Animesh Aggarwal LCP Manifesto 2012

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Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 2006-2010 was the era of transformation for AIESEC Chandigarh from being good to great. Our past has been bright and shinning, glorious and fulfilling. We could proudly stand and honor our past, which defined the way of being for AIESEC Chandigarh, which defined our identity. We dreamt of achieving which once many said was impossible, but with great leaders our LC saw in the past years realizing dreams in to reality became a habit for the local chapter. 2011 has been the year of sustaining our growth and laying the foundation towards 2015. Now the foundation is set and everything in place, AIESEC in Chandigarh its time for us to take a giant leap. Its time for us to go beyond and explore the impossible and turn our dreams in to reality just like our predecessors. ―Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of that generation. You will have opportunities beyond anything we've ever known. ― ―Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships― AIESEC in Chandigarh, I am here to win championship, to be the best and I cannot do it alone nor you can do it alone. The feeling of going beyond and being the champion gives me a shiver and an adrenaline rush, makes me think outside my current scope and do something beyond. ―To succeed its important to enjoy what you are doing‖ 2012 would be known for its people, people living AIESEC in its true form, people enjoying being in AIESEC for every single moment. I envision such a membership which has the hunger to do more, learn more and give more. Membership which lives by ―I won‘t quit‖ attitude, not because they are afraid of loosing, but because they know my LC deserves more than this. Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of. It‘s the excitement, energy and ambition which makes you push to go beyond. AIESEC in Chandigarh, its time we redefine the term ―Best LC of AIESEC India‖, its time we redefine ―Greatness‖. Its time we make the leap. Animesh Aggarwal AIESEC Chandigarh

“Beyond Numbers...Living AIESEC”

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh


Animesh Aggarwal

Date of Birth

18 September 1991


House No. 1158, Sector 43-B, Chandigarh

Telephone No.



+91 9815041330

Email Address

Academic Qualification



Score Achieved

Bachelors in Commerce 2009 - 2012

Punjab University

55% (Till Date)

Class 12th


Shri Guru Harkrishan Mod81% (Commerce) el School

Class 10th


St. Johns High School


Additional Achievements & Experiences: 

Part of school cricket team for 3 years

Participated and won various cyber-gaming tournaments

Attended Indira Holiday Home Summer Camp and led a team

Worked with Live2Own and Indian Gamers League as Regional Head

Skills: Software

Skill Level


MS Office


Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, One



Firefox, IE, Chrome, Outlook



Photoshop, Sony Vegas, Windows Movie

Interests: Cricket | Gaming | Reading | Social Media | Data Analysis and Logical Reasoning | Food

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh Section C | AIESEC Experience 1. List all positions held in AIESEC along with duration of the role. Also briefly elaborate on your contribution/performance, as well as the main learning you derived from each role. 2009 - The Start of the Journey “Member - Development Sector” Oct 2009 - Dec 2009 It all started under great leadership of ―Hubris‖ working for Project Footprints. This experience laid foundation of a long 2 years experience in AIESEC. I did my first appointment, first trainee pick-up, first exchange, first homestay. Contribution/Performance: 

12 exchanges - Was awarded Best Member DT at Annual Awards Night

Stakeholder Management and Servicing

Trainee House Management, Trainee Management.

Learning: 

Understood the core process of the organization

Learnt how to be a part of a team

“Organizing Committee Vice President - Finance and Logistics” Oct 2009 - November 2009

Team of Project Footprints 2009

New to the organization I was given a responsibility of handling finance and logistic of the biggest event of the year and leading a team of 3 people. During the course of this experience, I made all the mistakes I could just to learn most out of them. In the end, this role gave me confidence and self belief. Contribution/Performance: 

Managed a budget of 1.5 lakhs and made a profit of 75,000 INR

Handled high volume of resources with a team of 3 people

Learning: 

Budgeting and Financial Management

Chaos and Stress Management

Resource Management

Leadership Skills Balakalakaar 2009 - OC

2010 - Living AIESC! “Team Leader - External Relations & Finance” Feb 2010 - May 2010

You only fail just to explore more and be better. I failed miserably during this term, just to come out as a better leader. Contribution/Performance: 

Managed finances for all LC Run Projects

Did appointments to sell Projects to companies

Learning: 

Selling, Product Development and External Relations

Meeting Deadlines

Being part of the MB, instilled in me the feeling of ―Ownership‖ towards the LC.

Leadership Body—Projects & IR

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh “Team Leader - Project ASK” May 2010 - September 2010 When they push you to your limits, you find your deep inhibited and unleash your true strength. With a bunch of new recruits and 15 internationals from 6 different countries, we delivered a successful project. I was challenged everyday, I found a new meaning of leadership everyday. It also gave me a sense of satisfaction, that I am doing good for the society and making a difference. Contribution/Performance: 

Gave high quality AIESEC Experience to 15 interns.

Delivered HIV/AIDS workshop to 5,000 students in the city

Made a profit of 30,000 INR

Managed finances, logistics and trainee houses for the project

Learning: 

Leadership Skills

Team Management

Project Management

Trainee Management and Quality Management Management Body 2010—AIESEC Chandigarh

“Team Leader - Project Conserve” Sep 2010 - Dec 2010 After having a strong TL experience, it was time to implement it all and be the best. Exploring my leadership style and understanding project management, I implemented all these learning in my second term. I lead a team comprising of diverse bunch of people - a new recruit, a senior member and a person who once was my OCP. Contribution/Performance: 

Member training and development

Stakeholder management and servicing

Leaving a high realization and raise pipeline for 2011

Learning: 

Target and Goal Setting - Realistic target planning

Understood DT and Projects inside out

2011 - The Dream Run “Vice President - Non Corporate Relations” Jan 2011 - Present 11 January 2011, the day when cold beer poured over me and the chill and excitement I felt. This amazing feeling is still fresh in my mind. This year has been all about giving selflessly to the Local Chapter, always trying to give your best and even if you faced your biggest defeat you just can‘t say ‗I Quit‘. This year has made me cross my limits, made me fight everyday, made me a better person everyday Contribution/Performance: 

Sustainable exchange with my department

Member retention and member development, creating leaders

Contribution towards LCs planning and strategizing

Innovations and new initiatives introduced in the local chapter

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh Learning: 

Enhanced my understanding of AIESEC, its operations and sub-systems

Innovation and strategic planning

Strategizing and planning, seeing the bigger picture

Having a vision and following with all the passion and heart

Leadership development

Other experiences: 

Trainee House Manager Jan 2010 - December 2010

On-Site Organizing Committee - Mystic India, Trainee Conference

Organizing Committee Local Congress - May 2010 & January 2011

AIESEC India DT/ET Commission - Quality Task Force

Quality Manager - AIESEC Chandigarh

2. Briefly describe your key achievements and failures in AIESEC in the past. Also mention your learnings from your failures and how they have affected your AIESEC journey. Last two years have been a roller coaster ride with all the ups and downs. Sometimes the journey was slow, sometimes fast. All in all I have lived amazing time in AIESEC with amazing people. Everday was different, everday I changed, everday I found a new me. Some of my key achievements in AIESEC are: 

Best Member Development Sector 2009

It all started from a team meet where we were questioned on performance and commitment towards the department. I believe this was the push and motivation I personally required to get started. From managing three major clients, to aggresive matching, to trainee management I did it all. Being the highest performing member of the department in Q4, I was awarded Best Member of the highest performing department of AIESEC India. 

