Le Magazine de l’Alliance Française de Melbourne oct-nov 2009
nicolas vadot
talkS about political cartoons melbourne international artS festival TRANSE EXPRESS / M.J. HOFFNER ...
henry padovani
from the screen to the stage
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Alliance Magazine has freshened up. A new format, a new layout - with information on the cultural activities offered by the Alliance française de Melbourne and its partners, as well as a comprehensive overview of the French courses we offer. Each issue will feature a distinctive snapshot on a guest by means of an interview in French and English. The first to reply to our questions is Nicolas Vadot, a Franco-English political cartoonist. October and November will be particularly eventful months as you can discover here. Enjoy the magazine! Patrice Pauc Director
P.4>5 P.6>8 P.9>14 P.15 P.16 P.17 P.18 P.19 P.20>21 p.22
Alliance Magazine fait peau
neuve. Nouveau format, nouvelle maquette : des informations sur les activités culturelles proposées par l’Alliance française de Melbourne et ses partenaires, ainsi qu’un panorama complet sur notre offre de cours de français. A chaque numéro, un zoom particulier sera réalisé sur un invité par le biais d’une interview en français et en anglais : Nicolas Vadot, dessinateur de presse franco-anglais est le premier à répondre à nos questions. Octobre et novembre sont deux mois particulièrement riches en événements comme vous pourrez le découvrir. Bonne lecture !
NEWS interview of nicolas vadot Courses guide short story competition exhibition of Richard wallace dennis hopper and the new hollywood jeudi jazzy music: fiona thorn sings boris vian cinema: mois du film documentaire event: beaujolais nouveau
October - November 2009 Issue Cover: Nicolas Vadot © Illustration taken from "Neuf Mois", published by Casterman, 2009. Editor: Patrice Pauc Editorial Contributions: Patrice Pauc, Nathalie Sem, Mathieu Vendeville and Aurélie Pierre. Translation: Léuli Eshraghi and Penny Matthews. Design & Layout: Mathieu Vendeville. Printed by SAS Printing Alliance Magazine is published by the Alliance Française de Melbourne, 51 Grey Street, ST KILDA, VICTORIA 3182, AUSTRALIA Tel: (61-3) 9525 3463 / Fax: (61-3) 9525 5064. e-mail: info@afmelbourne.asn.au www.afmelbourne.asn.au
Printed on 100% recycled paper.
So far as lawfully possible the Alliance française de Melbourne and its management and staff accepts no responsibility for or in relation to the contents whether express or implied of any advertisement appearing in this magazine nor for the safety, quality, or accuracy of any premises, goods, services or information referred to therein.
Venue: Alexandra Gardens, Access via St Kilda Road Combining 21st century technology with the atmosphere of a carnival and a hint of medieval court spectacle, this extravaganza of mesmerising music, high-altitude hijinks and airborne architecture is simply dazzling. With torches ablaze and resplendent in sumptuous, jester-like costumes, France’s acclaimed Transe Express takes Melburnians on a magical journey, 130 feet in the air, with their signature.
Fri 09 Oct > Sat 14 Nov
Sat 10 Oct > Sat 07 Nov
Mixing airsoft, tuning, punk, hardcore and The Guinness Book of World Records, the work of French artists Fabien Giraud and Raphaël Siboni lies at the boundary between art, pop culture and entertainment. Linking vernacular with mass consumption and folk with pop, their practice produces complex, often spectacular objects and events that question the possibility of contemporary subjectivity.
French artist Marie-Jeanne Hoffner and Melbourne-based artist Stephen Garrett bring a fresh approach to their collaboration with this ambitious and complex work which extends from Goldrush, an exhibition held at L’Espace d'Art Contemporain de la Ville de La Rochelle, France.
Tue - Fri 11am - 5.30pm Sat 11am - 4.30pm Closed Sun & Mon Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces 200 Gertrude St - Fitzroy
Wed- Sat 12pm - 5pm Closed Sun, Mon & Tue Conical. Upstairs. 3 Rochester Street - Fitzroy with the support of:
the London Philarmonic Orchestra Saturday 10 Oct
The London Philarmonic Orchestra performs Australian composer Graeme Koehne’s “Powerhouse”, Ravel’s “Piano Concerto in G” featuring the world renowned French pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet and Tchaikovsky’s “Symphony No. 4”. Venue: Hamer Hall / Arts Centre. Price Range $25 - $240.50 Bookings: www.theartscentre.com.au or by phone: 1300 182 183 -4-
Georges Mora Foundation
Wed 14 Oct at 6pm The Georges Mora Foundation (GMF) is a not-for-profit cultural foundation dedicated to the support and promotion of contemporary art , artists and ideas in Melbourne and Australia. The GMF values its partnership with State Library of Victoria and the Alliance Française de Melbourne. Named in honour of Georges Mora, and with Dame Elisabeth Murdoch as Patron, the Foundation supports artists who are igniting courage and new thinking in their art. During the evening Cyrus Tang, the 2008 Fellow and Philip Brophy, the 2009 Fellow will make presentations of their work to the Friends and Associates of the Foundation.
xavier le roy
AXAN is the Australian Exchange Alumni Network. Parlez-vous français? Or wish you could? Then why not come along to the AXAN French Networking Evening in Melbourne?
