljati o ekološki održivoj modi, a mnogo mi je u tome pomogla Erasmus razmjena u Nizozemsku. U Utrechtu sam se prvi put susrela s konceptualnim dizajnom. Potom sam imala jako dugu i 42

Fashion is an endless playground. Like the sea. Colours, materials, forms... There is no way you could get fed up with it.

She started as a costume designer for opera houses and theatres, a career that lasted for 20 years, during which time she received many awards for her creative and innovative work. As a successful costume designer she demonstrated her passion for sustainable fashion using sustainable fabrics made from apples, pineapples, wood, recycled plastic bottles etc. In 2014 she began experimenting with her first eco-fashion brand, which was in the same year chosen by Vogue Italia among the 20 most promising eco-friendly clothing brands in the world. In 2017 Mateja was one of the five finalists at the ceremony for the Green Carpet Award, the prestigious fashion Oscar, which took place at the Teatro alla Scala during Milan Fashion Week. In 2018 she was nominated as the Slovenian female personality of the year for her outstanding achievements, and in the same year she received the Positive Luxury and the Big See awards. In her career she has collaborated with a number of recognised international publications such as: Vogue Italia, International Vogue, Vogue Brasil, Vogue Germany, Book Sposa, Collezioni, L’Officiel, Rendez-Vous de la Mode, Collezioni TRENDS, ELLE, Glamour, Grazia, Luxiders, Ufashon, Cosmopolitan, Gloria, The Calvert Journal, The Issue Magazine etc. Her collections were displayed and praised in Milan and Paris and at Ljubljana Fashion Week, the Sustainable Luxury 1.618 Biennale in Paris, the High End Fashion Conference in Kuwait, and the world’s first Vegan Fashion Week that took place in Los Angeles in 2019. Why and how did you choose environmentally sustainable fashion? - I first chose fashion. The part about environmental sustainability came later. When I was a child I showed an inclination towards drawing and shaping. My mother wanted me to become an accountant, but as a person with artistic tendencies I couldn’t see myself in that profession, in such an environment. In my student days,

ACI No.1 // Mateja Benedetti

Fotografija / Photo by Arhiva Benedetti / Benedetti archives

Modni svijet propagira ljepotu, a istovremeno zbog te ljepote stradava jako puno drugih stvari na Zemlji.

The fashion world promotes beauty, yet at the same time, because of this beauty, a lot of other things on Earth suffer. uspješnu karijeru u kazalištu, a sa svojim vlastitim markama počela sam eksperimentirati prije nekoliko godina. Benedetti Life predstavlja moje znanje i iskustva koje sam stekla u tome razdoblju. Moda je beskrajno igralište. Poput mora. Boje, materijali, oblici… Ne postoji način da se čovjek toga zasiti. Kazališne i operne predstave ipak su ograničene nekim stvarima, poput likova, vremena u kojemu se odvijaju ili načina priče. U modi je samo nebo granica. Ili mašta. Često kritizirate modnu industriju. Jeste li imali problema zbog svojih izjava? - Karakteristika uspješnih ljudi jest hrabrost. Hrabrost da govore, djeluju ili stvaraju. Osim te hrabrosti, postoji i umjetnička

I started thinking about environmentally sustainable fashion, and the time I spent on the Erasmus Exchange Programme in the Netherlands helped me a lot. It was in Utrecht that I came across conceptual design for the first time. Then I had a very long and successful career in the theatre, and a few years ago I started to experiment with my own brands. Benedetti Life represents the knowledge and experience I gained in that period. Fashion is an endless playground. Like the sea. Colours, materials, forms.... There is no way you could get fed up with it. Theatrical and operatic performances are still limited in some ways. For example, their characters, the time period they take place in, or the way the story is told. In fashion, the sky is the only limit. Or imagination. You often criticise the fashion industry. Have you had any problems because of your statements? - Courage is a characteristic that successful people have. The courage to speak, to act, or to create. Apart from these, there is also the artistic courage, which helps you pursue your own dreams and goals, your artistic mojo, to ignore the opinions of others. It takes courage to break certain social norms. But I've never had problems because of my criticism of the fashion industry. What’s more, when I explained to some people from the world of fashion about ecologically sustainable materials, they listened to what I had to say very attentively. Even 43

ACI No.1 // Mateja Benedetti

Odvažni mijenjaju društvene norme. The bold ones change social norms.

hrabrost koja ti pomaže slijediti neke svoje vizije i ciljeve, svoj artistički mojo, da se ne obazireš na mišljenja ostalih. Za svako rušenje nekih društvenih normi potrebna je hrabrost. No, nikada nisam imala problema zbog kritika modne industrije. Dapače, kada sam nekim ljudima iz svijeta mode pojasnila kako postoje ekološki održivi materijali, vrlo su rado saslušali moje opaske. Čak i kada postoje alternative, teško je mijenjati ljudske navike i navesti ih da otvoreno razmišljaju. Većina modne industrije danas se temelji na brzim, jeftinim i potrošnim komadima i, nažalost, ne brine se o zagađenju okoliša ili plaćama radnika. Istovremeno, riječ je o najljepšemu i najružnijemu svijetu. Svijetu koji propagira ljepotu i pripravan je učiniti sve za nju, a istovremeno je zbog te iste ljepote spreman na beskompromisno žrtvovanje mnogih drugi stvari. Reakcija na takvo ponašanje jest ekološki ili održivi način koji je u snažnome porastu posljednjih godina. U svim granama industrije. Pogledajte primjer Tesle koji nam je pokazao kako ekološki automobili ne moraju biti ružni. Dapače, Tesla je drugačijim pristupom natjerao ostale da ga slijede. To je ta odvažnost o kojoj sam govorila. Ekološki održivi proizvodi naš su doprinos opstanku planeta poput mudrih indijanskih misli kako smo Zemlju samo posudili od svojih predaka. Iza svake je moje kolekcije poruka o životinjskim i biljnim vrstama koje je ugrozio čovjek. Svojim dizajnom želim potaknuti ljude na odgovorno ponašanje. U svojim proizvodima upotrebljavam prirodne, organske tkanine, a gdje je moguće, i obojene botaničkim ekstraktima. Umjetno gnojivo, antibiotici i hormoni rasta strogo su zabranjeni. Zadala sam si visoke kriterije, ali želim da ljudi koji su zainteresirani za moje kreacije ili ih kupuju znaju kako su u pitanju proizvodi koji su ekološki i etički čisti.

when there are alternatives, it's hard to change people’s habits and to make them think with an open mind. Most of today’s fashion industry is based on fast, cheap and consumable pieces and it’s unfortunately not concerned about environmental pollution or the workers’ wages. At the same time, it’s the most beautiful and the ugliest of worlds. A world that promotes beauty and is ready to do everything for it, and at the same time, it is, because of that beauty, willing to sacrifice many other things without compromising. The response to this behaviour is an ecological or sustainable way, which has been on a large increase in recent years. In all branches of industry. Look at the example of Tesla, which showed us that environmentally friendly cars don’t have to be ugly. In fact, Tesla's different approach forced others to follow him. That’s the boldness I spoke of earlier. Environmentally sustainable products are our contribution to the survival of the planet, like the wise Indian thoughts on how we’ve just borrowed the land from our ancestors. In each of my collections there is an underlying message about animal and plant species that humans have endangered. With my design I want to encourage people to act responsibly. In my products I use natural fabrics, organic where possible, which are dyed with botanical extracts. Artificial fertilisers, antibiotics and growth hormones are strictly prohibited. I’ve set high standards for myself, but I want people who are interested in or who buy my creations to know that these products are ecologically and ethically clean.

Veganska koža od lišća ananasa, organski pamuk, tencel, bambus, konoplja glavni su junaci vaših modnih priča. Koliko je teško nabaviti takve materijale i raditi s njima?

Vegan leather from pineapple leaves, organic cotton, Tencel, bamboo and hemp are the main characters in your fashion story. How hard is it to obtain and work with such materials?

- Na tržištu je još uvijek premali izbor, ali sve je više proizvođača koji se odlučuju na ekološki održive proizvode. Još uvijek postoji problem raspoložive količine, ali i to se mijenja. Samo jedan primjer: razvoj veganske kože od ananasa trajao je devet godina, inovativni materijali zahtijevaju mnogo testiranja, ali sada postoji dovoljna količina koja je na raspolaganju pozitivno orijentiranim kompanijama. Ja većinom stvari nabavljam u Italiji jer je Slovenija mala zemlja u kojoj takve stvari postoje još uvijek samo u manjini.

- The choice on the market is still limited, but there are more and more manufacturers who opt for environmentally sustainable products. There is still the problem of quantity that’s available, but that’s also changing. To mention just one example, it took nine years to develop vegan leather made from pineapples – innovative materials require a lot of testing – but now sufficient quantity of it is available to positively oriented companies. I mostly get my materials in Italy because Slovenia is a small country, where such things are still a minority thing.

Imate li neki modni uzor?

Do you have a fashion role model?

- Čovjek tijekom godina teži stvaranju nekoga svojeg puta, teško mogu govoriti o uzorima, ali sviđa mi se život i rad Vivienne Westwood, Dries van Noten i Ann Demeulemeester. Moda mora biti odvažna, mora biti odraz nečije strasti, mora izazivati neku emociju kod ljudi. Tih se postulata pokušavam držati i usput pomoći u očuvanju prirode. 

- Over the years you tend to find your own way, so it’s difficult to talk about role models, but I like the life and work of Vivienne Westwood, Dries van Noten and Ann Demeulemeester. Fashion must be bold, it must reflect one's passions, it must arouse emotions in people. These are the postulates I try to stick to and help preserve nature at the same time. 



Fotografije / Photos by Petar Fabijan


BAKIĆ Varteks mora postati najinovativnija modna kompanija u Hrvatskoj


Varteks must become the most innovative fashion house in Croatia

ACI No.1 // Nenad Bakić

Početkom prošle godine, na svoj stoti rođendan, nekadašnji tekstilni div Varteks našao se na umoru, opterećen dugovima, odljevom radnika, sve lošijom maloprodajom… Novi predsjednik Uprave postao je Nenad Bakić. Poznati investitor i poduzetnik odnedavno je u biznisu u kojemu ga nitko nije očekivao: Ušao je u svijet mode…

In early 2018, on its 100th birthday, the former textile giant Varteks was on its last legs, burdened with debt, with workers leaving and retail sales decreasing. Nenad Bakić became the new Chairman of the Management Board. The well-known investor and entrepreneur recently found himself in a business nobody expected him in: he entered the world of fashion.

Nedavno ste preuzeli Varteks, tvrtku koja je unatoč velikoj tradiciji i znanju u proizvodnji tekstila bila na rubu bankrota. Kada je izašla vijest o dokapitalizaciji i Vašemu angažmanu, rekli ste tada da to nije situacija u kojoj ste se željeli naći…

Recently you took over Varteks, the company that despite its know-how and long tradition in textile production was on the brink of bankruptcy. When the news about the recapitalisation and your involvement got out, you said that this was not a situation you wanted to find yourself in.

- Da, posljednjih sam godina posvećen našemu dobrotvornom projektu, razvoju obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj i šire kroz pokret Croatian Makers, koji je sada najveći projekt takve vrste u EU-u; i zapravo bih radije bio pasivni investitor, ali, naravno, velik udio znači ipak i aktivniji angažman. S obzirom na to da je kompanija bila na rubu bankrota, kao veliki dioničar odazvao sam se pozivu na dokapitalizaciju, a kako praktički nije bilo drugih zainteresiranih, stekao sam skoro pa većinski udio. Nisam bio oduševljen takvom situacijom, ali morao sam preuzeti odgovornost prema zaposlenima, ali i prema Varaždinu i Varaždinskoj županiji. Oni su već umorni od te spore Varteksove smrti koja traje nekoliko desetaka godina. Poznati ste kao investitor koji preferira diversifikaciju ulagačkoga portfelja s naglaskom na visoke tehnologije. Koji je Vaš motiv da u slučaju Varteksa, osim investitorske uloge, preuzmete i ulogu predsjednika Uprave i glavnoga operativca? - Ispostavilo se da je kompanija u puno težemu stanju nego je bilo iskazano u pozivu za dokapitalizaciju, a prethodne uprave nisu bile sposobne dovoljno dinamizirati poslovanje kako bismo izašli u potpuno novu orbitu. Zbog teških naslijeđenih problema Varteks može uspjeti jedino ako opet postane neprikosnoveni autoritet za vrhunsku kvalitetu i dizajn, a ujedno najinovativnija kompanija u modi u Hrvatskoj. Neke inovacije koje uvodimo značajne su i u europskim razmjerima. Ujedno, bilo je bitno značajno brže mijenjati korporacijsku kulturu, što se može samo s glavne izvršne pozicije. Morao sam se tomu u potpunosti posvetiti te puno čitati i učiti. Znanje u svim područjima danas je široko dostupno, pa je tako i u modi, a najpotrebnije su volja i radna etika. A upravljačke i poduzetničke vještine univerzalne su. Kakvu ste situaciju zatekli u Varteksu s obzirom na financije, strukturu zaposlenika i njihovu spremnost na promjene koje diktiraju globalni modni trendovi? - Financijska situacija bila je iznimno loša. Iako su dugoročne obaveze pod moratorijem, kratkoročne obaveze i nedostatak obrtnoga kapitala prijetili su kolapsom, a ujedno gušili mogućnost razvoja. Prijašnje su uprave pak provele glavninu restrukturiranja radne snage, u smislu viška zaposlenika u administraciji i upravljanju u odnosu na radnike u pogonu. Organizacija je bila potpuno zatomljena u smislu aktivnoga upravljanja promjenama, dominantna je bila kultura šut-

- Yes, in recent years I‘ve been devoted to our charity project, the development of education in Croatia and neighbouring countries through the Croatian Makers Movement, which is now the largest such project in the EU. In fact, I’d rather be a passive investor, but, of course, a large share also means a more active involvement. So, the company was on the brink of bankruptcy and, as a large shareholder, I responded to the call for recapitalisation. Since practically no one else was interested, I almost became the majority shareholder. I wasn’t thrilled with this situation, but I had to take responsibility not only towards the employees but also towards Varaždin and the Varaždin County. Varteks’ slow death, continuing for a few dozens years, had already worn them out. You are known as an investor who prefers diversifying the investment portfolio with emphasis on high technologies. What is your motive to take on the role not only of an investor but also of the Chairman of the Managing Board and the main operative in the case of Varteks? - It turned out that the state the company was in was much more difficult than it was declared in the call for recapitalisation, and previous managing boards weren’t able to stimulate business in order for us to reach a completely new level. Because of the difficult problems Varteks has inherited, it can only succeed if it once again becomes the undisputed leader in top quality and design, and, at the same time, the most innovative fashion house in Croatia. Some of the innovations we are introducing are important at the European level as well. At the same time, it’s essential to change the corporate culture in a much faster way, which can only be done from the top executive position. I’ve had to dedicate myself completely to it and read and learn a lot. Today, the knowledge of everything is widely available; it’s the same with fashion. What you need most is willingness and work ethics. Management and entrepreneurial skills are universal. What was the situation you found in Varteks with regard to finances, employee structure and their readiness to accept changes dictated by global fashion trends? - The financial situation was extremely bad. Although there was a moratorium on long-term debts, short-term liabilities and the 47

ACI No.1 // Nenad Bakić

Pokret Croatian Makers sada je najveći projekt takve vrste u EU-u…

The Croatian Makers Movement is now the largest such project in the EU... nje, izbjegavanja istine i muljanja. Ipak, vrlo brzo prepoznao sam desetak ljudi koji su spremni na promjene i ustvari su ih jedva dočekali te su ubrzo postali i inicijatori promjena u svojim sektorima. Rekao bih kako su dobili novu dozu entuzijazma. Uz dinamičan tim i pristup poslu možemo odgovoriti na sve izazove u brzini reakcije na tržišne okolnosti. Moda se mijenja jednako brzinom kao i svijet. Klasični ciklusi proljeće, ljeto, jesen, zima stvar su prošlosti. Kolekcije postaju dvotjedne ili mjesečne. Letvica je jako visoko podignuta, a onaj tko se ne prilagodi, ne piše mu se dobro. Svijet ide putem 2.0, 3.0, 4.0. Kao osnivač portala MojPosao imate veliko iskustvo sa svim profilima djelatnika. Koliko su općenito Hrvati spremni za digitalnu transformaciju radnih mjesta? - Gledajte, većina naših ljudi zaposlenih u administraciji nije svladala ni tipkanje s deset prstiju, iako je to rudimentarna vještina. Često se i u vlastitoj organizaciji, ali i u kontaktu s drugim organizacijama, pa i javnom upravom, suočavam s nedostatkom osnovne pismenosti u smislu upotrebe digitalnih alata. Naime, mnogi ako znaju osnove nekoga alata kao što je Excel ili pretraživanje na Googleu, misle da 'znaju', a zapravo im je znanje na vrlo niskoj razini. Općenito, u našoj su naciji mnogi orijentirani rentijerstvu i uhljebništvu, što znači da po prirodi stvari nisu previše zainteresirani za promjene.. Digitalizacija je svakako bliža vašemu polju stručnosti. Koji konkretni noviteti u informatičkome smislu čekaju Varteks? Primjerice, tehnološka obnova pogona i projekt digitaliziranoga šivanja po mjeri putem mrežne trgovine… - Kako smo kapitalno devastirani, ne možemo provesti glavninu onoga za što bismo bili sposobni. Međutim, sigurno nas zanima digitalizacija u šivanju po mjeri, izvoz preko mrežne trgovine, upotreba naprednih digitalnih metoda u prodaji i marketingu itd. Želite se etablirati kao proizvođač vrhunske odjeće s obzirom na to da radite za Hugo Boss i J.Lindeberg. S obzirom na to da je u svijetu luksuza ime marke često važnije od nekih drugih stvari, kako se Varteks može tu pozicionirati i imate li kapacitete za takvu proizvodnju? Je li ključ za oporavak Varteksa izrada odjela po narudžbi za svjetske modne kuće, razvoj/jačanje vlastite marke u vrhunskome segmentu ponude ili integralno rješenje koje uključuje oba aspekta? - Šivanje za druge jedno je od triju dijelova našega poslovanja, drugi su dio vlastite marke i maloprodaja, a treći je dio šivanje odjeće za posebne namjene, kao što su vojne i druge uniforme i korporativna odjeća. Ponekad spominjemo šivanje za vrhunske 48

lack of working capital were threatening with collapse and, at the same time, diminishing the possibility of development. The previous managing board did carry out the bulk of workforce restructuring, in terms of the surplus of administrative staff and the management compared to the number of workers at the factory. The organisation of work was completely suppressed in terms of the active management of change; the culture of silence, avoiding the truth and deceit was dominant. However, very soon I identified a dozen people who were willing to accept changes and who, in fact, couldn’t wait for them to happen; they then became the initiators of changes in their sectors. I’d say that they got a new injection of enthusiasm. With a dynamic team and approach to business, we are becoming able to rise to all challenges and quickly react to market circumstances. Fashion is changing just as quickly as the world is. The classical spring, summer, autumn and winter collections are a thing of the past. Collections are becoming a two-week or monthly affair. The bar has been set very high, and if you don’t adapt, you won’t go very far. The world follows the 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 path. As the founder of the Moj posao (Croatian for “my job”) portal, you have a great deal of experience with different types of employees. To what extent are Croats generally ready for the digital transformation of jobs? - Look, most of our people employed as administrative staff haven’t even mastered ten-finger typing, although it’s a basic skill. Very often in my own organisation and in contacts with other organisations, public administration included, I find that basic literacy in terms of using digital tools is lacking. In fact, many people who are familiar with the basics of some tools, such as Excel or Google search think they have computer skills, while their skills are actually on a very low level. In general, many members of our nation are oriented towards rent-seeking and sinecure, which means that by the very nature of things they aren’t very interested in change. Digitalisation is certainly closer to your field of expertise. What are the innovations in terms of information technology that lie ahead for Varteks? For instance, the technological modernisation of the facilities and the digitised tailor-made clothes project in the online shop. - Since capital is a huge problem for us, we can’t achieve most of what we would be capable of. However, we're certainly interested in digitisation of tailor-made clothes, export through the online shop, the use of advanced digital methods in sales and marketing, etc. You want to become established as a manufacturer of top quality clothing considering the fact that you make clothes for Hugo Boss and J Lindeberg. Taking into account that in the world of luxury the brand name is quite often more important than other things, how can Varteks position itself here and do you have the resources for such production? Is the key to the revitalisation of Varteks manufacturing tailor-made suits for world's fashion

ACI No.1 // Nenad Bakić

Znanje u svim područjima danas je široko dostupno, pa je tako i u modi, a najpotrebnije su volja i radna etika… Today, the knowledge of everything is widely available; it’s the same with fashion. What you need most is willingness and work ethics.

svjetske marke kako bismo kupcima uvjerljivo ukazali na kvalitetu svojega šivanja. No, poslovni plan uključuje nam sinergiju između proizvodnje za vlastite marke i druge, što ćemo kombinirati tako da ćemo drugima omogući fleksibilno zadavanje brzih narudžbi, a s vremenom vjerujem i šivanja po mjeri. Naravno, taj zadnji segment nikad neće biti jako velik. U ovome trenutku prioritet nam je daljnje dizanje kvalitete i atraktivnosti naših proizvoda i predstavljanje te kvalitete tržištu. Primjerice, naša odijela iz serije Limited s materijalima Loro Piana trenutačno su najkvalitetnija odijela koja se uopće mogu naći na hrvatskome tržištu. Nesavršeni muškarci u savršenim odijelima kampanja je koja prikazuje neku drugu, optimističniju Hrvatsku. Kakve su reakcije tržišta i hrvatske modne scene na takvu kampanju? - Ta je kampanja pun pogodak, oglasi s tom temom imaju nam velik doseg, a trenutačno pripremamo još pet 'nesavršenih' muškaraca iz raznih zanimanja, tako da ćemo imati lijep presjek optimizma i pozitive u Hrvatskoj. Ljudi poput Mate Rimca, Davora Brukete, Alana Sumine ili Mate Jankovića jako su prepoznatljivi i uspješni. Zanimljivo je da nas svi oni podržavaju besplatno jer vide da je dobro i korisno pokazati da ne mora sve što je staro u Hrvatskoj propasti, da je tradicija važna.

houses, developing/strengthening your own premium brand or an integrated solution including both these aspects? - Making clothes for others is one third of our business; the second is our own brands and retail sales, and the third is special purpose clothing, such as military and other types of uniforms and corporate clothing. Sometimes, we mention that we make clothes for high-quality world brands in order to convince our customers that the clothes we make are of the highest quality. However, our business plan includes the synergy between making clothes for our own brands and garment-making for others, which will be combined in the following way: we are going to make it possible for others to make quick and flexible orders, and with time, I believe, to also order tailor-made clothes. Of course, this last segment is never going to be very large. At the moment our priority is to further improve the quality and attractiveness of our products and to present their quality to the market. For example, our suits from the Limited series made of Loro Piana fabrics are currently of the best quality that can be found on the Croatian market. Imperfect Men Wearing Perfect Suits is a campaign that shows another, more optimistic, Croatia. What are the reactions of the market and the Croatian fashion scene to this campaign? - This campaign has hit the bull’s eye; our ads with this theme have a large reach, and we’re currently working on 5 other imperfect men, who are members of various professions, so we're going to have a nice cross-section of optimism and positive thinking in Croatia. People such as Mate Rimac, Davor Bruketa, Alan Sumina or Mate Janković are very well-known and successful. The interesting thing is that all of them support us for free because they see the positive sides and benefits of showing


ACI No.1 // Nenad Bakić

Postoji li bitna razlika u odnosu na dosadašnju praksu i jesu li u Varteksu implementirani određeni noviteti koji se tiču materijala kojima se danas koristite prilikom izrade odijela? - Unijeli smo promjene tako što sve više u odijela ugrađujemo najbolje materijale kakve upotrebljavaju i najbolje svjetske modne kuće, kao što su Loro Piana, Marzotto, Angelico. Dobro odijelo počinje od najboljih materijala. Tu ne štedimo i radije žrtvujemo profitnu maržu nego kvalitetu. U našim salonima u Zagrebu, Splitu i Varaždinu odijela po mjeri radimo od najboljih svjetskih tkanina, a mogu se dobiti i zaista najluksuzniji materijali kao što je mješavina vune, svile i lana. Možete li se omjerom kvalitete i cijene nositi s konkurencijom i tržištem u Hrvatskoj koje je zasićeno uvezenom robom materijala upitne kvalitete koja isključivo cijenom privlači kupce? Koliko je uopće hrvatsko tržište ključno i presudno za oporavak i uspjeh? - U ovome trenutku praktički nemamo konkurencije u kvaliteti i omjeru cijene i kvalitete u segmentu u kojemu uglavnom poslujemo. Konkretno, odijela naše glavne kolekcije iste su klase kvalitete i dizajna kao vodeće svjetske marke koje se uvoze u Hrvatsku, ali 30 % – 50 % jeftinija. U nižemu segmentu tržište je zaista prepuno robe niske kvalitete – odijela od 100 % plastike nisu neuobičajena! – ali umjesto spuštanja cijene svojih glavnih odijela kako bismo zahvatili taj segment, pokrenuli smo posebnu seriju odijela za mlade, konkretno za mature i krizme, koja su cjenovno u klasi tih uvoznika, ali značajno više kvalitete. U kategoriji luksuznih odijela nitko ni ne nudi ono što mi nudimo. Sada nas čeka velik izazov, a to je da to sve uvjerljivo komuniciramo tržištu. Jer nama je hrvatsko tržište glavno uporište, iako već počinjemo izvoz u ostale države EU-a preko mrežne trgovine, gdje smo upravo počeli pokusni projekt za Sloveniju. Fotografija / Photo by Davor Žunić


that not everything that is old in Croatia is doomed to failure; that tradition is important. Is there a big difference in relation to how things were done until now, and have you implemented certain innovations in Varteks regarding the fabrics that you use today to make suits? - The changes we have introduced are the increased use of the finest materials for our suits, the kind that are also used by the world's best fashion houses, such as Loro Piana, Marzotto, Angelico. A good suit starts with the finest materials. There’s no economising here, and we would rather sacrifice our profit margin than quality. In our salons in Zagreb, Split and Varaždin we use the world's finest fabrics to make tailored suits, and you can actually get the most luxurious materials such as a blend of wool, silk and flax. Can the ratio of your quality and price be competitive enough for the Croatian market, saturated with imported goods and materials of questionable quality, whose only appeal to customers is their price? To what degree is the Croatian market generally critical and crucial for your revitalisation and success? - At this point, there is practically no competition regarding quality and the ratio of price and quality in the segment in which we do most of our business. Specifically, the suits in our main collections are of the quality and design that is in the same class as the world's leading brands imported by Croatia, but ours have 30%-50% lower prices. In the lower segment, the market is really saturated with low-quality goods – suits made out of 100% plastic are not unusual – but instead of lowering the prices of our main line of suits in order to enter this segment, we have launched a special line of suits for young people to be worn at, specifically, school-leaving parties and confirmation ceremonies. These are

ACI No.1 // Nenad Bakić

Hrvatska se treba okrenuti pitanjima o 2031. i kako će ova zemlja tada izgledati…

Croatia needs to address questions about 2031 and what this country will be like then... Kako termin agilne filozofije poslovanja, kojim se često koristite, funkcionira u praksi, u Varteksu? - Iskrena i vjerodostojna komunikacija, pri čemu sadržaj ima prednost pred formom, dinamična suradnja među odjelima koja zaobilazi više strukture, istina kao prioritet pred egom, brza izrada prototipa, pokretanje projekata prema principu minimalnoga proizvoda koji funkcionira, nabava materijala i dizajn predmeta just in time, radna fleksibilnost, tješnja suradnja među timovima i tako dalje.. S obzirom na iskustvo i postulate koje primjenjujete prilikom novih akvizicija, jeste li odredili vremenski okvir u kojemu ćete procijeniti isplativost svojega angažmana u ovome projektu? - Želja mi je da nakon godinu dana završimo glavninu operativnoga preokreta. Ako uspijemo, bit će to najbrži i najvidljiviji preokret u povijesti Hrvatske, tako da znam da je to ambiciozan cilj. U kojoj mjeri surađujete s bankarskim sektorom i kako oni gledaju na financiranje projekata koji se ponovno revitaliziraju zasnovani na znatno izmijenjenoj filozofiji poslovanja? - Banke nas praktički ne prate, praktički smo potpuno odsječeni od financijskih tržišta. Naše banke samo su podružnice stranih banaka… Jednom ste prilikom izjavili kako Hrvati imaju depresivan mentalitet. Što ste time mislili? - Postoje razna međunarodna istraživanja društvene klime, ali se mentalitet može vidjeti i kroz rezultate. Hrvatska je neosporno najneuspješnija zemlja Nove Europe, ali i prema istraživanjima EK-a ima ekstremno mjesto u EU-u po tome koliko naši građani smatraju da su za uspjeh u životu ključni sreća i političke veze, a puno manje bitni vrijedan rad i obrazovanje. To je jasan odraz depresivnosti, a ona je velikim dijelom uzrokovana socijalističkim mentalitetom u kojemu smo iz raznih razloga najviše zaostali među svim zemljama Nove Europe. Umjesto konstantnoga življenja u prošlosti, trebamo se okrenuti budućnosti i tehnologiji. Pitanja o 1941. trebali bismo zamijeniti pitanjima o 2031. i kako će ova zemlja tada izgledati. 

in the price range of those imported products, but are of significantly higher quality. In the category of luxury suits no one offers what we do. Now there is a big challenge ahead, and that is to communicate all this to the market in a convincing manner. Because the Croatian market is our main base, although we have already begun exporting to other EU countries via our online shop, where a pilot project for Slovenia has just started. How does the agile philosophy of business, a term you use often, work in practice, in Varteks? - Honest and trustworthy communication, where the content takes precedence over form, dynamic cooperation between departments bypassing higher structures, the truth as a priority over the ego, fast prototype making, launching projects according to the principle of the minimum viable product, just-in-time purchase of fabrics and designs, work flexibility, closer collaboration between teams and so on. With regard to the experience and postulates that you apply on new acquisitions, have you set a time frame in which you are going to assess the cost-effectiveness of your involvement in this project? - My wish is that in a year’s time we have finished the major part of the operational turnaround. If we succeed, it will be the fastest and the most visible turnaround in the history of Croatia, and I know that this is an ambitious goal. To what extent are you working with the banking sector and what is their take on financing projects that are undergoing revitalisation based on a significantly modified business philosophy? - Banks do not support us; we are practically completely cut off from the financial markets. Our banks are just foreign bank subsidiaries. On one occasion, you stated that the Croatian mindset is dispirited. What did you mean by that? - There is a lot of international research on social climate, but the mindset can also be reflected in results. Croatia is undoubtedly the least successful country in New Europe, but according to research carried out by the EC, it also has an extreme place in the EU regarding our citizens’ beliefs that things that are necessary to succeed in life are luck and political connections rather than hard work and education. This is a clear reflection of low spirits, caused to a great degree by the socialist mentality, which we, of all the countries of New Europe, have clung to the most, for various reasons. Instead of living in the past all the time, we need to turn to the future and technology. We should replace questions about 1941 with questions about 2031 and what this country will be like then.  51

Fotografija / Photo by Nigel Marple/REUTERS/PIXSELL

ACI No.1 // Dennis Conner


Ljudi koji su se popeli na vrh svijeta u bilo kojoj branši zrače posebnom energijom. Mentalitet, samopouzdanje, stav i kretnje tijela kod rođenih pobjednika nekako su drugačiji. Dennis Conner samo je iznimka koja potvrđuje pravilo. Jedan od najslavnijih jedriličara svih vremena i dalje sjajno nosi kostim šampiona premda je debelo zagazio prema osamdesetima, lošeg je zdravlja i ima barem trideset kilograma previše. U očima još bukti strast za pobjedama i novim projektima.

People who have climbed to the top of the world in any field emanate a special kind of energy. Mentality, confidence, attitude and body movements in natural born winners are somehow different. Dennis Conner is just the exception that proves the rule. Although nearly eighty, in ill health and at least 30 kg (66 pounds) overweight, one of the most famous sailors of all times is still wearing a champion’s costume splendidly. His eyes are still burning with passion for victories and new projects.

Conner odaje dojam čovjeka koji i u poznim godinama voli izazove. Pogled na njegov sportski životopis otkriva kako su riječi odustajanje, poraz ili prepreka za njega nepoznati pojmovi. Zovu ga Mr. America's Cup, i to puno češće nego Dennis Conner. Kad je dio nečijeg nadimka najcjenjenije jedriličarsko natjecanje na svijetu, onda znate da je ta osoba obilježila dobar dio sporta. Osvojio je olimpijsku broncu u klasi Zvijezda, 28 puta postajao svjetski prvak u različitim klasama, ali ono što mu je obilježilo karijeru veliki su brodovi. Amerikanci imaju izreku: Big boats, big money ('Veliki brodovi, velik novac', op.a.), a upravo je taj vješti ples između jedara i dolara postao Connerov zaštitni znak. U vitrinama ima četiri America’s Cupa (1974., 1980., 1987. i 1988.) i jedini je skiper koji je uspio izgubiti, a potom odmah vratiti najstariji sportski trofej na svijetu. Član je svih mogućih jedriličarskih kuća slavnih, autor je nekoliko knjiga i sjajan motivacijski govornik. Put od siromašnog dječaka do jedriličarskog božanstva prava je priča o američkom snu koliko god da je izlizana ta floskula.

Conner gives the impression of a man who still loves a challenge, albeit in his later years . A glance at his sports CV reveals that words like giving up, defeat or obstacle are unfamiliar concepts to him. He is called Mr America's Cup, and much more often so than Dennis Conner. When the most respected sailing competition in the world is part of someone’s nickname, you know that that person has made a mark on a better part of the sport in question. He has won an Olympic bronze medal in the Star class and is a 28-time world champion in different classes, but the thing that has marked his career are big boats. Americans have a saying: Big boats, big money; and it is precisely the skilful dance between sails and dollars that has become Conner’s trademark. He has four America's Cup in his display cabinet (1974, 1980, 1987 and 1988) and is the only skipper who managed to lose, and then immediately win back, the oldest sporting trophy in the world. He is a member of all existing sailing halls of fame, author of several books and a great motivational speaker. The journey from being a poor boy to the sailing deity is a real story about the American dream as much as it is a wornout cliché. 53

ACI No.1 // Dennis Conner

Neki sportaši zadovoljni su već samim odlaskom na Olimpijske igre, drugi plaču od sreće kada osvoje broncu, a treći su nesretni kad ne osvoje zlato. U ove posljednje spadam i ja.

For some athletes it is enough just to participate in the Olympic Games, others cry tears of joy when they win the bronze medal, and yet others are unhappy when they don't win the gold one. I belong to this last group.

Fotografija / Photo by Nigel Marple/REUTERS/PIXSELL


Dennis Conner već je bio u Hrvatskoj na ACI Match Race Cupovima kada su k nama dolazile najveće jedriličarske zvijezde. Prije tridesetak godina Jadran je bio obvezna destinacija za velike regate. Sadašnji povod nije bilo natjecanje nego „đita“. Poveo je sedam prijatelja s kojima je proslavio 76. rođendan, a domaćin im je bio direktor ACI marine Trogir Ivan Kljaković Gašpić. Bivši hrvatski jedriličar prije nekoliko godina upoznao je Connera na Bahamima, a tada se rodila i ideja o izletu u Hrvatsku. Ruta je bila „muška“. Split – Palmižana – Korčula – Dubrovnik – Mljet – Vis – Skradin – Trogir. U sedam dana nekoliko stotina milja. - U Rovinju sam se uvjerio kako je Hrvatska zemlja gdje sam vidio najljepše žene. Ta moja teza potvrđena je nakon ovog izleta. Krstarenje po Dalmaciji bilo je čisti užitak. Moje je društvo ushićeno ljepotama otoka i hranom. Čini mi se kako je Hrvatska još uvijek nepoznanica za Amerikance. Dijelom je to i zbog nedostatka izravnih letova, ali kada se to promijeni, više ništa neće biti isto.

Dennis Conner has already been to Croatia, participating at ACI Match Race Cups when they were attended by the greatest names in sailing. Some thirty years ago the Adriatic was an unavoidable destination for big races. The reason for this present visit, however, is not a competition, but a cruise. He invited seven friends with whom he celebrated his 76th birthday, and Ivan Kljaković Gašpić, the director of ACI Marina Trogir, played the role of their host. The former Croatian sailor met Conner in the Bahamas a few years ago and it was then that the idea of a trip to Croatia was born. The route was a daring one: Split – Palmižana – Korčula – Dubrovnik – Mljet – Vis – Skradin – Trogir. Several hundred miles in seven days. - I realised in Rovinj that Croatia is the country where I had seen the most beautiful women. That assertion of mine was confirmed after this trip. It was sheer pleasure to cruise in Dalmatia. My friends are delighted with the beauty of the islands and the food. It seems to me that Croatia is still a mystery to Americans. This is partly

ACI No.1 // Dennis Conner

Krstarenje po Dalmaciji bilo je čisti užitak. Moje je društvo ushićeno ljepotama otoka i hranom. It was sheer pleasure to cruise in Dalmatia. My friends are delighted with the beauty of the islands and the food.

Fotografija / Photo by Nigel Marple/REUTERS/PIXSELL

Jedrenje je jako skup sport. A vi ste u njega krenuli praktički sa samog dna?

because there are no direct flights, but when that changes, nothing will ever be the same.

- Moji su roditelji bili siromašni. Kao dijete patio sam od kompleksa inferiornosti. Ostali dječaci u San Diegu imali su brodove; ja nisam. Čak je i Starlet, mali brodski čamac popularan tijekom mojeg djetinjstva, bio izvan mojeg dosega. No, imao sam očajničku potrebu za dokazivanjem. S 11 godina postao sam mlađi član San Diego Yacht Cluba. Moji heroji bili su najbolji jedriličari tog kluba. Visio bih tamo po cijele dane, pomagao oko brodova, postavljao im mali milijun pitanja, dosađivao sve dok me nisu pozvali da budem dio posade. .

Sailing is a very expensive sport. And you entered it practically from the very bottom.

Iako ste četiri puta osvajali America's Cup, najviše vas je proslavio poraz 1983.? - Ovakav tip jedrenja užasno je okrutan sport u kojem ne postoji nagrada za drugo mjesto, a ja sam nakon 132 godine postao prvi američki skiper koji je izgubio America's Cup. Katastrofa. Ali s ove današnje distance mislim kako je to bila najbolja stvar koja se dogodila jedrenju. America’s Cup postao je zanimljiv cijelom svijetu. Cijela se Australija ujedinila kad su dobili Big Bad Dennisa. Pucali su od ponosa jer su „nalupali“ Amerikance. Na neki simboličan način Cup je bio oslobođen. Tu bih situaciju usporedio s Panamskim kanalom kad ga je Amerika izgubila. Odjednom je svima bilo drago. Tog 26. rujna bio sam najnesretniji čovjek na svijetu, suze su mi tekle niz obraze, ali u razgovoru na televiziji nisam tražio isprike. Jedna od stvari koje su mi tada spasile razum bila je potpora ljudi. Kada sam bio pobjednik 1980., dobio sam stotinu pisama. Nije to

- My parents were poor. As a child I suffered from the inferiority complex. Other boys in San Diego had boats; I didn't. Even Starlet, which was a small ship's boat popular in my childhood and which didn’t cost a lot, was out of my reach. However, I had a desperate need to prove myself. At the age of 11 I became a junior member of the San Diego Yacht Club. My heroes were the Club’s best yachtsmen. I hung in there all days long, helping out with the boats, asking them a bunch of questions and being a bore until they asked me to be a part of the crew. Even though you have won the America's Cup four times, the thing that brought you the greatest fame was the 1983 defeat. - This type of sailing is an extremely cruel sport where there is no prize for being the runner-up, and I was the first US skipper to lose the America's Cup in 132 years. A disaster. But in hindsight, I think it was the best thing that happened to sailing. The whole world became interested in America's Cup. The whole Australia united when they beat Big Bad Dennis. They were extremely proud because they thrashed the Americans. In a symbolic way, the Cup was set free. I would compare that situation to the one with the Panama Canal when America lost it. Suddenly, everyone was so pleased. On the 26th September in question I was the unhappi55

ACI No.1 // Dennis Conner

neki broj na 200 milijuna Amerikanaca, složit ćete se. A kada sam izgubio, javili su mi se desetci tisuća ljudi. Već tada, odmah nakon poraza, smislio sam plan o vraćanju Auld Muga. To sam i napravio 1987. Uz silne trofeje vaš način pristupa kampanjama za America's Cup revolucionarizirao je jedrenje. Uveli ste menadžment i profesionalizam, a usput ste i sami prikupljali novac. U jednoj od knjiga spominjete anegdotu sa sadašnjim američkim predsjednikom Trumpom, kojem ste upali u ured i poručili tajnici kako vas može pustiti k njemu ili pozvati policiju. Koliko su povezani biznis i jedrenje? - Da vam za početak dovršim priču s Donaldom Trumpom. Srećom, tajnica nije zvala policiju, nego me pustila u njegov ured na nekoliko minuta. Iznio sam mu plan kako ćemo 1987. vratiti Cup kući i pristao je uložiti novac. Ima još jedna anegdota kako samo stigao do ugovora s jednim velikim proizvođačem pića. Kada sam stigao na sastanak, postavili su mi jednostavno pitanje: Koliko ćemo više pića prodati ako budemo Vaši sponzori? Sjetio sam se kako u jednoj aviokompaniji imam prijatelja kojeg sam nagovorio da tu kompaniju angažira za dobavljača pića u svojim avionima. Nakon toga sponzorski je ugovor bio moj. Sad se vraćamo na Vaše pitanje. Jedrenje je idealna B2B platforma, a ja u svemu vidim poslovnu priliku i pokušavam je iskoristiti. Volim tu umjetnost sklapanja poslova gotovo jednako kao i jedrenje. Animirao sam velike korporacije za svoju kampanju 1987. godine i uspio. Moja je filozofija da kada sam na brodu, onda jedrim, a kada nisam, onda sam zadužen za skupljanje novca. Za mene su postavljeni ciljevi mjerilo uspjeha. Neki sportaši zadovoljni su već samim odlaskom na Olimpijske igre, drugi plaču od sreće kada osvoje broncu, a treći su nesretni kad ne osvoje zlato. U ove posljednje spadam i ja.

est man in the world, tears were flowing down my face, but in the TV interview I wasn’t looking for excuses. One of the things that kept me sane was people’s support. When I won the 1980 Cup, I received a hundred letters. Not a great number out of 200 million Americans, I'm sure you'll agree. But when I lost, tens of thousands of people got in touch. After the defeat I already had a plan to get back the Auld Mug; and that's what I did in 1987. Along with all those trophies, your approach to the America's Cup campaigns has revolutionised sailing. Not only have you introduced management and professionalism, you have also raised money for it yourself. In one of the books you mentioned an anecdote with the current US President Donald Trump, when you barged into his office and told his secretary to either let you in or call the police. How big is the connection between business and sailing? - Let me finish the story with Donald Trump first. Fortunately, the secretary did not call the police, but rather let me go into his office for a few minutes. I lay out the plan for getting the Cup back home in 1987 and he agreed to invest in it. There is another anecdote about how I managed to get a contract with one major beverage manufacturer. When I arrived at the meeting, they asked a simple question: How many more drinks are we going to sell if we become your sponsors? I remembered that I had a friend at an airline company who I had persuaded to hire that company as a drink supplier for their airplanes. After that, the sponsorship contract was mine. Now, to get back to your question. Sailing is an ideal B2B platform. I see business opportunities in everything and I try to seize them. I love the art of making business deals almost as much as sailing. I attracted big corporations’ interest in my 1987 campaign and succeeded. My philosophy is that when I'm on the boat, I sail, and

Jedina stvar koju volim više od jedrenja jest pobjeđivanje. The only thing I love more than sailing is winning.

