Ad Vincula Magazine January 2015

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January 2015 Epiphany

Wisborough Green Parish Magazine

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AD VINCULA Wisborough Green Church and Community News

Highlights January 2015

Ad Vincula Team

St Peter ad Vincula Calendar ..................................... 4 Pastoral Letter / From the Registers .......................... 5 Church Notices .......................................................... 6 Regular Church Activities / Prayer ............................. 7 From the Editor / Letters / John Lumsden .................. 9 Cover Picture ............................................................. 9 WG Primary School News ........................................ 11 Gatwick Airport - The Threat to WG ................ 12 - 15 All That Jazz! ............................................................ 17 Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan ................. 19 RBL Poppy Appeal / PACT News ............................ 21 Spain - North West & Picos de Europa ............ 22 - 23 Notice Board ..................................................... 24 - 25 Community Minibus - Wisborough Green ................ 27 Wisborough Green History ............................... 28 - 29 Recipe of the Month ................................................. 31 Wey & Arun Canal Trust........................................... 33 Village Organisations - News & Notices ...... 35 - 42 Flag Raising Dates ................................................... 35 Village Hall 50 Club ......................................... 41 & 43 Wisborough Greenfingers Tips ................................ 42 Weather Watch/ Cyber Tips .................................... 43 Church Cleaning / Flower Rosters / Directory .......... 44 Village Organisations Directory ................................ 45 What’s Happening .................................................... 46

Roland Zilz Editor

Vacant Dep. Editor & Advertising

Roger Moody Distribution

Interregnum Vicar

Dr Graham Parr Churchwarden

Helen Vause Churchwarden If you have articles, photos, letters, etc that you think we may like to feature in the next issue, please email the Editor on: but, please note, publication will always be subject to space and at the discretion of the Editor.


Copy Deadline for February 2015 issue:

The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Parochial Church Council.

14 January 2015

Please note, it is not always possible to check the credentials and claims of all those advertising, so please ensure that you get references and check any claims before entering into business with them.

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Cover picture - Adoration of the Magi by Fernando Gallego(1468-1507) 3

St Peter ad Vincula Calendar for January Sunday 4 January 8.00am Second Sunday after Christmas 10.30am

Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist

Tuesday Epiphany

6 January

4.30pm to 5.00pm

Prayer Group (at 55 Butts Meadow)


7 January


Holy Communion

8.00am 10.30am

Holy Communion (BCP) Kairos

Sunday 11 January First Sunday of Epiphany Tuesday

13 January

4.30pm to 5.00pm

Prayer Group (at 55 Butts Meadow)


14 January


Holy Communion

Sunday 18 January Second Sunday of Epiphany

8.00am 10.30am

Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist


20 January

4.30pm to 5.00pm

Prayer Group (at 55 Butts Meadow)


21 January


Holy Communion

Sunday 25 January Third Sunday of Epiphany

8.00am 10.30am

Holy Communion (BCP) All Age Eucharist


27 January

4.30pm to 5.00pm


28 January


Holy Communion

Sunday 1 February Fourth Sunday of Epiphany

8.00am 10.00am

Holy Communion (BCP) Sung Eucharist

Monday Candlemass

2 February


3 February

4.30pm to 5.00pm

Prayer Group (at 55 Butts Meadow)

Prayer Group (at 55 Butts Meadow)

CHURCH WEBSITE - Anything missing or incorrect? Suggestions for improvement? Having problems navigating the site? Please let the “webmaster” (Roland Zilz) know on 700632 or The magazine can also be viewed on line at: 4

Pastoral Letter On 14th December 2014, we were delighted to be able to announce in Church that the Rev Clive Jenkins had been appointed to be Priest-in-Charge of St Peter ad Vincula and, if everything goes to plan, will be installed during a Eucharist service on the evening of Thursday 12th February. Alleluia!! Clive is currently the Vicar of Southbourne with West Thorney and also Rural Dean of Westbourne Deanery and will be moving into the vicarage with his wife Marian and two of his daughters (they have four children) during February. We are really fortunate to have been able to appoint such an experienced priest – an answer to our interregnum prayer. We are looking forward to some exciting times ahead as we move forward to build a mission team to spread the gospel in this village and widely across the district. During the interregnum our church and community has been extremely well supported by a wide range of visiting clergy and lay ministers and we offer our sincere thanks to them all. Our whole church community has also been very supportive of the churchwardens over the last eighteen months and for that we are very grateful. We have enjoyed a full range of well-supported services and events during this period and indeed the numbers of people attending church has actually grown slightly – a real answer to prayer. As we move forward into a new chapter for our church we pray that our recent celebrations of the birth of Jesus Christ and the coming of light into the world will be reflected in our own spiritual journeys and that we welcome Clive, his wife and family into our community and support him wholeheartedly in his ministry amongst us. A very Happy New Year to you all. Graham and Helen Churchwardens

From the Registers (November 2014) Thanksgiving Service: Friday 7 November 2014

Milly Ann Price


Matthew Lloyd Sullivan

Saturday 22 November 2014


Church Notices DATES FOR THE DIARY  Saturday 31 January 2015 - Quiz ‘n’ Chips evening. See poster on page 25 St Peters Links is holding a “Quiz and Chips” evening in the Village Hall at 7 pm on Saturday 31 January. It is a fun evening so join with friends to make a team and come along - everyone is welcome. Teams of 4 or 8, raffle and bar. Tickets available from Annie Daniell - 01403 753846. All proceeds in aid of new cloakroom and catering facilities for the church.

WHAT IS PASTORAL CARE? There are various definitions of Pastoral Care:  ‘being a good neighbour to people in need’  ‘showing compassion, encouragement, non-judgemental acceptance, unconditional love’  ‘be present with, listening to and journeying alongside’  ‘sharing burdens and praying for those in our care’ All these statements sum up the many facets of Pastoral care and we, at St Peter’s have a small dedicated team who are happy to visit anyone from the village, young or old, who feel they need some company or support. Many of us live a long way from the comforting network of friends and family and, whilst this is hard to replace, a visit from a friendly face can help. This can be for someone who has just come out of hospital, who is housebound, who is unwell or just lonely.

PASTORAL CARE DURING THE INTERREGNUM It is important for the Parish to be aware that during the interregnum there is still pastoral support for those who need it. Members of the Healing Group, Village Care Team, Prayer Groups and Social Development Team have come together under one umbrella to work as one, providing prayer and care where required. Communication and co-operation is crucial for this to work effectively, So if you know of someone or you think you yourself would benefit from this service please contact Gillian Gough on 700157 or Helen Vause on 700567.

HEALING MINISTRY IN OUR SERVICES If you would like prayers for healing for yourself or a loved one, on the first and third Sunday of each month, two members of the Healing Team are available in the Lady Chapel to pray with you during the taking of the Eucharist. You do not need to say anything or be specific about what is troubling you if you don’t wish to. This can be a very special and peaceful time and a great comfort if you are troubled by anything.

VILLAGE CAR SCHEME If you, or anyone you know of, needs transport to get to a hospital, dentist or doctor's appointment please contact Jennie Burr on 700607 who will arrange for someone to drive you there. More drivers are still needed to help with this service. If you can spare half a day a month, please contact Jennie Burr on 700607. Thank you. 6

Regular Church Activities PRAYER GROUP AND QUIET MORNINGS If anyone would like to spend half an hour in fellowship and prayer then they are most welcome at Wendy’s house (2 Clockhouse) on a Tuesday at 4.30, when prayers are said for the life of the Parish. On the third Friday of every month Quiet Mornings are held at the homes of Wendy Duff and Alison Jekyll at 10.30am. It is a peaceful time when you can relax, recharge your batteries and listen to music, poetry, readings and prayers. You will come away refreshed and ready to carry on! Please contact Wendy Duff 700295 for details.

