Le Magazine de l’Alliance Française de Melbourne dec-jan-feb 11
love journeys
18 jan > 6 feb 2011 melbourne salon 2011 course guide
L’été arrive avec ses longues journées ensoleillées et ses festivités. Rendezvous les 11 et 12 décembre pour le marché de Noël de l’Alliance qui est aussi un week-end portes ouvertes où l’apprentissage du français sera à l’honneur. Nouveaux ateliers, nouveaux rythmes de cours : en 2011, nous souhaitons répondre à toutes vos attentes et vous voir de plus en plus nombreux parmi nous ! En janvier et février prochain, les festivals de Midsumma et de St Kilda inscrivent l’Alliance française au cœur de leur programmation avec deux expositions - dans nos locaux - où tolérance et respect de la différence seront les maîtres mots. Sans oublier le point fort des échanges franco-australiens, le Salon de Melbourne, et les désormais incontournables Jeudi Jazzy. Alice Gauny Bonnes fêtes à tous ! Deputy Director
With its long sunlit days and festivities, summer has arrived. On 11-12 December, join the fun at the Alliance’s Christmas Market and Open Day, where the learning of French will have pride of place. In 2011, with new workshops and new course rhythms, we wish to fulfill all your expectations and see you with us in increasing numbers! This January and February, the Midsumma and St Kilda Festivals place the Alliance Française at the centre of their program with two exhibitions – in our spaces – where the guiding principles are tolerance and respect of differences. We also host the high point in French-Australian exchanges, the Melbourne Salon, and the must-see monthly Jeudi Jazzy. Happy festive season to all! Patrice Pauc Director
P.4>5 P.6>8 P.9>16 p.17 p.18 P.19 P.20 P.21
News Julien Leyre Interview Course Guide Celebrate Exhibition Jeudi Jazzy Xmas Market & Open Day Melbourne Salon Play-Reading
December 2010 - January - February 2011 Issue Cover: photo by PuiYing Joy Chung Editor: Patrice Pauc Editorial Contributions: Patrice Pauc, Françoise Libotte, Aurélie Pierre, Alice Gauny. Translation: Léuli Eshraghi. Design & Layout: Mathieu Vendeville. Printed by Worldwide Online Printing
Printed on 100% recycled paper.
Alliance Magazine is published by the Alliance Française de Melbourne, 51 Grey Street, ST KILDA, VICTORIA 3182, AUSTRALIA Tel: (61-3) 9525 3463 / Fax: (61-3) 9525 5064. e-mail: info@afmelbourne.com.au www.afmelbourne.com.au
So far as lawfully possible the Alliance française de Melbourne and its management and staff accepts no responsibility for or in relation to the contents whether express or implied of any advertisement appearing in this magazine nor for the safety, quality, or accuracy of any premises, goods, services or information referred to therein.
translated An Interactive Festival of Literary Translation
February 7–12th, 2011 The Wheeler Centre, Melbourne
COVETABLES Snippets, trinkets and truffles from the South of France Covetables is a new book and greeting card range based on a French adventure. In 2008, former Alliance Française students, Lisa and Pete Johnson, packed up their lives and moved to a farmhouse in the south of France. They lived in a small village called Champagnac de Belair. Lisa documented their journey with whimsical stories and curious photographic images that share the rich beauty of small yet covetable details of daily life in the French countryside. The stories begin in spring and wander through the seasons to winter. Experience the splendour of France with a Covetables Gift Pack, featuring the gorgeous cloth-bound book and the complete range of greeting cards. Each gift pack is valued at $113. The Covetables book and greeting card range is available from booksellers and gift stores across Australia. To look inside the book and learn more about the Covetables range visit: www.covetables.com.au
For Current MembersAnd Students
For your chance to Win 1 of 4 Covetables gift packs, be one of the first to email us on Friday 17 December 2010 at 10am with subject line: “Covetables”, with your full name, class attended/or membership No at: info@afmelbourne.com.au
This innovative event combines a week-long residential program of hands-on translation practice with a number of public events.
2010 (107 mins) 7 > 12 Feb 2011 Directed by Marc Fitoussi
Translated! will provide a unique opportunity for translators and creative writers to work together in french, german & spanish groups and learn from one another as well to interact with publishers, editors, reviewers and academics.