French dancer and choreographer Xavier Le Roy will be Choreolabs guest artist in November (23-26). This four-day workshop with him in Melbourne will suit choreographers and directors with specific interest in the methodology of creating their work and its relationship to the audience. Conversation with Gideon Obarzanek (Chunky Move artistic director) and Xavier Le Roy on Nov 25 and performance on Nov 27, both at DanceHouse.
Thur 22 Oct at 6:30pm
It will give you the chance to explore options such as internships, students exchanges, language courses and to expand your francophile network in Melbourne! Venue: Alliance Française 51 Grey St, St Kilda Free entry RSVP: info@axan.com.au www.axan.com.au
Entry by invitation More info about GMF: www.georgesmorafoundation.org.au
Association of French Teachers in Victoria
The AFTV will hold its Annual General Meeting at the Alliance Française, Friday 13 November at 5pm. More info: www.aftv.vic.edu.au
Berthe Mouchette Prize Ceremony.
Wed 25 Nov 09 at 6pm
Venue: Glen Eira Town Hall Since 1894, thousands of young Victorians have brought French poetry to life, on the opposite end of the world to France. A unique and memora-5-
WED 25 and Fri 27 nov
www.dancehouse.com.au www.chunkymove.com with the support of:
ble experience for participants, the Berthe Mouchette Competition, in honour of the Alliance Française de Melbourne’s 1890 founder, reinforces the vitality of French in Australia. From May to November every year, nearly 15,000 students participate in the Competition experience, which recognises and awards prizes to the best students of French from Victoria’s primary and secondary schools (Years 3 to 12).
Friday 23 oct
© Nicolas Vadot
Nicolas Vadot
a talk about political cartoons
friday 23 oct 09 at 7pm venue: alliance française
After his presentation, Nicolas Vadot will be signing copies of his comics "80 jours" and "Neuf mois" which will be available for purchase. AM: What prompted you to be- AM: Qu’est-ce qui vous a poussé à devenir dessinateur de presse ? come a cartoonist? NV: I liked two things - drawing and current affairs. The best way to combine them was to become a political cartoonist. When I started my visual communication studies in Brussels in 1989, the first exercise we were given was to 'illustrate the news'. Instantly, the penny dropped. I discovered the power of irony within political cartooning, using the child's medium of drawing to talk about adult things. The timing was also important. It was when the Berlin Wall and the whole communist system collapsed. The
NV: J'aimais deux choses: le dessin et l'actualité, donc la meilleure manière de mélanger les deux consistait à faire du dessin politique. Quand j'ai commencé mes études en communication visuelle à Bruxelles en 1989, le premier exercice qu'ils nous ont demandé de faire consistait à "Illustrer l'actualité". Ce fut l'élément déclencheur. J'ai ainsi découvert la grande force du dessin de presse: l'ironie, provenant du fait que l'on utilise un procédé enfantin (le dessin) pour parler de thèmes adultes. Le -6-
Free entry. Bookings online at www.afmelbourne.asn.au
Friday 23 oct
world was changing before our eyes, moment était également important: and fast. nous étions à l'automne 1989, quand le mur de Berlin et le communisme AM: You have published several tout entiers sont tombés. Le monde comics, including "80 jours" and changeait sous nos yeux, à vitesse grand V. recently "Neuf mois". NV: Yes. In the French-speaking world, graphic novels are a real industry, not a subgenre for nerds like it is in the English-speaking world. I'll always need to do political cartoons to connect to the world, and graphic novels to disconnect from it. I use totally different styles and techniques when I make graphic novels for example, as I see them as an artistic testing space. It takes me nearly two years to make a book, so I want to have fun making it, and therefore, try new things.
AM: Vous avez publié plusieurs bandes dessinées, dont « 80 jours » et récemment « Neuf mois ». NV: Oui, dans le monde francophone, la bande dessinée n'est pas considérée comme un sous-genre pour attardés, comme c'est le cas dans le monde anglo-saxon. J'ai toujours besoin de faire du dessin de presse pour me connecter au monde, et de la bande dessinée pour m'en déconnecter. J'ai deux styles totalement différents pour l'un et pour l'autre. J'utilise la BD comme un laboratoire artistique. La réalisation d'un album me prend deux ans environ, donc j'ai besoin de m'amuser, et par conséquent chercher.
