Hunny LCP application 2015 final

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Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

Section A | Opening Note In a maximum of one page, summarize your application.

“There is a war within each one of us. Sometimes it keeps us alive, sometimes it destroys us.” We have fought many battles. Won many, lost some. AIESEC in Chandigarh is not an ordinary local chapter. I believe AIESEC in Chandigarh has always been fearless, bold and courageous and we always break through the limits set upon us. in·sur·gence (n-sûrjns)

n.The action or an instance of rebellion; an insurrection. Year after year, we have witnessed how AIESEC in Chandigarh has risen in the network and then again, suffered a few falls as well. It is very similar to the life of a Phoenix – conquer and then fall into ashes and rise again. I believe it is time we broke the cycle. AIESEC in Chandigarh does not need a resurrection, because we are still alive and we still live and breathe for the LC that we call home. We need an Insurgence. An insurgence that conquers all that was always ours and never theirs to have. An Insurgence that sets examples for thousands to follow and others to dream about. An Insurgence where you wake up everyday and you strive to be better than who were the day before and live with higher intensity every next second. For only the strong survive. Insurgence is not a happy journey. It does not guarantee positive moments, but it promises Greatness and glory that our home deserves.

Limitless winning.

The time to conquer is NOW.

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

Section B | Personal Information Name

Hunny Hans


#1226, Sector 43B, Chandigarh | 160043




+91 9041991705

Email |

Work Experience

Academic Qualifications

Other Achievements



Teen-Age Magazine

AIESEC Blagoevgrad


2005 - 2006 Founder and Chief Editor

2013 GCDP Intern for United Nations MDG Project

2012 – Present Member, Team Leader, LC Vice President, NST, Internal Control Board

Name of the Institution



IIS, Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Class 10, CBSE


DAV Model School, 15A, Chandigarh

Class 12, CBSE


Chandigarh Business School, Landran

Bachelors of Business Administration

72% (Semester 5)

-Silver Medallist, Science, NTSE 2005 -Silver Medallist, Mathematics, NTSE 2005 -Bronze Medallist, AIMS, Saudi Arabia - 2006 -Gold Honour Roll, 2003-2010 | IIS, Dammam, Saudi Arabia -Gold Medallist – Basketball, National Games 2007 – Saudi Arabia -Silver Medallist – 1500m run, National Games 2007 – Saudi Arabia -Two time Silver Medallist – Basketball, Chandigarh Administration Games 2009-10 -Two time Nationalist in Basketball – 2007 and 2010 MS Office


Internet User


Windows Movie Maker


Adobe Photoshop


Basketball | Writing | Travelling | Real Madrid | Dancing | Third World Issues

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

Section C | AIESEC Experience 1. List all positions held in AIESEC along with duration of the role. Also briefly elaborate on your contribution or performance, as well as the main learning you derived from each role. Exchange Coordinator, iGIP (The Inspirerend People - 2012) Contribution


-5 Matches (all pipeline)

-Learned and implemented the basic exchange process. -Learned how to work as a team.

GCDP Internship

(AIESEC Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria) Contribution


-Organized workshops and seminars for high school children. -Spread awareness about UN MDGs and their importance for 2015.

-Learned the dynamics of United Nations. -Learned how to deliver sessions and workshops. -Learned the importance of existence.

International Partnerships Head (National Team, Lithuania - 2013) Contribution


-More than 50% growth in all exchange programs. -International Relations in every major AIESEC entity.

-Learned the dynamics of iGCDP, oGCDP, oGIP and iGIP. -Learned and implemented virtual team dynamics. -Learned how to build and maintain International Relations.

Finance Coordinator, Y2B OC (Victorious Secrets - 2012) Contribution


-100+ appointments -Signed printing partners -Event budget

-Budgeting and Cost Cutting -“There is no I in TEAM.� -Event Management

Team Leader, iGIP (TIEcoons - 2013) Contribution


-More than 50% contribution to department exchange. -International Relations in every major AIESEC entity.

-Learned and implemented team dynamics. -Learned how to build and maintain International Relations. -Learned the leader is always right, listen to him.

