Ad Vincula Magazine January 2019

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January 2019

Wisborough Green Parish Magazine

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AD VINCULA Wisborough Green Church and Community News

Highlights January 2019

Ad Vincula Team

St Peter ad Vincula Calendar ....................................................... 4 Pastoral Letter / From the Registers ............................................ 5 Dates for Diary / Prayer ............................................................... 6 Choral Evensong Malcolm Presentation ...................................... 7 From the Editor / PACT News ...................................................... 7 WG Primary School News .......................................................... 11 Scouts go Caving ....................................................................... 13 St Peter’s Sponsored Activities ........................................... 14 - 15 Alpha Course / Village Hall News ............................................... 17 “How Far Can you Go” / Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal ............. 19 WG Sports News / Ken’s DDM & G / Ladybug ........................... 21 Epiphany .................................................................................... 23 Plea for help with Fete Committee / Flag Raising Dates ............ 25 New Director of Music Appointed ............................................... 26 November’s Messy Church ........................................................ 27 Notice Board ........................................................................ 28 - 29 WACT News ............................................................................... 30 Neighbourhood Watch - Crime News & Advice .......................... 31 Recipe of the Month / Singing for Fun ........................................ 33 WG Minibus Page ...................................................................... 35 Wisborough Green History .................................................. 36 - 37 KKWG Update / Sussex Police Funding 2018-2022 .................. 39 Gardener’s Calendar / Beekeeping Taster Day.......................... 41 Village Organisations - News & Notices .............................. 43 - 49 Church Cleaning / Flower Rosters / Directory ............................ 52 Village Organisations Directory .................................................. 53 What’s Happening ...................................................................... 54

Roland Zilz


The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Parochial Church Council. Please note, it is not always possible to check the credentials and claims of all those advertising, so please ensure that you get references and check any claims before entering into business with them.

Editor Marion Jenkins Asst. Editor Fran Wallace Advertising John Gough Distribution Rev. Clive Jenkins Vicar Jamie Daniell Churchwarden Richard Parish Churchwarden

If you have articles, photos, letters, etc that you think we may like to feature in the next issue, please email the Editor on: but, please note, publication will always be subject to space and at the discretion of the Editor. Copy Deadline for February 2019 issue:

14 January 2019 Printed by: Bishops Printers Ltd Walton Road, Farlington, Portsmouth PO6 1TR Tel: 023 9233 4900

Cover Picture - Epiphany scene from the crib at St Peter’s (Roland Zilz)


St Peter ad Vincula Calendar for January Sunday Epiphany

6 January

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am Sung Communion 6.00pm Refresh contemporary worship and praise service


8 January

4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)


9 January 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 13 January 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 1st Sunday of Epiphany 10.30am Time for God Service with activities



15 January

4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)


16 January 10.00am Holy Communion


17 January 12.15pm St Peter’s Luncheon Club in the Village Hall


18 January

3.15pm Messy Church in the Village Hall

Sunday 20 January 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 2nd Sunday of Epiphany 10.30am Sung Communion 6.00pm ‘Digging Deeper’ into God’s Word Tuesday

22 January

4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)


23 January 10.00am Holy Communion


25 January

7.00pm Alpha Introductory Supper at the Vicarage

Sunday 27 January 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 3rd Sunday of Epiphany 10.30am All Age Communion Tuesday

29 January

4.30pm Prayer Group to 5.00pm (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)


30 January 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 3 February 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 4th Sunday of Epiphany 10.30am Sung Communion 7.00pm Refresh contemporary worship For More Details of Services and Events see CHURCH WEBSITE Follow us on Facebook: and Instagram:

Pastoral Letter Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations Chapter 3 verses 22-23 ) “A week is a long time in politics.” This remark, attributed to former Prime Minister Harold Wilson, I’m sure can be echoed by Politicians of all political persuasions as we enter the New Year. Brexit, in all its various incarnations, will no doubt be with us and in the news for a long time to come! Yet, with each new day, God’s love remains constant and unchanging in a world that is anything but. It is easy to feel weighed down, and insignificant, as did Jeremiah the prophet, who wrote the words above, at the destruction of the City of Jerusalem in 586 BC, by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. We see in Lamentations that even in his despair and depression, he encouraged his fellow Jews to trust and not lose faith in God. As a New Year dawns you may be feeling that sense of foreboding, as the excesses of the festive season can, for many, produce a January that is filled with demands, bills and a dismal start to the New Year. We are not sure of what the future holds, trying to make sense of the political kaleidoscope, and its impact on our daily lives. However, as a Christian I believe that God’s love was revealed in the person of Jesus Christ, who came into our world not to condemn us, for all the wrong we have done, but to share God’s love and compassion that is, ’new every morning’. If you would like to find out more, you are warmly invited to join our Alpha Supper Party 5 on Friday 25th January at 7pm here at The Vicarage. Clive and Marion

From the Registers (November) Funerals:

We give thanks for the life of Edward Reeve whose funeral service took place at St Peter’s on Tuesday 6th November 2018. We give thanks for the life of Nick Dadswell whose funeral service took place at St Peter’s on Wednesday 21st November 2018.

St Peter’s Friday 18th January 3.15pm Wisborough Green Village Hall Games, Crafts, Activities, Celebration and Meal all in the Village Hall - Please come as a family For information phone 01403 700339

Dates for the Diary January 2019 Friday


Sunday Thursday Friday Sunday Thursday Friday

13th 17th 18th 20th 24th 25th

8.45am Xpresso with New Year Bacon Butties! As well as delicious homemade cakes and Fairtrade Coffee every Friday in Term Time. 10.15am Make Space at Xpresso all in Church. 10.30am Time For God with activities 12.15pm St Peter’s Lunch Club at the Village Hall. 3.15pm Messy Church in the Village Hall. 6pm Digging Deeper into God’s Word 2.30-4pm Singing For Fun at Wyatt House. All Welcome! 7pm Supper Party including Introduction to the Alpha Course at the Vicarage. All Welcome! (See ad on p 17)

Prayer Prayer Group and Quiet Mornings If anyone would like to spend half an hour in fellowship and prayer then they are most welcome on a Tuesday at 4.30pm, when prayers are said for the life of the Parish. 6 Contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details of venue. On the third Friday of every month Quiet Mornings are held at the home of Wendy Duff at 10.30am. It is a peaceful time when you can relax, recharge your batteries and listen to music, poetry, readings and prayers. You will come away refreshed and ready to carry on! Please contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details.

Chain of Prayer Worried about a loved one, a friend or yourself and would like prayers to be said by a chain of people? Contact Wendy 700295 or Gillian 700157 and they will start the chain by contacting the person next to them on the list and so it goes all the way round. Prayer is a powerful and important part of life and one should never under estimate its effect. You don't need to give any details of the problem just ask for prayers to be said and it will happen. Please note that it will be treated with total confidentiality.

Prayers are offered for parishioners who are in special need, especially the sick and frail. Please advise either of the churchwardens of any persons or situations you would like remembered in this way. All those living in particular roads are prayed for regularly, the whole parish being covered over a 12-week cycle: Week beginning:

6 January 13 January 20 January 27 January

Glebe Way & Harsfold Lane Petworth Road & Balchins Close Fittleworth Road Brick Kiln Common & Bedham

Choir Presentation to Malcolm at Choral Evensong 2 December 2018 A special Advent Choral Evensong was held on 2 December at 6pm to mark the retirement of our Director of Music, Malcolm Brinson. After the service, the choir presented Malcolm with a framed picture of the church and a John Lewis gift voucher. A fantastic cake, depicting the organ at St Peter’s, was made by Val Mourilyan’s daughter and a slice of this went down well with a glass of bubbly!


