Ad Vincula Magazine March 2019

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March 2019

Wisborough Green Parish Magazine

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AD VINCULA Wisborough Green Church and Community News

Highlights March 2019

Ad Vincula Team

St Peter ad Vincula Calendar ....................................................... 4 Pastoral Letter .............................................................................. 5 Dates for Diary ............................................................................. 6 Prayer / Church Electoral Roll ...................................................... 7 From the Editor / Front Cover - Katie Wells.................................. 9 WG Primary School News .......................................................... 11 School PTA Summer Festival 2019 ........................................... 13 St Peter’s Sponsored Activities ........................................... 14 - 15 WACT brings in New Heavyweight Boats .................................. 17 Ad Vincula “How Far Can you Go” ............................................. 19 WG Sports / Church Breakfast ................................................... 21 Minibus Outings April to June 2019 ............................................ 21 WG Neighbourhood Plan Review / FSW News .......................... 23 Village Hall News / WGFS looking for donation ideas ............... 25 Help Nowzad get Lady B from Afghanistan to the UK ................ 25 Notice Board ........................................................................ 26 - 27 Recipe of the Month / Wildlife Group .......................................... 29 WG Minibus Page ...................................................................... 31 Wisborough Green History .................................................. 32 - 33 Gardener’s Calendar / PACT News ........................................... 35 Weald School News ................................................................... 37 Village Organisations - News & Notices .............................. 39 - 45 Minibus Theatre Trip / RBL Poppy Appeal Report ..................... 47 Church Cleaning / Flower Rosters / Directory ............................ 48 Village Directory ......................................................................... 49 What’s Happening ...................................................................... 50

Roland Zilz


The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Parochial Church Council. Please note, it is not always possible to check the credentials and claims of all those advertising, so please ensure that you get references and check any claims before entering into business with them.

Editor Marion Jenkins Asst. Editor Fran Wallace Advertising John Gough Distribution Rev. Clive Jenkins Vicar Jamie Daniell Churchwarden Richard Parish Churchwarden

If you have articles, photos, letters, etc that you think we may like to feature in the next issue, please email the Editor on: but, please note, publication will always be subject to space and at the discretion of the Editor. Copy Deadline for April 2019 issue:

14 March 2019 Printed by: Bishops Printers Ltd Walton Road, Farlington, Portsmouth PO6 1TR Tel: 023 9233 4900

Cover Picture - St Peter’s, Wisborough Green (Illustration by Katie Wells - see page 9)


St Peter ad Vincula Calendar for March Sunday 3 March 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Sunday next before Lent 10.30am Sung Communion 6.00pm Refresh contemporary worship Tuesday

5 March

4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)

Wednesday 6 March 10.00am Holy Communion Ash Wednesday 7.30pm Sung Communion with Imposition of Ashes Friday

8 March

3.15pm St Peter’s Messy Church in the Village Hall

Sunday 10 March 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 1st Sunday of Lent 10.30am Time for God Tuesday

12 March

4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)


13 March 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 17 March 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 2nd Sunday of Lent 10.30am Sung Communion 6.00pm ‘Digging Deeper’ into God’s Word 4


19 March

4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)


20 March 10.00am Holy Communion


21 March 12.15pm St Peter’s Luncheon Club in the Village Hall

Sunday 24 March 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 3rd Sunday of Lent 10.30am All Age Communion Tuesday

27 March

4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)


28 March 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 31 March 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Mothering Sunday 10.30am Informal All Age Communion with Baptism Tuesday

2 April

4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)


3 April 10.00am Holy Communion

For More Details of Services and Events see CHURCH WEBSITE Follow us on Facebook:

Pastoral Letter Search me, God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139:23-24) Our car recently underwent its M.O.T. test to ensure it is roadworthy and safe to drive on the highway. This annual check for vehicles over three years old is compulsory and independently verified by garages and engineers qualified to carry out the test and assessment. This is important because my knowledge and belief about the roadworthiness of my vehicle is not technical. I go by the outward appearance of the car. I cannot calibrate the brakes or measure the exhaust emissions; my assessment is only superficial! In a similar way it is important to take time to reflect on our wellbeing and spiritual life. The Christian season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (March 6 th) which lasts for a period of forty days, mirroring the time Jesus spent in the wilderness before he began his ministry. Lent can be a great opportunity to have a spiritual M.O.T. to check out where we are and whether we need to spend more time reflecting and in prayer, putting aside some of the busyness of the week (St. Peter’s is open from dawn ‘til dusk every day and all are welcome to sit in this beautiful building). For the Christian the importance of regular attendance at Sunday worship and membership of a home group to have fellowship and learn together the joy of being a disciple of Jesus are key ingredients to spiritual growth. If you wish to be part of a Lent Study Course over six sessions please email Do 5 check out the ‘Dates for the Diary’ in this magazine to see additional activities and services during Lent, here at St. Peter’s, to make it a memorable season. We hope to have our up-graded audio-visual system installed in the next few months so that we should be able to offer ‘Movies with a Message’ to enhance our ability to share the message of the Gospel in a new and exciting way. Watch this space for further information in April Ad Vincula! Clive and Marion

Parish Quiet Day for Holy Week Saturday 13th April 10am-4pm at The Palace, Chichester To book a place email or sign up in Church. Please bring a packed lunch; drinks will be provided. We will have the use of the Tudor Room, Bishops Chapel and the garden.

Dates for the Diary March 2019 Friday




Wednesday 6th






Friday Saturday

15th 16th



Wednesday 20th Thursday 21st Thursday 28th Sunday


8.45 - 11.30am Xpresso Coffee Morning in Church (every Friday in term time). Back after half term with Bacon Butties this week! Delicious homemade cakes and Fair Trade coffee. 10am Knit & Natter (previously Make Space) during Xpresso. All in Church. 6pm Refresh Contemporary Worship led by Andy on guitar in Church. All Welcome. 7.30pm Ash Wednesday Sung Communion Service in Church with Imposition of Ashes. 3.15pm straight from school Messy Church in the Village Hall. 10.30am Time For God Service great for families, with activities. 10am Knit & Natter in Church during Xpresso Coffee Morning. 8.30-10.30am Church Breakfast at The Three Crowns (see page 21) 6pm Digging Deeper into God’s Word (the Bible) for living today in God’s World. 2.30pm Singing For Fun at Wyatt House. All Welcome! 12.15 for 12.45pm St Peter’s Village Lunch in the Village Hall 12 noon – 2.30pm Lent Lunch in aid of St Peter’s Triple Mission at 5 Carters Way. 10.30am Mothering Sunday All-Age Worship with Baptism We shall be making posies to give to all the ladies in Church and to take to neighbours and friends around the Village. So come and join us on this special day.

April 2019 Friday Sunday

5th 7th

Tuesday Saturday

9th 13th

Sunday Friday

14th 19th

Sunday 21st Wednesday 24th

10am Knit & Natter during Xpresso Coffee Morning 6pm Refresh Contemporary Worship led by Andy on guitar in Church. All welcome. 3pm Messy Church in the Village Hall 10am-4pm Parish Quiet Day for Holy Week at the Palace in Chichester. 10.30am Time For God on Palm Sunday 10am All Age Worship followed by Hot Cross Buns 12 noon An Hour at the Foot of the Cross 10.30am Easter All-Age Communion Celebration 2.30pm Singing For Fun at Wyatt House. All Welcome!

From the Registers (January) Nothing to report for January

Prayer Prayer Group and Quiet Mornings If anyone would like to spend half an hour in fellowship and prayer then they are most welcome on a Tuesday at 4.30pm, when prayers are said for the life of the Parish. Contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details of venue. On the third Friday of every month Quiet Mornings are held at the home of Wendy Duff at 10.30am. It is a peaceful time when you can relax, recharge your batteries and listen to music, poetry, readings and prayers. You will come away refreshed and ready to carry on! Please contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details.