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

Vice President, iGIP (Halo - 2014)

National Strategies Manager iGIP (National Support Team, AIESEC India) Feb – June 2014 Contribution


-Implementing national strategies and directives in Beginner and Intermediate LCs. -Coaching and mentoring Beginner and Intermediate LCs.

-Ownership towards AIESEC as a whole is the ultimatum that drives performance.



-More than 50% TvsA. -Piloting of PBOXing in GIP. -Constant creation and implementation of strategies. -Highly empowered team leaders. -Immense contribution to the national commission. -Co-department contribution could have been better.

-Your members are the biggest assets you can have. -Belief and passion can carry you in times of despair. -Greatness is a choice. -Being limitless solves all barriers.

Executive Board Coordinator Y2B Organizing Committee (Cyborg - 2014)

Consultancy Team Internal Control Board AIESEC International (Consultancy Ninjas) Contribution


-Responding to entities for questions and clarifications regarding to the XPP, ER and Partnership Principles. -Provide facilitation and recommendation to entities on complaints submitted by other entities/ externals.

-Learned the importance of a compendium and rules. -Learned how to raise organizational standards for better customer satisfaction. -Learned how to work with a team with people from 20+ countries.



-420 Delegates at the best Y2B witnessed by Chandigarh yet.

-Sometimes, it’s okay to take a back seat and let things happen on their own. -Hard work is really the key to success.

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

2. What have been your main achievements and non achievements in AIESEC in the past? (Mention a max of three each) Major Achievements

GCDP Internship

Going on an internship at an early stage in my AIESEC career is one of my major achievements so far. It helped me understand the importance of our product and also develop as an individual. I realized my potential and my goals while also making friends from around the globe in the process. It was the best thing that could happen to me. It was a transforming experience.

iGIP 2013 - 2014

We managed to be number 1 in AIESEC India at JNC ’13. I managed to contribute extensively to this feat by performing more than 50% of exchanges during that time. It helped me learn more about the portfolio and also deliver a number of good experiences. Throughout 2014, my department has managed to produce results consistently. An extensive learning and experience in the portfolio and good people in the team helped me achieve it effortlessly

Internal Control Board AIESEC International

Internal Control Board is an independent and highest governing body of AIESEC that regulates the compendium, XPP and ER Principles. Being the only LCVP to be selected for the team globally, it is a privilege to work with all the MC members.

Y2B 2014

Y2B 2014 witnessed the largest turn up (420) ever in a corporate event by AIESEC in Chandigarh. The whole experience was scintillating and the team was the best people one could work with.

Major Non-Achievements Pipeline building for 2014

Quality Management in 2014

Portfolio Regression

I failed to generate a pipeline for 2014 as a team leader in quarter 4 of 2013. It affected 2014 majorly.

There is a major downfall in NPS in ICX when compared to 2013. I could not help maintain or improve the NPS of the LC, as I should have, being the Quality Responsible.

Despite of having a stable performing department, I failed to replicate the same or at least help to replicate the same for the portfolio as a whole for the LC.

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

3. List the Local/ National/ International conferences you have attended and in what capacity. Conference



September 2012


October 2012


May Local Congress

May 2013


June National Conference

June 2013


MB Summit

August 2013


National Strategy Conference

October 2013


October Strategy Conference

October 2013


National Leaders Summit

January 2014


Summer Local Conference

June 2014


June National Conference

June 2014


National Strategy Conference

October 2014


October Strategy Conference

October 2014


Regional Youth Leadership Conference October Strategy Conference

4. Describe the experience of being a part of the Executive Body of AIESEC Chandigarh. How do you think other members on the team would evaluate your contribution to the team & LCs organizational direction? Being on the executive board of AIESEC Chandigarh is challenging and the experience has been the same. Every individual on the team is so strong and passionate for AIESEC that it spreads in the team as a whole. I am a personal fan of constructive criticism and the team has been a strong source of constructive criticism for me. It has helped me develop and transform into a better person every single day. I could not have asked for a better team and better people. I have given my all to the team and the organization every moment, with better intensity every day and I shall continue to do so. If the other members were to evaluate my contribution they would describe it as: -Growth mindset -Strategic -Power driver -Critical nature -High performance -Aggressive -Firm believer in Activating Leadership

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

5. What aspect of your Executive Body term could you have significantly improved upon? (personally and as a team) I could have significantly improved in the following areas: -Department culture in Quarter 1. -Contribution to the portfolio. To the team, I have given my complete best at every moment and I have voiced out every opinion at every step of my term. Personally, I could have handled my college attendance in a better way. I made choices that were lethal. Fortunately for me, the risks I took paid off.