Letter from Malcolm Dear Friends, For that is what you have become over the last 8 years. I thank you, one and all, for the generous send off you have given me. The electronic organ (used while the pipe organ was being rebuilt) now sits in my music room and is used daily. The Photograph of St Peter’s church will hang on the wall in the same room. With the present from the choir I shall buy something tangible to remind me of them, and not fritter it away on food and booze. You have a church which is going forward to new pastures, once the new sound system and the screen are in, you will definitely be fit for the 22 nd century. I wish you all a Happy New Year. Malcolm

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From the Editor Happy New Year and a warm welcome to the January 2019 edition of Ad Vincula. I hope you’ve all had a good Christmas and are looking forward to the year ahead. January highlights:  Choir’s Presentation to Malcolm Brinson (p7)  Scouts go Caving (p13)  Very sad news about Ladybug, Donna’s dog (p21)  Explanation of Epiphany (p23)  WGFS plea for help on the Fete Committee (p25)  New Director of Music Appointed (p26) I hope you will find something of interest and do please keep all your articles, comments and photos coming to me at Roland Zilz This magazine can also be viewed on line at:



Petworth Area Churches Together (PACT) - working together in harmony

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – : the theme ‘Only Justice’ draws on the scripture Deuteronomy 16:18-20 which includes this part from New Living Translation – ‘Let true justice prevail, so you may live and occupy the land that the Lord your God is giving you’. The whole week provides the opportunity to reflect on how we bring hope & life into our communities, bring growth & restoration into places of struggle and bring strength & love into our relationships with God & each other. Sunday 20th January at 3pm at St Giles church, Graffham for the opening ecumenical service. Monday to Friday 21st-25th January at 1pm at the United Reformed Church in Petworth for the lunchtime sessions with 30 minutes of reflection/prayer followed by soup and rolls. There will be a different speaker every day and lots of inspirational content to encourage us in living with ‘true justice’ in our hearts and minds. It will be a great opportunity to spend some time in the bible together and also get to know more faces from the Petworth area churches. No need to book, just come along! For more info, the leaflet for the week can be downloaded from : Kate & Karl Ayling Monday 21st Jan


Justice like a river

TBC - Petworth Community Church

Tuesday 22nd Jan


Keeping your word

Rev’d Pauline Lucas

Wednesday 23rd Jan


Grace & mercy to all

Fr Peter Newsam


Content with what you have

Rev’d Anne Lewitt


Good news for the poor

Rev’d Peter Hayes




Friday 25th Jan


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Grounds Maintenance & Landscaping Contract & Private work undertaken Established since 1996, fully equipped & insured Tel: 01403 700648 Email:

QUALITY LOCAL INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DECORATOR · 25 years’ experience · Fully Insured · References available · No VAT

For a professional service please contact Jonathan Capelin (West Chiltington) 01798 817402

Wisborough Green Primary School News “Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.� (Norman Vincent Peale) The magic really has been cast upon Wisborough Green Primary School this year with our many festive celebrations. Choral voices rang out through the school during the month of December, especially in preparation for the brilliant Nativity, 'The Inn-spectors' was a roaring success: the costumes, dancing, singing and acting was first class - I think we made our own sparkle and shine. Well done to the brilliant staff production team for once again putting on a superb show.

As we love outdoor learning, we decided to theme our Christmas tree decorations around the autumnal wonders. Pine cones were transformed into angels, wooden discs were decorated with sheep and cleverly crafted wooden trees donned the 11 magical trees in the church. It was lovely to receive feedback that our children were so well behaved, decorating the trees - they are a tribute to our school. Changing the world is always an aim for us at WGPS! There really is nothing in the way to stop us making a difference to others, no matter how young we are. We once again entered the 7 Billion Ideas competition to design a new life changing product. Our Year 3 children won the school finals and represented us at Wakehurst Place in the South East finals. The competition was fierce and we were among much older children, however the fighting spirit of Wisborough Green came through and we once again took home a prize - the best model! Well done to the children for representing our school so brilliantly and for sharing our creativity and perseverance for success. We are very proud! Beauty is within and very much outwith. The children really did find an inner peace in the ancient woodlands, known as The Mens. Thank you to The Sussex Wildlife Trust for helping the children to learn more about conservation, biodiversity, orienteering and bird, tree and track identification to name just a few. You don't need Christmas to wave a magic wand over children as there is so much magic within them already. You just need to know how to unlock it - something we do everyday. Thank you to the amazing team of staff, parents, governors and children at WGPS for making every day a magical day. Visit our website for more info: or follow us on Twitter - @WGPS864

Warm regards, Amanda Harrison, Head Teacher 01403 700280

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WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HALL FOR HIRE For hire charges and more information contact: 12

Mrs Beth Ellis: 01403 700083 e:

Kevin Twelvetrees Tree Surgery & Fencing Traditional Patios Specifications, Advice & Planning Conservation Areas & TPOs Large & Small Hedges Est 1986

Wisborough Green 01403 700848 Email:

A full range of upholstery services for traditional and contemporary furniture. Full upholstery, fitted & loose covers, cushions, headboards & accessories Free quotation. Collection and delivery

Contact Paul or Will: 01798 368008

Scouts go Caving In October the scouts went on their annual caving trip to Wells in Somerset. Because it was half term, we were able to get there earlier and so we were able to do a night trip around the town. We visited the Cathedral, the Bishop’s Palace and moat and the oldest continually inhabited road in Europe, appropriately called Vicar’s Way. Quite amusing really, watching eight scouts meandering down a road at night with head torches. It was a bit like watching the worst - and smallest - burglary gang in the world scoping out a job. Back at the scout hut to sleep and the children bedded down with scouts from Rudgwick and Alfold, making a lot of new friends, and then off to the caves the following day. After the usual fun of who’s wearing what, now a total of around 30 scouts, leaders and cavers headed into the countryside looking for deep, dark holes to jump down. The children were split into groups to make the caving more manageable. Our little group of three girls, me and three professional cavers decided that we would do the more adventurous Swildon’s Hole


caving complex, with underground running water, sumps, sheer cliff faces and wire ladder climbs. Needless to say the girls had a ball and were as brave as lionesses while I, their scout leader, got stuck, was quickly exhausted and winded myself falling into a rock pool off an edge. Visualise Mr Blobby with a torch stuck to his head and the same amount of coordination. Needless to say we’ll be back there next year - and doing that cave again. No issue for the children, but this adult won’t be beaten. Now the planning ramps up for Mr Blobby goes sailing and camping… Gareth

St Peter’s Spon Wizzy Tots Wizzy Tots, Wisborough Green’s baby and toddler group, meets at the Village Hall every Tuesday during term time from 9.30 to 11.00 am. Please join us for a coffee, catch up and a play in the Village Hall, all children and parents/carers welcome. It would be lovely to see you all. If you want to find out more about Wizzy Tots, please call: Tory on 01403 700809 or Marion on 01403 700339. If you haven’t yet experienced the delights of Xpresso, come and enjoy freshly ground Fairtrade coffee or tea with a delectable homemade cake! Xpresso is open every Friday during term time from 8.45am ‘til 11.30am in St Peter’s Church and EVERYONE is welcome! 14


Make Space Craft Group


Held on the First Friday of each Month from 10.15-11.30am During the Xpresso Coffee Morning in the Church

** Next Make Space 4th January ** All are welcome. Bring your craft with you, or just come for a chat. sew ng ing For further information contact Lorna on 01403 700155 Knitti

St Peter’s Luncheon Club St Peter’s Luncheon Club meets six times a year, on a Thursday, in the Wisborough Green Village Hall and is open to anyone who lives in the village or who worships at St Peter's. A two-course lunch, accompanied by a glass of wine, costs £5.00, payable at the door. Members are reminded by telephone a week or so before the event. If you would like to become a member, please ring Hilary Edmonds on 01403 700623. Next lunch: Thursday 17


January at 12.15 for 12.45 in the Village Hall

nsored Activities Village Care Scheme The St. Peter’s Village Care Team meets regularly and its aims are to give help and support to the residents of Wisborough Green in as many ways as possible. This includes visiting people who are housebound, in hospitals or in nursing homes, and comforting those who are suffering from illness, bereavement, loneliness etc. We also provide (through the West Sussex County Council) a free library service for those who are unable to leave their homes. See next page. Each team member is responsible for looking after an area of the village, for welcoming new arrivals, and for giving friendly advice. We produce “Welcome to Wisborough Green Cards” containing useful information which are always delivered personally. When appropriate, we send out cards on the first anniversaries of Baptism and Confirmation, and for bereavements. We are always open to suggestions and new ideas to help the community. Please feel free to contact Suzanne Mosley on 01403 700946 for any enquiries.