Chain of Prayer Worried about a loved one, a friend or yourself and would like prayers to be said by a chain of people? Contact Wendy 700295 or Gillian 700157 and they will start the chain by contacting the person next to them on the list and so it goes all the way round. Prayer is a powerful and important part of life and one should never under estimate its effect. You don't need to give any details of the problem just ask for prayers to be said and it will happen. Please note that it will be treated with total confidentiality.

Prayers are offered for parishioners who are in special need, especially the sick and frail. Please advise either of the churchwardens of any persons or situations you would like remembered in this way. 7 All those living in particular roads are prayed for regularly, the whole parish being covered over a 12-week cycle: Week beginning:

3 March 10 March 17 March 24 March 31 March

Newpound Lane Newpound & Roundstreet Common School Road Thornton Meadow Billingshurst Road & Wisborough Gardens

Church Electoral Roll 2019 is a “6th year” when our Electoral Roll has to be completely revised (rather than just adding or deleting names, which happens the other 5 years). So, this time, everyone has to fill in a new form in order to be included on the roll. Anyone living in the Parish can be on the Electoral Roll, together with anyone who lives elsewhere but regularly worships with us. There will be a supply of forms available in church. Please take one, complete it and return to Rosemary Crafter, our new Electoral Roll Officer by Sunday 24th March. In order to comply with Church of England rules the new Roll has to be completed and displayed by April 1st (which is 2 weeks prior to our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) on 14th April) Rosemary’s contact details are or 01403 701148 .

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From the Editor A warm welcome to the March 2019 edition of Ad Vincula. The astute amongst you will have noticed a different style to our front cover this month. Wisborough Green’s own Katie Wells has provided our cover this month (see bio below). I hope you agree it’s a charming picture. We hope to have more from Katie in future months. Only 52 pages this month but, in addition to the usual articles, I would highlight the following:      

Wey & Arun Canal Trust brings in heavyweight boats (p17) Progress Update on WG’s Neighbourhood Plan Review (p23) Plea to Help Donna and family rescue Lady B from Afghanistan (p25) Exceptional Weald Students gain Scholarships (p37) Latest Minibus Theatre Trip (p47) Report of Royal British Legion Annual Poppy Appeal 2018 (p47)

I hope you will find something of interest. Do please keep all your articles, comments and photos coming. Specifically, I would love to see some fresh photos (or original artwork) representing Wisborough Green in different months of the year to use as magazine covers. Please send to Roland Zilz This magazine can also be viewed on line at: 9

March Front Cover by Katie Wells Katie Wells is a local illustrator living and working in Wisborough Green, West Sussex. She graduated from Bath Spa University with a degree in Graphic Communications. Katie’s inspiration often comes from the surrounding countryside of the South Downs National Park. Katie’s work often features woodland and farm animals usually dressed in little clothes, her illustrations are created using pen and watercolour. You might recognise Katie’s work from The Townies and Parkies campaign in Horsham. Katie was commissioned to design and illustrate murals to brighten up each entrance at Albion Way Subway, Horsham. This campaign then led to character trails in the town and the park, a sticker trail and a story competition. Make sure you pop into Horsham to see Katie’s Winter mural at Albion Way Subway! Katie has recently started producing family house portrait commissions and these are proving popular! If you are interested in having a family house portrait, simply send Katie a picture of your house and choose whether you want your family to be depicted by animals or human beings! facebook and instagram: @katiewellsillustration website:

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Grounds Maintenance & Landscaping Contract & Private work undertaken Established since 1996, fully equipped & insured Tel: 01403 700648 Email:

QUALITY LOCAL INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DECORATOR · 25 years’ experience · Fully Insured · References available · No VAT

For a professional service please contact Jonathan Capelin (West Chiltington) 01798 817402

Wisborough Green Primary School News With spring fast approaching, we are looking forward to the joy and happiness this season brings. The children are busily growing produce for our secret garden and we are planning lots of fun, fitness and active learning in the great outdoors. Despite the cold and wet weather, we are always happy to venture outside in all conditions. The Forest School area has been a place of tranquility over the winter months where the children have built dens, cooked on the open fire and made a multitude of crafts. We love learning in this way as it teaches us so many skills for life, especially learning to collaborate and work as a team. Designing and building motor powered boats was a real highlight of the term. We were visited by a STEM worker who helped the children discover the wonders of engineering, technology, science and maths. Dreaming big is something we like to do and we want everyone at WGPS to be excited about their future careers. Maybe we will grow the next Brunel or Stephenson. Keeping children safe is the highest priority for us and that includes preparing them to be independent. Our Year 6 children enjoyed a week of bikeability with the 11 brilliant WSCC trainers. They learned about bike skills, road safety awareness and to think of others. Well done to all the children for persevering and for overcoming challenges and difficulties. The voices of angels continue to echo throughout the school, even though Christmas is now a distant memory. Music is a key focus subject for us this year and we certainly have musical children and a musical staff. We are preparing for a Spring Music Concert later in the term with lots of singing, dancing and musical accompaniment. It doesn't seem possible we are already half way through another academic year. Look out for the launch of our first WGPS Magazine which promises to be a success. The children are looking for local businesses to advertise in the first ever edition. If you want to be part of something great and would like to advertise your business for a small fee, then please contact the school office by emailing : Our school governors work incredibly hard to support and challenge the school to ensure we are giving the children the best start in life. We are looking for another Community Governor to join our team. If you can spare a few hours every month and would like to support the school to continue to provide a first class education to local children, then please come and have a chat with us. You can contact the school office on 01403 700280. We look forward to hearing from you. Visit our website for more info: or follow us on Twitter - @WGPS864

Warm regards, Amanda Harrison, Head Teacher 01403 700280

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WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HALL FOR HIRE For hire charges and more information contact: 12

Mrs Beth Ellis: 01403 700083 e:

Kevin Twelvetrees Tree Surgery & Fencing Traditional Patios Specifications, Advice & Planning Conservation Areas & TPOs Large & Small Hedges Est 1986

Wisborough Green 01403 700848 Email:

A full range of upholstery services for traditional and contemporary furniture. Full upholstery, fitted & loose covers, cushions, headboards & accessories Free quotation. Collection and delivery

Contact Paul or Will: 01798 368008


School Summer Festival 2019 Wisborough Green School PTA is pleased to announce that they will be holding this year’s Summer Festival on Saturday 15th June. It may seem a long way off now but we have lots of planning and organising to do so please save the date and make sure you are available to come and join in all the fun! If you would like to help support us in some way we would love to hear from sponsors, advertisers and stall holders. Please contact us on

St Peter’s Spon Wizzy Tots Wizzy Tots, Wisborough Green’s baby and toddler group, meets at the Village Hall every Tuesday during term time from 9.30 to 11.00 am. Please join us for a coffee, catch up and a play in the Village Hall, all children and parents/carers welcome. It would be lovely to see you all. If you want to find out more about Wizzy Tots, please call: Tory on 01403 700809 or Marion on 01403 700339. If you haven’t yet experienced the delights of Xpresso, come and enjoy freshly ground Fairtrade coffee or tea with a delectable homemade cake! Xpresso is open every Friday during term time from 8.45am ‘til 11.30am in St Peter’s Church and EVERYONE is welcome! 14


Knit & Natter Craft Group


(formerly Make Space)

Held on the 1


& 3


Fridays of each Month from 10.00-11.30am

During the Xpresso Coffee Morning in the Church All are welcome. Bring your craft with you, or just come for a chat.

sew i


For further information contact Lorna on 01403 700155

ting Knit

St Peter’s Luncheon Club St Peter’s Luncheon Club meets six times a year, on a Thursday, in the Wisborough Green Village Hall and is open to anyone who lives in the village or who worships at St Peter's. A two-course lunch, accompanied by a glass of wine, costs £5.00, payable at the door. Members are reminded by telephone a week or so before the event. If you would like to become a member, please ring Val Mourilyan on 01403 700089. st

Next lunch: Thursday 21 March at 12.15 for 12.45 in the Village Hall

nsored Activities Village Care Scheme The St. Peter’s Village Care Team meets regularly and its aims are to give help and support to the residents of Wisborough Green in as many ways as possible. This includes visiting people who are housebound, in hospitals or in nursing homes, and comforting those who are suffering from illness, bereavement, loneliness etc. We also provide (through the West Sussex County Council) a free library service for those who are unable to leave their homes. See next page. Each team member is responsible for looking after an area of the village, for welcoming new arrivals, and for giving friendly advice. We produce “Welcome to Wisborough Green Cards” containing useful information which are always delivered personally. When appropriate, we send out cards on the first anniversaries of Baptism and Confirmation, and for bereavements. We are always open to suggestions and new ideas to help the community. Please feel free to contact Suzanne Mosley on 01403 700946 for any enquiries.