An Interactive Festival of Literary One of France’s most acclaimed Translation presented by Monash actresses unearths her consi- University in association with derable comedic talents in the AALITRA and The Wheeler Centre. delightful film COPACABANA. Isabelle Huppert is Babou, the Translated! will provide a stimuultimate free spirit, an unem- lating opportunity for translators ployed single mother living in and writers to work together and the north of France who dreams learn from one another as well as of going to Brazil. When her by- from publishers, editors and acathe-book daughter Esmeralda demics. announces that she is getting married, and that she is too The Festival, primarily aimed at ashamed of her own mother to early- to mid-career translators, invite her to the wedding, Babou will involve a week-long residendecides to make some changes. tial program of hands-on translaShe takes a dubious job selling tion practice, where workshops time-share apartments during comprising 10–15 participants the off-season at the Belgian will be led by an expert translator seaside, and surprises everyone and organised into three groups: in this surreal environment by French–English (mono-directionbecoming the model employee. al); Spanish–English (mono-diBut Babou inevitably gets in the rectional); and German–English / way of her own success, and English–German (bi-directional). For more information visit: http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/translation-interpreting/translated.php
school of languages, cultures & linguistics translation studies
must decide how to remain true to her unique self while at the same time winning back the love and respect of her daughter. Tinged with Samba-influenced music, this bittersweet comedy features a truly memorable performance from Isabelle Huppert, teamed on screen for the first time with her real-life daughter, Lolita Chammah. Release date: 25 November 2010
Public sessions in the afternoons and evenings will supplement the main workshops during the week, giving the public an insight into various aspects of the literary translation industry, through exciting and stimulating discussions. For more details and to apply for the program, see: www.arts.monash.edu.au/
De Paris à Melbourne exclusivement ... Soyez séduit par les femmes fatales de Gustave Moreau.
10 DÉCEMBRE 2010 – 10 AVRIL 2011
03 8620 2222 ngv.vic.gov.au
Exposition organisée avec le Musée Gustave Moreau, Paris Principal Sponsor
Gustave Moreau The sirens (detail) Musée Gustave Moreau (Inv. 13957) © Photo RMN – Christian Jean
18 jan > 6 feb 2011
Love Journeys
© PuiYing Joy Chung, Julien Leyre
Five queer couples open their doors and share the stories of their migration to Australia in this mixed-media, text and photograph exhibition: an interview with julien leyre, project coordinator.
How did you come up with the idea for the "Love Journeys" exhibition which will be presented as part of the Midsumma Festival this January?
Comment est née l'idée de l'exposition "Love Journeys" qui sera présentée dans le cadre du festival Midsumma en janvier prochain ?
Well, first, it’s an exhibition about me: I migrated to Australia about two years ago with my partner Philip. The exhibition presents five similar stories. But it’s not only that. Originally, there was a surprise: when I applied for a visa, Philip and I had to tell our story together and describe our relationship on paper. It’s one of the necessary pieces of evidence for the application. Since there is no official contract – no recognised gay marriage in Australia – the government has to base itself on this ‘couple narrative’, among other things, to establish that a relationship
C’est d’abord une exposition sur moi : j’ai immigré en Australie il y a à peu près deux ans pour y vivre avec mon partenaire, Philip. L’exposition présente cinq histoires similaires. Mais ce n’est pas seulement ça. A la base, il y a un étonnement : quand j’ai fait ma demande de visa, il a fallu que Philip et moi racontions notre histoire et décrivions notre relation par écrit. C’est une des pièces nécessaires au dossier. En l’absence de contrat – pas de mariage gay reconnu en Australie – les autorités se fondent, entre autres, sur le récit pour établir l’authenticité -6-
Exhibition Love Journeys 18 Jan to 6 Feb Opening Tue 18 Jan 2011 at 6.30 pm Venue Alliance Française Eildon Gallery 51 Grey Sreet St Kilda Photos PuiYing Joy Chung Concept and text: Julien Leyre Set-up Keanyen Chin Graphic Design HBD studio.
18 jan > 6 feb 2011 is authentic. As a writer and a linguist, that got me thinking. And then, beneath the surface, I think I’m also questioning this change whereby being in a couple has become a sort of new homosexual norm, and what the consequences are in terms of self-narration.
d’une relation. En tant qu’écrivain et linguiste, ça m’a interpellé. Et puis en filigrane, je crois que j’interroge aussi cette évolution qui fait que le couple est devenu une sorte de nouvelle norme homosexuelle, et ce que ça entraîne en termes de récit de soi.
