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Mate Rimac je vizionar, izumitelj, dizajner, inovator, poduzetnik, veliki automobilski entuzijast…. Jednostavno, kako bi Englezi rekli, game changer

Mate Rimac is a visionary, an inventor, a designer, an innovator, entrepreneur, a great car enthusiast.... In short, a 'game changer'

Kako je netko jednom napisao, sve prave stvari krenule su iz garaže. Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Disney…. Da nabrojimo samo neke poznate kompanije jer popis je jako dugačak. Novom ili mladom poduzetniku s velikim idejama i malim budžetom pravi uredski prostor često u početnoj fazi nije prioritet, stoga ne čudi što su sobe, garaže, podrumi i studentske spavaonice mjesta gdje su rođene neke najuspješnije tvrtke današnjice. As someone once wrote, all great things started in a garage. Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Disney, etc. – to name just a few famous companies, because the list is very long. For a new or young entrepreneur with big ideas and a small budget, a real office space is often not a priority in the first stages of a company development. Therefore, it is not surprising that rooms, garages, basements and student dorms are places where some of the most successful companies of today were born.

Fotografija / Photo: Rimac Automobili Bugatti

Na sličan je način započeo i Mate Rimac kada je 2008. u garaži u Svetoj Nedelji započeo san o električnim hiperautomobilima. Tek malo više od 10 godina kasnije Mate Rimac je vizionar, izumitelj, dizajner, inovator, poduzetnik, veliki automobilski entuzijast…. Jednostavno, kako bi Englezi rekli, game changer koji je 2021. godinu obilježio predstavljanjem hiperautomobila Rimac Nevere i osnivanjem zajedničke tvrtke s Porscheom koja uključuje Bugatti. „Čast mi je što ću voditi ovu novu kompaniju koja ujedinjuje snage dvaju brendova i započeti ono što će bez sumnje biti uspješno, revolucionarno i uzbudljivo novo poglavlje za sve uključene. Vjerujemo da je ono što smo stvorili s Bugatti Rimac najbolja tvrtka za hiperautomobile na svijetu koja spaja više od jednog stoljeća nasljeđa, umijeća izrade i inovacija s brzim razmišljanjem, genijalnim inženjeringom i pionirskom tehnologijom elektrifikacije Rimac Automobila. Ne mogu zamisliti bolju kombinaciju stručnosti i kao vjernom obožavatelju Bugattija čast mi je voditi ovu zajedničku tvrtku kao izvršni direktor u revolucionarnu novu budućnost Bugattija. Dijeliti posao s prijateljima iz Bugattija i Porschea Mate Rimac started in a similar way when he set out to make his dream of electric hypercars come true in a garage in Sveta Nedjelja in 2008. Just a little over 10 years later, Mate Rimac is a visionary, an inventor, a designer, an innovator, entrepreneur, a great car enthusiast.... In short, a 'game changer', who marked 2021 by launching the Rimac Nevera hypercar and establishing a joint venture with Porsche that incorporates Bugatti. 'I'm honoured to lead this new company that is bringing together the strengths of the two brands, and to start what will no doubt be a successful, revolutionary and exciting new chapter for everyone involved. We believe that what we have created with Bugatti Rimac is the best hypercar company in the world, combining more than a century of history, technical expertise and innovation with fast thinking, engineering genius and the pioneering electrification technology of Rimac Automobili. I can't think of a better combination of expertise, and as a loyal Bugatti fan, I'm honoured to be leading this joint company as CEO into Bugatti's revolutionary new future. Sharing business with friends from Bugatti and Porsche is

