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Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU



Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

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Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU



Patron Advisor Member Of Advisor Team

Technical Advisor Coordinator

dr. H. Zaini Abdullah Muzakkir Manaf Drs. H. Dermawan, MM Azhari SE, M.Si Drs. M. Raudhi, M.Si Frans Dellian, SSTP, M.Si Edrian, SH, M.Hum Dra. Hj. Syamsidar Djuned Yon W. Anwar


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© Copyright Pemerintah Aceh Cetakan Pertama 2016, xviii + 150 hlm; 21 cm x 28 cm


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU



Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


MoU Helsinki ditandatangani dalam rangkap tiga di Helsinki, Finlandia, pada hari Senin, tanggal 15 Agustus 2005.

MoU Helsinski was signed in three copies in Helsinki, Finland, on Monday, on August 15, 2005.

A.n. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, Hamid Awaluddin Menteri Hukum dan HAM

O/b Government of the Republic of Indonesia, Hamid Awaluddin Minister of Law and Human Rights

A.n. Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, Malik Mahmud Pimpinan

O/b Freedom Aceh Movement, Malik Mahmaud Leader

Disaksikan oleh, Martti Ahtisaari Mantan Presiden Finlandia Ketua Dewan Direktur Crisis Management Initiative Fasilitator proses negosiasi

Witnessed by, Martti Ahtisaari Ex-President of the Finland Chairman Board of Directors of Crisis Management Initiative Negotiation process facilitator

Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) menegaskan komitmen untuk penyelesaian konflik Aceh secara damai, menyeluruh, berkelanjutan dan bermartabat bagi semua.

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) affirmed the commitment to settle the Aceh conflict amicably, entirely, sustainably and with dignity for all.

Kedua belah pihak bertekad untuk menciptakan kondisi sehingga pemerintahan rakyat Aceh dapat diwujudkan melalui suatu proses yang demokratis dan adil dalam negara kesatuan dan konstitusi Republik Indonesia. Pemerintah RI dan GAM sangat yakin bahwa hanya dengan penyelesaian damai atas konflik tersebut yang akan memungkinkan pembangunan kembali Aceh pasca Tsunami tanggal 26 Desember 2004 dapat mencapai kemajuan dan keberhasilan.

Both parties were determined to create the condition where the government of the Aceh people can be materialized through a democratic and equitable process within the unitary state and constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and GAM were extremely convinced that only an amicably settlement of such conflict will enable the post 26 December 2004 Tsunami redevelopment of Aceh in order to achieve progress and success.

Para pihak yang terlibat dalam konflik bertekad untuk membangun rasa saling percaya. Nota Kesepahaman ini memerinci isi persetujuan yang dicapai dan prinsip- prinsip yang akan memandu proses transformasi yang dituangkan dalam: Nota Kesepahaman antara Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka

The parties involved in the conflict were determined to build the sense of mutual trust. This Memorandum of Understanding details the content of the achieved consensus and the principles that will guide the transformation process contained in the: Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU Helsinki

Kata Sambutan dari Gubernur Aceh Message from The Governor of Aceh

Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, serta salawat dan salam kita sampaikan kepada junjungan kita Nabi Besar Muhammad SAW.

Thanks God, prayer and peace be upon the Great Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Dalam 10 tahun terakhir ini, kita bisa rasakan sendiri betapa perkembangan ekonomi dan demokrasi di Aceh semakin membaik. Kondisi keamanan begitu kondusif, sehingga program pembangunan berjalan lancar. Hal ini terbukti dari meningkatnya investasi dari waktu ke waktu. Pada tahun 2012, realisasi investasi di Aceh berkisar Rp. 1,3 triliun. Setahun kemudian investasi itu naik menjadi Rp. 5,09 triliun atau 4 kali lipat dari tahun sebelumnya. Pada Tahun 2014, investasikembali me­ nunjukan peningkatan 22,31 persen atau setara Rp. 6,23 triliun. Hal yang sama juga terlihat pada tahun 2015, dimana realisasi investasi mencapai Rp. 5,72 triliun atau 216 persen lebih tinggi dari target kinerja Badan Investasi dan Promosi Investasi.

During the last 10 years, we have witnessed the rapid economic development and democracy in Aceh gets better. Security condition is so conducive, and that the development program now runs well. This is proven with the increase in the investment from time to time. In 2012, the realized investment in Aceh was Rp. 1.3 trillion. A year later, the investment increased to Rp. 5,09 trillion or 4 times the previous year. In 2014, investment again showed some increase by 22.31 percent or equivalent to Rp.6,23 trillion. The same development was also shown in 2015, in which the realized investment reached Rp.5.72 trillion or 216 percent higher than the targeted performance of Investment and Promotional Agency of Aceh.

Meski demikian, masih banyak pekerjaan yang harus kita selesaikan. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan kerja keras

However, there are many jobs yet to be done. Therefore hard work is required to make the community

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


untuk mensukseskan program pemeberdayaan masyarakat dan penguatan berbagai sektor ekonomi lainnya. Peningkatan investasi dalam rangka membuka lapangan kerja merupakan salah satu prioritas kita ke depan.

empowerment and strengthening of various other economic sectors program successful. The increased investment in a bid to provide working opportunity is one of our next priorities.

Disamping itu, tentu kita harus peduli pada upaya penguatan demokrasi, peningkatan sektor pendidikan, kesehatan dan berbagai program lain sesuai kebutuhan rakyat. Semua itu harus kita penuhi guna mencapai sasaran pembangunan se­ba­gaimana tertuang dalam RPJM Aceh 2012 – 2017 yang me­ngusung visi “Aceh yang Bermartabat, Sejahtera, Ber­ keadilan dan Mandiri Berlandaskan Undang Undang Peme­ rin­tahan Aceh sebagai wujud MoU Helsinki”.

In addition, of course we must concern ourselves with the effort to strengthen democracy, improve education, health and various other programs according the people’s need. We must satisfy this all in order to meet the development goal as stated in the RPJM Aceh 2012-2017 bearing a vision of “Aceh with Dignity, Prosperity, Justice and Self-sustaining Based on the Law of Aceh Government as Realization of Helsinki MoU.”

Kehadiran buku ini salah satunya bertujuan untuk meng­ ingat­ kan kita semua tentang pembelajaran penting yang perlu diingat dari proses pembangunan Aceh selama 11 tahun terakhir ini. Karena itu, saya tentu saja menyambut baik penyusunan buku “Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Pasca MoU Helsinki ini,” dengan harapan bisa membawa manfaat bagi banyak pihak, khususnya dalam mendorong kebersamaan dan dukungan dari seluruh elemen masyarakat.

The purpose of presenting this book to you is to remind all of us about the important lesson that we have bear in mind of the Aceh development process for the past 11 years. Therefore I, of course, happily welcome the preparation of the book “Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Pasca MoU Helsinki/ Flashback of Aceh Development Following the Helsinki MoU, hopefully this will be beneficial to may parties, especially to promote the equality and support from all elements in the community.

Kita juga harus bersatu untuk menyerukan keadilan seperti yang ditegaskan di dalam Undang Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 tentang Pemerintahan Aceh. Hasil hasil pembangunan yang telah kita capai pasca 10 tahun MoU Helsinki ini – sebagaimana dijabarkan dalam buku ini – baru merupakan tahap awal. Masih banyak “Pekerjaan Rumah” lain yang harus kita tuntaskan. Karena itu, ke depan kita harus bekerja le­bih keras untuk mengoptimalkan potensi daerah dan me­ ningkatkan kesejateraan rakyat Aceh.

We also have to stick together to appeal for justice as stated in the Law Number 11 of 2006 on Aceh Administration. Results of development that we have had within 10 years following this Helsinki MoU – as detailed in this book – is only an initial stage. There are many other “Home Works” to be completed. Therefore we have to work harder to optimize the region’s potency and improve the welfare of the Acehnese.

Sebagai kepala pemerintahan Aceh, saya berkomitmen mengoptimalkan potensi yang ada untuk diberikan kepada masyarakat. Sekuat tenaga kita tingkatkan kualitas pemerin­ tahan demi memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada publik. Sejalan dengan itu, partisipasi publik dalam mendukung pro­ gram Pemerintah Aceh sangatlah dibutuhkan. Dan mudahmudahan buku ini memberi inspirasi kepada semua pihak untuk meningkatkan partisipasinya, sehingga target – target pembangunan Aceh dapat kita capai.

As head of Aceh administration, I commit myself to opti­ mize the available potency to be provided to the commu­nity. We have to do our best to improve the quality of adminis­ tra­tion in rendering the best service to public. In line with this, participation of the public in supporting the Aceh Admi­ nistration’s program is much needed. And I hope this book will provide all parties with inspiration in a bid to improve their participation, so we can achieve the Aceh development.

Terimakasih. Semoga Allah SWT senantiasa memberi ridha atas segala perjuangan yang kita lakukan untuk pemba­ngu­ nan bangsa ini.

Thanks. I hope that Allah Praise be unto Thee the Almighty may bless all our struggles for the development of this nation.

Banda Aceh, Juli 2016



dr. H. Zaini Abdullah


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU



Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Daftar Isi Content

Kata Sambutan dari Gubernur Aceh Message from The Governor of Aceh Pendahuluan / Introduction

Ketika Gerbang Nanggroe Dihentak Terbuka

V 1

When the Gate of Nanggroe was Slammed Open

Mustafa Abubakar, Memimpin Aceh di Masa Transisi Mustafa Abubakar, Leading Aceh in the Transition Period Membangkitkan Bangsa dari Reruntuhan / Awakening the People from Wreckage

Suka Duka Kepemimpinan Irwandi Yusuf dan Muhammad Nazar, 2007 - 2012

5 9

Leadership Ups and Downs of Irwandi Yusuf and Muhammad Nazar, 2007-2012

Penjabat Gubernur Aceh Tarmizi A. Karim Mensukseskan Penyelenggaraan Pemilukada di Tanah Rencong


Tarmizi A. Karim, the Acting Governor of Aceh, Successfully Organized the Regional Head Election (Pilkada) In the Land of Rencong Mengantar Negeri ke Gerbang Kencana / Taking the Land to the Golden Gate

Membangun Aceh bersama Zaini Abdullah dan Muzakir Manaf


Developing Aceh with Zaini Abdullah and Muzakir Manaf

Penutup Closing


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU



Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback Flashback On The Development On The Development Of Aceh Of After Aceh Helsinki After Helsinki MoU Helsinki MoU



Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU



Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU



Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Pendahuluan / Introduction

Ketika Gerbang Nanggroe Dihentak Terbuka When the Gate of Nanggroe was Slammed Open



Ratusan ribu syuhada tumbang. Sebagian besar kor­ban adalah perempuan dan anak-anak. Gambargambar menusuk hati tentang jenazah yang bertum­puk di segala tempat menghiasi media

Hundreds of thousands martyrs collapsed. Most of the victims were women and children. Heartbreaking pictures of piled up dead bodies all over the places embellished the mass media.

ceh pernah jadi daerah serba panas, tercabik puluhan tahun konflik. Daerah yang disebut-sebut kaya sumber alam, tapi rakyatnya hidup menderita, dan di­ya­kini lantaran perlakuan curang pusat kuasa sejak presiden pertama. Gambaran yang mele­ kat pada nama Aceh ini lekang ketika suatu pagi diakhir tahun 2004 gelombang raksasa yang dibangkitkan gempa tektonik di perairan lepas pantai kepulauan Andaman menghantam pesisir Aceh.

ceh was a hot region before, torn by conflicts during tens of years. This re­ gion is said as rich in natural resources, however, its people lives in distress, and it is believed that this is due to the fraudulent treatment of the central authority since the era of the first president. The picture that clings to the name of Aceh was cracked one morning at the end of 2004 when massive waves, generated by tectonic earthquakes in the offshore waters of the island of Andaman, struck the coast of Aceh.

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Warga melaksanakan salat Id Idul Fitri di komplek situs bencana tsunami Kapal PLTD Apung, Punge Blang Cut, Banda Aceh, Aceh. / People conduct shalat (praying) of Id Idul Fitri in the tsunami disaster site of PLTD Apung, Punge Blang Cut, Banda Aceh. foto. ANT


massa. Sebuah stasiun TV berita bahkan menja­ di­­kan sepotong rekaman gambar seorang ibu yang his­teris memeluk tubuh kaku putri kecilnya sebagai trailer, pendahulu berita, bahkan trailer pengisi jeda. Diulang ta­yang puluhan kali, dengan ilustrasi dondang Dodaidi yang me­nyayat hati.

A news TV station even made a piece of the recorded picture of a hysterical mother who embraced the rigid body of her little daughter, as its trailer preceding the news, and in fact as an interlude trailer. It was aired tens of times, illustrated by the heartbreaking Dodaidi chant.

Seperti belum cukup derita rakyat Aceh, seolah itulah pesan yang ingin disampaikan. Puluhan tahun menahankan aki­bat peperangan, pukulan gempa 9,6 SR disusul tsuna­mi belasan meter, menempati posisi sama dengan bom-bom Fat Man dan Little Boy yang dijatuhkan Amerika di Nagasaki dan Hiroshima: sebuah vonis pamung­ kas.

The message that seemed to be conveyed was as if the sufferings of the Aceh people were still not enough. Tens of years restraining distress caused by the war, hit by the 9.6 Richter scale earthquake, and followed by tsunami of teens of meters, is equal to the position of the Fat Man and Little Boy bombs dropped by America in Nagasaki and Hiroshima: an ultimate judgment.

Namun Dunia tidak tinggal diam. Aceh tidak lagi dibiarkan sendiri. Pintunya yang kini terbuka le­ bar mengalirkan ber­bagai bangsa yang hen­dak meringankan derita. Sama seperti bom Naga­ saki, tsunami menjadi pemicu diada­kannya gen­ catan senjata antara GAM dan RI, yang disu­sul

However, the international world did not keep silent. Aceh was no more left alone. Its wide open door streamed various nations intended to relieve the sufferings. Like the bomb in Nagasaki, tsunami became the trigger of ceasefire between GAM (Free Aceh Movement) and the Republic of

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Keluarga korban bencana gempa dan tsunami memanjatkan doa saat berziarah di kuburan massal Ulee Lheu, Kecamatan Meuraxa, Banda Aceh. / Earth-quake and tsunami disaster family victims make supplication when visiting in the mass burial of Ulee Lheu, Kecamatan Meuraxa, Banda Aceh. foto. ANT

penandatanganan kesepakatan damai di ibukota Finlandia, Helsinki. Kesepakatan yang dikenal dengan na­ma “MoU Helsinki” itu meru­pakan titik balik sejarah Aceh.

Indonesia, which was followed by the signing of the peace treaty in Helsinki, the capital city of Finland. This treaty, known as the “Helsinki MoU”, was the turning point of Aceh’s history.

Aliran dana jutaan dolar yang masuk ke Aceh, memper­ cepat pemulihan sarana infrastruktur yang hancur lebur. Dana untuk perbaikan bidang lain pun tidak kalah besar. Kebebasan mengatur nasib sendiri yang baru diberikan Pemerintah Pusat sebagai amanat MoU Helsinki mesti disi­ kapi dengan bijak agar manfaat yang dipero­leh dapat maksimal. Belum lagi pekerjaan rumah lainnya, yaitu me­negak­kan dan mempertahan­ kan damai yang baru disemai.

The flow of millions of dollars of funding that entered Aceh accelerated the recovery of the devastated means and infrastructures. Funding for improvement of other sectors was also sub­ s­­tan­tial. The freedom to organize its own destiny, which was just rendered by the Central Go­vern­ ment as the Helsinki MoU mandate, should be prudently responded so that the bene­fit obtained may be optimum. Not to mention another home­ work namely upholding and maintaining the re­ cently nurtured peace.

Jelas, Aceh membutuhkan pemimpin yang lain dari yang lain. Sekian banyak tantangan yang di­ ha­dapi, dengan karak­teristik masalah yang ber­ beda dari daerah lain di Indonesia, pemimpinpemimpin awal Aceh usai tsunami haruslah

Aceh clearly needs leaders who are different from the others. Due to the many challenges that are faced, with problem characteristics that are different from the other areas in Indonesia, the post tsunami initial leaders of Aceh should be

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


sosok yang memiliki visi jelas dan tekad kuat untuk menggolkan tujuan.

figures with clear visions and strong determi­ nation in order to reach the goals.

Selusin tahun pertama sesudah tsunami adalah masa-masa terpenting pada proses “kelahiran kembali”Aceh. Dalam masa-masa krusial inilah peranan pasangan Gubernur-Wakil Gubernur Irwandi Yusuf-Muhammad Nazar serta Zaini Abdullah-Muzakkir Manaf menjadi kunci utama masa depan Aceh.

The first post tsunami dozen of years was the most important time for the “rebirth” process of Aceh. The roles of Governor Irwandi Yusuf Muhammad Nazar and Deputy Governor Zaini Abdullah Muzakkir Manaf were during this crucial period the main keys for the future of Aceh.

Mengingat segala aspek tersebut, rekam jejak kedua pasang­an pemimpin Aceh pasca tsunami ini tentu menarik untuk disimak. Dengan gaya kepe­ mimpinannya masing-masing, mereka berhasil membawa Aceh melalui masa-masa rapuh itu dan menapak ke dasawarsa selanjutnya yang akan kembali mengukuhkan Aceh sebagai daerah yang kuat sumberdaya manusianya, sumberdaya alam­nya. Wallahu’alam bisshawwab. []

In view of all those aspects, it is certainly inte­ resting to look at the track records of this post tsunami couple of Aceh leaders. They were successful to take Aceh through this fragile era with their respective leadership style and to step into the next decade that will again reinforce Aceh as an area with vigorous human and natu­ ral resources. Wallahu’alam bisshawwab. []

Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla (tengah), didampingi Gubernur Aceh Zaini Abdullah (kedua kanan), Wakil Gubernur Aceh Muzakir Manaf (kanan), Wali Nanggroe Aceh Malik Mahmud (kedua kiri), dan mantan ketua Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) Peter Feith (kiri) pada acara peringatan 10 Tahun MoU Helsinki di Taman Ratu Safiatuddin, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Minggu (15/11/2015). / Vice President Jusuf Kalla (middle), accompanied with the Governor of Aceh Zaini Abdullah (the right second), Vice Governor of Aceh Muzakir Manaf (right), Wali Nanggroe Aceh Malik Mahmud (the left second), and ex-leader of Monitoring Mission Leader (AMM) Peter Feith (the left) in the commemoration program for 10 years of MoU Helsinki in Taman Ratu Safiatuddin, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Sunday (15/11/2015). foto. HUMAS ACEH


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Mustafa Abubakar, Memimpin Aceh di Masa Transisi Mustafa Abubakar, Leading Aceh in the Transition Period

30 Desember 2005 - 8 Februari 2007

30 December 2005 - 8 February 2007

Mustafa Abubakar yang menjadi Pelaksana Tugas Ha­rian Gubernur Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darus­ salam (NAD) di era transisi. Masa kepemim­­pi­ nan­­nya selama 1 tahun 1 bulan 1 minggu dan 1 hari, yakni dari tanggal 30 Desember 2005 sampai 8 Februari 2007. Masa jabatan tersebut relatif pendek, tapi prestasi yang ditorehkan Mustafa adalah hal yang luar biasa, dan tercatat sebagai sebuah tonggak sejarah bagi kemajuan NAD. Mustafa memang ditunjuk oleh Presiden Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono beberapa misi khu­sus antara lain menyelenggarakan pemilihan kepala daerah serentak untuk memilih Gubernur Aceh dan 19 bupati/walikota di seluruh Aceh, yang akhirnya terlaksana dengan baik pada tang­­gal 11 Desember 2006. Jadi jauh sebelum daerah lain melakukan Pilkada serentak serta mem­ bo­leh­kan calon independen, Aceh sudah lebih awal melakukannya dan berlangsung aman dan demokratis. Bahkan pasangan dari calon inde­ penden, Irwandi Yusuf dan Muhammad Nazar, menjadi gubernur dan wakil gubernur terpilih.

Mustafa Abubakar was the Daily Task Executive of the Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) Province in the transition period. His leader­ship term was during 1 year 1 month 1 week and 1 day, namely from 30 December 2005 to 8 February 2007. This office term was relatively short, but the achievements made by Mustafa were remarkable and were recorded as the milestone for the progress of Aceh. Mustafa was appointed by President Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono to carry out several special missions, among others organizing the simultaneous regional head election to elect the Governor of Aceh and 19 bupatis/mayors throughout Aceh, which was ultimately well implemented on 11 December 2006. As such, long before the other regions carried out the simultaneous Regional Head Election and allowed independent candi­ da­tes to participate, such election was carried out earlier by Aceh, which went on safely and de­ mocratically. In fact, the independent candidate couple Irwandi Yusuf and Muhammad Nazar be­ came the elected governor and deputy governor.

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Mustafa juga berhasil menjaga perdamaian di Aceh se­bagaimana mestinya sesuai MoU Helsinki antara pihak Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) dengan pemerintah RI. Hal ini terwujud antara lain berkat kepiawaian Mustafa dalam berko­mu­ nikasi dengan semua pihak secara berimbang, baik dengan eks GAM, ABRI, Presiden, DPR, dan juga dengan muspida NAD, DPRD NAD, ulama, perguruan tinggi, dan berbagai pihak lainnya, ter­masuk pihak asing yang ikut dalam proses dan pemantauan perdamaian. Jangan lupa, saat Mustafa menjadi gubernur, NAD masih belum lama diluluhlantakkan bencana maha dahsyat, tsunami. Dengan kecekatannya dan kemampuan berkoordinasi dengan semua pihak, Mustafa suk­­ses me­mindahkan para korban tsunami dari tenda-tenda ke rumah-rumah atau tempat pe­ nam­pungan, hanya dalam waktu enam bulan.

Mustafa was also successful to appropriately maintain peace in Aceh in accordance with the Helsinki MoU betweeb the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the government of the Republic of Indonesia. This was materialized among others due to the expertise of Mustafa in impartially communicating with all parties, either with former GAM members, the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI), Regional House of Represen­ta­ tives (DPRD) of NAD, ulama, universities, and various other parties, including foreign parties participating in the peace and monitoring process. What should also be kept in mind is that at the time Mustafa was the governor, NAD was not long before devastated by the terrifying tsunami disaster. Mustafa was with his dexterity and coordination ability with all parties successful in transferring all tsunami victims from the tents to the houses or shelters, only within six months.

Walaupun masa kepemimpinan Mustafa pendek tapi beliau sangat di cintai oleh masyarakat Aceh. Hal ini ter­bukti dengan berbondong-bondong­nya pejabat dan masya­rakat Aceh melepas kem­bali­ nya Mustafa ke Jakarta, pada tanggal 11 Februari 2007.

Although the leadership term of Mustafa was short, he was exceptionally loved by the Aceh community. This was proven by the large aMoUnt of officials and community members of Aceh escorting the return of Mustafa to Jakarta on 11 February 2007.

Mustafa Abubakar (kanan) saat menjabat Gubernur Aceh bersama Kepala Badan Rehabilitasi Aceh-Nias Dr. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto (kiri) mendampingi Presiden Bank Dunia Paul Wolfowitz saat berkunjung ke Aceh. / Mustafa Abubakar (the right) when holding Governor of Aceh along with Head of Aceh-Nias Rehabilitation Board of Dr. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto (left) accompanies the President of World Bank Paul Wolfowitz when visiting to Aceh. foto. IST


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Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU



Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Membangkitkan Bangsa dari Reruntuhan Awakening the People from Wreckage

Suka Duka Kepemimpinan Irwandi Yusuf dan Muhammad Nazar, 2007 - 2012 Leadership Ups and Downs of Irwandi Yusuf and Muhammad Nazar, 2007-2012

Menabur Damai Menuai Kesejahteraan

Sowing Peace to Reap Prosperity

Konflik berdarah yang merundung Aceh selama puluhan tahun telah menjungkir balikkan segisegi kehidupan dan penghidupan rakyat Aceh sehingga menyimpang jauh dari garis normal. Setelah perdamaian berhasil ditegakkan, pe-er pertama yang mendesak untuk dilakukan adalah merangkul kembali mereka yang dahulu pernah berkeinginan untuk melepaskan diri dari Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

The ensanguined conflict that afflicted Aceh during tens of years overturned the life aspects of the people of Aceh and caused Aceh straying away from the normal lines. After the successful enforcement of peace, the first urgent homework to be carried out was to re-embrace those who formerly had the intention to separate from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Di bawah pimpinan Irwandi Yusuf dan Muhammad Nazar, Pemerintah Aceh melepas pro­gram rein­ tegrasi bagi para mantan tapol-napol, eks kom­batan (mereka yang tergabung dalam ten­ tara Gerakan Aceh Merdeka) dan rakyat korban konflik. Program ini adalah perwujudan amanat MoU Helsinki (pasal 3 butir 3-5) tentang rein­ te­ grasi Aceh. Patrick Barron dari World Bank mengatakan bahwa rein­teg­rasi umumnya dilihat sebagai proses ekonomi (Barron, 2006).

Under the leadership of Irwandi Yusuf and Muhammad Nazar, the Government of Aceh launched the reintegration program for former political prisoners and combatants (those who joined the Free Aceh Movement army) and the people as victims of the conflict. This program was the manifestation of the mandate of the Helsinki MoU (Article 3 point 3-5) concerning the reintegration of Aceh. Patrick Barron from the World Bank said that reintegration is in general viewed as an economic process (Barron, 2006).

Pada tahap awal program ini disebut-sebut sebagai tidak jelas dan tidak terarah. Cara penda­ ta­an melalui proposal ditengarai menim­bulkan berbagai masalah baru. Namun AMM (Aceh Moni­­toring Mission) selama masa tugasnya (15 September 2005-15 Desember 2006) mencatat bahwa sejumlah 3000 orang mantan pejuang GAM telah memperoleh bantuan yang diberikan dalam tiga kali pembayaran.

The initial phase of this program was said as unclear and undirected. The data collection sys­ tem through proposal was considered as creating various new problems. However, AMM (Aceh Monitoring Mission) recorded during its assignment period (15 September 2005-15 December 2006) that a number of 3,000 former GAM combatants received aid provided through three times of payment.

Bantuan ini disalurkan oleh BRA (Badan Reinteg­ rasi Aceh). BRA habis tugas pada tahun 2012 dan dilanjutkan oleh BP2A (Badan Penguatan Per­damaian Aceh).

This aid was distributed by BRA (Aceh Reinteg­ ration Agency). BRA completed its assignment in 2012, continued by BP2A (Aceh Peace Reinfor­ cement Agency).

Tugas Irwandi Yusuf dan Muhammad Nazar se­ bagai Gubernur Wakil Gubernur pertama setelah perjanjian damai ditanda tangani sungguh tidak ringan. Ia harus mampu menjembatani pihak Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dengan para mantan pejuang GAM baik itu tentara di lapangan mau pun bukan, dimasa-masa kritis ini.

The task of Irwandi, as the first Governor and M. Nazar as Deputy Governor after signing the pe­ ace agreement, was indeed not easy. He should be able to bridge the relationship between the Government of the Republic of Indo­nesia and the former GAM combatants, either the field or nonfield army, during this critical period.


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Setelah Tsunami Pergi After The Tsunami Drove Away

Kehancuran negeri serta terenggutnya sekian ratus ribu nyawa pada saat tsunami 26 Desember melanda Aceh tidak lepas dari kenyataan bahwa Aceh, juga Republik Indonesia secara umum, sangat awam dalam tata cara menghadapi ancaman tsunami. Keawaman yang menyebar mulai dari perencanaan infrastruktur yang tidak didasarkan pada kondisi alam dan pengetahuan akan perilaku bumi, hingga kegagapan semua lini kehidupan tentang persiapan menghadapi bencana.

The destruction of this region and the hundreds of thousands lives lost during the tsunami on 26 December 2004 that hit Aceh was not apart from the reality that Aceh, and also the Republic of Indonesia in general, was very frivolous with regard to the system in facing tsunami threats. This frivolousness spread from the infrastructure planning, which was not based on the natural conditions and earth behavior, until the impediment of all life levels with regard to the preparedness in facing disasters.

Tsunami 2004 benar-benar merupakan sebuah wake up call yang menyadarkan setiap orang be­ tapa pentingnya memahami kondisi dan ka­rak­ ter negeri yang kita diami.

The tsunami in 2004 was really a wake up call in raising the awareness of everyone on the importance of understanding the condition and character of the country where we live.

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Sejumlah warga, mahasiswa dan pelajar melepas kapal kertas saat memperiungati lima tahun bencana tsunami Jepang di Museum Tsunami Aceh. Peringatan tsunami Jepang di Aceh yang dilaksanakan setiap tahun oleh Forum Persahabatan Indonesia-Jepang itu merupakan kebersamaan kedua negara, khususnya Aceh dengan Jepang untuk mempererat solidaritas dan kerjasama kemanusian dalam menangani musibah gempa dan tsunami. / A number of people, students remove the paper ship when commemorating five years of Japan tsunami disaster in Tsunami Aceh Museum. The warning of Japan tsunami conducted by Indonesian-Japan Friendship Forum is the solidarity of the two countries, especially Aceh with Japan to keep hand in hand for the solidarity and human cooperation to handle earthquake and tsunami disasters. foto. ANT


Bercermin Pada Jepang

Reflecting Japan

Jepang, negeri sub tropis yang terletak pada jalur pegunu­ng­an berapi Sirkum Pasifik, sangat kerap diguncang gempa tektonik. Sebagaimana kita ketahui, gempa tekto­nik (gempa karena per­ge­ ra­kan lempeng bumi)adalah gempa yang ber­po­ tensi memicu tsunami. Saking sering­nya Jepang dilanda gempa tektonik yang membuat air laut naik, bangsa Jepang memiliki istilah sendiri untuk feno­me­na naiknya gelombang laut aki­bat gempa tektonik. Istilah tsunami kini telah di­terima secara internasional untuk meng­gambarkan feno­mena alam tersebut.

Japan, a sub-tropical country located at the Circum Pacific volcanic MoUntain track, is very often shaken by tectonic earthquakes. As we know, a tectonic earthquake (earthquake caused by the movement of the earth slab) has the potential to trigger tsunami. Since Japan is often hit by tectonic earthquakes that raise the sea level, the people of Japan have their own term for the raise of sea wave phenomenon caused by the tectonic earthquake. The term of tsunami is currently internationally accepted to describe such natural phenomenon.

Setelah tsunami Samudera Hindia 2004, Jepang adalah satu dari tiga negara yang langsung meres­ pon dengan mengirimkan bantuan ke Aceh. Ber­ dasarkan pengalaman mereka pada penge­lolaan bencana, Jepang memilih mem­­bantu Aceh dalam program-program rekonstruksi dan rehabilitasi yang mengarah pada kesiapan menghadapi dan pasca bencana.

Japan was, after the occurrence of the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, one of the three coun­ tries that immediately responded by sending assistance to Aceh. Based on its experience in managing disasters, Japan chose to support Aceh in the reconstruction and rehabilitation programs aiming toward the preparedness in facing disas­ ters and post disaster management.

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Salah satu sebab jatuhnya demikian banyak korban di Aceh adalah karena ketidaktahuan rakyat Aceh tentang tsunami. Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah Aceh bekerja sama dengan negara-negara sahabat terutama Jepang meng­ gagas program sosialisasi tsunami. Pengenalan apa bagai­mana tsunami ini dilempar ke sekolah-sekolah, mulai tingkat dasar hingga menengah. Pelatihan meliputi cara mengenali gempa yang berpotensi tsunami, dasar-dasar survival dan sebagainya. Di Jepang, sosialisasi tsunami adalah program tahunan yang diselenggarakan secara teratur oleh Departemen Pendidikan. Hasilnya terbukti pada gempa dan tsunami Sendai, 2011. Siswa-siswi sebuah SMP di Tohoku memelopori usaha penyelamatan diri dengan langsung berlari keluar kompleks sekolah me­ nuju ke daerah yang lebih tinggi. Seraya berlari mereka masih sempat mengimbau penduduk untuk segera me­ ngungsi, bahkan juga dengan cekatan membantu siswasiswi sebuah sekolah dasar yang bertetangga dengan sekolah mereka untuk menyelamatkan diri. Banyak dari murid sekolah dasar tersebut yang tiba di keting­ gian dengan digendong oleh para siswa SMP.

One of the reasons of such many casualties in Aceh was due to the nescience of the Aceh people on tsunami. Therefore, in cooperation with friendly countries, parti­ cularly Japan, the Government of Aceh initiated tsunami socialization programs. The knowledge on what and how tsunami is was introduced at schools, from the elementary to the intermediary levels. The training includes how to recognize a tsunami potential earthquake, the basics of survival and others. The tsunami socialization in Japan is an annual program that is regularly organized by the Department of Education. The result was proven at the Sendai earthquake and tsunami in 2011. Students of a Junior High School in Tohoku pioneered the self rescue effort by immediately running out of the school complex to a higher located area. While running they appealed the citizens to immediately evacuate and even also assisted students of a neighboring elementary school to escape. A lot of the elementary school students who arrived at the higher located area were carried by the Junior High School students.

Sosialisasi juga dilakukan di gampong-gampong dengan melibatkan geuchik, kepala lorong, juga perkumpulan perem­puan setempat. Kesiapan penduduk menghadapi tsunami dihadapkan pada tes melalui simulasi bencana tsunami yang digelar dua kali dalam setahun. Simulasi ini juga bertujuan memonitor sistem peringatan dini tsunami, apakah dapat berfungsi dengan baik atau harus mengalami peremajaan.

The socialization was also conducted in the gampong (village) by engaging the geuchik, head of lorong, and also the local women association. The preparedness of the citizens in facing tsunami was tested through the simulation of tsunami disaster, which was conducted twice in one year. This simulation is also intended to monitor the tsunami early warning system on whether it is well functioning or it needs renovation.

Pada saat simulasi, sirene peringatan bahaya tsunami ber­bunyi, dan penduduk di daerah bahaya dikumpulkan di titik-titik evakuasi yang telah diepakati. Simulasi diakhiri dengan mengulang kembali dasar-dasar P3K dan metode

The tsunami hazard warning siren sounds at the time of simulation and citizens in the danger area are gathered at the evacuation points agreed upon. The simulation is concluded by repeating the basics of P3K (First Aid) and

Pasca bencana tsunami 2004 Aceh lekas berbenah, escape buiding, petunjuk arah evakuasi dan simulasi bencana di selenggarakan di sekolahsekolah untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan masyarakat terhadap datangnya bencana. / Post-tsunami disaster 2004 Aceh made getting ready for, escaped building, direction of disaster evacuation and simulation was conducted in schools to improve public awareness towards the coming of disaster. foto. ANT

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survival agar menjadi pengetahuan umum yang dapat segera diterapkan bila diperlukan.

the survival method so that they may become a general knowledge that can immediately be applied in need.

Selain sosialisasi bahaya tsunami, pemulihan waterway dan pembuatan Tsunami Early Warning System juga men­jadi program utama pemulihan pasca bencana yang digulir­ kan. Sebagian ahli geologi dan geofisika yang meneliti tsunami 2004 me­nyatakan bahwa desain tata kota Banda Aceh pra-tsunami yang terdiri dari banyak sekali jalan kecil menciptakan situasi serupa pipa air. Pada sebatang pipa, air yang masuk dengan debit tetap dengan kekuatan sedang akan mengalami pe­ nam­­bahan tekanan ketika melewati pipa ber­­dia­ meter sempit. Akibat tekanan yang ber­tambah, kekuatan tekanan air semakin besar sehingga dapat mencapai jarak yang cukup jauh. Banda

In addition to the tsunami hazard socialization, the waterway recovery and development of the Tsunami Early Warning System were also the main post disaster recovery programs that were carried out. Part of the geological and geophysical experts, who investigated the 2004 tsunami, revealed that the pre-tsunami city planning design of Banda Aceh consisted of many small roads, creating the situation in form of water pipes. Water that enters a pipe with constant debit and medium force will increase the pressure when passing through such pipe with narrow diameter. Due to the increase of pressure, the water force increases and may

Kosulat Jenderal Jepang di Medan, Takayuki Kawaii memberikan kata sambutan pada peringatan lima tahun bencana tsunami Jepang di Museum Tsunami Aceh di Banda Aceh, Jumat (11/3/2016). / Consulate General of Japan in Medan, Takayuki Kawaii addresses in the five year warning of Japan tsunami disaster in the Museum of Tsunami Aceh in Banda Aceh, Friday (11/3/2016). foto. AMPELSA


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Perbaikan tata Kota Banda Aceh dilakukan setelah banyaknya infrastruktur yang hancur di terjang tsunami pada 2004. / Recovery of City planning of Banda Aceh was made after the destruction of many infrastructures hit by tsunami of 2004. foto. IST

Aceh yang hancur hingga sejauh lima kilo­meter ke darat dari pantai adalah bukti bisu dari teori ini.

reach a quite long distance. Banda Aceh city, which was destroyed until five kilometers inland from the coast, was a silent evidence of this theory.

Pelebaran jalan dari dan menuju pelabuhan dan/ atau laut merupakan adalah salah satu desain tata kota yang secara logika sangat vital bagi sebuah coastal town/city seperti Banda Aceh, Meulaboh, Calang dsb harus diterapkan.

The road widening from and to the port and/or sea, which is one of the city planning designs that is logically extremely vital for coastal towns/ cities such as Banda Aceh, Meulaboh, Calang and others, should be applied.

Untuk mereduksi jumlah korban jiwa seandainya tsunami kembali terjadi, di beberapa gampong di Banda Aceh dibangun escape building. Escape building adalah bangunan dengan spesifikasi khu­­­ sus; tahan gempa, memiliki bagian atas berupa platform yang dirancang agar lebih tinggi dari­­ pada tinggi maksimal gelombang tsunami. Platform ini juga sekaligus berfungsi sebagai helipad, dapat didarati helikopter, agar evakuasi dapat dilakukan dengan mudah.

In order to reduce the number of casualties, in the event of a tsunami recurrence, escape buil­ dings were developed at several gampongs in Banda Aceh city. An escape building is a buil­­ ding with special specifications, such as earth­ quake resistant and with an upper part in form of a platform that is designed higher than the maximum height of a tsunami wave. This platform functions simultaneously also as a helipad for landing of helicopters in order to facilitate evacuation.

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Menata Kembali Kehidupan yang Hilang

Restructuring the Vanished Life

Rekonstruksi dan pembangunan kembali infrasruktur adalah agenda utama berikutnya. Tsunami menghancurkan 90% sarana infrastruktur di sepanjang pantai BaratSelatan Aceh. Data dari International Organization for Migration (2005 : 1), kerusakan meliputi 654 kilometer jalan arteri, 136 kilometer jalan desa, 603 kilometer jalan provinsi, 2. 267 unit jembatan dan 9. 122 unit saluran drai­­­ nase. Total kerugian prasarana infrastruktur jalan men­­capai 877 miliar Dolar AS.

The reconstruction and redevelopment of infrastructures were the next main agendas. The tsunami has destroyed 90% of the means and infrastructures along the southwest coast of Aceh. The data of the International Organization for Migration (2005) showed that the damage covered 654 kilometers of arterial roads, 136 kilometers of village roads, 603 kilometers of provincial roads, 2,267 bridges, and 9,122 drainage channels. The total loss of infrastructures reached 877 billion United States Dollars.

Terputusnya jalan antara Banda Aceh-Meulaboh menye­ bab­kan para penyintas tsunami terkucil dari dunia luar. Penyaluran bantuan berupa makanan dan obat-obatan yang sangat dibutuhkan para penyintas terhambat. Pem­ bukaan kembali akses jalan menjadi semakin penting. Pemerintah dan rakyat Amerika Serikat melalui USAID (United States Agency for International Development) me­ ngu­curkan dana guna mendukung rehabilitasi ruas jalan darat sepanjang 240 km dari Banda Aceh hingga Calang.