Australia is a land of immigration, so L'Australie est une terre d'immigration. sexual orientation can also be the L'orientation sexuelle peut aussi être reason for arriving in this country. la raison d'une arrivée dans ce pays. Overall, Australia is very open to samesex couples, more than France in any
Globalement, l’Australie est un pays très ouvert aux couples de même sexe, plus que la France en tous cas. Mais les migrants homosexuels ne viennent pas seulement ici pour suivre un beau surfer. J’ai beaucoup d’amis originaires d’Asie du Sud Est qui se sont installés en Australie parce qu’ils ne pouvaient pas vivre librement comme homosexuels case. But homosexual migrants don’t dans leurs pays d’origine. Et puis il y a only come here following hot surfers. I un petit nombre de réfugiés qui viennent have many friends from South-East Asia pour fuir des sociétés très répressives, who settled in Australia because they notamment des pays du Moyen-Orient could not live freely as homosexuals in ou d’Afrique, où l’homosexualité est their home country. And then, there is a punie de mort ou de lourdes peines de small number of refugees, mostly from prison. Malheureusement, je ne crois Middle-Eastern and African countries pas que le pays leur soit aussi ouvert who flee very repressive societies qu’aux couples de notre exposition. where homosexuality is punished by death or very heavy prison sentences. A-t-il été facile de convaincre des Unfortunately, I’m not certain that couples de se laisser photographier Australia is as open to them as to the et de témoigner de leur propre expérience ? couples in our exhibition. Was it easy to convince couples to Optimiste, j’imaginais que nous allions let themselves be photographed and devoir faire une sorte de casting. Au final, nous avons trouvé tout juste cinq attest to their own experience? couples prêts à participer. Mais tous Optimistically, I first thought we’d have ont été particulièrement ouverts et to run a sort of casting. In the end, généreux. Ils ont aussi des histoires we found only five couples that were suffisamment différentes pour susciter ready to take part. But all have been l’intérêt du public, j’espère. very open and generous. Hopefully, Je regrette seulement que certains their stories are also varied enough to profils soient absents. J’aurais aimé notamment interviewer des migrants sustain the public’s interest. I only regret that some profiles are d’Asie de l’Est ou du Sud-Est, assez missing. I would have liked to interview nombreux à Melbourne. J’aurais aimé migrants from East or South-East Asia aussi interviewer des couples plus who are very numerous in Melbourne. âgés, et des couples avec enfants. Il -7-
exhibition I would have also liked to interview older couples, or couples with children. There is a great deal of variety among homosexual couples, including migrant ones, which is not entirely reflected in the exhibition. What would a perfect world look like?
This project has been assisted by the City of Port Phillip through the Cultural Development Fund.
When I think about the causes and motives of what I observe around me, I always try not to forget socio-economic factors, and I’m wary of interpreting things within exclusively ethnic or cultural frameworks. All of the couples I interviewed are university educated, and all are at least relatively well-off. There is a reason for that: applying for a visa costs between 1000 and 2000 dollars just in administrative fees. The total cost of a migration to Australia can go up to a lot more than that. Not everyone has enough savings. In a perfect world, love journeys would not be for the rich only.
y a une très grande variété de couples homosexuels, y compris parmi les migrants, qui n’est pas totalement reflétée dans l’exposition. A quoi ressemblerait un monde parfait ? Quand je m’interroge sur l’état du monde, j’essaie toujours de ne pas perdre de vue les bases socioéconomiques – un vieux fonds marxiste – au profit d’interprétations seulement ethniques ou culturelles. Tous les couples que j’ai interviewé, ont un profil bac+3 bac +5, et sont tous relativement aisés, sinon plus. Il y a sans doute une raison à ça : postuler pour un visa coûte entre 1000 et 2000 dollars rien qu’en frais de dossier. Dans un monde parfait, les histoires d’amour migratoires ne seraient pas un privilège de riches.
mas intensive Program Highlights courses ui g e
u co
13 dec >17 dec 2010
2 hours a day over 5 days This is the ideal workshop to re-use your basic knowledge of French and be able to communicate in real-life situations through role-playing. For Beginners 4 to Beginners 6 only.
2 hours a day over 5 days In this class, you will work on authentic material such as "Bien-Dire" magazine which will stimulate discussions on a variety of different topics.
2 hours a day over 5 days The best workshop to explore French and Francophone societies through different topics such as culture, the arts, literature and politics.
new! YUMMY FRENCH RECIPES - $250/(c)$220*
3 hours a day over 3 days – Conducted in english Leave the Christmas pudding behind: come and spend a delicious time with us! Thanks to chef Sandra Bernard (chateaucuisine.com.au) you will learn about French art de vivre and cook special Christmas recipes. Au menu: Coquille St Jacques sauce Mornay, Canard aux framboises and Charlotte au chocolat. Yum!!
High School Students
SPEAKING WORKSHOP - $125 (for students starting units 3&4 in 2011)
1.5 hours a day over 5 days This workshop is ideal if you want to improve your conversational skills and feel more comfortable to start next year!
