Fall 2012 Newsletter

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Message from the LAAAC President

Sisters…We are coming back! Back to USC! Back to UCLA! This past year has been an unbelievable journey as we watched the intricate extension process of getting back onto our campuses. After over thirty years of waiting and working towards accomplishing our primary goal, we can now say that we will have our chapters back at USC and UCLA in 2013! With the Delta Eta Chapter at San Diego State University re‐colonizing as well, this is truly an exciting time in Southern California! On behalf of LAAAC, I would like to thank all of you who have supported and continue to support our alumnae groups. This could not have happened without you! But, we have just begun…

As we prepare to re‐colonize, there is still so much to be done. The extension team from IHQ will be leading the extension efforts. They are a dynamic, professional group of women that have done this many time recently with great success. The IHQ team will need the support and help of our alumnae both local and across the country and globe. Alumnae will have opportunities to serve on Executive Council, attend or host events, and make other contributions as we move through the next year towards the re‐colonization efforts. If you are out of the area, your financial support is always welcome. This is a crucial time as we plan for the year and for the success of our chapters at UCLA and USC. Make a plan to attend an event and reconnect with sisters. Make sure to provide us with updated contact information, both conventional and electronic, so we can get you the latest information in a timely manner. Please feel free to contact me or any of the board members listed in this newsletter. I look forward to seeing you soon! Loyally in Epsilon Pi, Terri Kaczorowski Green, LAAAC President

Honors of Epsilon Pi At Alpha Gamma Delta’s Convention in St. Louis this past summer, several of our local alumnae were recognized for their contributions to the Alumnae Chapters and Clubs of Southern California, as well as House Association, and the Delta Tau Chapter. Here is a partial list of recipients. A full list will be published in the Spring newsletter after all recipients have been awarded their Honors. (name, chapter, honor, which group they provided their service to) Christina Williams Carrillo (DT), Arc (Orange Country Alumnae Chapter) Heather Emiko Flynt, (DT), Arc (Orange Country Alumnae Chapter) Diana Agajanian (DA), Arc with Diamond (LAAAC) Theresa Kaczorowski Green (DE), Arc with Diamond (LAAAC) Candy Allen Duncan (DA), Arc with Diamonds (Delta Alpha House Association) Melanie Sharon O’Donnell (DE), Arc with Diamonds (LAAAC) Christina, Heather and Janie Janie White Cushing (DI), Arc with Diamonds & Pearls (LAAAC, Mt. Baldy Vista received their Honors at Lighting of Alumnae Club) the Tapers

New Fraternity Housing Corporation Alpha Gamma Delta has formed a new and separate corporation at the International level, the Fraternity Housing Corporation (FHC). The purpose of the FHC is to assist Alpha Gamma Delta collegiate chapters in locating, funding and maintaining safe, competitive and attractive housing for our collegians at colleges and universities where housing is part of the fraternal experience. Services from the FHC may range from installing fire life safety systems such as alarms and sprinklers to overseeing multimillion dollar renovations to the property to regular maintenance and upkeep. The FHC is staffed by experts in these areas who know what is required to ensure that an Alpha Gamma Delta property provides the best environment for our members and guests. In order to accomplish these goals, the FHC assumes ownership of the collegiate property and manages the day-to-day operations of the chapter house including purchasing supplies, hiring and managing staff, and paying bills - transferring the responsibility to International. This enables alumnae to focus on the collegians – ensuring they receive an outstanding Alpha Gamma Delta experience. Also, holding the properties at the International level permits access to new funding streams and additional resources; thereby allowing the FHC to uses its existing collective assets to support the upgrading and renovating of chapter houses and suites. The opportunity to fund such important projects may not be feasible with limited local resources. As we look forward to the recolonization of Delta Alpha and Delta Epsilon, we must thank some women without whose contributions we would not be where we are today. We are very fortunate to have very dedicated people, especially Carol Read Reed and Candy Allen Duncan, who have lovingly maintained our chapter houses while our chapters have been inactive. They have worked hard to keep the structures in good physical condition and have continued to build a capital reserve for just this occasion when the chapters return. These individuals and the other women that have provided service to the House Association Corporations over the years have dedicated a large number of hours to the preservation of our properties. The Extension team has indicated that for many reasons, the new members would not move into the chapter houses until fall 2014; a year after colonization. It is essential that the chapter houses be competitive with other houses be comfortable and competitive for our members prior to our collegians moving in. The needs and expectations of today’s collegians are far different than what they were in the past when our chapters were active. It will take experts in today’s housing requirements and an infusion of capital to help us to meet our goal to be one of the top chapters on our respective campuses. “House appeal” plays an important role in a potential new member’s decision to join our sisterhood. We want to make sure that we are providing the best opportunity to be competitive and successful. Our House Association Corporations have been approached by the FHC and asked to become part of their effort to serve the fraternity’s needs. The Housing Corporations are made up of all members of our chapter who are in good standing. Additional information will be sent to Delta Alphas and Delta Epsilons regarding the FHC, and how it can support our recolonizations in 2013, as well as information about a member vote on whether to participate in the FHC program. Please carefully review all information and contact any of the House Association members should you have questions or comments.

