Ad Vincula Magazine November 2016

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November 2016

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them

Wisborough Green Parish Magazine

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

AD VINCULA Wisborough Green Church and Community News

Highlights November 2016

St Peter ad Vincula Calendar ..................................... 4 Pastoral Letter / PACT News ..................................... 5 Church Dates for the Diary / Prayer ........................... 6 Regular Church Activities / From the Registers ......... 7 From the Editor / Time for God 9 October.................. 9 WG Primary School News ........................................ 11 Nature Notes ............................................................ 13 W Sussex Walk for FSW / Village Hall News ........... 15 Village Hall Notices / RBL Poppy Appeal 2016 ........ 17 WG Sports News / Ken’s Moans & Groans Page .... 18 Table Top Sale Report / Fireworks Spectacular ...... 21 Leros Solidarity Network .......................................... 25 WG Fete Society Donations ..................................... 27 Notice Board ..................................................... 28 - 29 Harvest Festival 2016....................................... 30 - 31 Recipe of the Month / Car Service Drivers Party ..... 33 Wisborough Green History ............................... 34 - 35 WG Minibus Page .................................................... 37 Gardener’s Calendar / Shoebox Appeal 2016 ......... 39 Neighbourhood Watch.............................................. 41 Village Organisations - News & Notices ........... 43 - 49 Weather Watch/ Cyber Tips/ Village Hall 50 Draw .. 51 Church Cleaning / Flower Rosters / Directory .......... 52 Village Organisations Directory ................................ 53 What’s Happening .................................................... 54

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Parochial Church Council. Please note, it is not always possible to check the credentials and claims of all those advertising, so please ensure that you get references and check any claims before entering into business with them.

Ad Vincula Team Roland Zilz Editor Marion Jenkins Asst. Editor Fran Wallace Advertising John Gough Distribution Rev. Clive Jenkins Vicar Dr Graham Parr Churchwarden Mr Jamie Daniell Churchwarden

If you have articles, photos, letters, etc that you think we may like to feature in the next issue, please email the Editor on: but, please note, publication will always be subject to space and at the discretion of the Editor. Copy Deadline for December 2016 issue:

14 November 2016 Printed by: EVONPRINT Mackley Industrial Estate Small Dole, W Sussex, BN5 9XR Tel: 01273 494631

Cover picture - by Lilly Ramplin, aged 8 (words added by AD VINCULA) 3

St Peter ad Vincula Calendar for November Tuesday

1 November

4.30pm ‘til 5.00pm

Wednesday 2 November


Holy Communion

Sunday 6 November 25th Sunday after Trinity

8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm

Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist Refresh contemporary worship and praise service


8 November

4.30pm ‘til 5.00pm

Wednesday 9 November



11 November


Sunday 13 November Remembrance Sunday

8.00am 10.00am 11.00am


Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)

Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road) Holy Communion Messy Church in Village Hall Holy Communion (BCP) Service of Remembrance At the War Memorial on The Green

15 November

4.30pm ‘til 5.00pm

Wednesday 16 November


Holy Communion


17 November


St Peter’s Lunch Club in Village Hall

Sunday 20 November Last Sunday after Trinity

8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm

Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist Digging Deeper


Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)

22 November

4.30pm ‘til 5.00pm

Wednesday 23 November


Holy Communion

Sunday 27 November First Sunday of Advent

8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm

Holy Communion (BCP) All Age Communion Advent Service of Light


Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)

29 November

4.30pm ‘til 5.00pm

Prayer Group (at 2 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road)

Wednesday 30 November


Holy Communion

Sunday 4 December Second Sunday of Advent

8.00am 10.30am 6.00pm

Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist Refresh contemporary worship and praise service

For More Details of Services and Events see CHURCH WEBSITE 4

Pastoral Letter “The Lord is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91 Verse 2. “Imagine Wisborough Green in 1916”, was our Harvest Supper Thanksgiving theme this year. Of course we could not really imagine what the village would have been like in the second year of World War One. Daily life had been impacted by the events unfolding around the village community and our Nation. Thousands of young men had volunteered to fight the ‘Hunn’, placing challenges on agriculture and industry, previously unknown. “The Big Push” more commonly known as the Battle of the Somme was not to be the knock out blow that had been planned to push the Germans back and another two years of trench warfare awaited the warring armies. Back home, many families would have received the telegram they were dreading, telling of a loved one missing in action. Communities across the land would be coming to terms with the loss and heartache this news brought. Here in Wisborough Green and the surrounding villages, War Memorials bear witness to this, not only in the Great War, but in World War Two and other conflicts since. I hope you will be able to join with me on Sunday 13th November for our Remembrance Service here at St. Peter’s at 10am, followed by the customary two minutes silence at the War Memorial on the Village Green. Our service will be reflective, yet filled with a sense of hope, as our scripture above points to God as being the one in whom we trust and can, like a fortress find rest and refreshment for the journey ahead. We will be joined that day by our Cubs and Scouts and their families, so I hope you too will also be able to take some time to remember and reflect on the sacrifice of those who have gone before us and those who serve in the Armed Forces today, maintaining our freedom and way of life. Clive and Marion

PACT News for NOVEMBER Petworth Area Churches Together (PACT) - working together in harmony

Autumn Lecture Rev’d Paul Cowley MBE  The autumn lecture was entitled ‘Having Hope That Things Will Change’, sharing Rev’d Paul’s story from behind bars at the age of 15 to being ordained in 2002 and now Ambassador for Social Transformation. A very successful Talk with 120 people in the audience.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity  An advance date for the diary 15-20 January 2017 with the theme ‘Crossing Barriers’, drawing on 2 Corinthians 5:14-20. Further details to come. Look forward to seeing you there! Karl Ayling & Gerald Gresham Cooke 01798 342151 Web:


Dates for the Diary November Saturday 5th Friday


10am Church Yard Clear Up followed by soup and sausage sizzle at the Vicarage. 3.30pm Messy Church straight from School in the Village Hall with refreshments, crafts & activities celebration and food for all the family.

Sunday 13th

10am Remembrance Service in Church, concluding at the War Memorial for the two minutes silence at 11am.


12.15pm St Peter’s Lunch Club in Village Hall (See p 47 for details)


Sunday 27

6pm Advent Service of Light followed by refreshments.

December Sunday 18th

6pm Carol Service followed by refreshments


Saturday 24

5pm Nativity Service 11.15pm First Communion of Christmas


Sunday 25

8am Holy Communion 9.30am Family Communion for Christmas

January 2017 Sunday 1st

10.30am Coffee, Croissants and Communion

Prayer Chain of Prayer Worried about a loved one, a friend or yourself and would like prayers to be said by a chain of people? Contact Wendy 700295 or Gillian 700157 and they will start the chain by contacting the person next to them on the list and so it goes all the way round. A copy of the chain is on the notice board at the back of church. Prayer is a powerful and important part of life and one should never under estimate its effect. You don't need to give any details of the problem just ask for prayers to be said and it will happen. Please note that it will be treated with total confidentiality.

Prayers are offered for parishioners who are in special need, especially the sick and frail. Please advise either of the churchwardens of any persons or situations you would like remembered in this way. All those living in particular roads are prayed for regularly, the whole parish being covered over a 12-week cycle: Week beginning:


6 November 13 November 20 November 27 November

Butts Meadow & Wyatt Close Carters Way & The Luth Kirdford Road & Skiff Lane Durbans Road

Regular Church Activities PRAYER GROUP AND QUIET MORNINGS If anyone would like to spend half an hour in fellowship and prayer then they are most welcome on a Tuesday at 4.30pm, when prayers are said for the life of the Parish. Contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details of venue. On the third Friday of every month Quiet Mornings are held at the home of Wendy Duff at 10.30am. It is a peaceful time when you can relax, recharge your batteries and listen to music, poetry, readings and prayers. You will come away refreshed and ready to carry on! Please contact Wendy Duff on 700295 for details.

WIZZY TOTS W izzy Tots, W isborough Green’s baby and toddler group, meets at the Village Hall every Tuesday during term time from 9.30 to 11.30 am. Please join us for a coffee, catch up and a play in the Village Hall, all children and parents/carers welcome. It would be lovely to see you all. If you want to find out more about Wizzy Tots, please call Tory on 01403 700809 or Marion on 01403 700339.