nešto je o čemu nikad nisam mogao ni sanjati”, ispričao je Mate Rimac koji je u studenome 2021. službeno postao izvršni direktor tvrtke Bugatti Rimac koja sjedište ima u Hrvatskoj. A sljedeće poglavlje piše i tvrtka Rimac Automobili koja je lani Neverom pogodila svijet automobila. Nazvan po silnoj i iznenadnoj oluji koja juri pučinom, taj električni hiperautomobil 2.0 raspolaže s 1914 konjskih snaga, sposoban je ubrzati do 100 kilometara na sat za 1,97 sekunda, a do 300 kilometara na sat treba mu 9,3 sekunda. Impresivne brojke, slažete se? Uz samo 150 proizvedenih primjeraka ekskluzivnost je zajamčena, a uz vrhunski program personalizacije Rimac će svoj glavni model ponuditi u raznim izdanjima: GT, Signature, Timeless ili something I could never have dreamed of,' said Mate Rimac, who officially became CEO of Croatia-based Bugatti Rimac in November 2021. And the next chapter is also ahead of the company Rimac Automobili, which hit the world of cars with Nevera last year. Named after the violent and sudden storm that races across the open sea off Croatia, this electric hypercar 2.0 has 1,914 HP, is capable of accelerating to 100 kph in 1.97 seconds, and takes 9.3 seconds to sprint to 300 kph. Impressive numbers, don't you agree? With only 150 units made, exclusivity is guaranteed, and with an outstanding personalisation scheme, Rimac will offer its main model in various editions: GT, Signature, Timeless, and a Bespoke option as well. Bugatti Rimac najbolja je tvrtka za hiperautomobile na svijetu koja spaja više od jednog stoljeća nasljeđa, umijeća izrade i inovacija s brzim razmišljanjem, genijalnim inženjeringom i pionirskom tehnologijom elektrifikacije

Bugatti Rimac is the best hypercar company in the world, combining more than a century of history, technical expertise and innovation with fast thinking, engineering genius and the pioneering electrification technology

Velika promjena u autoindustriji doći će s novom erom mobilnosti. Ljudi više neće biti vlasnici, nego će automobil dijeliti s drugim ljudima

A big change in the automotive industry will come with a new era of mobility. People will no longer own a car, but share one with others

Bespoke model po mjeri. Pritom će svaki vlasnik Nevere biti pozvan u Hrvatsku kako bi dizajnirao automobil prema svojem ukusu. „Ovo je automobil koji sam sanjao kada sam krenuo na ovo ‚nemoguće’ putovanje. Sav naš naporan rad rezultirao je Neverom – našim hiperautomobilom koji obara rekorde. Taj automobil stvoren je da nadmaši sve i podigne ljestvicu, da podigne standarde za automobile visokih performansi. Uvijek sam ovo htio napraviti u Hrvatskoj i dokazati da se to može napraviti ovdje. Kao što izreka kaže, sve je nemoguće dok to netko ne napravi.” Inovativne ideje trebaju inspirativne prostore da bi oživjele. Još 2019. Mate Rimac počeo je pripreme za gradnju kampusa, a za nekoliko godina u blizini Zagreba sagradit će se jedan od najvećih razvojno-istraživačkih i proizvodnih kompleksa u Europi. Buduće globalno Every owner of Nevera will be invited to Croatia to design the car to their liking. 'This is the car I dreamed of when I embarked on this “impossible” journey. All our hard work has resulted in the Nevera – our record-breaking hypercar. This car was created to outperform all others and to raise the bar; to raise the standards for high-performance cars. I have always wanted to do this in Croatia and prove that it can be done here. As the saying goes, everything is impossible until someone does it. Innovative ideas need inspiring spaces to bring them to life. Back in 2019, Mate Rimac started preparations for the construction of a campus, one of the largest research and development and production complexes in Europe, which will have been built near Zagreb in a few years' time. The future global headquarters of Bugatti Rimac and Rimac Technology will be the place where each

sjedište tvrtki Bugatti Rimac i Rimac Technology bit će mjesto gdje će se dizajnirati i razvijati svaki novi model Bugattija i Rimca te komponente koje Rimac Technology razvija za druge proizvođače. „Rimac Kampus za mene je poseban projekt. Za bilo koju tvrtku najvažniji su ljudi koji čine tu tvrtku. Meni je uvijek bilo iznimno važno stvoriti najbolje okruženje za zaposlenike u svakom pogledu. Kada si u vrhunskom okruženju, lakše je stvarati vrhunske proizvode. S Kampusom želimo upravo to – stvoriti najbolje mjesto za boravak, rad i kreativnost, ali ne samo za naše zaposlenike. Osim toga iznimno nam je važno da budemo maksimalno integrirani u okoliš i okolinu te klimatski neutralni. Iako ćemo uskoro otvoriti više lokacija u drugim zemljama, Hrvatska će uvijek biti naš dom, a Kampus to jasno pokazuje”, najavio je Mate Rimac. Autoindustrija je posljednjih nekoliko godina pretrpjela brojne promjene. new model of Bugatti and Rimac and the components that Rimac Technology develops for other manufacturers will be designed and developed. 'The Rimac Campus is a very special project for me. For any company, the most important are the people who make up that company. It has always been extremely important to me to create the best possible environment for employees – in every way. When your environment is perfect, it's easier to create state-of-the-art products. And that's what we want with the Campus – to create the best possible place to be, work and be creative in, but not only for our employees. In addition, it is extremely important to us to be integrated into the environment as much as possible, as well as to be climate-neutral. Although we will soon open more locations in other countries, Croatia will always be our home, and the Campus makes this clear,' Mate Rimac said. The automotive industry has undergone a number of changes over the past few years. 'I think the main changes are yet to come. Despite electrification, the process has remained the same as it has been for the past 100 years. Manufacturers make cars, car dealers sell them to customers. Now, along with internal combustion engines, there are also electric motors, but everything is, basically, the same as it was before. A big change will come with the new era of