H Heard on thee Roseevine CHA APTER GRAND D Rutthmarie Laun ner Gruber (DA), ( initiated d 03/25/1938, entered Chaapter Grand 6//10/12 Morrgina Eagleton Williams (DA), initiateed 02/21/1981 1, entered Chaapter Grand 88/7/12 Luccille Hartley Teasdale (DE E), initiated 10/7/1938, enttered Chapterr Grand June 22012 Karren Anderson n Olafsen (DE E), initiated 2/21/1976, 2 enttered Chapterr Grand 7/23//2011 Rutth Shedd Oreem (DE), initiiated 3/10/193 39, entered Chapter C Grandd, 10/22/2011 Lorrraine Sully Henderson H (D DE affiliate), initiated 12/5 5/1943 at Omiicron), entereed Chapter Grrand unknownn SYM MPATHY TO MarryAnn Colviille (DA) on th he passing of her brother Stuart S Colvillee after an illneess. He passeed away on M March 27, 20122. NEW WS Ann n Denise Ricee (DA) reports that her son n, Troy Herrerra Rice, was aaccepted to U USC for Fall semester 20122. Conngratulations to t Sue Stewa art (DA) who retired from the t Navy in A August after 223 years. Suee servved as the com mmanding offficer of a JAG G Corp overseeeing the provvision of crim minal defense and legal aid serv vices to Navy y, Marine, and d Coast Guard d military andd family mem mbers within a seveen-state area. She was mosst recently bassed at the Nav val Legal Serrvices Office Southwest in San Diego, CA. Marry Becker Millikin M (DA) and a her husbaand, Neil, hav ve taken earlyy retirement, ssold the housee and business, and d are heading off to Europee to backpack k for 6 monthhs. They will bbe visiting Spain, Portugal, France, F and England. E They y are very exccited for this nnew chapter iin their lives. Afteer Europe, theey don’t have any definitiv ve plans yet. In 22009, Elena Loredo L Velarrde (DA) retirred from a 40--year career inn the Los Angeles Unifiedd School Distrrict. Since thenn she has volu unteered for th he USC Norriis Cancer Hospital Auxiliaary, served onn jury duty annd is current ccommitted to the A Athena Wom men’s Chorus at a the Los An ngeles Athletiic Club. Elenna was an alum mnae initiate at the Denverr, Colorado Inteernational Con nvention and is looking to reconnect with her sisters.. Lyn nette Merrim man (DA), who straddles th he USC-UCLA A line with deegrees from bboth schools, is featured on tthe website from the prograam from whicch she earned d her doctoratte (http://gseiss.ucla.edu/acaademicproggrams/educatiion/elp/happeenings/elp-alu umni). Lynette is the Senioor Associate D Dean for Studdent Affairs at thhe University of Southern California, C where she overrsees the depaartment of Stuudent Supporrt and Advvocacy's troub bleshooting an nd student criisis support an nd its responsse efforts, aloong with the ooffices of Fratternity and So orority Leaderrship Develop pment and Paarent Program ms, and the Ceenter for Wom men and Menn. She is also an Assistant Professor of Clinical C Educcation in the U USC Rossier School of Edducation wherre she teachess studdents in the Po ostsecondary Administration and Studen nt Affairs Maasters' degree program andd serves on dissertation com mmittees. Conngratulations to t Teri McKeever (DA) who w was the head h coach forr the U.S. Woomen's swim team during tthis past sum mmer’s 2012 Olympics O in London. L Teri is the first wo omen to hold this position.. Way to go T Teri! We'll be watching forr you in London! Teri recently completed heer 20th year as a head coachh of the Univeersity of Califfornia's womeen's swim mming and diiving program m. Teri was a member of the t swim team m while at US SC. Karren Crouse (D DA), a sports reporter for the t New York k Times, coveered swimminng and many other events dduring this pastt summer’s Olympics. O Karren was also a member of the t swim team m while at US SC. Jacquelin ne C. Young (DA) spent th he last year ass the First Laddy of the Paciific Southwesst District of Optimist International. I Her husband d, Ed, served as Governor.. Jacquie is ccurrently electted to the West Hills Neighborho ood Council, where w she is B Budget Chairr. She also is on the CSUN N Alumni Council. She received their “Volun nteer” Award last year. Congratullations to Juliie Gidlow (DA A) who placeed 3rd out of 9 in Masters D Dramatic at thhe US Figure Skating National N Show wcase 2012!

