SQUIRREL SCRIBBLES Volume 44, Number 1 Spring 2013 Newsletter of the Los Angeles Area Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta Delta Alpha @ USC and Delta Epsilon @ UCLA
President’s Letter Dear Alpha Gam Sisters, Spring is here and with Spring comes warmer weather and sunnier days! This year, spring feels especially wonderful filled with excitement and anticipation as Delta Alpha and Delta Epsilon prepare to re-colonize at USC and UCLA. I cannot believe how close we are to making this dream come true, however, there is still much to be done. To ensure a successful recolonization, we need your support and dedication. Please consider joining us at any one of the upcoming events to hear how you can be part of this momentous occasion. International Reunion Day (IRD) 2013 is quickly approaching. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, April 20th at Colette’s at the Meridian Club in Fullerton. The invitation is included in this newsletter. It is a wonderful time to reconnect with your alumnae and collegiate sisters. This year’s theme is “Alpha Gamma Delta – Experiences for a Lifetime”. The theme brings to mind one of the things I treasure most about Alpha Gamma Delta. I have remained close to a pledge sister for nearly 40 years and we continue to share special Alpha Gam experiences! I am sure you have had many wonderful Alpha Gam experiences as well and will continue to enjoy your lifetime experiences in Alpha Gamma Delta. I am very excited to announce that we now have our own website, www.laaacalphagam.com. Thanks to our wonderful Editor, Marijayne Stegman, we will now be able to keep you up to date on our alumnae chapter and other important issues. Please refer to our website for details of upcoming events. In addition, we also have a Facebook page, www.facebook/agdlaaac, for added information and photos. I look forward to seeing you soon. Loyally in Epsilon Pi, Terri Kaczorowski Green LAAAC President
Gingerbread Tea 2012 1
A Very Special Alpha Gam enters Chapter Grand Betty Briffett entered Chapter Grand on March 12, 2013. Betty was 95 years young on her birthday, December 17, 2012. We will miss her very much. Betty was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA as Elizabeth ("Betty") Yeoman and attended grammar and high school in Los Angeles. Betty attended UCLA and was initiated as an Alpha Gamma Delta on February 26, 1937. She was member #200 of Delta Epsilon Chapter at UCLA. Note that on February 26, 2012, Betty became a 75 year member of Alpha Gamma Delta. Amazing! Betty graduated from UCLA in 1940. Around September 1940, Betty married John R. Briffett, which was 72 years of marriage as of September 2012. Did you know that John attended USC? They have 3 children and 6 grandsons. Betty taught Home Economics in the Los Angeles Unified School District for 20 years. As an undergraduate, Betty held the position of "Chairman of Names" on the Recruitment (Rush) Committee. Betty attributed this position as the point where she developed a love for names and files. As an alumnae member, Betty held numerous offices. She served as the Recruitment (Rush) Advisor and in 1949 she was elected as DE Permanent Secretary. In 1999 at IRD, the Los Angeles Area Alumnae Chapter honored and recognized Betty for her 50 years of service as DE Permanent Secretary. Interestingly, Betty was the Province 12 VP-Alumnae from 1975 to 1977, now reorganized as Province 5. After 1977, the office title was changed to Province Director-Alumnae and Betty held that position until 1980. Somewhere during that period, Betty found time to serve as State Chairman for Southern California and was the Social Chairman from 1994 to 1999 years for the Newport Harbor Panhellenic. The Newport Harbor Alumnae Club ("NHAC") was established in 1972 and Betty was one of the alumnae members who organized that Alumnae Club. She was President for numerous terms and helped NHAC increase its membership. The NHAC achieved 5 star recognition twice, at consecutive conventions, under her leadership. The NHAC received an Alumna Achievement Award for Excellence at the 1977 Alpha Gamma Delta Convention. Betty also served as NHAC Social Chairman from 1993 to 1998. Betty served as Vice President for Delta Epsilon House Association for many years. I remember many times during my undergraduate days when she and John, her Alpha Gam man, were at the Chapter House working on repairs, fixing furniture, etc. After the Chapter was resolved in the early 1980's, Betty and Betty Morris could be found at the Chapter House doing the gardening, paying loving attention to the Chapter House that they both loved. With regard to Honors of Epsilon Pi, Betty was granted the Arc in 1954, Arc with Diamond in 1968, Arc with