Fotografija / Photo by Tom Dubravec


ACI No.1 // Dennis Conner

Jedrenje je idealna B2B platforma, a ja u svemu vidim poslovnu priliku i pokušavam je iskoristiti.

Sailing is an ideal B2B platform. I see business opportunities in everything and I try to seize them. when I'm not, then my duty is to raise money. The goals I set are, for me, the measure of success. For some athletes it is enough just to participate in the Olympic Games, others cry tears of joy when they win the bronze medal, and yet others are unhappy when they don't win the gold one. I belong to this last group. How do you see America's Cup and going back to monohulls today? Fotografija / Photo by Nigel Marple/REUTERS/PIXSELL

Kako danas vidite America's Cup i povratak na jednotrupce? - Iako sam sretan što su katamarani „out“, čini mi se kako se jedrenje silno želi dodvoriti televiziji, a današnje potrošačko društvo ne želi regate dulje od pola sata i tu nastaje problem. U moje vrijeme regate su znale trajati nekoliko sati, poput šahovske partije. Ne sviđa mi se put kojim ide America’s Cup. Bojim se da će biti jako malo onih koji si mogu priuštiti ulazak. Istina, riječ je o skupoj igrački, ali troškovi su probili sve granice. Danas s budžetom manjim od 100 ili više milijuna dolara ne možete ni razmišljati o nastupu, a kamoli o pobjedi. Obično, regularno jedrenje zamijenila su računala koja određuju sve važne parametre na brodu. Bit je jedrenja u dvoboju, kontaktu najboljih, a ne u nadmetanju čipova. U moje doba trebao si znati jedriti, danas samo treba znati upotrebljavati tehnologiju. Jedriličar, menadžer, predavač, slikar… U kojoj se koži najbolje osjećate? - Kao pobjednik. Jedina stvar koju volim više od jedrenja jest pobjeđivanje. Uvijek sam samo želio biti najbrži jedriličar na svijetu, a kad imate takav cilj, žrtvujete sve ostalo. Od posade za svoje kampanje tražio sam samo tri stvari: stav, stav i stav. Rekao sam im da moraju biti potpuno predani natjecanju. Obitelji, društveni život, seks, religija ili bilo što drugo moralo se žrtvovati za naš zajednički cilj. Svoj sam život posvetio pobjeđivanju i znam da je teško povjerovati, ali ovo mi je bila prva „đita“ u životu, ranije nisam imao vremena za jedrenje iz razonode. 

- Even though I'm happy that catamarans are out, it seems to me that there is an intense wish in sailing to curry favour with the television. And today's consumer society does not want races that last for more than half an hour, and there you have a problem. In my time, regattas could last for several hours, like a chess game. I don't like the way the America's Cup is going. I'm afraid very few are going to be be able to afford to enter. True, it is an expensive toy, but the costs went through the ceiling. Today, with a budget below 100 million dollars or so, you can’t even think about entering, let alone winning. Ordinary, regular sailing has been replaced with computers that determine all important parameters on the boat. The essence of sailing is duelling, the contact of the best, not a contest between computer chips. In my day, you had to know how to sail, today you only have to know how to use technology. Yachtsman, manager, speaker, painter... Which skin do you feel your best in? As a winner. The only thing I love more than sailing is winning. I've always just wanted to be the fastest sailor in the world, and when you have such a goal, you sacrifice everything else. For my campaigns, I have asked only three things from the crew: attitude, attitude and attitude. I told them that they have to commit to the competition completely. Family, social life, sex, religion or anything else had to be sacrificed for our common goal. I dedicated my life to winning, and I know it's hard to believe, but this was the first cruise in my life, I've never had the time for leisure sailing before.  57

Fotografije / Photos by Petar Fabijan



MAROTTI Lanjsko su ljeto Hrvati egzaltirano po ulicama i trgovima slavili nogometno srebro sa Svjetskog prvenstva. Dapače, i danas je onih koji će tvrditi da je hrvatsko srebro iz Rusije „skoro zlato“; kolikogod da ono to nije, nekima valjda sjaji kao – zlato.

Indeed, there are still those who will claim that the silver medal that the Croatian team brought home from Russia is just as good as the gold one. Despite the fact that silver is not gold, to some people, I guess, it shines as if it were.

Mjesec i pol kasnije u Rijeku je, od ostatka zemlje slabo uočeno, stiglo zlato sa Svjetskog prvenstva u jedrenju na dasci. Prvo takvo u ovoj zemlji. Riječanin Enrico Marotti na Sjevernom je moru u Danskoj bio prvi. „Normalno je da ljudi vole nogomet, volim ga i ja. Ta nogometna groznica unijela je dobrodošao optimizam. No, kad bismo išli logikom, bilo bi očekivano da ova zemlja više uloži u jedrenje. Jer, nije po Hrvatskoj na stotine dobrih nogometnih stadiona, ali zato imamo tisuću otoka koje nije stvarao čovjek, koji su nam poklonjeni; imamo na tisuće nevjerojatnih mjesta za jedrenje. Nije mi toliko do osobne promocije, ali bih to što sad Hrvatska ima svjetskog prvaka u surfanju volio iskoristiti da što više mladih privučem jedrenju, neka nogomet igraju zimi“, smije se Marotti.

A month and a half later, the gold medal from the World Windsurfing Championship arrived in Rijeka, albeit poorly noticed in the rest of the country. It was the first such medal for Croatia. Enrico Marotti from Rijeka came first in the race that took place on the North Sea, in Denmark. "It’s normal for people to love football; I love it too. This football fever has brought us much needed optimism. However, if we think logically, we would expect this country to invest more in sailing. Because we don’t have hundreds of football stadiums all over Croatia, but we do have a thousand islands which weren’t created by man, which we have inherited. We have thousands of incredible places to sail in. I don’t care about my personal promotion that much, but I'd like to use the fact that Croatia now has a world windsurfing champion to attract interest in sailing among as many young people as possible; they can still play football in the winter," says Marotti laughing.

ACI No.1 // Enrico Marotti

„Slava me uopće ne zanima. Volim to što radim i to mi je puno bitnije od slave“, kroz vjetrom razbacane uvojke sportaševe kose na lijevom uhu proviruje morčić, naušnica specifična za ljude iz riječkog kraja; na njoj je lik crnca glave omotane bijelim turbanom. „Ne skidam ga sa sebe od kad sam ga dobio, od moje četrnaeste godine. Naslijedio sam ga od obitelji. Svi su kod mene nosili morčiće. Generacijama je tako“, vrti naušnicu. Pripovijedamo još neko vrijeme o morčiću, tradicija i Kvarner Marottiju su bitni. Podatci govore da morčić nosi gotovo polovica ljudi na Kvarneru. Muškarci vrlo rijetko, žene često. Legenda, priča surfer, kaže da je vezan uz turske turbane koji su ostali za neuspješnog turskog napada na Rijeku u 16. st. Druga pak tvrdi da morčić porijeklo vuče iz doba kad je neimenovana talijanska kontesa crnoj sluškinji koju je jako voljela darovala slobodu, a kao uspomenu na nju dala izraditi naušnice s njezinim likom. Slučaj je htio da je Marotti baš to jutro kad smo razgovarali odradio svoj zadnji trening u 2018. kod kuće, na Jadranu. Sutradan leti na Havaje, na zimske pripreme. Kući potom neće do Božića, a i onda samo kratko, jer poslije toga dva i pol mjeseca trenirat će na Tenerifima. Izvuče dasku i jedro iz mora; dok se s njega cijedi voda, brzim će koracima do auta, parkirana na samoj rivi. Otvara vrata, iznutra u sekundi iskaču Shaka i Ares. Čekali su gazdu. S psima oko surfanja i treninga ima uhodane rituale: svako jutro Ares i Shaka promatraju Enrica na dasci u moru, gledaju ga kroz prozorsko staklo automobila, parkira tako da ga lako mogu promatrati. Znaju da trebaju strpljivo sačekati i gazda će se vratiti s mora, pokupiti ih i povesti u šetnju. „Bilo je i dana kad su u šest ujutro moji psi znali šapom stisnuti trubu automobila, probuditi cijelo Volosko. Morao sam ih naučiti da, makar sjede na prednjem sjedalu, kao u prvom redu u kinu, i gledaju kako surfam, trubu više ne smiju taknuti ni u ludilu“, vrti glavom surfer. Shaka je pitbul udomljen iz pulskog skloništa za pse, Ares je pudlica Marottijeve partnerice. S njima taj dan nije bila Tramuntana, Enricov pas kojeg je prije nekoliko godina kući doveo iz zagrebačkog azila za pse. Dao im je imena bitna u surferskom vokabularu – shaka je surferski pozdrav, a tramuntana: „Ne moram vam ni govoriti što mi znači tramuntana kad ovdje, u svojoj uvali stanem na dasku“, širi ruke. Svim velikim oceanskim valovima i raznim morima svijeta unatoč, Marotti i danas najradije trenira u uvali Preluk, drugim riječima kod kuće, u Voloskom, mjestu pored Rijeke, tamo gdje je i rastao, tu gdje je kao dječak počeo jedriti. Ovdje su mu sugrađani nakon što je u Danskoj među šezdeset i sedam natjecatelja osvojio zlato napravili doček koji ga je posve dirnuo: „Samo jedno mjesto na svijetu se zove dom“, emotivno će. Listopad je pri samom kraju. Rano je jutro, do maloprije maglovito. Nema dugo da je stala tramuntana u Preluku. Dok hodamo rivom, surfer pozdravlja gotovo svakog prolaznika: „Gotova je sezona. Turista više nema, ostali su domaći, sve poznat mi svijet.“ 60

“I’m not interested in fame at all. I love what I do and that’s much more important than fame." Through the athlete’s wind-tousled curls, a blackamoor (called morčić) is slightly visible on his left ear, an earring characteristic of the people of the Rijeka region showing an image of a black man's head wrapped in a white turban. “Ever since I got it, which was when I was 14, I’ve never taken it off. It’s my family inheritance. My family all wore morčići. And it’s been so for generations," says he, twisting his earring. We talk some more about the morčić; tradition and Kvarner are very important to Marotti. Records indicate that blackamoors are worn by almost half the people in the Kvarner region. Men very rarely, women often. The legend, states the surfer, says that morčić is linked to Turkish turbans that were left in the city after an unsuccessful Ottoman raid on Rijeka in the 16th century. Another legend, however, dates the blackamoor to the time when an unnamed Italian countess freed her beloved black maid and then had earrings with the maid’s likeness made, as a memento. As chance would have it, the morning we meet Marotti has just finished his last training at home, on the Adriatic Sea, in 2018. The next day, he is to fly to Hawaii, to do his winter training. He won’t come home until Christmas, and then only for a short time because then he’s going to Tenerife for two and half months of training. He pulls the board and sail out of the sea. Water still dripping from him, he quickly walks to the car, which is parked right on the waterfront. He opens the door, and Shaka and Ares jump immediately out. They were waiting for their owner. He and his dogs have a well-established routine regarding surfing and training: every morning Ares and Shaka, through the car window, watch Enrico surf on his board; he parks the car so that they can watch him without any difficulty. They know they have to wait patiently and their owner will come out of the sea to pick them up and take them for a walk. “There were also days when my dogs would, at six in the morning, honk the car horn with their paws and wake up the entire Volosko Bay. I had to teach them that, although they were sitting in the front seat – as if in the front row at the cinema – and watching me surf, they weren’t allowed to touch the horn under any circumstances,” says the surfer shaking his head. Shaka is a pit bull terrier adopted from a dog shelter in Pula, and Ares is Marotti’s partner’s poodle. Tramuntana, Enrico’s dog brought home from a dog shelter in Zagreb a few years ago, is not with them on this day. He named his dogs after important things in the surfing vocabulary – shaka is a greeting among surfers, and "I don't even have to tell you what tramuntana (north wind) means to me when I stand on my board here, in this bay of mine,” he says, spreading his arms. In spite of all big ocean waves and world seas, Marotti still prefers to train in the Preluk Bay, that is, in his home-town of Volosko, a place not far from Rijeka, where he grew up and started sailing as a young boy. After he’d won the gold medal in Denmark among sixty-seven competitors, his fellow citizens gave him a warm welcome here, something that he found extremely touching: "There is only one place in the world called home,” he says emotionally.

ACI No.1 // Enrico Marotti

"Slava me uopće ne zanima. Volim to što radim i to mi je puno bitnije od slave." "I’m not interested in fame at all. I love what I do and that’s much more important than fame."


ACI No.1 // Enrico Marotti

Marotti ima dvadeset i sedam. Trzajem glave pokazuje kuće iznad Preluka: „Skoro da možete vidjeti našu terasu. Tamo bih kao dijete stajao i gledao ovamo, jedriličare u uvali. Silno sam htio biti s njima. Čekao sam dan kad ću i ja početi. Bio je jedan susjed, nešto stariji od mene, on je već počeo jedriti i svi naši razgovori vrtjeli su se oko vjetra, mora, jedrenja, barki.“ S osam je krenuo na prvi trening, u barku. Tek je kasnije stao na dasku. „To s daskom došlo je kad sam već bio pri kraju osnovne škole. Dugo sam i čekao, jer sam godinama na treningu promatrao surfere iz barke, bio fasciniran lakoćom njihovih pokreta, brzinom koju postižu. Ma, sve me je vuklo na dasku. Barka mi odavno, baš zbog daske, više nije bila toliko atraktivna.“ Godine 2009. bio je treći junior u Europi, 2014. europski prvak, 2016. svjetski viceprvak, 2018. prvak svijeta. Rođen je u obitelji u kojoj su se svi bavili sportom. „Ne samo da su me ohrabrivali moji već je ovo i sredina u kojoj si, samim tim što tu odrastaš, ohrabren krenuti jedriti, surfati. Tako je učinila priroda s ovom uvalom. Jer, surfao sam po raznim 'adresama' – od Japana, Australije, Nove Kaledonije, Havaja, probao oceane i mora oko Južne Koreje, Egipta, Izraela, Kanara, cijele Europe, mnoga od tih mjesta fenomenalna su za surfanje, ali Preluk ima svoju posebnu draž. To je jedna od dvije-tri točke na Jadranu gdje su termički vjetrovi idealni. Ovdje svako jutro, ako je lijepo vrijeme, zapuše tramuntana. Često mi padne na pamet da možda ne bih bio ovako dobar s daskom i


October is nearing its end. It’s early morning; until a moment ago, a foggy one. Only a short while ago did tramuntana stop blowing in the Preluk Bay. As we walk along the waterfront, the surfer says hello to nearly every passer-by: "The season's over. The tourists are gone, only native population’s here now, I know them all." Marotti is twenty-seven. He jerks his head towards the houses above Preluk. "You can almost see our terrace. As a child, I’d stand there and watch towards here, observe the sailors in the bay. I wanted to be with them so much. I waited for the day when I would get to do it too. There was a neighbour, a bit older than me, who'd already started to sail and all our conversations centred on the wind, the sea, sailing and boats." He was eight when he had his first training, on a boat. It was only later that he got on the sailboard. “The thing with the board came when I was near the end of my primary education. I waited for a long time too; while training, I‘d watch surfers from my boat, fascinated by the ease of their movements, the speed they achieved. Well, everything lead me to the board. The boat hadn’t been that appealing for a long time, thanks to the sailboard.” In 2009, he came third in the junior class in Europe; in 2014, he was the European champion. He became the vice world champion in 2016 and 2018 brought him the world championship. He was born into a family where everyone did sports. "Not only has my family encouraged me, but this environment also inspires you to start to sail, to windsurf, just because you’re growing up

ACI No.1 // Enrico Marotti

Među svjetskim surferskim vrhom Marottija zovu Manimal – pola čovjek, pola životinja. Nadimak mu je dao kolega surfer, ogroman i izrazito snažan, kojem se Marotti učinio fizički još snažnijim od njega. Among the world's top windsurfers Marotti is called Manimal – half-man, half-animal. The nickname was given to him by a fellow windsurfer, a huge and extremely strong man, who found Marotti physically even stronger.

jedrom da sam rastao negdje drugdje, da s terase nisam gledao te valove.“ U karijeri je do sad imao više nelakih trenutaka. Jedva je preživio nesreću s čamcem, a imao je i susret s morskim psom. „Nije bilo ugodno, ali dobro je završilo“, kratko će. Nekoć je u ugovoru imao klauzulu koja mu je branila voziti – motor. „Dok sam bio mlađi, jako sam volio motore, to su mi tad bili zabranili ne bi li me čuvali od ozljeda i rizika. Danas sam ionako nešto mirniji, uživam i u tišini. Pogotovo volim ta rana jutra na moru, na dasci. Surfanje je meni personifikacija slobode. S daskom možeš – daleko.“ Diplomirao je građevinu. „Iskreno, nemam ambicija u struci. Moje je što više trenirati, biti fokusiran, jer želim u surfanju izdržati što dulje“, a to, realno, može biti još dvadesetak godina. Aktualni pobjednik Svjetskog kupa Francuz Antoine Albeau, primjerice, ima četrdeset i šest godina. Među svjetskim surferskim vrhom Marottija zovu Manimal (engl. man 'čovjek' i animal 'životinja'). „Taj nadimak, pola čovjek, a pola životinja, dao mi je jedan stariji surfer koji je i sam nekoliko puta bio svjetski

here. That’s what nature did to this bay. I windsurfed in various places – from Japan to Australia, New Caledonia, Hawaii; I tested the oceans and the seas around South Korea, Egypt, Israel, the Canary Islands, all of Europe, and many of them are awesome places to surf in, but Preluk has its own special charm. It’s one of two or three points in the Adriatic where thermal winds are ideal. Tramuntana blows here every morning if the weather’s good. It often occurs to me that maybe I wouldn’t be this good if I’d been growing up elsewhere, if I hadn’t been watching those waves from my terrace. His career has brought him several difficult moments. He barely survived a boat accident, and he also had an encounter with a shark. "It wasn't exactly pleasant, but it ended well," he says curtly. He used to have a clause in his contract banning him from driving a motorbike. "When I was younger, I liked motorbikes very much and they banned me from driving them in order to keep me safe from injury and risks. Today I am somewhat calmer anyway, I enjoy peace and quiet too. I especially love these early mornings on the sea, on my


ACI No.1 // Enrico Marotti

Bilo je i dana kad su u šest ujutro moji psi znali šapom stisnuti trubu automobila, probuditi cijelu uvalu Volosko. Morao sam ih naučiti da, makar sjede na prednjem sjedalu, kao u prvom redu u kinu, i gledaju kako surfam, trubu više ne smiju taknuti ni u ludilu.

There were also days when my dogs would, at six in the morning, honk the car horn with their paws and wake up the entire Volosko Bay. I had to teach them that, although they were sitting in the front seat – as if in the front row at the cinema – and watching me surf, they were not allowed to touch the horn under any circumstances.


prvak. Ogroman je čovjek, izrazito snažan. Kad smo se prvi put sreli, pamtim, imao sam 105 kilograma, a viši sam od njega nekoliko centimetara, i obratio mi se s 'Manimal'. Bilo je to pomalo komično jer je i on, kažem, stvarno velik. Nadimak se svidio komentatoru regate, novinaru, pa se tako raširio dalje. Danas me u televizijskim prijenosima više nitko i ne zove Marotti, već Manimal.“ Kod kuće Enrica pak nježno zovu – Rico, aludirajući na njegove uvojke na glavi. Prvi je surfer iz Hrvatske koji je dobio profesionalni ugovor. Vozi za NeilPryde te JP-Australia. „Ugovor s njima vjetar mi je u leđa jer i dalje, unatoč naslovu svjetskog prvaka, muku mučim financijski zatvoriti sezonu. Oni mi osiguravaju svu opremu, po sezoni za treninge i regate trebam osam do devet daski, dvanaest jedara, dvanaest jarbola. No, i dalje nemam trenera jer ga ne mogu platiti. Imam doduše mentalnog trenera, ali bez njega doista, pomislim ponekad, ne bih ni mogao.“ Sportski psiholog Petar Nikolić s Marottijem je stalno na vezi,

board. To me, windsurfing equals freedom. With your board you can go far. " He holds a degree in civil engineering. “To tell you the truth, I have no desire to work in the profession. I want to train as much as I can, to be focused, because I want to keep on windsurfing as long as possible," which, realistically speaking, can last another twenty years or so. The current World Cup champion, the Frenchman Antoine Albeau, for example, is forty-six. Among the world's top windsurfers Marotti is called Manimal (a portmanteau of man and animal). "This nickname, meaning halfman and half-animal, was given to me by an older windsurfer who himself had been a several-time world champion. He’s a huge man, extremely strong. I remember when we first met, I weighed 105 kilograms, was a few centimetres taller than him, and he called me Manimal. It was a bit funny, because he’s, as I said, really big. The commentator of the regatta, the reporter, liked the nickname, so it stuck. Today, no one calls me Marotti in TV broad-

ACI No.1 // Enrico Marotti

Surfao sam po raznim „adresama“ – od Japana, Australije, Nove Kaledonije, Havaja, probao oceane i mora oko Južne Koreje, Egipta, Izraela, Kanara, cijele Europe, mnoga od tih mjesta fenomenalna su za surfanje, ali Preluk ima svoju posebnu draž. To je jedna od dvije-tri točke na Jadranu gdje su termički vjetrovi idealni. Ovdje svako jutro zapuše tramuntana. Možda ne bih bio ovako dobar da sam rastao negdje drugdje, da s terase nisam gledao te valove. I windsurfed in various places – from Japan to Australia, New Caledonia, Hawaii; I tested the oceans and the seas around South Korea, Egypt, Israel, the Canary Islands, all of Europe, and many of them are awesome places to surf in, but Preluk has its own special charm. It’s one of two or three points in the Adriatic where thermal winds are ideal. Tramuntana blows here every morning. Maybe I wouldn’t be this good if I’d been growing up elsewhere, if I hadn’t been watching those waves from my terrace.

gdje god da surfer trenirao i natjecao se. „U Danskoj sam pobijedio jer sam bio i psihički odlično pripremljen. S mentalnim trenerom Nikolićem odradio sam svaki mogući detalj, kako se nositi s regatom ako povedem, a i kako se nositi s time ako stvari od početka krenu krivo, kako kontrolirati misli u glavi, kako se ponašati prema konkurenciji, kako se nositi s hladnoćom… Moraš iz glave maknuti misli o rezultatu, o tome uopće ne razmišljati, misliti samo o jedrenju. Moram biti gladan dobrog jedrenja, misliti na pokret, na more, na vjetar, a ne na rezultat.“ O čemu sanja svjetski prvak? „O Svjetskom kupu. Biti među prvih pet u Svjetskom kupu! I o tome da nađem sponzora koji će mi financirati regate. Da se konačno mogu opustiti i samo trenirati, da znam da imam dovoljno za trenere, logistiku… Doduše, već sam sâm po sebi smiren, ne dam da me to previše opterećuje, makar ponekad dva tjedna prije regate ne znam kako ću otići na nju, hoću li je moći financirati. Ako ništa, posudim pa kasnije vraćam. Najčešće na regate po svijetu putujem sam, ali ponekad, ako ide netko iz regije, dogovorim da putujemo skupa, to zna donekle smanjiti troškove. Tako znam putovati s kolegama iz Italije i s hrvatskim jedriličarima. Nomadski život, natjecanja, odlasci na pripreme na drugi kraj svijeta postali su mi rutina na koju sam se odavno navikao. No, nisam siguran da bi me radovalo toliko putovati da nije jedrenja i natjecanja, to je primarni motiv, a na sve se drugo navikneš jer znaš da bez toga nema ni natjecanja s ponajboljima, koji čine da pomičeš i vlastite granice.“ 

casts any more, but Manimal." At home, by contrast, he is affectionately called Rico, alluding to his curls. He is the first surfer from Croatia to have a professional contract. He rides for NeilPryde and JP-Australia. "The contract with them is the wind at my back, because I still, in spite of the title of world champion, struggle to raise funds for the season. They provide all the equipment; in order to train and participate in regattas, I need eight to nine boards, twelve sails, and twelve masts per season. However, I still do not have a coach, because I can't afford to have one. I do have a mental coach; I sometimes think I really couldn't do any of this without him." The sports psychologist Petar Nikolić is always on the line with Marotti, wherever the windsurfer is training and competing. "I won the championship in Denmark because I was also mentally well prepared. With my mental coach Nikolić I went through every possible detail, how to deal with the race if I take the lead, and how to deal with it if things go wrong from the start, how to control the thoughts in my head, how to behave towards my competitors, how to deal with the cold, etc. You have to clear your mind from thinking about the result, you must not think about it at all; all you have to think about is surfing. I've got to be eager for a good surf; I have to think of the movements, the sea, the wind, rather than the result." What does a world champion dream about? "About the World Cup. Being among the first five in the World Cup. Moreover, about finding a sponsor to fund my regattas, so that I can finally relax and just concentrate on training, knowing that I have enough money for trainers, logistics, etc. To be fair, I'm calm by nature, I don't let it get to me too much, although there are times when I don't know how I’ll get there two weeks before the race or if I’ll be able to cover the costs. If nothing else works, I borrow some money and return it later. Most frequently, I travel to world regattas alone, but sometimes, if someone from these parts also participates, we arrange to travel together; it can reduce the costs to some extent. So, from time to time, I travel with colleagues from Italy and with Croatian sailors. Nomadic life, competitions, going to to the other end of the world in order to train have become a routine for me and I got used to it a long time ago. However, I'm not sure that it’d make me happy to travel so much if it wasn’t about surfing and competitions; that’s my primary motivation, and everything else you just get used to because you know that without that, there’s no competing with the best, who make you push yourself over your own limits." 


Fotografija / Photo by Christian Hartmann/REUTERS/PIXSELL


ACI No.1 // Alberto Contador


CONTADOR Španjolski kralj uspona Dobar, loš – El Pistolero Alberto Contador nikada nije volio prosječnost. Ili je velike biciklističke utrke osvajao sa stilom ili je otmjeno propadao. El Pistolero, kako su ga prozvali tijekom karijere jer je pobjede proslavljao poput revolveraša, nikad nije znao taktizirati ili čuvati municiju. Kada je napunio šaržer, sve je metke ispucao do kraja. Tako je bilo i u subotu, 9. rujna 2017., pretposljednji dan njegove karijere. Penjačke biciklističke dionice dijele se na teške uspone i krugove pakla. U ovu drugu skupinu spada Alto de l'Angliru, koji se uzdiže iz srca Asturije. Te je subote Alberto Contador pokazao zašto ga je Lance Armstrong nazvao jednim od najtalentiranijih tipova koji je prebacio nogu preko bicikla. Lomio je konkurente povećavanjem tempa kao što divovska anakonda steže plijen. Svaki je okretaj pedale imao neku višu poruku: „Kada ja napadnem, vi ostali ste nemoćni.“ Na posljednjemu kilometru mitskoga uspona, gdje nožni mišići postaju tijesto, duboko u magli, Španjolac nije skrivao bol, patnju i strast. Stisnutih zubi završavao je posljednji valcer u svojoj karijeri. Poput usamljenoga jahača apokalipse pobjednički je ujahao u cilj. Što god da je radio na biciklu, Alberto je radio sa

The Spanish king of the mountains The good, the bad – El Pistolero Alberto Contador has never liked mediocrity. He would either win great bicycle races with style or lose them royally. El Pistolero, a nickname he got as a professional cyclist because he celebrated his victories like a gunfighter, has never been big on tactics or saving ammunition. When his clip was full, he’d fire all the bullets. The same happened on Saturday 9 September 2017, the penultimate day of his cycling career. Climbing stages in road bicycle racing are divided into tough climbs and circles of hell. Alto de l'Angliru, rising from the heart of Asturias, belongs to the latter. That Saturday Alberto Contador demonstrated why Lance Armstrong called him one of the most talented guys to ever throw a leg over a bike. He crushed his competition by upping the tempo just like a giant anaconda squeezes its prey to death. Each turn of the pedal conveyed a message, saying "When I’m attacking, the rest of you are powerless". In the last kilometre of the mythical climb, where leg muscles turn to jelly, in a dense fog, the Spaniard wasn’t hiding his pain, agony and passion. With his teeth clenched, he danced the last waltz in his career. Like a lone rider of the Apocalypse, 67

ACI No.1 // Alberto Contador

stilom. Sljedećega dana lagana nedjeljna vožnjica do Madrida služila je samo kao naklon jednoj velikoj karijeri. Karijeri prožetoj kontroverzama, ali i najvećim pobjedama. Alberto Contador jedan je od samo sedam vozača u povijesti biciklizma koji je osvajao mitski Grand Tour. Tri kapitalca, tri blockbustera, tri najveće svjetske utrke: Giro d'Italia, Tour de France i Vueltu. Anquetil, Gimondi, Merckx, Hinault, Contador, Nibali, Froome. Sedmorica veličanstvenih. Contador je uz Hinaulta jedini u povijesti koji je najveće svjetske utrke osvajao po dva ili više puta. I tu slijedi malo duža dramaturška pauza. Neovisno o kontroverzama koje su ga pratile za vrijeme njegove karijere, ostat će zabilježeno kako je Alberto Contador bio poseban. Poput Senne u Formuli 1 ili Maradone u nogometu ili Nykänena u skijaškim skokovima. Sportaš živi od rezultata, ali ima nešto i u X-faktoru…

Najbrži biciklistički revolveraš El Pistolero je u biciklizam ušao preko brata Francesca. Starija braća u jednome su trenutku života uzori… - Biciklizmom sam se počeo baviti dosta kasno. Svoj prvi bicikl dobio sam s 14 godina. Zapravo sam ga naslijedio od brata kojemu su roditelji kupili novi. Stara, crna, teška Orbea. Od brata sam dobio i prevelike biciklističke hlače i cipele. Nije mi smetalo. Svaki sam dan nakon škole u rodnome Pintu sjedao na bicikl i vozio se. Sjećam se kako su mi prijatelji dobacivali: „Hej, Indurain!“ Iako je tih godina Big Mig (Indurain, op. a.) žario i palio, Contador je tih formirajućih godina u svojoj karijeri imao drugoga favorita. Upijao se svaki potez pirata svjetskoga biciklizma Marca Pantanija (imao je nadimak Il Pirata, op. a.) - U ranim danima svoje karijere bio sam tehnički loš biciklist. No, kada se cesta krenula uspinjati, počinjao je moj teritorij. Uvijek sam bio dobar na planinskim etapama, ali imao sam poteškoća na ravnome. Volio sam kada su me ljudi uspoređivali s Pantanijem zbog mojih penjačkih kvaliteta. Bilo mi je toliko prirodno stati na pedale i svom snagom vući prema gore.

U profesionalce ste ušli 2003., a 2004. je zbog bolesti ta karijera praktički stala. - Dok sam se pripremao za debitantski nastup na Tour de Franceu, imao sam strašne glavobolje. Bio sam opsesivan oko priprema za veliku utrku, cijeli mi se život vrtio oko toga i smatrao sam da moram završiti dvodnevnu utrku po Asturiji kako bih bio što spremniji. Nisam se osjećao dobro, dva dana nisam uopće trenirao, ali odlučio sam probati. Sjećam se samo prvih 40 kilometara prve etape, a onda sam se srušio i počeo grčiti. Sva sreća da mi se to dogodilo na utrci, a ne na treningu jer je hitna brzo reagirala i odvezla me u bolnicu. Doktori su sumnjali u tumor, mojoj su obitelji već govorili kako mi je možda oštećen dio mozga. Imao sam sreće, otkriven mi je kavernom, anomalija krvnih žila u mozgu. Morao sam na rizičnu operaciju. U tome trenutku najviše su mi pomogle majčine riječi. Sjećam se kako mi je u bolnici krat68

Moja najveća pobjeda dogodila se 2004. na utrci Tour Down Under. Svega nekoliko tjedana nakon što sam se vratio biciklizmu poslije operacije. Ta Australija značila mi je puno u emotivnome smislu.

My greatest win was at the 2004 Tour Down Under. It was only a few weeks after I had returned to cycling following the operation. That Australian win meant a lot to me emotionally.

he rode across the finishing line as a winner. Whatever he did on the bike, Alberto did with style. The next day an easy Sunday ride to Madrid served only as a nod to a successful career – a career full of controversies, but also greatest victories. Alberto Contador is one of only seven cyclists in history who have won the mythical Grand Tours, the three major cycling events, the three blockbusters, the three greatest races: the Giro d'Italia, the Tour de France and the Vuelta. Anquetil, Merckx, Gimondi, Hinault, Contador, Nibali, Froome – the magnificent seven. Contador and Hinault are the only two cyclists in history to have won the world's greatest races two or more times. And here comes a slightly longer dramatic pause. Regardless of the controversies that surrounded him in his career, the record will show that Alberto Contador was special; like Senna in Formula 1 or Maradona in football or Nykänen in ski jumping. There’s more to an athlete than his/her results, there’s a a certain X-factor as well.

The fastest cycling gunfighter El Pistolero entered the world of cycling through his brother Francesco. Older brothers are role models at a certain point in life. - I started cycling quite late. I got my first bike when I was 14. Actually, I inherited it from my brother when our parents bought him a new one. It was an old, black, heavy Orbea. From my brother I also inherited cycling trousers and shoes that were too big. I didn’t mind. Every day after school I’d get on the bike and ride in my hometown of Pinto. I remember my friends shouting: Hey, Indurain. Although in those years Big Mig (Indurain; author’s comment) reigned supreme, Contador had another favourite in the formative years of his career. He was absorbing every move of the Pirate of the world cycling, Marco Pantani (nicknamed Il Pirata; author’s comment). - In the early days of my career, my cycling technique was bad. But when the road started to climb, I was on familiar territory. I always did well in mountain stages, but had difficulties on flat terrains. I loved it when people compared me to Pantani because of my climbing skills. It felt so natural to stand on the pedals and use all my strength to climb.

ACI No.1 // Alberto Contador

Fotografija / Photo by Benoit Tessier/REUTERS/PIXSELL

Uvijek sam bio dobar na planinskim etapama, ali imao sam poteškoća na ravnome. Volio sam kada su me ljudi uspoređivali s Pantanijem

I always did well in mountain stages, but had difficulties on flat terrains. I loved it when people compared me to Pantani

ko kazala: „Tamo gdje postoji volja, postoji i način.“ Kasnije je to postao moj moto. Želio sam se samo vratiti normalno životu i misliti o običnim stvarima. Biciklizam sam potisnuo u drugi plan. Tada sam samo htio živjeti. Šest mjeseci nakon toga vratio sam se na „sic“. Uvijek ću pamtiti 27. studenoga 2004. kao početak novoga života.

Najdraži naslov? - Kada sam osvojio prvi Grand Tour, to mi je samo dalo motivaciju da pokušam osvojiti još jedan. Motivacija je vrlo bitna stvar. Taj drugi Grand Tour nije mi puno promijenio karijeru, ali napravio sam nešto po čemu će me ljudi pamtiti. No, na stranu svi naslovi na velikim utrkama, moja najveća pobjeda dogodila se 2004. na utrci Tour Down Under. Svega nekoliko tjedana nakon što sam se vratio biciklizmu poslije operacije. Ta Australija značila mi je puno u emotivnome smislu.

You turned professional in 2003. And in 2004 your career practically stopped because of an illness. - As I was training for my Tour de France debut, I had terrible headaches. I was obsessive about training for the big race, the whole of my life revolved around it, and I thought I had to finish a two-day race in Asturias in order to be as well-prepared for it as possible. I didn't feel well, I hadn’t trained at all for two days, but I decided to try. I remember only the first 40 kilometres of the first stage; then I collapsed and went into convulsions. I was lucky that it happened during the race and not while I was in training because the emergency services reacted quickly and took me to hospital. Doctors suspected I had tumour and had already started telling my family that a part of my brain might be damaged. But I got lucky, I was diagnosed with cavernoma, an anomaly of the blood vessels in the brain. I had to undergo a high-risk surgery. At that time, my mother's words helped me the most. I remember her in the hospital saying briefly: Where there's a will, there’s a way. Later, this became my motto. I just wanted to get back to normal life and think about ordinary things. I pushed cycling into the background. At that point, I just wanted to live. Six months after, I was back on the bike. I’ll always remember 27 November 2004 as the beginning of my new life.


ACI No.1 // Alberto Contador

Svoj prvi bicikl naslijedio sam od brata kojemu su roditelji kupili novi. Bila je to stara, crna, teška Orbea koju sam vozio u prevelikim biciklističkim hlačama i cipelama. I inherited my first bike from my brother when our parents bought him a new one. It was an old, black, heavy Orbea, and I rode it in oversized cycling trousers and shoes.

Your favourite title?

Fotografija / Photo by Jean Paul Pelissier/REUTERS/PIXSELL

Zbog nje sam nastavio dalje i ostvario veliku karijeru. Nakon toga sam imao i neke teške trenutke, ali to sve sada pripada prošlosti.

Kako ste se priviknuli na život u sportskoj mirovini?

Have you got used to living as a retired sportsman?

- Otišao sam u pravome trenutku, dok sam još bio u vrhu. Mogao sam još pedalirati nekoliko godina, ali okrenuo sam se drugim projektima. Biciklizam je i dalje tu, samo na drugačiji način. Osnovao sam zakladu koja se bavi upozoravanjem ljudi na opasnost od moždanoga udara, a imam i U23 momčad. Držim motivacijske govore, ambasador sam raznih kompanija i komentator na Eurosportu. S bratom Francescom i prijateljem Ivanom Bassom (bivši talijanski biciklist, op. a.) radim na projektu „Bike for life“. Potičemo ljude na donaciju starih ili neupotrebljavanih bicikala koje šaljemo u afričke zemlje. Bicikli više ne stoje, nego tamo žive svoj drugi život.

- I left at just the right moment, while I was still at the top. I could have cycled a couple of years more, but I turned to other projects. Cycling is still here, just in a different way. I’ve established a foundation that warns people of the danger of stroke, and I also have a U23 team. I hold motivational speeches, I am brand ambassador for various companies and a commentator for Eurosport. With my brother Francesco and friend Ivan Basso (a former Italian road bicycle racer; author’s comment) I'm working on a project called Bike for Life. We encourage people to donate old or unused bikes, which we then send to African countries. The bikes no longer stand unused, but get a second life there.

Najdraža utrka?

Favourite race?

Marco Pantani i Lance Armstrong.

Giro d'Italia. I’ve always felt that there was a special kind of atmosphere in Italy. Cycling role models? Marco Pantani and Lance Armstrong.

Najveći rivali?

Greatest rivals?

U ranijim danima karijere Andy Schleck, a kasnije Chris Froome, zbog kojega sam počeo još više i napornije trenirati.

In my earlier career Andy Schleck, and later Chris Froome, who was the reason I started to train even more and even harder.

Giro d'Italia. Uvijek mi je u Italiji bila posebna atmosfera.

Biciklistički uzori?

Tour of Croatia?


- When I won the first Grand Tour, it just gave me a new motive to try to win another one. Motivation is a very important thing. That second Grand Tour did not significantly change my career, but I did something people will remember me by. But, all titles at big races aside, my greatest win was at the 2004 Tour Down Under. It was only a few weeks after I returned to cycling following the operation. That Australian win meant a lot to me emotionally. Because of it, I carried on and had a successful career. Later, there were some difficult moments as well, but it’s all water under the bridge now.

Sjajna utrka na kojoj imam jako dobre prijatelje poput Roberta Kišerlovskoga. Dolazim u Hrvatsku pomoći svojoj mladoj momčadi.

The Tour of Croatia?

Luka Modrić?

Luka Modrić?

Veliki sam navijač Reala još od malih nogu kada me otac vodio na stadion. Uživam gledati Luku, ali osim što je velik igrač, sjajan je čovjek. 

I’ve been a big fan of Real ever since I was a kid, when my father took me to a football stadium. I enjoy watching Luka; he’s not only a great player, but a great man as well. 

A great race where I have very good friends like Robert Kišerlovski. I come to Croatia to help my young team.

ACI GOLF RANGE ACI MARINA DUBROVNIK Golf range and mini golf course Î

Practice net


Putting green


Chipping green


Sand bunker

ACI marina Dubrovnik pruža jedinstvenu i atraktivnu sportsku aktivnost – golf i mini golf na 9 staza! Na našem Gorlf Range-u moguće je vježbati sve golf udarce koristeći golf opremu dostupnu na recepciji i uključenu u cijenu najma po satu. Dobrodošli su gosti svih generacija. Provedite aktivno vaše slobodno vrijeme – na ACI Golf Range-u! ACI marina Dubrovnik offers a unique and attractive sports activity – play golf and have fun on mini golf with 9 lanes. On our Golf Range you can practice all golf shots with golf clubs and golf balls available on the reception desk and included in price per hour. Guests of all ages are welcome. Spend your free time actively – on the ACI Golf Range!


Nova karijera u jedrenju A new career in sailing


KOSTELIĆ "Ljepota offshore jedrenja u spoznavanju je i pomicanju vlastitih granica. Ja imam poriv koji me vuče dalje i više."

Prođete uličicu Vu plavem trnaci, produžite još nekoliko stotina metara uske seoske ceste i – voilà. Nalazite se kod proslavljenog hrvatskog skijaša Ivice Kostelića. Mir, priroda, pitomi pogledi na zelenilo. Pravi raj. Kloštar Ivanić posljednjih je godinu dana novi dom Kostelićevih. Tako blizu od Zagreba, samo 20 minuta vožnje, a opet dovoljno daleko da se zaborave sve mane velegrada. U drvenoj kućici na trijemu s pogledom na ribnjake nastaju sjajne ideje za budućnost. Upravo su ti planovi i nova strast tema za ACI No. 1. Ivica Kostelić navukao se na jedrenje. I to ono iskonsko, offshore. Ambicije su postavljene jako visoko. Kao i tijekom skijaške karijere. Nastupi na prestižnim regatama poput Jacques Vabre, Route du Rhum i Vendée Globe. No, na to ćemo se vratiti nešto kasnije.

"The beauty of offshore sailing is in understanding and pushing your own limits. I have an urge to go further and do more."

When you have come out of the alley called Vu plavem trnaci, keep on going for a few hundred metres down the narrow country road, and voilà! You have come to the place where Ivica Kostelić, the celebrated Croatian skier, lives. Peace, nature and gentle green scenery. A true paradise. Kloštar Ivanić has been a new home of the Kostelić family for the past year. So close to Zagreb, just a 20-minute drive away, but far enough to forget all the downsides of a big city. Great ideas for the future are formed in the wooden cottage and on its porch overlooking the ponds. These plans and Kostelić’s new passion are just the right topic for ACI No. 1. Ivica Kostelić got hooked on sailing, and not just any type of it, but its authentic variety – offshore sailing. The goals are set – as they were during his ski career – very high: taking part in prestigious races such as the Jacques Vabre, Route du Rhum and Vendée Globe. But we will come back to this later.

Fotografije / Photos ACI arhiva / ACI archives

ACI No.1 // Ivica Kostelić

Logično prvo pitanje, zašto jedrenje?

The first question is, logically, why sailing?

