AIESEC France events & conferences

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Youth Speak Forum is an event where young people come together to transform ideas into ac>ons that will impact the world. Expecta2ons: To share ideas and experiences with entrepreneurs and companies. Share objec>ves with the most important leaders in business and social environments to generate a posi>ve impact in the world. Objec2ves: Discuss relevant issues that concerns to our country and to the world. Build rela>onships between companies and AIESEC.

Youth speak forum


Na>onal and Interna>onal reunions for AIESEC Members. Expecta2ons: To develop our Leadership Model trough sessions. To work with other LCs to increase the knowledge. To share thoughts and experiences. Objec2ves: Every AIESEC Conference has a concrete strategy to present. The ac>vi>es in a conference will be in the aim to boost opportuni>es, create synergy between commiJees , areas or countries, make reviews, MC presenta>ons- elec>ons, etc.


SPARK 2015



Na2onal Training Conference (NTC) Expecta2ons: First conference of the year where around 65 EB delegates gather to kick-start their academic year. Happening early September Objec2ves: For EBs to start their year with all the func>onal knowledge they will need. For MC to present strategy and to prepare for Winter Opera>ons. New direc>ons aQer IC are presented


SPARK Expecta2ons: Biggest na>onal conference of AIESEC France. This is targeted for around 250 members with specific content for newbies and EBs. Happening end of Octoberbeginning of November. Objec2ves: To have a final strategy for Winter peak. Prepare all Newbies for opera>ons and finalize func>onal knowledge of EBs.


LEAD Expecta2ons: This third conference of the year is open to around 90 delegates from all levels. It is a strategic replanning conference and the MC elec>ons for the next term. Happening mid-January Objec2ves: New MC is elected during this conference. LCs are focused to do their re-planning for their second semester.


RELOAD Expecta2ons: Fourth na>onal conference of AIESEC in France. This conference is for all members of AIESEC in France and gathers around 130 delegates. Special content for winter newbies. Happening early March Objec2ves: To have a clear strategy and ac>ons to deliver Summer Peak. New global direc>on aQer IPM is delivered. Make delegates experience the LDM in the form of LDS (leadership development seminar)


Séminaire de Transi2on Et de Passa2on (STEP) Expecta2ons: Last na>onal conference of AIESEC in France. This conference is for gathers around 80 delegates from EB current and EB elect. Happening mid-end May Objec2ves: To co-create the na>onal planning of AIESEC in France for the next term, new MC introduc>on, prepare elects for their term and have reflec>on & plan final sprint for currents.



Monthly Local CommiJee Mee>ng Expecta2ons: To be aware of all the LC ac>vi>es. To obtain knowledge (Educa>on cycle ac>vi>es and sessions). Learn about processes and meet between LC members. Objec2ves: To present all the areas advancements and to share the biggest achievements of the month. To talk about important issues for the commiJee.


Quarterly recommended Local CommiJee Day Expecta2ons: Ac>vi>es which promote Engagement With AIESEC. Deeper personal knowledge between members and leaders of the dierent areas. Objec2ves: Promo>ng collabora>on among commiJee members. Bonding. Build commiJee’s iden>ty.

LC day

Induc>on and Mo>va>on Seminar Expecta2ons:

The Mo>va>on and induc>on seminar is the event where we communicate to the new members: WHAT WE DO THE WAY WE DO IT WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO To be aware of all the LC ac>vi>es. To obtain knowledge (Educa>on cycle ac>vi>es and sessions). Learn about processes and meet all LC members. Objec2ves:

We aim to generate a sense of belonging, mo>va>on and basic knowledge of the organiza>on.


Re-Integra>on Seminar Expecta2ons: To understand how the world has shaped their behaviors . How their experiences can help the community and the world and understand that this is the beginning of a new journey for their experiences. Objec2ves: Re-integrate the up-coming EPs in the country, helping them to reect on their learning and recruit them as LC Members.


Outgoing Prepara>on Seminar Expecta2ons: To be self aware of why are we doing what we're doing, and how is this impac>ng our professional life. Reec>on on personal development & beneďŹ ts from Xs. How this exchange experience will change us. Objec2ves: Ensure EPs are fully prepared for their exchange experience (Culturally and logis>cally) Ensure EPs have a full understanding of AIESEC and our programs. (To increase the reintegra>on rate of EPs to join as members aQer X) Learn about XPP, Simula>ons, expenses, NPS, visa procedures, cultural shock, etc.



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