6. What are your three basic Learnings/Values for life, which you have derived through your AIESEC experience? (Answer objectively) -Activating leadership is what I have always lived by. -Be true to yourself and your work and you will automatically be true to everyone around you. -Greatness comes by a choice you make, Greatness simply does not come to you by itself.

Section D | Motivation 1. Why did you decide to run for LCP of AIESEC Chandigarh? What are the qualities required for this role & what makes you best suited for this role? “Destiny is the bridge you build to something you love.” – AIESEC in Chandigarh, it is. I believe in Activating Leadership religiously. I believe I was destined to find a home in AIESEC Chandigarh. I believe I was destined to meet the people I have and create the stories I am a part of. I believe I was destined to miss those college days, that lunch, that one hour of watching TV shows - to do what I do, to do what we do – activate leadership. I really do believe the universe conspired to make all of this happen. I believe I was meant to build this indestructible bridge to the place that is home. 2015 calls us to be the generation that is great, it requires an Insurgence. I decided to run for LCP to lead the charge and give all of me for all of you. 2015 is more than just a milestone, it is an example. An example, which shall set the benchmark for the LCs to look up to. An example, which shall strike within everyone to make the choice to be great. 2015 is destined to build leaders who shall go on and spread greatness in the world. I am running for LCP to build the bridge between this destiny and us, through an Insurgence.

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

The qualities required for this role are: -Vision: A vision is where it starts, a vision is where it ends. A leader without a vision is like a directionless boomerang – which is fast and strong in whatever it does, but it is going to always fall back and never proceed. -Growth Mindset: Being a LCP is challenging. It is necessary and essential to have a growth mindset to embrace every challenge that the role brings with it. -Experience: Experience leads to learnings and that is what craft out a person. A good amount of experience enables a LCP to make quick and swift decisions in an effective and efficient manner. I believe I am the best suited person for the role because I exhibit all of the above qualities in the amount required.

2. Describe your future short-term and long-term career and personal goals. How do you expect an LCP term to help you achieve these goals and why now?

Career Goals

Personal Goals

Short Term: -Become the LCP of AIESEC in Chandigarh -Finish graduation in May 2015

Short Term: -Learn driving -Get an Indian Voter ID

Long Term: -Get an MBA from Harvard -Travel and make a documentary on life in South America -Get an executive MBA by the age of 30

Long Term: -Become athletic again -To have travelled more than 25 countries by the age of 26. (Current number is 7)

3. Highlight your time commitment throughout the whole of next year (till Dec 2015; Academic or otherwise). Ideally, how much time should an LCP give to his role? I am scheduled to have my final exams for my final semester in May 2015. Leaving aside those 6 examination days, I shall be a full time AIESEC member for the entire year. An LCP should be available 24x7 for his team and the LC. The job requires the person to carry the responsibility.

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

4. What are your three most substantial personal accomplishments (non-AIESEC), and why do you view them as such? Provide a candid assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. “Teen-Age” Magazine – 2005 I started this magazine, while knowing very little about journalism, finances, marketing or anything, in fact. But the magazine worked in the school and it helped me gain personal monetary profits too. I had my own executive team. In the second issue, we even managed to get two sponsors which was a huge deal because I did not know what the word “sponsor” meant before that. And at the age of 13 in a country like Saudi Arabia, where there is little scope of such things, it was a great achievement for me while also competing with an already existent popular school magazine. Basketball Career I was the youngest player in our school history to play and win the Saudi Arabia Cluster in Basketball. And then subsequently, I was the youngest to represent a team in playing five at National Games. Basketball has always been more than a sport to me. It is my passion.. So, reaching a high level at an early age was definitely an achievement. Dropped out of Engineering – 2012 I decided to drop out after spending a year in Engineering. Now, some may think it is easy and it looked easy. But convincing my parents for months and finally getting them to support my decision was the biggest accomplishment of my life. Not many people decide to drop out after spending two years to be where you are. Dropping out took a lot of courage and confidence and I am glad I did it and now, so are my parents. Strengths -Adaptable -Result and Goal Oriented -Strategic Thinking