DON’T FORGET……… If you haven’t yet experienced the delights of Xpresso, come and enjoy freshly ground Fairtrade coffee or tea with a delectable homemade cake! Xpresso is open every Friday during term time from 9am ‘til 11.30am in church and EVERYONE is welcome! Special Offer - buy 6 coffees and get the 7th one FREE!! Full details from Xpresso.

From the Registers (September) Baptism:

We welcome into the Lord’s Family Blue Alexander Hollands who was baptised on Sunday 25th September at St. Peter’s.


We ask the Lord’s blessing on Anthony Michael Knill and Emma Jane Coleman who were married on Saturday 3rd September 2016 at St. Peter’s.


We give thanks for the life of Josephine Ellen Beer whose funeral took place on Thursday 22nd September 2016 at St Peter’s. 7

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

Reflexology & Holistic Massage A relaxing way to help relieve stress, insomnia, IBS, migraine, back problems to promote a sense of well being. Treatment provided in the comfort of my local treatment room.

Contact: Angela Cato ITEC Dip. Raw. Dip. IIHHT Dip. Qualified

Tel 07976 317565


Tel: 01403 700 73 0 8

Mac’s Private Hire 24 hours a day - 7 days a week

01403 701 842 07917 850 746 Airports - Social & Business Lady Driver Available Wisborough Green Based

Holiday Homes For Hens Going on holiday? Bring your hens and ducks to us at Garden Poultry Care in Kirdford. We’ll take care of your birds in a safe, friendly, free range area.

Call Nik 01403 820796

From the Editor Welcome to another packed edition of Ad Vincula. The big theme this month is, of course, Remembrance and the children at Wisborough Green School have been busy expressing their artistic talents with the aim of producing a suitable cover for this month’s magazine. There was an amazing array of excellent artwork produced, which made it very difficult to choose, but the one eventually chosen for the cover was produced by Lilly Ramplin who is 8 years old. It was felt that this picture represented so well the famous line from the poem “For the Fallen” by Robert Laurence Binyon: “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them” (added to the drawing by the AD VINCULA Team). Do please join us on Sunday 13th November in church for the Service of Remembrance at 10am and at the War Memorial at 11am. In addition to the usual articles this month, I would just highlight a few items    

AGM notices for the Village Hall Committee (p17) and KKWG + Talk (p29) Bedding, clothes etc needed for Open House Homeless Shelter in Crawley (p23) New Village Organiser for Minibus needed (p23) Report on Joel Gage’s work with the refugees on the Greek Island of Leros (p25)

Finally, don’t forget the School Bonfire Night on Friday 11th November (p21). Do please keep all your articles and photos coming to me at Best Wishes, Roland Zilz This magazine can also be viewed on line at:

Time for God - 9th October 2016 On the second Sunday of October our Time For God theme was God Made Me Special. The baptism party and congregation enjoyed decorating gingerbread people in their own style - each one different! We wove bracelets, as God wove us together in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139), printed our hands in clay and left our unique thumb print people in Church. We sang of how special we are to God, each of us known and loved by Him. Our next Time For God will be on Sunday 11th December, 10.30am as the next second Sunday will be our Remembrance Service in November. 9

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

D.J.PEGLEY      




WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HALL FOR HIRE For hire charges and more information contact: Mrs Louise Slade on 01403 700421

Tim Edwardes Tree Surgery & Garden Maintenance

T: 01403 700594 M: 07810 130483

Tree surgery, hedgework, pruning. Competitive prices. Fully Qualified & Insured Arborist.

Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Matwork Classes Held at Alfold and Ellens Green Private 1:1 Sessions Contact: Sarah Wilford 07932 159133 10

Wisborough Green Primary School News We certainly know how to bring the curriculum to life at Wisborough Green School and this term has been no exception. The children in Year 6 had a fantastic time at PGL Activity Centre on the Isle of Wight. It is always such a good way to enable the children to try out something new, develop independence and to take risks. We all wore our jeans for ‘Jeans for Genes’ day and learned a little bit more about the lives of others. One of our key themes for this year is celebrating diversity and understanding difference. Our children are so compassionate and love supporting different charities and they really do make a difference to the lives of other people. European day of Languages gave everyone the chance to discover something new about life beyond England. Singing, foreign languages and food tasting were just a few of the activities that gave us all a taste of European life. Our Harvest Celebration, at St. Peter ad Vincula, was led by our Year 6 children. It was another opportunity to think about others as we shared our thoughts about the refugees in Calais. Parents and carers joined us in school for some European food tasting which the children thoroughly enjoyed. It was a special afternoon when we invited our grandparents and carers in to share our learning space. Tea and cakes were served, tours were taken and the children enjoyed being in the company of their close relatives. Thank you to everyone who was able to come and visit. We will be opening our doors on Tuesday 15 th November from 9.30am until 11.30am if you would like to come and visit us. This is a good opportunity to find out more about what we have to offer, especially if your child is due to start school in September 2017. Please email the school office if you would like to attend: There was an overwhelming response to our competition – to design the front cover for the Ad Vincula magazine. The theme was ‘Poppies’ and our children expressed themselves creatively in many different ways. All the designs are displayed in our school gallery and on the website if you would like to have a look at them. Well done to everyone who took part. Our thoughts are now turning to the end of term and preparations are underway for Christmas! Nativity, Carol Concert and the Pantomime are just a few of the exciting things we have planned for December. Enjoy the change in seasons, the beautiful colours and delights outside your window this month. We await the snow! Warm regards, Amanda Harrison, Head Teacher, Tel: 01403 700280


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Garden & Grounds Maintenance Grass and Hedge Cutting, Beds, Turfing etc. Total & Selective Weed Control All types of Fencing Fully equipped, experienced & insured Tel: 01403 700648

QUALITY LOCAL INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DECORATOR · 25 years’ experience · Fully Insured · References available · No VAT

For a professional service please contact Jonathan Capelin (West Chiltington) 01798 817402


Nature Notes Our old Jack Russell can’t see much and hears even less, and he doesn’t know it’s only six am when he wakes up. So he barks – and barks – and barks! I get up to let him out and then silence reigns again. This routine means the birds get fed much earlier now he’s moved in. The other morning I’d left the kitchen door open and on returning there was a dark bird flying round the kitchen. I watched it turning and weaving around, without a sound, and touching nothing as it flew. At this point my brain woke up, and I realised it was a bat, almost certainly a pipistrelle. As I watched in amazement it flitted out and into the sitting room. Its flight was beautiful to watch – wafting silently round any obstacles, behind the sofa and chairs, and up into all corners of the room. I sidled over, opened the French windows, and eventually it spiralled out into the morning light. We’ve seen them at dusk, but never at daybreak before. What a wonderful way to start the day! We don’t know where they’re nesting, maybe in a tree not too far away. They’re feeding up now with winter hibernation ahead. We wish them all well. What a splendid crop of fruit we’ve had this year, especially apples. One of our cookers weighed nearly two pounds in old money – that’s getting on for a kilogram! Thanks to all who took a few out of our tray. I can’t bear to waste any fruits of the earth. A couple of big bags are on their way to some cider makers in Coolham soon, too. And aren’t the acorns splendid – really large and heavy. They’re almost like tiny bombs, landing on the road, especially at night when sounds are magnified. Will conkers be a bit lethal this year too? We’re planting more wildflower seeds in the field now, and after some serious mowing, we exposed bare soil in places ready for scattering. As the mower was being put away, a movement caught my eye. From a slight hollow in the ground emerged …a substantial toad. The mower had gone over it at least three times, but it’d hunkered down and escaped injury. It’s now tucked away in a safe haven of grass and leaves. Nature’s survival techniques never cease to amaze us! Talking of surviving, the young Newpound kestrel is doing ok so far. The other day he dived and flew off with a vole, just as I drove by. A hobby has been seen in Bedham, great crested newts are reported up in the quarry, and last week we put up a barn owl box across the lane. One’s been seen around, so fingers crossed it’s occupied soon. And now, dear readers - Early Seasons Greetings! See you next year. Sue J PS I’ve spent weeks trying to photograph that pheasant, but he/she runs off every time. This was the best I could do...hey ho! PPS Apologies another toad!