Zašto ne? Volim slobodna prostranstva u svim oblicima. A more je upravo to. Veliko, neobuzdano i nemoguće ga je kontrolirati. U današnje doba svi smo na neki način kontrolirani, a ti džepovi nedirnute prirode preostali su kao jedina mjesta gdje možeš upravljati sam sa sobom. Kad si negdje u divljini, nemaš puno zahtjeva, ali svi su jako seriozni. Gdje ćeš spavati, što ćeš jesti i kakva će biti vremenska prognoza. Želje tipa novog mobitela, auta ili nečeg sličnog materijalnog nemaju nikakva smisla. Zanima te samo iskonski suživot i borba s prirodom. Ja sam oduvijek volio more, plovidbu, ribolov, ronjenje. Jedriti sam počeo učiti 2005. kod Oreba na Korčuli. Moram priznati kako mi je jedrilica u tom trenutku bila prespora. Godine 2010. odradio sam plovidbu gumenjakom do Malte, a hvatanju vjetra vratio sam se nešto kasnije. Jedrio sam na Seascapeu 18 i kupio malu jurilicu Transat 6.50 rednog broja 508. Taj je brod prošao neke ozbiljne regate, bilo mi je zabavno učiti na njemu. Potom sam prešao na Klasu 40, izdržljive brodove napravljene za offshore regate. Prvo je bila Akilaria RC1 imena „Pik As“, a ova sadašnja je „Croatia Full of Life Ola“. Isto Akilaria, samo naprednija RC 2. Brod napravljen za regatavanje slobodnim prostranstvima oceana.

Why not? I love vast open spaces in all their forms. And the sea is just that. Big, unrestrained and uncontrollable. Nowadays we are all controlled in a way, and these pockets of unspoilt nature are left as the only places where you can be in charge of yourself. When you're in the wilderness, you don't have a lot of demands, but they're all very serious: where to sleep, what to eat and what’s the weather forecast. Desires for material things, such as a new mobile phone, car or something similar, just don't matter. You’re only interested in elementary coexistence and battle with natural forces. I’ve always loved the sea, boating, fishing, diving. I started learning to sail in 2005 at the Oreb sailing school on Korčula. At the time, I have to admit, the sailing boat was too slow for me. I went to Malta in an RIB in 2010, and started catching the wind again some time later. I sailed on Seascape 18 and bought a small racing boat Transat 6.50, whose number was 508. That boat had participated in some serious races and it was fun to learn to sail on it. Then I switched over to Class 40, durable boats built for offshore racing. The first one was Akilaria RC1, named Pik As (Ace of Spade), and the one I have now is called Croatia Full of Life Ola. It’s also Akilaria, just the more advanced RC2 version. It’s a boat made for racing on the oceans’ vast open spaces.

Offshore jedrenje kombinacija je avanture i sporta. Koliko vas je privukao taj pustolovni dio? Fascinira me način na koji čovjek iskorištava prirodu i balansira između mora, valova i vjetra. Takve su regate istovremeno izlazak iz komforne zone i bijeg od svakodnevnih stvari koje ne možeš promijeniti. Na oceanu nema konflikta, gužve, gramzljivosti, nema ljudi koji su zli jedni prema drugima. Nema tog gorkog okusa u ustima… Vrijeme na palubi gubi svaki smisao. Dan i noć postaju relativne kategorije, a ti se samo brineš o tome kako da ostvariš što bolji dijalog s vjetrom. Priroda ne čeka nikoga, a na nama je da joj se prilagodimo. Pustolovine te uče poniznosti jer na 40 i više čvorova vjetra shvatiš kolika je moć prirode te koliko smo mi ljudi mali u odnosu na takva kretanja. Sad, kad u te teške uvjete ugradiš i komponentu natjecanja, onda stvari postaju još zanimljivije. Kad imaš konkurenciju, počneš razmišljati i o drugim stvarima. Hoćeš li biti brži ili sigurniji, hoćeš li spavati? Ta te kompetitivnost tjera da daješ i 150 posto od sebe. Tjera te da pomičeš vlastite granice. Pokušat ću to plastično pojasniti. Prošlo je doba istraživača na Zemlji. Nema više tipova kao što su Amundsen ili Hillary. Sve je već otkriveno. Postoje kruzerske linije za Južni pol, a prelazak Atlantika postao je normalna stvar. Meni treba malo začina u svemu tome, trebam odvrnuti tipku volume do kraja….Upravo za to služi offshore jedrenje. Spoznavanju i pomicanju vlastitih granica. Imam poriv koji me vuče dalje i više..


Offshore sailing is a combination of adventure and sport. To what extent were you attracted to it because of this aspect of adventure? I'm fascinated by the way in which a man manipulates nature and tries to find a balance between the sea, the waves and the wind. Races like these mean getting out of your comfort zone and, at the same time, escaping from everyday things you can't change. On the ocean there is no conflict, there are no crowds, no greed and no people being mean to each other. You’re not left with that bad taste in your mouth... On deck, time loses its meaning. Day and night become relative categories and your only concern is how to establish the best possible dialogue with the wind. Nature waits for no one and it's up to us to adapt to it. Adventures teach you humility because when the wind is 40 knots and more, you realise how great the power of nature is and how we, as humans, are small in comparison. Now, when you add the element of competing to those difficult conditions, things start to become even more interesting. When you have competition, you start thinking about other things as well. Would you rather be faster or safer; will you get a chance to sleep? Competitiveness makes you give 150 percent. It makes you want to push your own limits. Let me try to explain it in more vivid terms. The time of researchers on Earth has passed; people like Amundsen or Hillary don’t exist anymore. Everything has already been discovered. You can go on a cruise to the South Pole, and crossing the Atlantic has become normal. I need to spice it up a little bit, I need to turn the volume all the way up... That’s exactly what offshore sailing is for: understanding and pushing your own limits. I have the urge to go further and do more.

"Na oceanu nema konflikta, gužve, gramzljivosti, nema ljudi koji su zli jedni prema drugima. Nema tog gorkog okusa u ustima…" "On the ocean there is no conflict, there are no crowds, no greed and no people being mean to each other. You’re not left with that bad taste in your mouth..."

ACI No.1 // Ivica Kostelić

Sudeći prema odgovorima, spremni ste za ocean….

Judging by your responses, you are ready for the ocean...

Francuska je središte svih velikih offshore regata. Takav način jedrenja kod njih se tretira kao religija. Medijski su i sponzorski dobro popraćeni, a start svake takve avanture veliki je spektakl. Plan mi je dio vremena provesti u Francuskoj. Dva tjedna svaki mjesec. Učiti, upijati, trenirati, a kasnije se nadam i okušati na jednoj od velikih regata kao što su Jacques Vabre, Route du Rhum i Vendée Globe. Koliko znam, nijedan Hrvat nije oplovio svijet. Velik razlog za to jest cijena takva pothvata. Jedrenje je skup sport, a za takav projekt treba pronaći sponzore, složiti sjajnu menadžersku ekipu. Energija potrebna za sve to jednaka je energiji koju ćeš kasnije utrošiti na regati.

France is the centre of all big offshore regattas. This type of sailing is treated as a religion there. They have good media coverage and sponsorship deals, and the start of each such adventure is a great spectacle. I plan to spend some of the time in France – two weeks out of every month – to learn, absorb, and train. Later I hope to try my hand at one of the large races such as the Jacques Vabre, Route du Rhum and Vendée Globe. As far as I know, no Croat has sailed around the world, and one of the main reasons for it is the cost of such a venture. Sailing is an expensive sport and you need to find sponsors and assemble a great management team for a project like this. The energy required for all that is equal to the energy you will later spend in the regatta itself.

Takva vrsta jedrenja potencira i samoću. Je li to nedostatak ili prednost? Poslužit ću se citatom prvog čovjeka koji je sam oplovio svijet. Joshua Slocum rekao je: „Na mojem je brodu nemoguća pobuna.“ Tijekom skijaške karijere naučiš biti sam ili u manjim skupinama. Ja sam većinu vremena provodio sa sestrom i ocem. A kad dođeš u startnu kućicu i gledaš prema stazi, opet si sam. Samačko jedrenje od čovjeka traži da se osloni samo na sebe i zato je zanimljivo. Kao što bi rekao moj otac Ante: „Priroda te može naučiti da budeš čovjek. A najljepše i najteže jest biti čovjek.“ Nakon takve rečenice preostaje samo staviti točku.

"San je odjedriti Vendée Globe"

"My dream is to sail in the Vendée Globe"


This type of sailing intensifies solitude. Is it a disadvantage or an advantage? To quote Joshua Slocum, the first man to sail around the world alone: mutiny is impossible on my boat. In skiing, you learn to be alone or in smaller groups. I spent most of my time with my sister and father. But when you are at the starting gate and you're looking at the track, you're alone nonetheless. Solo sailing requires you to rely only on yourself and that's why it's interesting. As my father Ante would say: "Nature can teach you to be human. And to be human is the most beautiful and the most difficult thing." This sentence sums it all up.

ACI No.1 // Ivica Kostelić

"Volim slobodna prostranstva u svim oblicima. A more je upravo to. Veliko, neobuzdano i nemoguće ga je kontrolirati." "I love vast open spaces in all their forms. And the sea is just that. Big, unrestrained and uncontrollable."

S direktorom ACI marine Trogir Ivanom Kljakovićem Gašpićem osvojili ste legendarni La Cinquecento.

With Ivan Kljaković Gašpić, the director of ACI Marina Trogir, you won the legendary La Cinquecento.

Neprocjenjivo je imati na brodu tako trofejnog sportaša kakav je Bambi. Uz to što je vrhunski jedriličar, Ivan je fantastičan i u tehničkom dijelu pripreme broda. Zajedno smo odjedrili nekoliko regata i trening regata. Vrlo je motiviran, pa nas veže i ta karakterna crta..

It's priceless to have on board a trophy-winning athlete such as Bambi. Not only is he a first-rate sailor, but Ivan is also great when it comes to the technical part of a boat’s preparation. We've sailed together in a few regattas and training regattas. He's very motivated; it’s a character trait we have in common.

Jedriličari najviše ovise o vjetru. Koji vam je vjetar najdraži za jedrenje? Jugo ne volim. Stvara u meni neki čudan osjećaj. Bura je poput zahtjevne žene. Treba joj stalno ugađati. Trimati jedra i pomicati timun kako bi bila zadovoljna. Maestral je moj tip. Kao neki good guy iz američkih filmova. Volim njegov dobroćudan karakter. Skijaška karijera? Svoje sam napravio. Stanje mojih koljena ne dopušta mi više vrhunsku razinu natjecanja. Radim kao savjetnik mlađima na utrkama Svjetskog kupa. Što za vas predstavlja brod? Za jedriličara samca brod je linija života. Usred oceana bez broda si mrtav. Nije ni čudo kako onda tom brodu tepaš, razgovaraš s njim i daješ mu neke osobine živog bića. Jer brod u takvim situacijama to uistinu i jest. 

Sailors mostly depend on the wind. Which is your favourite wind to sail in? I don’t like the sirocco, the southeasterly wind. I feel strange when it’s blowing. The northeasterly bora is like a demanding woman. You have to humour her all the time: trim the sails and turn the helm in order to make her satisfied. The northwesterly maestral is my type. It’s like the good guy from American films. I love its good-natured character. Your skiing career? I’ve done my share. The state of my knees doesn’t allow me to participate in top-level competitions. I work as an advisor to younger skiers in the World Cup races. What does a boat mean to you? For a solo sailor the boat is their lifeline. In the middle of the ocean, you're dead without a boat. It’s no wonder then that you talk to it, call it pet names, and consider it to have some characteristics of a living being. Because in such situations that’s what it really is.  77

Fotografije / Photos Maistra

ACI No.1 // RC44


Jedrenje s pet zvjezdica A five-star sailing event Više od 30 godina Rovinj je haute nautička destinacija.

Rovinj has been an haute nautical destination for more than 30 years.

Dugi niz godina Rovinj je najbolja destinacija u Hrvatskoj. Netaknuta priroda, mediteranska klima i razvedena obala s brojnim otocima, ponuda restorana koju je prepoznao i Michelinov tim, vrhunski hoteli, jedinstvena kultura i povijest samo su neke od brojnih prednosti koje nudi istarski turistički rekorder. U 2019. gosti će imati još tri dodatna razloga za dolazak u taj hrvatski turistički dragulj, a to su novi vrhunski hotel Grand Park Hotel Rovinj, nova ACI marina Rovinj i Adris 44Cup.

Rovinj has been Croatia’s top destination for a number of years. The unspoiled countryside, the Mediterranean climate, the indented coastline and numerous islands, the restaurant menus, recognised by none other than the Michelin team, the first-rate hotels, and its unique culture and history are just some of the many advantages offered by this Istrian tourist record holder. In 2019 there will be three more reasons to visit this gem of Croatian tourism: the new luxury Grand Park Hotel Rovinj, the new ACI marina Rovinj, and the Adris 44Cup.

ACI Match Race Cup počeo je 1987. podno Svete Eufemije

The ACI Match Race Cup started beneath St. Euphemia in 1987

Više od 30 godina Rovinj je haute nautička destinacija. Brojna izdanja ACI Match Race Cupa, na kojima su jedrile najveće zvijezde ovoga sporta poput Russella Couttsa, Petera Gilmoura, Paula Cayarda, Chrisa Dicksona, te sjajno organizirane regate klase RC44 2011. i 2012., na kojima su se natjecali priznati i uspješni poslovni ljudi, smjestili su Istru visoko na jedriličarskoj karti svijeta.

Rovinj has been an haute nautical destination for more than 30 years. A number of ACI Match Race Cups, which saw the participation of the biggest names in this sport, such as Russell Coutts, Peter Gilmour, Paul Cayard and Chris Dickson, and the superbly organised RC44 regattas of 2011 and 2012, where respected and successful business people competed, helped put Istria on the sailing map of the world.


ACI No.1 // RC44

Ovogodišnji Adris 44Cup samo je uspješan nastavak bogate jedriličarske tradicije. A za vrhunsku klasu Rovinj, Adris i ACI pripremili su jednako impresivnu pozornicu s pet zvjezdica.

Adris 44Cup bit će održan od 29. svibnja do 2. lipnja u dvama najatraktivnijim novim objektima u Hrvatskoj: novom Grand Park Hotelu i novoj ACI marini Rovinj Novootvoreni vrhunski hotel Grand Park u sklopu branda Maistra Collection smješten je nasuprot starogradske jezgre Rovinja. Na mjestu gdje se more susreće s parkom, a park s gradom tri se elementa savršeno nadopunjuju u najluksuznijemu hotelu u Hrvatskoj koji zajedno s Monte Mullinijem, Loneom i Edenom čini Maistrinu ekskluzivnu ponudu. Kaskadnim tipom gradnje novi hotel vizualno je vrlo atraktivan i gotovo stopljen sa zelenilom. Na šest etaža hotela raspoređene su 193 sobe i 16 apartmana od kojih su neki veličine i do 175 kvadratnih metara. Velike staklene stijene osiguravaju pregršt prirodnoga svjetla te očaravajući pogled na more i jednu od najprepoznatljivijih panorama na Jadranu. Gostima je zajamčeno umjetničko luksuzno iskustvo popraćeno autentičnim pričama i lokalnom kulturom. Umjetnička djela izložena širom hotela savršeno se uklapaju u dizajn interijera za koji je bio angažiran milanski studio Piera Lissonija – Lissoni


This year's Adris 44Cup simply continues this rich and successful sailing tradition. And for this top-class event, Rovinj, Adris and ACI have prepared an equally impressive five-star stage. The Adris 44Cup will be held from 29th May till 2nd June in two most attractive new facilities in Croatia: the new Grand Park Hotel and the new ACI Marina Rovinj The newly opened top-class Grand Park Hotel, which is part of the brand Maistra Collection, is situated opposite Rovinj’s old town, on the spot where the sea meets the park, and the park meets the city – the three elements that perfectly complement each other in the most luxurious hotel in Croatia. One of the exclusive hotels on Maistra’s offer – along with the Monte Mullini, the Lone and the Eden – the Grand Park Hotel, with its stepped design, is visually very attractive and almost completely blends in with the greenery. On six floors, there are 193 rooms and 16 suites, some of which measure up to 175 square metres. Large glass walls provide plenty of natural light and offer a stunning view of the sea and one of the most recognisable panorama of the Adriatic. Guests are sure to have an artistic luxury experience accompanied by authentic stories and local culture. The works of art displayed throughout the hotel perfectly fit the interior design created

ACI No.1 // RC44

Architecture, jedan od najcjenjenijih i svjetski najpoznatijih talijanskih dizajnera Vrhunska gastronomija gostima se nudi u šest restorana među kojima je i restoran s potpisom Cap Aureo, koji je poznat po inovativnim kulinarskim kreacijama. Bez obzira na to radi li se o ribljemu restoranu Bitinada u marini, restoranu Viva Eufemia s posebnim konceptom jela kroz koji se nastoji prenijeti druženje uz hranu iz lokalne perspektive ili pak restoranu Cissa koji se nalazi uz bazen na samome vrhu hotela odakle se pruža jedinstven pogled na grad, gostima hotela na raspolaganju je niz gastronomskih punktova i prostora za uživanje. Primjerice, nakon posjete restoranu Laurel & Berry, koji je otvoren cijeli dan i u kojemu se namirnice iz prirode kombiniraju s ljudskom maštom i vještinom, u desertu i šalici kave gosti mogu uživati u slastičarnici Katarina koja se nalazi samo nekoliko katova niže. Pravi dragulj hotela Grand Park Hotel Rovinj jest Àlbaro Spa&Wellness, koji je sa svojih 3800 kvadratnih metara ujedno najveći takav centar u Istri. Hedonistički raj nastavlja se na šetnici Lungomare Plaza omeđenoj ekskluzivnim trgovinama, restoranima i barovima te u novoj marini. ACI-jeva ljepotica vrhunskoga dizajna savršeno se nadopunjuje s Grand Park Hotelom. Prva marina sustava ACI s najvišom kategorizacijom – pet sidara – može se pohvaliti najnovijim tehnološkim rješenjima i uslugama najvišega standarda u svjetskome nautičkom turizmu. Adris 44Cup bit će pravi sportski spektakl. S pet zvjezdica. 

by Lissoni Architecture, the Milan studio of Piero Lissoni, who is one of the most respected and famous Italian designers in the world. Superb cuisine is offered to guests in six restaurants, including Cap Aureo Signature Restaurant, which is famous for its innovative culinary creations. Regardless of whether they are at the fish restaurant Bitinada at the marina, the restaurant Viva Eufemia, which has a different concept of eating that highlights its socialising aspect seen from a local perspective, or the restaurant Cissa, which is located next to the swimming pool at the very top of the hotel and has a unique view of the city, hotel guests have at their disposal a series of gastronomic points and spaces where they can enjoy their meals and drinks. For example, after visiting the restaurant Laurel & Berry, which is open all day and where fresh food is fused with human imagination and skill, they can have a dessert and a cup of coffee in the teashop Katarina, located just a few floors below. The real gem of the Grand Park Hotel Rovinj is the Àlbaro Spa and Wellness centre, which, with its 3800 square meters, is the largest such centre in Istria. The hedonist paradise continues on the Lungomare Plaza promenade, bordered by exclusive shops, restaurants and bars, and the new marina. With its superior design, the ACI’s beauty perfectly complements the Grand Park Hotel. The first marina in the ACI system with the highest rating – five anchors – boasts the latest technological solutions and services of the highest standard in the world of nautical tourism. The Adris 44Cup will be a true sporting spectacle. A five-star event. 




ACI No.1 // Nova ACI marina Rovinj / The new ACI marina Rovinj




Radovi na najmodernijoj, a po mnogima i najljepšoj marini nautičkog turizma na Jadranu koja će najvišim standardima dizajna i tehnološkim rješenjima biti uz bok elitnim svjetskim destinacijama privedeni su svome kraju. Sa zadovoljstvom objavljujemo vijest da je početkom mjeseca travnja na godišnji vez u obnovljenoj ACI marini Rovinj uplovila prva jahta i time označila početak rada nove marine. Marina je otvorena kako za plovila na godišnjem vezu tako i za plovila u tranzitu.

Construction work on the most modern and, considered by many, the most beautiful marina in the Adriatic, whose highest standards in design and technological solutions match those of world’s elite destinations, is over. We are happy to report that at the beginning of April, the first yacht entered the ACI Marina Rovinj and moored on its annual berth, marking the beginning of the new marina’s operation. The marina is open both to boats on annual berths and to those visiting.

Vizualni identitet marine nije jedino što je u potpunosti izmijenjeno u Rovinju. Ostvarena je namjera i napravljen je suštinski zaokret u pristupu nautičkomu turizmu, ponudi marine i usluzi nautičarima. Novi koncept prožet je notom ekskluzivnosti u svakome detalju, što s obzirom na zavidan turistički uzlet Rovinja posljednjih desetak godina taj grad »zahtijeva« i zaslužuje. Izgradnja nove ACI marine Rovinj predstavlja značajan iskorak u standardima nautičkoga turizma u Hrvatskoj. Vrhunski dizajn, najnovija tehnološka rješenja te visoka razina tailor made tehničke i ugostiteljske usluge marine, na tragu najmodernijih nautičkih one stop shop odredišta, idealno se uklapa u destinaciju koja se razvija ubrzanim tempom.

The visual identity of the marina is not the only thing in Rovinj that has undergone a complete transformation. The objective – to introduce a fundamental change in the approach to nautical tourism, in amenities the marina provides, and services it offers to boaters – has been achieved. The new concept is infused with a touch of exclusivity in every detail, which, considering the remarkable tourist boom that Rovinj has seen in the last ten years or so, is something this city needs and deserves. The construction of the new ACI Marina Rovinj is a significant step forward in terms of standards in Croatian nautical tourism. The outstanding design, the latest technological solutions, and a high level of tailor-made nautical and catering services offered in the marina, which closely follow those in the most modern nautical one-stop shop destinations, are a perfect fit for the destination that is developing at a rapid pace. 83

ACI No.1 // Nova ACI marina Rovinj / The new ACI marina Rovinj

Najviši standardi nautičke usluge

Nautical services of the highest standard

Svi uključeni u projekt nove marine ističu zadovoljstvo sudjelovanjem u realizaciji projekta koji se pripremao godinama i to baš u destinaciji poput Rovinja. – ACI marine većinom su građene u vrijeme kad su standardi u nautičkome turizmu bili drugačiji. Danas je nautičko tržište puno zahtjevnije, brodovi su znatno veći, čarter plovila svakom je sezonom sve više. Ova je rekonstrukcija i odgovor na zahtjeve tržišta, i to upravo ovdje u Rovinju, koji je uz Dubrovnik perjanica hrvatskoga turizma. Prostorni planovi omogućili su nam da krenemo u rekonstrukciju ovdašnje marine i da je podignemo na najvišu razinu kategorizacije marina nautičkoga turizma. S obzirom na značaj Rovinja kao destinacije i poziciju ACI marine na tržištu, procijenili smo da treba krenuti u smjeru smanjenja broja vezova manjih duljina te optimalnoga kapacitiranja vezova prema današnjim standardima i zahtjevima tržišta. U nastojanju da postignemo najviše standarde poslovanja u ovoj grani turizma, u Rovinju želimo ponuditi uslugu koja je do sada nedostajala u nautičkome sektoru i privući nove kategorije gostiju te im ponuditi uslugu koja odgovara tomu rangu. Nautičari će ovdje imati zaista sve što im treba i zbog čega će željeti boraviti u našoj marini. Dosadašnja organizacija marine, njezin izgled i ponuda nisu odgovarali zahtjevima modernoga nautičara, a ni potencijalu Rovinja. Nužna preobrazba ACI-jeve marine Rovinj i jest spoj više okolnosti. Ta je marina pionir ACIja u tome poslu. Izgrađena je prije više od 30 godina i odradila je svoj radni vijek. Za veće brodove treba osigurati i vezove, a u

Everyone involved in the construction of the new marina emphasises the pleasure of having participated in a project that has been in the making for years, particularly in a destination such as Rovinj. – ACI marinas were mostly built at the time when the standards in nautical tourism industry were different. Today's boating market is much more demanding, boats are considerably larger and every season sees an increase in chartered vessels. This reconstruction is also our response to market demands, especially here in Rovinj, which is, with Dubrovnik, the crown jewel of Croatian tourism. Physical plans have made it possible for us to start the reconstruction of the Rovinj marina and to raise it to the highest marina rating level. Given the importance of Rovinj as a destination and the position of the ACI marina on the market, we estimated that we needed to move in the direction of reducing the number of berths where boats of shorter lengths are moored and to optimise the berthing capacity in accordance with today's standards and market requirements. In an effort to achieve the highest business standards in this sector of tourism, here in Rovinj, we want to offer services that have so far been missing in the nautical industry and to attract new categories of guests and offer them appropriate services. Here, boaters will really have everything they need and everything that will make them want to stay in our marina. The way the marina was organised until now, its appearance, and the services it offered did not meet the requirements of modern


ACI No.1 // Nova ACI marina Rovinj / The new ACI marina Rovinj

zadanome prostoru to je moguće samo preraspodjelom postojećih kapaciteta. Dodatan je poticaj i sam Rovinj koji nudi smještaj u vrhunskim prostorima i atraktivnu zabavu na koju dolaze i sve zahtjevniji gosti. – napominju nosioci projekta nove marine. 1.400 m2 novih komercijalnih prostora U kopnenome dijelu marine sukladno projektantskom rješenju, funkcionalno su raspoređeni svi sadržaji koje danas treba imati marina najviše kategorije. Nova marina raspolaže s 1.400 m2 komercijalnih prostora, uključujući ugostiteljske sadržaje, restoran i caffe – lounge bar, trgovinu prehrambenim proizvodima, wellness, trgovine kvalitetnim i poznatim robnim markama, uredske prostore za predstavništva renomiranih zastupnika za prodaju luksuznih jahti, čarter agencije, trgovinu nautičkom opremom i servisni centar… Jahte s više od 35 m dužine na tranzitnome vezu Što se morskoga dijela tiče, marina je podijeljena na dva bazena. Jedan bazen namijenjen je za plovila na stalnome vezu, a drugi za plovila u tranzitu. Marina ima 196 vezova na koje se mogu vezati jahte prosječne dužine 17 metara, umjesto dosadašnjih 11 metara. Marina na godišnji vez može primiti i jahte do 35 metara dužine, a u tranzitu i veća plovila. Što se manjih plovila tiče, njih je na godišnjemu vezu sve manje, ali ih ima puno u tranzitu i, s ciljem održavanja kontinuiteta nautičke destinacije po pitanju

boaters, nor did they match Rovinj’s potential. The necessary transformation of ACI Marina Rovinj is really a combination of several factors. This marina is ACI’s pioneer in the business. Having been built more than 30 years ago, its operating life came to an end. Berths should be provided for larger yachts, and, in the space available, that is only possible by reorganising the existing capacity. The additional incentive is Rovinj itself, which offers first-rate accommodation and attractive entertainment, attended by increasingly demanding guests – say the project leaders of the new marina. 1,400 m2 of new commercial space All the shoreside facilities that are today necessary for a marina with the highest rating have been built to the design, following its practical layout. The new marina has 1,400 m2 of commercial space, including catering facilities, a restaurant and a café/ lounge bar, a supermarket, a wellness centre, shops offering high-quality and famous brands, office space for branch offices of reputable luxury yacht brokers, charter agencies, marine equipment shop, and a service centre. Yachts over 35 m in length on a short-term visitor berth The marine part of the marina is divided into two basins. One basin is intended for permanent berthing of vessels, and the other is designed for visiting vessels. The marina has 196 berths, where yachts of an average length of 17 metres (previously 11 85

ACI No.1 // Nova ACI marina Rovinj / The new ACI marina Rovinj

tranzitnih plovila, Rovinj će zadržati primat među marinama ovoga dijela jadranske obale kao izrazito tranzitna marina. Cijelom dužinom obalnoga pojasa marine i lukobrana izgrađen je potpuno novi obalni zid koji je širi za metar i pol od staroga, tako da sada koridor od šest metara ima dvotračni prolaz za vozila. Podmorje marine produbljeno je duž cijele obalne linije na dubinu od minimalno 4,5 m. Na kraju, ako kao nautičari namjeravate uploviti u rovinjski akvatorij i sigurno utočište potražiti u novoj ACI marini, uplovljavajući s mora, Rovinj se lako prepoznaje po zvoniku crkve sv. Eufemije, smještene na brežuljku usred poluotoka, te po otoku Sv. Katarina ispred samoga grada. Na rtu Sv. Eufemija nalazi se svjetionik čija je točna pozicija 45°05,0’ N 13°38,0’ E (B Bl 4s 19m 7M). U ACI-jevu marinu Rovinj može se uploviti između otoka Sv. Katarina i lukobrana gradske luke. Na kraju lukobrana nalazi se svjetionik (C Bl 3s 7m 3M). Između toga svjetionika i otoka Sv. Katarina nalazi se označena pličina (cilindrična žuto-crna plutača) koju treba oploviti sa sjeverne strane. Ako u marinu uplovljavate s južne strane, potrebno je ploviti bliže lukobranu marine na čijem je kraju zeleni svjetionik (Z Bl 5s 7m 5M). 


m) can moor. The marina can accommodate yachts up to 35 meters in length on annual berths, and even larger boats on short-term visitor berths. As far as smaller boats are concerned, an increasingly smaller number of them are moored on annual berths, but a lot of them moor on short-term visitor berths; in order to maintain the continuity of a nautical destination in terms of short-term visiting boats, Rovinj will keep its dominant place among the marinas of this part of the Adriatic as a primarily short-term visitor’s marina. A completely new quay wall has been built along the entire length of the marina coastline and the breakwater is 150 cm wider than the old one, which means that its six-metre width makes it possible to organise the passage of vehicles in two lanes. The marina seabed has been deepened along the entire coastline to the depth of at least 4.5 m. Sailors remember the Rovinj waters well. This is the place where the famous ACI Match Race sailed its first miles. Thirty years later ACI will add to this famous period with a luxury marina and services offered to a demanding clientele. Finally, if you intend to enter the Rovinj waters by boat and find a safe haven in the new ACI marina, Rovinj can be easily identified from the sea by the belltower of the Church of St Euphemia, sitting on the hill in the middle of the peninsula, and the island of St Catherine (Sv. Katarina) just in front of the city. Cape St Euphemia is marked by a lighthouse, the exact position of which is 45°05,0’ N 13°38,0’ E (Fl W 4s 19m 7M). ACI Marina Rovinj can be approached by sailing between the island of St Catherine and the city port breakwater. The far end of the breakwater is marked by a lighthouse (Fl R 3s 7m 3M). Between the lighthouse and the island of St Catherine there is a shoal marked by a cylindrical yellow and black buoy, which should be passed from the north side. When approaching the marina from the south, it is advisable to keep closer to the marina breakwater, at the far end of which there is a green lighthouse (Fl G 5s 7m 5M). 



ROVINJ DOBRODOŠLI | WELCOME www. a c i - ma r i n a s. c om

Mediterranean largest marinas chain


ACI Umag ACI Rovinj ACI Pula ACI Pomer ACI Opatija ACI Cres ACI Supetarska Draga ACI Rab

9 10 11 12 13 14

ACI Šimuni ACI Žut + sidrište/anchorage Žut ACI Piškera ACI Jezera ACI Vodice ACI Skradin

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

ACI Trogir ACI Split ACI Milna ACI Vrboska ACI Palmižana ACI Korčula ACI Slano ACI Dubrovnik

SADRŽAJI U MARINAMA - LEGENDA / MARINAS' AMENITIES - LEGEND Recepcija s mjenjačnicom / Reception with exchange office Sanitarije prilagođene osobama s posebnim potrebama / Toilet and shower facilities with a section for persons with disabilities

Sanitarije / Toilet and shower facilities

Tesla Universal Destination charge

Apartmani / Apartments

Tesla Only Destination Charge

Sidrište / Anchorage

Golf vježbalište / Golf range

Restaurant / Bistro / Caffe bar

Lučka kapetanija / Harbourmaster´s office Iznajmljivanje brodova (charter) / Charter agencies Iznajmljivanje automobila / Rent-a-car Iznajmljivanje bicikla / Rent-a-bike Iznajmljivanje motorkotača / Rent-a-scooter

Škola jedrenja / Nautical Academy

Ronilački centar / Diving center

Frizerski salon / Hair salon

Benzinska crpka / Fuel station

Kozmetički salon / Beauty salon

Trgovina prehrambenim namirnicama / Grocery store Praonica rublja / Launderette Bankomat / ATM Parkiralište / Car park Navoz / Slipway Besplatan WI-FI / Free WI-FI Internet access Bazen / Swiming pool Dječje igralište / Children's playground

Samohodna dizalica / Travel lift Dizalica / Crane

Carina / Customs Fitness centar / Fitness center Wellness centar / Wellness center Tehnički servis plovila / Maintenance and repair shop



ACI marina ACI sidrište / anchorage ACI Golf Range Tesla Destination Charging Zračna luka / Airport

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic

ACI MARINA UMAG Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 45° 26,02’ N 13° 31,00’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 100 t, 50t

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Šetalište Vladimira Gortana 7,

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:

52470 Umag

 Tel: +385 (0) 52 741 066  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 833   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:

0,11 nm

475 40

Priključci struje / Power connections:

125 A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana  E751

ACI marina Umag Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, MK-1, MK-2, Plan 11

ispostava Umag / branch office Umag

 tel:+385 (0) 52 741 662  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic

ACI MARINA ROVINJ Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 45°04,06’ N 13°38,04’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 0,5 nm

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Šetalište Vijeća Europe 1,

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:

52210 Rovinj

 Tel: +385 (0) 52 813 133  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 836   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17


Priključci struje / Power connections:

125 A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana  E751 Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, 100-16, MK-2, MK-3, Plan 11


ACI marina Rovinj Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula ispostava Rovinj/ branch office Rovinj

 tel:+385 (0) 52 811 132  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic

ACI MARINA PULA Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:


 44°52,6’ N 13°50’ E

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Riva 1, 52100 Pula  Tel: +385 (0) 52 219 142  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 837   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Priključci struje / Power connections:

125 A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana  E751 Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-15, 100-16, MK-2, MK-3, Plan 11


ACI marina Pula Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula

 tel:+385 (0) 52 222 037  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic

ACI MARINA POMER Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 44°49’ N 13°54’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 30t

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Pomer 26 A, 52100 Pula  Tel: +385 (0) 52 573 162  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 832   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:

11 nm

294 30

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana  E751

Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-16, 50-3, MK-3, MK-4

The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:

ACI marina Pomer Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Pula / Harbour Master’s Office Pula

 tel:+385 (0) 52 222 037  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic

ACI MARINA OPATIJA Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 45°19,0’ N 14°17,7’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 15t

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Liburnijska cesta 7 A,

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:

51414 Ičići

 Tel: +385 (0) 51 704 004  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 840   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:

2 nm

283 35

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Rijeka, Zagreb, Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana  A6, A7, E65, E71, E751

Priključci struje / Power connections:

125 A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, 50-4, MK-5

The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:

ACI marina Opatija Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka ispostava Opatija/ branch office Opatija

 tel:+385 (0) 51 711 249  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic

ACI MARINA CRES Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 44°57’ N 14°24’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 80t


Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Obala sv. Benedikta 3,

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:

51557 Cres

 Tel: +385 (0) 51 571 622  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 839   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:

440 70

Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Rijeka, Zagreb, Pula, Trieste, Ljubljana  A6, A7, E65, E71, E751  Rijeka - Cres,

Brestova - Porozina, Valbiska - Merag

ACI marina Cres Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-16, 100-18, 50-3, Plan 20

ispostava Cres / branch office Cres

 tel:+385 (0) 51 571 111  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic

ACI MARINA SUPETARSKA DRAGA Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 44°48,2’ N 14°43,8’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 10t

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Supetarska Draga, 51280 Rab  Tel: +385 (0) 51 776 268  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 841   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:

11 nm

328 53

Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar  E751  Stinica - Mišnjak,

Valbiska - Lopar, Rijeka - Rab

ACI marina Supetarska Draga Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, MK-7

ispostava Rab / branch office Rab

 tel: +385 (0) 51 725 419  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic


Otvorena: 1. 4. - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st |

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

 44°45,4’ N 14°46,0’ E

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 10t

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Šetalište kap. I. Dominisa 101,

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:

51280 Rab

 Tel: +385 (0) 51 724 023  GSM: +385 (0) 98 399 482   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17



Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar  A6, E65, E71  Stinica - Mišnjak,

Valbiska - Lopar, Rijeka - Rab

ACI marina Rab Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Rijeka / Harbour Master’s Office Rijeka Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-18, MK-7, Plan 20

ispostava Rab / branch office Rab

 tel: +385 (0) 51 725 419  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Sjeverni Jadran / Northern Adriatic

ACI MARINA ŠIMUNI Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 44°28’ N 14°58’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 15t

7 nm

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Obala 1, Šimuni, 23251 Kolan  Tel: +385 (0) 23 697 457  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 843   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:



Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Rijeka, Zagreb, Zadar  A6, E65, E71  Prizna - Žigljen,

Rijeka - Novalja

ACI marina Šimuni Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Zadar / Harbour Master’s Office Zadar Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-31, INT3410, 100-17, 100-19, MK-9, MK-10

ispostava Pag / branch office Pag

 tel:+385 (0) 23 611 023  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: 1. 4 - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st |

Kontakt / Contact  Obala sv. Ivana 47 E,

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

 43°53,2’ N 15°17,4’ E

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina:

22242 Jezera

 Tel: +385 (0) 22 786 0278  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 844   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

8 nm

Vezovi / Berths: Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Priključci struje / Power connections:


Voda se isporučuje od 8 do 10 sati Water available from 8 to 10 a.m.


The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, 100-20, MK-14, Plan 512

Struja se isporučuje od 8 do 12 sati i od 18 do 24 sata Electricity available from 8 a.m. to noon and from 6 p.m. to midnight Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:


ACI marina Žut

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik ispostava Murter / branch office Murter

 tel:+385 (0) 22 435 190  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:,

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic

ACI MARINA PIŠKERA Otvorena: 1. 4 - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:


 43°45,6’ N 15°21,2’ E

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 12 nm

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Obala sv. Ivana 47 E,

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:

22242 Jezera

 Tel: +385 (0) 91 470 0091  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 845   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Priključci struje / Power connections:


Voda se isporučuje od 8 do 10 sati Water available from 8 to 10 a.m. Struja se isporučuje od 8 do 12 sati i od 18 do 24 sata Electricity available from 8 a.m. to noon and from 6 p.m. to midnight Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:




Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, 100-20, 100-21, MK-14, Plan 512

ACI marina Piškera

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik ispostava Murter / branch office Murter

 tel:+385 (0) 22 435 190  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:,

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic

ACI MARINA JEZERA Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 45° 26,02’ N 13° 31,00’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 10t

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Obala sv. Ivana 47 E,

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:

22242 Jezera

 Tel: +385 (0) 22 439 295  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 846   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths: Priključci struje / Power connections:

233 60 63A

Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Zadar, Split  A1, E65, E71 Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-20, 100-21, MK-14, MK-15, Plan 512

ACI marina Jezera Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik ispostava Tisno / branch office Tisno

 tel: +385 (0) 22 439 313,  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

 45° 26,02’ N 13° 31,00’ E

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 60t


Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Artina 13 A, 22211 Vodice  Tel: +385 (0) 22 443 086  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 847   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:



Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:

382 55

Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Zadar, Split  A1, E65, E71

Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-21, MK-15, Plan 533

The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:

ACI marina Vodice Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik ispostava Vodice/ branch office Vodice

 tel:+385 (0) 22 443 055  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:


 43°49,0’ N 15°55,6’ E

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 8 nm

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Obala Pavla Šubića 18,

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:

22222 Skradin

 Tel: +385 (0) 22 771 365  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 848   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17


Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Zadar, Split  A1, E65, E71 Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-32, INT3412, 100-21, MK-15, Plan 518


ACI marina Skradin Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Šibenik / Harbour Master’s Office Šibenik

 tel: +385 (0) 22 217 216  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic

ACI MARINA TROGIR Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 43°30,8’ N 16°15,2’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina: 9t

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Put Cumbrijana 22,

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:


21220 Trogir

 Tel: +385 (0) 21 881 544  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 849   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Split  A1, E65, E71 (15 km)

Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split:

Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, MK-16, Plan 534

The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended:

ACI marina Trogir Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split ispostava Trogir / branch office Trogir

 tel: +385 (0) 21 881 508  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic

ACI MARINA SPLIT Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 43°30,1’ N 16°26,0’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 10t

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Uvala Baluni 8, 21000 Split  Tel: +385 (0) 21 398 599  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 850   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:

0,05 nm

318 30

Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Split  A1, E65, E71  Split - Supetar, Split - Stari Grad, Split

Vela Luka - Ubli, Split - Milna - Hvar - Vis, Split - Bol - Jelsa, Split - Hvar - Vela Luka - Ubli, Split - Bol - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik, Ancona - Split, Ancona - Stari Grad - Split

ACI marina Split Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, 100-26, MK-16, MK-18, Plan 47

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split

 tel: +385 (0) 21 302 400  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic

ACI MARINA MILNA Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 43°19,6’ N 16°27,0’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 8t

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Brdo I 3, 21405 Milna  Tel: +385 (0) 21 636 306  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 851   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:

170 15

Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Brač, Split  A1, E65, E71  Split - Supetar,

Split - Milna - Hvar - Vis, Split - Bol - Jelsa, Split - Bol - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik, Ancona-Split

ACI marina Milna Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-21, 100-22, 100-26, MK-16, MK-18

ispostava Milna / branch office Milna

 tel: +385 (0) 21 636 205  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic

ACI MARINA VRBOSKA Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 43°10,8’ N 16°41,0’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 5t

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 21463 Vrboska  Tel: +385 (0) 21 774 018  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 812   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:

119 12

Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Split, Brač  A1, E65, E71  Split - Stari Grad,

Drvenik - Sućuraj, Split - Milna - Hvar - Vis, Split - Bol - Jelsa, Split - Bol - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik, Ancona - Stari Grad - Split

ACI marina Vrboska Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-25, 100-26, MK-19, Plan 535

ispostava Jelsa / branch office Jelsa

 tel: +385 (0) 21 761 055  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Srednji Jadran / Central Adriatic

ACI MARINA PALMIŽANA Otvorena: 1. 4. - 31. 10. / Open: April 1st - October 31st d

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:


 43°09,8’ N 16°23,8’ E

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 2,5 nm

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 21450 Hvar  Tel: +385 (0) 21 744 995  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 853   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:



Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Brač, Split  A1, E65, E71  Dubrovnik - Hvar,

Ancona - Split - Hvar, Bari - Dubrovnik - Hvar, Taxi boats: Hvar - Palmižana

ACI marina Palmižana Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Split / Harbour Master’s Office Split Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-22, 100-25, 100-26, MK-19, Plan 50

ispostava Hvar/ branch office Hvar

 tel: +385 (0) 21 741 007  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic


Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

 42°57,6’ N 17°08,4’ E

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 10t

0,5 nm

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 20260 Korčula  Tel: +385 (0) 20 711 661  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 854   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths: Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:

159 16

Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-33, INT3412, 100-25, 100-26, 100-27, MK-22



Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Split, Dubrovnik  A1, E65, E71  Trajekt / Ferry:

Orebić – Korčula, Vela Luka – Split

 Katamaran / Catamaran:

Orebić - Dominče, Ploče - Trpanj, Split - Vela Luka - Ubli, Split - Bol - Hvar - Korčula - Dubrovnik, Bari - Dubrovnik

ACI marina Korčula Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik / Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik ispostava Korčula / branch office Korčula

 tel: +385 (0) 20 711 178  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic

ACI MARINA “VELJKO BARBIERI” SLANO Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 42°47,1’ N 17°53,2’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 14 nm

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Slanica 2, 20232 Slano  Tel: +385 (0) 20 441 721  GSM: +385 (0) 99 478 8059   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:  Dubrovnik  A1, E65, E71 Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-34, INT3414, 100-27, 50-20, MK-25


ACI marina “Veljko Barbieri” Slano Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik / Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik ispostava Slano / branch office Slano

 tel:+385 (0) 20 871 177  UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  Tourist info:

Južni Jadran / Southern Adriatic

ACI MARINA DUBROVNIK Otvorena: Cijele godine / Open: All year round


 42°40,3’ N 18°07,6’ E

Sadržaji u marini / Amenities in the Marina:

Sadržaji blizu marine / Amenities near the Marina: 130t, 60t

Kontakt / Contact

Vezovi / Berths:

 Na skali 2, Mokošica,

Vezovi u moru / Wet berths:


Prometna povezanost / Travel connections:

Vezovi na kopnu / Dry berths:


 Dubrovnik

20001 Dubrovnik

 Tel: +385 (0) 20 455 020  GSM: +385 (0) 98 398 813   UHF kanal / VHF channel 17


Priključci struje / Power connections:


Maksimalna duljina plovila godišnji vez: Maximum vessel length annual berth:


Maksimalna duljina plovila dnevni vez: Maximum vessel length daily berth:


 E751  Dubrovnik - Korčula - Hvar - Bol - Split, Bari - Dubrovnik

ACI marina Dubrovnik Najbliži aerodrom / Nearest Airport

Za sigurnu plovidbu preporučuje se korištenje službenih pomorskih navigacijskih karata u izdanju HHI HHI:Split: The use of the official navigational charts, the HHI edition is recommended: 101, 300-34, INT3414, 100-27, 50-20, MK-25

Lučka kapetanija Dubrovnik / Harbour Master’s Office Dubrovnik

 tel: +385 (0) 20 418 988 988, +385 (0) 20 418 987, +385 (0) 20 418 987  fax: UHF kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  kanali / VHF channels 10 and 16  UHF Tourist info:  Tourist info:


2 + 1 GRATIS ACI marine Žut i Piškera 1 + 1 + 1 GRATIS Kornati


2 + 1 FREE - ACI marinas Žut and Piškera 1 + 1 + 1 FREE - ACI marinas Žut and Piškera



za prvu godinu novim klijentima koji ulaze u sustav ACIja te postojećim ACI klijentima za drugo i svako sljedeće plovilo:

for the first year to the new clients who are entering the ACI and existing ACI clients for bringing the second and each subsequent vessel:


15% popusta na cijenu godišnjeg veza u odabranim ACI marinama** Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î

ACI Umag ACI Pula ACI Pomer ACI Cres ACI Supetarska Draga ACI Milna ACI Vrboska ACI Korčula


15% discount on the annual berth rate in selected ACI marinas** Î Î Î Î Î Î Î Î

ACI Umag ACI Pula ACI Pomer ACI Cres ACI Supetarska Draga ACI Milna ACI Vrboska ACI Korčula

*navedeno vrijedi samo u slučaju uzastopnih datuma. Ne vrijedi za boravak na sidrištu (Žut); za 2 plaćena dnevna veza, treći je besplatan; za jedan plaćen dnevni vez u ACI Žut i jedan plaćen dnevni vez u ACI Piškera, drugi dnevni vez u ACI Piškera je besplatan i obratno

*The aforementioned applies only in the case of consecutive dates. Does not apply to the anchorage Žut; for 2 paid daily berths, the third daily berth is free of charge; for one paid daily berth in ACI Žut and one paid daily berth in ACI Piškera, the second daily berth in ACI Piškera is free of charge and vice versa.