Weaknesses -Aggressive -Perfectionist

5. Define AIESEC in Chandigarh’s direction in 2015 in a single phrase or a statement. Limitless Winning.

6. Describe your leadership style? Explain how your style will be suitable for AIESEC Chandigarh in its current state. The business schools define leadership as a quality of a person through which he has the ability or the power to influence people or things around him. Leadership does not necessarily come through power or position, but the thoughts and actions of any person.

“A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.”

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

My leadership style is defined by the following aspects: -Goal Oriented -People Centric -Visionary -Democratic -Purpose Driven 7. What power does the role of an LCP carry and how do you intend to wield this after becoming (the LCP)? An LCP is the final strategy and decision making authority, along with the Executive Board for an AIESEC entity. The LCP also has the power to change ways of working, organizational culture, office culture, code of conduct and every other aspect of the organization.

I intend to wield this power to: -Raise and maintain presence in the global plenary. -Activate leadership in every experience. -Live and breathe AIESEC values. -Be democratic in as many decisions possible. -Lead the Insurgence.

Section E | LC Administration 1. List down the different aspects of the job role of an LCP.

Governanc e and


-Be the face of the organization. -Develop healthy and effective accountability mechanisms in the LC. -Legalization of the organization.



-Coaching and mentoring the executive team. -Constant support to the team. -Direct the team and align to the LC direction.

Representa tion

-Represent AIESEC in Chandigarh at the national and global plenary. -Flowing down the national directives. -Contributing to AIESEC and collaborating for collective growth.


-Envisioning and implementing the strategies for the year. -Building and maintaining the brand in the city.

Administrat ion and Operations

-Driving high quality operations and experiences. -Creating and maintaining high quality stakeholder experiences. -Empowerment of the LC.

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

2. Analyze the trends of the past four years (including 2014) of AIESEC Chandigarh's strategic direction (include performance & culture). How do you see the organization direction of AIESEC Chandigarh shaping up in the coming two years? Also, give a SWOT analysis of the LC for 2014. 428 450



317 323

350 300

305 305 271 234





150 100 50 0

Realizations 2011


Matches 2013

2014 LC Performance

2011: Dream Unlimited -More than 400 exchanges. -Hosted two conferences. -Big recruitment, low retention. -Focus on national alignment of the LC operations. 2012: Passion Purpose Performance -The LC started the year in a debt. -Finest set of recruitment in August. -Best IM and oGIP in the country. -Focus on pipeline building. -The year ended by getting off the debt. 2013: Delivering Promises -The year started with decent exchange pipeline. -Strong management body. -Better internal network presence. -High retention of August recruitment, showcasing strong team cultures. -Focus on evolving events and brand presence. 2014: The Invincible -Focus on learning and development of the membership. -Good momentum in oGCDP. -Strong functions driving growth. -Good contribution to national plenary through active NSTs.

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

SWOT: 2014

3. What according to you will 2020 be for AIESEC in Chandigarh?

2020 in numbers:

-300 members in the LC -2200 exchanges delivered -2 expansions turned into LCs, contributed to national plenary -80+ NPS -Exchange done with more than 60 countries

2020 in presence:

-Leading local chapter in all spheres -Recognized across all sectors -Present in every college in the tricity -Core pioneering local chapter in the internal network -A strong government support for the organization -A strong and diverse Board of Advisors from all sectors

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

4. What focus areas do you propose for AIESEC in Chandigarh in 2015? Explain briefly.

Brand presence across all sectors

Financial Investments driving growth

High quality experiences to all stakeholders

-Brand building and positioning for GCDP, GIP, TMP and TLP -Standardisation of processes to improve customer experience -Faster response time -Market penetration and brand positioning in newer markets -Brand building and repositioning in existing markets -Exclusive budget for marketing activities

-New and more efficient investment model. The LC shall use the method of calculating the minimum payback period of an investment to choose the faster option to increase the number of investments and maximise revenue and growth across all programmes and functions. (Payback Period Method) (Rate of Return) -Standardisation of cash flow activities to decrease the number of receivables and minimise the realization to payment period.

