MC Annual Report 14-15

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ANNUAL REPORT 14.15 Dear French AIESECer, Dear Friends and supporters of AIESEC France, First of all I would like to use this opportunity to thank all of you again for your efforts and support that you showed us during the whole mandate 2014-15. Without you, there would not be all the results you can find in the following pages and the situation of AIESEC France would not have changed this much. Most of you know that our organisation faced serious issues during the past years, from which the overall financial situation was the most pressing one. It took all of us a lot of work and commitment but at the end of the term this situation is under control and our successors will have more capacity to tackle different problems. It was thanks to the high level of professionalism that our LCs and our national team could acquire new partner and reconnect to our Alumni, which helped us to solve the imminent cash flow issues by creating a higher income for the whole federation. This higher professionalism and the incredible dedication of our local committees can also be seen as a proof that our approach to highlight AIESEC “as more than just another association” started to create a changing mindset from which future generations of AIESEC France will profit. AIESEC is more than just a gathering of random students that do activities together during a certain amount time. Our purpose to enable intercultural understanding and to activate leadership in young people is still more than relevant in the social context nowadays. This shared purpose and belief in the impact of our actions is one of the reasons why AIESEC is the largest student-run association worldwide and why AIESEC France survived even the hardest challenges. Overall I am looking back at our mandate 2014/15 with very mixed feelings as I am proud to see how much we achieved during this year, as I am amazed to see how the people behind the positions changed during their experience and finally sad as I don’t know when I will meet all of you again.

Manuel Radvanyi, National President for the term 2014.2015


AIESEC #03 AIESEC France Talent #08 Management Organisational #11 development Outgoing #14 exchange Incoming #20 exchange External #25 Relations #30 communications #34 finance

AIESEC AIESEC is the global youth network impacting the world through leadership development experiences. AIESEC was founded in 1948, under the mission “to expand the understanding of a nation by expanding the understanding of the individuals, changing the world one person at a time”.

What We Do Our vision: Peace and the fulfiment of humankind’s potential

AIESEC France has been a founding country and it was established by Jean Choplin who also contributed to the foundation of AIESEC globally. The original member countries were: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Norway, The Netherlands, France and Sweden.

It is every young person’s responsibility to take a positive role shaping the future of our planet. We believe every young person deserves the chance, and tools, to fulfil their potential. We provide young people with self-driven, practical, global experiences. We enable them to see the world, make a real difference and discover what truly matters to them.


AIESEC France is present in 11 cities, and has 15 local chapters in universities and business schools of France.

present in128 countries and territories with 100,000 members, and more than 1 million alumni

Activating Leadership

Striving for Excellence

Living Diversity

We lead by example and inspire leadership through action and results, taking full responsibility for developing others.

We aim to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do, through creativity and innovation.

We seek to learn from the different ways of life and opinions represented in our multicultural environment.

AIESEC Values Demonstrating Integrity

Enjoying Participation

Acting Sustainably

We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions, fulfilling our commitments and conducting ourselves in a way that is true to our values.

We create a dynamic environment through the active and enthusiastic participation of individuals.

We act in a way that is sustainable for our organisation and society, taking into account of the needs of future generations.


AIESEC FRANCE NATIONAL TEAM MEMBER COMMITTEE 2014.2015 Darina Pchelnikova Member Committee Vice President Communications

Mehdi Guerfali Member Committee Vice President Incoming Exchange

Elie Chehade Member Committee Vice President Talent Management

Robin Divies Member Committee Vice President Finance

Esther Merillet Member Committee Vice President External Relations

Silja-Madli Ossip Member Committee Vice President Outgoing Exchange

Manuel Radvanyi Member Committee President

Talent Management 02 Focuses of TM

01 What we do Talent Management has a double role in an entity’s success. For one side, it ensures that every single member of the organisation lives meaningful experiences that will ultimately allow them to develop their leadership. The four traits of leadership that we focus on are:

Empowerment of others Solution-orientation Responsibility for the world We make this happen by:

On the other hand, we also guarantee the connection between these experiences and the organisational growth. By planning and selecting the right talent and measuring the productivity of our operations, we ensure that the leadership that we develop feels ownership and impact the world. During the term 14-15 around 1000 student around France showed their interest in joining AIESEC as members, working as volunteers in our operations. After selection processes done by our local offices during the year, AIESEC France’s membership base totaled to 401 students and recent graduates. From that number, more than 100 members took an active leadership position in their working teams.


talent capacity

Members’ education cycle Creation of all the necessary guidelines needed for the functional knowledge of our members as well as their soft skills and leadership skills.

