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Be smart don't start. Smoking? You must be joking...Too much smoke will leave you broke. If you can't stop smoking, cancer will. There are cooler ways to die than smoking. Put it out before it puts you out.Smokers don't get to smoke, they have to smoke.Everyone has a right to clean air.Breathe healthily, live happily.Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. They're rich; you're dead. Your freedom ends where my nose begins. If God had wanted us to smoke, he would have given us a separate hole for Smokilling Campaign it.Trash the Ash.Cancer smoking. at Thaparcures University, Patiala Smoke away your worries, not your lungs. Tar the roads, not your Event Report it. Tobacco kills if you lungs.Arsenic kills if you swallow smoke it Make your choices, [April 1 toit's 19 ]your life. Live it or Burn it... Be smart don't start. Smoking?. You must be joking...Too much smoke will leave you broke. If you can't stop smoking, cancer will. There are cooler ways to die than smoking. Put it out before it puts you out.Smokers don't get to smoke, they have to smoke. Everyone has a right to clean air. Breathe healthily, live happily.Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. They're rich; you're dead.Your freedom ends where my nose begins.If God had wanted us to smoke, he would have given us a separate hole for it.Trash the Ash.Cancer cures smoking.Smoke away your worries, not your lungs.Tar the roads, not your lungs.Arsenic kills if you swallow it. Tobacco kills if you smoke itMake your choices, it's your life.Live it or Burn it... st


Objective of the Smokilling Campaign Smoking is bad for you. If any generation knows that, is ours. We’re the anti-smoking campaign generation. We’re the ones who saw the pictures of the lungs before and after someone spent their lives smoking. We’re the kids who were told not to cave to peer pressure. So we know the dangers, those of us who smoke and those of us who have never smoked. We’re well informed and well aware, and people make their own decisions for their own reasons regardless. The focus of worldwide consumer education programs has been on the effects of tobacco use. In order to highlight the leading cause of preventable death worldwide, these programs have largely been fear-based and designed to convince young people to stop cigarette smoking The AIESEC Way is not only a description of the way manner we aim to make a positive impact on society, but also describes the road we are taking to achieve what we envision Thus as a student-led movement, we have the advantages of speaking the language of our target audience as well as greater credibility vis-a-vis adults, whose anti-smoking advice is often perceived as hypocrisy. Anti - smoking campaigns aimed at smokers have had limited success because as much as they hate their habit, smokers are averse to taking steps to give it up. Our brief is clear: to persuade young collegians to never try smoking and to encourage those who are trying to get rid of the habit.


Agenda The whole campaign was divided into 3 phases Phase 1 from April 1st -7th  Innovative anti-smoking graffiti’s and posters were posted around the campus, to create awareness before the campaign is actively launched to create curiosity among students.  Spreading awareness with the help of posters in places dedicated to this campaign. Phase 2 from April 7th - 14st As part of the second phase of our campaign we have partnered with Saturanlia’s2012, one of the largest cultural festival in North India which happens in Thapar University annually. The campaign was active throughout the duration of the fest. This collaboration expanded the impact and visibility of our campaign to many folds. Campaign activities by AIESEC during Saturnalia  A long graffiti board and other art forms(posters, banners, photographs and campaign T-shirts) used during the campaign, plus educational videos and posters were collectively publicized in a selfconstructed art gallery. The gallery was set up at one of the prime locations of the college, from where almost all the crowd passes by.  An anti-smoking mural was installed alongside the art gallery to encourage everyone to express there views on anti smoking and show support for the campaign by hand by leaving there hand prints.  Beside the gallery, various competitions like  Smokilling poster design competition


 Smokilling T-Shirt designing competition  Smokilling face painting competition  Smokilling photography competition was organized by us On the first day of the fest, which witnesses maximum footfall  Interns from Canada and Brazil worked with us on the campaign day and helped us in making it more impactful. The foreign nationals would took part in competitions, publicized the campaign by word and through campaign T-Shirts. Phase 3 April 19th o The highlight of the campaign was the AIESEC night which had the following agenda as a part of the campaign. AIESEC night witnessed maximum footfall which gave us a chance to make the campaign visible. As a part of the AIESEC night we organized following events o 10 mins video display on a projector about harmfull effects of smoking. o A guest lecture from a doctor from Fortis Hospitals on ill- effects of smoking o Donation of graffiti board made during Saturnalia to Hostel so that the message can be displayed throughout the year o Distribution of campaign t-shirts , badges and stickers to the crowd. o Rock for Charity- Music concert by The Local Train


Number of Attendees During the first phase of the campaign the outreach was the entire campus area which includes about 8,000 students from college and 2000 administration members and their families Second phase of the campaign saw participation of 54 students directly in the competitions and around 200 on the art mural. The competition, graffiti board and the AIESEC stall set up during the Saturnalia fest at Thapar University was witnessed by a approximate footfall of 2000 engineering students from all over north India who came for the college fest. Third phase of the fest was publicized through online and on campus promotion and witnessed an active participation by a crowd of over 1500 students from Thapar University and nearby colleges.

Communication strategy On campus promotion of the campaign was done through more than 500 posters put-up through out the campaign We partnered with an organization with database of around 3000 students to send promotional SMSs for the AIESEC night Online promotion was done via facebook.The event page got more than 100 likes in one week and is now at 210 as on April 30th The event outreach crossed 10000 mark on during the second phase



ER details Total revenue generated through sponsors Rs 1,95,000 Expenditure Phase one and phase two On Posters, Flexes, AIESEC stall, Intern Hospitality Graffiti Board and Mural, etc Rs 30,000 Phase Three Rs 90,000 on the Headlining act Rs 50,000 event setup and technical requirements Rs 20,000 hospitality and promotion


Event Photographs

Innovative initiatives to publicize the campaign

Art gallery set up during Saturnalia


Students expressing their views on mural

Face painting Competition


The completed graffiti board

Event Poster


Guest lecture by doctor from Fortis


Event setup and concert by The Local Train


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