ST PETER’S LUNCHEON CLUB St Peter’s Luncheon Club is open to anyone who lives in the village and their guests are welcome. We have a two-course lunch, accompanied by a glass of wine and coffee or tea, costing £4.00 payable at the door. If you are not already on the list and would like to join, please ring Hilary Edmonds on 700623. This month we meet on 15th January at 12.15 for 12.45 in the Village Hall.

DON’T FORGET……… If you haven’t experienced the delights of Xpresso, come and enjoy freshly ground Fairtrade coffee or tea with a delectable homemade cake! Xpresso is open every Friday during term time from 9am ‘til 11.30am in church and EVERYONE is welcome! Special Offer - buy 6 coffees and get the 7th one FREE!! Full details from Xpresso.

Prayer Chain of Prayer Worried about a loved one, a friend or yourself and would like prayers to be said by a chain of people? Contact Wendy 700295 or Gillian 700157 and they will start the chain by contacting the person next to them on the list and so it goes all the way round. A copy of the chain is on the notice board at the back of church. Prayer is a powerful and important part of life and one should never under estimate its effect. You don't need to give any details of the problem just ask for prayers to be said and it will happen. Please note that it will be treated with total confidentiality. Prayers are offered for parishioners who are in special need, especially the sick and frail. Please advise either of the churchwardens of any persons or situations you would like remembered in this way. All those living in particular roads are prayed for regularly, the whole parish being covered over a 12-week cycle: Week beginning:

4 January 11 January 18 January 25 January

Billingshurst Road & Wisborough Gardens Glebe Way & Harsfold Lane Petworth Road & Balchins Close Fittleworth Road 7

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Reflexology & Holistic Massage A relaxing way to help relieve stress, insomnia, IBS, migraine, back problems to promote a sense of well being. Treatment provided in the comfort of your home or a treatment room.

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Tel: 01403 70073 0 8

Mac’s Private Hire 24 hours a day - 7 days a week

01403 701 842 07917 850 746 Airports - Social & Business Lady Driver Available Wisborough Green Based

Holiday Homes For Hens Going on holiday? Bring your hens and ducks to us at Garden Poultry Care in Kirdford. We’ll take care of your birds in a safe, friendly, free range area.

Call Nik 01403 820796

From the Editor A very Happy and Peaceful New Year to you all. Another new year with new challenges and, for St Peters, a new beginning. Having been in an interregnum since August 2013, we now have a new vicar appointed for Wisborough Green - the Rev Clive Jenkins (not to be confused with the erstwhile trade union leader!) - see Pastoral Letter (p5). A very warm welcome to Clive and his family when they join us in February. In addition to the usual articles, this month we have information on another serious threat to our village life - increased aircraft noise (p12), articles on Jazz in Loxwood (p17) and a tour to North West Spain (p22) and many others too numerous to mention. As always, I would love to hear from you with any comments or suggestions. Roland Zilz

Letters In addition to the copies of Ad Vincula that are delivered to every house in the parish, some readers receive their copy by post. The following letter was received from Nancy Parsons who now lives in Storrington: Thank you for the delivery each month. I enjoy reading all the news of friends I have known for many years. I enjoy the Lunch Club meals when I can come. Merry Christmas to everybody. Regards, Nancy Parsons

John Lumsden Kay thanks you all for your cards and letters of love and sympathy and would like you to know that she was with John as he passed peacefully away in hospital. She thanks God for a happy marriage and their long life together.

This Month’s Cover Picture Adoration of the Magi by Fernando Gallego(1468-1507) If you look closely at the landscape at the top left, you can see the three wise Eastern kings (Magi) having stopped to bathe on their journey to find a newborn king. Above the castle, a vision of the Virgin Mary holding her child Jesus Christ appears in a shining circle of light, telling the bathing Magi where to find the king they seek—the Christ child himself. In the foreground, they have found the child and present their gifts. This version of the story derives from The Golden Legend, a popular medieval book of saints' lives, written between 1260 and 1275 by Jacobus de Voragine. Only a handful of other known images of the Adoration of the Magi include the unusual detail of the vision. 9

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D.J.PEGLEY      




WISBOROUGH GREEN VILLAGE HALL FOR HIRE For hire charges and more information contact: Mrs Louise Slade on 01403 700421

Tim Edwardes Tree Surgery & Garden Maintenance

T: 01403 700594 M: 07810 130483

Tree surgery, hedgework, pruning. Competitive prices. Fully Qualified & Insured Arborist.

Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Matwork Classes Held at Alfold and Ellens Green Private 1:1 Sessions Contact: Sarah Wilford 07932 159133 10

Wisborough Green Primary School News December is quite a busy month here at Wisborough Green Primary School…  The children have already bought all of their Christmas presents for their families, courtesy of our PTA Christmas Pop Up shop, which raised £865.  Reception and KS1 perform their Nativity to parents and families  Year 3 and 4 enlighten their families with their amazing knowledge of Egyptian history and Year 5 and 6 have been busily making cookies, chocolate brownies, Femo figures and soap to sell. The children raised a very impressive £125 which will be used for Spring term learning experiences  Six lucky children who have earned gold certificates this term will come to afternoon tea  The children will be seeing Dick Whittington at this year’s school pantomime  The whole school will be enjoying Christmas Lunch at the village hall  All of the children will visit Father Christmas at school; he pays us a very special visit and sometimes leaves a gift for every child  The children buy raffle tickets for the chance to win one of nine fabulous Christmas cakes donated by local businesses and parents  The children perform in our Candlelit Christmas Carol service on the last day of term All our fund-raising this term is being donated to the Snowdrop Trust in loving memory of Millie Price. Alongside all of these festivities, learning continues of course, as our curriculum is adapted to ensure that the children keep practising their key skills in Maths and English. As the New Year approaches, the school will be concentrating on further improving our curriculum and assessment. We plan to hold special workshops for parents to come to in the evening so that we can show them how we are assessing their children. Our amazing School Council have now designed (with the help of their classmates) our new playground. We are just waiting for some drainage work to be completed and then hopefully the playground can be restored and the children can have some more games to play. We do struggle with the amount of water that runs off the slope from the church and the field just above the school as this makes our poor field unusable throughout the winter and floods our playground. We have spent such a lot of our budget installing soakaways and digging ditches and we now need to add more drainage to cope with the amount of water that flows onto the site. Parents will tell you that our slope onto the playground is often a river of flowing water which then sits on the playground making it very slippery for the children. We need a lot of help (and funding!) to improve our outside area this year! On behalf of the children, staff and governors at Wisborough Green Primary School, I would like to wish everyone a very happy and peaceful New Year. Let’s hope for a better 2015. Kind regards, Trudy Emberson, Headteacher 11

GATWICK AIRPORT - THE THRE What is at stake? Many of us were very aware of the increase of intrusive air noise during the summer but this could only be the tip of the potential iceberg. It is not an exaggeration to say that if Gatwick Airport Ltd (GAL), the National Air Traffic Service (NATS) and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) institute their current proposals for flight paths to and from Gatwick life in Wisborough Green will be changed for ever with the prospect of over 250 planes a day, on take-off, directly over the village or a similar number in powered descent.