Self awareness

Matching our standards of what is a successful team experience

Learning & development

Measuring our members’ satisfaction

Membership recruitment Giving all the needed tools and guidelines in order to recruit new talents in the local offices (marketing guidelines, review boards guidelines, etc.). Also, ensuring a continuous follow-up of the recruitment process.

Transition Giving all the needed guidelines for the local offices in order to deliver transition to the elected successors. Coaching Working closely with the Talent Management directors in the local offices and coaching them in order to insure a strong performance and implementation of Talent Management processes.

Members’ satisfaction Conducting surveys in order to evaluate the members’ satisfaction and guiding to the needed action steps in order to improve it. Productivity Tracking the efficiency of our members in delivering the operations and ensuring the balance between the members’ performance and the members’ satisfaction.

48.5% Growth in our Membership during from June 1st 2014 - June 30th 2015

Talent Management

Organisational development

03 Team Experience standards We strive to reach high standards in the delivery of the Team Experiences to our members. Below is the list of our Team Standards.

Team purpose Each team needs to have a vision and a direction as well as a structure that define its work.


Organisational Development is overall responsible for ensuring the long term growth and direction of AIESEC France. The main components of this are Local Committee Development and Network expansion. The focus of organisational development this year was to ensure a standardised coaching system of the local offices as well as expanding to new cities, schools and universities. The organisation had the possibility to expand to other cities and campuses in France. This year 3 expansion initiatives were created: AIESEC INSEEC Bordeaux, AIESEC Montpellier and AIESEC UniversitĂŠs de Paris.

Each team should have a clear plan of the projects and actions that need to be done during the year. This plan should be tracked consistently.

job description Each member of the team should have a clearly defined Job Description that define his/her contribution to the team performance.

Our Expansion initiatives achievements

training Each team should receive the adequate training and knowledge to allow the best delivery in operations.

tracking & coaching The team leader should track his/her team consistently as well as coaching in order to improve the team performance.

evaluation & reflection Each experience should be evaluated in order to be improved and the team members should reflect on their experience on a regular basis in order to take the best out of their experience.


Sending 17 students abroad for volunteering internships

Sending 8 students abroad for professional internships

Receiving 1 student in France for a professional internship

40+ locally engaged students

conferences Each year, the national team delivers conferences in order to train the members and ensure a high level of leadership and functional training to our members. The purpose is to develop their skills, improve their delivery of our exchange programs, network with our partners and meet members from the AIESEC France network.


National Training Conference

100 participants | Reims

60 participants | Sophia-Antipolis Introduction of the national strategy and first functional training for the leaders of the local offices.



SPARK 210 participants | Vend么me Introduction of AIESEC to the newly recruited members and first functional training. Advanced soft skills and functional knowledge delivered to the leaders of the local offices.



Presentation of the midterm report of AIESEC France, soft skills training as well as the election of the President of AIESEC France for the next term.



Local Committee President Summit 20 participants | Paris Centred on management and leadership training for the presidents and newly elected presidents of the local offices across the country as well as status update of the AIESEC France Federation.



Sales Train the Trainers


15 participants | Paris

105 participants | Caen


Introduction of AIESEC to the newly recruited members and first functional training. Leadership development sessions delivered to the leaders of the local offices.

95 participants | Thiviers

Sales training delivered to the local sales managers combined with a session about training and content delivery in order for these managers to downscale the knowledge to their team members.

Local Committee President Summit 15 participants | Paris Centred on management and leadership training for the presidents of the local offices across the country as well as status update of the AIESEC France Federation.

Presentation of the annual report of AIESEC France, presentation of the elected national team for the next term, wrap-up of the experience for the leaders of the local offices, and planning education and preparation for the elected leaders of the local officess.