The disconnected road between Banda Aceh and Meulaboh caused that the tsunami survivors were isolated from the outside world. The distribution of aid in form of food and medicines, which were strongly needed by the survivors, was obstructed. The reopening of the road access became increasingly important. The government and people of the United States contributed fund through USAID (United States Agency for International Development) in order to support the rehabilitation of the overland road section along 240 km from Banda Aceh to Calang.

Ruas jalan membentang sepanjang 240 km dari Banda Aceh hingga Calang setelah hancur tersapu tsunami kembali dibangun atas bantuan USAID (United States Agency for International Development). / Section of road spreads alongside 240 km from Banda Aceh until Calang after the destruction due to the tsunami was re-built at the assistance of USAID (United States Agency for International Development). foto. IST


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Pesawat tempur Hawk TNI AU melakukan pendaratan usai patroli pengamanan udara di Pangkalan Udara Sultan Iskandar Muda, Blang Bintang, Aceh Besar. / The fighter of Hawk TNI AU (Air Force Indonesian Military) landed after the patrol of air safety in the Sultan Iskandar Muda Air Base, Blang Bintang, Aceh Besar (Great Aceh). foto. ANT

Selain jalan, transportasi ke wilayah barat Aceh juga didukung lewat jalur udara. Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi (BRR) Aceh-Nias mendanai pembangunan tujuh bandara perintis di koridor barat selatan dan tengah Aceh. Ketujuh bandara perintis yang dibangun dan direhabilitasi kembali itu adalah Bandara Cut Nyak Dhien (Aceh Barat), Bandara Maimun Saleh (Sabang), Bandara Kuala Batee (Aceh Barat Daya), Bandara Teuku Cut Ali (Aceh Selatan), Bandara Rembele (Aceh Tengah), Bandara Lasikin (Simeulue), dan Bandara di Aceh Singkil. Sementara itu, bandar udara utama di Aceh yaitu Bandar Udara Blangbintang dikembangkan menjadi bandara inter­nasional, dengan mengabadikan nama Sultan Iskandar Muda sebagai nama resminya.

In addition to roads, the transportation to the west area of Aceh was also supported through the air route. The Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) of AcehNias funded the development of seven pioneer airports at the south west and central corridors of Aceh. Those seven developed and rehabilitated pioneer airports were Cut Nyak Dhien Airport (West Aceh), Maimun Saleh Airport (Sabang), Kuala Batee Airport (Southwest Aceh), Teuku Cut Ali Airport (South Aceh), Rembele Airport (Central Aceh), Lasikin Airport (Simeulue), and Airport at Aceh Singkil. Meanwhile, the main airport in Aceh, namely Blangbintang Airport, was expanded into an international airport by perpetuating the name of Sultan Iskandar Muda as its official name.

Selain bandara di Aceh daratan, dibangun juga landasan helikopter di Pulau Rondo, kepulauan terluar di ujung paling barat Aceh, Pulo Breuh (Kabupaten Aceh Besar) dan Pulau Banyak (Kabupaten Aceh Singkil). Selanjutnya juga sudah dibangun landasan udara (air stripe) di Calang (Kabupaten Aceh Jaya), Blangkejeren (Kabupaten Gayo Lues), dan Sibigo (pulau Simeulue).

In addition to the airports in the Aceh mainland, helipads were also developed in Rondo Islands, the outermost islands at the westernmost end of Aceh, Breuh Island (Aceh Besar Regency) and Banyak Island (Aceh Singkil Regency). Further on, air strips were also developed in Calang (Aceh Jaya Regency), Blangkejeren (Gayo Lues Regency), and Sibigo (Simeulue Island).

Selain itu, pembenahan juga dilakukan terhadap saranaprasarana pelabuhan. Pelabuhan Malahayati, Kabupaten Aceh Besar,dibangun kembali. Pembiayaannya dibantu Pemerintah Belanda dan Multi Donor Fund (MDF) BRR. Situs melansir, luas dermaga beton

In addition, revamping was also carried out on the port means and infrastructures. The Malahayati Port in Aceh Basar Regency was redeveloped. Its financing was supported by the Dutch Government and the Multi Donor Fund (MDF) of BRR. The website

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Kapal Muatan Penumpang (KMP) BRR yang membawa penumpang dari pulau Weh Sabang memasuki area pelabuhan yang sedang dalam tahap pengembangan setelah hancur diterjang tsunami di pelabuhan Ulee Lheu, Banda Aceh. / Passenger Crew (KMP) BRR which brings passengers from the island of Weh Sabang enters into the port area under development stage after being hit by tsunami in Ulee Lheu harbor, Banda Aceh. foto. ANT

pe­labuhan yang sebelumnya 1.600 meter persegi di­tam­ bah menjadi 6.800 meter persegi. Selain itu, kapasitas sa­ ndar kapal sebelumnya, 7.000 DWT (Deadweight tonnage) menjadi 10.000 DWT.

informed that the port concrete pier of previously 1,600 square meters was added to 6,800 square meters. In addition, the previously ship berthing capacity of 7,000 DWT (Dead Weight Tonnage) became 10,000 DWT.

Sejak 2011, Malahayati berstatus sebagai pelabuhan internasional untuk aktivitas ekspor impor. Kapal berbobot 8.000 ton kini bisa singgah di sana. Pelabuhan Malahayati sudah menjadi pintu masuk beberapa barang impor, seperti aspal drum yang dipasok dari Singapura, serta beras dan gula dari Thailand.

Malahayati had since 2011 the status of international port for import and export activities. Ships with the weight of 8,000 tons are now able to stop by. The Malahayati port has become the gateway for several import commodities, such as asphalt in drums supplied from Singapore, as well as rice and sugar from Thailand.

Pelabuhan kapal feri Ulee Lheue yang melayani rute Banda Aceh-Sabang (pulau Weh) hancur lebur oleh tsunami dan merehabilitasinya menjadi salah satu prioritas bagi penataan kembali sendi kehidupan masyarakat.

The ferry harbor of Ulee Lheue, serving the Banda Aceh - Sabang (Weh Island) route, was devastated by tsunami and its rehabilitation was one of the priorities to restructure the life aspects of the society.

Setelah direhabilitasi, Pelabuhan Feri Ulee Lheue yang me­ miliki kedalaman perairan rata-rata lima meter berka­pasitas kapal-sandar 1800 GRT (Gross Register Tonage). Dua jenis kapal ferry melayani rute Ulee Lheue-Balohan dan sebaliknya. Kapal motor cepat berangkat dari Ulee Lheue setiap hari pukul 09.00 WIB dan kapal roro berangkat pada hari Senin-Kamis pukul 11.00. Dari Pelabuhan Balohan, Sabang, kapal motor cepat berangkat ke Ulee Lheue se­ tiap hari pukul 08.00 WIB dan pukul 14.00 WIB.

The Ulee Lheue Ferry Harbor, with the average water depth of five meters, has the ship berthing capacity of 1,800 GRT (Gross Register Tonnage) after the rehabilitation. Two ferry types serve the Ulee Lheue-Balohan route vice versa. Speedboats depart daily from Ulee Lheue at 09.00 WIB (West Indonesia Time) and roro ships depart on Monday-Thursday at 11.00 WIB. Speedboats depart daily from Balohan Port, Sabang, to Ulee Lheue at 08.00 WIB and 14.00 WIB.


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Tsunami Samudera Hindia 2004 meninggalkan sejuta kenangan bagi rakyat Aceh. Kenangan pilu pada mereka yang menjadi syuhada, kenangan kehangatan persahabatan dan kemanusiaan Dunia yang bergotong royong memulihkan Aceh dan kenangan pada semangat juang khas Aceh yang harus terus dipupuk.

The Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 left a million memories for the people of Aceh. Melancholic memories of those who were martyrs, warmth memories of the world friendship and humanity in working together to recover Aceh and memo­ ries of the specific Aceh fighting spirit that should be continuously fostered.

Berbagai monumen didirikan di Aceh atas nama segala kenangan tesebut. Yang terbesar tentu saja Museum Tsunami di Banda Aceh. Dirancang arsitek professional penuh bakat, dosen Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) dan Walikota Bandung periode 2013-2018, Ir. Ridwan Kamil.

Various monuments were built in the name of all those memories. The largest is certainly the Tsunami Museum in Banda Aceh, designed by Ir. Ridwan Kamil, a talented professional architect, lecturer at the Bandung Technology institute (ITB) and Mayor of Bandung for the period of 2013-2018.

Berbagai monumen tsunami di bangun di Aceh sebagai pengingat dan rasa terimakasih rakyat Aceh terhadap perhatian dan bantuan masyarakat dunia. / Various monuments of tsunami were built in Aceh as the warning and form of gratitude for Aceh people to world people attention and assistance. foto. IST

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Di hadapan Museum yang diilhami bentuk kapal besar ini masih ada monumen peringatan lain. La­pangan Blang Padang, yang pada 26 Desem­ ber 2004 dipenuhi reruntuhan bangunan dan jenazah yang bertumpuk hingga lebih dari lima meter, selain memiliki jogging track, taman ber­ main dan taman kuliner, di satu sisinya didirikan monumen bernama Aceh Thanks the World. Monumen berbentuk lima gelombang di atas pe­destal setinggi dua meter, dengan benderabendera negara sahabat yang telah membantu Aceh kembali berdiri di atas kakinya setelah dihancurkan tsunami. Selain itu, di sepanjang jogging track yang melintasi tepian Lapangan Blang Padang berdiri pulu­han struktur serupa anjungan perahu. Monumen perahu ini adalah penghormatan bagi negara-negara seluruh dunia yang telah membantu Aceh. Anjungan pera­hu itu memiliki plat tembaga berukirkan nama negara sahabat lengkap dengan benderanya.

In front of the Museum, inspired by the shape of a large ship, are other commemoration monu­ ments. In addition to the jogging field, playground and culinary garden, a monument called Aceh Thanks the World was built on one side of Blang Padang Field, which was on 26 December 2004 filled with building ruins and dead bodies piled up to more than five meters. A monument in form of five waves above the pedestal of two meters, which was destroyed by the tsunami, stood up again on its feet with flags of friendly countries that assisted Aceh. In addition, tens of structures in form of a ship’s bridge stand along the jogging track that crosses the Blang Padang Field. These ship monuments are the tribute to countries in the world that assisted Aceh. The ship’s bridge has a copper plate engraved with the name of the friendly country complete with its flag.

Keluarga korban tsunami Aceh berziarah dan berdoa di kuburan massal korban tsunami Aceh. foto. ANT


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Selain monumen yang menimbulkan rasa per­ caya pada kemanusiaan ini, Banda Aceh juga memiliki monumen lain, yang lebih menimbulkan rasa prihatin, kesenduan kenang­an dan keyakinan pada kebesaran Tuhan.

Banda Aceh has, in addition to these monuments that raise the sense of trust toward humanity, also other monuments that raise more the sense of concern, memories of grief and belief toward the greatness of God.

Berupa semacam obelisk putih dengan pedestal dari batu yang ditempeli plat tembaga, monumenmonumen ini di­diri­kan di beberapa tem­pat. Ke­ tinggian obelisk dari masing-masing monumen berbeda. Tingginya sesuai dengan tinggi gelom­ bang tsunami yang pada Desember 2004 me­ landa tempat di mana monumen itu didirikan. Jadi, monumen di kawasan Ulee Lheue tingginya mencapai delapan meter, sementara monumen di halaman SMP Negeri XVII Banda Aceh dan kantor Radio Republik Indo­nesia, Blang Padang, hanya setinggi 125 sentimeter.

Those monuments, in form of white obelisks with pedestal made of stone and affixed with copper plates, were built at several locations. The obelisk height of each monument is different in accordance with the height of the tsunami wave in December 2004 that hit the location where the monument is built. The monument height in the Ulee Lheue area reaches eight meters, while the height of the monuments in the school yard of SMP Negeri XVII Banda Aceh and office yard of Radio Republik Indonesia in Blang Padang only reaches 125 centimeters.

Victim family of tsunami Aceh visited and prayed in the public burial of Aceh tsunami

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Gelombang tsunami tidak hanya membawa maut dan kepi­ luan. Tsunami juga membawa banyak hal menarik. Salah sa­tunya adalah kapal PLTD Apung milik PLN. Gelom­­ bang tsunami membawa kapal pembangkit tenaga listrik seberat 2600 ton yang semula bersandar di Lhok Nga ini belasan kilometer ke darat dan akhirnya mendaratkannya di tengah pemukiman penduduk di Gampong Punge Blang Cut, Banda Aceh. Kini pemukiman di seputar kapal itu telah ditata ulang dan si kapal sendiri dijadikan monu­ men kenangan akan kedahsyatan tsunami 2004.

The tsunami waves did not only bring death and sadness but also a lot of interesting things. One of those is the Floating PLTD (diesel power generator) boat owned by PLN (State Electri­ city Company). Tsunami waves took this power generator boat of 2,600 tons, which was originally mooring in Lhok Nga, teens of kilometers into the inland and ultimately landed it in the middle of the resident settlement in Gampong Punge Blang Cut, Banda Aceh. The settlement in the surrounding of the boat is currently restructured and the boat itself is made as memorial of the terrible tsunami in 2004.

“Monumen” tsunami lainnya yang juga cukup unik adalah Kapal Di Atas Rumah. Kapal nelayan berbobot 20 ton itu terbawa air dari doknya dan mendarat di atap rumah keluarga Misbah di Gampong Lampulo, Banda Aceh. Sama halnya dengan Kapal PLTD Apung di Punge, pemukiman penduduk di sekitar Kapal Di Atas Rumah telah ditata dan dijadikan taman monumen kenangan.

Another also quite unique tsunami “Monument” is the Boat Above House. This fisherman boat of 20 tons was carried by water from its shipyard and landed on the roof of the Misbah family in Gampong Lampulo, Banda Aceh. Similar to the Floating PLTD Boat in Punge, the resident settlement in the surrounding of the Boat Above House had been restructured and made as a memorial park.

Monumen Tsunami di PLTD Apung, Gampong, Banda Aceh. / Tsunami monument in PLTD Apung, Gampong, Banda Aceh. foto .IST


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Jaminan Kesehatan Aceh Aceh Health Security

Masyarakat Aceh begitu merasakan manfaat dari Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) dan Jaminan Kesehatan Rakyat Aceh (JKRA) saat berobat di RSU Zainal Abidin, Banda Aceh. / Aceh people feel benefit from National Health Security Program (JKN) and Aceh People Health Security (JKRA) upon treatment at RSU Zainal Abidin (Zainal Abidin Hospital), Banda Aceh. foto. ANT

Didorong oleh keinginan memberikan layanan keehatan yang terjangkau bagi rakyat Aceh serta ditunjang oleh UU No 11/2006 tentang Pemerintahan Aceh, Pasal 224 dan 225, Guber­ nur Aceh periode 2007-2012 Drh. Irwandi Yusuf menggagas JKA (Jaminan Kesehatan Aceh), suatu program pelayanan kesehatan gratis untuk masya­ rakat Aceh.

Motivated by the desire to provide reachable health service to the people of Aceh and suppor­ ted by Law No 11/2006 Articles 224 and 225 concerning Aceh Administration, Drs. Irwandi Yusuf, the Governor of Aceh for the period of 2007-2012, initiated the JKA (Aceh Health Secu­ rity) program, a free health service program for the people of Aceh.

Persyaratan mendapatkan JKA sangat mudah, yaitu cukup menyediakan KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) dan/atau KK (Kartu Keluarga) berala­ mat di Aceh. Pada awal program, Pemerintah Aceh memperkirakan akan ada sekitar 1.2 juta rakyat Aceh yang akan menggunakan layanan ini; dengan asumsi bahwa 1.5 juta lainnya telah mendapatkan jaminan kesehatan lain seperti

The requirements to obtain JKA is very easy, namely sufficiently by providing the KTP (Resi­ dent Identity Card) and/or KK (Family Card) with the address in Aceh. The Government of Aceh estimated at the beginning of the prog­ram that around 1.2 million Aceh citizens will use this service with the assumption that around 1.5 million other citizens have already obtained the

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Presiden (saat itu) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono sangat terkesan akan program ini. Dalam kun­ju­ng­an­nya ke Aceh November 2010, beliau me­nya­takan bahwa pembangunan (cq pembangunan kesehatan) di Aceh sudah berada pada rel yang benar. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (at that time) was very impressed by this program. He expressed during his visit to Aceh in November 2010 that the development (cq health develop­ment) in Aceh was already on the right track.


Askes (Asuransi Kesehatan) bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil dan Jamsostek (Jaminan Sosial Tenaga Kerja) bagi pegawai swasta.

other health securities, such as Askes (Health Insu­rance) for Civil Servants and Jamsostek (Man­­­­­­­ power Social Security) for private employees.

Program JKA akhirnya mendapat alokasi dana Rp. 241,9 miliar/tahun pada APBA 2010, hanya setengah dari yang diusul­kan yaitu Rp. 425 miliar. Mulai 1 Juni 2010 Pemerintah Aceh secara resmi memberlakukan program JKA. Tahap awal ini ber­­laku selama enam bulan, terkait pemotongan anggaran yang terjadi karena APBA baru disah­ kan pada bulan April.

The JKA program ultimately obtained the fund allocation of Rp. 241.9 billion/year from the APBA (Aceh Budget) of 2010, which was only a half of the proposed Rp. 425 billion. Commencing 1 Ju­ne 2010 the Government of Aceh officially appli­ed the JKA program. The initial phase was appli­cable for six months related to the budget deduction since the APBA was only ratified in April.

Presiden (saat itu) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono sangat terkesan akan program ini. Dalam kun­ju­ ng­an­nya ke Aceh November 2010, beliau me­nya­ takan bahwa pembangunan (cq pembangunan ke­ sehatan) di Aceh sudah berada pada rel yang benar.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (at that time) was very impressed by this program. He expressed during his visit to Aceh in November 2010 that the development (cq health develop­ ment) in Aceh was already on the right track.

Kehadiran JKA menjadikan Aceh sebagai daerah pertama di Republik Indonesia yang memberikan jaminan kesehatan gratis bagi seluruh rakyatnya.

The presence of this program made Aceh the first region in the Republic of Indonesia that pro­ vided free health security to its people.

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Menyemai Bibit Intelektual Sowing Intellectual Seedlings

Saat damai sudah mulai membelai Aceh, rakyat dan Pemerintah Aceh disadarkan akan keter­­­­ting­­ galan memilukan yang dialami dunia pendidikan Aceh. Angka buta aksara latin pada penduduk usia 10 tahun ke atas mencapai 5,15 persen dari keseluruhan jumlah penduduk, angka tertinggi kedua na­sional setelah Papua. Demikian juga per­ sen­tase Angka Melanjutkan (persentasi siswa yang meneruskan bersekolah ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi). Untuk tingkat Sekolah Dasar, Aceh menempati peringkat ketiga terbawah setelah Papua dan Nusa Tenggara Timur. Sangat jauh di bawah, umpamanya, Sumatera Barat (100%) atau Jawa Barat (89%).

When peace started to caress Aceh, the people and Government of Aceh were made aware on the grievous backwardness experienced by the education sector of Aceh. The Latin illiteracy rate of the population, at the age of 10 years and above, reached 5.15 percent of the total aMoUnt of population, the second highest national rate after Papua. Likewise was the percentage of the Continuation Rate (percentage of students who continue their study to a higher level). Aceh positioned the third lowest ranking for the Ele­ men­tary School education after Papua and East Nusa Tenggara. This was far below for example West Sumatera (100%) or West Java (89%).

Fakta menyedihkan ini, bila disusuri ke akar, ada­ lah karena tingkat kemiskinan yang tinggi. Situasi negeri yang tegang dan tidak kondusif selama ber­puluh tahun memaksa masyarakat untuk hidup

If traced down to the roots, this pathetic fact was due to the high poverty rate. The tense and non conducive domestic situation during tens of years forced the society to live at the line of

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Suasana belajar di TK Al-Washliyah yang bangunan sekolahnya masih memakai rumah selter (rumah bantuan pasca bencana Tsunami) di Desa Alue Naga, Kec. Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh (15/1/2015). / Learning situation at TK Al-Washliyah (Al-Washliyah Kindergarten) of which the school building still uses shelter home (aid-home post-tsunami disaster) in Desa Alue Naga (Alue Naga Village), Kec. Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh (15/1/2015). foto. ANT

pada garis minus. Banyak anak usia sekolah yang ter­­ paksa tidak/melanjutkan sekolah karena harus mem­ bantu orang­tuanya mencari nafkah.

minus. A lot of school age children were forced to discon­ tinue the education (drop out) since they had to support their parents in order to making a living.

Sejak tahun 2007 Pemerintah Aceh dibawah pimpinan Gubernur Irwandi Yusuf dan Muhammad Nazar menetap­ kan pendidikan gratis mulai tingkat dasar hingga me­­ne­ ngah. Diharapkan, pro­gram ini akan men­dong­krak angka partisipasi masyarakat menye­kolahkan anaknya. Program ini masih ditunjang lagi dengan pemberian bea siswa yang dananya bersumber dari dana APBA serta Otsus. Pada saat dicanangkan tahun 2008, Pemerintah Aceh telah memberikan bea siswa kepada 80 ribu siswa tidak mampu. Angka ini terus bertambah hingga pada 2010 jumlah siswa penerima bea siswa mencapai 300 ribu orang.

The Government of Aceh, under the leadership of Governor Irwandi Yusuf and M. Nazar, had determined the free education program from the elementary level until the intermediate level since 2007. It was expected that this program will jack up the participation rate of the community members in sending their children to school. This program was also supported by the provision of scholarship, which funding was sourced from the APBA (Aceh Budget) and Otsus (Special Autonomy) funds. At the time this program was launched in 2008, the Government of Aceh provided the scholarship to 80,000 disadvantaged students. This figure kept increasing until it reached the total of 300,000 scholarship receiving students.

Berselang dua tahun sejak Pemerintah Aceh men­­curahkan perhatian lebih pada dunia pen­didikan, APK (Angka Par­ tisipasi Kasar) dan APM (Angka Partisipasi Murni) Aceh atau ke­ser­taan anak usia sekolah dalam pendidikan formal untuk usianya meningkat secara signifi­kan. Untuk usia SD (7-12tahun) APM tahun 2009 sebesar 97,15 persen melampaui angka nasional sebesar 95, 23 persen.

Two years after the Aceh Government paid more attention to the education sector, the APK (Rough Participation Rate) and APM (Pure Participation Rate), or participation of school age children in the formal education according to the age, increased significantly. The APM for the Elemen­ tary School age (7-12 years) reached 97.15 percent in 2009, exceeding the national rate of 95.23 percent.


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Statistik yang menarik dari dunia pendidikan di Aceh adalah rasio perbandingan gender. Di ting­kat dasar dan menengah, rasio siswa perem­puan terhadap siswa lakilaki rata-rata 100 persen. Arti­nya jumlah siswa perem­ puan dibandingkan laki-laki adalah sama banyak. Namun di tingkat yang lebih tinggi, konsentrasi pelajar putri (mahasiswi) meningkat tajam, mencapai 134, 4 persen. Dengan kata lain, jumlah mahasiswi me­ lebihi jumlah mahasiswa hingga hampir sete­ngah dari jumlah seluruh pelajar perguruan tinggi di Aceh.

An interesting statistic of the education sector in Aceh was the gender ratio. The ratio of female students against male students at the elementary and intermediate levels was on the average 100 percent, which means that the total of female students and the total of male students are equal. However, the concentration of college female students at the higher level increased sharply, reaching 134.4 percent. In other words, the total of female students exceeded the total of male students of nearly half of the total aMoUnt of university students in Aceh.

Di tingkat pelayanan pendidikan, rasio guru dan siswa di Aceh adalah 1:20, atau satu orang guru mengajar 20 siswa. Angka ini lebih tinggi daripada rata-rata nasional, namun kualitas lulusan sekolah di Aceh masih relatif rendah ter­ kait distribusi guru yang tak merata, mutu guru yang juga belum memadai. Karena itu Pemerintahan Irwandi – Nazar terus menerus berusaha meningkatkan kualitas guru. Cara yang ditempuh antara lain pelatihan dan sertifikasi guru yang berlaku secara nasional, mengirimkan tenaga pendidik untuk tugas belajar, baik di dalam mau pun di luar negeri; dan memberikan beasiswa kepada yang berprestasi.

The ratio of teacher against student at the education service level was 1:20, or one teacher taught 20 students. This ratio was higher compared to the average national ratio. However the quality of school graduates in Aceh was relatively still low due to the uneven distribution of teachers as well as the inadequate quality of teachers. Therefore, the Government of Irwandi – Nazar kept trying to increase the quality of teachers. This was carried out by providing training and teacher certification that apply nationally, sending teachers for the learning assignment, either domestic or overseas, and providing scholarship to those with achievement.

Walikota Banda Aceh Illiza Sa’aduddin Djamal bersama pelajar saat peresmian bangunan gedung SD Negeri 28 yang direnovasi atas bantuan perusahaan swasta di Banda Aceh. / Mayor Banda Aceh Illiza Sa’aduddin Djamal along with the studens when the building for Government elementary school 28 was inaugurated and renovated at the aid of private company in Banda Aceh. foto. ANT

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Untuk meningkatkan kapasitas sumber daya manusia, Pemerintah Aceh sejak 2007 memberikan beasiswa. Putra-putri Aceh diberi kesempatan melanjutkan S2 dan S3 ke luar serta dalam negeri. Pemberian beasiswa ini dikontrol Lembaga Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia (LPSDM) Aceh yang awalnya bernama Komisi Beasiswa Aceh. Data dari lembaga itu menunjukkan hampir dua ribu mahasiswa Aceh melanjutkan studi di Amerika, Eropa, dan Asia. Syaratnya adalah mampu berbahasa Inggris, Jerman, dan Mandarin. Khusus untuk negara-negara Timur Tengah kemampuan berbahasa Arab menjadi syarat tambahan.

The Government of Aceh had provided scholarship since 2007 in order to improve the human resources capacity. Aceh students were provided the opportunity to continue their education up to the S2 and S3 levels domestic as well as overseas. The provision of this scholarship was under the control of the Human Resources Improvement Institution (LPSDM) of Aceh, which was initially named the Scholarship Commission of Aceh. The data of this institution showed that nearly two thousand students of Aceh continued their study in the United States, Europe and Asia. Proficiency in English, German and Mandarin was required. The proficiency in Arabic was an additional requirement for countries in the Middle East.

Beasiswa yang disediakan meliputi bidang-bidang yang diprioritaskan sesuai kebutuhan Aceh. Misalnya, kajian Islam, perbandingan agama, ekonomi, sains, kesehatan, ke­ bijakan publik, teknik, pendidikan, bisnis, perkapalan, navi­ gasi, ilmu sosial, politik, arkeologi, teknik, dan pariwisata.

The provided scholarship covered the sectors of priority in accordance with the need of Aceh, for example Islamic studies, religion comparison, economy, science, health, public policy, engineering, education, business, shipping, navigation, social science, politics, archeology and tourism.

Adapun negara-negara tujuan untuk melanjutkan studi S2 dan S3 yang ditawarkan LPSDM adalah Amerika, Inggris, Jerman, Prancis, Netherland, Spanyol, Rusia, Swedia, Turki, Qatar, Mesir, Sudan, Tunisia, Maroko, Yordania, Jepang, Taiwan, Thailand, Australia, Malaysia, dan Selandia Baru.

The countries of destination in order to continue the S2 and S3 study offered by LPSDM were the United States, England, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Qatar, Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Australia, Malaysia and New Zealand.

Aturan pemberian beasiswa ini ditetapkan dalam Qanun Nomor 7 Tahun 2012. Program beasiswa reguler pada 2014 diseleksi secara online.Untuk memperoleh beasiswa di luar negeri calon mahasiswa harus memiliki nilai TOEFL 500, sedangkan di dalam negeri 450.

The rules of providing this scholarship are determined in Qanun Number 7 of 2012. The regular scholarship in 2014 was through the online selection. The candidate student should have the TOEFL score of 500 to obtain the overseas scholarship and the TOEFL score of 450 for the domestic scholarship.

Selain itu, sejak 2008 Pemerintah Aceh juga memberikan beasiswa untuk anak yatim piatu, sebesar Rp1,8 juta per orang. Jumlah penerima mencapai 115 ribu orang saban tahun.

In addition, the Government of Aceh also provided the scholarship to orphans since 2008, aMoUnting to Rp. 1.8 million per person. The total beneficiaries reached 115,000 persons annually.


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Kelas Aplikasi Perkantoran

Kelas Otomotif

Kelas Tata Busana

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Untuk Aceh, Untuk Indonesia, bersama Al Azhar kita gemilangkan masa depan generasi muda Indonesia Sebagai perwujudan komitmen besar YPI Al Azhar dalam bidang pendidikan dan dakwah sosial, kini telah hadir pusat pendidikan dan latihan gratis RGI (Rumah Gemilang Indonesia) yang berlokasi di desa Neuheun, Aceh Besar. Rumah Gemilang Indonesia, program solusi komprehensif bagi kaum muda yatim dan dhuafa usia produktif yang bersemangat merubah kondisinya menjadi generasi gemilang yang kreatif, mandiri dan sukses sebagai punggung keluarga Aceh. Dari YPI Al Azhar untuk kaum muda Aceh, bagi masa depan Indonesia yang lebih Gemilang.


YAYASAN PESANTREN ISLAM AL AZHAR Komplek Masjid Agung Al Azhar Jl. Sisingamangaraja Kebayoran Baru - Jakarta Selatan Telp: (021) 739 5980 / 724 3933 Fax: (021) 739 3646 Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU /Helsinki website: / Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Reformasi Birokrasi Bureaucracy Reformation Lelang Jabatan, 2008

Position Auction, 2008

Untuk menciptakan iklim pemerintahan yang lebih sehat dan suportif, serta untuk men­da­pat­ kan pejabat yang berkualitas, pada tahun 2008 Irwandi Yusuf dan Muhammad Nazar menggagas tes kelayakan dan ke­patutan (fit and proper test) bagi para pe­ja­bat yang ingin menempati posisi Eselon II dalam jaja­ran Pemerintah Aceh.

In order to create a more healthy and supportive administration climate, and to obtain qualified government officials, Irwandi Yusuf initiated the fit and proper test in 2008 for government offi­ cials intended to hold the Echelon II positions in the government ranks of Aceh.

Seleksi yang dilakukan secara terbuka bagi semua PNS Golongan IV B untuk mengisi jabatan seba­ gai Kepala Badan, Kepala Dinas serta posisi Eselon II lainnya ini didukung dana dari UNDP. Irwandi juga mendatangkan konsultan khusus bidang Pemerintahan dari Inggris dan Malaysia. Penyelenggaraan seleksi diawasi oleh pengawas tim seleksi independen, dan ternyata menarik minat ratusan calon; datang bukan hanya dari lingkungan birokrasi, namun juga dari kalangan akademisi, bahkan PNS dari luar Aceh.

The selection that was openly conducted for all Group IV B Civil Servants to fill the positions of Head of Agency, Office Head as well as other Echelon II positions was supported with funding from UNDP. Irwandi also invited consultants from England and Malaysia, particularly for the administration sector. The implementation of selection was supervised by the independent selec­ tion team of supervisors and evidently attrac­ted the interest of hundreds of candidates, who were not only from the bureaucracy circles but also from the academician circles, and even Civil Servants from outside Aceh.

Pejabat hasil uji kelayakan dan kepatutan itu, sejumlah 42 orang, dilantik di Anjong Mon Mata, Banda Aceh, pada 11 Maret 2008.

42 officials, as result of the fit and proper test, were inaugurated on 11 March 2008 at Anjong Mon Mata, Banda Aceh.

Setiap pejabat yang dilantik, baik pejabat eselon mau pun non eselon harus menandatangani pakta ko­mitmen dan integritas.

Each inaugurated official, either echelon or non echelon, had to sign the commitment and integ­ rity pact.

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Aceh Bersolek: Potensi Wisata Tanah Rencong Aceh Dressing Up: Tourism Potential Of The Land Of Rencong

Aceh Bumi Maritim

Aceh: Maritime Land

Para pekerja kemanusiaan internasional yang pada 2005 memasuki Aceh terpana menyadari satu hal yang disembunyikan Tanah Rencong selama ini: keindahan pantai dan lautnya yang luar biasa. Konflik puluhan tahun yang melanda Aceh rupanya merupakan berkah tersembunyi. Gara-gara perang, tak ada yang sempat berpikir untuk mengeksploitasi keindahan bentang mari­ tim Aceh sehingga kondisi pantai dan lautnya relatif terjaga.

International humanitarian workers who entered Aceh in 2005 were astonished when they realized something hidden all this time by the Land of Rencong (traditional Aceh weapon), namely the incredible beauty of its beaches and sea. The tens of years conflict that hit Aceh seemed to be a blessing in disguise. Due to the war, nobody ever had the opportunity to think about exploiting the maritime landscape splendor of Aceh, so that the condition of its beaches and sea relatively remained preserved.

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Sebelum tsunami, bentang maritim Aceh yang namanya dikenal masyarakat luar daerah hanya­­­ lah Ulee Lheue. Salah satu versi bait lagu Keron­ cong Kemayoran (ciptaan: NN), “Ulee Lheue// Di Kutaradja// Janganlah lupa// Kepada saya” tu­rut mengabadikan nama pantai yang memiliki latar belakang agak menggiriskan itu.

Prior to the tsunami, the maritime landscape of Aceh known by the outside community was only Ulee Lheue. One of the couplet versions of the Keroncong Kemayoran song (created by: NN) is “Ulee Lheue// In Kutaradja// Don’t forget// Me” also enshrines the name of this beach that has a quite sad background.

Nama Ulee Lheue (Bahasa Aceh, artinya “kepala lepas”) menurut sebuah tradisi folklore, berasal dari sebuah peris­tiwa pada masa perang mela­ wan pendudukan Belanda. Konon di situlah Teuku Hasan, pemimpin perlawanan wila­yah Meuraksa, mengeksekusi tiga belas serdadu belanda dengan cara memenggal mereka.

According to a traditional folklore, the name Ulee Lheue (it means “loose head” in the Aceh language) originated from an event during the war against the Dutch occupation. It was said that Teuku Hasan, the opposition leader of Meuraksa area, executed thirteen Dutch soldiers at this location by way of beheading them.

Penataan kembali Ulee Lheue selepas tsunami tidak hanya difokuskan pada pemulihan infra­ struktur pelabuhan Ulee Lheue namun juga pada fungsi pantai itu sebagai sasaran rekreasi warga Banda Aceh. Pada masa Gubernur Irwandi Yusuf dan Muhammad Nazar, penataan yang dilaku­kan termasuk pendirian be­be­rapa taman bermain, restoran serta pena­ na­ man puluhan batang cemara udang.

The post tsunami restructuring of Ulee Lheue was not only focused on the infrastructure recovery of Ulee Lheue port but also on the function of the beach as the recreation means for the citizens of Banda Aceh. The structuring that was carried out during the era of Governor Irwandi Yusuf and M. Nazar included the estab­ lish­ ment of several playgrounds, opening of restaurants and planting of tens of shrimp pines.

Kini Ulee Lheue yang telah pulih, dengan penam­ pilan yang bahkan lebih professional, menarik wisatawan Nusan­ tara maupun mancanegara

Ulee Lheue is currently recovered, with an even more professional appearance, attracting do­ mestic tourists as well as from other countries to

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

untuk datang. Sosok-sosok kelabu Pulau Aceh, Pulau Breueh dan Pulau Weh yang mem­bayang di kaki langit mengisi imajinasi romantis ten­tang negeri-negeri tempat bersema­yam­nya para bida­ dari, beradu dengan birunya laut dan lazuardi­ nya langit membuat jiwa terasa dicerahkan. Menikmati tamasya matahari ter­be­nam di Ulee Lheue adalah satu dari sekian banyak atraksi maritim Tanah Rencong yang wajib diagendakan.

come and visit this location. The grey shapes of Aceh Island, Breueh Island and Weh Island that visions at the horizon and filling the romantic imagination about the dwelling land of nymphs, contending with the blue sea and sky, makes the feeling of enlightening the mind. Enjoying the sightseeing of sunset at Ulee Lheue is one of the many maritime attractions of the Land of Rencong that should be included in the agenda.

Pulau Weh yang silhuetnya tampak dari Ulee Lheue ada­lah destinasi jalan-jalan berikutnya. Dapat dicapai dalam waktu 45 menit dengan kapal motor cepat dari Ulee Lheue, pulau Weh menyimpan keindahan panorama bahari yang sangat menyegarkan. Pantai Gapang dan Iboih adalah destinasi yang popular karena kejer­ni­­han airnya, panorama bawah lautnya dan pan­tai pasir putihnya yang diteduhi pohon-pohon butun. Pulau Rubiah, yang berada di teluk Sabang, adalah pulau kecil yang sangat patut diselami perairannya, karena kejernihan air­nya mengekspos total kein­ da­han terumbu karang yang dikandungnya. Ada lagi pantai Sumurtiga, terkenal karena pasir­nya yang putih dan keberadaan resort serta bunga­ low dengan bangunan bernuansa tropikal yang ramah dan nyaman. Pantai Anoi Itam, yang be­ rarti pasir hitam, memang memiliki pantai de­ ngan pasir yang hitam warnanya. Pasir hitam

The silhouette of Weh Island, which is visible from Ulee Lheue is the destination of the next course. Weh Island, which is reachable within 45 minutes by speedboat from Ulee Lheue, treasures exceptional refreshing maritime pano­ rama magnificence. Gapang Beach and Iboih Beach are popular destinations due to their clear waters, underwater panorama and white sands, shaded by butun trees. Rubiah Island, which is located at Sabang Bay, is a small island with waters exceptionally worthy for diving, since its clear waters exposes a total beauty of coral reefs. There is also the Sumurtiga beach, known for its white sands, resort and bungalows with friendly and comfortable tropical nuance. Anoi Itam Beach, which means black sands, is indeed a beach with black sands. The black sands occur from the debris of corals eroded by waves during tens of thousands years, different from the

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ini terjadi dari hancuran karang yang digerus om­ bak selama puluhan ribu tahun, lain dengan pasir putih yang dahulunya meru­pakan koral (binatang karang pembangun terumbu karang).

white sands that were formerly corals (coral reef developing animals).

Selain pulau Weh, putihnya pasir dan beningnya air pantai Lampuuk, Aceh Besar, juga patut ma­ suk dalam daftar. Apalagi, ketinggian ombak di pantai ini sungguh pas untuk berselancar. Olah­ raga air yang awalnya dipelopori para pekerja kemanusiaan bangsa asing yang mem­ bantu proses rehabilitasi Aceh pasca tsunami ini telah mulai mendapat tempat dihati orangmuda Aceh.

In addition to Weh Island, the white sands and clear waters of Lampuuk beach, Aceh Besar, is also worth to be included in the list. Moreover, the height of waves at this beach is also suitable for surfing. This water sport, which was initially pio­ne­ ered by foreign humanitarian workers who as­sisted the post tsunami rehabilitation process of Aceh, began to attract the interest of the Aceh youth.