AM: Installé à Canberra depuis plusieurs années maintenant, percevez-vous des différences entre journaux francophones et AM: Based in Canberra for several anglo-saxons concernant le rôle years now, do you see differences du dessin de presse ? between French-language and English-language newspapers on NV: Cela fait cinq ans que j'habite the role of the newspaper cartoon? en Australie, et il y a vraiment de très bons dessinateurs de presse, NV: I've lived in Australia for five ici. Pour ce qui est de la presse en years now, but I'm going back to Eu- général, elle est assez différente de rope next year. There are great politi- celle qu'on trouve en Europe. Les cal cartoonists in Australia, really. But Australiens sont des gens pour la the press itself is rather different, as plupart apolitiques, contrairement Australians are quite apolitical, which aux Européens. Le style des dessiisn't the case for most Europeans. nateurs ici est très anglo-saxon, alors Here, cartoonists use a very Anglo- que leurs confrères français ou belges Saxon style. French and Belgian car- sont beaucoup plus influencés par la toonists are much more influenced by bande dessinée européenne, comme European comic culture, such as by Tintin et Astérix. Tintin or Astérix. -7-
Friday 23 oct
AM: As a political cartoonist, what AM: En tant que dessinateur de are your favourite topics? presse, quels sont vos sujets favoris ? NV: I don't have any particular favorite topic. A political cartoonist has NV: Je n'ai pas de sujet favori en to deal with whatever emerges in the particulier. Un dessinateur de presse news, domestic or international, from doit faire avec tout ce qui déboule politics to sport or the arts. But I al- dans l'actualité, qu'elle soit politique, ways try to have a psychological an- sportive ou culturelle, nationale ou gle. For me, all the wars, the fighting internationale. Mais j'essaie toujours for power, etc, happening in the world d'avoir une approche psychologique. are a transposition of our inner psy- Pour moi, toutes les batailles de pouchological conflicts. Take Sarkozy for voir, guerres, etc, autour de nous ne instance: the fact that he has so much sont en fait que des répercussions de power is less interesting than asking nos propres conflits internes. Prenez the question "Why does he feel the Sarkozy, par exemple. Ce n'est pas need to have so much power?". And tant le fait qu'il ait tant de pouvoir then I try to analyse the mirror effect: qui m'intéresse, mais d'essayer de why is society fascinated - in a posi- comprendre pourquoi il estime en tive or negative way - by people who avoir tellement besoin. Et après cela, have - or want - power? j'essaie de m'interroger sur l'effet miroir: pourquoi sommes-nous fascinés - positivement ou négativement - par ces gens qui ont - ou veulent avoir le pouvoir. AM: La chute des ventes dans la presse écrite et parallèlement l’importance apportée aux informations sur internet ont-elles une influence sur votre profession?
AM: Does the parallel drop in written press sales and the impor- NV: Non, pas vraiment. En fait, si tance given to online news sites effets il y a, ils sont positifs : influence your profession? l'information circule tellement vite que les gens ont vraiment besoin NV: Not really, no. Actually, if there's d'analyse, d'images mentales qui any effect, it's a positive one. News vont les faire s'arrêter et réfléchir. items travel the world so fast that C'est là que les dessinateurs de people need analysis and mental presse entrent en scène. Et puis, images that will actually make them les images sont par définition unistop and think for a second. That's verselles, se moquent des frontières, when editorial cartoonists get in the exactement comme internet. Les dicring. Furthermore, images are by def- tateurs détestent autant internet que inition universal, and ignore borders, les dessinateurs de presse. L'autre just like the Internet. For that reason, aspect positif est évidemment techdictators hate both the Internet and nique, puisque je peux travailler avec cartoonists. Another quality is that I la Belgique tout en habitant en Auscan work with Belgium while living in tralie. Australia. -8-
13/02/09: Southeast of Australia is hit by its harshest heatwave in history. More than 200 people die in Victoria, north and east of Melbourne, where temperatures hit 46 degrees.
adult term courses
adult special courses highschool courses
children courses
Alliance Française offers French courses in a friendly and intimate environment, with a class size of between 5 and 14 students. All our teachers are fully qualified, native French speakers who wish to share their passion for the French language and culture. Founded in 1890, the Alliance Française de Melbourne has many years of expertise in teaching. It is the first language school for French in Victoria with more than 3,500 students per year. All our courses are oriented towards conversation, with a special emphasis on communication in real-life situations. Classes are conducted almost entirely in French in order to maximize each student’s opportunity to practice.