** ne vrijedi za plovila koja se koriste za iznajmljivanje (charter)

**Exclusively for private and legal entities whose vessels are used not for commercial, but for private purposes




NP Kornati

NP Kornati

svim posjetiteljima

for all visitors of

ACI marine Piškera

ACI marina Piškera














Turistički cvijet - kvaliteta za Hrvatsku/ Tourist flower - quality for Croatia 1. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 1st place in the Marina of the Year cathegory 2. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 2nd place in the Marina of the Year cathegory 3. mjesto u kategoriji marina godine/ 3rd place in the Marina of the Year cathegory 1. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 1st place in the Size cathegory 2. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 2nd place in the Size cathegory 3. mjesto u kategoriji marine po veličini/ 3rd place in the Size cathegory kategorija velikih marina/ Large marina cathegory kategorija srednjih marina/ Medium marina cathegory kategorija malih marina/ Small marina cathegory posebno priznanje za najbolju otočnu marinu/ The Best Island Marina special recognition

SKRADIN Plava zastava / Blue Flag



ACI marine dugoodišnji su i redovni osvajači prestižnih nagrada i priznanja “Turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hrvatsku” koja se dodjeljuju najuspješnijim, najkvalitetnijim i najprepoznatljivijim hrvatskim turističkim subjektima i destinacijama. Slijede samo neka od priznanja i nagrada koje su ACI marine osvojile od 2010. godine:

ACI marina - Dobitnik priznanja ACI Marina - award winner Plava zastava / Blue flag

For many years, ACI marinas have regularly won prestigious awards and recognitions “Tourism Flower - Quality for Croatia,” awarded to the most successful, the best and the most recognized Croatian tourist companies and destinations. These are some of the recognitions and awards ACI marinas have won since 2010:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

ACI Umag ACI Rovinj ACI Pula ACI Pomer ACI Opatija ACI Cres ACI Supetarska Draga ACI Rab ACI Šimuni ACI Žut + sidrište/anchorage Žut ACI Piškera ACI Jezera ACI Vodice ACI Skradin ACI Trogir ACI Split ACI Milna ACI Vrboska ACI Palmižana ACI Korčula ACI Slano ACI Dubrovnik 139




Osobna iskaznica ili putovnica: Državljani EU-a, EGP-a, Švicarske

ID card or passport: EU, EGP citizens, Swiss citizens



Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova RH:

Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the RC: Kuna, HRK (1 kuna = 100 lipa) Napon gradske mreže 220 V, frekvencija 50 Hz

Residential voltage 220 V, frequency 50 Hz

Voda iz slavine pitka je u svim dijelovima Hrvatske

Tap water is drinkable in all parts of Croatia



+385 195 VHF, UKV: 16, 10 112 194 193 192 1987 / 060 520 520 072 777 777 (iz Hrvatske / from Croatia) 112 18981

ACI No.1 // Informacije za nautičare u Republici Hrvatskoj / Information for boaters in the Republic of Croatia













+385 52 741 662

Josipa B. Tita 3



+385 52 811 132

Budičina 1, p.p.60



+385 52 535 877

Riva 18



+385 52 535 877

Riva 18



+385 51 711 249

Zert 3



+385 51 571 111

Jadranska obala 1



+385 51 725 419

Trg municipia Arbe 1



+385 51 725 419

Trg municipia Arbe 1



+385 23 611 023

Golija 1



+385 22 435 190

Trg Rudine 8



+385 22 439 313

Velika Rudina 1



+385 22 443 055

Trg Marine bb



+385 22 217 217

Obala Franje Tuđmana 8



+385 22 217 217

Obala Franje Tuđmana 8



+385 21 881 508

Obala bana Berislavića 19



+385 21 636 205

Riva 7



+385 21 741 007

Fabrika bb



+385 21 761 055




+385 21 741 007

Fabrika bb



+385 20 711 178

Obala Franje Tuđmana 1



+385 20 871 177

Trg Ruđera Boškovića 23



+385 20 418 988

Obala Stjepana Radića 37


















Zapovjednik plovila koje uplovljava u Republiku Hrvatsku morskim putem dužan je najkraćim putem uploviti u najbližu luku otvorenu za međunarodni promet radi obavljanja granične kontrole te je dužan obaviti sljedeće: 1. podvrgnuti se graničnoj kontroli 2. ovjeriti popis posade i putnika koji se nalaze na plovilu u lučkoj kapetaniji ili ispostavi lučke kapetanije 3. platiti propisane naknade za sigurnost plovidbe 4. platiti naknadu za boravišnu pristojbu 5. prijaviti boravak stranih državljana na plovilu sukladno posebnim propisima.

The commander of a vessel, which sails into the Republic of Croatia by sea, is required to sail by the shortest route to the nearest port open for international traffic for the purposes of border control, and is required to perform the following: 1. Pass through border control; 2. Verify the list of the crew and passenger who are on the vessel with the harbormaster’s office or its branch office. 3. Pay the required navigation safety fees; 4. Pay the sojourn tax; 5. Report the stay of foreign nationals on the vessel accordingly with specific regulations. 141

ACI No.1 // Informacije za nautičare u Republici Hrvatskoj / Information for boaters in the Republic of Croatia



Zapovjednik plovila koje je u Republiku Hrvatsku dovezeno kopnenim putem ili se nalazi na čuvanju u luci ili na drugome odobrenom mjestu u Republici Hrvatskoj dužan je prije započinjanja plovidbe: 1. platiti propisane naknade za sigurnost plovidbe 2. platiti naknadu za boravišnu pristojbu 3. prijaviti boravak stranih državljana na plovilu sukladno posebnim propisima.

The commander of a vessel that has been brought to the Republic of Croatia by land or is located in a harbor or another approved place within the Republic of Croatia is required to do the following before going to sea: 1. Pay the required navigation safety fees; 2. Pay the sojourn tax; 3. Report the stay of foreign nationals on the vessel in accordance with specific regulations.



Vlasnik strane brodice ili jahte namijenjene razonodi, sportu ili rekreaciji koja plovi i boravi u unutarnjim morskim vodama i teritorijalnome moru Republike Hrvatske dužan je prilikom uplovljenja platiti naknadu za sigurnost plovidbe i zaštitu od onečišćenja. Iznos naknade utvrđuje se prema formuli iz tablice u nastavku, a visina naknade ovisi o duljini i ukupnoj snazi porivnih uređaja jahte ili brodice.

An owner of a foreign boat or yacht intended for leisure, sport or recreation which sails and stays in the internal waters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia is required upon sailing to pay a fee for the safety of the vessel and the prevention of pollution. The amount of the fee is set out in line with the formula from the following table, and the amount of the fee depends on the length and total propulsion power of the yacht or boat.



Domaće i strane jahte i brodice plaćaju naknadu za korištenje objektima sigurnosti plovidbe u unutarnjim morskim vodama i teritorijalnome moru Republike Hrvatske. Obveza plaćanja naknade nastaje kada plovilo uplovi u luku ili doplovi na sidrište unutarnjih morskih voda ili teritorijalnoga mora Republike Hrvatske. Domaće i strane brodice i jahte plaćaju godišnju naknadu, i to za tekuću (kalendarsku) godinu. Iznos naknade utvrđuje se prema formuli iz sljedeće tablice, a visina ovisi o duljini jahte ili brodice.

NAKNADA ZA BORAVIŠNU PRISTOJBU Vlasnik ili korisnik plovila za sebe i sve osobe koje noće na tome plovilu boravišnu pristojbu plaća u paušalnome iznosu. Plovilom u tome smislu smatra se svako plovilo duže od 5 m s ugrađenim ležajevima kojim se koristi za odmor, rekreaciju ili krstarenje, a koje nije plovni objekt nautičkoga turizma. Paušalni iznos boravišne pristojbe nautičari plaćaju prije isplovljavanja plovila u lučkim kapetanijama, odnosno ispostavama lučkih kapetanija, i to kada na plovilu borave i noće u lukama nautičkoga turizma ili na vezu u nautičkome dijelu luke koja je otvorena za javni promet. Lučke kapetanije dužne su izdati račun o plaćenoj boravišnoj pristojbi. Visina paušalnoga iznosa boravišne pristojbe za nautičare ovisi o duljini plovila i vremenskome razdoblju za koje nautičari kupuju boravišnu pristojbu. Račun za plaćenu boravišnu pristojbu uvijek se mora nalaziti na plovilu te ga je zapovjednik plovila dužan predočiti na zahtjev ovlaštene osobe.

PUNOMOĆ KORISNIKA PLOVILA Na plovilu u vlasništvu fizičke osobe ili fizičkih osoba koje plovi u Republici Hrvatskoj mogu se za vrijeme plovidbe nalaziti vlasnik plovila, članovi njegove uže obitelji i osobe koje vlasnik plovila za to pisano ovlasti. Potpis vlasnika na pisanome ovlaštenju mora biti ovjeren od domaćega ili stranoga nadležnog tijela.


Domestic and foreign yachts and boats pay a fee for using aids for navigation safety within the internal waters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia. The obligation of paying the fee comes into force when a vessel sails into a harbor or arrives at an anchorage of the internal waters or territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia. Domestic and foreign boats and yachts pay an annual fee and it is for the current (calendar) year. The amount of the fee is set out in line with the formula from Table 2, and the amount of the fee depends on the length of the yacht or boat.

SOJOURN TAX The owner or user of the vessel pays sojourn tax for themselves and all the people who spend the night on the vessel at a flat rate. A vessel in this sense is considered as any vessel longer than 5 meters with built-in bunks, that is used for holidays, recreation and cruising, and that is not a nautical tourism vessel. The flat rate sojourn tax is paid by boaters to the harbormaster’s office before sailing out, or to harbormaster’s branch office when they are staying and overnighting on the boat in nautical tourism ports or at a berth in a nautical section of a port which is open to public traffic. The harbormaster’s offices and harbormaster’s branches to whom boaters have paid the flat rate of the sojourn tax are to issue a receipt regarding the payment of the sojourn tax. The amount of the flat rate of the sojourn tax for boaters depends on the length of the vessel and time for which the boaters have paid. The receipt for paying the sojourn tax must always be on board and the vessel’s commander is required to present it upon the request of an authorized person.

AUTHORIZATION OF VESSEL USERS A vessel in the ownership of a natural person or persons, can, for the period of sailing in the Republic of Croatia, carry the owner

ACI No.1 // Informacije za nautičare u Republici Hrvatskoj / Information for boaters in the Republic of Croatia






< 11,99

40 kn


20 kn

10 kn/m


40 kn


20 kn

25 kn/m


40 kn

7.500 kn

20 kn

25 kn/m

L = duljina brodice ili jahte u m / length of boat or yacht in meters P = snaga motora u kW / engine power in kW

DOKUMENTI NA PLOVILU Na plovilu koje plovi u Republici Hrvatskoj moraju se u svrhu provjere nalaziti sljedeći dokumenti u izvorniku: 1.

dokaz da su plaćene sve naknade

2. dokaz da je plovilo sposobno za plovidbu 3. dokaz da je osoba koja zapovijeda plovilom sposobna upravljati plovilom, sukladno nacionalnim propisima države čiju zastavu vije odnosno sukladno propisima Republike Hrvatske 4. dokaz o osiguranju od odgovornosti za štetu počinjenu trećim osobama 5. dokaz o vlasništvu ili punomoć za korištenje plovilom.


of the vessel, members of their immediate family and persons whom the owner of the vessel has given written permission to. The owner’s signature on the written authorization must be verified by an appropriate local or foreign authority.

DOCUMENTS ON VESSEL For the purpose of verification, original copies of the following documents must be on board the vessel sailing in the Republic of Croatia: 1.

Proof that all fees have been paid;

2. Proof that the vessel is seaworthy; 3. Proof that the person who is commanding the vessel is capable of controlling the vessel, in accordance with the regulations of the country under whose flag it is sailing, and in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Croatia; 4. Proof of third party insurance;

Za upravljanje brodicama i zapovijedanje jahtama osoba mora biti

5. Proof of ownership or authorization for use of the vessel

osposobljena sukladno propisima države čiju zastavu brodica ili ja-


hta vije, a ako u matičnoj državi nije propisana nikakva osposobljenost za upravljanje brodicom, tada se primjenjuju hrvatski propisi. Popis priznatih stranih isprava / dozvola objavljen je na internetskim stranicama MPPI-ja:

For the command of small boats and yachts, a person must be qualified in accordance with the regulations of the state under whose flag the boat or yacht is sailing, and if in the home state there is no such kind of written qualification for the command of a boat, then the regulations of Croatia shall be implemented.


The list of recognized foreign documents/licenses is available on the website of the MPPI:


Zapovjednik plovila dužan je prije isplovljenja iz Republike Hrvatske: 1.

podvrgnuti se graničnoj kontroli

2. ovjeriti popis posade i putnika koji se nalaze na plovilu u lučkoj kapetaniji ili ispostavi lučke kapetanije. Nakon što obavi navedene obveze, zapovjednik plovila dužan je najkraćim putem napustiti unutarnje morske vode i teritorijalno more Republike Hrvatske.

SAILING OUT FROM THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Before sailing out from the Republic of Croatia the commander of a vessel is required to: 1.

Pass through border control;

2. Verify the list of the crew and passengers who are on the vessel with the port authority or branch of the port authority. After completing the mentioned obligations, the commander is required to leave the internal waters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia via the shortest possible route.


ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas









Obrt Lido ■■ +385(0) 52 741-382 ■■ +385(0) 99 6425-733 ■■

Obrt "Žut" ■■ +385(0) 22 216-251 ■■ +385(0) 91 473-5155 ■■

Ugostiteljski obrt "VOJKO" ■■ +385(0) 51 776-805 ■■ +385(0) 91 6776-700 ■■ ■■

Obrt "Kolarin" ■■ +385( 0) 20 871-256 ■■ +385(0) 98 184-9165 ■■ ■■





Almi d.o.o. ■■ +385(0)52 741-065 ■■ +385(0) 98 214-176 ■■ ■■


NAUTIČKI SERVIS DUBROVNIK Nautički servis Dubrovnik d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 20 454-215 ■■ +385(0) 91 445-1110 ■■ 144

Interadria SC d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 51 704 178 ■■ +385 (0) 91 215 4400 ■■ ■■

ACI No.1 // Odabrane usluge i partneri u ACI marinama / Selected services and partners in ACI marinas





Adriatic Wave d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 98 917-3629 ■■ ■■

Adriatic Yacht Center Plus d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 22 443-221 ■■ +385(0) 99 815- 1766 ■■ ■■













Mennyacht d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 51 705- 720 ■■ +385(0) 91 177- 2636 ■■ ■■

WAYPOINT d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 21 367- 686 ■■ +385(0) 99 497- 1543 ■■ ■■

Dream Yacht Croatia d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 1 3751-463 ■■ +385(0) 91 274-5145 ■■ ■■

Pitter d.o.o. ■■ +385 (0) 23 386-702 ■■ ■■

Euromarine d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 1 555-2200 ■■ +385(0) 98 230-286 ■■ ■■

Croatia Yachting d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 21 332 332 ■■ +385(0) 91 332 3331 A6 ■■ ■■



MARE NOSTRUM CROATICUM d.o.o. ■■ +385(0) 51 271-444 ■■ +385( 0) 99 609-4989 ■■ ■■ 145

1 Jahr Yachtrevue + € 20,– Gutschein nach Wahl! 42 4, *



: € 5 3 ,–




27 € * N E AR SIE SP



20 Gutschein

€ 20 • Preisvorteil gegenüber dem Einzelkauf • Nur Jahreszahlung möglich

Bestellen Sie jetzt mit jeweiliger Aktionsnummer: 1839868 für Interspar oder 1839867 für OMV 01/95 55 100 ° *Wenn ich mich nicht 6 Wochen vor Ende meines Abonnements schriftlich melde, möchte ich Yachtrevue zu den jeweils gültigen Bedingungen für Jahresabonnenten weiterbeziehen. Preis gültig bei Jahreszahlung. Mindestalter 16 Jahre. Ersparnis bezieht sich auf den Einzelkauf. Angebot ist nicht auf bestehende Abos anrechenbar. Angebot ist nur im Inland gültig. Die Zustellung der Gutscheine erfolgt nach verbuchtem Zahlungseingang zzgl. 3,– Euro Versandspesen. Angebot gültig bis 31.12.2019. Ich stimme zu, dass die VGN Medien Holding GmbH, die VGN Digital GmbH und die Verlagsgruppe News Medienservice GmbH die von mir angegebenen personenbezogenen Daten (Name, Titel, Anschrift, E-Mailadresse, Telefonnummer, Geburtsdatum, Fotos) zwecks Übermittlung von Informationsmaterial über deren Magazine und Online-Medien, für Marketingmaßnahmen (Gewinnspiele, Veranstaltungen, Newsletter für deren Waren und Dienstleistungen) sowie für Abo- und Sonderwerbeaktionen, verarbeiten und mich zu den vorgenannten Zwecken via SMS, E-Mail, Telefon und Post kontaktieren. Diese Einwilligung kann ich jederzeit unter widerrufen. Nähere Informationen zur Verarbeitung meiner personenbezogenen Daten erhalte ich in der Datenschutzerklärung, abrufbar unter


ACI No.1 // Musto tehnologije materijala / Musto fabric technologies

Fotografije / Photos by MUSTO Ltd


MUSTO Engleska nautička marka MUSTO poznata je u svijetu po svojim visokokvalitetnim proizvodima zahvaljujući modernim materijalima od kojih su izrađeni.

The English sailing brand MUSTO is known worldwide for its high-quality products and modern materials they are made of.

UPF i UV zaštita

The UPF and UV protection

Što je UPF i UV zaštita? Brojčana oznaka za zaštitni faktor protiv ultraljubičastih zraka (UPF) pokazuje koliko jedinica ultraljubičastog zračenja blokira tkanina. Ta oznaka pokazuje razinu zaštite od sunca, slično SPF (Sun Protection Faktor) brojčanoj oznaci na kremama za sunčanje. Ultraljubičasta (UV) zaštita ukazuje na to da odjeća ima zaštitna svojstva od štetnih UV zraka. MUSTO UV i UPF odjeća se također tretira sa UV zaštitom boja koja boju štiti od izbljeđivanja do kojega dolazi zbog izlaganja ultraljubičastom zračenju. Postoje tri UPF oznake na proizvodima: 1. UPF 30 - Blokira 29 od 30 jedinica UV zraka, u uvjetima umjerenom izlaganju suncu. 2. UPF 40 - Blokira 39 od 40 jedinica UV zraka, u uvjetima produljenog izlaganju suncu. 3. UPF 50 - Blokira 49 od 50 jedinica UV zraka, u uvjetima jake izloženosti suncu.

What is the UPF and UV protection? The Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) rating indicates how many units of ultraviolet radiation a fabric blocks. This rating shows the level of protection from the sun, similar to the SPF (Sun Protection Factor) rating indicated on sunscreen. The Ultraviolet (UV) protection indicates that clothing has protective properties against harmful UV rays. Musto’s UV and UPF garments are also treated with the UV colour protection in order to keep the colour from fading as a result of exposure to UV radiation. The products have three UPF grades: 1. UPF 30 – Blocks 29 of 30 units of UV radiation when sun exposure is moderate. 2. UPF 40 – Blocks 39 of 40 units of UV radiation when sun exposure is extended. 3. UPF 50 – Blocks 49 of 50 units of UV radiation when sun exposure is high.


ACI No.1 // Musto tehnologije materijala / Musto fabric technologies

Koje su prednosti UPF i UV zaštite? Odjeća Vas štiti od prekomjernog izlaganja štetnim sunčevim zrakama štiteći Vas od opekotina na koži a samim time i mogućnosti dobivanja raka kože. NAPOMENA: UV zaštitna odjeća je samo jedan od mnogih mjere predostrožnosti koje treba poduzeti kako bi se zaštitili kada je izloženost UV zračenju visoka.

BR1 i BR2 tehnologija

What are the benefits of the UPF and UV protection? The clothing shields you from excessive exposure to harmful sun rays, protecting you from sunburn and, in turn, possible skin cancer. PLEASE NOTE: UV protective garments are just one of many precautions you should take to protect yourself in cases of high UV exposure.

BR1 and BR2 technology

MUSTO BR1 i BR2 su materijali (membrane) dizajnirane u MUSTO laboratorijima da pruže maksimalnu vodootpornost i prozračnost. Vodootpornost BR1 i BR2 materijala (membrane) se mjeri stalnim zalijevanjem vodom, u određenom vremenskom periodu, a da pri tome vanjski materijal (membrana) ne propusti vodu.

MUSTO BR1 and BR2 are fabrics (membranes) designed in MUSTO laboratories to provide maximum waterproofness and breathability. The waterproofness of BR1 and BR2 fabrics (membranes) is measured by constant exposure to water in a specific time period, without the outer fabric (membrane) leaking.

BR1 materijal:

BR1 fabric:

• • • • •

Potpuno vodootporan (5.000 - 10.000mm) Potpuno zavareni svi šavovi Prozračan (5.000g / 24 sata) Lagan Otporan na vjetar

BR2 materijal: • • • • •

Potpuno vodootporan (10.000 - 15.000mm) Potpuno zavareni svi šavovi Prozračan (7.000g / 24 sata) Lagan Otporan na vjetar. 

• • • • •

Fully waterproof (5,000 – 10,000mm) Fully taped seams Breathable (5,000g/24 hrs) Lightweight Windproof

BR2 fabric: • • • • •

Fully waterproof (10,000 – 15,000mm) Fully taped seams Breathable (7,000g/24 hrs) Lightweight Windproof. 


Fotografije / Photos ACI arhiva / ACI archives

ACI No.1 // Zaklada „Vaša pošta“ i ACI / Your Post Foundation and ACI




YOUR POST FOUNDATION AND ACI SAILING TOGETHER IN IČIĆI I ove godine, po drugi put, ACI je u suradnji sa Zakladom „Vaša pošta“ organizirao jedrenje za djecu – štićenike dječjih domova. Uz štićenike dječjih domova iz Primorsko-goranske županije, Pule i Karlovca, ugostili smo i štićenike Kuće svetoga Josipa za nezbrinutu djecu iz Hrvatskoga Leskovca.

This year marks the second time that ACI and the Your Post Foundation have organised a sailing trip for children living in children's residential homes. Along with those from children's homes situated in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Pula and Karlovac, we also welcomed children from St Joseph’s Home for Children Without Parental Care in Hrvatski Leskovac.

Tridesetak dječjih domova diljem Hrvatske udomljuje djecu iz obitelji koje im nisu mogle pružiti topli dom i osnovne uvjete za normalan život i razvoj. U njima borave do završetka srednje škole, kada na neko vrijeme odlaze u „stambenu zajednicu“, a potom – bez pomoći obitelji, novca i zaposlenja – moraju započeti samostalan život. Takva se djeca u toj vrlo osjetljivoj dobi moraju suočiti s nizom egzistencijalnih pitanja s kojima se svakomu teško nositi. Shvaćajući probleme tih mladih ljudi, zakladnik HP – Hrvatska pošta d. d. utemeljio je 2010. godine Zakladu „Vaša pošta“.

There are about 30 children's residential homes throughout Croatia caring for children from families who could not provide them with a loving home and basic conditions for a normal life and development. They live there until leaving secondary school, when they get temporary accommodation in “trainer flats”, after which – with no family support, money or employment – they have to start living on their own. At that very vulnerable age, those young people must face many problems of day-to-day living that are hard to cope with for anyone. Realising the problems they are faced with, Croatian Post d. d. established the Your Post Foundation in 2010.


ACI No.1 // Zaklada „Vaša pošta“ i ACI jedrili su zajedno u Ičićima / Your Post Foundation and ACI sailing together in Ičići

Zaklada „Vaša pošta“ i ACI Misija Zaklade „Vaša pošta“ jest promicanje korporativne društvene odgovornosti kao doprinosa stvaranju boljega i humanijega svijeta za djecu bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi. Zahvaljujući toj zakladi, više od 400 djece, štićenika domova, zbrinuto je policama životnoga osiguranja uz potporu dugogodišnjega partnera – Croatia osiguranja. Iznos police isplaćuje se štićeniku u obliku rente u trenutku napuštanja doma i početka samostalnoga života. Iznosom iz police štićeniku su osigurana sredstva za osnovne egzistencijalne troškove – stanarinu i režije – za razdoblje od dvije do tri godine, dok ne nađe posao i ne osamostali se. ACI d. d. odazvao se ovoj hvalevrijednoj akciji 2014. godine te od tada uplaćuje policu za pet štićenika.

Regata u Ičićima Vesele i radoznale grupe mladih stizale su nam pomalo u jutarnjim satima u ACI marinu Opatija u Ičićima… Skupljali smo se, preoblačili u „jedriličarske“ majice, marendali, slikali, sve uz veseli i razdragani smijeh i žamor mladih štićenika, ali i donatora, sponzora, odgajatelja, udomitelja i posebno naše vedre sestre karmelićanke Božanskoga Srca Isusova Katarine Pišković, koja je dopratila štićenike Kuće svetoga Josipa za nezbrinutu djecu iz Hrvatskoga Leskovca. Lijepo je bilo vidjeti nasmijana lica mladih i osjetiti pozitivnu atmosferu koja se širila marinom, ali i pozitivni naboj i nestrpljenje za novim iskustvom jedrenja. Krenuli smo prema brodovima, jedrilicama tipa JOD 35, svjetski poznatim „jurilicama“ na kojima su dugi niz godina na regati ACI Match Race Cup jedrila najjača imena svjetskoga jedrenja. Danas su te jedrilice bile u funkciji dobrote i humanosti. Šteta da brodovi ne mogu govoriti… Iako danas više nisu vlasništvo ACI-ja, nastavljaju uspješnu plovidbu pod zastavom Jedriličarskoga kluba Maxi iz Rijeke čiji su članovi otkupili šest plovila i s velikim zadovoljstvom podržali nastavak ove hvalevrijedne akcije. I tako krenusmo… Prvo malo na motor jer nije bilo vjetra pa pomalo prema pučini kako bismo uhvatili koji „reful“. Gasimo motore, dižemo jedra, lovimo vjetar… Tišina… Mir… Spokoj… Jedrilice lagano, lagano klize plavim prostranstvom… Daleko smo od obale, civilizacija se samo nazire u daljini… Rijeka, Opatija, Ičići… 152

Your Post Foundation and ACI The mission of the Your Post Foundation is to promote corporate social responsibility in order to help create a better and more humane world for children without adequate parental care. Thanks to the Foundation and its collaboration with Croatia Insurance, its longterm partner, insurance policies have been taken out for more than 400 children living in children’s homes. The young people are paid the insured amount in annuities after they leave residential care and start living on their own, which provides them with funds for basic living expenses – rent and utility bills – for a period of two to three years, until they find employment and become independent. ACI d. d. joined these praiseworthy efforts in 2014 and since then has paid policy premiums for five children.

Regatta in Ičići In the morning hours, groups of cheerful and inquisitive teenagers started arriving in ACI Marina Opatija in Ičići. We gathered, put on our “sailing” T-shirts, had something to eat and took photos, while bursts of laughter and chattering could be heard all the time; not only that of the children but also of the donors, sponsors, educators, foster parents and especially our enthusiastic Carmelite sister of the Divine Heart of Jesus, Katarina Pišković, who came with the children from St Joseph’s House for Children Without Parental Care in Hrvatski Leskovac. It was lovely to see the young people’s smiling faces and feel the positive atmosphere spreading through the marina, as well as their positive restlessness and impatience to start sailing. We went to-

ACI No.1 // Zaklada „Vaša pošta“ i ACI jedrili su zajedno u Ičićima / Your Post Foundation and ACI sailing together in Ičići

Flota jedrilica JOD 35 nalazi se na vezu u riječkoj luci i namijenjena je organizaciji tečajeva jedrenja, team building programima i iznajmljivanju za regate i krstarenja. Više informacija može se pronaći na mrežnim stranicama The JOD 35 sailing boat fleet is moored in the Port of Rijeka. It is used in sailing courses and team building programmes and can be hired for regattas and cruises. More information can be found at the following website: Na brodovima mir, potpuna tišina… Pozitivan šok, rekli bi jedriličarski znalci A onda skiper zaviče: „Poja la banda! Hvataj škotu, kacaj, kacaj!!! Prebacujte se na lijevu stranu, pazi glavu, paaazi glavuuu!!!“ Svi se ubrzano miču, prebacuju, preskaču bezbroj naoko zapletenih konopa i prema naredbama skipera smještaju se na drugi bok broda kako bi jedrilica opet lagano zaplovila i uhvatila vjetar u jedra. Uče skiperi djecu i kretanju po jedrilici, radu s konopima, s vinčem, pažljivom kretanju po brodu, sigurnosti, posebno u vezi buma koji može lupiti glavu… Svi pažljivo slušaju i rade što skiper kaže. I tako jedrimo kvarnerskim akvatorijem naizmjenično se prebacujući s boka na bok broda kad god skiper radi manovru. Veselo je na brodovima, a nakon manovre svi se opet vraćamo uživanju u zvuku tišine. Vrijeme je ručka, lagano se vraćamo prema ACI marini u Ičićima. Skaču djeca i odrasli sad već hrabrije s brodova na gatove, ponešto omamljeni suncem i morem, pa je na gatu dosta tiho i mirno prvih par trenutaka. A onda eksplozija utisaka, komentara, smijeha, veselja, baš je lijepo! Svi, ali baš svi imaju osmijeh na licu. Ručak protječe u smijehu i utiscima, zahvalama, te se na kraju veselo rastajemo uz pozdrav: „Naravno, dogodine ponovno jedrimo!“ 

wards the JOD 35 sailing boats, the world-famous “racing yachts”, which, for many years, sailed in the ACI Match Race Cup regattas manned by the biggest names in the sailing world. On that day those sailing boats served as vessels of kindness and humanity. What a pity boats can't talk! Today, although no longer the property of ACI, these boats continue their successful voyage under the flag of the Maxi Sailing Club from Rijeka, whose members bought six of them and took great pleasure in lending their support to this praiseworthy activity. And so we’re setting sail... first turning on the engine, because the wind isn’t blowing, to get us to the open sea, where we can catch some wind. We're turning off the engines, raising the sails, catching the wind. Silence... peace... tranquility... Sailing boats are very gently gliding across the blue expanse. We are a long way from the coast, the civilization can barely be seen in the distance: Rijeka, Opatija, Ičići...

There is complete peace and silence on the boats... a positive shock, as sailing experts would say And then the skipper yells: "Prepare to gybe! Get the sheets, tighten them!!! Switch to the left side, watch your head, WATCH THE HEAD!!!" Everyone is moving quickly, going to the other side, jumping over countless seemingly tangled lines and, following the skipper’s orders, settling on the other side of the boat in order for it to sail again slowly and catch the wind in its sails. The skippers teach the children how to move carefully around the boat, how to use the lines and the winch; the teenagers learn about safety and especially about the boom that can knock them on the head. Everybody listens carefully and does what the skipper says. And so we’re sailing in the waters of the Kvarner Bay, switching from side to side whenever the skipper does a manoeuvre. The boats are full of joy, and after each manoeuvre, we all go back to enjoying the sound of silence. It’s lunchtime and we are slowly turning back towards the ACI Marina in Ičići. Both the children and grown-ups jump with more courage from the boats onto the piers, slightly dazzled by the sun and the sea; for the first few moments, it’s quite peaceful and quiet. And then comes the explosion of impressions, remarks, laughter, joy; it's so lovely! Each and every person has a smile on their face. The lunch goes on full of laughter, sharing of impressions and thanking. At the end we happily say goodbye adding: "We're sailing again next year, of course!"  153


ACI No.1 // MMK Systems Booking Manager

MMK Systems

BOOKING MANAGER MMK Systems svojim proizvodom Booking Manager kreira trendove u yacht charter industriji

MMK Systems is setting trends in yacht charter industry with its product Booking Manager.

Booking Manager Sistem je najveći globalni distribucijski sustav (GDS) u yacht charteru sa ukupno 8500 brodova dostupnih u realnom vremenu od 600 charter operatora u 350 destinacija širom svijeta. Temeljitim poznavanjem yacht charter industrije MMK Systems svojim proizvodom Booking Manager kreira trendove od samog osnutka 2002. godine te je konstantnim inoviranjem postao standard u industriji. Sustav svojim korisnicima omogućuje da kroz njega istovremeno vode cjelokupno poslovanje svoje charter flote, automatiziraju booking procese te nude svoja plovila online kroz najveću svjetsku mrežu distribucije. Na taj način ga svakodnevno koristi 96% hrvatskih charter tvrtki i preko 70% svjetskog chartera.

Booking Manager System is the largest global distribution system (GDS) in the yacht charter segment offering a total of 8500 boats available in real-time from 600 charter operators in 350 destinations around the world. Their thorough knowledge of yacht charter industry and constant innovation has enabled MMK Systems to set trends and become industry standard with Booking Manager system. The System gives the possibility to its users to manage entire fleet and, at the same time, to make the booking process automated with online distribution of their boats via world’s largest yacht charter network. On a daily basis, 96% of Croatian charter companies and 70% of world charter operators use Booking Manager to run their business.

Nezamjenjivi kanal prodaje i promocije svim svjetskim charter operatorima, neovisno o veličini flote Booking Manager je idealan za male charter operatore sa jednim ili svega nekoliko plovila, kao i za upravljanje vodećim svjetskim flotama sa preko 1000 plovila. Pametne funkcije sustava svima štede vrijeme, smanjuju troškove te lakšim pristupom tržištu ubrzavaju booking proces. Time je Booking Manager postao nezamjenjivi kanal prodaje i promocije svim svjetskim charter operatorima. Broj rezervacija se povećava za više od 50% godišnje Zahvaljujući velikoj bazi plovila, Booking Manager je nezaobilazna polazna točka charter agencijama širom svijeta koje jednostavnom registracijom pristupaju mnoštvu mogućnosti pretraživanja, bookiranja brodova i slanja ponuda klijentima. Više od 3000 agencija svojim kontinuiranim korištenjem Booking Managera potvrđuju njegov vodeći status u industriji. Promjenama u navikama gostiju i rastom online bookinga, Booking Manager nastavlja brzi rast, budući da se broj rezervacija povećava za više od 50% godišnje, čime afirmira svoj dugogodišnji status primarne distribucijske mreže za charter tvrtke u svijetu. 

Crucial sales and promotion channel for all charter operators, regardless the size of their fleet Booking Manager is ideal for both, small charter operators with only one or just few boats, as well as for managing world’s leading fleets with over 1000 yachts. Smart System functions save time for everyone, reduce costs and speed up booking process with straight access to the market. All these benefits have made Booking Manager crucial sales and promotion channel for all charter operators. Bookings are increasing by more than 50% per year Thanks to their large boat database, Booking Manager is an inevitable starting point for charter agencies around the world. They can register in a simple way and get an access to numerous search options and possibilities to send offers in order to find a perfect yacht easier and simplify booking process. Continuous use of Booking Manager from more than 3000 agencies confirms its leading status in the industry. With changes in the guest habits and online booking growth, Booking Manager continues to expand rapidly and confirms its long-time status as a world’s primary yacht charter distribution network by bookings increase of more than 50% per year. 


Fotografije / Photos Arhiva ZG WinterFairYtale / ZG WinterFairYtale Archives


Winter FairYtale Bajka pretočena u stvarnost

A fairy tale come true

Jedinstvena izložba lijepih i vrijednih stvari, Zagreb Winter FairYtale, opravdala je naziv najboljeg indoor sadržaja zagrebačkog Adventa, a zajednički nazivnik brojnih događanja na sajmu najbolje opisuje izreka – život je lijep.

A unique exhibition of beautiful and valuable things, Zagreb Winter FairYtale, justified its title of the best indoor event at the Advent in Zagreb. The common thread of the many events at the fair is best exemplified by saying: Life is beautiful.

Pod generalnim pokroviteljstvom Mastercarda i sponzorstvom hotela Hilton by Doubletree i Canopy by Hilton, sajam su podržali i brojni partneri koji su prepoznali vrijednost ove jedinstvene izložbe, a to su Kraljevski vinogradi, Gorenje, Fakat, Pernod Ricard, Stories i Lagradi vina. Tijekom četiri dana održavanja sajma posjetitelji su imali priliku vidjeti 35 izlagača i više od 50 vrhunskih svjetskih brendova koje povezuju kvaliteta i stil. Značajan dio sajamske ponude činili su premium automobili. Među njima se našao prvi proizvedeni od samo 55 kolekcionarskih primjeraka Rolls Royce Wraith Luminary serije, novi model Porsche Macan, limeni ljepotani iz Audija, Maseratija, Mercedesa, Ferrarija i Lamborghinija, ali i jedna kraljevska kočija. Uz Frauscher Phantom 858, sajam je okupio elitu hrvatskog jahtinga – tvrtke MennYacht, koja predstavlja Ferretti grupu, Navis Marine ispred Azimut grupacije, te tvrtke Sunseeker Adriatic Group i Princess Yachts Adriatic. Njima uz bok našli su se Hallberg Rassy, boutique marina Martinis Marchi i ACI d.d. Gosti su također mogli isprobati svoje golferske vještine uz pomoć tvrtke Sport Concept. Na galerijskom dijelu izložbe vidjeli smo ponajbolje iz svijeta urarstva, tvrtka Mamić izložila je Rolex, tvrtka Malalan Breitling uz iznimno lijepu selekciju dijamantnog nakita vlastita dizajna, a tvrtka Krona izložila je satove Omega i Hublot. U modnom dijelu pred156

With Mastercard as its general sponsor and the Doubletree by Hilton and Canopy by Hilton hotels backing it, the fair was also supported by a number of partners who have recognised the value of this extraordinary exhibition: Kraljevski vinogradi/The Royal Vineyards, Gorenje, Fakat, Pernod Ricard, Stories and Lagradi Wines. During its four days, the visitors to the fair had the opportunity to talk to 35 exhibitors and see more than 50 world's top brands that have quality and style in common. Premium cars accounted for a significant portion of the merchandise displayed. Among them was a Rolls Royce Wraith Luminary, the first of just 55 collector’s items to be manufactured, the new Porsche Macan model, metal beauties from Audi, Maserati, Mercedes, Ferrari and Lamborghini, but there was also a royal carriage on display. In addition to the Frauscher 858 Phantom, the event brought together the elite of the Croatian yachting – MennYacht, representing the Ferretti Group, Navis Marine on behalf of the Azimut Group, the Sunseeker Adriatic Group and Princess Yachts Adriatic. At their side there were Hallberg Rassy, the boutique marina Martinis Marchi and ACI d.d. Visitors were also able to test their golf skills helped by Sport Concept. In the exhibition section, we were able to see the best from the world of fine watchmaking: the Mamić company exhibited a Rolex, the

ACI No.1 // Zagreb Winter FairYtale

stavili su se salon I DO sa selekcijom vjenčanica i muških odijela po mjeri koji su 100% hrvatski proizvod, te boutique Absolute s muškim odijelima Karla Lagerfelda. U modnom izričaju pridružio im se Boris Pavlin, koji je izložio svoje haljine za proljeće i ljeto. Tvrtka Kérastase i splitski studio Image Gravij pobrinuli su se za beauty centar, a posebno je lijep bio kutak Diamond Palace Casina s pokaznim igranjem uživo. Cigar Club Mareva predstavio se prvi put u Zagrebu, jednako kao i austrijska tvrtka Avcon Jet koja se bavi privatnom avijacijom. Premium Bliss predstavio je ekskluzivne švicarske preparate za uljepšavanje, a lošinjski hotel Alhambra pokazao je zbog čega je najbolji u Hrvatskoj i šire. Do njega se smjestio štand Bang & Oluffsen koji je pokazao tehnologiju budućnosti, a priču o ekskluzivnom stanovanju nastavila je tvrtka Era design s dizajnerskim namještajem. U tu priču odlično su se uklopile tvrtke Armstark i Haby, s ekskluzivnim bazenima odnosno Ofyr roštiljima, kao i tvrtka Terra Nostra s luksuznim vilama. Za gastronomski dodatak sajmu pobrinuli su se zagrebački Beef Shop i slovenska tvrtka Duke Group s fantastičnim porculanom i setovima pribora za jelo. Integralni dio sajma bio je i restoran Villa Gablec, u kojem je kuhala Ivana Gamulin, namješten bajkovitim antiknim komadima namještaja s heritage imanja Zaluka. I tu je priča o FairYtaleu tek počinjala. Bitan dio ovogodišnje izložbe odnosio se na gastronomiju. Na svečanosti otvaranja okupljenima je kuhao Zoran Jajac iz kornatskog restorana Fešta, nastavio je Dino Galvagno, zatim Saša Pribičević (Matsunoki, hotel Bellevue, Mali Lošinj), da bi kao šlag na kraju nastupila najbolja chefica svijeta Ana Roš (Hiša Franko, Slovenija). Za zabavni dio pobrinuli su se mnogi muzičari, a svakog dana sajam je imao glazbene nastupe uživo. Kvartet Vortex, Artemija Jelaska, Scifidelity Orchestra, Žiga Murko, Super Funk Session i grupa Soul Shadows sjajno su zabavili okupljene. Kao posebno lijep dio sajma izdvojili bismo i modne revije. Prvog dana sajma, u suradnji s brendom Frauscher, zasjali su modeli kuće Duchess Snježane Mehun, a drugog dana publika je mogla uživati u reviji koju su složili slovenska dizajnerica Matea Benedetti, Boris Pavlin i boutique Absolute. Poseban ton sajmu dali su i priznati hrvatski umjetnici Ivana Jurić, Fedor Fischer i Janko Petrović serijom izvanrednih slika i skulptura. Tako je s istekom prošle godine zaplovio prvi FairYtale, a slobodni smo već sada najaviti još veću i bolju manifestaciju krajem 2019. godine. 