Grandch hild #9 for Liinda Glover Rylett (DA) aand her husbaand Ric was born in January 20111, a boy (Joel Christopher Grand). Prouud mother is Linda’ss daughter Lilllieth. Linda aand Ric contiinue travelingg and scuba diving. Linda’s now w a member off the Redlandds Art Associaation – finally y after alll these years sshowing her pphotography ffrom around tthe world. Cyn nthia Hunt Rudolph R (DA)) has joined th he Center for Financial Serrvices Innovaation as SVP E External Relaations and Parttner Developm ment. CFSI is the nation's leading autho ority on strenngthening products for the underbankedd and underserved conssumer, in ordeer to build fin nancial empow werment and prosperity. S She is excitedd to return to hher roots in the ffinancial serv vices sector. Joan Sawday (D DE) shares thiss wonderful story. s My hussband, Kessenn, and I have the same birtthday. We ceelebrated our w a couple at a local hotel. The waittress knew it w was our birthday and we w were brought desserts with 86th this August with canddles. The whole restauran nt sang “Happ py Birthday” to us. That w was a lovely ttreat. Then, tthe waitress toold us that thee two couples seateed next to us were w paying for f all our din nners. They w were strangerrs on their waay to Yosemitee and hand stoppped there forr dinner. Thiss is what is ca alled “a rand dom act of kin dness.” Joann and Kessen have been bleessed with fivee children, eig ght grandchild dren, and ninee great grandcchildren. Whhile she reportted they’d beeen married 866 years I’m guesssing it is a feew less years but extraordinary just the same. Karren Derrig Scchiffman (DA A) was a 2012 2 Spotlight on n Service Awaard winner foor her 7 years of service to Chaminade Highh School. Sh he had been paart of Les Dam mes since 200 04. Per the C Chaminade Suummer 2012 m magazine “Noo job is too smaall for Karen, as she voluntteers for every ything from room parent too the concession stands at the high schoool. Her love of thhe school is exemplified e by y the areas off her volunteeer efforts. As a true leader, she took on tthe Presidenccy of the Pareent's associatiion with ease..” Marri Corona La ake (DA) repo orts that her son s Spencer earned his Eaggle rank in Booy Scouts making two Eaggle Scouts in the ffamily. Cong gratulations!