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with Robyn Burbridge      

General Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Corticosteroid injections Diagnostic ultrasound Sports Injury assessment and treatment Running and dance assessment and rehabilitation Vestibular assessment and rehabilitation

Tel: 01403 700455

Old Pond Cottage Bed & Breakfast Accommodation Wisborough Green Tel : 01403 701110 Perfectly situated in the heart of the village Three lovely rooms – all en suite 14

West Sussex Walk for Family Support Work Four aged members of St Peter's set out to walk the Amberley to Arundel 9 mile walk on the hottest day of the year! We managed to keep cheerful all the way in spite of the hills which appeared from nowhere in Arundel Park! Fortunately the Black Rabbit hostelry happened on route and we were also grateful for wonderful cake served at St Nicholas Church – which almost rivalled St Peter's. To give us some excitement we lost one member at the finish. We felt slightly mortified to realise we had been eating ice cream while our friend hunted in vain! All was resolved amicably and we rushed home to showers and cool drinks. Family Support Work continues its help to vulnerable families all over Sussex. During the summer, FSW has used the Mother's Union caravan to give holidays and has also run weekends at Dalesdown Christian Centre. Thank you to all who give in prayer, finance and food. We raised £200 for the walk. STOP PRESS - A big thank you to the Wisborough Green Fete Society for their generous donation of £500 to FSW. Judy M

Village Hall News

First of all, a big thank you to Reg Hickman of Wyatt House and his merrie band of helpers who raised over £800 towards the Hall modernisation fund through their Table Top sale on 8th October. The Hall Committee is very grateful for their efforts. I hope this successful venture may encourage others to put forward their ideas to swell the fund. Every little helps as they say.

I am delighted also to say a big thank you to the Fete Society who have generously donated £500 towards Hall funds. The Hall Committee is greatly appreciative of their support. The Project Team met recently to discuss the feedback received and has now put forward a number of suggestions to our architect to refine the plans for the Hall. The next stage is to hold an informal meeting with one of the Planning Officers from Chichester DC at the Hall so that we can establish whether our provisional proposals are likely to meet with any major planning issues. This will not be a formal planning application nor will it mean any commitment on the part of Chichester DC to accept any formal application in the future, but it is an important part of the consultation process to make sure we continue along the right track. In cooperation with the Parish Council, we are hoping to engage in formal consultation with the community early in the New Year. This will give us sufficient time to prepare all the necessary material to ensure the consultation is thorough and inclusive. Keith Carter Chairman, Village Hall Management Committee 15

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Tel: 01403 783115 e:

extensions · alterations · brickwork stonework · paving · patios · garden walls all types of carpentry call Twig on

01403 700857 Mob: 07990 581411 Twiglets · The Luth · Wisborough Green

House Clearance in aid of

S.C.R.I.P.T (Securing Childhood Restoring Innocence Preventing Trafficking)

Call 01403 700929 for a free quote


Village Hall Bookings Secretary Our Bookings Secretary, Louise, has decided after doing the job for many years that it is time to hang up her diary! The Hall Committee therefore needs to recruit someone who has a working knowledge of email, WORD and Excel to replace Louise. The Hall diary and Bookings system is well established and straightforward to manage. This is a voluntary role but an important one for the community and the many users of the Hall which cannot operate without a Bookings Secretary. The current Hall Committee runs with a minimum number of volunteers and has no capacity to absorb this role within its current composition. If you feel that you could carry out this role, then please call or email me for more information: Keith Carter 01403 700502

The Annual General Meeting of the Village Hall Management Committee will be held at the Hall on Thursday 24th November 2016 from 8.00pm All Welcome Please come along to enjoy a glass of wine and hear the latest news about the village hall. THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION POPPY APPEAL 2016 Remembrance Day this year falls on Sunday 13th November. Collections will start in the village on 28th OCTOBER, with a final street collection outside Wisborough Green Stores. Please give generously to this worthy cause with which I am sure you are all very familiar. One point that may not be obvious is the support given to families as well as the uniformed service members. All are eligible for assistance from the Legion. On a personal note, this will be my final Poppy appeal. Thank you to all the willing helpers and to the village for making this such an easy task and, if you feel you could take it on, please give me a call. John Ansley, 01403 700302 17

Wisborough Green Sports News Football Club After 5 league games the 1stXI are top of the West Sussex Premier league and second XI are Second of their respective league. The 1 st XI is in the Brickability West Sussex Premier League and the 2 nd XI are in Division 4 North. This is up until 8 October 2016. Fixtures are not available until the end of the month previous so the best place to look for fixtures is on the league web site this is not always reliable but is the best place to look for fixtures. Cricket Club Next season’s league fixtures are not available yet. It is thought that the 1stXI will play in Division 2 and the 2 ndXI will play in division 5 of the West Sussex invitation cricket league. Sports Association A very successful 80’s Night was held in the village hall on SATURDAY 1st October. Funds were being raised towards the new pavilion. The resident DJs were on hand to entertain us all with 80’s music. Ken Vickery

Village ‘Dos & Don’ts, Moans & Groans’ Page Following on from my comments last month and those of the editor separately It would appear that the requests for dog OWNERS to pick up their dogs’ poos is going unheeded. I had to remove 2 piles from the cricket square before I mowed it last week. It continues to be a problem. One of the problems with trying to write a page like this is you have to write it for submission on the 14th of the month prior to the magazine coming out at the end of the month. That only gives you about 10 days after reading my article to get comments to me for the next one. If you want me to add something I need it at least a week before the 14th. I asked for thoughts on good and not-so-good pub food and service last month but have received nothing from anybody. We did, however, visit the “Bat and Ball” for supper last week and had a very nice meal and, although the service was a bit slow and the cost on the high side for a midweek outing, we had a lovely evening and drank lots of wine. Do remember to be very careful when letting off fireworks in your own garden and Do remember to tell your neighbours beforehand so that they can keep pets indoors. Do visit the school bonfire - it is very good value for a great firework display. Mulled wine, beers, hotdogs and hamburgers, toffee apples, etc. are available on the night. Roads and footpaths in the village continue to be a concern with dark mornings and evenings upon us once again. Remember if you Don’t report potholes in the roads and pavements they will not be repaired. Christmas will be here very soon. Please remember to leave presents for me under the village tree! I would like to see the Glee singers singing carols around the village Christmas tree on a mild winter night with snow on the ground. What would you like to see??? Do remember to e-mail me ( with anything that you think is right or wrong with the village. Ken V 18

St Peter’s Wisborough Green Village Hall Friday 11th November 3.30pm Games, Crafts, Activities, Celebration and Meal all in the Village Hall Please come as a family For information phone 01403 700793

Future dates TBA

Worship, teaching, prayer ‘Digging Deeper’ into God's Word for living today in God's World Taking a closer look at Bible passages. 6 - 7pm followed by hot drink and cake.

Over the next few months, we will be looking at Jesus in the Psalms

St Peter ad Vincula

Digging Deeper Sundays 20th Nov 15th Jan 19th Feb 6pm

Phone 01403 700339 For details 19

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Put Yourself in the Driving Seat! Bespoke tours, with your own car, in UK & Europe. Further afield in hire cars.

BED AND BREAKFAST Hawthorns, Newpound Lane, Wisborough Green Sally Sclater

Tel: 01403 700030

McSmith’s Fish & Chips Wisborough Green (Durbans Road, by Green) Every Monday 16.45 to 19.30 Fish & Chips, Scampi, Chicken Nuggets, Fish Bites, Fish Cakes Savaloys, Sausages, Battered Sausages, Onion Rings, Curry Sauce, Mushy Peas, Wallys, Pickled Eggs, Drinks

For Orders - 07497 112181 20

TABLE TOP SALE IN AID OF THE REFURBISHMENT OF THE VILLAGE HALL, SATURDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2016 Barbara, Moira & Reg would like to say a big THANK YOU to all the helpers who gave their time, Ann Wood for the wonderful ‘autumn’ cake, the Bowls Club for the scrumptious hamper, local trades people for their donations & Keith Carter for help setting up the tables. The bottle tombola, raffle, and grand hamper draw proved to be very popular with people walking around with big smiles carrying their winnings, and everyone rewarded themselves with a cuppa and some wonderful homemade cakes. Many adults had their faces painted by Louise, which caused a great deal of hilarity through the hall, and we were joined by beautifully dressed wedding guests as they arrived early and had time to hunt out a bargain on our bric-a-brac table. The grand total made was £805.15 which was handed to the Committee Chairman, Keith Carter, to go some way towards the refurbishment of the village hall.

JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL SCHOOL FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR! - FRIDAY 11TH NOVEMBER – 6.00pm Wisborough Green School PTA is busy organising our annual school fireworks spectacular, and we hope that lots of the village will be able to join us. Thanks to the generosity of Aurora Fireworks, we are able to use this event as a major fundraiser for the school, and all profits from ticket sales, and food and drink will go directly to benefiting the children of Wisborough Green School. As a small village school these events really are vital to enable us to equip and resource the school to the level of larger schools in the area. It really is a fantastic event for all of the family, with a BBQ and bar available, before the grand parade of Guys! The children of Wisborough Green work hard on creating the most fantastical guys they can for the Build a Guy Competition and have lots of fun doing it. The bonfire will be lit at 6.30pm and then one lucky raffle winner will be responsible for setting off the fireworks at 7.00pm sharp. Tickets can be bought in advance from the School Office or the Three Crowns Pub, and cost £4 for adults, £3 for children and £12 for a family ticket (2 adults + 2 children). On the gate, they are priced at £5 for adults, £4 for children, and £15 for a family ticket. We look forward to seeing you there. 21

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Come and join us at

“MAKE SPACE” A monthly Craft Group held every 3rd Thursday from 2-4pm Please contact EUNICE on O14O3 7O18O8 for details of venue & bring your craft with you!


WANTED – Divisional Organiser for Wisborough Green I am standing down as Divisional Organiser and would like to hear from anyone who thinks they might like to take on this task. The West Sussex Community Minibus Association is a registered charity for the community run by volunteers, and which this year celebrates its 40th anniversary. We provide a door-to-door service to our members, both on regular shopping trips and special outings, returning them safely directly to their homes; many of them regard the service as an opportunity to get out, meet old friends and make new ones. The charity relies entirely on volunteers to manage and operate the service – drivers, passenger escorts, booking staff, fleet managers, and divisional organisers. The divisional organiser does not need to be a driver, but does need to have a few hours to spare each week to take care of the administration of the charity here in the village - someone who has organisational skills and a sense of humour! I would be very happy to talk to anyone who might be interested in taking on this task – my telephone number is 700492. Pat Farmer

Open House Homeless Shelter at Crawley An annual appeal for those less fortunate. The winter will soon be upon us and there will be many sleeping rough in the Crawley/Horsham area. Please contact me if you have any spare bedding/blankets/duvets/ rugs - you can be sure they will be appreciated. Thank you. Philip Midwinter Fernlea, Kirdford Road, WG , Tel: 01403 700402.

Village Library Service for Housebound Readers This service is available for readers who are unable to leave their homes. There are large print and talking books available if required. If you would like a selection of books delivered to your home on a temporary or regular basis, please contact: Angela Craddock on 700336. 23

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Painting/decorating Tiling Loft ladders & boarding Electrical work Carpentry

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Set the Date


Providing high quality, home-cooked food for a wide range of events – weddings, christenings, funerals, cocktail parties & corporate events

Leros Solidarity Network Supporting refugees fleeing conflict As many of you may know whom I was fortunate to meet at the coffee morning at Judy's house, I have been working closely with the refugee crisis on the Greek island of Leros since September last year. At the time, the island was receiving hundreds of traumatised refugees on a daily basis and was struggling to cope. I began a Facebook site to help raise awareness and money for the crisis, and this has evolved over the year to the point where I have just submitted an application to the charity commission for official charity status. As well as my work evolving, the refugee crisis has also evolved. Whilst Greece isn't seeing the huge numbers of arrivals at the moment, there is a different crisis. Around 60,000 refugees stuck in limbo in Greece, in a country that is struggling to feed its own people at the moment let alone house and feed this great number of displaced people. As it was last year, it’s the solidarity movement and volunteers that are continuing to plug the gaps in care and aid. I have just returned from 2 weeks working with the refugees in Leros, and it was incredible to see the difference the money we have raised is making. For example, the group I work closely with runs an old hospital building called Pikpa which they have renovated solely on donations. It houses up to 160 vulnerable refugees - families, disabled people, unaccompanied minors and children. We help to pay towards food and hygiene items for the residents, and it was here I spent my recent 2 weeks working. I continue to be humbled by the kindness, generosity and spirit of these brave and courageous people. So, in the spring this year, a friend and I signed up to my first ever sponsored run the great south run in Portsmouth which takes place in October this year. I'm fairly new to running and have been training hard to get in shape for the 10 mile run. Paddy and I have set a fundraising target of £500 which is in aid of the refugees in Leros and elsewhere in Greece. My charity and groups that I support are entirely voluntary run, so all the donations made will go straight to where it's needed in the refugee crisis in Greece. If you can spare a few pounds to support us, it would be incredible. The fundraising link and website to my charity follow. Thank you for your support. Joel Gage 25


Wisborough Green Fete Society Thanks to a fantastic Bank Holiday Monday back in August, the hard work of many people and the support of all our visitors, the Wisborough Green Fete Society is delighted to be able to make the following donations to village and local community projects: £500 £500 £500 £500 £500 £500 £250 £200 £140

Equine Partners Sussex Air Ambulance Family Support Work Parishes Wildlife Group Jigsaw Trust Village Hall modernisation project Upkeep of the toilets on the Green Canine Partners Refunds to Charity stallholders

Our AGM will be held on Wed 15 Feb 2017 - 8pm at the Three Crowns. Please do come along – everyone is welcome. If you would like to join the WGFS or find out more about how you can help please contact Louise on 01403 700689 or email

Christmas Fayre Wyatt House th

Thursday 8 December 10.30 – 12.30 Raffle *** Bottle Tombola ***Gifts*** Books *** Refreshments

FREE ENTRY Donations for the raffle/tombola would be greatly appreciated before and on the day Tel: Reg 01403 701886 In aid of Wyatt House funds 27


Comfort Plus Products Household gadgets, market leading products, ex-demo items available. at

Wyatt House on rd

Thursday 3 November 10-11am

Chris’s Fashions New stylish, modern & classic ladies clothing at

Wyatt House on

Tuesday 8th November 10.30-12 Everyone welcome

Free gift for all attendees Refreshments Everyone welcome

Take your purchases home with you on the day

In aid of Wyatt House funds

In aid of Wyatt House funds

FESTIVE CRUISES ON THE WEY & ARUN CANAL Bookings are already being taken for the extremely popular Santa Cruises which will be running on 11th, 18th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd December. Trips depart at 11am, 12noon and 2.00pm and cost £10 per person to include festive refreshments and a gift from Santa for all children under 12 years of age. New for 2016: a Santa Cruise for the Grown-ups on Friday 16th December, 7.30 – 9.00pm. Santa tells us that Christmas is not just for the children and invites adults to join him for a 90 minute trip along the canal whilst enjoying a glass of mulled wine with snacks, and seasonal sing-along music. Santa will also have a small gift for everyone! Tickets cost £15 per person. On Boxing Day and New Year’s Day festive trips depart at 11am, 12noon and 2.00pm. Tickets: £5 for adults; £2.50 for children. Booking in advance is essential for all the trips. Full details are available on the website and bookings can be made online. Alternatively please call The Wey & Arun Canal Trust Office on 01403 752403 or email Website:



KKWG ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING and WILDLIFE TALK WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HALL School Road, RH14 0DU (Off the A272 just by the Village Pond) Friday November 25th, 2016 6.30pm A short AGM, 6.30-7.00pm, will be held on Friday November 25 th by Keep Kirdford and Wisborough Green (KKWG) followed by drinks and nibbles at 7pm and an illustrated talk on wildlife at 7.30pm. The meeting is an opportunity all interested residents to hear the latest reports on the activities of KKWG, VOTE for Honorary positions and hear about the financial position. If you can’t make the AGM, do come along for the refreshments and to hear the speaker 7pm Drinks and nibbles 7.30 pm: Illustrated talk: Trees, Bats and Wildlife Illustrated talk by Jon Stokes from the Tree Council Contact: Jill Sutcliffe, Tel: 01403 700395; RSVP: Email: 29