Village Car Service The Village Car Service, a part of the St Peter’s Village Care Scheme (see above), has now been in operation for over twenty years. It provides transport to Doctor’s and Dentist’s surgeries and local hospitals on request. There is no charge for this service but donations are invited from passengers as these are ploughed back into the Team’s budget to pay petrol expenses to the volunteer drivers. The service is co-ordinated by Jennie Burr (tel:01403 700607). We have a dedicated team of drivers and are extremely grateful to them all, but always need new recruits to cover busy periods. If anyone is interested in driving for the village please contact Suzanne Mosley on 15 01403 700946.

Village Library Service for Housebound Readers This service is available for readers who are unable to leave their homes. There are large print and talking books available if required. If you would like a selection of books delivered to your home on a temporary or regular basis, please contact: Angela Craddock on 700336.

‘St Peter’s Chain Gang’ The Churchyard at St Peter’s is an historic record of successive generations, a home for funerary monuments of architectural and aesthetic excellence, a setting for the church itself and a place for reflection and prayer. As such, its maintenance is of the highest importance. To complement the regular mowing the churchyard receives throughout the year, St Peter’s Chain Gang has been formed. This working party meets every other Tuesday in the churchyard from 9.30am to 12.00 noon to carry out routine tasks aimed at keeping everything neat and tidy. Extra help is always welcome even if you can come for just part of the time. Please bring gardening tools if you are able. Dates for January/February 2019 (weather permitting): Tuesday 22nd January Tuesday 5th February Tuesday 19th February

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NO TIME FOR PAPERWORK? Virtual Administration / Bookkeeping Assistant for small businesses Please contact Sue to discuss your requirements Tel: 01403 730819 Mob: 07881 420634


Old Pond Cottage Bed & Breakfast Accommodation Wisborough Green Tel : 01403 701110 Perfectly situated in the heart of the village Three lovely rooms – all en suite

Got questions about life? Try Alpha What’s the Alpha Course? It’s a practical introduction to the Christian faith, that is based around sharing a meal together (which can be breakfast, lunch or supper, whatever time suits those who wish to do the course). We then watch a presentation and discuss some of the questions raised. The course lasts for about 12 weeks and covers topics like ‘Who is Jesus?’ ‘Why and how do I pray?’ ‘Why and how should I read the Bible?’ So if you would like to come to our introductory session ‘Is there more to life than this?’ on Friday 25th January at 7pm, when a meal will be served at The Vicarage, then please email Marion at or ring 01403 700339. For more info: We look forward to seeing you. Clive and Marion

Village Hall News The delays we have suffered from our architect eventually reached a culmination when she recently confirmed that she would not be able to complete our project following her move to Yorkshire earlier this year. This was very disappointing news and has left us in a real quandary as to how best to proceed. Apart from some detailed drawings from our structural engineer, we have made no real progress since May whilst waiting for the architect to complete the more detailed design drawings. The team is therefore urgently seeking a replacement architect or chartered surveyor to take the project forward. Unfortunately this means further delay while we select the next firm and bring them up to speed with the details of the project. Watch this space! On a separate front, we believe that the time is right for the Hall to have its own website which we feel will create a much better vehicle to keep the community informed about the modernisation and all other news about the hall. There are a number of web hosting services that offer free hosting to UK registered charities which we can explore. What we need now is a volunteer with the right technical skills and time to help us build the website. Most of the material to start it up is already available. So if you can help us or know someone who might, please do get in touch with me (contact details below). More next month. In the meantime, the Hall Committee and Trustees wish everyone a very happy and healthy Christmas and New Year. Keith Carter, Chairman, Village Hall Management Committee t: 01403 700502 or e:


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For a quality chimney sweep KIRDFORD


Member of National Association of Chimney Sweeps 18

Tel: 01403 783115 e:

Ad Vincula - “How far can you go?” Another two entries to our little fun competition this month - both in the UK but Sue Nicholls (on her own) just wins with a distance of 147m, - congratulations Sue! Although, I do like the one of the four girls who picked up some dodgy bloke in Rye! Below: Shirley, Sue, Caz & Lucy in Rye, East Sussex (54m) with the Rye Town Crier!

Below: Sue Nicholls in Lee Abbey, Lynton, Devon (147m)


Please remember to take your copy of Ad Vincula with you wherever you travel and don’t worry if your travels don’t take you to distant shores, we still want to find the most interesting or unusual location for Ad Vincula so please keep those photos coming in! You can email them to: or post them on our Facebook Site: Roland Zilz

Link to Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal Thank you very much for the shoeboxes packed with goodies and necessities. We collected 23 from the church and the village. They have been delivered to underprivileged families and elderly people, in Eastern Europe, at community centres and schools. They will have been received with much joy and delight, and aware of the love and care which came as well. An update next month. Many thanks again, Suzanne Mosley

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Painting/decorating Tiling Loft ladders & boarding Electrical work Carpentry

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Wisborough Green Sports News Football Club. No football in December as the green has been too wet to play on. Cricket Club. AGM to be held on Sunday 20th January (10.30am start). Ken Vickery

‘Dos, Don’ts, Moans & Groans’ Well, happy new year to everybody. A couple of moans this month. Firstly we are leaving our old signs and posters up longer than they need to be and we have developers signs (big yellow ones) all over our village road signs. (If I have had time over Christmas I will have removed as many of these as I can.) The second moan is about the Jones Homes workmen’s vans parked around the village green most mornings. I am not sure that we can do much about this but we could all try writing to Chichester District Council and ask them if it is a condition on the planning that the cars park on site during construction. I notice from the train that sites in Horsham provide big car parks on site for construction parking. A personal moan from me. Once again the PC has elected to spike the village green completely at the wrong time of year and we have not been able to play any home games in December because of it. I very much doubt that any games will be played in January 2019 so let’s hope for dry weather in February and March. Parish Council elections in May - please start considering if you could stand for the council. Let’s get our 21 village sorted out. One DO this month, stick to those new year resolutions as long as you can. Please let me know if you get past the end of January with any of them. My final DO for this month is please e-mail me at with anything that you feel happy or unhappy with; people do read this and take note so please help me to help the village. Ken V

Ladybug I am devastated to have to write that Ladybug crossed the rainbow bridge. Ladybug was diagnosed with liver cancer on Friday 30th November and Saturday 1st December she collapsed and sadly the hardest decision was made to help her cross the rainbow bridge. I would like to thank everyone in the village for opening their arms and hearts to Ladybug - she will be missed - running across the green to receive treats - rolling in the frost on the green she was a regular sight for everyone either refusing her walk or enjoying her walk. Just again thank you for enjoying her 3yrs with us and making her twilight years safe and welcoming. Donna and family

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Richard, Caroline and the team would like to welcome you to The Bat & Ball Country Pub and Hayward’s Restaurant. Newpound Lane, Wisborough Green, RH14 0EH 01403 700199 Open 7 days a week Bar open for coffee and drinks 12-11 Mon - Sat Sunday 12-9 Lunch Monday - Saturday 12-3 Dinner Monday - Saturday 6-9. On Sundays we serve our delicious Sunday roast in addition to an array of seasonal dishes 12-8 22

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Epiphany Our cover picture this month depicts “Epiphany”. Epiphany, or Three Kings' Day, is the 12th day of Christmas, with January 6 marking the official end to the festive season for many Christians. These days, Brits tend to associate Twelfth Night with removing Christmas decorations because, according to tradition, anyone who forgets to take them down by the night before Epiphany must leave them in place all year to avoid misfortune. However, up until the 19th century, the Epiphany was more important than Christmas Day, and it was used to celebrate both the three kings' (or three wise men's) visit to Jesus shortly after his birth and also Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist. In the West, Christians began celebrating the Epiphany in the 4th century, associating it with the visit of the Magi (the three kings) to Bethlehem. According to the Gospel of Matthew, the three wise men followed the star of Bethlehem across the desert to meet the baby Jesus, offering gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The gifts were symbolic of the importance of Jesus' birth, the gold representing his royal standing; frankincense his divine birth; and myrrh his mortality.