Build Your Future - Best Initiative

Me with my co-OCP conceptualized a sustainable and high performing exchange project called Build Your Future. It was a management project, which is still being run succesfully adding to the exchanges of AIESEC Chandigarh. The project was based upon providing high quality training to students before there placements to develop there communication and presentation skills. 

High Quality Stakeholder Experiences

In the year 2011, I have focused on delivering high quality experiences to all the stakeholders. With my department, we gave amazing experiences and memories to 40+ interns during summer cycle. Also, all our clients were satisfied with the services provided by AIESEC. This was the result of the department being process oriented and innovative in quality management. Also, as a department we used our resources well to deliver these experiences. Some areas I could have performed better: 

Targets vs Achieved

I fell short of my target as a vice-president GCDP ICX. In the starting of the year I gave a target of 123, but have achieved only 62 till date. Though I intend to end the year with 82 realizations and 20 matches in pipeline with a lot of raises, I still feel unsatisfied as I was accountable to the LC for my targets.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 

Role as a Quality Manager

I was given the responsibility of Quality Manager in September 2011 for this local chapter. Though we did set a strong foundation of how ’quality’ as a portfolio should be taken as in coming years, but my contribution and performance has been very negligable. 3. List the Local/ National/ International conferences you have attended and in what capacity. Mention Year, Conference Name, Location and Role. Conference Name



1. National Leadership Development Seminar

2009/ Silvassa


2. October Local Congress

2009/ Zirakpur


3. Mystic India

2009/ Uttar Pradesh

On-Site OC

4. January Local Congress

2010/ Zirakpur


5. May Local Congress

2010/ Parwanoo


6. June National Conference

2010/ Silvassa


7. October Local Congress

2010/ Parwanoo


8. National Strategy Conference

2010/ Silvassa


9. January Local Congress

2011/ Zirakpur


10. National Leaders Summit

2011/ Jaipur


11. May Local Congress

2011/ Parwanoo


12. June National Conference

2011/ Jaipur


13. National Leadership Development Seminar

2011/ Silvassa


14. National Strategy Conference

2011/ Silvassa


15. October Local Congress

2011/ Koti


4. Describe the experience of being a part of the Executive Body of AIESEC Chandigarh. How do you think other members on the team would evaluate your contribution to the team & LCs organizational direction? ―Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is Success‖ - Henry Ford Living AIESEC selflessly everyday makes you live it in the best form. Living by values becomes a habbit, living by principles becomes an integral part. Being on executive body of this prestigious LC has given me 300 days of joy, sorrow, love, passion, dreams. I share 13 different bonds with all my EB members, all of them being equally special. Framing and shaping up life of members and trainees each and everyday, give you a strong belief in yourself that you are creating a difference in the world.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh ―With great powers, comes great responsibility‖ - Having responsibility of the experience delivered to 150 members, 300 trainees, 50 exchange participants and more than 200 clients for this local chapter. Being accountable for your actions and being the brand name of the organization in your environment. Each decision of yours is so fatal, that it makes or breaks experiences of your stakeholders. In last 10 months, I had tough times, I had my lowest lows but being on the EB you get that ―Never Dying Attitude‖ as the love for the LC is beyond any level. These 10 months, with 13 other great individuals (whom I can call friends for life) has been the most cherished moments of my life. I think my fellow Vice President would evaluate my contribution towards the team and LCs organizational direction as vital. My team would consider me someone who is very straight-forward, practical and logical in terms of my plans and strategies I put down for this local chapter. I have been someone who gives more value to processes and solutions than emotions, which my EB understands very well. They would describe me as someone who is always available for AIESEC and people, and has given selflessly to this organization in past 11 months. 5. What are your three basic Learning's/Values for life, which you have derived through your AIESEC experience? Activating Leadership: ―To lead is to leave people better than you found them‖ Leadership would be my biggest take back from the organization, through the experience I have defined leadership for myself. This has been also my objective for this year, to make better leaders. Leadership can‘t be taught, it‘s a practical experience. I give space to members to lead and innovate, and find their own leadership style. Inspire people, do not motivate them. Change is Constant: Don‘t resist change, it is constant and it is for good. Don‘t be afraid of change, move along with it as it would take you to the road to success. Respect: Respect everyone, respect your leadership, respect people‘s thoughts, respect the poor. With growing success, we do demand respect but we forget to give back respect. It‘s a value one inherits during childhood, but seems to forget at young age. Respect has an equal and opposite reaction, if you give respect you get respect.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh Section D | Motivation 1. Why did you decide to run for LCP of AIESEC Chandigarh? What are the qualities required for this role & what makes you best suited for this role?

―Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.‖ After more than 2 years in AIESEC I sit back and ask myself, what next? After living, understanding and celebrating AIESEC which has completely transformed me as an individual and meeting the smartest, influential and inspirational people this experience has given me life long memories. A process chart shown at every ice-breakers, can describe my way in AIESEC:

“Going Beyond” : AIESEC Chandigarh is ready to enter a new era, is ready to take first step towards 2015. AIESEC Chandigarh has come from the worst and have shined bright, and this legacy leaves us with a key learning ―Future belongs to those who foresee things before they become obvious‖. The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond into the impossible. Its time now for AIESEC Chandigarh to step up and do the impossible. I believe we as an LC can expand our horizons and its time for us to go beyond exchange numbers and take a giant leap towards 2015. I foresee 2012 a year, where we give a lot to AIESEC, give a lot to Chandigarh, give a lot to this nation. I foresee ourselves performing with excellence in all spheres being that ―Youth Voice‖ ―Creating that positive Impact‖ & being ―The First Choice Partner‖ in our environment. I envision AIESEC Chandigarh to be an organization which is ―open to give & open to receive‖ for the next 1 year. “Living AIESEC” : We as an LC have been known for having strong membership, empowered and high performing MB who enjoy living in AIESEC. But in past few months, I feel the love and passion for the LC missing. I feel, AIESEC has become more of a process for members. People are not enjoying to learn or lead. In 2012, I want this year for people to ―Live AIESEC‖ with all the passion, love and commitment they can. I want people to enjoy coming for GBMs, LCongs, Department meets. I want people to work with their heart and soul. Because only then, one makes a strong experience with AIESEC. I envision in 2012, with my EB to deliver amazing experiences to our membership because in the end the biggest difference we make in AIESEC is by changing people for good.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 2. Please describe your career progress to date and your future and long-term career goals. How do you expect an LCP term to help you achieve these goals and why now? Short Term-Goals 

To become LCP or continue in AIESEC in some other role.

Go for 6 months long management internship

Complete my graduation in 2012

Complete my post-graduation by 2014

Long Term-Goals 

To work for a reputed Multi-National Company

To get married and settled

To be a speaker at Ted Forum

I am applying for LCP for only 1 personal goal, to learn and understand more about Leadership. Its a key learning I want to take back from this experience. I want to live the true and the strongest ’Experiental Leadership Development’. 3. Highlight your time commitment throughout the whole of next year (till Dec 2012; Academic or otherwise). Ideally, how much time should an LCP give to his role? I do not have any time commitment in 2012 except my final graduation exams in April. LCP should be present for the LC whenever required, should be there for the LC 24*7 for 365 days. 4.What is your vision for AIESEC in Chandigarh for the year ahead? What legacy would you want to leave behind?

