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U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart wants to develop a deeper understanding of issues that relate to community members’ thoughts on quality of life, health, safety, and readiness through the Community Strengths and Themes Assessment. This installation-wide survey is open until June 30, and aims to assess our quality of life, and how we can improve community health, wellness, readiness, and resiliency. Andy Munsterman, USAG Stuttgart’s Community Readiness & Resilience Integrator, explained the importance of the survey responses to the mission of the Commander’s Ready and Resilient Council.
Q: What exactly is the Commander’s Ready and Resilient Council or CR2C? A: The Commander’s Ready and Resilient Council is a forum that meets quarterly to look at the community health in five areas that are important to the community. These areas include physical, emotional, spiritual, family, and social health. The CR2C is composed of leaders who have the resources to support the community in focused areas in terms of community health. For Stuttgart, the CR2C Senior Responsible Officer is Maj. Gen Joe Jarrard. He provides leadership and oversight for our five Working Groups:
Q: What is the role of the working groups? A: We have the Physical and Psychological Working Group that covers Medical, Dental, and Behavioral Health, as well as the Army Wellness Center and the Fitness Center. We also have the Family and Social Working groups that look at how we support
our Families in Stuttgart and finally we have the Spiritual Working Group that looks at the Spiritual/Religious health of our community, as well as moral-ethical training.
Q: What can you tell us about the survey? A: The purpose of this installation-wide survey is to assess our quality of life, and how we can improve community health, wellness, readiness, and resiliency. This is especially relevant since COVID has really changed our community. The Survey only takes about 10 minutes, but will provide the Commander’s Ready and Resilient Council valuable information on areas we can focus on to promote health across the board.
Q: If this survey is given every two years, why are we taking it again in 2021 if we completed it in 2020? A: This past year has been difficult for most of us so in an effort to measure the impact of COVID on our community, and to be a part of USAREUR-AF wide assessment, we are offering the survey again.
Q: Can you give us an example of how last year’s survey impacted the community? A: In response to last year’s results, we have increased enrollment in our Civilian Fitness Program, created a bi-annual Behavioral Health Summit (formerly known as the Suicide Symposium) to address stigma and the impact of mental health treatment on one's career, and also increased financial readiness by saving our community 205k through debt reduction with the ACS Financial Readiness program. Our Family Life Chaplain has also worked with our EAP to make on site "resiliency visits to help build awareness of mental health resources and get to know the community. Lastly, the CR2I and PAIO created and published a telework survey to assess work-life balance which was also identified as a major issue in the family and social pillars of the CSTA. These efforts were all made possible due to the needs identified by the CSTA.
Q: How can community members take the CSTA survey? A: The CSTA Survey can be accessed on StuttgarCitizen.com. The Survey is open now, and will be available until June 30. Our goal is to have about 400 people take part. We would love it if community members can take the survey and continue to help us make Stuttgart a great place to live, work, and raise families! 8
June 2021