Harvest Festival 2016 Our harvest celebrations began on the evening of Saturday 24 th September with the Harvest Supper. We were served bangers and mash, followed by apple crumble. Many thanks to Mrs Helen Vause and the catering teem for all their hard work. Our theme for the evening was “Imagine Wisborough Green in 1916�. The Village Hall was appropriately decorated with patriotic flags and bunting, including a picture of King George V and Queen Mary! We were entertained by community

singing led by Mrs Gill Parish on the piano and Mr Jamie Daniell on the fiddle! Richard Parish guided us through the events of the evening which included a number of skits: a musical duet by Peter and Hilary Edmonds, a Wiltshire lad called Tony recounted the story of a turnip, which gave us a taste of real Wiltshire humour. Our visiting speaker, the Venerable Cannon Ball recalled earlier visits to this and other parishes and countries! The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all. 30

(Continued from page 30)

Harvest Thanksgiving Service & Harvest Auction (Sunday 25th September) The Church was beautifully decorated for our Harvest Thanksgiving Service by a number of willing helpers, coordinated by Maggie Edwards. Our Sunday Service included an offering of harvest gifts and produce, which

would be auctioned at The Cricketers public house that evening, raising funds for the Elliott Trust, a local charity and Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice. The auction was ably conducted by Mr John Farmer, generously supported by Craig, the Landlord. We would like to thank all those who donated gifts and supported the auction. Clive & Marion

Dahlias Galore - THANK YOU REG!! Dahlias glowing in the autumn sunshine. Orange, yellow, spiky petalled like suns themselves. Once again the church has been decorated for the Harvest Festival and the main attraction are the dahlias. For more years than he can remember Reg Snelgar has been donating his award winning dahlias to St. Peter's for their harvest festival service. The church is fragrant with the unmistakable scent of freshly baked bread, a harvest loaf made to resemble a sheaf of corn joins the apples and pumpkins. The time honoured traditions. This year some of the flower arrangements were auctioned at the charity auction held later that Sunday at the Cricketers and I am sure that Reg would be delighted to learn that his dahlias helped raise money for good causes. So once again Reg, our heartfelt thanks. St Peter's Flower Committee 31


Recipe of the Month

Easy Pleasy Bara Brith This is a recipe from the Fairtrade cook book and is a great favourite of mine. It is so easy to make, keeps very well (if it lasts that long) and is fat free unless it is buttered. My grandchildren love it. Just the thing with a cup of tea or coffee on a cold winters day. Ingredients  50g dried apricots, chopped  150g raisins  150g sultanas  (Or 350g dried mixed fruit)  140g muscovado sugar  300ml strong tea  275g self raising flour ( I sometimes use whole meal SR flour which works well)  1/2 teaspoon mixed spice  1 large egg 2lb/900g loaf tin

130°C / gas 1/2

Method 1. Put the dried fruit and sugar in a large bowl and pour over the hot tea. 2. Leave to soak overnight or at least 2-3 hours to allow the fruit to swell up. 3. Add the sifted flour and spice and the beaten egg and give a very good stir to mix thoroughly. 4. Put into a lined, greased tin and bake in a preheated oven for 1 1/2 hours. When a skewer is inserted it should come out clean. 5. Cool, slice, butter and enjoy. Helen V

Party for Car Service Drivers September 2016 - a party, organised by the Village Care Team, to show their appreciation for the loyalty of the Car Service Drivers, was kindly hosted by Robert and Sheila Armistead. Angela Craddock 33

Wisborough Green History - WISBOROUG Concluding the wartime memories of Gerald Andrews when he came to Wisborough as an evacuee and was billeted with Mr and Mrs Skinner in Durbans Road. He had started school in the Reading Room as an infant and then went on to the workhouse . . After a few weeks, I started to enjoy life again, unfortunately Andy, my brother, did not. I loved the farm, my memories are so wonderful which no one will ever be able to witness again, like running home from school, and finding out where Mr Covey and the cart horses Captain and Colonel were ploughing the fields, this was so that I could get a ride to the stables on their bare backs, it was great fun, You were right up there high in the air, riding on their massive lumbering frame. The smell of a horse today brings back the happy memory. Or the aroma of a new ploughed field, the smell of a dusty road when you have a rain shower on a hot summers day, or new mown hay, I could fill a page of smells !!!!! The time came when there were only a handful of evacuees left and our teachers had returned to London. At this point I changed over to Wisborough Green school. Mr Cooper was the headmaster, and Mrs Biss taught the class below and the next class down was taught by a Mrs Jelly who was Mr Cooper’s daughter. Mrs Jelly’s husband was a pilot in the Fleet Air Arm, and sometimes he would fly above the school in his aeroplane known as a “Swordfish” (see photo) and give us a treat with his acrobatics. When the plane was in combat, the pilot would fly just above the waves at a very slow speed to drop his torpedo with devastating accuracy, then pull the stick back and rise up over the target. Mr Jelly must have been a very Fairey Swordfish brave man. Mr Cooper (pictured on the next page) was a very good no nonsense schoolmaster; it is a pity there are not some like him today. I got the stick from him many times and I doubt if it was for nothing. I remember, the nearer the tips of your fingers the more it hurt and when it was over you would have big blue marks across your fingers. I was now enjoying school and making new friends and at last I was learning something, even gardening, we would have gardening lessons once a week, the school garden was opposite the school behind the old houses. Mum and Gran came down by train and bus to see me, Andy was now living in London. When it was time for them to go back home I walked with them to the bus stop outside the Three Crowns, when we got there Mum realised she had left the train tickets on the table, so I had to run back and get them, I asked Mrs Skinner if I could ride her bike back. She was a bit hesitant as she did not know I could ride one. A week or so later, I was fishing in the stream at the bottom of the field behind number (Continued on page 35)


GH GREEN IN 1939 FROM AN EVACUEE 3 (Continued from page 34)

Mr Cooper

6 Upfield Villas when Mr Skinner came through the gate from the farm and he was pushing a brand new Raleigh 26 inch wheel bicycle, he came over and sat down beside me and said “I have got this bike for you, but I want you to do little jobs to pay for it, how does that sound?” Of course I was overjoyed. The bicycle cost Eight Pounds Nineteen Shillings and Six Pence, which was a lot of money. To put that into perspective, my first job I took when I left school in 1947 paid me One Pound Ten Shillings. Mr Skinner found me work. The two biggest earners were:- a Saturday job working for his sister in law Mrs Ted Skinner who was running the family Green Grocer business, as Ted was in the Navy. The second was pumping water from a well into a tank in a large house, to provide them with running water.

When I had repaid the money for the bicycle, Mr Skinner gave me a Wisborough Green Post Office Bank book, number 1169 and the balance was Eight Pound Nineteen Shillings and Six Pence. It brings tears to my eyes. Did I appreciate it? Wisborough Green had a big build up of troops in 1943 and 1944 and on Tuesday the 6th June 1944 I went to school as normal but things changed at our break time, Mr Cooper came into our playground and told us we had invaded France and to celebrate we would have a longer break time. I expect he had his ear glued to the radio. Not long after D-day Mr Cooper retired and I returned to London. Concluded, but I hope to continue with more of Gerald's memories from the war and shortly afterwards in the near future. Richard B.

Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan The Neighbourhood Plan for Wisborough Green was “made” by the South Downs National Park Authority on 9th June 2016 and Chichester District Council on 19th July 2016. The Plan can be viewed on the village website ( or is available to view at the following locations:  Wisborough Green Primary School  St Peter ad Vincula Parish Church  Wisborough Green Village Hall

 Billingshurst Library 35

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

LIMITED Company Registration no 7961115

Sales, Servicing & Repair of Garden Equipment Ebernoe, Petworth, Sussex GU28 9LH Tel: 01428 707269 Email:


Wisborough Green Division Village Organiser: Pat Farmer Old School Cottage, School Road, Wisborough Green, West Sussex. RH14 0DU Tel: 01403 700492 Email: To use the minibus you need to be a member of the Minibus Association The annual membership fee is £5 payable to the escort on your first trip on the bus MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO ALL

For bookings ring: BRENDA KARN-SMITH (701076)

Destinations for November 2016 Fri 4th Mon 7th Fri 11th Mon 14th Wed 16th Fri 18th Mon 21st Fri 25th Mon 28th

Chichester Farmers’ Market Horsham & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts Guildford Chichester & Market Horsham & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts Godalming Horsham & Sainsbury

Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am

We will be visiting the Farmers’ Market in the centre of Chichester on the 4 th – all stallholders’ produce has to be grown, reared, baked and/or preserved locally; we will also be going back to Godalming and to what was Secretts and is now Squire’s Garden Centre. I am relinquishing my post as WG Divisional Organiser of the Minibus Association and would very much like to hear from anyone who would like to take on this rewarding post – see p23 for details.

