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Fotografije / Photos: Davor Žunić, Petar Fabijan



Upoznajte brodom jadranske destinacije koje su glumile u najpoznatijim svjetskim filmovima i serijama kao što su „Ratovi zvijezda”, „Igra prijestolja”, „Robin Hood”… Sail to the Adriatic destinations that have played a part in the world’s most famous films and series such as Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Robin Hood etc.

U proteklih nekoliko godina jadranska obala i otoci postali su apsolutni hit kao prekrasne kulise najpopularnijih filmova i serija. Kako se većina ovih predivnih destinacija može obići brodom, osmislili smo za vas plovidbu svjetskim blockbusterima u kojoj ćete zaviriti u svijet intriga i legendi uz „Igru prijestolja”, upoznati svijet „Ratova zvijezda”, saznati mračne tajne obitelji Roy preko serije „Nasljeđe” ili pratiti borbu dobra i zla uz „Robin Hooda”. Iako je kompetitivnost zemalja u privlačenju velikih produkcija sve veća, Hrvatska uživa status iznimno poželjne filmske destinacije. Strane produkcijske kuće za snimanja u Hrvatskoj odlučuju se ne samo zbog ljepote i raznolikosti lokacija nego i zbog višestruko dokazane odgovornosti domaćih producenata te profesionalnosti ekipa. In the past few years, the Adriatic coast and islands have become an absolute favourite as beautiful backdrops for hit films and series. Since most of these wonderful destinations can be visited by boat, we have arranged for you a trip through world blockbusters, in which you can take a peek into the world of intrigue and legends with Game of Thrones, get to know the world of Star Wars, learn the dark secrets of the Roy family with Succession or follow the fight between good and evil with Robin Hood. Although the competition of countries attracting large productions is increasing, Croatia enjoys the status of an extremely desirable film destination. International production companies decide to shoot in Croatia not only because of the beauty and variety of locations, but because of the Croatian producers’ trustworthiness and teams’ professionalism, which has been proven multiple times.

Rovinj Opatija

Hrvatski audiovizualni centar u suradnji s Ministarstvom kulture i medija i Ministarstvom financija od 2012. provodi iznimno uspješan program poticaja, poznatiji kao Filming in Croatia. Od pokretanja programa u Hrvatskoj je snimljeno 95 projekata koji su ostvarili više od 1,3 milijarde kuna lokalne potrošnje, a svi projekti u sklopu programa poticaja snimali su se ukupno 2370 dana, od toga 1602 na hrvatskoj obali i otocima. ACI MARINA ROVINJ (Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard)

Prepun boja i skladnih kompozicija, kao stvorenih da budu zahvalna kulisa filma, Rovinj je jedan od najromantičnijih europskih gradića. Miljenik slikara, pjesnika i turističkih nomada lijep je poput razglednice, a svatko tko posjeti taj istarski biser odlazi kao obožavatelj. Crkva svete Eufemije kao simbol Rovinja, romantične uličice starog grada, prekrasna priroda šume Zlatni rt oduševili su i holivudske zvijezde Samuela L. Jacksona, Salmu Hayek i Ryana Reynoldsa koji su u Istri snimali akcijsku komediju „Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard”. Ljubiteljima plovidbe namijenjena je ACI Marina Rovinj s najljepšim pogledom na staru gradsku jezgru te otok Sv. Katarinu. Kao suvremena marina jedinstvenog dizajna i najnovijih tehnoloških rješenja ACI marina Rovinj pruža bogat Since 2012, the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, working with the Ministry of Culture and Media and the Ministry of Finance, has been implementing a highly successful incentive scheme called Filming in Croatia. Since its launch, 95 projects have been carried out in Croatia, generating more than HRK 1.3 billion in local spending, and all the projects realised within the programme have amounted to 2370 days of filming in total, of which 1602 on the Croatian coast and islands. ACI MARINA ROVINJ (Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard)

