Ad Vincula Magazine December 2016

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December 2016

Wisborough Green Parish Magazine

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

AD VINCULA Wisborough Green Church and Community News

Highlights December 2016

St Peter ad Vincula Calendar ..................................... 4 Pastoral Letter ........................................................... 5 Church Dates for the Diary / Prayer ........................... 6 Regular Church Activities / From the Registers ......... 7 From the Editor / PACT News .................................... 9 WG Primary School News ........................................ 11 Moonlight and Fireworks .......................................... 13 Hall Booking Sec / Why Christmas .......................... 15 Remembrance Day 2016 ......................................... 17 Wisborough Green Sports News .............................. 18 Ken’s Moans & Groans Page ................................... 21 WG History Society .................................................. 23 Village Lunch Club 17 November 2016 .................... 25 Wey & Arun Canal Trust News ........................ 26 - 27 Notice Board ..................................................... 28 - 29 Recipe of the Month ......................................... 30 - 31 Gardener’s Calendar / Autumn at Climbing Bears ... 33 Wisborough Green History ............................... 34 - 35 WG Minibus Page .................................................... 37 Neighbourhood Watch.............................................. 41 Village Organisations - News & Notices ........... 43 - 49 Weather Watch/ Cyber Tips/ Village Hall 50 Draw .. 51 Church Cleaning / Flower Rosters / Directory .......... 52 Village Organisations Directory ................................ 53 What’s Happening .................................................... 54

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Parochial Church Council. Please note, it is not always possible to check the credentials and claims of all those advertising, so please ensure that you get references and check any claims before entering into business with them.

Ad Vincula Team Roland Zilz Editor Marion Jenkins Asst. Editor Fran Wallace Advertising John Gough Distribution Rev. Clive Jenkins Vicar Dr Graham Parr Churchwarden Mr Jamie Daniell Churchwarden

If you have articles, photos, letters, etc that you think we may like to feature in the next issue, please email the Editor on: but, please note, publication will always be subject to space and at the discretion of the Editor. Copy Deadline for January 2017 issue:

10 December 2016 Printed by: EVONPRINT Mackley Industrial Estate Small Dole, W Sussex, BN5 9XR Tel: 01273 494631

Cover picture - by Francesco Greenslade, aged 9 3

St Peter ad Vincula Calendar for December Sunday 4 December 2nd Sunday of Advent


8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm

6 December

4.30pm ‘til 5.00pm

Wednesday 7 December



8 December


Sunday 11 December rd 3 Sunday of Advent

8.00am 10.30am


Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist Refresh contemporary worship and praise service Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) Holy Communion Messy Church in Village Hall ‘Christmas Theme’ Holy Communion (BCP) Time for God

13 December

4.30pm ‘til 5.00pm

Wednesday 14 December


Holy Communion

Sunday 18 December th 4 Sunday of Advent

8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm

Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist Carol Service


Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)

20 December

4.30pm ‘til 5.00pm

Wednesday 21 December


Holy Communion

Saturday 24 December CHRISTMAS EVE

5.00pm 11.15pm

Nativity Service First Communion of Christmas

Sunday 25 December CHRISTMAS DAY

8.00am 9.30am


Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)

Holy Communion (BCP) Family Communion for Christmas

27 December

4.30pm ‘til 5.00pm

Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)

Wednesday 28 December


No service

Sunday 1 January 1st Sunday after Christmas

8.00am 10.30am

Holy Communion (BCP) Coffee, Croissants and Communion

For More Details of Services and Events see CHURCH WEBSITE Please ‘like’ and ‘share’ our Facebook Page and watch for any late news: 4

Pastoral Letter Matthew Chapter 1, verse 21: “She (Mary) will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Meet the Cast …. Mary - Joseph - Inn Keeper - Shepherds - Angels Location, location, location, so I understand, is a vital ingredient in the world of an estate agent and those seeking to buy and sell property. So why did God (the biggest estate agent, if you like) choose Bethlehem? Surely the Saviour of the World should have been born in a palace? So why did God choose a village in the hills? Jesus’ mother, Mary, we believe, was still a teenager and she was expecting her first child! Joseph, her fiancé was a carpenter and jobbing builder, so unless there was plenty of work coming in, who would be putting food on the table? As for timing, surely God should have intervened here. Why make them journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem when the baby could have been born at home among family and friends!? Bethlehem was packed with visitors because of the Census called by the Emperor - so again, did God get the timing right? The Inn Keeper was not much help either, no ‘five stars’ here, just a space round the back (“and by the way, keep the noise down!”) Then, when Jesus had been born, a heavenly choir began to make music, music that was to ‘rock’, not only the shepherds who were in the fields nearby, but countless generations ever since! However, this was not the first act in the drama of our salvation, nor was it to be the last. Fast forward thirty years, and Jesus declares in the words of the prophet Isaiah, written hundreds of years before, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” (Luke Chapter 4, verses 18 and 19). Then Jesus said, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” (Luke Chapter 4, verse 21). So if you want to know how the drama plays out, I would like to invite you to join me and a number of other folk for a supper party, followed by a DVD on why Christianity is not dull, boring or irrelevant from 7pm to 9pm at the Vicarage on Saturday 14th January. This is an introductory session to the Alpha Course. (See article on page 15). May we wish you all a Christmas season filled with joy and peace. Clive and Marion


Dates for the Diary December Thursday 8th

3.30pm Messy Church straight from School in the Village Hall with refreshments, crafts & activities celebration and food for all the family. Special Christmas Theme

Sunday 18th

6pm Carol Service This includes carols for choir and congregation with Scripture readings. Following the service mince pies, mulled wine and hot spiced fruit juice will be served.

Saturday 24th

5pm Christmas Eve Nativity Service - This service, for all ages, incorporates songs and carols as we journey with Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the birth of the Christ Child. We encourage children of all ages to dress up as either Shepherds, Angels or Kings and join with the 'cast', to make this a very special service. 11.15pm First Communion of Christmas Come and join us as we welcome in Christmas Day, with carols, songs and readings, within the context of Holy Communion.

Sunday 25th

8am Holy Communion according to the Book of Common Prayer 9.30am Family Communion for Christmas an all age celebration on this Christmas morning.

January 2017 Sunday 1st

10.30am Coffee, Croissants and Communion

Prayer Chain of Prayer Worried about a loved one, a friend or yourself and would like prayers to be said by a chain of people? Contact Wendy 700295 or Gillian 700157 and they will start the chain by contacting the person next to them on the list and so it goes all the way round. A copy of the chain is on the notice board at the back of church. Prayer is a powerful and important part of life and one should never under estimate its effect. You don't need to give any details of the problem just ask for prayers to be said and it will happen. Please note that it will be treated with total confidentiality.

Prayers are offered for parishioners who are in special need, especially the sick and frail. Please advise either of the churchwardens of any persons or situations you would like remembered in this way. All those living in particular roads are prayed for regularly, the whole parish being covered over a 12-week cycle: Week beginning:


4 December 11 December 18 December 25 December

Newpound Lane Newpound & Roundstreet Common School Road Thornton Meadow

Regular Church Activities PRAYER GROUP AND QUIET MORNINGS If anyone would like to spend half an hour in fellowship and prayer then they are most welcome on a Tuesday at 4.30pm, when prayers are said for the life of the Parish. Contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details of venue. On the third Friday of every month Quiet Mornings are held at the home of Wendy Duff at 10.30am. It is a peaceful time when you can relax, recharge your batteries and listen to music, poetry, readings and prayers. You will come away refreshed and ready to carry on! Please contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details.

WIZZY TOTS W izzy Tots, W isborough Green’s baby and toddler group, meets at the Village Hall every Tuesday during term time from 9.30 to 11.30 am. Please join us for a coffee, catch up and a play in the Village Hall, all children and parents/carers welcome. It would be lovely to see you all. If you want to find out more about Wizzy Tots, please call Tory on 01403 700809 or Marion on 01403 700339.

DON’T FORGET……… If you haven’t yet experienced the delights of Xpresso, come and enjoy freshly ground Fairtrade coffee or tea with a delectable homemade cake! Xpresso is open every Friday during term time from 9am ‘til 11.30am in church and EVERYONE is welcome! Special Offer - buy 6 coffees and get the 7th one FREE!! Full details from Xpresso.

From the Registers (October) Baptism:

We welcome into the Lord’s Family Lilly Rose Macey who was baptised on Sunday 9th October at St. Peter’s.