Diamonds in 1977, Arc with Diamonds and Pearl in 1987, and Betty was one of the first Alumnae to receive the Arc with Diamonds and Pearls in 2004, the first year that honor was awarded. Other activities included being a volunteer sewing instructor at the Newport Beach Senior Center and volunteering for the Newport Beach Library. Betty was active at the local YWCA and took aerobics classes for 25 years. She liked to sew, knit, garden, make quilts and cloth dolls. Betty attended at least 12 or more Alpha Gam conventions, with the last one in 2004 at the 100th Anniversary in Chicago. Some alumnae may remember the beautiful costumes that she would create and sew for the Foundation dinners. Melanie O'Donnell shared a note she received from Betty in 1999, "It has always been my pleasure to participate & contribute to the continuing presence of Alpha Gamma Delta in the Los Angeles area. This I shall continue to do to the best of my ability." Further, in a letter to IHQ, Betty said, "My service to Alpha Gamma Delta and Delta Epsilon in particular has been a joy and a way of expressing gratitude for the love, support and sisterhood freely given to me thru the years." Betty was very happy to finally receive news about the 3 upcoming recolonizations. For those that want to send condolences to John and the family, John's home address is 2422 University Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Share your memories on our website at www.laaacalphagam.com/tribute-to-betty-briffett.html 2
Heeard on o the Rosevvine Chaapter Grand d Cath herine Com man Edgecom mbe (DA), In nitiated 3/25/38, Enteredd Chapter Grrand 4/5/09 Bettty Brewer Sp prunger (DE E), Initiated 10/6/39, En ntered Chapteer Grand 11//11/09 Ruth h Laveaga Youngblood Y d (DA), Initiaated 3/11/32, Entered Chhapter Grandd 7/15/11 Donna Riddell Heidbrink H (DA), ( Initiateed 6/13/47, Entered E Chaapter Grand 77/18/12 Elizaabeth Lewiss Flanagan (DA), Initiatted 6/14/28, Entered Chaapter Grand 3/19/11 (at 995½ years oold!) Marry Helen Miiller Pestor (DA), Initiatted 3/23/41, Entered Chaapter Grand 8/09 Marry Thompso on Walt (DE E), Initiated 4/11/46, 4 Enteered Chapterr Grand 8/1//11 Eloise Silzer Bu udd (DA), In nitiated 6/23//44, Entered Chapter Graand 12/29/122 DA), Initiated d 3/15/53, Entered Chappter Grand unnknown Nadene Gruwelll Minear (D Bettty Yeoman Briffett B (DE), Initiated 2/26/37, 2 Enteered Chapterr Grand 3/122/13 Sym mpathy to Ann nice Pelentay y (DA) on th he passing off her father in n April. Barb bara Meado or Callard (DA) ( on the passing p of heer mother, E Eloise in Januuary. ws New Pegggy Smith Bu uenzli (DA) and her husb band love liv ving in the ddesert near Palm Sprinngs. Their grandchildren g n are now 16 6 and 13. Th he latest adddition is a baaby boy bornn in Oxford, England in the t spring off 2008. Joan n Leonhauseer Sawday (DE) ( and herr husband Kessen K celebrrated their 600th wedding anniversary in the summ mer of 2008 with a famiily reunion of o 31 people – children, ggrandchildreen, great granndchildren, a sister and a nieece. Last summer, Liinda Gloverr Rylett (DA A), her husbaand Ric, and 8 other famiily memberss took a Segw way tour of nd Venice. The T teenagerrs said it wass “the bomb !” Linda toook lessons onn how to driive the motor Santta Monica an hom me and got to practice on their trip to Santa Mariaa for Thanks giving. RV camping at Pismo Beacch, and a trip p to Caambria and Hearst H Castlle were in thee fall. Lindaa and Ric sp ent early 2009 doing volunteer workk for Mercy Shipps internation nal operation ns center in East E Texas. Mercy Shipps is a worldw wide charityy providing hhospital shipss to the poorrest nations of o the world. West Sacramento’s Margarret Lowe Crrawford (DE E) (center in the ppicture at rig ght) was hon nored for herr volunteer service to thee Yoloo County Lib brary system m and local liibrary branch h. Crawfordd has ffinished 32 years y of serv vice on the co ounty adviso ory board. Amoong the issuees she pushed was the planning of th he current versiion of the Arrthur F. Turn ner Branch Library. L Shee is also an activve member of o the West Sacramento S Friends F of th he Library, voluunteering to organize o fun ndraising boo ok sales, ann nual dinner and tthe Friends’ newsletter. Donna Lewis Frriess (DA) has h spent tim me recently trrekking in Souttheast Asia. She retired after 45 yearrs as a profeessor at Cyprress Collegee. She is now w working ass a life coach h and writingg the ssequel to herr autobiograp phy Cry the Darkness. She S and her hhusband Kenn enjoy a ram mbunctious life with theirr 11 grandch hildren. Donn na can be reaached at ww ww.yourtimennow.org. Marrcia Batema an Gilchrist (DA) reports she is enjo oying retirem ment and travvel.