Pat Farmer, Village Organiser

Early December 2016 Dates Fri 2nd Mon 5th Fri 9th

Worthing & Morrisons Horsham & Sainsbury Chichester Christmas Market

9.30 am 2.00 pm 9.30 am


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The Gardener’s Calendar

by Ian Clemens

 There's still time to plant daffodil bulbs and other spring flowering bulbs.  Plant out spring bedding displays of pansies, violas and primulas.  Start to plant bare-root roses - they can be planted any time between now and March.  Continue to lift dahlia tubers, begonias and gladiolus corms to store dry over the winter months. Remove the dead foliage before storing.  Cut back the yellowing foliage of herbaceous perennials, and lift and divide overcrowded clumps to maintain their vigour.  Lift parsnips after the first frosts when their flavour will have sweetened.  Divide mature clumps of rhubarb once they are dormant.  If you have access to fresh manure, now is the time to spread it across the surface of your vegetable beds to rot down over winter.  Build a raised bed to take the bending out of vegetable growing.  Stake top-heavy brassicas and draw up some soil around the base of the stem to prevent wind rocking the plant and causing damage to the roots.  Now is the ideal time to plant currant bushes whilst they are dormant.  Plant raspberry canes now for a delicious home grown crop.  Check fruits in storage and promptly remove any showing signs of disease or rotting.  Tidy up your strawberry plants - cut off any dead leaves and remove runners.  Prune pear and apple trees anytime between now and February. But don't be tempted to prune your plum trees now as they will be susceptible to the silver leaf fungus - wait until midsummer.  Apply glue bands or grease bands to the trunks of fruit trees to prevent wingless female winter moths climbing the trunks and laying their eggs in the branches.

Link to Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2016 I'm sure some of you will be well on your way to packing your shoebox by now. There is still time though to fill a Christmas shoebox for the underprivileged people of Eastern Europe. For families or elderly people who receive these boxes knowing we care about their situation. A size 8 box is a good size to use, not too big or small. Do have a look on their website for more information: . Leaflets with lists of items to pack and which you need for the top of the shoebox are at the back of church or contact me, Suzanne on 01403 700946. I can either pick them up from you or you could leave them by the font in church. The closing date is November 12th. Many thanks, Suzanne Mosley 39

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R G OIL BOILER SERVICES Servicing – Breakdowns – Commissioning Full Heating/Domestic Installations & Maintenance Bathroom Replacements Robin Gilfoyle

01403 700780



Emergency Call Outs

OFTEC Registered

07729 241787

Neighbourhood Watch - Crime News & Advice Keep your money safe Scams are fraud and fraud is crime, report it. Each month, we see fraudsters targeting people across the county by phone, email and face to face in an attempt to defraud them. These ‘scammers’ are criminals who chose to prey on some of our most vulnerable people. Operation Signature is our answer, working together with our partners to prevent fraud and identify and support our most vulnerable victims. Below, we share the latest warnings about recent frauds, and also examples of new initiatives to prevent these crimes. By its very nature, fraud is constantly evolving and taking on new forms. But be assured that, by following our tips at the bottom of this newsletter and encouraging family, friends and colleagues to do so too, you will reduce the risk of becoming a victim. Detective Chief Inspector Tracy Edwards, Operation Signature, Sussex Police

Take Five campaign to prevent fraud launches A new campaign has launched offering five simple and easy to remember steps to prevent fraud: 1. Never disclose security details, such as your PIN or full banking password 2. Don’t assume an email, text or phone call is authentic 3. Don’t be rushed – a genuine organisation won’t mind waiting 4. Listen to your instincts – you know if something doesn’t feel right 5. Stay in control – don’t panic and make a decision you’ll regret. Visit the Take Five website for more information and advice:

Reminder about phishing emails Sussex residents continue to be targeted for phishing emails, where fraudsters send legitimatesounding emails asking you to click on a link and provide personal details. Remember: opening attachments or clicking links contained within emails from unknown sources could result in your device being infected with malware or a virus. Banks, the police and other genuine organisations will never email you asking for you to disclose personal information.

Warning of numerous rogue trader attempts across Sussex We continue to receive reports of rogue traders operating in Sussex. Rogue traders often offer gardening work or maintenance services at attractive rates but the quality of work is substandard, unnecessary or overpriced. They often use persuasive sales techniques to encourage people into making hasty decisions. Anyone with information that could lead to the arrest of any doorstep offender or rogue trader should contact Sussex Police by emailing or calling 101, or call Crimestoppers, the national charity, anonymously on 0800 555 111. If you suspect a rogue trader is at your door, call 999.

Students should be wary of accommodation fraud and ‘money mules’ With the autumn term now in full swing, we are warning students to be vigilant to fraud. Students should look out for fraudulent accommodation adverts, in which a deposit is taken for nonexistent accommodation. We are also aware they can be targeted as ‘money mules’ – when criminals ask them to hold money in their accounts for a fee, making them unwittingly complicit in the crime. More information is available here:

Remember: banks and police will NEVER call and ask you to transfer funds to a new account, NEVER collect your cards from your home, NEVER ask you to buy high value goods and NEVER ask you to hand over cards or money. (Continued on page 49)


Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser


For a quality chimney sweep KIRDFORD


Member of National Association of Chimney Sweeps

R W Scott & Son Est 1932 All types of carpentry & joinery. Internal & external including stairs, doors, windows sliding, sash and casement. Trade enquiries welcome. Tel: 01403 784665 Mob: 07768 163853 5 Ansells Yard, Wisborough Green

The Cricketers Arms The Heart of Wisborough Green 01403 700369

A beautiful 16th century pub located in a beautiful Sussex village. All fresh home cooked food. Good quality beer. Live music Friday/Saturday evenings from 9pm. Theme food evenings. Check website for dates.

Web Email – Follow us on Facebook and Twitter 42

Local Club and Society News Wisborough Green Spitfire Simulator Club Why not join the Spitfire Simulator Club? The prime purpose of our simulator project is to raise money for the RAF Benevolent Fund and to that end, simulator flights are normally charged for. However, with the Simulator Club, members make a small donation to the RAFBF (ÂŁ5 per year) and their name goes into a hat every month and the winner gets a flight for free. To join the group, contact Brian Smith on 01403 700346 or

Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club The Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club meets in The Village Hall every Wednesday from 4 to 6pm. Contact Philip Midwinter on 01403 700402 for more details.

Wisborough Green History Society Wisborough Green Village History Society is a small group of people who enjoy talking about and researching the history of the village. Several of our members are life-long residents of the village, others have lived here for many years and all have interesting memories and anecdotes to relate. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month in the village hall committee room at 10.30 am - new members are always welcome. Sue Killingbeck, Secretary

Wisborough Green Short Mat Bowls Club There is just one fixture to report since the last issue, this was a defeat away at Arundel. On mat 1 Jane Adsett, David Luxford, Bernard Adsett and Monica Enticknap narrowly lost 19 shots to 21, then on mat 2 Evelyn Ringrose, Marilyn Knight, George Shipway and Pauline Shipway lost by 3 shots to 37, which meant a defeat overall. The club have played their annual Triples competition which was attended by 18 players split into 6 teams, each team played 4 games against random opponents. After a very competitive and enjoyable day, George Shipway, Tony Broughton and Audrey Hodgson emerged as victors, coming through the day unbeaten. Also the final of the Pairs Cup was completed, with Bernard Adsett and Dawn Smith victorious over Keith Carter and Audrey Hodgson. November Fixtures: 4th Reprobates 18:30 (away), 9th Pulborough 18:30 (away), 15th Alfold 14:00 (home), 30th Fittleworth 19:00 (away) Monica Enticknap, Captain 43

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

Kevin Twelvetrees Tree Surgery & Fencing Traditional Patios Specifications, Advice & Planning Conservation Areas & TPOs Large & Small Hedges Est 1986

Wisborough Green 01403 700848 Email:


Restorers of Fine Antique Furniture Bespoke furniture made to order 1 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road, Wisborough Green, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 ODY Telephone: (01403) 786 272

Restoring furniture for over 35 years.