We ask the Lord’s blessing on James Hogben and Sarah Amelia Finlayson who were married on Saturday 8th October 2016 at St. Peter’s.


We give thanks for the life of Waveny Violet West whose funeral took place on Thursday 13th October 2016 with a Service of Thanksgiving at St. Peter’s that afternoon. 7

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Reflexology & Holistic Massage A relaxing way to help relieve stress, insomnia, IBS, migraine, back problems to promote a sense of well being. Treatment provided in the comfort of my local treatment room.

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Tel: 01403 700 73 0 8

Mac’s Private Hire 24 hours a day - 7 days a week

01403 701 842 07917 850 746 Airports - Social & Business Lady Driver Available Wisborough Green Based

Holiday Homes For Hens Going on holiday? Bring your hens and ducks to us at Garden Poultry Care in Kirdford. We’ll take care of your birds in a safe, friendly, free range area.

Call Nik 01403 820796

From the Editor Welcome to the December edition of Ad Vincula. Well, another year nears to a close - time seems to fly by these days and I can’t believe it is now 4 years since I took on the role of editor! Without our fantastic team of hard working volunteers, however, there would be no magazine. Fran Wallace managed to attract a steady flow of new advertisers throughout the year, resulting in us having to increase the number of pages gradually from 48 to the current 56! Recently, she has been working hard on retaining our existing advertisers and seeking new ones for 2017 and we need to remember that, without our advertisers, there would be no free full colour magazine so please support them whenever you can. Our Distribution Coordinator, John Gough, who joined us at the beginning of the year has done a marvellous job in coordinating the many “deliverers”, finding new volunteers when needed. Again, without all our willing volunteer deliverers, who trudge the streets in all weathers to bring your magazine to your door, we could not have a free magazine. I offer a tremendous thank you to them all. In addition to the usual articles this month, I would just highlight a few items - Report with pictures on the fireworks display (p13); Vacancies for Village Hall Booking Secretary (p 15) and Divisional Organiser for Minibus (p19); reports with pictures of Remembrance Day (p 17) and Village Lunch (p 25) and report of WACT’s Bicentennial celebrations (p 26-27) Please note the earlier copy deadline next month of 10 December! Finally, a very Happy Christmas to all our readers from the Ad Vincula Team. Roland Zilz This magazine can also be viewed on line at:

PACT News Petworth Area Churches Together (PACT) - working together in harmony

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: the theme is ‘Crossing Barriers’ which draws on the scripture 2 Corinthians 5:14-20 which includes this part from The Message – ‘Christ included everyone in his death so that everyone could also be included in his life, a resurrection life, a far better life than people ever lived on their own’. Sunday 15th January at 3pm at St Laurence, Lurgashall for the opening ecumenical service. Monday to Friday 16th-20th January at 1pm at the United Reformed Church in Petworth for lunchtime sessions with 30 minutes of reflection/prayer followed by soup and rolls. There will be a different speaker every day and lots of inspirational content to encourage us all on our individual ‘resurrection lives’ with Christ by our side. Look forward to seeing you there! Karl Ayling & Gerald Gresham Cooke 01798 342151 Web:


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D.J.PEGLEY      




WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HALL FOR HIRE For hire charges and more information contact: Mrs Louise Slade on 01403 700421

Tim Edwardes Tree Surgery & Garden Maintenance

T: 01403 700594 M: 07810 130483

Tree surgery, hedgework, pruning. Competitive prices. Fully Qualified & Insured Arborist.

Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Matwork Classes Held at Alfold and Ellens Green Private 1:1 Sessions Contact: Sarah Wilford 07932 159133 10

Wisborough Green Primary School News Despite the change in the weather, we still like to spend a lot of our time using the great outdoors as a learning space. It is proven that open spaces allow children to be physically active and challenge themselves so they sleep and eat well and form healthy habits that will stay with them for life. This term we have trained some children to lead our positive play sessions at break times. They have lots of new equipment for the children to use including swing ball and lolo balls. They will be creating games to play and encouraging everyone to get fit. We run Forest School sessions every week for classes and small groups and our Early Years children have started their Woodland Learning. The children get an opportunity to explore the outdoors, carry out scientific enquiries and develop positive relationships. The rain poured and the wind blew but it didn't put a stop to the cross country competition. Our brilliant team showed real determination and supported each other brilliantly. Jack and Phoebe placed first in their races against many other competitors across the locality. An amazing achievement! Our Year 3 and 4 team came 1st and our Year 5 and Year 6 girls came 3rd. We are very proud of everyone who took part. Honey G made an appearance at our Fireworks Night and was ceremoniously burned on our huge bonfire. We had some brilliant 'guys' in our competition this year and we were impressed with the high standard of all entries. The fireworks were mesmerising and the night was a roaring success. Well done to the fantastic PTA for organising another great fundraising event. As we wrap up warmer, as winter draws closer, we will continue to use our outdoor learning space to prepare our garden for next spring. We hope to grow award winning rhubarb and scrumptious salad for the horticultural show in June. We love the outdoors at Wisborough Green Primary School and the winter weather won't stop us from embracing the great outdoors! The children enjoyed designing the front cover for Ad Vincula, with a 'Nativity' theme this month. We had some brilliant pictures in silhouette and some beautiful drawings to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The one chosen for the cover was done by Francesco Greenslade, aged 9. Well done to everyone who took part in the competition. Visit our website to see all the pictures. Rehearsals are in full swing for our Christmas Nativity this year which has a 'Wild West' theme! School Website:

Warm regards, Amanda Harrison, Head Teacher, Tel: 01403 700280 11

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Garden & Grounds Maintenance Grass and Hedge Cutting, Beds, Turfing etc. Total & Selective Weed Control All types of Fencing Fully equipped, experienced & insured Tel: 01403 700648

QUALITY LOCAL INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DECORATOR · 25 years’ experience · Fully Insured · References available · No VAT

For a professional service please contact Jonathan Capelin (West Chiltington) 01798 817402


MOONLIGHT AND FIREWORKS A clear, crisp and ‘almost' super moonlit night provided the perfect backdrop for the 25th annual Wisborough Green Primary School Fireworks display on Friday 11th November. The village supported in huge numbers what has become a local tradition, and one which didn’t fail to disappoint this year. Aurora Fireworks put on an extra special display this year to mark the 25 th anniversary of their support, and the entire audience agreed that it was the best one yet! Familiar faces from all corners of the community appeared at our gates, wrapped up warm and in good cheer, and we couldn’t be more appreciative. This is such a vital fundraiser for our small village school, and we would like to say a very big thank you to everybody, but especially to Aurora Fireworks for the magnificent display, the Lee family for building the bonfire, The Three Crowns pub for their support, and the many other people behind the scenes. We are still counting the cash, but we can guarantee that every penny raised will be put to the worthwhile cause of equipping our under funded school as best we can.


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with Robyn Burbridge      

General Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Corticosteroid injections Diagnostic ultrasound Sports Injury assessment and treatment Running and dance assessment and rehabilitation Vestibular assessment and rehabilitation

Tel: 01403 700455

Old Pond Cottage Bed & Breakfast Accommodation Wisborough Green Tel : 01403 701110 Perfectly situated in the heart of the village Three lovely rooms – all en suite 14

Village Hall Bookings Secretary The Hall Committee needs to recruit a new Bookings Secretary with a working knowledge of email, WORD and Excel. On average, the role requires between 1 and 2 hours per week responding to emails and phone calls plus a meeting of the Hall Committee approximately every 8 weeks. This is a voluntary role but an important one for the community and the many users of the Hall which cannot operate without a Bookings Secretary. The current Hall Committee runs with a minimum number of volunteers and has no capacity to absorb this role within its current composition. If you are able to help with this role, then please call or email me for more information:

Keith Carter 01403 700502

Why Christmas? It could be that you have asked yourself this question already...... Presents, wrapping, cards, and why do Brussels sprouts cause so many children to go ugh! Well you may be thinking there must be more to Christmas than this! And you’re right, there is. The name itself speaks about the birth of the Christ, the Saviour who had been promised centuries before to restore our relationship with God. So, if you would like to find out the real meaning of Christmas, and what it means to a follower of Jesus Christ, why not come along to Supper at The Vicarage, here in Wisborough Green, on Saturday 14th January at 7pm and find out more. The supper will be followed by a DVD on why Christianity is not dull, boring or irrelevant. We should finish by 9pm. This is an introductory session to the Alpha Course which will run for 10 weeks on an evening to suit the majority of participants. So, why not come on the 14th and see if this is for you.