“AIESEC Chandigarh is the first choice organization for delivering high voume of excellent stakeholder experiences around the world. We are known for engaging and delivering socially responsible, culturally sensitive & entrepreneurial leaders around the world who create a cross generational impact on the society.” This vision statement was formed at National Strategy Conference 2010, by then the leader of this LC keeping in mind AIESEC’s 2015 vision. I would like to stick to this vision for the next year. AIESEC Chandigarh is known for being humble, value driven, passionate and aggresive. It has been the Local Chapter which has always strived to be no. 1. I would like to leave the LC with members having ownership for LC, being value driven and strive to be the best. I envision every member to live AIESEC truly by following the 6 AIESEC values and enjoying AIESEC every single day. 5. What are your three most substantial personal accomplishments (non-AIESEC), and why do you view them as such? Provide a candid assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. Board Exam Scores: Being an average student in school, passing in 10th and 12th board exams with 80%+ score has been one of my personal accomplishment. The smile and feeling of proudness it brought within my parents, is priceless. Computer Gaming: I spent 4 years of my school life playing all sort of computer games and winning some local and regional tournaments. This experience not only enhanced my love for gadgets and games, but got me out of my comfort zone. I came out of my shell, and met a lot of people. I enjoyed my 1st tangible team experience while gaming and also lead a team. My Choices: Coming from a family of engineers, my fate was already decided that I have to be an engineer. But with time, I realized its not my cup of tea and it is not I am interested in. Going against the will of the family and taking a bold step to do commerce, I found my true passion - Economics and Maths. I believe I made the right choices which made me take the best decisions.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh Some Areas I am good at:

Solution Oriented and Logical

Calm and Focused


Shy & Introvert

I love sleeping

Some areas I need to improve upon:

Fear of Public Speaking

6. What is your understanding of the term leadership? Describe your leadership style? Explain how your style will be suitable for AIESEC Chandigarh in it’s current state. For me leadership has a simple meaning, ―To lead it to leave people better than you found them‖. It simply describes the most important attribute a leader should have, an attribute to change people for good. My style of leadership: 

Be inspiring, not motivating: I believe a leader should be inspiring for his followers, as motivation is not permanent. Motivation is like candle wax, it melts with time. A leader should inspire his followers by actions and be a true example. I make sure, I inspire people I meet through my actions.

Ambitious, yet realistic: A leader needs to have a right mixture of being ambitious and also being realistic. Being ambitious makes you believe even the impossible is possible, but being realistic makes you guide towards the right track. A leader should have a proper mixture of both this attributes to lead a team towards a common goal

Visionary: Its very important for a leader to have a vision and understand a bigger picture. Without a vision, a leader is jus guiding its followers towards a path which doesn‘t have a defined end. Having a vision and aligning people towards it, is the biggest challenge for any leader.

AIESEC Chandigarh has now come to a stage where it is important to take a leap of faith in to the unknown, and it is only possible with a leader who has the right vision and intent. Being realistic and working as a unit towards the vision is a very important virtue for all leaders next year. I believe I have it in me, to guide towards 2015 and take it to a new level. I believe I can take this LC beyond what we think it is capable of.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 1. List down the different aspects of the job role of an LCP. Local Committee President of AIESEC Chandigarh is the face of a local entity in the city and international AIESEC Network. The LCP is responsible to drive down local and national strategies through the executive body to membership, in order to take local committee towards the year vision thus working towards the 2015 vision. LCP is also responsible for all the stakeholder experiences and is accountable for the actions of local committee.

 Legal responsible and accountable of local committee‘s proceedings and also in charge of review and application of compendium.  Being face of AIESEC in Chandigarh for all its stakeholder‘s both internal and external, such as Member Committee‘s, other LCs, Board of Advisors, Companies, NGOs, Universities, etc.  Review year plans and objectives, and alignment to national strategy and direction.  Managing board of advisors and strategize board involvement. Review of targets and performance by the board periodically and taking guidance for future.  Coaching and team management of executive body, driving down strategies through EB to members and ensuring operational and personal efficiency, accountability and sustainability.  Create and protect the culture and identity of the local entity.  Reporting of local committee status to the national level.  Overall responsible for protecting and safe-guarding the brand name of the entity externally as well as internally. 2. Analyse the trends of the past three years (including 2011) of AIESEC Chandigarh's strategic direction (include performance & culture). How do you see the organization direction of AIESEC Chandigarh shaping up in the coming two years?

―Last 3 years growth path‖

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh

Year 2012 & 2013 AIESEC Chandigarh for the next 2 years would strive to work and achieve the 2015 goal and vision of AIESEC International. With new programs defined, new 3 wheels and new phases of AIESEC Experience, it has given a lot of scope of innovation and looking in to new areas for any local chapter. In the coming 2 years, AIESEC Chandigarh would go ‗Beyond Numbers‘ expanding their horizons to make positive impact, be a first choice youth organization and be a global youth voice in our environment. The organization structure would evolve in coming years, experiences delivered to our stakeholders would evolve and AIESEC Chandigarh would look in to entering new markets. A lot of stress would be laid on branding our impact and experiences in the student and corporate market and having a sustainable approach towards the growth of the organization. 3. What should be the Focus Areas of AIESEC Chandigarh for 2012-2013 and how will you implement them? 1. Growth in OGX:       

High outgoing exchange through our entities - Thappar University, Dehradun. Capitalizing new market, setting foundation for entities next year - Kurukshetra University, Maulana College, Shimla, Jaypee Solan. University Partnerships for growth in inbound and outbound colleges - better expectations, better delivery rate. Strong IR Development for OGX - especially for GIP OGX. Forming OGX advisory group which should consist of Deans of top colleges, it would help in building a strong network and brand in the city Synergy with CIM, to build brand and promotional material in time Best way to do OGX is to adhere timelines, raise on time, match on time, realize on time.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 2. Ehanced Brand in our External Market: Virtual & Web Positioning   

Online Partnerships: Youth Based & Corporate Networking Sites, Having the right target audience, The right content, Driving traffic towards our website and LC Page Refreshed Online Communications: Right content, make it engaging and fun, keep the threads active. Live Streaming: LC Events, AIESEC Beta Session, Session by externals to be livestream, to engage more and more youth.

External Positioning in the Student Sector     

Leadership Seminar in schools: AIESEC Beta, Events - Empower, Global Village. Session on world issues (Project ASK) Events catering to student market: Youth to business, B-Plan Competitions, Partner with college fests Campus Ambassador Programme Campus promotions throughout the year - Internship and Membership EWA Activities

Showcasing Impact        

Showing impact stories to inspire people Showcasing our impact to schools to reach them. Leadership sessions at schools to engage people with AIESEC Having a common portal for to showcase impact of all the LCs across India. Create impact based events which also involves students. Summer camp projects, worldview, LEAD Principal Summit Conducting events in schools to engage students

External Forums & Partnerships   

Collobarating with external organizations for events and forums Having delegation for all external forums like MUNs, Leadership workshops, netoworking forums AIESEC to be recognized as youth partners under all collaborations

3. Effective Resource Development & Management Finance    

Financial budget would be made at the beginning of the year and would be reviews quarterly by the FTF Events profit would add up to reserves of the LC Maxmimizing revenue generated from products sold and services offered Smart investments to be made, ROI would be a measure of success for all investments

Members   

Effective selection and allocation process, certified by a HR company Leadership development of members by providing diverse experiental development experience Providing a global learning environment to all members – Exchange, CEED Opportunities, International Conferences

Information Systems    

Various methods to enhance the use of would be designed and implemented Resource Hub: A computer in a office having all the documents of the LC for KM purposes Weekly newsletter for internal communication LC Blog, Fanpage, Twitter page and LCs website in link with to be maintained

Infra-structure  

Two working offices, corporate and internal office would be maintained with all basic amenities Trainee house logistics to be managed by Quality Task Force and a store room would be maintained to preserve and track LCs logistics

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 4. List down action steps for AIESEC Chandigarh in 2012, with respect to the six elements of the National Long Term Direction, laid down at NSC 2011.