Malalan Breitling company displayed an extremely beautiful selection of diamond jewellery of its own design, and Krona presented Omega and Hublot watches. In the fashion section, the I DO bridal boutique displayed its selection of wedding gowns and men's tailored suits, which are a 100% Croatian product, while the boutique Absolute presented Karl Lagerfeld suits for men. Their fashion statements were joined by Boris Pavlin, who displayed his spring and summer dresses. Kérastase and Image Gravij Salon from Split provided a beauty centre, and the Diamond Palace Casino corner was especially attractive with its live demonstration games. This was Cigar Club Mareva’s debut in Zagreb, as it was for Avcon Jet, the Austrian company dealing in private aviation. Premium Bliss presented exclusive Swiss beauty products, and the Lošinj Alhambra Hotel demonstrated why it is the best in Croatia and beyond. Next to it, there was a stand by Bang and Oluffsen, which demonstrated the technology of the future, while Era Design continued the story on exclusive housing with its designer furniture. This story was further complemented with the companies Armstark and Haby, with exclusive pools and Ofyr barbeque grills respectively, and Terra Nostra with luxury villas. The Beef Shop from Zagreb and the Slovenian company Duke Group added to the culinary section of the fair with their fantastic chinaware and cutlery sets. The integral part of the fair was also the Villa Gablec Restaurant, the place where the chef Ivana Gamulin cooked, which was furnished with the fairy-tale antique furniture from the Zaluka Heritage Estate. But this was just the beginning of the FairYtale story. An important part of this year's exhibition focused on gastronomy. Zoran Jajac from the Kornati Fešta Restaurant cooked for the visitors at the opening ceremony. He was followed by Dino Galvagno and later by Sasha Pribičević (Matsunoki, the Bellevue Hotel, Mali Lošinj). The event’s closure was reserved for the icing on the cake – the world’s best female chef, Ana Roš (Hiša Franko, Slovenia). We would like to single out the fashion shows as an especially attractive aspect of the fair. On the first day of the fair, the visitors were dazzled by the models from Snježana Mehun’s Duchess fashion house, partnered with the Frauscher brand, while on the second day, they could enjoy a fashion show by the Slovenian designer Matea Benedetti, Boris Pavlin and the boutique Absolute. The renowned Croatian artists Ivana Jurić, Fedor Fischer and Janko Petrović brought a special note to the fair with a series of extraordinary paintings and sculptures. That is how the first FairYtale sailed at the close of last year, and as early as now we would like to announce a bigger and better event that is to take place at the end of 2019. 


Fotografija / Photo by Arhiva Croatia Boat Show/ Croatia Boat Show Archives


ACI No.1 // Croatia Boat Show - Split

Croatia Boat Show - Split Croatia Boat Show ponovno je među 10 najvećih sajmova u svijetu

The Croatia Boat Show is once again among the 10 largest boat shows in the world

Osam tisuća klijenata iz cijeloga svijeta dobilo je pisma i brošure o sajmu s pozivnicom.

Eight thousand clients around the world have received letters and brochures about the boat show along with their invitation.

Sredinom travnja Zapadna obala Splita iz ormara izvlači glamurozni kostim i na nekoliko dana postaje središte nautičke industrije u regiji. Međunarodni nautički sajam Croatia Boat Show nametnuo se kao prepoznatljiva marka nautičke industrije te nezaobilazna smotra za sve ljubitelje brodova i plovidbe na početku sezone. Na svoju 20. obljetnicu 2018. Croatia Boat Show vratio se na nautičku kartu u velikome stilu, a cilj osnivača i direktora sajma Vicenca Blagaića jest povratak među deset najvažnijih događanja u nautičkoj industriji. „Nikad nisam posve zadovoljan, uvijek može biti bolje. Želim da svako izdanje sajma ide naprijed. Za ovu godinu moj prodajni tim i ja napravili smo bazu klijenata iz cijeloga svijeta. Riječ je o otprilike osam tisuća važnih ljudi koji su dobili pisma i brošure o sajmu s pozivnicom. Istovremeno smo obišli sve najvažnije svjetske sajmove: Cannes, Monte Carlo, Genova, Düsseldorf, Miami, Istanbul, Dubai… Imali smo jaku komunikaciju na društvenim mrežama. Sve s ciljem da splitski sajam raste. Još to nije na razini zlatnih godina, ali kriza je 2008. sve poremetila. Danas se osjeća pozitivna promjena. Nautički sektor raste. Značajna sredstva koja smo kao organizatori uložili u nove šatore, pontone i cjelokupan tehnički dio sajma, kao i medijska kampanja kojom je sajam bio promoviran i popraćen u vodećim medijima, svakako su pridonijeli i boljoj kvaliteti i ugledu sajma. Osim svečane parade brodova zaseban dio sajma 2018. bio je pretvoren u luksuzni CBS Yacht Club, dok smo za 21. izdanje pripremili još jednu dodatnu, mnogo veću teglenicu površine od gotovo tri tisuće kvadratnih metara namijenjenu za veliki X Republic Yacht Club i organizaciju mnogih prigodnih događanja“, pojašnjava Blagaić.

In mid-April the Western Waterfront in Split puts on its glamorous outfit and, for a few days, becomes the centre of the region’s boating industry. The international Croatia Boat Show has become a recognisable brand in the boating industry and a must-visit event for all boatlovers and sailing enthusiasts at the start of the season. On its 20th anniversary, the 2018 Croatia Boat Show was back on the boat show calendar in grand style; now its founder and director Vicenco Blagaić aims to bring it back among the top ten events in the boating industry. I’m never completely satisfied; things can always improve. I want the show to be better each year. This year my sales team and I created a database of clients from around the world. Approximately eight thousand prominent people have received letters and brochures about the boat show along with their invitation. At the same time we attended all the most important boat shows in the world: Cannes, Monte Carlo, Genoa, Düsseldorf, Miami, Istanbul, Dubai, etc. We had a strong presence on social networks. And we did it all with the aim of making the Split boat show grow. It is still not at the same level it was in its golden years; the 2008 crisis disrupted everything. Today, a positive change is felt. The boating sector is on the rise. The great financial resources that we, as organisers, invested in new marquees, floating pontoons and the entire technical part of the show, as well as the media campaign ensuring that the show was promoted and followed by the leading media, certainly contributed to both its quality and reputation. Apart from the celebratory boat parade, one separate part of the 2018 boat show was the luxury CBS Yacht Club. For our 21st year we have an additional and much larger barge with an area 159

ACI No.1 // Croatia Boat Show - Split

Croatia Boat Show otvara splitsku turistIčku sezonu. Riječ je o predsezonskoj manifestaciji u travnju koja znatno obogaćuje gradsku ponudu…

of almost three thousand square meters intended as the venue for the large X Republic Yacht Club and for a number of special events, explains Blagaić.

Splitski sajam održava se na sjajnoj poziciji. Zapadna obala ima pogled od „milijun dolara“ prema staroj gradskoj jezgri.

The Croatia Boat Show kick-starts the Split tourist season. It is a preseason event that takes place in April and significantly adds to what the city has to offer.

„Split je unazad nekoliko godina globalni turistički hit, a Hrvatska sjajna nautička destinacija. To se u konačnici vidi i prema broju čartera. Mi u organizaciji Croatia Boat Showa volimo reći kako naš sajam otvara splitsku turističku sezonu. Riječ je o pravoj predsezonskoj manifestaciji u travnju koja znatno obogaćuje gradsku ponudu. Na samo nekoliko minuta hoda od Dioklecijanove palače imate priliku pogledati sve najnovije hitove i trendove u nautici. Većina plovila izložena je u moru, u svojemu prirodnom ambijentu, pa klijenti i posjetitelji imaju priliku okušati se u probnim vožnjama i na najbolji način procijeniti kvalitetu i performanse plovila za koja su zainteresirani“, smatra osnivač sajma." Hrvatska ima potencijala biti luksuzna destinacija, ali nedostaje prestižnih barova na plaži uz koje je moguće pristati brodom, školovanih ljudi za takvu klijentelu, hotela… Puno se govori o Hrvatskoj kao luksuznoj destinaciji. Croatia Boat Show donosi prestiž na našu obalu. „Croatia Boat Show na jednome mjestu okuplja sve značajne aktere svjetske nautičke industrije. Proizvođači brodova, brodske opreme, elektronike, čarterske tvrtke te predstavnici turističkoga i gospodarskoga sektora brojnim posjetiteljima u jedinstvenome ambijentu sajma na Zapadnoj obali u Splitu imaju priliku predstaviti svoje proizvode i usluge. Pet dana ove prestižne manifestacije u srcu Dalmacije omogućuje kontakte s brojnim klijentima, sklapanje novih poslova i uživanje u glamuroznim manifestacijama, atrakcijama, konferencijama i prezentacijama na sajmu. Prema nekoj konzervativnoj procjeni na jedan uloženi euro vraća se sedam. Hrvatska definitivno ima potencijala biti luksuzna destinacija, ali nedostaje nam još puno toga. Na primjer, prestižnih barova na plaži uz koje je moguće pristati brodom, školovanih ljudi za takvu klijentelu, hotela… Usprkos rastu važnosti nautičkoga turizma, on još uvijek ne ostvaruje financijske koristi proporcionalne tomu rastu. Jedino razvojem ponude, počevši od infrastrukture, raznih oblika zabave, gastronomije, do nautičkih ruta s atrakcijama i odredištima koja nude poseban doživljaj, možemo govoriti o Hrvatskoj u kontekstu luksuzne nautičke destinacije. Croatia Boat Show već 21 godinu za redom donosi dašak te energije na našu obalu.“ 


The Split boat show venue is great. The Western Waterfront has a million-dollar view of the old part of the city. In recent years Split has been a global tourist hotspot, and Croatia a great boating destination. Ultimately, the number of chartered boats shows this. As organisers of the Croatia Boat Show, we like to say that our show kick-starts the Split tourist season. It is a major preseason event that takes place in April and significantly adds to what the city has to offer. Within a walking distance from Diocletian's Palace, you have the opportunity to take a look at all the hot items and latest trends in nautical business. Most of the boats are displayed in the sea, in their natural surroundings, giving clients and visitors the opportunity to go on test rides, which is the best way to assess the quality and performance of the boats they are interested in, says the show’s founder. Croatia has the potential to be a luxury destination, but it lacks stylish beach bars next to which you can moor a boat, people trained to cater to such clientele, hotels etc. There is a lot of talk about Croatia as a luxury destination. The Croatia Boat Show brings prestige to our coast. The Croatia Boat Show brings together all the important actors of the world’s boating industry in one place. Boatbuilders, boat equipment and electronics manufacturers, charter companies, and representatives of the tourism and economic sectors have an opportunity to present their products and services to a great number of visitors in the unique setting of the Split Western Waterfront. The five-day prestigious event taking place in the very centre of Dalmatia allows you to establish contact with a great number of clients, make new business deals, and enjoy the glamorous events, attractions, conferences and presentations that are all part of the show. A conservative estimate suggests that for every euro invested we get seven euros back. Croatia definitely has the potential to be a luxury destination, but we still lack a lot of things. For instance, stylish beach bars next to which you can moor a boat, people trained to cater to such clientele, hotels etc. In spite of the growing importance of nautical tourism, the financial gain from it is still disproportionately small. Only by improving what we have to offer – from infrastructure, various forms of entertainment and culinary delights to sailing routes with attractions and destinations that provide unforgettable experiences – can we start to talk about Croatia in terms of a luxury nautical destination. The Croatia Boat Show has been bringing a whiff of that energy to our coast for the past 21 years. 

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21. BIOGRAD OGLAS BOAT SHOW 17.-20. 10. 2019.

Marina Kornati, Biograd na Moru

Najveća izložba plovila na moru središnje i istočne Europe slavi svoju 21. godišnjicu nakon 20 godina kontinuiranog rasta. Sajam se održava u turistčkom mjestu Biograd, u impresivnim objektima Ilirije d.d., koja uključuje marinu Kornat, Ilirija hotele, restorane i zabavne sadržaje. Posebna atmosfera i mnoga poslovna i društvena događanja privlače mnogo izlagača i posjettelja iz susjednih zemalja, što čini ovaj sajam jako zanimljivim za sve zainteresirane za nautku na Jadranu. Sajam je jedinstven, a zalazak sunca označava kraj izlaganja i početak večernjeg programa, nudeći vrhunske hranu i zabavu koja se nastavlja u centru grada, do kasnih sati. Isto tako, mnoga popratna događanja prate

sajam koja privlače domaće stanovništvo kao i posjetitelje iz srednje Europe. ACI je dugogodišnji partner sajma, a posjetitelje će dočekati na izložbenom štandu u hali B. Također u hali B održat će se Biograd B2B nautičko poslovno umrežavanje s proširenim kongresnim programom i društvenim događanjima. Sudionici registriraju svoj poslovni profil i steknu pristup stotinama tvrtki za interakciju i organizaciju sastanaka. Posjetite te upoznajte sajam preko 360° virtual toura. NAUTICAL BUSINESS NETWORKING EVENT

21st Biograd Boat Show


Central and Eastern Europe’s largest in-water boat show celebrates its 21st year following 20 years of continuous record breaking shows. The show is held in the resort town of Biograd,at Marina Kornati and includes Ilirija hotels, restaurants, and entertainment facilities. The special atmosphere and a rich calendar of events attracts many exhibitors and visitors from all neighboring countries, making it a truly international event for those interested in boating on the Adriatic. This show is unique, as sunset marks the end of the exhibition day and the start of an on-site evening program offering great food and live entertainment each night, continuing into the town centre until the late hours.

Also, many side events take place attracting locals as well as many affluent visitors from Central Europe that make a holiday of the event. ACI is a long-term partner of the event, and will welcome visitors at a exhibition stand in Hall B. Also in Hall B, the BiogradB2B business networking event will take place with an expanded congress program and social events. Participants register their business profile and gain access to hundreds of companies to interact with and arrange meetings. Take a virtual tour of the boat show and get more information at

Fotografija / Photo by Goran Stanzl/Pixsell


STANIČIĆ Intervju direktora Hrvatske turističke zajednice Kristjana Staničića Interview with Kristjan Staničić, the director of the Croatian National Tourist Board 164

ACI No.1 // Kristjan Staničić

Iza hrvatskoga turističkog sektora još je jedna rekordna godina u kojoj je ostvareno više od 106 milijuna noćenja. Koliko je nautika važan turistički proizvod za hrvatski turizam i koliko utječe na konačne rezultate turističkoga prometa? Nautički turizam jedan je od glavnih hrvatskih proizvoda koji gradi hrvatski imidž i naglašava ono najljepše što Hrvatska ima, a to je Jadransko more koje privlači zaljubljenike u more i brodove iz svih dijelova svijeta. To potvrđuju i rezultati ostvareni tijekom prošle godine u segmentu nautičkoga čartera. Naime, prema podatcima sustava eCrew lani smo u nautičkome čarteru ostvarili 479 tisuća dolazaka i 3,2 milijuna noćenja. Zadržavanje pozitivnih trendova i doprinos nautike u konačnim rezultatima očekujemo i tijekom ove godine, koja će biti vrlo izazovna, ali vjerujem na kraju i uspješna. Prati li Hrvatska turistička zajednica kretanja unutar nautičkoga sektora, odnosno znamo li kakvi su nautičari zapravo gosti? Radi prikupljanja detaljnih informacija s područja nautičkoga sektora u suradnji s Institutom za turizam proveli smo istraživanje „Tomas nautika“. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su vidljive promjene u stavovima i potrošnji nautičara u Hrvatskoj u odnosu na ranije godine. Naime, prosječna dnevna potrošnja nautičara iznosi 126 eura po danu, što predstavlja rast od 26 posto u odnosu na prosječnu potrošnju nautičara zabilježenu 2012. godine. Najveću prosječnu dnevnu potrošnju među čarterašima imali su Britanci, Francuzi i Nizozemci. Izuzetno nas veseli i izrazit porast zadovoljstva nautičara svim elementima nautičke i turističke ponude u odnosu na 2012. godinu. Iskazan je visok stupanj zadovoljstva za svih 25 elemenata nautičke i turističke ponude. Najbolje su ocijenjeni ljepota prirode i krajolika, osobna sigurnost, ekološka očuvanost, ali i čitav niz elemenata vezanih uz ponudu marina i čartera. Naš je cilj zadržavanje pozicije Hrvatske kao jedne od najboljih i najpoželjnijih nautičkih destinacija na Mediteranu. Koje se sve promotivne aktivnosti provode radi zadržavanja te pozicije? Uzevši u obzir važnost nautičkoga turizma kao motiva za dolazak u Hrvatsku, kao i njegov veliki razvojni potencijal, provodimo čitav niz aktivnosti koje potiču daljnji razvoj toga turističkoga segmenta i njegovu promociju na ključnim emitivnim tržištima. Navedeno se odnosi na marketinške kampanje i PR projekte te studijska putovanja specijaliziranih nautičkih medija, influencera, blogera i fotografa, a među važnijim aktivnostima svakako su i nastupi na specijaliziranim nautičkim sajmovima. Tako smo hrvatsku nautičku ponudu u siječnju uspješno predstavili na sajmu BOOT u Düsseldorfu, jednome od najvažnijih nautičkih sajmova, dok nastupi na sajmovima BOOT u Tullnu i INTERBOOT u Friedrichshafenu tek predstoje. Ponosni smo i na uspješnu suradnju s Udruženjem marina pri Hrvatskoj gospodarskoj komori te ćemo prema njihovu prijedlogu organizirati i posebnu radionicu „Sell Croatia“ u Southamptonu. 

Last year was yet another record-breaking year for Croatian tourism, with more than 106 million overnight stays. How important is boating as a tourist product for Croatian tourism and how does it affect the number of tourist arrivals and overnight stays? Nautical tourism is one of the main Croatian image-creating products that emphasises the most beautiful thing Croatia has, the Adriatic Sea, which attracts sea enthusiasts and boatlovers from all over the world. This was confirmed by the number of tourist arrivals and overnight stays in the yacht charter segment. Specifically, according to the data of the eCrew system, there were 479.000 tourist arrivals and 3.2 million overnight stays in the yacht charter segment last year. This year we also expect the positive trends to continue and the boating sector to have its share in the total number of tourist arrivals and overnight stays; this will be very challenging, but I do not doubt its eventual success. Does the Croatian National Tourist Board monitor developments within the boating sector, i.e. do we know what kind of customers boaters really are? In order to collect detailed information in the boating sector field, we have carried out the Tomas Nautika survey in collaboration with the Institute for Tourism. The results of the survey have shown visible changes in the attitudes and expenditure of boaters in Croatia in comparison to previous years. Specifically, the average daily spend by boaters is 126 euros per day, which represents a 26 percent increase compared to the average expenditure by boaters recorded in 2012. The survey has shown the highest average daily spend among charterers from the UK, France and the Netherlands. The satisfaction of boaters with all the aspects of nautical and tourist services has markedly increased since 2012, which makes us extremely happy. Boaters have shown a high degree of satisfaction in all 25 items that relate to nautical and tourist services. Beautiful nature and scenery, personal safety, and environmental preservation have received the highest scores, but the same applies to a whole range of items related to the services that marinas offer and charter services. Our goal is to maintain the position of Croatia as one of the top nautical destinations in the Mediterranean. What promotional activities are carried out in order to maintain that position? Taking into consideration the importance of nautical tourism to create the motivation to visit Croatia, as well as its great development potential, we are conducting a number of activities that stimulate its further development and promotion in key tourist-generating countries. This refers to marketing campaigns and PR projects, and study tours for the members of the media specialising in nautical tourism, influencers, bloggers, and photographers. Our promotional activities at specialised boat shows are also particularly important. We were successful in presenting what Croatia has to offer in nautical tourism at BOOT in Düsseldorf, one of the most important boat shows, in January, and we are yet to participate in BOOT in Tulln and INTERBOOT in Friedrichshafen. We are also proud of the successful cooperation with the Association of Croatian Marinas at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, and have accepted their proposal to organise a specialised Sell Croatia workshop in Southampton.  165


KO R N AT I Kornati su najgušća otočka skupina na Jadranu i jedna od najbrojnijih na Mediteranu. Zbog izuzetnih krajobraznih ljepota, zanimljive geomorfologije, velike razvedenosti obalne crte i naročito bogatih biocenoza morskog ekosustava, veći dio grupe otoka Kornati 1980. godine proglašen je Nacionalnim parkom, točnije 89 otoka, otočića i hridi.


The Kornati Islands is a group of islands that are scattered very closely to each other, more closely than in any other archipelago in the Adriatic, and their number is among the largest in the Mediterranean. Because of the outstanding beauty of the landscape, the interesting geomorphology, the greatly indented coastline, and the exceptionally rich biocoenoses in the marine ecosystem, 89 of the islands, islets and rocks (making up the majority of the Kornati island group) were designated a national park in 1980.

Fotografija / Photo by Ervin Silić


ACI No.1 // Nacionalni park Kornati / Kornati National Park



"KRUNE" - Većinu vanjskih otoka karakteriziraju kornatske krune (strmci ili litice), okrenute prema otvorenom moru. Najduža "kruna" iznad nivoa mora nalazi se na otoku Mana (1350 m), a najviša na otoku Klobučar (82 m). "Krune" se, naravno, protežu i pod morem. Najdublja "kruna" se nalazi na otoku Piškera (preko 90 m).

THE CROWNS – Most of the outer islands feature the socalled Kornati crowns (cliffs), which are facing the open sea. The longest crown located above sea level is on the island of Mana (1350 m), and the highest one is on the island of Klobučar (82 m). The crowns, of course, also extend under the sea. The deepest one is on the island of Piškera (over 90 m deep).

MAGAZINOVA ŠKRILA NA OTOKU KORNATU - Magazinova škrila ili Ploča najveća je kamena slojna vapnenačka ploha na Jadranu. Nalazi se u blizini Metline, najviše točke na otoku Kornatu (237 m nadmorske visine).

THE MAGAZINOVA ŠKRILA ON THE ISLAND OF KORNAT - The Magazinova škrila, also called the Plate (Ploča), is the largest sedimentary limestone plain in the Adriatic. It is located near Metlina, the highest point on the island of Kornat (237 m above sea level).

VIDIKOVCI - Metlina na otoku Kornatu najviši je vrh (237 m) odakle se pruža pogled na otoke i otočiće koji ga okružuju, bizantsku utvrdu Tureta, crkvicu Gospe od Tarca, polja Tarac, Željkovci i Trtuša. Vidikovci Vrh Opata i Litnji vrh na Veloj Smokvici pružaju pogled na Murtersko more prema sjeveroistoku i otoke na drugoj strani, dok vrh Otočevac na otoku Piškera omogućava pogled na gotovo cijelo Kornatsko otočje. ILIRSKE GRADINE - Male četverokutne nastambe, pojedinačne ili u grupama (kao što su ispod Pedinke, iznad Željkovaca, Pod selo kod Trtuše i Grbe na Žutu), gradine (Ščitkat,

VIEWING POINTS - Metlina on the island of Kornat is the highest point (237 m). From it there is a great view of the islands and islets surrounding it, the Tureta Byzantine fortress, the Church of our Lady of Tarac, and the fields of Tarac, Željkovci and Trtuša. The viewing points called Vrh Opata and Litnji vrh on the island of Vela Smokvica provide views over the Murter Sea stretching towards the northeast, and the islands on the other side, whereas from the point called Otočevac on the island of Piškera you get a panoramic view over almost the whole Kornati Archipelago.

Fotografija / Photo by Ervin Silić


ACI No.1 // Nacionalni park Kornati / Kornati National Park

Stražišče, Tureta, Grba) i gomile (tumulusi; gotovo na svim uzvišenjima na otoku Kornatu i Žutu), svjedoče o značajnoj naseljenosti otočja u pretpovijesno doba. UTVRDA TURETA - Vrijeme Bizanta ostavilo je najmarkantniju kulturnu građevinu na Kornatima - utvrdu Tureta (graditeljstvo kasne antike i ranog srednjeg vijeka – vjerojatno iz 6. st.) za koju se pretpostavlja da je imala vojnu namjenu sa svrhom osiguranja i kontrole plovidbe. U podnožju utvrde, blizu obale, nalaze se ostaci trobrodne crkve sv. Marije. Na tom mjestu, sagrađena je skromna sakralna građevina, crkvica Gospe od Tarca (tip ruralne kasnoromaničke crkve). U crkvici se i danas održavaju mise, a njezino značenje je preraslo isključivo religiozne okvire i postalo dio turističke atrakcije ovog prostora. CRKVA GOSPE OD TARCA - Vrijeme gradnje Gospe od Tarca nije sasvim jasno, pa tako postoje pretpostavke da se radi o 12./13. stoljeću, 14., odnosno 15./16. stoljeću. U ovoj crkvici i danas se održavaju mise (svake prve nedjelje u srpnju). SOLANA U LAVSI - Ostaci skladišta za sol i potopljeni ostaci solane u uvali Lavsa (vjerojatno druga polovica 14. stoljeća). MLETAČKI KASTEL, PIŠKERA, CRKVICA NA PIŠKERI - Na otočiću Vela Panitula početkom 16. stoljeća izgrađen je mletački kaštel koji je prije svega služio kao mjesto za ubiranje poreza na ribu od kornatskih ribara. U neposrednom susjedstvu mletačkog kaštela, na otoku Piškera (Jadra) ribari su podigli naselje s 36 kućica i magazina, osam mulića i pokretnim mostom između Vele Panitule i Piškere, U sklopu naselja izgrađena je i jednobroda crkvica s gotičkim konstrukcijskim elementima, posvećena 1560. godine. Po svemu sudeći, padom Mletačke Republike krajem 18. stoljeća, kaštel i cijelo naselje Piškera naglo su se ugasili.

ILLYRIAN RUINS – Small rectangular dwellings, positioned individually or in groups (e.g. the ones below Pedinka, above Željkovci, Pod selo near Trtuša, and Grbe on the island of Žut), forts (Ščitkat, Staržišče, Tureta, Grba) and barrows (tumuli; almost on all the hills on the islands of Kornat and Žut) testify to the fact that the islands were highly populated in prehistoric times. THE TURETA FORTRESS - The Tureta fortress, the most prominent piece of cultural heritage on the Kornati Islands, dates from the times of the Byzantine Empire (late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages; it was probably built in the 6th century). It was likely used for military purposes, to safeguard and control navigation. At the foot of the fortress, near the coast, there are the ruins of the three-nave Church of St Mary. On that site, a modest religious building, the Church of Our Lady of Tarac, was erected in the rural Late Romanesque style. Masses are still held in the small church today, and its importance has outgrown the exclusively religious use, making it one of the tourist attractions of this area. CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF TARAC – it is not quite clear when Our Lady of Tarac was constructed, and it is dated variously to 12th/13th,14th, or 15th/16th centuries. Masses are still held in this small church today (first Sunday in July). THE SALTERN IN LAVSA – the remains of a salt storage facility and the submerged remains of a saltern in the Bay of Lavsa (dating probably to the second half of the 14th century).

STANOVI I SUHOZIDI - Na Kornatima su se dalje od obale gradili tzv. stanovi, u kojima se boravilo do preseljenja na obalu. Gradili su se u suhozidu. Najviše stanova ima na području Knježaka, Trtuše, Željkovaca i Šipnata. Primaran razlog gradnje suhozida bilo je razgraničenje posjeda i pašnjaka, ali i čišćenje tla od kamenja kako bi se dobilo što više iskoristive površine. Suhozidi su građeni od morske obale s jedne strane otoka na drugu. Ukupna duljina suhozida na području NP Kornati iznosi oko 330 km.

ŠTO RADITI? KRSTARENJE KORNATSKIM LABIRINTOM - Osim u zonama stroge zaštite, plovidba je dopuštena na cijelom području Nacionalnog parka Kornati. Sidrenje i noćenje dopušteno je u uvalama Stiniva, Statival, Tomasovac – Suha punta, Šipnate, Lučica, Kravljačica, Strižnja, Vrulje, Gujak, Opat, Smokvica, Ravni Žakan, Lavsa, Piškera – Vela Panitula te u uvali Anica na Levrnaci, Podbižanj i Koromašna.

Fotografija / Photo by Ervin Silić


ACI No.1 // Nacionalni park Kornati / Kornati National Park

Fotografija / Photo by Fabijan / Žunić

RONJENJE I SNORKELING - U Nacionalnom parku Kornati postoji devet zona u kojima je dopušteno ronilačko posjećivanje: Kornat (Opat – Tanka Prisliga), Samograd, Oključ, Mala Panitula, Vela Panitula, Rašip, Kasela, Mana i Borovnik. Za snorkeling i kupanje nije potrebna dozvola, no dozvoljeni su samo unutar kupališnih zona – udaljenost do 50 m od obale (osim u zonama stroge zaštite). KUPANJE U MORU - Kupanje je dopušteno unutar kupališnih zona u udaljenosti od 50 m od obale. PROMATRANJE DIVLJEG BILJNOG I ŽIVOTINJSKOG SVIJETA PJEŠAČENJE - Na području NP-a Kornati uređene su dvije poučne staze, Trtuša i Vela Panitula, dok je Kravljačica u fazi obnove i uređenja. PREHRANA U RESTORANIMA I KONOBAMA - na području Nacionalnog parka Kornati su 23 restorana. ŽIVOT U KORNATSKOJ OBITELJI - Život u kornatskoj obitelji, odnosno smještaj u tradicionalnoj kornatskoj kući. 170

THE VENETIAN CASTLE, PIŠKERA, THE SMALL CHURCH ON PIŠKERA – On the small island of Vela Panitula, a Venetian castle was built in the early 16th century, which primarily served as a place where taxes on fish were collected from the Kornati fishermen. In its immediate vicinity, on the island of Piškera (Jadra), fishermen erected a village with 36 houses and magazines, eight piers and a movable bridge between Vela Panitula and Piškera. A small one-nave church displaying elements of Gothic architecture was constructed as part of the settlement and was dedicated in 1560. By all accounts, with the fall of the Venetian Republic in the late 18th century, the castle and the whole settlement of Piškera were most likely quickly abandoned. DRY-STONE HOUSES AND DRY-STONE WALLS – Dry-stone houses were built a long way from the shore on the Kornati Islands; they were inhabited until their occupants moved to the coast. They were built in the dry-stone wall technique. The greatest number of them is in the area of Knježak, Trtuša, Željkovci and Šipnat. The primary reason for the construction of the drystone walls was to mark boundaries of fields and pastures, but they were also built to clear the soil of stones in order to get as much usable land as possible. Dry-stone walls were

ACI No.1 // Nacionalni park Kornati / Kornati National Park

built from one seacoast to the other, spanning the length of the island. The total length of the dry-stone walls in the NP Kornati area is about 330 km.

WHAT TO DO IN KORNATI NATIONAL PARK? SAILING IN THE KORNATI LABYRINTH - Except in the strict protection areas, sailing is allowed in the entire area of Kornati National Park. Anchoring and overnight stay is permitted in the bays of Stiniva, Statival, Tomasovac – Suha punta, Šipnate, Lučica, Kravljačica, Strižnja, Vrulje, Gujak, Opat, Smokvica, Ravni Žakan, Lavsa, Piškera – Vela Panitula and in Bay Anica on Levrnaka, Podbižanj, and Koromašna. DIVING AND SNORKELING - In Kornati National Park there are nine zones in which diving is allowed: Kornat (Opat – Tanka Prisliga), Samograd, Oključ, Mala Panitula, Vela Panitula, Rašip, Kasela, Mana and Borovnik. No permission is needed to snorkel or swim, but snorkelling and swimming are allowed only within the swimming areas – up to 50 m from the shoreline (except in the strict protection zones). SWIMMING IN THE SEA - Swimming is allowed within the coastal swimming areas up to 50 m from the shoreline.. OBSERVING THE WILDLIFE HIKING - Two educational trails are in operation in Kornati National Park – Trtuša and Vela Panitula – while the third one, Kravljačica, is currently being reconstructed. EATING OUT (RESTAURANTS AND KONOBAS/TAVERNS) – there are 23 restaurants in the National Park area. Fotografija / Photo by Ervin Silić

Nevjerojatan spoj prirode i čovjeka, koji u „negostoljubivim“ Kornatima živi već više tisuća godina, a koji se ogleda između ostalog i u uvijek skromnim, ali dojmljivim objektima (porti, stanovi, suhozidi, maslinici, mulići, utvrda, kaštel, crkvice, solana, gradine itd.), dodatni su i svakako vrijedni ukras ovog prostora. U NP Kornati može se doći vlastitim (ili unajmljenim) plovilom ili u organizaciji brodara i/ili turističkih agencija diljem Jadrana koji organiziraju izlete u područje parka. Za individualne posjete vlastitim ili unajmljenim plovilom ulaznicu je moguće kupiti u prostoru recepcije NP Kornati u Murteru, ali I od recepcionara u “pokretnim” recepcijama na području NP. Princip rada “pokretnih” recepcija je takav da recepcionari u malim brzim plovilima (gliserima) obavljaju ophodnju u određenom dijelu parka pružajući recepcijske usluge posjetiteljima. Izvan područja NP ulaznice se mogu kupiti putem webshop-a, putem aplikacije My Sea, na recepcijama obližnjih marina, u charter tvrtkama i turističkim agencijama od Zadra do Trogira. 

LIVING WITH A KORNATI FAMILY – Living with a Kornati family, i.e. accommodation in a traditional Kornati house. An incredible combination of nature and humans, who have lived on the “inhospitable" Kornati Islands for several thousand years, is reflected, among other things, in the ever modest, albeit impressive, structures (ports, dry-stone houses, dry-stone walls, olive groves, small piers, the fortress, the castle, the small churches, the saltern, ruins etc.), which all add a new value to this area. You can get to Kornati National Park individually on your own (or chartered) boat, or as part of a trip organised by boat operators or tourist agencies across the Adriatic. For individual visits on your own boat or a rented one, it is possible to buy a ticket at the reception desk of Kornati National Park in Murter, but also from receptionists at mobile reception desks in the entire National Park area. The receptionists working at mobile reception desks patrol a particular area of the Park in small fast boats (speedboats), providing reception services to visitors. Outside the Park, tickets can be purchased in the online shop, through the My Sea application, at the reception desks of the nearby marinas, and at charter companies and travel agencies from Zadar to Trogir. 


Fotografije / Photos by Ivan Maričić

BALE Mjesto najugodnijega The cosiest place to života u Istri live in Istria Brojem stanovnika malobrojne, poviješću bogate i s perspektivom života ugodnoga skandinavskog tipa, mnogi smatraju da su Bale neobičan spoj najboljega što Istra ima i po čemu je ta regija jedinstvena i neponovljiva. I upravo ih zato smatraju najugodnijim mjestom za život u Istri. Pitoreskne, živopisne i romantične, postale su san snova za svakoga tko se u svojemu mjestu življenja ili turističkoga odmora želi osjećati ispunjeno. Dvadesetak kilometara udaljene od južno pozicionirane Pule sa svjetskom atrakcijom Arenom, sa sjeverne strane omeđene beskrajno lijepim Rovinjem, a sa zapada najljepšim jadranskim arhipelagom – Brijunima, Bale su drugačije, tihe i nenametljive, ali i sve prepoznatljivije.


Characterised by a small number of inhabitants, rich history and the Scandinavian-type cosy lifestyle, Bale is considered by many to be an unusual blend of what is best in Istria and what makes it unique and unparalleled. This is why many people think of it as the cosiest place to live in Istria. Picturesque, colourful and romantic, it has become a dream come true for anyone who wants to find real contentment in the place they live or visit as tourists. Situated about twenty kilometres away from Pula and its Arena, the world-famous tourist attraction, to its south, and bordered by the breathtakingly lovely Rovinj to the north and Brijuni, the most beautiful archipelago in the Adriatic, to the west, Bale is different, quiet and unassuming; it is starting, however, to get increasingly renowned.


ACI No.1 // Bale – mjesto najugodnijega života u Istri / the cosiest place to live in Istria

BALE – mjesto suživota prošlosti i sadašnjosti, s leptirom kao zaštitnim znakom, zavodnikom Casanovom, koji je obljubljivao lokalne djevojke, masonima koji se u njima sastaju, najljepšom sportskom dvoranom na svijetu, 200 milijuna godina starim nalazištem dinosaurusa i nevjerojatnim vojnim utvrdama starim više od 100 godina.

Sa zaštitnim znakom leptira čija se skulptura nalazi na samome ulazu u mjesto, s najpoznatijim svjetskim zavodnikom Casanovom, koji je navodno ispunjavao ljubavne želje prpošnih Baljanki ispod krovova njihovih kuća, s masonima koji su se u njima okupljali i još se uvijek u njima tradicionalno okupljaju, Bale imaju sasvim drugačiju dimenziju i energiju od svih sličnih istarskih mjesta. Jedinstvene su i ugodne, potpuno svoje i posebne po tome što svoju turističku ponudu ni najmanje ne svode samo na vrhunsku gastronomiju, na užitak konzumacije najkvalitetnijih jela i pića, već su u svemu otišle korak dalje, u jednu sasvim drugačiju dimenziju. A sve donedavno bile su jedna od najnerazvijenijih istarskih općina sa slabašnim proračunom. Početkom 21. stoljeća skupina mještana odlučila je svojom vizijom i inovativnim idejama promijeniti učmalu sredinu i Bale pretvoriti u uspješnu i održivu lokalnu zajednicu. Svi mještani Bala postali su suvlasnici u zajedničkome projektu pod nazivom Mon Perin, koji je ime dobio prema tamošnjemu brdu. 174

BALE – a place where past and present coexist; there is the butterfly as its trademark, there is Casanova, who seduced local girls, there are Freemasons, who meet here, there is the most beautiful sports hall in the world and the site with 200-million-year-old dinosaur fossils, and there are amazing military fortifications over 100 years old.

With butterflies as it trademark, which even have their own sculpture at the town’s entrance, with the world-famous seducer Casanova, who is said to have satisfied love desires of perky Bale women under their roofs, with Freemasons, who have traditionally gathered here, Bale has quite a different quality and energy from similar Istrian towns. It is unique and pleasant, completely true to itself and exceptional in what it offers to tourists, which is not just superb cuisine and the pleasure of consuming food and drinks of highest quality – Bale has taken everything a step further, to a completely different level. And until recently it was one of the least developed Istrian municipalities with a limited budget. In the early 2000s, a group of local people shared a vision and some innovative ideas on how to change their sleepy town and turn Bale into a successful and sustainable local community. All the inhabitants of Bale became co-owners in a community project titled Mon Perrin, which is the local name for the eponymous hill. In this way its inhabitants pro-

Bale – mjesto najugodnijega života u Istri / the cosiest place to live in Istria

Baljani su tako promovirali jedinstven model grupnoga suvlasništva, upravljanja lokalnim resursima i zajedničkoga ulaganja, što je potpuno avangardan primjer lokalnoga razvoja. Na neki način model razvoja Bala kroz Mon Perin kao generator razvoja puno je desetljeće prethodio konceptu sada već svjetski priznatoga i poznatoga masovnog financiranja (engl. crowdfunding). To su Bale sada, a Bale nekad… To je mjesto s bogatom poviješću jer je u njima značajno nalazište okamenjenih kostiju dinosaurusa staro 200 milijuna godina. U Balama je najveća umjetnička galerija u Istri, ornitološki rezervat i muzej ptica. Nevjerojatno je i da se u malim Balama s tek tisuću stanovnika smjestila i doslovno najljepša sportska dvorana u svijetu, koja je tom laskavom titulom proglašena u Barceloni. No možda najveća vrijednost i atrakcija Bala odlično su očuvane vojne utvrde izgrađene između 1898. i 1914. godine na južnome dijelu baljanske obale. Ta atrakcija neviđenih razmjera postupno postaje mjesto bogatoga i raznolikoga kulturnog sadržaja. Utvrde se, jedna po jedna, planiraju staviti u funkciju u rasponu od glazbenih i likovnih radionica do toga da će taj prostor ugošćivati vrhunske predstave i koncerte. Vojni će kompleksi, planira se, u bližoj budućnosti poslužiti i kao kulisa za snimanje filmova i raznih televizijskih emisija. Onaj tko želi osjetiti malo drugačiju Istru, neopterećenu brojem turista i gužvama, a s viškom suludo dobrih i privlačnih priča, u Bale će se naseliti ili će u njih početi pa nastaviti dolaziti. Bale su magnet koji privlači i svakoga ima čime zadržati. 

moted a unique model of joint ownership, the management of local resources, and joint investment, which is an example of absolutely innovative local development. In a way, this model of the development of Bale through Mon Perrin as the generator of its development preceded the concept of the now world-recognised and famous crowdfunding by a full decade. This is Bale now, but what about Bale in the past? It is a place rich in history: there is an important site of fossilised dinosaur bones that are 200 million years old. Bale boasts the largest art gallery in Istria, a bird reserve, and a bird museum. It is incredible that in such a small town with barely a thousand inhabitants there is literally the most beautiful sports hall in the world, having received this flattering title in Barcelona. But perhaps this town’s greatest value and attraction are its perfectly preserved military forts, built between 1898 and 1914 and situated on the southern part of its shoreline. This attraction of unprecedented proportions is gradually becoming a place of rich and varied cultural life. One by one, the forts are going to be put to use in different ways, ranging from music and art workshops to top performances and concerts. Military fortresses, it is planned, will in the near future serve as a backdrop for film and various reality show productions. Anyone who wants to experience a slightly different Istria, which is not preoccupied with the number of tourists and crowds but enjoys a multitude of fantastic and compelling stories instead, will either move to Bale or will start, and continue, visiting. Bale is a magnet that not only attracts but also keeps everyone interested.  175



ACI Card u 2019. godini vrijedi i za plovila koja se koriste u gospodarske svrhe sa ugovornom obvezom u ACI marinama – charter plovila te korisnike njihovih usluga*

In 2019 the ACI Card is also valid for vessels used for commercial purposes with berthing contracts in ACI marinas – charter boats and the users of their services*






30% popusta na cijenu dnevnog veza u moru u svim ACI marinama u periodu od 01.01. – 31.05. i 01.10. – 31.12.* 20% popusta na cijenu dnevnog veza u moru u svim ACI marinama u periodu od 01.06. – 30.09.* mogućnost rezervacije dnevnog veza u svim ACI marinama bez naknade putem ACI-jeve mobilne aplikacije ACI App i online rezervacijskog sustava ACI Online Booking 50% popusta na smještaj u apartmanima u ACI marini Cres u razdoblju 1.10.-31.03. 50% popusta na sve usluge tehničke pomoći Sea Help-a jednom godišnje (osim članarine) ostvaruju korisnici ACI Card-a koji nemaju ugovorenu Sea Help članarinu






30% discount on daily wet berthing prices in all ACI marinas from 1 January to 31 May and from 1 October to 31 December* 20% discount on daily wet berthing prices in all ACI marinas from 1 June to 30 September* No booking fee charged for daily berth reservations via the ACI Mobile App or the ACI Online Booking service on; 50% discount on apartment accommodation in ACI marina Cres from October 1st to March 31st 50% discount on all Sea Help technical services once a year (Sea Help membership fee excluded), for all ACI Card members who are not members of Sea Help

And much more, check out @

And much more, check out @

*ne odnosi se na sidrište Žut

*Does not apply to the anchorage Žut

Volim Istru jer su ljudi iskreni. Ne zanima ih moja slava. Nisu time opterećeni.