Outgoing exchange What we do AIESEC has two types of International Internships to offer for the French students: Global Talent and Global Citizen. Global Talent programme is international professional internship programme, which focuses on gaining professional skills for your future career and providing you with the chance of working in a multicultural environment. Students get the chance to work for companies, NGOs and/ or start-ups. The sub-products in Global Talent are

Global Citizen programme is a volunteering programme abroad, which focuses on an international experience for the intern in issue-based projects, like cultural differences, rural development, social entrepreneurship, etc. This is an excellent opportunity for a cross-cultural development and positive contribution for social changes in the world. The sub-products in Global Citizen are:

In order to make sure the work of AIESEC France in the Outgoing Programmes was efficient, the focus of the programmes was divided during the year: • For winter realisations, Global Talent was the focus • For summer realisations, AIESEC France focused on Global Citizen


In order to measure last term’s results, a comparison per Local Committee in the past three years has been made.

Outgoing exchange adapting to the new system

working in a standardised way

During the term of 2013-2014, AIESEC International started working towards a new platform which finally got introduced on the 5th of November 2015. This was a revolutionary move for AIESEC to open our opportunities directly to the customer which reaches far more people than we used to. Extra to that, the new system makes our processes faster and more efficient, plus is generally a lot more modern. Two separate platforms in the AIESEC network were introduced. EXPA for AIESEC internal use

Opportunity Portal for customers’ use

To make sure all Outgoing Exchange processes in France would be done in the same way in all Local Committees to ensure bigger transparency, smoother work and better results, more help needed to come from the National Vice President.

Since then all AIESEC network has been working on the two portals which are closely tied together. Until today, there are new features added to the system to make it more user-friendly. Although the system still sometimes faces some difficulties, this platform will accelerate AIESEC growth in the future! The new platform also brought a new Customer Flow, in order to navigate better in the system, but also generally give our customers a better experience. With the new flow, more of our human resources and attention should be put in the realisation period of our Exchange Participants. AIESEC France adapted to the new system quite fast, meaning all our actions are made on the new system and today, all Local Committees are fully using the new platform!

In order to make this happen, a lot of communication happened between the Local and National Vice Presidents, but also different materials were created from the National Board for the Local Committees to use and navigate better: • Exchange Participant Manager booklet • Outgoing Preparation Seminar agenda • Reintegration Seminar agenda • Guidelines for Exchange Participant Community • LEAD Framework • Renewed Exchange Participant contracts • Interview Guidelines, etc. In order to have all the Outgoing Exchange knowledge in the same place, Resource Hub has been implemented and all documents are available to be found and used on Google Drive. They are segmented by the Customer Flow stages. All Local Committees in France in the past year have benefitted of using the documents. Resource Hub is not fully complete yet, it has been transitioned to the next team and will be completed during the term 2015-2016.


knowing your partners Another big focus for this year was to raise matching efficiency by creating multiple partnerships with other AIESEC entities abroad in order to have closer relations. Partnerships can bring several positive impacts in the everyday work of Outgoing Exchange function: 1. Promotion of partners’ offers creates better expectations among the Exchange Participants from the very beginning,


2. Relations with partners can help throughout the Customer Flow, as the matching process becomes faster and Exchange Participants will be more prepared for their exchange, 3. As the new Customer Flow reflects, more and more focus should be put after the Exchange Participants get realised and it is easier to do and track with partner entities. Although the partnerships’ initiative was great and partly delivered, there is still a huge space to evolve and benefit more!

Incoming Exchange 01 What we do The Incoming exchange department aims for providing students from all over the world with international internship opportunities in France. These internships have got 3 major objectives: Developing cultural understanding by bringing together several culture representatives in a professional/societal environment where they have the chance to exchange & discover different ideas, working styles and living ways. Helping French companies, organisations & associations source international talents for professional or volunteer internship programs in order to develop their businesses, projects & organisations. This can for sure make an impact on the development of the growth of the economy and enhance the diversity value in the society and the country in general. Giving foreign interns an opportunity to develop their leadership potential and build a global-entrepreneurial mindset that makes them eager to be the next leaders of their cities, regions or countries.

Our focus for the term 2014.2015 was the Global Talent program. This programme consists of offering companies the opportunity to recruit an international student with predesired specific competencies and skills.

ICX Strategy Revival of old partnerships and establishment of new ones As already mentioned, and even though the last term managed to sell the program to several companies, most of them were not interested in renewing the partnership contracts because of the mentioned above reasons. We had then to analyze our offers, and define new ways to make them more attractive and more customer oriented.

Implementing a sales culture within the Local committees Selling the Global talent program became a real challenge among the different local chapters who did not believe anymore in the relevance of the product, its value proposition and the unique offer it has in the market.