We provide a wide range of times and days to help suit your individual commitments. You can choose between Standard Courses (once a week, evening or daytime), Express Courses (Saturday mornings), or one-week Intensive Courses. A wide selection of workshops is also on offer. Our courses are modeled after the Common European Framework standards and conform to the criteria of the DELF and DALF diplomas. Alliance Française is the official examination centre for these internationally-recognised qualifications. Private tuition and corporate courses tailored to your requirements are also available on request. For more information: www.afmelbourne.asn.au
2 hours / week over 10 weeks 4 hours / week over 5 weeks
Beginner Level
Day Mon Tues
2 3 4 5 6
Thur Sat Mon Tues Wed Thur Sat Tues Thur Sat Mon Tue Wed Thur Sat Tues Thur Sat Tues Sat
Time 6.05pm - 8pm 10am - 12pm 8.05pm - 10pm 10am - 12pm 6.05pm - 8pm 10am - 12pm 6.05pm - 8pm 9am - 1pm 2.30pm - 4.30pm 10am - 12pm 6.05pm - 8pm 6.05pm - 8pm 8.05pm - 10pm 10am - 12pm 9am - 1pm 2.30pm - 4.30pm 6.05pm - 8pm 10am - 12pm 6.05pm - 8pm 9am - 1pm 2.30pm - 4.30pm 6.05pm - 8pm 6.05pm - 8pm 10am - 12pm 6.05pm - 8pm 10am - 12pm 6.05pm - 8pm 9am - 1pm 6.05pm - 8pm 6.05pm - 8pm 8.05pm - 10pm 9.00am - 1pm 2.30pm - 4.30pm 6.05pm - 8pm 9am - 1pm (Ses B) 2.30pm - 4.30pm
Intermediate Level
1 2 3 4 5 6
Day Time Mon 6.05pm - 8pm Tues 10am - 12pm Sat 9am - 1pm (Ses A) Mon 6.05pm - 8pm Tues 10am - 12pm Sat 9am - 1pm (Ses B) Mon 6.05pm - 8pm Tues 10am - 12pm Sat 9am - 1pm Tues 6.05pm - 8pm Sat 9am - 1pm Tues 6.05pm - 8pm Sat 9am - 1pm 10am - 12pm Wed 6.05pm - 8pm Sat 9am - 1pm (Ses B)
Advanced Level 1 2 3 5
Day Time Wed 6.05pm - 8pm Thurs 10am - 12pm Sat 9am - 1pm (Ses A) Thur 6.05pm - 8pm Wed 6.05pm - 8pm
Adult Term Courses 5 oct > 15 dec 2009 $310 - C/$280
Language classes at Alliance Française cover 3 levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Each level comprises six 20-hour sessions.
Beginner At the end of Beginner 6, you will be able to hold simple conversations, to exchange information about yourself and others, and to interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly. Students at this level can also choose a “French for Travellers” Course if you wish to travel to a French-speaking country and are looking for a basic knowledge of the language.
Intermediate At the end of Intermediate 6, you will be comfortable communicating in French on informal matters and you will be able to express yourself efficiently whilst traveling in a French-speaking country (e.g. basic personal information, shopping, local geography…)
Advanced At the end of Advanced 6, you will use complex sentences and understand authentic documents. You will be able to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. Additionally, conversation and civilisation courses are offered for Advanced students (see Adult Special Courses). - 10 -
Literature and new Creative Writing
Adult Special Courses
Thurs 6.30pm > 8.30pm > Advanced Study French poems and novels, focusing on literary techniques and take part in simple creative exercises.
Pronunciation Workshop new Mon 6.05pm > 8.00pm > from Beginner 3 Work on 'liaisons' between words, rhythm, accent and intonation.
Delf & Dalf preparation new
Wed 6.05pm > 8.00pm > Advanced Want to get formal proof of your level in French? This preparation course will help you familiarize with the structure and general content of the examinations (cefr B2 & C1). > Next DELF & DALF session: 2-14 November 2009. Registration closing date: 17 Oct 09 at 4:30 pm
5 oct > 15 dec 2009 $317 - C/$286
French for traveller
Thurs 6.05pm - 8pm Sat 2.30pm-4.30pm > Complete Beginners If you’re planning a holiday to France, you’ll need to know some basic French to survive! Learn how to ask for directions, to order a ‘café au lait’, plus insider’s tips on what to visit and where to eat.
Current Affairs
Conversation & Grammar
Mon 10am > 12pm > Advanced Thurs 10am > 12pm / 6.05pm > 8pm Sat 9am > 1pm (Session A) Practice your French and participate in a vibrant discussion while dealing with the more complex grammatical structures.
Sat 10.00am-1.00pm (Session A) > Advanced Contribute to the Podcast of the Alliance Française de Melbourne! Learn more about French culture and current affairs, while perfecting your pronunciation and speaking skills.
Private Tuition
We can arrange private lessons for adults, children, individuals and small groups. Lessons may be held at the Alliance Française, or at a location more convenient for you.
