Spring 2015 LAAAC Newsletter

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Delta Alpha — University of Southern California

Volume 46, Issue 1

Spring 2015

Delta Epsilon —University of California, Los Angeles

LAAAC Editor: Marijayne Wallace Stegman

Saturday, April 11, 11 am Registration & Alumni Social 12pm Luncheon & Program Long Beach Hilton: 701 West Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90831 Inside this issue: President’s Letter






Ballot for 20152016 Officers




Support Fee Information


Send in News, Chapter Grand, Change of Address

Pay Dues Onine with Credit Card

Alpha Gamma Delta joins the American Diabetes Association in the Movement to Stop Diabetes On Feb. 11, 2015, the American Diabetes Association and Alpha Gamma Delta announced a new relationship created to help educate and raise awareness of diabetes through our collegiate and alumnae membership. "Education is critical for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and avoiding the complications that can result from poor management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and (cont. page 5)

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Squirrel Scribbles

President’s Letter Hello Sisters, Fall 2014 proved to be very busy for the Los Angeles Area Alumnae Chapter as we provided support to both Delta Alpha and Delta Epsilon during their first formal Fall recruitments since the recolonizations. We are very proud of how well both chapters represented Alpha Gamma Delta and thrilled with the wonderful collegiate women who have joined our chapters. The alumnae also supported and attended Presents at both chapters, helped each chapter celebrate initiation of the Fall pledge classes, and attended the respective Feast of Roses. To say the least, Fall flew by. The holiday season meant it was time for our annual Gingerbread Tea which was held this year at the home of Eileen Lyon. We honored 50-year member Charla Hindley Tindall. She shared an inspiring story about how Alpha Gam played an important part in her development during college, during law school and in her professional pursuits. Proceeds from the Tea went to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation endowed Southern California Alumnae Scholarship which benefits our collegians. We started 2015 off with two fun events. The first event was a trip to the Getty Center where we were joined by some of our collegians. Our next event was “Drink, Laugh, Love” Wine Tasting at the home of Leeza Hoyt with wine presented by OneHope, which . OneHope has donated 15% from the sale of their (continued pg 7)

LAAAC Officers President Melanie Sharon O’Donnell odonnell_melanie@yahoo.com (760) 602-0944 VP, Membership Vice President, Operations Treasurer Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Permanent Secretary –DA Permanent Secretary –DE Editor Philanthropy LA Panhellenic Delegate South Bay Area Chair Glendale/Pasadena/ Burbank Area Chair Inland Empire Area Chair San Fernando Valley Area Chair Other Alumnae Officers House Association (DE) LA Junior Circle, President OC Junior Circle President OC Alumnae Chapter President

Teresa Kaczorowski Green Patty Bogaty Schned Susan Vessels Janie White Cushing Giselle Rocha Milatovic Diana Agajanian Melanie Sharon O'Donnell Marijayne Wallace Stegman Dr. Jacqueline Yudkin (open) Madeline Molis Kathleen Schulte Waller Janie White Cushing Patty Bogaty Schned

Eileen Lyon Laura Garrigan Gordon Chelsea Gregory Beth Harnett

From the Foundation Financial Assistance for Alumnae Did you know the Foundation provides scholarships for alumnae returning to school or attending work-related seminars? Here’s some information about how to apply. Are you planning to attend graduate school full-time in the 2015-16 academic year? Or are you planning to attend a career-related workshop or seminar, or will you be going back to school part-time? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions you may qualify for one of two Foundation programs and receive financial assistance for your education! Full-time graduate students can apply for a Foundation Scholarship! The Scholarship application can be previewed, started and revisited multiple times and is due by March 4. Part-time students or sisters planning to attend a career-related workshop or seminar can apply for a Continuing Education Grant. CE Grant applications do not have a deadline and are accepted year-round. Not sure if your upcoming seminar qualifies? Contact Karen Frye Knotts, Communications & Programs Manager, at 317.663.4242 or kknotts@alphagammadeltafoundation.org. Visit www.alphagammadeltafoundation.org for more information and applications.