new! FRENCH IS FUN (6 TO 10 years old) - $160
1.5 hours a day over 5 days In this workshop, children will practice French whilst having fun! Hands-on and playful activities will be organised throughout the week as youngsters get ready for Santa. Don’t miss out! * if one of your friends enrol as well. -9-
Adults Beginner Courses A 15-hour Intensive Course Class Day Time Mon to 10am-1pm Beginner 1 6pm-9pm Fri Mon to Beginner 2 6pm-9pm Fri Mon to Beginner 3 6pm-9pm Fri Conversation Courses A 10-hour Intensive Course Class Day Time Speaking 10am-12pm Workshop Mon to for Fri 6pm-8pm Beginners Intermediate Mon to 10am-12pm ConversaFri 6pm-8pm tion Advanced Mon to 10am-12pm ConversaFri 6pm-8pm tion Yummy French Recipes A 9-hour workshop Class Day Time Yummy Mon, 10amFrench Wed 1pm Recipes & Fri
High School Students Conversation Courses A 7.5-hour Intensive Course Class Day Time Speaking Mon 4.30pmWorkshop to Fri 6pm VCE Units 1&2 Year 7 to Year 10 A 7.5-hour Intensive Course Class Day Time Int 1 - 1st year Mon 4.30pmof French to Fri 6pm Int 2 - 2nd year Mon 4.30pmof French to Fri 6pm Int 3 - 3rd year Mon 4.30pmof French to Fri 6pm Int 4 - 4th year Mon 4.30pmof French to Fri 6pm
French is fun (Grades 4 to 6) A 7.5-hour Intensive Course Class Day Time French Mon 4.30pmPlaygroup to Fri 6pm
Adults Beginner courses A 18-hour course Class Day Beginner 1 Beginner 2 Beginner 3 Beginner 4 Beginner 5 Beginner 6
Wed & Fri Wed & Fri Wed & Fri Mon & Thu Mon & Thu Mon & Thu
10am-1pm 6pm-9pm 10am-1pm 6pm-9pm 10am-1pm 6pm-9pm 6-9pm 6-9pm 6-9pm
Conversation courses A 15-hour course
Speaking Mon, 10am12.30pm workshop for Wed beginners & Fri 6pm-8.30pm Mon, 10am12.30pm Intermediate Wed Conversation 6pm-8.30pm & Fri Mon, 10am12.30pm Advanced Wed Conversation & Fri 6pm-8.30pm
Adult intensive courses A 15-hour course Beginner 1 Beginner 2 French for Travellers
Mon to Fri Mon to Fri Mon to Fri
10am-1pm 6pm-9pm 10am-1pm 6pm-9pm 6pm-9pm
Adult pronunciation workshop A 10-hour course from Mon to Beginner 3 Fri from Mon to Intermediate 1 Fri
6pm-8pm 6pm-8pm
High School Students Year 7 to 10 A 12-hour course Class Day
INT 1- Complete Beginners
3pm 5 pm
INT 2 - Starting second year of French INT 3 - Starting third year of French INT 4 - Starting fourth year of French
Mon, Wed & Fri Mon, Wed & Fri Mon, Wed & Fri Mon, Wed & Fri
3pm 5 pm 3pm 5 pm 3pm 5 pm
Special VCE & IB Preparation A 12-hour course VCE Units 1&2 VCE Units 3&4 IB preparation
Tues, Thu Tues, Thu Tues, Thu
10am 1pm 2pm -5pm 10am 1pm
Summer Classes january 2011
BEGINNER 1 TO 6 - $306/(c)$276 1
3 hours a day, 2 days a week, over 3 weeks Starting 5 January
conversation WORKSHOPs - $263/(c)$236 2 BEGINNERS, INTERMEDIATE & advanced Early 2.5 hours a day, 3 days a week, over 2 weeks Starting 10 January
bird d
5% o E
nro Enroll before 23 before Dec 1 7 Jan 2
Intensive - $255/(c)$230 2 beginner 1 & 2 / French for travellers
15 hours, 3 hours a day, over 1 week Starting 10 & 17 January
PRONUNCIATION WORKSHOP - $170/(c)$153 2 2 hours a day, over 5 days Starting 10 January for Beginners 3 to 6 students Starting 17 January for Intermediate students.
High School Students YEAR 7 TO 10 $216/(c)$195 2
2 hours a day, 3 days a week, over 2 weeks Starting 10 January
SPECIAL VCE & IB PREPARATION COURSES $216/(c)$195 2 3 hours a day, 2 days a week, over 2 weeks Starting 11 January
3 hours a day, over 5 days Monday to Friday 10am - 1pm Starting 10 January and/or 17 January. - 10 -
course guide
VCE Year 11 & 12 IMMERSION CAMP 18-20 March 2011
Package all inclusive/student: $360
Get ready for your exams: the earlier, the better! The VCE Year 11 & 12 immersion camp will take place at Port Sea campgrounds. The whole week-end is dedicated to the preparation of the VCE exams, through various activities focusing on reading, writing, listening and speaking. Join our dynamic and qualified team of French teachers and enjoy speaking 100% French over a weekend, in a pleasant location, with in addition, live entertainment in the evening. For more information, please contact: deputy@afmelbourne.com.au or check our website: www.afmelbourne.com.au
diplomas DELF-DALF
March 2011 Session
TEF and TEFaQ are language placement tests for non-native speakers of French recognised by CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) and MICC (Immigration and Cultural Communities Department, Province of Québec Government). February 2011 Session Mon 14 to Fri 18 Feb 2011 Registration closing date: Fri 4 Feb 2011, 5pm
The Alliance Française de Melbourne is accredited to conduct the DELF (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française) and DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française). Both diplomas are official qualifications awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the competency of candidates from outside France in the French language. All our classes prepare you for the diploma. Ask your teacher for specific activities and advice. Registration closing on: 4 March 2011, 5pm.