Seperti Lampuuk, pantai Lhok Nga juga memiliki ketinggian ombak ideal untuk selancar. Namun sebelum mencapai Lhok Nga, ada atraksi lain yang tak kalah menarik dan penting: rumah Cut Nyak Dhien. Berlokasi di Lampisang, rumah perempuan perkasa itu direkonstruksi dengan bantuan tenaga konsultan ahli asal Pasundan, Ir. Ridwan Kamil. Kemesraan hubungan Cut Nyak Dhien dengan Pasundan, negeri tempat Cut Nyak menghabiskan hari-hari terakhirnya, rupanya tetap terjalin hingga kini.

Like Lampuuk, the Lhok Nga beach has also ideal height of waves for surfing. However, there is another interesting and important attraction before reaching Lhok Nga: the house of Cut Nyak Dhien. The house of this brave woman, which is located in Lampisang, was reconstructed with the assistance of Ir. Ridwan Kamil, a Pasundan consultant expert. The intimate relationship between Cut Nyak Dhien and Pasundan, the land where Cut Nyak spent her last days, seems to remain established until now.

Nelayan membenahi pukat darat di pantai wisata Kampung Jawa, Kota Banda Aceh. / Fishermen work on the trawl in the tourism coast of Kampung Java, Banda Aceh City. foto. ANT/AMPELSA


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Tentera Belanda menyerang para petani yang tengah beraktivitas dalam pementasan terbuka drama kolosal perjuangan pahlawan nasional Aceh, Teuku Umar melawan kolonial Belanda di Lapangan Blang Padang, Banda Aceh. foto. ANT/STR

Wisata Halal dan Wisata Religi

Kosher Tourism and Religious Tourism

Aceh telah mencanangkan diri sebagai destinasi wisata halal dan wisata religi. Selain pantai dan situs peninggalan tsunami, Aceh juga memiliki atraksi lain. Misalnya situs makam dan petilasan para ulama.

Aceh has declared itself as the destination of kosher tourism and religious tourism. Aceh has, in addition to the beaches and tsunami heritage sites, also other attractions, for example cemetery sites and heritage of religious leaders.

Makam ulama besar Syekh Abdurrauf bin Ali Alfansuri alias Teungku Syiah Kuala adalah petilasan yang paling dikenal orang. Berlokasi di Gampong Deah Raya, Kecamatan Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, situs ini selalu ramai oleh peziarah,

The cemetery of Syekh Abdurrauf bin Ali Alfansuri alias Teungku Syiah Kuala, a major religious leader, is the heritage most known by the people. This site is located in Gampong Deah Raya, Syiah Kuala District, Banda Aceh and


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The armies of the Netherlands attack the farmers who conduct the activity in the public staging of Aceh national hero colossal drama, Teuku Umar against the colonial of the Netherlands in Lapangan Blang Padang, Banda Aceh.

terutama pada hari-hari Senin dan Kamis. Teungku Syiah Kuala adalah menteri hukum kerajaan Aceh Darussalam selama pemerintahan empat Sulthanah, mulai dari Sulthanah Safiatuddin hingga Sulthanah Kamalat Syah (rentang waktu sekitar 60 tahun). Beliau adalah ahli agama keturunan Persia yang keluarganya lama menetap di Singkil sehingga beliau dikenal pula dengan sebutan Syekh Abdurrauf As Singkili. Terkenal tegas dan tidak pandang bulu dalam menerapkan hukum, nama beliau diabadikan pada Universitas terbesar dan tertua di Aceh, Universitas Syiah Kuala.

is always crowded by pilgrims, particularly on Monday and Thursday. Teungku Syiah Kuala was the law minister of the Aceh Darussalam kingdom during the administration era of four Sulthanahs, from Sulthanah Safiatuddin until Sulthanah Kamalat Syah (time span of around 60 years). He was a religion expert from Persian descent whose family settled for a long time in Singkil so that he is also known with the name Syekh Abdurrauf As Singkili. He was known as forceful and indiscriminate in enforcing the law and his name is memorialized at Syiah Kuala University, the largest and oldest university in Aceh.

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Petilasan lain yang juga kerap menjadi sasaran peziarah adalah makam Hamzah Fansuri, ulama-sufi-sastrawan yang syair-syair mistik-sufinya, terutama Syair Perahu, terkenal sampai ke semenanjung Malaka. Konon, makam sufi pertama Sumatera ini berada di Ujong Pancuh, Peukan Bada, Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Lepas dari kontroversi seputar lokasi makam yang sangat bervariasi, makam di Ujong Pancuh ini ramai diziarahi orang terutama pada hari-hari tertentu.

Another heritage that is also often visited by pilgrims is the cemetery of Hamzah Fansuri, a sufi-litterateur religious leader whose mystic-sufi poems, particularly the Boat Poem, are well known until the Malacca peninsula. It is said that the cemetery of this first Sumatera sufi is located in Ujong Pancuh, Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar Regency. Apart from the controversy around the cemetery location, which is very varied, this cemetery in Ujong Pancuh is crowded by visiting pilgrims, particularly on certain days.

Makam lain yang juga layak diperhitungkan sebagai destinasi kunjungan adalah makam Belanda Kerkhof di ka­wasan Blang Padang. Makam ini terawat baik, menam­ pilkan kebesaran hati orang Aceh, yang tetap menghormati orang mati meski berasal dari bangsa kolonialis sekali pun. Selain kondisinya yang relatif baik, makam Belanda di Banda Aceh ini adalah makam bangsa Belanda yang terluas di luar negeri (negeri Belanda). Sekali lagi, ini bukti bahwa hati bangsa Aceh luas, selalu ada ruang di sana untuk memaafkan dan menautkan tali silaturrahim.

Another cemetery, which is also worth to be considered as a destination of visit, is the Dutch Kerkhof cemetery in the Blang Padang area. This cemetery is well maintained, which shows the magnanimity of the Aceh people, who still respect the deceased, even though they originated from a colonialist nation. In addition to its relatively good condition, this Dutch cemetery in Banda Aceh is the most extensive cemetery overseas (outside the Netherlands). Again, this shows the open-hearted people of Aceh, where there is always room to forgive and to bind relationship.

Wisata religi tentu tidak lepas dari rumah ibadah. Di Aceh, tentu, rumah ibadah yang paling ikonik adalah Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh. Masjid molek berkubah lima ini mengambil gaya arsitektur Anak Benua dengan ciri khasnya yaitu kubah berbentuk bawang bombay. Dengan latar belakang padat bernuansa sejarah perjuangan orang Aceh, Masjid Raya Baiturrahman adalah permata cantik, baik dalam khazanah sejarah mau pun arsitektur.

The religious tourism is certainly not apart from the house of worship. The most iconic house of worship in Aceh is certainly Masjid Raya Baiturrahman in Banda Aceh. This five dome elegant mosque takes the Anak Benua architectural style with its specific feature, namely a dome in form of Bombay onion. Masjid Raya Baiturrahman is, with its background full of the struggle history nuance of the Aceh people, a beautiful jewel, either in the treasury of history or architecture.


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Peluncuran Banda Aceh World Islamic Tourism sebagai bagian untuk menjadikan Banda Aceh sebagai destinasi wisata Islami dunia di Gedung Sapta Pesona, Kementerian Pariwisata, Jakarta (31/3/2015). / The launch of Banda Aceh World Islamic Tourism as a part to become Banda Aceh as the destination of World Islamic Tourism in Gedung Sapta Pesona, the Ministry of Tourism, Jakarta (31/3/2015). foto. IST

Beberapa kilometer dari sana berdirilah Masjid Baiturrahim, di bibir pantai Ulee Lheue. Masjid yang pertama kali didiri­ kan oleh para saudagar pada tahun 1800-an ini berhasil bertahan dari gempuran tsunami raksasa 2004, sekaligus menyelamatkan nyawa orang-orang yang ber­lin­dung di dalamnya.

Masjid Baiturrahim is located several kilometers from the above location at the shoreline of Ulee Lheue. This mosque, which was established by merchants in the 1800s, was able to survive from the giant tsunami blow in 2004, and simultaneously saved the life of many people who took shelter inside.

Masjid yang sudah kembali ditata ini kini menjadi situs tsunami yang paling menakjubkan, bersaing rapat dengan masjid Rahmatullah, Lampuuk, Aceh Besar. Wisatawan yang datang menjenguk Masjid Baiturrahim kini dapat melihat sebagian ruangan Masjid yang didedikasikan sebagai semacam museum bagi peristiwa 26 Desember 2004.

This restructured mosque is currently the most amazing tsunami site, tightly competing with Masjid Rahmatullah, Lampuuk, Aceh Besar. Tourists who visit Masjid Baiturrahim are currently able to see a part of the Mosque room, which is dedicated as a kind of museum for the 26 December 2004 event.

Ada pun Masjid Rahmatullah, Lampuuk, adalah satusatu­­nya bangunan di sana yang masih tetap utuh berdiri setelah digempur tsunami. Fotonya yang direkam sesaat setelah tsunami meluluh lantakkan daerah sekitarnya, menjadi ikon keajaiban yang menguatkan keyakinan orang bahwa Tuhan tidak pernah tidur. Masjid ini juga menjadi lambang resiliensi orang Aceh yang membuat terbuka mata dunia.

Masjid Rahmatullah, Lampuuk, was the only building that still stood undamaged after being hit by the tsunami. Its picture was recorded shortly after the tsunami devastated the area in its surrounding and became the icon of miracle, which strengthened the belief that God never sleeps. This mosque was also the resilience symbol of the Aceh people, which opened the eyes of the world.

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Ekowisata Aceh

Ecotourism of Aceh

Pada awal masa jabatan Irwandi Yusuf dan Muhammad Nazar, ekowisata “guerilla trekking” yang berlokasi di Lhoong, Aceh Besar, menjadi sebuah alternatif wisata yang cukup menjanjikan. Wisata alternatif ini termasuk jenis trekking, yaitu menyusuri hutan dan bentang eko­ sistem lain. Yang membedakannya dengan trekking biasa adalah jalur yang dipilih. Guerilla track mengikuti jalur yang semasa konflik dilalui oleh pasukan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka. Tentu, peminat ekowisata ini harus mampu ber­ jalan berjam-jam naik turun gurung melintasi hutan yang cukup lebat. Tak heran bila guerilla trekking mendapat pasar di kalangan anak muda.

In the beginning of Irwandi Yusuf’s term of office, the “guerilla trekking” ecotourism, located in Lhoong, Aceh Besar, was a quite promising tourism alternative. This tourism alternative is a trekking type, namely going along the forest and other ecosystem landscapes. The difference from the normal trekking is the selected route. The guerilla track follows the route passed by the Free Aceh Movement troops during the time of conflict. Certainly, the interested participants of this ecotourism should be able to walk for hours, going up and down the MoUntains and crossing dense forests. No wonder that the guerilla trekking is popular within the youth circles.


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Reintegrasi Mantan Kombatan GAM Reintegration of Former GAM Combatants

Konflik panjang antara GAM dan RI yang akhir­ nya mencapai sepakat pada 2005 meninggalkan banyak pekerjaan rumah. Masa jabatan Irwandi Yusuf dan Muhammad Nazar,, 2007-2012, men­ catat beratnya tugasnya sebagai Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur pertama setelah perdamaian. Selain harus mem­per­tahan­kan kestabilan suhu politik di daerah yang dipimpinnya, Irwandi Yusuf dan Muhammad Nazar juga harus mampu meyakinkan Jakarta bahwa Aceh tidak lagi pu­ nya niat untuk merdeka, ber­pisah dari Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

The long lasting conflict between the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) and the Republic of Indonesia, which ultimately reached the agreement in 2005, left a lot of homework. Irwandi Yusuf”s term of office, from 2007 to 2012, recorded his heavy duties as the first Governor after the peace. In addition to maintaining the political climate in the region under his leadership, Irwandi Yusuf should also be able to convince Jakarta that Aceh has no longer the intention to become independent and to separate from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Masa-masa awal jabatan Irwandi Yusuf dan Muhammad Nazar diwarnai tantangan besar, be­ rupa rangkaian terror dan ke­ke­rasan yang masih juga muncul di sana sini, dengan indikasi ke arah gangguan pada kese­pakatan perdamaian. Pe­ milu Legislatif (tahun 2009), saat untuk pertama

The initial office term period ofIrwandi Yusuf and M. Nazar was colored by big challenges, in form of series of terror and violence that still appear here and there, with the indication towa­rd the disruption of peace. The Legislative Election (2009), when several local parties of

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kalinya beberapa partai lokal Aceh ikut serta dalam deretan nama partai peser­ta, adalah batu uji terbesar bagi komiten Aceh dan Guber­nurnya yang baru untuk tetap di jalur damai dan melaksanakan amanah MoU Helsinki.

Aceh participated for the first time in the alignment of participating parties, was the largest test case for the commitment of Aceh and its new Governor to stay in the path of peace and to implement the mandate of the Helsinki MoU.

Pemilu 2009 berlangsung lancar, dengan tingkat parti­ sipasi rakyat mencapai 75%. Angka ini lebih tinggi daripada rata-rata nasional yang hanya 60 %. Antusiasme rakyat Aceh mengikuti Pemilu ini menunjukkan bahwa mereka telah letih ber­­perang dan menginginkan hidup yang nor­ mal. Suksesnya Pemilu di Aceh tentu tak lepas dari usaha keras dan terus menerus dari Irwandi Yusuf sebagai Guber­nur­nya untuk mengampanyekan perdamaian.

The 2009 Election went on smoothly where the partici­pa­ tion rate of the people reached 75%. This rate was higher than the national average rate of only 60%. The enthusiasm of the Aceh people in following this Election showed that they are tired of fighting and wanted a normal life. The successful Election in Aceh was certainly not apart from the strong and continuous efforts of Irwandi Yusuf as the Governor in campaigning peace.

Ujian belum usai. Paska Pemilu 2009, Aceh digemparkan apa yang disebut “kamp pelatihan teroris” di Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Media massa nasional sempat menyoroti kasus ini di bawah dugaan bahwa Aceh masih ingin mele­ paskan diri dari NKRI. Kerjasama jajaran Pemerintah Aceh pimpinan Irwandi dan Nazar dengan Polda Aceh berhasil mencegah gerakan tersebut bertambah kuat. Terbukti bahwa orang-orang yang dilatih di Aceh Besar semuanya bukan orang Aceh dan bahwa kegiatan mereka terkait dengan seorang tokoh kharismatik di Jawa Tengah.

The test was not yet over. Aceh was post 2009 Election appalled by what was referred to as the “terrorist training camp” in Aceh Besar Regency. The national mass media highlighted this case with the assumption that Aceh still wanted to secede from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The cooperation between the government levels led by Irwandi Yusuf and the Regional Police of Aceh was able to prevent such movement from getting stronger. It was proven that those who were trained in Aceh Besar were all not the people of Aceh and that their activities were related to charismatic figures in Central Java.

Badan Reintegrasi Aceh

Aceh Reintegration Agency

Badan Reintegrasi Aceh dibentuk berdasarkan SK Guber­ nur pada 15 Februari 2006. Pembentukan badan ini ada­ lah hasil kesadaran banyak pihak bahwa luka-luka yang ditinggalkan konflik panjang pada fisik dan psikis rakyat Aceh harus mendapat perhatian khusus.

The Aceh Reintegration Agency (BRA) was established based on the Decree of the Governor on 15 February 2006. The establishment of this agency was the result of awareness of many parties that the wounds left behind by the longstanding conflict, physically and psychologically on the people of Aceh, should obtain special attention.

Reintegrasi harus dapat mengakomodasi pengembalian hak-hak dasar berupa hak politik, ekonomi, sosial dan parti­sipatif, bagi para mantan tapol-napol, mantan tentara GAM serta masyarakat sipil korban konflik. BRA dijalankan dengan dana APBN yang pada awal pembentukannya mencapai Rp. 600 miliar. Mulai tahun 2008, dana ter­ sebut dibagi dua antara APBN dengan APBA.

Reintegration should be able to accommodate the reinsta­ tement of the basic rights, in form of political, economic, social and participative rights, to the former political prisoners, former GAM combatants and the civil society members as victims of the conflict. The BRA programs were carried out with funding from the National Budget (APBN), which at the beginning of its establishment reached Rp. 600 billion. This funding was commencing 2008 divided into two between APBN (National Budget) and APBA (Aceh Budget).


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Program Untuk Mantan Kombatan

Program for Former Combatants

Dua bulan sebelum Perjanjian Helsinki, Olof Palme Center atau OPIC membuat pelatihan tentang demokrasi. Pelati­ han dihadiri sekitar 300 orang Aceh di Malaysia. Hal serupa kemudian juga dilakukan Frederich Ebert Stiftung atau FES yang membuat pelatihan-pelatihan demokrasi untuk para bekas gerilyawan.

Two months prior to the Helsinki Agreement, Olof Palme Center or OPIC conducted a training on democracy. The training was attended by around 300 Acehnese in Malay­ sia. The same was also carried out by Frederich Ebert Stiftung or FES, which conducted trainings on democracy for the former guerrillas.

Alumni-alumni di pelatihan tersebut, lewat andil FES dan OPIC, kemudian mendirikan Sekolah Pendidikan Demok­ rasi Aceh (SPDA)--awalnya bernama Sekolah Perdamaian Demokrasi (SPD). SPD didanai FES. Sekolah ini kemudian melahirkan politisi-politisi baru eks komba­tan yang eksis di parlemen Aceh hingga sekarang. Mereka umumnya maju lewat Partai Aceh, partai lokal yang kemudian diben­ tuk eks kombatan. Ada juga yang menjadi eksekutif di tingkat kabupaten dan kota.

The alumni from those trainings, through the contribution from FES and OPIC, later on established the Aceh Demo­c­ racy Education School (SPDA)—initially named Democracy Peace School (SPD). SPD was funded by FES. This school created afterwards new former combatant politicians who existed at the parliament of Aceh until now. They were in general nominated by the Aceh Party, a local party established by those former combatants. Some even held executive positions at the regency and city levels.

Program lain secara umum dilakukan lewat program rein­ tegrasi yang dimotori Badan Reintegrasi Aceh atau BRA. Reintegrasi para mantan kombatan merupakan salah satu pro­gram penting karena bagian ini juga merupakan amanah MoU Helsinki.

Another program was in general carried out through the reintegration program driven by the Aceh Reintegration Agency or BRA. The reintegration of the former comba­ tants was one of the important programs as this is also part of the Helsinki MoU mandate.

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Setelah perdamaian, lembaga-lembaga donor memper­ kira­kan ada sekitar 14.300 mantan kombatan yang perlu mendapat perhatian dari BRA. Lebih dari separuhnya berada di empat kabupaten yang terkena dampak konflik paling hebat: Aceh Bagian Utara, Bireuen, Aceh Timur dan Pidie. BRA berusaha membantu mendapatkan peker­ja­an, menyediakan tanah pertanian yang layak, dan memas­ tikan akses demi perbaikan sosial bagi mereka. Namun, BRA juga melakukan hal serupa untuk tahanan politik yang memperoleh amnesti, dan masyarakat sipil yang terkena dampak konflik.

Donor institutions estimated that there were around 14,300 former combatants after the peace in need of attention from BRA. More than a half portion of them were in four regencies that were most severe afflicted by the impacts of the conflict: North Aceh, Bireuen, East Aceh and Pidie. BRA tried to assist them in obtaining employment, providing proper agricultural land, and ensuring access for their social improvement. However, BRA also did the same for political prisoners who obtained amnesty and civilians affected by the conflict impacts.

Pemerintah mengucurkan dana reintegrasi dari APBN dan APBA sejak 2006. Misalnya, pada 2007 BRA menyalurkan dana reintegrasi Rp. 700 miliar. Dana tersebut disalurkan untuk pemberdayaan ekonomi mantan kombatan. Walau­ pun disalurkan saban tahun, di lapangan tidak semuanya terealisasi khususnya pemberdayaan ekonomi bagi mantan kombatan.

The government disbursed the reintegration fund from the APBN (National Budget) and APBA (Aceh Budget) since 2006. BRA channeled for example the reintegration fund of Rp. 700 billion in 2007. This fund was distributed for the economic empowerment of the former combatants. Although distributed annually, it was not entirely realized in the field, particularly for the economic empowerment of the former combatants.

Walaupun begitu, banyak juga mantan kombatan yang berhasil membangun kembali ekonomi mereka kembali. Ada yang bersama-sama berkumpul membuat koperasi lalu membuka kebun kelapa sawit. Ada juga yang menge­ lola peternakan sapi.

Nevertheless, a lot of former combatants succeeded to redevelop their economy. Some established jointly a co­ ope­rative and opened oil palm plantations, while others managed cow farms.

Sementara, untuk mantan kombatan yang belum men­ dapat pekerjaan dan telah bergabung dalam Komite Pera­ lihan Aceh atau KPA dilatih keterampilan berusaha dan bantuan modal. Anggarannya berasal APBA.

Meanwhile, former combatants who had not yet obtained employment and had joined the Aceh Transitional Com­ mittee or KPA were trained in business skill and were provided capital, which funding originated from APBA.

BRA juga menerima proposal yang diajukan lewat KPA, disertai nama para calon penerima manfaat. Pada 2006, dalam hal penyaluran dana bantuan BRA melibatkan Program Pengembangan Kecamatan yang dirancang oleh Bank Dunia untuk menyalurkan dana pembangunan infra­ strukturnya secara langsung ke kecamatan-kecamatan tanpa harus melalui birokrasi tingkat atas.

BRA also received a proposal, which was submitted through KPA, including the names of the beneficiaries. With regard to the assistance fund distribution, in 2006 BRA engaged the District Development Program designed by the World Bank in order to distribute the infrastructure development fund directly to the districts, without neces­ sarily going through the top level bureaucracy.


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Surplus Beras

Rice Surplus

Pada 2010 Provinsi Aceh termasuk lumbung beras di Indo足足 nesia karena produksinya surplus. Produksi padi Aceh berjumlah 1,63 juta ton, meningkat 4,5 persen dari 2009. Ting足kat kebutuhan padi di masyarakat Aceh hanya berkisar 800 ribu ton. Berarti, Aceh telah bisa memberi kontribusi bagi kebutuhan beras di daerah lain. Pada 2011 produksi padi Aceh diharapkan meningkat hingga lima persen.

Aceh Province was in 2010 included as the rice barn in Indonesia due to its production surplus. The total rice production of Aceh was 1.63 million tons, which was increased by 4.5% of the production in 2009. The rice need rate of the Aceh community was only around 800 thousand tons, which means that Aceh was able to provide contribution to the need of rice in other areas. It was expected that rice production of Aceh may increase by five percent in 2011.

Dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cukup menggem足 birakan itu tentu saja berdampak positif bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat.

This quite exhilarating economic growth had certainly positive impacts for the welfare of the community.

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Menjaga Hutan Aceh, Menjaga Warisan Dunia Preserving the Forest of Aceh, Preserving the World Heritage


Aceh adalah satu dari sangat sedikit wilayah di muka bumi ini yang masih memiliki konsentrasi hutan rimba relatif luas. Bersama dengan Papua, Aceh menjadi salah satu daerah kawasan pe­ nopang kelestarian alam di tingkat internasional.

Aceh is one of the very few areas in the world that still has a relative wide forest concentration. Aceh becomes, together with Papua, one of the natural conservation supporting areas at the international level.

Selepas kesertaan dalam pertemuan Konvensi PBB untuk Perubahan Iklim (United Nation’s Frame­­­­ work Convention on Climate Change, UNHCCC) di Bali pada bulan November 2007, Irwandi Yusuf sebagai Gubernur Aceh memaparkan program untuk kelestarian hutan dan lingkungan Aceh dengan nama Aceh Green Vision. Bersama dengan Gubernur Papua dan Papua Barat, Irwandi menya­ ta­kan komitmen bersama untuk menjaga hutan di wilayah masing-masing. Ke­tiga pemim­pin itu juga bersepakat untuk me­lak­sa­na­kan pro­gram REDD (Reduction of Emission from Defo­restation and Degradation), program pe­ngu­ra­ngan gas rumah kaca akibat perusakan hutan.

After his participation in the United Nation’s Frame­­ work Convention on Climate Change, UNH­­ CCC in Bali in November 2007, Irwandi Yusuf, as the Governor of Aceh, presented the pro­gram for forest and environment conser­va­ ti­on in Aceh with the name Aceh Green Vision. Together with the Governors of Papua and West Papua, Irwandi Yusuf declared their joint commitment to preserve the forests in their res­ pective areas. Those three leaders also agreed to implement the REDD (Reduction of Emission from Deforestation and Degradation) program and the green house gas reduction caused by the forest devastation.

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Moratorium Logging

Logging Moratorium

Sekembalinya ke Banda Aceh, Irwandi Yusuf mengambil langkah besar dengan mengeluarkan instruksi Gubernur No. 05/Instr/2007 tentang Moratorium Logging. Keluarnya instruksi ini berarti segala aktivitas penebangan di seluruh Aceh harus dihentikan dan perusahaan pemegang HPH dan HTI harus segera keluar dari area hutan. Ini juga berarti Irwandi Yusuf menentang keputusan Menteri Ke­ hu­tanan, MS Kaban, yang telah memberikan konsesi bagi para pemegang HPH dan HTI tersebut. Tetapi Irwandi Yusuf pantang mundur, yakin bahwa program ini akan mem­bawa kebaikan bagi hutan Aceh dan bagi rakyat Aceh secara keseluruhan.

Upon his return to Banda Aceh, Irwandi Yusuf took a big step by issuing the Governor Instruction No. 05/Instr/2007 concerning Logging Moratorium. The issuance of this instruction meant that all logging activities throughout Aceh should be ceased and the HPH and HPI holder com­ panies should immediately leave the forest areas. This also meant that Irwandi Yusuf opposed the Decree of MS Kaban, the Minister of Forestry, who rendered the concession to those HPH and HTI holders. However, there was no retreat for Irwandi Yusuf, who believed that this program will bring favor to the forest of Aceh and to the people of Aceh on the overall.

Kebijakan moratorium logging mencakup tiga hal, yakni Redesigning (penataan kembali hutan), Reforestation (pena­ naman kembali kawasan hutan yang rusak) dan Reduction of deforestation (pengurangan laju kerusakan hutan).

The logging moratorium policy covers three points, namely Redesigning (forest restructuring), Reforestation (replan­ ting of damaged forest areas) and Reduction of defo­resta­ tion (reducing the forest damage rate).

Kawasan hutan yang ditetapkan sebagai lokasi pelaksa­ naan program REDD tersebut adalah tiga wilayah dengan ekosistem khas yaitu Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser, Rawa Tripa dan Ulu Masen. Ketiganya masuk ke dalam wilayah Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser.

The forest areas that are determined as the locations to im­ plement such REDD program are three areas with specific ecosystem, namely the Ecosystem Areas of Leuser, Rawa Tripa and Ulu Masen. Those three areas are included in the Leuser MoUntain National Park.

Pemusnahan lahan sawit untuk dikembalikan menjadi Kawasan Hutan Negara di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, Aceh. / The destruction of palm land for return becomes the State Forest Area in Aceh Tamiang Regency, Aceh. foto. Junaidi Hanafiah

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Seorang peneliti tanaman hasil hutan bukan kayu mengukur kualitas tingkat pertumbuhan bibit jernang (daemonorops draco wild blume) di Desa Ulee Kareng, Banda Aceh. / A researcher for the non-wood forest product plants measured the quality of jernang seeds growth level (daemonorops draco wild blume) in Desa Ulee Kareng, Banda Aceh. foto. str

Aceh Green Vision dan Perdagangan Karbon Hutan Aceh

Aceh Green Vision and Aceh Forest Carbon Trade

Program Aceh Green Vision yang telah dipaparkan di Bali kembali dibentangkan dalam pertemuan di Kopenhagen pada tahun 2008. Pertemuan Kopenhagen inilah yang men­­jadikan program REDD sebagai fokus utama. Butirbutirnya antara lain mencakup pelaksanaan Mekanisme Pembangunan yang Bersih (CDM, Clean Development Mana­gement). Pelaksanaan program ini sangat serasi dengan apa yang tertuang dalam Aceh Green Vision, dimana segala usaha penatalaksanaan pengelolaan hutan dijalankan dengan cara seramah mungkin pada lingkungan hidup, yang pada akhirnya dapat mengurangi dampak dari emisi gas karbon di atmosfer Bumi.

The Aceh Green Vision program, which was presented in Bali, was again presented at the meeting in Copenhagen in 2008. This meeting in Copenhagen has made the REDD program the main focus. The points of the meeting covered among others the implementation of the Clean Development Management (CDM) mechanism. The imple­ mentation of this program conforms to the contents of the Aceh Green Vision program, where all forest mana­gement performances are carried out as friendly as possible with the environment, which may ultimately reduce the impacts of the carbon gas emission into the earth atmosphere.

Manajemen lingkungan hijau yang sesuai dengan REDD dan Aceh Green Vision, misalnya, adalah penanaman ko­ mo­ditas perkebunan yang dapat menyerap emisi karbon tanpa menimbulkan masalah sampingan yang malah me­nam­bah beban yang ditanggung lingkungan hidup. Ini berarti bersikap ekstra bijak dalam memilih ko­mo­ditas

The green environment management, which conforms to the REDD and Aceh Green Vision programs, is for example the planting of plantation products that absorb the carbon emission without generating side problems, which could even increase the burden borne by the environment. This means to be especially prudent in selecting the plant

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tana­man. Kelapa sawit, misalnya, tidak sejalan dengan REDD dan Aceh Green Vision karena produk olahannya justru akan me­nam­bah emisi gas buang ke atmosfir, dan akar tanamannya meng­­ habiskan hara di lahan penanaman sehingga lahan tersebut akan menjadi tandus segera setelah pohon kelapa sawit (rentang usia 30 tahun) mati.

commodities. Oil palm, for example, is not in line with the REDD and Aceh Green Vision programs, since its processed products will in fact increase the exhaust gas emission into the atmosphere and its roots will use up nutrient at the planting land so that such land will become barren imme­ diately after the oil palm trees (age range of 30 years) die.

Aceh Green Vision mengatur manajemen ling­ kung­an hidup sehingga setiap kegiatan ekonomi yang berkaitan dengan pengubahan wajah bumi menjadi wilayah produksi komoditi yang ber­ man­ faat langsung pada pening­ katan ekonomi juga berfungsi sebagai katar­sis penyerap emisi gas rumah kaca yang dihasilkan kegiatan industri, terutama di negara-negara maju.

The Aceh Green Vision regulates the environ­ men­tal management so that each economic acti­ vity related to the changing of the earth’s face can make the commodity production area directly beneficial for the economic improvement and can also function as the catharsis to absorb the emi­ s­sion of the greenhouse gas generated by in­dustrial activities, particularly in advanced countries.

Pawang gajah (mahout) melakukan patroli di kawasan Conservation Response Unit (CRU) Serba Jadi, Aceh Timur, Aceh. foto. ANT


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Semangat Aceh Green Vision yang serupa dengan REDD selanjutnya membawa Aceh pada apa yang disebut per­dagangan karbon.

The Aceh Green Vision spirit, which is similar to the REDD program brings Aceh further on to what is referred to as carbon trade.

Konsep perdagangan karbon adalah negarane­gara in­dustri membayar negara-negara yang memiliki hutan yang masih terpelihara untuk mempertahankan hutan me­reka tersebut agar mampu menyerap emisi gas buang yang di­hasil­­ kan oleh negara-negara industri. Harga karbon Aceh dibanderol US$ 4 per ton, sedangkan Kawa­ san Eko­sistem Leuser sanggup menyerap hingga 1,87 juta ton karbon per hektarnya.

The concept of carbon trade is that industrial countries pay countries that have still preserved forests to maintain their forests so as to be able to absorb the exhaust gas emission generated by the industrial countries. The carbon of Aceh is priced at US$ 4 per ton, while the Leuser Ecosystem Area is able to absorb up to 1.87 ton carbon per hectare.

Irwandi Yusuf yang lama menjadi aktivis lingku­ ngan me­ lihat hal ini sebagai peluang “sekali me­rengkuh dayung dua-tiga pulau terlampaui”.

Irwandi Yusuf, who was an environmental activist for a long time saw this as an opportunity of “one pa­ddling and two or three islands are passed”.

Mahout patrolled in the area of Conservation Response Unit (CRU) Serba Jadi, East Aceh. Photograph.

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Melestarikan dan menjaga hutan Aceh sekali­gus memperoleh dana untuk kepentingan pem­­ba­ngu­ nan yang berkelanjutan di Aceh. Apa­lagi karena wilayah yang dijagokan dalam Aceh Green Vision ini adalah benteng-benteng ter­akhir satwa kha­ ris­matik Sumatera se­perti harimau, gajah dan orangutan, maka spesies me­reka pun akan turut terlindungi.

This has the meaning of conserving and main­ taining the forests of Aceh and simultaneously obtaining fund for the interest of sustainable development of Aceh. Moreover, since the prio­ rity areas in this Aceh Green Vision are the final strongholds of Sumatra’s charismatic animals, such as tigers, elephants and orangutan, those species will also be protected.

Masalah yang muncul dalam proses penera­ pan Aceh Green Vision di lapangan adalah ter­ mar­jinalisasinya masyarakat yang secara turun te­mu­run telah memanfaatkan anugerah rimba raya untuk kehidupan mereka.

The problem that arises in the Aceh Green Vision application process is the marginalized community, which has hereditary utilized the forest endowment for their living.

Untuk melestarikan ekosistem yang ada, Dinas Kehutanan Aceh dan Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) Aceh bersama warga dan aktivis lingkungan di Aceh aktif melakukan penyelamatan serta pelepas liaran satwa dilindungi. / To conserve the existing ecosystem, Aceh Forestry Office and Conversation Center for the Natural Resources (BKSDA) Aceh along with the people and the environmental activities in Aceh actively to conduct the safety and the removing of wildlife protected, photograph. foto. str | AMPELSA


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Penjabat Gubernur Aceh Tarmizi A. Karim Mensukseskan Penyelenggaraan Pemilukada di Tanah Rencong Tarmizi A. Karim, the Acting Governor of Aceh, Successfully Organized the Regional Head Election (Pilkada) In the Land of Rencong

8 Februari 2012 - 25 Juni 2012

8 February 2012 - 25 June 2012

Menteri dalam negeri Gamawan Fauzi melantik Penjabat Gubernur Aceh Tarmizi A. Karim di Jakarta, 8 Februari 2012, Menteri Gamawan Fauzi meng­­harapkan dapat memfasilitasi dan men­­ suk­seskan penyelenggaraan Pemilukada Guber­ nur dan pemilihan bupati dan walikota di Aceh.

Gamawan Fauzi, the Minister of Home Affairs, ina­ugurated Tarmizi A. Karim, the Acting Governor of Aceh, in Jakarta on 8 February 2012. Minister Gamawan Fauzi expected to be able to facilitate and successfully organize the Regional Head Election for Governor, as well as the bupati and mayor election in Aceh.

Sebagai tahap awal Pj. Gubernur Aceh Tarmizi A. Karim konsentrasi menjaga perdamaian Aceh dan pelaksanaan tahapan Pemilukada Aceh.

As the initial phase, Tarmizi A. Karim, the Acting Governor of Aceh, maintained the peace in Aceh and implemented the Regional Head Election phases in Aceh.

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“Menjaga perdamaian, itu sudah pasti dan ma­suk dalam prioritas saya sebagai Pj. Gubernur Aceh, dan saya sangat menginginkan semua masya­ rakat di Aceh ikut berpartisipasi untuk sebuah pemilukada yang demokratis,” ujar Tarmizi A. Karim.

“Maintain peace is definitely and is included in my priorities as the Acting Governor of Aceh, and I really wish that the overall community in Aceh participate in a democratic regional head election,” said Tarmizi A. Karim.

Dalam masa kepemimpinannya, beliau sangat berkomitmen untuk menjaga netralitas sebagai penjabat dan pegawai negeri sipil di lingkungan pemerintah daerah. Tarmizi menyatakan dirinya akan menjalankan tugas sebagai Penjabat Guber­nur dengan sebaik-baiknya hingga dilan­tik­nya Guber­ nur dan Wagub Aceh periode 2012-2017 terpilih.

He was during his leadership term strongly commit­ted to maintain neutrality as an official and civil servant within the local government circles. Tarmizi expressed that he will perform his duties as Acting Governor as good as possible until the inauguration of the elected Governor and Deputy Governor of Aceh for the period of 2012-2017.

Tarmizi A. Karim adalah sosok yang tak asing lagi bagi masyarakat Aceh, tidak hanya birokrat tapi juga akrab di kalangan ulama dan santri di provinsi ini. Tak heran, begitu Tarmizi A Karim ditunjuk peme­rintah pusat untuk penjabat Guber­nur Aceh, semua kalangan di provinsi ini me­ni­lainya tepat. Mereka yakin dia mampu men­­jadi penyejuk dan penyatu semua elemen masyarakat Aceh.

Tarmizi A. Karim was not an extraneous figure for the Aceh community, and he was not only a bu­re­ au­crat but was also intimate within the ulama and santri circles in this province. No wonder, when Tarmizi A. Karim was appointed by the central govern­ment as Acting Governor of Aceh, all circles within this province judged it as appropriate. They belie­ved that he is able to be a conditioner and unifier of all community elements in Aceh.

Kedekatannya dengan semua kalangan masya­ rakat dianggap jaminan untuk terselenggaranya pemilihan kepala daerah (pilkada) yang aman dan lancar di Aceh.

His closeness with all community circles was con­ si­dered as a guarantee for the implementation of a secure and fluent regional head election in Aceh.

Mantan bupati Aceh Utara periode 1998-2003 itu, telah memberikan bukti ke dunia dengan ter­ laksananya pilkada damai, jujur dan tanpa ke­ke­­ra­ san di daerah yang berpenduduk 5,2 juta jiwa ini.

This former Bupati of North Aceh for the period of 1998-2003 has proven to the world that a peace­ful and honest regional head election was success­fully implemented without violence in this region with the population of 5.2 million.

Menjaga perdamaian, itu sudah pasti dan ma­suk dalam prioritas saya sebagai Pj. Gubernur Aceh, dan saya sangat menginginkan semua masyarakat di Aceh ikut berpartisipasi untuk sebuah pemilukada yang demokratis Maintain peace is definitely and is included in my priorities as the Acting Governor of Aceh, and I really wish that the overall community in Aceh participate in a democratic regional head election Tarmizi A. Karim


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Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Kereta api melintasi Bumi Parahyangan Daerah Operasi 2 Bandung

Terus Melaju, Membangun Negeri

Bagi PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), pelayanan prima menjadi komitmen tanpa kompromi. Setiap lini di tubuh PT KAI selalu berdedikasi memberikan yang terbaik. Semua itu dilakukan demi mempersembahkan pelayanan prima dan kepuasan seluruh pengguna jasa kereta api. Berbagai perubahan dan kemajuan yang kami lakukan terinspirasi dari Anda, para pengguna jasa kereta api. Mewujudkan kepuasan penumpang atas pelayanan kereta api menjadi komitmen tanpa kompromi. Kereta api akan terus melaju dan berkontribusi untuk senantiasa membangun negeri. Dengan bangga kami persembahkan wajah baru perkeretaapian Indonesia. Sarana yang nyaman dan pelayanan prima siap menemani Anda. Nikmati perjalanan yang aman, nyaman dan bebas hambatan bersama crew andalan kami.