What is Alpha? Alpha runs for 10 sessions and includes food, a short talk and a discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts. Phone the vicarage on 01403 700339 or email to book your place or for more information. 15

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House Clearance in aid of

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Remembrance Day 2016 St. Peter's, like many Parish Churches across the nation, took time to reflect on this year’s Remembrance Sunday (13th November). More than 120 people, including cubs and scouts from the village, attended the service at 10 o'clock and the scout colours were presented at the service. Clive our Vicar, addressed the cubs and scouts specifically when he recounted the exploits of a sixteen year old scout, Jack Cornwall, who had joined the Royal Navy and was fatally wounded at the Battle of Jutland a hundred years ago. He was awarded the Victoria Cross for his dedication, while remaining at his post. Clive then spoke of the Victorious Cross of Christ which was won on the battle ground of Calvary, on our behalf for all time. Following the service, the congregation made its way to the War Memorial on the Green where the names of all those from Wisborough Green, who had given their lives during both the first and second World Wars, were read out. Wreaths were laid on behalf of the Scout movement, the Parish Council and the Church of St Peter Ad Vincula and 2 minutes silence was observed following the playing of the Last Post. This annual act of remembrance is a reminder both nationally and locally of the commitment and sacrifice that our armed forces provide to the nation and, of course applies not only to those who died in the World Wars, but to all those who have suffered in conflicts since then. It is an opportunity for us all to reflect and give thanks.


Wisborough Green Sports News Football Club League news for the 1st XI who are playing in the Brickability West Sussex Premier League. They are sitting 3rd in the league having not played so well in October. Let's hope the dip in form picks up. It is good to see the lads playing such a good standard of football. The 2nd XI remain mid table in Division 4 North and have won about 50% of their games this season. You may have seen a strange sight on a Sunday morning or afternoon - a team of Yellow and Black bumble bees moving around (not running) on the green. These are the Wisborough Green Vets, a team of over 35's. They are doing very well this season and have been winning most of their games. There is no league at this level but it is great to see the lads still playing. Cricket Club The A.G.M. for the cricket club will be held at 10.30am on Sunday 4 th December in the sports pavilion. Please come along and voice an opinion on any matters that involve cricket, you will not get a vote unless you are a member. We will also be saying a huge thank you to Neil Trestrail who has been our president for the last 6 years. Neil stepped up to the job when our previous president left. Neil has always been and will continue to be a fantastic friend to the club. Thank you Neil. New players are always welcome to the club and with several new families in the village recently I would like to offer all these potential players a festive welcome. If you have just moved to the village and would like information about the cricket club please e-mail me ( or check out the WGCC web site at We publish a regular (weekly during the summer, roughly quarterly rest of year) newsletter called “Wizzy News�. If you would like to be included in the circulation please email and we will add you to the list. Touch Rugby Nothing to report. Stoolball Nothing to report. Sports Association Plans for a new Pavilion are moving forward and we have started fund raising. Any ideas of a way to raise funds would be appreciated. Football and Rugby are available to watch in the pavilion and you can watch them on the big screen and have a drink from the bar. Ken Vickery


St Peter’s

Christmas Themed Wisborough Green Village Hall Thursday 8th December 3.30pm Games, Crafts, Activities, Celebration and Meal all in the Village Hall Please come as a family For information phone 01403 700793 Future dates will be published in the January 2017 Ad Vincula WANTED – Divisional Organiser for Wisborough Green I am standing down as Divisional Organiser and would like to hear from anyone who thinks they might like to take on this task. The West Sussex Community Minibus Association is a registered charity for the community run by volunteers, and which this year celebrates its 40th anniversary. We provide a door-to-door service to our members, both on regular shopping trips and special outings, returning them safely directly to their homes; many of them regard the service as an opportunity to get out, meet old friends and make new ones. The charity relies entirely on volunteers to manage and operate the service – drivers, passenger escorts, booking staff, fleet managers, and divisional organisers. The divisional organiser does not need to be a driver, but does need to have a few hours to spare each week to take care of the administration of the charity here in the village - someone who has organisational skills and a sense of humour! I would be very happy to talk to anyone who might be interested in taking on this task – my telephone number is 01403 700492. Pat Farmer 19

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Put Yourself in the Driving Seat! Bespoke tours, with your own car, in UK & Europe. Further afield in hire cars.

BED AND BREAKFAST Hawthorns, Newpound Lane, Wisborough Green Sally Sclater

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McSmith’s Fish & Chips Wisborough Green (Durbans Road, by Green) Every Monday 16.45 to 19.30 Fish & Chips, Scampi, Chicken Nuggets, Fish Bites, Fish Cakes Savaloys, Sausages, Battered Sausages, Onion Rings, Curry Sauce, Mushy Peas, Wallys, Pickled Eggs, Drinks

For Orders - 07497 112181 20

Village ‘Dos & Don’ts, Moans & Groans’ Page Well another month and still people mention DOG fouling on and around the green and down Durban's road. In the last month I have cut the cricket square three times and have had to remove dog poo from the square on several occasions. Last week the football guys had to remove 3 lots of dog poo from the pitch before the game. If you have a DOG or DOGS under your control please pick up and dispose correctly DON'T leave it for people to tread in. If you see somebody leaving it please ask them to pick it up especially whilst the leaves are on the ground and the poo is not always visible. It has been suggested that we rename the page "Bouquets and Brickbats". This, according to a very flowery, ping pongy person, would enable me to congratulate the village on the fantastic and lovely use of the village green over the bank holiday weekend and how other villages must be so envious of the many events that go on in Wisborough Green. His Brickbat is he would like those that live near village signs to take ownership of them and to occasionally wash and clean them. This will go hand in hand with a DO of mine - please do go out onto the green with a bin bag and pick up a bag full of leaves and conkers from under the trees. If we all picked up a bag full the green would be clear in no time.(See you out there on Saturday). Do also make sure that, if you put up a poster or flyer for an event, you remove it when it is over. The village sign boards are littered with old ones. Let’s remove them. This is a late one and I am not sure if it is a DO or a DON'T but it has been pointed out that "Guy Fawkes, for whom we all let off fireworks, only actually carried out the deed on Nov 5th 1606. He did not have various attempts starting on the 21 st October and rolling through to the 11th November - that is about 21 days overall. Do we really want fireworks to go on all that time? My final DO this month is for the Parish Council. I have received, from a reader, a very disturbing article from a daily national newspaper that is highlighting a problem with the village conker trees. I will be passing the article on to the council but basically it is saying there are 2 problems occurring, one which the council know about "Bleeding canker disease" the other, which is new to me, is a small "Horse chestnut leaf minor" which is a small 5mm bug that eats into the leaf and then eats the tree. The prediction is that we could lose all Horse Chestnut trees by 2030 so that is only 14 years away. Pot Holes - Pot Holes - Pot Holes Come on let's get them repaired before they become a problem. Do remember to e-mail me ( with anything that you think is right or wrong with the village. Ken V 21

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Come and join us at

“MAKE SPACE” A monthly Craft Group held every 3rd Thursday from 2-4pm Please contact EUNICE on O14O3 7O18O8 for details of venue & bring your craft with you!


WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HISTORY SOCIETY During the course of another busy year we have played host to a local U3A Group who very much enjoyed their tour of our village and we ourselves had a most enjoyable and informative tour of the County Record Office in Chichester. We have been given Liz Sargeant's research papers relating to her published history of the village and have enjoyed a fascinating talk about some of their contents. These included information about the churchwardens, the Poor House and the Poor Law, children's indentures recording the employers they were apprenticed to (including a wig maker and a mariner) and a list of village freeholders. We we also learned a lot more about Wisborough Green's healing spring – very good for eye problems apparently. The Society was pleased to support the Village Hall Committee by mounting a photographic display reflecting the history of the Workhouse to go alongside suggested plans for improvements to the village hall. The display, on August Bank Holiday Monday, was well attended and the Village Hall Committee received a lot of useful feedback. We were able to provide a photograph showing that the village hall once had dormer windows in the roof facing School Lane. We have not been able to find out whether there were dormer windows in the side that overlooks the village hall car park – if you have such a photograph we would love to see it. Similarly, if you have any old documents or photographs relating to the village that you no longer want, or would be prepared to let us copy, please get in touch. The Society is always looking for new members. If you are interested please come along to the Village Hall on the second Tuesday of the month at 10.30. Sue Killingbeck, Secretary

Christmas Coffee Morning in aid of Family Support Work & Syrian Refugees in Greece

Thursday 1st December from 10.30am at 5 Carters Way 23

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Village Lunch Club Thursday 17th November The Village Lunch Club had a special visitor in November - the Bishop of Horsham, Mark Sowerby, came to join in the Christmas Fayre. The Hall was full with about 100 lunchers seated at long tables and the food produced by Gillian Gough and her fantastic team of cooks and helpers was up to the highest standard and value for money that has been a hallmark of the occasion since the event started in about 1995. The Bishop offered to help with the washing up but, fortunately for him, there were no aprons left! He is seen in the photo below with our vicar, Rev Clive Jenkins, and the team of cooks and helpers in the kitchen of the Village Hall.