Art, History & Culture
Soirée du mardi
Tues 6.05pm > 8pm > Advanced You will discuss various topics related to art, culture, and history in a friendly atmosphere where everyone is encou raged to participate. - 11 -
Wed 10am > 12pm > Advanced Debate on the latest news from the French-speaking world, with the help of press articles and TV programs.
Tues 6.30pm > 8 pm > All levels $16 / $13 for students or members Enjoy French conversation on Tuesday evenings in a relaxed atmosphere, with a glass of wine and a taste of cheese.
5o ct
>1 5d ec 2
Hi Sc gh Ch ho Co ild ol ur re an se n d s High School Courses Class ADO 1
Day Time Tue 4.30pm - 6pm
Mon 4.30pm - 6pm
Wed 4.30pm - 6pm
Thur 4.30pm - 6pm
Advanced Conversation
4pm - 5.30pm
VCE Units Wed 4.30pm - 6pm 1&2 VCE Units Tue 4.30pm - 6pm 3&4 Drama Workshop For Year 9 to 12 Sat 2.30 - 4.30pm Student
Children Courses Class Day Time Children1 Mon 4.30pm - 6pm Children1* Sat 10 - 11.30am Children2 Tue 4.30pm - 6pm Children3 Thur 4.30pm - 6pm Enfants Francophones
Fri 4pm - 5.30pm
High School Students Courses $237 - 1 hour 30 min a week over ten weeks
Alliance Française offers courses to help build confidence and ability in both spoken and written skills. Whether you’re preparing for VCE, IB, or just love the language, there is a course designed for you! This term, participate to our Short Story Competition (P.15).
Children Courses
$200 - 1 hour 30 min a week over eight weeks Alliance Française has many years of experience working with children. We offer your child the possibility of evolving through different 3 levels. From Beginners to Advanced, our programs provide fun, hands-on activities to create an enjoyable yet effective learning experience. Special courses are also available for bilingual children who have lived in France or have a French-speaking parent.
School visits Eildon Mansion, home to the Alliance Française de Melbourne, has many things to offer students with an interest in all things French. For 2 hours, groups of 30 students maximum will participate in a theme-based workshop and take a tour of our building and its resource centre. Designed for students from Year 7 to 12, these workshops cover the school curriculums and the VCE Detailed Study subjects such as La Belle Époque, l’environnement, l’immigration, etc. Other topics may be requested, and an optional French breakfast or Buffet Campagnard (country style) can be organised at extra cost. Cost: $17 per student attending, with a 5% discount for schools with Alliance Française membership. Accompanying teachers are of no extra cost. - 12 -
m m E En nr ro r m E n Fo For orm rm m E t F o r en nt t F Fo m e n t lm e en ro rolm lm o En nr m mE or
Sessions Adults
High School Students I have completed.......year(s) of French / Year: ......... Children Class: ............................................................................................. Day and time: ................................................................................. Surname: ....................................................................................... Given Name: ................................................................................. Address: ........................................................................................ ......................................................................................... Suburb: .......................................................................................... Postcode: ....................................................................................... Phone: ...........................................................................................
Contact us
Email: ............................................................................................. □ Cheque □ Cash □ EFTPOS Payment by: □ MasterCard □ Bankcard □ Visa
Alliance Française de melbourne 51 Grey Street, 3182 St Kilda Vic Australia or PO Box 2042, 3182 St Kilda West
N° __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ Expires: ____ / ____ Name of cardholder: ........................................................................
□ I have read and understood the conditions overleaf Total Amount: $..........................Date and Signature:
Tel : (03) 9525 3463 Fax : (03) 9525 5064 info@afmelbourne.asn.au www.afmelbourne.asn.au
Please send form to Alliance Française de Melbourne PO Box 2042, 3182 St Kilda West
y re
G y re
cl A
Barkly St
St roy Fitz
How to find us
Melway: 58 A9 Trams: 16, 96, Fitzroy Street 3, 5, 64, 67 St Kilda Junction (3, 64, 67 Alma Road) Carpark available
Mon - Thu 9.00 am to 8.30 pm Fri 9.00 am to 6.00 pm Sat 9.00 am to 4.30 pm
K St
St roy Fitz
Office hours
Enrolment is not confirmed unless payment is made in full before the first lesson of the session. Any student who has paid for a course and who withdraws at least 5 working days prior to the commencement of that course will be entitled to a refund less a 20% processing fee. Application for a refund must be addressed in writing to the Director. The Alliance Française cannot be held responsible for students’ changes in work commitments or personal circumstances. Please note that fees cannot be refunded or transferred if a student cancels his/her enrolment less than 5 working days prior to the commencement of that course or once the term has started. Course fees cannot be transferred to private lessons. Fees do not include textbooks unless otherwise specified. All prices are inclusive of GST.