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh Anda After Helsinki MoU Adalah

Prioritas Kami

Mengantar Negeri ke Gerbang Kencana Taking the Land to the Golden Gate

Membangun Aceh bersama

Zaini Abdullah dan Muzakir Manaf Developing Aceh with Zaini Abdullah and Muzakir Manaf


etelah memenangkan Pilkada pada 9 April 2012, Gubernur Zaini Abdullah dan wakilnya Muzakir Manaf melanjut­ kan kembali pembangunan Aceh pasca­ perdamaian. Kesejahteraan masyarakat Aceh menjadi hal utama yang ingin diwujudkan pasa­ ng­ an pemimpin ini. Faktor-faktor pendu­ kung untuk mewujudkannya bisa dilihat dari bebe­rapa peluang. Misalnya, sebagai wilayah modalnya Indo­nesia, Aceh memiliki potensi sumber daya alam melimpah. Letaknya strategis di antara Sa­ mudera Hindia dan Selat Malaka. Aceh juga me­ miliki sumber daya manusia cerdas dan terampil. Sejarah mencatat, pada zaman Sultan Iskandar Muda memimpin Kerajaan Aceh Darus­ salam,


fter winning the Regional Head Elec­ tion (Pilkada) on 9 April 2012, Gover­nor Zaini Abdullah and Deputy Governor Muzakir Manaf re-continued the post peace Aceh development. The community welfare became the main priority to be realized by this couple of leaders. The supporting factors for the realization were shown by several opportunities. For example, as a capital area of Indonesia, Aceh has the potential of abundant natural resour­ ces, it is strategically located between the Indian Ocean and Malacca Strait, and it also has smart and skilled human resources. The history recorded that this land enjoyed the golden era in the economic, science and administration sectors

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negeri ini menikmati masa keemasan di bidang ekonomi, ilmu pengetahuan dan peme­rin­tahan.

during the era when the Aceh Darussalam King­ dom was led by Sultan Iskandar Muda.

Faktor pendukung lainnya, Undang Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2006 tentang Pemerintahan Aceh atau UUPA sebagai wujud kesepakatan damai antara Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka pada 15 Agustus 2005 di Helsinki, Finlandia. Regulasi ini dilihat oleh Gubernur Zaini Abdullah dan wakilnya telah memberikan peluang besar untuk mewu­ jud­ kan kesejahteraan rakyat Aceh. UUPA ideal­nya menjadi pondasi bagi pelaksanaan pem­ba­ngu­ nan Aceh ke depan.

Another supporting factor was Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning Aceh Administration or UUPA as the manifestation of the peace agreement between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Frre Aceh Movement on 15 August 2005 in Helsinki, Finland. This regulation was viewed by Governor Zaini Abdullah and his deputy as providing a big opportunity to realize the welfare of the people of Aceh. UUPA is the ideal foundation for the future implementation of the development in Aceh.

Untuk membangun Aceh baru, Zaini Abdullah dan Muzakir Manaf mengusung visi “Aceh yang bermartabat, sejahtera, berkeadilan dan man­diri berlandaskan UUPA sebagai wujud MoU Helsinki”.

In order to develop the new Aceh, Zaini Abdullah and Muzakir Manaf carried the vision of “Dignified, prosperous, equitable and independent Aceh based on UUPA as materialization of the Helsinki MoU”.

Makna dari bermartabat diwujudkan melalui penuntasan peraturan-peraturan turunan UUPA dan perundangan lainnya, pelaksanaan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih, bebas dari praktek Korupsi, Kolusi, dan Nepotisme, serta penegakan supremasi hukum dan HAM, meng­angkat kembali budaya Aceh yang islami dan pel­aksanaan nilai-nilai Dinul Islam dalam tatanan kehidupan bermasyarakat.

The meaning of dignified was materialized through completing the derivative regulations of UUPA and other legislations, implementation of good and clean administration management, free from corruption, collusion and nepotism, as well as the enforcement of the Law and Human Rights supremacy, re-raising the Islamic Aceh culture, and implementing the Dinul Islam values in the social life structure.

Adapun sejahtera berarti terwujudnya ke­ se­ jah­­ teraan masyarakat Aceh melalui pemba­ ngu­­ nan ekonomi berazaskan pada potensi ung­­­gu­lan lokal dan berdaya saing, pengopti­ma­li­ sasi pemanfaatan sumberdaya alam dan geopolitik Aceh, peningkatan indeks pemba­ngu­nan manusia dan mengembangkan kemampuan menguasai kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan serta teknologi.

Prosperity means the realization of the Aceh community welfare through the economic deve­ lopment based on the potential of local com­ petitive superiorities, optimizing the utilization of the natural resources and geopolitics of Aceh, improvement of the human development index and expanding the capacity in mastering science and technology.

Berkeadilan adalah terwujudnya pembangunan adil dan merata secara partisipatif, proporsional dan berkelanjutan berdasarkan prinsip kebutu­ han serta azas manfaat bagi masyarakat Aceh.

Equitable means the participative, proportional and sustainable materialization of fair and evenly development based on the principle of need and principle of benefit for the people of Aceh.

Sementara mandiri maksudnya Aceh mampu memanfaat­kan potensi sumber daya alam yang me­limpah dan keunggulan geostrategis me­­­la­­­ lui penguatan kapasitas sumberdaya manusia, efesiensi dan efektifitas anggaran, serta pengu­ a­saan teknologi informasi, sehingga ber­man­faat sebesar-besarnya untuk kesejah­teraan masya­ rakat Aceh.

Meanwhile, the meaning of independent is that Aceh is capable to utilize the potential of abun­ dant natural resources and geostrategic supe­ riorities through the strengthening of the human resource capacity, budget efficiency and effec­ ti­veness, and mastering the information tech­ nology, so as to obtain the maximum bene­fit for the welfare of the Aceh community.

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Berlandaskan UUPA sebagai wujud MoU Helsinki adalah mewujudkan pelaksanaan Pemerintahan Aceh yang efektif dan efesien seperti yang telah dituangkan dalam undangundang tersebut guna tercapainya masyarakat Aceh mandiri, makmur dan sejahtera.

Based on the UUPA, the materialization of the Helsinki MoU is realizing the implementation of an effective and efficient Government of Aceh, as contained in such law, in order to achieve an inde­ pendent, prosperous and opulent Aceh community.

Untuk mewujudkan visi tersebut, Zaini Abdullah dan Muzakir Manaf merumuskan lima misi. Se­­ cara umum, kelima misi tersebut adalah, per­ ta­ ma, memperbaiki tata kelola Pemerintahan Aceh melalui implementasi dan penyelesaian turun­an UUPA untuk menjaga perdamaian yang abadi. Kedua, menerapkan nilai-nilai bu­ daya Aceh dan dinul Islam di semua sektor ke­hidup­ an untuk membangun masyarakat Aceh yang beriman, bertakwa, berakhlak mulia, beretika

In order to materialize such vision, Zaini Abdullah and Muzakir Manaf formulated five missions. Those five missions were in general: First, im­ pro­vement of the Aceh Adminis­tra­ti­on manage­­ ment system through the implementa­tion and completion of the UUPA derivative regulations in order to maintain eternal peace. Second, appli­ ca­tion of the Aceh cultural values and Dinul Islam values in all life sectors in order to develop a pious, cautious, virtuous, ethi­ cal and characterized

Gubernur Aceh dr. H. Zaini Abdullah didampingi oleh Kepala Dinas Cipta Karya Aceh, Ir Zulkifli serta sejumlah pejabat dari Satuan Kerja Pemerintah Aceh (SKPA) teknis terkait meninjau pembangunan proyek perluasan Masjid Raya Baiturrahman di Banda Aceh. / Governor of Aceh dr. H. Zaini Abdullah was accompanied by the Head of Cipta Karya Office, Aceh, Ir Zulkifli as well as a number of officials from the technical Aceh Government Working Unit (SKPA) in respect of reviewing the construction of expansion project for the Masjid Raya Baiturrahman in Banda Aceh. foto. ANT

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


dan berkarakter. Ketiga, memperkuat struktur ekonomi dan kualitas sumber daya manusia de­ ngan mengembangkan kerangka ekonomi ke­ rakyatan melalui peningkatan poten­ si sektor unggulan daerah. Keempat, melaksanakan pem­ bangunan Aceh yang propor­sional, terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan dengan ter­wujud­nya pemba­ ngu­nan daerah berbasis kebutuhan dan keman­ fa­ at­ an melalui peren­ canaan tepat, fokus dan tuntas. Terakhir, mewujud­kan pening­katan nilai tambah produksi masya­rakat dan optimalisasi pemanfaatan sumber daya alam.

Aceh society. Third, streng­ then the economic structure human resources quality by developing the people’s economy framework through improvement of the regional superiority sector potential. Fourth, implement the proportional, integrated and sustainable development of Aceh with the materialization of the need and benefit based regional development through proper, focused and complete planning. Finally, materialize the improvement of the community production value added and optimi­zing the natural resources utilization.

Visi dan misi Zaini-Muzakir kemudian disusun dan dituangkan ke dalam Rencana Pem­bangu­ nan Jangka Menengah atau RPJM Aceh 20122017. RPJM ini merupakan periode kedua dari pelaksanaan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka

The vision and mission of Zaini-Muzakir were then drawn up and entered into the Mid Term Development Plan (RPJM) 2012-2017 of Aceh. This RPJM is the second period of the imple­ mentation of the Long Term Development Plan

Pembangunan tiang penyangga jembatan jalan pantai di kawasan Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh (28/1/2015). / The construction of bridge support pole for the coastal road in the area of Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue (Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh (28/1/2015). foto. ANT/STR


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Pembangunan proyek perluasan Masjid Raya Baiturrahman di Banda Aceh. Pasca ditandatanganinya MoU Helsinki pemerintah Aceh terus meng­ genjot pembangunan dan perbaikan di segala bidang. / The construction of expansion project is intended for the Masjid Raya Baiturrahman in Banda Aceh. After the signing of the MoU Helsinki, Aceh government keeps focusing on the development and repairs in all sectors. foto. ANT/STR

Pan­jang atau RPJP Aceh 2005-2025. Fokusnya pada proses keberlanjutan reintegrasi dan kon­ solidasi perdamaian serta implementasi UUPA. Periode pertama, 2005-2012, telah dila­ku­kan gubenur dan wakil gubernur Aceh sebelumnya yang menekankan pada pembangu­nan pasca­ konflik dan penanganan korban gempa serta tsunami 26 Desember 2004.

(RPJP) 2005-2025 of Aceh. The focus is on the conti­ nuation of the reintegration and peace consolidation as well as the implementation of UUPA. The first period of 2005-2012 was carried out by the previous governor and deputy governor, who emphasized on the post conflict development and handling the victims of the earthquake and tsunami on 26 December 2004.

Dokumen RPJM Aceh 2012-2017 memuat 10 isu prioritas, yaitu: reformasi birokrasi; keber­ lan­ jutan perdamaian; dinul Islam, adat dan bu­­ daya; ketahanan pangan dan nilai tam­ bah produk; penanggulangan kemiskinan; pendi­ di­ kan; kesehatan; infrastruktur yang terintegrasi; sumber daya alam berkelanjutan; serta kualitas lingkungan dan kebencanaan.

The Aceh RPJM 2012-2017 document contains 10 priority issues, namely bureaucracy refor­ma­ tion; peace continuity; food security and product value added; poverty management; education; health; integrated infrastructures; sus­ tainable natural resources; as well as environ­ment quality and disaster.

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Reformasi Birokrasi: Perang Melawan Korupsi Bureaucracy Reformation: Fight Against Corruption


Reformasi birokrasi menjadi prioritas teratas Pemerintah Aceh di bawah kepemimpinan Zaini Abdullah dan Muzakir Manaf. Hal ini menun­ jukkan komitmen membenahi tatakelola peme­ rin­tahan menjadi lebih efisien dan bebas dari Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme. Pada awal pe­ me­rintahan Zaini-Muzakir, beberapa perma­sa­ lahan menyangkut reformasi birokrasi adalah belum optimalnya pelaksanaan UUPA sebagai wujud implementasi MoU Helsinki.

Bureaucracy was the top priority of the Aceh Government under the leadership of Zaini Abdullah and Muzakir Manaf. This showed the commitment to straighten up the administration management system so as to become more effi­­ cient and free from corruption, collusion and nepotism. Several problems related to the bureau­cracy reformation at the beginning of the Zaini-Muzakir administration included the not optimum implementation of UUPA as mani­fes­ tation of the Helsinki MoU.

Selain itu, terdapat berbagai permasalahan yang masih dihadapi birokrasi Aceh seperti, besaran organisasi perangkat Aceh belum didasarkan pada indikator teknis urusan pemerintahan, hasil analisis jabatan dan analisis beban kerja.

There were in addition various problems still faced by the Aceh bureaucracy, such as size of the Aceh apparatus organization that was not based on the administration affairs technical indicators, result of the position analysis and

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Pengelolaan keuangan daerah juga belum tertib dan tepat waktu. Hal ini tergambar dari hasil pemeriksaan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan terhadap pengelolaan keuangan Provinsi Aceh masih dalam kategori Wajar Dengan Penge­ cualian atau WDP. Lalu, distribusi Pegawai Negeri Sipil tidak pro­porsional dengan tugas dan fungsi organisasi pemerintah.

work load analysis. The regional financial management was also not in order and on time. This was described by the inspection result of the Financial Audit Board (BPK) on the financial management of Aceh Province, which was still in the category of Reasonable with Exception (WDP). The distribution of Civil Servants was not proportional with the duties and functions of the government organization.

Permasalahan lainnya, komposisi antara jabatan teknis dengan tenaga administratif belum proporsional, belum diterapkannya standar pelayanan pada setiap unit pela­ ya­nan publik, belum optimalnya penerapan Standar Pela­ yanan Minimal (SPM) sesuai dengan SPM yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kementerian/Lembaga Pemerintah Non

Other problems were the composition of the technical positions and administrative positions that was not pro­ portional, non application of the service standard at each public service unit, not optimal application of the Minimum Service Standard (SPM) determined by the Ministry/ Non Ministry Government Institution at the Provincial

Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah, menyebutkan, salah satu program prioritas Pemerintah Aceh adalah reformasi birokrasi. Program itu, kata gubernur, menyangkut persoalan mental dan kinerja, yang standar keberhasilannya tidak bisa diukur seperti halnya membangun infrastuktur. “Kami menganggap penguatan birokrasi adalah salah satu kunci pembangunan daerah,” kata gubernur dalam Forum Komunikasi Pemberdayaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Daerah (Forkampanda-RB), di Gedung Serba Sekretariat Daerah Aceh, Senin (21/03/2016). / Governor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah, mentioned that one of the programs as the priority of Aceh Government is the reform of bureaucracy. The program, said Governor, concerned the issues of mental and performance, of which the successful standard cannot be measured like constructing the infrastructure.” We consider the support of bureaucracy is one of the keys for the local development,” said governor in the State Apparatus Empowerment Communication Forum and Local Reform (Forkampanda-RB), in Gedung Serba Regional Secretariat of Aceh, Monday (21/03/2016). foto. HUMAS ACEH

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Gubernur memimpin Apel dan penandatanganan Pakta Integritas oleh Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) di Lingkungan Sekretariat Daerah Aceh, di Halaman Kantor Gubernur, Banda Aceh. / Governor leads the roll call and the signing of Integrity Pact by the Civil Servant (PNS) within the Regional Secretariat of Aceh, at the Premise of Governor Office, Banda Aceh. foto. HUMAS ACEH

Kementerian pada Pemerintah Provinsi dan Kabupaten/ Kota, belum dilakukan harmonisasi antara sistem peren­ canaan dan sistem penganggaran dengan sistem AKIP serta Rencana Kinerja Tahunan belum dijadikan pedoman dalam penyusunan Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Aceh. Se­ hingga, keterkaitan antara anggaran yang diaju­kan tidak sesuai dengan kinerja yang direncanakan.

and Regency/City Government, non implementation of harmonization among the planning system, budgeting system and AKIP system, and the Annual Performance Plan was not made as the guideline in drawing up the Aceh Government Work Plan. As such, the relationship of the proposed budget did not conform to the planned performance.

Untuk memperbaiki rentetan masalah itu, Pemerintah Aceh menyusun Road Map Reformasi Birokrasi agar pe­ lak­sanaannya berjalan efektif, efisien, terukur, kon­sisten, terintegrasi, melembaga, dan berkelanjutan. Road Map juga menjadi bukti kesiapan menjalankan dan men­dukung reformasi birokrasi nasional.

The Government of Aceh has drawn up the Bureaucracy Reformation Road Map to improve such series of problems, so that its implementation may run effectively, efficiently, measured, consistently, integrated, institutionally and sustainably. The Road Map was also the evidence of pre­ paredness to implement and support the national bureau­ cracy reformation.

Road Map tersebut disusun untuk peningkatan profesiona­ lisme dan integritas birokrasi pemerintahan melalui pengu­ at­an peraturan perundang-undangan, perubahan perilaku, penataan organisasi, penataan tatalaksana, penerapan budaya organisasi, penataan manajemen SDM aparatur, penguatan akuntabilitas, peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik, pemberantasan praktek KKN, penerapan sistem

Such Road Map was drawn up to improve the professiona­ lism and integrity of the administration bureaucracy through the strengthening of legislative regulations, change of behavior, organization structuring, organization cultural application, structuring of the apparatus Human Resource management, accountability strengthening, public service quality improvement, eradication of corruption, collusion


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Gubernur menyerahkan penghargaan kepada 15 instansi yang dinilai Ombudsman Republik Indonesia perwakilan Aceh berkinerja baik dalam melayani publik sepanjang tahun 2015, Selasa (2/2/2016). / Governor submits the appreciation to 15 agencies considered Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia for the performance Aceh representative to serve the public alongside 2015, Tuesday (2/2/2016). foto. HUMAS ACEH

monitoring, evaluasi kinerja dan pengawasan birokrasi yang semakin melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat.

and nepotism practices, application of the monitoring system, performance evaluation and bureaucracy control, which increasingly engaged the community participation.

Di samping itu, Road Map Reformasi Birokrasi akan mem­ berikan gambaran perihal langkah-langkah strategis dan juga berbagai agenda yang akan dijalankan terkait dengan pembenahan birokrasi yang akan dijalankan dalam rangka mewujudkan berbagai tujuan dan sasaran program pem­ ba­ngunan jangka panjang dan menengah Aceh. Bagi Aceh, penyusunan Road Map ini bertepatan dengan ditetap­ kannya RPJMA 2012-2017 era kepemimpinan Guber­nur Zaini Abdullah dan Wakil Gubernur Muzakir Manaf.

In addition the Bureaucracy Reformation Road Map will provide the picture on the strategic measures and various agendas to be carried out related to the bureaucracy revamping, which will be implemented in the framework of materializing various long term and mid term develop­ ment program objectives and targets of Aceh. The prepa­ ration of the Road Map was for Aceh coinciding with the determination of the RPJMA 2012-2017 in the leadership era of Governor Zaini Abdullah and Deputy Governor Muzakir Manaf.

Dalam beberapa kesempatan, Zaini Abdullah mengakui jika pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi membutuhkan pro­ ses panjang dan berkelanjutan secara bertahap. Gebra­ kan reformasi birokrasi oleh Pemerintah Aceh juga tetap mengikuti area reformasi birokrasi nasional yang meliputi mental aparatur, pengawasan, akuntabilitas, kelemba­ga­ an, tatalaksana, sumber daya manusia aparatur, peraturan perundang-undangan, dan pelayanan publik.

Zaini Abdullah admitted in several opportunities that the bureaucracy reformation implementation needs a gradually long and sustainable process. The bureaucracy reformation breakthrough by the Aceh Government also still followed the national bureaucracy reformation area, covering the apparatus mentality, control, accountability, institutional, implementation system, apparatus human resources, legislative regulations and public service.

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Tak semudah membalikkan telapak tangan memang. Namun, Zaini Abdullah menilai cepat tidaknya pencapaian sasaran tergantung dari kondisi awal pelaksanaannya. “Banyak sekali PR (Pekerjaan Rumah-ed) yang harus kita benahi. Ini membutuhkan waktu dan energi besar serta dukungan dari semua pihak,” ujar Gubernur Zaini (Tribunnews).

It was indeed not as easy as reversing the palm of the hand. However, Zaini Abdullah considered that a quick target achievement depends on the initial implementation condition. “We have to straighten up a lot of homework. This needs time and large energy as well as support from all parties,” said Governor Zaini Abdullah (Tribunnews).

Sejak awal pemerintahannya, reformasi birokrasi di Aceh mulai diperbaiki sedikit sedikit. Penataan kelembagaan pe­rangkat Aceh mulai mengarah pada organisasi yang tepat fungsi dan tepat ukur (right function and right sizing).

The bureaucracy reformation improvement in Aceh com­­men­ced gradually since the beginning of his admi­ nistration. The apparatus institutional structuring started to lead to a right functioning and right sizing organization.

Sistem dan prosedur kerja diperbaiki agar lebih efisien serta sudah memiliki SOP maupun standar pelayanan. Unit pelayanan publik sudah mengelola pengaduan dan survei kepuasan masyarakat untuk perbaikan kinerja serta implementasi atas sistem akuntabilitas kinerja juga terus meningkat.

The work system and procedure were improved in order to be more efficient and was already in possession of the SOP and service standard. The public service unit has already managed complaints and carried out the public satisfaction survey for the improvement of performance and the implementation of the performance accountability system also kept increasing.

Indeks reformasi birokrasi berdasarkan penilaian mandiri oleh Pemerintah Aceh memperoleh predikat B dengan skor 65,28 pada 2014 dan 65,58 pada 2015. Berdasarkan target dalam roadmap 2015-2019 secara nasional, indeks reformasi birokrasi untuk pemerintah provinsi ditargetkan wajib mencapai nilai 60 pada 2019.

The bureaucracy reformation index based on the inde­ pendency assessment by the Aceh Government obtained the B predicate with the score of 65.28 in 2014 and 65.58 in 2015. Based on the target in the Road Map of 20152019, the bureaucracy reformation index for the provincial government is nationally required to reach the value target of 60 in 2019.

Penerapan reformasi birokrasi Pemerintah Aceh sejak 2013 hingga 2015 telah menuai beberapa penghargaan. Di antaranya, penghargaan Citra Pelayanan Prima untuk Rumah Sakit Umum Zainoel Abidin dari Menteri Pen­da­ ya­gunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi, Citra Bhakti Abdi Tani dari Menteri Pertanian, Top 9 Inovasi Pela­ yanan Publik 2014 untuk inovasi format kendali hulu hilir P2K APBA dari Wakil Presiden RI, Penghargaan Predikat Kepatuhan Standar Pelayanan Publik tahun 2014 dari Ombudsman RI, dan Anugerah Pangripata Nusantara 2013 dari Badan Perencanaaan Pembangunan Nasional.

The application of the bureaucracy reformation of the Aceh Government from 2013 until 2015 had obtained several appreciations, among others the Citra Pelayaan Prima for the Zainoel Abidin Public Hospital from the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucracy Reformation, Citra Bhakti Abdi Tani from the Minister of Agriculture, Top 9 Public Service Innovation 2014 for the P2K APBA upstream and downstream control format innovation from the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Public Service Standard Compliance Predicate Appreciation of 2014 from Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, and Pangripata Nusantara Award 2013 from the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas).


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Undang KPK ke Aceh

Inviting KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) to Aceh

Tiga hari setelah dilantik, Gubernur Zaini Abdullah melaku­ kan beberapa gebrakan terhadap pemberantasan korupsi di Aceh. Pada 28 Juni 2012 gubernur mengumpulkan para kepala Satuan Kerja Pemerintah Aceh atau SKPA. Dalam pertemuan itu ia menekankan keinginannya men­­ ciptakan pemerintahan yang bebas korupsi. Lalu, pada 1 November 2012, gubernur menyambangi kantor Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi di Jakarta Selatan. Ia dan bebe­ rapa stafnya diterima Ketua KPK Abraham Samad dan wakilnya, Busyro Muqoddas.

Three days after his inauguration, Governor Zaini Abdullah made several breakthroughs on the eradication of corruption in Aceh. The Governor gathered the Heads of the Aceh Government Work units or SKPA on 28 June 2012. He emphasized in this meeting his desire to create a free of corruption administration. Then, on 1 November 2012 the Governor visited the Corruption Eradication Commission office in South Jakarta. He and several of his staff members were received by Abraham Samad, the Head of KPK and Busyro Muqoddas, his deputy.

Dalam pertemuan itu, Gubernur Zaini mengatakan keda­ tangan­nya ke KPK untuk meminta bantuan lembaga itu agar Aceh terhindar dari perilaku korupsi. Ia melemparkan data dari sebuah LSM yang menyebutkan Aceh sebagai daerah terkorup kedua di Indonesia, dengan kerugian negara Rp669.8 miliar dari 629 kasus. Zaini Abdullah menginginkan kasus-kasus itu segera diusut agar tidak memalukan Aceh.

Governor Zaini Abdullah said in this meeting that his visit to KPK was to request assistance from this institution so that Aceh is spared from the corruption behavior. He provided the data of an NGO, which indicated that Aceh is the second most corrupt area in Indonesia, with the state loss of Rp. 669.8 billion and 629 cases. Zaini Abdullah wanted those cases to be immediately investigated so as to not embarrass Aceh.

Namun, Abraham Samad mengatakan hingga September 2012, jumlah kasus dugaan korupsi di Aceh yang diterima laporannya oleh KPK “hanya” 56. Ketua KPK sepakat dengan jumlah personilnya 740 orang (saat itu), komisi akan tetap berusaha membongkar kasus-kasus yang ada di Aceh. Yang paling penting bagi KPK adalah tindakan pencegahan agar tidak terjadi tindak pidana korupsi.

However, Abraham Samad said that the total alleged corruption in Aceh according to the report received by KPK were “only” 56 cases until September 2012. The Head of KPK agreed that with the total personnel of 740 members (at that time) this commission will keep trying to uncover the existing corruption cases in Aceh. The most important matter for KPK is the preventive actions to avoid the existence of corruption criminal actions.

Secara Undang-Undang, kata Abraham, mereka mempu­ nyai kewenangan melalukan program pencegahan untuk mempelajari dan memahami mekanisme pengelolaan bi­ rok­rasi keuangan yang transparan, akuntabel dan jujur untuk memenuhi keadilan bagi rakyat. Di akhir pertemuan, Abraham Samad mengatakan KPK siap turun kapan saja ke Aceh.

Abraham said that by law they have the authority to execute prevention programs to study and understand the transparent, accountable and fair financial bureaucracy management mechanism in order to fulfill justice for the people. Abraham Samad said at the end of the meeting that KPK is ready to come to Aceh at any time.

Setelah pertemuan itu, dalam beberapa kesempatan Gu­ ber­ nur Zaini sering menekankan bahwa upaya-upaya pem­­berantasan korupsi menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari program Reformasi Birokrasi dan Tata Kelola Peme­ rintahan. Pemerintah Aceh kemudian juga memulai me­ nso­sialisasikan pemahaman tentang ‘Zona Integritas Me­ nuju Wilayah Bebas dari Korupsi’seperti tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri PAN-RB Nomor 20 tahun 2012.

In several opportunities after the meeting Governor Zaini Abdullah often emphasized that the corruption era­ dication effort is an inseparable part of the Bureaucracy Reformation and Administration Management System program. The Aceh Government further on also commen­ ced the socialization on the understanding about the “Integration Zone Toward the Area Free from Corruption” such as contained in the Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucracy Reformation Number 20 of 2012.

Korupsi di mata Gubernur Zaini adalah isu sensitif yang oleh masyarakat kerap dikaitkan dengan jabatan di eksekutif dan legislatif. Hal ini dinilainya tidak bisa dihindari teru­ tama oleh pejabat eksekutif. Faktanya, kata dia, cerita

Corruption is in the eyes of Governor Zaini Abdullah a sensitive issue, which is by the community often related to the executive and legislative positions. He considered that this is unable to be avoided, particularly by executive


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

tentang para pejabat yang tertangkap karena korupsi banyak mendapat sorotan publik. Karena itu, gubernur me­ negaskan, siapa pun para pelaku korupsi tersebut walau­­pun pejabat tinggi di pemerintahan, harus diberi tin­ dak­an tegas.

officials. He said that the fact is that stories about offi­ cials who are caught due to corruption obtained a lot of attention from the public. Therefore, the governor affir­ med that whoever those perpetrators of corruption are, even though they are high government officials, resolute actions should be taken against them.

Karena itu, kata dia, upaya pemberantasan korupsi yang baik adalah dengan mencegah sejak dini. “Mencegah le­bih baik dari mengobati atau menindak,” ujarnya. Gerakan anti korupsi, menurutnya harus menjadi budaya di Aceh. Bahkan, penanaman nilai anti korupsi dapat disosialisasikan berda­ sar­kan perspektif syariat Islam.

Therefore, he said, good corruption eradication efforts are by performing early prevention measures. “Preventing is better than curing or seizing,” he said. According to him, the anti corruption movement should become a culture in Aceh. In fact, the implantation of anti corruption values can be socialized based on the syariat Islam perspective.

Para pejabat di jajaran Pemerintah Aceh, menurut Gubernur Zaini, juga telah menandatangani fakta integritas sebagai bukti komitmen menjadikan Aceh sebagai wilayah bebas dari korupsi. Hal itu juga dilakukan di tingkat kabupaten dan kota seluruh Aceh. Menurut Gubernur, yang perlu lakukan selanjutnya adalah meningkatkan penguatan visi dan pemahaman terhadap semangat anti korupsi dan upaya penindakan.

According to Governor Zaini Abdullah, officials in the Aceh Government range have already signed the integrity pact as evidence of their commitment to make Aceh a free from corruption region. This was also carried out at the regency and city levels throughout Aceh. According to the Governor, what should next be carried out is enhancing the strengthening of the vision and comprehension on the anti corruption spirit and efforts of taking measures.

Poin-poin itu diharapkan Zaini didukung lembaga seperti Kejaksaan Tinggi Aceh dan Polda Aceh. Satu sisi, ia juga mendorong adanya upaya pemantauan oleh organisasi masyarakat sipil dalam memantau dan mengkritisi kebija­ kan, seiring berjalannya keterbukaan informasi di Aceh.

The points expected by Zaini were supported by institu­ tions such as the High Prosecutor Office of Aceh and Regional Police of Aceh. On one hand, he also encouraged the monitoring efforts by civil society organizations to mo­ nitor and criticize the policies, along with the information transparency in Aceh.

Melalui semua kekuatan ini, gubernur berharap langkah memberantas korupsi di Aceh tidak hanya sekedar reto­ rika. Pencegahan dan penegakan hukum juga terus diupa­ ya­kan untuk menghadirkan good governance dan clean govern­ment di Aceh. “Jika pemerintahan berjalan dengan bersih, maka kita pasti akan bisa melaksanakan programprogram yang efektif, efisien, dan bermanfaat bagi masya­ rakat,” ujarnya.

The Governor expected that through all those powers the corruption eradication measures in Aceh are not only just rhetoric. Prevention and law enforcement should continuously be endeavored in order to present good governance and clean government in Aceh. “If the government proceeds cleanly, then we will certainly be able to execute programs that are effective, efficient and useful to the community,” he said.

Gubernur Aceh Zaini Abdullah menerima penghargaan seba­ gai tokoh inisiator pembangunan gedung sekolah anti korupsi (SAKA) di Aceh. / Governor of Aceh Zaini Abdullah receives the appreciation as the initiator figure of the construction of anti-graft school building (SAKA) in Aceh.

Dinas pendidikan Aceh bekerja sama dengan Gerakan Aceh Anti Korupsi (GAak) melakukan kampanye sadar pendidikan anti korupsi ke sekolah-sekolah di Aceh. / Aceh education office is in co­operation with the Anti-Graft Aceh Movement (GAak) to cam­ paign awareness of anti-graft education to the schools of Aceh.

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Dukungan Pada Syariat Islam dan Bangun Hubungan dengan Ulama Support to Syariat Islam and Developing Relationship with Ulama (Religious Leaders)

Gubernur Zaini Abdullah bertekad menegak­ kan syariat Islam di Aceh. Pemihakan para ulama terhadap pelbagai kebijakannya selama ini diakui menjadi penyemangat perjuangannya. “Berbagai langkah akan terus kita tempuh agar syariat Islam di Aceh semakin kuat dan menjadi nafas kehidupan masyarakat. Pemberlakuan syariat Islam berlandaskan pada kesadaran kolektif ten­ tang pentingnya iman dan taqwa dalam segala sendi kehidupan,” ujar gubernur dalam Forum Ulama Serantau di Hotel Oasis, Banda Aceh, Februari 2016. Forum dihadiri beberapa ulama dari Brunei Darussalam, Tiongkok, dan Malaysia.


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Governor Zaini Abdullah was determined to enforce syariat Islam in Aceh. He admitted that the partiality of ulama toward his various policies all this time was the spirit of his struggle. “We will keep on taking various measures so that syariat Islam in Aceh becomes stronger and becomes the life breath of the community. The enforcement of syariat Islam is based on the collective awareness concerning the importance of faith and piety in all life aspects,” said the Governor in the Ulama Serantau Forum at Oasis Hotel in Banda Aceh, February 2016. The forum was attended by several ulama from Brunei Darussalam, China and Malaysia.

Selain mengapresiasi terselenggaranya Forum Ulama Serantau, Zaini Abdullah berharap pertemuan itu melahir­ kan rekomendasi dan rumusan memperkuat pelaksanaan syariat Islam di Aceh. Selama ini, Zaini mengungkapkan penerapan syariat Islam kerap menemui tantangan, dari dalam dan luar.

In addition to appreciating the organizing of the Ulama Serantau Forum, Zaini Abdullah also expected that this meeting may confine recommendations and formulations to strengthen the implementation of syariat Islam in Aceh. Zaini uncovered that all this time the application of syariat Islam often met internal and external challenges.

Yang harus dibenahi dari dalam, kata Zaini, peningkatan pemahaman dan kesadaran masyarakat. Kelembagaan dan sumber daya juga harus diperkuat. Tak kalah penting, sinergi antar elemen mesti ditingkatkan.

Zaini said that what should internally be reorganized is the enhancement of the community understanding and awareness. Institution and resources should also be strengthened. It is also important that the inter-element synergy should be enhanced.

Sementara tantangan dari luar, ada berbagai kritik dan kekhawatiran masyarakat nasional dan internasional yang belum sepenuhnya memahami syariat Islam. Ketidak­­ pahaman ini terkadang memunculkan persepsi salah. Tan­ tangan tersebut dirasa Zaini kian berat ketika peme­rintah juga harus berhadapan dengan munculnya beragam aliran yang menyimpang dari ajaran Islam.

Meanwhile, external challenges were various criticisms and anxieties from the national and international commu­ nities that did not fully understand about syariat Islam. This incomprehension often emerged wrong perceptions. Those challenges were felt as more and more severe when the government also had to face the emergence of various sects that deviated from the Islamic teachings.

Untuk menjawab berbagai tantangan tersebut, kerjasama seluruh pihak harus ditingkatkan. Peran ulama sebagai garda terdepan pembinaan umat dinilai gubernur kian penting untuk terus diperkuat. “Ulama sebagai pewaris para nabi merupakan sosok yang menjadi tumpuan dan teladan bagi masyarakat. Kami berharap agar ulama dapat bersinergi dengan pemerintah untuk menjadikan iman dan taqwa sebagai landasan mewujudkan kesejahteraan rakyat,” ujarnya.

Cooperation with all parties should be enhanced in order to respond to those various challenges. The main role as the foremost guard for the community development was considered by the Governor more and more important to be strengthened. “Ulama is as inheritor of the prophets an important figure as the foothold and exemplary for the community. We expect that ulama can synergize with the government to make faith and piety as the basis to materialize the people’s welfare,” he said.

Pertemuan Ulama Serantau itu setidaknya diharapkan menjadi sarana strategis merumuskan langkah kompre­ hensif dalam upaya pembinaan umat dan mengatasi berbagai persoalan yang melanda umat dewasa ini. “Insya Allah dengan kerjasama dan keterpaduan hati serta kokohnya tali persaudaraan di antara kita, dapat menjadi sebuah kekuatan besar menuju kebangkitan Islam di bumi nusantara ini.”

The Ulama Serantau meeting was at least expected to become the strategic means to formulate comprehensive measures in the community development efforts and to cope with various problems that currently hit the community. “Insya Allah we may become a big power heading toward the resurgence of Islam in this land through cooperation, alignment and strong kinship among us.”

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Gubernur Zaini Abdullah bersilaturahmi dengan ulama karismatik Tgk. H. Usman (Abu Kuta Krueng) pimpinan Dayah (Pondok Pesantren) Darul Munawwarah / Governor of Zaini Abdullah has ties of friendship with the charismatic ulames Tgk. H. Usman (Abu Kuta Krueng) for the management of Dayah (Pondok Pesantren) Darul Munawarrah. foto. HUMAS ACEH


Kiprah Ulama di Aceh

Actions of Ulama in Aceh

Di Aceh, sejak dulu ulama memiliki posisi vital dalam kehidupan. Ulama bukan sekadar pemim­ pin urusan keagamaan tapi pembina umat dalam berbagai aktivitas kehidupan. Ulama Aceh juga dike­nal sebagai penghasil karya tulis (kitab) yang menjadi rujukan kemajuan Islam di Nusantara. Be­berapa ulama tersebut misalnya Syekh Ham­ zah Fansuri, Syiah Kuala, Nuruddin Ar Raniry, dan Syamsuddin Sumatrani.

Ulama has in Aceh a vital position in life since long ago. Ulama is not just only a leader of religious affairs but is also the community constructor in various life activities. Ulama of Aceh is also known as writers (books) made as reference for the progress of Islam in this Archipelago. Several ulama are for example Syekh Hamzah Fansuri, Syiah Kuala, Nuruddin Ar Raniry, and Syamsuddin Sumatrani.

Hamzah Fansuri dikenal sebagai sufi yang banyak menciptakan syair indah sebagai media menye­ barkan Islam di Aceh. Misalnya, Syair Perahu yang begitu menggugah.Penggalannya syairnya antara lain: “...Wahai muda kenalilah dirimu/Ialah perahu tamsil tubuhmu/Tiadalah berapa lama hidup­mu/Ke akhirat jua kekal diammu..” Syair ini salah satu bentuk syiar Islam yang digunakan Fansuri. Lewat perumpamaan sederhana, syair

Hamzah Fansuri is a sufi who created a lot of beautiful poems as the media to disseminate Islam in Aceh, for example Perahu Poem, which is very touching. Part of the poem is: among others: “...Youth, know yourself / Tamsil is your body / You live no longer / You are eternal in the hereafter..” This poem is one of the Islamic poem forms used by Fansuri. This poem is used by parents through simple parables to advise their children to obey

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ini digunakan orang tua untuk menasihati anak­ nya agar taat pada ajaran Islam. Dalam Syair Pera­ hu, Fansuri menamsilkan jasad manusia layaknya perahu yang melayari dunia penuh bahaya. Banyak batu karang dan gelombangnya. Karena itu, perahu harus dilengkapi segala macam perbe­kalan agar bisa melewati bahaya-bahaya tersebut.

the Islamic teachings. Fansuri gave the imagery in Perahu Poem that a human being is like a boat that sails through a world full of danger, with many coral rocks and waves. Therefore, the boat should be completed with all kind of supplies to be able to pass those dangers.

Selain Syair Perahu, Fansuri juga melahirkan be­ be­rapa karya lainnya seperti Al Muntahi, Syair Burung Unggas, Zihatul Wahidin, Asraarul Arifin Fi Bayani Ilmis Suluk wat-Tauhid, Syaraabul Asyiqin, Ruba’i Hamzah Fansury, Syair Sidang Fakir, dan Sidang Ahli Suluk.