Why has this come about? As the airspace over the SE of England has become crowded the government tasked the CAA to prepare a new rationalised plan for the SE, it is called the Future Airspace Strategy. At the same time aircraft navigation is changing from the old ground based beacons to something called Precision Based Navigation (PBN), essentially SatNav for planes; the advantage to air traffic controllers and airport operators of PBN is that aircraft can fly precise routes and air traffic can be more concentrated, so-called Aircraft Super Highways, thereby increasing capacity. However, Government policy is that to minimise impact for the largest number of people these new concentrated routes should, as much as possible, fly over areas of sparse population – Wisborough Green.

Why was this summer worse? This year GAL undertook two trials; a proving exercise for PBN and a trial which ran from February to August of the proposed super-highway take-off route to the west (known as ADNID) and came directly over Wisborough Green and caused so much nuisance.

Above: Take-Offs to the West before ADNID

Above: Take-Offs to the West during ADNID

Why do landing aircraft make so much noise? Although, owing to prevailing winds from the west, around 70% of aircraft departures from Gatwick are to the west and, if plans don’t change, will follow the super-highway route over Wisborough Green the noise from landing aircraft is currently far more intrusive. When the wind is from the east, generally in the summer and about 30% of the time, 12

EAT TO WISBOROUGH GREEN landings at Gatwick approach from the west. Arriving aircraft are held in a ‘stack’ above Burgess Hill which they leave at 7000 ft and start their descent, in days of old they used to fly between Crawley and Horsham, before c om m enc ing th eir f in al approach from 3000 ft, 10 nautical miles from the runway. Now they make a much longer loop to the west, unfortunately they start their descent immediately they leave the stack, by the time they reach Above: Landings from the West 25 July 2014 Wisborough Green they have levelled off at around 3800 – 4200 feet and have to use power to maintain height before joining the final approach at the same point as above. It is this powered turn that causes so much nuisance; it is also completely unnecessary as aircraft leaving the stack could maintain the 7000 feet height and not start their descent until they were past Wisborough Green.

Are there any other changes planned? As a result of the scale of the protests following the summer’s trials the implementation of ADNID and other take-off super-highways has been postponed (not cancelled) ostensibly for more consultation. In the future (it was planned for late 2015) approaching aircraft will no longer join a stack but instead will switch to a system called Point Merge; this is a system by which aircraft queuing to land fly an extended flight path around an arc instead of holding in circles. They fly along the arc until the next landing slot is free, at which time air traffic control (ATC) will turn the aircraft off the arc into the landing sequence, this way means that aircraft queue behind rather than one above another. As NATS has not yet released where the Merge Points (where the aircraft join the arc) will be we cannot make an assessment of how these new routes will affect Wisborough Green. And lastly, the proposal for a second runway at Gatwick. The location of a second runway will be decided by the Howard Commission at some time after the next election. Their interim report was recently published and buried deep within it were proposals for landing and take-off routes in the event of Gatwick getting a second runway. For Wisborough Green, the prospect is serious as three routes cross directly over the village: take-offs to the west, take-offs to the east that have to turn west and landings from the west on one runway. If Gatwick were to build a second runway it would be larger than Heathrow requiring housing, schools, hospitals for 40,000 new staff not to mention the lack of a decent route to Central London. There are so many matters that remain unaddressed. Cont. on p15


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SELF-CONTAINED GUEST ACCOMMODATION IN WISBOROUGH GREEN Beautifully decorated guest suite comprising a large bedroom (very comfortable king-sized bed and room for a travel cot, available upon request), a kitchen area (microwave, fridge, kettle and toaster) and shower room, TV with Freeview, DVD player and WiFi. Please see for more details or call 07976 524367

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Who is doing what? There are numerous very organised and effective protest groups, in addition Parish, District, Borough and County Councils of affected areas are making their thoughts known. Pressure has been effective in some areas, for instance Kent County Council recently withdrew its support for a second runway. A small group of residents from Bedham has been engaging directly with the management of GAL with alternative plans that they prepared to demonstrate that there are alternatives.

How can you help? One of the leading protest groups is led by Sally Pavey who is coming to address a Public Meeting in the Village Hall on Tuesday 6 th January 2015 at 7.30pm – please come as it will provide you with more information with which you can make your own representations to the Airport Commission before the deadline of 11.45am on 3rd February 2015. Read up on the issues: When you find aircraft particularly intrusive or unacceptable complain to: and If you use an Android phone you can download an App from the Cagne website that automates the process. Public Meeting WG Village Hall Tue 6 January 2015 7.30 pm

Keep an eye on the village website for updates. Get involved - this is yet another serious threat to our village life. Peter Drummond (Parish Councillor) On behalf of Wisborough Green Parish Council 15

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with Robyn Burbridge      

General Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Corticosteroid injections Diagnostic ultrasound Sports Injury assessment and treatment Running and dance assessment and rehabilitation Vestibular assessment and rehabilitation

Building Services Ltd For ALL your bricklaying requirements:

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Old Pond Cottage Bed & Breakfast Accommodation Wisborough Green Tel : 01403 701110 Perfectly situated in the heart of the village Three lovely rooms – all en suite 16

All That Jazz! Who can forget the Diamond Jubilee Arts and Flower Festival in the church two years ago and the highlight of the festival - the superb jazz playing of local musician Simon Bates (left) with the magical Harry The Piano (right). Loxwood resident Simon, master of many instruments but particularly the saxophone and clarinet, is "threatening" another trip down Vicarage Hill to play in Wisborough Green this year. And 2015 looks like being a vintage year for the Loxwood Jazz and Blues Club held every third Tuesday in the North Hall, Loxwood, 7.30 for 8 pm. The New Year kicks off in style on Tuesday 20 January with the mesmerising Georgina Jackson (below) who is widely acknowledged as the finest female lead trumpet player in the country and one of the top jazz vocalists. Georgina has played lead trumpet in the recent West End production of "The Ratpack - Live from Las Vegas" and her other credits range from working with Nancy Sinatra, Gladys Night, The Temptations and The Ronnie Scott's Jazz Orchestra. February brings woodwind supremo Pete Long to the North Hall. When he's not presenting Big Band Special on BBC Radio 2, Pete builds model planes in his shed in his spare time! The Nigel Price Quartet visit in March and then, after featuring in the 2012 London Olympic Opening Ceremony, Simply Swing hot foot it down to West Sussex in April. It's back to Simon and Harry again in May when they link up with cabaret star and jazz interpreter Gary Wilmot for his not-to-be-missed "Sinatra Jukebox". With a hundred great Sinatra songs to choose from, you, the audience, take your pick on the night and Gary, Simon and Harry make up the show on the spot - a wonderful way to round up the first five months of top jazz playing on our very own doorstep. The Loxwood jazz club has only been running for four years but monies raised by Simon, his wife Anita and country-wide jazz enthusiasts who flock to the village to hear the very best jazz possible, have enabled the 78 year-old North Hall - the village hall to have been renovated to include up-to-date kitchen toilets, meetings rooms, a new roof, windows and doors, curtains, lighting and decorations - and for those thirsty jazz players and their fans, a new bar! Tickets for all shows from Anita Bates on 01403 752954 or from Loxwood Post Office. Roger Moody


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The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2014 The results of the Appeal collections in and around Wisborough Green are again remarkable. The breakdown is as follows: Commercial contributions: Street collections: Door to door:

£720.69 £176.58 £675.45

Grand Total:


The RBL are once again delighted by the local and national response and wish to thank all who gave so very generously to this special World War 1 appeal. I would like to thank the collectors who, every year and in all weathers, knock on doors and "stand the street". It is all worthwhile and rewarding. Thank you Wisborough Green. John Ansley (01403 700302)

Volunteers needed for CHURCH CLEANING ROTA The cleaning team has become a little depleted recently and we would like to encourage more volunteers to join the team which will spread the workload. The team does an excellent job of keeping the church clean and polished, but with a few more people on the rota their duties will not occur as frequently. If you would like to know more or to volunteer please contact: Jill Brett on 700350. Thank you.