Making the balance between Member Committee’s and Local Committees’ operations During the 5 past years, the national board which is supposed to have more of a strategic role was realizing more “Incoming global talent” opportunities than the all the local chapters rallied. These local chapters are usually expected to be the major responsible for operations.and define new ways to make them more attractive and more customer oriented.


Incoming Exchange

Incoming Exchange How? “Back to Basics” Focus Focus on product development and local committees’ growth by distributing nationally the financial incomes responsibility on other departments such as business development or outgoing exchange.

sales Training Organising sales trainings throughout the year during the coaching visits, national conferences & functional meetings but also organising the “Sales Train the Trainers” seminar hosted by Education first where a professional seller gave a complete sales training to all responsible Vice Presidents of sales operations followed by a “Train the Trainers” sessions in order for them to bring back the knowledge to their local committees’ members.


02 Global Talent results coaching

Intensifying virtual and physical coaching of the local chapters: very strong connection between the national director of Incoming Exchange and the all local responsible Vice Presidents. Visits were organised to the local committees of Bordeaux KEDGE, NEOMA Reims & IAE Grenoble.

The objectives of the term were mostly reached as the whole federation signed more than 75 Global Talent internship opportunities contracts located mainly in Paris but also in several other cities around France such as Reims, Evry, Marseille, Grenoble & Toulouse.

25 signed contracts from national level

National level On the national level, actively searching for new opportunities of building a big project with a start-ups, a small and medium entreprise, or a multinational corporation.

50 signed contracts from local level

Incoming Exchange

Incoming Exchange

02 global talent results

03 Global Citizen programme

Out of these opened 75 internship opportunities, our federation managed to complete the process of reception and accomplishment of the internship for only 15 Interns which is a slightly a better number then the last term, but still low compared to our potential, in terms of history, market and knowledge. Therefore, it needs to be stated that those 15 interns came from different cultures, religions and backgrounds representing the following countries: Canada, Morocco, Mexico, Belgium, Germany, Tunisia, Italy, China, Spain, Brazil etc. This also gave the membership of AIESEC France the opportunity to interact closely with them, learn about their culture and have a better understanding of their way of living, of working and of thinking.

Even though this was not the focus of AIESEC France this year, incoming volunteer exchange program known as “Global Citizen” Programme grew a lot compared to the last term and saw 14 foreign students traveling from their countries of origin all the way to the cities of Paris, Toulouse and Evry. Furthermore, The Evry Local committee named AIESEC ITSud Paris and representing the school of “Telecom Sud Paris” was able to run this program for the 2nd year in a row through the “Cultural sharing” project where 9 interns from all over the world had the chance to teach their native languages and share their cultures along with high school students. This project was rewarded in the “Citizen Challenge” competition organised by the CGI.

global CITIZEN internship opportunities signed and realised global talent internship opportunities signed and realised


To summarise, this term was a huge turnover in the Incoming Exchange area and brought again to the attention of the local chapters a clear definition of the relevance of the Global Talent & Global Citizen programs. Even though the results are more of long-term oriented ones, the increase in the number of partnerships that have already been established is promising for the future of the programmes.

External Relations AIESEC offers companies and organisations of different size a variety of possibilities for cooperation. AIESEC in France is one of the founding countries of the biggest international student organisation and works closely together with French industry as well as non-profit organisations. When it comes to the contact with students from French Business and Engineering schools or universities there are different ways of cooperating with AIESEC. In the foreground is the possibility of working together with the AIESEC local committees at the respective target universities. The company can for instance host events like a workshop-day for students. On the other hand, one can directly work together with the local committee to find innovative solutions which allow individually shaped projects. On the national level, AIESEC offers another option. AIESEC in France offers partner companies of every size the chance to take part in national events. There are also diverse possibilities with regard to HR-Marketing and HR-Recruitment, as for example to present one’s company at one of our 5 conferences per year in front of up to 250 engaged and highly motivated students, to work on case studies with them or to offer interesting workshops. Other than that there is the possibility of drawing attention to one’s company through our print media, our internal newsletter or our marketing materials. Through these channels our partners use the options which come along with their cooperation to conduct employer branding with direct access to the adequate target group. c

AIESEC National partnerships AIESEC in France offers a number of national and campus based events to companies who decide to partner with us. On the national scale organises 5 national conferences per year in different parts of France and offers a number of activities from conference branding to physical presence and partnership launches.