The Lunch Club is open to all who live in the village and is held 6 times a year. For further information please contact Hillary or Peter Edmonds (700623). Jamie Daniell


Wey & Arun Canal Trust News WACT’S MEMORABLE BICENTENNIAL WEEKEND THE Wey & Arun Canal’s 200th anniversary was celebrated in grand style over two days packed with events attended by hundreds of people. From a bicentennial baton relay along the route of the waterway to the champagne-drenched naming of a member’s new narrowboat, it was a weekend to remember. Highlight of Wey & Arun Trust’s commemorations, on October 1st and 2nd, was the official opening of the new Compasses Bridge on the summit level at Alfold by actor Dame Penelope Keith (photo right). Before that, there were special boat excursions on the fully restored section at Loxwood – with the crews, canal centre volunteers and trust officers turned out in outfits typical of the early 1800s. The finale was a cream tea for members and guests at Dapdune Wharf in Guildford, emulating the sumptuous meal staged for canal company directors and shareholders on the day the canal was officially opened in 1816. “We were absolutely delighted with the way our weekend went, after months of planning,” said WACT chairman Sally Schupke. “There was an awful lot of detail to go into, with several people each taking on aspects of the celebrations, but everything went smoothly from start to finish. There was a good turnout of members and guests at Compasses Bridge, which is important to the trust, as it’s our first major restoration project in Surrey. With Dame Penelope generously agreeing to open the bridge, we hope we have significantly raised our profile in the county.” The start was on the Saturday at Pallingham Bridge in West Sussex (photo below left), near where the canal linked with the River Arun, originally as the Arun Navigation. The baton – a scrolled copy of an original canal company share certificate – was handed over for the first stage of its 27-mile journey to Guildford by foot, trip boat, small craft, bicycle and narrowboat. At the Canal Centre in Loxwood, bacon bap and afternoon tea cruises were run for the public on trip boat Wiggonholt as it took its turn in carrying the baton for two stages. Wiggonholt was out again later on for illuminated evening cruises. (Continued on page 27)


Wey & Arun Canal Trust News (Cont) (Continued from page 26)

Horse-drawn trips on narrowboat Zachariah Keppel were popular during the afternoon, courtesy of heavy horse Buddy (photo right) being loaned for the day by the Godalming Packetboat Company. On Sunday, around 250 people gathered at Compasses bridge, built by the Trust at the Alfold entrance to the Dunsfold Park aerodrome and business complex, to see Dame Penelope Keith accept the baton. Dame Penelope – invited to perform the official opening in her capacity as patron of the Surrey Hills area of outstanding natural beauty – said she was impressed by the achievement of the volunteers who built the bridge and those devoted to the restoration of the canal system. She cut a red ribbon across the roadway before posing for photographs with members in period dress and signing copies of the Trust’s souvenir programme. In his speech, Compasses project engineer Tony Ford, praised the volunteers who worked on the bridge. He said the Trust’s Northern Working Party was keen to get on with the next restoration project and revealed that this could be a similar bridge replacing the causeway across the canal at Tickner’s Heath. All the guests at Compasses were then provided with refreshments, accompanied by music from the famed Friary Guildford Band. After the formalities at the bridge, the baton was canoed and cycled up to Shalford. From there, it was taken by narrowboat Trincomalee, owned by Trust members Euan and Joanne Houstoun, up to Dapune Wharf. The bells of St Mary’s Church, Shalford, and St Nicolas Church, Guildford, rang out as Trincomalee, accompanied by a flotilla of small boats and a pair of visiting historic narrowboats cruised up the Wey. Finally, the baton was handed over to the Mayor of Guildford, Gordon Jackson, to open the proceedings at the Guildford Sea Cadets headquarters. The band had moved up from Shalford to again provide musical entertainment as members, guests and VIPs tucked into a cream tea. Trust life member Paul Barfield had moored his brand new narrowboat at the wharf for it to be named Wey-Away by Mr Jackson, who poured champagne over the bow. Mr Jackson also received a £1,000 donation cheque for WACT, presented by Mike Lewis of Guildford and Reading branch of the Inland Waterways Association. Sally Schupke said: “Overall, it was a fitting weekend of events to mark what was a tremendous achievement, the opening in 1816 of a 23-mile canal connecting the South Coast with the inland waterway system. The combined Arun Navigation and Wey & Arun Junction Canal was officially declared open at Compasses 200 years ago. We haven’t replicated the consumption of 200 gallons of beer by the navvies who built the canal and our cream tea wasn’t on the same scale as the directors’ feast, but we’ve marked the bicentenary in a memorable fashion.” 27


Christmas Fayre Wyatt House th

Thursday 8 December 10.30 – 12.30 Raffle *** Bottle Tombola ***Gifts*** Books *** Refreshments

FREE ENTRY Donations for the raffle/tombola would be greatly appreciated before and on the day Tel: Reg 01403 701886 In aid of Wyatt House funds


BOARD Christmas Handbells Concert Thursday 8th December at 8pm at Foxbridge Golf Club A concert by KIPHRA (the Kirdford, Ifold & Plaistow Handbell Ringers Association) Bar and Raffle. For details call Rosemary on 01403 701148

FESTIVE CRUISES ON THE WEY & ARUN CANAL Bookings are already being taken for the extremely popular Santa Cruises which will be running on 11th, 18th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd December. Trips depart at 11am, 12noon and 2.00pm and cost £10 per person to include festive refreshments and a gift from Santa for all children under 12 years of age. New for 2016: a Santa Cruise for the Grownups on Friday 16th December, 7.30 – 9.00pm. Santa tells us that Christmas is not just for the children and invites adults to join him for a 90 minute trip along the canal whilst enjoying a glass of mulled wine with snacks, and seasonal sing-along music. Santa will also have a small gift for everyone! Tickets cost £15 per person. On Boxing Day and New Year’s Day festive trips depart at 11am, 12noon and 2.00pm. Tickets: £5 for adults; £2.50 for children. Booking in advance is essential for all the trips. Full details are available on the website and bookings can be made online. Alternatively please call The Wey & Arun Canal Trust Office on 01403 752403 or email Website:


Recipe of the Month

Fruity Turkey Tagine Instead of cold turkey everyday for a week or the usual turkey curry this sweet and spicy Moroccan stew is a lovely way of using up leftovers after Christmas Day. Ras el hanout can be bought in most supermarkets, but if you wish to mix your own the recipe is included. Ingredients  1 tbsp olive oil  1 red onion, thickly sliced  3 carrots, thickly sliced on the diagonal  3 parsnips, thickly sliced on the diagonal  2 garlic cloves, crushed  2 tsp ras el hanout  500ml turkey or chicken stock  400g can chopped tomatoes  400g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed  140g mixture of dried apricots and prunes, roughly chopped  300g leftover turkey, cut into chunks  good drizzle of clear honey  ½ small bunch coriander, roughly chopped  1 tbsp flaked almonds  Couscous to serve  Greek yogurt, to serve Method 1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan, add the onion and cook gently for 8 mins or until softened. Add the carrots and parsnips, and cook for 8 mins until starting to soften and brown a little. Stir in the garlic and ras el hanout, and cook for a further 30 secs. Tip in the stock, tomatoes, chickpeas, dried fruit and 150ml water. Season, bring to a simmer and cook for 25-30 mins until the vegetables are tender. 2. Add the turkey and simmer for 5 mins to warm through. Stir in the honey, then scatter over the coriander and almonds just before serving with couscous and Greek yogurt.