Život u dolini Soče definiran je samo dvjema stvarima. Suncem i kišom. Zato sam tako nazvala svoju knjigu.

Možete biti talentirani, ali talent može biti zaslužan za 30 posto nečijeg uspjeha. Sve se vraća na motivaciju i rad. Fotografije / Photos by Arhiva Ana Roš i Hiša Franko / Ana Roš and Hiša Franko archives

ACI No.1 // Ana Roš

ANA ROŠ NAJBOLJA SVJETSKA CHEFICA WORLD'S BEST FEMALE CHEF Sat i pol prije početka večere na prvom zagrebačkom sajmu lijepih i vrijednih stvari Zagreb Winter FairYtale cheficaAna Roš održava sastanak sa svojom ekipom. Govori tiho, strastveno i razgovijetno, ali s autoritetom. Ekipa sluša i upija svaku riječ kao studenti na predavanju. Sportskim terminom rečeno, Ana Roš izgleda poput trenera uoči važne utakmice. Predstavlja se svaki detalj jelovnika, prolaze se sve namirnice i pojašnjavaju tehnike pripreme. Nakon sastanka svakoj osobi iz tima jasna je njezina uloga i priprema večere može početi. Ana Roš započela je kuhati iz čiste nužnosti. S 30 godina u trećem mjesecu trudnoće. Čekala ju je karijera u diplomaciji i posao u Bruxellesu, ali upoznala je supruga Valtera, čiji su roditelji vlasnici Hiže Franko. Dogodila se ljubav. Najmoćnija sila koja ruši sve predrasude. - Kao dijete željela sam biti ambasador u Tanzaniji pijuckajući koktele uz bazen. Dakle, kad je stvarno teško, ponekad mislim da bi to bila lakša opcija. Moji su očekivali više od mene jer u našim je krajevima nekakvo uvriježeno mišljenje kako kuhari postaju ljudi koji ne znaju ništa drugo raditi u životu. To je posao za luzere koji ne zahtijeva mozak, nego ruke. Igrom sudbine, postala sam ambasador svoje zemlje. Ne kao diplomat, ali kroz moja jela gosti iz različitih dijelova svijeta doživljavaju i Sloveniju.

An hour and a half before the start of the dinner at the first Zagreb fair of beauty and luxury – Zagreb Winter FairYtale – the chef Ana Roš is having a meeting with her team. She speaks softly, passionately and clearly, but with authority. The team are listening to and absorbing her every word, just like students at a lecture. To borrow a sports phrase, Ana Roš is like a coach before an important match. Every detail of the menu is discussed, all the ingredients are reviewed and the preparation methods are explained. After the meeting, each person on the team is clear about their role; the preparation of the dinner can start. Ana Roš began to cook out of sheer necessity, at the age of 30, while she was three months pregnant. She had a career in diplomacy and a job in Brussels waiting for her, but she met her future husband Valter, whose parents own the Hiša Franko. And they fell in love – the most powerful force that overcomes prejudice of any kind. - As a child I wanted to be Ambassador to Tanzania, sipping cocktails by the pool. Well, when it's really hard, I sometimes think it would be an easier option. My parents expected more from me because the conventional wisdom in our parts is that people who can’t do anything else become cooks. It's a job for losers that doesn’t require brains, only hands. By a twist of fate, I have become my country’s ambassador. Not as a diplomat; however, clients from different parts of the world experience Slovenia through the food I make.


ACI No.1 // Ana Roš

Da se opet malo poslužimo sportskim rječnikom, Ana Roš izazvala je revoluciju u gastronomskom svijetu kakvu je svojedobno izazvala i Janica Kostelić u skijaškom. Poput Hrvatske, koja je s pola planine dobila najdominantniju sportašicu svjetskog skijanja, tako je i Slovenija najbolju svjetsku cheficu, slikovito rečeno, dobila praktički ni iz čega. Često se u gastronomskim krugovima zna reći kako je lako Talijanima i Francuzima koje će prije ili kasnije primijetiti netko iz Michelina ili Gault&Millaua ili L’Espressa. No, ako živite i radite u Kobaridu, to je nemoguća misija jer Michelinov vodič ne obuhvaća Sloveniju. Anina priča upravo je zato još fascinantnija jer je titulu prve chefice svijeta zaradila iz jedne još uvijek nepoznate gastronomske zemlje. - Ovo je moje osobno objašnjenje i to je i razlog zašto sam prihvatila nagradu – jer to je nagrada za nevjerojatne žene koje su uspjele ostvariti uspjeh u ovom potpuno muškom svijetu koji zahtijeva psihološku i fizičku snagu. Zato je to doista velik izazov. Uvijek će postojati jaz između muškarca i žene, ali to je prirodno. Ana je gastronomski naturščik. Sama priznaje kako nije znala što radi kada je prvi put otvorila vrata kuhinje u Hiži Franko. Ogromnom motivacijom i željom za učenjem, uz prirodni talent i kreativnost, uspinjala se na ljestvici. I čekala da je otkriju. To se dogodilo 2010. dok je u sjevernoj Italiji kuhala na humanitarnom domjenku. Otkrio ju je poznati gastronomski kritičar Andrea Petrini. Bila je osvježenje u snobovskom pravcu koji je tada vladao Europom. Molekularna gastronomija i visokotehnološka oprema protiv žene iz Kobarida. Nisu imali šanse. Osvojila ih je. Petrini ju je lansirao u kulinarsku stratosferu pozvavši je 2012. na Cook It Raw u Poljsku, ali pravi je bum doživjela 2016. gostovanjem u Netflixovoj emisiji Chef’s 180

To use a sports analogy again, Ana Roš has started a revolution in the culinary domain as Janica Kostelić once did in the ski world. Like Croatia, which, although almost devoid of mountains, produced the greatest female skier in the world, Slovenia cultivated the world’s best female chef with not much working in her favour. It is often said in culinary circles that it’s easy for Italians and the French, who will sooner or later be noticed by someone from Michelin or Gault Millau or L' Espresso. However, if you live and work in Kobarid, it is mission impossible because the Michelin Guide does not include Slovenia. Ana's story is therefore even more fascinating because she earned her title of the world’s best female chef coming from a county with largely unknown cuisine. - This is my personal explanation, and it’s also the reason why I accepted the prize: because it’s an award for incredible women who managed to succeed in this overwhelmingly men’s world that requires psychological and physical strength. That's why it's really a big challenge. There will always be a division between men and women, but it’s only natural. Ana is a self-taught cook. She admits that she didn't know what she was doing when she first opened the door to the kitchen at the Hiša Franko. Her huge motivation and desire to learn, along with her natural talent and creativity, helped her climb the ladder. She just waited to be discovered, which happened in 2010 while she was cooking at a charity event in Northern Italy, where the famous food critic Andrea Petrini noticed her. She brought a refreshing change in the snobbish movement that was predominant in Europe at the time – molecular gastronomy and high-tech equipment against a woman from Kobarid. They didn't stand a chance. She dazzled them. Petrini launched her into the culinary stratosphere

ACI No.1 // Ana Roš

Možete biti talentirani, ali talent može biti zaslužan za 30 posto nečijeg uspjeha. Sve se vraća na motivaciju i rad. You can be talented, but talent can only make 30 percent of your success. It all comes down to motivation and work.


ACI No.1 // Ana Roš

Table. Posjeti na internetskoj stranici Hiže Franko skočili su s 200 na deset tisuća dnevno, a godinu dana kasnije postala je službeno najbolja chefica svijeta. Svijet je bio pod Aninim nogama. U 2019. izlazi joj knjiga. U izdanju najvećega svjetskog izdavača Phaidona. - Sun and rain („Sunce i kiša“, op. a.) radni je naslov. Na kraju je postao pravi, ako će ga izdavač prihvatiti. Život u dolini Soče definiran je samo dvjema stvarima. Ne godišnjim dobima ili nečim drugim, nego samo kišom i suncem. Kobarid je jedno od najkišovitijih područja Europe, zato je tako prekrasno zelen. Nama je kiša normalno stanje, dok pada, trčimo, igramo sportove ili bilo što drugo. Kiša je jednostavno dio naših života. Kao i sunce. Riječ je o monografiji. Više od polovice napisala sam sama. Kroz moje životne priče predstavljaju se recepti. Knjiga je vrlo iskrena i bit će jako bolna za neke ljude. Mislim čak više nego knjige Anthonyja Bourdaina. Ja sam žena i mogu puno više pričati. I to kroz neke jako teške teme kao što su gubitak djeteta ili gubitak kuharskog tima…

Dio knjige nastao je i u Hrvatskoj… - Pisala sam posvuda. Između 150 letova i 500 intervjua. Kod frizerke koja je htjela čavrljati, pa sam je morala prekinuti:

by inviting her to Cook It Raw in Poland in 2012, but she got a real boost when she was featured in the Netflix documentary Chef's Table in 2016. Visits to the Hiša Franko website soared from 200 to 10,000 hits a day, and a year later she officially became the best female chef in the world. The world was at Ana's feet. She has a book coming out in 2019, published by the world’s largest publisher – Phaidon Press. - Sun and Rain is the working title. It has become the actual title in the end, that is, if the publisher accepts it. There are only two things that define life in the valley of the River Soča: not the seasons of the year or anything else – just rain and sun. Kobarid is one of the wettest areas in Europe and that's why it's so amazingly green. For us, rain is the normal state of things; we jog, do sports and other things while it’s raining. Rain is simply a part of our lives. As is sun. The book is a monograph and I’ve written more than half of it myself. Recipes are presented through the stories of my life. It’s very honest, and some people will find it very painful. Even more than Anthony Bourdain’s books, I think. I'm a woman and can talk much more, and even speak about some rather difficult topics such as the loss of a child or the loss of one’s cooking team.

The book was partly written in Croatia as well. - I wrote it everywhere. Between 150 flights and 500 interviews. At the hairdresser’s who wanted to chat, so I had to interrupt her with: I'm sorry, but I have to write. Yes, some chapters were written in Croatia, in our little stone house in Istria that used to be my parents’. It’s surrounded by fig and olive trees and tomato fields. When I get to Brtonigla and breathe in the sea air, I'm completely relaxed and happy. I love Istria because people are honest there. They don't care about my fame. They aren’t bothered by it. Actually, they will tell me bluntly that I've gained weight, got older or something like it. They often ask if I will open a restaurant here, but I only said in one of the interviews that Istria is the perfect place to open a restaurant; I did not say I'm going to open it. I was just thinking aloud and meant it as a compliment.

Volim Istru jer su ljudi iskreni. Ne zanima ih moja slava. Nisu time opterećeni. I love Istria because people are honest there. They don't care about my fame. They aren’t bothered by it.


ACI No.1 // Ana Roš

Život u dolini Soče definiran je samo dvjema stvarima. Suncem i kišom. Zato sam tako nazvala svoju knjigu. There are only two things that define life in the valley of the River Soča: sun and rain. That's where the title of my book comes from.

„Žalim, ali moram pisati.“ Da, neka su poglavlja nastala u Hrvatskoj. U našoj maloj kamenoj kući u Istri koja je pripadala mojim roditeljima. Okružena je smokvama, maslinama i poljima rajčice. Kad uđem u Brtoniglu i osjetim miris mora, potpuno sam opuštena i sretna. Volim Istru jer su ljudi iskreni. Ne zanima ih moja slava. Nisu time opterećeni. Dapače, bez pardona će mi reći ako sam se udebljala, ostarjela ili nešto slično. Često me pitaju hoću li ovdje otvoriti restoran, a ja sam tijekom jednog intervjua samo kazala kako je Istra savršeno mjesto za otvaranje restorana, ali ne i da ću ga otvoriti. Samo sam glasno razmišljala i dijelila komplimente.

S priznanjima, stvaranjem imena i slavom dolaze i neke negativne stvari. - Uvijek ću reći kako imamo sreće živjeti u svijetu u kojem nije bilo Michelina. To nam je omogućilo rad i izgradnju našeg restorana kako smo htjeli. S prepoznavanjem dolazi strah da nećete moći ponoviti ono što ste radili. Gubljenje onoga što ste zaradili najgora je stvar koja se može dogoditi. Kada netko proputuje pola svijeta kako bi došao i jeo kod vas, nije se lako opustiti. Što ako niste u formi toga dana ili on jednostavno ne voli vaš način kuhanja? Osjećate se super krivim.

O chefovima često se govori kao o umjetnicima.. - Na neki način da, jer moj je kreativni dio jači od onoga racionalnog. Ali ja sam i dalje zanatlija, obrtnik koji se služi rukama. Kreativnost određuje svakoga chefa. Danas imamo timove, pa ne moramo svakodnevno kuhati. Moram reći kako su ljudi koji rade za mene u nekim stvarima bolji od mene, ali kreativni dio ostaje najvažniji element identifikacije chefa. Možete biti talentirani, ali talent može biti zaslužan za 30 posto nečijeg uspjeha. Sve se vraća na motivaciju i rad. Težak rad. 

Awards, becoming a brand and fame bring some negative things as well. - I always say that we were lucky to live in a world with no Michelin. That enabled us to work and develop our business in the way we wanted. With recognition comes the fear that you won’t be able to repeat what you've done before. Losing what you have earned is the worst thing that can happen. When someone travels half the world to come and eat at your place, it's not easy to relax. What if it’s not your day or they simply don’t like your way of cooking. It makes you feel super guilty.

Chefs are often referred to as artists. - Yes, in a way, because the creative part of me is stronger than my rational part. But I’m still an artisan, a craftsman using my hands. Every chef is ruled by his or her creativity. We have teams today, so we don't have to cook every day. I have to say that the people who work for me are in some ways better than me, but the creative part is the most important element in a chef’s identification. You can be talented, but talent can only make 30 percent of your success. It all comes down to motivation and work. Hard work. 


ACI No.1 // Enrico MArotti

Fotografije / Photos by Petar Fabijan Fotografija / Photo by:


ACI No.1 // Obitelj Karlić - lovci na tartufe / The Karlić Family - Truffle hunters


LOVCI NA TARTUFE TRUFFLE HUNTERS Najstariji istarski tartufari

The oldest trufflers in Istria

Istarska obitelj Karlić šezdeset godina bavi se lovom na tartufe, danas s njima po Istri love gosti iz cijelog svijeta. Karlići su zasadili i prvi rasadnik hrasta za rast crnog tartufa u ovoj regiji.

The Karlić family from Istria have been truffling for sixty years; today, tourists from all over the world join them in their Istrian truffle hunting. They were the first in the region to plant an oak tree nursery to cultivate black truffles.

U istarskim Paladinima, selu nedaleko Buzeta, svega je 43 ljudi, a s njima je – nekoliko stotina pasa. Nema obitelji koja se ne bavi tartufima. Najpoznatiji tartufari u selu tartufara jesu Karlići. Love već šezdeset godina. Tradiciju je počeo otac Radmile Karlić – Ivan Rašpolić. „Došli su Talijani, bilo je to ranih 60-ih godina 20. st., tražili su ovuda 'smrdljive' gljive, govorili da mirišu na češnjak, naši ljudi nisu imali pojma o čemu govore. Tad je tata nabavio prvog ptičara i krenuo u lov.“ Radmila nazuva gojzerice, sprema se u šumu. U lov sa sobom vodi i četvoro stranaca, par iz Singapura i par iz Teksasa. Svi oni do Karlića su, kao i sve više Japanaca i Korejaca te znatiželjnika iz Hong Konga, stigli po preporuci.

The Istrian village of Paladini, near Buzet, has a population of only 43 people and – several hundred dogs. There isn’t a family that doesn’t hunt for truffles. The best-known trufflers in this truffle-hunting village are the Karlić family, who have been hunting for truffles for sixty years. Radmila Karlić's father, Ivan Rašpolić, started the tradition. "It was in the early 1960s when some Italians came here, looking for 'smelly' mushrooms; they said they smelled like garlic. The locals had no idea what they were talking about. That's when dad got our first pointing dog and started truffling," says Radmila, putting on her hiking boots and getting ready to go to the forest. She’s taking four foreigners on the hunt with her, a couple from Singapore and a couple from Texas. They, just like an ever increasing number of Japanese and Korean people and enthusiasts from Hong Kong, have come here on recommendation.

Dug je bio put od prvog ptičara što ga je za lov na tartufe nabavio njezin otac do danas, kad je u Karlića šest romanjanskih pasa za vodu (tal. Lagotto Romagnolo) i još pet-šest drugih dobro treniranih četveronožnih lovaca. Obitelj je od tog sporadičnog lova Radmilina oca do danas postala internacionalno prepoznatljiv brend. Karlići love, ali i otkupljuju tartufe po Istri, prodaju ih doslovce po cijelom svijetu. „Pakete šaljemo na sve kontinente, do sad još jedino nemamo kupce u Australiji. Od toga 60 % prodamo po Europi, najviše u Njemačku, Francusku, Austriju. Ljudi su počeli prepoznavati i jako cijeniti istarski tartuf. Imamo puno kupaca u Singapuru i Hong Kongu, to nam tržište strašno raste. S našim tartufima po jugoistočnoj se Aziji opskrbljuju restorani s Michelinovim zvjezdicama“, govori Radmila dok psi uskaču u kombi, spremni za lov. Nekoliko desetljeća prije tartufi nisu bili dio ovdašnje kulture, pogotovo se lovom nisu bavile žene. „Kad me tata prvi put uzeo u lov, mama je bila jako protiv. Govorila je da to nije za žene, da je to muški posao“, kaže Radmila Karlić.

It's been a long way from the first pointing dog bought by her father for truffle hunting to the present moment, when the Karlić family has six Lagotto Romagnolo dogs and five or six other well trained four-legged hunters. Out of Radmila’s father’s sporadic truffle hunting, the family has created an internationally recognisable brand today. The Karlić family hunt for, but also purchase, truffles in Istria and sell them, literally, all over the world. "We send parcels to all continents, we only haven’t had customers in Australia yet. We sell 60% of our truffles in Europe, mainly in Germany, France, Austria; people have started to recognise and really appreciate the Istrian truffle. We have a lot of customers in Singapore and Hong Kong; the market there is growing rapidly. We supply Michelin-starred restaurants in Southeast Asia.


ACI No.1 // Obitelj Karlić - lovci na tartufe / The Karlić Family - Truffle hunters

Za tartuf teži od 200 grama koji je pronašao s trinaest godina Ivan je kupio bicikl, dugo godina dječak je vozio najbolji bicikl u mjestu. The money he got for the truffle that he found when he was thirteen, and which weighed over 200 grammes, Ivan spent on a bike; for many years, Ivan’s was the best bicycle in the village. Nije to samo posao, uz tartufe su Karlići razvili i životnu filozofiju, danas se, kažu, ne boje probati nepoznato. Prvi su u Istri zasadili plantažu crnog tartufa. „Tartuf nije parazit, raste u simbiozi s drvetom. Najčešće pod hrastom, ali može biti i oko topole, jasena, graba, bora, lijeske. Oni nađeni uz hrast meni najbolje mirišu. “Nekoliko desetljeća prije tartufi nisu bili dio ovdašnje kulture, pogotovo se lovom nisu bavile žene. „Kad me tata prvi put uzeo u lov, mama je bila jako protiv. Govorila je da to nije za žene, da je to muški posao. Kad smo pak muž i ja dali otkaz u firmama gdje smo prije radili i odlučili baviti se isključivo tartufima, moji su roditelji bili prestrašeni, nepovjerljivi, ponavljali da to nije sigurna plaća, da previše ovisiš o prirodi, jer ako priroda podbaci, nemamo te godine što loviti“, dalje će Radmila. Sav ulov Ivana Rašpolića doista i jest ovisio o prirodi i njegovu iskustvu. Danas se radi bitno drugačije. Ima tome sad već dugo da su Karlići posadili prvi rasadnik. I do danas nisu stali pošumljavati. Krenuli su s 350 sadnica hrasta, tri vrste, svake godine dodavali još dvjestotinjak. I prije godinu dana zasadili su 70 stabala. Sadili su i lijeske, 350 stabala. „Moji su govorili da je to ludo, da to neće uspijevati. Na zemlji gdje je danas rasadnik nikada nije bilo tartufa. Moji su generacijama tamo sadili kukuruz, krumpire, žito… Ali mi smo gledali kako rade u Italiji, sadili kao i oni i vjerovali da ćemo uspjeti. Kad je mama vidjela da je pas ovdje kopao i našao prvi tartuf, ovdje gdje ga nikad nije bilo, hodala je po rasadniku i lila suze. Od sreće“, pamti Radmila. Do prije pet godina istarski je tartuf bio malo poznat izvan Europe, sad se u Aziji Istra promovira kao destinacija za tartufe. Šumama oko Paladina s Karlićima love ljudi iz cijelog svijeta. Dolaze individualno i organizirano. Jer, kao što je talijanski lovac davno Radmilina oca motivirao da krene u tartufe, tako je prije dvadeset godina njemački turist Radmili dao ideju da lov ponudi kao turističku turu, kad ju je vidjevši kako ide u šumu, spontano upitao – bi li mogao s njom. „Ma, uzela sam ga, naravno, besplatno. Ali, kasnije ih je bilo sve više, i to se nametnulo kao posao“, smije se. Provlačimo se među granama stare hrastove šume u kojoj, pripovijeda dalje Radmila, love isključivo bijeli tartuf: „Da bi se pronašao bijeli, treba puno hodanja. I još više sreće“, upozorava nas ne sluteći da će potraga trajati kratko, da je sreća taj dan izdašna. Lovimo tek dvadesetak minuta. Pod našim gojzericama krckaju tanke grane graba. Psi kopaju ovdje, pa ondje, energično svako malo skaču dalje. Odjednom ptičarka Beti fokusirano kopa ispod debela hrasta. Stoji tamo. Dalje neće. Turisti, onaj par iz Amerike i par iz Singapura, kao da sudjeluju u uigranoj koreografiji – u isti 186

It's not just a job; with truffles, the Karlić family has also developed a philosophy of life. Today, they say, they aren’t afraid to try something new. They were the first in Istria to plant a black truffle orchard. "The truffle is not a parasite; it grows in symbiosis with the tree, most commonly under the oak tree, but it can be found beneath the poplar, ash, hornbeam, pine or hazel as well. I like the scent of those found beneath oak trees the best. Several decades ago, truffles were not part of the local culture; women in particular did not go searching for them. "When my dad first took me hunting with him, my mum strongly objected. She said it wasn’t something women should do, that it's a man's job. When my husband and I quit our jobs and decided to rely on truffle hunting as our only source of income, my parents were scared, distrustful, and kept repeating that it wouldn’t bring a regular salary, that it depended on natural conditions too much, because if they were unfavourable, there wouldn’t be anything to hunt for that year," Radmila goes on. Ivan Rašpolić’s pickings did depend on the weather and his experience. Today things are done in a very different manner. It’s been a long time since the Karlić family planted their first nursery. And they haven’t stopped planting trees to this day. They started with 350 oak saplings, three species, and each year they added another 200 or so. A year ago they also planted 70 trees. They planted hazel too – 350 trees. "My parents said it was crazy, that they wouldn’t take. There never used to be any truffles on the soil where the nursery is today. For generations, my family had planted maize, potatoes, corn, etc there. But we saw how they did things in Italy and planted trees in the same way, believing we would succeed. When my mum saw that the dog was digging here and found the first truffle – here where it had never grown before – she walked around the nursery crying. Tears of joy,” says Radmila remembering. Until five years ago, the Istrian truffle was little known outside Europe; Istria is now being promoted in Asia as a truffle destination. In the forests around Paladini, people from all over the world hunt for truffles with the Karlić family. They come both individually and as part of organised tours. Because, similarly to the Italian truffle hunter who, a long time ago, inspired Radmila’s father to start truffling, twenty years ago Radmila got the idea to offer truffling tours from a tourist from Germany who, seeing she was going to the forest, asked spontaneously if he could accompany her. "Oh, I took him, of course, free of charge. But later many more wanted to come, so it just became part of the job," she says, laughing. We squeeze through the branches of an old oak forest in which, Radmila goes on to say, only white truffles are hunted for: "It takes a lot of walking to find the white ones. And even more luck," she warns us, not knowing that the hunt will only take a short time, that, on this day, luck is on our side. We’ve only been hunting for about 20 minutes. Hornbeam twigs crackle under our boots. The dogs dig a little bit here, a little bit there, and every once in a while jump on energetically. All of a sudden, Betty the bird dog focuses on digging beneath a thick oak. She stands there, not moving. As if taking part in

Nekoliko desetljeća prije tartufi nisu bili dio ovdašnje kulture, pogotovo se lovom nisu bavile žene. „Kad me tata prvi put uzeo u lov, mama je bila jako protiv. Govorila je da to nije za žene, da je to muški posao“, kaže Radmila Karlić.

Several decades ago, truffles were not part of the local culture; women in particular did not go searching for them. "When my dad first took me hunting with him, my mum strongly objected. She said it wasn’t something women should do, that it's a man's job," says Radmila Karlić.


ACI No.1 // Obitelj Karlić - lovci na tartufe / The Karlić Family - Truffle hunters

„Nema lova na tartufe koji traje manje od dva sata. Bitno je da si strpljiv i uporan. Više je faktora koji odlučuju što nosiš kući iz šume. Sreća, dobro treniran pas, dobra sezona za tartufe“, objašnjava Radmila.

There is no truffling under at least two hours. Being patient and persistent is essential. There are several factors that determine what you’ll take home from the forest. Luck, a well trained dog, a good season for truffles, explains Radmila.


čas izvlače mobitele i kreću snimati. Pas šapama uporno grabi dublje u zemlju. Na trenutak stane. Odmakne se par koraka. Radmila klekne, spusti se do tla, nos gurne u rupu: „Aaa, ništa ne miriši. To je, bit će, krtica, jer vidi se rupa“, makne rukom pramen kose s lica. Iznenada ponovo glavu spušta k zemlji. Nosom će iznova u rupu. „Ipak miriši tartuf! Come closer!“ viče ostalima. Lopaticom, koju ovdje u lokalnom dijalektu zovu otka, pažljivo odgrće tlo. Za nekoliko sekundi na dlanu drži bijeli tartuf. Pruža ga Singapurcu. Gljiva ide od ruke do ruke. Udišemo intenzivan miris, Radmila emotivno grli psa, kao da joj je to prvi tartuf koji je u životu iskopala. „Uvijek je to veselje. Preplavi te osjećaj postignuća. Ulov“, smije se grleno. Tartufe sad u kući lovi treća generacija. Goranova i Radmilina djeca odrasla su loveći. Ivanu je bilo svega trinaest kad je pronašao tartuf od 203 grama. „Zvao me nakon samo 15 minuta boravka u šumi. Kaže: 'Mama, mama, našao sam tartuf koji ne stane u džep. Pas će mi ga pojesti! Požuri,

pre-rehearsed choreography, the tourists – the couple from America and the one from Singapore – simultaneously take out their mobile phones and start filming. The dog keeps digging deeper into the ground. She stops for a moment, and takes a few steps back. Radmila gets down to her knees, lowers her head to the ground, sinking her nose into the hole: "Ah pushing a lock of her hair from her face., there’s no scent. That was, I guess, a mole, because there’s a burrow here," says she, Suddenly, she lowers her head to the ground again. And once again she puts her nose into the hole. “There is the scent of truffles after all! Come closer!" she calls out to the others. She uses a trowel, called otka in the local dialect, to carefully remove the earth. After a few seconds, she holds a white truffle in the palm of her hand. She gives it to the man from Singapore; the fungus is passed around. We breathe in its intense aroma, and Radmila hugs the dog with emotion, as if it were the first truffle she had dug up in her life.

ACI No.1 // Obitelj Karlić - lovci na tartufe / The Karlić Family - Truffle hunters

mama!' Ugasila sam vatru ispod ručka i otišla po dijete. A on izlazi iz šume i nosi tartuf velik kao dvije jabuke. Drži ga u ruci, visoko iznad glave. Pas se zaskakuje, pokušava ga dosegnuti.“ Kod kuće je spontano nastala aukcija. Otac je dječaku nudio 500 eura, nono stotinu eura više. Za taj je novac Ivan kupio bicikl i dugo je vozio najbolji bicikl u okolici. „Nema lova na tartufe koji traje manje od dva sata. Bitno je da si strpljiv i uporan. Više je faktora koji odlučuju što nosiš kući iz šume. Sreća, dobro treniran pas, dobra sezona za tartufe“, objašnjava Radmila. „Moj najveći tartuf?“ ponavlja naše pitanje Radmila. „Imao je 270 grama, u šumi je sa mnom bila svekrva, prvi put povela sam je da vidi gdje se i kako lovi tartuf. A, baš je bila kriza u šumi, jako malo tartufa. Kažem joj: 'Evo, vidjeli ste barem kako pas kopa i našli jedan jako mali.' Krenule smo skoro nazad kad se dogodilo da smo na površini našli taj veliki. Vikale smo: 'A, mama. A, mama…' Hodale smo lake po šumi, kao lastavice, više nas nisu boljele noge.“ Iako se svi bave tartufima, u ovom kraju rijetko tko, poput Karlića, živi samo od toga, ljudi se boje osloniti na prirodu. „Nema lova na tartufe koji traje manje od dva sata. Bitno je da si strpljiv i uporan. Više je faktora koji odlučuju što nosiš kući iz šume. Valjda je ipak pitanje i sreće. Jasno, i pas mora biti dobro treniran, bitno je i kakva je sezona, lako je ako loviš za dobre godine, kad ima tartufa. Prije šest ljeta

"It's always a joy! A sense of achievement washes over you. Our haul,” she says, laughing throatily. There is the third generation in the house also hunting for truffles now. Goran and Radmila’s children have grown up truffling. Ivan was only thirteen when he found a 203g truffle. "He called me after just 15 minutes in the forest, saying: 'Mum, mum, I’ve found a truffle that won't fit in my pocket. The dog will eat it! Hurry up, mum!’ I turned off the cooker and went to get the child. And he came out of the forest, carrying a truffle as large as two apples. He held it in his hand, high above his head. The dog jumped up and down, trying to snatch it.” Back home, an auction was spontaneously organised. The father offered the boy €500, the grandfather €100 more. Ivan used that money to buy a bike, and it was the best one in the area for quite some time. My biggest truffle?" says Radmila, repeating our question. “It weighed 270 grammes. My mother-in-law was in the forest with me; I took her there for the first time to see where and how to hunt for truffles. But it wasn’t a good year for truffles; they were scarce. I told her, 'At least you've seen the dog digging, and we’ve found a very small one'. We almost started to go back when we happened to come across a big one on the surface. We shouted, 'Oh, my! Oh, my!’ We walked in the forest feeling as light as a feather, our feet didn’t hurt anymore."


ACI No.1 // Obitelj Karlić - lovci na tartufe / The Karlić Family - Truffle hunters

„Ovo je sad drugo vrijeme. Žene love. Evo, i mi starice. I dobro je da je tako“, kaže Danica Rašpolić (75). U lov ide svaki dan osim nedjeljom. "The times are different now. Women go truffling. Even us old ladies. And it’s better this way," says Danica Rašpolić (75). She goes hunting every day, except on Sundays.

bila je takva sezona da bijelog tartufa kod nas gotovo da i nije bilo. Nismo imali što loviti.“ Kasno je poslijepodne, idući u šumu, srećemo i starih ljudi iz sela, također će u lov. „Puno njih kaže da idu dolje, u šumu, samo da protegnu noge, da su na zraku, da im nije do novca. Ali, ako ne nađu ništa dva-tri dana, odjednom su im teške noge. Vidim to na svojoj mami. Govorim joj: 'Šetaj drugdje, ne moraš u šumu, izgrebeš se tamo'“, smije se. Danici Rašpolić 75 je godina. U lovu je svaki dan osim nedjeljom. Sa sobom vodi najboljeg psa, Crnka. Oboje su veterani, Crnku je 17, pa uz njih ide i jedan mladi pas. „Ovo je sad drugo vrijeme. Žene love. Evo, i mi starice. I dobro je da je tako“, nasmije se jedva vidljivo, diskretno. Mješanac ptičara i labradora Crnko lovio je već s tri i pol mjeseca. „Taj je psić otrčao i ubrzo smo ga ugledali kako se vraća s nečim u ustima. Mislili smo da nam nosi krepanog miša, a on pljune van – tartuf od 5 deka, toliko velik da ga nije mogao ni pojesti. Odmah je znao loviti tartufe, nismo ga stigli ni učiti. Kad smo te godine u rujnu krenuli na bijele, imao je manje od godinu dana i odmah je nalazio i bijele. Čudo od psa! Ma nije on pas, on je – više od psa!“ širi ruke Radmila vadeći iz džepa lovačke jakne nagradni keks za Crnka. 


Even though everybody hunt for truffles, there are not many people in this area who, like the Karlić family, have made it their livelihood; people are afraid to rely on nature. "There is no truffling under at least two hours. Being patient and persistent is essential. There are several factors that determine what you’ll take home from the forest. I guess it's still a question of luck as well. Clearly, the dog must be well trained and the quality of the season is also important; it's easy to hunt during a good year, when truffles abound. Six summers ago, the season was such that you could almost find no white truffles at all. There was nothing to hunt for." It's late in the afternoon and, going into the forest, we also meet elderly people from the village, who are going truffling as well. "A lot of them say they go to the forest only to stretch their legs, to have a breath of fresh air, that they don’t care about the money. But if they don't find anything for two or three days, suddenly their legs are heavy. I can see it on my mum. I say to her, 'You can go for a walk elsewhere, you don't have to go to the forest, you get all scratched there,'" she says, laughing. Danica Rašpolić is 75 years old. She goes hunting every day, except on Sundays. She takes their best dog, Crnko, with her. They are both seniors – Crnko is 17 – so another young dog accompanies them. "The times are different now. Women go truffling. Even us old ladies. And it’s better this way," says she, smiling almost imperceptibly, discreetly. A cross-breed of a pointing dog and a Labrador, Crnko was already hunting at the young age of three and half months. "That little dog ran away once and came back after a short while carrying something in his mouth. We thought he was carrying a dead mouse, but when he spit it out – it was a 50g truffle, so big he couldn’t eat it. He knew how to hunt for truffles right away, we hadn’t had the time to teach him. When we started in September of that year to hunt for white truffles, he was less than a year old and he immediately found white truffles as well. A wonder dog! He's not really a dog, he's more than a dog!" says Radmila, spreading her arms and taking a treat for Crnko out of the pocket of her hunting jacket. 


Marinetek Adriatic d.o.o. Draga 2, Šibenik, Croatia Tel: +385 22 312 960 • Fax: +385 22 312 904 191

Za Sabola radi 50 inženjera i profesora matematike, imaju dva ureda – u Zagrebu i u Kaliforniji

Fifty people with degrees in mathematics work for Sabol; the company has two offices – in Zagreb and in California

Fotografija / Photo by © 2018, JF Paga – Grasset


ACI No.1 // Frédéric Beigbeder



Imam 53 godine i dvoje male djece, želim živjeti što duže. Putovao sam svijetom i tražio znanstvenike da mi kažu koliko najduže mogu preživjeti.

I’m 53 and have two small children; I want to live as long as possible. I’ve travelled the world and asked scientists to tell me how long I can actually survive.

Makar je u Hrvatsku doputovao nakratko, tek na pola dana, da bi predstavio novi roman, a već je idućeg jutra zbog ranije dogovorenih obaveza žurio kući, put francuskog dijela Baskije gdje mu je od kad se odnedavno preselio iz Pariza dom, Frédéric Beigbeder tog je poslijepodneva bio žovijalno ležeran, pomalo nalik kakvu maturantu prvog dana školske ekskurzije. U lobiju zagrebačkog Hotela Palace, dok se pozdravljamo, glavu gura u oveću zdjelu s bombonima. Šaku napuni s četiri, pet, šest, i kaže – sad je spreman, možemo potražiti kakvo ugodno mjesto za razgovor.

Although he came to Croatia for a very short time, only for half a day, to promote his new novel and, because of prior engagements, had to hurry home the next morning – to the French part of the Basque country, where his home has been since he recently moved from Paris – Frédéric Beigbeder was jovially relaxed that afternoon, a bit like a school-leaver on the first day of a school trip. In the lobby of the Zagreb Palace Hotel, while we are greeting each other, he pushes his head into a rather large bowl of sweets. He fills his hand with four, five, six sweets and says he's ready now, we can look for a comfortable place to have our conversation in.


ACI No.1 // Frédéric Beigbeder

Pisanje je neka vrsta igre, kao da gledaš na svijet i život očima nekoga tko je još nevin. Za književnika je jako bitno biti u stanju normalne, uobičajene stvari promatrati kao da su sasvim posebne. Writing is a kind of game, it's like looking at the world and life through the eyes of someone who is still innocent. It’s very important for a writer to be able to look at normal, ordinary things as if they were quite special.

Fotografija / Photo by Davor Žunić

Francuski književnik donedavno poznat kao kroničar mondenog života Pariza, nekadašnji marketinški stručnjak, televizijski i radijski voditelj, scenarist, glumac, književni kritičar, sad u pedesetima, otac je dvoje male djece. I odrasle kćeri. Mlađoj su kćeri, spominje, tri godine, sin je napunio tri mjeseca, a on u rujnu slavi 53. rođendan: „Sve se u mojoj obitelji vrti oko brojke tri. To očinstvo, dvoje male djece u pedesetima, definitivno me je motiviralo upitati znanost koliko dugo mogu živjeti“, govori na način da niste sasvim sigurni koliko je doista ozbiljan. Takvim tonom izgovara i većinu drugih rečenica – na pola puta između nehajne šale i potencijalne filozofske rasprave. U romanu „Život bez kraja“ daje niz informacija o mogućnosti produljenja života što ih je prikupio putujući po Europi, Bliskom istoku, Americi i razgovarajući s raznim znanstvenicima. Frédéric Beigbeder piše o mogućnosti pomlađivanja stanica, transplantaciji organa iz svinje, ubrizgavanju matičnih stanica, 3D printanju organa, sjedinjenju čovjeka i robota… Ukratko, bavi se temom koju bi donedavno od njega malotko očekivao. I makar je prve godine svojih pedesetih potrošio na opsesivno traženje odgovora na pitanje je li i koliko moguće produžiti život, može li čovjek očekivati da će postati besmrtan, u razgovoru tvrdi da ne vidi nikakve bitne razlike između svojih četrdesetih i pedesetih. „Zapravo, još se uvijek dijelom osjećam kao da mi je tek šest ili osam. Zato valjda i jedem ovoliko slatkiša“, smijući se, oboje svrnemo pogled na više papirića bombona što ih je netom pojeo, nestrpljiv da na stol stigne maločas naručena hrana. „Gotovo da ne želim odrasti, kamoli još i ostarjeti. Ne želim se razboljeti, ostati u krevetu, biti otpremljen u bolnicu i potom na groblje. Ne sviđa mi se taj itinerer. Konačno, mislim da je, ako se 194

The French writer – known until recently as the chronicler of the fashionable life of Paris, and formerly a marketing expert, television and radio presenter, playwright, actor, literary critic – is now in his fifties and is the father of two small children. And an adult daughter. His younger daughter, he says, is three years old, his son has just turned three months, and he will celebrate his 53rd birthday in September: “Everything in my family revolves around the number three. Being a father, having two small children in my fifties, definitely prompted me to turn to science to find out how long I can live,” says he in a way that makes you wonder how serious he really is. He utters most of his sentences in the same vein – halfway between a playful joke and a potential philosophical discussion. Writing is a kind of game, it's like looking at the world and life through the eyes of someone who is still innocent. It’s very important for a writer to be able to look at normal, ordinary things as if they were quite special. In his novel A Life Without End he offers a lot of information about the possibility of life extension, information he has collected travelling in Europe, the Middle East, America and talking to various scientists. Frédéric Beigbeder writes about the possibility of cellular rejuvenation, pig organ transplants, stem cells injection, 3D organ printing, the merging of humans and robots, etc; in short, he deals with topics that, until recently, almost nobody would have expected from him. And even though he has spent his early fifties obsessively looking for answers to the questions whether it is possible to extend life and for how long, and whether a human can expect to become immortal, during our conversation he claims not to see any significant differences between his 40s and his 50s. “In fact, I still partly feel like I was just six or eight. That's probably why I eat so many sweets.” Laughing, we both look at several wrappers of

ACI No.1 // Frédéric Beigbeder

želiš baviti pisanjem, dobro biti nezreo. Jer, pisanje i jest neka vrsta igre, kao da gledaš na svijet i život očima nekoga tko je još nevin. Za književnika je jako bitno biti u stanju normalne, uobičajene stvari promatrati kao da su sasvim posebne“, kaže, pa potom prenaglašeno i afektirano nastavi šireći ruke: „O, na sve su strane automobili! Kako li oni to voze? Zašto ljudi ulaze u te čudnovate kutije s kotačima?…“, smije se i doda: „Eto, tako gledati, tako se čuditi! Jer… oči umjetnika oči su djeteta!“ Da iznenada sazna kako se sasvim približio smrti, za čime bi ponajviše žalio? „Za zalascima sunca na Atlantskom oceanu. Volim to promatrati iz svojeg sela u Baskiji. Od kad sam se preselio iz Pariza, živim bitno drugačiji život.“ Izgovarajući zadnju rečenicu, uzima moj primjerak „Života bez kraja“ i, makar je na hrvatskom, brzo se snalazi listajući stranice. Kažiprstom pokazuje na stranici broj 83 popis onoga za čime bi žalio da mora hitno otići, sutra umrijeti, čita mi iz knjige po sjećanju „prevodeći“ s hrvatskog: „Žalio bih za pjesmom 'Perfect Day' Loua Reeda, pirsanim grudima Lare Stone, Kelloggovim pahuljicama 'Frosties', svim filmovima s Johnom Goodmanom, za trima u podrumu preostalim bocama Châteaua de Sales iz 1999., rečenicom iz Full Metal Jacketa: 'The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive'…“ Smijemo se, svjesni da je u tom popisu ponešto za čim bi, možda, stvarno i zažalio, poput recimo: „Munje na nebu za ljetne oluje… ili – prvih zraka sunca koje se uvlače kroz navučene zavjese“. A da mu kažu kako mu vrijeme nije još posve iscurilo, već se tek zastrašujuće približilo kraju; da mu kažu da ipak ima još – nekoliko mjeseci? „Prestao bih davati intervjue i otišao bih na otok Harbour na Bahamima, na plaže gdje je pijesak ružičast. Poveo bih suprugu, djecu i ljude koje volim. Mislim da je to najbolje što možete učiniti na kraju svijeta ili na kraju života – skupiti ljude koje volite na nekom lijepom mjestu. I čitati Baudelairea. Njega osobito volim. Jer, on je učinio da svatko tko voli zabave, alkohol, narkotike može za sebe pomisliti da je pjesnik. To je moguće zahvaljujući Charlesu.“ Proslavio se poluautobiografskim romanom „129,90“ u kojem piše o svijetu marketinga, atmosferi što vlada u toj industriji, mentalitetu koji dominira među zaposlenicima reklamnih agencija. Što je najbitnija lekcija koju je naučio u marketingu? „Ljudi su pametniji nego što marketinški stručnjaci misle. Dajte konzumentima inteligentne poruke, oni će ih razumjeti. U marketingu sam naučio da je marketing sranje, neka vrsta lažne 'znanosti'. Pitaju ljude što žele i onda im daju gluposti. To je pogrešno. Čvrsto vjerujem da je umjetnost potpuno suprotna od marketinga. Marketing se svodi na to da pokušavate napraviti nešto da biste zadovoljili ljude, a to ne funkcionira jer je u startu ograničavajuće i zapravo glupo. Ali, ako slobodno kreirate ono što vam iskreno padne na pamet, nešto iza čega

Uskoro nećemo imati Facebook i Instagram na svojim telefonima, već u svojim glavama, u čipovima. Soon we will not have Facebook and Instagram on our phones, but in our heads instead, in microchips. the sweets he has just eaten, impatient for the food we have ordered a moment ago to arrive at the table. “I almost don't want to grow up, let alone grow old. I don't want to get ill, bedridden, sent to the hospital and then to the cemetery. I don't like this course of events. Ultimately, I think that if you want to write, it’s good to be immature. Because writing is a kind of game, it's like looking at the world and life through the eyes of someone who is still innocent. It’s very important for a writer to be able to look at normal, ordinary things as if they were quite special,” he says and, spreading his arms in an overemphasising and affected manner, continues, “Oh, there are cars everywhere! How do they run? Why do people get into those strange boxes with wheels?” Laughing, he adds, “There, to look at things in this way, to wonder like that! Because... the eyes of an artist are the eyes of a child!” If he was to suddenly find out that death is quite near, what would be the greatest regrets he had? “Sunsets on the Atlantic Ocean. I love to watch them from my village in the Basque region. The life I have lived since I moved there from Paris has been significantly different.” Saying this last sentence, he takes my copy of A Life Without End and, despite it being in Croatian, he quickly finds his way flipping through the pages. He points with his index finger to the list on page 83 of the regrets he would have if he had to leave in a hurry, to die tomorrow, and he “reads” from the book, quoting from memory, “translating” from Croatian: “My regrets would include Lou Reed’s Perfect Day, Lara Stone’s pierced nipples, Kellogg’s Frosties, all John Goodman films, three bottles of the 1999 Château de Sales left in the cellar, this sentence from Full Metal Jacket: ‘The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.’” We laugh, aware that there are regrets on the list that he would, perhaps, really have, for example: “Lightning in the sky during a summer storm... or the first rays of sun entering through drawn curtains.” And if he were told that his time is not yet completely up, but that he is only frighteningly drawing closer to his end; if he were told that he still has – a few months? “I'd stop giving interviews and go to the Harbour Island in the Bahamas, to the beaches where the sand is pink. I would take my wife, my children, and the people I love. I think that’s the best thing you can do when the world, or your life, is ending – to take the people you love to a beautiful place. And read Baudelaire. I especially like him. Because he made everyone who likes parties, alcohol, narcotics capable of thinking of themselves as poets. That’s all thanks to Charles.”