Single lady animal lover, will care for your home & animals whilst you are away.

Wood Stoves & Chimneys Repairs, Service & Advice

Please call: Frances Curzons on 01903 739466

Email: Hetas Training Cert. no. 1385

References Available


G R Kilford & Co.

Tel 01403 700848

Wisborough Green FARMERS MARKETplus News

Next Market - Thursday 10th November 2016 Wisborough Green Village Hall 8.45am – 12.30pm The earlier opening of the market at the October market certainly seemed to suit some people as there is still the whole morning left once the shopping has been done. A quick cup of coffee and a piece of that rather naughty caramel cake – well set-up to face the day! There were lots of comments about meeting up with people by chance or over a cup of tea or coffee. Even an 8 year old had asked her mum to take a photo of the market on her phone as it was a school day and she couldn’t be there. One contented local visitor commented on the interesting conversation she had with a lady who was crocheting! As she said: “A lovely time was had by all” Fowlers Estate Agents of Billingshurst and The Three Crown Inn are market sponsors, and The Three Crowns took a stall at October’s market to publicise their Christmas festivities program for the month of December and the New Year. The WG Market sponsored the Macmillan stall at the Table Top and Craft Event in aid of the Village Hall refurbishment on Saturday 8th October. So not only did the refurbishment fund benefit, but Macmillan were able to raise another £121.00. The WG Market helps local good causes with any funds left over once market running costs are met. Everyone involved in keeping the market running are unpaid volunteers. More stalls to come in November, including a manicurist (book your appointment with Mel on 07811 322427 -, and our very own ‘Avon Lady’ (bing-bong!), where gifts can be bought directly. So start your pre-Christmas count down at the Wisborough Green Farmers Marketplus on the 10 th November. From our stall holders (episode 2): The Linseed Farm: We grow and harvest the Linseed on our small, family owned farm in Sussex. The government nutritional guidelines suggest most people don’t get nearly enough Omega 3 in their diet, popular processed foods often contains too much Omega 6, upsetting the delicate fat balance in the body and leading to a wide range of disorders. Linseed, with its natural high concentration of Omega 3, helps restore the vital balance. Sussex Roses: We are a small, family run cut flower nursery and florist based in West Chiltington. With over 50 years combined experience, we are specialists in commercial cut rose production. Our flowers, foliage and herbs are grown on our nursery and are cut to order to ensure maximum vase life. We offer a free local area delivery service including Wisborough Green. For Christmas we make our own holly wreaths and table arrangements. The Wisborough Green Farmers Marketplus Committee YOUR VILLAGE MARKET NEEDS YOUR HELP

Market Sponsor


Market Sponsor


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Wisborough Green Horticultural Society Talk on Monday 7th November 8pm “Beneficial insects in the Garden ” Do you know who is who in the garden, as far as insects go? Do you know if they are goodies or baddies as far as your plants are concerned? Andrew Halstead, retired principle entomologist for the RHS will take us by the hand through the wonderland of tiny creatures on whom we depend in so many unacknowledged ways. Mr Halstead writes and lectures on wild life gardening and garden pests and their biological control. So find out how to encourage the beneficial insects and deal with ones that spoil our plants. If you can catch the insect in question and bring it in for ID then matters can be resolved more easily. Mr Halstead started being very interested in caterpillars and creepy crawlies as a schoolboy as Gerald Durrell did. Similarly, the interest developed and became a life long involvement. Come and meet some of these creatures in a larger than size on a sliver screen at a safe distance. Everyone welcome, member and visitor alike, join us for the talk and then refreshments afterwards. The Autumn Plant sale was a success in spite of the rain. Not much daunts keen gardeners! Thank you Sally Hicks for giving us shelter in your garage and hard standing. The Table Top Competition has started again. It accompanies the evening talks and AGM and will be the same every time: “From your own garden or allotment five flowering (preferably) or evergreen stems displayed to best effect.” The points awarded each month are cumulative. The winner will be announced at the June Show. Happy gardening, Aija Hamilton

ST PETER’S LUNCHEON CLUB St Peter’s Luncheon Club is open to anyone who lives in the village and their guests are welcome. We have a two-course lunch, accompanied by a glass of wine and coffee or tea. The cost is £5.00 payable at the door. If you are not already on the list and would like to join, please ring Hilary Edmonds on 700623. This month we meet on: Thursday 17th November at 12.15 for 12.45 in the Village Hall. 47

Decorative & Fine Arts Society Meetings WEST SUSSEX DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday November 1st at 1.30pm - for members only This will be followed at 2.30pm by a talk given by Dr Paul Bahn on

The Shock of the Old Discovering Britain's Ice Age Cave Art On Tuesday December 6th Christopher Bradley will give a talk on

Three Wise Men Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh - Traditions of the Magi There will be Mince Pies and Mulled Wine after the lecture Meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 2pm. Coffee available from 1.20pm at the December meeting only. For membership details please contact Jackie Buckler on 01903 411086 Visitors are welcome for a fee of £8

SOUTH DOWNS DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY Inspiring, Dynamic and Fun On Wednesday 2 November, the lecture will be

Rene Lalique: Master Jeweller / Glassmaker by Eric Knowles from Antiques Roadshow Rene Lalique: Master Jeweller - Master Glassmaker. Fine art expert on the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow Eric Knowles brings to life the skill and trademark craftsmanship of France’s foremost Art Nouveau glass art and jewellery designer, whose name has become synonymous with creativity, beauty and quality. On Wednesday 7 December, the lecture will be

The Twelve Days of Christmas by Peter Medhurst All meetings are held in Fittleworth Village Hall at 10.30am. Coffee from 9.50am. Visitors warmly welcomed (only £5). Please call 01403 785302


WI Report “……Little boxes all the same. There’s a green one and a pink one and a blue one and a yellow one and they’re all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.” Only at our last meeting they were not houses as in the song I have had on my brain ever since the meeting but little boxes made out of wood or cardboard and they came in all shapes, sizes and colours! Marcus Finch, who has visited us once before to run a painting workshop, this time showed us how to “Shabby Chic” our own boxes using several layers of paint with dry brushing in between. The results were great and we all had a very enjoyable evening. Our next meeting is on Thursday November 3rd at 8pm in the Village Hall and is our Annual Meeting. The committee will be presenting the Annual Report and Financial Statement and the President and Committee for the next year will be elected. Come along and hear what we have been doing and our plans for the coming months. The committee always want to hear your views and welcome ideas for new speakers. Don’t forget to get your tickets for the Murder Mystery Evening ‘Love and Let Die’ on Saturday November 12th at 7pm in The Village Hall. Tickets including food are £15 from 700284 or 700700 and are selling like hot cakes. Jane Zilz Mary Benson (President) 01403 700284

Neighbourhood Watch (Cont) (Continued from page 41)

Keep your money safe with these tips:  Check people are who they say they are. Not sure? Don’t open the door!  Never send or give money to people you don’t know or trust  Remember to protect your identity – don’t share your personal information with unexpected callers

 Beware of email and computer scams. Treat all emails from unknown senders with suspicion and never click on links within them

 Never share your PIN number or enter your PIN into a telephone  If in doubt, phone a relative, friend or someone you know personally  Remember: if it sounds too good to be true, it could be fraud. If you suspect someone you know may be vulnerable to fraud, please share this news with them and encourage them to look at the ‘Little Book of Scams’, available on the following link: http:// If you or someone you know is vulnerable and has been a victim of fraud call Sussex Police on 101 or visit If you need to a report fraud or attempted fraud, you can do so by contacting Action Fraud at or by calling 0300 123 2040.