March 2011 Session
ORAL TESTS: 14 to 25 March 2011 Costs: DELF A: $90 per unit, DELF B: $100 per unit, DELF C: $120 per unit
TCF and TCFQ are language placement tests for non-native speakers of French who wish to obtain a simple, effective and precise evaluation of their general language skills for professional or personal reasons. Mon 7 to Fri 11 March 2011 Registration closing date: Friday 18 Feb 2011, 5pm
Unit A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
Date 14 March 2011 15 March 2011 16 March 2011 17 March 2011 18 March 2011 14 March 2011
Preparation of certification available upon request. -- 11 11 --
time 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10am 9.30am 2pm
Book Club
16 feb / 9 mar / 30 mar 2011 Je vous invite à découvrir des auteurs et des livres autour d’une thématique. A chaque rencontre nous échangerons et partagerons nos points de vue, nos réactions ou nos sentiments sur nos aventures littéraires. Je vous rappelle que nous nous rencontrerons à trois reprises pour chaque thème. Notre cinquième thème sera « Les prix litteraires ». L’inscription est réservée aux membres de l’Alliance française, elle se fait en ligne sur : library@afmelbourne.com.au (Attention seuls les 10 premiers inscrits seront retenus). Rendez-vous les mercredis : 16 février, 9 et 30 mars de 19 à 21 h. A très bientôt ! Fabienne Roussel, Responsable de la bibliothèque.
European Framework equivalent A1
Beginner 1 to 3
Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
Beginner 4 to intermediate 3
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
Intermediate 4 to Advanced 6
Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Converstion & Grammar / Art, B2 History & Culture / delf dalf preparation Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Current Affairs / C1 delf dalf preparation
Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
Private tuitions
Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can express him/ herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.
Adult Term Courses Founded in 1890, the Alliance Française de Melbourne offers French courses in a friendly and intimate environment, with a class size of between 6 and 16 students. We provide a wide range of times and days to suit your individual commitments and a wide selection of work-shops. All our courses are oriented towards conversation and all our teachers are native French speakers. Our classes are conducted almost entirely in French in order to create immersion.
General Courses Language classes at Alliance Française cover 3 levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Each level comprises six 20-hour sessions. Choose your pace:
Standard - $340/(c)$306
2 hours / week over 10 weeks evening or daytime.
! Week day express - $680/(c)$612 new 2 hours / day, 2 days a week Tuesday & Thursday over 10 weeks.
SATURDAY/SUNDAY EXPREss - $340/(c)$306 4 hours / day over 5 weeks Saturday mornings or Sunday afternoons.
WEEKEND EXPRESS - $680/(c)$612
4 hours / day, 2 days a week over 5 weeks Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
PRIVATE TUITION - from $74/hour Study wherever and whenever you want! - 12 -
Special Courses $350/(c)$315
A la carte
French for travellers
Soirée du mardi - $18/(c)$15
A1 > Complete Beginners. The perfect survival kit for your trip to France !
Tues 6.30pm > 8 pm > All levels Nice and cosy, with a glass of wine and some French cheese... Perfect for those who want to speak French in a relax atmosphere.
Pronunciation Workshop
A1 > From Beginner 3. In this class, you will improve your pronunciation and understanding of spoken French through audio exercises and tongue-twisters.
P’tit Dej du jeudi - $18/(c)$15
Thu 10.30am > 12pm > Intermediate levels Our ptit dej du jeudi will delight those looking for French conversation around a table laden with coffee and croissants. Yum!
Le Français en chansons
A2 > Intermediate. A great way to practice your French, expand your vocabulary and understanding of the language while listening to some of the most popular French songs.
Atelier cinema - $20
Wed 6pm > 8.30pm > Advanced levels Enjoy a French movie and talk about it afterwards, while enjoying a glass of wine and some French cheese.
Podcast b1 > Advanced. In this class you can work on every aspects of French language as you will research a topic, interview people if necessary, write your text and finally record it. Read and write in French
Have you missed a class? Don't despair! Our catch-up lessons will help you revise the content of the class you missed. Fast and easy, only $20 for half an hour.
> Advanced. Perfect to expand your vocabulary and explore poems and novels from famous French writers!
Conversation & Grammar
A teacher will be present every evening in the library from 5.30pm to 6pm, just before classes start so do not hesitate to ask us for help regarding your homework, a grammar point...
> Advanced. A great class to practice your French while dealing with the more complex grammatical structures!
Art, History & Culture
b2 > Advanced. Learn about French culture and discuss various topics related to art, culture, and history in a friendly atmosphere.
coming up in 2011!!
Delf & Dalf preparation
b2 c1 > Advanced. This preparation course will help you familiarize with general content of the examinations (cefr B2 & C1).
We will offer a variety of social activities throughout the year in order to maximise your learning and cultural experience with Alliance Française de Melbourne: ► French cooking workshops ► Evenings out to sample french cuisine ► Visits to vineyards and museums Watch this space to find out more
Current Affairs > Advanced
c1 Take part in a vibrant discussion and debate on the latest news from the French-speaking world, with the help of press articles and TV programs.
For more information, visit our website: www.afmelbourne.com.au or call: 9525 3463
- 13 -
High School Courses 2011
Aimed at VCE Year 11&12 students, our immersion days will help students ease their way towards the final examination. Throughout the day, they will work on the four sections of the VCE final examination (General Conversation, Listening, Reading and Writing) through specially designed $270/(c)$243 language workshops and receive personal 1.5 hours a week over 10 weeks feedback from their teacher. ►18 June ►24 September ►12 November 2011 ADO For more information, visit our website: These courses are for secondary school students www.afmelbourne.com.au or call 9525 3463 enrolled in Year 7 to Year 10. They are a good opportunity to understand how French works and get to appreciate the language. A great afterschool class for those who want to succeed!