Expanding AIESEC Network in India: Please refer to question no. 7 Section E Financial Sustainability and Growth: Please refer to question no. 2 Section G, Finance Collaborations across sectors: Brand & Information Management: Please refer to question no. 3, Section E and Communications and IM, Section G Legalization: 

Changing bank signatories every year and having an affidavit of it

Maintaining all partnership records and documents

External auditing on time by KPMG for governance and accountability purposes of our finances

Creating a legalized link between national office and local office

Programme Delivery Efficiency 

Having an account manager for all our clients, to maintain a good flow of communication and CRM

Right expectation setting with all our stakeholders

Legalized contracts with all our stakeholders

Review and feedback mechanism for the services provided

Focusing on quality of programmes offered to stakeholders

Quality Task Force to be formed, to bring in new initiatives and implement them to deliver quality experiences

Tracking – Knowledge management plays a key role, everything needs to tracked and maintained

Delivery rate in OGX and GIP ICX should get better – raise quality EPs and TNs, have a strong understanding of demand and supply of EPs/TNs by the network

Programme delivery efficiency has a basic rule – ―Communicate well and follow the processes‖

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 5. What is your vision statement for AIESEC Chandigarh from 2012-2015, keeping in mind the BHAG, and the direction the organization is headed towards, at the international, national as well as local level. Also, come up with a stand that the Local Committee will adopt for the year 2012 in particular, and explain it. For vision statement please refer to question 4, section D. AIESEC Chandigarh’s Stand for 2012: AIESEC Chandigarh takes a stand to expand geoagriphical and virtual reach to engage people, have sustainable mutidimensional partnerships accross sectors and provide value and result oriented change for everyone who enages with AIESEC. As a member of AIESEC Chandigarh we take a stand to learn, lead and live everyday in AIESEC. We take ownership of this Local Chapter, and promises to take this local chapter to new heights. 6. Propose the organizational structure that you plan to follow for the next year including the second level management, non-exchange roles & LC Entities. 

The executive body comes directly under the LCP

There are 2 VPs in GCDP ICX, having a split or projects under them.

There are 2 VP GIPs, having a split in terms of projects under them.

 There are 2 VP OGXs, 1 handling the tri-city market and other handling new initiatives.  VP Local Committee Development takes the role of overlooking and guiding the operation of entities.  Task forces would be created among the EB, for better synergy and functioning of operations.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 7. Give your take on expansions as a concept for an LC like AIESEC Chandigarh, which is fortunate to have a huge market to capitalize on within the local reality itself. Give a detailed plan of all possible LC Entities with Organizational structure & timelines. Expanding in to new markets, having new entities and an umbrella LC structure is the way forward, also a national growth driver and aligns to AIESEC‘s 2015 BHAG. Expanding in to new entities won‘t hamper exchange going on in the parent local chapter, as it would have its own independent department and structure managing the entities. Also, entities provide a lot of financial support to the parent Local Chapter, as they focus mainly on OGX which is a high income generation area. Dehradun: Proposed organization structure for Dehradun:

Organization Structure: 

LCC would be responsible for managing the overall operations of the local entities. He/she would be touch point with the parent local chapter, communicating with VP LCD & LCP. LCC would also take responsibility of managing finances and HR for the next year for the entity

TLs are for specific portfolio managing operations of department and also responsible for planning strategic direction for the entity. TLs would be trained by LCC and LCD Managers.

TL cycle should be from Jan-July, August - December.

Timelines: 1. All leadership roles to be given by 1st week of January. January month should be focused on training of LCC and TLs and planning for the year 2. OGX based recruitment should start in February, university partnerships, café partnerships, delivering IS should be the focus area 3. OGX recruitment for summer cycle should end by mid– March, thus March should be the month for final selection process and EP induction 4. ICX raising should start in February to deliver in the months of May & June. Matching would go along the raising process. 5. OGX matching should end by mid-May to realize in the months of July & August 6. ICX should deliver its first cycle in the month of May & June and 2nd cycle in month of August– September 7. August-September should be again be focused on making new MB and OGX raising 8. Last ICX cycle should be delivered in Nov-December and OGX realizations should happen in December-January 9. Events to be organized - Balakalakaar - May, Youth To Business - August, Impact Week - November.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh Thappar University Proposed organization structure for Thappar University

Organization Structure: 

LCC would be responsible for managing the overall operations of the local entities. He/she would be touch point with the parent local chapter, communicating with VP LCD & LCP. LCC would also take responsibility of managing finances and HR for the next year for the entity

TLs are for specific portfolio managing operations of department and also responsible for planning strategic direction for the entity. TLs would be trained by LCC and LCD Managers.

TL GIP ICX is responsible for AIESES School of Languages

TL cycle should be from Jan-July, August - December.

*TL GCDP ICX could be made after 1st half of the year, only if good membership culture comes in to place and members are willing to go outside college for work. Timelines: 1. All leadership roles to be given by 1st week of January. January month should be focused on training of LCC and TLs and planning for the year 2. OGX based recruitment should start in February, university partnerships, café partnerships, delivering IS should be the focus area 3. OGX recruitment for summer cycle should end by mid– March, thus March should be the month for final selection process and EP induction 4. OGX matching should end by mid-May to realize in the months of July & August 5. August-September should be again be focused on making new MB and OGX raising 6. Three cycles for ASL—January & February, April & May and August & September. 7. CIM should focus upon EWA activities in the college campus throughout the year. Thappar has a lot of social clubs working on environment, rural development, etc. Collaborating with such organizations and doing small scale events should be focused. 8. Lead sessions by externals should be focused by TL ER throughout the year, also partnerships for fund raising for all events and ASL could be looked upon next year.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh Chitkara University Proposed organization of structure Chitkara University

Organization Structure: 

LCC would be responsible for managing the overall operations of the local entities. LCC would be common for both, Chitkara Rajpura & Bhaddi. He/She would be touch point with the parent local chapter, communicating with VP LCD & LCP. LCC would also take responsibility of managing finances and HR for the next year for the entity

TLs are for specific portfolio managing operations of department and also responsible for planning strategic direction for the entity. TLs would be trained by LCC and LCD Managers.