-NPS management -Customer experience mapping -Introduction of Local Control Board, chaired by the quality responsible from the EB. The Board shall be responsible for all customer solutions, both internal and external, and also audit all processes timely to hold everyone accountable to standardisation.

5. Propose the organizational structure (for the Executive Body only) that you plan to follow for the next year.




VP oGCDP and Expansions



VP Finance

VP External Relations

VP Comm and Marketing


Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

6. Give your assessment of the role played and contribution made by AIESEC in Chandigarh towards the National Association? How should this evolve in the year 2015? Current State of National Contribution

The evolution in 2015

-Pioneering local chapter -Humble, bold and courageous attitude -Constant contribution to National policies through National Steering Team and Focus commission. -Immense contribution to National strategies through participation in National Support Team by both the EB and the MB. -Contribution to expanding the network through self sustaining entities (Jalandhar, Dehradun and Thapar University)

-Exponential growth across all sectors -Introduction of a more efficient investment model to the network (pioneering) -Empowered presence in National and Global plenary -Greater contribution to National Steering and Support Teams -Generating maximum Best Case Practices in the network

7. Enlist the key events that you intend to deliver in your year with proposed timelines. Event/Activity



February Recruitment

-Bring in the next fresh bunch of membership into the LC -Build a boost for Quarter 2 talent capacity

January – February

MB Summit

-Empower the fresh batch of MB to take forward 2015 and the directives to the GB -Train the MB

Jan end/Feb beginning

AIESEC Holiday

-Give an AIESECer the space and fun they deserve, and a break from high speed operations that 2015 will reuqire

Every second Saturday of the month :D

YGEP Event

-A mega YE for the tricity -Package and sell the event to generate money to invest back into oGCDP activities -Brand positioning of GCDP, AIESEC and YGEP in the tricity youth. -Peak raises post Jan-Feb raising period


Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015




Local Congress

-Reflect on the year and evaluate performance -Strategize for the final bolt to JNC target

May End

Youth to Business Forum 2015

-Bridging the gap between the youth and the business world -Rejuvenate the Y2B brand and upscale the brand set by Y2B 2014

August end

August Recruitment

-Recruit fresh batch of membership to fill the talent capacity, if needed.


October Strategy Conference

-Reflect and evaluate the year performance -Strategize for strong 2015 and envision and plan 2016 -Celebrate the experiences delivered


Chandigarh Business Forum: Business In Practice

-Mash up the Chandigarh Business Forum and European event “Business In Practice� to engage all stakeholders -Brand building in the corporate sector and CRM healthcheck



-Social impact centric event

December end/Jan beginning

8. Critically analyze the culture of AIESEC in Chandigarh. What aspects of the current culture will you retain and what aspects will you change in the coming year? How do you plan to do the same? Current Culture

Aspects to Retain

Aspects to add

-Weak office culture -Skilled membership -Humble, bold and courageous -Strong national representation -Participation in international conferences -Growing iXP -Strong Executive Body

-Humble, bold and courageous -Strong national representation -Participation in International Conferences -Strong Executive Body

-Greater iXP -Strong workplace culture -Leadership in every experience -Live and breathe AIESEC vlaues

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

9. Describe the role a VP will play in the LC (around performance & attitude) in 2015. Role around Performance

Role around Attitude

-HR Head of the department: Member engagement, training, retention and development. -Department Head: Drive strong performance, efficiency and develop a strong workplace culture -Strategic Direction and Administration: This comes as a responsibility by being on the Executive Body of the LC -Customer Experience Management: Stakeholder engagement, retention and management

-Humble, bold and courageous -Drive the year of Insurgence -Focus on leadership development driving exchange -Contribution to LC forums and meetings -Be a strong face of the LC -Accountable to himself, the LCP and the LC

10. What according to you will the be the most important trait of an EB member in 2015 and why?

“Everyone has a war inside them. Sometimes it keeps them alive, sometimes it destroys them.� The year 2015 requires an Insurgence and the people who can lead it. The most important trait that will be the most important is the attitude of Limitless Winning. Without this attitude, the foreseen growth and performance may not happen. It is vital to have the attitude of Limitless Winning in order to turn the year into Gold.