partnership launch The partnership launch and/or presentation serves as a platform for organisations to showcase their partnership with AIESEC, communicate their vision and values, provide knowledge to delegates around a speciďŹ c topic/ theme, and highlight internship and career opportunities. Audience: 150-250 AIESEC members (depending on conference)

workshop Our workshop spaces provide an opportunity for companies to access global youth reactions, opinions, brand perception, and build a strong employer brand within a group of global youth leaders.

external relations in local offices

National partners

On the local level, AIESEC in France local committees organise a number of campus based events every year. Last year there were 14 local events created by our local chapters. These events ranged from more targeted workshop style events with around 20 participants to a large scale Global Village, created by AIESEC IT-Sud Paris, for example with over 800 participants.

Together we enable more leadership experiences for young people all over the world. Our partnerships are based on talent sourcing, corporate social responsibility, youth insight and employer branding.

national partners

Local offices have also begun to create events that target AIESEC alumni from previous generations. In addition, there were a number of larger scale events organised by local AIESEC offices by cooperating with other campus associations. For example, WikiStage, partly organised by AIESEC ESCP. The LCs who created local events this year were: AIESEC IT Sud, AIESEC Science Po, AIESEC Reims, AIESEC Strasbourg, AIESEC Bordeaux, AIESEC Marseille, AIESEC Grenoble, AIESEC ESCP and AIESEC UniversitĂŠs de Paris.


lobal Village: An event designed to bring diversity and intercultural understanding to campuses. These events are open to the whole campus generally and include a wide number of animations, food and animations from different countries of the world.


xternal Day: These professional days are based on a closed inscription and usually include a panel discussion, interactive workshops and networking spaces between companies and students on campuses.


visibility partners

Communications 01 branding Brand refresh We finally started following the global AIESEC branding guidelines, and implemented global brands: Global Talent for professional internships (with sub-products in teaching, marketing and IT), Global Citizen for volunteering internships (with sub-products in culture, entrepreneurship, and world issues), LEAD programme for Local Committee Presidents. Additionally we adapted France Youth To Business Forum brand for the forum held on April 11th. AIESEC France also participated in teh first wave of YouthSpeak movement, supporting free speech and voices of young people to be heard, ficusing particularly on education. Brand implementation We came up with several brands implemneted on national level such as “AIESEC France Alumni Revival” project and “Partenariat AIESEC” for External Relations on national level. Campaigns 3 national campaigns were launched during the term for national and local promotion of our membership (“Design your own journey”), Global Talent internships, and Global Citizen internships (“6 weeks to change”)


Communications 02 website refresh

03 digital reach All likes were achieved using organic sources i.e. not paid advertisement ** Percentage




10,282 facebook likes

604 average post reach

3,222 Twitter followers Total 151,036 visits to the website total of LEADS *

34.89 % average bounce rate ** 4.8 %

74 % of visitors

use French verion of the website

26 % of visitors

use English verion of the website

2.38 MIN PER SESSION ** 13.3 %

31,104 unique users logged ** 238 %

* data collected from June 1st, 2014 until June 30th,2015 ** percentage

increase from previous term


4.05 pages viewed per session ** 304.83 %

increase from previous term 2013.2014




Paul d’Azemar vient d’être nommé Directeur du campus chinois de SKEMA Business School, basé à Suzhou. Au cours de ces vingt dernières années, il s’est spécialisé dans l’aide à l’implantation d’entreprises françaises en Chine. Pour SKEMA, il s’attachera à pérenniser la présence de l’école dans ce pays en privilégiant les relations avec les institutions et entreprises. Il aura également pour mission de développer le recrutement d’étudiants locaux en formation initiale et continue. Paul d’Azemar, 46 ans, est titulaire d’un DESS en Droit international de l’Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis. Il débute sa carrière en 1995 au sein de la société Asiatique européenne de commerce (AEC). Responsable du bureau de Wuhan, il gère cette structure spécialisée dans l’assistance et le conseil aux entreprises françaises qui souhaitent s’établir en Chine. Attaché commercial pour la Mission économique (UBIFRANCE) à partir de 1996, il rejoint en 2003 le Consulat général de France à Wuhan en tant qu’attaché de coopération. En 2008, il prend la direction du bureau Centre Chine de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Française en Chine (CCIFC). Enfin, depuis 2011, il était en charge du développement de Global Talent Enterprise (GTE), société de conseil et de formation spécialisée sur la Chine. Marié, père de deux enfants, Paul d’Azemar parle couramment l’anglais, le français et le chinois. A propos de SKEMA Business School : Avec plus de 6700 étudiants et 32 000 diplômés, SKEMA Business School est une école globale qui, par sa recherche, ses programmes d’enseignement, sa structure multi sites internationale forme et éduque les talents dont ont besoin les entreprises du XXIe siècle. Désormais, l’école est présente sur 5 sites : 3 en France (Lille, Sophia-Antipolis, Paris), 1 en Chine (Suzhou) et 1 aux Etats-Unis (Raleigh). SKEMA est accréditée EQUIS et AACSB.