Children courses $278/(c)250
1.5 hours a week over 10 weeks
Specially designed for Year 11 and 12 students, these courses help them ease their way towards the exams. They will work on their conversational and listening skills and learn more about grammar.
Alliance Française has many years of experience working with children. We offer your child the possibility of progressing through 3 different levels. Our programs provide hands-on activities to create an enjoyable yet effective learning experience. Special courses are also available for bilingual children who have lived in a French-speaking country or have a French-speaking parent.
These workshops are ideal for those who want to feel more comfortable while speaking French. Prescribed VCE/IB themes and topics will be brought up in class and students will be given an opportunity to practice their French and expand their vocabulary.
New workshops specially designed to delight the youngsters packed with hands-on and playful activities ► “L’heure Du Conte”, Story telling session. ► "French Is Fun", Holiday Intensive Program.
2011 Calendar SUMMER classes
05-25 JAN
TERM 1 > summer
Sess A Sess B
11 - 15 APR
TERM 2 > autumn
31 jan - 08 apr 05 feb - 06 mar 12 mar - 09 apr
Sess A Sess B
27 APR - 01 JUl 30 APR - 28 MAY 04 jun- 2 JUl 04 - 15 JUL
TERM 3 > winter
Sess A Sess B
03 - 07 OCT
TERM 4 > spring
18 JUL - 23 SEP 23 JUL - 20 AUG 27 AUG - 24 SEP
Sess A Sess B
10 OCT - 09 DEC 08 OCT - 05 NOV 12 NOV - 10 DEC 12 - 16 DEC
NEW: open on Sunday / week day express / week end express - 14 -
tips to make the most of your learning experience 1 Experiment and take risks Leave perfectionism at the door and allow yourself to make mistakes because you will learn from them. 2 Set realistic expectations It takes time to become proficient in any language and expect periods when you do not seem to be making any progress at all. 3 Be proactive and organised Keep track of your achievements (last week, I learnt how to... I am now able to say...) 4 Study frequently It is more efficient to break study time into smaller chunks than study infrequently for extended periods of time. Try to do a few homework exercises every second day rather than doing all the homework the night before the class. 5 Enjoy French culture Don't miss an opportunity to practice, either at the Alliance, at home or while going out. Say ‘bonjour’ to our receptionists, listen to the French news, visit French restaurants in Melbourne or go on a trip to New Caledonia!
High School Students
En nr ro olm lm m E En nr ro rm m E En Fo For orm rm t F o en nt t F m me en o l lm nr nro E m
Standard Week Day express Weekend express Saturday express Sunday express Holiday Intensive
Standard Holiday Intensive Immersion Day
I have completed.......year(s) of French / Year: .........
Children Term 1
Standard Holiday Intensive
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Class / Level: ........................................................................................... Day and time: ......................................................................................... Surname: ........................................................................................... First Name: ......................................................................................... Date of Birth:………………………………………………………………. Address: .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. Suburb: .................................................Postcode: .............................. Phone: .................................................................................................. Email: ................................................................................................... How did you hear about us?
Newspaper Word of mouth Internet Other:……………… Payment by:
Cheque Cash EFTPOS MasterCard Bankcard Visa
N° __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ Expires: ____ / ____ Name of cardholder: ...............................................................................
□ I have read and understood the conditions overleaf. Total Amount: $......... Date:.................... Signature: Please mail to Alliance Française de Melbourne PO Box 2042, St Kilda West VIC 3182
Enrolment is not confirmed unless payment is made in full before the first lesson of the session. Any student who has paid for a course and who withdraws at least 5 working days prior to the commencement of that course will be entitled to a refund less a 20% processing fee. Application for a refund must be addressed in writing to the Director. The Alliance Française cannot be held responsible for students’ changes in work commitments or personal circumstances. Please note that fees cannot be refunded or transferred if a student cancels his/her enrolment less than 5 working days prior to the commencement of that course or once the term has started. Course fees cannot be transferred to private lessons. Fees do not include textbooks unless otherwise specified. All prices are inclusive of GST.
Contact us
Alliance Française de melbourne 51 Grey Street, St Kilda Vic 3182 or PO Box 2042, St Kilda West VIC 3182
The Alliance Française reserves the right to cancel or reorganize classes. Minimum class size is 6. For classes with 5 students, the course fee remains the same but the duration of the course is reduced. (20h courses to 15h, 18h courses to 13h30, 15h courses to 12h). The smaller class size allows more personal attention and the course program remains identical and will be covered at a faster pace. If a sixth student enrolls, the class duration will return to normal. In the case of cancellation students may request a transfer to another class, a credit note or a full refund of fees paid. Please note: classes will not be held on Victorian public holidays but will be rescheduled to a suitable time within the session.