Ras el Hanout Spice Mix A North African medley of fragrant spices to be used in tagines, as a marinade and much more - add rose petals for extra authenticity. Two slightly different versions are offered. (Continued on page 31)


Recipe of the Month (Cont) (Continued from page 30)

Ras el Hanout Version 1 Ingredients (makes 2-3 tablespoons)  1 1/2 teaspoons coriander seeds  3/4 teaspoon cumin seeds  1/2 teaspoon crushed chilli flakes  1 1/4 teaspoons ground cinnamon  1 teaspoon paprika  1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom  1/2 teaspoon ground ginger  1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric

Do you have a favourite recipe you would like to share with the readers of Ad Vincula? Please send your recipes, preferably with picture, to Thanks, Helen

Method 1. Toast coriander and cumin seeds in a small skillet over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until aromatic and slightly darkened, about 4 minutes. 2. Transfer to a spice mill and let cool. 3. Add crushed red pepper flakes. Process until finely ground. If you don't have a spice mill, use a pestle & mortar. Transfer to a small bowl. 4. Add remaining ingredients and mix. 5. Can be made 1 month ahead. Store airtight at room temperature. Makes approximately 2-3 tablespoons.

Ras el Hanout Version 2 Ingredients (makes 1 small jar)  2½ tbsp cumin seed  2 tbsp coriander seed  1 tbsp ground cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick  2 tsp ground ginger  2 tsp black peppercorn  1 tsp ground turmeric  ½ tsp cardamom pod (seeds from about 10 pods)  a good pinch of saffron (optional) Method 1. Toast the whole spices in a small pan until they are aromatic and have turned a shade or two darker. Don’t be tempted to skip this stage, as it really enhances the flavours. 2. Tip into a spice grinder (or use a pestle and mortar), then add the ready-ground spices and dried herbs if required, and crush to a fine powder. Store in a sealed jar for up to six months. Helen V 31

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The Gardener’s Calendar

by Ian Clemens

 Start to prune your Wisteria, climbing roses, vines and fruit trees.  Leave the faded flower heads on your hydrangeas until the spring, as they will provide frost protection to the swelling buds further down the stems.  Move containers of shrubs or bedding plants to a sheltered spot; clustering them together helps protect the root systems from suffering frost damage.  Take hardwood cuttings from suitable trees and shrubs.  Lift and divide established clumps of rhubarb to renew the plant's vigour.  Remove yellowing leaves from your winter brassicas as they are no use to the plant and may harbour pests and diseases. Cover with netting to protect them from pigeons.  Dig over empty borders and pile manure on top - let the worms and frosts break up the clods of soil.  Apply glue bands or grease bands to the trunks of fruit trees to prevent wingless female winter moths climbing the trunks and laying their eggs in the branches.  Plant raspberry canes now whilst they are dormant.  Plant blueberries for an attractive addition to the fruit garden.

Autumn Term at Climbing Bears I cannot quite believe that we are fast approaching the end of a very busy Autumn Term. We are already practicing for our annual Nativity show, which will once again take place at Fishers Farm. Huge thanks go to Tim, Kate and all the team at Fishers for making us so very welcome. The children have been very busy and we have continued to focus on developing our friendships and social skills, working together in small groups to take turns, share and complete games. The children have been planting bulbs and tidying the garden ready for winter and they all enjoyed eating the runner beans that they planted during the summer term and took home to harvest. The past few weeks have seen us engage in a number of books including ‘The Tiger who came to Tea’ and ‘Oi Dog’. We have loved Halloween and had a spooky party to support Crackerjacks Children’s Charity when we all dressed up as pumpkins, witches and wizards. Spaces at Climbing Bears are filling up fast this year with Tuesday and Thursday sessions being full already. If you or a family member is thinking about a place at Climbing Bears, please call to book an appointment so you can come and visit us and see for yourselves just what we get up to during a typical session. For more information, visit our website or contact Nina on 01403 701027 33

Wisborough Green History - THE ORIG The derivation of the Three Crowns' name is a mystery. There are two main possible sources of its name, the first is the events leading up to the depiction of three crowns on some papal head-dresses and regalia. The second is its common usage as the national emblem of Sweden where it appears as three gilded coronets two above and one below all on a blue background. Just why the pub should be named after either of them is unknown. The rumour of a distant connection with the Benedictine Order offers no help in this area. There are two types of papal head-dress both of which are derived from a conical linen cap used at the Imperial Byzantine court over a thousand years ago. The more familiar is the mitre hat as worn by bishops and popes through the ages. The second is the papal tiara; this is completely unlike the small jewelled ornamental crown worn by women during formal occasions. Instead it is a tall metal hat lavishly decorated with jewels, etc, see the accompanying picture of a mosaic showing Pope Clement VIII (1536 to 1605) wearing a tiara with three crowns one above another. The original Byzantine cap had a circle of cloth of gold at its base. In the 9th century this developed into a metal crown at the base of the traditional white papal headgear. When popes assumed temporal (or secular) power in the Papal States (a group of states in central Italy) in the 10th century, the base crown became decorated with jewels to resemble the crowns of the princes. A second crown is said to have been added by Pope Innocent III probably in the first half of the 13th century to signify both his spiritual and temporal power as he declared that God had set him over kings and kingdoms. A third crown was added some time during the Avignon Papacy (when the papal seat moved from Rome) that ran from 1309 to 1377 and the tiara became known as the triregnum. It was attributed to either Pope Benedict XI or Pope Clement V who were the popes during this period. Following this event, various versions of the three-crown tiara have been worn by popes over the years to as recently as 1963 when Pope Paul VI was crowned with one. The symbolism of the three crowns on the papal tiara is open to interpretation. Some believe that the three tiers mean "Father of princes and kings, ruler of the world, Vicar of Christ." Other interpretations link it to the threefold office of Christ who is Priest, Prophet and King, another to a traditional interpretation that the three crowns refer to (Continued on page 35)


GINS OF THE THREE CROWNS' NAME (Continued from page 34)

the "Church Militant on Earth", the "Church Suffering after death and before heaven" and the "Church Triumphant in Eternal Reward�. A simple theory links the three tiers to celestial, human, and terrestrial worlds. In 1963, Pope Paul VI was the last pope to date to begin his reign with a formal coronation. At that event he was crowned with a new tiara donated by the City of Milan (see photo showing the three crowns). It was different from earlier tiaras being plain without the jewels and precious gems. It was also sharply cone-shaped and noticeably heavier. At a dramatic ceremony soon afterwards in St Peter's Basilica he abandoned the use of his tiara as a sign of the need for greater simplification of the papal rites and the changing nature of the papacy itself although he later indicated that the tiara had not been totally abandoned even though it was never used again. With his inauguration as pope, Benedict XVI who resigned in 2013, broke with tradition and replaced the papal tiara on his papal coat of arms with a papal mitre on top (see picture). It contained the three levels of crowns representing the powers of the papacy as above. Before this, the pope's coat of arms always contained the image of the papal tiara even though the tiara had fallen into disuse. The papal tiaras also appeared on medieval tarot cards where a woman known as a popess or High Priestess, and sometimes with a child, wore a three-crown tiara, though the meaning and symbolism is uncertain. There's a legend that she is Pope Joan who disguised herself as a man and was only found out when she gave birth during a papal procession. Failing that, she could represent the Virgin Mary. The tarot pack also includes a depiction of the pope in some cases crowned with a papal tiara. With all of the investigations into the origins of three crowns in relation to the papacy and the possibility of its relevance to The Three Crowns, I've still not come across any connection. An article in the West Sussex County Times for November 1972 suggested that the crown was the symbol of the Benedictine Order, though I've not seen any evidence for this. It was also rumoured that The Three Crowns was sometimes known as The Benedictine up to the 1970s but I've not found anyone to confirm this. Any thoughts? Concluded next month, Richard B. 35

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LIMITED Company Registration no 7961115

Sales, Servicing & Repair of Garden Equipment Ebernoe, Petworth, Sussex GU28 9LH Tel: 01428 707269 Email:


Wisborough Green Division Divisional Organiser: Pat Farmer Old School Cottage, School Road, Wisborough Green, West Sussex. RH14 0DU Tel: 01403 700492 Email: To use the minibus you need to be a member of the Minibus Association The annual membership fee is ÂŁ5 payable to the escort on your first trip on the bus MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO ALL

For bookings ring: BRENDA KARN-SMITH (701076)

Destinations for December 2016 Fri 2nd Mon 5th Fri 9th Mon 12th Wed 14th Fri 16th Mon 19th Fri 23rd Mon 26th Fri 30th

Worthing & Morrisons Horsham & Sainsbury Chichester Christmas Market Cranleigh & Notcutts Shoreham Holmbush Centre Horsham & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts Horsham & Sainsbury Boxing Day Horsham & Sainsbury

Depart 9.30 am Depart 2.00 pm Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 2.00 pm Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am

We will be visiting the annual Chichester Christmas Market on the 9th December, a firm favourite with Chichester visitors, where there will be over 60 festive stalls on display in the pedestrianized areas of North Street and South Street with The Cross as the central point. Please do join us. I should like to take this opportunity to wish the minibus drivers, escorts and passengers a very Happy Christmas and peaceful New Year. I would still very much like to hear from anyone who would be prepared to take on the post of Divisional Organiser – see p19 for details.