Village Car Service The Village Car Service, a part of the St Peter’s Village Care Scheme (see above), has now been in operation for over twenty years. It provides transport to Doctor’s and Dentist’s surgeries and local hospitals on request. There is no charge for this service but donations are invited from passengers as these are ploughed back into the Team’s budget to pay petrol expenses to the volunteer drivers. The service is co-ordinated by Jennie Burr (tel:01403 700607). We have a dedicated team of drivers and are extremely grateful to them all, but always need new recruits to cover busy periods. If anyone is interested in driving for the village please contact Suzanne Mosley on 15 01403 700946.

Village Library Service for Housebound Readers This service is available for readers who are unable to leave their homes. There are large print and talking books available if required. If you would like a selection of books delivered to your home on a temporary or regular basis, please contact: Angela Craddock on 700336.

‘St Peter’s Chain Gang’ The Churchyard at St Peter’s is an historic record of successive generations, a home for funerary monuments of architectural and aesthetic excellence, a setting for the church itself and a place for reflection and prayer. As such, its maintenance is of the highest importance. To complement the regular mowing the churchyard receives throughout the year, St Peter’s Chain Gang has been formed. This working party meets every other Tuesday in the churchyard from 9.30am to 12.00 noon to carry out routine tasks aimed at keeping everything neat and tidy. Extra help is always welcome even if you can come for just part of the time. Please bring gardening tools if you are able. Dates for March / April 2019 (weather permitting): Tuesday 5th March Tuesday 19th March Tuesday 2nd April Tuesday 16th April Tuesday 30th April

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NO TIME FOR PAPERWORK? Virtual Administration / Bookkeeping Assistant for small businesses Please contact Sue to discuss your requirements Tel: 01403 730819 Mob: 07881 420634


Old Pond Cottage Bed & Breakfast Accommodation Wisborough Green Tel : 01403 701110 Perfectly situated in the heart of the village Three lovely rooms – all en suite

Wey & Arun Canal Trust brings in the heavyweights It was definitely lift-off for the Wey & Arun Canal’s latest restoration project when it took delivery in early February of some new boats, including a 19-tonne dredger. The heavyweight vessel, plus two barges and a tugboat, had been purchased from local firm Land & Water Services Ltd, and called for the use of a 250-tonne crane to lift the fleet from land and into the canal at Compasses Bridge, on the canal Summit at Alfold / Dunsfold on the West Sussex / Surrey border. Civil and environmental engineering experts Land & Water transported the fleet by lorry to the Compasses site from as far afield as Birmingham, along with the crane and 70 tonnes of counterweights. It was an impressive sight as the tower crane’s boom was extended to 34 metres to lift the boats over the bridge and into the water, with the diesel powered tugboat the first to set sail. It was put to use immediately to push the two 12metre barges further along the canal as soon as they reached the water. The heavyweight dredger was the last to be lifted safely in. 17

Wey & Arun Canal Trust volunteers and Restoration Supervisor Dave Evans worked with Land & Water staff for the operation, and to ensure the safety of the many spectators who had turned out on a bitter Saturday morning to witness the spectacle. Land & Water director Richard Maclean handed the keys of the dredger to Summit Project Manager Tony Ford and Dave Evans. Its arrival was then honoured in the traditional way by pouring Champagne on its bow and was toasted by supporters. The equipment will now allow the start of a two-year volunteer-led project to desilt the 500 metre stretch from the newly-built Thriscutt Slipway to Compasses Bridge. Right: Tony Ford, Dave Evans & Richard Maclean toast the arrival of the new boats

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For a quality chimney sweep KIRDFORD


Member of National Association of Chimney Sweeps 18

Tel: 01403 783115 e:

Ad Vincula - “How far can you go?” Some more exotic entries to our little competition this month. It’s all very close this month, but the distance winners (by only 3 miles!) are the Armisteads (6,015m)! congratulations to them.

Above: Shiela and Robert Armistead Above Right: the fellow in the costume is Shiela & Robert’s grandson, Harry. All taken in Andy’s Seafood Restaurant, Lamma Island, Hong Kong (6,015m) Right: Jo Newman, Giraavaru, Maldives (5,295m)


Left: Richard Parish, Batoka Gorge, Zambezi River, near Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (5,025m) Right: Gill Parish, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa (6,012m)

Please remember to take your copy of Ad Vincula with you wherever you travel and don’t worry if your travels don’t take you to distant shores, we still want to find the most interesting or unusual location for Ad Vincula so please keep those photos coming in! You can email them to: or post them on our Facebook Site: Roland Zilz

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Painting/decorating Tiling Loft ladders & boarding Electrical work Carpentry

Distinctive catering for all occasions Providing high quality, home-cooked food lovingly prepared for a wide range of events whether a joyous celebration, party, wedding, corporate event, or memorial for someone special Contact: Emma Foden Tel 01403 700653 / 07801 569329



No job too small Competitive rates References available


Trevor Price 01403 701993

Mon—Fri 6.30 am—5.30 pm Saturday 7.30 am—5.30 pm Sunday 8 am—1 pm

Fresh Produce Newsagents

Open 7 DAYS a WEEK Just Pop in & Pick it up

General Store Off Licence

Shop: 700278 / Post Office:701937

In Store Bakery National Lottery



with Robyn Burbridge      

General Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Corticosteroid injections Diagnostic ultrasound Sports Injury assessment and treatment Running and dance assessment and rehabilitation Vestibular assessment and rehabilitation

Tel: 01403 700455

Wisborough Green Sports There’s not been a lot of action out on the Green recently due to the amount of rain. We have had some good times inside the Pavilion with the start of England’s 6 Nations campaign. We’re showing every game live with 20% of bar takings going directly towards improving facilities. Talking of which we have had further meetings with the Parish Council Pavilion working group and are cautiously optimistic that progress is starting to be made once more on the new Pavilion. More on this next month as well as our new playing facilities. We’re still looking for new bar staff to work Friday nights and Saturday afternoons so please drop Clare a note on or pop in if you’re interested or know someone who might be. Hopefully, with drier weather on its way we’ll see some football soon! Michael Gadd, Chair

Church Breakfast at The Three Crowns Saturday 16th March 8.30-10.30am Speaker Mrs Caroline Armitage

St Peter’s has in the past, run the occasional ‘Men’s Breakfast’ but there 21 was a concern that the ladies of the Parish missed out! So we will be launching ‘Church Breakfasts’ for all. This year, in our Diocese, we are focusing on the Year of Vocation and our speaker will be Mrs Caroline Armitage, a Lay Reader at Ashington, Washington and Buncton. Caroline trained as a solicitor and is now part of the ministry team with The Chanctonbury Churches. So book the date now and sign up or email if you wish to come along. There will be a charge for the breakfast of approximately £8.00.