The Alliance Française reserves the right to cancel or reorganise classes. Minimum class size is 5. For classes with 4 students, the course fee remains the same but the duration of the course is reduced. (36h courses are reduced to 27h, 24h courses to 18h, 21h courses to 15h45, 20h courses to 15h, 18h courses to 13h30, 15h courses to 12h). The smaller class size allows more personal attention and the course program remains identical and will be covered at a faster pace. If a fifth student enrols, the class duration will return to normal. In the case of cancellation students may request a transfer to another class, a credit note or a full refund of fees paid. Please note: classes will not be held on Victorian public holidays but will be rescheduled to a suitable time within the session. - 14 -
short story competition
La nouvelle est un texte bref. Alors la pointe sèche évite la sècheresse. Un rêve passe, La brièveté est affaire de l’émotion s’y fait entendre, nerfs, et de muscles exacts. Do you like writing? Ecrire d’abord. Puis en sourdine. Point d’autre Participate to the supprimer. Condenser. secret que la morsure du "Prix du Jeune Réécrire. Gommer. Corriger trait. Ecrivain de Langue l’excès. S’arrêter quand il L’idéal : que le texte de la nouvelle se mette à travailln’y a plus rien à ôter. Par Française" ! crainte d’être bavard, gratter er le lecteur, insidieusement. C’est-à-dire que le texte trala phrase jusqu’à l’os. Dire le vaille, et reste en bouche moins pour suggérer le plus. Lorsque c’est réussi, le texte longtemps après la lecture. Que, malgré le mot " fin ", a la clarté d’une gravure on ne l’oublie pas, à la fin. sur cuivre : la franchise, la Que la nouvelle fasse son précision et l’audace d’un petit travail de nouvelle, en premier jet, sans qu’y apparaisse le moindre repentir. somme. Le trait mord. Jean-Noël Blanc
Young French-language Writer’s Prize Terms of participation
This competition is aimed at young writers aged 15 to 26, of unpublished prose works between 5 and 20 pages long (in short story, tale, or narrative account form. 1500 words per page, spaces not included). They may be published by
the Alliance française de Melbourne on its website. Texts which meet admission criteria will be forwarded to the jury of the Prize, a competition organised with the support of the International Organisation of the Francophonie.
Numerous prizes to be won: a trip to France, writing workshops, book prizes, publication of prize texts. Texts should be sent by December 4th 2009 to: education@afmelbourne.asn.au
Starring Gérard Depardieu
Starring Audrey Tautou
Directed by Claude Berri Directed by Claude LeLouch Directed by Marcel Carné
04 nov 12 June>>10 03dec July09
Richard Wallace
Foreign Fields from 12 nov to 10 dec 09 opening: Thurs 12 nov at 6.00 pm
“I am interested in the texture and substance of living matter. I try to get under the skin of what I am painting and to do this I have abandoned the brush and use my hands to manipulate pigments into the grain of whatever material I am using. Whereas most artists strive to deny the accident in their work I am concerned with preserving and incorporating these chance encounters as they choose to manifest themselves. This is also why I use the “wrong” side or unprimed surface of the canvas as a means of capturing mistakes. Mistakes reveal truths and meaning. Without them things would be flat and perfect. And imperfections are supremely revealing and illuminating.....”
Richard Wallace is a graduate of the Australian National University where he received a scholarship and completed an Honours degree in Fine Arts. His work has been exhibited at various group exhibitions in Australia and also resides in private collections in the United States, Australia and Singapore.
Richard has spent the past four years studying and exhibiting in France and in 2008 became the first Australian artist to be granted a solo exhibition at the prestigious Chateau Villandry in the Loire Valley. The exhibition, which runs from March through to May 2010 will be seen by over a million visitors and is themed as a celebration of the Chateau’s famous renaissance gardens. - 16 -
Dark Lemon © Richard Wallace
exhibition conference
Dennis Hopper an
o wo
ly l w ho ewholl n yw e th o ne
from 12 Nov 09 to 07 February 10 Australian Centre for the Moving Image Curated and produced by the Cinémathèque Française Dennis Hopper is a brilliant dabbler. Hopper’s whole life has been spanned and crossed by various experiences, artistic but also fundamental, putting him in the middle of Hollywood and America’s major cultural upheavals during almost fifty years. A first-rate photographer, painter and collector, a legendary actor, independent director and television series actor, he has become an icon of American counterculture, and spatial crossing, following his directorial debut Easy Rider, released in 1969.