Pat Farmer, Divisional Organiser

Early January 2017 Dates Mon 2nd Fri 6th Mon 9th

Cranleigh & Notcutts Chichester & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury

9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am 37

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Beekeeping for Beginners Day - a Taster A one day course will take place in Pulborough on Saturday March 11th 2017 to provide information for people who think they may like to investigate taking up beekeeping. This is an annual event, now in its twelfth year, run by the Wisborough Green Beekeepers Association. The event is tailored for those who may have had a long term interest, but aren’t sure if beekeeping is for them or not. All the information needed to become a beekeeper will be given in the presentation. There are free follow-up sessions at the well equipped Wisborough Green teaching apiary, for those who think they will be able to manage and wish to go further. This provides the opportunity to learn and achieve competence on someone else’s facilities, under supervision, before buying bees and equipment. The course is also suitable for those who may have just started beekeeping, but have had little or no guidance. The presentation will be by two very experienced beekeepers, with several others available during break times to provide advice and information. The Wisborough Green BKA covers a wide catchment area, with members in West Sussex and South Surrey. For those a bit further afield, details of surrounding Associations will be available on the day. Even if you may not be interested yourself, but know someone who might be, please let them know, or maybe you are looking for an unusual, but useful present for someone - well, here it is! Vouchers are available. Further information for beekeepers and non-beekeepers can be found on the Wisborough Green Beekeepers Association website You can find further details of the Beginners Day on the Events page. For course details, contact Roger Patterson: 01403 790637 or 07976 306492, or Gordon Allan: 01798 343470, to book.

Open House Homeless Shelter at Crawley Very many thanks for the continuing great response to the appeal for bedding/clothes for Open House, the homeless shelter in Crawley. Philip Midwinter, Fernlea, Kirdford Road, WG , Tel: 01403 700402. 39

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R G OIL BOILER SERVICES Servicing – Breakdowns – Commissioning Full Heating/Domestic Installations & Maintenance Bathroom Replacements Robin Gilfoyle


Emergency Call Outs

OFTEC Registered

01403 700780

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Sussex: 01403 820215 Surrey: 01483 267727 Email: Newpound, Wisborough Green, West Sussex RH14 0AZ Mem. No. L052


Neighbourhood Watch - Crime News & Advice With Christmas just round the corner, the following tips could be useful.

Distraction burglary prevention advice We would like offer residents the following information and crime prevention advice. Some burglars prey on people’s trust and kindness and use distraction as a means of getting into your home. A distraction burglar / bogus caller's intention is to trick people into allowing them into the property, or create a diversion so an accomplice can sneak in. Because elderly or vulnerable people are often targeted, distraction burglary can have a devastating effect - victims can lose their confidence and peace of mind, as well as money and possessions. Distraction burglars make up a story to get into your home, with only one intention to steal! They often pose as a tradesmen or officials or ask for your help with something:  Playing for sympathy - "I've broken down, please can I use your phone?" "I don't feel very well, could I use your toilet or get a glass of water?"

 Lost ball - "I've lost my ball/my son's lost his ball, please could I look for it in your garden?"  Good Samaritan - "I've just caught someone climbing out of your window, I think they might have stolen something. We need to check your money hasn't been taken."

 Using children - "Hello could my son and I come in to ask you some questions for his school project?"

 Fake emergency - "There's a gas leak/flood in your road, I have to come in to turn off your supply."

 Leaving a note - "I've popped round to see my auntie/friend who lives next door, but she's out at the moment. Please could I borrow a pen and paper to leave a note?" Some work alone, but often they work in groups of two or more, usually one person will knock at your door with a convincing excuse that seems genuine or urgent. The talker will persuade you to let them into your house and keep you occupied whilst others sneak in and search your house to steal cash and valuables. Distraction burglars can be men, women or children and sometimes a combination, smartly or casually dressed. Be vigilant of unknown people calling round  Don't let anyone into your home that you don't know. Always ask for identification - official visitors won't mind being asked for ID.

 Fit a door chain, if you have a solid front door, fit a wide angle door viewer.  If you were not expecting anyone, explain that you need to check they are legitimate and ask them to wait outside for a few minutes. Take a note of their name and the company they claim to be working for and then close and lock the door.

 Look up the phone number for the company in a telephone directory or on the Internet and check they have an employee of that name and that they are visiting you on legitimate business. Never just take someone's word for it and don't use any phone number they give you to check their identity - you don't know if it's a genuine number.

 If someone is asking for a favour, such as to use your toilet, borrow a pen or retrieve a ball, don't let them in. Instead direct them to a shop, office or public place. It's only natural to want to help someone, but sadly that's one of the techniques often used by distraction burglars.

 If you have any concerns about someone who has called at your door, call police immediately. If you have a chance, try to note what they look like and any vehicle they have with them, so police can investigate. Please click the link below to read the stories of distraction burglary victims. (Continued on page 49)


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For a quality chimney sweep KIRDFORD


Member of National Association of Chimney Sweeps

R W Scott & Son Est 1932 All types of carpentry & joinery. Internal & external including stairs, doors, windows sliding, sash and casement. Trade enquiries welcome. Tel: 01403 784665 Mob: 07768 163853 5 Ansells Yard, Wisborough Green

The Cricketers Arms The Heart of Wisborough Green 01403 700369

A beautiful 16th century pub located in a beautiful Sussex village. All fresh home cooked food. Good quality beer. Live music Friday/Saturday evenings from 9pm. Theme food evenings. Check website for dates.

Web Email – Follow us on Facebook and Twitter 42

Local Club and Society News Wisborough Green Spitfire Simulator Club Why not join the Spitfire Simulator Club? The prime purpose of our simulator project is to raise money for the RAF Benevolent Fund and to that end, simulator flights are normally charged for. However, with the Simulator Club, members make a small donation to the RAFBF (ÂŁ5 per year) and their name goes into a hat every month and the winner gets a flight for free. To join the group, contact Brian Smith on 01403 700346 or

Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club The Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club meets in The Village Hall every Wednesday from 4 to 6pm. Contact Philip Midwinter on 01403 700402 for more details.

Wisborough Green History Society Wisborough Green Village History Society is a small group of people who enjoy talking about and researching the history of the village. Several of our members are life-long residents of the village, others have lived here for many years and all have interesting memories and anecdotes to relate. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month in the village hall committee room at 10.30 am - new members are always welcome. Sue Killingbeck, Secretary

Wisborough Green Short Mat Bowls Club There are two fixtures to report since the last issue. The first was a defeat away at Ewhurst. On mat 1 Jane Adsett, Lorraine Berry, David Luxford and Bernard Adsett lost 9 shots to 27, then on mat 2 Jean Hoddinott, Eileen Warrington, Tony Broughton and Monica Enticknap lost by 8 shots to 26, but on mat 3 Sue Taber, Jean Head, Hilary Nulty and Shirley Bundy had a 20 shots to 13 win, which unfortunately still meant a defeat overall. The second match was away to Pulborough. On mat 1 Lorraine Berry, Marilyn Knight, Hilary Nulty and Pauline Shipway lost 12 shots to 24; on mat 2 Jane Adsett, Carol Cuthbert, Dawn Smith and Bernard Adsett lost 13 shots to 21, and on mat 3 Jean Head, Evelyn Ringrose, Tony Broughton and Reg Snelgar lost 12 shots to 25, for an overall defeat in the match. December Fixtures: 6th Arundel 14:00 (home), 9th Reprobates 18:30 (away). Monica Enticknap, Captain 43

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Kevin Twelvetrees Tree Surgery & Fencing Traditional Patios Specifications, Advice & Planning Conservation Areas & TPOs Large & Small Hedges Est 1986

Wisborough Green 01403 700848 Email:


Restorers of Fine Antique Furniture Bespoke furniture made to order 1 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road, Wisborough Green, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 ODY Telephone: (01403) 786 272

Restoring furniture for over 35 years.


Single lady animal lover, will care for your home & animals whilst you are away.