Wisborough Green Division Please call Kate on 701004 MINIBUS OUTINGS April to June 2019 Wednesday 3rd April – Weald & Downland Living Museum, Singleton - Discover rescued rural homes and buildings, set in the Southdowns National Park. The collection tells the stories of people who lived and worked in the area over the last 1,000 years. £20 inc. entry and fare. Wednesday 1st May - Leonards Lee Gardens, Horsham - Famous for its beautiful gardens featuring Rhododendrons and Azaleas. Now reopen to the public after extensive restoration work. New cafe and Restaurant open for lunches. £15 incl. entry and fare. Wednesday 5th June - Charleston House & Gardens, Lewes - Home of the Bloomsbury group of artists. From 1916 Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant spent over fifty years turning the seventeenth century farmhouse into a decorative masterpiece, with visitors including Virginia & Leonard Woolf, John Maynard Keynes and E M Forster. There is also a beautiful walled garden. £25 incl. entry and fare.

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Richard, Caroline and the team would like to welcome you to The Bat & Ball Country Pub and Hayward’s Restaurant. Newpound Lane, Wisborough Green, RH14 0EH 01403 700199 Open 7 days a week Bar open for coffee and drinks 12-11 Mon - Sat Sunday 12-9 Lunch Monday - Saturday 12-3 Dinner Monday - Saturday 6-9. On Sundays we serve our delicious Sunday roast in addition to an array of seasonal dishes 12-8 22

extensions · alterations · brickwork stonework · paving · patios · garden walls all types of carpentry call Twig on

01403 700857 Mob: 07990 581411 Twiglets · The Luth · Wisborough Green

WISBOROUGH GREEN’S NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN REVIEW Progress Update The Neighbourhood Plan Review Team are making progress in identifying and agreeing the way forward for the process on behalf of the community. Our grant funding application was successful and we have now engaged independent professional advice to support the voluntary team with the important site assessment process to ensure clarity and a robust approach to objectivity. Additional independent technical support from Locality (Government backed support) will be used to validate the site allocation process and identify any sites to be taken forward to public consultation. Within our timeline we are hoping to undertake a Public Consultation Event mid year in the Village Hall to keep you all informed and seek your comment and opinion on the proposed development sites. We will also be asking you to complete a short questionnaire to provide the evidence and justification for updating the policies within the new Neighbourhood Plan and to perhaps identify new projects to include in the updated Community Action Plan. In the meanwhile, if you have any ideas or burning issues you feel would be helpful to put forward at this early stage of the Review, please contact me on 01403 700732 - all sensible thoughts welcome! Sheena Overington, WG Parish Councillor

A Reminder - Call for Development Sites in Wisborough Green If you have land that you think has development potential in and around the village and would like to put forward for consideration, please contact the Parish Council Clerk, Louise Davies, on 701102 or for a Site Submission Form. CUT OFF DATE: 31ST March 2019

Family Support Work News All of our practitioners have been busy in the last month as the realities of daily challenges kicked in for our families after Christmas. Sadly, the well-publicised problems with Universal Credit have left many of our families in dire circumstances, and our practitioners have been working extremely hard to help them find ways of affording their regular outgoings without slipping into debt, or adding to existing debt. With the cold weather arriving we were extremely grateful to be able to use our Winter Fuel fund, raised by generous donors to our Winter Fuel campaign, to assist families with heating costs. We are busy planning our 2019 events throughout Sussex, which will help us to raise the profile of FSW as well as the income needed to support all of our work. Please check out our website to see all of our events, which this year will include a stall at the South of England Show in June. Thank you for all your ongoing support. Nikki Kerr, Director Fundraising & Marketing


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Village Hall News After much deliberation, I am pleased to advise you all that the Hall Trustees have appointed Philips Chartered Surveyors of Pulborough to assist the project team through the remainder of the modernisation project. The team received quotes from five different firms which were carefully compared and considered before reaching the final choice. We look forward to getting the modernisation back on track and to revitalising our negotiations with the Big Lottery Fund with regard to grant funding. Another item of news is that a new cooker has been installed in the hall kitchen as the old cooker was well beyond its effective life. The new cooker has an induction hob and double oven which will be much more energy efficient than its predecessor. Grateful thanks to St Peter’s Luncheon Club for its kind donation towards the costs. Keith Carter, Chairman, Village Hall Management Committee t: 01403 700502 or e:

Are you involved with, or do you know, a local good cause that would benefit from some additional funding? Every year the Wisborough Green Fete Society aims to support a variety of local charities and organisations, from the Scouts and the Sports Pavilion to the Air Ambulance and Fire Fighters. If you are interested in being considered this year, or would like to find out more, please contact Kate Perry on or 01403 700099.

Help Nowzad get Lady B from Afghanistan to the UK! I am delighted to say that, after the devastating news of Ladybug, we have decided to adopt her daughter Lady B. She's about 8yrs old and all she's known is the Nowzad shelter in Afghanistan. Please, if you can spare anything, donate to her just giving page. I have a few ideas to help raise the funds as well - I am thinking of doing a coffee morning / cake sale, etc. I will confirm once I get the go ahead. please keep an eye out for updates. Thank you from Donna Alan and Chloe. You can help Nowzad Charity raise money for this great cause by donating directly to their fundraising page - utm_source=Sharethis&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=Nowzad LadyB&utm_campaign=pfp-email&utm_term=PWvARGEQA. JustGiving sends your donation straight to Nowzad and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer, so your donation is worth even more.


NOTICE St Peter’s Community Event

Singing For Fun Brinsbury Open Morning This is an opportunity to have a look around the Brinsbury Campus and to talk to our friendly staff about our courses to help you decide which course is right for you. We look forward to welcoming you at Brinsbury and answering your questions.


Brinsbury Campus, North Heath, Pulborough, West Sussex RH20 1DL 01243 786321

at Wyatt House Wednesday 20th March 2.30-4pm with Tea and Cake served during the afternoon Come and join us as we sing a variety of songs for everyone to join in

Special Cruises on the Wey & Arun Canal Special cruises will be running on the canal on Mothering Sunday, 31st March 2019. A ‘Coffee & Danish Pastry Cruise’ will depart at 11.00am and Cream Tea Cruises will depart at 2.15pm and 4.30pm. Black tie service will enhance the relaxing treat for Mums (and all passengers)! The trips take 1½ hours. Tickets cost £14 for adults and £10 for children and must be booked in advance. Themed Easter Cruises will be running on Good Friday, 19th April, Easter Day, 21st April, and on Easter Monday, 22nd April. Plenty of Easter characters will be on the canal to entertain you – come along and join in the fun! The trips take 40 minutes and depart at 11.00am, 12.00 and 2.00pm. Children will receive a chocolate gift from the Easter Bunny while adults can enjoy the chance to unwind and enjoy the scenery. Tickets cost £10.00 per person and include refreshments. Booking in advance is advisable. Bookings for all special events and weekend public trips can be made online via the Trust website. For enquiries about private charters, volunteering opportunities and membership please call The Wey & Arun Canal Trust Office on 01403 752403 or email

BOARD Lent Lunch in aid of St Peter’s Triple Mission Thursday 28th March 5 Carters Way from 12 noon – 2.30pm Judy has kindly offered the hospitality of her home for a fund raising ‘Lent Lunch’ in support of our ‘Triple Missions’ - Family Support Work (FSW), Aegean Solidarity Network and YWAM Uganda. Do come and support this event. If you can’t make it, but would like to make a donation please contact


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Recipe of the Month CHICKEN, MUSHROOM AND BACON PIE I made this the other week during some really cold, wintry days as I felt we needed comfort food and this certainly is!