In addition to the Perahu Poem, Fansuri also created several other masterpieces such as Al Muntahi, Burung Unggas Poem, Zihatul Wahidin, Asraarul Arifin Fi Bayani Ilmis Suluk wat-Tauhid, Syaraabul Asyiqin, Ruba’i Hamzah Fansury, Sidang Fakir Poem, and Sidang Ahli Suluk.

Fansuri memiliki darah Persia (Iran). Ali Hasjmy dalam Jembatan Selat Malaka menuliskan, saat Sultan Alaiddin Malikussaleh memimpin Keraja­ an Samudera Pasai (1261-1289 Masehi) banyak ulama Persia datang mengajar ke dayah-dayah di wilayah kerajaan. Salah seorang bernama Syekh Al Fansuri, nenek moyang Hamzah Fansuri. Hamzah juga memiliki saudara yang juga ulama, Ali Fansuri. Namun, tidak jelas bagaimana hubu­ ng­an saudara keduanya walau sama-sama satu garis keturunan.

Fansuri has Persian (Iran) blood. Ali Hasjmy wrote in Malacca Strait Bridge that at the time Sultan Alaiddin Malikussaleh led Samudera Pasai Kingdom (1261-1289) a lot of Persian ulamas visited and taught at the dayahs in the kingdom area. One of them was Syekh Al Fansuri, the ancestor of Hamzah Fansuri. Hamzah has a relative who was also ulama, namely Ali Fansuri. However, their kinship relationship was not clear, although they were from the same line of descent.

Masjid Agung Al-Makmur menghadirkan Imam dari Riyadh, Arab Saudi Syeikh Yahya Al-Zahrani, Syeikh Mohammed Ahmed Al-Zahrani dan Syeikh Sulaiman Al-Ziyadi untuk menjadi imam Shalat Tarawih dan qiyamul lail pada 10 terakhir Ramadhan di Banda Aceh. / Masjid Agung Al-Makmur attended the Leader from Riyadh, Arab Saudi Syeikh Yahya Al-Zahrani, Syeikh Mohammed Ahmed Al-Zahrani and Syeikh Sulaiman Al-Ziyadi to be the leader of Shalat Tarawih (Tarawih Prayer) and qiyamul lail on the last 10 Fasting Month in Banda Aceh. foto.

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Gubernur Aceh Zaini Abdullah bersama Menteri Agama RI, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin menghadiri Muzakarah Ulama Aceh, yang digelar di Aula Gedung MPU Aceh, kawasan Lampeuneurut, Aceh Besar, (26/10/2015). / Governor of Aceh Zaini Abdullah along with the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin attended Muzakarah the Ulema of Aceh, held in Aula Building of MPU Aceh, the region of Lampeuneurut, Aceh Besar, (26/10/2015). foto.


Fansuri lahir di Fansur (Panchor). Hal ini merujuk pada buku Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indie (Hindia Timur Lama dan Baharu) karya Francois Valentijn pada 1726. Fansur merupakan sebutan orangorang Arab terhadap Barus; kota kecil di pantai barat Sumatera yang terletak antara Sibolga, Sumatera Utara, dan Singkil. Ketika itu Fansur salah satu pusat Islam penting di Nusantara dan titik hubung antara orang Melayu dengan kaum muslim dari Asia Barat serta Selatan.

Fansuri was born in Fansur (Panchor). This refers to the Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indie (Old and New East Indian) book, a masterpiece of Francois Valentijn in 1726. Fansur is the appellative given by Arabians to Barus, a small town at the west coast of Sumatera, located in Sibolga, North Sumatera and Singkil. Fansur was at that time one of the important Islamic centers in the Archipelago and the connection point between the Malay people and Moslems from West and South Asia.

Saat Sultan Alaiddin Riayat Syah memimpin Ke­ rajaan Aceh Darussalam (1589-1604 Masehi), Ali dan Hamzah mendirikan dayah di Singkil, Ka­ bu­paten Aceh Singkil sekarang. Ali, yang kemu­di­ an disebut sebagai Syekh Ali Fansuri men­di­ri­kan Dayah Lipat Kajang di Simpang Kanan. Se­men­ tara Syekh Hamzah Fansuri men­diri­­kan Dayah Oboh di Rundeng.

When Sultan Alaiddin Riayat Syah led the Aceh Darussalam Kingdom (1589-1604), Ali and Hamzah established the dayah in Singkil, now Aceh Singkil Regency. Ali, who was afterwards referred to as Syekh Ali Fansuri established Dayah Lipat Kajang in Simpang Kanan, while Syekh Hamzah Fansuri established Dayah Oboh in Rundeng.

Ali memiliki putra bernama Abdurrauf Fansuri Al Singkili atau lebih dikenal sebagai Syekh Abdurrauf Syiah Kuala. Di kemudian hari, Syiah Kuala tak sepaham dengan ‘wahdatul wujud’ yang diusung pamannya. Menurut Ali Hasjmy, Syiah Kuala dan Ar Raniry kemudian menegakkan pa­ ham ‘isnainiyatul wujud’.

Ali has a son named Abdurrauf Fansuri Al Singkili ore more known as Syekh Abdurrauf Syiah Kuala. Syiah Kuala was afterwards not consentaneous with ‘wahdatul wujud’ professed by his uncle. According to Ali Hasjmy, Syiah Kuala and Ar Raniry later on enforced the ‘isnainiyatul wujud’ concept.

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Nama Syiah Kuala kini ditabalkan pada perguruan tinggi negeri di Aceh, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Semasa hidupnya, Syiah Kuala merupakan ulama besar yang ikut mewarnai Tarekat Syattariyah. Tarekat yang populer di India pada abad 15 ini, besar pengaruhnya dalam dunia Islam.

The name Syiah Kuala is currently given to the state university in Aceh, namely Syiah Kuala University. Syiah Kuala was during his life the major ulama, who also colored the Tarekat Syattariyah. Tarekat, popular in India in the 15th century, has large influence in the Islamic world.

Lahir sekitar 1615 Masehi, beberapa tahun setelah dewasa Syiah Kuala berangkat ke Kutaraja (Banda Aceh) untuk belajar pada Syamsuddin Sumatrani. Ia kemudian mengembara ke Jazirah Arab untuk menuntut ilmu di sana. Hasilnya, Syiah Kuala menggarap sekitar 21 karya tulis. Tarjuman al-Mustafid (Terjemah Pemberi Faedah) men­ jadi kitab tafsir pertama Syiah Kuala yang berbahasa Melayu. Kitab ini dianggap penting bagi kemajuan Islam di Indonesia.

He was born around 1615, and several years after he was grown up, Syiah Kuala left for Kutaraja (Banda Aceh) to study at Syamsuddin Sumatrani. He then wandered to the Arabian Peninsula to study. The result was that Syiah Kuala produced around 21 papers. Tarjuman alMustafid (Translated as Benefit Provider) was the first tafsir book of Syiah Kuala in the Malay language. This book was considered important for the progress of Islam in Indonesia.

Kitab-kitab lain yang dihasilkannya antara lain Bayan Tajalli (Keterangan Tentang Tajali), Daqaiq al-Huruf (Detail-detail Huruf), Kifayat al-Muhtajin (Pencukup Para Pengemban Hajat), Umdat al-Muhtajin (Tiang Orang-orang Yang Memerlukan) dan Mi’rat at-Tullab fi Tahsil Ahkam asy-Syari’yyah li al Malik al-Wahhab (Cermain Bagi Penuntut Ilmu Fiqih pada Memudahkan Mengenai Hukum Syara’ Allah). Kitab yang disebut terakhir, menurut Teuku Ibrahim Alfian dalam Perjuangan Ulama Aceh di Tengah Konflik, menjadi bacaan wajib mahasiswa Koninklijke Academic Delft, Leiden.

Other books produced by him were among others Bayan Tajalli (Informtion on Tajali), Daqaiq al-Huruf (Details of Letter), Kifayat al-Muhtajin (Sufficiency of Hajat Bearers), Umdat alMuhtajin (Pillar of Those in Need) and Mi’rat at-Tullab fi Tahsil Ahkam asy-Syari’yyah li al Malik al-Wahhab (Mirror for Fiqih Science Learners to Facilitate the Syara’ Allah law). The last mentioned book was, according to Teuku Ibrahim Alfian in the Struggle of Ulama Aceh in the Middle of the Conflict, the compulsory reading of students at the Koninklijke Academy in Delft, Leiden.

Adapun Syamsuddin Sumatrani merupakan murid dari Hamzah Fansuri. Nama aslinya, Syamsuddin bin Abdullah. Peneliti sastra Melayu dari Rusia, Vladimir Braginsky dalam bukunya Yang Indah, Berfaedah, dan Kamal: Sejarah Sastra Melayu dalam Abad 7-19 menuliskan Syamsuddin berasal dari Pasai.

Vladimir Braginsky, a Malay literature researcher from Russia, wrote in his book titled The Beautiful, Beneficial and Kamal: History of Malay Literature in the 7th- 19th Century, that Syamsuddin was from Pasai.

Sama seperti gurunya, Syamsuddin juga mengajarkan wujudiyah; paham yang menegaskan tidak ada wujud se­ lain Allah. Namun, tulis Braginsky, kedua ulama ini ber­beda. Fansuri adalah ulama tasawuf, sedangkan Syamsuddin sufi filsafat.

However, Braginsky wrote that those two ulamas were different, namely that Fansuri is a tasawuf ulama, while Syamsuddin a philosophy sufi.

Semasa hidupnya, Syamsuddin menghasilkan kitab Jauha­ rul Haqa’iq (Permata Kebenaran). Kitab fenomenal ini berisi tentang martabat tujuh; ajaran tasawuf yang dikem­bang­ kan Syamsuddin dari Fansuri. Selain itu, ia juga mengarang Miratul Mukminin (Cerminan Bagi Orang-orang Yang Beriman), Risalatul Baiyin Mulahaldlatil Muwahiddin Alal Mulhidi fi Zikrillah dan Nurul Daqa’iq (Cahaya Yang Murni).

During his life Syamsuddin produced the Jauharul Haqa’iq (Jewel of Truth) book. This phenomenal book contained seven dignities: tasawuf teaching, which was developed by Syamsuddin from Fansuri. In addition, he also authored Miratul Mukminin (Mirror for Those with Faith), Risalatul Baiyin Mulahaldlatil Muwahiddin Alal Mulhidi fi Zikrillah and Nurul Daqa’iq (Pure Light).

Saat Sultan Iskandar Muda memerintah Aceh Darussalam, Syamsuddin menjabat sebagai Malikul Adil (lembaga keagamaan) dan Imam Besar Masjid Baiturrahman. Ia juga ikut memerangi Portugis yang berkuasa di Malaka. Pada 1038 hijriah, Aceh menyerang Malaka mengusir Portugis sekaligus menegakkan syiar Islam di sana. Setahun

Syamsuddin held the position as Malikul Adil (religious institution) and Major Imam of Baiturrahman Mosque at the time Sultan Iskandar Muda led Aceh Darussalam. He also fought against the Portuguese army which was in power in Malacca. Aceh attacked Malacca in 1038 hijrah to drive out the Portuguese army and simultaneously

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Gubernur Aceh bersama Wali Nangroe menerima kunjungan silaturahmi Ulama Dayah dari Aceh Utara di Pendopo Gubernur, Banda Aceh. / Governor of Aceh along with Wali Nangroe received the visit of silaturahmi for the Ulemah of Dayah from North Aceh in Pendopo Governor, Banda Aceh. foto. Suhaimi Tripa

sesudahnya, seperti dituliskan Nuruddin Ar-Raniry dalam Bustanus Salatin (Taman Raja-raja), pada malam Senin, 12 Rajab 1039 Hijriah, Syamsuddin wafat bersama pasukan Aceh lainnya. Jasadnya dimakamkan di Kampuk Ketik, Malaka, Malaysia.

to enforce syiar Islam in this region. One year later, as written by Nuruddin Ar-Raniry in Bustanus Salatin (Garden of Kings), on the night of Monday, 12 Rajab 1039 Hijriah, Syamsuddin died with his other Aceh troops. He was buried in Kampuk Ketik, Malacca, Malaysia.

Nuruddin Ar-Raniry yang menuliskan Bustanus Salatin ber­ nama lengkap Syekh Nuruddin Muhammad Ibnu ‘Ali Ibnu Hasanji Ibnu Muhammad Hamid Ar-Raniry Al-Quraisyi. Pada masa Kesultanan Aceh dipimpin Sultan Iskandar Tsani, ia menjabat sebagai ulama penasihat kerajaan.

The complete name of Nuruddin Ar-Raniry, who wrote Bustanus Salatin, is Syekh Nuruddin Muhammad Ibnu ‘Ali Ibnu Hasanji Ibnu Muhammad Hamid Ar-Raniry Al-Quraisyi. He held the position of kingdom advisory ulama at the time the Aceh Sulatanate was led by Sultan Iskandar Tsani.

Aslinya, Nuruddin berasal dari Ranir, Gujarat, India. Selain negarawan, ia juga dikenal sebagai ahli fiqih, teolog, sufi, sejarawan dan sastrawan. Saat memperdalam ilmu agama dan bahasa Melayu di Malaka, Nuruddin membaca Taj asSalatin karya Bukhari al-Jauhari dan Sulalat as-Salatin yang populer saat itu. Kedua kitab ini, seperti dituliskan Harun Mat Piah dalam Traditional Malay Literature, berpengaruh pada Bustanus Salatin.

Nuruddin originated from Ranir, Gujarat, India. In addition of being a statesman, he was also known as a fiqih expert, theologian, sufi, historian and litterateur. When deepening the religion science and Malay language in Malacca, Nuruddin read Taj as-Salatin, a masterpiece of Bukhari alJauhari and Sulalat as-Salatin, which was popular at that time. As was written by Harun Mat Piah in Traditional Malay Literature, those two books influenced Bustanus Salatin.

Taman Raja-raja menjadi kitab terlengkap pada masanya. Kitab ini memuat berbagai topik, mulai dari sastra, kene­

The Garden of Kings was the most complete book during his era. This book contained various topics, from literature,


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ga­raan, pengobatan, eskatologi, hingga sejarah dunia. Ia juga mengarang beberapa kitab lain Al Shirath al-Mustaqim, Durrat al-faraid bi Syarh al-’Aqaid an Nasafiyah, Latha’if alAsrar, Hill al-Zhill, Tibyan fi ma’rifat al-Adyan, Nubdzah fi da’wa al-zhill ma’a shahibihi, dan Hidayat al-habib fi al Targhib wa’l-Tarhib.

statehood, medical treatment, eschatology, until world history. He also authored several other books, such as Al Shirath al-Mustaqim, Durrat al-faraid bi Syarh al-’Aqaid an Nasafiyah, Latha’if al-Asrar, Hill al-Zhill, Tibyan fi ma’rifat alAdyan, Nubdzah fi da’wa al-zhill ma’a shahibihi, and Hidayat al-habib fi al Targhib wa’l-Tarhib.

Kembali dari Malaka, pada 1637 ia diangkat Iskandar Tsani sebagai Kadi Malik al-Adil, mufti besar dan syekh di Masjid Baiturrahman, menggantikan Syamsuddin. Sejak diangkat menjadi mufti kerajaan, ia menentang aliran wujudiyah. Nuruddin juga mengosongkan pustaka negara dan sekolah-sekolah dari kitab-kitab karangan Fansuri. Pada akhirnya, Nuruddin memang memilih hidup sebagai ulama istana. Ia juga menolak eksistensi tasawuf heterodoks, kebalikan dari Syiah Kuala yang justru sangat toleran terhadap kemajemukan pemikiran aliran ini.

Upon his return from Malacca in 1637, he was appointed by Iskandar Tsani as Kadi Malik al-Adil, major mufti and syekh at Baiturrahman Mosque, replacing Syamsuddin. He opposed the wujudiyah sect after his appointment as mufti of the kingdom. Nuruddin also cleared out the state library and schools from books written by Fansuri. Ultimately Nuruddin chose to live as ulama of the palace. He also rejected the existence of heterodox tasawuf, the reverse of Syiah Kuala, who was in fact very tolerant toward the plurality thought of this sect.

Kisah akhir hayat Nuruddin juga tumbuh dalam beberapa versi. Ulama yang namanya kini ditabalkan di Universitas Islam Negeri Ar Raniry, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, disebut meninggalkan Aceh dan kembali ke Ranir setelah Iskandar Tsani mangkat. Ada juga yang menuliskan ulama sunni ini meninggal dunia akibat pergesekan di dalam istana. Namun, terlepas dari itu, ulama-ulama Aceh sejak dulu menyiarkan Islam lewat keindahan. Kitab-kitab mereka ikut mengubah penyebaran Islam di Nusantara.

The final life story of Nuruddin also grew in several versions. This ulama, whose name is currently enshrined at the State Islamic University Ar Raniry, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, was as leading Aceh back to Ranir after the death of Iskandar Tsani. Some also wrote that this sunni ulama died due to the friction inside the palace. However, apart from this, the ulama of Aceh disseminated Islam through beauty since long ago. Their books contributed in the dissemination of Islam in the Archipelago.

Baitul Mal Aceh menyerahkan Ikramiah atau penghargaan sebesar Rp 2, 5 miliar kepada 300 Hafidz dan Hafidzah atau Penghafal Al-Qur’an, kategori 10 Juz, 20 Juz dan 30 Juz. Penyerahan dipimpin langsung oleh Gubernur Aceh, dr H Zaini Abdullah. / Baitul Mal Aceh submitted Ikramiah or appreciation of Rp 2.5 billion to 300 Hafidz and Hafidzah or the memorizer of Qur’an, category 10 Juz, 20 Juz and 30 Juze. The deliver was directly led by the Governor of Aceh, dr H Zaini Abdullah. foto. KLIKKABAR

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Hukuman Cambuk sebagai bagian dari penerapan syariah islam di Aceh. / The Punishment of Whip as a part of the application for the Islamic syariah in Aceh. foto. IST

16 Tahun Syariat Islam

16 Syariat Islam Year

Syariat Islam yang dilaksanakan di Aceh meliputi bidang akidah, syar’iyah, dan akhlak. Syariat tersebut meliputi ibadah, ahwal alsyakhshiyah (hukum keluarga), muamalah (hukum perdata), jinayah (hukum pidana), qadha’ (peradilan), tarbiyah (pendidikan), dakwah, syiar, dan pembelaan Islam. Ketentuan pelaksanaannya diatur dengan qanun; aturan hukum setingkat peraturan daerah atau perda.

The Syariat Islam, which is executed in Aceh, covers the sectors of akidah, syar’iyah, and akhlak. The Syariat covers worship, ahwal alsyakhshiyah (family law), muamalah (civil law), jinayah (criminal law), qadha’ (judiciary), tarbiyah (education), dakwah, syiar, and Islam defense. The imple­ men­tation is regulated with qanun; legal regulation at the level of regional regulation.

Setiap pemeluk agama Islam di Aceh wajib menaati dan mengamalkan syariat Islam. Begitu juga setiap orang yang bertempat tinggal atau berada di Aceh wajib menghormati pelaksanaan syariat Islam. Pemerintahan Aceh dan Peme­ rin­tahan Kabupaten-Kota menjamin kebebasan, mem­bina kerukunan, menghormati nilai-nilai agama yang dianut oleh umat beragama dan melindungi sesama umat beragama untuk menjalankan ibadah sesuai dengan agama yang dianutnya.

Each Moslem in Aceh is required to obey and practice the syariat Islam. Likewise, each person who resides or stays in Aceh should respect the execution of syariat Islam. The Aceh Administration and Regency-City Administration guarantees the freedom, develops harmony, respects the religious values followed by the religious people and protects fellow religious people in order to carry out the worship in accordance with the religion that is followed.

Hingga 16 tahun penerapan syariat Islam, Pemerintah Aceh telah mencatat beberapa pencapaian penting seperti lahirnya 15 qanun terkait syariat Islam. Qanun-qanun itu mengatur peradilan, larangan khamar, maisir dan khalwat, jinayah, pokok-pokok syariat Islam, dan pembentukan Bank Aceh Syariah.

The Aceh Government has recorded several important achievements since the application of syariat Islam during 16 years, such as the issuance of 13 qanuns related to syariat Islam. Those qanuns regulate court, prohibition of khamar, maisir and khalwat, jinayah, principals of syariat Islam, and establishment of Bank Aceh Syariah.

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Warga pelanggar memakai celana ketat terjaring razia Polisi Wilayatul Hisbah (WH) saat berlangsung operasi penegakan Syariat Islam di Lhokseumawe, Provinsi Aceh. / The breaker’s people wear tight clothing raid by the Wilayatul Hisbah Police (WH) upon the operation of enactment of Islamic Syariah in Lhokseumawe, Aceh Province. foto. ANT

Peradilan syariat Islam bagian dari sistem per­ adilan nasional dalam lingkungan peradilan agama yang dilakukan oleh Mahkamah Syariah. Mah­ ka­mah ini terdiri atas Mahkamah Syariah Kabu­ paten-Kota sebagai pengadilan tingkat pertama dan Mahkamah Syariah Aceh sebagai pengadilan tingkat banding. Hakim Mahkamah Syariah di­ ang­kat dan diberhentikan oleh pre­siden atas usul Ketua Mahkamah Agung.

The syariat Islam court is part of the national court system within the religious court circles, carried out by the Syariah Court. This Court consists of the Regency/City Syariah Court as the court of first instance and the Aceh Syariah Court as the appellate court. Judges of the Syariah Court are appointed by the president upon proposal of the Supreme Court.

Mahkamah Syariah berwenang memeriksa, meng­­ adili, memutus, dan menyelesaikan perkara yang meliputi bidang Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyah, Mua­ma­ lah dan Jinayah yang didasarkan atas syariat Islam. Putusan Mahkamah Syariyah Aceh dapat dimintakan kasasi kepada Mahkamah Agung. Hukum acara yang berlaku pada Mahkamah Sya­riah diatur dalam qanun. Sengketa wewe­ nang antara Mahkamah Syariah dan pengadilan dalam lingkungan peradilan lain menjadi wewe­ nang Mahkamah Agung untuk tingkat pertama dan tingkat terakhir.

The Syariah Court is authorized to examine, adjudicate, decide and settle cases covering sectors of Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyah, Muamalah and Jinayah based on syariat Islam. The cassation may be requested from the Supreme Court upon the verdict of the Syariah Court. The procedural law that applies at the Syariah Court is regulated in the qanun. Dispute of authority between the Syariah Court and the court within the circles of other courts is the authority of the Supreme Court at the first instance and final instance.

Gubernur Zaini juga telah mengeluarkan bebe­ rapa instruksi dan peraturan terkait penguatan pelaksanaan syariat Islam mulai dari kewajiban membaca Alquran bagi siswa sekolah dasar, pembudayaan kemakmuran masjid dan meuna­ sah, pelaksanaan salat berjamaah di lingkungan

Governor Zaini Abdullah had also issued seve­ ral instructions and regulations related to the strengthening of the syariat Islam imple­men­ tation, from the obligation to read Alquran for the elementary school students, prosperity accul­­ tu­ ration of the mosque and meunasah,


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instansi pemerintahan, pengumpulan zakat peng­­ hasilan bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil dan karyawan swasta, hingga penghentian aktivitas pada waktu salat.

implementation of salat berjamaah (praying in congregation) within the government agency circles, collection of income zakat for Civil Ser­ vants and private employees, until cessation of activities at the time of praying.

Untuk mengelola zakat, infaq dan sadaqah, pe­ merintah membentuk Baitul Mal Aceh sebagai bentuk penguatan kelembagaan syariat Islam. Lem­baga ini menuai penghargaan sebagai juara pertama kategori Manajemen Kelembagaan Zakat terbaik se-Indonesia pada Zakat Awards 2015.

Tha government established the Baitul Mal Aceh in order to manage zakat, infaq and sadaqah, as the form of strengthening the syariat Islam insti­ tution. This institution obtained the award as the first champion for the category of best Zakat Institution Management in Indonesia at the Zakat Awards of 2015.

Tak ingin berhenti di prestasi tersebut, Gubernur Zaini berharap ke depan berbagai aspek dari tatanan pemerintahan dan kemasyarakatan di Aceh, bernafaskan syariat Islam. Pemerintah Aceh, kata gubernur, kini sedang menggodok grand design syariat Islam. “Untuk mendukung ke arah itu, sosialisasi kepada masyarakat untuk me­ning­katkan pemahaman akan syariat Islam, dengan melibatkan berbagai elemen, juga terus dilakukan, antara lain melalui berbagai tulisan, seminar, dan workshop.”

Governor Zaini did not want to stop at such achievement and expected that in the future various aspects of the administration and society structures in Aceh are based on syariat Islam. The Governor said that the Aceh Government is currently processing the syariat Islam grand design. “In order to support this direction, the socialization to the community to improve the comprehension on syariat Islam, by engaging various elements, is also continuously carried out, among others through various writings, seminars and workshops.”

Petugas Satpol PP dan Polisi Syariat Islam (Wilayatul Hisbah) mensosialisasikan seruan bersama menyambut Bulan Ramadhan di Banda Aceh. / The officer of Satpol PP (Police Security) and Islamic Syariah Police (Wilayatul Hisbah) socialized the joint call to welcome Fasting Month in Banda Aceh. foto. ANT

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Ekonomi Aceh: Revitalisasi Pertanian, Perkebunan dan Pengentasan Kemiskinan Economy of Aceh: Revitalization of Agriculture, Plantation and Poverty Eradication

Setelah perdamaian, kurva pertumbuhan eko­­­nomi Aceh cenderung naik turun. Rentang 2007-2011, nilai Produk Domestik Regional Bruto atau PDRB Aceh berkembang secara fluk­tuatif. Pertumbuhannya selama tiga tahun secara berturut-turut (2007-2009) mengalami kontraksi (negatif) yaitu minus 2,36 persen (2007), minus 5,24 persen (2008) dan minus 5,51 persen (2009), atau mengalami penurunan dari 36,85 triliun rupiah pada 2006 menjadi 35.98 triliun rupiah (2007), 34.09 triliun rupiah (2008), 32.22 triliun rupiah (2009).


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The economic growth curve of Aceh after the peace tended to go up and down. During the time span of 2007-2011, the Gross Regional Domestic Product or PDRB value of Aceh deve­ lo­ped fluctuating. The growth during three con­ se­cutive years (2007-2009) experienced con­ traction (negative), namely minus 2.36 percent (2007), minus 5.24 percent (2008) and minus 5.51 percent (2009), or experienced a decline from Rp. 36.85 trillion in 2006 to Rp. 35.98 trillion in 2007, Rp. 34.09 trillion in 2008, and Rp. 32.22 trillion in 2009.

Petani memupuk tanaman padi di Desa Cot Cut, Kecamatan Kuta Baro, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Pemerintah Aceh terus meningkatkan produksi pertanian guna meningkatkan sumbangan sektor non migas. / The farmers fertilized the paddy plants in Desa Cot Cut, Kecamatan Kuta Baro, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh Government kept improving the agricultural production to increase the non-oil and gas sector contribution. foto. ANT

Penurunan tersebut dipicu merosotnya produksi minyak dan gas alam. Berbeda 30 tahun sebelum itu, ekonomi Aceh ditopang sektor migas. Menurunnya produksi migas berdampak terhadap nilai PDRB Aceh secara keseluruhan.

Such decrease was triggered by the decline of the oil and gas production. This was different than 30 years before when the economy of Aceh was supported by the oil and gas sector. The decline of the oil and gas production impacted the PDRB value of Aceh on the overall.

Namun, kondisi terbalik terjadi pada 2010 hingga 2011. PDRB Aceh tumbuh positif 2,39 persen (2010) dan 5,02 persen (2011), atau meningkat dari 32.22 triliun rupiah (2009) menjadi 33,12 triliun rupiah (2010) dan 34,78 triliun rupiah (2011). Peningkatan cenderung dise­bab­kan membaiknya harga minyak dan gas alam di pasar inter­ na­ sional serta meningkatnya nilai sumbangan sektor nonmigas lain seperti pertanian dan perdagangan. Walau­ pun demikian, pertumbuhan positif tersebut masih di bawah pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional, 6,2 persen (2010) dan 6,5 persen (2011).

However, a reverse condition occurred from 2010 to 2011. The PDRB of Aceh grew positively by 2.39 percent (2010) and 5.02 percent (2011), or was increased from Rp. 32.22 trillion (2009) to Rp. 33.12 trillion (2010) and Rp. 34.78 trillion (2011). The increase tended to be caused by the improved oil and natural gas prices at the international market as well as the increase of the contribution value of other non oil and gas sectors, such as from the agriculture and trade sectors. Nevertheless, such positive growth was still below the national economic growth, namely 6.2 percent in 2010 and 6.5 percent in 2011.

Jika tidak memperhitungkan migas, PDRB Aceh selama 2007-2011 memang tumbuh positif. Hanya saja, melam­ bat pada 2008 sebesar 1,92 persen.

If the oil and gas was not taken into account, then the PDRB of Aceh during 2007-2011 was indeed growing positively. It only slowed down in 2008 by 1.92 percent. This slowing down was affected by the global financial crisis that hit the world in 2008.

Perlambatan ini dipengaruhi krisis keuangan global yang melanda dunia pada 2008.

The financial crisis, which started in the United States, emerged the global market sentiment particularly toward

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Wakil Gubernur Aceh, Muzakir Manaf turun kesawah untuk membuka panen raya padi di Desa Cot Mancang, Aceh Barat Daya. / Deputy Governor of Aceh, Muzakir Manaf went down to the farm to open great harvest on rice in Desa Cot Mancang, Aceh Barat Daya. foto. TARMIZI

Krisis finansial yang diawali di Amerika Serikat tersebut telah menimbulkan sentimen pasar global terutama ter­ hadap produk-produk ekspor negara-negara dunia ketiga termasuk komoditi ekspor bahan baku pertanian dari Aceh.

the export products of the third world countries, including the export of agricultural raw material commodities from Aceh.

Dilihat dari sisi kontribusi sektor-sektor yang membentuk struktur PDRB Aceh, selama 2007-2011, pertanian masih menjadi leading, diikuti perdagangan, hotel dan restoran. Atas dasar harga konstan, pada 2007 kontribusi pertanian sebesar 22,67 persen meningkat menjadi 26,88 persen pada 2011.

Viewed from the contribution aspect of sectors that formed the PDRB-Aceh structure during 2007-2011, the agriculture sector was still leading, followed by trade, hotels and restaurants. Based on the constant price, the agriculture contribution of 22.67 percent in 2007 was increased to 26.88 percent in 2011.

Peningkatan tersebut akibat menurunnya kontribusi migas secara signifikan, sehingga pertumbuhan sektor per­ta­nian setiap tahun telah mengambil alih peran migas terhadap PDRB Aceh. Bila dihitung tanpa migas, kontri­ busi­ nya menurun dari 31,35 persen (2007) menjadi 30,35 persen (2011), akibat meningkatnya sektor lain yang tumbuh positif, terutama perdagangan, hotel dan restoran, pengangkutan serta komunikasi.

Such increase was due to the significant decline of the oil and gas contribution, so that the annual growth of the agriculture sector has taken over the role of oil and gas toward the PDRB of Aceh. In case the oil and gas sector is not taken into account, then the contribution declined from 31.35 percent in 2007 to 30.35 percent in 2011, due to the positive growth increase of other sectors, particularly trade, hotel and restaurant, transportation and communication.

Walaupun menyumbang PDRB terbesar, kontribusi perta­ nian belum sebanding dengan keterlibatan masyarakat Aceh yang sekitar 60 persen masih menggantungkan

Although as the largest PDRB contributor, the contribution of the agriculture sector was not proportional with the involvement of the Aceh community, of which 60 percent


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harapan kepada sektor ini. Sementara perdagangan, hotel dan restoran makin berperan penting terhadap struktur PDRB Aceh. Kontribusi sektor ini menempati urutan kedua baik dengan migas maupun tanpa migas. Dengan migas, pada 2007 sektor ini memberi kontribusi 15,75 persen dan terus meningkat setiap tahun hingga menjadi 20,30 persen pada 2011. Sedangkan tanpa migas, sektor ini memberikan kontribusi 21,77 persen (2007) dan menjadi 22,92 persen (2011).

was still depending on this sector. Meanwhile, trade, hotel and restaurant were playing a more important role on the PDRB structure of Aceh. The contribution of this sector positioned the second order, either with oil and gas or without oil and gas. This sector provided with oil and gas the contribution of 15.75 percent in 2007, which kept increasing annually until reaching 20.30 percent in 2011. Meanwhile, this sector provided without oil and gas the contribution of 21.77 percent in 2007 and increased to 22.92 percent in 2011.

Sementara industri pengolahan sebagai sektor yang di­ harapkan dapat menyerap banyak tenaga kerja terampil dan tamatan sekolah kejuruan, belum menunjukkan ki­ nerja menggembirakan. Dengan migas, kontribusi sektor ini terus menurun dari 12,48 persen (2007) menjadi 10,23 persen (2011). Penurunan ini sangat dipengaruhi berkurangnya produksi pengolahan gas alam cair di Lhokseumawe. Tanpa migas, kontribusinya sekitar 5,47 persen (2007) menjadi 5,63 persen (2011).

Although the processing industry sector was expected to absorb a lot of skilled workers and vocational school graduates, it was not yet showing an encouraging per­ for­mance. The contribution of this sector without oil and gas kept declining from 12.48 percent (2007) to 10.23 percent (2011). This decline was strongly affected by the production decrease of the liquefied natural gas pro­ cessing in Lhokseumawe. The contribution without oil and gas was around 5.47 percent in 2007, which became 5.63 percent in 2011.

Hal itu menunjukkan industri pengolahan bahan baku utama yang bersumber dari pertanian belum berkembang. Ekspor produk pertanian dari Aceh masih cenderung dalam bentuk bahan baku mentah (row material) dan me­ nyebabkan rendahnya nilai tambah yang diperoleh daerah.

This showed that the main raw materials processing industry, sourced from the agriculture sector, was not yet developing. The agricultural product export from Aceh still tended to be in form of raw materials, which caused the low value added obtained by the region.


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Rendahnya kontribusi sektor industri pengolahan akibat minimnya peran swasta termasuk pengusaha lokal untuk mengolah sumber daya alam yang tersedia. Terutama, produk-produk bahan baku pertanian. Sementara kelom­ pok industri kecil dan rumah tangga produktivitasnya juga masih sangat rendah.

The low contribution from the processing industry sector was due to the minimum roles of the private sector, in­ cluding local entrepreneurs, to process the available natural resources, particularly the agricultural raw material products. Meanwhile, the productivity of the small and domestic industry group was also still very low.

Mengamati perkembangan kontribusi sektor-sektor yang membentuk struktur PDRB selama 2007-2011, terlihat ekonomi Aceh mengalami pergeseran struktur. Kontribusi sektor primer (pertanian, pertambangan dan penggalian) menurun dari 42,94 persen (2007) menjadi 34,38 persen (2011). Hal serupa terlihat pada sektor sekunder (industri pengolahan, listrik, gas dan air bersih, serta konstruksi) dari 18,68 persen (2007) turun menjadi 17,77 persen (2011).

The development of contribution of sectors that formed the PDRB structure during 2007-2011 showed that economy of Aceh experienced a structural shift. Contribution of the primary sectors (agriculture. Mining and excavation) declined from 42.94 percent in 2007 to 34.38 percent in 2011. The same was also shown at the secondary sectors (processing industry, electricity, gas, clean water and construction), which declined from 18.68 percent in 2007 to 17.77 percent in 2011.

Penurunan kedua sektor tersebut digantikan sektor tertier (perdagangan, hotel dan restoran, pengangkutan dan ko­ mu­nikasi, keuangan, persewaan, dan jasa perusahaan, serta jasa-jasa) yang saban tahun tumbuh signifikan. Kontri­busi sektor tertier ini meningkat tajam dari 38,38 persen (2007) menjadi 47,85 persen (2011).

The decline of those two sectors was replaced by the tertiary sector (trade, hotel and restaurant, transportation and communication, finances, rental, company service, and other services), which grew significantly. The contribu­ tion of this tertiary sector increased sharply from 38.38 percent (2007) to 47.85 percent (2011).

Sektor tertier cenderung tumbuh signifikan di perkotaan yang selama beberapa tahun terakhir kian berkembang pesat di hampir seluruh wilayah Aceh. Masifnya perkem­

The tertiary sector tended to grow significantly in the urban areas, which during the last several years developed more and more rapidly nearly throughout all areas in

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bangan perkotaan ini telah menstimulir konsentrasi alo­ kasi sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas di wilayah perkotaan. Hal tersebut diduga mendorong terja­ di­ nya pergeseran struktur ekonomi Aceh dari sektor primer dan sekunder ke sektor tertier.

Aceh. This massive urban development had stimulated the concentration of qualified human resource allocation in the urban areas. This was assumed as stimulating the economic structure shift in Aceh from the primary and secondary sectors to the tertiary sector.

Memasuki triwulan pertama 2015, ekonomi Aceh ter­ puruk. Data dari Badan Pusat Statistik Aceh pada 6 Mei 2015, tanpa migas ekonomi Aceh tumbuh minus 2,83 persen, dengan migas, minus 0,52 persen, dibandingkan triwulan IV 2014. Menurut BPS Aceh, ini yang terburuk sejak 2014. Penurunan ekonomi Aceh tertinggi bila diban­ ding­kan provinsi lain, sebesar 1,88 persen.

The economy of Aceh collapsed entering the first semester of 2015. The data of the Central Statistics Agency of Aceh showed on 6 May 2015 that the economic growth of Aceh without oil and gas was minus 2.83 percent, and 0.52 percent with oil and gas, compared of semester IV of 2014. According to this BPS of Aceh, this was the worst since 2014. The highest economic decline of Aceh was 1.88 percent compared to other provinces.

BPS melihat penurunan disebabkan menurunnya produksi migas baik di pertambangan maupun industri. Sementara jika dilihat dari sisi penge­ luaran disebabkan konsumsi pemerintah yang juga turun 39,42 persen.

BPS saw that the decline was caused by the decline of the oil and gas production, either at the mining sector or at the industry sector. Meanwhile, viewed from the aspect of expenditure, it was also due to the government consumption decline to 39.42 percent.

Penyebab lain, perekonomian Aceh pada tri­wulan per­ tama tersebut masih sangat tergantung dengan Ang­garan Pendapatan Belanja Daerah Aceh atau APBA. Minimnya serapan APBA selama triwulan I, menyebabkan ekonomi

Another cause was that the economy of Aceh in such first semester was still strongly depending on the Regional Budget of Aceh or APBA. The minimum absorption of APBA during semester 1 caused the negative economic


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Aceh tumbuh negatif dalam tiga bulan tersebut. Rea­li­­s­asi anggaran yang rendah itu dinilai BPS harus­nya dipacu agar menjadi pendorong utama pertum­buhan ekonomi Aceh.

growth of Aceh in those three months. BPS assessed that the realization of this low budget should be accelerated in order to become the main stimulator for the economic growth of Aceh.

Meskipun Aceh mempunyai alokasi dana migas dan otonomi khusus, nilainya jauh berbeda di­ban­­dingkan dulu saat migas Aceh masih dieks­por. Pemerintah Aceh dinilai harus mem­biasa­­kan diri dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi tanpa minyak dan gas.

Although Aceh has the oil and gas as well as the special autonomy fund allocation, the values were much different compared to previously at the time oil and gas of Aceh was still exported. The Aceh Government is considered to get used to the economic growth without oil and gas.

Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang minus tersebut ter­jadi pada seluruh lapangan usaha, kecuali perta­nian, kehutanan, dan perikanan; jasa keuangan; real estate, dan jasa lainnya.