Chaarlon Brown n Franke's (DE) daughteer, Gloria (U UCLA and U USC Law) goot married too Edward Shaaw (Yale, U) in Octobeer. It was a beautiful b outd door oceansiide weddingg at the Bacaara Resort in Santa Barbaara, NYU Califfornia. People traveled from f 6 of thee seven contiinents to atteend the weddding with the largest conntingent from m London wh here Ed's fath her's family calls home. A highlight of the recepption was whhen they cut their weddding cake with a sword! This was a Shaw family y tradition ussing Ed's maaternal granddfather's Weest Point sworrd. Harriett Briggss Murtaugh (DA) is livin ng in the hou use her parennt’s lived in when they m moved from Los n the area. H Her daughterr lives in California but sspent 2½ Angeeles to Wincchester, VA. Both of herr sons live in weekks visiting in n the Spring.. Alm marene Williiams Cook (DE) ( and herr husband Jaack have reloocated to Sim mi Valley froom Calaveraas. They havee left the Red dwoods and jumping j frogs behind. She S says it iss hard to bellieve that shee and her huusband are 85 5 years young. Heer granddaug ghter Kayla is i a senior att Northern A Arizona and hher other graanddaughterr Kelsey is a masssage therapisst. Mariijayne Walla ace Stegman’’s (DA) son Zachary Z was reecently recoggnized by the City of Duartte for his servvice to Cub Scouut Pack 188. Zachary Z serveed as den chieef for the Web belos 2 den thhat recently bbridged over tto Boy Scoutss. Zachary has eearned his Staar rank in Boy y Scout Troop p 185 based in n Duarte, CA . Her husbandd Ed is the Sccoutmaster. E Ed is a trainerr for B Boy Scout’s prrestigious adu ult leadership p program Wo oodbadge for the Tri-Counncil area that iincludes the S San Gabriel Valleey.
Los Anggeles Areaa and Oraange Cou unty Alum mnae Offiicers Pressident Vicee President
Teresa Kaczorrowski Green Melanie Sharo on O'Donnell
theprincesss55@yahoo.com odonnell_m melanie@yahooo.com
(714) 846-5273 (760) 602-0944
Susan Vesselss
(626) 795-4621
Janie White Cushing C
janierusty@ @verizon.net
Perm manent Secretaary –DA
Diana Agajaniian
Perm manent Secretaary –DE
Melanie Sharo on O'Donnell
uscdi@yahhoo.com odonnell_m melanie@yahooo.com
(909) 982-0893 (562) 699-1978 (760) 602-0944
Marijayne Waallace Stegmann
(626) 359-0814
Dr. Jacquelinee Yudkin
dryudkin@ @hotmail.com
(818) 705-4604
Los Angeles Panheellenic Delegatte
La Tache Weiir
Provvince Director – Province 5
Barbara Mead dor Callard
latacheweirr@gmail.com BCallard@ @aol.com
Mem mbership Recru uitment
Patty Bogaty Schned S
patschned@ @aol.com
Soutth Bay Area Ch hair
Madeline Mollis
m_molis@ @yahoo.com
Inlannd Empire Areea Chair
Janie Cushing g
janierusty@ @verizon.net
(909) 982-0893
San Fernando Vallley Area Chairr
Houuse Association n – Delta Alphaa
Candy Allen Duncan D
CDADSC@ @aol.com
(310) 586-1540
Houuse Association n – Delta Epsilo on
Carol Reed
(805) 642-6498
Los Angeles Junio or Circle, Presid dent
Laura Rockettt
(781) 603-5301
Orannge County Jun nior Circle Preesident
Amy Blake
Orannge County Alumnae Chapteer President
Beth Harnett
(949) 496-9271
Glenndale/Pasadenaa/Burbank Area Chair
Goals for LAAAC for 2012-2013 With our goals of coming back on campus at USC and UCLA met, the LAAAC has set its sights on some new goals. Increase paid alumnae membership in the LAAAC by 10% or 117 paid members (see the Support Fees section to pay your LAAAC dues. Strive to raise $1,000 for the Foundation to become a Jewel Society Member. Add an additional Area Chair in the San Fernando Valley to help with the effort to reinvigorate our local membership
Have you checked out the fun over on Facebook? All it takes is a click and you’re in. https://www.facebook.com/AGDLAAAC
2013 -2014 Los Angeles Area Alumnae Chapter Officer Election Ballot The following list of candidates is respectfully submitted by the Nominations Committee of the Los Angeles Area Alumnae Chapter for the 2013-2014 year. Please indicate your vote by either checking the box in the right column or entering a write-in candidate’s name on the line provided. Deadline for ballots to be postmarked is April 14, 2013 Return ballot to: Jacqueline Yudkin, 8201 Lindley Ave., Reseda, CA 91335 or email dryudkin@hotmail.com Slate of Officers: President
Melanie Sharon O’Donnell Write-in candidate
VP – Operations
Laura Rockett Write-in candidate
VP - Membership
Theresa Kaczorowski Green Write-in candidate
Janie White Cushing Write-in candidate
Permanent Secretary Melanie Sharon O’Donnell (DE) (Please vote one for each Chapter)
Write-in candidate
Diana Agajanian (DA) Write-in candidate Editor