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For more information, please visit www.laaacalphagam.com/calendar.html Date/Time



2/28/15 1-3 pm

Squirrel Sing and Dessert Reception with Delta Alpha collegiate chapter—Bring your singing voice and a dessert to share

Delta Alpha Chapter House


International Badge Day — Wear your badge all day to show your Alpha Gamma Delta spirit.

Wherever you are!

3/7 11 am

Initiation at Delta Epsilon , Feast of Petals to follow at 12:30

Delta Epsilon Chapter House

3/8 12 noon

House of Ruth Philanthropy Project — Toiletry bags and Easter baskets for the women and children at the House of Ruth women’s shelter in the Inland Empire. Bring small sample-sized toiletries and candy. Lunch provided

Jacqueline Yudkin’s home 8201 Lindley Avenue, Reseada RSVP at 818-705-4604

3/14 6-9 pm

Junior Circle & LAAAC St. Patrick’s Day Texas Hold’em Poker Night Haven't played poker before? Don't worry. For those who want to learn to play Texas Hold’em poker, there will be a lesson from 6-7 pm given by experienced poker players. From 7:00–10:00 pm there will be tournament style Texas Hold’em poker with a $10 buy-in to play. The proceeds from the event will be divided, with a portion going as cash prizes for the first, second and third place winners and a portion going to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. (The number of cash prizes may vary depending on the number of players.) Snacks & Dinner (corned beef & cabbage) will be provided, but you are welcome to bring poker snacks and your own beverage of choice.

Laura Gordon's home 1607 Glendon Ave #4, Los Angeles RSVP to Laura at 310-600-1559 or llgordon23@gmail.com

3/15, noon

Delta Alpha Annual Luncheon and Open House, RSVP at https://alumagdla.wufoo.com/forms/delta-alpha-annual-luncheon-house-tour/

Delta Alpha Chapter House

4/11, 11 am

International Reunion Day 2015

Long Beach Hilton


Day at Disneyland with Southern California Collegians (tentative)

Disneyland, meeting place TBD


Initiation at Delta Alpha

Delta Alpha Chapter House


Senior Rededication at Delta Alpha

Delta Alpha Chapter House

5/17 11 am

Officer Installation Senior Rededication at Delta Epsilon

Delta Epsilon Chapter House

“Strength in Sisterhood”

Delta Alpha House — 729 W. 28th Street, Los Angeles

Silent auction winners of paintings by DE Annemarie Blount Thomas

Delta Epsilon House — 624 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles

MaryRuth Hardestry Schreier, Di Agajanian, and Lori Cavanaugh Schreier at the Getty

Vicki Darling Schmidt and her son delivering books collected to LA Children’s Hospital