Such minus economic growth occurred at all business sec­ tors, except agriculture, forestry, fishery, financial service, real estate and other services.

Bila dilihat secara tahunan (triwulan I 2014- triwulan I 2015), pertumbuhan ekonomi Aceh juga turun 1,88 persen dengan migas, dan tum­buh 4,61 persen jika dihi­tung tanpa komponen migas. Meskipun turun pada triwulan I, secara year on year pertumbuhan ekonomi Aceh masih tumbuh 4,61 persen atau lebih baik pada periode sama tahun lalu, 3,48 persen.

If it is viwed annually (semester I 2014 – semester I 2015), the economic growth of Aceh also declined by 1.88 percent for oil and gas but grew by 4.61 percent without taking into account oil and gas. Although it declined in semester 1, the economy of Aceh still grew by 4.61 percent or better than 3.48 percent during the same period of the previous year.



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Di tengah pertumbuhan ekonomi yang turun naik tersebut, Pemerintahan Zaini Abdullah-Muzakir Manaf tetap fokus merencanakan pembangunan terarah dalam menggapai target. Sesuai hasil Musyawarah Rencana Pembangunan atau Mus­ renbang 2015, pembangunan Aceh pada 2016 ter­fokus pada lima arah: pembangunan kawasan-kawasan strategis, pertumbuhan inves­­ tasi di bidang agro­industri, penuntasan ak­ses jalan hingga daerah terisolir, penurunan angka kemiskinan, serta peningkatan nilai tambah pro­ duk komoditas unggulan.

In the middle of such up and down economic growth, the Administration of Zaini AbdullahMuzakir Manaf kept focusing on the directed development planning in order to achieve the target. According to the outcomes of the Deve­ lop­ment Plan Deliberation (Musrenbang) in 2015, the development of Aceh in 2016 focuses on five directions: development of strategic areas, growth of investment in the agr-industry sec­ tor, finalization of road access until the isolated areas, reduction of the poverty rate, and value added increase of superior commodity products.

Kelima arah tersebut bermuara pada peningkatan eko­nomi rakyat. Anggaran yang diproyeksikan untuk men­capai arah pembangunan 2016 se­ kitar Rp11,9 triliun. Semua instansi terkait di level provinsi dan kabupaten-kota diminta Guber­nur Zaini mampu memanfaatkan RAPBA 2016 ini untuk dijabarkan dalam wujud program yang berdampak pada peningkatan ekonomi rakyat sesuai target yang telah ditetapkan.

Those five directions boiled down at the people’s economy improvement. The projected budget to achieve the development direction in 2016 is around Rp. 11.9 trillion. All agencies at the provincial and regency-city levels were requested by Governor Zaini to be able to utilize this RAPBA of 2016 in order to be clarified in program forms that impact the improvement of the people’s economy according to the determined target.

Pada 2016, ditargetkan pertumbuhan ekonomi naik men­jadi 6,9 persen (dari 6,7 persen pada 2015) dan tingkat kemis­ kinan turun menjadi 11,5 persen (dari 16,98 persen pada 2015). Se­ lain itu, pengangguran dapat menurun men­jadi 6,8 persen (dari 7 persen pada 2015).

The economic growth was targeted to increase to 6.9 percent in 2016 (from 6.7 percent in 2015) and the poverty rate was targeted to decline to 11.5 percent (from 16.98 percent in 2015). In addition, the unemployment rate may decline to 6.8 percent (from 7 percent in 2015).

Pembangunan tanggul dan jalan pantai di kawasan pesisir pelabuhan Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh. Pembangunan infrastruktur di kawasan pesisir pasca terjangan tsunami diharapkan mampu mempercepat laju pertumbuhan ekonomi Aceh. / The development of embankment and coastal road in the coastal area for Ulee Lheue harbor, Banda Aceh. The development of infrastructure in the coastal area post tsunami is expected to accelerate for the speed of economy growth in Aceh. foto. ANT


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Ambisi Lumbung Kakao Nasional

Ambition to be the National Cocoa Barn

Sesuai Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Mene­ngah Aceh 2012-2017, salah satu program prio­ritas Pemerintah Aceh adalah pembangunan sektor pertanian untuk men­ja­dikan Aceh sebagai lum­ bung pangan nasional. "Impian ini bukanlah ter­lalu berlebihan, sebab potensi perta­nian kita cukup menjanjikan. Buktinya, sumbangan sektor per­tanian untuk PDRB Aceh di atas 40 persen," ujar Gubernur Zaini.

According to the Mid Term Development Plan of Aceh for 2012-2017, one of the priority pro­ grams of the Aceh Government is the agri­culture sector development in order to make Aceh as the national food barn. "This dream is not too exaggerated since our agricultural potential is quite promising, proven by the contribution of the agriculture sector, which is more than 40 percent,” said Governor Zaini.

Banyak komoditi yang diandalkan Aceh selama ini. Selain padi, kata Gubernur Zaini, Aceh sangat potensial untuk dija­di­kan salah satu daerah lum­ bung kakao nasional seperti Sulawesi. Potensi komoditi ini cukup luas. Data 2014, Aceh memi­ liki areal tanaman kakao sekitar 73 ribu hektare yang tersebar di sejumlah kabupaten. Sekitar 220 ribu petani terlibat di dalamnya.

Aceh relied on a lot of commodities all this time. Governor Zaini said that in addition to rice, Aceh has large potential to become one of the national cocoa barn areas like Sulawesi. The potential of this commodity is quite extensive. The data of 2014 showed that Aceh has a cocoa plant area of around 73 thousand hectares, spread out in a number of regencies. Around 229 thousand farmers are engaged in this sector.

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Lets go Pelni Jadilah Bagian Dari 7 Destinasi Wisata Bahari PT PELNI 2016 Kami ajak Anda menyelami keindahan bawah laut terbaik di Indonesia, dengan sensasi menginap di atas hotel terapung yang dilengkapi fasilitas kamar kelas dan restoran. Kami akan membuat Anda percaya, Indonesia lebih dari sekadar Bali! Saksikan Keseruan Paket Wisata Pelni di

Pelni 162


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Untuk pengembangan perkebunan kakao di Aceh, peme­ rintah juga menjalin kerja sama dengan LSM lokal maupun internasional. Para stakeholder ini melakukan program penguatan dan pemberdayaan petani kakao secara mak­ simal di lapangan di bawah binaan instansi ter­ kait. Selain itu, di Aceh juga telah terbentuk Forum Kakao Aceh seba­gai wadah bagi para petani dan pengusaha kakao untuk mencurahkan ide terkait pengembangan kakao.

The government also established the coopera­ tion with local as well as international NGOs for the development of cocoa plantations in Aceh. Those stakeholders optimally carried out strengthening and empowerment programs for cocoa farmers in the field under guidance of the related agencies. In addition, the Aceh Cocoa Forum was also established as a forum for the cocoa farmers and entrepreneurs in order to express ideas related to the cocoa development.

NGO lain yang aktif membantu petani kakao di Aceh ada­lah Swisscontact melalui program pro­ duk­ si kako berkelanjutan atau Swisscontact’s Sus­tainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP). Sejak 2012, dengan dukungan dari Pemerintah Swiss melalui Sekretariat Negara Swiss untuk Uru­san Ekonomi (SECO), Swisscontact telah men­­­jalankan SCPP di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Bireuen, Aceh Tamiang, Aceh Tenggara, dan Aceh Barat Daya.

Another NGO that is actively assisting cocoa farmers in Aceh is Swisscontact through the Swisscontact’s Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP). Swisscontact has implemented the SCPP in the Regencies of Pidie Jaya, Bireuen, Aceh Tamiang, Southeast Aceh and Southwest Aceh since 2012 with support from the Swiss Government through the Swiss State Secretary for Economic Affairs (SECO).

Di Aceh, SCPP sendiri merupakan kelanjutan proyek Peningkatan Ekonomi Kakao Aceh (PEKA) yang dilaksa­nakan pada 2010 -2012. Pada akhir 2015, sebanyak 17.547 keluarga petani kakao telah me­nerima pelatihan peningkatan kapasitas mela­ lui SCPP dan para mitra sektor swasta,

The SCPP itself is in Aceh the continuation of the Aceh Cocoa Economic Improvement (PEKA) program, which was carried out in 2010 - 2012. At the end of 2015, a number of 17,547 cocoa farmer families received the capacity impro­ve­ ment training through SCPP and partners from

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dan 2.593 petani sudah tersertifikasi UTZ. UTZ merupakan lembaga sertifikasi internasional yang selama ini memberikan sertifikasi untuk ta­ na­man kopi, teh, kakao, dan sebagainya dengan persyaratan yang ketat.

the private sector, and 2,593 farmers received the UTZ certificate. UTZ is the international cer­ ti­ fication institute that provided all this time cer­tificates for coffee, tea and cocoa plants and others with tight requirements.

Untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi dari UTZ ini maka paling tidak ada dua hal yang harus dipenuhi oleh para petani. Pertama, biji kakao yang diproduksi para petani ini bisa ditelusuri asal usulnya. Kedua, tanaman kakao tersebut juga dilarang menggunakan obat-obatan kimia, pupuk kimia, atau bahan-bahan kimia yang dilarang oleh badan sertifikasi UTZ. Hasil produksi kakao para petani yang sudah tersertifikasi UTZ pun dijual kepada perusahaan yang juga telah mendapatkan serti­ fi­kasi dari UTZ.

There are at least two matters that should be ful­filled by farmers in order to obtain the certi­ fi­cate from UTZ. First, the origin of the cocoa beans produced by the farmers should be able to be traced. Second, the cocoa plant is prohibited to use chemicals, chemical fertilizers or chemicals prohibited by the certification board of UTZ. The cocoa production result of UTZ certified farmers should also be sold to companies that have obtained the certificate from UTZ.

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Sementara di Gayo Lues, petani kakao dibantu USAID dan IFACS yang bermitra dengan LSM lokal. Kakao yang sebelumnya kurang diminati petani kini perlahan mulai dikembangkan men­ ja­di komoditi unggulan. Sebelumnya, para petani lebih suka menanam kopi dan sereh wangi karena mereka tidak paham cara menanam kakao. Wila­­yah penge­mbangan kakao di Gayo Lues ter­ utama di Keca­ matan Putri Betung, Terangun, Pining dan Tripe Jaya.

Meanwhile, the cocoa farmers in Gayo Lues are assisted by USAID and IFACS in partnership with local NGOs. Cocoa, which previously obtained less interest from the farmers, is currently starting to be developed into a superior commodity. The farmrs previously preferred to plan coffee and lemongrass since they did not understand the cocoa planting system. The cocoa development areas in Gayo Lues are mainly in the Districts of Putri Betung, Terangun, Pining and Tripe Jaya.

Tak sia-sia para petani kakao di sana diberikan pelatihan. Kini, kakao produksi petani Gayo Lues buah­nya lebih besar dibandingkan kakao asal Sulawesi. Isi buah juga lebih banyak. Hasil ter­ se­but tak terlepas dari keseriusan petani me­la­ kukan teknik pencang­ko­kan samping dan pucuk.

It was not useless that the cocoa farmers in this area were provided training. The cocoa pods of Gayo Lues farmers are currently larger compared to the cocoa pods of Sulawesi. The pod contents are also much more. Such result was not apart from the seriousness of farmers in carrying out the side and shoot transplantation technique.

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Di Aceh Utara, PT Pertamina (Persero) melalui salah satu anak usahanya di hulu, PT Perta­ mina Hulu Energi (PHE) NSB juga turut andil membantu petani kakao. Salah satu­nya, pem­ ba­ngunan kantor dan gudang koperasi per­ke­ bu­nan ‘Kakao Unggul’ di Desa Rayeuk Meunye, Keca­ma­tan Tanah Luas. Bantuan ini wujud dari Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PHE NSB kepada warga sekitar wilayah operasi.

PT Pertamina (Persero) in North Aceh also contributed in assisting cocoa farmers through one of its subsidiaries at the upstream area, namely PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) NSB. One of the contributions was the development of the office and warehouse of the “Superior Cocoa” plantation cooperative in Rayeuk Meunye Village, Tanah Luas District. This assistance was the materialization of the PHE NSB Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to the citizens in the surroundings of the operation area.

PHE NSB juga memfasilitasi masyarakat dengan mening­katkan pengetahuan cara budidaya kakao yang baik, pembangunan dan pembentukan ko­ pe­rasi kakao berikut pengadaan mesin-mesin pe­ngolahan serta pelatihan keuangan dan mana­ je­men bagi pengurus koperasi.

PHE NSB also facilitated the community by impro­ ving the knowledge on the good cocoa cultivation system, development and establish­ ment of the cocoa cooperative, including the pro­­ cu­ rement of processing machines as well as fi­nan­cial and management training for the cooperative management.

Potensi perkebunan dan perdagangan kakao di Aceh Utara memang menjanjikan. Sayangnya, pro­duksi selama ini hanya berbentuk coklat men­ tah dalam bentuk biji. Pemerintah Kabu­pa­ten juga mulai menggerakkan petani agar mampu me­ngo­­ lah biji coklat menjadi produk ola­han, seperti men­ jadi tepung coklat yang harga­nya lebih mahal.

The potential of cocoa plantation and trade in North Aceh is indeed promising. Unfortunately, the production all this time is only in form of raw co­coa and in form of pods. The Regency Govern­ ment also started to activate farmers in order to be able to process cocoa pods into processed pro­ ducts, such as cocoa flour, which has a higher price.

Gubernur Zaini Abdullah berharap pengembangan kakao di Aceh didukung optimal oleh semua pi­ hak karena komoditas itu sangat banyak dibu­ tuh­kan dunia saat ini. Selain pasokannya relatif kecil, harganya cenderung stabil. "Rata-rata ke­ butuhan kakao dunia mencapai tiga juta ton per tahun, sedangkan sumbangan Indonesia baru 15 persen dari kebutuhan kakao dunia ter­sebut," ujar gubernur. Adapun di dalam negeri, kebu­tu­ han kakao mencapai 400 ribu hingga 600 ribu ton per hari.

Governor Zaini Abdullah expects that the cocoa development in Aceh is optimally supported by all parties, since this commodity is at present very much needed in the world. Besides its rela­ tive small supply, its price also tends to be stable. "The average cocoa need in the world reac­hes three million tons annually, while the contri­bu­ tion of Indonesia is only 15% of such global cocoa need," said the Governor. The domes­tic need of cocoa reaches 400 thousand to 600 thousand tons daily.

Untuk mendukung langkah menuju lumbung kakao na­sio­nal, Aceh kini juga memiliki dokter kakao. Mereka sebelumnya dilatih di Luwu, Sulawesi Selatan, dan difasili­tasi oleh IFACS dan Cocobest. Pe­merintah kabupaten dan kota kini dapat mem­ be­rdayakan dokter tersebut sehingga kualitas kakao Aceh bisa menjadi standar terbaik dunia.

Aceh has at present also cocoa doctors in order to support the steps toward the national cocoa barn. They were beforehand trained in Luwu, South Sulawesi, facilitated by IFACS and Coco­ best. The regency and city governments are curren­tly able to empower those doctors so that the cocoa quality of Aceh may become the best standard in the world.

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Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Lampulo

Ocean Fishery Port of Lampulo

Posisi geografis Kota Banda Aceh yang berada di ujung Barat Pulau Sumatera berhadapan lang­ sung dengan jalur pelayaran internasional, yaitu Samudera Hindia dan Selat Malaka.

The geographical position of Banda Aceh City, which is located at the Western end of Sumatera Island, is directly facing the international shipping lane, namely the Indian Ocean and Malacca Strait.

Hal tersebut dapat menjadi faktor penting dalam men­ dukung pengembangan Pelabuhan Per­ ika­nan Lam­pulo men­jadi pelabuhan perikanan ber­­ta­raf internasional. Di pelabuhan ini terdapat ke­gia­t­an para nelayan dan pe­da­gang, beserta masya­rakat yang melakukan bongkar muat dan transaksi perikanan.

This may become an important factor in suppor­ ting the development of the Lampulo Fishery Port to become an international standard fishery port. The activities of fishermen and traders are carried out in this port, including the community that carries out the loading/unloading activities and fishery transactions.

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BKPP Aceh merupakan unsur pendukung Pemerintah Aceh dibidang kepegawaian, pendidikan dan pelatihan memiliki Visi:


Mengelola administrasi kepegawaian secara profesional dan proporsional Membina dan mengembangkan sumber daya aparatur Pemerintah berdasarkan kompetensi Menyelenggarakan diklat pra jabatan, diklat kepemimpinan, diklat teknis dan diklat fungsional secara profesional Mewujudkan kedisiplinan pegawai ASN Mewujudkan kesejahteraan pegawai ASN BADAN KEPEGAWAIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN PELATIHAN


Jln. T. Panglima Nya’makam No. 8 Kotak Pos No. 2, Banda Aceh 23125. Telp. (0651) 7552564 | Fax. (0651) 7552565 Website: | E-mail:

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Mendorong Masuknya Investasi Encouraging the Entry of Investment

Pemerintah Aceh melalui Badan Investasi dan Promosi Aceh menyelenggarakan Business Leader Forum pada Hari Kamis, 21 Mei 2015, di Grand Ballroom – Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, Jakarta. Acara ini menghadirkan lebih kurang dua ratus peserta yang terdiri dari para duta besar negara sahabat atau yang mewakili, CEO Perusahaan dan Pimpinan Asosiasi Pengusaha Dalam dan Luar Negeri, perwakilan dari beberapa kementrian terkait di Jakarta, Unsur DPR RI dan DPR Aceh, Bupati/Walikota seAceh serta instansi/dinas terkait. Kita sangat berbesar hati dengan banyaknya partisipan dari para CEO perusahaan besar serta asosiasi pengusaha domestik dan international. / Aceh Government through the Investment Body and Aceh Promotion organized the Business Leader Forum on Thursday, May 21, 2015, in Grand Ballroom – Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, Jakarta. This program attends more than two hundred participants consisting of the friendly country ambassadors or representing, CEO Company and Home and Foreign Entrepreneur Association Management, representative from some related ministries in Jakarta, the Element of Representative House (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia and DPR Aceh, the Regent/Mayor for the entire Aceh as well as the related agency/office. We are very glad for the most participants from CEO of the large company as well as domestic and international entrepreneur association. Photograph. foto. PEMPROV ACEH

Setahun setelah Zaini Abdullah dan Muzakir Manaf menakhodai Aceh, keduanya sadar betul akan banyaknya sumber daya alam yang dapat dikembangkan untuk menyejahterakan rakyat. Membangun semuanya sendiri tentu tidak sang­ gup. Tanggap akan hal itu, Pemerintah Aceh lalu membuka kran investasi; mengundang inves­ tor datang menanamkan modalnya di Serambi Mekah. Beberapa metode dipakai untuk meng­ gaet investor. Misalnya, Aceh melibatkan diri dal­

One year after Zaini Abdullah and Muzakir Manaf led Aceh, both are strongly aware about the many natural resources that can be developed for the welfare of the people. All those are certainly unable to be developed alone. The Aceh Government responded on this by opening the investment opportunity and invited investors to come and invest their capital in Aceh (Veranda of Mecca). Several methods wete used to invite investors. For example, Aceh involved itself in

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am berbagai forum investasi di luar dan dalam negeri.

various domestic and international investment forums.

Pada Mei 2013, Wakil Gubernur Muzakir Manaf berkun­ jung ke Dubai. Di dalam forum Indonesia Bussiness Luncheon yang digelar di Hotel Ritz Carlton, Abu Dhabi, ia mema­parkan keunggulan berinvestasi di Aceh. Pidatonya disimak para pengusaha Arab yang terga­bung dalam Arab Bussiness Club.

Deputy Governor Muzakir Manaf visited Dubai in May 2013. He explained in the Indonesia Business Luncheon forum held in Ritz Carlton Hotel, Abu Dhabi, about the superiority of investing in Aceh. Arabian entrepreneurs, incorporated in the Arab Business Club, paid attention to his speech.

Pada waktu yang berdekatan, Gubernur Zaini Abdullah juga melakukan hal serupa di Brussel, Belgia. Di dalam forum Indonesia Investment Marketing 2013 di Marriot Hotel, Kamis, 20 Juni 2013,ia menjelaskan peluang-pe­ luang investasi di Aceh. Setumpuk dokumen presentasi berjudul ‘Investment Opportunities in Aceh, Indonesia’ dije­ laskannya dengan bersemangat. Potensi investasi lebih kepada sektor agrikultur dan kelistrikan. Gubernur juga menyinggung soal komoditas kopi Aceh.

At nearly the same time Governor Zaini Abdullah also visited Brussel, Belgium. He explained in the Indonesia Invest­ment Marketing 2013 forum at Marriot Hotel on Thursday, 20 June 2013, about the investment oppor­ tunities in Aceh. A pile of presentation documents titled ‘Investment Opportunities in Aceh, Indonesia’ were enthu­ siastically clarified by him. The potential of investment was more directed to the agriculture and electricity sectors. The Governor also touched on the coffee commodity of Aceh.

Kepada para pengusaha internasional yang hadir, termasuk para pengusaha Belgia, Gubernur Zaini mengatakan Aceh sangat ramah terhadap investasi, terutama setelah lahir­ nya UUPA yang menjadi langkah awal pembangunan Aceh secara komprehensif. Sebagai daerah yang memiliki ke­ we­na­ngan mengatur pemerintahan sendiri secara luas, kata gubernur, seluruh izin investasi di Aceh dikeluarkan oleh otoritas lokal.

Governor Zaini said to the attending international entre­ preneurs, including entrepreneurs from Belgium, that Aceh is extremely investment friendly, particularly after issuance of the UUPA, which is an initial step of the comprehensive development of Aceh. The Governor said that as a region with the authority to extensively organize its own administration, all investment licenses in Aceh are issued by the local authorities.

Faktor lokasi juga menjadi salah satu potensi Aceh yang terletak di lintas pasar potensial Afrika Timur, Timur Tengah, Asia Selatan, Asia Tenggara dan Asia Timur. “Posisi geografis ini merupakan networking yang bermanfaat untuk kegiatan investasi jangka panjang.”

The factor of location is one of the potentials of Aceh, which is located at the potential market track of East Africa, Middle East, South Asia and East Asia. “This geographical position is a useful networking for long term investment activities.”

Untuk memperkenalkan potensi investasi di Aceh Badan Investasi dan promosi (BIP) Aceh mengadakan Aceh Investment Promotion di Banda Aceh. Dalam Acera tersebut terdapat pula pameran mini dari seluruh kabupaten/kota yang dipamerkan langsung dipelataran Hotel. / To introduce potential investment in Aceh, Investment Board and promotion (BIP) Aceh held Aceh Investment Promotion in Banda Aceh. There has been also any mini exhibition in the said program from all regencies/municipalities showed directly on the ground of Hotel. foto. ANT


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Presiden Joko Widodo (tengah) bersama Gunernur Aceh Zaini Abdullah (kanan), Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno (kiri) Direktur Utama PLN Sofyan Bhasyir (dua kiri) menekan serune pada peresmian Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mesin Gas (PLTMG) Arun di Desa Paloh, Kecamatan Muara Satu, Lhokseumawe, Provinsi Aceh. / The President Joko Widodo (middle) along with the Governor of Aceh Zaini Abdullah (right), the Minister of BUMN Rini Soemarno (left) President Director of PLN Sofyan Bhasyir (two-left) pressed on serune to the inauguration of Gas Engineer Power Plant (PLTMG) Arun in Desa Paloh, Kecamatan Muara Satu, Lhokseumawe, Aceh Province. foto. ANT

Dalam rangka percepatan investasi, kata gubernur, Peme足 rintah Aceh fokus pada kemudahan investasi, termasuk pembebasan lahan. Fokus lainnya pada pembangunan kawa足san agroindustri di kawasan tengah Aceh seperti Bener Meriah, Takengon, dan Gayo Lues.

The Governor said that in the framework of investment acceleration, the focus of the Aceh Government is on investment facilities, including land acquisition. Another focus is the agro-industry area development in the central area of Aceh, such as Bener Meriah, Takengon, and Gayo Lues.

Untuk sektor perkebunan, Aceh akan menyiapkan hilirisasi komoditas perkebunan dengan target agar investasi lebih pada pengolahan hasil kebun menjadi barang jadi, bukan raw material.

Aceh will prepare downstream plantation commodities with the target that investment is more carried out at the processing of plantation products into finished products and not raw materials.

Kunjungan-kunjungan itu membuktikan Pemerintah Aceh tak main-main mengejar target investasi. Sektor yang ditawarkan beragam, mulai dari agroindustri, energi dan infastruktur, hingga pelabuhan bebas Sabang.

Those visits prove that the Aceh Government is serious in pursuing investment targets. The sectors that are offered are various, from agro-industry, energy and infrastructure until the free port of Sabang.

Untuk mempercepat investasi, Pemerintah Aceh juga fokus pada perangkat hukum yang bisa menjamin keama足nan dan kekayaan investor. Faktor regulasi memang selalu men足jadi hal utama yang dilihat investor, selain membidik bidang usaha yang ingin digarap.

In order to accelerate investment, the Aceh Government also focuses on legal instruments that may guarantee the security and assets of the investor. The regulation factor is indeed always the main subject viewed by the investor, in addition to aiming on the business sector to work on.

Regulasi yang dipakai terkait urusan investasi adalah Qanun Penanaman Modal. Isi qanun ini disesuaikan dengan Undang-Undang Penanaman Modal yang berlaku secara nasional. Bagaimana pun, kegiatan penanaman modal di Aceh merupakan bagian dari penyelenggaraan sistem

The regulation that is used related to the investment affairs is the Investment Qanun. The content of this qanun is adjusted to the Investment Law that applies nationally. Nevertheless, the investment activities in Aceh are part of the national economic system implementation.

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Berbagai produk kerajinan Aceh memiliki kualitas dan mutu yang baik, sebagian telah berhasil menembus pasar ekspor ke berbagai negara. / Various products of Aceh craft to have the best quality, some of them have succeeded in reaching the export market to various countries. foto. ANT

perekonomian nasional. Melalui qanun tersebut, Peme­ rintah Aceh mendorong terciptanya iklim usaha kon­dusif bagi penanaman modal untuk penguatan daya saing Aceh dalam perekonomian nasional dan internasional. Qanun juga diyakini dapat meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah.

The Aceh Government encouraged through this qanun the creation of the business climate that is conducive for investment in order to strengthen the competitiveness of Aceh in the national and international economy. Qanun is also believed as being able to increase the Regional Original Income.

Kerja-kerja “jemput bola” itu setidaknya mulai menun­ jukkan hasil pada triwulan pertama 2013. Dari paparan Badan Investasi dan Promosi Aceh, hingga triwulan pertama tahun itu, jumlah realisasi penanaman modal di Aceh mencapai Rp2,013 triliun. Dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya sekitar Rp796 miliar, ada peningkatan 153 persen.

This hard work of “picking up the ball” was at least starting to show results in the first semester of 2013. The clarification of the Investment and Promotion Board of Aceh indicated that the total investment realization in Aceh until the first semester of such year reached Rp. 2.013 trillion. This was an increase of 153 percent compared to around Rp. 796 billion in the previous year.

Nilai itu gabungan dari penanaman Modal Asing dan Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri. Investasi tersebar di hampir semua kabupaten kota di Aceh. Adapun target awal investasi Aceh pada 2013 sebesar Rp6,5 triliun.

Such value is the combination of Foreign Investment and Domestic Investment. The investment is spread out in nearly all regencies/cities in Aceh. The initial investment target was Rp. 6.5 trillion in 2013.




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Memasuki RPJP Aceh periode kedua, Aceh mulai banyak diliris investor. Misalnya, baru-baru ini investor Korea beren­ cana melakukan investasi di sektor energi. Tim investor Korea yang diwakili PT Acehko, akan membangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya atau PLTS di kawasan industri Ladong, Aceh Besar. Energi terbarukan ini bakal menjadi alternatif untuk membantu penambahan kebutu­ han listrik di Aceh.

Aceh began to get a lot of attention from investors entering the second period of RPJP Aceh. For example, a Korean investor recently planned to invest in the energy sector. The Korean investor team, represented by PT Acehko, will develop the Solar Power Plant or PLTS in the industrial zone of Ladong, Aceh Besar. This renewed energy will become an alternative to support the additional need of electricity in Aceh.

Pemerintah Aceh sendiri sangat mendukung pengem­ bangan energi ramah lingkungan pengganti diesel tersebut asal didukung rencana matang. Untuk memperkuat ren­ cana, investor telah bertemu Badan Investasi dan Promosi Aceh, BPKS Sabang, PT PLN dan beberapa Satuan Kerja Perangkat Aceh di tingkat kabupaten maupun provinsi. Disepakati, karena kondisi kelistrikan di Aceh sudah men­ cukupi dengan beban puncak 330 Mega Watt, investor diharapkan membangun industri, bukan pembangkit listrik.

The Aceh Government itself is strongly supporting such environment friendly energy development as replacement of diesel, as long as it is supported by a mature plan. In order to strengthen the plan, the investor met with the Investment and Promotion Board of Aceh, BPKS Sabang, PT PLN and several Work Units of Aceh at the regency or provincial levels. Since the electrical condition in Aceh is already sufficient with the peak load of 330 Mega Watt, it was agreed and expected that the investor will develop the non electricity generator.

Konsep teknologi PLTS sebenarnya sederhana tapi me­ merlukan nilai investasi lebih besar ketimbang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Diesel. Namun, tidak tertutup kemungkinan untuk mengembangkan PLTS di Aceh. Selain itu, diperlukan kajian lebih mendalam dari aspek perencanaan dan skema investasi yang jelas, termasuk aspek finansial dan peran pemerintah daerah dalam proyek tersebut.

The concept of the PLTS technology is actually simple but it needs a larger investment value compared to the Diesel Power Plant. However, there is still a possibility to develop the PLTS in Aceh. In addition to this, a more indepth study is required from the aspect of planning and clear investment scheme, including the financial aspect and role of the local government in the project.

Peserta memperlihatkan kualitas minyak nilam terbaik untuk pangsa pasar ekspor saat mengikuti pameran produk komoditi unggulan pada kegiatan promosi investasi di Banda Aceh, Provinsi Aceh. / The applicants show the quality of the best patchouli oil for the export market section when participating in the superior commodity product exhibition in the activity of investment promotion in Banda Aceh, Aceh Province. foto. ANT

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Jalan Baru Migas Aceh

New Road of Aceh Oil and Gas

Di bidang migas, Aceh kini memiliki sebuah otoritas khusus. Namanya Badan Pengelola Migas Aceh atau BPMA. Badan ini lahir setelah Pemerintah Pusat mengeluarkan Peraturan Pe­ me­rintah Nomor 23 Tahun 2015 tentang penge­ lolaan bersama sumber daya alam minyak dan gas bumi di Aceh. Regulasi ini merupakan aturan turunan dari UUPA, yang akhirnya dikabul­kan pu­ sat setelah tarik ulur sekian lama dengan Aceh.

Aceh has at present a special authority in the oil and gas sector, namely Oil and Gas Management Agency of Aceh or BPMA. This agency was esta­ blished after the Central Government issued Law Number 23 of 2015 concerning Joint Mana­ ge­ment of Oil and Gas Natural resources in Aceh. This regulation is the derivative regulation of UUPA, which was ultimately approved by the central government after long time debates with Aceh.

Pasal 160 PP Nomor 23 itu menyebutkan, pe­ ngelolaan sumber daya alam minyak dan gas bumi yang berada di darat serta laut Aceh akan dikelola secara bersama-sama antara Pe­ me­ rintah Pusat dengan Pemerintah Aceh. We­we­ nang pengelolaan ini dihimpun dalam BPMA.

Article 160 of Government Regulation Number 23 mentions that the management natural resources, oil and gas in Aceh that are located onshore and offshore will be jointly managed by the Central Government and Aceh Government. This management authority is compiled in BPMA.

Presiden Jokowi didampingi Gebernur Aceh, Menteri ESDM dan Direktur Utama Pertamina meresmikan beroperasinya terminal penerima dan regasifikasi LNG Arun. / The President Jokowi was accompanied with the Governor of Aceh, the Minister of ESDM and President Director of Pertamina inaugurated the operation of recipient and re-gasification terminal of LNG Arun. foto. IST


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Aturan yang terbit pada 5 Mei 2015 tersebut diyakini bakal men­dongkrak penerimaan daerah. Aceh, selain mene­rima Dana Bagi Hasil Migas sebesar 70 persen di Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif (ZEE), juga mendapatkan 30 persen laba penge­ lolaan migas di atas ZEE hingga zona 200 mil.

This regulation, which was issued on 5 May 2015, is believed as being able to increase the regional income. Aceh receives, in addition to the Oil and Gas Profit Sharing Fund of 70 percent in the Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE), also 30 percent profit from the management of oil and gas above ZEE up to the 200 miles zone.

Selain itu, Aceh juga berhak atas 70 persen produksi migas yang dieksploitasi di darat (on shore) dan 70 persen yang diproduksi dari blok migas di perairan 0-12 mil. Sementara sisanya, 30 persen, diserahkan untuk pusat. Adapun untuk blok migas yang berada zona 12-200 mil, pembagiannya 70 persen untuk pusat dan sisanya untuk pemerintah provinsi serta daerah.

In addition, Aceh is also entitled to receive 70 percent of the oil and gas production exploited onshore and 70 percent from the production of the oil and gas block at the 0-12 miles waters. The remaining 30 percent is delivered to the Central Government. The allocation from the oil and gas block located at the 12-200 miles zone is 70 percent for the Central Government and the remaining 30 percent is for the provincial and local governments.

Foto udara kapal kargo gas alam cair (LNG) kelima saat bersandar di Terminal Penerimaan, Hub, dan Regasifikasi LNG Arun, Lhokseumawe, Aceh. / The fifth Air photograph of Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) tugged in Reception Terminal, Hub, and Re-gasification of LNG Arun, Lhokseumawe, Aceh. foto. ANT

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Sabang Poros Maritim Dunia

Sabang World Maritime Axis

Memperkuat Sabang sebagai poros maritim dunia. Ini salah satu permintaan Gubernur Aceh Zaini Abdullah saat menyambut kedatangan Presiden Joko Widodo ke Sabang, Maret 2015. Gubernur Zaini meminta Presiden Jokowi mengembalikan kejayaan pelabuhan Sabang seba­gai pelabuhan bebas, dengan menjadikannya sebagai pelabu­ han penghubung internasionaldalam pembangu­ nan sektor unggulan di bidang Kemaritiman.

Strengthening Sabang as the world maritime axis was one of the requests of Governor Zaini Abdullah when welcoming President Joko Widodo on his visit to Sabang in March 2015. Governor Zaini requested President Jokowi to return the glory of Sabang port as a free port by making it as the international connection port in the development of the Maritime superior sectors.

Oleh gubernur, Sabang diminta dijadikan sebagai salah satu pusat visi poros maritim dunia di Indo­nesia yang dicanangkan Pemerintah Pusat. Pasca reformasi, status Kota Sabang sebagai pelabuhan bebas dikembalikan lagi oleh peme­ rintah melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 37 tahun 2000. Namun, kata Zaini, beberapa peraturan belum terealisasi, terutama soal Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan tentang Pelim­ pahan Kewenangan kepada Dewan Kawasan Sabang.

Sabang was requested by the Governor to be made as one of the vision centers of the world maritime axis in Indonesia proclaimed by the Central Government. The status of Sabang City as a free port was post reformation retur­ned by the government through Law Number 37 of 2000. However, Zaini said that several regula­ tions have not been realized yet, particularly the Regulation of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries concerning the Delegation of Authority to the Sabang Zone Council.

Presiden Joko Widodo (tengah) didampingi Gubernur Aceh Zaini Abdullah (kiri) dan Walikota Sabang Zulkifli Adam (kanan) mengunjungi Kilometer Nol Indonesia yang berada di posisi geografis di titik Lintang Utara dan Bujur Timur, Sabang, Aceh. / The President Joko Widowo (middle) was accompanied with the Governor of Aceh Zaini Abdullah (left) and Mayor of Sabang Zulkifli Adam (right) visited Indonesia Zero Kilometer in the geographic position in the point of 5,54,21,99 North Latitude and 95,12,59,02 East Longitude, Sabang, Aceh. foto. ANT


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Mendengar permintaan tersebut, Jokowi setuju jika Aceh memfokuskan penggunaan pelabu­han. Ia mengatakan akan mengkaji kembali ren­cana menjadikan Sabang sebagai pelabuhan peng­ hubung internasional, seperti kejayaan pela­ bu­ han tersebut pada 1970-an. Jokowi telah me­ minta berbagai data terkait rencana pela­ buhan internasional itu dari Wali Kota Sabang dan Badan Pengusahaan Kawasan Sabang atau BPKS. Keduanya diminta Jokowi mengidentifikasi kebutuhan dan permasalahan yang ada. “Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman sudah kita perin­ tah­ kan melakukan identifikasi kebutuhan Sabang. Identifikasi secepatnya, tahun 2015 ini akan dimulai, apa yang dibutuhkan akan dimulai,” ujar Presiden Jokowi.

In response to such request, Jokowi agreed that Aceh focuses on the use of the port. He said that he will review the plan to make Sabang as the international connection port, like the glory of this port in 1970s. Jokowi had requested various data related to this plan of international port from the Mayor of Sabang and Sabang Zone Undertaking Agency or BPKS. Both were requested by Jokowi to identify the need and the existing problems. “I have instructed the Coordinating Minister of Maritime to identify the need of Sabang. The identification will as soon as possible commence in this year of 2015 and start to identify what are needed,” said President Jokowi.

Para analis menilai, menghidupkan kawasan pe­la­­ buhan bebas, mendorong masuknya lebih banyak investasi multi­sektor. Penetapan Sabang se­bagai Kawasan Perda­gang­an Bebas (Free Trade Zone) dinilai akan memudahkan peme­rintah menarik investor. Dengan panjang dermaga mencapai 500

Analysts value that reviving the free port zone will encourage the entry of much more multi-sector investments. The determination of Sabang as the Free Trade Zone is valued a facilitating the govern­ment to attract investors. Sabang port is with its wharf length of 500 meters, width of 50

Kapal-kapal pesiar berdatangan ke Pulau Sabang, Aceh, untuk mengikuti Sabang Marine Festival 2015. Kegiatan yang dise­ leng­garakan oleh Badan Pengusahaan Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas dan Pelabuhan Bebas Sabang (BPKS) itu berlangsung pada 12-15 Desember 2015. / Cruise ships arrive to the Island of Sabang, Aceh, to take Sabang Marine Festival 2015. The activities organized by the Free-Trade Area Exploitation Board and Sabang Free Harbor (BPKS) lasted on 12-15 December 2015. foto. IST

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Presiden Jokowi bersama Gubernur Aceh Zaini Abdullah dan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Basuki Hadi Muljono meninjau Sabang. / The President Jokowi along with the Governor of Aceh Zaini Abdullah and the Minister of Public Works for Basuki Hadi Muljono reviewed Sabang. foto. IST

meter, lebar 50 meter dan kedalaman laut 30 meter, maka pelabuhan Sabang cukup me­menuhi syarat guna dikembangkan menjadi pela­buhan yang terintegrasi dengan provinsi dan negara lain. Pre­siden Jokowi juga optimis dengan masuknya peluang investasi, dapat mendorong Sabang dan Aceh lebih berkembang secara eko­nomi.

meters and sea depth of 30 meters sufficiently complying with the conditions to be developed into a port integrated with other provinces and countries. President Jokowi is also optimistic toward the entry of investment opportunities, which may drive Sabang and Aceh to more deve­ lop economically.

