Christian Bible Baptist Church ofďŹ cial Sunday publication
Victorious Christian Living in our FAITHFULNESS "...There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ." Ephesians 4:1-7
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from your
outline Victorious Christian Living
(The Harmony of the Faithful) Ephesians 4:1-7
I. The source of the harmony of the faithful is revealed in the finished work of Christ Jesus our Saviour. A. The ground where the unity of the faithful stands is upon Christ Jesus our Saviour. B. The grace where the unity of the faithful stands is upon Christ Jesus our Saviour. II. The strengthening of the harmony of the faithful revolves around the flourishing work of Christ Jesus our Lord. A. The flourishing work of the Lord Jesus Christ is effectually anchored on the working collectivity of the body of Christ. B. The flourishing work of the Lord Jesus Christ is evidently achieved through the working capability of the Holy Spirit. III. The satisfying product of the harmony of the faithful will be rewarded by the futuristic work of Christ Jesus our King. A. The Almighty God and King will distinctly satisfy His faithful servants who warred against their flesh here on earth with His blessed favour. B. The Almighty God and King will definitely satisfy His faithful servants who worked here on earth with His bountiful feast.
Ten men banded together in love and unity can do what ten thousand separately would fail to do. There can be no unity, no delight of love, no harmony, no good in being, where there is but one. Two at least are needed for oneness. - copied
T WAS A JOY for us to witness the successful first Missions Conference of CBBC Manila, under Pastor Alan Earnhart this past week. Having at present three mission works that are being blessed by God, our supportive and cooperative brethren there are happy while seeing God’s work thrive. CBBC Manila is one of our daughter churches that has gone through many testing times but remained faithful. We praise the Lord that He is using our church as a channel in planting churches that are now bearing fruits as well. It is truly rewarding to be faithful. Because Noah was faithful in obeying God’s command, he and his family were spared from the flood. Yet, his family’s cooperation in obeying made it easier for Noah to build the ark. I thank God that we can all have a common ground to be faithful, and that is through God’s Word. If we would just obey our own selves, we could have different and varied agenda. However, His Word teaches us to be faithful in submitting to our Lord, which enables us to harmonize with His will. Thus, our church can accomplish more for His glory. As we continue to serve God, may we always see the importance of working together faithfully for His vineyard. Great things happen when one is faithful; how much more if everyone decides to work faithfully with the church’s heavenly goals? May we allow God’s word to challenge us today.
Registration will be available after the service at the usher's table.
nately, uncertain love is dominant in many churches. “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use A post-modern refusal to define truth and fear of anything not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve “judgmental” is part of most Christians’ thinking. Without one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even truth, our love has no influence. God calls us to live in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. But if ye blamelessly so we can shine as lights and proclaim the bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another” (Galatians 5:13–15). Gospel. “That ye may be blameless and harmless, Instead of demonstrating the righteous the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst God’s freedom we have in Christ through love of a crooked and perverse nation, among plan for reaand service, we devour each other. whom ye shine as lights in the world” This is the same word, both in English (Philippians 2:15). Without truth, our ching the lost is to Greek, which describes the work lights are dimmed. It is God shining use Christians who are and of Satan (1 Peter 5:8). The church His light through sanctified vessels living in the power of His becomes its own enemy through disthat draw the lost. His Word will expose sin, but it will also show the cord, and the pride of each individual righteousness—those destroys the whole. lost the Saviour who died for those who have reckoned It takes humility to have harmony, sins. If we are all following God, how can we travel in different and it takes Christlikeness to have themselves dead directions? humility. We are commanded to be to sin and alive “likeminded,” and to “in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than them to God. Living a righteous life—a becoming conversation selves.” By gaining the mind of Christ, we put —would be an impossible task without the next part away pride and begin to think as God thinks. “Let this of the verse: “...that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, mind….” The Holy Spirit is the single binding force. being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be Harmony without the Spirit is impossible for any length equal with God: But made himself of no reputation…” of time. We can temporarily pull together for a common (Philippians 2:5–7). cause or a joint project, but that bond does not last. How do we have harmony? Become Christ-minded. It’s simply not in our sinful, proud nature to agree with As we get to know Christ by spending time in His Word each other. We need a stronger bond than temporary and in prayer, we learn what it means to love and serve goals if we will have lasting harmony. each other. Just like an orchestra tunes itself to the pitch of a single Ministry isn’t about us. It isn’t about preferences piano, harmony comes through matching our hearts or personality. Ministry is built around a relationship with to the Holy Spirit. When we are in fellowship with the Christ and the purpose God has given to us. Spirit, we are in fellowship with each other. Paul wrote Satan will try to pull us apart, but God’s grace to walk it this way in Philippians 2:1–2, “If there be therefore any in humility and harmony is greater. consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be like minded, having the Satan’s greatest weapon against us is fear. Fear of man same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” stops Christians from sharing their faith. Fear of loss In middle-eastern towns, the common fellowship took stops us from giving what God has generously given to place at the town well. There was often one source us. Fear of the unknown prevents us from trusting God of water—one well—from which everyone would drink. by faith. We can strive together, or we can fear—but we No matter their position or wealth, they drew from the can only choose one. same source. As Christians, we have all been made We think we are avoiding pain by listening to fear. We to drink from the Holy Spirit. believe we can protect ourselves against debt and loss How important to Jesus is harmony among His disciples? by refusing to follow God by faith. To be sure, there are When He prayed to the Father before His betrayal and times when God says, “wait,” and we move because of execution, He prayed this for them, “That they all may impatience. But just as often, God says, “go,” and we be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they don’t budge because of fear. also may be one in us: that the world may believe that There is no upside to fear—we only hinder ourselves. thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me This is why we are told, “And in nothing terrified by your I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God” one” (John 17:21–22). (Philippians 1:28). Be prepared—the world will fight One of Christ’s greatest concerns for His followers was a church that stands for truth and proclaims the Gospel. that they would stand in unison with the Father and Son. Until people trust Christ, the Gospel is to them When we strive together in harmony, the work of God an unwelcome reminder of pending judgment. goes forward. But when we stop listening to the Spirit and pursue our own agendas, the results are tragic: continued on page 08... we actually destroy each other.