Ingredients (serves 2)         

3 rashers streaky bacon, cut into small strips 1 teaspoon garlic oil 125g chestnut mushrooms, sliced into small pieces 250g chicken thigh or breast fillets, diced 25g flour ½ teaspoon dried thyme 1 x 15ml tablespoon butter 300ml hot chicken stock 1 x 15ml tablespoon Marsala (or other fortified wine e.g. dry Madeira wine or dark sherry or port)  1 x 375g (23 x 40cm) sheet all-butter ready-rolled puff pastry

Method 1. Preheat the oven to 220°C/gas mark 7. In a heavybased frying pan, fry the bacon strips in the oil until 29 beginning to crisp, then add the sliced mushrooms and soften them in the pan with the bacon. 2. Turn the chicken strips in the flour and thyme (you could toss them about in a freezer bag) and then melt the butter in the bacon-and-mushroom pan before adding the floury chicken and all the flour left in the bag. Stir around with the bacon and mushrooms until the chicken begins to colour. 3. Pour in the hot stock and Marsala, stirring to form a sauce and let this bubble away for about 5 minutes. 4. Take two 300ml pie pots (could be deeper, just means there will be more space between contents and puff pastry top) and make a pastry ‘rim’ for each one (simply curl a strip approx. 1cm width around the top of each pot). Dampen the edges with a little water to make the pastry stick. 5. Cut a circle bigger than the top of each pie-pot for the lid and then divide the chicken filling between the two pots. 6. Dampen the rim of the pastry again and then pop on the lid of each pie, sealing the edges with your fingers or the underneath of the prongs of a fork. 7. Cook the pies for about 20 minutes turning them around halfway through cooking. Once cooked, they should have puffed up magnificently! (Recipe courtesy of ‘Nigella Express’ ) Judie Donovan

The Parishes Wildlife Group Michael Joseph is giving a talk on Gardening and Wildlife in the Wisborough Green Village Hall on Friday March 8th starting at 7.30 pm. All welcome. Jill Sutcliffe, Parishes Wildlife Group, Email: or Tel: 01403 700395

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Boiler servicing and repairs Full heating and domestic installations For all type of plumbing work call Alan at AG Heating & Plumbing Services Ltd.

Alan Gilbert t: 01403 289316 30

m: 07803 128847

Wisborough Green Division Divisional Organiser: Pat Farmer Old School Cottage, School Road, Wisborough Green, West Sussex. RH14 0DU Tel: 01403 700492 Email: To use the minibus you need to be a member of the Minibus Association. For new members there is a form to complete. Note: The annual membership fee from 1st January 2019 is £7. For regular bookings ring: BRENDA KARN-SMITH (701076) and for special outings: KATE VERNALLS (701004)

Destinations for March 2019 Fri 1st Tues 5th Wed 6th Fri 8th Tues 12th Fri 15th Tues 19th Thur 21st Fri 22nd Tues 26th Fri 29th

Shoreham & Holmbush Horsham & Sainsbury Nuffield Place Chichester & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Godalming & Waitrose Horsham & Sainsbury Parish Lunch Petworth Horsham & Sainsbury Chichester & Sainsbury

Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 12.00 pm Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am

On 6th March we will be visiting Nuffield Place in Henley-on-Thames, the home of Lord Nuffield (founder of the Morris Motor Company), an Arts & Crafts style house with a garden full of personal curiosities. The cost is £27 (£17 for NT members) which includes the entry fee and fare. On 3rd April we will be visiting the Weald & Downland Museum at Singleton to see rescued rural homes and buildings, all set in the Southdowns National Park. The cost is £20 which includes entry fee and fare. For more information on these visits please contact Kate Vernalls above. To renew your membership, can you please either let the escort when you travel on the bus, or myself, have the £7 subscription. You do not have to fill in another membership form. Pat Farmer, Divisional Organiser

Early April 2019 Dates

Fri 1st

Tues 2nd Wed 3rd Fri 5th

Horsham & Sainsbury Weald & Downland Museum Cranleigh Charity No: 1173818

9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am

Sponsored by


Wisborough Green History - THE So, after the end of the Canal Mania and the unfruitful attempts to build a canal between London and Portsmouth, thoughts turned to building a canal between the Wey and Arun rivers. This would be similar to the proposal made in 1641 to link the tributaries of the two rivers by a two mile canal between Cranleigh and Dunsfold. The tributaries would not have been so suitable for nineteenth century boats, but the concept was the same. The proposal to build the canal was discussed at a meeting in the White Hart Inn in Guildford in May 1811. It proposed connecting the Wey and Arun with a canal from Newbridge to Shalford, a distance of 18 miles. Many advantages were listed, the most important being that the building of the canal would give a navigable link from London to the sea at Littlehampton, a distance of 90 miles. As this was only 22 miles from Portsmouth this would give a competitive route for transport between the capital and Portsmouth compared with the then existing route by land and sea.


Surveying the route started in late 1811. This was not an easy task as, unlike today, no reliable large-scale and contour maps were available. In order to determine the conditions of the sub-strata down to 20’ or more many bore holes were made. As a result it was found that the projected route would pass through land mainly comprising clay; this was particularly advantageous as, despite the heavy nature of the soil, canals need to have a clay lining to prevent seepage of water into the sub-strata. The process of lining the canal is called puddling; this was done after the canal trench had been dug and involved multiple layers of clay that had been chopped up with spades, mixed with water and then trampled by labourers with special waterproof puddling boots all to a depth of about a yard. The route chosen was a gentle arc with a loop to the west of Loxwood and Alfold. A costly and inconvenient deviation to the west of Alfold was insisted upon by two prominent landowners to avoid the need for two aqueducts and to avoid their game preserve so that they could continue their hunting. The Wey and Arun canal was to be cut across virgin land that rose from 56' above sea level at Newbridge to a summit north of Alfold of 160' from where it dropped to 114' where it joined the Wey. Canals require a constant source of water at their highest point so that water could flow downwards in each direction so as to replenish the water that is lost when lock gates are opened. Fortunately, at the summit level, the Vachery Pond

E WEY AND ARUN CANAL (Part 5) near Cranleigh (see photo below) that fed a tributary of the River Wey was also able to provide a continuous source of water by routing it to feed the canal. Hopefully the map (which is not to scale) shows this. The Arun Navigation canal that ran south of Newbridge didn't have this problem as it was fed at its high point by means of a water wheel that lifted the water where the canal crossed the Arun at the Orfold Aqueduct (see December’s map). There was much resentment towards the canal. Initially it was because of the continual trespass by surveyors especially when permission was refused. When the route was agreed, compulsory purchase was necessary to acquire the land. However many landowners whose land would be divided were reluctant to accept the offered price and so the matters went to arbitration. Many landowners demanded compensation for damage to their property, crops, destruction of gardens, etc. all of which dragged out the time and costs before the land clearance could even start. The construction of the canal started in July 1813 at Shalford. The canal was 30’ wide with a depth of 3’6” that was able to take barges that could carry a load of 50 tons. It involved the construction of 23 locks each of which could take a single barge. Building 33 the locks was the most expensive category of the canal construction; it took 27% of the total costs whereas the land acquisition and compensation took almost the same at 26%. The only other substantial category was the clearance, digging and puddling which took 22%. Other construction provided 35 bridges (that had to be provided where the canal split a landowner’s land), eight wharves, five lock cottages, two aqueducts and a reservoir at the summit which was built by damming the tributary from the Vachery Lake and raising its banks. Progress was delayed because of the social unrest following the Napoleonic war when food prices went up but wages were reduced. The introduction of the Corn Law in 1815 to maintain high food prices that prohibited the import of much needed grain as a result of pressure from the farming lobby exacerbated the issue. The canal was partly opened in December 1815 when the Shalford to Bramley portion opened but at the same time the canal committee was very concerned about rising costs and so it decided to reduce the navvies’ wages. One member said “The lowering of wages may create a disturbance …….I think the committee should dismiss the whole …… and in a few days there will be plenty of others who will be glad to be employed!” Despite these actions, the canal was finished in August 1816; the sluices at the summit opened and the canal began to fill with water. It officially opened in September that year having taken a very modest six years of which only three years were for the actual construction; compared with other canal schemes, this was a very fine achievement. Celebrations took place in The Compasses Inn at Alfold and after refreshments were taken, a flotilla sailed to Guildford to be received at the same White Hart. To be continued next month. (Richard B)

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G R Kilford & Co. Restorers of Fine Antique Furniture Bespoke furniture made to order 1 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road, Wisborough Green, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 ODY Telephone: (01403) 786 272

Restoring furniture for over 35 years.