Deltta Tau Repo ort The women of Deltta Tau at Chappman Universityy were second in grades for sspring semesteer with a 3.41444! They receiveed two awards at Coonvention, Rosse Bowl Honor Roll and Internnational Counccil Award Honoor Roll. Chapmaan's annual Grreek Awards alsso earned Deltaa Tau the New w Member Educcation award - the t result of thee new Alpha E Experience! New wly graduated Delta Tau mem mber Sabrina Daviis was awardedd a Fulbright Scholarship S to study/teach s in Spain S for the neext year! Recrruitment was held Septemberr 7-9th with a new member classs that met quotaa. All are welcoome at the annnual gala beneffitting the Founndation. A desssert only optionn has been addeed this year. Upcooming Events  4th Annua al Gala - Sat Nov 3 at Gardenn Grove Hilton (for more infoo, go to http://w www.chapmanaalphagam.com/gala/)  Initiation and a Feast of Roses (on camppus at Chapmaan) - Sat Nov 100 - currently sccheduled to beggin at 1 o’clockk but the time may channge.

The Foundation’s Secret to “Painless” Giving Many of us would LIKE to give or even increase our giving to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation, but in today’s economy how do we find the extra dollars? A growing number of Alpha Gam sisters are using an automatic monthly charge payment (Autocharge) to make it happen. With the Autocharge you can set an affordable monthly or quarterly amount and then forget it! Call the Foundation at 317.663.4242 and we will get you started OR you can sign up online at alphagammadeltafoundation.org and simply click the “Make a Gift” button to begin. The Autocharge is secure and confidential and it allows you to set your gift amount, a specific end date (or make it open-ended) and you can direct your gifts to the annual fund or to a specific program or endowment. If you ever want to make changes to your Autocharge, its easy – just contact the Foundation office to change the amount, frequency of the charge or to cancel at any time and you can use most major credit cards. With the Autocharge you can make a gift of any size or grow your giving to the next level and, more importantly, increase the impact that the Foundation makes each year on our sisters, our Fraternity and our communities. The very first two gifts that the Foundation ever received came in 1962 for $5 and $25 respectively. These gifts were given to develop the Foundation’s mission of education, philanthropy & leadership. Did you know that the Foundation just awarded its 10 millionth dollar this summer? The Foundation reached this amazing level during its 50th Anniversary Celebration which continues through May, 2013. So now is the perfect time to join the celebration, be a part of Alpha Gamma Delta impacting women & the world, and Live with Purpose. Why wait? For more information on donating, Autocharges and the Foundation’s 50th Anniversary, visit alphagammadeltafoundation.org or email your questions to foundation@alphagammadeltafoundation.org

Los Angeles & Orange County Area Officers President

Theresa Kaczorowski Green


(714) 846-5273

Vice President

Melanie Sharon O'Donnell


(760) 602-0944


Susan Vessels


(626) 795-4621


Janie White Cushing


Permanent Secretary –DA

Diana Agajanian

Permanent Secretary –DE

Melanie Sharon O'Donnell

uscdi@yahoo.com odonnell_melanie@yahoo.com

(909) 982-0893 (562) 699-1978


Marijayne Wallace Stegman


(626) 359-0814


Dr. Jacqueline Yudkin


(818) 705-4604

Los Angeles Panhellenic Delegate

La Tache Weir


Province Director – Province 5

Barbara Meador Callard

latacheweir@gmail.com BCallard@aol.com

Membership Recruitment

Patty Bogaty Schned


South Bay Area Chair

Madeline Molis


Glendale/Pasadena/Burbank Area Chair

Kathleen Waller


Inland Empire Area Chair

Janie Cushing


(909) 982-0893

San Fernando Valley Area Chair


House Association – Delta Alpha

Candy Allen Duncan


(310) 586-1540

House Association – Delta Epsilon

Carol Reed


(805) 642-6498

Los Angeles Junior Circle, President

Laura Rockett


(781) 603-5301

Orange County Junior Circle President

Amy Blake


Orange County Alumnae Chapter President

Beth Harnett


(760) 602-0944

(949) 496-9271

Calend dar of Evvents Septtember  September 23 2 rd Octoober  October 6th  October 14th  October 20th  TBD  October 27th Novvember 3  November 3rd  November 4th 4  November 11th 1  TBD