11. Propose a Governance & Accountability model for the LC for the year 2015. Board of Advisors LCP EB MB GB

Action Steps: -The LCP and the EB help accountable by the Board of Advisors -Monthly EB review by the LCP -Monthly review MBM -Bi-yearly Board meeting to review the LCP and the LC -LC auditing of budget and finances -Weekly priority tracking for the MB -Members held accountable by defined Job Descriptions

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

12. According to you, what role will AIESEC play in the city of Chandigarh as an International Youth Organization in 2015?

Impact of AIESEC in Chandigarh

Date: 31st December, 2015


international interns impacted

Leadership Wave in the City

30+ media appearanc es

150+ members activated


90+ companies impacted 50+ organization s impacted through GCDP

300+ students impacted

leadership experiences

Focus Areas of 2015

Brand presence across all sectors

Financial Investments driving growth

High quality experiences to all stakeholders

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

Section F | Programmes 1. What will be the changes that will leverage the volume of AIESEC in Chandigarh ELD Experiences in 2015? How are these connected with the external environment?


Evolution Proposed

Top 3 strategies

Relevance with External Environment


Short term internships

-Product development and packaging -Start Up GIP model -Workplace Branding

-Higher number of start ups in the city -Revised financial model for start up needs -Brand building and positioning


Financial Profitability

-Project Selling -Aggressive packaging with Marketing -Standardisation of processes

-Large number of NGO’s with good financial base -Avenue for CSR investment fund by corporate companies


Brand building and positioning

-Higher EwA activities -YGEP event -Capitalize Institutes and Learning Centres and Expansions

-Growing influence of outbound colleges in tricity youth -Market expansion


Short term internships And ET

-Capitalizing strong IR -Expanding ET as a product -Short term internship partnerships with IR for reverse raising

-48% of Indian employers prefer employees with international experience -More number of colleges, more recent graduates, bigger market than ever.


Experience Tracking

-Feedback mechanism -Learning and development assessment periodically

-Leadership in every experience -Raising member capital


Experience Tracking

-Review and evaluation mechanism -Feedback mechanism -External mentoring

-Practical leadership development

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

2. Please give your (probable) targets for the next year. Please justify the same, especially along the lines of: •Membership Volume & Experience •Logistical Management •Stakeholders Experience Delivery •International Relations












Business Administration






Women Empowerment


Child Rights


Health and Lifestyle




Cultural Understanding


Population Dynamics


Economic Growth






Business Administration










Total Number of Exchanges


Total Target





Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

Membership Volume and Experience -Two major sets of recruitment in the year to fill the talent requirements -4 MB cycles, quarterly renewal -MB Summit and monthly MBMs to empower the MB constantly -RnR campaigns in Q2 and Q4 -External forum presence for external learning -MB to be in place by 31st December 2014 -Stronger and more empowering LC forums Logistical Management -Local Control Board to audit every process and ensure quality delivery -Standardised processes and every action shall be bound by a contract to ensure accountability -To invest into logistics to generate efficiency in processes Stakeholders Experience Delivery Clients -Standardisation of brand and processes -Showcasing client growth -Quarterly newsletters for EwA and client upselling.

Interns -Delivery document -LC Engagement -Invitation to LC forums and events -Experience tracking by IM and ICX -Monthly intern events

EPs (outgoing) -Proper re-integration procedures -EP LEADs for AIESEC understanding and induction -EP preparation for internship -Feedback mechanism

International Relations -Expanding and maintaining Open Heart relations -LC members to go for international conferences -Greater number of iXPs -IM to track IR leads and provide IR analysis to portfolios -Introducing CEED cycles in July and August (both incoming and outgoing)

Membership -Experience Tracking by VP TM and VP IM -External learning partners for portfolios -Quarterly letters for parents (if needed) -Leadership in every experience -More leadership opportunities

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015 3. What action steps do you propose for a stronger NPS? -Standardisation of processes across all programmes to ensure higher efficiency and hence, better quality of our services. It shall also ensure our brand presence and client retention around all programmes -Introduction of Local Control Board shall ensure proper auditing of processes and make sure that every experience is delivered in the way it is supposed to be delivered. It shall also overlook firefighting, reception and servicing of interns. -Proper Information Management from the time of a match to arrival and end of the internship shall be tracked in order to avoid last minute problems which lead to inorderly delivery.