Sales, Servicing & Repair of Garden Equipment

Wood Stoves & Chimneys Repairs, Service & Advice

Ebernoe, Petworth, Sussex GU28 9LH

Tel 01403 700848

Tel: 01428 707269

Email: Hetas Training Cert. no. 1385 34

LIMITED Company Registration no 7961115


The Gardener’s Calendar

by Ian Clemens

 Finish cutting back any dead foliage left on your perennials and ornamental grasses to make way for new growth.  Prune overwintered fuchsias back to one or two buds on each shoot.  Deadhead daffodils as the flowers finish and let the foliage die back naturally.  Dead-head Hydrangeas before new growth appears.  Cut off the old leaves of Hellebores to remove any foliar diseases and make the spring flowers more visible.  Towards the end of the month plant your chitted early potatoes outside in the ground.  Plant onions, shallots and garlic provided the soil isn't frozen or waterlogged. Alternatively plant into individual pots for transplanting outdoors later on when soil conditions are more favourable.  Start to sow vegetable seeds such as carrots, radishes and lettuce in greenhouse borders or outside under cloches.  Plant fruit trees and raspberry canes now.  Cut autumn-fruiting raspberry canes to the ground to stimulate new cane growth. Cut the tips of summer-fruiting raspberry canes that have grown beyond the top of their supports; cut just above a bud.  Protect the blossoms of apricots, peaches and nectarines from frost with horticultural fleece.  Mulch rhubarb with a thick layer of well-rotted manure to keep it healthy and reduce moisture loss through the soil. Take care not to cover the crown. You can also plant fresh rhubarb crowns now.  Covering your strawberries with a cloche will encourage earlier fruiting.



Petworth Area Churches Together (PACT) - working together in harmony

Spring Lecture – Friday 5th April 6pm at St Mary’s Petworth Damian Hinds MP, Secretary of State for Education, to speak on 'Developing Character Through Education'. We hope the Bishop of Horsham will chair this important meeting. Please note the earlier start time of 6pm. All welcome, especially School Governors, Head Teachers, and Teachers. Palm Sunday Procession – the annual procession will be held on Sunday 14th April at 3pm and will commence from the Sacred Heart Church, Petworth. ‘As Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people went wild with excitement – the entire city was thrown into an uproar! Some asked “Who is this man?” And the crowds shouted back “This is Jesus! He’s the prophet from Nazareth of Galilee!”’ Matthew's Gospel Chap. 21 Verses 10 and 11. This wonderful procession through Petworth depicts Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem with the story being told along the journey with hymns being sung as we process through the streets. We’ll have the Petworth Town Band, Mr Darcy the donkey and a Palm Sunday script read by a variety of church goers in the town. The event finishes at St Mary’s where participants are made welcome with tea and cake . Kate & Karl Ayling


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Tim Edwardes Tree Surgery & Garden Maintenance

Mac’s Private Hire 24 hours a day - 7 days a week

01403 701 842 T: 01403 700594 M: 07810 130483

Tree surgery, hedgework, pruning. Competitive prices. Fully Qualified & Insured Arborist.


Tel: 01403 700 73 0

07917 850 746 Airports - Social & Business Lady Driver Available Wisborough Green Based

Holiday Homes For Hens Going on holiday? Bring your hens and ducks to us at Garden Poultry Care in Kirdford. We’ll take care of your birds in a safe, friendly, free range area.

Call Nik 01403 820796

Weald School News Scholarships for Exceptional Weald Students The Weald School and Sixth Form College recently introduced scholarships for our exceptional students. The main objectives for the scholarships were for businesses in the local community to engage and build a profile with Weald Sixth Form students, parents and staff; to provide the funds for additional learning in order to achieve the best outcomes for post-16 study and beyond, and to ensure that no Weald Sixth Form student is deprived of any opportunity to prepare themselves for life, regardless of background. Some of the ways students may choose to use the funds from a scholarship:  Additional resources to supplement learning  Visits to universities for super-curricular courses  Educational research away from home Six Year 12 students were nominated for the scholarships: Tom Eady, Dom Sayers, Riya Daffu, Sophie Belle Carnell, Rebecca Tanner and Hannah Ashby. Well done to all students who were nominated and huge congratulations to Tom and Dom who were chosen as winners of the scholarships, sponsored by The Billingshurst Rotary Club and The Billingshurst Lions Club. They will be sponsored £750 per annum to support their studies and opportunities beyond the classroom. The college 37 holds all funds and the students will write a bid for any money they wish to withdraw. We wish Tom and Dom the best of luck with their studies. Thank you to all who were involved in initiating the scholarship programme. Left: Rotarians Ann Clark & Helen Abbott - with student Dominic Sayers

Right: Andrew Vial Billingshurst Lions - with student Thomas Eady

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Local Club and Society News Wisborough Green Short Mat Bowls Club A busy period for us started with a trip to Ewhurst for a friendly match on Tuesday afternoon 15th January. In a very enjoyable and friendly match, we ran out winners by 28 shots, getting off to a flying start on both mats. Mat 1 (Linda, Lorraine, David and Bernard) winning 24-15 and Mat 2 (Evelyn, Marilyn, Gavin and Monica) winning 26-7, giving a Match Result of 50-22. We travelled to Fittleworth for the annual ‘derby’ on Wednesday evening 16th January. Fielding a weakened side, we lost heavily albeit in an enjoyable and entertaining match. On Mat 1 (Gavin, Linda, David and Steve) losing 20-28 on Mat 2 (Evelyn, Carol, Marilyn and Lorraine) losing 1235 and on Mat 3 (Jennie, Hilary, Keith and Monica) losing 11-31 giving a Match Result of 43-94. The Captains Day Competition on 21st January was well attended with 6 teams taking part. The teams all played 4 games of 8 ends against random opponents and it turned out to be a very competitive day. Finishing in 3rd place with 5 points and +2 were Tony, Derek and Linda. In 2nd place with 5 points and +3 were Bernard, Gavin and Carol C. But congratulations go to Dave H, Shirley and Jean who remained unbeaten throughout the day to take top spot with 7 points and +26. We then travelled to Midhurst for a friendly match on Friday evening 25th January. After a terrific battle on all three mats, we came out winners by 5 shots. On Mat 1 (Connor, Gavin, David and Bernard) winning 19 -18 on Mat 2 (Tony, Hilary, Marilyn and Monica) winning 19-16 and on Mat 3 (Evelyn, Linda, Lorraine and Dave H) winning 19-18 giving a Match Result of 57-52. We travelled to Pulborough for a friendly match on Wednesday evening 30th January. We won on all three mats, in an enjoyable match, running out winners by 34 shots. On Mat 1 (Hilary, Gavin, David and Bernard) winning 17-13 on Mat 2 (Tony, Linda, Monica and Dave H) winning 42-13 and on Mat 3 39 (Lorraine, Marilyn, Shirley and Pauline) winning 17-16 giving a Match Result of 76-42. Finally we travelled to Arundel for a friendly match on Tuesday afternoon 5th February. In a match played in great spirit, we asserted from the start to run out winners by 30 shots. On Mat 1 (Tony, Monica, David and Bernard) winning 33-7 and on Mat 2 (Lorraine, Marilyn, Shirley and Pauline) winning 18-14, giving a superb match result of 51-21. March Diary: 6th - Lavant 7pm (away) 8th - Reprobates 6:30pm (away) 12th - Alfold 2pm (away) 25th - Club Triples Competition 10am (home) Monica Enticknap, Captain

St Peter’s

Games, Crafts, Activities, Celebration and Meal all in Wisborough Green Village Hall Please come as a family For information phone 01403 700339

Future dates: Friday 8th March 3.15pm Tuesday 9th April 3.00pm

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The Cricketers Arms

The Heart of Wisborough Green 01403 700369

YOUR BUSINESS Advertise here for as little as ÂŁ60 a year! tel: 01403 700320 for info 40

A beautiful 16th century pub located in a beautiful Sussex village. All fresh home cooked food. Good quality beer. Live music Friday/Saturday evenings from 9pm. Theme food evenings. Check website for dates.