LAAAC Board Meeting t Yellow Vasse, 51 Malaga C Cove Plaza, Paalos Verdes Esstates, South Bay event at the @yahoo.com Contaact Madeline Moolis, m_molis@ Orangge County Alum mnae Chapter Alpha A Gam Alw ways brunch att El Torito at the Block at Orange, 11 a.m., Contaact Beth Harnettt for more information Annuaal Pumpkin Carrving (Tentativee), 4PM, Locattion TBD Contaact: Laura Rockkett, laura.a.ro ockett@gmai l.com or 781.6603.5301 Los Angeles Visioninng Alumnae Weekend LAAAC Board Meeting Delta Tau Gala JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes, 8AM M, Irvine, UCI C Campus Contaact: JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes, 8AM M, Los Angeles.. Dodger Stadium Contaact: Laura Rockkett, laura.a.ro ockett@gmai l.com or 781.6603.5301 Orangge Country Alum mnae Chapter Bunco Luncheeon


 December 5th 5 

Decembeer 1

Inlandd Empire Area Holiday H Luncheeon @ Hamiltoon’s Steakhousse (formerly Blaake’s), locatedd adjacent to the Raadisson Suites Covina, 1211 East Garvey S Street, Covina, CA , Contact Janie Cushing Gingeerbread Tea, 1--3 pm, Delta Eppsilon House aat UCLA, Contaact Jacqueline Yudkin at (8188) 705-4604


 January 12

LAAAC Board Meeting, Location TBA


 February 233rd

Coorddination Board Meeting, Marijaayne Stegman ’s house, 244 N. Ivy Avenue,, Monrovia, 10 am start, lunch to follow

Marrch    

March 16th March 17th March 30th TBD

LAAAC Board Meeting A Annual Luncheonn Delta Alpha House Association Delta Tau’s 10th annniversary Bash at Irvine Regioonal Park Housee of Ruth Easteer Basket assembly


 April 20th

International Reunion Day, Locatioon TBA


 18th

Installation of Officerrs, Location TB BA

ANNUAL SUPPORT FEE This newsletter is a provided to you as a member or friend of the Los Angeles Area Alumnae Chapter. Keep up-todate on the latest re-colonization efforts by supporting the newsletter and our alumnae chapter. We appreciate your generous support and hope that you will continue to support our effots to keep you connected to your Alpha Gam sisters. Our annual support fee is $30. Below are other programs you can make additional donations to if you would like to additionally support our efforts. Any amount helps and is greatly appreciated. Please provide us with you name and contact details as we are asked to provide this to International when reporting on our collection of annual support fees. Also as we move to electronic delivery of news, please provide us with your email so we can get news quickly.

Annual Support Fee

Make check payable to: Alpha Gamma Delta


Additional programs to support: Convention Fund

$ ________

Other Contribution

$ ________

Re-colonization $ ________

Mail to: Susan Vessels 288 Pleasant Street Pasadena, CA 91101-3117

Name: _______________________ Address: ___________________________________________ Email address: _____________________________ Chapter: ________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________ Interested in getting involved  Yes  No  I give the LAAAC permission to use the information above to send me email regarding AGD

Heard on the Rosevine Please use this form to submit changes of address or marital status information for yourself or lost sisters as well as news about the exciting things you are doing.

Name __________________________________________________ Is this a new address



Address __________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address _______________________________ Phone ___________________________ Chapter _______________________________

Pledge Class/Initiation Year _____________________

Date of Recent Marriage _____________________ Spouse/Partner’s Name ______________________ Date of Recent Births/Adoptions ___________________ Children’s Name ______________________  I give the LAAAC permission to use the information above to send me email regarding AGD

Return to: Marijayne Stegman, 244. N. Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016, mj.stegman@usa.net, 626-359-0814

AL LPHA GAMMA DELTA FRATERNIITY Marijayne Wa allace Stegm man 24 44 N. Ivy Ave enue Monrovia, CA A 91016-2222 2

DDRESS SE ERVICE REQ QUESTED AD Re elatives or friiends of dec ceased members, please e help us. Clip this sectio on and send to address above a with date d of death h. Thank yo ou. Ple ease reques st a badge diisposition form to return member’s b badge to Inte ernational, iff needed.

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