When is the Epiphany celebrated? For many Protestant churches, the season of Epiphany extends from January 6 until Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. The last Sunday of the Epiphany is celebrated as Transfiguration Sunday. Others, including the Catholic church, observe Epiphany as a single day. In the Spanish speaking world Epiphany is also known as Dia de los Reyes (Three Kings Day). Festivities for the ancient Christian feast day vary around the world, from swimming in icy waters to exchanging presents, fireworks and parades. In many countries the day is a public holiday. As recently as the 1950s, Twelfth Night in Britain was a night for wassailing. Wassailers, like carol singers, go from house to house singing and wishing their neighbours good health.

Did you know?  The three Kings (supposedly called Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar) represented Europe, Arabia and Africa respectively.  Hundreds of years ago, roast lamb was traditionally served at Epiphany in honour of Christ and the three Kings' visit.  In some European countries, children leave their shoes out the night before to be filled with gifts, while others leave straw for the three Kings' horses.  In New York, El Museo del Barrio has celebrated and promoted the Three Kings' Day tradition with an annual parade for more than three decades. Thousands take part in the procession featuring camels, colourful puppets and floats.


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Can you help us keep the Fete going this year? As most of you reading this will know, our August Bank Holiday Fete is both a very popular family event and, equally importantly, a big fundraiser for a huge variety of local groups and societies enjoyed by many families and individuals in the village.

This year, the fete committee will struggle to keep the fete going without new members. Whilst we have a fantastic band of volunteers who work hard to make the fete happen on the day itself, we now have only a handful of committee members and unless we can persuade, encourage and even beg (we are desperate!) new members to join us, there is a very real risk that the fete won’t be going ahead this year. Our first meeting of 2019 takes place on Thursday 7 th February. Although it is the AGM, please don’t be put off as it is not a stuffy formal meeting but simply our first get together to talk about plans for this year. We meet monthly through the Spring and Summer to keep abreast of the event planning and then work on individual projects between meetings. These could be deciding on the activities, choosing and ordering prizes, organising the programmes or planning the dog show. We try and divide up pre-fete tasks to make it less onerous for any one person. Ideally, committee members need to be available on the August Bank Holiday weekend. Call us for a chat - Andrea on 700435 or Kate 700099 – or come along to the meeting:

WGFS AGM Thursday 7th February 2019 8pm – The Three Crowns All Welcome Flag Raising Dates 09 January

Birthday of the Duchess of Cambridge

20 January

Birthday of the Countess of Wessex


New Director of Music Appointed JOHN VINALL L.T.C.L., G.T.C.L We are very pleased to announce that, following the retirement at the end of December of Malcolm Brinson, John Vinall is taking over as Director of Music at St Peter’s. John won a scholarship to Trinity College of Music, London where he studied Piano, Organ, Choral Singing and Conducting. He spent 40 years in music education and was Director of Music at Tanbridge House School, Horsham for 26 years. Tanbridge House has a very strong reputation for music making, with Wind Bands, Orchestras, Choirs and Staged Musical Productions. During this time John conducted the annual, Horsham and District Junior Schools Music Festival which included massed 26 choirs of 400 children John also worked as Musical Director for Horsham Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society (HAODS). Productions for HAODS included My Fair Lady (twice), High Society (twice) and Carousel. John worked in the handbell ringing world, initially as the M D for The Warnham Handbell Consort. This group under the leadership of George Francis and John was one of the most prestigious exponents of the art of handbell ringing in the country. For 22 years John conducted the massed handbell ringing concerts organised by the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain. These concerts of hundreds of bells and ringers were held in various cathedrals of the South East but eventually remained established at Guildford Cathedral. John’s 50+ years as a professional musician have seen him performing on various cathedral organs of the south east, giving lunchtime concerts at Chichester Cathedral, conducting at the Royal Albert Hall and appearing on television. He is still actively involved in assisting and accompanying young performers as they prepare for instrumental grade examinations . He is really looking forward to working with all at St Peter Ad Vincula and maintaining and developing the musical side of worship at the church. The Churchwardens

November Messy Church We had fun with light, thinking of Jesus, the light of the world from John’s Gospel Chapter 8. Everyone made a Christingle (Christ Light) – Clive lit one in the car park and told us about its meaning. There were light cards to make, stained glass ‘windows’, we glass painted night-light jars, decorated star biscuits and wired a circuit – lighting a light bulb (there was a glimmer!) After our celebration and singing everyone was served pizza followed by cake. Our next Messy Church will be on Friday 18 th January.



DO YOU LOVE YOUR GARDEN? Do you value it as much as we do? Would you be willing to share it? In aid of health charities? The National Garden Scheme, West Sussex is searching for local gardens in your town or village, to be shared for just a few hours in 2020 with fellow garden lovers, in aid of nursing, cancer and health charities. 28

If you prefer to open jointly with friends or neighbours, we can help coordinate community group openings. We will support you, provide help, offer advice, and ensure "your" garden open day is successful. Please help us hang our "Garden Open Today" sign on your garden gate by contacting: Mrs Patty Christie, NGS County Organiser, West Sussex for an informal chat on 01730 813323 or The charity raised more than £4 million nationally in 2017 for various health charities including £500,000 to Macmillan Cancer Support, £500,000 to Hospice UK and £150,000 to Parkinson's UK. In order to continue to raise these vast sums, we must continue to attract new gardens to the scheme and replace any gardens whose owners are no longer able to welcome visitors.



Slipway opens in style The Wey & Arun Canal Trust made a splash when it unveiled its latest renovation project, a slipway located on Dunsfold Park on the Surrey/West Sussex border. The opening ceremony on Sunday 30 September was conducted by the Mayor of Waverley, Councillor Denise Le Gal, and launched by an amphibious classic car. The stunning blue Amphicar, owned by Mike and Jane Stallwood, is one of about 4,000 made in Germany in the 1960s and can travel up to 70 miles an hour on land, and 7 knots in water. It was among a number of boats, kayaks and canoes to take to the water to mark the latest chapter in the Wey & Arun Canal’s restoration. Along with the slipway, the Trust has created a wharf and landing stage at the site.

The build was made possible by a generous donation from the Thriscutt family in memory of their parents, Nancy and Sydney Thriscutt. WACT international member Andrew Thriscutt travelled from Canada to unveil a plaque 30 dedicating the slipway to his father. He said his father had had a lifelong interest in engineering and he and his brothers had wanted a fitting way to honour him. He added: “This slipway is an engineering feat and we know he would have been proud of all that has been done to make it a reality. “I would love to think that the canal will one day be open from the bottom to the top. Having a beautiful canal is an asset and we should improve it and keep it for all to enjoy.” The build began back in 2016, with the majority of the work taking place over the past year, during which time the volunteer workers had to endure flooding, arctic temperatures and searing heat to get the slipway to completion. Mayor of Waverley Councillor Denise Le Gal said: “It’s a great achievement to have restored something like this, often in difficult conditions. “I believe it’s important to support initiatives such as these for the whole community; it benefits us all in making a green corridor, not just those in Surrey but our neighbouring communities, too.” Site manager Dave Evans led the volunteers, who came from across the UK to assist the WACT’s own working parties. WACT Chairman Sally Schupke said: “Congratulations to our volunteers who have transformed this site and in particular Tony Ford, the project manager, and Dave Evans, the site manager. We are delighted that the Mayor of Waverley was able to join us today and officially open the new slipway.” Tony Ford added: “We are most grateful to the Thriscutt family and all those who made this project possible.” WACT