Web Email – Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Local Club and Society News Wisborough Green History Society Wisborough Green Village History Society is a small group of people who enjoy talking about and researching the history of the village. Several of our members are life-long residents of the village, others have lived here for many years and all have interesting memories and anecdotes to relate. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month in the village hall committee room at 10.30am - new members are always welcome. Sue Killingbeck, Secretary (Tel: 01403 700704)

Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club The Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club meets in The Village Hall every Wednesday from 4 to 6pm. Do come along and give it a try – we are a very friendly bunch. Contact Philip Midwinter on 01403 700402 for more details.

Wisborough Green ‘Mountain’ Rescue Run by local volunteers. Stuck in a ditch or up a tree? 41

Call us. Contact: Mr Brian Smith 700346.

Wisborough Green Horticultural Society

Annual General Meeting and Quiz Monday 4th March 8pm, Wisborough Green Village Hall

Do come along to our AGM and Quiz to hear about the society for the last year and our plans for 2019. The new schedules will be available and membership is now due (£7 single and £12 joint). Come in good time to get a glass of wine and/or coffee! The AGM is followed by our annual quiz – a mix of horticultural and general knowledge questions. In February we had a very interesting talk from “The Potato Man”, Alan Wilson – who for many years was the potato buyer for Waitrose. He waxed eloquently (forgive the pun) about the many varieties of potatoes, the best of which he is actively promoting (especially Kestrel) – and even passed round some warm samples for tasting! WGHS

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

LOXWOOD LANDSCAPES Paul Gregson Hard & soft landscaping Garden design Free estimates & all work considered 01403 753 204

07949 312 402 42

Wisborough Green FARMERS MARKETplus News

Next Market: Thursday 14th March 2019 Wisborough Green Village Hall 9.00am – 12.30pm

Market news:  Sad to see the departure of Fairtrade as a result of the companies trading terms, not as a result of lack of sales at Church or the Market.

 Phoenix Cards supply company is having “problems at the mill”, so stock has run down. Lots of sighs of regret as the cards were so attractive.

 Celeste Osmaston’s tie dye products made a splash and now are in pastures new.

 Spotty Cat has retired from marketing!  Bags of Choice are to come alternate months, starting with March’s Market.  Courtney Butchers from Midhurst hope to be able to come to March’s Market as they enjoyed being here so much. At the December Market we had 24 stalls crammed in and now as a result of a variety of external reasons we have stall pitches available at a modest cost. If you or any trader or new business you have contact with would like to extend without breaking the 43 bank, do contact us at Alternatively, you can phone (see Village Directory at back of magazine). There was a super one off Valentines Day Raffle with Mumm champagne, a super white wine, a whopping great big chocolate heart and a £15 voucher to spend at the Market. It was really full at the Macmillan coffee and cakes tables. You never know who you might end up meeting there! WGFMplus Committee Follow us on social media for updates, photographs and market chat: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @WGvillagemarket

Market Sponsors:


Flag Raising Dates 10 March

Birthday of the Earl of Wessex

11 March

Commonwealth Day (2nd Monday in March)

Arts Society Meetings The Arts Society - West Sussex On Tuesday 5th March, there will be a Spring Lunch at 12.30pm followed by a talk at 2pm given by Sian Walters on

Leonardo and the Festa Del Paradiso

2019 marks the 500th anniversary of Leonardo de Vinci's death. The talk will explore art and dance in Milan and Leonardo at the Sforza Court. On Tuesday 2nd April, Jo Walton will give a talk on

Eric Ravilious and the Lure of the Everyday He was described as one of the greatest English water colourists of the 20th century. This talk will look at his work and others painting on the Home Front in World War II . Meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 2pm. Doors open at 1.40. Tea and coffee after the lecture. Contact Jackie Buckler on 01903 411086 or email: Visitors most welcome - £5 44

The Arts Society - South Downs On Wednesday 6th March, Colin Davies will give a talk on

Zaha Hadid Architectural Superstar Dame Zaha Hadid, one of the most important architects of the early 21st century, was born in Iraq and, although her reputation was global, she made Britain her home and died here in 2016 at the age of 65. This lecture tells the story of her career from the visionary projects of the 1980s, through the years of frustration when her designs were considered unbuildable, to the prolific crop of successful projects built all over the world in the last decade of her life.

On Wednesday 3rd April, Sarah Lenton will give a talk on

Opera, The Melting Pot of Culture The talk is the result of years of writing articles, programme notes, and lecturing for the Royal Opera House and the BBC. The lecture is of general interest and charts opera’s close connection with the society that is paying for it from the 17th to the 19th centuries . All meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 10.30am. Coffee from 9.50am. New Members, Visitors (£5) warmly welcomed. Please call Hilary on 01403 785302

WI Report We all worked up a bit of a sweat on the 7th February when we learnt some new dance steps with the help of Heather Frewer. She runs ‘Fitstep’ classes locally and she took on the challenge of our WI. We had a go at the Jive and Charleston along with another couple of dances including a burlesque-type dance (without the tassels!). For our March meeting on the 7th, Nikki will take us through some Zen Zone Therapies. Now you’ve got to come to this one so that you will actually learn what a Zen Zone Therapy can do for you. All potential members are welcome. Sue Nicholls Mary Benson (President) 01403 700284

Weather Watch Wisborough Green Rainfall for the month was 34mm – last year 96 mm and my 12 yr average 125mm. The driest January in the last 12 years in WG and nationally the driest since 2006. So, it was dry and January is normally the wettest month of the year! Highest temperature for January in the UK was 14.2°C at Saunton (Devon) and the coldest temp was minus 14.3°C recorded at Braemar (Aberdeenshire). Do hope HM 45 has a good heating system at her castle as Braemar is often one of the coldest spots! For Wisborough Green the max and min was 12.9°C and minus 6.0°C respectively (our lowest for the winter so far). Luckily our area missed the worst of the snow on the last day of January – even more so we didn’t have to suffer the polar vortex that central North America suffered – recording lowest ever temperatures. A polar vortex is an upper level low pressure area overlying the North and South Poles and is approximately 1,000kms in diameter – rotating clockwise at the South Pole and ant-clockwise at the North Pole. Beneath this low pressure area lies a large mass of very cold dense air and is driven by the Coriolus effect. Explanation next month! Weathervane

Village Hall 50 Club Draw The winner of the February draw is Jean Hoddinott who wins £50 The winner of the second prize of £20 is Priscilla Pinkham The March draw will be at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 6 March at the Cricketers and if any member or prospective member would like to attend they will be very welcome We are always looking for new members so if you are interested please give me a call. Ruth Andrews, 01403 700671