ACI No.1 // Frédéric Beigbeder

Na psihoterapiji sam konačno naučio reći „ne“ i prestati zadovoljiti svakoga osim sebe samog, prestati pod svaku cijenu biti pristojan. Naučio sam ponešto i o vlastitom djetinjstvu. Mislio sam da je moj otac napustio majku, ali je zapravo majka napustila oca. In therapy, I've finally learnt to say 'no' and to stop trying to please everyone but myself, to stop being polite at any cost. I have learnt a few things about my own childhood as well. I thought that my father had left my mother, but it was actually the other way round.

stvarno stojite, to će primijetiti više ljudi negoli kad im servirate ono što vi mislite da oni žele čuti.“ Živimo u društvu koje slavi egoizam, ljudi boluju od „selfizma“, okrenuti po cijele dane sami sebi. Koliko to daleko može ići? „Već je odavno odmaknulo predaleko, ljudi žrtvuju svoje privatne živote da bi skupljali lajkove, svoju privatnost besplatno daju kompanijama koje prodaju informacije o njihovim navikama, interesima, o njihovim životima, idu do toga da utječu na rezultate političkih izbora. Uskoro nećemo imati Facebook i Instagram na svojim telefonima, već u svojim glavama, u čipovima. Jednog dana može se dogoditi da imate kameru koja je uz vaše oko i fotografirate žmirkajući, da tom kamerom možete prepoznati ljude, identificirati ih i žmirkajući ih fotografirati u sekundi. Ili ćete, recimo, šećući ulicama Zagreba laganim trzajem oka fotografirati crkvu ispred sebe i u sekundi dobiti ispisano sve o toj crkvi. Već smo s tom kombinacijom tehnologije i „selfie“ kulture stigli daleko. Umnaža se i širi „selfie“ ideologija egzibicionizma, ali i špijuniranja drugih. Rade na tome da nam to infiltriraju u mozak. Orwell je bio u pravu, samo što sve to, bojim se, može biti i gore no što je on predvidio. Kreiraju tehnologiju koja nas čini neljudima, nekom hibridnom vrstom, mutantima, robotima. Prava tema mojeg romana 'Život bez kraja' nije život bez kraja, već nestanak ljudi kao vrste, naša mutacija u nešto drugo.“ Ima li još tko da stvarno vjeruje u prenaglašeno optimističke, gotovo infantilne poruke da „možemo sve i svašta, samo ako to stvarno jako želimo“? „To su glupe poruke za glupe ljude. Sreća je puno kompliciranija od tih krilatica i slogana. Ne znam recept za uspjeh ni za sreću, ali znam da to nije tako jednostavno. Ima ljudi i mjesta koji pomažu osjećati se dobro i onih koji čine suprotno. Dobro je izbjegavati one druge. Jako je ljekovito riješiti se tzv. prijatelja, onih koji vole kad si u problemima. Odjednom sam shvatio da su neki uvijek oko mene dok sam loše, a kad mi je dobro, nestanu. Ima u tome puno neiskrenosti.“ 196

He became famous with his semi-autobiographical novel titled £6.99 (99 Francs, in the French original), in which he wrote about the marketing world, the atmosphere in the industry, and the dominant mentality of advertising agency employees. What is the most important lesson marketing has taught him? “People are smarter than marketing experts think. Give consumers intelligent messages, they will understand them. Marketing has taught me that marketing is crap, a kind of fake 'science'. They ask people what they want and then give them crap. That is wrong. I firmly believe that art is the complete opposite of marketing. Marketing is all about trying to do something to please people, and it doesn’t work because it’s restrictive to start with and actually stupid. But, if you freely create what you sincerely come up with, something that you really stand for, more people will notice it than when you give them what you think they want to hear.” We live in a society that celebrates egoism; people suffer from selfism, are focused on their own selves all day long. How far can it go? “Things went too far a long time ago; people sacrifice their private lives in order to collect likes, they give their privacy for free to companies that sell information about their habits, interests, about their lives. They even go so far as to affect the results of elections. Soon we will not have Facebook and Instagram on our phones, but in our heads instead, in microchips. One day you might have a camera next to your eye and take photos by blinking; you might use the camera to recognise people, identify them and take a photo of them literally with a blink of an eye. Or, say, while walking in the streets of Zagreb you will, again with a blink of an eye, take a photo of a church in front of you and have every possible information on the church within seconds. We’ve already come very far with this combination of technology and selfie culture. The selfie ideology of exhibitionism multiplies and spreads, but the same also goes for spying on others. They are working on making it insinuate itself into our brains. Orwell was right, but, I'm afraid, it can all be worse than he predicted. They are creating technology that makes us non-human, a hybrid species, technology that makes us mutants, robots. The real topic of my novel A Life Without End is not a life without end but the disappearance of people as a species, our mutation into something else.” Is there anybody who really believes in the excessively optimistic, almost infantile, messages that “we can do all sorts of things, only if we really really want to?” “Those are stupid messages for stupid people. Happiness is much more complicated than these buzzwords and slogans. I don't know what the recipe for success or happiness is, but I do know that it's not that simple. There are people and places that help you feel good and those who do just the opposite. It’s good to avoid the latter. It's beneficial to get rid of so-called friends, those who like it when you're having problems. I suddenly realised that some people are always around me when I’m having a hard time, but when I’m fine, they disappear. There is a lot of insincerity in it.”

ACI No.1 // Frédéric Beigbeder

Uskoro nećemo imati Facebook i Instagram na svojim telefonima, već u svojim glavama, u čipovima. Soon we will not have Facebook and Instagram on our phones, but in our heads instead, in microchips. Fotografija / Photo by Davor Žunić

Što mu je pomoglo u tim lošim vremenima, osim honorara koje je zaradio pišući bestsellere u kojima više-manje prodaje svoje padove i loše godine?

What helped him in those difficult times, except the royalties he received for writing bestsellers in which he more or less sold his bad times and rough years?

„Hodanje. Japanci kad su loše idu u šetnju, u šumu. To pomaže. Pomagala su mi i putovanja. Čitanje. Nisam mogao čitati puno toga, nisam se mogao koncentrirati, ali volim, recimo, Émila Michela Ciorana. Knjige poput njegovih u kojima možete čitati kratke rečenice. U doba mojih životnih kriza pomagalo mi je slušati glazbu, piti Xanax, ići na psihoterapiju. Ponekad sam imao panične napadaje, teško sam disao, bilo mi je teško ustati. Imao sam sreću da sam našao dobru psihoterapeutkinju. Krenuo sam k njoj kad mi je bilo četrdeset, bio sam ovisan o drogama, uzimao kokain s raznim drugim drogama i tabletama za spavanje. Igrao sam se s vlastitim srcem, kao da sam ga bičevao da kuca luđe i jače, a onda bih ga zaledio, usporio. Tad psihički nisam bio dobro, a bio sam i na putu da se uništim fizički. Na psihoterapiji sam konačno naučio reći 'ne' i prestati zadovoljiti svakoga osim sebe samog, prestati pod svaku cijenu biti pristojan. Naučio sam ponešto i o vlastitom djetinjstvu, da sam živio u laži, da su mi roditelji ispričali priču koja zapravo nije istina. Mislio sam da je moj otac napustio majku, ali je zapravo majka napustila oca. O tom sam iskustvu pisao u svojem 'Francuskom romanu'.“

“Walking. When the Japanese are having problems, they go for a walk, in the woods. It helps. Travelling also helped me. Reading. There weren’t many things I could read, I couldn’t concentrate, but I like, say, Émil Michel Cioran. Books like his in which you can read short sentences. Listening to music, taking Xanax, going to psychotherapy helped me deal with my existential crises. Sometimes I had panic attacks, I couldn’t breathe, I had trouble getting up. I was lucky to find a good psychotherapist. I started my therapy with her when I was forty; I was addicted to drugs then, I took cocaine with various other drugs and sleeping pills. I was gambling with my own heart, as if I was whipping it to beat faster and harder, and then freezing it, slowing it down. I wasn’t mentally well at the time, and I was on the path of physical self-destruction as well. In therapy, I've finally learnt to say 'no' and to stop trying to please everyone but myself, to stop being polite at any cost. I have learnt a few things about my own childhood as well, that I’d been living a lie, that my parents had told me a story which wasn’t true at all. I thought that my father had left my mother, but it was actually the other way round. I wrote about that experience in my book A French Novel.”

Kako činjenica da je svu svoju prošlost izložio javnosti djeluje na njegov odnos sa starijom kćeri?

How does the fact that he has exposed his entire past to the public affect his relationship with his older daughter?

„Nadam se da sam pouzdan otac. Ona ima 19 i jako dobro zna da, kad pričam o drogama, pričam o onome što sam prošao i da je to grozan svijet u koji ne treba ulaziti.“

“I hope I'm a reliable father. She's 19 and knows only too well that when I’m talking about drugs, I'm talking about what I've been through and that it's a terrible world that’s better not to enter.” 197

ACI No.1 // Frédéric Beigbeder

Može li introvert biti uspješan u medijima i marketingu?

Can an introvert be successful in the media and marketing?

„O da. Ima puno onih koji rade u komunikacijama, a imaju problema s komunikacijom koja ide dalje od razgovora jedan-na-jedan. Ja sam zapravo stidljiv, pomalo introvertiran, a dijelom ekscentričan. Volim se natjerati napraviti nešto što zapravo ne volim, kao što je večerašnji nastup u Zagrebu: sjediti na pozornici i govoriti pred svim tim ljudima.“

“Oh, yes. There are a lot of people working in communications who have problems with communication that is not just talking one-on-one. I'm actually shy, somewhat introverted, and partly also eccentric. I love to make myself do something I actually don't like; like tonight's performance in Zagreb, sitting on the stage and speaking in front of all those people.”

Kako se nosi s javnim nastupima?

How does he cope with speaking in public?

„Redovito u takvim situacijama poželim biti netko drugi i biti negdje drugdje. Ali, možda se i opustim, napravim šou, prebacim sve na zezanciju, pokušavam biti zabavan. Mnogi stidljivi ljudi zabavni su jer pokušavaju pobijediti samog sebe i svoju stidljivost.“ Nije se navikao ni na televizijsku kameru makar je vodio televizijske emisije. „Nikad se nisam uspio naviknuti. Svaki put prije televizijskog nastupa imao sam tremu. Posebno ako je program išao izravno. A često sam imao te izravne emisije. Kad na televiziji izgovorite nekakvu glupost, već je kasno, nema popravka, jer glupost je već otišla van, svi su je čuli. To je prilično zastrašujuće i ne znam zašto sam se uopće izlagao tim torturama i to tako dugo.“

“In such situations, I regularly want to be someone else and somewhere else. But I might even relax, create a spectacle, start making jokes, try to be funny. Many shy people are funny because they try to overcome themselves and their shyness.” He never got used to the TV camera, even though he hosted TV talk shows. “I've never managed to get used to it. I was extremely nervous every time I was about to do a TV show. Especially if the programme was broadcast live. And I've often had those live broadcasts. When you say something stupid on TV, it's already too late, you can’t take it back, because it's already gone out, everybody's heard it. It's pretty scary and I don't know why I even exposed myself to that kind of torture and for such a long time too.”

Vjeruje li još uvijek da ljubav traje samo tri godine ili je to tek marketinški dobro osmišljen naslov njegova popularnog romana?

Does he still believe that love only lasts three years or is it just the title of his popular novel, chosen for marketing purposes?

„Čak sam i u knjizi kazao da je to glup naslov u smislu sadržaja, ali bio je dobar jer provocira na diskusiju. Ljudi debatiraju je li to tri godine ili četiri godine ili koliko već. Sa svojom sam ženom sad osam godina i naravno da više ne vjerujem da ljubav traje svega tri godine. Ali kad mi je bilo 30, vjerovao sam u tu 'teoriju'. Mislio sam da je to neko prokletstvo – godina dana strasti, godina dana nježnosti i onda godina dana udaljavanja, slabosti, kukavičluka, ona godina kad lažete sebi i počinjete lagati i partneru. Tad nisam bio dovoljno star, nisam imao dovoljno iskustva pa sam zaključio – krivo.“

“Even in the book itself I say it's a dumb title in terms of meaning, but it is good because it provokes discussion. People debate whether love lasts three years or four years, or whatever. I’ve been with my wife for eight years now and, naturally, I no longer believe that love lasts only three years. But when I was 30, I believed in this ‘theory’. I thought there was a curse of some sort – a year of passion, a year of affection and then a year of drifting apart, weakness, cowardice, the year when you're lying to yourself and you start to lie to your partner as well. I wasn’t old enough then, I didn't have enough experience, and so I figured it was like that – I was wrong.”

Je li on zadovoljan Francuz? „Ne mogu se žaliti koliko sam se žalio nekad. Sad kad sam se preselio iz Pariza, kad živim pored mora, u Baskiji, nedaleko Španjolske. Doista na prekrasnom mjestu. Da ste me vidjeli prije nekoliko godina po noćnim klubovima i da me sad vidite u tom mom selu kako gledam more, rekli biste da to nije isti čovjek. Taj čovjek prije nije bio sretan, ovaj čovjek s kojim sad razgovarate jest sretan.“ Ne dosađuje se na selu? „Ponekad da. Ali onda odem negdje drugdje pa se uskoro sretan vraćam kući.“


Is he a content Frenchman? “I can't complain as much as I used to. Now that I've moved from Paris and live by the sea, in the Basque region, not far from Spain. In a beautiful place indeed. If you’d seen me a few years ago in nightclubs and if you saw me now in that village of mine looking out to sea, you’d say I’m not the same man. That man before wasn’t happy, this man you’re talking to now is.” Isn’t he bored in the country? “Sometimes, yes. But then I go somewhere else and I soon come back home happy.”

ACI No.1 // Frédéric Beigbeder

Za sreću mi puno znači to da nemam „regularni“ posao, da se mogu maknuti, nemam ured, ne moram svaki dan ni izaći iz kuće. Ja sam vrlo sretna osoba. Ali za to mi je trebalo puno godina. Not having a 'regular' job, being able to get away, not having an office, and not even having to get out of the house every day makes a world of difference for my happiness. I'm a very happy person. But it’s taken me a lot of years to achieve that.

Fotografija / Photo by Davor Žunić

Osjeća li se posve slobodan?

Does he feel completely free?

„Naravno da apsolutne slobode nema. Ne znam što bi ta stvarna sloboda bila. Da ste sami, možda u kakvu samostanu, ali i tamo imate pravila koja morate slijediti. Možete samo biti manje ili više sretni, sasvim slobodni gotovo nemoguće. Za sreću mi puno znači to da nemam 'regularni' posao, da se mogu maknuti, nemam ured, ne moram svaki dan ni izaći iz kuće. Ja sam vrlo sretna osoba. Ali za to mi je trebalo puno godina. Jer, čak i kad sam postao uspješan i prodavao puno svojih knjiga, i dalje sam radio i sve te druge poslove na televiziji, u magazinu… Imao sam poslove uz koje sam ostao vezan. I dalje ponekad idem na radio“, vrti glavom, „ali sam puno slobodniji negoli prije deset godina.“

“Of course there is no absolute freedom. I don't know what that real freedom would be. Maybe if you were alone, in a monastery or convent, but there you also have rules you must follow. You can only be more or less happy; completely free – almost impossible. Not having a ‘regular’ job, being able to get away, not having an office, and not even having to get out of the house every day makes a world of difference for my happiness. I'm a very happy person. But it’s taken me a lot of years to achieve that. Because, even when I became successful and sold a lot of books, I still did all those other jobs on TV, for a magazine... I had jobs I’d stayed attached to. I still sometimes go to the radio,” says Beigbeder with a shake of his head, “but I'm much freer than ten years ago.”

Što je najbitnije što je naučio nakon 11 romana, neuspjelih brakova, slave koja ga je opterećivala? „Procjenjujem da imam još nekih 25 godina života ispred sebe. Naučio sam da je važno reći 'ne'. Mnogima kažem 'ne' ne bih li sačuvao sebe i svoje vrijeme za ono što mi je stvarno bitno. Za svoju obitelj. Častim sebe s tim 'ne'.“ 

What is the most important thing he has learnt after 11 novels, failed marriages, fame that was a burden to him? “I estimate that I still have some 25 years of life ahead of me. I've learnt that it's important to say ‘no’. I say ‘no’ to many people in order to save myself and my time for what's really important to me. For my family. This ‘no’ is something I treat myself with.”  199

Fotografije / Photos by Davor Žunić


ACI No.1 // Damir Sabol



KREATOR NAJPOPULARNIJE HRVATSKE APLIKACIJE PHOTOMATH CREATOR OF PHOTOMATH, THE MOST POPULAR CROATIAN APPLICATION Za potrebe intervjua za ACI magazin Damir Sabol, osnivač i vlasnik Photomatha, to je jutro u svoj ured na 14. katu zagrebačkog nebodera stigao rano, u doba kad su radni stolovi većine zaposlenih bili još netaknuti, računala isključena. U otvorenom radnom prostoru tvrtke Photomath radi nešto više od pedeset ljudi, gotovo svi su profesori i inženjeri matematike, manji dio, njih dvadesetak, talentirani su studenti završnih godina. Dio Sabolova tima, osim u Zagrebu, radi i u Americi, u Kaliforniji. Umjesto dnevnih novina Damir Sabol, kreator Photomatha, hrvatske aplikacije za rješavanje matematičkih zadataka koja je postala globalno popularna i poznata, to je jutro listao udžbenike iz matematike; hrvatske, američke i druge koji im služe pri razvijanju Photomatha. U američkim je udžbenicima u odnosu na hrvatske udžbenike, pokazuje nam, puno više objašnjavanja, daleko više primjera. „Mi radimo uz pomoć ovih udžbenika, u njima je ogromna količina sadržaja. Za razliku od američkih udžbenika, hrvatski matematički udžbenici puno veći teret stavljaju na nastavnike jer je premalo primjera, premalo objašnjenja, pa je onda na nastavniku da vidi kako će i hoće li uopće stići ili neće stići prenijeti sve što se od njega traži. Baš je zato Photomath nekima pomogao više negoli njihov nastavnik“, govori Sabol.

To do this interview for ACI magazine, Damir Sabol, the founder and owner of Photomath, arrived in his office on the 14th floor of a Zagreb high rise early in the morning, at a time when most employees’ desks were still unoccupied and the computers were turned off. A little over fifty people work in the open-plan office space of the Photomath company and almost all have a degree in mathematics; only a smaller number, about twenty of them, are talented students in their final year. Apart from Zagreb, Sabol also has a team working in the US, in California. That morning, instead of reading a newspaper, Damir Sabol, the creator of Photomath – the Croatian application for solving mathematical tasks, which has become globally well-known and popular – was flipping through Croatian, American and some other mathematics textbooks, used to develop Photomath. Compared to the Croatian ones, the American textbooks, he says showing them, "have much more explanation and a far greater number of examples. We use these textbooks; they contain a huge amount of material. Unlike the American ones, the Croatian mathematics textbooks put a much greater burden on teachers because there are too few examples and too little explanation in them, and then it falls to the teachers to decide what to do and whether there is enough time to teach everything that’s required. That's exactly why Photomath has helped some people more than their teachers," says Sabol.


ACI No.1 // Damir Sabol

Šest milijuna dolara investicije Sabol će uložiti u daljnji razvoj aplikacije koja je do sad za korisnike bila besplatna. Novi će se sadržaji plaćati, a sve ono što je do sad bilo besplatno – i dalje će ostati svima dostupno i besplatno. Sabol will use the six million dollar investment to further develop the application, which has been free for users until now. You will pay for new content, but everything that has been free so far will remain available to everybody and free of charge.

U jesen 2018. Photomath je dosegnuo brojku od 100 milijuna korisnika, od toga 50 % čine srednjoškolci, 20 % su djeca u osnovnoj školi, 20 % studenti koji nisu savladali matematiku iz srednje škole. Najviše korisnika imaju u SAD-u, potom u Rusiji, po zemljama zapadne Europe, Brazilu, Indoneziji… Američki fondovi poduzetničkog kapitala Goodwater Capital i Learn Capital, oba orijentirana na ulaganja u tehnološki sektor, u Photomath ulažu šest milijuna eura. Malo je reći da je Sabol zadovoljan. I pritom vrlo fokusiran na daljnji razvoj aplikacije. Ipak, ne ostavlja dojam čovjeka kojemu je profit nužno najbitniji, rado će i puno govoriti o mogućim društvenim i obrazovnim posljedicama aplikacije uz koju danas matematiku rade djeca širom svijeta. Photomath kamerom mobitela prepoznaje matematički zadatak, nudi rješenje i postupak objašnjenja. Kako je nastao PhotoMath, otkud vam ideja? Ideja je, zapravo, došla iz moje – lijenosti. Pozadina je Microblink, tvrtka u kojoj sam također većinski vlasnik, a koja razvija tehnologiju koja zna pročitati tekst kamerom mobitela. U Microblinku smo razvili tzv. tehnologiju „slikaj i plati“ koja se upotrebljava za plaćanje računa. Jednu sam večer sinu, tad jedanaestogodišnjaku, ispravljao zadaću. Bilo je baš puno zbrajanja, oduzimanja, a ja doista umoran; cijeli radni dan bio je iza mene i baš mi nije bilo do provjeravanja matematičkih rješenja. Tako frustriran pomislio sam kako mora postojati neki način da to brže obavim. Palo mi je na pamet da ako programiramo algoritme za matematiku i spojimo ih sa svojom tehnologijom za čitanje teksta, možemo dobiti softver, tj. aplikaciju koja rješava matematičke zadatke, a pri tome ih čak ne trebate ni prepisivati rukom. Svojoj djeci uvijek pomažem s matematikom, iako njima ta pomoć ne treba često, tek im ponekad trebam objasniti ponešto tamo gdje zapnu. No, imam troje djece pa se i matematike skupi…Mi roditelji često očekujemo da djeca sama sve razumiju i rade. Ali, ne razumiju, a i mnogi kod kuće nemaju nekoga tko bi im mogao pomoći kad zapnu dok uče matematiku. To može biti velika frustracija. 202

In the autumn of 2018 Photomath reached 100 million users, of which 50% were secondary school students, 20% primary school children, and 20% were students who hadn’t learnt their secondary school maths well enough. Most of its users are from the United States, followed by Russia, West European countries, Brazil, Indonesia, etc. Photomath has raised six million euros from Goodwater Capital and Learn Capital, American venture capital firms focused on investing in the technology sector. To say that Sabol is satisfied, and also intensely focused on developing the application further, is an understatement. Still, he doesn’t give the impression of a man who necessarily sees profit as the most important thing; he readily talks and has a lot to say about potential social and educational consequences of the application used by children all over the world to learn maths. Photomath uses the camera of a mobile phone to recognise a mathematical problem, and offers the solution and the explanation method. How did you come up with Photomath; where did you get the idea from? The idea, in fact, came from – my being lazy. Its background is Microblink, the company in which I’m also the majority owner, which develops the technology that uses a mobile phone camera to recognise a text. Microblink has developed the so-called 'scan and pay' technology, which is used to pay bills. One evening I was helping my son, who was eleven at the time, to do homework. There was a whole lot of addition and subtraction, and I was really tired; the working week was behind me and I just wasn't up to checking mathematical solutions. Feeling frustrated, I thought there had to be a way to do it faster and it occurred to me that if we take our text recognition technology and develop some mathematical algorithms, we can combine the two and get the software, i.e. an application, that solves mathematical problems, and you don't even need to input them to your device manually. I always help my children with maths, although they don't often need my help; only sometimes, when they get stuck, I have to explain some things. However, I have three children, so it can mean a lot of maths...As parents, we often expect our children to understand and do everything alone. But, they don't understand and many of them don’t have anyone at home who could help them when they get stuck doing their maths. It can be really frustrating. Will Photomath do more damage than good to school children, drive them away from maths, because, why would they do the calculations themselves when they have an application to do it for them? Of course there is some controversy over whether to give children Photomath or not. But, there was also a certain amount of controversy when the calculator came into use;

Photomath sam izmislio iz lijenosti, bio sam umoran i nije mi se dalo sinu objašnjavati matematiku. I came up with Photomath out of laziness; I was tired and I didn't feel like explaining maths to my son.

ACI No.1 // Damir Sabol

Hoće li Photomath za školarce učiniti više štete nego koristi, udaljiti ih od matematike, jer što bi računali, kad za njih – računa aplikacija? Naravno da postoji određena kontroverza oko toga treba li Photomath dati djeci u ruke. Ali, tako je postojala i kontroverza kad su došli kalkulatori, govorili smo – „Ako im damo kalkulator, hoće li htjeti sami učiti računati?“ Kalkulator je odavno postao normalna stvar, a matematika je i dalje obavezan i bitan predmet bez kojega nitko ne može. Moramo priznati sami sebi i kurikulumu da se svijet mijenja. Prošlo je vrijeme kad je sve trebalo raditi ručno. Ne dvojim da je Photomath dobar. Moja ga djeca upotrebljavaju, ali ne zato da bi ubrzano napisala zadaću, jer tako ne bi mogla dugo ni stigla daleko. Kći je učenica sedmog razreda, matematika joj ide jako dobro. Upotrebljava Photomath da provjeri ono što je izračunala jer je takav tip da želi imati sve točno. Stariji sin Photomathom se koristi rjeđe, samo kad zapne i ne zna kako bi dalje. Podatci kažu da 67 % djece u zadnjem razredu osnovne škole u Americi nisu vješti u matematici jer su nešto propustili, a nisu nadoknadili i to ih prati cijeli život. Često me to što ste vi pitali pitaju i mnogi roditelji, nastavnici. Jedni kažu: „Ja takvu aplikaciju ne bih dao svojoj djeci.“ Drugi kažu: „Upotrebljavam to s djecom skoro svaki dan! Hvala vam.“ Mislim da oni koji kažu „ja to ne bih dao svojoj djeci“ ne razumiju dobro što djeca trebaju, ne vide da im ponekad treba pomoć. Intervjuirali smo djecu u privatnoj školi u Americi, većina je kazala da im to ne treba jer oni imaju svu podršku koju tre-

we were saying, "If we give them a calculator, will they want to learn to calculate?" The calculator has long since become a normal thing, and maths is still a compulsory and important school subject, absolutely indispensable. We have to admit to ourselves and to the school curriculum that the world is changing. The times when everything was done manually have passed. I don't doubt that Photomath is good. My kids use it, but not to do their homework more quickly; they wouldn’t be able to do that for long and it wouldn’t get them very far. My daughter is in her seventh year at school, she's very good at maths. She uses it to check her calculations because she’s the type that wants to have everything done correctly. My older son uses Photomath less frequently, just when he gets stuck and doesn’t know how to continue. The data say that 67% of children in their last year of primary school in America are not skilled in maths because they have missed some lessons and have never made up for them, and that is something that stays with them all their lives. Many parents and teachers often ask me the same question. Some say: "I’d never give an app like that to my children." Others say: "I use it with my children almost every day! Thank you." I think that those who say they wouldn’t give it to their kids don’t understand children’s needs very well; they don't see that kids sometimes need help. We talked to children at a private school in America, and the majority said that they don’t need the application because they have all the necessary support. They have teachers who make sure that every child understands and learns what they are supposed to. But the

Fotografija / Photo by Photomath mediakit

Mnoga djeca u školi ne uspiju razumjeti gradivo do kraja, a kod kuće nemaju nikoga tko bi im mogao pomoći. Baš takvima Photomath je jako koristan. Many children fail to fully understand the material in class and don’t have anyone at home who could help them. It’s for them that Photomath is very useful. 204

ACI No.1 // Damir Sabol

baju. Imaju nastavnike koji osiguraju da svako dijete razumije i nauči ono što treba. Ali velika većina djece ne školuje se u takvu sustavu. Drugi primjer: djevojčica, odlična učenica koja ne pohađa privatnu već javnu školu, kazala je: „Bila sam tjedan dana bolesna, pa sam uzela Photomath i obradila to što smo radili u školi, Photomath mi je sve objasnio i dobila sam pet iz testa.“ To je velik potencijal. Mi razumijemo da se neki Photomathom mogu koristiti za ubrzano pisanje zadaće, ali ne mislimo da je to dobro. Neki će Photomath, može se očekivati, upotrijebiti i za – varanje na testovima. Vjerojatno da. No, sva djeca žele znati i pitanje je zašto na testu varaju, ako varaju. Neki varaju zato što nemaju drugog izbora, ne znaju što bi, ne razumiju, a nema nikoga da im pomogne razumjeti. Dobili ste šest milijuna dolara investicije, što ćete s tim novcem? Kako će se dalje razvijati aplikacija? Radimo na novim mogućnostima aplikacije koje će zapravo proces učenja matematike napraviti kvalitetnijim, pomoći korisnicima da bolje razumiju ono što u matematici ne razumiju. Ulažemo velike napore baš u tom smjeru da s Photomathom možete lako identificirati što ne razumijete i da vam tad naša aplikacija ponudi objašnjenje, i to animirano, videoobjašnjenje. Gotovo sva dobivena sredstva uložit ćemo u ljudske resurse – matematičare koji razvijaju sadržaj aplikacije, ali i tim u SAD-u koji razvija poslovne aspekte tvrtke, marketing, strateška partnerstva. Photomath je do sada bio besplatan. Hoće li tako i ostati? Aplikacija nije kreirana kao gotov proizvod, stalno je razvijamo dalje, radimo na uvođenju dodatnih opcija i naprednih funkcija, dio kojih više neće biti besplatan. No, ono što je aplikacija do sad nudila kao besplatno – i dalje će ostati besplatno. Razvijamo dvije komponente aplikacije – tehnološku i sadržajnu, Photomath može bitno unaprijediti obrazovni proces i radimo na tome. 

U jesen 2018. Photomath je dosegnuo brojku od 100 milijuna korisnika, najviše ih je u SAD-u, potom u Rusiji, po zemljama zapadne Europe, Brazilu, Indoneziji...

In the autumn of 2018 Photomath reached 100 million users, most of its users are from the United States, followed by Russia, West European countries, Brazil, Indonesia, etc. vast majority of children are not educated in such a system. Another example: a girl, an excellent student at a state school, not a private one, said: "I was ill for a week, so I took Photomath and went through the material they covered in class. Photomath gave me an explanation and I passed my test with the highest mark." That's great potential. We understand that some may use Photomath to do their homework faster, but we don't think it’s a good thing. It is to be expected that some will use Photomath to – cheat in tests. Probably. However, all kids want to know things, and the question is why they cheat in a test, if they do. Some cheat because they have no other choice, they don't know what to do, they don't understand and there's no one there to help them understand. You have received a six million dollar investment; what are you going to do with the money? How will you develop the application further? We are working on new possibilities for the application that will actually improve the process of learning maths, i.e. help users understand the things in maths they don’t understand. We are making a special effort to make it possible for people to use Photomath to easily identify what they don't understand and to get an explanation – an animated, video explanation, no less – in return. Almost all the funds that we’ve received will be invested in human resources: not only the mathematicians who develop the content for the application, but also the US team who deal with the company’s business, marketing and strategic partnerships. Photomath has been free so far. Will it stay like this? The application wasn’t created as a finished product, we keep on developing it further all the time; we are working on introducing additional options and advanced functions, part of which will no longer be free. However, what the application has offered as free up to now will stay free. We are developing two components of the application – its technology and its content. Photomath can significantly improve the educational process and that’s what we’re working on. 


Fotografije / Photos by Privatna arhiva Claes Hultling / Claes Hultling private archives

ACI No.1 // Priča Claesa Hultlinga / The Claes Hulting Story





Osnivača Zaklade Spinalis mnogi smatraju švedskim Christopherom Reevom jer je od ozljede kralježnice svoj život posvetio promicanju poboljšane rehabilitacije i istraživanju ozljeda leđne moždine. The founder of the Spinalis Foundation is seen by many as the Swedish Christopher Reeve because, since sustaining an injury to his spine, he has dedicated his life to researching spinal cord injuries and promoting better rehabilitation. Claes Hultling osnivač je i aktivan liječnik Zaklade Spinalis i Specijalističke klinike za osobe s ozljedama leđne moždine u sklopu rehabilitacijskoga centra Rehab Station Stockholm. Zaklada Spinalis javna je zaklada čiji je glavni cilj promicanje istraživanja i razvoja liječenja u području ozljeda leđne moždine.

Claes Hultling is the founder of and a practicing doctor at the Spinalis Foundation and the clinic specialising in spinal cord injuries at Rehab Station Stockholm. The Spinalis Foundation is a public foundation whose main aim is to promote the research and development of treatment programmes for spinal cord injuries.

Priča o Spinalisu počinje 1984., kada je Claes Hultling skočio u vodu, udario u kamen i slomio vrat. Ostao je paraliziran od prsa nadolje. U vrijeme nesreće radio je kao anesteziolog u Sveučilišnoj bolnici Karolinska. Shvatio je da mu je sa slomljenim vratom teško raditi kao anesteziolog, a istovremeno je shvatio da su njegove usluge i životno iskustvo neophodno potrebni kao pomoć drugima koji su pretrpjeli ozljede leđne moždine. Stoga je Hultling odlučio posvetiti svoj život rehabilitaciji osoba s ozljedama leđne moždine.

The history of Spinalis began in 1984, when Claes Hultling dived into the water, hit a rock and broke his neck. He became paralysed from his chest down. At the time of the accident, he was working as an anaesthesiologist at Karolinska Hospital. He found it difficult to work as an anaesthesiologist with a broken neck and, at the same time, realised that his services and life experience were needed to assist others who had suffered a spinal cord injury. Therefore, Claes Hultling decided to devote his life to rehabilitate people with spinal cord injuries.


ACI No.1 // Priča Claesa Hultlinga / The Claes Hulting Story

Claes, koji potječe iz boemske obitelji koja je oduvijek bila usmjerena poboljšanju uvjeta života najpotrebitijima, shvatio je to kao priliku da promijeni situaciju na bolje, a to je učinio uz pomoć drugih koji su također bili pogođeni ozljedom leđne moždine.

Coming from a bohemian family, which was always oriented towards improving the living conditions for the neediest, Claes saw it as an opportunity to change the situation for the better, and he did it with the help of others who had also sustained spinal cord injury.


Kobni skok u vodu

A fatal dive

„Sve je započelo zadnjega dana svibnja 1984. Imao sam 30 godina i radio na intenzivnoj njezi kao anesteziolog u Sveučilišnoj bolnici Karolinska. Nekoliko nas kolega s Odjela za anesteziologiju Sveučilišne bolnice Karolinska odlučilo je ukrcati se na putnički brod koji kreće iz centra Stockholma i krenuti prema jednomu od otoka u arhipelagu. Prije večere imao sam dovoljno vremena za jedno kratko kupanje pa sam se otišao okupati. Prvi je skok prošao dobro, ali sam u drugome skoku udario u betonsku konstrukciju koja je služila kao potporanj za budući produženi gat. Ostao sam 100 % paraliziran i potonuo na dno. Život mi je brzo preletio pred očima i sjećam se da sam bio više tužan nego očajan. Nakon što je prošlo malo više od minute, dvojica mojih prijatelja liječnika izvukla su me na površinu i spasila me. Prvo što sam rekao bilo je: "Hvala što ste mi spasili život". Ostatak je zanimljiva priča koja počinje time što me ekipa iz službe za spašavanje (s kojom sam radio prije nesreće) helikopterom dovezla u bolnicu u kojoj sam bio zaposlen, gdje sam morao proći "uobičajenu" proceduru kao i bilo koji drugi pacijent sa slomljenim vratom ili kralježnicom. U vrijeme ozljede bio sam ponosni vlasnik osmometarske jedrilice od mahagonija izgrađene u Norveškoj 1926. godine. Bila je to prekrasna jedrilica s jarbolom visokim 22 metra i duljinom preko svega od 20 m. Shvatio sam da će biti suviše komplicirano zadržati taj brod i da se moram usredotočiti na oporavak i vraćanje u normalan život. Tri mjeseca nakon što sam slomio vratnu kralježnicu počeo sam raditi skraćeno radno vrijeme u jedinici intenzivnoga liječenja. Nisam mogao raditi u operacijskoj sali ili u hitnoj pomoći, ali mogao sam raditi na izdavanju uputnica i propisivanju lijekova te razgovarati s pacijentima. Vrlo sam brzo shvatio da neću taj posao raditi do kraja života. Morao sam se usredotočiti na braću i sestre s istom vrstom problema.“

“It all started on the last day of May in 1984. I was 30 years old and worked as an anaesthesiologist in the intensive care unit at the Karolinska University Hospital. A group of colleagues from the hospital Department of Anaesthesiology decided to take one of the commuting/passenger boats departing from Stockholm centre and we headed towards an island in the archipelago. Before dinner, there was time to take a quick swim, which I did. The first dive went OK, but when I dove the second time, I hit a concrete construction that was meant to support an extended jetty-to-be. I became 100% paralysed and sank to the bottom. I had my life played for me in a fast rerun, and I recall being more sad than desperate. After a little bit more than a minute, two of my doctor friends rescued me and brought me to the surface. The first words I said were ‘Thanks for saving my life’. The rest is an interesting tale that starts with my being brought to the hospital where I worked by the rescue helicopter squad (who I had worked with prior to the accident) and having to go through normal procedures as any other patient with a broken neck or a broken back. At the time of the injury, I was a proud owner of an eight-metre sailing boat made from mahogany wood in Norway in 1926. It was a magnificent sailing boat with a 22-metre-long mast and 63 feet of length overall. I realised that keeping the boat was going to be too much work and that I needed to focus on recovery and getting back into an integrated life. Three months after I had crushed my cervical spine I started to work part-time in the ICU. I could not work in the operating room or in the emergency department, but I could work with referrals and prescriptions and talk to patients. I soon realised that it was not going to be my work for the rest of my life. I needed to focus on my fellow brothers and sisters in the same type of predicament.”

Susret s „velikanima“ na America´s Cupu

Meeting the leading figures at the America´s Cup

„Putovao sam po svijetu kako bih saznao gdje mogu naći najbolji rehabilitacijski centar za ozljede leđne moždine. Slučajno je to bilo u Perthu u Zapadnoj Australiji, a

“I travelled the world to figure out where I could find the best spinal cord injury rehabilitation unit. It happened to be in Perth in Western Australia, and Sir Ludwig Bed-

ACI No.1 // Priča Claesa Hultlinga / The Claes Hulting Story

Sir Ludwig Bedbrook, dekan i izvršni direktor Rehabilitacijske bolnice Royal Perth u Central Parku, bio je svjetski autoritet u rehabilitaciji ozljeda leđne moždine. Preselio sam se onamo s kolegom dr. Richardom Levijem tijekom 1986. i 1987. To se sasvim slučajno poklopilo s America's Cupom, na kojem je Dennis Connor ponovno osvojio pehar s brodom Stars and Stripes 1987. pobijedivši Iaina Murrayja, koji je plovio na Kookaburri 3. U to vrijeme poznati švedski graditelj i dizajner jahti Peter Norlin konstruirao je Mini 12, koji također spada u Klasu 12, a njegov je pravi naziv 2,4 mR. Sa sobom sam dovezao dvije takve jedrilice i jedrio sam u luci America's Cupa u siječnju 1986. na Svjetskom prvenstvu za Klasu 12. Uspio sam se približiti Chrisu Dixonu, Peteru Gillmoreu, Walteru Cronciteu i mnogim istaknutim osobama u svijetu jedrenja, djelomično zbog svojega stanja, ali i zato što sam imao brod "igračku", repliku velikih brodova.“

brook, the Chief Executive Officer and the Dean at the Royal Perth Rehabilitation Hospital in Central Park, was the world authority on spinal cord injury rehabilitation. I moved there with my colleague Dr Richard Levi in 1986–1987. It just happened to coincide with America’s Cup, where Dennis Connor successfully won the cup back with his boat, the Stars and Stripes 1987, beating Iain Murray, who sailed on the Kookaburra At this time, the well-known Swedish yacht designer and constructor Peter Norlin designed the Mini 12, which is also a 12-metre boat; the proper term for it is 2.4 mR. I brought with me two 2.4 metres and sailed in the America’s Cup harbour in January 1986 during the 12 Metre World Championship. I managed to raise Chris Dixon, Peter Gillmore, Walter Croncite and many other leading figures in the sailing world, partially due to my predicament, but also because I had this toy boat, which was a replica of the big boats.”