La Nouvelle Vague et ses influences sur le cinéma français contemporain Thu 29 Oct 09 at 7 pm
Venue: Alliance Française. Cinémathèque française curator Mathieu Orléan will be in Melbourne as part of ACMI exhibition. He has accepted the Alliance Française’s invitation to deliver a public lecture (in French) on the influence of the The goal of this exhibition, cu- New Wave on modern French rated and produced by the cinema. Not to be missed. Cinémathèque française, is to Free entry. enable wider appreciation of Bookings online at this aspect to Hopper’s perso- www.afmelbourne.asn.au nality - an artist and art collector, eyewitness and privileged with the support of: protagonist in one of the most stimulating aesthetic adventures of the last four or five decades. In the 1960s, a new generation of Hollywood filmmakers changed the face of American cinema with the content, marketing consumption and distribution of films revolutionised. This was the "New Hollywood".
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music THu 8 oct & thu 5 nov 09
Jeudi Jazzy The New Impromptu Quartet
with Alexander Nettelbeck, Khari Cabral Simmons and Ben Kosi Karsay.
Thu 8 Oct 09 & Thu 5 nov 09 at 8pm Tickets $15 Alliance Française de Melbourne now hosts a jazz concert on the first Thursday of each month in the Alliance building's cellar. With its rustic charm and intimate atmosphere, the cellar is the ideal place for this event, where the jazzy mood can take over. Starting out as a core group of musicians with backgrounds in Jazz, Latin, Soul and Contemporary, the New Impromptu Quartet is expanding its repertoire into new musical horizons. The group's members bring their diverse experience as performers, composers and producers to the project. Moving between instrumental and vocal music, the band is always open to collaboration in a spirit of improvisation.
Jeudi Jazzy on the first
Thursday evening of each month
The band performs a 45 to 90 minute set of Jazz, Latin, Soul and Contemporary standards alongside their own original compositions.
Alexander Nettelbeck
- Piano Pianist, keyboardist, composer and producer, Alexander has recorded and performed in Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Asia with a wide variety of artists. Alexander’s original compositions have featured in dance, theatre, film and television productions.
Khari Cabral Simmons
- Bass Khari began studying music at Morehouse College in Atlanta (Unites States) and joined India - 18 -
Arie on her first tour in 2001. He headlined for Sade during her Lover's Rock Tour and continued playing for India Arie as well as doing US and European tours with acclaimed trumpetplayer Russell Gunn.
Ben Kosi Karsay
- Drums Ben is a dynamic and original drummer. His love of Soul and authentic Rhythm and Blues is evident in his interpretation of contemporary Jazz numbers. Bookings online at www.afmelbourne.asn.au
Thu 26 Nov 09
Fiona Thorn sings Boris Vian
Autref o pour f is a On pa ire sa cour rlait d'amo ur Pour m i prouve eux r ardeu son r On off r son coe ait ur Aujour d c'est p 'hui, lu pareil s Ça ch an ça cha ge, n Pour s ge é le che duire r ange On lui g à l'or lisse ei (Séd lle u Ah ? Gcteur : udule !)
Thu 26 Nov 09 at 7.00pm
venue: Alliance française TicketS: $20 / $10 AF Members Alliance Française de Melbourne is pleased to present Fiona Thorn in concert on Thursday 26 November 2009 at 7.00pm. Fiona will sing some of French singer Boris Vian's most famous songs with this year marking the 50th anniversary if his death. She will perform two 30-minute sets with her band, composed of a pianist and a drummer.
Fiona Thorn
Fiona Thorn has performed widely in the U.K. (London's Bloomsbury Theatre, Edinburgh Fringe Festival), and around Australia (Sydney Opera House, Adelaide Cabaret Festival and the Spiegeltent). An accomplished songwriter and performer, she has been nominated for 5 Green Room Awards. She will be joined by Musical Director John Thorn and drummer Jeremy Hopkins.
Boris Vian
Boris Vian was a French polymath: writer, poet, musician, singer, translator, critic, actor, inventor and engineer. He is best remembered for novels such as L’Écume des jours and L'Arrache-cœur. He is also known for highly controversial "criminal" fiction released under the pseudonym Vernon Sullivan and some of his songs (particularly the anti-war Le Déserteur). Vian was fascinated with jazz: he served as liaison for, among others, Duke Ellington and Miles Davis in Paris. He wrote for several French jazz-reviews. Bookings online at www.afmelbourne.asn.au
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cinema 9 - 30 november 09
mois du f ilm documentaire J.M.G. Le Clezio
mon 9 nov 09 / 7pm
Elle s’appelle Sabine Mon 23 Nov 09 / 7pm
Directed by Jacques Malaterre. Directed by Sandrine Bonnaire Duration: 49 mins. Duration: 85 mins. Predictably, this encounter with 2008 Nobel Prizewinner for Literature Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio focusses on the ‘elsewhere’ theme and the equivalence between travel and writing. There is the fantasy ‘elsewhere’ of Mauritius, birthplace of the writer’s family, and the genuine, lived ‘elsewhere’ of Le Clézio’s childhood Africa, but above all, there is Mexico, where in 1968 he discovers “a world that measures up to his dreams”.