Wood Stoves & Chimneys Repairs, Service & Advice

Please call: Frances Curzons on 01903 739466

Email: Hetas Training Cert. no. 1385

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G R Kilford & Co.

Tel 01403 700848

Wisborough Green FARMERS MARKETplus News

Christmas Market Thursday 8th December 2016 Wisborough Green Village Hall 8.45am – 12.30pm The November market went very well. Oscars Pet Foods, REM Blacksmith, Fresh Fish, Holistic Herbalist, Fruit and Veg and Churchlands Cottage Produce stalls were in their usual spots around the car park and in the hall we had a full complement of 24 stalls selling everything from bread and honey to children’s books, including new stalls: Avon, Garden Cottage festive cakes and local artist Emma Christopherson with her original paintings and drawings. The Christmas Market promises to be a great event. Just about everything you could wish for Christmas will be there. For the foodies stalls will include: David Jesse (butcher and cook) from Calcot Farm with their great range high quality locally produced meats and charcuterie products (how about a festive turkey sausage?); great fresh fruit and veg; fresh fish; artisan breads; smoked foods; wonderful Sussex cheeses; Christmas cakes and lovely seasonal treats from Garden Cottage Products; hot Caribbean Christmas dishes, even Fair Trade products. And what about that extra present: Jewellery from Julie Weston; Avon gifts; an imaginative modern plant ‘fossil’ wall plaque; something from potter Sage Ceramics; even an ultra-soft Jacob’s sheep fleece as a present for that ‘what on earth do I buy them for Christmas’ moment? Or, natural skin care and aromatherapy products; hand-made children’s clothes for the grand-children; Holly wreaths and plants - and it’s still not too late to buy your Christmas cards and wrapping papers. Why not buy your pet a festive treat? And if that tires you out, take a seat and enjoy a Macmillan tea or coffee and a piece of their delicious cake. Raffle tickets will be on sale for a chance to win one of three super prizes - a flight in a Spitfire Simulator (courtesy of the WG Spitfire Simulator Club), or lunch for two, with wine, at The Three Crowns Inn, or a Luxury Christmas Hamper. It’s even rumoured that Father Christmas and Carol Singers from Wisborough Green Primary School will be putting in an appearance. Thank you, everyone, for your support throughout this year and have a very Happy Christmas from all the stall holders and volunteers at Wisborough Green Village Marketplus. From our stall holders for Christmas: Garden Cottage Products: Homemade and, wherever possible, home grown food has always been at the centre of family life at Garden Cottage. This is never more important than at Christmas when the family gather together. For the best part of 10 years, I have enjoyed sharing my love of home cooking and my recipes for making Christmas puddings, Christmas cakes, Dundee Cakes, jams and chutneys, to sell at Wisborough Green Farmers Marketplus. Why not come along to the WG Christmas Market and see my range of delicious festive fare. Bejewelled: I was first introduced to making jewellery by my sister who had been taught how to knot freshwater pearls by a Chinese lady and in turn, she showed me and I was hooked! I now design and make necklaces, bracelets and earrings using (Continued on page 47)


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Wisborough Green FARMERS MARKETplus News (Cont.) (Continued from page 45)

gemstones, crystals and freshwater pearls. In addition, I am happy to discuss your requirements and make bespoke pieces. Another service that I offer is repair and alteration; so don’t throw away that favourite necklace because it’s broken, bring it to me at the Wisborough Green Farmers Christmas Market and I’ll tell you if it can be fixed. The Wisborough Green Farmers Marketplus Committee

Market Sponsor Market Sponsor

Wisborough Green Horticultural Society Talk on Monday 5th December 8pm “Vegetable Growing in Raised Beds” by Barry Newman You could not have a more knowledgeable and experienced gardener to speak about vegetable growing. Grab the chance to pick up really useful ideas and information for whatever your plot has in the way of growing vegetables. Barry is a well known grower, exhibitor, lecturer and judge with formal horticultural training. He is a senior National Vegetable Growing Society (NVS) judge as well as being on the judging panel of the RHS and the South and South East in Bloom competition. Even though his topic is growing vegetables in raised beds, there is bound to be loads of really useful information. It might even enthuse you to exhibit at our own Show! Everyone is most welcome, newcomers, old timers and visitors. afterwards with a chance to chat further.


The Table Top Competition accompanies the evening talks and AGM and will be the same every time: “From your own garden or allotment five flowering (preferably) or evergreen stems displayed to best effect.” The points awarded each month are cumulative. The winner will be announced at the June Show. Don't forget your five stems this time, as a couple of people did last month. From the last talk (on beneficial insects) - how do you distinguish a centipede from a millipede without counting its legs? Centipedes have one pair per segment whilst millipedes have two per segment. By the way, how many legs does a millipede have? - a thousand ?! Happy gardening, Aija Hamilton 47

Decorative & Fine Arts Society Meetings WEST SUSSEX DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY On Tuesday December 6th Christopher Bradley will give a talk on

Three Wise Men Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh - Traditions of the Magi There will be Mince Pies and Mulled Wine after the lecture NO MEETING IN JANUARY Meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 2pm. Coffee available from 1.20pm. For membership details please contact Jackie Buckler on 01903 411086 Visitors are welcome for a fee of £8

SOUTH DOWNS DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY Inspiring, Dynamic and Fun On Wednesday 7 December, the lecture will be

The Twelve Days of Christmas by Peter Medhurst THERE IS NO LECTURE IN JANUARY All meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 10.30am. Coffee from 9.50am. Visitors warmly welcomed (only £5). Please call 01403 785302

WI Report It’s safe to come out of the woodwork now; we had the Annual Meeting on Thursday 3rd November, our 26th birthday. A ‘new’ committee was re-elected with one resignation (Jenny Pittuck) and one addition, (Faye Williams). Mary Benson was unanimously elected as our President for a further year; well done Mary. We had wine and nibbles and a quiz so a very social time was had by all. I would just like to say that Jenny has been on the Committee for all of our 26 years and has decided to take a well-earned sabbatical! Well done Jen. I think most of West Sussex dressed for our ‘View to a Kill’ night on the 12 th November. The Castaways came and acted their Murder Mystery evening. Everyone dressed splendidly for the event and a great time was had by all. Well done everyone. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 1st December which will, of course, be our Christmas Party. We have entertainment so come prepared to boogie. Please bring a plate of party food and a wrapped present to the value of £3 for our secret Santa. See you there. Sue Nicholls 700827 Mary Benson (President) 01403 700284 48

Neighbourhood Watch (Cont) (Continued from page 41)

Protect your vehicles Cars, 4x4s, motorcycles, quad bikes, horse boxes and tractors are all targets for thieves operating in rural locations, so wherever possible you should:  Keep vehicles in a lockable garage or building.

 Consider installing security lighting.  Investigate options for anti-theft devices, including alarms, immobilisers, vehicle trackers and security marking such as CESAR.

 Have the Vehicle Identification Number etched on windows.  Record machinery serial numbers and photographs for reference – a picture of the stolen vehicle will increase publicity prospects and recovery.

 Lock vehicles and keep the keys in a secure location and out of view, not hidden on the vehicle and out of view.

 Physically secure your ATV using suitable locking devices and to a fixed point on the ground using heavy duty security chain and padlocks.

 When selling your vehicle, check any buyer is genuine before giving your address details. There have been a number of thefts of trailers as usual in Sussex but, just across the county borders into Kent, recently 8 went missing in one week. Be aware.

Bicycle security In the UK, a bicycle is stolen every minute and fewer than 5% of those are returned to their owners. Our guidance below tells you how to keep your bike safe as well as what to do if it is stolen.  When not using your bike always secure it using a sturdy bike lock (D locks or combination locks are best). Spend about a quarter of the bike's value on a decent lock or chain.

 If leaving your bike in public, lock it to something secure like a bike rack or lamppost. If there are no bike racks, contact your local council to ask if they can put some in. If you chain it to railings, make sure it's not causing an obstruction for pedestrians or other road users.

 Make the lock and bike difficult to manoeuvre when parked - keep the lock away from the ground and keep gap between the bike and lock small - makes it much harder to cut through.

 When parking your bike at home try to keep it out of public view in a secure shed or garage.  Take out insurance - extend your home contents insurance or through a separate policy.  Any removable items e.g. lights or pumps should be taken with you when you park your bike. You can register your bike and get advice on security marking other items via the Immobilise website. This is the UK National Property Register that is supported locally and by other police forces across the country. Keep an eye out on the Internet and social media too for details of local cycle marking events with your neighbourhood policing team - this can make it much easier to recover your bike if it should be stolen.