TL EWA Activities are responsible for running mobile projects like ‗Lead‘ in Chitkara University

Timelines: 1. All leadership roles to be given by 1st week of January. January month should be focused on training of LCC and TLs and planning for the year 2. OGX based recruitment should start in February, university partnerships, café partnerships, delivering IS should be the focus area 3. OGX recruitment for summer cycle should end by mid– March, thus March should be the month for final selection process and EP induction 4. OGX matching should end by mid-May to realize in the months of July & August 5. August-September should be again be focused on making new MB and OGX raising 6. TL EWA activities would be responsible to run mobile projects in CU throughout the year, to engage more people with AIESEC.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 8. What role does AIESEC Chandigarh play in the national association presently? How should this role evolve in 2012? AIESEC Chandigarh has been recognized as a value-driven, ambition yet humble local chapter, having a strong legacy and a strong membership base. In past 3 years, our LC has not only been the no. 1 performing LCs but have also been known for pioneering in implementation of new ideas thus giving a lot of BCPs to the national plenary. AIESEC Chandigarh has given a lot of thought to the national plenary and has always focused on national growth drivers. Role of AIESEC Chandigarh in 2012: In 2012, AIESEC Chandigarh should be recognized not only for high performing exchange local chapter, but also for pioneering in activities which would take us towards AIESEC 2015 vision. AIESEC Chandigarh should excel in all its initiatives like EWA activities, Collaboration, Show-casing Impact, etc. and be a role model for other local chapters. 9. Layout a synergy plan & accountability structure between different portfolios in the LC. How will you as LCP ensure you track common bottom-lines of two VPs?



OGX Exchange development through IR







Exchange development through IR





Project Branding through virtual forums, show casing impact, Mobile projects for EWA activities

Product Development & Fund Raising

Manpower Planning, Training Module, R&R, Opportunities

Budgeting and project feasibility

Brand building and promotions in student sector

Promotion Partnerships, Partner Network

Manpower Planning, Training Module, R&R, Opportunities, EP Induction and reintegration

Budgeting, Financial Policies, and Modules

Event Promotions & Partnerships

Newsletters, Blogs, Media

Investment on virtual platforms and publications

External Sessions

Fund Raising, In Kind Raising, Revenue Management and fund raising

Publications, Media Coverage, External Communication

Knowledge Management and University Relations

Project Funding, Learning Partners

University relationships & Promotional Event

Brand development & proposal standardization, web space, annual newsletter

R&R, Personal Goal Setting, Membership appraisal

R&R, Personal Goal Settings, Membership appraisal

Brand Development and proposal standardization, web space, annual newsletter

AIESEC XP Certification, external sessions for skill building

Project feasibility, logistical management

Investments on CEEDs, Investment and receivables tracking

Promotions & Publication partnerships

In kind raising, budget deficit

R&R, CEEDs, International Conferences Investments

R&R, X+L, Initiative and CEED Investments

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 10. List down all the events AIESEC Chandigarh should host in 2012-12 along with objectives, financial implications & a time-line. Events



Financial Implications

Alumni Event


Close to none.


Jan – March

Networking event for Alumni to network with present EB and BoA. Promotion of opportunities of manpower Recruiting manpower for the LC Creating a platform for direct impact Leverage from social event. Showcasing DT projects. AIESEC‘s youth initiative. Profit Leadership workshops in colleges Creating AIESEC a ―Global Youth Voice‖ Creating brand of AIESEC as leadership Promotion of opportunities of manpower Recruiting manpower for the LC Get-to-know LC LC Achievements Creating a platform for underprivileged. Leverage from social event. Showcasing DT projects. AIESEC‘s youth initiative. Profit

Large scale event, high amount of funds can be raised for the event. Brings a lot of brand also for the LC

Balakalakaar + Impact Week

Youth to Business




Aug - Sep

Alumni Event


Balakalakaar + Impact week

October November

Medium investment required, but in-kind support for printing would be required

Medium investment required but high funds could be generated through this event

Medium investment required, but in-kind support for printing would be required No major financial implication, self-sustainable. Events requires huge investments but good planning and execution can get huge profits capitalizing on CSR funding and BD for projects.

Points to be notes:    

Global villages would be organized in schools and colleges Principal summit in partnership with Times of India AIESEC Beta in schools Collaboration for events with other organizations, for example - MUNs.

11. Critically analyse the culture of AIESEC in Chandigarh. What aspects of the current culture will you retain and what aspects will you change in the coming year? How do you plan to do the same? Some aspects of current culture I would like to retain next year:  Rewards and Recognition: This year we saw RnR campaigns boosting the performance of membership. It helped in driving down ambition and passion within members to be the best in their portfolios and LC thus performing amazingly well  Trainee Involvement: Trainee involvement has been at its best this year, with regular trainee forums, trainees attending GBMs and also some lucky ones got to be a part of our EB (Carson, you remember ;)).

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 

Alumni Involvement: A lot of alumni have been tapped and engaged this year, which added to the culture of the organization. Alumni bring a lot of intellectual support with the immense experience they carry and also make us feel good about the strong legacy we carry.

Some aspects of this year culture I would want to improve upon: 

Ownership: A sense of ownership towards the local chapter was missing this year especially within MB members. Lack of ownership leads to members not enjoying AIESEC and to achieve and learn everyday enjoying what you are doing is important

Loudness: I come from the era of 2009, where people used to shout out their lungs at national conferences. This year I feel, our presence and loudness at national conferences have gone down drastically and at some conferences even our delegation size was small. Though we still carry that humbleness and passion at every conference, but we as an LC are known to be loud and I would like to bring that for AIESEC Chandigarh

LCongs: Though both are local congress have been immense successful and gave a lot of value to our members, but less no. of delegates present for Lcongs have been a major problem. With increasing no. of membership, the presence for local congress has gone down. I would like to improve on this factor, as local congress plays a vital role in members experience

Talent vs. Attitude: Our membership has been talented, but the attitude has been missing. And it is this legal combination of talent and attitude, which makes the difference. It is this virtue, if you possess which makes the difference of being no. 2 and being the best.

12. Describe the role a VP will play in the LC in 2012. The role of an EB member in AIESEC Chandigarh is extremely dynamic and challenging, which not only pushes an individual to the limits, but by doing so, it helps the EB member discover his true identity. Its a 365 days job, giving selflessly to this organization, caring more about stakeholders experience than your own experience and being on the best of your behaviour everytime. EB member is responsible for the following thigs:        

Leading and directing department towards a common goal Adminstration and governence of the department Alignment of department’s progress to LC’s progress Collaboration and coordination with other departments & external organizations Providing training, support & knowledge to GB & MB members To lead by examply and inspire people with actions Contribution towards the strategic direction of the local chapter by giving inputs at forums Commitment and maturity towards local chapter, keeping the EB term on the top of the priority list

13. What immediate change/evolution is required in the LC’s Communication Strategy, Organizational Structure, Rewards and Recognition, Information Management and Functional Management, in order to equip ourselves for approaching 2015? LCs Communication Strategy, Refer to CIM, Section G. // Information Management - Refer to Q No. 3 Section E & CIM, Section G Reward and Recognation: Our rewards and recognation campaigns have been very successful in the past. Following change/evolution should be made:  Only LC run RnR should launched  RnR should not only boost exchange, but should also support other factors like finances, branding, etc.  Our incentive module could change, we provide only materialistic or recognation as incentives. More dimensions could be added to our incentive model.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 14. What is your understanding & link between AIESEC 2015, the BHAG, the three wheels, and the programmes? How will you effectively implement the four ELD programmes, keeping in mind the LC’s realities?

 

AIESEC is an organization fully devoted to young people. The BHAG of AIESEC is ―engaging and developing every young person in the world.‖ All 4 ELD programmes revolve around providing experiences. AIESEC as an organization stands for providing valuable experiences to young people. The three wheels of AIESEC are creating impact, being the first choice partner & global youth voice. These facilitate the process of experience delivery to people and in this process a lot of value is added to the society. The portfolios of Human resource management and Exchange Departments are fully devoted to ensuring that we deliver great experiences to our members, EPs and people engaged. The new organization structure boosts the productivity of the membership in this regard. All other portfolios are the dimensions which facilitate these experiences.