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Squirrel Scribbles


Patricia Ann Lambert Abbey (DE), Initiated 10/26/1956, entered Chapter Grand 8/20/14 Patricia died tragically in a car accident where it is believed that she lost consciousness as the result of a diabetic setback. Patricia graduated from UCLA in 1959 with a degree in Education. Patricia married her husband, Norman, in Basel, Switzerland in 1961 and also lived in Paris where her first child, Karen, was born. Norman and Patricia returned to California and Patricia was a teacher in Los Angeles. After returning to Los Angeles, she gave birth to 2 boys and became an active PTA member, the Thursday Club, and became a voting poll worker, which she did for 20 years. She became an avid bridge player and eventually acquired the Regency Bridge Club of Glendale in 1986, which eventually became a chapter of the American Contract Bridge League. She and her husband, Norman, loved to travel. They visited over 50 countries on five continents! Patricia Ann Wright McDonald (DA), Initiated 5/10/1951; entered Chapter Grand 2/2/2015 Patti was an honored recipient of the USC Widney Alumni House Award. She served as President of the Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 1980-1981, Trojan League of South Bay 2000-2002 and the South Bay Alumna Panhellenic Association. She was a member and/or served on the boards of USC Town and Gown of USC, Alumnae Coordinating Council, Association of Trojan League, Cardinal and Gold, Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority, USC University Hospital Guild and the Keck School of Medicine. Patti also worked at the USC Alumni House and USC’s Office of Oceanographic Associates in Development. A central theme in Patti’s life was giving back to her community. She was involved with Little Company of Mary Hospital – Mary Potter and Company, San Pedro Peninsula Cancer Guild, Sandpipers, Manhattan Beach Fine Arts, and PTA - Manhattan Beach Schools. Upon moving to the desert, she continued her local involvement through the Coachella Valley Alumnae Panhellenic, Trojan League Associates of the Desert and Muses. Donations in her name are being accepted at Trojan Guild of Los Angeles attn: Jolene Irwin 15152 Mayberry Circle Westminster, CA, 92683. Past Grand Council Member and Foundation Trustee Enters Chapter Grand International Council announced that Marie Locker Hill-Chapiesky, Gamma Beta-Florida State University, entered Chapter Grand on December 25, 2014, at the age of 79. Marie served as the Grand SecretaryTreasurer on International Council from 1979-1987 and as Treasurer of the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation from 1990-1996. She wore the Circle of Epsilon Pi. Sympathy cards may be mailed to Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters at 8710 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 to be collected and forwarded to the family. NEWS

Living with a chronic debilitating disease can be devastating. For the author Willis Merriman, father of Delta Alpha Lynette Merriman, it is more of a thoughtful adventure. Merriman, an octogenarian has been living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) for over 20 years. Through the process of diagnosis, to life adjustments, to learning to be a kid again, this book reads more like a thoughtful and at times entertaining journey about life. Through personal reflection, wisdom, positivity and humor Merriman provides a guide for living with a chronic disease, growing old, and the importance of altering perspective and appreciating what "is." This guide would benefit those who are living with a chronic disease as well as their family members and caregivers, and basically anyone

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AGD joins the American Diabetes Association in the Movement to Stop Diabetes we are thrilled to have Alpha Gamma Delta on board to help us further our mission in stopping this deadly disease," said Suzanne C. Berry, MBA, CAE, Interim Chief Executive Officer, American Diabetes Association. "By providing members with opportunities for community service related to diabetes awareness and education, this alliance will help us achieve these goals by expanding our reach and impact." To help build awareness, Alpha Gamma Delta members will join in community service efforts by volunteering with local Association offices and will work to educate and raise awareness of diabetes on college campuses and in their communities via online and offline publications. "Alpha Gamma Delta is proud and delighted to join with the American Diabetes Association in a new relationship to leverage our combined resources to make a greater impact in our communities through education and service," said Rie Hoehner, International President, Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity. "By contributing to our world's work in this important area, our sisterhood will make a significant impact in raising awareness about diabetes in the many lives affected by this disease every day." Here in the Los Angeles Area, we will be looking for new ways that we can partner with the American Diabetes Association, not just to raise money, but also to get involved in community events and volunteer our time, skills, and knowledge. Look for information coming soon on ways you can involved with these activities. Did you know March 24 kicks off the American Diabetes Association Alert Day campaign? This special day is intended to serve as a diabetes "wake-up call." The American Diabetes Association encourages everyone to take the Diabetes Risk Test on March 24 (through April 21) to find out whether you have or are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Share the test with your families, friends, and communities!

who is willing to learn about the circle of life through a realistic and humorous lens. The book is available on Amazon. All proceeds are being donated to ALS by the author. Karen Crouse (DA) has announced she is writing a book about Norwich, Vermont, the biggest Olympic small town. It will be coming a bookstore near you in 2017. Again this year, several Alpha Gams are on the planning committee for the USC Women’s Conference to be held on March 5, 2015. Alpha Gams on the committee include Melody Nishida (DA) (far left second row), Kathleen Burns Campos (DA) (not in picture), Jane George Erlbaum (DE)(not in picture), and Christine Marie Ofiesh (DA)(red jacket second row).