If you have information about any crime call 101, email: or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. If you see a crime taking place call 999. Regards, Priscilla Pinkham 49

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Weather Watch Wisborough Green rainfall for October was 35mm (70mm last year – my 9 yr average is 96mm). The drier than usual weather has now extended to four months – no doubt that will soon change and already for November it has exceeded the month before! The highest temperature in the UK for October, 22.2°C, was reached in Trawscoed, Ceredigion. Tulloch Bridge, near Fort William, had the lowest minimum at -5.0°C. I recorded -4.0°C on the morning of November 8th We all should have been in Anglesey in October as they recorded the most sunshine – elsewhere was average for the month. Hopefully you had a chance to see the “supermoon” on the evening of Monday 14 th November. It made its closest approach to the Earth since 1948 - a mere 221,524 miles away and appeared 7% larger than normal and about 15% brighter. If you missed it it will be that close in on 25th November 2034 – so make a note in your diary! Weathervane

Left: Although cloudy for most of the night, Jamie Daniell did manage to take this picture at 4.30am on the 15th!

CYBER TIPS Be careful who you give to! Charity phishing scams are rife at Christmas time. When you receive an email requesting support for this cause or that, be careful! If you decide to make an on-line donation to a charity this Christmas (or at any time), it is best to give through the website of the charity of your choice rather than to respond to an unsolicited email.

Happy Christmas! Peter Edmonds

Village Hall 50 Club Draw The winner of the November Draw is Reg Hickman who wins £50 The winner of the second prize of £20 is Elizabeth Gough The December draw will be at the Three Crowns at 6.30 pm on Monday 5 December 2016 and if any member or prospective member would like to attend they will be very welcome. In addition to the monthly draw there will be an extra Christmas prize draw of £500. Join now to ensure that you have a chance of winning next year. Ruth Andrews, 01403 700671 51

Church Cleaning Roster (Saturdays) 3 December


10 December

Mr & Mrs Brett

17 December

Mrs Nicholls & Mrs Daniell

24 December


31 December

Mrs Holt & Mrs Zilz

If you are unable to clean on the day allocated to you, please arrange to change with someone or let Jill Brett know – 700350.

Church Flower Arranging Roster (Fridays) 2 December

Advent No Flowers

9 December

Advent No Flowers

17 December [Saturday]


23 December

Maggie Edwards

30 December

Maggie Edwards

CLEANERS & FLOWER ARRANGERS PLEASE NOTE: Xpresso is held in the church Fridays from 9.00 to 11.30am.

Church of St Peter ad Vincula The Vicar Churchwardens PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Church Electoral Roll Officer Covenant Secretary Director of Music

Rev. Clive Jenkins Dr Graham Parr Mr Jamie Daniell Mrs Sue Nicholls Mr Tony Cook Mrs Sue Nicholls Mr David Warwick Mr Malcolm Brinson

Ministry Support Team Co-ordinators Bell Ringers Mr Robin Miles Cleaners Mrs Jill Brett Flowers Mrs Maggie Edwards Readers & Intercessors Mrs Val Mourilyan Chalice & Sacristans Mrs Andrea Parr Healing Mrs Gillian Gough

700339 700793 752846 700827 785435 700827 700262 01730 816101 823361 700350 700944 700089 700793 700157

Website: For baptism or wedding enquiries, please contact the Vicar ASAP or, if unavailable, one of the churchwardens.


Wisborough Green Village Directory Ad Vincula Magazine :


Mr Roland Zilz Mrs Marion Jenkins Mrs Fran Wallace Mr John Gough

Advertising Distribution Balloon Club of Wisborough Green Climbing Bears Pre-school Cricket Club Chairman Farmers’ & Village Market Football Club Chairman History Society Horticultural Society Chairman Lawnmower Racing Minibus Association Minibus Bookings Neighbourhood Watch Area Co-ordinator Parish Council Chairman Parish Council Clerk Police (non-emergency) Primary School Business Manager Primary School PTA Secretary Scouting Groups: Scouts (10½+ yrs) Cubs (8-10½ yrs) Beavers (6-8 yrs) Sports Clubs Association (Pavilion) St Peter’s Luncheon Club Short Mat Bowls Club Spitfire Simulator Group Stoolball Club Table Tennis Club Village Hall Bookings Village Hall Committee Chairman Village Car Service Village Care Team & Library Service Wisborough Green Arts Wisborough Green Bridge Club Wisborough Green Conservative Association Wisborough Green Fete Society Wisborough Green Sideshows Society Wisborough Green Trust Wisborough Green Website Wisborough Green Website Editor Women’s Institute

700632 700339 700320 700157

Mr Brian Smith Nina Lambkin Mr Steve Calder-Smith Mrs Aija Hamilton Mr Craig Vit Mrs Pam Warburton Philip Midwinter Mr Jim Gavin Mrs Pat Farmer Mrs Brenda Karn-Smith Mrs Priscilla Pinkham Mr Keith Charman Mrs Louise Davies


700346 701027 700821 700588 700369 701903 700402 700220 700492 701076 700114 700545 701102 101 Mrs Clare Lonsdale 700280 Ms Clair Beresford 701908 David Ribbens 01483 200688 Carol Pearson 700536 David Ribbens 01483 200688 Mr Ian Elliott 700474 Mrs Hilary Edmonds 700623 Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mr Brian Smith 700346 Mrs Alison Luke 700752 Mr Philip Midwinter 700402 Mrs Louise Slade 700421 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mrs Jennie Burr 700607 Mrs Angela Craddock 700336 Mrs Sheila Armistead 700319 Kay Wooldridge 700464 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Ms Andrea Leighton 700435 Mr Christopher Stride 700495 Mr Richard Bairstow 700140 Mrs Louise Davies, PC Clerk 701102 or Mrs Mary Benson 700284 53

What’s Happening in December Thur 01

Christmas Coffee Morning (p 23) Mobile Library WI Meeting - Christmas Party (p 48)

5 Carters Way The Pavilion WG WG Village Hall

10.30 am 2.55 - 3.15 pm 8.00 pm

Fri 02

Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 7)

St Peter’s WG

Mon 05

Village Hall 50 Club Draw (p 51) Hort Soc Talk (p 47)

The Three Crowns WG Village Hall

Tue 06

Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 7) WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.30 am West Sussex Decorative & Fine Arts Society (p 48) Fittleworth Village Hall 2.00 pm Planning Committee (if required) Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 8.00 pm

Wed 07

South Downs Decorative & Fine Arts Society (p 48) Fittleworth Village Hall

Thur 08

Farmer’s & Village Market plus (p 45) Christmas Fayre (p 28) St Peter’s Messy Church (p 19) KIPHRA Christmas Handbells Concert (p 29)

WG Village Hall 8.45 am - 12.30 pm Wyatt House 10.30 - 12.30 am WG Village Hall 3.30 - 5.30 pm Foxbridge Golf Club 8.00 pm

Fri 09

Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 7)

St Peter’s WG

Sat 10

Leconfield Singers Christmas Concert (p 29) BCS Christmas Carol Concert (p 28)

St Mary’s, Petworth St Mary’s, Billingshurst

Tue 13

Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 7) Chris’s Fashions (p 28)

WG Village Hall Wyatt House

Thur 15

Mobile Library

The Pavilion WG

Fri 16

Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 7)

St Peter’s WG

9.00 - 11.30 am

Sun 18

Carol Service (p 6)

St Peter’s WG

6.00 pm

Tue 20

Planning Committee (if required)

Comm Rm, WG Village Hall

8.00 pm

Sat 24

CHRISTMAS EVE Nativity Service (p 6) First Communion of Christmas (p 6)

St Peter’s WG St Peter’s WG

5.00 pm 11.15 pm

Sun 25

CHRISTMAS DAY Family Communion for Christmas (p 6)

St Peter’s WG

9.30 am

Thur 29

Mobile Library

The Pavilion WG

9.00 - 11.30 am 6.30 pm 8.00 pm

10.30 am

9.00 - 11.30 am 6.00 pm 7.30 pm

9.30 - 11.30 am 10.30 - 12.00 noon 2.55 - 3.15 pm

2.55 - 3.15 pm

Ad Vincula - YOUR Parish Magazine EDITORIAL: Please email:

** DEADLINE 10th December PLEASE ** ADVERTISING: Please telephone: Fran Wallace on 01403 700320 or email: 54

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Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

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