Beberapa warga pelaku usaha lokal mengatakan, kunjung­an Presiden Jokowi dan kesungguhannya memperha­tikan Sabang dinilai akan membuka lebih banyak peluang ekonomi baru berbasis komu­nitas.

Several local business actors said that the visit of President Jokowi and his seriousness to pay attention to Sabang is considered as opening much more community based new economic opportunities.

Pemerintah Aceh sebelumnya telah menyiapkan dokumen-dokumen terkait pengembangan ka­ wa­san Sabang dan menyampaikannya kepada presiden serta jajaran menteri terkait. Peme­ rintah Aceh juga tengah menjajaki keterlibatan badan donor internasional untuk masuk mena­ namkan investasinya di Sabang.

The Aceh Government had previously already prepared the documents related to the Sabang area development and submitted them to Pre­ sident Jokowi and the related ministers. The Aceh Government is also probing the engagement of international donor agencies to invest in Sabang.

Pemerintah Pusat menyatakan mereka cukup serius memperhatikan pembangunan kawasan pelabuhan Sabang, ditandai dengan berbagai program pusat yang telah mengucurkan angga­ ran mencapai Rp2,8 triliun terutama untuk pe­ ngem­ bangan dan peningkatan perekonomian Sabang.

The Central Government expressed that it is serious in paying attention to the Sabang Port area development, marked by various central level programs that have disbursed the budget reaching Rp. 2.8 trillion, particularly for the deve­ lopment and economic improvement of Sabang.


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Challenging The Boundaries Creating The Future

PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (Persero). Sampoerna Strategic Square Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45-46, Jakarta 12930.

BAPPEDA ACEH VISI Visi BAPPEDA dirumuskan dengan memperhatikan visi Kepala Daerah Aceh yang ditetapkan dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Aceh (RPJMA) Tahun 2012-2017 yaitu: “Aceh yang bermartabat, sejahtera, berkeadilan dan mandiri berlandaskan Undang-undang Pemerintah Aceh sebagai wujud MoU Helsinki”. Berdasarkan pada visi di atas, dan melihat kondisi Provinsi Aceh pasca konflik dan bencana tsunami dan gempa bumi dan dengan berpegang kepada tugas pokok dan fungsinya, maka Bappeda Provinsi Aceh menetapkan visi untuk periode tahun 2012 - 2017 yaitu: “Menjadikan Bappeda Aceh sebagai pusat perencanaan, pengendalian, monitoring dan evaluasi pembangunan yang berkualitas dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan Aceh yang proporsional, terintegrasi, inovatif dan berkelanjutan”. MISI Untuk merealisasikan visi yang telah ditetapkan, maka misi Bappeda Aceh kedepan yaitu dengan: 1. Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia menjadi lebih berkualitas dan profesional; 2. Peningkatan pengelolaan dan analisis data yang valid dan berkualitas serta dapat dipertanggung jawabkan sebagai dasar dalam perencanaan pembangunan; 3. Peningkatan koordinasi yang terintegrasi dalam perencanaan pembangunan; 4. Sistim perencanaan yang berbasis kajian secara komprehensif dan inovatif; 5. Peningkatan peran pengendalian, monitoring dan evaluasi pembangunan.


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Pelabuhan Bebas

Free Port

Sabang dulunya berstatus sebagai pelabuhan bebas. Seiring kejayaannya yang merosot, pada 1985, Pemerin­ tah RI mengeluarkan Undang-undang Nomor 10 untuk mencabut status tersebut. Alasan lain pemerintah kala itu, maraknya penyelundupan. Pemerintah lalu membuka Batam sebagai kawasan perdagangan bebas dan pelabu­ han bebas.

The status of Sabang was previously a free port. Along with its declining glory in 1985, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia issued Law Number 10 to withdraw such status. Another reason of the government at that time was the rampant smuggling activities. The Government then opened Batam as a free trade zone and free port.

Secara historis, Sabang sebelum 1985 dikenal sebagai salah satu “gerbang laut” Indonesia dengan pelabuhan alam­nya. Pada abad 19 dan awal abad 20, Teluk Sabang disinggahi kapal-kapal besar dari benua Eropa, Afrika, dan Asia. Pemerintah Belanda yang melihat potensi itu, men­ dirikan Kolen Station di Teluk Sabang pada 1881.

Sabang was historically, before 1985, known as one of the “sea gates” in Indonesia with its natural port. Sabang Bay was in the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century visited by large ships from the European Continent, Africa and Asia. The Dutch Government saw this potential and established Kolen Station at Sabang Bay in 1881.

Dua tahun kemudian, Belanda mendirikan Atjeh Associate oleh Factorij van de Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij (Factory of Netherlands Trading Society) dan De Lange & Co di Batavia (Jakarta) untuk mengoperasikan pelabuhan dan stasiun batubara di Sabang. Pelabuhan itu awalnya dimaksudkan sebagai stasiun batubara untuk Angkatan Laut Belanda, tetapi kemudian juga melayani kapal dagang umum.

Two years later the Dutch Government established Atjeh Associate by the Factorij van de Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij (Factory of the Netherlands Trading Society) and De Lange & Co in Batavia (Jakarta) in order to operate the port and coal station in Sabang. This port was initially intended as the coal station for the Dutch Navy but was afterwards also serving public trading ships.

Pada 1887, Firma Delange dibantu Sabang Haven mem­ peroleh kewenangan menambah, membangun fasilitas dan sarana penunjang pelabuhan. Perkembangan Pelabu­ han Sabang kemudian sangat penting dibandingkan dengan

Firma Delange, assisted by Sabang Haven, obtained in 1887 the authority to add and develop the port supporting means and facilities. The development of Sabang Port was then very important compared to Temasek, Singapore.

Pembangunan kawasan Pelabuhan Bebas, Sabang. / The construction of Free Harbor area, Sabang. foto. ANT/AMPELSA


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Temasek, Singapura. Era pelabuhan bebas di Sabang pun dimulai pada 1895, dikenal dengan istilah vrij haven dan dikelola Maatschaappij Zeehaven en Kolen Station yang selanjutnya dikenal dengan nama Sabang Maatschaappij.

The free port era of Sabang commenced in 1895, known with the term vrij haven and managed by Maatschappij Zeehaven and Kolen Station, which was further on known as Sabang Maatschappij.

Sabang menjadi pelabuhan bebas untuk perdagangan umum dan transit barang-barang, terutama hasil perta­ nian dari Deli yang telah menjadi daerah perkebunan tembakau sejak 1863 dan hasil perkebunan berupa lada, pinang, dan kopra dari Aceh. Sabang pun mulai dikenal oleh lalu lintas perdagangan dan pelayaran dunia.

Sabang became a free port for general trade and and transit of commodities, particularly agricultural products from Deli, which had become a tobacco plantation area since 1863, as well as plantation products in form of pepper, areca nut and copra from Aceh. Sabang became known by the trading traffic and world shipping.

Tahun 1903, CJ Karel Van Aalst, sebagai direktur NHM yang baru, mengatur layanan dwi-mingguan antara Pelabuhan Sabang dan negeri Belanda, melibatkan Stoomvaart Maat­ schappij Nederland (Netherlands Steamboat Company) dan Rotterdamsche Lloyd. Dia juga mengatur suntikan modal penting bagi Sabang Maatschappij dengan NHM sebagai pemegang saham mayoritas.

CJ Karel Van Aalst, as the director of the new NHM, orga­ nized in 1903 the biweekly service between Sabang Port and the Netherlands, involving Stoomvaart Maat­ schappij Nederland (Netherlands Steamboat Company) and Rotterdamsche Lloyd. He also organized the impor­ tant capital injection for Sabang Maatschappij with NHM holding the majority of shares.

Namun, Perang Dunia II ikut berimbas ke Sabang. Pada 1942 Sabang diduduki Jepang, kemudian dibom pesawat Sekutu dan mengalami kerusa­kan fisik hingga kemudian terpaksa ditutup.

However, World War II also impacted Sabang. Sabang was occupied by Japan in 1942, and was then bombed by the Allied planes and was physically damaged so that it was then forced to be closed.

Awal kemerdekaan Indonesia, Sabang menjadi pusat pertahanan Angkatan Laut Republik Indo­ nesia Serikat. Semua aset pelabuhan Sabang Maat­schaappij dibeli Pe­ me­rintah Indo­nesia. Ke­mu­dian pada 1965 setelah pe­ merintahan Kota­praja Sabang dibentuk, muncul gagasan

Sabang became the defense center of the Navy of the United Republic of Indonesia. All port assets of Sabang Maatschaappij were purchased by the Government of Indonesia. Then, in 1965, after the government of Sabang Municipality was formed, the idea emerged to reopen the

Kawasan Pelabuhan Bebas, Sabang. / Free Harbor Area, Sabang. foto. IST

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mem­buka kembali Pelabuhan Bebas dan Kawasan Per­ dagangan Bebas.

Free Port and Free Trade Zone.

Gagasan itu kemudian diperkuat dengan Undang-undang Nomor 3 Tahun 1970 tentang Perdaga­ngan Bebas Sabang dan Undang-undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1970 tentang dite­ tap­kannya Sabang sebagai Daerah Perdagangan Bebas dan Pelabu­han Bebas. Namun, karena pemerintah ber­asal membuka Pulau Batam se­bagai Kawasan Perda­gang­an Bebas dan Pelabuhan Bebas, Sabang di­matikan.

This idea was then strengthened with Law Num­ber 3 of 1970 concerning Sabang Free Tra­de and Law Number 4 of 1970 concerning Determination of Sabang as the Free Trade Zone and Free Port. However, Sabang was nonactivated since the Government had opened Batam Island as the Free Trade Zone and Free Port.

Pada 1998, Kota Sabang dan Kecamatan Pulo Aceh dija­ dikan sebagai Kawasan Pengembangan Ekonomi Terpadu atau KAPET yang diresmikan Presiden BJ Habibie. Kondisi Sabang tak juga membaik sebagai pelabuhan bebas.

Sabang City and Pulo Aceh District were in 1998 made as the Integrated Economic Development Zones (KAPET), which were inaugurated by President BJ Habibie. The condition of Sabang did not become better as a free port.

Era baru untuk Sabang terjadi ketika Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid menerbitkan Inpres No. 2 tahun 2000. Selanjutnya dikeluarkan Undang-undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2000 ten­ tang Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas dan Pelabuhan Bebas Sabang.

A new era for Sabang occurred when President Abdurrahman Wahid issued the Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2000. Further on, Law Number 37 of 2000 was issued con­ cerning Free Trade Zone and Free Port of Sabang.

Hingga 2002, aktivitas Pelabuhan Bebas dan Perdagangan Bebas Sabang mulai berdenyut dengan masuknya barangbarang dari luar negeri ke kawasan Sabang. Tetapi pada 2004 aktivitas tersebut terhenti karena Aceh ditetapkan sebagai Daerah Darurat Militer.

The activities of the Free Trade Zone and Free Port of Sabang started to become active until 2002 with the entry of overseas commodities into Sabang area. However, those activities were ceased in 2004 since Aceh was determined as a Military Emergency Area.

Secara geografis, sebenarnya posisi Sabang lebih stra­ tegis dibandingkan dengan Batam. Sabang terletak di pintu bagian barat Selat Malaka yang dilintasi 50 ribu hingga 60 ribu kapal saban tahun. Kondisi alam Pelabuhan Sabang juga lebih mendukung. Bagi kapal-kapal besar,

The position of Sabang is geographically actually more strategic compared to Batam. Sabang is located at the western part entrance of Malacca Strait, which is annually passed by 50 thousand to 60 thousan ships. The natural condition of Sabang Port is also more supporting. The

Nelayan menarik perahu seusai melaut di Sabang, Pulau Weh, Aceh. Selain wisata dan perdagangan Sabang juga menyimpan potensi kelautan dan perikanan yang besar. / Fishermen drew the vessel after going sea in Sabang, Weh Island, Aceh. Other than Tourism and Sabang Trade also maintain potential maritime and huge fishery. foto. IST


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syarat kedalaman laut menjadi mutlak untuk menjaga keselamatan dan laluan kapal.

sea depth condition is absolute for large ships in order to maintain the ship safety and crossing.

Tren ke depan, kapal-kapal yang lebih besar akan banyak diproduksi. Sekarang ini saja sudah lebih dari 7.000 kapal peti kemas beroperasi di seluruh dunia.

The future trend is that a lot of larger ships will be pro­ du­ced. More than 7,000 container ships are at present operating throughout the world.

Lebar dan kedalaman Selat Malaka sangat terbatas. Tsu­ nami 2004 menyebabkan pendangkalan di bebe­rapa titik di Selat Malaka. Akibatnya, kedalaman mak­si­mum yang selamat untuk laluan kapal di Selat Mala­ka adalah 19,5 meter. Artinya kapal peti kemas ber­ukuran 18.000 TEU tidak lagi dapat merentas Selat Malaka dan harus bongkar muat di pintu masuk selat.

The width and depth of Malacca Strait is very limited. The tsunami in 2004 caused several points in Malacca Strait became shallow. Consequently, the maximum safe depth for passing of ships in Malacca Strait was 19.5 meters, which means that container ships with the size of 18,000 TEU were no longer able to pass Malacca Strait and were required to load/unload at the entrance of the strait.

Situasi ini menguntungkan bagi Pelabuhan Sabang. Dengan kolam pelabuhan yang dalam secara alami, Pelabuhan Sabang bisa mengambil peran sebagai pelabuhan peng­ hubung. Pelabuhan Sabang bahkan berpotensi menjadi pintu keluar masuk barang ekspor Indonesia di bagian barat.

This situation is beneficial for Sabang Port. Sabang Port may play the role of connection port with its natural deep port pool. Sabang Port has even the potential to become the incoming and outgoing entrance for the export commodities from the western part of Indonesia.

Dari sini kita dapat melihat bahwa potensi Sabang untuk melayani wilayah Sumatera adalah sangat besar. Karena itu, berbagai kerja sama, khususnya dengan beberapa pelabuhan utama di kawasan Selat Malaka yang sudah lebih dahulu eksis, perlu dilakukan.

We can see from this fact that the potential of Sabang to serve the Sumatera region is very large. Therefore, various cooperation, particularly with several main ports in the Malacca Strait area need to be carried out.


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Kantor Taman Bintaro Jaya Gedung B Jalan Bintaro Raya Jakarta 12330 - Indonesia Faksimili: (021) 736 3959 Email:

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PT. KALLISTA ALAM Kompl. Tasbih II Blok V Ruko No. 11-14 Medan - Sumatera Utara


PT. GOTONG ROYONG JAYA Jl. Hindu No. 33, Medan Sumatera Utara 20111 Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Pemajuan Program Pendidikan Advancement of the Education Program

Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah meninjau Ujian Nasional berbasis komputer di Aceh. / Governor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah reviewed Computer Based National Examination in Aceh. foto. IST



Dengan dayah menyegarkan kembali pe­ mi­ki­ran intelektual Islam

- Refreshment of the Islam intellectual thou­ ght with dayah.


Pengarahan pendidikan pada ilmu praktis yang diperlukan masyarakat dengan me­ nguatkan pendirian sekolah serta aka­ demi kejuruan (SMK, Akademi Kebidanan, Akademi Kelautan dll)

- Directing the education toward practical science needed by the community by streng­ thening the establishment of vocational schools and academies (SMK, Midwife Aca­ demy, Maritime Academy and others).


Dukungan pada kesertaan anak didik di Aceh untuk mengikuti olimpiade sains, karya ilmiah dll baik yang diselenggarakan di dalam mau pun di luar negeri.

- Support for the participation of students in Aceh to follow the Science Olympic, scientific works that are organized domestic or over­ seas.

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Berbagai program pendidikan dan beasiswa di jalankan Pemerintah Aceh untuk melahirkan generasi penerus yang tidak hanya memiliki intelek­ tualitas yang tinggi tapi juga berahlak mulia. / Various education and scholarship programs were conducted by the Government of Aceh to produce generations who have no high intellectuality, but with noble morality. foto. IST

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Infrastruktur Infrastructure

Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah melakukan peninjauan langsung saat pengerjaan proyek Jembatan Lamnyong di Banda Aceh. / Governor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah reviewed directly upon the operation of project for Lamnyong Briidge in Banda Aceh. foto. IST


Di bidang infrastruktur, Pemerintah Acen sudah memasukkan poin perbaikan jalan dan jembatan di wilayah tengah dan barat-selatan dalam RPJM. Selama ini, kedua kawasan ini dianggap menjadi anak tiri. Dengan jembatan dan jalan, diharapkan tidak ada lagi isolasi antar kabupaten. Ujungujungnya juga untuk meningkatkan ekonomi Aceh yang lebih adil dan merata. - Waduk Keureutoe Paya Bakong, Aceh Utara (Swasembada pangan) - Jalan Lokop (Aceh Timur) – Pinding (Gayo Lues)

The Aceh Government has in the infrastructure sector already included in the RPLM road and bridge improvement in the central and south­ west areas. Those two areas were all this time considered as stepchildren. It is expected that with bridges and roads there will be no more inter regency isolation. This is ultimately also impro­ving a more fair and even economy of Aceh. - Keureutoe Paya Bakong Reservoir, North Aceh (food self support) - Lokop Road (East Aceh) – Pinding (Gayo Lues)

Selain itu, Pemerintah Aceh juga sudah menyiap­ kan strategi menjadikan Pelabuhan Malahayati di Aceh Besar sebagai pelabuhan peti kemas. Sementara di Aceh Utara, Pelabuhan Krueng Geukueh bakal dibangkitkan kembali. Yang sudah tampak wujudnya adalah pembukaan jalur pe­ layaran penumpang dari Pelabuhan Kuala Langsa menuju Penang, Malaysia.

In addition, the Aceh Government has also pre­ pared the strategy to make Malahayati Port in Aceh Besar as a container port, while Krueng Geu­keuh Port in North Aceh will be revived. What is already obvious is the opening of the passe­ nger shipping route from Kuala Langsa Port to Penang, Malaysia.

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Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah meresmikan Masjid Babutagwa Batoh, Aceh. / Governor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah inaugurated Masjid Babutagwa Batoh, Aceh. foto. IST

Gubernur di dampingi Wakil Bupati Aceh Timur, Syahrul Bin Syamaun saat peresmian jembatan Peureulak, Aceh Timur. / The Governor was accompanied with Deputy Regent of Aceh Timur, Syahrul Bin Syamaun when the inauguration of bridge of Peureulak, Aceh Timur. foto. IST

Gubernur meresmikan Rumah Sakit Swasta Nurul Hasanah, di Aceh Tenggara. / Governor inaugurated Nurl Hasanah Nurul Private Hospital, in Aceh Tenggara. foto. IST

Gubernur melakukan serah terima Mobil Pemadam Kebakaran Modern secara simbolis kepada Walikota Banda Aceh, Illiza Saaduddin Djamal. / Governor symbolically handed over Modern Fire Brigade Car to the Mayor of Banda Aceh, Illiza Saaduddin Djamal. foto. ANT

Sejumlah alat berat meratakan lereng pada pembangunan jalan baru menuju kecamatan Tangse, Kabupaten Pidie, Propinsi Aceh. / The number of heavy equipment leveled the slope to the construction of new road towards kecamatan Tangse, Pidie Regency, Aceh Province. foto. ANT

Pekerja melakukan perbaikan pelampung suar, rambu lalulintas perair­ an di dermaga pelabuhan Malahayati, Krueng Raya, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Aceh. / Workers renovated signal light buoy, waters traffic signs in the pier of Malahayati harbor, Krueng Raya, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh. foto. STR

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Transportasi Transportation

Presiden Jokowi di dampingi Gubernur Aceh dr. H. Zaini Abdullah, Menteri Perhubungan Ignasius Jonan meresmikan Bandar Udara Rembele, Kabupaten Bener Meriah, Aceh. / The President Jokowi was accompanied with the Governor of Aceh dr. H. Zaini Abdullah, the Minister of Transportation of Ignasius Jonan inaugurated Rembele Airport, Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh. foto. IST


Setelah Batik Air meramaikan dunia pener­ bangan di Aceh, kini Citilink Indonesia hadir me­ mulai rute penerbangan barunya ke Aceh. Pe­ nerbangan perdana Citilink dari Aceh – Medan – Jakarta berlangsung pada Maret 2016.

After Batik Air enlivens the airline world in Aceh, Citilink Indonesia is currently present to commence its new flight routes to Aceh. The first Citilink flight with the route Aceh – Medan – Jakarta took place in March 2016.

Gubernur Zaini berharap hadirnya Citilink dapat meningkatkan berdampak positif bagi dunia pe­ nerbangan di Aceh. Jika dulu Aceh hanya memiliki satu jenis penerbangan, kini transportasi udara yang melayani rute ke Aceh kian semarak. Penum­pang mempunyai banyak pilihan meng­ gunakan armada apa untuk melakukan perja­la­ nan ke Aceh, apalagi saat membludaknya jumlah penumpang ke Aceh di waktu-waktu tertentu.

Governor Zaini expects that the presence of Citilink may increase positive impacts for the airline world in Aceh. There was previously only one airline in Aceh but currently the air trans­ por­tation serving the route to Aceh is getting lively. Passengers have a lot of options in using which airline to travel to Aceh, moreover at cer­tain times when the total passengers are overflowing.

Kehadiran Citilink diharapkan juga dapat mening­­ katkan minat wisatawan dan pebisnis ke Aceh sehingga dapat meningkatkan nilai eko­ nomi dan investasi. Tentu penambahan jumlah pe­ nerbangan ke Aceh ini akan menjadi pertim­bang­ an sendiri bagi calon investor bahwa Aceh kini sudah memiliki sarana trans­por­tasi memadai.

The presence of Citilink is also expected to in­ crease the interest of tourists and businessmen to come to Aceh so that it may increase the economic value and investment. This increase of total flights to Aceh will certainly be a separate consideration of prospective investors that Aceh has currently sufficient transportation means.

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Bis Dua Tingkat

Two Storey Bus

Perjalanan dari Banda Aceh ke Medan kini bisa ditempuh dengan lebih nyaman meski pun menggunakan moda transportasi umum. Sebab sekarang telah tersedia bis bertingkat dua yang kebersihan serta kenyamanan kabin­ nya tidak kalah dari pesawat terbang.

The travel from Banda Aceh to Medan is currently able to be carried out more comfortable although using the public transportation means since two storey buses are at present available, where the cleanliness and comfort of their cabins are similar to those of aircrafts.

Melayani rute Banda Aceh-Medan dan Medan-Banda Aceh, bis-bis ini bermesin impor dari Eropa. Setiap bangku terpisah dari kursi lain, dengan model “niche” yang men­ jamin privasi. Tidak hanya diperlengkapi arm-rest dan headrest yang empuk, setiap kursi juga memiliki leg rest dengan panjang yang cukup, sehingga kaki penumpang tidak akan membengkak akibat perjalanan jauh dan terpaksa harus duduk berjam-jam lamanya.

The engines of these buses that serve the Banda AcehMedan route are imported from Europe. Each seat is separated from the other with the “niche” model that guarantees privacy. Each seat is not only equipped with a soft arm-rest and head-rest but also a leg-rest with sufficient length, so that the legs of the passenger will not swell due to the long distance travel and being forced to sit for hours.

Gubernur Zaini Abdullah saat peresmian penerbangan perdana Garuda Indonesia Banda Aceh- Jeddah di Bandara Sultan Iskandar­muda, Banda Aceh (3/5/2016). / Governor of Aceh, Zaini Abdullah along with Mayor of Banda Aceh, Illiza Sa’aduddin Djamal took a ride Bus Transkoetaraja in trial in Banda Aceh. foto. IST

Gubernur Aceh, Zaini Abdullah bersama Walikota Banda Aceh, Illiza Sa’aduddin Djamal menumpangi Bus Transkoetaraja dalam uji coba di Banda Aceh. / Governor of Aceh, Zaini Abdullah along with Mayor of Banda Aceh, Illiza Sa’aduddin Djamal took a ride Bus Transkoetaraja in trial in Banda Aceh. foto. IST

Presiden Joko Widodo meninjau pembangunan reaktivasi jalur kereta api Trans Sumatera Medan-Aceh. / The President Joko Widodo reviewed the reactivity of railway for Trans Sumatra Medan-Aceh. foto. IST

Gubernur Zaini Abdullah saat peresmian penerbangan perdana Garuda Indonesia rute Maimun Saleh (Sabang) - Kuala Namu (Medan), dan se­ ba­lik­nya. / Governor of Zaini Abdullah when the inauguration of first aviation for Garuda Indonesia in the route of Maimun Saleh (Sabang) – Kuala Namu (Medan), and return. foto. IST

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Dinas Perkebunan Provinsi Aceh


PT. Bakrie Pipe Industries is a pioneer of steel pipe manufacturing with established network in line with Indonesia's development. Supported by approximately 600 employees, mostly spearheading the technical department across the processing plant and in the field. Experienced in production process for more then half a decaded with a systematic delivery process from the start of production process with high efficiency and accuracy.


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

”Semua Masalah Pasti Bisa Selesai di Warung Kopi” ”All Problems Can Be Solved at the Coffee Shop”

Aroma kopi Aceh sudah sejak lama terkenal di Indonesia, mungkin pula di dunia. Aceh adalah salah satu penghasil kopi terbesar di negeri kepulauan ini. Tanah Aceh meng­hasilkan sekitar 40 % biji kopi jenis Arabica tingkat pre­mium dari total panen kopi di Indonesia. Dan Indonesia me­ ru­pa­kan pengekspor biji kopi terbesar keem­pat di dunia. Memang kedahsyatan kopi Aceh ini sudah melegenda bahkan pasca tsunami, kopi Aceh semakin mendunia ber­kat banyaknya pe­ nik­mat kopi dari para pekerja inter­na­sio­nal yang datang untuk merekonstruksi Aceh. Menikmati kopi Aceh bukan hanya menikmati rasanya, te­ tapi juga tradisi budaya. Di Aceh, kedai kopi me­­­ rupakan tempat berkumpul, bertemu dan mem­

The aroma of Aceh coffee is known since long in Indonesia and probably also in the world. Aceh is one of the largest coffee producers in this archi­pelagic country. The land of Aceh produces around 40 % premium level Arabica coffee beans of the total coffee harvest in Indonesia and Indo­ nesia is the fourth largest coffee beans exporter in the world. The grandeur of this Aceh coffee is legendary and in fact after the tsunami the Aceh coffee is more known in the world since many coffee enjoyers who are international workers came to Aceh for the reconstruction of Aceh. Enjo­ying Aceh coffee is not only enjoying its taste but it is also a cultural tradition. The coffee shop in Aceh is a place to gather, meet and

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bicarakan segala topik. Bagi orang Aceh mengunjungi kedai kopi merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari akti­fitas sehari-hari. Sambil menikmati kopi, mereka bersosialisasi dan men­jalin silaturahmi. ”Semua masalah pasti bisa se­ le­sai di warung kopi”, begitu kata orang aceh.

discuss all kinds of topics. Visiting the coffee shop is for the Aceh people an inseparable part of the daily activities. They socialize and establish relationship while enjoying coffee. ”All problems can certainly be solved at the coffee shop”, said the Aceh people.

Walikota Banda Aceh Illiza Sa’aduddin Djamal memperagakan cara meramu kopi saring seusai membuka festival kopi Aceh di Banda Aceh. / Mayor of Banda Aceh Illiza Sa’aduddin Djamal displayed the way of serving sifting coffee after opening the festival of Aceh coffee in Banda Aceh. foto.ANT


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Aceh Berduka, Dua Ulama Kharismatik Aceh Meninggal Pada Hari yang Sama Aceh Mourns, Two Charismatic Ulames Passed Away on the Same Day

Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah bersama Kepala SKPA dilingkup Pemerintah Aceh dan Kapolda, Irjen (Pol) Huseim Hamidi melayat kerumah Almarhum Tgk.H.Muchtar Lutfi atau (Abon Seulimum), pimpi­ nan Dayah Ruhul Fata, Seulimuem - Aceh Besar. / Governor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah along with Head of SKPA within the Government of Aceh and Kapolda, Irjen (Pol) Huseim Hamidi visited the house of the Late Tgk. H. Muchtar Lutfi or (Abon Seulimum), leader of Dayah Ruhul Fata, Seulimuem – Aceh Besar. foto. HUMAS ACEH

Jenazah almarhum Tgk.H.Muchtar Lutfi atau (Abon seulimum) pimpi­nan Dayah Ruhul Fata saat hendak disemayamkan dirumah duka, Seuli­ muem, Aceh Besar, Kamis 21 Juli 2016. Humas Aceh/Mardha Kurnia. / The body of the late Tgk H. Muchtar Lutfi or (Abon seulimum) the leader of Dayah Ruhul Fata when the same would be buried in the house of mourning, Seulimuem, Aceh Besar, Thursday, July 21, 2016. Public Relations of Aceh/ Mardha Kurnia. foto. HUMAS ACEH

Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihi Rajiun. Kabar duka me­nyelimuti seluruh masyarakat Aceh. Dua Ulama Kharismatik dan berpengaruh di Aceh, Tgk. H. Mukhtar Lutfi atau lebih dikenal Abon Seuli­ mum dan Abuya Jamaluddin Waly meninggal du­nia, pada hari Kamis 21 Juli 2016.

Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihi Rajiun. MoUrning news covered the entire people of Aceh. Two cha­­ris­­matic and leading ulames in Aceh, Tgk. H. Mukhtar Lutfi or called Abon Seulimum and Abu­ya Jamaluddin Waly passed away, on Thursday, 2016.

Abon Seulimum yang merupakan Pemimpin Dayah Ruhul Fata Seulimum, Aceh Besar, me­ ning­ gal sekitar pukul 07.30 pagi di Rumah Sakit Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh.

Abon Seulimum being the Leader of Dayah Ruhul Fata Seulimum, Aceh Besar, passed away about at 07.30 a.m. in the Hospital of Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh.

Sementara Abuya Jamaluddin Waly, Pemimpin Dayah Darussalam Labuhan Haji, Aceh Selatan mengem­buskan napas terakhirnya di RSUD Teuku Pekan Blang Pidie, Aceh

Meanwhile, Abuya Jamaluddin Waly, the Leader of Dayah Darussalam Labuhan Haji, Aceh Selatan gasped at RSUD Teuku Pekan Blang Pidie, Aceh Barat Daya, about 23.00 in

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Kita sangat kehilangan, di hari yang sama dua Ulama Kharismatik Aceh telah dipanggil oleh Allah, SWT, Atas nama pribadi dan Pemerintah Aceh, saya menyampaikan belasungkawa dan duka cita yang mendalam. I absolutely lost, on the same day, two Charismatic Ulames of Aceh passed away and on my own behalf and Aceh Government, I delivered profound condolences and Mourned. Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah

Barat Daya, sekitar 23.00 malam. Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah, melalui kepala Biro Humas Setda Aceh, Frans Dellian menyampaikan bela­ sung­kawa yang sebesar – besarnya atas berpu­lang­nya kedua Ulama besar Aceh itu. Zaini Abdullah mengatakan, kontribusi ulama terhadap syiar agama Islam dan pembangunan Aceh sangat besar. Meninggalnya dua ulama meninggalkan duka yang men­ dalam bagi seluruh masyarakat Aceh.

Gubernur Takziah ke Rumah Abon Seulimum Gubernur atas nama pimpinan Pemerintah Aceh bersama seluruh masyarakat berbelasungkawa atas meninggalnya Abon Seulimum. Zaini Abdullah berharap keluarga yang ditinggalkan tetap tabah menghadapi cobaan tersebut. Gubernur bersama beberapa Kepala SKPA dan Kapolda Aceh mengunjungi kediaman Abon Seulimum di Dayah Ruhul Fata pada pukul 11.00 pagi. Hingga tengah hari, se­ puluh ribuan lebih masyarakat yang sebagian besar adalah santri dan alumni Dayah Ruhul Fata terus berdatangan dari seluruh Aceh. Para jamaah terlihat mengantarkan almar­ hum ke tempat peristirahatan terakhirnya di komplek Dayah Ruhul Fata. Almarhum merupakan salah seorang ulama kharismatik Aceh yang juga Pimpinan Dayah Ruhul Fata, Seulimum, Aceh Besar. Ayah beliau Teungku H. Hanafiah bin Abbas bin Sayed Al Hamdrami (Abu Seulimum), adalah pendiri Dayah Ruhul Fata Seulimum, Aceh Besar.


the evening. Governor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah, through Bureau head of Public Relation for Regional Secretary of Aceh, Frans Dellian expressed his greatest condolences for the returning of the two big Ulames Aceh. Zaini Abdullah told, contribution of ulame towards the spread of Islamic religion and Aceh development is large. By the demise of two Ulame left the profound grief for all Aceh people.

Governor of Takziah (Sympathy) to the House of Abon Seulimum Governor on behalf of the leader of Aceh Government along with all people Mourned for the demise of Abon Seulimum. Zaini Abdullah expected the left family must remain being patient to encounter the ordeal. Governor along with some Heads of SKPA and Kapolda Aceh visited the residence of Abon Seulimum in Dayah Ruhul Fata at 11.00 a.m.. Up to the evening, more ten thousands of the people, most of them are pesantren students and alumni of Dayah Ruhul Fata keep visiting from the entire Aceh. The mass seem bring the late to the last rest area in kompleks Dayah Ruhul Fata. The late is one of the charismatic ulames of Aceh and the Public Figure of Dayah Ruhul Fata, Seulimum, Aceh Besar. His father Teungku H. Hanafiah bin Abbas bin Sayed Al Hamdrami (Abu Seulimum), is the founder of Dayah Ruhul Fata Seulimum, Aceh Besar.

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Gubernur Melayat ke Rumah Duka Abuya Jamaluddin Waly

Gubernur visited to the MoUrning House of Abuya Jamaluddin Waly

Setelah Tgk. H. Mukhtar Lutfi atau lebih dikenal Abon Seuli­­mum meninggal Dunia, Kamis (21/7) pagi, Abuya Jamaluddin Waly juga Dipanggil oleh Allah SWT pa­da hari yang sama, (22/7) malam.

After Tgk. H. Mukhtar Lutfi or known as Abon Seulimum passed away, Thursday (21/7) a.m., Abuya Jamaluddin Waly also passed away on the same day. (22/7) p.m.

Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah langsung melayat kerumah duka kedua ulama kharismatik Aceh itu. Pada kamis pagi, Gubernur bersama rombongan melayat keru­ mah duka Abon Seulimum di Komplek Dayah Ruhul Fata.

Governor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah directly visited to the house of MoUrning for the two charismatic ulames. In the Thursday morning, Governor along with a group visited to the house of MoUrning of Abon Seulimum in Komplek Dayah Ruhul Fata.

Hari berikutnya, Jumat (22/7/2016) sekitar pukul 12.00 Wib, Gubernur bersama rombongan menuju ke Labuhan Haji untuk melayat ke rumah duka Abuya Jamaluddin Waly di Komplek Dayah Darussalam Labuhan Haji.

In the following day, Friday (22/7/2016) about at 12.00 Wib, Governor along with a group to Labuhan Haji to visit to the house of MoUrning of Abuya Jamaluddin Waly in Komplek Dayah Darussalam Labuhan Haji.

Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah, menyampaikan bela­ sungkawa yang sebesar – besarnya atas berpulangnya Ulama besar Aceh Abuya Jamaluddin Waly.

Governor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah, delivered the largest condolences for the return of the familiar Ulames of Aceh Abuya Jamaluddin Waly.

Setibanya di Dayah Darussalam, Gubernur lansung menuju ke makam dimana Abuya Jamaluddin waly dikebumikan. Selama lebih kurang dua puluh menit Gubernur ber­sa­ma rombongan memanjatkan doa di Makam Abuya Jama­lu­ ddin yang berada di Komplek Dayah. (Humas-Aceh)

Arriving in Dayah Darussalam, Governor is directly towards the tomb where Abuya Jamaluddin waly was buried. About twenty minutes, Governor along with the group supplicated prayer in the Tomb of Abuya Jamaluddin in Komplek Dayah. (Humas-Aceh)

Gubernur bersama rombongan tiba di komplek Dayah Darussalam Labuhan Haji sekitar pukul 21.00 wib. Tiba di Dayah itu, Gubernur disambut oleh keluarga Abuya Dja­ma­luddin Waly dan Masyarakat. Dalam perjalanan me­nuju Dayah Darussalam, Gubernur juga sempat bertemu dengan Ustad Arifin Ilham, menantu Abuya Jamaluddin Waly. / Governor along with the group arrived in komplek Dayah Darussalam Labuhan Haji about at 21.00 wib. Arrived in Dayah, Governor was welcome by the family of Abuya Djamaluddin Waly and People. Travelling to Dayah Darussalam, Governor met with Ust. Arifin Ilham, son-in-law of Abuya Jamaluddin Guardian. foto. HUMAS ACEH

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Zaini Abdullah Tinjau Kebakaran Dayah Darussalam Labuhan Haji Zaini Abdullah Visited the Location of Fire Dayah Darussalam Labuhan Haji

Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah bersama rombogan meninjau lansung lokasi kebakaran di Dayah Darussalam, Labuhan Haji, Kabupaten Aceh Selatan, Sabtu (24/06/2016). / Governor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah along with the group to directly visit the location of fire in Dayah Darussalam, Labuhan Haji, Aceh Selatan Regency, Saturday (24/06/2016). foto. HUMAS ACEH


Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah bersama rombogan meninjau lansung lokasi kebakaran di Dayah Darussalam, Labuhan Haji, Kabupaten Aceh Selatan, Sabtu (24/06/2016).

Governor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah along with the group directly visited the location of fire in Dayah Darussalam, Labuhan Haji, Aceh Selatan Regency, Thursday (24/06/2016).

Gubernur Zaini Abdullah berangkat dari Banda Aceh menggunakan pesawat dan mendarat di Abdya. Kemudian langsung menuju ke lokasi ke­ bakaran. Turut mendampingi Guber­nur, anggota Forum Koordinasi Pimpinan Daerah (Forkopimda) Aceh Selatan dan sejumlah Kepala Satuan Kerja Perangkat Aceh (SKPA).

Governor of Zaini Abdullah departed from Banda Aceh by airplane and landed in Abdya. Then it directly goes forward to the location. Those who participated in this activity are the Gover­ nor, members of Regional Management Coordi­ na­tion Forum (Forkopimda) Aceh Selatan and any the number of Working Unit Head of Aceh Instrument (SKPA).

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Dalam kunjungan tersebut, Zaini Abdullah turut menyerahkan sejumlah bantuan untuk Dayah tersebut.

In his visit, Zaini Abdullah participated in delive­ ring a number of assistance for the said Dayah.

Pimpinan Ponpes Darussalam, Abi Hidayat M Waly menjelaskan, 150 rangkang itu terbakar dalam kondisi kosong, karena santri yang biasa menghuninya sedang pulang kampong saat libur Ramadhan.

The leader of Ponpes Darussalam, Abi Hidayat M Waly explained, 150 frames were burnt in a vacant condition, since the pesantren students who commonly reside the same are returning to the village while on Ramadhan holiday.