Full of colours and harmonious compositions, perfect as film scenery, Rovinj is one of Europe’s most romantic towns. A favourite with painters, poets and tourist nomads, Rovinj is a picture-postcard town; and anyone who visits this gem of Istria becomes its lifelong fan. The Church of St Euphemia as a symbol of Rovinj, the romantic alleys of the old town, the beautiful nature of the Zlatni rt (Golden Cape) forest park also charmed Hollywood stars Samuel L. Jackson, Salma Hayek and Ryan Reynolds, who came to Istria to make the action-comedy Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard. For lovers of sailing, there is ACI Marina Rovinj with the striking view of the old town and the island of Sveta Katarina (St Catherine). A modern marina with unique design and the latest

sadržaj i kvalitetu usluge, zbog čega je pozicionirana u sam vrh svjetskog nautičkog turizma. ACI MARINA OPATIJA

Opatijska rivijera ima poseban status na hrvatskoj obali. Arhitektura, atmosfera, brojni vrhunski restorani i hoteli zaslužni su za titulu kraljice luksuznog turizma još od 1844., kada je uživala status jednog od dvaju lječilišta Austro-Ugarske Monarhije. Europska aristokracija, glumci, nobelovci, književnici i kompozitori dugi su niz godina ovdje provodili nezaboravne trenutke zbog kojih je opatijska rivijera postala simbol elegancije i raskoši. Upravo je taj plemićki pedigre kvarnerske dame bio savršena kulisa za film „Diana”, temeljen na posljednje dvije godine života princeze Diane, poznate i kao „princeza srca”, u kojem je glavnu ulogu igrala Naomi Watts. U modrom platnu Kvarnera, na najljepšem dijelu rivijere, nalazi se i ACI marina Opatija, smještena u mjestu Ičići, nedaleko od Opatije, dovoljno blizu gradu sa svim sadržajima koje on nudi, a opet na pristojnoj udaljenosti za uživanje u miru i sigurnosti jedne od najboljih luka na sjevernom Jadranu. ACI MARINA SPLIT (Igra prijestolja)

Split je jedno od najpopularnijih nautičkih odredišta na Mediteranu, a za sve one kojima je početna baza plovidbe najveći hrvatski grad na obali, svijet filmske fantazije započinje u centru. Fascinantan svijet „Igre prijestolja” dočekat će vas u Dioklecijanovoj palači, točnije u njezinim podrumima koji su jedan od najbolje očuvanih antičkih kompleksa ovakve vrste na svijetu i umnogome su zaslužni što je povijesna jezgra Splita 1979. uvrštena na UNESCO-ovu listu svjetske baštine. Iz ACI Marine Split podno Sustipana dobivate technological solutions, ACI Marina Rovinj offers rich content and quality of service, which places it among the very best in the world of nautical tourism. ACI MARINA OPATIJA

The Opatija Riviera enjoys special status on the Croatian coast. The architecture, the atmosphere, a multitude of the finest restaurants and hotels are why Opatija has been branded ‘the queen of luxury tourism’ since 1844, when it was one of the two health resorts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. For many years, the European aristocracy, actors, Nobel laureates, writers and composers spent unforgettable moments here, which made the Opatija Riviera a symbol of elegance and grandeur. It was this aristocratic reputation of the ‘Kvarner lady’ that was the perfect scenery for the film Diana, based on the last two years of the life of Princess Diana, or the ‘Queen of Hearts’, and starring Naomi Watts. In the blue stretch of Kvarner, situated in the most beautiful part of the Riviera, there is also ACI Marina Opatija. Located in Ičići, not far from Opatija, it is close enough to the city to enjoy all the amenities it offers, yet at a reasonable distance that allows visitors to enjoy the peace and security of one of the best ports in the northern Adriatic. ACI MARINA SPLIT (Game of Thrones)

Split is one of the most popular boating destinations in the Mediterranean, and for all those who use the largest Croatian coastal city as the starting point on their sailing, the world of film fantasy begins in the city centre. The fascinating world of Game of Thrones will welcome you to Diocletian’s Palace, specifically to its cellars, which represent one of the world’s best preserved ancient