une année décisive dans la croissance d'AIESEC

AIESEC est la plus grande association estudiantines au monde. Sur la carte en bleu foncé les pays dans lesquels AIESEC était présente en 2013.

L'année 2015 est l'aboutissement du plan de développement sur 5 ans d'AIESEC, lancé en 2010 par les directeurs nationaux de plus de 100 pays et l'équipe d'AIESEC International, réunis cette année-là en Inde pour leur rencontre annuelle. à ce titre, les équipes en place à toutes les échelles de l'organisation pour l'année 2014-2015 sont mobilisées pour atteindre l'objectif fixé à 1 million d'expériences uniques entre 2010 et 2015. AIESEC France a un rôle clé à jouer dans la croissance de l'organisation. Explications.

La délégation AIESEC France lors du congrès international à Taiwan cette année, la plus grande conférence d'AIESEC dans le monde. Plus de 120 pays étaient représentés sur une durée de 10 jours.

Une ambition à l’échelle mondiale

C'est en 2010 qu'a été conceptualisée " l'expérience AIESEC ". L'organisation à but non lucratif cherche alors à mettre au point un cadre pour rendre clair son modèle d'impact : avoir un impact positif sur la société via le développement du potentiel de leadership des jeunes. Sont alors créées les différentes formes d'engagement de l'expérience AIESEC : programme de membre (Team Member Program), programme de dirigeant d'équipe (Team Leader Program), programme de stage à l'étranger (Global Internship Program) et programme de volontariat à l'étranger (Global Community Development Program). Une fois mis au point, chaque programme s'est vu attribuer des objectifs annuels chiffrés, la somme de tous les objectifs sur la période 2010-2015 atteignant 1 million. Voilà l'objectif ambitieux que poursuivent les équipes d'AIESEC à travers le monde. Donner


AIESEC France existe depuis 1948 et est un des pays fondateur d’AIESEC. Elle est présente dans plus de 15 écoles et universités. AIESEC France est une association reconnue d'utilité publique par décret du 31 mars 1967. à un maximum de jeunes l'occasion de vivre une expérience de leadership qui sera pour eux un tournant dans leur vie et dans leur carrière. Participer à l'organisation d'événements majeurs en lien avec nos entreprises partenaires, mettre au point des projets sociaux dans sa ville, gérer une équipe chargée d'aider des étudiants à partir en stage professionnel à l'étranger afin qu'ils acquièrent de l'expérience professionnelle avant de postuler à un premier emploi sont autant de missions réalisées par les membres d'AIESEC pour atteindre cet objectif.

La dernière ligne droite commence

Et voici qu'en ce début d'année, AIESEC est dans la dernière ligne droite pour

f - 91 -

atteindre son objectif d'un million d'expériences. C'est le moment de mettre le dernier coup d'accélérateur sur chaque programme, et sur le programme de stages à l'étranger en particulier. Aligné sur les objectifs à l'échelle internationale, AIESEC France se concentre sur ce programme pour doper ses résultats en termes de stages professionnels à l'étranger. L'objectif est double puisqu'il s'agit de poursuivre l'augmentation du nombre de stagiaires envoyé depuis la France ainsi que de faire durablement décoller le nombre de stagiaires accueillis en stage en France. Les bureaux d'AIESEC France recrutent ! ( Rejoignez nous et embarquez sur une belle aventure humaine en France ou à l’étranger. Les membres des comités exécutifs des bureaux locaux d'AIESEC France (15 bureaux répartis dans 12 villes) se sont réunis à Nice en septembre 2014 pour finaliser leurs stratégies et ainsi permettre à de plus en plus d'étudiants et jeunes diplômés de vivre une expérience unique au sein de la plus grande association d'étudiants au monde ! Un beau challenge en passe de devenir réalité. AIESEC est la plateforme internationale permettant aux jeunes d’explorer et de développer leur potentiel de leadership pour créer un environnement d’apprentissage global à travers 124 pays et territoires.

