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Fotografije / Photos: Chaumet


Trendovi u modi često se mijenjaju, ali ono što je vječno su kvalitetna izrada i dijamanti. Upravo te značajke krase kreacije pariške draguljarske kuće Chaumet koje svakoj ženi donose dašak Pariza i bezvremenskog stila. Fashion trends change often, but what is eternal are quality workmanship and diamonds. These features adorn the creations of the Parisian jewelry house Chaumet, which brings a touch of Paris and timeless style to every woman.

Draguljarska kuća Chaumet svoju 240 godina dugu povijest povezuje s francuskom poviješću i Napoleonom i Joséphine, čiji je bio službeni draguljar. Pčela, koja je bila simbol carske obitelji, koristila se kao motiv od doba kada je osnivač tvrtke Chaumet, Marie-Etienne Nitot, prvi puta osmislio naturalistički nakit za ovaj imperijalni par, i time postavio temelje dizajna kolekcije Bee My Love. Zbog svog grafičkog i senzualnog dizajna, kolekcija Bee My Love kroz nekoliko je godina postala najprepoznatljivija i najpopularnija kolekcija draguljarske kuće Chaumet. Prstenje, naušnice, ogrlice i Maison Chaumet connects its 240-year history with French history and Napoleon and Joséphine, of whom he was the official jeweler. The bee, which was a symbol of the imperial family, has been used as a motif since Chaumet founder Marie-Etienne Nitot first designed naturalistic jewelry for this imperial couple, thus laying the foundations for the Bee My Love collection design. Due to its graphic and sensual design, in a few years the Bee My Love collection has become the most recognizable and popular collection of the Chaumet jewelry house. Rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets can be worn separately, but

narukvice mogu se nositi zasebno, ali i nizati zajedno, što omogućava kreiranje različitih kombinacija s istim komadima nakita otkrivajući razigran duh kolekcije. Zbog tih bezbrojnih mogućnosti slaganja ova je kolekcija prikladna za svaki dan, ali i za obilježavanje posebnih trenutaka poput vjenčanja i zaruka. S kolekcijom Bee My Love, Chaumet slavi svjetlucave komade nakita sa poznatim dizajnom saća. Svojim bezvremenskim stilom kreacije Bee My Love pozivnica su na radosno i spontano samo-izražavanje kroz razne kombinacije nakita u najdragocjenijim materijalima. Svi komadi nakita dolaze u 18-karatnom ružičastom, žutom ili bijelom zlatu, kao i u raznim verzijama ukrašavanja s dijamantima koji svojom kvalitetom i bojom spadaju u najviše kategorije dijamanata. Uzbudljivu kolekciju Bee My Love prestižne draguljarske kuće Chaumet istražite u butiku Mamić 1970 u centru Zagreba u Ulici Frane Petrića 7.  also mixed, which allows you to create different combinations with the same pieces of jewelry, revealing the playful spirit of the collection. Due to these countless possibilities of matching, this collection is suitable for every day, but also for celebrating special moments such as weddings and engagements. With the Bee My Love collection, Chaumet celebrates shimmering pieces of jewelry with a famous honeycomb design. With their timeless style, Bee My Love creations are an invitation to joyful and spontaneous self-expression through various combinations of jewelry in the most precious materials. All pieces of jewelry come in 18 ct pink, yellow or white gold, as well as in various versions of jewelry with diamonds, which with their quality and color belong to the highest categories of diamonds. Explore the exciting Bee My Love collection of the prestigious Maison Chaumet at the Mamić 1970 boutique in the centre of Zagreb at Frane Petrić 7 Street.  Zaronite u svijet ovih dragocjenih komada nakita ispunjenih svjetlošću, gdje je motiv košnice ispunjen dijamantima, a saće su pretvorene u zlato.

Dive into the world of these precious pieces of jewelry filled with light, where the hive motif is filled with diamonds and the honeycombs are turned into gold.


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