15. What ideal role will AIESEC play as an International youth organization in Chandigarh in 2012?  

  To

AIESEC creates socially responsible, global leaders. We provide our members a global learning environment with an experiential leadership development to make better citizens of the world AIESEC through its projects run in collaboration with NGOs and goverenment agencies impacts more than 2 lakh people years. Our projects are based on Child Rights & Education, Women Empowerment, HIV/AIDS, Environment Issues, Rural Development, Road Safety etc. We provide more than 250 international interns to our clients, to make a impact on society AIESEC helps organizations expand to new markets & countries, help company grow due to cultural diversity. With internationals working with companies, it gives company international prospective and set new trend in organizations. AIESEC helps schools bring world to their classrooms, students enjoy an international learning environment in school. Learning about different cultures, having internatioanal aspect in curriculam adds to the learning of a student. More than 20% of youth is engages with AIESEC through various activities, we provide work abroad opportunities to more than 200 students in 2012. AIESEC Chandigarh adds to India’s GDP and growth and welfare of its city. sum it up, AIESEC’s 2015 vision defines the exact role we should play as international organization in our city.

―Engage & Develop every young person in the world‖ - First Choice Partner, Global Youth Voice, Positive Impact.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh Section F | Exchange

1. Please give your (probable) targets/plans for the next year . AIESEC Chandigarh ICX Targets Portfolio



Corporate Sector 1

Corporate Sector 2


Project Target

Portfolio Target






Rural Development












Build Your Future






New Markets






Total AIESEC Chandigarh OGX Target OGX Inbound



OGX Outbound




LC Entities Targets Entity




Chitkara University




Chitkara Rajpura




Thappar University












Total OGX 220

Total ICX 485

Grand Total 705

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh a. Membership Volume and Experience 

    

An increase in the capacity of the organization by having 150 floating members throughout the year and providing more than 80 leadership opportunities. Membership growth in entities as well, with Dehradun having 50+ floating members and Thappar University having 30+ members. University expansion, Chitkara Universities should have 20+ membership throughout the year. Implementation of global learning environment in each department, with personal goal setting and quarterly review of membership to get better productivity. Skill building, training by externals and certifying members experiences by an external organization would be a priority for TM cell. Instilling the feeling of learning everyday, enjoying AIESEC, living with the right attitude through various forums like Local Congress, LC Days, Office Days, GBMs. With many events lined up for next year, members could take these opportunities to add different dimension to there experience. Also, a lot of opportunities would be available in exchange support portfolio for senior members. International opportunities like CEEDs, International Conferences, Exchange for members to add international aspect to their AIESEC experience, also helping local chapter in building IR.

b. Logistical Management  

  

Hospitality and logistic squad would be in place throughout the year functioning directly under Vice President Finance, managing LCs and trainee house logistics. Finance manager in every department, tracking income and expenses of the department and giving report mentioning required areas of investment in near future so as to plan investments in time. Finance manager should submit reports every-fortnight and income and expense sheet every month. Two fully functional offices throughout the year. Tracking peak realization period well in advance to plan investments on trainee house well in time Maintaining a store house to keep LC logistics safe and tracked properly which would lead to efficient and productive use of LCs logistics.

Stakeholder Experience Delivery Clients: CRM     

All processes for ICX and OGX flow should be followed. Account management should be laid stress on for better efficient management and communication. Constant communication through Newsletters and Magazines should be maintained. Involve clients to deliver training session to members. Client referral and client‘s network exploration models to be formed.

Members      

Providing diverse opportunities and job role - International Opportunities, OCs, Exchange Support. Strong performance and competency tracking model to be used. Clarity of role, responsibility and hierarchy should be present. Delivery of strong formals and informal forums to be focused on. Have engaging and fun filled interactive sessions and create space for members to explore and innovate. Implement global learning environment for members to have a complete experience.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh Trainees      

Trainees would be inducted in to the local chapter and would be invited for trainee forums. Use of virtual forums to update trainees about LC event and city events should be used. Consistent communication with trainee through forums or regular visit to trainee house should be maintained. Also defining the flow of communication with trainees and introducing the responsible person well in time so as to avoid any communication gap. To provide all required documents (Survival kit, Accommodation Contract, City Info, Etc.) at the time of matching Hold trainee forums, especially during peak realization times. Regular review and feedback to better delivery.

Exchange Participants     

Raising quality EPs only to ensure better delivery rate and university partnerships Proper induction e.g.: Ice-Breakers, mentoring and preparation to be AIESEC Chandigarh Ambassadors should be done. Proper assessment of experiences to be done Tracking EPs experiences during the time of internship and maintaining a constant communication with trainees Encourage re-integration of exchange participants, only after strong exchange experiences

Parents   

Parents evening to be held twice in a year for new recruits and senior members Quarterly newsletter for parents, which would highlight activities and performance of AIESEC Member report card - to track and understand experience of their child

d. International Relations      

A Vice President Exchange would be made IR responsible for the local chapter, who would have the following responsibilities. These responsibilities also define how to build strong IR. Creating high quality material to be provided at and social media in synergy with VP CIM. Optimum use of wikis, classifieds on and online media for internal marketing. Creating specific CEED opportunities for members and promoting it in the local chapter. Building network with VP Xs of other countries and focusing on LC-LC Partnerships Taking leverage out of MC Partnerships and MCs campaigns like ―Discover India‖.

2. How will you ensure Delivery will be a part of the basic Exchange process? Also, mention any new initiatives around Delivery. Delivery is the major part of an exchange process and also the least prioritize by members & TLs. To make delivery the part of an exchange process, following actions would be taken:          

Defined job role of Team Leader AIESEC Experience CRM to be a part of sales process: account management, documentation, communication Training on delivery and quality of processes at regular intervals Auditing of delivery and processes quarterly by Quality Manager and bringing new initiatives if required. Regular feedback and review mechanism from EPs, Trainees and Clients Finance manager in every department to track income & expenses and plan investment area well in time Using virtual tools for tracking accommodation for trainees, trainee arrival & departure dates, trainee information FRO to be a part of realization process Integration of trainees to department & LC, regular interaction and involvement of trainees Showcasing Impact - Using experiences delivered to showcase our impact

Delivery of our processes have a simple funda implied to it ―Track, Communicate & Deliver‖

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 3. Mention the major reasons for the imbalance in OGX and ICX. How do you plan to bridge the gap and also grow ICX at the same time. Reasons for imbalance in OGX & ICX: 

OGX as a focus area came in 2008 for our LC till 2008 focus was GIP OGX, it shifted to GCDP OGX in 2009.

AIESEC India started focusing more on ICX in 2008, and with PBOX coming in to place as an LC we started doing a lot of LC run projects in 2009 which lead to exponential growth in ICX.

Examination cycle and attendance played a huge problem for OGX delivery rate. To overcome this university partnerships as a concept came in 2010, but its still on a very nascent stage.

Students are not very much independent of taking decisions thus they rely a lot upon parents, whereas information seminar is given to students only. Its hard to reach parents directly and convince them.

Not enough supply of GIP ICX in AIESEC network.

With projected target ICX to OGX Ratio is 2:1 which is better than the ratio of 2011 which is 6:1. Strategies for the same is answered in Q. No. 4. Analyse the underutilization of OGX in the last 2 years with respect to potential market and give strategies to increase the same. Also mention what role Entities will play in this. Please refer to Q No. 3, Section F and Q No. 3 Section E

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 5. Describe the experience of a member in an Exchange Team.