If you have information about any crime call 101, email: or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. If you see a crime taking place call 999. Regards, Priscilla Pinkham 49

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser


Weather Watch In the South-East the summer continued into September and the three months July to September were the driest for at least eight years. Wisborough Green rainfall for September was 36mm (33mm last year –my 8 yr average is 55mm). Severe thunderstorms affected the SE on the 16th of the month and luckily we missed the flooding that the Thames Valley received. Gravesend broke the record for the highest temperature (34.4°C) for September since 1911. It was the fourth warmest September in Central England since 1659! Aboyne in Aberdeenshire hit a low point of 0.1°C. Apparently the La Niña weather system is expected this autumn and it may mean a frosty autumn and winter with colder than usual temperatures and snow. Hmm....let’s wait and see! Weathervane

CYBER TIPS Stop Me And Buy One! If you receive e-mails, you will inevitably get the sort that asks you to “unsubscribe” even if you haven’t “subscribed” in the first place. Unless you are 100% certain of the origin and you trust the person or organisation that sent it, it is always wise to ignore the e-mail and delete it. Unsubscribing confirms the details that the sender already has and could mark you as a future target for underhand activity. Similarly, if you receive a text with the final message which says something like: “If you do not wish to receive further messages about our product, reply STOP.” Unfortunately, if you do reply to the message you may find that you have bought your answer, as some senders may charge (typically £2 or £3 above the normal message fee) for your trouble.

Do keep out of trouble! Peter Edmonds

Village Hall 50 Club Draw The winner of the October draw is Shirley Stride who wins £50 The winner of the second prize of £20 is Phil Donoghue The November draw will be at the Cricketers at 6.30 pm on Wednesday 9 November 2016 and if any member or prospective member would like to attend they will be very welcome. Ruth Andrews, 01403 700671

Flag Raising Dates 13 November

Remembrance Day

14 November

Birthday of the Prince of Wales

20 November

Her Majesty’s Wedding Day 51

Church Cleaning Roster (Saturdays) 5 November

Mr & Mrs Armistead

12 November

Mrs Mosley & Mrs Scrase

19 November

Mr & Mrs Edmonds

26 November

Mr & Mrs Grengs

3 December


If you are unable to clean on the day allocated to you, please arrange to change with someone or let Jill Brett know – 700350.

Church Flower Arranging Roster (Fridays) 4 November

Jacky Grengs / Mary Benson

11 November

Rosemary Croxford

18 November

Rosemary Croxford

27 November

1st Sunday in Advent

CLEANERS & FLOWER ARRANGERS PLEASE NOTE: Xpresso is held in the church Fridays from 9.00 to 11.30am.

Church of St Peter ad Vincula The Vicar Churchwardens PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Church Electoral Roll Officer Covenant Secretary Director of Music

Rev. Clive Jenkins Dr Graham Parr Mr Jamie Daniell Mrs Val Mourilyan Mr Tony Cook Mrs Sue Nicholls Mr David Warwick Mr Malcolm Brinson

Ministry Support Team Co-ordinators Bell Ringers Mr Robin Miles Cleaners Mrs Jill Brett Flowers Mrs Maggie Edwards Readers & Intercessors Mrs Val Mourilyan Chalice & Sacristans Mrs Andrea Parr Healing Mrs Gillian Gough

700339 700793 752846 700089 785435 700827 700262 01730 816101 823361 700350 700944 700089 700793 700157

Website: For baptism or wedding enquiries, please contact the Vicar ASAP or, if unavailable, one of the churchwardens.


Wisborough Green Village Directory Ad Vincula Magazine :


Mr Roland Zilz Mrs Marion Jenkins Mrs Fran Wallace Mr John Gough

Advertising Distribution Balloon Club of Wisborough Green Climbing Bears Pre-school Cricket Club Chairman Farmers’ & Village Market Football Club Chairman History Society Horticultural Society Chairman Lawnmower Racing Minibus Association Minibus Bookings Neighbourhood Watch Area Co-ordinator Parish Council Chairman Parish Council Clerk Police (non-emergency) Primary School Business Manager Primary School PTA Secretary Scouting Groups: Scouts (10½+ yrs) Cubs (8-10½ yrs) Beavers (6-8 yrs) Sports Clubs Association (Pavilion) St Peter’s Luncheon Club Short Mat Bowls Club Spitfire Simulator Group Stoolball Club Table Tennis Club Village Hall Bookings Village Hall Committee Chairman Village Car Service Village Care Team & Library Service Wisborough Green Arts Wisborough Green Bridge Club Wisborough Green Conservative Association Wisborough Green Fete Society Wisborough Green Sideshows Society Wisborough Green Trust Wisborough Green Website Wisborough Green Website Editor Women’s Institute

700632 700339 700320 700157

Mr Brian Smith Nina Lambkin Mr Steve Calder-Smith Mrs Aija Hamilton Mr Craig Vit Mrs Pam Warburton Philip Midwinter Mr Jim Gavin Mrs Pat Farmer Mrs Brenda Karn-Smith Mrs Priscilla Pinkham Mr Keith Charman Mrs Louise Davies


700346 701027 700821 700588 700369 701903 700402 700220 700492 701076 700114 700545 701102 101 Mrs Clare Lonsdale 700280 Ms Clair Beresford 701908 David Ribbens 01483 200688 Carol Pearson 700536 David Ribbens 01483 200688 Mr Ian Elliott 700474 Mrs Hilary Edmonds 700623 Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mr Brian Smith 700346 Mrs Alison Luke 700752 Mr Philip Midwinter 700402 Mrs Louise Slade 700421 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mrs Jennie Burr 700607 Mrs Angela Craddock 700336 Mrs Sheila Armistead 700319 Kay Wooldridge 700464 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Ms Andrea Leighton 700435 Mr Christopher Stride 700495 Mr Richard Bairstow 700140 Mrs Louise Davies, PC Clerk 701102 or Mrs Mary Benson 700284 53

What’s Happening in November Tue 01 Wed 02 Thur 03 Fri 04 Sat 05 Mon 07 Tue 08 Wed 09 Thur 10 Fri 11 Sat 12 Sun 13 Tue 15 Thur 17 Fri 18 Tue 22 Wed 23 Thur 24 Fri 25 Sun 27

Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 7) West Sussex Decorative & Fine Arts Society (p 48) Planning Committee (if required) South Downs Decorative & Fine Arts Society (p 48) Comfort Plus Products (p 28) Mobile Library WI Meeting (p 49) Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 7) Churchyard Clear Up (p 6) Bonfire & Fireworks Extravaganza (p 22) Hort Soc Talk (p 47) Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 7) Chris’s Fashions (p 28) Village Hall 50 Club Draw (p 51) Farmer’s & Village Market plus (p 45) Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 7) St Peter’s Messy Church (p 19) School Fireworks Spectacular (p 21) “Love and Let Die” Murder Mystery (p 29) Remembrance Sunday (p 6 & 17) School Open Day (p 11) Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 7) Parish Council Meeting St Peter’s Luncheon Club (p 47) Mobile Library Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 7) Wizzy Tots Baby & Toddler Group (p 7) Christmas Fair (p 26) Village Hall Management Committee AGM (p 17) Xpresso Coffee Morning (p 6) KKWG AGM & Wildlife Talk (p 29) Advent Service of Light (p 6)

WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.30 am Fittleworth Village Hall 2.30 pm Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 8.00 pm Fittleworth Village Hall 10.30 am Wyatt House 10.00 - 11.00 am The Pavilion WG 2.55 - 3.15 pm WG Village Hall 8.00 pm St Peter’s WG 9.00 - 11.30 am St Peter’s WG 10.00 am The Bat & Ball 5.30 pm onwards WG Village Hall 8.00 pm WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.30 am Wyatt House 10.30 - 12.00 noon The Cricketers 6.30 pm WG Village Hall 8.45 am - 12.30 pm St Peter’s WG 9.00 - 11.30 am WG Village Hall 3.30 - 5.30 pm WG Primary School 6.00 pm WG Village Hall 7.00 pm St Peter’s WG 10.00 am WG Primary School 9.30 - 11.30 am WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.30 am Comm Rm, WG Village Hall 7.45 pm WG Village Hall 12.15 pm The Pavilion WG 2.55 - 3.15 pm St Peter’s WG 9.00 - 11.30 am WG Village Hall 9.30 - 11.30 am The Works Gifts 9.00 am - 9.00 pm WG Village Hall 8.00 pm St Peter’s WG 9.00 - 11.30 am WG Village Hall 6.30 pm St Peter’s WG 6.00 pm

Ad Vincula - YOUR Parish Magazine EDITORIAL: Please email:

** DEADLINE 14th November PLEASE ** ADVERTISING: Please telephone: Fran Wallace on 01403 700320 or email: 54

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

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