AIESEC acronyms

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ACRONYMS AIESEC Basic Knowledge AIESEC in France 2015

GENERAL AIESEC: Associa;on Interna;onale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (This is what AIESEC used to stand for, but given that our members come from many different backgrounds we refer to the organiza;on as AIESEC, plain and simple) @: AIESEC @Xp: AIESEC Experience EwA: Engagement with AIESEC AI: AIESEC Interna;onal (AIESEC Headquarters based in RoRerdam) X: Exchange EP: Exchange Par;cipant (Students that go abroad through AIESEC) AN: Acceptance Note GIS: Global Informa;on System (AIESEC’s new informa;on system to be used across the organiza;on) LDM: Leadership Development Model LLC: Life Long Connec;on LEAD: Learn, Engage, Ac;vate and Deliver. Our leadership development program. NPS: Net Promoters Score. JD: Job Descrip;on IXP: Integrated Experience MoS: Measure of Success KPIs: Key Performance Indicators TN: Traineeship LC: Local CommiRee MC: Member CommiRee. Used for country or territory member of AIESEC. By extension, people working at a na;onal level in AIESEC EB: Execu;ve Board of the Local CommiRee (LCP + LCVPs) TL: Team Leader EXPA:, our “back-office” pladorm, used by AISECEers OP: opportuni;, Opportunity Portal, the pladorm for EPs to look for opportuni;es abroad

ROLES & PROGRAMS PAI: President of AIESEC Interna;onal LCP: Local CommiRee President MCP: Member CommiRee President (The head of an AIESEC en;ty in a par;cular country) MCVP: Member CommiRee Vice President (The na;onal leader of a specific func;onal area) LCVP (or just VP): Local CommiRee Vice President (The responsible of local opera;ons in a func;onal area) BoA: Board of Advisors CEED: Cultural Envoy for Exchange Development (An interna;onal AIESECer who goes to another LC/MC in order to help them with their opera;ons) NST: Na;onal Support Team (A team of AIESECers who support the MC with na;onal opera;ons) TLP: Team Leader Program TMP: Team Member Program GST: Global Support Team (The team of AIESEC superstars that supports AI’s opera;ons)

FUNCTIONAL AREAS BD: Business Development PR: Public Rela;ons MKT: Marke;ng OGX: Outgoing Exchange oGCDP: Outgoing Global Community Development Program oGIP: Outgoing Global Internship Program ICX: Incoming Exchange iGCDP: Incoming Global Community Development Program iGIP: Incoming Global Internship Program TM: Talent Management F&L: Finance and Legal OD: Organiza;onal Development UR: University Rela;ons

ORGANIZING COMMITTEES OC: Organizing CommiRee (Project-based team formed to deliver a par;cular event/ conference etc.) OCP: Organizing CommiRee President OCVP: Organizing CommiRee Vice President FACI: Facilitator (Usually an AIESEC member who delivers or helps to deliver sessions at conferences)

FUNCTIONAL MEETINGS IC: Interna;onal Congress (An annual conference that brings together the leaders of AIESEC, AI, MC + LCPs from across all the en;;es in the organiza;on) LCM: Local CommiRee Mee;ng OPS: Outgoing Prepara;on Seminar (A session for EPs, hosted by the Local CommiRee, to prepare EPs for going abroad) TtT: Train the Trainers (A conference for people to develop their own trainers’ skills) RIS: Reintegra;on Seminar LDS: Leadership Development Seminar Trainers (A conference for people to develop their leadership) XPROs: regional conferences held in Spring by AI to support strategy and opera;ons in Summer. IPM: Interna;onal President’s Mee;ng (Trainers (A conference for MCPs elect and currents held by AI) NTC: Na;onal Training Conference. The 1st conference of the term for the MC and the EBs. Usually held beginning of September SPARK: the biggest conference of AIESEC in France. Held around Halloween, it’s for newbies and EBs LEAD: the winter conference for EBs and some members to elect the new MC of AIESEC in France RELOAD: a LDS and Summer strategy conference open to all members of the federa;on STEP: the last conference of the term for the MC, a transi;on conference for both EBs current and EBs elect.

REGIONS LATAM Ibero-America Growth Network WENA Western Europe & North America AP Asia Pacific

CEE Central Eastern Europe MENA Middle East & North Africa Africa Africa

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