Neighbourhood Watch - Crime News & Advice New scheme stops more than 500,000 pounds being defrauded from vulnerable people in one month A national scheme, adopted by Sussex Police just 18 months ago, aimed at preventing elderly and other vulnerable people falling victim to fraud across the county, has prevented £528,083 being stolen in just one month. In October 2018, there were 35 calls to the force from banks and other financial institutions under the Banking Protocol, about potential victims with an average age of 75. In each case police responded and succeeded in ensuring that the person did not hand any money over. These interventions related to 27 identified reports of fraud which included five reports each of; romance fraud, rogue trading, courier fraud and computer software service fraud. There were also four attempts at financial abuse by a person known to the victim, plus two attempts at investment fraud and one at inheritance fraud. PC Bernadette Lawrie, Surrey and Sussex Police Financial Abuse Safeguarding Officer, said; "This means that more than half of all attempts at this particularly unpleasant type of crime are being intercepted and prevented as a result of our liaison with bank staff." The Protocol has been a success since its launch in Sussex in June 2017. The volume of calls from banks has steadily increased, along with the number of arrests and financial loss prevented, together with the confidence of staff in both banks and police to deal positively with these incidents. Staff in financial institutions have been trained to identify customers seeking to make unusual withdrawals or money transfers. They will ask questions to establish if the customer is potentially the victim of fraud and will make a 999 call to police quoting “Banking Protocol”. In most circumstances, the withdrawal will 31 have been attempted under emotional duress after personal contact with an offender. Since June 2017 433 such calls have been received by Sussex Police from banks and £2,478,761 has been saved from being defrauded. A recent A recent case shows how the Protocol can work. In June this year, an 89-year-old man went to a Lloyds Bank in Brighton, with a younger woman. The bank staff contacted the police as they were concerned about the recent changes in his habits, cash withdrawals on his account and the apparent pressure he was being put under by the woman. It transpired she had already received over £10,000 of his money and on 10 October the woman, Lisa Hollings, 36, of Fitzherbert Drive, Brighton, appeared at Lewes Crown Court where she pleaded guilty to theft, and was sentenced to two years imprisonment plus an additional two years for breaching a previous unrelated Community Order. She had known the victim for three years and claimed that she helped him out day to day and that he was helping her out with money and that she was going to pay back the money. But officers discovered that in fact she had befriended the victim after his wife died and had gradually taken money from him under the guise of helping her out with every day expenses. She then secured use of his cheque book. In Sussex this process dovetails with the force's Operation Signature, because following a call from the bank, police attend and always take positive action in crime recording and taking further action to safeguard the victim. Further valuable support comes from two case workers, funded by Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner (SPCC) Katy Bourne, and working through Victim Support, who support vulnerable victims who have been systematically targeted by criminals in this way, following up on referrals from Operation Signature, (Continued on page 51)

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Recipe of the Month RASPBERRY AND APPLE CRANACHAN As it’s Burns Night towards the end of January, I thought this traditional Scottish dessert would be apt for this month’s recipe suggestion! It’s so quick, easy and delicious!

Ingredients (serves 4)      

50g butter 75g rolled oats 50g caster sugar 150ml whipping cream 115g Greek yogurt 2 tablespoons each of honey, whisky and light muscovado sugar  200g raspberries (+ few extra for decoration)  2 granny smith apples (or other tart apples), peeled, cored and sliced

Method 1. Melt half the butter in a pan, add the oats and cook for 1 minute then add half the caster sugar. Stir for 4 – 5 minutes, until the oats are lightly caramelised, then tip onto a piece of baking paper and leave to cool. 2. Lightly whip the cream then fold in the yogurt, honey, whisk, muscovado sugar and oats. Stir in the raspberries (set aside a few to decorate), crushing them slightly. 33 3. Melt the remaining butter and sauté the apples for 3 – 4 minutes. When they begin to soften, add the remaining caster sugar and cook untilcaramelised. Set aside to cool. 4. Spoon mixture into glass dessert bowls, layering the cream and oats with the apples and top with the reserved raspberries. 5. Optional: drizzle with crème de cassis! Judie Donovan

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Boiler servicing and repairs Full heating and domestic installations For all type of plumbing work call Alan at AG Heating & Plumbing Services Ltd.

Alan Gilbert t: 01403 289316 34

m: 07803 128847

Wisborough Green Division Divisional Organiser: Pat Farmer Old School Cottage, School Road, Wisborough Green, West Sussex. RH14 0DU Tel: 01403 700492 Email: To use the minibus you need to be a member of the Minibus Association There is a form to complete (obtainable from Pat Farmer) Note: The annual membership fee from 1st January 2019 is £7. For regular bookings ring: BRENDA KARN-SMITH (701076) and for special outings: KATE VERNALLS (701004)

Destinations for January 2019 Fri 4th Tues 8th Wed 9th Fri 11th Tues 15th Fri 18th Tues 22nd Fri 25th Tues 29th

Cranleigh & Notcutts Horsham & Sainsbury Milestone Museum Chichester & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Godalming & Waitrose Horsham & Sainsbury Midhurst Horsham & Sainsbury

Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am

Our fares have not risen for a number of years, and with ongoing increases during that time of the cost of diesel, servicing, insurance and so on, as from the 1st January we are asking for an extra 50p on some trips and £1 on others. We hope this is acceptable to all our passengers. On 9th January we will be visiting the Milestone Living History Museum (Basingstoke) - an interesting collection of recreated shops, workshops, exhibition and show ground, even a railway station, all from the Victorian Era to the 1930s, and everything is under cover. Cafe for light lunches etc. Cost: £20 including entry fee and minibus fare. On 6th February we will be visiting the Brighton Royal Pavilion (or shops and town). The Pavilion is an exotic palace with a colourful history. Built as a seaside pleasure palace for King George IV, this historic house mixes Regency grandeur with the visual style of India and China. Cost: £18 including entry fee and minibus fare. I hope you have had a good Christmas and wish a very happy, peaceful and healthy 2019 to you all. Pat Farmer, Divisional Organiser

Early February 2019 Dates Fri 1st Tues 5th Wed 6th Fri 8th Tue 1st

Chichester & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Brighton Royal Pavilion Cranleigh & Notcutts Charity No: 1173818

9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am 9.30 am

Sponsored by


Wisborough Green History - THE Last month I covered the Arun, its history and the planning and completion of the Arun Navigation Canal. This month describes Newbridge Wharf . . . . There was an error on the canal map shown last month. The Arun Navigation Canal that opened in 1787 terminated at Newbridge Wharf instead of going under the A272. It ended in a large canal basin that enabled barges to turn around for their return journey to Pallingham, Arundel, etc. The canal flows under the road now, but this was a later development when the canal was extended northwards (see next issue). Newbridge Wharf was an important industrial centre that was described by William Cobbett as part of his travels on horseback throughout the country in the early part of the nineteenth century. He had a great empathy with rural life and his purpose of these travels was to see conditions for himself using his experience both as a farmer and social reformer. In addition, he realised that he was 36 witnessing the early days of an industrial revolution with its exploitive capitalism that would cause a drift of people to the cities and the decline of rural life. His entry for 1st August 1823 was “soon after quitting Billingshurst I crossed the river Arun, which has a canal running alongside of it. At this there are large timber and coal yards, and kilns for lime. This appears to be a grand receiving and distributing place. The river goes down to Arundale, and, together with the valley that it runs through, gives the town its name. This valley, which is very pretty, and which winds about a good deal, is the dale of the Arun” His collected entries were published in Rural Rides in 1830. A map of the area is reproduced courtesy of P A L Vine who has published many excellent books on the canal. The map is dated 1876 and shows the canal warehouse (see photo) and coal yards (labelled Newbridge Wharf), the wharfinger’s house (named Toll House) to the immediate left of the bridge and the limekilns all in a field called Bargeman’s Plat. Also apparent is the wide turning area between the warehouse and the bridge. Like the map shown last month, it shows the canal continuing northwards beyond the A272 but in all other respects it is an accurate plan of Newbridge as it was c1800.