PACT News Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – 18-24 January 2015 with the theme of ‘The Well is Deep’. The week starts with a service on 18th Jan at 3pm at Kirdford St John the Baptist. There will also be week-day sessions with soup and rolls at the United Reformed Church in Petworth, plus a meeting on Friday evening 23rd Jan for those unable to make it during the days. Palm Sunday Procession – Sunday 29th March 3pm from the Sacred Heart in Petworth. The procession will go through Petworth from 3pm on Palm Sunday with the town band, donkeys and a Palm Sunday script read outside each of the churches. The event will end at St Mary’s Church with tea and cakes. It would be wonderful if you and your family could join us. Further details from :

01798 342151

Petworth Area Churches Together (PACT) - working together in harmony 21

SPAIN – North West, an While Spain’s South and East coasts deservedly attract the majority of visitors, the North West is largely ignored, apart, of course, from the pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostela. Yet our recent 23 car Jolly Good Tour in this area, brought more accolades than we’ve had in years. One example “The scenery beat anything we've seen before and we had a chalet in the Alps for 20 years, but NW Spain won the scenery prize. It was truly awesome.”

I would encourage anyone, thinking of a driving holiday in Spain, to forget the rest of the country and head for the North West. The traffic is light, the roads are superb – we didn’t see one pesky pothole – and the Parador hotels are magnificent. Talking of Paradors, our recent tour cost less to stay for 11 hotel nights, than next year’s tour in France is costing us for 8 nights! Paradors are not as expensive as you might think. The following is a skeleton outline of our recent tour (maps mentioned below)… Day 1. Overnight at Hotel Real, Santander. Day 2. West via Santillana del Mar, “Spain’s prettiest town” – Comillas, visit Gaudi’s house – San Vicente de la Barquera, lunch stop – overnight (1st of 2 nights) Parador Cangas de Onis. Day 3. Covadonga, birthplace of present-day Spain – Mirador de la Riena, stunning mountain road and views – Arenas de Cabrales, famous cheese shops – River Cares Gorge – then cross-country through Narganes, Villanueva, Noriega, Roquerizo Pueblo to Llanes and Ribadasella, lunch stop – Prado – Mirador del Fito, magnificent viewpoint – Arriondas – Parador Cangas de Onis, 2nd night. Day 4. West, on Autoroute past Oviedo and Grado – then south west on AS-15 – to Puente del Inferno – west on AS-14 to Grandas de Salime, lunch at ‘Las Grandas’ Café, overlooking the dam – north on AS12, then AS-13 to Villanueva de Oscas, park and stroll – continue north to Ribadeo and one night in Parador overlooking the Ribadeo River harbour Day 5. North and west via Vivero, Ortiquera, then south past Ferrol – Coruna, lunch stop – Santiago de Compostela and 1st of 2 nights at the Parador. 22

nd the Picos de Europa Day 6. Around Santiago. Visit the Cathedral, the Museum, and the web of side streets. 2nd night at Parador. Day 7. South, on N-625 to the magnificent, but hardly known, ancient gardens of Pazo de Oca – past Ourense to the River Sil gorge and the remote Parador of Santo Estevo. Day 8. East along the River Sil gorge – north towards Monforte de Lemos – east to O Barco, lunch spot – Ponferrada – then remote pilgrim route 142 to El Acebo, coffee stop at new hotel – Astorga – Leon and 1st of 2 nights at Parador. Day 9. Around Leon. The cathedral, Plaza Mayor, San Isidoro Basilica, museum and Pantheon. Have lunch at Boccalino Restaurant, Plaza de San Isidoro. Day 10. North on Route 311 to the magnificent caves of Valporquero – south again and east to Bonar – north to Puebla de Lillo and Puerto de Tarna – south east to Riano, lunch stop – north east to Potes – west to Fuente De Parador. If the weather is kind, take the cable-car ride, otherwise wait until morning. Day 11. Back to Potes, stopping at Santo Toribio monastery on the way. Then – Liares and turn right on to CA-282 – Quintanilla – Puentenansa, coffee stop – Cabuerniga – north on 180 – Ruente, lunch – Cabezon and continue to finish in Santander. As for maps, Reise-Know-How ‘Spanien,Nord’ 1:350,000, covers the whole route; but, should you want something more detailed, may we suggest the following three excellent maps, which cover most of the route at a scale of 1:150,000. Michelin 141 Zoom Espana – Costa de Galicia Michelin 142 Zoom Espana – Asturias, Costa Verde. Michelin 143 Zoom Espana - Costa de Cantabria. Order them by post, from: The Map Shop, 15 High Street, Upton-on-Severn, Worcs. WR8 0HJ. Tel: 01684 593146. Although the Santander’s Hotel Real is not a Parador, we booked all our hotels through Keytel International, the London based Parador handling agency. They did an excellent job. Do visit North West Spain, you won’t regret it! Jim Gavin 23





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Community Minibus Association (W Sussex) - Wisborough Green Village Organiser: Pat Farmer (700492)

Registered Charity No 275787

Please note: The Central Office of the Community Minibus Association (West Sussex) has decided that the annual membership fee is to increase to £5 from 1 st January 2015 MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN TO ALL

For bookings ring: BRENDA KARN-SMITH (701076)

Destinations for January 2015 nd

Fri 2

Mon 5th Fri 9th Mon 12th Fri 16th Mon 19th Fri 23rd Mon 26th Fri 30th

Chichester & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts Horsham & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts Horsham & Sainsbury Chichester & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury Cranleigh & Notcutts

Depart 9.30 am Depart 2.00 pm Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 2.00 pm Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am

I hope that you have all had an enjoyable Christmas; when you read this we will be looking forward to the New Year. One resolution you might like to make is to use the minibus in 2015! We would welcome new passengers – please come along on one of our trips above. A reminder that the annual subscription, now £5, is due. Please pay the Escort and have your green Membership Card ready to be signed on your first trip in 2015. For insurance purposes you should always carry your updated card with you. A happy, peaceful and healthy New Year…