A member in an exchange team would go through a diverse experience which would not only enhance his soft skills but would also break his/her mind set on various cultures and issues. A member would learn all exchange processes and undergoing a wholesome experience of selling, marketing, delivering, etc. Also member would get a lot of external prospective about things and get exposure by attending various external forums. A member would be given space to put his/her thoughts forward and innovate things. Most importantly, a member would go through a strong team experience and would enjoy AIESEC everyday.

“Learn, Lead & Dream” in AIESEC everyday. 6. List down any innovation(s) that you intend to bring in exchange/exchange departments. Following are the innovations I would like to bring in exchange/exchange departments: 

Finance manager in each and every department to track income & expenses and plan investments on time

Task force structure: Every member has a primary job role of doing exchange, but members could be given a secondary job role of doing IR, Quality Management, Show-Casing Impact, etc. They would be part of a task force (for example IR Task force) of the department and these task forces would be chaired by a team leader

Adding 2 managers under Local Committee Development for training new members and working on operations of newly formed entities

Account management and trainee buddy to be followed in all exchange departments

TL AIESEC Experience would also be responsible for showcasing impact and trainee experiences in all departments

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh Section G | Non-Exchange External Relations 1. Critically analyse the External Relations portfolio this year & list down the roles & responsibilities of VP ER in 2012. Positives: 

Board engagement has been consistent throughout the year, with 1 joint board meeting and regular personal meetings done by VP ER & LCP. Board not only provided with intellectual and networking support but also a lot of monetary and in-kind support. Though there is a scope of changing one of the board members which should be taken forward in 2012. 13 new multi-dimensional partnerships came in to place in 2011, out of which 6 clients would be given in transition in 2012. In-Kind support came in handy this year: office space, printing, space for holding GBMs.

Huge fund raising for June National Conference, highest amount raised for any national conference in AIESEC India.

Capitalization of Ludhiana market.

Negatives 

Event calendar was not followed, thus leading to no planned ER.

 

No ER cell structure followed for 1st 9 months, thus less man-power and less focus on client relationship management. No innovations were made in events, thus no new products to sell in market.

No event made good profits, some events faced huge loss.

Role of VP ER in 2012: 

BoA engagement and management for fund raising, in-kind support, intellectual support and networking

Striking yearlong multi-dimensional partnerships

Selling recruitment, events, projects, annual magazines in the market

In-kind support like office, printing, t-shirts, GBM venue

Management and training of ER Cell

Planning of events, product packaging and innovating around events

Planning revenue for the LC in synergy with VP Finance and constant supply of revenue, being active part of Finance Task Force

2. Give your (probable) ER target for the next year. Justify the same.




Recruitment [Both]


Recruitment is a big product, if sold in time as more than 20 colleges are covered for promotion. Also a lot of virtual promotion is done for recruitment. By involving externals in information seminars, it would give companies more value from our product.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh Product



BoA + Alumni


LC Events [BKK June, BKK November, Youth to Business (Lead)]




[ASK, AIESEC Beta, GBMs, LCongs] Total

Chitkara & ABC Paper limited are ready support us under the LC partnership annually. Alumni contribution should be looked in to for exchange and events. Also alumni are ready to contribute towards LCPs monthly salary, this should also be considered BKK being a strong social event and leading to direct impact we have seen in the past a lot of companies are interested in investing in it. Also, youth to business in a new format could be a huge product These projects have a good value in the market and could be easily sold to SMEs in the city and generate good amount.


Financial Management 1. Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Finance in the LC. Finance is the most vital and dependent portfolio, which works in synergy of all other portfolios. Though very underrated in past, the portfolio has evolved with years and now vice president finance holds a very key position in the local chapter. The role of vice president finance comprises of the following things. 

LC Budgeting: Estimating the revenues and expenses of the year and constant review of budget

Investment Planning: Planning smart investment areas – Traineeships, Membership, Administration

Accounting, Book-Keeping & Reporting

Auditing: External and Internal Auditing

Controlling and Tracking Cash Flow

Governance and Accountability

Reviewing and introducing financial policies in the local committee

Logistics Management


Imparting financial knowledge to the local chapter

Legal Representative of the Local Chapter

2. Define a financially sustainable LC. How do you envision AIESEC Chandigarh in 2012 with respect to financial sustainability? Financial sustainable LC could be defined as: 

Making smart investments – profitable investments, maximum return with time.

Having sufficient reserves to cater to any exigencies

 

Operational and exchange expenses are covered by exchange income and ER income is used for reserves, brand building, etc. Positive cash flow throughout the year and no liabilities

Maximum revenue generation from the services provided to stakeholders, minimum receivables.

Efficient and productive utilisation of resources, to attain maximum benefit

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh To work towards financial stability, following actions would be taken in 2012: 

Fixed deposit of 8 Lakhs by the end of the year

Average bank balance of 2.5 lakhs throughout the year

Implementation of financial policies in all exchange areas, constant finance education to members

Minimum investment in GCDP ICX traineeships

Profit centric events – generate more than 50% profits

Fully functional office with all required amenities

3 permanent trainee houses throughout the year

Minimum liabilities and receivables

3. Analyse the investments made this year and mention the major investments that you shall be focussing upon for next year. Also, mention any areas for cost cutting and how [Considering high volume of traineeship investment through GCDP and trainee house management]? Analysis of investments made in 2011:  Appropriate amount of investments made on membership - Subsidies, RnR Campaigns.  

High investments made on trainee houses, less return on investments. Trainee house investments were not planned properly due to bad tracking Low investment on administration, a lot of in-kind facilities like office, printing

No investment made on savings. Our reserves are still below the minimum amount required for crisis situation

Areas of investments in 2012 and areas of cost-cutting:  Membership investment should be high—with increase in operations membership would also increase. 

Good amount to be invested on administration, but it‘s also a cost-cutting area. A lot of focus on in-kind raising

 

Planned trainee house investments in 2012, investments to be made on GCDP ICX exchanges should be planned every quarter and VP GCDP ICX should plan exchanges accordingly. Investment on reserves, 3 lakhs to be added to reserve account.

50% profit policy on all events.

Investments for development of virtual tools and IR.

Talent Management 1. Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Talent Management in the LC considering two essential components of the Experiential Leadership Development stage, Team Member Programme and Team Leader Programme, fall under this portfolio’s purview? Give tangibles as far as possible. Role of Vice President Talent Management in a LC: 

Capacity Building: A VP TM is responsible for building a greater capacity of the local chapter which can be measured in terms of TLP and TMP programs offered to members, X/M ratio and retention rate through the implementation of TM processes

Training: A VP TM is responsible to ensure that members have basic understanding of the processes of the organization. Also VP TM is responsible for training by externals on skill-building regularly through GBMs, LCongs, etc.