E WEY AND ARUN CANAL (Part 3) The wharf was under the control of the wharfinger who operated from his office situated in his house next to the A272 from where a track led past his office and down to the wharf (see map). He took control of all of the goods delivered to and collected from the wharf and was also responsible for the day to day running of the area. The canal authorities realised that there was a need for merchants and bargees to take refreshment while they conducted their business out of the weather and so, in 1805, the wharfinger established a public house that was named The Limeburners. Its location is assumed to have been next to the wharfinger’s house but nothing is known of this. After the canal closed, the wharfinger’s house became a private residence (now named Wharf Farmhouse - see photo (the canal is to the right)) and the pub name and business was transferred to a house in Lording’s Road on the other side of the Arun from where it trades today. The warehouse was built in 1839 at the peak of the canal’s busiest period and replaced an earlier building built for the canal’s opening. It became a farm and grain store after the closure of the canal and remained so for many years. It was converted to a guest house but has since reverted to being a private residence named The Old Wharf. Finally, in 1810 it was agreed to build a storehouse to allow 37 lime kilns to be erected and the field to be enlarged by three acres. The success of the wharf was dependent upon good access from the surrounding area. As mentioned in the November issue, the local roads were in an appalling state and often impassable in winter. Mention was also made that about the time of opening the canal the owners lent a large amount of money to the parishes of Billingshurst, Pulborough, Slinfold and Wisborough Green to make repairs to their main roads. It must be said that this wasn’t an act of altruism but an investment to ensure the success of the wharf by enabling it to be accessed by heavily loaded wagons, local carters' wagons, etc. all year round. In addition, the bridge was widened on each side between 1790 and 1820 because of the extra traffic that was being generated. The opening of the wharf enabled the local area to receive many different types of goods that were previously too expensive because of the difficulty or even impossibility of their transport owing to the atrocious state of the roads throughout the county. The goods received were coal, fertilizer, lime (usually from the pits at Bury and Houghton), groceries and other consumer goods that had been brought by barge from Arundel. The coal was especially valuable to farmers as fuel for their kilns. Previously they had to grow gorse as fuel but, as this was very poor calorifically, a large area of land was used for its growing that was better employed growing cereal crops. The canal also provided a cheaper way of exporting local goods such as corn, timber, oak bark, cordwood for building and charcoal making. The wharf also provided storage facilities for goods such as oak bark. One interesting category of goods was hoops; Billingshurst was an important centre of the hoops industry; these were sent regularly by barge to Arundel where they were dispatched to the northern ports for the fish trade. (Continued next month - RB)

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

G R Kilford & Co. Restorers of Fine Antique Furniture Bespoke furniture made to order 1 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road, Wisborough Green, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 ODY Telephone: (01403) 786 272

Restoring furniture for over 35 years.


Sales, Servicing & Repair of Garden Equipment

Wood Stoves & Chimneys Repairs, Service & Advice

Ebernoe, Petworth, Sussex GU28 9LH

Tel 01403 700848

Tel: 01428 707269

Email: Hetas Training Cert. no. 1385 38

LIMITED Company Registration no 7961115


Update The KKWG AGM was treated to a marvellous talk by Tony Whitbread, formerly Chief Executive of the Sussex Wildlife Trust in which he showed how traditional economics is flawed and that account needs to be taken of the environment. We are looking forward to hearing the results of a number of Government consultations on whether or not to make Shale gas drilling Permitted Development and Shale gas production part of the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects. Both potential changes would sideline County Councils and local communities. Not only Nick Herbert MP objected to these ideas but also West Sussex County Council and Wisborough Green Parish council. In total  Over 800 councillors have signed an open letter including 71 Conservatives have opposed government proposals to allow fracking companies to undertake exploratory drilling without local planning applications.  The government is proposing that exploratory drilling for shale gas should be granted planning permission through a permitteddevelopment right . This right means fracking companies don’t need to apply for planning permission from the local authority. Permitteddevelopment is a category of planning originally designed to facilitate minor structural changes to homes such as extensions and putting up sheds.  The government consultation closed on October 25th  40 Councils have also formally opposed the government’s plans, including the Conservative controlled Nottinghamshire, Surrey and Kent County Councils .  More than 20 Conservative MPs have threatened to rebel against the government over these proposals Another, yes another, Consultation closes on January 7th, 2019 which seeks responses on whether companies should mandatorily consultwith local communities on their proposals. Jill Sutcliffe, Chair KKWG, 01403 700395 or

Sussex Police funding 2018-2022 Sussex Police have started the biggest intake of new police officers for over a decade. This has been made possible by the increase in police precept of an average £12 for a band D property, and the PCC releasing £17 million from reserves. It means that over the next four years, Sussex will have 200 more police officers on the frontline than it does today. Although residents are pleased to hear that local policing will be strengthened by these 200 extra officers, they are already indicating that they would like even more. That is why the PCC has opened a survey on her website to gauge potential support for raising more funding locally if the Government lifts the current cap on the police precept. Please take a moment to make your views known on this link k=154038317338 You can find out more about funding for Sussex Police 2018-22 here:


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Tim Edwardes Tree Surgery & Garden Maintenance

Mac’s Private Hire 24 hours a day - 7 days a week

01403 701 842 T: 01403 700594 M: 07810 130483

Tree surgery, hedgework, pruning. Competitive prices. Fully Qualified & Insured Arborist.


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07917 850 746 Airports - Social & Business Lady Driver Available Wisborough Green Based

Holiday Homes For Hens Going on holiday? Bring your hens and ducks to us at Garden Poultry Care in Kirdford. We’ll take care of your birds in a safe, friendly, free range area.

Call Nik 01403 820796

The Gardener’s Calendar

by Ian Clemens

 Remove old Hellebore leaves to make the new blooms more visible as they emerge this spring.  Remove any faded flowers from your winter pansies to stop them setting seed and prolong flowering.  Cut back the old foliage from ornamental grasses before growth begins - clip them to within a few centimetres of the ground.  Plant bare root roses now in a sunny position for spectacular summer colour.  Harvest parsnips and leeks.  Start chitting (sprouting) early potatoes - stand them on end in a module tray or egg box and place in a bright cool frost-free place.  Remove yellowing leaves from your winter brassicas as they are no use to the plant and may harbour pests and diseases.  Prune blackcurrant bushes, gooseberries and redcurrants to maintain a productive framework.  Try forcing rhubarb plants by placing an upturned bucket or bin over the crown. This will force tender pink stems to grow that will be ready in about 8 weeks.  Plant Amaryllis bulbs in pots now for stunning indoor flowers in early spring. 41

Beekeeping Taster Day Saturday March 2nd 2019 at Rudgwick Village Hall Have you or anyone you know ever thought of keeping bees, but needed to know more? This one day course will provide enough information to answer these questions........  How much time do I need?  What equipment do I need?  How much does it cost?  Is my property large enough to keep bees on?  Can I look inside a beehive to judge whether or not beekeeping is “for me”?  Is help available if I need it?  ........and much, much more Come along and find out without obligation. This is a popular annual event, now in its fourteenth year, organised by the Wisborough Green Beekeepers Association, whose members live in West Sussex and South Surrey, within about 20 miles of Wisborough Green. This day makes a good grounding for the practical “Preliminary Sessions” that we will be running at our teaching apiary near Wisborough Green next Spring. Further information for beekeepers and non-beekeepers including our Preliminary sessions which provide the opportunity to handle bees, can be found on Contact Roger Patterson 01403 790637 or 07976 306492, for course details, or John Glover 01403 751899, to book.