ACI marine u Rovinju, Opatiji, Splitu, Palmižani, Korčuli i Dubrovniku idealne su nautičke postaje i za ljubitelje sedme umjetnosti

ACI marinas in Rovinj, Opatija, Split, Palmižana, Korčula and Dubrovnik are ideal sailing stops for the lovers of the big screen as well


Samuel L. Jackson, Salma Hayek, Ryan Reynolds, Jamie Foxx, Jamie Doran, Naomi Watts samo su neke holivudske zvijezde koje su snimale na Jadranu

Samuel L. Jackson, Salma Hayek, Ryan Reynolds, Jamie Foxx, Jamie Doran and Naomi Watts are just some of the Hollywood actors that have starred in films shot in the Adriatic


pogled na grad „vrijedan milijun dolara”, a tijekom šetnje Zapadnom obalom imat ćete osjećaj da su se prošlost i sadašnjost pretočili u neodoljiv spoj. Naime, splitska marina zapravo je točka kojom počinje splitski lungomare, najduža i svakako jedna od najljepših šetnica na Jadranu. ACI MARINA PALMIŽANA (Odiseja, Conversations With Friends)

Grad Hvar i Pakleni otoci nezaobilazne su destinacije nautičara koji plove splitskim akvatorijem. Taj predivni kutak hrvatske obale raj je za sve tipove hedonista – robinzone, partijanere i gurmane, stoga nije iznenađenje da je ovdje sniman film „Odiseja” o legendarnom francuskom oceanografu i istraživaču podmorja Jacquesu Cousteauu. Hvar je poznat kao grad koji tijekom sezone nikada ne spava, zbog čega je i dobio nadimak hrvatska verzija Saint-Tropeza, no ulaskom u uske kamene uličice prepune prošlosti spreman vam je pokazati i intimniju stranu. Ta različita hvarska lica privukla su i producente serije „Conversations With Friends” koji je snimljen prema noveli Sally Rooney. Malo dalje od hvarskog glamura nalazi se oaza morskog hedonizma. „Pakleno” lijepa ACI marina Palmižana sezonska je marina koja je otvorena od početka travnja do kraja listopada. Nalazi se u istoimenoj uvali na sjeveroistočnoj strani Svetog Klementa, najvećeg od Paklenih otoka, i ubraja se među najupečatljivije marine na Jadranu. building complexes of its kind, and are very much responsible for the fact that the historic centre of Split was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979. From ACI Marina Split at the foot of Sustipan, you get a ‘million-dollar’ view of the city, and during your walk along the West Coast you will have the feeling that the past and present have combined into an irresistible mix. The Split marina is actually the spot where the Split Lungomare begins, the longest and certainly one of the most beautiful coastal promenades in the Adriatic. ACI MARINA PALMIŽANA (The Odyssey, Conversations with Friends)

The town of Hvar and the Pakleni (‘Hell’s) islands are unmissable destinations for boaters sailing through Split’s waters. This beautiful corner of the Croatian coast is a true paradise for all types of hedonists – visitors preferring remote places, partygoers and gourmets alike – therefore it is no wonder that The Odyssey, a film about the legendary French oceanographer and underwater explorer Jacques Cousteau, was filmed here. Hvar is known as a town that never sleeps during the season, which is why it was nicknamed the ‘Croatian Saint-Tropez’; however, entering narrow cobblestone alleys imbued with history, you will discover it is ready to show you its more intimate side. These different facets of Hvar also attracted the producers of the series Conversations with Friends, which was based on the novel by Sally Rooney. A little further from Hvar’s glamour there is a real oasis of marine hedonism. The ‘hellishly’ beautiful ACI marina Palmižana is a seasonal marina that is open from the beginning of April to the end of October. It is located in the bay of the same name on the north-eastern side of Sveti Klement (St Clement), the largest of the Pakleni islands, and is one of the most striking marinas in the Adriatic.


