The chapter is part of an open-access, peer-reviewed book that is titled “Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, edited by R. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, Ri. Hartshorne, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, & Ch. Mouza, and published by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). The publication contains 133 chapters (of the original 266 submissions!) with over 850 pages of helpful strategies and content for teacher educators and those who lead teacher PD.
Online Teaching & Learning The Elementary School 5-Phase Process Or How ACS Athens Went Viral On Social Media Once More! by Dr. Maria D. Avgerinou Director of eLearning and Sophia Moros, Elementary School Principal,
n response to a special, research-based publication call referring to how academic institutions responded to the pandemic, Dr. Maria Avgerinou, eLearning Director, and Ms. Sophia Moros, ES principal, co-authored a chapter titled “The 5-Phase Process as a Balancing Act during Times of Disruption: Transitioning to Virtual Teaching at an International JK-5 School”. The 5-phase process was organically developed through a collaborative, participatory action research design by identifying the ACS Athens population’s resources, teacher’s instructional design needs and technology skills, and student body digital skills while keeping the school’s mission and vision at the forefront. The process was followed by ACS Athens Elementary School during Greece’s remote emergency teaching in the period March-May 2020.
It is particularly interesting to note that no other chapter in the book reports on original, applied research as conducted in a K12 international school. Finally, since its publication in June 2020, the chapter has received close to 20.000 hits in academic and research databases- a fact that, among other things, indicates the massive need for guidance in online teaching and learning in the K12! ■