Kebakaran di Dayah Darussalam Labuhan Haji ter­jadi sekitar pukul 22.30 WIB pada hari Kamis (23/6) malam. Tim Pemadam Kebakaran (Damkar) dari Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) Aceh Selatan dibantu Tim Dam­ kar dari Aceh Barat Daya (Abdya) yang bahumembahu bersama masyarakat dan personel TNI/Polri membantu memadamkan kobaran api. (Humas-Aceh)

The fire in Dayah Darussalam Labuhan Haji occurred about at 22.30 WIB, on Thursday (23/6) in the evening. Fire Brigade Team (Damkar) from the Local Disaster Control Board (BPBD) Aceh Selatan with the aid of Damkar Team from Aceh Barat Daya (Abdya) that are hand-in-hand with the people and personnel of TNI/Polri to help extinguish the flow of fire. (Humas-Aceh)

Dalam kunjungan tersebut, Gubernur Zaini Abdullah turut menyerahkan sejumlah bantuan untuk Dayah. / In the said visit, Governor of Zaini Abdullah participated in giving some aids for Dayah. foto. HUMAS ACEH

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Aceh Punya Potensi Kembangkan Pariwisata dan Budaya Aceh has Potential to Develop Tourism and Culture


Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah, menye­ but­kan daerah Aceh punya potensi yang sangat besar dalam hal kebudayaan dan pariwisata. Kedua hal tersebut, kata gubernur, merupakan bagian dari aspek pembangunan yang akan dipacu oleh pemerintah, di samping pembangunan infra­struk­tur, industri, pendidikan, pertanian dan ke­­se­hatan.

Governor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah, listed Aceh has big potential in the event of culture and tourism. The said two items, said the governor, is a part of the development aspect to be triggered by the government, besides the construction of infrastructure, industry, education, agriculture and health.

“Sektor kebudayaan dan pariwisata tidak boleh kita abaikan. Aceh punya potensi yang luar biasa dalam bidang ini,” ujar gubernur saat pembukaan Pagelaran Seni dan Budaya -Festival Pulau Banyak, Minggu (24/07/2016).

“We may not ignore culture and tourism sectors. Aceh has an extraordinary potential in this sec­tor,” exclaimed governor upon the open­ing of the Art and Culture Staging -- Pulau Banyak Festival, Sunday (24/07/2016).

Aceh Singkil termasuk salah satu daerah yang punya potensi untuk pengembangan pariwi­sa­ta dan pelestarian kebudayaan. Terbukti ma­­sya­­ra­ kat Aceh Singkil masih banyak yang mem­per­ ta­hankan sejumlah tradisi lokal. Semua budaya

Aceh Singkil including one of the area having potential to develop tourism and culture preser­ vation. It is proved that most people of Aceh Singkil still maintain a number of local traditions.

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itu harus kita lestarikan agar tidak lekang ditelan arus globalisasi.

We must conserve all culture that the same is lost by the flow of globalization.

Salah satu upaya untuk melestarikan kebudaya­an adalah melalui pagelaran budaya yang diseleng­ga­ra­kan secara berkelanjutan. Itu sebabnya, kata gubernur, dirinya selalu menekankan ke­pa­da seluruh Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota agar men­fa­silitasi kegiatan kebudayaan guna memberi ruang kepada pegiat seni dan anak-anak muda untuk menunjukkan kepeduliannya di bidang seni tradisional.

One of the efforts to conserve the culture is through the culture display organized susta­ inab­ ly. Therefore, said governor, himself always stressed to all Municipal Government to facilitate the activity of culture to give room to the arts and youths to show his/her care in the sector of traditional arts.

Dalam hal pariwisata, gugusan Pulau Banyak di Aceh Singkil bisa dibilang sebagai salah satu lokasi andalan wisata Aceh yang mengalami kemajuan pesat. Media internasional bahkan me­nyebut kawasan Pulau Banyak sebagai surga tersembunyi di ujung selatan Aceh.

In the event of tourism, forces of Pulau Banyak in Aceh Singkil can be said as one of the mainstay location for the tourism of Aceh with rapid progress. International Media even mentioned the area of Pulau Banyak as the hidden paradise in the southern end of Aceh.

Karenanya, gubernur mengajak seluruh masya­ra­kat Pulau Banyak agar mempersiapkan diri da­ lam menyambut dengan baik setiap tamu yang datang ke daerah Pulau Banyak.

Therefore, governor visited all people of Pulau Banyak to prepare to warmly welcome every guest who comes to the area of Pulau Banyak.

Safriadi SH, Bupati Aceh Singkil, menyebutkan bahwa sektor pariwisata memang menjadi ung­ gu­ lan di Aceh Singkil. Bupati menyampaikan, da­lam tahun ini saja ribuan wisatawan yang ber­kunjung ke Pulau Banyak.

Safriadi SH, the Regent of Aceh Singkil, menti­oned that tourism sector becomes mainstay in Aceh Singkil. The Regent submitted, in this year a thousand of tourists who visited Pulau Banyak.

Bupati Safriadi meminta agar Pemerintah Pro­vinsi Aceh agar membantu Pemerintah Kabu­paten agar membangun sarana dan prasarana penunjang untuk kemajuan Pulau Banyak. “Kami butuh transport (kapal cepat), dan pembangunan infrastruktur seperti di Sabang,” ujar Bupati Safriadi.

The Regent of Safriadi requested that Govern­ment of Aceh Province to help Municipal Govern­ ment to help supporting facility and infrastruc­ ture for the progress of Pulau Banyak. “We need transport (rapid boat), and construction of infrastructure like in Sabang,” said the Regent of Safriadi.

Gubernur Zaini Resmikan Jembatan Gantung Syeich Abdur Rauf As-Singkill

Governor of Zaini inaugurated Suspension Gate of Syeich Abdur Rauf As-Singkili

Selain membuka Festival Pulau Banyak, Guber­nur Zaini juga meresmikan jembatan gan­tung Syeich Abdur Rauf As-Singkili yang menghu­bungkan Pulau Balai dan Teluk Nibung. Jembatan sepanjang 160 meter dengan lebar 3 meter dan dapat dilalui oleh kendaraan seberat 2 ton.

Besides opening Pulau Banyak Festival, Governor of Zaini also inaugurated suspension bridge of Syeich Abdur Rauf As-Singkili connecting Pulau Balai and Teluk Nibung. The bridge alongside 160 meter with the width of 3 meter and can be through by the vehicle of 2 ton.

Keberadaan jembatan tersebut sangat penting untuk menunjang kemajuan kedua pulau ini baik mendukung perkembangan ekonomi dan budaya, juga penting dalam membangun kehi­du­pan sosial.

The existence of the bridge is very important in support of progress for the two islands to de­velop economy and culture, also build social life.

Bupati Safriadi menyebutkan pada awalnya, pe­merintah kabupaten bersama masyarakat akan menamai jembatan tersebut dengan nama Jembatan Balaibung. Artinya Jembatan Pulau Balai dan Teluk Nibung. Namun gubernur menya­rankan agar penamaan jembatan terse­but harus

The Regent of Safriadi told in the beginning, the govern­ ment of regency along with the people will name the bridge with the name of Balaibung Bridge. It means that the Pulau Balai and Teluk Nibung Bridges. However, the governor recommended that the naming of the bridge

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punya filosofi yang kuat. Karenanya kemudian dipilihlah nama ulama besar yang berasal dari Aceh Singkil yaitu Syeich Abdur Rauf As-Singkili.

must have the firm philosophy. Therefore, the name of familiar ulames who come from Aceh Singkil namely Syeich Abdur Rauf As-Singkili.

Jembatan ini akan menjadi ikon baru dari Kabu­paten Aceh Singkil. “Jika berkunjung ke Aceh Singkil tidak sah jika tidak berkunjung ke Pulau Banyak dan Jembatan Syeich Abdur Rauf As-Singkili.” Kata Bupati Aceh Singkil Safriadi

This bridge will become the new icon from Aceh Singkil Regency. “If you visit to Aceh Singkil, it is invalid if you do not visit to Pulau Banyak and the Bridge of Syeich Abdur Rauf As-Singkili.” Said the Regent of Aceh Singkil Safriadi

Kepada gubernur, Bupati Safriadi meminta agar mem­ ban­ tu penyelesaian jembatan penghubung Kilangan - Kuala Baro - Trumon Aceh Selatan. Hal tersebut, katanya, seba­gai penunjang pereko­ nomian masyarakat sekaligus mengel­ uarkan Aceh Singkil dari daerah terisolir dan tertinggal.

To the governor, the Regent of Safriadi requested to help the completion of connecting bridge for Kilangan - Kuala Baro - Trumon Aceh Selatan. This matter, he said, as supporting community economy and prevent Aceh Singkil from the isolated and neglected area.

Terkait penamaan tersebut, gubernur menyebut­ kan, Aceh punya sejarah panjang dan punya tokoh-tokoh hebat. Dengan demikian, namanama para tokoh baik ulama mau pun pahlawan akan senantiasa diberikan saat membangun ber­bagai ikon di Aceh. Hal itu sebagai bentuk pe­ nge­tahuan bagi generasi muda di Aceh. (HumasAceh)

In respect of the plantation, Aceh has the long history and great public figures. Therefore, the names of the public figures either ulames or heroes will be given while building various icons in Aceh. It is intended for the knowledge for the young generation in Aceh. (Humas-Aceh)

Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah menandatangani prasasti peresmian jembatan yang menghubungkan Pulau Balai dan Teluk Nibung, Kabupaten Aceh Singkil, Minggu 24 Juli 2016. / Governor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah signed the plague of the inauguration of the bridge connecting Pulau Balai and Teluk Nibung, Aceh Singkil Regency, Sunday, July 24, 2016. foto. HUMAS ACEH


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Kunjungi Haloban, Gubernur Diboncengi Sepeda Motor Visit of Haloban, Governor was Accompanied by Motorcycle

Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah dibonceng dengan sepeda motor saat melakukan kunjungan di Desa Haloban, Kecamatan Pulau Banyak Barat, Aceh Singkil. / Governor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah was accompanied with the motorcycle upon visiting in Desa Haloban, Kecamatan Pulau Banyak Barat, Aceh Singkil. foto. HUMAS ACEH

Ada pemandangan menarik saat Gubenur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah mengunjungi Masyarakat Desa Haloban Kecamatan Pulau Banyak Barat, pada Senin, 25 Juli 2016. Gubernur yang datang bersama beberapa kepala SKPA dan Bupati Aceh Singkil Safriadi, dijemput masyarakat di dermaga dengan sepeda motor.

There has been any interesting view when Gover­ nor of Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah visited Village Community of Haloban Village, Kecamatan Pulau Banyak Barat, on Monday, July 25, 2016. Governor who comes together some heads of SKPA and the Regent of Aceh Singkil Safriadi, fetched by the community in the pier by motorcycle.

Sambil tertawa, gubernur langsung naik saat motor yang dibawa oleh Camat Pulau Banyak Barat melaju ke Meunasah Desa Haloban. Seratusan lebih masyarakat yang telah menanti kehadiran orang nomor satu di Aceh itu bertepuk tangan melihat gubernur mereka datang dengan sepeda motor. Sebelumnya, layaknya kehadiran kepala pemerintahan ke sebuah wilayah, guber­ nur oleh masyarakat juga disambut dengan prosesi adat: dikalungkan bunga oleh putra-putri setempat.

While laughing, the governor directly went on when the motor brought by Head of Subdistrict (Camat) Pulau Banyak Barat to Meunasah Desa Haloban. Hundreds of people more who wait for the presence of people number one in Aceh, clapped hand by looking at their governor to come by motorcycle. In advance, the proper presence of head of government to any territory, governor by the people and welcome by the traditional profession: provided with flowers by the local boys-girls.

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“Saya sangat ingin bisa akrab dengan cara naik sepeda motor dengan masyarakat, tapi kawan-kawan tidak izin­kan,” ujar gubernur disambut tepuk tangan masya­ rakat. Dalam silaturrahmi itu, gubernur lantas mengajak masyarakat untuk terlibat aktif dalam pembangunan di Aceh.

“I want to be accustomed to riding motorcycle with the community, but the friends are not allowed,” said governor was welcome by people’s acclamation. In silaturrahmi, the governor invited the people to be actively involved in the development in i Aceh.

Dalam sambutannya, Gubernur Zaini memberi apresiasi kepada Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Singkil yang telah membangun akses hingga ke Pulau Banyak dan Pulau Banyak Barat. “Pembangunan di sini sudah berjalan dengan baik,” ujar gubernur. Gubernur Zaini memuji jalan-jalan desa yang dibangun dengan menggunakan pavingblock. Untuk seterusnya, pemerintah, katanya akan terus menggenjot pembangunan di berbagai daerah kepulauan seperti halnya di Pulau Banyak.

In his address, Governor of Zaini gave appreciation to the Government of Aceh Singkil Government who constructed access to the Pulau Banyak and Pulau Banyak Barat. “Development has well operated here,” said gubernur. Governor of Zaini praised village roads constructed using pavingblock. Thereafter, government, he said, it will keep on conducting the construction in various island areas in Pulau Banyak.

Kepada masyarakat, gubernur menyebutkan, dirinya akan meminta kepada SKPA terkait untuk mengkaji semua permintaan masyarakat sehingga pembangunan nantinya akan dilakukan berdasarkan skala prioritas. Sebelumnya, masyarakat meminta agar pemerintah membantu pem­ ba­ngunan pelabuhan di Haloban, pembangunan rumah se­ kolah, pembangunan masjid serta pembukaan lahan sawah.

To the people, the governor mentioned, he himself will request to SKPA related to reviewing all people’s request so that the construction will be conducted based on the scale of priority. In advance, the people requested to help the development of harbor in Haloban, the construction of house, school, mosque as well as field land clearing.

Minggu (24/07/2016), gubernur bersama beberapa kepala SKPA meresmikan jembatan Syeich Abdur Rauf As-Singkili, jembatan yang menghubungkan antara Pulau Balai dengan Teluk Nibung di Kecamatan Pulau Banyak. Selain meresmikan jembatan, dalam kunjungan kerjanya ke Aceh Singkil, gubernur ikut membuka Festival Pulau Banyak, di Desa Pulau Balai, Pulau Banyak. (Humas – Aceh)

Sunday (24/07/2016), the governor along with some heads of SKPA inaugurated the bridge of Syeich Abdur Rauf As-Singkili, the bridge connecting between Pulau Balai and Teluk Nibung in Kecamatan Pulau Banyak. Other than authorizing the bridge, in his working visit to Aceh Singkil, governor participated in opening Festival Pulau Banyak, in Desa Pulau Balai (Pulau Balai Village), Pulau Banyak. (Humas – Aceh)

Gubernur Zaini Disambut siswa dan masyarakat saat berkunjung ke pulau banyak - Aceh Singkil / Governor of Zaini was welcome by students and people upon visiting to pulau banyak – Aceh Singkil. foto. HUMAS ACEH


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Pemerintah Aceh Raih WTP Government of Aceh Got WTP

Auditor Keuangan Negara V BPK-RI, dr Bambang Pamungkas AK MBA menyerahkan opini WTP atas hasil pemeriksaan Laporan Keuangan Pemprov Aceh Tahun 2015 kepada Gubernur Zaini Abdullah didampingi Ketua DPRA, Tgk Muharuddin dalam rapat paripurna di gedung utama DPRA. / State Financial Auditor V BPK-RI, dr Bambang Pamungkas AK MBA gave opinion for WTP for the audit report of the Financial Statement of Pemprov Aceh in 2015 to the Governor of Zaini Abdullah accompanied with the Head of DPRA, Tgk Muharuddin in the plenary meeting in the main building of DPRA. foto. HUMAS ACEH

Setelah bertahun-tahun mendapat opini Wajar Dengan Pengecualian (WDP), pada tahun 2016 ini Pemerintah Provinsi Aceh akhirnya meraih predikat opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP). Opini tersebut disampaikan oleh Auditor Keuangan Negara V BPK RI, dr. Bambang Pamu­ ng­ kas AK, MBA dalam Rapat Paripurna Pe­ nye­rahan Laporan Hasil Pemerikaan Atas La­ poran Keuangan Pemerintah Aceh Tahun 2015 Oleh BPK RI, di Gedung Utama DPR Aceh, Rabu (27/07).

After obtaining in years the Qualified opinion, in 2016, the Government of Aceh Province reached the predicate of Disqualified Opinion (WTP). The said opinion was submitted by State Financial Auditor V BPK RI, dr. Bambang Pamungkas AK, MBA in the Plenary Meeting of Submitting Report on Audit Report Submission for the Financial Statement of Government of Aceh of 2015 by BPK RI, in Main Building of DPR Aceh, Wednesday (27/07).

“BPK menyimpulkan Laporan Hasil Pemerik­ saan Atas Laporan Keuangan Pemeintah Aceh tahun 2015 dengan predikat Wajar Tanpa Pe­ nge­cualian,” ujar Bambang.

“BPK concluded that Audit Report on the Financial Statement of Aceh Government of 2015 with the predicate of Disqualified Opi­ nion” said Bambang.

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Dalam pelaksanaan audit, tim pemeriksa telah melakukan koreksi-koreksi pada Laporan Keua­ng­an Pemerintah Aceh. Dan di tindak lanjuti sesuai dengan mekanisme penyu­ su­ nan laporan keuangan. Tujuannya untuk meme­ nuhi standar kualitas penyajian Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Aceh pada tingkatan hasil yang terbaik berdasarkan peni­ lai­an BPK.

In the operation of audit, auditor team has made co­ rrections to the Financial Statement of Go­ vern­ ment Financial Statement of Aceh. And it is followed up in accordance with the mechanism preparing financial statement. Its aims to meet presentation quality standard of Financial Statement of Aceh Government in the best possible result level based on the assessment of BPK.

Gubernur atas nama kepala Pemerintah Aceh mengucap­ kan terimakasih dan memberikan apresiasi kepada selu­ ruh SKPA yang telah bekerja keras menyusun laporan keuangan di masing-masing unit kerja untuk kemudian dikon­solidasikan dalam satu ke satuan Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Aceh.

Governor on behalf of the head of Aceh Government expressed gratitude and gave appreciation to all SKPA who have worked hard to prepare financial statement at each working unit, then consolidated into the Financial Statement of Aceh Government.

“Hasil kerja keras saudara semuanya hari ini telah ter­ jawab di mana BPK telah memberikan penilaian Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Aceh Tahun 2015, dengan meraih opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian,” ujar gubernur Zaini.

“Your hard working in the result has this day been answe­ red in which BPK has given appraisal for the Financial Statement of Aceh Government of 2015, by Disqualified opinion,” said the governor of Zaini.

Predikat WTP Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Aceh Tahun 2015 merupakan yang pertama kali diraih Pemerintah Provinsi Aceh. Di bawah pemerintahan Gubernur Zaini Abdullah bersama Muzakir Manaf, Provinsi Aceh dinilai BPK telah sesuai dengan standar akuntansi pemerintahan, kecukupan pengungkapan (adequate disclosures), kepatu­ han terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan, dan efek­ ti­vitas sistem pengendalian internal.

The predicate of WTP for the Financial Statement of Aceh Government of 2015 shall be the first time by the Government of Province in Aceh. Under the government for the Governor of Zaini Abdullah along with Muzakir Manaf, Aceh Province was assessed by BPK has corresponded with the government accounting standard, adequate disclo­sures, compliance with the laws and regulation, and effectiveness for internal control system.

Pada Kesempatan itu BPK meminta agar Pemerintah Provinsi Aceh mempertahankan kinerjanya, sehingga di tahun-tahun mendatang, opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian tetap bisa diraih oleh Provinsi Aceh. (Humas-Aceh)

On such an occasion, BPK requested that Government of Aceh Province maintained its performance, so that in years to come, Disqualified Opinion remains being able to got by the Aceh Province (Humas-Aceh)

Hasil kerja keras saudara semuanya hari ini telah ter­jawab di mana BPK telah memberikan penilaian Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Aceh Tahun 2015, dengan meraih opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian. Your hard working in the result has this day been answered in which BPK has given appraisal for the Financial Statement of Aceh Government of 2015, by Disqualified opinion. Gubernur Aceh, dr. H. Zaini Abdullah


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Aceh Peroleh Penghargaan TPID Inovatif Aceh Gains Award of Innovative TPID

Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Aceh, Drs. Dermawan MM memegang piala usai menerima penghargaan Kategori Pengendalian Inflasi Daerah (TPID) inovatif se-Sumatera yang diserahkan Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian, Darmin Nasution pada acara Rapat Koordinasi Nasional Tim Pengendalian Inflasi Daerah ke VII di Hotel Sahid Jaya, Jakarta. / Regional Secretary (Sekda) Aceh, Drs Dermawan MM kept the trophy after geting the award of Innovative Regional Inflation Control Category (TPID) throughout Sumatera delivered by the Coordinating Minister of Economy, Darmin Nasution upon the event of National Coordinating Meeting of Regional Infaltion Control Team VII at Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta. foto. HUMAS ACEH

Aceh meraih Penghargaan Tim Pengendalian Inflasi Daerah (TPID) Inovatif 2015 diberikan kepada enam pemerintah daerah, dalam Rapat Koordinasi Nasional VII TPID, Jakarta, Kamis (4/8/2016).

Aceh gained the Award of Innovative TPID (Regional Inflation Control Team) of 2015 which was awarded to six local governments, in the National Coordinating Meeting VI TPID, Jakarta, Thursday (4/8/2016).

Pemerintah daerah yang mendapatkan peng­ har­ gaan tersebut adalah Pemerintah Provinsi Aceh, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur, Pe­me­ rin­tah Provinsi Gorontalo, Medan, Surakarta, dan Balikpapan.

Local Government who gained the award is the Government of Aceh Province, East Java Province Government, Province Government of Gorontalo, Medan, Surakarta, and Balikpapan.

Dalam sambutannya, Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) Agus DW Martowardojo menuturkan, banyak program inovatif yang dilakukan pemerintah daerah yang cukup berhasil menjaga stabilitas

In his address, Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Agus DW Martowardojo said, many innovative programs made by the local government which is sufficiently successful to maintain price stability.

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Menko Perekonomian menyerahkan Penghargaan TPID Inovatif tingkat provinsi kepada Provinsi Aceh untuk Pulau Sumatera, Provinsi Jawa Timur untuk Pulau Jawa dan Provinsi Gorontalo untuk kawasan timur Indonesia. / Menko Perekonomian submitted the Innovative TPID Award at the province level to the Aceh Province for Pulau Sumatra, East Java Province for Pulau Jawa and Gorontalo Province for the Indonesian eastern. foto. IST

harga. Bahkan, inflasi Juni dan Juli yang mana merupakan moment Ramadhan dan lebaran juga termasuk terendah lima tahun terakhir.

Even, the inflation of June and July in which it is the moment of Ramadhan and lebaran’s day including the last lowest five years.

Gubernur BI Agus DW Martowardojo mengata­ kan, “beberapa program yang dilakukan peme­ rin­tah daerah berhasil menjaga stabilitas harga komoditas. Seperti yang dilakukan Pemerintah Provinsi Aceh yang melakukan inovasi berupa optimalisasi tempat pelelangan ikan dan mem­ perkuat tempat penyimpanan dengan cold storage.

Governor of BI Agus DW Martowardojo said,” some programs made by the local government are successful to maintain the stability of com­ mo­dity price as made by the Province Govern­ ment of Aceh innovating in terms of optimizing the point of fish auction and support the cold storage.

Di Jawa Timur, pemerintah daerah bekerjasama dengan distributor bahan pangan dan memberi­ kan bantuan biaya pengangkutan di seluruh Jawa Timur”. (Humas-Aceh)

In East Java, local government is in cooperation with the distributor of foodstuff and giving the aids of transportation fees throughout East Java”. (Humas-Aceh)

Beberapa program yang dilakukan peme­r in­tah daerah berhasil menjaga stabilitas harga komoditas. Seperti yang dilakukan Pemerintah Provinsi Aceh yang melakukan inovasi berupa optimalisasi tempat pelelangan ikan dan mem­perkuat tempat penyimpanan dengan cold storage some programs made by the local government are successful to maintain the stability of com­mo­dity price as made by the Province Govern­ment of Aceh innovating in terms of optimizing the point of fish auction and support the cold storage. Gubernur Bank Indonesia, Agus DW Martowardojo


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Aceh Stand Terbaik Tingkat Nasional ke III di Pameran MTQ Nasional - Lombok Aceh as the Best Stand in the National Level III in Exhibition of National MTQ Lombok Nilai transaksi selama pameran Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) Nasional ke-26 yang berlansung dari 30 Juli sampai 6 Agustus 2016 diperkirakan mencapai Rp 7 miliar.

Transaction value during the exhibition of Na­ tio­nal Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran (MTQ/The Al Qur’an Reading Competition) 26 held from July 30 up to August 6, 2016 was estimated to reach Rp 7 billion.

Nilai transaksi itu bahkan diprediksi bisa lebih tinggi lagi. Peserta pameran yang mencapai 270 lebih stand dengan jenis yang dipamerkan begitu beragam. Peserta pameran berasal dari kementerian/lembaga di pemerintah pusat, pe­ me­rintah provinsi, pemerintah kabupaten/kota, BUMN, BUMD, swasta dan tidak keting­ ga­ lan pelaku UMKM dan IKM di daerah itu.

Even the transaction value was predicted higher. The participant of exhibitions which reaches 270 more stands with the kind exhibited varies. The participant of exhibition from the ministry/ agency at central government, provincial govern­ ment, municipal government, BUMN, BUMD, pri­­­­­vate and including the players of UMKM and IKM in this region.

Pemerintah aceh yang juga hadir pada pameran ini berhasil mendapatkan Juara III untuk kate­gori stand terbaik. Pemerintah aceh melalui Biro Per­ ekonomian dan SKPA terkait selalu meng­usa­hakan hadir di setiap event pameran yang poten­sial untuk mempromosikan produk produk ung­gulan Aceh yang bekerjasama dengan Mitra Binaan.

Aceh government present in this exhibition succeeds in getting the Champion III for the best stand category. Aceh government through the related Economy Bureau and SKPA always en­ deavor to be present at each event of the poten­ tial exhibition to promote the superior pro­ducts of Aceh in cooperation with Mitra Binaan.

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Soft Launching Bank Aceh Konversi ke Bank Aceh Syariah Soft Launching Bank Aceh Converted to Bank Aceh Syariah


Gubernur Aceh, dr Zaini Abdullah melakukan soft launching Bank Aceh konversi (peralihan) dari sis­ tem kon­ vensional ke syariah. Soft launching ini di­lakukan bersamaan dengan peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun HUT-43 Bank Aceh Sabtu 6 Agustus 2016 yang ditandai dengan tabuhan rapai (rebana). Di­ta­buh bersama oleh Gubernur Aceh, Sekda Aceh Darmawan MM selaku Komisaris Utama Bank Aceh, Direktur Utama PT Bank Aceh Busra Abdullah, Kepala Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Aceh Ahmad Wijaya Putra, dan Ketua Dewan Pengarah Konversi Bank Aceh, Adnan Ganto.

Aceh Governor, dr Zaini Abdullah conducted soft launching of Bank Aceh conversion from the con­ ventional system to syariah. This soft launching is made in conformity with the 43rd Anniversary of Bank Aceh Saturday, August 6, 2016 marked by the tambourine. Striking percussion instruments by Aceh Governor, Regional Secretary of Aceh Darmawan MM acting as President Commissioner of Bank Aceh, President Director of PT Bank Aceh Busra Abdullah, the Head of Financial Service Authority of Aceh Ahmad Wijaya Putra, and Chief Conversion Steering Committee of Bank Aceh, Adnan Ganto.

“Langkah ini merupakan sejarah baru dalam dunia perbankan Indonesia, sebab Bank Aceh merupakan bank umum pertama yang secara menyeluruh meng­ubah sistemnya menjadi bank syariah,” ujar Gu­bernur Zaini

“This step is a new history in the Indonesian banking world, since the Bank Aceh is the commercially first bank to change the system to bank syariah,” said Governor of Zaini.

Sedangkan operasi penuh (grand launching) ke sistem syariah ini dijadwalkan 5 September 2016. Mudah-mudahan ini dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk memperkuat peran Bank Aceh lebih maksimal dalam membangun dan mensejahterakan rakyat Aceh, sebagai bukti di tengah perekonomian nasio­ nal yang melambat pada tahun lalu Bank Aceh tetap mampu meningkatkan kinerjanya dalam men­­­dukung perekonomian daerah.

Meanwhile the grand opening is scheduled to the syariah system on September 5, 2016. We expect it may be served as the reference to support the role of Bank Aceh more maximum to build and make Aceh’s people prosperous, as the proof in the center of the low national economy in the previous year of Bank Aceh remains being able to improve the performance in support of the regional economy.

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Memasuki 11 Tahun MoU Helsinki Mari Kita “Wujudkan Pendidikan Aceh yang Bermutu dan Berdaya Saing Berdasarkan Dinul Islam� dengan moto :






VISI DINAS KESEHATAN HEWAN DAN PETERNAKAN ADALAH: 1. Profesional Berarti mampu mengerjakan pekerjaan sesuai dengan tugas pokok dan fungsi yang diemban dengan penuh tanggung jawab berdasarkan sasaran yang telah ditetapkan. 2. Tangguh Diartikan mampu menghadapi segala tantangan dan gejolak baik internal maupun eksternal untuk memanfaatkan segala peluang. 3. Bermartabat Diartikan aparatur memiliki nilai harga diri, mengetahui dan memiliki nilai harga diri, integritas pribadi sebagai mahluk Allah Yang Mulia. 4. Berdaya Saing Berarti peternakan yang mampu menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas unggul dan kompetitif. 5. Sumber Daya Lokal Diartikan sebagai sumber daya berasal dari berbagai daerah yang meliputi sumber daya genetik dan teknologi peternakan yang sesuai dengan kondisi agro ekosistem maupun sosial ekonomi. 6. Kesejahteraan Peternak Diartikan sebagai kemampuan peternak dalam memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi keluarganya. MISI DINAS KESEHATAN HEWAN DAN PETERNAKAN ADALAH: 1. Meningkatkan profesionalitas dan integritas aparatur peternakan. 2. Meningkatkan pengembangan perbibitan, pakan, kesehatan hewan dan kesehatan masyarakat veteriner untuk menjamin keamanan pangan. 3. Meningkatkan nilai tambah produksi peternakan dan optimalisasi pemanfaatan sumber daya alam. 4. Meningkatkan pengembangan kawasan peternakan sesuai potensi dan cluster yang telah ditetapkan. 5. Meningkatkan pengembangan dan pemurnian plasma nutfah sapi Aceh.


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki DINAS PERINDUSTRIAN DAN PERDAGANGAN ACEH | Jl. Pocut Baren No. 11, Banda Aceh Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Penutup Closing


elama puluhan tahun masa suram Aceh, segala potensi negeri di ujung Suarna Dwipa ini bagai terkubur habis. Tak ada manfaat yang dirasakan Aceh dari hasil kerukan kekayaan buminya yang berlimpah. Bukan hanya hasil tambang, yang pernah meng足 hasilkan bertanker-tanker petrodollar dalam keranjang ekspor Indonesia, namun juga potensi sumberdaya alam terbarukan seperti Taman Na足 sional Leuser, yang merupakan salah satu gudang oksigen Dunia. Kemudian tsunami melanda Aceh. Kedatangan足 nya seolah tamu tak diinginkan yang mendobrak pintu serta menghancurkan segala isi rumah termasuk para penghuninya, namun juga mem足 bawa rahmat tersembunyi yang tak terduga.


uring tens of years of the dark days in Aceh, all potentials of this land at the end of Suarna Dwipa (Archipelago) were totally buried. No benefit was felt by Aceh from the result of exploiting its abundant earth resources, not only from mine products, which generated huge aMoUnts of petrodollars into the export basket of Indonesia, but also from the renewed natural resource potential, such as the Leuser National Park, which is one of the world oxygen repositories. Aceh was then hit by tsunami. Its arrival was like an uninvited guest who smashed the door and destroyed the contents of the house including its occupants but it also brought an unexpected blessing in disguise.

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Terbukanya gerbang ini menampilkan sosok Aceh yang sebenarnya dimata Dunia, menga­lir­kan sim­ pati dan bantuan, yang sampai tahap ter­ten­tu ber­hasil mengembalikan Aceh untuk ber­ang­sur pulih. Namun ketika “topangan lengan dan bahu” para negara sahabat telah dita­ rik, maju atau hancurnya Aceh terpulang lagi pada Aceh sendiri.

This opened gate displayed the real figure of Aceh to the eyes of the world, streaming sym­pathy and support, which until a certain stage was successful to return Aceh to the normal condi­ tion and to gradually recover. However, when the “arm and shoulder support” of the friendly countries is withdrawn, then the progress or des­­truction of Aceh is again up to Aceh itself.

Empat putra Aceh yang muncul ke depan setelah gempuran tsunami, Irwandi Yusuf-Muhammad Nazar (2007-2012) yang dilanjutkan Zaini Abdullah - Muzakkir Manaf (2013-2018) berhasil me­ ngem­­­­balikan kepercayaan diri Aceh ke tingkat yang jauh lebih baik. Perjuangan mereka mengelola program-program pembangunan yang sebagian ditunjang dana Dunia sekian ratus juta dollar Amerika Serikat, dengan dibebani ama­nah rakyat Aceh yang sangat merindukan perdamaian dan kesejahteraan, adalah contoh bagaimana putra Aceh membuktikan cintanya pada negeri melalui kerja keras dan doa tanpa henti.

Four sons of Aceh who appeared to the front after the tsunami strike, namely Irwandi Yusuf and Muhammad Nazar (2007-2012), continued by Zaini Abdullah and Muzakkir Manaf (20132018), were successful to return the self confi­ dence of Aceh to a much better level. Their struggle in managing development programs, which were partially supported by the world funding of hun­ dreds of millions United States dollars, and bur­ dened with the mandate of the Aceh people who strongly long for peace and welfare, are examples how those sons of Aceh prove their love to this land through hard work and incessant praying.

Memulihkan Aceh untuk kembali pada masa jaya bukan isapan jempol, tapi juga bukan pe­ker­­jaan mudah. Dua belas tahun masa kepemim­­pinan gu­ bernur-gubernur Aceh pasca tsu­nami, wajah Aceh telah banyak berubah. Pembe­nahan di segala lini terus dilakukan, dengan memperhatikan detail keadilan serta pemerataan. Berbagai statistik

Recovering Aceh to return to its heydays is not a figment but is also not an easy work. Twelve years leadership era of the post tsunami gover­ nors of Aceh has brought a lot of changes in the appearance of Aceh. Revamping at all lines was continuously carried out by taking account of the details of fairness and equalization. Various

Peringatan 10 Tahun MoU Helsinki di Aceh. / 10th Year Commemoration of MoU Helsinki in Aceh. foto. Humas aceh


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU Helsinki

Memulihkan Aceh untuk kembali pada masa jaya bukan isapan jempol, tapi juga bukan pe­ker­­jaan mudah. Dua belas tahun masa kepemimpinan gubernur-gubernur Aceh pasca tsu­nami, wajah Aceh telah banyak berubah. Pembe­nahan di segala lini terus dilakukan, dengan memperhatikan detail keadilan serta pemerataan. Recovering Aceh to return to its heydays is not a figment but is also not an easy work. Twelve years leadership era of the post tsunami governors of Aceh has brought a lot of changes in the appearance of Aceh. Revamping at all lines was continuously carried out by taking account of the details of fairness and equalization

dari beragam penelitian merekam keberhasilan usaha perbaikan pelayanan Pemerintah untuk rakyat Aceh, dimulai dari penyediaan layanan ke­ sehatan gratis hingga pendidikan tinggi ter­jang­ kau bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat.

statistics of various researches recorded the success of the Government service improvement efforts for the people of Aceh, from the provision of free health services until reachable high level education for all community levels.

Ditengah instabilitas negeri yang bagaikan baru dihujani bom atom, kuartet Irwandi-Nazar dan Zaini-Muzakkir berhasil menciptakan iklim yang lebih baik, lebih menjanjikan bagi masa depan Aceh. Rekam jejak mereka merekonstruksi Aceh akan dicatat dalam sejarah sebagai sumbangsih besar bagi negeri.

In the middle of the land instability, which was like being bombarbed by atomic bombs, the quar­tet Irwandi - Nazar and Zaini - Muzakkir were successful to create a better and more pro­ mising climate for the future of Aceh. Their track records in reconstructing Aceh will be recor­ded in history as a big contribution to this land.

Jalan masih panjang bagi Aceh dan rakyatnya untuk benar-benar meraih impian negeri sentosa berselimut damai. Namun jalan yang dirintis empat putra pelopor itu akan senantiasa men­jadi jalan rintisan bagi generasi penerus untuk melanjutkan perjuangan suci mengemban amanat segenap rak­yat Aceh, membawanya ke arah ge­milang ke­ majuan.

The road is still long for Aceh and its people to really reach the dream of a tranquil land covered with peace. However, the road pioneered by those four pioneers will constantly be a pioneered road for the next generation in order to continue the holy struggle in carrying the mandate of the en­tire people of Aceh and to bring Aceh to the direction of bright progress.

Catatan sejarah kelak akan membuktikan bahwa Aceh tidak takut untuk menjadi yang terbaik, dengan usaha keras putra-putrinya.

History records will in the future prove that Aceh is not afraid to become the best with strong efforts of its people.

Wallahu’alam bisshawwab. []

Wallahu’alam bisshawwab. []

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU



Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU Helsinki

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU


Sumber 1.

Transformasi Gerakan Aceh Merdeka; Dari Kotak Peluru ke Bilik Suara,.Frederich Ebert Stiftung


Proyek Tindak Lanjut Perdamaian Aceh, Crisis Management Initiative

3. 4.

Merawat Damai, Menjaga Martabat, Refleksi 6 Tahun BRA


Bapeda Aceh


Tabloid Tabangun Bappeda Aceh

7. 10:52


Tabloid The Atjeh Times




Dokumen RPJM Aceh 2012-2017

11. Rabu, 6 Mei 2015 16:20 12. 13. 14


15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Gerbang.Perdagangan


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU




Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) menegaskan komitmen untuk penyelesaian konflik Aceh secara damai, menyeluruh, berkelanjutan dan bermartabat bagi semua.

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) affirmed the commitment to settle the Aceh conflict amicably, entirely, sustainably and with dignity for all.

Kedua belah pihak bertekad untuk menciptakan kondisi sehingga pemerintahan rakyat Aceh dapat diwujudkan melalui suatu proses yang demokratis dan adil dalam negara kesatuan dan konstitusi Republik Indonesia.

Both parties were determined to create the condition where the government of the Aceh people can be materialized through a democratic and equitable process within the unitary state and constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

Pemerintah RI dan GAM sangat yakin bahwa hanya dengan penyelesaian damai atas konflik tersebut yang akan memungkinkan pembangunan kembali Aceh pasca Tsunami tanggal 26 Desember 2004 dapat mencapai kemajuan dan keberhasilan.

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and GAM were extremely convinced that only an amicably settlement of such conflict will enable the post 26 December 2004 Tsunami redevelopment of Aceh in order to achieve progress and success.

Para pihak yang terlibat dalam konflik bertekad untuk membangun rasa saling percaya.

The parties involved in the conflict were determined to build the sense of mutual trust.

Nota Kesepahaman ini merinci isi persetujuan yang dicapai dan prinsip- prinsip yang akan memandu proses transformasi yang dituangkan dalam: Nota Kesepahaman antara Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka.

This Memorandum of Understanding details the content of the achieved consensus and the principles that will guide the transformation process contained in the: Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement.

Pemerintah Aceh Kantor Gubernur Aceh Jl. T. Nyak Arief No. 291, Banda Aceh Telp : 0651-7551377 | Fax : 0651-7555516


Kilas Balik Pembangunan Aceh Setelah MoU Helsinki Flashback On The Development Of Aceh After Helsinki MoU

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