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Prema oksfordskom rječniku koji izdaje jedno od najpoznatijih i najprestižnijih svjetskih sveučilišta pojam game changer označava pojedinca ili tvrtku koji svojim idejama ili djelovanjem na značajan način mijenjaju pravila igre. Peto godišnje izdanje našeg yachting, lifestyle i luksuznog magazina nadahnuto je ljudima i projektima koji inovativnošću, kreativnošću i vizijom neosporno predstavljaju svojevrsne game changere u biznisu, sportu, dizajnu i mnogim drugim područjima ljudskog djelovanja. I sam ACI No.1, koji od prve godine izdavanja postavlja najviše standarde u sadržaju i kvaliteti izrade, svakim novim izdanjem mijenja i unaprjeđuje pravila igre. Tako su u petoj godini predstavljeni nova ACI No.1 internetska stranica i mobilna aplikacija kako bi digitalno izdanje, čitano u tisućama primjeraka na svim kontinentima, publici postalo još dostupnije. Velik adut najvećeg lanca marina na Mediteranu je i nova, tročlana Uprava ACI-ja, kojom će kao predsjednik Uprave i dalje rukovoditi Kristijan Pavić, dok su novi članovi Uprave Josip Ostrogović i dr.sc. Ivan Herak. Premijerno izdanje ClubSwan 36 ACI Cupa jest game changer u razvoju Hrvatske kao prestižne regatne destinacije, a brojne pohvale koje je ACI dobio za organizaciju regate u Rovinju najava su velikih stvari koje pripremamo na Jadranu. U skladu s izrekom sve je nemoguće dok to netko ne napravi, Mate Rimac obilježio je 2021. godinu predstavljanjem Nevere i osnivanjem jedne od najinovativnijih i najprestižnijih tvrtki za hiperautomobile na svijetu Bugatti Rimac. U godini tigra predstavljamo vam novog tigra u Formuli 1 Maxa Verstappena, čudesan svijet umjetne inteligencije Jessice Chapplow te dizajnerske genijalce Juana Kouyoumdjiana i Waltera de Silvu, a predsjednik Uefe Aleksander Čeferin podijelio je s nama razmišljanja o najvažnijoj sporednoj stvari na svijetu – nogometu. Isto tako, vjerujemo da ćete uživati čitajući dnevnik Ivice Kostelića s velike offshore regate Transat Jacques Vabre i razgovor s autorom biografije Zlatana Ibrahimovića Davidom Lagercrantzom. Nautičarima željnima vrhunskih gastronomskih doživljaja predstavljamo naš izbor restorana koje mogu posjetiti u blizini ili u samim ACI marinama, a ljubiteljima sedme umjetnosti nudimo plovidbu u kojoj su glavni junaci jadranske destinacije koje se pojavljuju u svjetski poznatim filmovima i serijama. Za vas smo osmislili i detaljan vodič o prekrasnoj Korčuli, a na stranicama magazina ACI No.1 čekaju vas još brojni drugi zanimljivi sugovornici i teme, kao i katalog svih naših marina. Veliku zahvalu upućujemo našim novim i postojećim ACI No.1 partnerima te svima koji su sudjelovali u pripremi novog izdanja magazina. Njihovo znanje, vještina i strast te ljubav prema moru i nautici bili su presudni kako bi se ostvarili vrhunski rezultati u skladu s ugledom ACI-ja. Svim svojim gostima i nautičarima na Jadranu želimo mirno more i sigurnu plovidbu. Navigare necesse est

Kristijan Pavić, predsjednik Uprave According to the Oxford Dictionary, which is published by one of the world's most famous and esteemed universities, a game changer is an individual or a company that, through their ideas or actions, significantly changes the rules of the game. The fifth annual issue of our yachting, lifestyle and luxury magazine has been inspired by people and projects whose inventiveness, creativity and vision have indisputably made them game changers in business, sports, design and many other areas of human activity. Setting the highest standards in terms of content and the quality of production since the first year it was published, ACI No 1 has also changed and improved the rules of the game with each new issue. And so, in its fifth year, a new ACI No. 1 website and mobile application have been launched to make the digital edition – read in thousands of copies on all the world's continents ¬– even more accessible to our readers. A big asset of the largest chain of marinas in the Mediterranean is the new three-member Management Board, which will still be chaired by Kristijan Pavić as its President, with Josip Ostrogović and Ivan Herak, PhD as its new members. The premiere edition of ClubSwan 36 ACI Cup is a real game changer in the development of Croatia as a prestigious yacht racing destination, and the high praise that ACI has been receiving for the regatta it organised in Rovinj are just an indication of great things that we have in store for the Adriatic in the future. In accordance with the saying that everything is impossible until someone does it, 2021 was marked by Mate Rimac, who unveiled the Nevera and established one of the most innovative and prestigious hypercar companies in the world – Bugatti Rimac. In the year of the tiger, we present you the new Formula One tiger, Max Verstappen; Jessica Chapplow’s amazing world of artificial intelligence; President of UEFA, Mr. Aleksander Čeferin's, thoughts on the most important irrelevant thing in the world – football, and two geniuses of design, Juan Kouyoumdjian and Walter de Silva. We firmly believe that you will enjoy reading Ivica Kostelić's diary written on the great offshore Transat Jacques Vabre race and the interview with the author of Zlatan Ibrahimović’s biography, David Lagercrantz. To boaters looking for unforgettable gastronomic experiences, we present our selection of restaurants that are in or near ACI marinas, and, to lovers of the big screen, we offer a boat ride along Adriatic destinations that appear in world-famous films and series. We have also provided you with a detailed guide to beautiful Korčula, and, you will find many other interesting people and topics on the pages of ACI No. 1 magazine, as well as a catalogue of all our marinas. We extend our deepest gratitude to all our new and existing ACI No. 1 partners and to all those who have participated in the making of the latest issue. Their knowledge, skill and passion, and love of the sea and boating were crucial in achieving spectacular results in accordance with ACI’s reputation. We wish fair winds and smooth sailing to all our guests and boaters in the Adriatic. Navigare necesse est

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