• Follow the Holy Spirit
od uses individuals to lead, but He uses the churches described in the New Testament. Joy pervaded church to build. There is no doubt that God spetheir character. They held up the Gospel in their own cially anoints church leadership to provide vision community and supported missions work abroad. and direct the work. But accomplishing the work requires In this tale of two churches, we can draw two important a joint effort of the entire body. When the church family conclusions: nothing will destroy God’s work as quickly fully invests in a unified declaration of the Gospel, the reas carnal division, and nothing can stop God’s work when sults are unparalleled. But what is accomplished if God’s His people are striving together with one mind and spirit. people are not willing to join together to do the work? How do we encourage harmony within our church? And Two churches in the New Testament provide examples of how do we accomplish the work God has given to us? both the results of division and the effects of harmony. The key is found in the book of Philippians. The church at Corinth had a lot of problems. Some of the Christians were immoral, selfish, and worldly. But one of Lasting harmony can only come in and through Christ. the first issues Paul addressed was their division. They The only hope we have of living lives free from sin and had formed groups around personalities—leaders who the discord it brings is through our righteousness in never even sought or desired this man-focused devotion. Christ. Through Christ, we live blamelessly before the The division was a virus that perverted their time to world and demonstrate the power of the Gospel. Paul remember the Lord’s death on the cross. Instead of commanded, “Let your conversation be as it becometh provoking awe and humility before the Lord, the the gospel….” observance of the Lord’s Table became a shameful At the opening of the letter, he prayed this display of wanton selfishness. for the Philippians: And so, Paul told the church of Corinth, “For we are “And this I pray, that your love may abound yet It is labourers together with God: ye are God’s more and more in knowledge and in all husbandry, ye are God’s building” impossible judgment; That ye may approve things (1 Corinthians 3:9). He cried out to this to read the epistle that are excellent; that ye may be sincere disjointed church, “You belong to God, and of Philippians without and without offence till the day of Christ; you must work together for His glory!” noticing the great Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, What does a church look like that is unified which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory harmony Paul both by the Spirit of God? The church at Philippi is a model. Paul encouraged this spirit when saw and encouraged and praise of God” (Philippians 1:9–11). Paul’s first request for the church was that he wrote Philippians 1:27, “Only let your in the church. they would develop abounding love—an ingreconversation be as it becometh the gospel of dient many accuse the church of omitting. Yet someChrist: that whether I come and see you, or else be times those who demand more love in the church are absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in actually calling for a false display that discards discernone spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of ment. We do need love, but with a lot of discernment. the gospel.” The result of love without discernment has produced Paul had a special love, respect, and appreciation for churches that are confused and ineffective. Unfortuthe church at Philippi. It was one of the most mature
• Live Christ’s Righteousness
• Do Not Fear the Enemy
by Sis. Beata Agustin Our faithfulness to our Lord is anchored by His loving kindness Toward victorious life springing from salvation-steadfastness Forward along His perfect will for our joyful submissiveness Upward spiritual growth against challenges of worldliness. Our faithfulness to our Lord is inspired by His Word Toward meaningful life based on truth’s record Forward along His wise guidance for our protective sword Upward eternal goals against temptations of earthly pull’s cord. Our faithfulness to our Lord is set by His heartbeat Toward sacrificial life thru service-dedication feat Forward along His great commission for our great reward at the judgment seat Upward heavenly harvest against attacks of slothfulness’ heat.
The Christian faith is under open assault, and it has been rallying cry. We do not compromise the message, since the first century. Christian churches have enjoyed because it is the power of God unto salvation. It is what brief times of peace, but usually they have operated binds the members of each local body together. under direct threat of persecution. Alone, Christians are stray sheep waiting to be devoured This persecution comes in two forms: oppression and by the adversary. Together, the church is a protected corruption. Satan will try to silence us: “For we wrestle body that even the gates of Hell cannot prevail against. not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, This is why we must strive together. against powers, against the rulers of the darkness That was the work of the Holy Spirit. He bound When of this world, against spiritual wickedness together the hearts of the men in a spirit of we recognize in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). harmony. The devil would have loved to that the issue at But if Satan cannot silence us, he will laugh at our unfinished building, but instead stake is not our own attempt to change what we are saying. God was glorified. personal status, but We must remember our purpose—our This is but a single example of what God the souls of men, message—that God has given to us. will do through a church that is committed we will avoid division If we cower in fear, we reward the efforts to striving together. Through the years, we within our local of the enemy. But if we strive together in faith have been privileged to rejoice together church. and boldly proclaim the Gospel, we advance in many other spiritual victories won through the truth. striving together.