With best wishes, Pat Farmer

Early February 2015 Dates Mon 2nd Fri 6th Mon 9th

Horsham & Sainsbury Chichester & Sainsbury Horsham & Sainsbury

Depart 2.00 pm Depart 9.30 am Depart 9.30 am


Wisborough Green History - Th First, a correction to the details on Harold Barlow. His delivery vehicle was an Opperman three-wheeled motor cart that carried its load of logs on the back and that, unusually, was driven standing up. Also, his workshop in Newpound Lane was a grey corrugated-iron roofed shed that was also used to store equipment for the school and the side-show society. The Pimpernel Garage that closed in 1999 sold some grocery, milk, some pottery and children's games and, like most garages, confectionery and cigarettes. It was subsequently converted to Pimpernel House. There was shop at Brookbridge that was demolished in 1902.It is thought that part of Brookbridge Farm was built on the site. The right hand part of the Bat and Ball in Newpound was a grocer and baker shop named E Stanbridge. The shop was already trading in 1910 when William Stanbridge took over the pub and introduced a bakery by building the baker's ovens that are still at the back of the pub. The business continued until he died in 1951 when his son Ted took over. A sideline was the selling of government surplus army clothing and boots after the Second World War. The shop closed c1975 and the premises were incorporated into the pub bar area. The shop delivered groceries and bread by horse and trap; Ivan Stanbridge recalled that his grandfather William sometimes made these deliveries but used to get so drunk by customers giving him something (usually home made wine) that he relied upon the horse knowing its way back, whereupon he had to be put straight to bed! Charles Woods was a coal merchant at Newpound in the early part of the last century whose premises were on the east side of the B2133 between the Bat & Ball and Hughes Hill. This business was later run by his son Harold until 1998 and known as A H Woods; its delivery lorry is shown in the photo (left) taken in the late 1940s. The coal yard is still there but used as a builders yard. Harold's wife, Grace, ran a small shop selling sweets and stamps (and maybe groceries too?) from the front room of their home Restharrow opposite the coal yard. This traded until the 1950s, but maybe later. Above: A H Woods coal lorry 28

At Roundstreet House there was a bakery and

he Closed Shops CONCLUDED grocery shop. In 1890 it was run by Mrs Bodle, but it was owned by Mr Upfield of Upfield Stores fame. By 1920 it was owned and run by Mrs Mitchell and was described by Kelly's directory as a grocery shop. It seems that she also owned the Fox and Hounds pub next door (now a dwelling named Foxhounds). There is a suggestion that in 1975 the shop and pub were owned by Misses Merchison. Has anyone any more information about this? Lazy Days was a shop that sold cane and wooden garden furniture and was situated in the furthest warehouse on the left of the main road at Newpound opposite Bellmans warehouse. See the photo taken in October 2004 just before it ceased trading. Keen's was a sub postoffice and shop at Lughurst on Fittleworth Road; this is where there's a post box near Above: Lazy Days cane & wooden garden furniture shop the junction to Hawkhurst Court. It was run by Mr and Mrs Keen in the early 1930s and it also sold sweets and tobacco from the front room of the house and was perhaps a general store. Diana Howarth, who lived nearby, said that her parents told her not to buy sweets there as it was so dirty inside! It had been operating as a post office since at least 1909 when Eli Enticknap was the subpostmaster. During the 1940s, the shop was a general store selling some tinned food, bread and fizzy drinks as well as sweets and tobacco; it was run by Mont Smith (senior); his son, also Mont, was a postman. The shop ceased trading in the 1960s. There was a bakery and shop at the Crimbourne Stud (then Crimbourne House) in the 1920s. It was run by Mr Keen who went on to run Keen's shop at Lughurst when the bakery closed. Finally, at Arundel Holt there was a small shop that sold cigarettes during the 30s and 40s. John Green ran Cheeseman's Pottery in Brick Kiln Common in the 1980s, but I have no other information. Ansell's Warehouse sold a wide range of upholstered furniture, dining suites and beds from a series of wooden huts located in Ansell's Yard in Kirdford Road. The business developed from selling bric-a-brac and furniture on Sunday mornings in the early 1960s. The furniture business closed in April 2011, but it still continues by running a market on Saturdays. I may have missed some smaller shops that have traded in the last hundred years; please let me know if you can remember any. RB 29

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

Simon & Naomi Parsons NPTC & FdSc Qualified and insured

Tree Surgery & Garden Design 18yrs Tree Surgery experience all work undertaken Design – Planting Plans – Garden Overhauls Based in Bedham


For a quality chimney sweep KIRDFORD


Member of National Association of Chimney Sweeps

R W Scott & Son Est 1932 All types of carpentry & joinery. Internal & external including stairs, doors, windows sliding, sash and casement. Trade enquiries welcome.

tel: 01798 865428

Tel: 01403 784665 Mob: 07768 163853

5 Ansells Yard, Wisborough Green

LIMITED Company Registration no 7961115

Sales, Servicing & Repair of Garden Equipment

G R Kilford & Co.

Ebernoe, Petworth, Sussex GU28 9LH

Restorers of Fine Antique Furniture Bespoke furniture made to order

Tel: 01428 707269

1 Clockhouse, Billingshurst Road, Wisborough Green, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 ODY Telephone: (01403) 786 272

Restoring furniture for over 35 years. 30


Recipe of the Month SPICED SALMON KEDGEREE This is best served straight away, but it will be okay made the day before and stored in the fridge. You can heat it up gently in the oven 160C/Gas 2 ½ for 15 minutes piled into a dish with a knob of butter and a little water covered with foil. It makes a delicious lunch or light supper dish as well as the traditional breakfast. Serves 8-10  900g salmon cut into large pieces (or traditional smoked haddock if preferred)  570ml whole milk  2 bay leaves and a large bunch of parsley  Thinly pared rind and juice of 1 lemon  6 black peppercorns  2 onions, chopped  120g butter and a slash of olive oil  2 teaspoons ground coriander  2 teaspoons ground cumin  1 teaspoon grated nutmeg  550g long-grain rice  Large handful of raisins  Salt and pepper  6 hard boiled eggs  Greek yoghurt to serve  Bunch chopped coriander 1.

2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

Place the fish into a saucepan with the milk, 570ml water, bay leaves, parsley stalks, lemon rind and peppercorns. Bring to the simmer, cover and remove from the heat and let the fish cool in the liquid. Carefully remove the fish from the pan and strain the liquid into a jug. Sweat the onions in 25g of the butter and a splash of olive oil until translucent, add the spices and cook for a couple of minutes. Stir in the rice coating well and pour on the reheated reserved liquid. Stir well, cover and simmer for approximately 15 minutes until the rice is just tender and almost all of the liquid has been absorbed. Remove from the heat and add the remaining butter and raisins. Season well and add the flaked fish. Place the mixture into a large, shallow dish and add the halved eggs, ½ the chopped parsley and lemon juice to taste. Serve with Greek yoghurt mixed with the chopped coriander and the rest of the parsley. Either stir it gently into the kedgeree or serve it separately in a bowl. Helen Vause 31

'Come and Sing' with Apollo5 in Petworth Building on the success of Apollo5's appearance at this year's Petworth Festival, Just Brilliant Events has invited the group back to Petworth on Saturday 7th February 2015 for a 'Come and Sing' workshop day, followed by an informal concert for family and friends finessed by Apollo5. The event is aimed at singers of all abilities who would like to spend a day singing for fun with one of the country's leading vocal ensembles. Apollo5 is part of the charitable foundation 'Voces Cantabiles Music' based at the Gresham Centre in the City of London. The foundation's innovative education programme aims to inspire people through music, and their engaging repertoire ranges from retro jazz, pop and classical arrangements to seasonal a cappella. The group's performing venues in London have included the Royal Albert Hall, St Martin-in-the-Fields, the Café de Paris, the Houses of Parliament, and King's Place to name but a few. They regularly perform internationally, and have broadcast live on Resonance FM and BBC Radio2. Stewart Collins, Artistic Director of the Petworth Festival commented : 'I couldn’t be happier hearing that Apollo5 are due back in Petworth. Their 2014 Festival appearance was a highlight amongst highlights, and without any question they have the key to guaranteeing that music making is a huge pleasure for audiences and participants alike!' All proceeds from the day will be split between our chosen charities Prostate Cancer UK and West Sussex Music. Prostate Cancer UK is doing some brilliant work to raise awareness about early diagnosis of this disease which affects more men per year in the UK than any other cancer. West Sussex Music is a local charity, based in Petworth, that works to make music accessible, enjoyable and rewarding for all within a supportive and encouraging environment. We are very grateful to Close Brothers Asset Management for agreeing to be the headline sponsors for the day, which will enable our chosen charities to receive maximum benefit from everyone's efforts. The cost per singer to take part in the day is £10. Tickets for the Concert at the end of the day will cost £5 for adults, with free admission for children under 13 years if accompanied by an adult. 32