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Squirrel Scribbles

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is enclosed.

President’s Letter (continued) wine to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation endowed Southern California Alumnae Scholarship. A portion of the event proceeds will also go to Foundation for the endowed scholarship. International Reunion Day with the theme “Strength In Sisterhood” is planned for April 11, 2015. We hope you can join us at the Long Beach Hilton to visit with other alumnae, meet new alumnae members, and mingle with our collegians. Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page for events, photos, and to catch up on the latest Alpha Gam news. Feel free to contact any of the Los Angeles Area Alumnae Chapter officers with any questions that you may have. We look forward to seeing you at one of the upcoming events. Loyally, Congratulations to Cindy Hill (DA) who was Melanie Sharon O’Donnell, President, Los Angeles Area Alumnae Chapter awarded the Arc with Diamond at this past summer’s Convention. She received the honor at the December Gingerbread Tea. San Gabriel Valley Alumnae Panhellenic 11th Annual Awards for Scholars Luncheon The annual benefit luncheon raises money for scholarships to selected outstanding local high school women who will be attending college in the fall of 2015. Featured speaker will be Sara "Sue" Hodson, Curator of literary manuscripts for the Huntington Library in Pasadena. Date of the banquet is Monday, March 9, 2015, 11:30 am, at the Santa Anita Golf Course - Sunset Room, Arcadia, California. Last year, Janie White Cushing, Di Agajanian and friends enjoyed this benefit luncheon. Alpha Gam will be donating one of the many opportunity drawing baskets. Di is trying to get an Alpha Gam and friends table together again. Please contact Di (mobile 562.260.0543) by March 1st to RSVP. Tickets are $45 each. For any other questions, feel free to contact her.

Have You Paid Your Alumnae Dues? Alumnae Dues are paid to International and are different than the support fee paid to the LAAAC. Your Alumnae Dues payment of $40 supports many Fraternity initiatives from collegiate chapter development and extension opportunities to volunteer training and alumnae programming. Your contribution makes a huge impact providing the Fraternity with the sustainability to extend our reach and the means to exceed our Purpose! Please pay your 2014-2015 Alumnae Dues today! http://www.alphagammadelta.org/alphagams/alumnae/alumnaedues


Marijayne Stegman 244 N. Ivy Avenue Monrovia, CA 91016 mj.stegman@usa.net

Membership in the Los Angeles Area Alumnae Chapter is kept current by paying the annual support fee. Your annual contribution is the engine that keeps Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae activities and our support of the collegiate chapters possible here in Los Angeles. This newsletter is one benefit of your support. Send your check along your name, address, chapter and email address to Susan Vessels, 288 Pleasant Street, Pasadena, CA 91101

Annual Support Fee


Convention Fee $ _______ (goes towards sending LAAAC President to Convention) Other Contribution

$ _______

Pay your support fee online via credit card http://www.laaacalphagam.com/pay-your-laaac -support-fees.html

Or have you recently moved to a new city and want to reconnect professionally with your Alpha Gamma Delta sisters? There's a great networking opportunity available for you with the Alpha Gamma Delta International Fraternity LinkedIn community! The community is used to post job opportunities, networking events, requests for information, professional articles and discussions and has contacts for those who have recently moved to a new area. There are also updates from International Headquarters on alumnae news and events. It's a great way to grow your professional network and reconnect with your sisters. So, if you're looking for a professional edge, request to join! Questions? Contact Renae Haynes Espey, Alumnae Development Specialist, at ADS14@alphagammadelta.org or send her a LinkedIn message. Join us on LinkedIn now! Do you have a change in name, address, or marital status? Please notify IHQ with the information: Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters 8710 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260 Phone: (317) 663-4200 Fax: (317) 663-4210 www.alphagammadelta.org info@alphagammadelta.org If you’d like you can submit your address change to us locally and we will forward it to International. Send your address change to the Permanent Secretary, Treasurer, or Editor. You can also submit it via the Contact Us form on the website, www.laaacalphagam.com.

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