Marijayne Wallace Stegman Write-in candidate
Susan Vessels Write-in candidate
Reservation Deadline: April 8, 2013 RSVP: Complete the information below and mail with a check for $40.00 payable to “Alpha Gamma Delta” to Susan Vessels, 288 Pleasant Street, Pasadena, CA 91101. ***All reservations with payment postmarked by the above reservation date will receive 1 free opportunity drawing ticket. Full Name (First/ Maiden/Last):____________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Email Address: ___________________________ College/University, City & State: _____________________________________________ Chapter Name: _____________________________
Charter Member? Yes
Wearer of the Honors of Epsilon Pi? If yes, which honor? _________________________ Alumnae Chapter, Club or International affiliation? ______________________________ [ ] Vegetarian Meal requested Telephone contact: Kari Ruvalcaba (714) 401-3328 [ ] Presale: $10.00 for 15 Opportunity Drawing tickets. Check the box and include $10.00 with RSVP. Your tickets will be provided to you at the Registration table on the day of the event. Tickets will be $1.00 each at the event. [ ] I am sorry, but I cannot attend. My donation to the “Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation” in the amount of ___________ is enclosed. __________________________________________________________________________________
AN NNUAL SUPPO ORT FEE E This newsletter is s a provided to o you as a me ember or frien nd of the Los Angeles Area a Alumnae Chapter. Keep p up-to-date on th he latest re-co olonization eff fforts by supporting the new wsletter and o our alumnae cchapter. We appreciate yo our generous supp port and hope e that you will continue to support s our efffots to keep yyou connecte ed to your Alpha Gam siste ers. Our annu ual support fe ee is $30. Bellow are other programs yo ou can make a additional don nations to if you would like e to addittionally suppo ort our efforts. Any amoun nt helps and is s greatly apprreciated. Plea ase provide us s with you nam me and conta act details as we are asked d to provide th his to Internattional when re eporting on our ccollection of annual a supporrt fees. Also as we move to t electronic d delivery of ne ews, please provide us with h your e-mail so w we can get new ws quickly.
Annual Support Fee
Make ch heck payable e to: Alpha Gamma De elta Mail to o: Susan Vesssels
$30 0
Additional progrrams to supp port: Con nvention Fun nd $ ____ _____ Othe er Contributiion $ ____ _____
Re--colonization n $ _______ __
288 P Pleasant Stre eet Pasadena a, CA 91101--3117
me: _______ ___________ _______ Address s: ________ ___________ ___________ __________ ________ Nam Ema ail address: __________ _ __________ ___________ _ Chap pter: ______ __________ ___________ ________ Phone Number: _________ ___________ __________ __ Interrested in gettting involved d Yes No I give the LA AAAC permis ssion to use the informattion above to o send me e email regarding AGD
Heard H on n the Roosevine Please use this s form to submit changes of o address orr marital statu s information n for yourself o or lost sisterss as well as news about the ex xciting things yyou are doing g.
Nam me _______ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ ______ Is th his a new ad ddress Ye es No Add dress ______ ___________ __________ ___________ __________ __________ ___________ ______ E-m mail Address ________ ___________ __________ _____ Pho one _______ ___________ __________ __ Pledge Cllass/Initiation Year ____ Cha apter ______ __________ __________ ________ __________ _________ Datte of Recent Marriage __ __________ ___________ _ Spouse/P Partner’s Na ame ______ ___________ _______ Datte of Recent Births/Adop ptions _____ ___________ _____ Child dren’s Name e _________ ___________ ____ AAAC permis ssion to use e the informa ation above tto send me e email regard ding AGD I give the LA
Retu urn to: Marijayne Stegman n, 244. N. Ivy Avenue, Mon nrovia, CA 91 016, mj.stegm man@usa.ne et, 626-359-08 814 Or use the “Contact Us” forrm on the we ebsite to sub bmit your new ws (www.laa aacalphagam m.com)
AL LPHA GAMM MA DELTA FRATERNIT F TY Ma arijayne Wallace Stegma an 244 4 N. Ivy Avenue Mo onrovia, CA 91016-2222 9
RVICE REQ QUESTED ADDRESS SER ends of dece eased memb bers, please help us. Relatives or frie p this section n and send to t address above a with da ate of death . Thank you u. Clip Plea ase request a badge dis sposition form m to return member’s m ba adge to Interrnational, if needed.