Wey & Arun Canal Trust COMPASSES BRIDGE APPEAL UPDATE The Trust is moving close to reaching 60 per cent of the money needed to complete its first major project in Surrey, with the Compasses Bridge Appeal now at £413,185. The appeal is to build a new bridge over the canal at one of the entrances to the Dunsfold Aerodrome business complex – best known as the base for BBC’s Top Gear show. A wartime concrete causeway currently blocking the waterway will be replaced by a modern crossing capable of taking all traffic. The bridge will be constructed alongside the causeway, which is the main barrier to navigation in the Tickner’s Heath to A281 Fastbridge section of the canal in the Dunsfold/ Alfold area of Surrey. With the new bridge open and the causeway demolished, the Trust will have reopened around one-and-aquarter miles, or two kilometres, of uninterrupted navigation. It is hoped to reopen the canal between Tickner’s Heath and Fastbridge in 2016, in time for the 200th anniversary of the Wey & Arun Junction Canal being declared open at the Compasses site in September 1816. The regenerated Surrey section will bring more opportunities for Trust boat excursions and boating events. The Trust still has some way to go to meet its appeal target of £700,000, but there is enough money to enable work on the bridge project to begin some time in the first part of next year. Other good fundraising news has come for the Trust in the recent Grow Your Tenner campaign on, with around £5,000 allocated to the charity through supporters’ donations. During the campaign, the website doubled £10 donations, both one-off gifts and up to six monthly direct debits, with Gift Aid contributions also boosting the total. And on the Triple Tenner Tuesday, December 2, 19 people kindly donated at least £10 to the Trust and seven of their tenners were turned into £30. The gifts were among 1,000 donations randomly selected to receive £20 matchfunding. Throughout the day, the Trust raised a total of £377.50, including Gift Aid and matchfunding. For the first time, direct donations to the Trust can be made via credit and debit cards – see, or click on the home page’s Donations button. 33

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

The Cricketers Arms The Heart of Wisborough Green 01403 700369

A beautiful 16th century pub located in a beautiful Sussex village. All fresh home cooked food. Good quality beer. Live music Friday/Saturday evenings from 9pm. Theme food evenings. Check website for dates.

Web Email – Follow us on Facebook and Twitter 34

Local Club and Society News Wisborough Green Bridge Club This is a new club currently comprising five members who learnt to play ACOL bridge last year taught by Mary Morling of Hawkhurst Court. We usually meet on a Tuesday evening, at each others' houses, 7.30 pm-9.30pm. We are a small friendly group, and welcome bridge players of all standards, on a social basis. Phone Kay Wooldridge on 01403 700464 for more details.

Wisborough Green Spitfire Simulator Club Why not join the Spitfire Simulator Club? The prime purpose of our simulator project is to raise money for the RAF Benevolent Fund and to that end, simulator flights are normally charged for. However, with the Simulator Club, members make a small donation to the RAFBF ( ÂŁ5 per year ) and their name goes into a hat every month and the winner gets a flight for free. To join the group, contact Brian Smith on 01403 700346 or

Wisborough Green Short Mat Bowls Club Well it's that 'time of the year' again and 18 members enjoyed a superb Christmas Lunch at the Stonemasons Arms, Petworth. On the playing front our latest friendly match was away against Fittleworth, unfortunately we were beaten on all three mats, with Jane Adsett, Shirley Bundy, David Luxford and Monica Enticknap doing best narrowly losing 24-20 on mat 1. The club singles knockout competition came to its conclusion in early December. Playing for the Reg Carter trophy David Luxford beat Pauline Shipway in a closely fought final, only gaining the upper hand on the final end. We resume in the new year on 5th January, so a Happy New Year to all. For those of you that don't already know, the Wisborough Green Short Mat Bowls Club meets in the Village Hall on a Monday afternoon from 2:30 to 4:30pm and Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 9:00pm for practice otherwise known as a 'roll up'. New members of all ages always welcome. See Village Directory at back of magazine for contact details. Monica Enticknap, Captain

Flag Raising Dates 9 January

Birthday of the Duchess of Cambridge

20 January

Birthday of the Countess of Wessex


Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

Kevin Twelvetrees Tree Surgery & Fencing Traditional Patios Specifications, Advice & Planning Conservation Areas & TPOs Large & Small Hedges Est 1986

Wisborough Green 01403 700848 Email:




Wood Stoves & Chimneys Repairs, Service & Advice


01403 820099 or

07768 124593

Licensed by Chichester District Council


Tel 01403 700848 Email: Hetas Training Cert. no. 1385

Farmers’ and Village Market News

NO MARKET IN JANUARY Next Market - Thursday 12th February 2015 Village Hall 9 am – 12.30 pm Another year of changes. Robin Lock with the savouries who faced the entrance to the hall has grown too big. Not from the tasty products but to a greatly expanding business. It was a pleasure to eat his wife's cooking. The husband and wife wood turning team have retired and downsized, so there is not enough room for production. It was such beautiful work and design. New this year fresh from the linseed fields was Durwin, with all that knowledge and full of ways of using this very healthy local product. Your metabolism may well thank you for using linseed oil or the seeds. Fresh too is the produce our greengrocer from Jenger's Mead in Billingshurst brings. Russell Noakes has taken on a very labour intensive business. We are pleased he come to us. The goats' cheese business has got going this year too. Did John Cooper really know about the scandal which broke this year of so many goats cheeses in shops not being fully goat? His are 100 percent and are local. A very happy and satisfying year to everyone. Wisborough Green Farmers and Village Market Committee

Deputy Editor/Advertising Coordinator Your magazine needs you Ad Vincula needs someone to take responsibility for coordinating the advertising for the magazine. This is not an onerous job - most of the hard work on the advertising front for 2015 has already been done! The post does, however, require computer literacy, attention to detail and people skills (to persuade businesses to advertise and pay promptly!). This post (voluntary) will also act as Deputy Editor. The role involves working with advertisers to produce artwork, managing the invoicing and liaising closely with the Editor to ensure adverts are suitable and space is available. The ideal person would be someone comfortable with the use of Microsoft Office and perhaps a flair for graphic design for those rare occasions when we are asked to design an advert. Full training will be given with ongoing support from the Ad Vincula Editorial Committee. If you are interested or would like some more information, please contact Roland Zilz on 01403 700632. 37

Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser


Wisborough Green Horticultural Society NO TALK IN JANUARY Very sadly, Richard Steele died on 26th November 2014. A keen member of the Society and a very enthusiastic exhibitor of roses – his passion. As a committee member he was always keeping us “up to the mark” and encouraging us to embrace the brave new world of technology. He will be sorely missed and we extend our condolences to his family and especially to Kate, his wife. Kate is also a very valued member of the committee and rose enthusiast. Just as gardens appear to be hibernating this month so gardening activity is not noticeable. The last three Januarys were a trial and a torment of either wind, rain, ice or snow. It was remarkable at how the plants survived. The New Year is starting with a talk in February on “Twelve Months of Colour” just what we need to boost the pleasure of seeing and smelling a winter flowering plant. The Table Top competition starts again. The theme will be the same each month to allow scope for as many as possible: “From your own garden/allotment, five preferably flowering or evergreen stems displayed to best effect – of one or more variety.” Points will be awarded each month, accumulating for a prize at the AGM. As the flowering plants are well battered by rain and wind, it becomes quite exciting seeing people's originality in creating an arrangement of five. Our very best wishes for an enjoyable gardening year to everyone. Aija Hamilton

Wisborough Green’s very own youth club! Yes, Yellow Belly Snakes and Monster Munch crisps are top-of-the-pops when the club’s ever popular tuck shop opens for business! The club, which meets three Thursdays out of four every month in the village hall, not only has its own tuck shop but offers a host of other activities, including arts and crafts, for the youngsters of the village. Limited to 28 members because of space and ratio of members to leaders, the club is entirely self-funding. Now run by school teacher Sara Thompsett and her assistant Gemma Adsett the youth club has had its ups and downs in the past. The youth club caters for eleven to sixteen year-olds, both boys and girls and there’s a waiting list for new members. Affiliated to the Sussex Clubs for Young People, the youth club’s two hour Thursday sessions are added to with special away-day activities like trips to Thorpe Park and the Lodge Hill Activity Centre. For more information please contact Sara: 39

Decorative & Fine Arts Society Meetings WEST SUSSEX DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY *** PLEASE NOTE - NO MEETING IN JANUARY *** The next lecture, in Fittleworth Village Hall at 2.15 pm on Tuesday 3rd February is:

“The mosaics of Ravenna ” Coffee is served before the lecture and guests are welcome at a fee of £5 Anyone wishing to become a member should contact Beth Dugan 01730 815339.

SOUTH DOWNS DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY *** PLEASE NOTE - NO MEETING IN JANUARY *** The next meeting will be in Fittleworth Village Hall on Wednesday 4th February is:

The Turner Prize: Its History and Controversies Speaker – Barry Venning Coffee served from 9.50 a.m. New members and guests very welcome. If you would like to join us please call the Membership Secretary for details - 01403 783359

Wisborough Green Table Tennis Club Table Tennis 2014 ended with an excellent Christmas Meal for 32 of us at the Cricks (thank you, Craig). Congratulations to Beth Tidd who was presented with the splendid WG Trophy sweeping away the competition and shaming us older players. Commiserations to Angie Gooda - runner-up for the second year. Dubious congratulations to Phil Donaghue for being the last male standing – graciously accepting the pink rubber gloves! After the Christmas break we start again on Wednesday 7th January 4-6pm at the Village Hall. All welcome – young or old (or in between) novice or really good (or in between). Come and try us out – it is great fun. winner Beth Tidd runner-up Angie Gooda 40

Philip Midwinter (01403 700402)

WI Report Our December WI meeting was the Christmas Party. We all dressed up for the occasion and brought plates of finger food which was delicious and enjoyed along with Jenny's warming mulled wine. Before we tucked in we were challenged to make a star from dogwood stems and tinsel: the majority, surprisingly, turned out very well thanks to Penny's detailed diagrams and guidance! The first meeting of 2015 will be on 8th January entitled "A Taste of Wisborough Green WI" - PLEASE NOTE this is the second Thursday. Please bring along your favourite dish, flan, cake, tray bake, biscuits or whatever you enjoy making, together with its recipe. We will taste a sample of each so come prepared to eat (again!). Dottie Smith 01403 753042 Mary Benson (President) 01403 700284

Wealden Trefoil Guild On 4th December some members of the Guild met at Osmund Court in Billingshurst first of all to serve teas for the residents and also to entertain them by singing carols with the local Brownies. The caterers at the home provided a marvellous tea of sandwiches and cake which we helped to take round and chat to the residents, who were very appreciative. The Brownies enjoyed the left over sandwiches with their drinks in the interval and the Trefoil members enjoyed a cup of tea. It was great to see the young people interacting with the older generation and giving them so much pleasure. Our next meeting will be back in St Mary’s room on January 6th for a talk by the local Fire Service, which should be informative as well as interesting. Visitors are always made welcome. Ruth Isaacs, Chairman Tel. 01403 785402 or June Clark, Secretary Tel: 01403 700522

Village Hall 50 Club Draw The winner of the December draw is Matt Carter who wins £75 The winner of the second prize of £20 is Pamela Oliver (See p43 for winner of Grand Christmas Bonus Draw) The January draw will be at The Cricketers at 6.30pm on Wednesday 7 January 2015 and if any member or prospective member would like to attend they would be very welcome. We are always looking for new members and part of your membership fee will help with the Village Hall finances and will be put to good use with projects to improve the facility for all the village. Please contact me for details Ruth Andrews, 01403 700671 41

Wisborough Green History Society Wisborough Green Village History Society is a small group of people who enjoy talking about and researching the history of the village. Several of our members are life-long residents of the village, others have lived here for many years and all have interesting memories and anecdotes to relate. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month in the village hall committee room at 10.30 am. This year we have guided groups of people from the University of the Third Age round the village. The groups have learned about the church, the workhouse, the buildings in School Lane, the Three Crowns , the village pond and the windmill. As part of their visit they have been shown a display of photographs showing buildings in the past and what they look like today. We have visited Hardham church to look at the wall paintings and followed our visit with lunch at the Labouring Man. On a very hot day in July we were treated to a very interesting tour of Loxwood, guided by a member of the Loxwood History Society. Unfortunately, we were unable to display the work that we had prepared on village people who fought in World War One on August Bank Holiday Monday due to the very bad weather. Instead, we displayed the work in the church on Remembrance weekend and received many compliments. We were approached by the primary school and asked to put up the display for the Key Stage 2 children. Three members went to the school on Friday 14 th November and talked to groups of children about some of the most interesting things on display. We were asked to leave the display up for two more days so that the children could study the items in more detail. Our ongoing topic is gathering information about houses in the village. If you have any interesting information about your house we would love to know. We are very pleased to welcome new members, just come along to our next meeting on Tuesday, 13th January 2015 in the village hall committee room at 10.30 am. Sue Killingbeck Secretary

Wisborough Greenfingers Tips Indoor plants, permanent residents and Christmas arrivals.  Cyclamen thrive in cool bright conditions, then they will flower away.  Poinsettias thrive in Mexico by the wayside. Treat them as a long term bunch of flowers and not let them dry out.  Faithful green foliage plants need the dust wiped off their leaves to maximise light for their food. They need to be kept just lightly moist as central heating “dries” out the air and so the foliage. 42

Weather Watch Wisborough Green Rainfall for November was 178mm (last year 88mm – 7 yr average was 122mm). Wettest place in the UK was at Whitechurch (Pembs) recording 248mm – the driest at Edinburgh Botanic Garden with 39mm. November, December and January are by far the wettest months statistically. Without December’s rainfall figures it is already the wettest year in the last seven years! Highest temp for the UK was 19.6°C in Jersey and the lowest was at Loch Glascamoch (Wester Ross). We remain on course to be the warmest year since records began. Sunshine levels were 17% below normal for November. Actually it was the least sunniest November since 2004. (I thought it was a dull month!). Weathervane