• Remember Our Purpose
We are at the center of the greatest purpose God has designed—the redemption of man. God has given to us, His church, the ministry of reconciliation. We must unify around the faith of the Gospel. It is our standard and
Our faithfulness to our Lord is propelled by His standard Toward blessed life around biblical fence-guard Forward along His precious doctrines for our honest dealings as steward Upward effective testimony against exaltation of pride’s placard.
f you look at the ants you will find that they dwell in colonies. Each colony consists of approximately 60,000-90,000 ants—they really can't prosper on their own. They need each other to survive.
The only reason it works is that they operate in unity. Each ant shares the same purpose and the same goal.
Our faithfulness to our Lord is settled by His covenant Toward peaceful life away from hell-fire’s torture, furiously indignant Forward along His warm invitation for our ready forgiveness of assurance so dominant Upward blissful prayer-fellowship against threats of doubts with falsehood’s remnant. . Our faithfulness to our Lord is empowered by His Spirit Toward holy life shining brightly and divinely-lit Forward along His sanctifying might for our Christ-like character-fit Upward godly influence against stench of corruption’s pit.
What can God accomplish through a church that will “stand fast, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel?” Anything He wants.
How does a colony of that many ants work together?
Just as ants can't prosper on their own, neither can we as believers. As ants need each other, so do God's children. We need to dwell
The way we dwell together is by sharing the same purpose— to glorify God by spreading His Word and loving Him and each other. Let us aim to accomplish the task that God has set before us and God will be faithful in blessing our colony! We cannot let the ants put God's people to shame! Stay encouraged and focused on the ultimate goal!
together as they do.
Our faithfulness to our Lord is flourished by His grace Toward abundant life expressing grateful praise Forward along His satisfying provisions for our strong conviction-brace Upward fruitful faith-action against guilt of unbelief’s rays.
church September 11 & 14 1st AM Service 2nd AM Service Sunday Afternoon Wednesday First Time Visitors Baptisms
1,996 914 1,360 627 219 24
Baptist Youth Fundamentalist @ 1:30 PM
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
MORNING Matt. 26-28 Mark 1-2 Mark 3-4 Mark 5-6 Mark 7-8 Mark 9-10 Mark 11-12
EVENING Ps. 61 Ps. 62 Ps. 63 Ps. 64 Ps. 65 Ps. 66 Ps. 67
NG sabi ni Hesus, “Ako ang daan, ang katotohanan, at ang buhay: walang makapupunta sa Ama kundi sa pamamagitan ko.” JUAN 14:6 Wala nang iba pang makapagliligtas sa iyo mula sa impierno. Magtiwala ka kay Hesus ngayon! ROMA 6:23 “Kung ipahahayag ng iyong bibig na si Hesus ay Panginoon at mananam-palataya ka nang buong puso na Siya’y muling binuhay ng Diyos, ikaw ay maliligtas”. ROMA 10:9 1. Aminin mo na ikaw ay isang makasalanan. ROMA 3:10 2. Talikuran mo ang iyong kasalanan (magsisi). GAWA 17:30 3. Manampalataya ka na si Kristo Hesus ay namatay para sa iyo, nalibing at nabuhay namagmuli. ROMA 10:9-10 4. Sa pamamagitan ng panalangin, tanggapin mo si Hesus sa iyong puso bilang iyong Tagapagligtas. ROMA 10:13
MANALANGIN KA NG GANITO Panginoon, ako po ay isang makasalanan at nangangailangan ng kapatawaran. Nanampalataya po ako na nadanak ang dugo ni Hesus at Siya ay namatay sa krus para sa akin. Tinatalikuran ko na po ang aking mga kasalanan. Tinatanggap ko po si Kristo Hesus sa aking puso bilang aking Tagapagligtas. Amen. "Kung tinanggap mo si Hesus bilang iyong Tagapagligtas, ito na ang simula ng iyong bagong buhay kay Kristo." ROMA 8:1 Ngayon: 1. Basahin mo ang iyong Biblia araw-araw upang makilala pa ng lubusan si Kristo Hesus. 2. Makipag-usap ka sa Diyos sa panalangin araw-araw. 3. Manambahan ka sa isang simbahan na pinapangaral si Kristo at ang Biblia ang tanging pamantayan. 4. Ibahagi sa iba si Kristo Hesus.
ACTS 29 - Christian Bible Baptist Church official Sunday publication St. Francis Homes 2, San Pedro, Laguna, Philippines 4023 • Dr. Ed M. Laurena, Pastor telephone: (02)869-0433 • email: info@cbbcphilippines.org • website: www.cbbcphilippines.org