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Minibus Theatre Trip

Saturday 6th April 4.00pm The Mill Studio, Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford “… a living theatrical experience full of rich comedy… “ (Michael Billington, The Guardian) A house near Hampstead Heath. Night. Two men in a room. Do Hirst and Sooner know each other or is each performing an elaborate charade of recognition? The ambiguity and the comedy intensify with the arrival of Briggs and Foster, the one ostensibly a manservant, the other a male secretary. All four inhabit a no man’s land between reality and imagination – a territory which Pinter explores with his customary wit and skill (The play contains strong language which some may find offensive) Directed by David Hemsley-Brown with Steve Alais, Richard Parish, Nick Lund and David Webb Tickets for the performance are £16.00 A Minibus fare is also payable Please ring: RICHARD PARISH (700628) as soon as possible to book both your ticket and your seat on the bus

The Royal British Legion Annual Poppy Appeal 2018 I would like to thank all the loyal village collectors and those who gave so generously in response to last year’s poppy appeal. The Royal British Legion have sent the following message. “The Royal British Legion thanks the village of Wisborough Green for the contribution of £1,300.00 to the 2018 Poppy Day appeal. Your continued support is greatly appreciated and makes a positive difference to so many lives.” With thanks, John Ansley (01403 700302)


Church Cleaning Roster (Saturdays) 2 March 9 March 16 March 23 March 30 March

Ann Lewis & Diane Roberts Carol Holt & Jane Zilz Sheila Armistead & Robert Armistead Richard Pinkham & Jill Brett Hilary Edmonds & Dave Roberts

If you are unable to clean on the day allocated to you, please arrange to change with someone or let Dave & Diane Roberts know – 701860.

Church Flower Arranging Roster (Fridays) 1 March 6 March

Maggie Edwards Ash Wednesday - beginning of Lent no more flowers until Easter

15 March 22 March

No flowers No flowers

29 March

No flowers


Xpresso is held in the church Fridays from 8.45 to 11.30am.

Church of St Peter ad Vincula The Vicar Churchwardens PCC Secretary Joint PCC Treasurers Church Electoral Roll Officer Covenant Secretary Director of Music

Rev. Clive Jenkins 700339 email: Mr Jamie Daniell 752846 Mr Richard Parish 700628 joint email: Mrs Sue Nicholls 700827 Mrs Sharon Moncur Mr Roger Moncur joint email: Ms Rosemary Crafter 701148 Mr David Warwick 700262 Mr John Vinall 782006

Ministry Support Team Co-ordinators Bell Ringers Mrs Val Mourilyan Cleaners Dave & Diane Roberts Flowers Mrs Maggie Edwards Readers Mrs Val Mourilyan Chalice, Sacristans, Intercessors Mrs Henrietta Warwick Healing Mrs Gillian Gough Website:

700089 701860 700944 700089 700262 700157

For baptism or wedding enquiries, please contact the Vicar ASAP or, if unavailable, one of the churchwardens.

Wisborough Green Village Directory Ad Vincula Magazine :


Mr Roland Zilz Mrs Marion Jenkins Mrs Fran Wallace Mr John Gough

Advertising Distribution Balloon Club of Wisborough Green Climbing Bears Pre-school Cricket Club Chairman Farmers’ & Village Market Football Club Chairman History Society Horticultural Society Chairman Lawnmower Racing Minibus Association Minibus Bookings Neighbourhood Watch Area Co-ordinator Parish Council Chairman Parish Council Clerk Police (non-emergency) Primary School Business Manager Primary School PTA Secretary Scouting Groups: Scouts (10½+ yrs) Cubs (8-10½ yrs) Beavers (6-8 yrs) St Peter’s Luncheon Club Short Mat Bowls Club Spitfire Simulator Group Stoolball Club Table Tennis Club Village Hall Bookings Village Hall Committee Chairman Village Car Service Village Care Team Village Housebound Library Service Wisborough Green Conservative Association Wisborough Green Fete Society Wisborough Green Mountain Rescue Wisborough Green Sports Wisborough Green Website Wisborough Green Website Editor Women’s Institute


700632 700339 700320 700157

Mr Brian Smith 700346 Nina Lambkin 701027 Mr Steve Calder-Smith 700821 Mrs Aija Hamilton 700588 Mr Simon Penfold 700756 Mrs Pam Warburton 701903 Philip Midwinter 700402 Mr Pete Hammerton 784678 Mrs Pat Farmer 700492 Mrs Brenda Karn-Smith 701076 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Mr Peter Drummond 01798 865546 Mrs Louise Davies 701102 101 Mrs Val Williams 700280 Ms Mariamne Scott-Kerr 07775 627653 David Ribbens 01483 200688 Carol Pearson 700536 David Ribbens 01483 200688 Mrs Hilary Edmonds 700623 Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 Mrs Val Mourilyan 700089 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mr Brian Smith 700346 Mrs Alison Luke 700752 Mr Philip Midwinter 700402 Mrs Beth Ellis 700083 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mrs Jennie Burr 700607 Mrs Suzanne Mosley 700946 Mrs Angela Craddock 700336 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Ms Andrea Leighton 700435 Mr Brian Smith 700346 Ms Clare Steere 700584 Mrs Louise Davies, PC Clerk 701102 or Mrs Mary Benson 700284


What’s Happening in March Fri 01 Mon 04 Tue 05

Wed 06 Thur 07 Fri 08 Sat 09 Tue 12 Thur 14 Fri 15 50

Sat 16 Tue 19 Wed 20 Thur 21 Fri 22 Tue 26 Thur 28 Fri 29 Sun 31

Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 14) St Peter’s Church 8.45 - 11.30 am Knit & Natter Craft Group (p 14) St Peter’s Church 10.00 - 11.30 am Horticultural Society AGM & Quiz (p 41) WG Village Hall 8.00 pm St Peter’s Chain Gang (p 15) St Peter’s Churchyard 9.30 am Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 14) WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am The Arts Society - West Sussex (p 44) Fittleworth Village Hall 2.00 pm PC Planning Committee (if required) Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 8.00 pm Minibus Trip - Nuffield Place (p 31) Wisborough Green 9.30 am The Arts Society - South Downs (p 44) Fittleworth Village Hall 10.30 am Village Hall 50 Club Draw (p 45) The Cricketers 6.30 pm Mobile Library The Pavilion WG 2.55 - 3.15 pm WI Meeting (p 45) WG Village Hall 8.00 pm Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 14) St Peter’s Church 8.45 - 11.30 am St Peter’s Messy Church (p 39) WG Village Hall 3.15 - 5.30 pm Parishes Wildlife Group Talk (p 29) WG Village Hall 7.30 pm Yoga Taster Class (p 13) WG Village Hall 9.30 - 10.30 am Brinsbury Open Morning (p 26) Brinsbury College 10.00 am Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 14) WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am Farmer’s & Village Market Plus (p 43) WG Village Hall 9.00 am - 12.30 pm Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 14) St Peter’s Church 8.45 - 11.30 am Knit & Natter Craft Group (p 14) St Peter’s Church 10.00 - 11.30 am Church Breakfast - All welcome (p 21) The Three Crowns 8.30 - 10.30 am St Peter’s Chain Gang (p 15) St Peter’s Churchyard 9.30 am Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 14) WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am Parish Council Meeting Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 7.45 pm Singing For Fun (p 26) Wyatt House 2.30 - 4.00 pm St Peter’s Lunch Club (p 14) WG Village Hall 12.15 pm Mobile Library The Pavilion WG 2.55 - 3.15 pm Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 14) St Peter’s Church 8.45 - 11.30 am Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 14) WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am Lent Lunch for St Peter’s Triple Mission (p 27) 5 Carters Way 12 noon - 2.30 pm Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 14) St Peter’s Church 8.45 - 11.30 am Special Mothering Sunday Cruises (p 26) Loxwood Canal Centre various Cut off date for submitting development land proposals (p 23)

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