CYBER TIPS Credit Card Sharpers Last month I wrote about the scam involving Here’s a tip: when you book your hotel direct (not through an agent) and are asked to lodge your credit card details, even though payment will not be taken until the end of your stay, offer a card that you don’t use but that is still valid. When the time to pay arrives use your normal card. In this way your card will be secure for that transaction and you will be able to prove that the hotel has behaved fraudulently if a payment appears on the first card. Stay sharp!! Peter Edmonds

Wisborough Green Village Hall 50 Club Grand Christmas Bonus Draw Cash Prize £500 (This is in addition to the normal monthly draw) The winner for 2014 is

Mr Roy Flogdell 43

Church Cleaning Roster (Saturdays) 03 January

Mr & Mrs Grengs

10 January

Mr & Mrs Brett

17 January

Mrs Nicholls & Mrs Daniell

24 January

Mrs Holt & Mrs Zilz

31 January

Mrs Lewis & Mr Preston-Jones

If you are unable to clean on the day allocated to you, please arrange to change with someone or let Jill Brett know – 700350.

Church Flower Arranging Roster (Fridays) 02 January

Mary Benson

09 January

Maggie Edwards

16 January

Maggie Edwards

23 January

Annie Daniell

30 January

Annie Daniell

CLEANERS & FLOWER ARRANGERS PLEASE NOTE: Xpresso is held in the church Fridays from 9.00 to 11.30am.

Church of St Peter ad Vincula The Vicar Churchwardens PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Church Electoral Roll Officer Covenant Secretary Director of Music

INTERREGNUM Dr Graham Parr Mrs Helen Vause Mrs Val Mourilyan Mrs Liz Atkinson Mrs Tricia Howarth Mr David Warwick Mr Malcolm Brinson

700793 700567 700089 700462 700445 700262 01730 816101

Ministry Support Team Co-ordinators Bell Ringers Mr Robin Miles 823361 Cleaners Mrs Jill Brett 700350 Flowers Mrs Maggie Edwards 700944 Readers & Intercessors Mrs Val Mourilyan 700089 Chalice & Sacristans Mrs Andrea Parr 700793 Healing Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 St Peter’s Links Mrs Annie Daniell 752846 Wizzy Tots Parent & Toddlers Mrs Tory Cato 07903 951917 Website: For baptism or wedding enquiries, please contact one of the churchwardens or PCC secretary ASAP.


Wisborough Green Village Directory Ad Vincula Magazine :

Editorial Advertising Distribution Balloon Club of Wisborough Green Climbing Bears Pre-school Cricket Club Chairman Farmers’ & Village Market Football Club Chairman History Society Horticultural Society Chairman Lawnmower Racing Minibus Association Minibus Bookings Neighbourhood Watch Area Co-ordinator Parish Council Chairman Parish Council Clerk Police (non-emergency) Primary School Business Manager PTA Secretary Scouting Groups: Scouts (10½+ yrs) Cubs (8-10½ yrs) Beavers (6-8 yrs) Sports Clubs Association (Pavilion) St Peter’s Luncheon Club Short Mat Bowls Club Spitfire Simulator Group Stoolball Club Table Tennis Club Village Hall Bookings Village Hall Committee Chairman Village Car Service Village Care Team & Library Service Wisborough Green Arts Wisborough Green Bridge Club Wisborough Green Conservative Association Wisborough Green Fete Society Wisborough Green Sideshows Society Wisborough Green Trust Wisborough Green Website WG Website Editor Wisborough Green Youth Club Women’s Institute

Mr Roland Zilz Vacant Mr Roger Moody Mr Brian Smith Nina Lambkin Mr Tim McMath Mrs Aija Hamilton Mr Craig Vit Mrs Pam Warburton Philip Midwinter Mr Jim Gavin Mrs Pat Farmer Mrs Brenda Karn-Smith Mrs Priscilla Pinkham Mr Keith Charman Mrs Louise Davies Mrs Clare Lonsdale Ms Vanda Miller


700632 700123 700346 701027 700373 700588 700369 701903 700402 700220 700492 701076 700114 700545 701102 101 700280 700736

David Ribbens 01483 200688 Carol Pearson 700536 Simon Santa-Cruz 07584 620669 Mr Ian Elliott 700474 Mrs Hilary Edmonds 700623 Mrs Gillian Gough 700157 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mr Brian Smith 700346 Mrs Alison Luke 700752 Mr Philip Midwinter 700402 Mrs Louise Slade 700421 Mr Keith Carter 700502 Mrs Jennie Burr 700607 Mrs Angela Craddock 700336 Mrs Sheila Armistead 700319 Kay Wooldridge 700464 Mrs Priscilla Pinkham 700114 Mr Sam Cookman 700301 Mr Christopher Stride 700495 Mr Richard Bairstow 700140 Mrs Louise Davies, PC Clerk 701102 or Mrs Sarah Jackson 700574 Mrs Mary Benson 700284 45

What’s Happening in January Tue 06

Wealden Trefoil Guild (p 41) Public Meeting on Gatwick Airport Noise Issues Parish Council Planning Meeting (if required)

St Mary’s Rm, Billingshurst 7.00 pm WG Village Hall 7.30 pm WG Village Hall, Vine Room 8.00 pm

Wed 07

Rural Children’s Bus Table Tennis Club resumes Village Hall 50 Club Draw (p 41)

The Pavilion WG WG Village Hall The Cricketers

Thur 08

WI Meeting (p 41)

WG Village Hall

8.00 pm

Sat 10

Sideshows Soc. New Year Dinner (by invitation)

WG Village Hall

doors open 4.00 pm

Tue 13

History Society meeting

WG Village Hall, Comm Rm 10.30 am

Wed 14

Mobile Skip Rural Children’s Bus

The Pavilion WG The Pavilion WG

8.30 am - 1.30 pm 12.15 - 1.15 pm

Thur 15

St Peters Luncheon Club Mobile Library Youth Club

WG Village Hall The Pavilion WG WG Village Hall

12.15 for 12.45 pm 2.55 - 3.15 pm 6.30 pm

Fri 16

WG Neighbourhood Plan Display and Q&A (p 19)

WG Village Hall

Sat 17

WG Neighbourhood Plan Display and Q&A (p 19)

WG Village Hall 10.00 am to 4.00 pm

Tue 20

Parish Council Meeting Loxwood Jazz & Blues Club (p 17)

WG Village Hall, Comm Rm 7.45 pm North Hall, Loxwood 7.30 for 8.00 pm

Wed 21

Rural Children’s Bus

The Pavilion WG

Thur 22

Youth Club

WG Village Hall

Wed 28

Rural Children’s Bus

The Pavilion WG

12.15 - 1.15 pm

Thur 29

Mobile Library Youth Club

The Pavilion WG WG Village Hall

2.55 - 3.15 pm 6.30 pm

Sat 31

Quiz ‘n’ Chips Evening (p 25)

WG Village Hall

12.15 - 1.15 pm 4.00 to 6.00 pm 6.30 pm

3.00 to 8.00 pm

12.15 - 1.15 pm 6.30 pm

Ad Vincula - your Parish Magazine EDITORIAL: Please email:

** DEADLINE 14th January PLEASE ** ADVERTISING: Please telephone Roland Zilz on 01403 700632 or email: 46

7.00 pm

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Please mention Ad Vincula when you contact an advertiser

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