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Local Club and Society News Wisborough Green Short Mat Bowls Club We entertained Pulborough Reprobates in a friendly match on Thursday evening 15th November, with teams both winning on one mat. Mat 1 (George, Gavin, Dave H and Monica) winning 2011 and Mat 2 (Marilyn, Lorraine, Shirley and Pauline) losing 1420. Therefore giving a Match Result of 34 - 31 and a narrow win by 3 shots. The Clubs Annual Pairs Competition on Monday 19th November, was well attended with 12 teams taking part. The teams split into two groups with the top team from each group going through to Finals Day on the 15th April. The teams all played 4 games of 7 ends, the games were all generally competitive with only one team from each group remaining unbeaten. Congratulations go to Bernard Adsett and Diana Tatman winning group A with 8pts +19 also Monica Enticknap and Hilary Nulty winning group B with 7pts +10. We entertained West Chiltington in a friendly match on Tuesday afternoon 20th November. The match was played in a very good spirit with Wisborough running out winners by 41 shots. We had good wins on both mats, with Mat 1 (Tony, Hilary, David and Monica) winning 33-8 and Mat 2 (George, Lorraine, Shirley and Pauline) winning 24-8, giving a Match Result of 57-16. We entertained Aldingbourne in a friendly match on Thursday evening 22nd November. The match was played in great spirit with Wisborough running out winners by 18 shots. We had good wins on both mats, with Mat 1 (Linda, Gavin, David and Monica) winning 25-9 and Mat 2 (Marilyn, Lorraine, George and Pauline) winning 17- 43 15, giving a Match Result of 42-24. We entertained Lavant in a friendly match on Tuesday afternoon 27th November. In a very competitive and enjoyable match Wisborough ran out winners by 2 shots. The teams shared one mat each, with Mat 1 (Jane, Monica, David and Bernard) winning 22 -16 and Mat 2 (Marilyn, Gavin, Shirley and Tony) losing 20-24, giving a Match Result of 42-40. Twenty members and friends enjoyed a weekend bowling break at Warner’s Lakeside, Hayling Island from the 30th November to 3rd December. A great weekend was rounded off with Jane Adsett, Richard Burden, Sonia Burden and Bernard Adsett winning a hard fought Mixed Fours Final. Then in the Consolation Triples, Lorraine Berry, Marlene Steel and Keith Carter controlling the Final to win that Trophy. Well done to all bowlers who took part. Finally we travelled to Aldingbourne for a friendly match on Wednesday afternoon 5th December. In a very competitive match, on a challenging floor, Wisborough ran out winners by 6 shots. The teams shared one mat each, with Mat 1 (Gavin, Monica, David and Bernard) winning 20-11 and Mat 2 (Lorraine, Marilyn, George and Pauline) losing 16-19, giving a Match Result of 36-30. January Diary: 15th - Ewhurst 1:30pm (away) 16th - Fittleworth 7pm (away) 21st - Captains Day 10am (home) 25th - Midhurst 6:30pm (away) 30th - Pulborough 6:30pm (away) Monica Enticknap, Captain

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The Cricketers Arms

The Heart of Wisborough Green 01403 700369

YOUR BUSINESS Advertise here for as little as ÂŁ60 a year! tel: 01403 700320 for info 44

A beautiful 16th century pub located in a beautiful Sussex village. All fresh home cooked food. Good quality beer. Live music Friday/Saturday evenings from 9pm. Theme food evenings. Check website for dates.

Web Email – Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

Wisborough Green History Society Wisborough Green Village History Society is a small group of people who enjoy talking about and researching the history of the village. Several of our members are life-long residents of the village, others have lived here for many years and all have interesting memories and anecdotes to relate. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month in the village hall committee room at 10.30am - new members are always welcome. Sue Killingbeck, Secretary (Tel: 01403 700704)

Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club The Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club meets in The Village Hall every Wednesday from 4 to 6pm. Do come along and give it a try – we are a very friendly bunch. Contact Philip Midwinter on 01403 700402 for more details.

Wisborough Green ‘Mountain’ Rescue Run by local volunteers. Stuck in a ditch or up a tree? Call us. Contact: Mr Brian Smith 700346.


Wisborough Green Horticultural Society - NO MEETING IN JANUARY Next Talk - “Potato Growing” by Alan Watson Monday 4th February 8pm, Wisborough Green Village Hall The recent talk about Dahlias was well attended. Our speaker, Paul Dalby, gave us a very thorough talk on the history of Dahlias, the many different types and lots of cultural information. Paul mentioned Collarette Dahlias – they are especially good for attracting bees and pollinating insects, so really good for the garden. Let’s hope it has inspired many of us to grow these lovely flowers and maybe, just maybe, to enter the classes in the August Show! The evening was accompanied with mulled wine and mince pies. This meeting replaced the talk about Potatoes – this is now scheduled for Monday February 4th. We were sorry to learn George Goodchild died recently – he had been a stalwart member and past chairman of the society. A very Happy New Year!


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LOXWOOD LANDSCAPES Paul Gregson Hard & soft landscaping Garden design Free estimates & all work considered 01403 753 204

07949 312 402 46

Wisborough Green FARMERS MARKETplus News

Next Market: Thursday 14th February 2019 Wisborough Green Village Hall 9.00am – 12.30pm Ahaa! You noticed that the Market is taking its usual month off in January; as someone said “for the recharging of batteries and recovery from indulgence”. We will be back fresh in February, on St Valentine’s Day. A raffle for the giant chocolate heart made by our chocolatier Kim may tempt you. Imagine getting that instead of the usual card! As it is the New Year, our best wishes to all our visitors and volunteers for an enjoyable and healthy 2019. May our community feeling grow stronger as the outside world swirls and eddies. Good fortune to us all.

The Christmas Market. Coming into the Hall with different decorations and Father Christmas welcoming one brought on more smiles. The Christmas Market inside had a joyful anticipatory atmosphere; the hall filled with village friends and acquaintances; the choir singing and our talented Gill Parish playing the piano when there was no singing. 47 Once again New Year’s Greetings to all our readers. Left: Gill Parish at the piano

WGFM Committee

Right: You need January off to get over all this! Follow us on social media for updates, photographs and market chat: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @WGvillagemarket

Market Sponsors:


St Peter’s Luncheon Club St Peter’s Luncheon Club would like to say thank you to Fiona for looking after us last year for our luncheon club. She has rather a lot of work to do so has to leave us. However, we are very fortunate to have found a new cook and she will be preparing our lunches this coming year. Look forward to seeing everybody on the 17th January.

Arts Society Meetings The Arts Society - West Sussex THERE IS NO TALK IN JANUARY On Tuesday 5th February, Douglas Skeggs will talk on

David Hockney - The Old Master of Modern Art Hockney’s paintings show a charm and humour that sets them apart from others of his generation. This talk follows the career of an artist whose wit and imagination have never faltered. Meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 2pm. Doors open at 1.40. Tea and coffee after the lecture. Contact Jackie Buckler on 01903 411086 or email: Visitors most welcome - £5

The Arts Society - South Downs THERE IS NO TALK IN JANUARY 48

On Wednesday 6th February, Leslie Primo will give a talk on

Leonardo’s Portraits and Madonnas This lecture will look exclusively at Leonardo's fascination with portraits and Madonnas, a theme constant throughout his long life . All meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 10.30am. Coffee from 9.50am. New Members, Visitors (£5) warmly welcomed. Please call Hilary on 01403 785302

Village Hall 50 Club Draw The winner of the December Draw is Paul Killingbeck who wins £75 The winner of the second prize of £20 is Nick Greenwood. The Grand Christmas Bonus Draw notice can be found on p 51. The January Draw will be at The Cricketers at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 9 January 2019 and any member or prospective member who would like to attend will be very welcome. The 50 Club is always looking for new members so please give me a call. Ruth Andrews, 01403 700671

WI Report Our Christmas Meeting this year took on a slightly different form in that while we all tucked into our mince pies and mulled wine we were entertained by Jonathan Cann and his Punch and Judy Show! Jonathan told us all about the history of Punch and Judy from its first documented report in England by Samuel Pepys in 1662 to the present day. During the show we were encouraged to interact with the politically incorrect Mr Punch and the other puppets including his wife, the clown, crocodile, policeman, dog etc The performance created some interesting discussion about the level of violence when this is performed in front of children, with Mr Punch throwing the baby down the stairs, constantly hitting everyone with his slapstick including his wife and the policeman. However, Jonathan explained that when he performed in schools etc the show was used to show that bullying and hitting people was not acceptable and that Mr Punch got his comeuppance in the end! We all went home clutching a Secret Santa Present, not to be opened until Christmas 49 of course. Our January meeting on Thursday, January 3rd, will take the form of A Beetle Drive. Never played? Come along and enjoy the fun! A HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our members and friends. Jane Zilz Mary Benson (President) 01403 700284