4. How can the new Customer Journey be leveraged out of for delivering a strong 2015? How do you see the new GIS contributing to 2015? New Customer Journey

-Better tracking -Improved efficiency -No visitor lost

Brand presence across all sectors

-Better conversion -Standardisation -Brand building -All converted leads are AIESEC ambassadors

Financial Investmen ts driving growth Focus Areas of 2015

-AIESEC ambassadors -Better word of mouth -Showcasing experiences -Better quality delivered to every stakeholder -Brand positioning

High quality experienc es to all stakehold ers

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015 Section G | Functions External Relations 1. Propose key projects for BD in 2015. (Explain briefly)

Project Selling

Event Sales

•iGCDP sales •Sales training to iGCDP •Fund raising for iGCDP project profitability

•Aggressive event packaging and selling with collaboration with marketing •Event sales includes Y2B, YGEP event, global villages, CBF and other small scale events

Board and Alumni Engagement •Capitalizing Board of Advisors for fund raising and learning partners •Capitalizing on rich Alumni relations for fund raising and learning support

2. Evaluate the performance of BD in the year 2014 (for Chandigarh) SWOT: Business Development 2014 Strengths


-iGCDP sales

-Event sales

-National Conference

-Lack of membership

-Alumni engagement

-Fund raising

-Board capitlization



-Revived board

-Inconsistent membership

-iGCDP selling

-Lack of head offices in Chandigarh

-Small scale event selling

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

3. Give your (probable) ER target for the next year. Justify the same, considering the ground realities faced in the LC in 2014.

Source of Income

Target Revenue


INR 2,00,000

Packaging recruitment and selling to partners that have similar target market – youth.

YGEP event

INR 2,00,000

Event for YGEP brand building, brand positioning in the city and getting probable raises after Jan-Feb raising cycle

Youth to Business Forum

INR 4,00,000

iGCDP selling

INR 3,00,000

Project selling for sustaining iGCDP and profitability

Chandigarh Business Forum

INR 1,50,000

Annual event for AIESEC in Chandigarh’s clientele


INR 1,50,000

Social impact centric event


INR 50,000

Short term and long term partnerships, includes micro funding

INR 50,000

Adhoc partnerships to deliver high quality forums and increase brand visibility. It also serves as a source of external coaching and mentoring for the GB.


Other products (MDPs, GBMs)


INR 15,00,000

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015 Financial Management 1. Define a financially sustainable LC. How do you envision AIESEC Chandigarh in 2015 with respect to being financial profitability and investment-friendly? (Also do consider the new financial changes) A financially sustainable LC has the following aspects: -Adequate liquidity to sustain all the operations -Independent of BD fund raising -Sufficient reserve fund to pay the next recon and avoid debt -All events should generate a 50% profit minimum -Covering all expenses and still maintaining 20% of exchange income Finance in AIESEC in Chandigarh in 2015: -Standardisation of processes -Zero receivables -Budgeting to hold everyone accountable to cash inflow -New investment model to calculate rate of return of funds invested and make smarter investments and more in number

2. Attach an outline budget with respect to your ELD program targets, including ER income from events, collaborations etc. Particulars

Income (Based on 50% TvsA)

iGIP Exchange

INR 10,00,000

oGIP Exchange

INR 3,75,000

iGCDP Exchange (240 iGCDP + 60 Worldview) Worldview per client income = 6000 Normal per client income = 2000

INR 4,20,000

oGCDP Exchange

INR 18,75,000

iGCDP interns Normal intern = $150 Conserve = $50 Worldview = 0

INR 9,00,000

ER Income

INR 7,50,000

Expenditure (Based on 50% TvsA)

Recon (assuming each exchange to have a recon of 3000)