Bogata povijest starog grada Korčule izvire iz svakog kamena, a šetnja unutar moćnih korčulanskih zidina ispod raskošnog ukrašenih renesansnih i gotičkih pročelja i palača te baroknih crkava pružit će vam nezaboravno filmsko iskustvo. U gradu Marka Pola snimana je vrlo uspješna serija „Nasljeđe” koja je osvojila brojne nagrade poput Emmyja i Zlatnog globusa. U drugoj sezoni sage o obitelji Roy jadranska obala predstavljena je na najbolji mogući način – plovidbom na luksuznoj jahti. Prekrasni kadrovi Korčule, Mljeta, Šipana i Cavtata pokazali su zašto je Hrvatska nestvarno lijep nautički raj. A među najljepše kutke tog raja ubraja se i drevna Korčula, čija marina ima jedan od najljepših pogleda na grad. Naime, ACI marina Korčula, naslonjena na samu povijesnu jezgru, idealna je početna točka za istraživanje skrivenih blaga ovog prekrasnog mjesta. Kada kročite u kamenu utrobu nacifranu fotogeničnim portama, patiniranim i porušenim palačama te malenim ulicama, čeka vas spektakularan doživljaj. ACI MARINA DUBROVNIK (Igra prijestolja, Ratovi zvijezda, Robin Hood)

Dubrovnik je idealan spoj povijesti i suvremenosti, okružen srednjovjekovnim zidinama dugim 1940 metara, koje su očuvane u izvornom obliku i atrakcija su za posjetitelje. Dostupne su kroz tri ulaza: kod crkvice sv. Spasa neposredno nakon ulaska s Pila, sv. Luke na istoku te kod Pomorskog muzeja. Jedna od najljepših kamenih pozornica na svijetu bila je Kraljev grudobran u „Igri prijestolja”, galaktički grad Canto Bight u filmu „Ratovi zvijezda: Posljednji Jedi” te srednjovjekovni Nottingham u „Robin Hoodu”. U svojim njedrima Dubrovnik čuva beskrajno bogatstvo koje ostavlja jaku emociju kod posjetitelja, a u ovu čaroliju savršeno se uklapa i ACI Marina Dubrovnik. Romantični ručak ili večera uz elegantan ljetnikovac Sorkočević pravi je „happy end” filmske plovidbe.  ACI MARINA KORČULA (Succession)

The rich history of the old town of Korčula is evident in every stone, and a walk within the robust Korčula walls beneath the ornately decorated Renaissance and Gothic facades and palaces as well as Baroque churches will provide you with an unforgettable movie experience. In the city of Marco Polo, the highly successful series Succession was filmed, which won numerous awards such as the Emmys and the Golden Globe. In the second season of the Roy family saga, the Adriatic coast was presented in the best possible way – by sailing on a luxury yacht. Fascinating shots of Korčula, Mljet, Šipan and Cavtat showed why Croatia is an incredibly beautiful boating paradise. And among the loveliest corners of this paradise is the ancient Korčula, whose marina has one of the most stunning views of the city. ACI Marina Korčula, bordering on the historic centre, is an ideal starting point for exploring the hidden treasures of this dazzling place. When you step into the city’s stone interior adorned with eye-catching entrances, tarnished and ruined palaces and narrow streets, you will find a spectacular experience waiting for you. ACI MARINA DUBROVNIK (Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Robin Hood)

Dubrovnik is an ideal combination of history and modern times, surrounded by medieval walls 1,940 meters long, which have been preserved in their original form. A real attraction for visitors, the walls are accessible through three entrances: at the church of St Saviour at the Pile entrance to the city, at St Luke’s in the east, and at the Maritime Museum. One of the world’s most beautiful stone stages was the filming location for King’s Landing in Game of Thrones, the galactic town of Canto Bight in Star Wars: The Last Jedi and the medieval Nottingham in Robin Hood. In its bosom, Dubrovnik keeps an infinite richness that makes a strong impression on visitors, and ACI Marina Dubrovnik fits perfectly into this magic. A romantic lunch or dinner near the elegant Sorkočević Summer House is a real happy ending of your sailing through films. 


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