A touching portrait of 38-year old austistic person Sabine Bonnaire, directed by her sister. Her story is related through the archival footage her actress sister filmed over a 25-year period, ending with an account of her life today in respite care. The documentary paints the portrait of a lovable person, whose personal growth and many talents were crushed by a failing healthcare system.
Trapapipa Crew, wild but wise
Mon 30 Nov 09 / 7pm Directed by Celia Furt Duration: 8 mins.
Two young French couples and a German man travel around Australia. Ophélie and Cédric, Rodolph and Charlene gave up their lives in France to travel around the world. First stopover-Australia. Gerd, a 30 year old from Germany took a break and came to Melbourne. What do they think about Australia? Why did they come so far? Documentary followed by Q&A with Celia Furt.
Each year during the month of November, the French cultural network abroad and its partners organize screenings, meetings and debates around documentary filmmaking. Venue: Alliance Française de melbourne Free entry. Bookings online at www.afmelbourne.asn.au - 20 -
with the support of:
16 - 17 november
Henry Padovani From the screen to the stage
Rock'n'Roll of Corse
live concert
Directed by Lionel Guedj Duration: 102 mins Venue: acmi Full $13, Concession $10
Venue: Corner Hotel $20 with Booking or Door entry price as $20 for AF Members/Card Holders or $25.
monday 16 nov 2009 7 pm
Rock’n’roll Of Corse is a stirring new documentary tracing the amazing life and artistry of guitarist Henry Padovani, directed by artist and iconoclast Lionel Guedj. Padovani arrived in London from Corsica as a twenty-four-year-old in December 1976, planning to stay for only a few days – but he was destined to never leave. His life has borne witness to a revolutionary period in music - led by the Punk movement where Padovani immersed himself in the heart of the alternative scene and began to mix with some of the biggest artists of the time. The original guitarist for The Police, Padovani went on to work with Steward Copeland, Zucchero (who he also manages), The Clash, The Sex Pistols, The Who and R.E.M. among many others. He has shared his life with those who wrote the history of Rock. And in Rock’n’roll Of Corse, he finally tells his own. Bookings online at www.acmi.net.au or by phone on 03 8663 2583
tuesday 17 nov 2009 at 7.30pm
Known as “The Corsican” in London in the late 1970s, Henry Padovani is a sharp and great Rock – Blues guitar player who formed The Police with Sting and Stewart Copeland in January 1977. But after a short venture as a quartet, following the arrival of Andy Summer, Henry split to join several other bands and then set up The Flying Padovani’s until 1984. Padovani strapped on the guitar again after several years in 2002 and began to write music again for some acclaimed French films. After 25 years, Henry decided to go back on stage…. Bookings at the Corner Box Office (12-8 Mon-Sat) 57 Swan St - Richmond Bookings online at www.cornerhotel.com or by phone on 9427 9198
with the support of:
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event friday 20 nov 09
Beaujolais Nouveau time!
Bookings essential
Bookings online at www.afmelbourne.asn.au
Friday 20 Nov 09 7pm to 10pm Venue: Alliance française
Tickets: $25 AF Members & Students $35 Non-Members Every year the first taste of the new wine harvest is eagerly anticipated in France and around the world. Parties are held, bottles are uncorked and the first sips of Beaujolais Nouveau are savoured. But since this is a young wine, let's not get too serious and let's have some fun. Come along to our “Cabaret Style” Beaujolais Nouveau 2009 degustation and enjoy a French country-style buffet with great live music! Entry includes two glasses of Beaujolais Nouveau, French country-style buffet and live music!
le Beaujolais Nouveau Beaujolais nouveau is a red wine made from Gamay grapes produced in the Beaujolais region of France. It is the most popular vin de primeur, fermented for just a few weeks then officially released for sale on the third Thursday of
November. The grapes must come from the Beaujolais AOC, but grapes from the ten "cru" appellations are excluded. By law, all grapes in the region must be harvested by hand.
On a discovery of the wines of France (in English) The Alliance Française de Melbourne invites you on a 3-week discovery tour of French wines and grape varieties. Gilles Lapalus, a French winemaker will conduct these tasting workshops. Elaboration & tasting techniques, consumption, gastronomy, and culture are just some of the aspects to be covered by Gilles during these 3-week rendezvous’.
Stage 1: 28 Oct: Champagne Stage 2: 11 Nov: Jura/Savoie Stage 3: 18 Nov: Languedoc-Roussillon
Cost of the workshops: $250 for 3 weeks Time: from 6.30pm to 8.00pm Venue: Alliance Française de Melbourne Bookings online at www.afmelbourne.asn.au or tel: 9525 3463. Registration closing date: Friday 23 October
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