ARCHITECTURE – MAKING ‘JOY IN LEARNING’ TANGIBLE THROUGH ENGAGEMENT, NATURE AND VERSATILITY by Dr. Christine E. Bruckner, FAIA, HKIA, R.A., HKIUD, LEED AP, BEAM Professional, BREEAM AP, RESET AP Fellow, WELL AP WELL Faculty, Fitwel Ambassador, LBC Ambassador, BG-EHP, Past President AIA International Region Director, M Moser Associates
“Fantastic insights” – Illya Azaroff, FAIA, AIANYS President
“Awesome to see what Christine is doing… bringing back discovery and wonder.” – Tom Ferrara, PE Director of Facilities III, Syracuse City School District
“Incredible bringing young kids into the process… bringing it into the curriculum… applaud M Moser for taking such a pro-active approach.” - Tom Ritzenthaler, AIA, Vice President, CSArch
PAGE 14 | JUNE 2021
r. Christine Bruckner, FAIA jump-started the four-week AIANYS Reimagining School Design series, held back in April of this year, sharing spaces that ignite creativity, empower students and create vibrant, safe, interactive communities. Among her credentials as an architect and Director at M Moser Associates; Past President of the AIA International Region, IWBI Faculty, she has decades active with school designs and facilities committees as a parent, educator, architect, energy consultant and environmental steward. More than anything, it is her passion and conviction in the power of architecture to help people meet and exceed their potential by shaping a healthy, joy-filled, sustainable future. For more on designing for Joy in schools see Christine’s article in Britain in Hong Kong (Issue 53.2). Dr. Bruckner revisits three of the key topics shared in her presentation during the Reimagning series: joy and wonder – integration with nature – adaptability towards 100% efficiency. Thank you to AIA New York State, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the School of Facilities Management for hosting this critical series on Reimagining School Design and for the opportunity to share and help co-create the interactive workshop portion around the question, “As we emerge from Covid-19 how do we make schools more joyous?”