„Mislim da nas glavne promjene tek čekaju. Unatoč elektrifikaciji sam proces je ostao isti kao posljednjih 100 godina. Proizvođači proizvode automobile, dileri ih prodaju kupcima. Sada uz motore s unutarnjim izgaranjem postoje i električni, ali u osnovi je sve isto. Velika promjena doći će s novom erom mobilnosti: autonomna vožnja, mobilnost kao usluga. Ljudi više neće biti vlasnici, nego će automobil dijeliti s drugim ljudima. To će automatski značiti i više vremena upotrebe automobila. Od sadašnjih pet do deset posto, koliko se njime koristite vozeći se na relaciji većinom kuća – posao, automobili će voziti 70 posto vremena, i to u potpunosti sami. To će sasvim promijeniti industriju.” Riječ koja najbolje opisuje Bugatti jest perfekcionizam. Više od 110 godina proizvode najekskluzivnije automobile na svijetu koji su oduvijek imali najnapredniju tehnologiju, nevjerojatne performanse i najbolju izradu. Mate Rimac zadužen je za pisanje sljedećeg poglavlja priče o Bugattiju. „Za nas bi najlakše bilo uzeti Neveru i na nju nalijepiti Bugattijev logo, ali ja sam bio izričito protiv toga. Tip sam koji obožava električne automobile, ali Bugatti bi još neko vrijeme trebao imati motor s unutarnjim izgaranjem. Bit će uvelike elektrificiran, ali ćemo imati vrlo atraktivan motor s unutarnjim izgaranjem. Kad ljudi vide sljedeću generaciju Bugattija, mislim da će se iznenaditi što sam se zalagao za takvo što jer me povezuju s električnim automobilima. S obzirom na marku i kupce te dostupnu tehnologiju mislim da razvijamo najbolje rješenje za Bugatti, koji zasad nije električni automobil. Bit će to jednog dana... Od garaže do respektabilne tvrtke prošlo je malo više od 10 godina. Rimac Automobili krenuli su svojim putem koji je uključivao mnogo planiranja i kreativnosti. Kada smo 2011. na sajmu automobila u Frankfurtu pokazali svoj prvi automobil, Concept One, bilo nas je desetak, a danas imamo više od 1000 zaposlenih. Htio sam dokazati i pokazati da je to moguće raditi u Hrvatskoj, no smatram da smo tek na početku puta.  mobility: autonomous driving, mobility as a service. People will no longer own a car, but share one with others. This automatically means that cars will be used for longer periods of time. From the current 5 to 10 percent, which is the percentage of car use when driving it to and from work, cars will be in use 70 percent of the time, self-driving at that. This will completely change the industry. ' The word that best describes Bugatti is perfectionism. For more than 110 years, they have been producing the most exclusive cars in the world, which have always had the most advanced technology, incredible performance and have been manufactured in the best possible way. Mate Rimac is in charge of writing the next chapter of the Bugatti story. 'For us, the easiest thing to do would be to take Nevera and stick Bugatti's logo on it, but I was explicitly against it. I'm a guy who loves electric cars, but a Bugatti should continue having an internal combustion engine for a while. It will be heavily electrified, but we will have a very attractive internal combustion engine. When people see the next generation of Bugatti, I think they'll be surprised that I backed something like that because people think of me in connection with electric cars. Considering the brand and customers and the available technology, I think we are developing the best possible solution for Bugatti, which, for now, is not an electric car. One day, it will be...' From a garage to a respectable company in just over 10 years Rimac Automobili went their own way, which involved a lot of planning and creativity. When we showed our first car, Concept One, at the Frankfurt motor show in 2011, there were about a dozen of us, and today we have more than 1,000 employees. I wanted to prove, to demonstrate that it is possible to do this in Croatia, but I think we are only at the beginning of our journey. 

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