Selection: A VP TM plans the manpower requirement for the local chapter and runs the selection process the EB. He defines the selection process and parameters of judgement. VP TM is also responsible for induction process of new recruits

VP TM is responsible for certifying TMP and TLP experiences by externals

VP TM is responsible for tracking performances, member appraisal and running RnR campaigns

VP TMs job role revolves around people and their experiences in AIESEC. VP TM is responsible to provide experiences to our biggest stakeholders ‗members‘ in synergy with all VP exchangers.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh 2. Analyse the recruitment’s conducted this year. What innovations do you propose in the existing processes to make them even more effective for next year? Feb 2011 Recruitment 

Forms sold during February recruitment were 1500, highest ever for AIESEC Chandigarh in February recruitment

Recruited 88 people, but didn‘t analyse the recruits. Recruited a lot of hostellers and PTU college students which effected member retention

Covered 13 colleges, café partnerships were in place

Generated 40,000 from ER

Late for recruitment, due to NLS and EB transition. This led to less manpower for the months of Jan, Feb and March

Small delegation for RLDC 2011, Indore

June Pocket Recruitment 

Recruitment only through online applicants, more than 200 online applicants

Recruited only 8 people, as turn up was very less

Recruitment happened very late, which caused no campus promotions and less turn up

Quality of new recruits was amazing, 100% retention from this batch

August 2011 Recruitment 

Highest no. of forms sold by any entity in AIESEC India – 3600 (Campus + Online)

Recruited 101 people, highest no. of people ever recruited by AIESEC Chandigarh

Covered more than 20 colleges, café partnerships were in place

Turn up for selection process very low as compared to previous recruitment

No funds were generated to ER, couldn‘t generate revenue from our biggest product

Quality of new recruits was excellent, 80% member retention

Small delegation for NLDS 2011, Silvassa

Amazing parents evening delivered for August recruits

Innovations for 2012: 

EB training by an external for a better selection process

Certifying our selection process by a HR company and providing a certificate to new recruits by those companies

Involving externals to give sessions during Information Seminars in colleges, to add more value to our products

Specific recruitment handled by TM cell: Recruitment for GCDP ICX during May for manpower, TLP Recruitment for Events, Projects which required special skills

3. How to increase external value of our Membership? 

Certification: Certification of AIESEC Experiences (TMP & TLP) by an external organization

Training & Skill Building: Training and skill-building sessions by our partners during GBMs, LCongs, for AIESECers and certifying the same

Providing job opportunities to recent alumni with TN Clients/BOA/Other Partners

Providing opportunities to attend a lot of external forums hosted by CII, TIE, other student organizations for networking purposes and having AIESEC presence is all such events

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh Communications & IM 1. Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Communications & IM in the LC.

2. How would you assess the role of Communications in 2011? How can this portfolio tangibly contribute to the achievement of the LC’s goals (Exchange, Leadership, Membership, and External Value) & objectives in 2012? How will this be tracked? Exchange   

Promotion of AIESEC as a international talent pool providing organization through different mediums. Making customized promotion strategy for all portfolios to reach out to the right audience and using the right medium to reach out to these markets. E.g.: Facebook for Students, LinkedIn for corporate, Principle/Education Summit for Education Sector etc. Partnering with more market leaders and government organizations.

Leadership   

By getting leadership roles certified by external partner[s]. Recognition of leadership roles by partners and supporters. Opening LR for volunteers for event OCs etc. to provide short term AIESEC LR experience.

Membership   

Representation of AIESEC delegation at other corporate and youth forums. Introducing and executing more meaning and powerful interaction with the youth. Capitalizing on the youth networks and AIESEC initiated youth clubs in school and colleges. E.g.: AIESEC clubs in schools, LinkedIn clubs in colleges and virtual membership and virtual community.

External Value  Collaboration for external events, AIESEC being mentioned as ‗Youth Partners‘  Media Relations & Media Articles  Show-casing Impact  Online presence and articles  Newsletter & Annual Magazine

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh Tracking of CIM           

No. of raises through promotion on social media and website State of KM processes in LC No. of website advertising AIESEC on homepage No. print, radio and TV appearances No. of website, blog updates Internal and External Newsletters No. of fans on Facebook fan page Showcasing Impact - Quality of promotional material EWA Activities - No. of youth engaged No. of printing and café partnerships No. of collaborations and partnerships, also count of logo presence for external events

3. What are the various spheres in the LC in which Information Management plays a huge role or can a play a huge role? Information Management comprises of 2 things, information systems and information management. 

Effective and efficient use of

Local committee server in office for storing all important data and files

Output of all forums to be recorded and uploaded on for members

Internal weekly newsletter for knowledge management purposes

Regular updates of both AIESEC Chandigarh websites and blogs

Importance of IM in 2012: 

Efficient use of would help us in building very strong IR and can also be beneficial for KM purposes.

Standardized information should be flown down through Google sms channel, AIESEC Chandigarh Google groups, messages.

Virtual platforms such as live streaming and virtual sessions would be extremely useful in defining processes and making AIESEC the first choice organization for youth leadership

Intensive use of blogs and Facebook fan page to showcase impact.

4. What are the possible ways for a VP CIM to make AIESEC the first choice Youth Organization in the city? Communication is one portfolio which immensely depends upon on the content, the presentation and the target audience. Hence CIM in 2012 would cater to all three which would create a strong brand of AIESEC in the city and would initiate our first steps towards 2015.         

Large scale impact events in collaboration with government to be organized to get recognized as change agents. Connecting and engaging more and more like minded people together through our phases and programmes Organizing youth based events in the city - AIESEC Beta, Youth to business By delivering better and impactful experiences to all members and EPs Partner with other student run organizations for events and campaigns By making AIESEC Talent recognized by all top companies and universities in the city Collaboration for events and AIESEC to be recognized as ―youth partners‖ Local government gives AIESEC, ―youth consultancy status‖ Being the change agent that the world wants to see

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

Animesh Aggarwal | Manifesto for Local Committee President 2012-13 AIESEC Chandigarh BoA and Alumni Engagement 1. How do you see the Board of Advisors being serviced the best? What inputs-tangible and intangible, can they give to facilitate the LC’s progress? Board Service & Engagement Plan:

Input by Board members for LCs growth: 

Reviewing year plans and performance and giving external opinion on LCs strategies & expansions

Networking support – Board can help us build a strong network in the city, especially in the corporate world

Intellectual support and guiding EB Members – Board can provide intellectual support for our new initiatives and plans and can also mentor EB members for personal and professional development

In-Kind support – Office space, Venue for GBMs and other LC Forums, Printing, T-Shirts

Funding Support – A focus should be on striking year-long partnerships with board members or getting financial support for events.

2. How do you see the Alumni being serviced the best? What inputs-tangible and intangible, can they give to facilitate the LC’s progress? Our alumni network is a biggest and most under-utilized asset, and in 2012 a lot of effort would be made to reconnect and engage our alumni in LC activities. Best way to service and gain inputs from alumni for LCs progress in 2012 are: 

Alumni Event: Two small scale alumni event would be organized in 2012 for alumni to come and re-connect with the local chapter.

Providing network & support: AIESEC could contribute to alumni by providing them a huge network of students, companies, ngos and helping them in collaboration.

Exchange & Events: Alumni could be benefitted by partnering with them for exchange or for events.

Alumni as Mentors: Alumni could act as mentors for team leaders and EB members and help them in personal and professional development

Training Sessions: Alumni could deliver our membership training and skill-building sessions through our forums.

Job opportunities: Job opportunities with alumni companies/ngos would be promoted within the LC for members and recent alumni, thus providing talent to our alumni.

In 2012, first half would be focused on tracking all alumni and connecting them back to Local Chapter. Only after a strong alumni network is formed, focus would shift entirely to service them and gain tangible & intangible benefits from them. Forming a local level alumni association could also be looked upon.

Beyond Numbers: Living AIESEC ―Everyone can live beyond what they are capable of‖

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