AIESEC France - Esteban Fabiao Public Relations Manager - (+33) (0)

finance 03 consolidated report

01 balance sheet Assets

Liabilities & Equity


21 210€

Capital Account

24 624€


7 650€

Final Result


Other Assets

8 108€


12 563€


36 968€


36 968€

02 INCOME STATEMENT (IN EUROS) Income National Affiliation Fees

57 610€

Internship Programmes (incoming & outgoing)

13 269€


10 410€

Grants & Donations

7 400€


22 995€


111 684€

Expenditures International Fees

15 674€

National Services

8 746€

Human Resources

36 496€

Office Management

15 293€

Other expenses

35 694€


111 903€

Final result



finance We have run several changes in Finance during this year in order to : change the way of getting revenues for MC, bring fairness to the system, be more customer centric, reinforcing our weakest entities and having a better financial management.

Change the way of getting revenues First of all, we increased a bit the Exchange Fees. The Exchange Fees are fees that are paid by each LC per EP In Progress on our internship platform. The change extended also the Exchange Fees to ICX. The previous Exchange Fees were : 11.60 EUR for an oGCDP and 19.85 EUR for an oGIP. They are now: - For OGX : 35 EUR for an oGCDP and 50 EUR for an oGIP. - For ICX: 25% of the amount of the contract or 50% of the amount of the contract if it is a co-raise with MC. The second change was the switch from International SOS Fees to Matching Fees.. Indeed, a contract was signed in 13-14 after consultation with LCPs between AIESEC France and International SOS in order to benefit from their services for our OGX customers. The price of this service is 22.42 EUR per EP MATCHED. As we ended this contract in April 2015, we decided to keep this fee and rename it under Matching Fee and put the amount to 25 euros per EP MATCHED. The idea behind this was to reduce the MC Fees amount and compensate this by keeping the Matching Fees so that LCs can plan better their expenses and will pay less. We also extended the range of Exchange Fees, Matching Fees and Reserves to expansions of AIESEC in France. Indeed, each entity has to finance its own EPs and as we pay money for each EP IN PROGRESS or MATCHED, expansions have also to pay. Moreover, it makes them used to pay those fees so that later on when they will become LCs, they will not be surprised.

Bring fairness to the system We increased the Travel Cost Sharing. This fund is helping LCs to pay their transportation costs to conferences and summits. The previous yearly amount was 3500 EUR. Now it is 5000 EUR so that LCs can have more help and transportation costs are more fair. This model has also been simplified and is now working properly. Indeed, some LCs were reimbursed 100% of their transportation costs for some conferences! We also integrated the Savings Accounts of LCs into the MC Fee calculation system so that everything is declared and there is no “hidden money”. This enabled us to level more all the LCs, as well as introducing the savings concept. c

Be more customer centric The Pricing Model has also be changed in order to be compliant with our new Global Information System. Indeed, the new system supposes that our customer pay the entire fees or most of them when they are MATCHED, and our previous model was that our customers pay 100% or most of their fees at RAISE phase. So we needed a new model to transition this because in terms of Cash Flow it could have been a problem for many entities. This is why the new model is now 60 EUR paid at the “In Progress” phase and the rest of the amount at MATCH.

Reinforcing our weakest entities We created the “LC In Debt” status. This enabled LCs that were not able to pay MC Fees before to recover. Indeed, they don’t have to pay MC Fees and TCS as long as they are in debt. The counterpart of this status is that they cannot apply for TCS and they have to sign and respect a very careful repayment plan with interest rate to MC. We also put the financial criteria for an expansion to become a LC more strict by putting the amount of money needed from 1200 euros to 2200 euros and by having quarterly audits.

Having a better financial management In terms of Financial Management, we strengthened our internal audit policies in order to have a real and proper quarterly internal auditing system. Now LCs know all the rules and apply it very carefully.

All those changes put us on the way of Financial Sustainability as they enable LCs in debt to recover and Expansions to be more stable, as well as giving a guarantee to MC of having revenues. In the long term, more LCs will be paying MC Fees and it will lower the charges for the whole federation.


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