Office hours
Mon - Thu 9am to 8.30pm Fri - Sat 9am to 6pm Sun 1pm to 6pm* *Starting in February 2011.
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Tel : (03) 9525 3463 Fax : (03) 9525 5064 info@afmelbourne.com.au www.afmelbourne.com.au
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Melway: 58 A9 Trams: 16, 96, Fitzroy Street 3, 5, 64, 67 St Kilda Junction (3, 64, 67 Alma Road) Some carpark available on site.
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How to find us
9 Feb to 26 Feb 2011
Cel ebrate "After a hard day of hunting the men are celebrating their catch. They come together in corroboree to mark the celebration." As part of the St Kilda Festival 2011, Yalukit Wilam Ngargee (People Place Gathering), an Indigenous festival organised by the City of Port Phillip will take place. Event partner, the Alliance française de Melbourne will host for the third consecutive year, an exhibition by artists from the East Gippsland Aboriginal Arts Corporation (EGAAC) from 9 Feb to 26 Feb.
© Manfred Ratzmann, Celebration, medium: Mono print.
years and live it in our art. This year’s exhibition simply titled ‘Celebrate’ reminds us of our achievements, sometimes too easily forgotten. We invite you all to experience this year’s exhibition and ‘Celebrate’ with us.»
teachings of his uncle Johnny Bryant are apparent in Fred’s work and strongly associated with the local Gunnai Kurnai culture when considering the mark making, line work and imagery used.
focus on Manfred Ratzmann
Celebrate Exhibition 9 Feb to 26 Feb 2011 Opening Wed 9 Feb from 6.30pm till 8pm Venue Alliance Française Eildon Gallery 51 Grey Sreet St Kilda Hours Mon-Thu: 9am to 8.30pm Fri-Sat: 9am to 6pm Sun: 1pm to 6pm
Manfred Ratzmann is passionate about his spiritual connection with Aboriginal culture. Through painting, rock art, drawing and various mixed media he explores personal connection with family, ancestors and everything beautiful from our country.
This year we celebrate. Our exhibition shows the vibrancy, culture, gathering, family and beautiful work our Artists have to offer. We mark this exhibition as a symbol of where we’ve been and where we’re going. Hopes, dreams The art works created by his late and hardships. We take 60,000 Grandfather Keith Bryant and the
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thu 2 dec 2010 & thu 10 feb 2011
Jeudi Jazzy
Venue Alliance Française Tickets: $23 Full / $18 Members Bookings essential as seats are limited: 9525 3463
Sarah McKenzie THU 2 dec, 8PM Sarah McKenzie is a musical marvel. She sings with the kind of phrasing that only a true jazz player can come up with, while her groove on the piano is the stuff that makes people want to play jazz! Don't miss a chance to hear this lady perform live." James Morrison At 22 years of age, pianist, vocalist and composer Sarah McKenzie is one of Australia's up-and-coming Jazz musicians. Since graduating from WAAPA completing a Bachelor of Jazz (Composition), Sarah has won the Jack Bendat Scholarship, the Hawaiian Award for “Most Outstanding Jazz Graduate” and the Perth Jazz Societies Award for the “Most Outstanding Group of the Year for 2008”. A recipient of the National Songwriters Competition (ACMF 2002) Sarah also won the prestigious James Morrison Scholarship (Vocal)
last year. The prize valued to $5000 also includes a recording with the great James Morrison and his band. Sarah had been a finalist in the scholarship for the last 6 years and was the only finalist to be nominated in both vocal and instrumental sections. Sarah has performed at some of Australia’s highest profile Jazz Festivals and events including the Wangaratta Jazz Festival, Melbourne International Jazz Festival, York Jazz festival and the Melbourne Women in Jazz Festival. Such opportunities have put Sarah alongside greats such as James and John Morrison, Graeme Lyall, Joe Chindamo, Mat Jodrell and Daryl Sommers. Sarah made her televison debut performing with David Campbell at the L’Oreal Paris AFI awards and last year sang backing vocals for Michael Buble on the Multi Platinum artist’s “Call me irresponsible” tour.
The New Impromptu Quartet THU 10 feb, 8PM
Alexander Nettelbeck-Piano, Rita Satch-Vocals & Violin, Mikey Chan - Guitar, Conrad Henderson - Bass, Ben Karsay- Drums The New Impromptu Quartet is actually often a quintet and more! Beginning with a core lineup of musicians from different backgrounds in jazz, latin and soul grooves, the group is
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constantly expanding its original repertoire into new horizons. Moving between instrumental and vocal music the band is always open to collaborate in the spirit of improvisation!
sat 11 & sun 12 dec 2010
& open day SAT 11 DEC 10AM > 4PM SUN 12 DEC 1pM > 6PM
at alliance Française 51 grey street, st kilda Now in its sixth consecutive year, the Alliance Française Christmas Market and Open Day is a much anticipated annual rendez-vous for the broader St Kilda and Melbourne community. For those looking for that special Christmas present, wanting to try out a French class or looking for information on studying in France, this is the time for it! For the first time this year the market will be held over two days. On Saturday 11 December, from 10am to 4pm, and on Sunday 12 December from 1pm to 6pm, the French language and cultural centre will open the doors of its prestigious Eildon Mansion home to the public for a special weekend with a French touch!