Weather Watch Wisborough Green Rainfall for the month of November was 170mm – last year 43 mm and my 12 yr average 117mm. Our wettest November since 2009! Highest temperature for November in the UK was 18.3°C at Otterbourne (Hants) and the coldest temp was minus 6.7°C recorded at South Newington (Oxon) For Wisborough Green the max and min was 16.8°C and minus 3.0°C respectively. For the UK as a whole sunshine levels were 110% of normal. The Met Office has a weather station network across the whole UK, with more than 200 automatic stations. These weather stations measure a large variety of different meteorological parameters, including air temperature; atmospheric pressure; rainfall; wind speed and direction, humidity; cloud height and visibility. Stations are usually around 40 km apart, enabling us to record the weather associated with the typical low pressure and frontal systems that cross the UK. Weathervane

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Wisborough Green Village Hall 50 Club Grand Christmas Bonus Draw Cash Prize £500 (This is in addition to the normal monthly draw) The winner for 2018 is

Susan Killingbeck Neighbourhood Watch - Crime News (cont) (Continued from page 31) 51 Police advise:  Be wary of any calls, texts or emails purporting to be from the police asking for your personal or financial details, or for you to transfer money.  If you are approached, or feel something is suspicious, hang up the phone and don’t reply. Then report it to Action Fraud and your bank on their advertised number.  Never send or give money to anyone you don't know or trust; check people are who they say they are; don't share your personal information; make decisions in your own time; and if in doubt phone a relative or a friend. Operation Signature is the Sussex Police campaign to identify and support vulnerable victims of fraud across the county. Fraud is becoming more complex and deceptive, and much of it is targeted at vulnerable and elderly people. The force has a process for recognising victims of all fraud as victims of crime and providing preventative measures to support and protect them from further targeting. This can include helping them to change their phone number to an ex-directory number, contacting family to suggest Power of Attorney, mail redirection, offering them advice on call blocking devices and referring them to other support services. For further information about Operation Signature and ways of preventing fraud, especially against elderly and other vulnerable people, see the Sussex Police website

If you have information about any crime call 101, email: or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. If you see a crime taking place call 999. Regards, Priscilla Pinkham

Church Cleaning Roster (Saturdays) 5 January

Sue Nicholls & Annie Daniell

12 January

Ann Lewis & Diane Roberts

19 January

Carol Holt & Jane Zilz

26 January

Sheila & Robert Armistead

If you are unable to clean on the day allocated to you, please arrange to change with someone or let Dave & Diane Roberts know – 701860.

Church Flower Arranging Roster (Fridays) 4 January

Maggie Edwards

11 January

Maggie Edwards

18 January

Mary Benson & Jacky Grengs

25 January

Mary Benson & Jacky Grengs


Xpresso is held in the church Fridays from 8.45 to 11.30am.

Church of St Peter ad Vincula The Vicar Churchwardens PCC Secretary Joint PCC Treasurers Church Electoral Roll Officer Covenant Secretary Director of Music

Rev. Clive Jenkins 700339 email: Mr Jamie Daniell 752846 Mr Richard Parish 700628 joint email: Mrs Sue Nicholls 700827 Mrs Sharon Moncur Mr Roger Moncur joint email: Ms Rosemary Crafter 701148 Mr David Warwick 700262 Mr John Vinall 782006

Ministry Support Team Co-ordinators Bell Ringers Mrs Val Mourilyan Cleaners Dave & Diane Roberts Flowers Mrs Maggie Edwards Readers Mrs Val Mourilyan Chalice, Sacristans, Intercessors Mrs Henrietta Warwick Healing Mrs Gillian Gough Website:

700089 701860 700944 700089 700262 700157

For baptism or wedding enquiries, please contact the Vicar ASAP or, if unavailable, one of the churchwardens.

Wisborough Green Village Directory Ad Vincula Magazine :


Mr Roland Zilz Mrs Marion Jenkins Mrs Fran Wallace Mr John Gough

Advertising Distribution Balloon Club of Wisborough Green Climbing Bears Pre-school Cricket Club Chairman Farmers’ & Village Market Football Club Chairman History Society Horticultural Society Chairman Lawnmower Racing Minibus Association Minibus Bookings Neighbourhood Watch Area Co-ordinator Parish Council Chairman Parish Council Clerk Police (non-emergency) Primary School Business Manager Primary School PTA Secretary Scouting Groups: Scouts (10½+ yrs) Cubs (8-10½ yrs) Beavers (6-8 yrs) Sports Clubs Association (Pavilion) St Peter’s Luncheon Club Short Mat Bowls Club Spitfire Simulator Group Stoolball Club Table Tennis Club Village Hall Bookings Village Hall Committee Chairman Village Car Service Village Care Team Village Housebound Library Service Wisborough Green Conservative Association Wisborough Green Fete Society Wisborough Green Mountain Rescue Wisborough Green Trust Wisborough Green Website Wisborough Green Website Editor Women’s Institute


700632 700339 700320 700157

Mr Brian Smith 700346 Nina Lambkin 701027 Mr Steve Calder-Smith 700821 Mrs Aija Hamilton 700588 Mr Simon Penfold 700756 Mrs Pam Warburton 701903 Philip Midwinter 700402 Mr Jim Gavin 700220 Mrs Pat Farmer 700492 Mrs Brenda Karn-Smith 701076 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Mr Peter Drummond 01798 865546 Mrs Louise Davies 701102 101 Mrs Val Williams 700280 Ms Mariamne Scott-Kerr 07775 627653 David Ribbens 01483 200688 Carol Pearson 700536 David Ribbens 01483 200688 Mr Michael Gadd TBA Mrs Hilary Edmonds 700623 Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mr Brian Smith 700346 Mrs Alison Luke 700752 Mr Philip Midwinter 700402 Mrs Beth Ellis 700083 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mrs Jennie Burr 700607 Mrs Suzanne Mosley 700946 Mrs Angela Craddock 700336 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Ms Andrea Leighton 700435 Mr Brian Smith 700346 Mr Richard Bairstow 700140 Mrs Louise Davies, PC Clerk 701102 or Mrs Mary Benson 700284


What’s Happening in January Tue 01 Thur 03 Fri 04 Sun 06 Tue 08 Wed 09 Thur 10 Fri 11 Tue 15 Thur 17 Fri 18 Sun 20 Tue 22 Thur 24 54

Fri 25 Tue 29

NEW YEARS DAY WI Meeting (p 49) Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 6 & 14) Make Space Craft Group (p 14) EPIPHANY Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 14) PC Planning Committee (if required) Village Hall 50 Club Draw (p 48 & 51) Mobile Library Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 14) Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 14) Parish Council Meeting St Peter’s Lunch Club (p 14) Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 14) Messy Church (p 5 & 27) Cricket Club AGM (p 21) Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 14) St Peter’s Chain Gang (p 15) Singing For Fun (p 23) Mobile Library Alpha Supper Party (p 17) Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 14)

WG Village Hall St Peter’s Church St Peter’s Church

8.00 pm 8.45 - 11.30 am 10.15 - 11.30 am

WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 8.00 pm The Cricketers 6.30 pm The Pavilion WG 2.55 - 3.15 pm St Peter’s Church 8.45 - 11.30 am WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 7.45 pm WG Village Hall 12.15 pm St Peter’s Church 8.45 - 11.30 am WG Village Hall 3.15 pm The Pavilion 10.30 am WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am St Peter’s Churchyard 9.30 am Wyatt House 2.30 - 4.00 pm The Pavilion WG 2.55 - 3.15 pm The Vicarage 7.00 pm WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.00 am

Exhibition at Chichester Cathedral: ‘Star of Bethlehem’ by Jayson Haebich Until Sunday 3rd February 2019 A spectacular morphing geometric laser star created by coding artist Jayson Haebich. Powered by two laser projectors set high up in the Cathedral’s Triforium, the star will appear suspended above the Arundel Screen. At low light levels the haze machine will transform the star image into a three dimensional, floating star, creating a mythical spectacle. The effect will be mesmerising. Open daily with free entry.

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** DEADLINE 14th January PLEASE ** ADVERTISING: Please telephone: Fran Wallace on 01403 700320 or email:

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