INR 12,00,000

Investment on membership

INR 5,00,000

Intern House

INR 6,00,000

Marketing Budget

INR 3,00,000

Event expenditure

INR 4,00,000

LC reserves

INR 8,00,000

Other investments

INR 6,00,000


INR 53,20,000

INR 44,00,000

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

3. Evaluate the performance of Finance in the year 2014. (for Chandigarh)


Strengths -Proper budgeting

-Signatories Change

-Proper financial tracking

-Lack of membership

-Good financial education in the LC



-Investment avenues

-iGCDP firefighting expenditure

-New pricing model

-Lack of adherence to financial policies

-Profitable events, recruitment and conference

SWOT: Finance 2014

Talent Management and Learning and Development

1. What is your understanding of the distinction between TM as a function and TM as a program? Evaluate the performance of both in 2014.

TM as a Function

TM as a Program

-Tracking every member experience -Tracking member productivity, efficiency and learning and development -Fulfilling talent needs of the departments -Preparing induction modules for members -Performance evaluation and appraisal -Coaching and mentoring of TMP and TLP

-Understanding and implementing TMP TLP principles -Integrated experiences with people on dual roles -TMP TLP management and tracking

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015


Strengths -August recruitment

-Integrated experiences

-TopGun campaign

-ICX member productivity

-Team minimums implementation


-MB training and member JDs

Opportunities -August recruitment


-RnR campaigns

-Follow ups of Learning and Development activities

-Learning partners

-Member retention -Member efficiency

SWOT: Talent Management 2014

2. Analyse the recruitment’s conducted this year. What innovations do you propose in the existing processes to make them even more effective for next year? February Recruitment -70 members recruited -33% retention -Program based recruitment (results could have been better) -No member allocated to exchange support May Recruitment -15 members recruited -Talent Capacity not fulfilled -Low retention August Recruitment -93 members recruited -97% retention -New selection test for improved competency evaluation -Competency and Program based recruitment

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

Evolution/Transformation for 2015

Backward Planning

Manpower planning

JD creation

Marketing and Promotions


and Selection

Mentorship and Learning Partners / Circles

3. Propose key projects for TM and L&D for the year 2015.

Recruitment •Two major recruitment cycles (February and August) •Manpower planning and JD creation before recruitment •Talent capacity driving growth

Learning and Development

Integrated Experiences

•Coaching and mentoring of members •External learning partners •Assessments and tests to gauge member learning curve •RnR

•Greater number of iXP •Competency based dual roles •Exchange support element in all JDs

Member allocation filling talent capacity

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

Marketing 1. What emphasis does Marketing as a function hold currently for AIESEC in Chandigarh? Critically analyze the same. Also evaluate its contribution to growth in ELD programs.

Product Importance and Determinants of Marketing

-GIP GCDP TMP TLP -Brand building

Place -Universities, Colleges, Companies, NGO’s etc. -Brand positioning


Promotion -Social media, digital, media, on ground, email etc.

Price -The cost of the form -The cost of internship

In an ideal scenario, marketing is the source of all traffic to the organization and hence, the source of attracting all the customer i.e. EP’s, Clients, Members.

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

2. How should Marketing evolve in the LC in 2015? How do you see it contributing to ELD programs in 2015? -Strong focus on brand building and positioning across all sectors -Better product packaging and placement -Strong long term and sustainable partnerships -Targeting the right audience -Strong online presence -Externally relevant high quality content for digital marketing activities -Greater investments in marketing activities for higher ELD contribution and brand presence through the new efficient Investment Model (rate of return) -Customer journey to be leveraged to track all leads -Outdoor marketing

Communication & Information Management 1. What are the various spheres in the LC in which Communication & Information Management plays a huge role or can a play a huge role?

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015

2. Comment on how you envision the role of Information Systems in the functioning and administration of the local committee in 2015. -Expanding and establishing the Open Heart network -Implementing and leverage out of GIS and the new customer journey -Standardisation of processes for optimization and improved knowledge management -High quality content generation -Storing experience records for internal communication -Live AFT for local operations

Hunny Hans | Applicant | Local Committee President 2015 Section H | Blank Page Challenge Showcase the year 2014, the steps leading to 2015 and how will 2015 be for the Local Chapter, should you become the Local Committee President in 2015.

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