Od ideje do najvećega u sjevernoj Europi

From an idea to the greatest facility in Northern Europe

Claes, koji potječe iz boemske obitelji koja je oduvijek bila usmjerena poboljšanju uvjeta života najpotrebitijima, shvatio je to kao priliku da promijeni situaciju na bolje, a to je učinio uz pomoć drugih koji su također bili pogođeni ozljedom leđne moždine. „Nakon godinu dana provedenih u Australiji vratio sam se u Švedsku i htio osnovati najbolji centar za ozljede leđne moždine u sjevernoj Europi. Lokalne zdravstvene službe i gradsko vijeće nimalo nije zaintrigirala ni impresionirala moja ideja. Nakon gotovo dvije godine borbe morao sam pronaći financijsku potporu negdje drugdje. Poznati švedski industrijalac i poduzetnik Jan Stenbeck i njegovo poslovno carstvo Kinnevik bili su prvi glavni partner Spinalisu tijekom kasnih 80-ih. On, njegova majka Märta Stenbeck i ja izradili smo statut, a oni su velikom financijskom potporom pridonijeli tomu da centar Spinalis postane stvarnost. U siječnju 1989. Hans Norberg iz grada Luleå slomio je vrat u hokejaškoj utakmici Allsvenskan lige, a njegova ozljeda bila je povod ideji da se Svjetsko hokejaško prvenstvo upotrijebi kao platforma

“After a year in Australia, I came back to Sweden and wanted to start the best spinal cord injury unit in Northern Europe. The local health authorities and the City Council were not at all interested in or impressed by my idea. After struggling for almost two years, I had to find financial support elsewhere. The well-known Swedish industrialist and entrepreneur Jan Stenbeck and his business empire Kinnevik were Spinalis’s first main partner in the late 1980s. Jan Stenbeck, his mother Märta Stenbeck, and I drafted the statute, and they contributed considerable financial support for the Spinalis unit to become a reality. In January 1989 Hans Norberg from Luleå broke his neck in an Allsvenskan League ice hockey match. His injury led to the idea of using the Ice Hockey World Championships as a platform to launch the Swedish sponsorship programme for Spinalis. Hans Norberg and Claes Hultling rolled out onto the ice in the crowded Globe Arena while 300 piggy banks were passed around. The Globe event brought in almost 500,000 Swedish kronor. 209

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za iniciranje švedskoga sponzorskog programa za Spinalis. S Hansom Norbergom izišao sam na led u prepunoj Globe Areni dok je 300 kasica prasica išlo od ruke do ruke. Tim je događajem u Globe Areni prikupljeno gotovo 500.000 švedskih kruna. Taj je početni trud doveo do jedinstvenoga sponzorskog programa – socijalnoga sponzorstva – koji je nakon godine dana prikupio impresivnih 5 milijuna kruna, što je bilo dovoljno za osnivanje prvoga centra specijaliziranoga za ozljede leđne moždine u Švedskoj. Svečano otvorenje bilo je 1991. i potrudili smo se da taj novi centar za ozljede leđne moždine izgleda drugačije od drugih, potrudili smo se biti inovativni i uvesti nove tehnike i medicinsku opremu koja se prije nije upotrebljavala. Potrošili smo mnogo novca za istraživanje novih područja i do današnjega dana u centru je izrađeno četrnaest doktorskih disertacija. U suradnji s ostalim dionicima Spinalis i Rehab Station danas predstavljaju najveći rehabilitacijski centar za ozljede leđne moždine u sjevernoj Europi, koji raspolaže s 56 kreveta i može skrbiti o 1.385 pacijenata iz regije s ozljedama leđne moždine.“ Možda je najuzbudljivija stvar kod Spinalisa ipak činjenica da je to filozofska rehabilitacija, jednako usmjerena 210

This initial effort led to a unique sponsorship programme – social sponsorship – which, after one year, raised an impressive amount of 5 million Swedish kronor. It was enough to start the first specialised spinal cord injury unit in Sweden. The inauguration was in 1991 and we made an effort to make this new spinal cord injury ward look different than others; we wanted it to be innovative and we wanted to bring in new techniques and medical supplies that hadn’t been used before. We spent an awful lot of money on embarking onto new research areas and until today we have had 14 PhD studies finalised at the unit. With the help from other stakeholders, Spinalis and Rehab Station has today become the largest spinal cord injury rehabilitation centre in Northern Europe, which, with its 56 beds, can cater for 1,385 spinal cord injured patients in the region.”

The African experience “In March 2008 I was invited by Business Sweden – the Swedish Trade & Invest Council (Exportrådet) – to participate in a workshop on health economics in the capital of Botswana, Gaborone. At that time, I was very uneducated regarding the situation in Botswana and I was curious to find out more about the medical and social situation

ACI No.1 // Priča Claesa Hultlinga / The Claes Hulting Story

na srce i dušu pacijenata kao i na njihova tijela, i uči ih kako nastaviti život bez osjećaja pritiska da u potpunosti prihvate svoju životnu situaciju.

Iskustva iz Afrike „U ožujku 2008. pozvali su me iz Švedskoga vijeća za trgovinu i investicije (Exportrådet) Business Sweden da sudjelujem u radionici o zdravstvenoj ekonomiji u glavnome gradu Bocvane – Gaboroneu. U to vrijeme bio sam vrlo neupućen u situaciju u Bocvani i želio sam saznati kakvo je zdravstveno i socijalno stanje u toj zemlji. Održao sam prezentaciju i sudjelovao u radionici, a tijekom večere sjedio sam pokraj gospođe Mutsumi, koja je bila bocvanska ministrica zdravstva. Tada sam shvatio da svake godine u Bocvani ima otprilike 100 novih slučajeva ozljeda leđne moždine i da većina pacijenata umre, i to od sekundarnih komplikacija kao što je dekubitus koji se inficira pa se bakterije prošire u krvotok te pacijent na kraju umre od sepse. Bio sam duboko ganut situacijom i vratio sam se u Švedsku uvjeren da bih trebao pokušati istražiti mogućnosti za dobivanje sredstava za pokretanje neke vrste centra za ozljede leđne moždine u bolnici Princess Marina u Gaboroneu. Nakon mnogo pregovora i putovanja amo-tamo te potpisivanja pisma namjere i pisma sporazuma konačno smo dobili potporu Švedske agencije za međunarodni razvoj (SIDA-e). Otišli smo u Gaborone s timom u kojemu su bili liječnik, medicinska sestra, fizioterapeut, radni terapeut i rehabilitacijski trener. Usporedili smo iskustva s medicinskim osobljem u bolnici i uspjeli osnovati centar. Nakon dvije godine glavni izvršni direktor bolnice Windhoek Central u Namibiji došao je u Gaborone i zamolio nas da osmislimo plan i za Namibiju. Danas imamo dva funkcionalna centra za ozljede leđne moždine u Bocvani i Namibiji i pokušavamo osnovati još jedan u Lusaki u Zambiji. Rad u Africi izuzetno je zahtjevan; postoji mnogo prepreka koje treba svladati na licu mjesta, a tiču se gotovo svih aspekata rada – tehničkih pomagala, lijekova, osoblja itd. Međutim, nakon nekoliko tjedana provedenih u takvome centru shvatite da ono što radite poboljšava ljudima život. Stopa smrtnosti dramatično se smanjila i uz relativno nevelika sredstva uspjeli smo znatno povećati znanje tima o

in the country. I gave my presentation and participated in the workshop, and during the dinner I was seated next to Mme Mutsumi, who was Botswana’s Minister of Health. At that very time, I realised that there were approximately 100 new cases of spinal cord injuries in the country per year, and that most of the patients died. The causes of deaths were secondary complications, such as pressure wounds that were infected and then the bacteria spread to the bloodstream, so they died from septicaemia. I was deeply moved by the situation and went back to Sweden convinced that I should try to look into the possibilities of getting funding to start a spinal cord injury unit at the Princess Marina Hospital in Gaborone. After a whole lot of negotiations and travelling back and forth, as well as signing a Letter of Understanding and a Letter of Agreement, we finally ended up with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). We went to Gaborone with a team consisting of a doctor, a nurse, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, and a rehabilitation coach. We benchmarked with the medical staff at the hospital and managed to get the unit going. After two years the Chief Executive Officer at the Windhoek Central Hospital in Namibia came to Gaborone and asked us to do a blueprint in Namibia. Today we have two well-functioning spinal cord injury units in Botswana and Namibia and we are trying to establish a spinal cord injury unit in Lusaka, Zambia. Working in Africa is extremely challenging and there are so many battles that you have to fight on site regarding every aspect of the job like technical aids, drugs, staff, et cetera. However, after a couple of weeks in a unit like that, you realise that you are making a difference. The mortality rate has gone down dramatically and with relatively small funds we have managed to considerably increase the expertise of the spinal cord injury team, which has led to much better results. The hours, days, and weeks that you put into a unit in these countries have a much better pay-off. You save lives. In 2009, I was asked to embark onto a project at the Department of Neurosurgery at the Stanford University Hospital in Palo Alto in California. I moved there together with my son, who started his last year in high school, and our small family tried to

Možda je najuzbudljivija stvar kod Spinalisa ipak činjenica da je to filozofska rehabilitacija, jednako usmjerena na srce i dušu pacijenata kao i na njihova tijela, i uči ih kako nastaviti život bez osjećaja pritiska da u potpunosti prihvate svoju životnu situaciju.

Perhaps the most exciting thing about Spinalis is actually the fact that it is a rehabilitation philosophy, equally focusing on the patients’ hearts and souls as well as their bodies, which teaches them how to continue their lives without the pressure to completely accept their life situation.


ACI No.1 // Priča Claesa Hultlinga / The Claes Hulting Story

ozljedama leđne moždine, što je dovelo do mnogo boljih rezultata. Sati, dani i tjedni koje ste uložili u centre u tim zemljama pružaju mnogo više zadovoljstva postignutim. Spašavate živote. Godine 2009. zamolili su me da se uključim u projekt na Odjelu za neurokirurgiju u bolnici Sveučilišta Stanford u Palo Altu u Kaliforniji. Preselio sam se onamo sa sinom koji je upisao završni razred srednje škole i naša mala obitelj trudila se upoznati okolinu na zapadnoj obali SAD-a. Ondje sam napravio jedno dobro kliničko istraživanje i radio s pacijentima na odjelu.

get acquainted with the environment on the US West Coast. While I was there, I did some good clinical research and I worked on the floor on the ward.

Jedrenje je drugačije u Zaljevu San Francisca, no u samome gradu postoji jedriličarski klub za osobe s invaliditetom, čiji članovi svaki vikend plove u Zaljevu. Nema mnogo natjecanja, ali barem 15-20 ljudi u invalidskim kolicima svaki vikend dobije priliku za izlazak na more.

In 2010, after returning to Stockholm, I resumed my work as a clinical physician at the Karolinska University Hospital and also continued my work with the Spinalis Foundation.

Godine 2010. – nakon povratka u Stockholm – ponovno sam se vratio radu kliničkoga liječnika u bolnici Sveučilišta Karolinska, a nastavio sam i s radom u Zakladi Spinalis.“

His life’s work – the founding of and work at the Spinalis foundation and clinic, which is the most modern spinal cord injury rehabilitation centre in the world – is just one of the things that have made him recognised and respected around the globe. Claes Hultling is a pioneer in his work, which he uses to help people with disabilities to reject the dogma of sexuality being central to conceiving a child. He paved the way for both women and men with spinal cord injury to have children and fight against the taboo of being parents in wheelchairs.

Pionir in vitro oplodnje osoba s invaliditetom Njegovo životno djelo, osnivanje Zaklade Spinalis i klinike Rehab Station te rad u toj Zakladi i u tome najsuvremenijem centru za rehabilitaciju ozljeda leđne moždine u svijetu, samo je jedna od stvari koje su ga učinile globalno priznatim i cijenjenim. Claes Hultling pionir je u svojemu radu kojim osobama s invaliditetom pomaže


Sailing is different in the Bay Area, but there is a disabled sailing club stationed in San Francisco that sails in the San Francisco Bay every weekend. There is not very much competition, but at least 15–20 people in wheelchairs get a chance to get out on the water every weekend.

Pioneer of in vitro fertilisation in people with disabilities

ACI No.1 // Priča Claesa Hultlinga / The Claes Hulting Story

„Bez Claesove predanosti i tvrdoglavosti postojanje i liječenje mnogih ozljeda leđne moždine bilo bi mnogo sivlje i svakako mnogo teže.“

„Without Claes’s dedication and stubbornness, the existence and treatment of many spinal cord injuries would be more depressing and definitely much more difficult.”

ukloniti dogmu da je seksualnost ključna za začeće djeteta. On je otvorio put i za žene i za muškarce s ozljedama leđne moždine kako bi mogli imati djecu i kako bi se borili protiv tabua koji se veže uz roditelje u kolicima. Claes Hultling nalazi se u povijesnim knjigama upisan kao prva osoba s ozljedom leđne moždine koja ima dijete začeto in vitro oplodnjom.

Dnevnik jedrenja u Hrvatskoj od travnja do svibnja 2018. „U proljeće 2018. odlučio sam osobnim automobilom dovesti svoju jedrilicu do sjevernoga Jadrana, točnije u ACI marinu Ičići kraj Opatije, i s malom ekipom prijatelja oploviti što je više moguće arhipelaga najrazvedenije svjetske obale. U srijedu, 2. svibnja, otisnuli smo se na more. Na brodu se osjetilo veliko olakšanje kada smo iz Opatije i ACI marine Ičići krenuli na jug prema Cresu i ACI marini koja se ondje nalazi. Prilikom dolaska u luku dočekala su nas dvojica zaposlenika ACI-ja koji su nam izašli u susret na gumenjaku. Dobili smo vez u marini i večerali u predivnome restoranu. Prva je večer na brodu prošla relativno dobro. Još uvijek je neke stvari na jedrilici trebalo optimizirati kako bismo se svi osjećali što je moguće udobnije. Nakon prospavane noći u ACI marini Cres natočili smo gorivo i otisnuli se na Jadransko more ploveći oko otoka Cresa i dalje prema Osoru. U Osoru je pokretni most koji se otvara dva puta dnevno, jednom u 9 ujutro i drugi put u 17 sati poslijepodne. Stigli smo na vrijeme iako smo plovili po istočnome vjetru praćenom učestalim pljuskovima. Prošavši kroz kanal, krenuli smo prema Nerezinama, staromu gradiću na istočnoj strani otoka. U luci Nerezine udarili smo o betonski mol po kiši, nakon čega smo savjesno otišli s putovnicama i brodskim papirima do nadležnoga lučkog kapetana, koji nam je pregledao isprave i naplatio 90 kuna lučke naknade. Iako vez nije bilo optimalan, tu drugu noć na brodu dobro smo spavali. Treći dan započeo je s većim brojem poruka direktora ACI marine Šimuni Ivana Mokosa, koji nam je bio osoba za kontakt tijekom jedrenja. Nakon mnogo plovidbe motorom, ali i ugodna jedrenja, sat vremena prije zalaska sunca stigli smo do Šimuna na otoku Pagu gdje nas je dočekao Ivan. Ukrcao se i dobio piće dobrodošlice. Bili smo sretni i zahvalni što smo konačno stigli i što smo upoznali tako

Logbook: Sailing in Croatia April - May 2018 “In the spring of 2018 I decided to travel by car with my sailing boat in tow to the North Adriatic – or, to be more precise, to ACI Marina Ičići in Opatija – where I and a small group of friends would sail around as many islands, situated off the most deeply indented coastline in the world, as possible. On Wednesday, 2 May, we cast off from Opatija at 2:20 pm and a great relief spread on board as we headed southwards towards Cres and the ACI marina located there. Arriving at the harbour, we were received by two ACI employees who met us in a RIB. We got a mooring there and had dinner in a lovely restaurant. The first night on board went relatively well. We still had some optimising to do on board in order to make everyone feel as comfortable as possible. After we spent the night in ACI Marina Cres, we fuelled up and headed out onto the Adriatic Sea to round the island of Cres and steer down towards Osor. In Osor there is a drawbridge which opens twice a day, at 9 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon. Our timing was good even though we had some quite tough sailing in the east wind with frequent rain showers. After the passage, we headed towards Nerezine, which is an old small town on the eastern side of the island. In the Nerezine harbour we bumped into a concrete jetty in the rain, then went conscientiously with passports and boat documentation to the appropriate harbour master, who looked at our documents and charged us 90 kunas for the harbour fee. Even though the mooring was not optimal, we slept well this second night on board. Day 3 began with a number of messages from Ivan Mokos, the director of ACI Marina Šimuni, who was our sailing contact person. After a lot of motoring but also pleasant sailing, we reached Šimuni on the island of Pag an hour before sunset and were met by Ivan. He boarded and received a welcome drink, and we praised the fact that we were finally there and that we had made such a good contact during the boat fair in Älvsjö. We spent the night safely with the boat moored alongside at the far end of the marina. The next morning was a washing day and marked the opening of ACI's disabled bathroom. It worked well. That day, our aim was to reach Sali, a small town located on the eastern side of the Dugi Island. It borders the Telašćica nature reservation, which is located on the other side of the island. We entered the port of Sali and were met by the harbour master, who explained that we should moor on the south-western side of the harbour basin. The next day, before setting off, we headed towards Zaglav, which is in the north of the Dugi Island, in order to fuel up. We sailed in a gentle breeze and later considered to drop anchor at the top of the bay. But instead of staying at anchor, we hoisted sails and sailed back south going at the speed of 3–4 knots in this gentle breeze. The target was now the beautiful ACI Marina Piškera, where we were met as usual by friendly and service-oriented ACI staff. We left Piškera and sailed southwards further down the archipelago, which to us was unknown territory.


ACI No.1 // Priča Claesa Hultlinga / The Claes Hulting Story

dobru osobu za kontakt na nautičkome sajmu u Älvsjöu. Noć smo proveli sigurno na brodu bočno privezanome uz gat na samome kraju marine. Sljedeće jutro bio je dan za pranje i otvaranje ACI-jeve kupaonice za osobe s invaliditetom. Dobro je funkcioniralo. Taj je dan naš cilj bio stići u Sali, malo mjesto smješteno na istočnoj obali Dugoga otoka nedaleko Parka prirode Telašćica, koji se pak nalazi na drugoj strani otoka. Uplovili smo u luku Sali, gdje nas je dočekao lučki kapetan koji nam je objasnio da bismo se trebali usidriti na jugozapadnoj strani lučkoga bazena. Sljedeći dan prije polaska uputili smo se prema mjestu Zaglav, koje se nalazi na sjevernoj strani Dugoga otoka, kako bismo natočili gorivo. Jedrili smo po blagome povjetarcu i kasnije razmišljali bismo li se usidrili u najudaljenijemu dijelu uvale. Umjesto da ostanemo na sidru, dignuli smo jedra i odjedrili natrag na jug vozeći brzinom od 3 ili 4 čvora na tome blagom povjetarcu. Cilj nam je sada bila prekrasna ACI marina Piškera, gdje nas je kao i obično dočekalo ljubazno i uslužno osoblje ACI-ja. Napustili smo Piškeru i otplovili južnije niz arhipelag, koji nam je bio nepoznat teritorij. Plovili smo gotovo ravno prema istoku i stigli na otok Kakan. Bilo je nekih potencijalnih mjesta za bacanje sidra, ali dobili smo savjete i preporuke za mali restoran smješten na istočnoj strani nasuprot mjestu Kaprije. Istina, ispostavilo se da je restorančić zvan Paradiso, koji se upravo otvorio za sezonu, predstavljao jedno ugodno iskustvo. Privezali smo se s druge strane mola i popili piće na večernjemu suncu. Noć je bila crna, a vjetar je ojačao. Kada smo bili spremni za odlazak na spavanje u 23:30, Gabriel i njegovi prijatelji izašli su i rekli da bismo se trebali premjestiti na suprotnu stranu mola. U početku sam oklijevao s premještanjem broda jer, uostalom, vez je bio dosta dobar, ali nakon što smo malo više porazgovarali s otočanima, slijedili smo njihov primjer i okrenuli pramac u zavjetrinu. Sada ciljamo na malu ekskluzivnu ACI marinu smještenu dalje od mora u gradu Skradinu, do koje se stiže preko Šibenika i rijeke Krke. Prilaz kroz koji smo plovili odlikuje se vrlo starim, drevnim kamenim kućama, građevinama nalik na dvorce, smještenima s obiju strana uvale u kojoj se nalaze i mnoga uzgajališta kamenica. U skradinskoj marini, najekskluzivnijoj koju smo dosad posjetili, imali smo fantastično mjesto za bočni privez nasuprot jednomu od najboljih restorana u gradu. Nakon što je neko vrijeme pljuštala kiša, odlučili smo krenuti u ACI marinu u Jezerima na otoku Murteru. Nije bilo vjetra, a kiša je i dalje pljuštala. Uz pomoć motora i s ceradom za kišu preplovili smo veliki zaljev i nastavili natrag prema jugu kroz kanale. Konačno smo stigli do Jezera, gdje smo još jednom bili lijepo primljeni i dobili bočni vez. Naš pomoćnik Ivan Mokos sredio je automobil koji nas je odvezao natrag u ACI marinu u Ičiće, južno od Opatije. Stigavši u marinu, razmotrili smo planove s lokalnim osobljem. Odlučili smo se odmah ujutro vratiti po prikolicu i voziti natrag u Jezera kako bismo ondje pokupili brod i tako završili još jednu avanturu vrijednu uloženoga truda i oplemenjenu osjećajem koji pruža plovidba jadranskim akvatorijem i uživanjem u ljepotama hrvatske obale i otoka.“  214

Claes Hultling nalazi se u povijesnim knjigama upisan kao prva osoba s ozljedom leđne moždine koja ima dijete začeto in vitro oplodnjom. Claes Hultling will go down in history as the first person with spinal cord injury who has fathered a child through in vitro fertilisation.

We now sailed almost dead east and came to the island of Kakan. There were some potential places for sway-anchoring, but we also had tips and recommendations about a small restaurant located on the east side opposite the village of Kaprije. Very true, the small restaurant called Paradiso, which had just opened for the season, turned out to be a pleasant experience. We could moor just across the dock and have our drinks in the evening sun. The night was black and the wind picked up. When we were about to crawl down into the boat at half past eleven, Gabriel and his friends came out and suggested that we should moor on the other side of the dock. I was at first hesitant to move the boat because, after all, our mooring was already quite good, but after further conversation with the native islanders, we followed their example and I put our bow on the lee side of the dock. We were now aiming for a small exclusive ACI marina located inland in the town of Skradin, which can be reached via Šibenik and the river Krka. We sailed through the entrance, which is characterised by very old and ancient stone houses or castle-like buildings on each side of the inlet, where there are also many oyster farms. In the Skradin marina, the most exclusive marina that we had visited up to that point, we had a fantastic alongside mooring location opposite one of Skradin’s best restaurants. After some time spent in the pouring rain, we decided to head for the ACI marina in Jezera on the island of Murter. We had no wind, and the rain kept pouring down. We got by motor through the big bay and back south through the channels with the rain-hood up. Finally we came to Jezera, where we once again received a warm welcome and had an alongside mooring. Our helping hand, Ivan Mokos, fixed us a car that drove us back to the ACI marina in Ičići, south of Opatija. Once at the marina, we went through our plans with the local staff. We decided to come back first thing in the morning to get the trailer and drive back down to Jezera and pick up the boat there. That’s how another adventure ended, which was worth the effort and proved to be an unforgettable experience provided by sailing in the Adriatic and enjoying the beautiful Croatian seacoast and islands. 


Fotografija / Photo by Boris Šćitar/Večernji list/PIXSELL


ACI No.1 // Igor Štagljar



The Stagljar Lab. Zvuči kul, zar ne? Gotovo kao ime benda od kojega očekujete dobar rock. Čak je i internetska stranica napravljena u stripovskome stilu i na njoj dominira superjunačka ilustracija znanstvenika u bijeloj kuti koji uz pomoć vatrenih potisnika u čizmama strepi prema visinama. Poruka je jasna. Razvoj znanosti nemoguće je zaustaviti. Znanost ne poznaje kočnice i jako brzo prelazi sve granice. Igor Štagljar jedan je od takvih znanstvenika koji ruši sve barijere. Profesor molekularne genetike i biokemije u Centru za istraživanje života „Terrence Donnelly“ Medicinskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Torontu, suosnivač biotehnoloških kompanija DualSystems Biotech Inc. (Zürich, Švicarska) i ProteinNetwork Therapeutix (Toronto, Kanada). Među brojnim nagradama i priznanjima za dosad objavljena otkrića, inovacije i patente prof. Štagljar dobitnik je i kanadske nagrade Inovacijski Oscar za tehnologiju.

The Stagljar Lab. Sounds cool, doesn’t it? Almost like a band you expect to play some good rock music. Even its website is very much like a comic strip, dominated by an image of a superhero scientist in a white coat and jet boots that help him reach for the stars. The message is clear. It’s impossible to stop scientific development. Science knows no obstacles and it quickly transcends all boundaries. Igor Štagljar is one of those scientists who break all barriers. He is professor of molecular genetics and biochemistry at Donnelly Centre at the Medical School of the University of Toronto and the co-founder of biotech companies Dualsystems Biotech Inc. (Zurich, Switzerland) and ProteinNetwork Therapeutix (Toronto, Canada). Among many awards and prizes he has received so far for his discoveries, inventions and patents, Prof. Štagljar is also the recipient of the Canadian Oscar for innovation technology.

Rođen je 1966. godine u Zagrebu. Majka Sonja radila je u računovodstvu jedne robne kuće, a tata Mirko bio je voditelj prototipnoga laboratorija u Brodarskome institutu, ali i vrhunski sportaš. Jedna je od legendi hrvatskoga veslanja čija je bista na jarunskoj Aleji zaslužnih sportaša. Ta sportska crta prešla je i na prof. Igora Štagljara, koji je tijekom studentskih dana igrao rukomet s Patrikom Ćavarom, Vladimirom Jelčićem i Brunom Gudeljom, igračima koji su na Olimpijskim igrama u Atlanti 1996. osvojili zlato s hrvatskom reprezentacijom. Diplomirao je 1990., a zatim otišao na doktorat na Švicarski tehnološki federalni institut (ETH) u Zürichu, jedno od najboljih sveučilišta u svijetu na području prirodnih i tehničkih znanosti koje je dalo niz nobelovaca uključujući Einsteina, Röntgena te naše Lavoslava Ružičku i Vladimira Preloga. Doktorirao je 1994., a nakon dvije kratke specijalizacije u Zürichu 2001. otišao je na usavršavanje na Sveučilište Washington u Seattleu k prof. Stanleyju Fieldsu. Od 2005. živi u Torontu.

He was born in Zagreb in 1966. His mother Sonja worked as an accountant for a department store, and his father Mirko was the head of the prototyping laboratory at Brodarski Institute, as well as a great athlete. He is one of the Croatian rowing legends and there is a bust of him on the Walk of Fame of the Croatian Sport in Jarun. The sport gene was inherited by Professor Igor Štagljar, who played handball in his college days with Patrik Ćavar, Vladimir Jelčić and Bruno Gudelj, players who won gold with the Croatian national team in the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. He graduated in 1990 and then went to do his PhD thesis at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, one of the best universities in the world in the field of natural and technical sciences, which produced Nobel laureates including Einstein and Röntgen, as well as two Croatians, Lavoslav Ružička and Vladimir Prelog. He received his PhD in 1994. After two short fellowships in Zurich, he furthered his postdoctoral studies at the University of Washington in Seattle in 2001 with Professor Stanley Fields. He has lived in Toronto since 2005.


ACI No.1 // Igor Štagljar

Prof. Igor Štagljar sebe opisuje kao kombinaciju znanstvenika i menadžera sažetu u zgodnoj krilatici „znanstveni težak“ jer gotovo 80 posto vremena piše znanstvene projekte. Sredstva koja laboratorij priskrbi od tih projekata omogućavaju im daljnja istraživanja. Prošla su vremena klišeja u kojima znanstvenik sam u laboratoriju pokušava smisliti spasonosno rješenje. Današnji znanstvenici trebaju imati sjajne menadžerske kvalifikacije i uigran tim ljudi. Konkurencija je ogromna, pa je multidisciplinarnost jedan od ključeva uspjeha. Jedan od vodećih molekularnih biologa u svijetu sa svojim timom od 15-ak ljudi radi na lijeku protiv najzloćudnijega tumora današnjice – raka pluća. Riječ je o takozvanome pametnom lijeku koji selektivno uništava tumorske stanice, a zdrave ostavlja netaknutima, što je kruna njegove znanstvene karijere. Ključnu ulogu odigrao je projekt ljudski genom, koji je bio završen 2001., kada su znanstvenici uspjeli pročitati genetičku informaciju iz svih naših stanica. Od tada znamo da je broj gena u našemu organizmu oko 20.000. Svaki od tih gena ima svoju ulogu u pravilnoj funkciji trilijuna naših stanica, međutim, poznata je funkcija samo maloga dijela njih, oko 5.000 gena, a još uvijek ne znamo staničnu funkciju preostalih oko 15.000 gena, tj. ne znamo kako dolazi do bolesti kada ti geni mutiraju. Ono što znanstvenici diljem svijeta pokušavaju odgonetnuti jest funkcija svakoga gena ne

Danas se od znanstvenika traže i vrhunske menadžerske sposobnosti.

Today, scientists are required to have great managerial skills

Fotografija / Photo by Matija Habljak/PIXSELL


Prof. Štagljar describes himself as a combination of a scientist and manager, a kind of a “scientific labourer” who spends almost 80 percent of his time writing scientific projects. The funds received through these projects allow the laboratory team to continue doing their research. The times of a stereotypical scientist who works alone in the lab trying to discover a life-saving solution are long gone. Today's scientists are supposed to have great managerial skills and lead a highly coordinated team of people. The competition is huge; interdisciplinarity, therefore, is a key to success. One of the world’s leading molecular biologists and his team of about 15 people are working on a cure for the most malignant tumour of today’s world – lung cancer. It is a so-called targeted drug that selectively destroys tumour cells while leaving the healthy ones intact, which is the pinnacle of his scientific career. The key role in this was played by the Human Genome Project, which was completed in 2001, when scientists managed to read the genetic information in all our cells, finding out that the number of genes in our body is about 20,000. Each of those genes has a role to play in the proper functioning of trillions of our cells; however, the functions of only a small part of them – about 5,000 genes – are known to us, and as for the rest – about 15,000 – we have no idea what part they play in cells, i.e. how disease occurs when those genes mutate. What scientists around the

ACI No.1 // Igor Štagljar

bi li jednoga dana s obzirom na to stečeno znanje mogli izliječiti određenu bolest. Znanstvena grupa pod vodstvom prof. Igora Štagljara proučava proteine na površini stanica, tzv. receptore, koji daju stanici nalog kada se treba podijeliti, kada treba proliferirati, a i kada mora umrijeti. Ti receptori, zbog mutacija u genima koji su odgovorni za njihovu produkciju ili amplifikacije gena koji ih kodiraju, jednostavno polude u stanicama karcinoma te dovode do toga da se takve tumorske stanice počinju dijeliti bez kontrole. Ono što znanstvenici pokušavaju razumjeti jest kako „preciznim lijekovima“ zaustaviti „poludjele“ receptore, tako da stanica više ne bude u tome nekontroliranom načinu rada u kojemu se neprekidno dijeli. Premda znanstvenici proučavaju te receptore već gotovo 30 godina, tek su prije 12 godina napravili ogromne proboje u tome području istraživanja koji su rezultirali sintezom prvih „preciznih lijekova“ u liječenju leukemije, karcinoma bubrega, debeloga crijeva i pluća.

world are trying to figure out is the function of every gene in order to be able one day to use this acquired knowledge to cure a particular disease. The scientific team led by Professor Igor Štagljar is studying cell-surface receptors, proteins that signal the cell when to divide, when to proliferate, as well as when to die. These receptors, due to mutations in genes that are responsible for their production or the amplification of genes that encode them, might be said to simply go crazy in cancer cells leading to the uncontrolled division of tumour cells. What scientists are trying to understand is how to use targeted drugs to stop the receptors that have gone “mad”, so that the cell is no longer in this uncontrolled mode, where it is dividing nonstop. Although scientists have been studying these receptors for almost 30 years, it was only 12 years ago that they were able to make major breakthroughs in this area of research, which have resulted in synthesising the first targeted drugs in the treatment of leukaemia and cancer of the kidney, colon and lungs.

Klasična medicina ne može bez molekularne genetike i biokemije

Conventional medicine cannot do without molecular genetics and biochemistry

Prof. Igor Štagljar kaže kako danas klasična medicina više ne može stvarati progres bez ogromnih pomaka u molekularnoj genetici i biokemiji. Za izlječenje određene bolesti moraju biti poznati njezini uzroci. Kada se jedan tumor odstrani operativnim zahvatom, pacijent započinje s kemoterapijom kako bi liječnici bili sigurni da u organizmu nije ostala niti jedna tumorska stanica koja bi se jednoga dana opet mogla razviti u tumor. Za stvaranje učinkovitih lijekova protiv tumora neophodno je znati koje biokemijske, metaboličke i genetske promjene dovode do razvoja tumora. Današnja medicina ne može funkcionirati bez saznanja o svakoj molekuli u tumoru kako bi uzročnike tih tumora mogla uništiti lijekovima. Tumori se često nazivaju bolešću modernoga zapadnog svijeta. Ljudi puno rade pod velikim pritiskom i stresom kako bi ispunili sve više i više norme, malo se kreću i loše hrane. Dodajte k tomu još pušenje, pretilost, alkohol… Prof. Igor Štagljar smatra kako se 40 posto tumora može izbjeći zdravijim životom. No, isto tako, za njega su zloćudne bolesti dijelom evolucije čovjeka koji će se uz pomoć znanstvenih istraživanja i razvoja novih lijekova moći tretirati kao kronične bolesti. 

Professor Igor Štagljar says that conventional medicine today can no longer make progress without huge breakthroughs in molecular genetics and biochemistry. In order to cure certain diseases, the causes need to be known. When a tumour is surgically removed, the patient starts a chemotherapy treatment so that doctors can make sure that no tumour cells are left in the body, which could again develop into a tumour one day. To create effective cures for tumours, it is necessary to know what the biochemical, metabolic, and genetic changes that lead to the development of tumours are. Today's medicine cannot work without having insight into every molecule of a tumour in order to use drugs to destroy its causes. Tumours are a disease of the modern Western world. People work hard under a lot of pressure and stress in order to achieve ever greater quotas; they exercise very little and eat unhealthy food. Added to the mix are smoking, obesity, alcohol etc. Professor Igor Štagljar believes that a healthier lifestyle can help prevent 40 percent of tumours. However, he also considers malignant diseases as part of human evolution, which we will be able to treat as chronic diseases with the help of scientific research and development of new drugs. 

Fotografija / Photo by Boris Kovacev / CROPIX

Zdravijim životom može se izbjeći 40 posto tumora.

A healthier lifestyle can help prevent forty percent of tumours.


ACI No.1 // B1 Plakati



Poticanje inovacija na medijskoj sceni kroz promjene

Stimulating innovation in the media scene through changes

B1 Plakati osnovani su 1998. godine, u vrijeme kada je na tržištu oglašavanja nedostajalo kvalitetnih i inovativnih komunikacijskih kanala i kada su oglašivači tražili nove načine pristupa klijentima. Vođeni jasnom vizijom, osnivači tvrtke prepoznali su one potrebe i mogućnosti koje su se pojavile u obliku novih komunikacijskih kanala koji bi mogli doprijeti do različitih ciljnih skupina.

B1 Plakati was started in 1998, at the time when high-quality and innovative communication channels were in short supply in the advertising market, and advertisers were looking for new ways of approaching clients. Having a clear vision helped the company founders to recognise the needs and opportunities that were emerging as new communication channels with the possibility to reach different target groups. At the time we created several communication channels that had not existed before, such as health centres, pharmacies, public transport, business towers, educational institutions, and the beaches on the Croatian coast.

Martinija Bekavac, izvršna direktorica

Tada smo razvili nekoliko komunikacijskih kanala koji prije nisu postojali, kao što su zdravstveni centri, ljekarne, javni prijevoz, poslovni tornjevi, obrazovne ustanove i plaže na hrvatskoj obali. Naša je tvrtka tijekom godina rasla zajedno s našim idejama i danas s ponosom ističemo da u Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini, Srbiji, Makedoniji i Crnoj Gori imamo 48 stalno zaposlenih djelatnika te 86 vanjskih suradnika. Gledajući Hrvatsku i okolne zemlje, svojim klijentima osiguravamo pristup do više od 35.000 reklamnih površina. B1 medijske površine obuhvaćaju mnoga obilježja koja ih čine nužnima za svaki portfelj. Neka od obilježja uključuju: • • • • • •

smještaj na ciljanim mjesta na kojima kupci obično borave zbog same prirode prostora B1 mediji istovremeno kao sadržaj i oglašavanje funkcionalnost (putem medija na plažama: svlačionice za presvlačenje, spasilački tornjevi za nadzor kupača, informativne ploče s kartom i pregledom mjesta) edukativnost (obrazovne i zdravstvene ustanove radi prenošenja korisnih društveno odgovornih informacija) visoka razina vidljivosti i visoka frekvencija komunikacije utjecaj na kupce u posebnome psihološkom trenutku te blizina prodajnoga mjesta

Za 20 godina uspješnoga poslovanja možemo najviše zahvaliti svojim partnerima. Kontinuiranom upotrebom reklamnih kanala B1 i inovativnih rješenja nastalih uvođenjem znanja i iskustava koji su 220

Martinija Bekavac, Executive Director

Over time, our company has grown along with our ideas and today we are proud to say that we have 48 permanent employees and 86 independent contractors in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro. In Croatia and the surrounding countries, we provide our clients with access to over 35,000 advertising spaces. B1 media spaces have many features that make them necessary in every portfolio. Some of the features include: • • • • • •

Sites targeting customers in places where they find themselves because of the very nature of the location B1 media as content and advertising at the same time They are functional (e.g. media on the beaches: changing cubicles, lifeguard towers, information boards with maps and facts and figures about the place) Educational purposes (educational and health institutions, where useful socially responsible information can be communicated) A high level of visibility and a high frequency of communication Impact on customers in a particular psychological moment and the closeness of the points of sale

ACI No.1 // B1 plakati

B1 medijske površine obuhvaćaju mnoga obilježja koja ih čine nužnima za svaki portfelj.

B1 media spaces have many features that make them necessary in every portfolio. se tijekom godina zajedno razvijali postižemo željene rezultate i uspješnost u prodaji iz godine u godinu. Inovacije koje gradimo u svojemu poslovanju i razvijamo na tržištu nastaju na temelju stalnoga slušanja i interakcije s klijentima koji grade svoje tržište kroz naše usluge. Ključno je promatrati promjene u našoj okolini, osobito u području ljudskih resursa, promjene u tehnologiji, brzorastuće grane, ali i definirati stupanj rizika koji se javlja kroz promjene. Ključ uspjeha leži u projektnim timovima koji će pratiti promjene i djelovati u skladu s njima, a time i doživjeti osobni rast koji će dovesti do još većega učinka u budućnosti. Danas se susrećemo s vrlo brzim poslovanjem, brzim načinom života i brzom promjenom sadržaja koji trebamo prihvatiti tako da se prilagodi vremenu današnjega čovjeka. B1 mediji postojeće kanale komunikacije unapređuju novim uređajima, digitalnim LCD zaslonima na kojima se oglašivačeva poruka prikazuje dinamično i privlači punu pozornost potencijalnoga kupca. Iz grupacije B1 Plakata na tržište su postavljeni novi mediji, nove oglasne površine kroz marine! Ciljna skupina nautičara, turista i posjetitelja marine lako prima sve promotivne poruke: opušteni su, bez vrtloga informacija, stresa i vrlo često realiziraju kupovinu neposredno nakon poruke ili im poruka ostaje u sjećanju. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je ciljna skupina nautičara zanimljiva s obzirom na plasiranje informacija koje se odnose na visoke dnevne potrošnje i razne aktivnosti, što u 85 % slučajeva završi kupovinom. Za predstavljanje svoje usluge ili proizvoda možete izabrati: • LED panele u prostoru marine (ulaz, recepcija, izlog) • informativne ploče i karte ili razna grafička oslikavanja, bannere u prostoru marine • različite promocije i distribuciju uzoraka, brošura/letaka i proizvoda. B1 tim vrlo će rado odgovoriti na sve upite i ideje o oglašavanju vaše usluge ili proizvoda u marini. Zahvaljujemo svim tvrtkama i pojedincima koji prepoznaju i doživljavaju učinkovitost naših medijskih komunikacijskih kanala! Čvrsto vjerujemo da je pred nama mnogo uspješnih godina velike suradnje i rasta koji ćemo postići zajedno! 

We have mostly our partners to thank for the business we have successfully conducted for 20 years. Continuously using the B1 advertising channels and innovative solutions, and implementing the knowledge and experiences that we have gained together over the years, we have achieved the desired results and generated strong sales from year to year. The innovations that we create in our business and develop in the market come from our constant listening to and interaction with clients, who develop their markets using our services. It is essential to observe the changes in our environment, especially in the field of human resources, changes in technology and fast-growing sectors, but also to define the degree of risk that comes with them. The key to success is in project teams that monitor and act when the change occurs, experiencing in this way their personal growth, which will then lead to even greater results in the future. Today we are faced with a very fast way of doing business, fast living, and a fast-changing content, which we should accept by adjusting it to today’s time. B1 media improves the existing communication channels with new devices, digital LCD displays, which show the advertiser's message in a dynamic way, capturing the full attention of a potential customer. The group B1 Plakati has used marinas to place new media, new advertising spaces, on the market! The target group consisting of boaters, tourists and marina visitors easily receive all promotional messages, they are relaxed and there is no whirl of information or stress; they very often purchase immediately after they have seen the message, or the message remains in their memory. The results of research show how interesting the boater target group is in terms of placing information about high daily expenditures and a variety of activities, ending up in purchase in 85% of cases. In order to present your services or products, you can choose between: • LED boards placed in the marina (at the entrance, the reception or in the window) • Information boards and maps or various images or banners placed in the marina • Different promotional activities and the distribution of brochures/leaflets and product samples B1 team will be very happy to answer all your inquiries and respond to any ideas you might have as to setting up an advertising space in a marina. We thank all the companies and individuals who have recognised and experienced the effects of our media communication channels. We firmly believe that we have many successful years of great cooperation and growth ahead of us, which we will achieve together!  221

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ISSN 2584-7988 ACI d.d. ne preuzima odgovornost za eventualne tiskarske pogreške.

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Manuscripts, photographs and media records are non-returnable! Copying and transferring content of the magazine ACI No.1 without consent from the publisher is forbidden. Published annually.



SURADNICI / ASSOCIATES Hrvoje Bulešič (Yachts Croatia), Vibor Visković, Fotografski studio Prof, Fotofaktor d.o.o. Kerschoffset Zagreb d.o.o. Rukopisi, fotografije i medijski zapisi se ne vraćaju! Zabranjeno je kopiranje i prenošenje sadržaja časopisa ACI No.1 bez dopuštenja izdavača. Izlazi jednom godišnje.



Vibor Visković

Blue Marble Transaltions








PRIJEVOD / TRANSLATION Sandra Antulov, dr. Slobodanka Lechner Lukinović, mag. Alexandra Lechner- Papeš, Alessio Melchiorre, Rodolfo Segnan




dr. sc. Juraj Bukša / član Uprave

GRAFIČKO OBLIKOVANJE / GRAPHIC DESIGN Vixel, obrt za web i grafičkI dizajn Naslovnica / Cover - obrt Conspecta, Ivan Pavlin

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Kristijan Pavić / predsjednik Uprave

Tanja Miletić / Bojan Kovačević /







Adriatic Croatia International Club, za djelatnost marina d.d.

Boris Rivić




R. Strohala 2, 51000 Rijeka. Tel. +385 (0) 51 271 288 Fax. + 385 (0) 51 271 824
















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