The aim of the market is to promote French products sold or made by French designers living in Australia. Stalls range from designer children's clothing, jewellery, home and table linen, cosmetics and books to foie gras and spirits. The products come from various parts of France and in one afternoon you will travel from Brittany through to Provence, the Basque and Midi-Pyrénées regions and bien sûr Paris! While most of the products showcased on the day are available from online stores, this market will give the opportunity to the public to see all the products in one place before purchasing.
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The weekend will also be our annual Open Day with information provided on ourclasses and activities as well as on study or exchange programs to France. Throughout the two days, the Alliance Française will offer visitors the chance to attend 20min introductory sessions on the French language free of charge, to score bargains from the huge secondhand books stall or to win great prizes by entering the competition draw. In between shopping for Christmas and trying a French language class, why not have a beautiful crêpe or baguette sandwich for lunch, accompanied by a glass of Beaujolais Nouveau or cider - imported from France of course!
Thu 9 dec 2010
The Melbourne
You are invited to be part of the second Melbourne Salon at the Alliance Française Thursday 9 december 2010, 7pm (in english)
Vive la France! Advance Australia Fair! This Salon examines the similarities, differences and the challenges of defining national identity in the French and AustraEvent lian contexts.
Thu 9 Dec 2010 at 7pm Venue Alliance Française 51 Grey Street – St Kilda Cover charge: Full $22.00 AF Members, students or seniors: $15.00 payable on the night (includes cheese & wine) cash only please. Bookings: kerry.mullan@rmit.edu.au (numbers limited)
RMIT Brandmark Clear space & Minimum size
In 2009 President Nicolas Sarkozy launched a “soulsearching exercise on “Frenchness�. He invited citizens to help define what it means to be French and sparked heated debates on immigration and the outlawing of the burqa. In Australia debates about our national identity are never far away. Multiculturalism in Australian is best summed up by the popular phrase: “we are one, but we are many�. In France, the nation is considered to be “one and indivisible� – founded on assimilationist principles.
RMIT Brandmark The RMIT Brandmark is the key identifier of the university. The RMIT Brandmark is formed by two key elements: - the RMIT Wordmark - the RMIT Symbol The relationship between these two elements is fixed and should never be separated or used as individual elements. It is essential that the brandmark is always reproduced from the digital art files supplied.
RMIT Symbol
Clear space The RMIT brandmark needs to be surrounded by an area of uninterrupted clear space to allow it to remain prominent on all communications. Clear space is the non-print area surrounding the brandmark. A basic formula had been used to calculate the minimum ‘clear space’– this can be used to determine clear space for the brandmark at any size.
RMIT Wordmark
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Full Colour Positive version on a white background
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What do you think defines a Nation’s identity? Dr Elizabeth Rechniewski (School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney) has a long-standing research interest in nationalism and nation-building in France, and will be talking about Sarkozy’s view of French national identity. Dr Tim Soutphommasane (political theorist, commentator, author and research fellow at Monash University) will talk about his new book Reclaiming Patriotism: Nation-Building for Australian Progressives and the challenge to Australians to embrace a national identity which values â€œâ€Śideals of fairness, equality and mateship, principles of representative democracy, free speech, tolerance and the rule of law, and English as the national languageâ€?.
10 & 11 dec 2010
Excuseza play-reading
Friday 10 December, 2pm Saturday 11 December, 5pm
This is the story of a man who France comes to life as does the sat at my bus stop… every day. story of a charming and besotted young man. A fantastical insight Francis De’Livre is a man who into aging and the loneliness that has been left behind in a world of often comes with it, Excusezadvanced communication; until Moi is a modern-day fairytale of one day when a chance meeting sorts. with a young woman reignites a multitude of long-lost memories. Written by Eloise Maree Step into the world of an older man’s history; viewing moments of great change, frustration and sadness. A magical 1930s
Directed by Greg Eldrige Supported by Alliance Française de Melbourne.
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Event Friday 10 Dec 2pm Sat 11 Dec 5pm Venue Basement Alliance Française 51 Grey Street – St Kilda Cover charge: Free or gold coin donation Bookings: To reserve tickets, please visit: www.trybooking.com/JZM
SPECIAL GIVE-AWAY For Current Members And Students For your chance to Win 1 of 5 Nouvelle Vague Cds, be one of the first to email us on Tuesday 14 December 2010 at 10am with subject line: “Nouvelle Vague”, with your full name, class attended/or membership No at: info@afmelbourne.com.au
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Come and join the walks in the French Alps with opportunities to practice your French, experience the food and wine from Savoie and see the 'heights' and 'sights' of Savoie in a unique way. Costs cover 7 days accomodation in comfortable hotels - breakfast, most lunches and dinners included, as well as local guides and transport.
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